- 4 years ago
- 22
- 0
I stand at the vanity, hands on each side of the sink, willing my jellied nerves to turn to steel. I shouldn’t be this nervous. I know the person on the other side of this door. My mind glosses over the first time I saw Isaac, tall and handsome and so clearly out of my league. One year later and I’m still unconvinced why he chose me. He’s everything I’m not; fearless, gorgeous, unyieldingly talented. Every time he looks at me my heart blooms with excitement, my insides a garden cultivated by his smile and touch.
These last four months have been anything but bliss. Tonight, I want to change that. If only I knew how.
Adjusting my shirt for the fifth time, I pull the tie out of my hair and shake out the dark waves. The sigh that escapes me is frustrated. I wish I were taller, curvier, someone worthy of standing next to a catch like Isaac. My cinnamon brown skin is clear and smooth, my features soft, but I’m hopelessly average and absurdly short. I stand an inch away from five feet tall, often times mistook for younger than my twenty-four years. If it weren’t for my chest and hips, I would live in a perpetual state of erroneous adolescence. It bothers me to no end, but Isaac doesn’t mind. He’s never once jested of my height, a courtesy I immensely cherish.
Deciding my reflection isn’t going to reflect what I want, I open the door.
Isaac is staring out the window, eyes so lifeless you’d think he was focused on a brick wall. Or his eyes are the wall, blank as a fresh sheet of sketch paper. I try not to let that unwind me.
“Hey.” He doesn’t acknowledge me. Only when I’m sitting beside him do I draw his attention.
“Hey.” His voice is as listless as his expression. We’re both quiet, and I know our minds have gone to the same place. I am tired of this place. I spend too much time thinking about how drastically our lives have changed. How his life has changed. My eyes roam his black hair, wide shoulders, hands that haven’t touched me enough lately, the somber set of his brows.
“Are you hungry?” I ask, avoiding what I really want to say. He shakes his head. “We can play a card game - watch a movie.”
“Whatever you want.” If he spoke any more subdued, he’d be dead. I can feel the emotion bubbling inside me, threatening to boil, first in my stomach, then in my chest. I try to simmer it with a deep breath.
Knowing no words will suffice, I decide on actions.
Leaning over, I set my face parallel with his, hand stroking the stubble along his jaw. It doesn’t fully pull him from the abyss he’s in, but it does bring him to the surface. When I press my lips to his, the lines of our mouths meeting, it almost feels foreign. I hadn’t realized until this particular moment that we’ve hardly kissed lately. I know a lot has been going on, but that aberrant fact makes my heart ache. We can’t possibly be drifting apart. Sometimes it feels like maybe we’re both drowning, but drifting? The thought makes me kiss him harder.
He responds, one hand reaching up to feel the soft peach fuzz at the base of my hairline, his fingers drawing out my chagrin. He has always had the ability to make me feel better, even now, after all this time.
When my mouth opens to allow him entrance, he shares my breath but doesn’t offer his tongue. Conductors as we are, the electric current is lost between us when our lips part. He’s pulling away from me, though our foreheads are still together, and I am disappointed again.
“I can’t do this, Nita.” His words are a baseball bat to my stomach, the sensation rippling through my bones.
“What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean,” he says, taking his hand away.
“No, I don’t,” I insist, or more, refuse.
“I can’t do this to you!” His reply is sharp, though he tries to keep his voice down.
“Isaac, we’ve been over this.”
“I know, again and again, but we both know why this has to end.”
“Isaac, please,” I beg, grasping at his hand. My adrenaline wells furiously, like whitewater rapids, threatening to burst from my numb body. My heart is rising so fast it’s practically in my throat, joining where my stomach already went.
He pulls his hand away, and I start shaking.
“I’m not going to let you do this.” I try to sound firm and not desperate.
“Listen to me, Isaac,” I snap, my hard voice causing him pause. “I’m not going anywhere.
It’s been four months. If I were going to leave, I’d have left already.” The anger emanating from him propels more words to come from my mouth. “When are you going to understand, this isn’t out of pity.” The ‘P’ word makes his face twist. “I know things aren’t the same for you, and I can’t even begin to imagine what that’s like. But I’m here for you.”
“Don’t you get it?” he interjects, leaning forward in his chair. “You deserve more, Nita. More than I can give you.”
“You claim you don’t want pity, yet here you are; putting it all on yourself.”
“I know what I am!” he growls, and I shut my mouth like a timid mouse. We have yet to actually fight about this, but it’s happening now. Months worth of eggshell laden conversation spilling out of us.
“What happened - it’s done, and neither of us can change it. You shouldn’t be forced to make the choice to stay, so I’m making it for you.” Now I am angry.
“You don’t think I’m capable of making my own choices?” I whisper, and guilt touches his bitter expression. “I don’t need anyone making decisions on my behalf. Not even you.” I stand up, his dark eyes following. “Things did change. That’s what life is; change, a never-ending cycle of good and bad, but us - we are good, Isaac, and you know that. Despite what you think, I’m not giving up anything.” He is silent as he stares at me.
“You are what I want. You always will be. Do you understand?” I can feel the crease between my brows as I ask this question, the heat of his gaze as he contemplates pushing me away. I was always afraid he outweighed me, that he was so much more than me, but now I realize neither of us is above the other. He may feel that I outweigh him, but we are equal, and I need him to see that.
Isaac releases our locked eyes and looks down to his lap.
The air is so still a pin drop would rival the tone of an avalanche.
I watch the man of my dreams percolate in self-hate, marinate in unfair compromise, the life he once had seeming out of his reach. But it doesn’t have to be. He is still here, and so am I, and I have never wanted him to look at me more than I do right now.
Grabbing the hem of my shirt, I pull it over my head, brunette curls slipping out and framing my small shoulders. Isaac looks up. When I unbind the brass button on my jeans, his eyes go to my hands, watching. In mismatched bra and panties, I have never felt more confident. I unhook the black bra and cast it aside, tug the red satin down my legs, and bare myself completely - body and soul all for him.
He still doesn’t speak, eyes drinking me in as if I were a glass of ice water placed in the hell-like desert he’s been living.
I’ve never been physically outgoing. I don’t find myself suited for seduction, considering my body type one that doesn’t entice desire. Throughout our year-long relationship, I have been shy. The first time we slept together, I begged Isaac to turn the lights off. He slowly brought me out of my shell, has always called me beautiful, but I didn’t dare believe it.
Standing before him, there is no better way to show that I want to believe him now. When his eyes come back to my face, I walk toward him. Carefully, I set myself on his lap, and he immediately reaches out to hold me. Every bit the vixen I never was, I turn his face to mine and kiss him. It is long and slow, his hands reaching up my back to pull me closer.
“God, Nita,” he exhales, my bare breasts pressing onto his t-shirt. Beneath his reluctance there is desire, and I believe the longing in his sigh more than the words he nearly shouted. He doesn’t want me to leave, and I would do anything to stay.
My plan began on a foundation of want but is quickly building with need. It’s been much too long since we’ve done this, and we both need it.
Tugging on his shirt, Isaac helps me pull it over his head. I grip his densely muscled shoulders resembling the color of coffee, his wide hands roaming me with urgency. Fueled by his yearning, I slither down his body, kneeling on the floor. When my delicate hands touch his zipper, he stops me.
“Wait,” he says, hand on mine. Naked and on my knees, I look up and find him nervous. Normally I’m the apprehensive one. Seeing his masculine disposition unbarred, I have never felt closer to him. My confidence is unrivaled.
“It's okay,” I say, kissing his knuckles with deliberately sensual lips. “Let me.”
I don't know what he sees on my face, but it makes him comply. His Adam's apple bobs as he removes his hand, and I continue. Pants undone, my warm breath caresses his gaping jeans, and I see him grow beneath his boxers.
A sight so common for two lovers, the display of his arousal is so much more.
Peeking up under my lashes, Isaac’s hungry gaze makes my stomach wring. Inhibited no longer, I shamelessly reach into the material and free his straining appendage. Hard, solid, firm, thick - I never knew these words to be beautiful until now. They describe everything he is in reaction to me, a fact I never realized I took for granted.
With the will of a starving woman, I take his dark meat in my mouth, and the noise he lets out makes my skin prickle. I can see him gripping the arms of his chair as I work my way around him, tongue wetting every centimeter of his warm length.
“Holy shit, Nita,” he groans. I can feel his pleasant surprise hanging in the air the way humidity hangs in the south. “Baby - fuck,” he hisses, slipping his fingers into my hair. He amorously glides strands away from my face, watching my head bow in his lap, over and over.
I’ve given him head plenty of times, but never so ambitiously. I am hungry for him, famished for his pleasure, aching to make him feel better. My performance exhibits everything I want to express, that which there are no words for.
“Wow, Nita,” he marvels, and I hum, trying to unhinge my jaw so I can fit more of him in. He grunts every time my esophagus closes around his tip.
I suck him with avidity I’ve never known. Lips kissing his circumference as he moves into my throat, tongue massaging restlessly when I pull back, holding him tightly where my mouth can’t reach. He’s wonderfully thick, the weight of him all I could ever want.
“Baby,” Isaac warns. “You have to slow down.” I don’t. I can’t. It is the last thing I want. “Nita,” he breathes, weeks worth of waiting nearing an end. I suck impossibly harder, feeling his hands encompass my head, his breath inhaled and kept. When I pull up with a hard draw, he exhales loudly, pulling me off his dick.
“Come here, now,” he demands, and as I catch my breath, I start yanking off his pants. He lifts himself to help, and soon he’s as naked as me. Literally climbing onto his lap, I set my legs over each armrest of the chair, and with his guidance, begin to take him in.
We’re both open-mouthed as I am slowly impaled, his hands under my ass, carefully moving me down his girth. My bare flesh against his is a heaven I’ll never tire of.
“Isaac,” I moan as more of him is forced inside me. Me being so small, it’s a wonder how he fits at all. Isaac is a big guy, more than a foot taller than my miniscule size, his hard body twice my mass. Often I wished I had a stature that could match up to his, but today, I am glad to be tiny.
When I’ve gone as low as I can, his length threatening to enter my stomach, Isaac easily holds my weight, keeping me in a pleasurable position. He effortlessly moves me up as I cling to him, not using any muscle of my own except the tilt of my hips. When he lowers me again, it is with the pace of dripping molasses, so deliciously, deliriously slow we both vocally revel in it.
“I missed this,” Isaac says, brows knitted together with riveted attention. I nod.
“Me too.”
Up and down I knead him with my silky eyelet, molding to him like I was made for him. His strong arms maintain our unhurried cadence and every second that passes only intensifies. Having sex is one thing - an encounter produced by two people for the sake of sharing pleasure. We are beyond that, the vitality between us a feeling far greater than anything physical. This encounter is producing us. As he stares into my eyes, warm breath cascading with every heave of his chest, I couldn’t put what I’m feeling into words if I tried.
His eyes are on me, and I am the most beautiful thing in the world, albeit, the world has dwindled to nothing but us.
Isaac’s mouth reaches for mine, deepening the vortex we’ve succumbed to. My pinkness around him is alive with nerves, and each of them is caressing his flesh, the wetness making our friction heavenly. He doesn’t thrust up into me, merely moves me along his shaft, up and down, our tongues intertwined.
After a lifetime, he begins to move me faster. Fingers cradling the back of his neck, I moan aloud, my head rolling back. He takes my dainty nipple in his mouth as he steers me above him, sucking me, his large hands a shelf for me as I ride him. I mewl throatily, his actions contending my body for more pleasure.
“Isaac!” I groan, the beginnings of an orgasm teasing me.
“Nita,” he says my name, moving to my other nipple, and I hump him harder.
“Please!” My moan is delightfully tortured, and he reacts to it. One forearm coming beneath me as I bounce on him, his other hand prowls along my singing body, the slightly plump shape of my ass, the tiny dip of my waist, the fullness of my breast.
“Don’t ever leave me,” Isaac says into the hollow of my collarbones, and I am floored. Such a one-eighty from his earlier argument. “Promise me,” he respires urgently.
“I promise,” I moan, and in this moment, I know he’ll never push me away again. Roughly, lovingly forcing my weight above him, I scream with unruly gratification.
“Come with me,” I beg in soprano, and moments later we peak, matching one another in release. His warmth fills me, my nails on his dark skin, the huskiness of his groaning voice making my orgasm thrill. Our shared climax lasts another lifetime, a seamless stretch of infinity in itself.
When I’ve stopped twitching, he leans against my shoulder, our panting the only sounds penetrating the air. I rest my head atop his, brushing my cheek along his hair.
“I love you, Nita,” Isaac whispers. My arms go tighter around him, the ache in my heart oddly sweet.
“I love you.”
I knew I loved Isaac before tonight, but after the ardent moment we just shared, the idea of my life without him is unfathomable. He gave himself over to me, surrendered to what he can’t control and focused on what he can - like my body above his - and I love him more than I ever thought I could.
What happened four months ago changed us both, and while I would take it away in a heartbeat, I can’t deny the lessons that have come along with it.
You don’t grow stronger taking the path of least resistance. You want to know what you’re really made of? Weather the storm. The more difficult, the more you find out about yourself.
Isaac was put through hell, and I could have left, gotten out of the elements for the sake of convenience, but I didn’t. I chose not to leave him, to stay in this condemnation with him, and I have never once regretted it.
Isaac has shown me who I want to be. Because of him I know I am strong and beautiful. Because of him, I know I am capable.
After a while, he pulls his head up. Then he smiles at me. It is a smile I haven’t seen in far too long, and I return it tenfold, happiness nearly tangible.
With soft legs, I move off of him. Messy with the remnants of our lust, I hold out my hand.
“Shower with me?” I ask, and he nods, so I turn for the bathroom. Hands braced at each side of himself, Isaac rolls his wheelchair to follow me.
What if you woke up one day and found you’d gone blind? Or during your happiest moment, your hearing disappeared, fading into the background until you could only grasp the beating of your own heart and nothing else. Imagine you’re an artist, and through a freak turn of events, lost your hands, rendering you unable to do what you really, truly love.
Speculate all you want, but you’ll never honestly know how you’d feel unless it happened to you.
For me, I woke up one day without the use of my legs. I’d never been more scared in my life. One moment I was living, and seemingly the next, I wasn’t.
An accident on an ATV left me injured and unconscious, and when I roused again, occupying the center of a hospital bed, I found I couldn’t move on my own, everything from the waist down useless.
I could rant about the millions of people that are taking their lives for granted, but that story’s been told before. You don’t need to renounce your possessions and live like the less fortunate to understand how fortunate you are. It’s the insignificant things that ironically matter the most - the things people should appreciate. Talking to a family member, listening to soulful music, getting out of bed thirsty in the middle of the night and being able to walk to the damn refrigerator because you can.
I suppose I have a newfound peeve of listening to people bitch about innocuous things. Not that I have room to talk. I’m not abounded with wisdom from my forced lifestyle. I don’t want to be told I’m ‘inspirational’ because of what I went through. I was a normal person doing unextraordinary things and ended up confined to a chair. That isn’t inspirational, that’s life. It hit me hard and fast and put me in a position I never dreamed I’d be in.
I loved sports, any and every activity that got me out of the house, physically talented to a fault. Now, the most action I get is surveying basketball on t.v., seeing counter-level objects up close and personal, limited from entering places that don’t provide a ramp.
After what happened I was bitter, seeing everyone else go about their uninterrupted days as I sat daydreaming about taking a walk across town. The worst part was that I wasn’t alone.
When I woke up after what I now deem ‘The Crash’ -learning my life would never be the same- my girlfriend of eight months was beside me, her eyes so wide it made me want to shrink. We stared at each other as the doctor droned on about things I didn’t want to hear. The first day I was able to go home, I wanted to break everything my chair bumped against, and I’ve never been a very violent guy. Nita flitted around rearranging everything, trying to make my life ‘easier’.
I hated it.
We fell into a routine of handicapped parking spots and daily health regimes of pills and ointments, people awkward around me like I’m some sort of charity case or kids asking their parents if I’m a robot. As if being black isn’t hard enough. Nita has been more graceful about it than anyone, always her sweet and funny self, unbothered by all the extra steps in our day - no pun intended. My status doesn’t deter her, and that says a lot about her as a person.
I remember the first time I saw Nita on the grounds of our mutual college; a tiny Filipino girl, sun-tinted and beautiful, her dark hair richer than the world’s finest chocolate. She tried not to smile at me, shy from who-knows-what, and at that moment, I had to have her. She’s always been insecure, taking bashful to another level, but when it’s just us, her self-doubt fades away.
It didn’t take long to get her to loosen up with me. Nita was the finest girl I’d ever seen, and I told her so. Those first eight months, I would fuck her every chance I got, lifting her petite body every which-way, bending her over or making her ride me. I love that she’s so small, her curvy body my ideal size. What I wouldn’t give to be able to fuck her again, and I mean real, raw thrusting into her beautifully delicate body.
Shortly after The Crash, that was one of my biggest worries. Having sex seemed out of the question and out of my realm. I didn't even masturbate. My paralysis is classified as an incomplete, lower-level injury. They told me I may be able to get it up though it might not last, and even then having an orgasm wasn’t guaranteed. The thought of failing to have sex put me off it for a while.
I was cynical, angry, and sexually frustrated, projecting my self-hatred onto everyone else - even Nita. I feel awful for the way I treated her at first, often wondering why she bothered to stick around. I couldn’t bear to hold her back, to see her limiting herself because of me.
Four months after The Crash, I told her this.
I could see she didn’t want to let go. I tried convincing her what I already knew, that she would have a much better life with someone else. And then… she took her clothes off. That night when she shamelessly got on her knees in front of me - the first time we did anything remotely intimate since my physical prowess was taken from me - I hardly believed it. She had never been so brash, and I had never been more turned on by her. I was secretly afraid she wasn’t attracted to me anymore, but I was definitely wrong. What she did to me worked, and we fucked for the first time in months. It was the most normal I’d felt since The Crash. Also, the closest I’d ever felt to her.
Knowing Nita would stay with me through anything, that she didn’t care if I was in a wheelchair or poor or if my skin was fucking purple, I knew I couldn’t let her go. I had love for Nita before my accident, but that night, I fell in love with her. She has the heart of a lion in the body of a lamb, tougher than any person I’ve ever met. Even me.
After The Crash, she turned into another version of herself. Where once Nita was timid, she’s now fearless, outgoing, and oddly persuasive. I graduated with my degree before her, and finding myself without hobbies, she coerced me into parasports, getting me to shoot hoops again. Being three feet shorter than before was a challenge, but I was up for it, making baskets again in no time. I even made some friends, other guys like me trying to live normal lives.
Nita talked me into using my Bachelors to find a job, and while that comes with its own struggles, I haven’t given up.
She makes me want to be better.
I’ve been doing physical therapy for over a year now, tending sessions while Nita is finishing up her degree. I let her in on the progress I’m making, but I haven’t been entirely truthful…
All the nerves in my spine weren’t severed the day of The Crash, and over time I have slowly been building up strength, able to lift my legs some degree on my own. I may never walk again, and while that would be the miracle of a lifetime, that isn’t my goal at the moment. I just want to be able to get out of my chair and down on one knee - unassisted - in front of Nanita.
I’m going to ask that beautiful, strong, compassionate woman to marry me.
Nita has helped me realize I am not handicapped. I am capable.
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It’s fair to argue that the previous forty-eight hours had opened my eyes sexually and changed my life. Living with my thirty-five-year-old mother and nineteen-year-old disabled brother, incestuous feelings had never entered my head, having normal sexual urges and masturbating on a regular basis.Two days earlier, by chance, I arrived home very early and found my brother naked on his bed, where I watched him shave off his pubic hair, followed by him masturbating, to give himself three orgasms. I...
IncestOn Sunday morning, Julie's alarm clock woke Sian and I just before seven. I had slept like a log all night, and felt very much better for it. I don't think Sian had stirred at all either! The two intense orgasms her cousin Adrian had hammered into her had sent her almost immediately to sleep, and of course I had been worn out by taking Sheila to her peak too. As I stretched my body and pushed away the quilt, I realised that I had a huge morning erection. I was about to offer it to Sian,...
June 1981, Milford, Ohio On Saturday morning, Stephanie and I woke up at our usual time. She pulled me out of the room and we swam our laps naked. Afterwards, we showered together, making sure we were clean all over, then dressed in shorts and t-shirts and ate breakfast. We cleaned up the kitchen and I checked to make sure we had all the things we needed for Stephanie’s sundae treat. Once I confirmed that, we went to sit in the living room to wait for her friends. “We really need to use the...
This story contains wife swapping and bisexuality... A swinger's taleSmorgasbord by Thomas Waller"I'd like to see Tim suck another man's cock." Marnie announced this as she downed her sixth glass of red wine. Then, she sat back in her easy chair and stared at the rest of us defiantly. She licked her lips and added. "I would then give the pair of them the most unrestricted screaming fuck they had ever experienced." She was done and peered smugly at Helen and myself."Oh, for God's sake Marnie."...
The train entered the tunnel, the familiar pressure change making my head sing. I leant against her hand, enjoying the touch of her fingers stroking my face. My cheeks were burning; was anyone watching? It seemed not. I had hold of Angela’s ankle still rubbing myself against her toes that wriggled and teased against my pussy. The dull ache I had felt was becoming a stronger need. ‘Wait’ I breathed and releasing her foot, reached down and under my skirt, lifting my bottom off the seat as I...
Freshman Year Chapter 2 Dazed and unable to grasp reality, I opened the door and looked out into the hallway trying to decided which way led to my room. Either direction would be fine I believed if only to get away from Maggie. I had no sense of where my room was but I did realize that I should start to move and fast. But somehow fear had trapped me into not wanting to move in case I made a bad decision. What had just happened to me could not have happened, but it did and it was just...
Jenny had settled down, her flamboyant life style had been calmed by the act of marriage and her husband had shown her the benefits of monogamy. She was content with her standard semi in her standard suburb with her standard husband on a standard salary. But she yearned for a family. Her husband, who had been married before, had other views. His divorce had been particularly fraught and he had taken the initiative to have a vasectomy. After marrying Jenny, however, his heart melted and the...
Hi readers i am tejas patel from ahmedabad () sharing with a beautiful & hot story of my friend sujal and her sexy mom. Sujal was my classmate and we are very close freind to each other. Mera unke ghar regular jana ana tha aur mai unke family member ki tarah tha. Mai unki family ke har function ko attend karta tha. Sujal ki mom ka nam ritu tha wo bahut hi sexy lady thi, itni khoobsurat ki noor uske badan ke har hisse se tapakta tha gora rang, kale kale gunghrale bal aur balon ki lat jo uske...
One of the first students to arrive home after being blown by Amanda was Martin Haverson. This was because all the school buses had long gone, most of the students lived some distance away and needed to call their parents for rides, and Martin has his own car. He also was one of the first to have fucked Amanda’s mouth, having been, in fact, the first to fuck Amanda’s best friend Olivia’s asshole while waiting for Amanda’s mouth to come available, and then gone straight from one to the other....
Group SexI have, for as long as I can remember, had a need to submit to a more dominant man. I used to hang around public toilets in the hope of being picked up and taken to be abused. Unfortunately this never happened. I used to steal my mums panties and use them to wank into. Then I would find skirts or blouses to wear, I used to admire myself in a mirror and wonder what it would be like to be a girl. I grew to adulthood with these thoughts never far from my mind, and seizing any opportunity that...
My father was getting remarried after being a widower for nearly 15 years. Both my brother and I were very happy for him as he had finally found someone to spend his time with. We had always been worried about him both of us being married and busy with our own families and all as we could not spend as much time with him as we would have liked. Anyway, we wanted to make his marriage an exciting affair for him and decided to throw a bachelor’s party for him and his five close friends. Of...
This is the second part of Sophia Continued and should be read in conjunction with part 1 and parts 1 to 4 of Sophia, by Castlestone for it to make sense. My purpose in continuing the story is to provide closure to Don and Maria in their relationship. Castlestone is a tremendous writer, and I must thank both him and also Yellowperil, Castlestone’s editor for some tremendous help. Before he became unable to contact, castlestone had completed two further chapters which he had sent to yellowperil...
That was before Ada asked me to work for her ‘exclusive agency’. “We have a wide ranging client list, males and females, and lots of constant work,” she told me as she auditioned me. “And we provide for some very kinky people with lots of sexual fetishes.” When I arrive at their hotel suite I quickly decide the pics Ada showed me do not do them justice. They are both around their late-thirties, obviously a professional business couple. I soon leant despite their French accents they both...
The crowd seemed to part as I saw you enter the club. The obnoxious man next to me seemingly drifting out of the window with his cancer stick smoke, the woman in the red dress with her two advertisements for plastic surgery shifted to the back of my subconscious, and the gay man who I was just about to give a very aggressive reply to after he tried to grope my ass was saved a trip to the hospital…you were priority 1 now, and I KNOW how to prioritize. ‘Hello,’ I said, conveying as much lust...
The shift of the mattress woke me up as my husband slipped back into bed. I blinked my eyes open and he smiled at me. I smiled back, inhaling the scent of freshly brewed coffee and enjoying the feel of naked skin against my own. I ran one palm gently over the woman sleeping between us. I didn’t want to wake her up yet, just send her dreams in an erotic direction. I held my husband’s gaze as my fingertips grazed lightly over Emma’s nipples, barely touching, the merest brush of flesh on flesh....
Wife LoversMatt wasn’t the most enthusiastic about gym class; in fact he was only taking it because he had too. He needed one more year of gym to graduate high school, and he wanted to get it out of the way during this year, his junior year. The gym class was a mixed bag when it came to the ages of the students; all four years were mixed up into one big group. Matt had been sitting on the bottom bleacher, waiting for the rest of the students to show up and class to start. He had been sitting with...
Mark Tom Power flew partway back home with us. We stopped at the Boulder, Colorado airport to drop him off. He’d accepted my job offer to run Nanotech, and negotiated a pretty good deal to boot. The more we interacted the more I liked and respected him. I already nursed an idea of bringing him into headquarters in the future in an even larger and more important role. I was also influenced heavily by Sheila’s opinion of him. I had watched the two of them fuck the night of my barbecue, and...
Living in a small town you're limited to the amounts of exposure you come in contact with. Anything and everything seems new. Before I was friends with this black girl named Keisha, who at the time was my best friend. We did everything together,sleepovers, junior high cheerleading. She was the one who talked me into tring out for volleyball, which she was an expert at. She led our team to the semi finals her last year here. When I heard the news that she was moving to Dallas it was heart...
InterracialFor the first time I can remember, it was actually sunny on my birthday. Sixteen today and what did I have planned on this warm summer Wednesday? I wasn't going to meet up with my mates, my folks had offered a range of trips and bullshit, but no, I only had one thing I wanted to do. At nine o'clock exactly I caught the Tube into central London, competing for space and seats with late running commuters. I got off at Westminster and followed the map I had printed out, which took me to a rather...
A wife needs someone to compare you to."But it was only sex. That's all," my wife of almost twenty- five years said for the umpteenth time to me. "I don't love him. I love only you," she said crying as I tried to ignore her while she followed me from room to room. "You have got to believe me hon. I really do love you and I'm so sorry I did this to us. Please talk to me, Steve, will you?"What brought us to this point? What made my loving wife cheat on me? Stupidity, on her part; plain and simple...
In the year 2020, I was nearly forty. I lived with my wife and our two kids. Once, I think I was happy in my marriage. Today, my wife and I go through the motions. It's never gotten so bad for either of us to step out, but it isn't the way it once was between us. It's a life that could have been different, had I made a different choice.In 1990, I was nineteen and alive and living the last free summer between high school and the real world, a timeless limbo between the innocence of youth and the...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi"Anything on the tube?" Tess asked. "Nothing but re-runs and reality shows," I said. One of my evolving duties was to study the local paper and to know the prime-time network and HBO TV schedules, including what was new and what was just a re-run. I'd usually be asked about it every weekday by Tess, in the late afternoon. Tess refused to watch any of the so-called "reality" television shows, considering them all to be rip-offs inflicted on the public by network executives too cheap...
“How’re you feeling?” Sam asked. “Sore. Disoriented.” Tegan picked up her phone to check the time: it was early afternoon, presumably the same day. “Did you want to sleep more? I was going to get some lunch together.” “Food sounds amaaazing.” Tegan sighed, reflecting that she had only had snacks and wine the night before. “Ok, leave you to it while I get lunch started.” Sam said, standing up and exiting her room. Tegan reluctantly slid out of bed and wandered across the hall to the...
A week from the wrap-up, David and Wendy were in the middle of post traumatic stress. Let him tell it. "We left the site knowing that the archaeology would continue every season from the end of spring to the start of school, very likely for as long as there were graves and Native American warriors wearing Brooks Brothers suits, carrying Armani briefcases and wearing Rolex watches with court orders and lawsuits in hand. "The stress, especially on Wendy Too was enormous. Wendy had such...
"Hi Cricket. Sorry I've been neglecting you lately, Baby." Sheryl's voice was not entirely unexpected. Cricket figured she'd be calling him before too long, but he was going to play it cool and not let on that he knew that. "Yeah! Where you been girl? I've been missin' ya!" I know, Baby. I'm sorry I hadn't been around for you." Even though she knew he was only playing, she hated to hear that hurt sound in his voice. 'At least he was only playing! Shawn would have been...
Back Upstate to the horse.So our next trip upstate was planned, the first one was when my wife and her sister Peggy had their first horse. This next time was alot better for me. Dont worry I didnt do anything to the horse, just the owners daughter, lol. So Peggy and my wife started where they did last time, topless and stroking the horses cock with the owner. I guess the owner needed to make the horse comfortable enough to get hard, or something. So again watching Peggy and my wife with this 16...
I was 18 and lived with my Mom in a small southern city. My parents had been divorced several years so, it was just my Mom who took care of me and my siblings. She wouldn't let us see him. We talked by phone a couple of times a year and he sent us gifts at Christmas and Birthdays.But, the divorce had been brutal and they didn't want to live anywhere near each other. My dad had taken this to an extreme as he moved to the Midwest when I was ten. Dad always seemed lonely when I talked with him,...
Chapter 8 Debbie seemed to be Pansy's keeper more so than Tracy, and so she went ahead and unbuckled his gag, with him still on the table, and carefully removed it from his mouth. She then took a pair of scissors and cut through the duct tape holding his arms first, then stripped it off with quick strokes, to reduce the pain. As his body was hairless he didn't suffer too much pain in the process and was soon able to flex his arms again, and drool over his electric blue, 3 inch long...
Chapter One James woke up to bright sunlight on a bed which was missing a very important person, his mistress. He blinked a few times before he was finally able to open his eyes fully and he turned to the door when he saw Charlotte’s maid hurry into the room with a tray for breakfast and the morning paper. She set it on the table next to him and curtsied quickly before leaving the room. James was a little bewildered by the maid’s behavior, but he shrugged it off and took the paper. It was...
It's the middle of the afternoon, when I came home for lunch. I noticed a strange car in the driveway and wondered who was here. I was humming a song that I had heard earlier in the day. As I walked up the driveway I heard some noise from the backyard. I snuck up the corner of the house and peaked thru the cracks of the fence. The gate was open, but I didn't dare open it, cuz it creaks too loud. So I wam watching from a crack. I see 3 guys, but ass naked. 2 of them are stroking their...
Just before 7:00, the doorbell rang. I let my neighbors in and we all started laughing. All of us were wearing robes! I introduced everyone to Bob. Sally said, “Well, let’s see your new pool. I heard them working this morning and have been dying to see it!” We all went out back. “Oh wow! A WATERFALL! Is that real rock?” Gracie asked. “No, it’s just plastic, but it does look real.” (Gracie was looking at Ed. SHE had a ‘puppy dog’ look going.) “And a diving board!” Bill said. “I know you...
My neighbor is a jerk. He is about 12 years younger than me and when I bought my house, he was a pre teen jerk. His father never made him work, he purchased him a car, which he promptly demolished and his dad bought him another. When he was 18 he moved out due to an argiment with his dad. His dad had a bad heart and developed CHF and he moved back. His dad died not too long afterward. So he was left the house and a large endowment. That was 25 years ago. In the man time he has been through a...
My wife told my step daughter about me bending her over the counter like a dirty whore and forcing her to take my cock. I know she likes it. Not sure why she told our daughter about it. She has been flipping her ass in front of me for years. Her tiny young body is so fucking hot. I love her pretty little brace face and have been thinking about fucking her cute little mouth for longer than I would like to admit. She is 18 now, and told me that she loved the idea of me forcing her to do dirty...
xmoviesforyouJudit and Ray Bulger went to Mexico, from their comfortable semi detached house in Downlands Road, Olivers Battery, Winchester. They had heard of the donkey shows from a wealthy pal in the Royal Winchester Golf Club, a retired consular executive and they wanted to see for themselves whether it was true that a girl could fuck a donkey. Bestiality had been a minor interest in a varied childless marriage, but they shared an avaricious curiosity about it and she’d had a liking for, if not a desire...
Raipur jane ke liye jaise taise usne bus pakdi. Bheed jyada hone ki wajah se wo bus mein pichhe jakar khada ho gaya.shamsher singh mann hi mann bahut khush tha. 9 saal ki service mein pahli baal uski posting girl’s school mein huyi thi. 6 feet se lamba kad, kasrati badan roubila chehra; uska roub dekhte hi banta tha. 32 ka hone ke bawjood usne shadi nahi ki thi. Aisa nahi tha ki usko kisi ne dil hi na diya ho. Kya shadi shuda kya kunwari, shayad hi koi aisi ho jo usko nazar bhar dekhte hi mar...
------- The sound of the alarm invigorated Tiffani to the spring morning’s beauty and elegance. She stood up, peeked her head behind the curtains, and saw the flowers blooming over the rooftop of the neighboring house. This truly was Tiffani’s dearest time of the year. The whiteness of winter had faded; the spring air seized the cool, brisk nights. Children routinely came outside to play as there parents watched and laughed. People began yard work in this period that was neither to...
I was lying in bed, lightly stroking my cock, while my wife laid beside me. I was horny, frustrated and confused. Our dinner guests had left for the evening but I couldn’t help thinking about them – what they looked like naked, what positions they did it in, what kind of sounds did they make when they came, things like that. Beth, my wife, and I were only married a little over a year and I thought I should still be in that “honeymoon” phase, only thinking of her and doing it about 17 times a...
Malcolm and Caroline awoke about mid-morning, Malcolm nestled against his wife’s bare ass, spoon fashion. Reeves and Phoebe had returned to her room after a few brief trysts the night before, and now the married couple slowly woke by themselves. As he commonly did, Malcolm woke with what he called his “piss hard-on” and snuggled closer to his wife, rubbing it in the crack of her cheeks. Reaching around, he gently cupped one of her large breasts and began to lightly caress the nipple. It...
I was in a sex club in Amsterdam a couple of years ago with my wife who was slightly drunk. She is a bit submissive and I enjoy showing her off. She was wearing a short dress, low cut with stockings and a suspender belt underneath. She is petite and slim but has big firm tits (5' but 32E)and keeps her pussy close shaved. Her clit is pierced with a gold bar. We had had a few drinks before we got there and the entrance price included 2 or 3 more.As the night wore on we watched the live show and...
He probed again and again at the featureless black mass of the Great Temple, trying to force his way past the barrier by brute strength. Nothing. He shifted his viewpoint around to one side, then to another. Still nothing. Even the great gates were layered with so many thicknesses of the black material that they were proof against his probes. If it hadn't been for the evidence of his eyes, he might have thought that the universe ended right there at the surface of the walls. Narrowing down...
Midnight. The video screens were alive with activity. Hawk Dryden and his tech staff had out done themselves this time. We were in my private office, inside the War Room, under the Pentagon. Technically, that meant I was in charge, but I had made it clear that I was a spectator. The Secretary of Defense was in charge of our forces as they assisted the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Jordanian Army against Iran's Imperial Guard. Hawk had put up impressive air cover to shepherd the joint...