Punjabi Desi Aunty Ko Choda Us Ke Ghar Mei
- 4 years ago
- 23
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Please start with Chapter 1 or you won’t know what’s going on.
My most heartfelt thanks to John who’s editing prevented me from looking stupid!
Fresh from her first waxing and lesbian encounter, Mei was flush with a guilty satisfaction. At quarter past nine she got in the taxi, same driver, and texted: ‘On my way… you’re going to like the new me!’
‘Can’t wait to see it. Hungry?’
She knew that she’d have to come clean to him at some point, accept the punishment and hope for the best. Maybe he would cancel the membership, she hadn’t thought of that, or maybe it would be something more terrible. Whatever it was she’d have to take the consequences and hope her betrayal didn’t hurt him too terribly. But until then, at least on the taxi ride home, she glowed in the memory of her first girl. ‘Wow… it was spectacular!’
Philip had been too busy that day to pay Mei a surreptitious visit. He’d been busy analyzing and responding to an attack on his highest profile client from some Russian hackers. It was a distributed denial of service (DoS) attack that brought down the main website in an attempt to mask the real objective: an attack on a particularly obscure server that held no data, but could be exploited thanks to obsolete version of FreeBSD, containing a flaw in one of it’s daemons.
He had a plan in place to deal with the DoS, which normally overloaded servers by inundating them with tens of thousands of bogus requests per second, and had the site back up before the executives even knew it was down, but dealing with the critical vulnerability took most of the day. He repurposed one of the spares he had on stand-by and moved the vulnerable functions over to it.
When Mei texted him it was a welcome break, he’d been thinking about her all day. He had a pork medallion with balsamic onion-fig relish dribbled over it with carrots and leeks warming in the oven for her. A small salad Nicoise with olives, boiled egg, and anchovies waited on the counter, and he prepared a simple strawberry daiquiri and met her at the door when he heard her climbing the stairs.
‘How was your day, baby?’ he asked.
‘Oh my, so busy and I was so good, did you see?’
‘No, sorry, a bit of an emergency at work today.’
She took the drink, took a big mouthful, swallowed and gave him a kiss, wondering if he could smell Karla’s pussy on her lips.
‘How was the gym?’ he asked, returning to the kitchen.
‘Amazing. How can you afford it? The place had everything and I’m afraid I’m going to bankrupt you getting massages and buying clothes.’ She put the drink down and began undressing.
‘You don’t have to worry about that.’
She looked at him carefully, trying to decide if it was just bravado or if he really had wealth. Every woman wanted to know the details of a man’s resources. It was a core requirement, like breast size or a comely face for some men, it touched a deep area of the unconscious mind, a requirement that was the prerequisite for a contented relationship.
He knew this, but she’d have to wait for the full story — that his low cost lifestyle and current job provided more than enough indulge Mei for six month without impact.
Naked but for her pearls, she scampered over to the stool, climbed up on the mottled black marble counter and laid flat on its cold surface, feet dangling over the edge. ‘Come see,’ she said, impatient to get his reaction.
He brought out the salad, put it on the prep counter below her and moved to the gap that acted as the entry way to the kitchen. He put his elbows on the outside of her knees and rested his chin in his hands. He looked at the perfectly straight vertical edge between her skin and hairline. It was beautiful, the way her smooth, light, tan skin contrasted with the fluffy black fur over her mound. It accentuated the pubic bump, and her naked labia were more arousing than ever. He toyed with her hair, pulling gently, watching how it lifted the skin, the bumps at the roots rising in little goose flesh beneath. Her lips were so completely smooth and bare the skin seemed to shine.
‘Lovely, Mei Chun. I didn’t think it could look any better.’ She bent her knees to give him the full view and he admired more. ‘Did it hurt? It’s still a little pink.’
‘Yeah, it was amazingly painful, but worth it,’ and added after a moment, ‘if you like it.’
‘Oh, I like it.’ He leant down, stuck out his tongue and licked her once along the full length of her soft, naked lips.
‘Hmmmmm, that’s nice,’ she purred. ‘Can I teach you to do it next time?’
‘That good, huh?’
‘Did it turn you on?’
‘Um… a bit… does it make you angry?’ She sat up, got down and took a stool. They picked on the salad together. She preferred the olives and tomatoes, he the artichokes and anchovies.
‘No… it was a woman who waxed you of course.’ She nodded yes, sucking an olive into her mouth.
‘Ever had a lesbian experience, Mei?’
She coughed and said ‘No,’ and he began to talk about how sexual orientation for women isn’t as fixed as for men and how it’s not unusual for a young woman to have a few encounters before settling down to marriage. She could talk to him about it, he offered, if she found she was feeling confused. By the time he’d finished, the salad was gone, so he got some wine and the plate from the oven, setting it before her on the counter. It looked fabulous.
Her heart was racing. Could she get off this easily?
Mei wasn’t used to eating late like this, so, while they were talking, she dug in. He enjoyed her appetite, as all good cooks do, and stood behind her, running a finger down her spine.
‘That surprises me, given the emails you traded with that girl in Tokyo. What was her name?’
‘Right. You mentioned FaceTime and it sounded like you two did some experimenting. What is that you’re wearing? A new perfume or just the soap from the gym?’
Mei nearly inhaled an asparagus spear.
‘It smells musky, somehow. I like it.’
‘Um… must be the massage oil.’ ‘He really does deserve the truth,’ she thought. And given how he’d seen right through her before she knew she couldn’t get away with it for long. Might as well confess, but how? She wished it hadn’t happened, or rather, that she’d asked his permission first. Then an idea occurred to her. She would ask him, see how he reacted and if he didn’t object, tell him it happened on Wednesday. That seemed like a good plan, but she knew it was a deception and the idea lost its appeal. It was what Jenny would have done.
‘So getting a bit turned on by a woman touching you intimately down there doesn’t surprise me. Was she pretty?’
‘Everyone there is pretty.’
‘Was it the red head with the freckles and the perfect body?’
‘Yes, Karla.’
‘Soft, gentle strokes?’
‘Yes,’ she hung her head, the pain of shame showing clearly. That’s when he knew.
‘So you liked the spa?’ he asked.
‘Oh my god, yes!’ She changed attitude to a bright enthusiasm quite suddenly. ‘I wanted to talk to you about that. You’ve been so sweet, Philip, but I feel like I’m taking advantage. You know they do everything?’
‘Enjoy it.’
‘But what for Christ’s sake?’
‘I don’t deserve it.’
‘Then deserve it. That’s a command… from your master, if you like.’
‘How? I’m not good enough. I’m not a good person.’
‘You will be, honey. You’re going to be the best person. Listen, it’s still early. You’ve only been my beautiful Mei Chun for a few days. You have to be patient and I know you’re going to lose your way. Like with Karla.’
She dropped her fork. He grabbed her hair, not viciously or with anger, but to give her no choice but to turn her head. He leaned in and smelled her fa
ce, licked her cheek, moved back and smiled. ‘Tell me about it, Mei. Tell me the truth.’ The look of guilt and fear in her eyes told him there was a story.
‘I… I… ‘
‘Do you want to sit and be comfortable?’
He took her plate, ‘You’re done right?’
‘Yes,’ she had no more appetite and left half the meal unfinished.
‘Go to the couch and be prepared to tell me everything.’ He got two snifters of brandy, not his favorite but perhaps appropriate for a confession. He knew that Mei would backslide and had considered it could be something like this. The transition in personalities couldn’t be clean and tidy and he was prepared to forgive. He wasn’t terribly angry, more disappointed, but also grateful that it wasn’t a man to whom she’d succumbed.
‘You’re not angry?’ she asked, taking the snifter. ‘What is this?’
‘Brandy. Let it warm in your hand before you take a sip. You might not like it.’ She swirled it in her glass as she’d seen in movies and sniffed it. It smelled like alcohol to her. ‘Mei, I want to say one thing before you begin. Do not lie to me, either through omission or to deceive me.’
She nodded her head solemnly. ‘Before I start, and I know I’m not in any position to ask a favor but please don’t get her in trouble for this.’
‘Well, first I need to know what happened, but I have no interest in getting anyone fired. Obviously your concern means she did something inappropriate but with your consent… is that right?’
‘Yes… it just happened. She just… I was naked and she started touching me and looking down there and said nice things about my lips and when she started ripping off my hair, I got turned on, the pain was amazing and I think she noticed. She said she was bi and that she could distract me and the next thing I knew her fingers were inside me and then… I … then…’
‘Do you want to cry, Mei?’ She was perplexed at his warm tone and calm attitude.
‘No… no I don’t. I’m sick of crying. I have to grow up and accept my responsibility. I fucked up Philip and I’m sorry. I fingered her and licked her pussy and I loved it. So let’s go.’ She stood up and bent over the arm of the couch. ‘Beat me until you get your anger out. Until I’ve paid.’
He sat still, wondering what her punishment should be. ‘Did you come?’
‘Yes… It was spectacular. Now fucking spank me.’
‘You don’t choose your punishment, Jenny.’
‘Don’t call me that!’ She said it in real, tempestuous anger.
He got up with a fire in his eyes that frightened her, then spanked her harder than he ever had. ‘You don’t command! You don’t order! You obey! Can you get that through your thick head, Jenny?’
‘Yes,’ she cried, tears in her eyes, but she was still in control of herself. ‘I am sorry.’
‘Go home.’
‘What?’ She thought he said go home.
‘Go home. Wait in the stairwell until the taxi comes and go home.’
‘No, Philip, please.’
He got up, pulled out his phone and made the call.
‘Please, Philip, no. I don’t want to go home… just spank me or whip me or something. Don’t send me home.’
‘Get dressed,’ he said to her and turned to say, ‘Yeah, now please. You’ve got the address right? Yeah… honk twice when you’re downstairs.’
He walked to his work area, got her keys and tossed them on the floor in front of her. ‘Go home,’ he said again, then turned toward his bedroom, ‘and no histrionics.’
Mei got dressed, left the choker on the table and put it and the collar next to some change of address forms from the post office. She unlocked the bolts on the door, opened it, stepped down a few stairs and sat down waiting for the taxi. A cold orange glow seeped in where the black paint had peeled off the bar-clad entry door. She began to cry.
Philip hated this. She needed to be punished for her outburst, not necessarily the sex, but wished it didn’t hurt her so much. However, for her own good, she needed to understand his control or the transformation wouldn’t last.
He got up, went out to the apartment and saw her pearls on the table next to the collar. He considered opening the door and giving them to her to take, but that would only make him feel better, it wouldn’t help in the long run. Then he heard the taxi honk its horn and heard Mei shuffle off the stairs and unlock the door. A moment later a door closed and the sound of the taxi faded into the night.
He sat on the couch and drank his brandy, finishing hers as well. After half an hour of reassessment and planning, he went to bed.
Mei cried in misery all the way home, under the eye of a different driver. The punishment wasn’t unexpected and this was less than she deserved. How could she have been so stupid to be tempted? The only answer had to be she was still Jenny, still a whore and all the wonderful feelings over the last couple of days were an illusion. She figured Philip would no longer be interested in blackmailing her or keeping her as a slave or anything else. That would explain why he didn’t get angry, well… not really angry.
She looked to pay the taxi when he pulled up around her block but realized she didn’t know where her purse was. Anyway, Philip had an account with the company since he’d basically abducted her on Friday. ‘Holy shit,’ she thought, ‘Friday. It’s been four days. How can your life change so much in four days?’
She entered her place and felt lonelier than she ever had before. Watching her father drive away, knowing he was going back to China and wouldn’t be living with them any more was the last time she felt like this. She was nine. It hurt so much she knew it would kill her, but in the end it only crippled her heart.
She undressed, showered, got into her cold bed and gently cried until she slept.
Philip lay in bed, his emotions frayed. Had Mei strayed out of confusion or insubordination? It mattered a great deal. He wanted to believe she was just overwhelmed by the past ten days — vulnerable, exploited by a woman who saw her as a quick conquest. If it were rebellion then regaining control would be much harder. He resolved to keep a cool head, knowing that if he were too severe, he could do real damage, even lose her for good. Perhaps he would risk a text in the morning and a gesture to keep her focused on him.
She got to work early, hoping to see Samantha. She was sure she’d have good advice for her. But by a twist of fate she was sick that day. At 10:30 she looked up her cell number on a sheet of paper that floated around the office and called her from the hallway.
‘Mei Chun, honey, it’s you.’
‘Hi Samantha. I’m sorry to call you when you’re sick.’
‘Honey, call me Sammy! We’re like sisters, you and me, now that we’ve got a deep, dark secret to share, and I ain’t sick!My man Raymond and I went to five thirty this morning and I can’t hardly walk.’ Her laugh was infectious and Mei laughed too.
‘I did something stupid, Sammy. Something dumb, and he made me go back to my place.’
‘Tell sister Sammy, honey. Another man?’
‘Another woman.’
‘Hmm. I didn’t know you went that way, honey. But tell me, what was it exactly that got him angry?’
‘Hmmm, well, he seemed to understand but he called me Jenny and I got angry and told him not to call me that.’
‘Ah, right. Do you see, sweetie? Did he kick you out or did he spank you first?’
‘He hit me harder than he ever had before and it wasn’t fun at all.’
‘Anger takes all the fun out of it, doesn’t it? He shouldn’t spank you when he’s angry. He should known that.’
‘He’s never done this before.’
‘You see why he’s punishing you, don’t you, honey?’
‘Yes, I was defiant but…’
‘No buts, Mei-Chun. You either do this all the way, one-hundred percent, or not at all.’
‘Right… so you don’t think it was the sex?’
‘Well, maybe, but
it might have turned him on. Remember, were not dealing with a normal man here. Not that normal men don’t get turned on by the thought of two women sliding up against each other, but these are men that have exceptional drive and willpower. He has a vision of you that he wants to see become real. If you think you can become that vision, then things will work out fine. If not, then you should quit now.’
‘I can. I know I can and I want to so much.’
‘Does that vision of you include sex with other women?’
She thought for a moment. ‘Yeah, probably. I don’t think that’s what pissed him off.’
‘Then honey, you’ve got nothing to worry about. Just ride this out and you’ll be back at his place before the end of the week. Just don’t, and I mean don’t, ever play with another man while you’re with him. You’ll regret it and it will destroy him. Listen to me, Mei Chun.’
‘Right, Samantha… Sammy. I won’t.’
‘You say that now but at some point, maybe three months into it, you’re going to be convinced you’re the most beautiful and desirable woman in the world and you deserve more. Just remember what I am saying now: don’t do it.’
She took her warning seriously, thanked her again and went back to work feeling so much better.
At eleven thirty a courier came with a small box, a picnic basket, and the most elegant orchids Mei had ever seen. She knew immediately that they were from Philip. She signed for it and untaped and opened the card on top.
It read:
‘I want you to eat well so I’ve prepared something for lunch. You forgot your gift. I won’t call you that again if you don’t deserve it.
At five a woman named Markéta will arrive. Go with her and do what she says.
Love Philip’
For a while she followed the letters of the last two words with her finger. ‘Love Philip. L-o-v-e Philip.’ It felt it was a command. She considered that maybe he left out the comma on purpose to make it so.
She cut open the box, opened the case and put on the choker. She wondered what this Markéta had in store for her. She didn’t like what she imagined and moved the orchids to the filing cabinet next to her workspace.
Judy and Carol were all over the basket, pulling out glass containers and removing the lids, sniffing at the unfamiliar dishes.
‘Hey, it’s mine.’
‘Smells wonderful. Did he cook this himself?’ Judy asked.
‘Yes, and if you’re nice, I’ll share.’
They put it all back, admired the flowers and, in ten minutes, decided on an early lunch break of homemade lobster ravioli in a light white sauce with creamed cauliflower. There was a sweet potato purée with walnuts and fresh rolls, and four crème caramels for dessert.
She texted him after the first spoonful of the custard.
‘Thank you, Philip. I feel so badly. Like the worst woman on earth.’
‘Don’t. It breaks my heart.’
‘Will you forgive me?’
‘Will you learn your lesson?’
‘Yes. If you have to punish me a thousand times. I will finally submit and surrender to you.’
She waited for a reply but when one didn’t come she texted, ‘Can you endure?’
She didn’t know it but he was wiping a tear from his eye, rereading her message.
‘Yes, Mei. I can endure.’
‘I love you so much it hurts!’
‘Me too, princess.’
As five approached her apprehension grew. Mei pictured the woman he sent leading her off to a dungeon where a gang of hideous lesbian trolls would whip her and shove their pussies into Mei’s face. It wasn’t an entirely unpleasant prospect. Perhaps he had some notion of whipping any lesbian tendencies out of her.
Sure enough, precisely at five, a blond woman who looked like a dominatrix in business disguise entered and stood before Mei Chun.
‘Miss Mei Chun, I presume?’ She even had a european accent but pronounced her name perfectly.
‘Yes. I’m Mei Chun.’
‘Are you ready for your adventure? Come with me if you please.’
She followed her down to her car, a sexy black BMW befitting a woman in black leather. She dared not ask any questions and entered. The severe-looking Nordic woman didn’t speak or smile, she just exited the garage and turned out of town.
Mei’s nerves began to fray. She found she was gripping the seat with her nails.
‘You are taking me somewhere?’
‘Yes. Evidently.’
‘Yeah. Well, I guess I deserve it.’
‘Yes well, Mr. Conners seems to think so.’
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******STANDARD DISCLAIMER****** Do not read this if you are under the age of 18 or it is illegal where you live. All characters in the story are at least 18. If you don't like this sort of story, then don't read it. Also, this is fiction. Any similarity to anyone living or dead or to actual situations is entirely coincidental. ****END STANDARD DISCLAIMER**** =========Author's Note========= I'm sorry this took so long to write. I don't really have an excuse, I think it's been...
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This is my first try at erotic fiction. I hope you like it and please be nice. It’s largely autobiographical but not literally so. I’m an Asian girl and lots of what I write about Mei is me but lots isn’t. I’ll leave it to your imagination (hint, if it’s about sex it’s me) If you all like it I’ll write more but please let me know in the comments and by voting. ***** Jenny was a cold, heartless bitch, and that was ok, it worked for her. It certainly never got in the way of her getting what...
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As Jenny got out of the swimming pool she could feel the hot sun on her amazing sexy body, she was 19 and lived with her mum Taylor and her step dad Brad, Taylor met Brad at his fitness club he had and well as they say the rest is history, Jenny was on holiday from university her mum Taylor was a PR for a huge finance company.As she lay on the grass Brad shouted to see if she wanted a cold drink, Jenny got up and went in doors and sat chatting in the kitchen, she looked at brad’s very muscular...
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For my darling Eve.Both Jenny and Eve quickly rearrange their bikini`s and pull on their clothes over them. They quickly packed their bags and began to hurry back down the beach. As they moved up the beach they passed a few more tourists. Eve grabbed at Jenny`s arm and pulled her back. “Hey hun, we don`t want to tire ourselves out do we?” Eve said giggling. Jen smiled at her and took her hand in hers; she squeezed it and smiled at Eve. “I guess not.” She paused before carrying on “It`s just...
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Jenny gets a new lifeBy Sarah Jenny felt out of place at the university. True, she had been granted a scholarship for her track time at high school, but she didn’t really feel worthy to be deserving of a full four year scholarship. Still, her parents had begged her to take it, since it might be the only chance she would have to get a college degree. So reluctantly, she had signed the acceptance letter, and was soon on her way to the Kansas University, S.U. The moment she had...
Jenny waited at the arrivals at the airport, waiting to meet Eve. The two of them had become friends online chatting most evenings until Eve had said that she was coming over to England on a business trip, but could come over a week early so they could meet up. Jenny jumped at the chance at getting to know her new friend a little better and suggested that they should hire a car and go and do a bit of sightseeing. So here she was, waiting to meet Eve for the first time. Finally, passengers...
Jenny waited at the arrivals at the airport, waiting to meet Eve. The two of them had become friends online chatting most evenings until Eve had said that she was coming over to England on a business trip, but could come over a week early so they could meet up. Jenny jumped at the chance at getting to know her new friend a little better and suggested that they should hire a car and go and do a bit of sightseeing. So here she was, waiting to meet Eve for the first time. Finally, passengers...
LesbianBackgroundRegular readers of my Jenny episodes can skip this paragraph – you already know who is real and who is fictional.Jenney (Cumslut) and Rob were ch1ldhood sweet-hearts – fucking each other’s brains out since High School. Unfortunately, now they are married to two different people and Rob’s rare army leave the opportunities for a weekend of bliss are limited. Rob’s wife Ana knows all about Jenny and hates her with a vengeance; Jenny pretends that her husband John is blissfully unaware of...
A Surprise From Jenny - By SONIA (email [email protected] - Please send comments, favourite pictures etc.!!!) Chapter 1 - My Dream I was a normal, happily married man aged 28 married to my beautiful 26 year old wife, Jenny, except for one slight problem - I was a secret cross dresser! Jenny worked as an estate agent which meant she worked most of Saturday and Sunday mornings most weeks and this allowed me to enjoy my feminine side. Soon after she...
Introduction: On Jennys way to work, her fiance convinces her to call in sick. A day of fucking ensues. Jenny was wrapping up the shower from her regular morning get-ready-for-work routine. Wake up, brush her teeth, undress, stare at her body, shower, stare at her body some more, get dressed, apply some make-up, and top it all off with fixing her hair. Jenny did this every morning, from 7 to 8:30 a.m., which left her just enough time to commute to the office by 9. Jennys schedule was rigid. As...
JENNY’S SECRET – PART 3 – MinnieAfter her love session with Lihua, Jenny went home and was very happy her parents were away because she ranked of sex. She took a shower, had a bite to eat and tried to get some sleep. She tossed and turned, thinking about Nickie, Lihua and now Minnie. She replayed the whole scene with Lihua. She finally fell asleep but in her dream she could see Lihua and hear her say “I know a lot of lesbians” over and over again. Then she saw the Chinese lady at the rooming...
Mrs Denver stood up, hands on her hips, looked cross, was very cross, and shouted, “Mrs Howe, that was extremely dangerous and could have hurt young Emma. I’ll need to deal with you.” The afternoon had been going well. Parents and students were using the swimming pool. The swimming competition had been exciting. Now, about thirty parents and students were relaxing in the pool, some swimming lengths but most just were standing in the water and chatting to friends. Then came the incident. The one...
SpankingBy: kangaroo08 The old man had been making claims for years about a large pig, perhaps many, who had been making foraging attacks on his farm land that bordered on the swamp country. Not many people believed old Joe after listening to a lifetime of tall stories told at every opportunity and to anyone who would listen. Still he persisted with his larger than usual pig stories. “I tell him!” he would insist, “Them pigs is huge, one big boar must be seven or eight hundred pounds. Huge he...
Note : This story is completely fictional! As soon as his mom left for work Bill went to his little sister's room and undressed. He climbed in bed with her and pulled her nightgown above her waist, Jenny kissed him and removed her panties."Do it quick, I have to get ready for school" she whispered.Bill fucked his 18 year old sister with all he had. Jenny was glad when he filled her pussy with sperm. She knew someday he would make her and looked forward to having his baby. brother and sister had...
IncestAt HomeJenny’s smart-phone buzzed to announce a new photo message. “Who’s that from”? Demanded John, her faithful but dull husband. “Oh, just one of the girls I’m staying with this weekend” Jenny lied casually.Jenny opened the attached photo from Rob – her high school sweetheart. There was no need to zoom in to appreciate the detail – it was entirely cock. Jenny new every inch of that cock – the thick shaft, the tight balls, the shiny head just waiting to be sucked again. It was the most...
Manchester AirportThe usual interminable wait in the baggage pickup area, Jenny standing, waiting, looking for some talent, miles away day-dreaming of her Great Dane Toby – all that lovely cock stretching her wide. A hand on her side, a cock pressing into her backside: “Hope you liked the Tribute, Babe”.Jenny melted into the black Co-pilot’s arms – he had cum all over her tits, in First Class, while she was asleep – now she wanted him properly: “Don’t tell anyone” he whispered in her ear “I...
Just Like Jenny Part Two Written by Dauphin http://dauphinsworld.activeboard.com/ [email protected] When we came home, Granny lifted me in the playpen, and said I was being punished for causing a scene in the mall. I tried to explain that any boy would complain being forced to look like a girl and wearing pull-ups. She just shook her head and asked me how long did I want to sit there? I just sat there talking to the doll about all my problems. I wish that my guardian angel...
Since my wife, Jenny, confessed to me about her cravings and the urge to suck strange cock when I wasn’t available, some elements of our sex life have heightened. It is strangely hot to have her retell the details of her “Blow and Go’s” while she worships my cock. I am sure that most have seen Jenny’s photos posted on various porn and swinger sites.For the unlucky few that haven’t seen her, Jenny is a five-foot-ten-inch, fair-skinned, fifty-five-year-old blonde with natural D-cup tits and drink...
Oral SexNothing but the silvery glow of the crescent moon illuminated Matilda's sleeping quarters. The autumn night was calm but cold, and thick layers of furs and blankets kept the young woman warm and comfy. The oaken bed was large and sturdy, and made Matilda's feminine but short body appear smaller still. Only her head poked out of the covers, the skin pale in the moonlight and her locks dark.Electricity crackled. At first, just tiny sparks, invisible to all but the keenest observers, then the...
Fantasy & Sci-FiHi I'm Jenny Cumslut's journal. Jenny loves to see her name in print, in the sluttiest stories imaginable. I live under Jenny's pillow, and she writes in me most nights describing her filthy thoughts. She just adores sex. Sex with men, sex with women, sex with an1mals. Her cunt is constantly driving her behaviour.Jenny's latest entry is all about a trip to the Lake District in England to visit the Experimental Breeding Farm, and have sex with Sam, Amy, Lucy, Scarlet and the lovely young colt...
Since my wife, Jenny, confessed to me about her cravings and the urge to suck strange cock when I wasn’t available, some elements of our sex life have heightened. It is strangely hot to have her retell the details of her “Blow and Go’s” while she worships my cock. I am sure that most have seen Jenny’s photos posted on various porn and swinger sites. For the unlucky few that haven’t seen her, Jenny is a 5’ 10” fair-skinned 55-year-old blonde with natural D-cup tits and drink coaster-sized...
It took several weeks to hatch the plan that was building up inside my head. I knew it had to be done and I knew what I wanted to happen. Jenny and I, through all that time, had had some of the most wonderful sex sessions that we had ever experienced. At one time we were so outrageous that we were nearly caught by the local police. I don’t know how they never heard her scream out as I fucked her behind the empty barrels at the back of our local pub. We certainly didn’t know they were there...
Since my wife Jenny confessed to me about her cravings and urge to suck strange cock when I wasn’t available, some elements of our sex life have actually heightened. It is strangely hot to have her recant the details of her “Blow and Go’s” while she worships my own cock. I am sure that most have seen Jenny’s photos posted on various porn and swinger sites. For the unlucky few that haven’t seen her, Jenny is a 5’ 10” fair skinned 55 year old blonde with natural D-cup tits and drink coaster-sized...
It took several weeks to hatch the plan that was building up inside my head. I knew it had to be done and I knew what I wanted to happen. Jenny and I, through all that time, had had some of the most wonderful sex sessions that we had ever experienced. At one time we were so outrageous that we were nearly caught by the local police. I don’t know how they never heard her scream out as I fucked her behind the empty barrels at the back of our local pub. We certainly didn’t know they were there...
Anal"J-Jenny?" my mother said, finally finding that she needed to sit down after all. "Hi, Mrs. Welch! Yeah, it's me," my best friend giggled and licked her wet lips. Jenny stood up and I could see she was dressed in black, like in that plastic PVC stuff, all polished and shining beneath the bright fluorescent lights. She wore a corset with demi-cups that pushed her large, pale breasts out and up invitingly. It clung to her tiny waist and I wondered how she could possibly draw a breath...
On this morning, as Jenny was drying off from her shower, she noticed her fiance, Sean, staring at her from their bed. Though she didn't mind, she was surprised that he was up this early and playfully tossed her towel at him from the bathroom, smiling and saying, "pervert!", as she turned to the mirror. Sean removed the towel from his face and continued admiring Jenny's body. She was tall, about 5'9, had hair down to the upper part of her back, and had B-cup breasts that fit perfectly...
Clara said, “Steven thank you so much for setting me up for Richard Dreyer.” “He called me today and we talked for 30 minutes.” “I have date with him this evening and another date to come here tomorrow for dinner to see me naked.” “Richard told me he is looking for a wife.” “I want to thank you by offering this diamond ring to give when you propose to Jenny who loves you deeply.” Steven looked at the diamond and said, Thank you very much Clara I am sure Jenny will like it.” Clara said, “My...
Clara said, “Steven thank you so much for setting me up for Richard Dreyer.” “He called me today and we talked for 30 minutes.” “I have date with him this evening and another date to come here tomorrow for dinner to see me naked.” “Richard told me he is looking for a wife.” “I want to thank you by offering this diamond ring to give when you propose to Jenny who loves you deeply.” Steven looked at the diamond and said, Thank you very much Clara I am sure Jenny will like it.” Clara said, “My...
It was a typical rainy night in a typical small Midwestern town. Jenny strolled into the bar with her girlfriends in tow. It was a typical bar, playing country music and serving overpriced drinks. It was girl’s night out for her and three of her closest friends. They had put on their evening dresses and said goodbye to their husbands. It wasn’t unusual for them to have a girl’s night out but this one was a little different. Jenny's dress was extra tight, her perfume freshly selected. The bra...
Love Stories“Jenny, get in here!” It was not even eight in the morning and Mr. Kempel was already screaming at her. Jenny picked up her notepad and a pen and then made her way around the secretary station. The short walk didn’t take more than five seconds but when she walked into the big corner office Mark Kempel sighed and said, “you did take your sweet time. Sit down and take notes.” “Sorry, Mr. Kempel.” Instead of answering he indicated with his hand for her to sit. She took about two pages of notes for...
BDSMNot finished yet, will update....keep looking..thanks....any comment will be truly appreciated.......IanxJenny 01....“OK, see you Monday.”“Bye”“Bye”"Wow! What a week! Gerald thought to himself as she closed the door. He watched her as she walked down the road and joined the throng pouring into the college gates. She was a good looking girl, just turned eighteen but you’d think she was older to look at her. She walked with a confident movement that was quite fascinating to him. Her figure was...
Jenny Takes ControlBy kewtieboyMy bisexual tendencies were known by Jennifer before we married. My male encounters had been at school and later at an all male college. There weren’t hundreds of guys but the sex had been quite intense and probably unusual for a guy like me I had actually had active and passive penetrative sex with a room mate I had really fallen for. He moved on and so did I and when I met Jenny, she was my first proper girlfriend. She had the shiniest brown hair I had ever seen...
JENNY’S SECRET – PART 4PREAMBLEThose who have not yet read the first three episodes or get confused with Asian names, here is a summary of the characters. I apologize for the long preamble but it is important in order to understand the rest of the story.THE FACTORY – a shipping and distribution center for Chinese food all over the US.JENNY – 40-year old non-Asian factory worker. Attractive but modest closet lesbian doing her coming out. The main character of the story.NICKIE – Non-Asian lesbian...
JENNY‘S SECRET – PART 2 - LihuaA few days after her evening with Nickie, Jenny was back at the factory and went outside as usual for a smoke during her break. It was raining and she ran to a small shed next to the door leading out of the kitchen. The shed was used to store canned goods and anything the rats couldn’t eat. It was of course locked but there was a covered porch which one could use to get out of the rain. Jenny stood smoking and watching the rain when she spotted the Asian girl who...
"Where are we going?" Jenny asked. "Ah, my sweet Jenny, I am going to share with you, the first and second wonders of this world," I told her. "You are so silly!" she giggled. "It's only because your beauty makes me that way. When I'm in your presence, my senses depart and I am left a silly mess inside!" I continued. Sarah met us in the Lodge and gave Jenny a skirt and some shoes to ride in. I noticed she was similarly dressed. Then together we walked down to the stables. Mable...
Jenny is 18 year old and hails from Bradford in the UK and is studying at Nottingham University. She's 5ft 1" tall, 107lbs and has the kind of perfect slim shapely body that most women would die for. Everything in proportion, nice rounded breasts, a full rounded bottom, a trim waste and shapely legs. In fact she's fucking gorgeous!!Her brown eyes shine causing many a male heart to flutter. She keeps her shiny dark brown hair fairly long and it enhances her Mediterranean lineage. After seeing...
Early YearsHi I’m a vagina; I belong to Jenny Cumslut. I’m sure that’s not her real surname, but she likes to be called that. I’m Jenny’s best friend; I’ll do anything to make her happy and she loves to stroke and rub me all the time. Jenny Cumslut adores Cum – she cannot get enough of it. She will do anything to swallow the stuff, coat her fabulous tits in it, fill her arse with it, or best of all let me suck it out of the end of a nice boy’s cock. We were born around 1985. We spent the second...
Jennifer receives a new set of rules for her sex educationJennifer needs constant observation to teach her obedience and respect for my rules.Jenny's sexy secret is her longing to be the only lover of her legal mentor Peter.Jenny isn't allowed to masturbate without Peter's permission, no more privacy for her.Jenny is too keen on severe spanking and the mindblowing orgasms as a hot highlight.Jenny will now only be flogged along her love lips as a reward for being a good girl.Jenny will be...
Alice and I were getting on great and had moved in together as well as Jenny her daughter, Jenny and I had been fucking every so often and had even been able to fuck Jenny’s friend in the back of my car one night on the way home after she had given me some head on the way back to her house, I was gagging for it, Janet was making me beg for it and I’m glad I did never fucked such a tight snatch in my whole life but was so worth it. As time went on I proposed to Alice and she duly accepted and we...