Snow Falls Silent On Evergreen Trees free porn video

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A weakness of mine is my tendency to develop myopia when engaging in certain aspects. Reading is probably the biggest. Couple that with a naturally panicky disposition and a heart attack before I was able to legally drink means I turn my phone off when I start reading.

As such, when the shrill chime of my phone went off, it nearly gave me another heart attack from shock. I swore at the nothingness and answered it, without bothering to look at the caller ID.

“What?” I spat into the receiver. I heard strange gasping noises on the other side.

“Leon, can I come over?” It was Ray, (short for Rachel, but don’t call her that) my girlfriend.

Obviously taken aback and slightly embarrassed by my aggressive disposition on answering the phone, I stammered a moment. “Of course Ray, always you know that.”

“Thanks, and do you have anything to drink?”

“I can by the time you get here, what’s your craving?”


“Yeah no problem, see you in a few minutes.” I hurried to a nearby liquor store and picked up something. I was more than half tempted to grab something I knew she would hate, since she did say ‘anything’ but I thought better of it. Something felt off, so I grabbed something.

Picking up the drinks took longer than I anticipated, so I was only waiting for Ray maybe five minutes. I heard keys jangle outside my apartment door and went up to open it but she beat me to it. Ray looked distraught to say the least. Somebody who didn’t know her well might not have noticed, but the slump of her shoulders, way her head hung slightly. I sighed, and brought her in for a hug, “Come here,” I said.

I felt her slightly tremble against my shoulder, and a thousand thoughts raced in my head, too quickly for me to actually parse most of them for rationality or plausibility. I silenced the storm in my head, and acknowledged that the best thing in this case was to wait for her to broach the subject weighing on her.

I broke the hug and walked over to the refrigerator, opening it and grabbing two cans of local beer, and tossed her one. She caught it and thanked me, moving over to my couch. For a moment I wasn’t sure where to sit. I didn’t have a way to face her, and sitting next to her felt a little wrong. Ray could probably see the wheels spinning in my head,

“Just sit next to me, not complicated.”

I nodded and sat next to her. She cracked open the beer and I followed suit, slipping the beer into a koozie.

“I’m glad you grabbed this as opposed to one of your more,” she paused looking for the right word, “colorful alcohol choices.”

“I was tempted to get something like cinnamon whiskey, but then I remembered I would be paying for it, and that felt like throwing money down the drain. Also, they didn’t have Infinite Hatred IPA so no dice there.”

She laughed, “Again, I appreciated it.” She took a long sip from the drink before speaking again. “Aren’t you going to ask me what’s wrong?”

I shook my head, “No, I figured you would talk when you wanted to. No sense in forcing anything. People talk when they want to talk or have something to say. They don’t talk if they don’t want to or have nothing to say. When and if you wanted to talk, I’d be here, but again, no sense in forcing it.”

She sighed, “I lost my job today,” she finally said.

“Jesus fuck-mothering Christ,” I swore and gulped down a hefty amount of beer before returning to the refrigerator to grab two more. I cracked the first one and took another large swallow. “What the hell happened?” I was shocked.

“Well, it wasn’t just me. The whole department got the axe. Somebody upstairs said we weren’t necessary.”

Ray worked in some kind of marketing department. I never understood the work myself, but at the same time will concede that if you tasked an engineer (my profession) to market a product that we might be working on, it wouldn’t sell to anyone who wasn’t an engineer. “Fuck,” I swore shaking my head. “Didn’t your company reach record profits? Something like that?”

“I suppose those record profits game from axing other departments, either that or those record profits fed a nasty cocaine addiction, and now thanks to that addiction, the CEO or whoever-the-fuck needs to make more money, for more cocaine, prostitutes and illegitimate children.”

“Well, as likely a reason as any,” I tossed her the other can, she thanked me for it. “I mean, fuck. I-fuck,” it took me a few moments to gather my thoughts. “I guess, what’s next? Whatever you choose, there’s a statistically high probability I’ll support it, but not everything.”

That elicited a chuckle, “So what won’t you support?”

“Suicide for one, also prostitution, drug use, that kind of thing,” I shrugged.

“Do I really strike you as the type of person who would go for that over a fucking job?”

“No, but I felt like I needed to clear. People say shit like ‘I’ll support anything you choose’ never consider the possibility of insanity. So, what are you thinking? Also, if you are thinking setting up a crowd-funding scheme for editing romantic movies where the lead actor and actress combo have no chemistry to replace one of the actors with a chunk of wood and muting all the dialogue is a good idea which I will support, hell I’d even shell out for the editing software. Also, if you wanted to make film parodies where all the characters are puppets, except for one person who was the star of the original movie, that also sounds like a good idea.”

“Where do you come up with these ideas?”

“My head, same place all my other ideas come from,” I snarked, “So, what’s next?”

“Hell if I know,” Ray opened the next can; “First, I think I just want to get away from the world for a bit, clear my head you know. Sometimes I can’t think with the city air.”

“I can make that happen,” I said matter of factly. “If you want to get away from the city and the world for a bit, I can make it happen. We can go this weekend; I’d just need to make a five minute phone call.”

“What?” Ray was a little shocked. “I mean, yes of course please do, but how.”

I winked, “Let me handle that. Mind if I make that phone call?”

“Please do,” curiosity in her voice. I made the phone call and cleared everything up.

“And we’re golden. We leave Friday. Pack for warmth and comfort, as well as some entertainment. No internet, piss poor cell reception and no cable either. “

“How?” Ray was still a bit shocked.

“Y’know how some people have a vacation house or time share or something in a region outside the middle of nowhere? Well, my folks have something like that, except it’s a cabin in the woods in the middle of nowhere. I got the okay to use it this weekend.”

“Fantastic!” Ray beamed, “I’ll run over to my place tomorrow to pack, it cool if I let myself in and pack entertainment and stuff? Also food? And booze? How are we taking care of that?”

I shrugged, “of course, I mean, I’ll be working tomorrow and Friday, but you’re 100% welcome to hang out. We can get groceries and stuff tomorrow; I’ve had a bit too much to go drive to the grocery tonight.”


I was barely there at work, struggling to concentrate. Going to the middle of nowhere with my girlfriend seemed like a great weekend, and my mind was already in that icy cabin in the middle of nowhere.

It felt good to sleep in the same bed as her, we didn’t live together at this time, our work locations were too prohibitive for one of us to move in with the other at the moment, but I dared to hope that the silver lining might be us moving in together.

Eventually, Friday arrived. I opened the door to my apartment and Ray practically tackled me, giving me a kiss on the cheek.


“Easy! Let me change out of my work clothes, and down some coffee. You might not have to drive three hours, but I do. Did you burn CD’s? Also, what did you pack for entertainment? I’m not watching Evil Dead 2 again, swear to God I regret showing you that one.”

“But we’re going to a cabin in the woods! We need a horror movie that is thematically relevant. Also Evil Dead 2 is awesome.”

“Idiot teenagers murdered in a cabin in the woods is the plot to literally every fucking horror movie ever. Some of which we haven’t seen sixty fucking times.”

She blew a raspberry at me, “Fine, it’s the backpack.”

I walked over to the backpack and fished out the movie, and saw there were a dozen other ones crammed in. I smiled and looked over to my movie shelf, and guessed what had been grabbed. I also fished out an old video game, “Really this? Why this?”

“Because I’ve been practicing, you won’t win with on hand behind your back this time.”

I groaned.


The drive took a good four hours, but I didn’t mind. Ray had burned a fair twelve hours of music, she’s pretty much how I found out about all music, it was just something I didn’t know much about. The drive should have only taken about three hours, but a snowfall made the trip take longer. Eventually, we made arrived at the cabin.

“You’re not menstruating right now are you?” I asked as we walked from the driveway towards the front door, snow cracking under our feet.


“There’s a lot of bears in the woods,” I gestured to a rock, “One likes to hang out on that rock pretty frequently, and I don’t want your menstrual blood prompting a bear attack.” That got me a snowball across the face, which I certainly earned. I could hear her giggling, “You’re so dead,” I announced charging at her for a tackle. Her eyes went wide, but she broke into a smile after impact, when she realized that quite deliberately, I had contorted mid-tackle so that I would be landing on my back with her on top of me. The split second of her smile made the impact on the cold hard ground worth it. “What?” I asked, emphasizing fake innocence.

She climbed off me, “Unlock the door so we can get the gear inside, and you weren’t kidding, this really is the middle of nowhere. I have exactly zero bars of cell service here.”

I obliged, unlocking the door and carrying the overwhelming majority of the bags into the cabin, where it was absolutely freezing.

As much as it pains me to admit it, that night I was so exhausted from work and driving that Ray’s best attempts at getting me going did absolutely nothing for me. Instead of sex, we ended up watching a handful of movies and sleeping in each other’s arms, sharing warmth against the cold wintery air.

I woke up with the sunrise, stood up and looked out the window, untangling myself from Ray’s arms. It was snowing again, and as beautiful as the sight of snow gently falling was, I was not looking forward to shoveling out the car, and hoping that the temperature would warm up so I wouldn’t have to. Also if it did warm up, hopefully it wouldn’t cool back down, because then ice.

“G’morning,” Ray slurred, “how long have you been awake?”

“Not long, just looking at the snow, it’s very pretty, but I doubt I’ll feel that way tomorrow when I have to shovel it.”

“We could always try to wait it out,” she argued.

“I’ll wait until you’ve had some coffee in you before I explain why that’s a horrible idea, and if you hold to after being sufficiently caffeinated you will be digging out the entire area with your bare hands and no gloves.”

“You’re no fun,” Ray climbed out of bed and immediately pulled on a sweater, “It's fucking freezing,” I was already wearing a sweater.

“Snow does that. The water for the shower won’t be heated for at least two hours. I vote bathe in the evening. That way at least we’ll be ducking under blankets quickly afterwards, so we’re less likely to have the water freeze on our skin.”

“Yeah, that sounds like a good plan.” I made coffee and put a bit of powdered ginger in my mug before filling it with coffee. Ray never understood why I did that, and to be fair, I didn’t quite understand it either. She took a sniff of the coffee and made a face I don’t quite have the words for.

“Please tell me there’s sugar or milk or something?” She practically begged.

“I think there’s sugar. I make it too strong again?” Ray nodded. I started searching cabinets for sugar, hoping my parents left some. Fortunately for Ray, they did, she scooped a heavy amount into her mug.

“Cheers, to the middle of fucking nowhere, clean air and clear minds.”

I tapped my mug against hers, “Cheers,” and took a sip.

We killed time making mundane conversation about the remainder of the day’s plans, which I hadn’t given much thought to. I was beginning to get concerned. At some point we would have to discuss the elephant in the room, lack of employment, and I was working on how to ask her to move in with me and look for work where I was, but I struggled with phrasing. After a few moments of silence Ray spoke up.

“Well, I know what I want to do today,”

“Let me guess? Sex followed by movies, followed by sex, followed by movies then question mark.”

“Not quite,” she walked towards where we had left some of the luggage and fished around, pulling out one of the video game cartridges. “You won’t beat me so easily this time. While you were at work, I practiced.”

I smirked, “You’ll need about twenty years of practice before you’re at my level toots. That’s how long I’ve had that thing. To be honest, I’ve gotten bored of stomping you at it, something else please?”

“How about this, for each point you get, I’ll take a piece of clothing off, and for every point I get, you do the same,” she tried to sweeten the deal for me, but I never liked taking candy from babies.

“I need two points, and I’ll only use one hand,” I retorted, hoping that at least this way the score wouldn’t quite be what it was if I focused.

“Fine,” ray fired up the console and I put one hand behind my back. The familiar sound of game brought back fond memories of my youth. Ray looked all business.

She had been practicing, I’ll give her that. Instead of barely getting one point for every nine I had, she ended up with one by the time I had four. She had taken off her sweater, revealing a loose t-shirt and her socks. I took off my sweater.

Six to one, she took off her shirt, revealing her leisure bra underneath. Ray never dressed in a typically ‘sexy’ way, emphasizing comfort and practicality above all else, to the point of often buying men’s pants so that she could have pockets.

Seven to two, I took off my shirt. I’m not particularly muscular, but am well built and toned, years of biking to work and swimming had left me in pretty good shape, toned without being bulky. I was naturally hairless on my chest, face arms and legs. This was a point of jealousy amongst some of my ex’s, who shaved their legs and still regularly had more hair than I did. Ray mocked me mercilessly for it, a point of lacking masculinity, as though hair equaled masculinity. I let her have her fun, but the fact that I could not (and still cannot) grow any facial hair irks me. I’ve wanted to have a beard as long as I can remember.

“You have improved,” I said as the score reached eight to two, and Ray took off her pants. Her legs and arms were similarly toned without being muscular. She was wearing boy shorts that hugged the curvature of her upper thighs and ass beautifully. Her ass was gently rounded and firm, tight enough that I asked if I could try to bounce a quarter off it. She agreed when drunk and the test proved inconclusive, “Your ass also looks ass-tounding,” I joked. The bad pun earned me a playful punch in the shoulder. I deserved it.

Eventually the score was 9-3, and I called it off, having grown tired of the game.

“I really thought at least this time you wouldn’t double my score at the minimum,” Ray complained.

“I bought that game close to twenty years ago. For years it was the only one I owned, I played it non-fucking-stop. The only people who can beat me are my brother and my high school guidance counselor.”

“Yeah, I get it. But this one’s new,” Ray fished around in the luggage, I wondered if she was shaking her ass at me to entice me but I thought better of it. This time she brought out two mats and another title.

“White boy got no rhythm!” I shouted seeing what she brought out, my eyes wide in terror. “White boy a klutz!” It was some dancing game, and I can’t dance.

That is to say, if I make even the slightest attempt at something remotely resembling dance, I’ll trip over my own damn feet. I once got concussed at a high-school dance when I tripped over myself. So quite literally, this white boy cannot dance.

“You keep saying that but never shown me, time for you to put your money where your mouth is! I want to see this.”

I groaned as the console was reconfigured with the mats. Within thirty seconds of the first song I had fallen, and on my way down nearly pulled Ray down with me. She just laughed.

“Damn, you were not kidding!”

I stood up slowly, “Okay, okay we had our good laugh at me what’s next?”

Ray shrugged, she was in her underwear, I was without a shirt, and I could see where her mind was going.

“Well, we could take a shower together, and then see where things go?” She grinned mischievously. I had turned the water heater off, so it was likely to be a cold shower.

“It’ll be cold,” I said.

“We can keep each other warm.”


In a few moments I had turned the shower as warm as it would go, which still felt like it would cause hypothermia, Ray had taken off her bra, revealing her gently rounded teardrop shaped b-cup breasts, and I could feel blood rushing to my groin, something I would have been happy about, but if blood was going to my dick, it might not be going elsewhere, hence hypothermia. I stripped off my pants and underwear at once, and Ray chuckled seeing my partial erection.

“Happiness to see me must be conflicting with the cold there buddy,” she joked.

I grabbed her, pulling her in close, my member pressed against her waist, before pushing her into the frigid shower, her boy shorts sill on. She gasped at the cold and pulled me in. We kissed each other as the cold water rained over our flesh. We were rubbing against each other, whether for warmth, pleasure or some combination I’m not entirely sure. I felt her nails against my back as she lathered it, and I did the same, though an attempt at digging my nails in did nothing, as I kept them shorter than was probably smart.

It took a while, but the close proximity and friction started to warm things up, but that was nearly 20 minutes in, and I was started to prune up. Turning off the water and stepping out, I almost immediately started shivering, wrapping a towel around myself for hopefully warmth, but it did little against the frigid air. Ray did the same, but quickly gave up and sprinted into the bedroom, leaving wet footprints on the wooden floors and the towel in a messy heap. I called after her “You’re going to get the bed soaked, and we don’t have a dryer here!”

“Then they’ll air dry. Get in here!”

I sighed, hung up the towel on a drying rack and walked over. I wanted to sprint and get under the covers, and regretted not doing so. I looked at her under the covers, completely hidden from me. “I wonder where my significant other has gone?” I said as I sat on the lump of blankets and possibly a person. She grunted in pain at that. “Well, it seems I cannot find her. I suppose I shall have to continue looking. I got up and stomped away before sneaking my way back into the bedroom, resisting shivering against the cold.

Eventually, Ray got confused and looked out from under the blanket; I shouted ‘boo’ at her and stuck my tongue out. She grabbed my arm and pulled me down kissing me firmly on the mouth and tossed the blanket over us both.

From here I needed no instruction. I kissed down her neck, sucked on her nipples before kissing down her stomach. She pushed my head away in almost terror, but the smirk on my face made her realize I had been screwing with her. I moved back up and slid my hand into her, middle and ring finger into her pussy, wet from the shower and love.

I moved my fingers rapidly, without keeping them together as though I was typing, which was driving Ray crazy. She wrapped her arms around my neck and buried her forehead into my shoulder, panting heavily.

“Shit, oh fuck,” she moaned as I continued to work my hands, thinking I had found her g-spot, “I think I’m gonna cum oh fuck!” at that I withdrew my hand sharply, grinning ear to ear.

"I am an insufferable tease aren’t I?” I asked. Ray shook her head, eye almost involuntarily twitching.

“Seriously? Fucking seriously? I was like two seconds from orgasming and you pull away?” She panted. “That’s gotta be against the fucking Geneva Convention or something; cruel and unusual fucking behavior Leon.”

At this point my dick felt like it was ready to burst, “Wouldn’t you rather finish with me instead of my hand?” I asked, teasing her entrance with my glans.

“Fucking anything just fucking go!” She practically shouted, at ‘go’ I thrusted in as hard as I could and held it there for a second, staring into her eyes from missionary position. Ray sighed heavily, “God I’m so grateful you had a vasectomy. Raw is so much fucking better than with a rubber.”

“Aww, and here I thought you wanted kids?” I joked.

“Not with a loon like you,” she joked back.

I began moving my hips. She was so wet that at first I slipped out by accident a couple times, eliciting annoyed groans as a result, “I swear to god this never happens,” I joked.

Ray wrapped her legs around my waist, “That’s what they all say,” she retorted. With the added pressure on my back, I managed to get a better sense of where everything was. The warmth of her pussy felt like it completely surrounded my body, sucking me into her. She came quickly after initial insertion, she wasn’t kidding about how close she was from my hand.

I stared into her eyes, a major turn on for us both, with each of us panting and groaning for release. I continued to thrust, my mind going consumed with only two things, a desire for pleasure and the repeating thought, screaming like a broken record within my consciousness, ‘I think I love you.’ With each pant and thrust I struggled with it. It felt like a huge leap to go from thinking something like that and actually saying it, but as I continued staring into her beautiful bright blue eyes, I felt the thought edging towards my mouth.

I had to pull out, not just because I felt like I was about to climax, but for fear that if I continued, I might utter something. It didn’t feel like the time, she was in an awkward mindset, losing her job this felt wrong, “fuck I’m about to cum,” I ground, “and with this weather, god knows if I’ll be able to muster the energy again quickly.”

Ray pouted, but I think she understood, having a borderline encyclopedic knowledge of human sexuality. “Well, if we’re changing things up, can I get on top? The wet patch is starting to get uncomfortable.”

I nodded, but walked towards a closet to grab another blanket and sheet. I asked Ray to get up, and laid the initial blanket over the wet patch, having something a bit dryer to lie on. Then I lay down and handed her the blanket I had retrieved from the closet. My cock was standing like a flagpole up from my waist. I could feel it started to swell back down, so I wrapped my hand around it for warmth and gently pumped to maintain an erection.

“Should I be offended that you’re masturbating while you’ve got a hot chick ready to jump your bone?”

“I’d stop if went from ‘ready’ to ‘actively jumping’,” I barely had time to move my hand away before she was on top of me again. We kissed again, and she reached between us, taking hold of my cock, and pumped it slightly before guiding it into her.

With her on top and me having edged back from orgasm, I was in heaven again. Ray bent down to keep her face close to mine, mumbling things like ‘don’t you fucking dare stop’ and ‘I can’t wait to look at your face when you cum. Gonna be so fucking funny,’ Along with a more mundane ‘oh shit,’ and ‘oh yes, fuck yes.’

With her riding me, I reached around and grabbed her firm ass and squeezed it. She grinned as she continued to ride me. I pulled her closer, feeling her breasts against my chest and her breath against my neck.

The pleasurable sensation radiating from my dick as well as the warmth across my chest intoxicated me was driving me insane, the thoughts ‘I love you’ becoming harder and harder to keep silent. ‘Shit, I’m about to come,” I groaned.

Ray pulled away, bringing her face close to mine again, she did say she wanted to see my ‘o’ face. After a couple quick thrusts I finished deep inside her.

“You made a funny face,” she said, smiling and poked my nose.

I was trying to catch my breath, “I will make all the funny faces you want, if each time it’s even half as good as this.”

“Hmm, it was better than usual today. Maybe the cold does it? Or are you into taking advantage of people when they find themselves at a major crossroads in their life?”

I wanted to scream. I wanted to put my fist through a wall. I had no idea what the hell I wanted to say. I bit my tongue so hard I started to taste blood.

“Something wrong?” She asked pain might have been visible on my face.

“Maybe, I don’t know,” she climbed off me. “I just. I fuck. I guess you’ve left me speechless.”

“I can live with that.” She kissed me on the cheek.

I didn’t muster up the strength to say those three little words, but by the end of the weekend, it was the only thought I was having.



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the true story. by Miss Irene Clearmont. The wordsmith sits amongst her voluminous black velvet robes and blue silk and pauses before relating her tale. A mask of ivory, edged with ebony sits easily in her hand. It is the mark of her devotion to the muse Melpomene. She is an older woman, still attractive and alluring despite her fifty years. She sighs as she allows her mind to wander over the details of the saga that she is about to divulge. She speaks… ***** Once upon a time...

1 year ago
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Snow White and The Seven Chapter Two The Queens Wrath

Snow ran crying through the corridors of the castle, the wall sconces lighting the way. She had never felt so low, so helpless. For the first time, Snow had no self esteem. How could she fake orgasms, she had tried before and been caught immediately. It was so unfair!! Snow took a left, then a right, her eyes blinded by tears of rage and absolute grief, her beautiful face streaked with tears and mascara. Before Snow knew it, she was utterly lost, even having been raised in this castle her...

3 years ago
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Snow White and The Seven Chapter One The Fuckening

The queen looked into the magic mirror smiling at the deep dark eyes staring back at her, glistening in the rooms light. "Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the sluttiest slut of all?" The man in the mirror hesitated for a moment before answering, the queen held that sway over many people. "Y-your highness, if truth be told, it is Snow, even now she is participating in activities that far surpass your own slutty abilities!" The queen was in a rage, her blood boiling, "WHERE IS SHE!?!...

1 year ago
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Snow Angel

“Fuck it. Let the wind clean it off,” he thought as he opened the driver’s door and climbed in. He started pulling out of his parking lot, giving the truck gas to get all of the snow off, but it didn’t move. He tried to look out of the passenger window, but his view was blocked by snow. “God dammit!” he said aloud as he stopped in the middle of the driveway. Martin grabbed his snow brush and spent the next 5 minutes cleaning off his windows before getting back into the warm cab and...

2 years ago
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Snow Bunny Surprise Ch 01

A big thank you to my editors, FireEye and DawnJ. I will say that any mistakes are mine and mine alone as I don’t always take their sound advice. I hope you enjoy my first of hopefully many stories. ************************************************** Walking up the stairs with Danielle, Barry could feel his palms starting to sweat. The only thing going through in his head was whether she wants him to kiss her or not. Every step forward was making him more nervous. Danielle is one of his...

1 year ago
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Snow Storm1

Snow Storm Here in the Adirondack Mountains of New York we are certainly used to harsh winters and heavy snowfalls. So when the local weatherman called it the Storm of the Century I had to laugh. After all it is only seven years into this century and that leaves ninety-three more years for a bigger storm to come by. I figured that the odds were in our favor that this was NOT the Storm of the Century after all. However I also know better than to tempt fate. I live on a small body...

2 years ago
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Snow Flake

Christmas Eve in the Adirondacks, and the snow was coming down hard, big fat flakes that reflected the light from my headlights into a sparkling display. The flakes were swirling gently toward the ground, since the night was perfectly still, but the motion of my truck made them stream past the windshield in a mesmerizing rush, like that computer screensaver that was so popular a few years back. This thought reminded me of my own computer and monitor, firmly belted into the back seats like a...

3 years ago
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Snow Angels

(A slightly edited version of the story previously posted under my pen-name Rebecka) God, I hate the snow. When I was 14 years old, my best friend and I were trapped on a bus in a snowstorm. It was the middle of January, the temperature was arctic (even before the snow), and I'd already seen more snow than an Atlanta girl would see in a decade. The problem was, I was no longer in Georgia. "Minnesota sucks," I grumbled. The boy sitting beside me, Paul, my defacto boyfriend, laughed...

1 year ago
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Snow Bound

The windshield wipers thump fast, back and forth.  Hope could barely see the road it was snowing so heavy now.  Her hands gripped the steering wheel as she slowly tried to follow the tire tracks in front of her but they were quickly disappearing.  A little smile curved her lips as Johnny Mathis started singing, I'll be home for Christmas, through her car speakers.  Hope hadn’t been home for Christmas since she up and followed Ned to New York, a couple of years ago, as he followed his dream. She...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Snow Bound

The windshield wipers thump fast, back and forth.  Hope could barely see the road it was snowing so heavy now.  Her hands gripped the steering wheel as she slowly tried to follow the tire tracks in front of her but they were quickly disappearing.  A little smile curved her lips as Johnny Mathis started singing, I'll be home for Christmas, through her car speakers.  Hope hadn’t been home for Christmas since she up and followed Ned to New York, a couple of years ago, as he followed his dream. She...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Snow White and Zorro

Before I tell you my story about Snow white, Zorro and the costume Garden party I feel I need to tell you a bit about myself. I was born in a middle size town of about 100 000 people and had a free upbringing. When I was a teenager horse riding was my passion which meant that the sliding up and down on a saddle aroused my sexual desires early in puberty and made me an accomplished masturbator at age 16. Later in high school I was an A-grade basketball player but as I went to university I only...

2 years ago
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Snow Angel

Lisa Stilton stood next to a parapet of the old castle overlooking a snow covered foreign city. She reminded Bo of the skier, Lindsey Vonn, who hailed from their own country. Or perhaps Lisa was a little Dutch girl with yellow braided hair planning to put her finger in a dike.The final day of their European Honeymoon was to end with a bit of sightseeing before returning to Colorado. Hard to believe his new wife had been Lisa French only a few days before and, to some extent, a different...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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Snow Angel

Lisa Stilton stood next to a parapet of the old castle overlooking a snow covered foreign city. She reminded Bo of the skier, Lindsey Vonn, who hailed from their own country. Or perhaps Lisa was a little Dutch girl with yellow braided hair planning to put her finger in a dike.The final day of their European Honeymoon was to end with a bit of sightseeing before returning to Colorado. Hard to believe his new wife had been Lisa French only a few days before and, to some extent, a different...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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Snow Demon

"I think he's asleep." Craig's wife smiled at him, her hands gently tucking in the blue blankets around Billy. Their son's arms seemed to hug the stuffed bunny tighter. Even after almost a year, that kind of thing still got Craig choked up. He reached into the crib, touching first his son's head, then the bunny's. "Forget which one's our son?" Eve asked. Craig chuckled softly. "It's the one with less fur." He straightened, wrapping the robe around himself a little tighter and...

2 years ago
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Snow Cat

I did not like the layers of clothes or the wet cold and I really did not like the snow. My family was here to build a warren on what the humans called the high plains. My litter mates had already selected mates and I was alone. Of course I had been the only male in the litter. I was eighteen and several years past our mating age ... as my father constantly reminded me. I had missed the first part of the construction to finish my advance degree exam project. I collected my float and then...

2 years ago
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Snow Shoveling Man

Chapter ONE The snow had been falling steadily for several hours, covering the ground with more than five inches of crystalline flakes. You looked out of the living room window of your new home at the fresh blanket of winter white and frowned at how little of your driveway could be visibly followed from the garage to the street. Night was rapidly approaching, and the mercury vapor street light down the block reflected against the snow, creating a faint reddish-violet glow in the twilight. I...

3 years ago
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Snow Wolf

You have been standing at the window for what must be hours. Your mind can’t grasp exactly why, but something ‘out there’ is calling to you. You stand silently watching, waiting, for what or whom, you have no idea. Mesmerized by the flurries of snow that float upon the cold evening breeze, you feel a slight shiver traverse up your spine and your curious mind wonders why, for it is warm and cozy in the cabin in which you stand. Built long ago, in the days when the wasichu were trying to wrest...

3 years ago
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Evergreen Forest Ch 02

Snatch stared at his hand. He hadn’t meant to do that. He hadn’t meant to drop the scythe. He hadn’t meant to get so diverted. He hadn’t even meant to watch the mad, deranged, glorious, delectable nymph’s pleasuring. But her moans of lust had hypnotized him, just like her eyes had done. The eyes that were now staring right into his own. His right hand had done it. The hand that she had held and tainted with her juices. Surely. He hadn’t done it. The green-haired and green-eyed beauty...

2 years ago
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Trials on Evergreen Terrace Part 1

Milhouse walked across the school yard to meet up with Bart; he felt Lisa’s eyes following him every step of the way. When he finally reached Bart he smacked him High Five. Bart and Milhouse had been experimenting with different things and they had finally decided that it was time for them to experiment with one another. Milhouse had watched plenty of gay pornos in preparation for their new experience. ”Are you sure we won’t get caught? We are still on school grounds and this is...

2 years ago
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Androids of Evergreen part 6

The next morning, Tom took out his frustration by having Sansa deep throat him on the living room couch. He did not expect Zoe to come into view as Sansa sucked him off. He also did not expect her to only have on underwear and a bra. She stood beside the couch staring at the scene not saying a word. She seemed to be a million miles away. Tom cleared his throat and Zoe snapped away from her thoughts. “Hey, Tom,” she said. I guess I was only Daddy for that one moment. He didn’t say that aloud...

1 year ago
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Evergreen Academy and the Golden Club

Chapter 1 A mysterious disappearance Daniel woke up in the middle of a summer night, disoriented. He felt like an invisible hand had jerked him out of sleep. The bedroom was dark. With the leaden starlight from the window, every piece of furniture was like a crouching beast, cold and menacing. The night was really quiet. Daniel could hear a mouse running across the floor. His clock was ticking persistently. The wheezing of his chest sounded loud and ragged. He suddenly had this fear that his...

3 years ago
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Snow Day1

As a fifteen year old (sixteen in four months) I was a hard worker. I come from a middle class family but was never given any thing for free. I had to work. If I wanted a new bike I had to raise the money my self. My parents were not unreasonable, if they knew I had a savings project on the go they would inquire about my progress. At some point in the process they would normally pony up a portion of the money as long as I had made an honest effort to secure the needed cash. They said it...

3 years ago
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Snow Whites Story Part 1

She laid there, still, almost as stiff as the hard thick cock she imagined sliding in and out of her mouth. She was trying so hard to resist it. Even though her mind was trying her body obviously wasn’t. Her legs were spread open and her breath was so heavy and quick that she could barely breath. Her large breast propped on top of her body moved with every breath. She clenched her fist tightly to her side. ‘Don’t do it’ She told herself out loud. But she couldn’t resist. She slid her hand up...

2 years ago
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Snow Day

Introduction: Chel finds out the other perk to snowboarding. Whew! That was a close one! Arms gripping the tree Chel wiggles her board around the base of the trunk. The powder is piled up high around her legs almost to her knees. It is the first decent day of snow Colorado had all winter. The mountain is packed but within the trees is her territory. Well… Chels and every other experienced boarders anyway. So far during her morning runs she has only run into a few and they have already taken off...

2 years ago
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Snow Whites Story Part 1

She laid there, still, almost as stiff as the hard thick cock she imagined sliding in and out of her mouth. She was trying so hard to resist it. Even though her mind was trying her body obviously wasn't. Her legs were spread open and her breath was so heavy and quick that she could barely breath. Her large breast propped on top of her body moved with every breath. She clenched her fist tightly to her side. "Don't do it" She told herself out loud. But she couldn't resist. She slid her hand up...

1 year ago
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Snow Angels

When Shelly suggested baking gingerbread cookies and making snow angels, it sounded so wholesome. I'd bring the weed -- because I always brought the weed -- and we knew we'd laugh our asses off, having a good time in the fresh snow.I hung up with her and gathered my things, excited to spend a day playing in the snow on top of studying for tomorrow's exam. I was grateful Shelly and I were in the same class so we could study together.I got to her house quickly, and we got high first, which was...

First Time
1 year ago
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Snow Day0

Chel readjusts her beanie and once again scolds herself for not buying a damn helmet. Spent all her money on a rocker board and a new pair of snow pants. Although she had to admit along with keeping her super warm the pants made her ass look amazing. Board unstuck Chel fixes her snow goggles on her nose and slides out of the tress onto the much abused trail. Worn dow to little more than dust-on-crust Chel drifts over to a section of powder roped off under a stretch of the gondola. Picking up...

3 years ago
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Snow White and the Seven Inches

Once upon a time, in the middle of a dark forest, a young lady was living in a modest hut with 7 dwarves. Her name was Snow White, and the dwarves were named Sleepy, Grumpy, Dopey, Sneezy, Happy, Bashful and Doc. They were all quiet, but hard-working folks; and courageous too, for the queen of the land had tried to kill Snow White despite she was the rightful heir of the king, because she was jealous of her beauty. But the dwarves had accepted to hide her from the Queen's tyranny, and in...

2 years ago
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Snow Bunny

Nothing felt better to me than to have my feet strapped into my bindings and bombing it down the mountain, leaving first tracks in the corduroy as I snow boarded over to my lift. I was 19, and worked as a lift operator on one of the mountains in Aspen, CO. Reaching my destination I came to a quick stop and sat down on my butt, reaching down and unhooking my boots from their cage before walking over to the railing surrounding the lift. Unhooking the ropes that latched around the entrance, I let...

4 years ago
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I open my eyes, waking myself from the slumber of my sleep and I stare at the white ceiling. I woke up nicely, as if a kind soul led the way from the world of dreams to the world of reality, dismissing me like an old friend looking forward to meet again the following sleep.Content and still disoriented from the sleep I close my eyes again and try to feel my body waking up. Spread out on the bed like a snow angel I feel my limbs coming back to life as my heart beats faster to pump the cold blood...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Snow Field

Walking through the park in the brisk afternoon, the woman turned to her friend and posed a question. ‘When we’re dead, will you still be with me? Still at my side?’ The man stiffened out of cold and surprise, checking to see that his overcoat was tightly buttoned. He drew a breath and continued walking, ignoring the stare she had fixed upon him. ‘In what way?’ He replied, hoping she would solve the riddle on her own, despite knowing the exact answer. ‘In the way that, lasts forever and is...

4 years ago
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Snow for Christmas

‘Ok, that’s it for today. Remember guys…’ ‘We know Mrs. G! You’ve told us a hundred thousand times’ called one of the exasperated students. ‘More like a million’ murmured another under his breath. ‘Have fun! Be safe! And take care of your library books!’ chorused the class in a loud, sing-song voice. ‘All right you wise guys, I get it. But I don’t want to see any books with candy canes stuck to them when you come back,’ she chuckled. ‘Now get lost. Shoo. Back to class with you. Have a Happy...

1 year ago
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Snow Maidens

 She pulled away from me with hesitation, her eyes still closed from our kiss, her blonde braid snaking out from under the fur cap as seductive as always. I looked down at her blue outfit secured up to her neck, her fine breasts pinned in a bra and corset underneath it, and regretted we had no time to set them free for a little relaxation. She opened her blue eyes and leaned in to whisper in her delicious Russian, “Later, when the party is in full swing, we’ll meet outside a few times…when our...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Snow day 2

As I was getting my snow suit pulled down by George, I got a break from sucking and giving hand jobs so I could stand up. As I looked around there were 2 guys with bill one on the couch two with me and George. George pulled my snow pants down and showed my thong. My top and corset were already out there. The guy on the couch looks at me and yells to bill, oh you were right she is a hot little slut and waves for me to come over to the couch. I step out of the pants and wiggle over to the couch...

1 year ago
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Snow morels

Snow Morels Note to readers, don't read if you don't like poor grammar, this is rough. This is a work of adult fiction. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected. Copyright... Are you kidding? - - - - - I was fourteen and puberty was actually kicking in. I was changing even more than I'd changed already. I was getting to be more and more like my dad. Under some other circumstances it might be not so bad. Dad ran away three years ago leaving us, mom, me and...

2 years ago
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Snow Is Also Fun For Adults

I was sick of the game. I was sick of playing it cool, then acting interested, then dancing around for a week or two, it never fucking ended, and rarely ended in fucking. Girls my age just weren’t mature enough. Or maybe I wasn’t mature enough to play that game with them. I don’t know. But what I do know is I was sick of it. The answer was relatively simple: MILFs. A hot older woman who knew what she wanted and wouldn’t mince words. Someone I could just come on to without having to play the...

3 years ago
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Snow White Ch 02

Nine months later, Morwen gives birth to a little girl whose skin is as white as snow, lips the deep burgundy red of blood and with hair the black of a raven’s wing. But it is her eyes that are different than human eyes. Her eyes are violet in color, a violet so rich like the flower it is named after. The king and queen decide to name their daughter Rhoswen, but her mother nicknames her Snow White because of that snowy evening when Rhoswen was conceived. Behind the king and queen’s backs, many...

4 years ago
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Snow Elf

A young man of 27 sits by his fireplace in a quaint ski-lodge far up in the mountains. The lifts have fallen into disrepair this year, so there are no customers even in this busy season. He does not really want to see anyone right now anyway, because coming up is the first anniversary of his wife’s death. The memories of that event still haunt him. It was ruled an accident, but he could not think of it that way. The couple had been arguing about something that seemed stupid now. She just...

3 years ago
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Snow White And The Apple

"Yes, yes, take but a bit, my pretty one... -Thank you, but really, I cannot afford your goods. -Ah, but thisssss one I will give you for free, said the old woman, producing a very bright and red apple. A young beauty like you needs good, fresh food... Take a bite!" Snow White reached out to the apple with some apprehension. Didn't the Dwarves warned her of evil creatures roaming the forest? Could one of these creatures take the shape of a poor and old woman selling fruits? She looked in the...

2 years ago
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Snow Princess suffocated and frozen

Ice cold winter, snow everywhere. Minus 15 degree Celsius, deadly chilly wind. She is staked spread-eagled on her back on the ice cold snow for hours, her nude body already half frozen, quivering with cold, her lips blue. Thick layers of fresh and frozen sperm is covering her naked body, piling up in her starved, sunken stomach. The frozen cum covering her face, filling her open mouth, sticking her nostrils, pasting up her eyes. I kneel down, slapping her face with brutal force, waking her up....

1 year ago
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Snow White

The blue sky shines with that late summer lazy heat, the sun hidden behind the big leafy trees. The still air echoes in the quiet forest, even the squirrels have had their energy sucked by the afternoon mood, and the seldom travelled tracks are randomly littered with sticks and leaves. Peace overshadows all, when footsteps are heard from down the path. A tall, almost thin twentysomething man walks into view, strolling happily along, whistling, his suit jacket slung over his shoulder, shirt and...

3 years ago
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Snow and the River Ch 02

‘It looks the same,’ she said as she looked out the hotel window. ‘The same park, the same snow, the same time of day, even.’ ‘The wrong date.’ She turned back towards him where he sat naked in the disordered mess of the bed, the bed she’d just gotten out of. She wrapped her robe around herself more tightly and tied the sash. The scene outside made her cold, even though the room was warm and snug, the air perfumed by the flowers she’d brought back from her niece’s wedding. ‘You remember the...

4 years ago
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Snow storm My Air Force Fantasy

I served 8 yrs active duty, with 22 more in the air guard. many places, a lot of faces, but oh those curvaceous female bodies still burn in my mind as what ifs. There are so many lustful thoughts that happened during those years that one story can not cover them all. I am going to take a writers liberty and combine to very desirable ladies into 1 actual situation and that's what erotic fantasy is.One of my assignments had me issuing communications packages to aircrews at a base that experienced...

3 years ago
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Snow Outside And Hot Inside

Hi. I am ‘that guy’ from Mumbai who is currently in the USA. I am 24 and average body with a 5.5-inch penis. Since I received positive feedback about my previous story, I am writing about my recent experience. As I am new to writing in iss, please ignore my mistakes. Any feedback and any girls for chat, mail me at This incident happened last month. Decembers are usually cold in the us but due to cyclone winds, it became really very cold and because of it, our city also experienced snowfall. It...

2 years ago
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Snow story

Turning, he slammed the door and stepped away, signalling the pilot it was safe to take off. While the thrumming of the rotors faded off into the distance he turned to his companion, the stunning blonde he had met the day before in the chalet bar. She turned to him, flashing her dazzling smile and took off down the mountain, leaving him in a cloud of snow and ice. Throwing on his backpack, Ky jumped off the ledge the helicopter had landed on and, with no thoughts to his own safety, chased...

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