The Cleavage Crush
- 4 years ago
- 19
- 0
Chapter 1
110º. Thank god for air-conditioning, Anne thought. West Texas. Flat stretch of endless desert and burning blue sky. Rest Stop Cafe. Red neon sign to the right. She pulls in on the gravel lot. Sign in broad window says, ‘Enjoy a hearty meal in air-conditioned comfort.’ Not many customers. Anne takes a booth and orders a turkey sandwich with salad and a glass of iced tea with lemon slice. A Mexican, early twenties, is watching her. She’s used to men watching her. She’s good looking and knows it, but isn’t hung up on it. She ignores the Mexican and gazes out the window. When she’s through she dials a number.
‘Hi, hon, it’s me.’
Barry looked up from blueprints on his desk and leaned back in the swivel chair, a smile on his face.
‘Where are you, babe?’
‘Somewhere in West Texas at the Rest Stop Cafe. You won’t believe how hot it is—110°.’
Barry whistled. ‘Bad time to go visiting your mother.’
‘I miss you already.’
‘I know, me too, but I haven’t seen mom for years. Megan wanted to go with me, but she’s got a bug. She’s always calling Megan and me to come see her. She’s lonesome. It won’t be long. A week and I’ll be back.’
‘I’ll be here, and the first thing I’ll do is rip your clothes off with my teeth and lick your naked body all over until you’re begging me for it.’
‘You shouldn’t talk like that. You’ll make me hot—and it’s already 110°.
‘I’m serious.’
‘You’d better be. I might do some licking too.’
The Mexican was gone when she got through talking. Two rednecks had come in and were sitting at the counter. They stole glances as she left. Outside, as she got into the car, she noticed the Mexican in a white van with another Mexican.
Santana dialed a number as he watched the pretty gringa drive off.
‘She coming, Cobra. Gray Honda, WRA183. Blonde, blue eyes, 36C-22-33 or 34, five-five there bouts.
Anne saw the patrol car sitting on the side of the road and slowed until she was certain she was well under the speed limit. What in the hell anyway? The road was as straight as an arrow as far as the eye could see. Surely the officer knew he wasn’t going to catch anyone speeding while he was sitting right there. Stupid. She drove past making a point of not glancing at him then heard a whoop, whoop. A glance in the rear view mirror. She saw the patrol car pull out, blue lights flashing. She pulled over. Her heart was pounding. Men with badges…all that deadly hardware around their waist, frightened her. You’ve done nothing wrong, she told herself. Calm down. It’s some kind of mistake. Maybe something wrong with the car. What? In the mirror, she watched him get out from the patrol car. He was big with a pot belly. He swaggered toward her, his hand resting on the butt of his pistol. She scrolled down her window feeling the furnace heat of the desert rush in. Wavy lines rose up off the highway. The sun was everywhere. A blinding radiance. She squinted looking up as he stopped at the window.
‘What’s the problem, officer?’ She smiled weakly. He had a crude, insensitive face.
‘Well. I’ll tell you what’s wrong, little lady. You were speeding.’
‘But that’s not possible because–‘
The officer grinned. It wasn’t a nice grin. ‘Because you slowed down when you saw me, didn’t you?’
‘I wasn’t speeding.’
‘Well, just write me a ticket, then, and I’ll be on my way.’
‘Oh, so now you’ve got a smart mouth. I want you to get out of the car.’
‘Officer, I wasn’t being smart with you. It’s just so hot, and I’ve been on the road so–‘
‘Lady, I’m not gonna tell you to get out of the car again.’ He jerked the door open, grabbed her arm and pulled her out. ‘Now don’t make me charge you with resisting arrest.’
‘Arrest? But I haven’t done anything. Please…’
‘Turn around and face the car. He forced her wrist behind her back and cuffed it then the other one. ‘Spread your legs.’
‘What are you doing? Why?’
He kicked her feet apart. ‘I said spread ’em.’ He began frisking her. ‘Wearing a miniskirt. You women disgust me.’ He rubbed his hand up between her legs feeling the smooth cunt through the thin panties.
‘Stop it! Stop it!’
He grabbed her by the hair and forced her toward the patrol car, shoving her in back. After a minute or two a white van pulled in behind the patrol car. The Mexican who had been riding with Santana got into the Honda and drove off. Cobra and Santana followed. Where a sign read: LAST EXIT TO TRAVISVILLE. They left the Interstate and pulled in at an abandoned gas station. Cobra got out of the patrol car and dragged Anne into a gutted room that had once been the office. The only furniture now was a filthy double wide mattress lying on the floor. The Mexicans watched as he forced her down on the mattress, pushed her skirt up.
‘Hey, man, take her clothes off. We wanna see pussy.’
‘You can do what you want when it’s your turn.’
Cobra slid the panties down and tossed them aside among other dusty stale articles of women’s apparel lying on the gritty floor then bunted her thighs apart. He unzipped his pants and thumbed his cock out. She gave a wounded cry. He jerked open the front of her sleeveless blouse, buttons popping, then pushed up her bra.
She wailed with animal ferocity as he cupped her tits, thumb nails denting hard into the soft pink nipples. He was strong and held her in check as if she were a child. Cupping her ass he lifted her off the floor as he strained to force in the knotted head of his cock. She was dry. Tight. Her blue eyes froze on him as he spit on his hand and rubbed it over the purple veined organ. He pressed against her again. Slowly she spread. She clenched her teeth as she felt the width and length of him, squeezed her eyes shut, twisted her body beneath him, sliding and kicking her spiked heels against the floor, the soles making a scrapping rasping sound like sandpaper. Her face red from struggling. Sweat beaded, trickling down into her hair. She arched her back, bucking against him, her struggles only intensifying his eager thrusts. The weight of his fat body, slamming against her, forced air from her lungs as if she were a bellows. Guttural whines puffed her cheeks. He began moving in and out more easily. Suddenly he grew rigid. He groaned, then exploded with short quick thrusts and collapsed on top of her. After a moment he rose up and shook his dick off on her belly then stood up. She lay on the floor looking up, her eyes hot, her breasts rising and falling rapidly. Naked to their gaze.
He walked outside and lit a cigarette leaving the two Mexicans with her. A lone car swished by on the Interstate. The naked desert shimmered in the heat. A bird made a black dart overhead. When he finished his cigarette, he strolled back inside. She was totally naked now. Santana’s switchblade lay on the floor next to the mattress. She was sandwiched between them. Santana on top fucking her in the ass. Jorge beneath. The rest of her clothes had joined the scrap pile scattered on the floor. She no longer struggled. There was heavy breathing, grunts, the sound of flesh against flesh. Her blonde hair hung down curtaining her head. Jorge had his hands on the sides of her face kissing her hungrily. Cobra could imagine her slack mouth and greased cunt accepting his wet thrusts.
He walked back outside and opened the door of the Honda. Her purse lay on the passenger seat. He opened it, saw the cell phone and took it out. He dropped it on the concrete and crushed it with his heel.
After awhile Santana came out buttoning his shirt a toothy grin on his brown face. ‘To think we get paid for this, bato.’
‘Is Jorge about done?’
‘Aw, you know that fucker, man. He go on forever. He like his pussy.’ He lit a cigarette and stood with his hands on his narrow hips looking out over the desert.
‘Well, he’s gonna have to rush it. I
wanna get an ice cold beer and something to eat. Get out of this fucking heat.’
Santana nodded. ‘Manana.’ He got in the van and left.
The sun moved imperceptibly across the sky. Half an hour dragged by before Jorge came out, a shorter man than Santana and pudgy. He nodded, got in the Honda and drove off. Cobra tossed his cigarette and went back inside. She was sitting up, strands of long blonde hair hung down to her nipples. Pink lipstick smeared her cheek. Her body was wet with sweat. The greasers had taken her wedding ring, watch and gold necklace. He lifted her up, walked her out to the patrol car, and put her in back.
Sheriff Jane Kitten sat at her desk, pointed boots propped up, clicking a ballpoint pen against her smooth, white teeth while studying a crossword puzzle. Long red fingernails tapped the folded magazine. Piercing blue eyes moved over the columns. Red lips smiled faintly. Beneath a gray Stetson, tilted low on her forehead, long black hair was fixed in a ponytail. Custom fitted jeans and a long-sleeved western shirt, with small brown and white checks, cleaved to her perfect five-foot-seven figure. On her hip was a pearl-handled .357 revolver.
Her Smart Phone buzzed on the desk. She picked it up.
‘Got another one for you,’ Cobra said. ‘Prime this time. Blonde, blue eyes.’
‘Okay. Bring her round back. I’ll be here.’
She dropped her feet off the desk and slid back in the swivel chair, got up and opened the office door. Gladys, the dispatcher, was playing poker on her computer. She went to the right, down a corridor, opened a steel door with a key, passed two empty cells and opened another steel door marked EXIT.
Outside was a brick walled alleyway on both sides. A green dumpster hid the exit door from the view of anyone passing across where the alley met Loomis Ave. An anonymous graffiti artist had spray painted in bold letters on a section of wall, SATAN RULES. Underneath was a well executed picture of a leering, demonic creature.
Soon Cobra’s patrol car turn into the alley. He stopped at the exit door and got out.
‘You’re gonna love this ‘n, Jane.’ He pulled the naked blonde out. ‘Whadahyah think of that?’ He squeezed a tit.
‘This man and two Mexicans raped me.’ Anne tried to jerk free, but he was too strong.
‘Shut your slut mouth, bitch.’ Cobra shook her.
‘Bring her inside.’
She opened the cell nearest the exit, and Cobra took off the cuffs and shoved her in.
‘She’s gonna bring a pretty penny, huh?’ Cobra said.
‘We’ll see.’ Kitten said, matter of factly. Then with a tone of dismissal, ‘I’ll get back to you.’
Cobra fumed as he drove off. He didn’t like being kept in the dark. He had no idea who the higher ups were that Kitten was dealing with, and that being the case, he only had her word on how much she was getting for the women he brought her–and, damn it, he was taking all the risk. Yeah… but he grinned. Even he had to admit there wasn’t much risk with the county sheriff protecting him. He headed for Nell’s Bar & Grill for a cold one. Hell, even if she was short changing him, the easy money was still good and so was the free pussy.
Anne sat on the thin bare mattress that rested on a steel slab jutting from the wall. There was nothing in the cell to cover her nakedness. Only the bunk and a steel toilet-sink combo. It was hard to form her thoughts. Only a few hours ago she existed in a world that made sense. Now nothing did. What was it the man Cobra had said? She’ll ‘bring a pretty penny.’ Are they going to…sell me?
Her eyes darted to the steel door that suddenly opened. The pretty sheriff, the one Cobra called Jane, came in. She unlocked the cell door and tossed a pair of padded cuffs on the mattress. ‘Put one around your wrist and the other around one of the bars.’
When Anne had done so, Jane sat down on the mattress next to her. She placed the palm of her hand on her cheek. The hand was soft and warm. Anne smelled a flowery scent. Jane moved the hand down the side of her neck squeezing softly with tantalizing, almost hypnotic, repetition.
‘You’re very lovely.’ She placed both hands on her breasts and flicked the pink nipples with her nails until they became rigid. She slowly circled the breasts with her palms, pressing, massaging, making the shapely mounds swell. The slightest touch was making Anne tingle with guilty anticipation. She wanted to resist, felt she must, but couldn’t. She closed her eyes and when she opened them Jane was naked pressing her red lips to hers. She didn’t resist, couldn’t have even if she wanted to. She’d never been kissed sexually by a woman before. It was like nothing she could have imagined. She felt the wet tip of the woman’s tongue pressing insistently at her lips. She parted them allowing her full access. She grew heady. Her senses spun out of control. She felt warm soft breasts pressed against hers.
Hands gently reclined her on the bunk. The tongue worked within her mouth dominating her, smothering her with unrelenting eagerness. Hands wandered over her nakedness. Warm palms circled her belly giving rise to needs she had to have fulfilled. Then she was jolted. She cried out in lustful agony. Fingers prodded her swollen cunt sending myriad electric shocks racing through her tormented flesh. She arched her back forcing her hips up against a hand now wet with her juices. Fingers probed her, building an unquenchable fire. Long nails traced erotic outlines about her clit driving her wild. Every touch sent shudders of ecstasy rampaging through her. Her heart raced madly beating against her chest. She panted, gasping for breath. Crying. Begging. Whimpering. Moaning uncontrollably. Then there was a pleasure almost inconceivable, she felt the woman’s tongue, her lips, her mouth probing, kissing, sucking at the cleft beneath her belly. The teeth nipping, tugging, biting. Hands cupping her breasts. Fingers kneading sparks of desire from nipples hard as pebbles. Sensations rocked her body building in intensity, more than she could endure. Her body shook as waves of delicious release exploded from some deep central source racking her with convulsions that, after what seemed an eternity, subsided, leaving her incapable of thought or motion. When she became aware of her surrounding again, the beautiful sheriff was gone.
Kitten looked at her watch again. It had been three hours since she’d called Fetcher Murdoch. She didn’t like holding merchandise any longer than necessary, and she was anxious to get the haggling over that she knew was coming. The blonde was, as Cobra said, prime cut. She should bring top dollar. And she was going to make damn sure she did. She was about to make another call when Murdoch came in the front door.
‘In the office.’
He settled himself in a chair in front of her desk, crossing his legs. He was a tall thin man with coal black hair combed back and a long narrow nose above lips so thin the mouth seemed cut with a razor. A cigarette dangled from the corner.
‘Whadah we got?’ he said, letting smoke drift idly from his mouth.
‘Blonde, blue eyes, perfect figure, unblemished skin.’
Interest showed in his dark feral eyes. He smiled salaciously, the tiny teeth pearly white.
‘Alright, let’s take a look then.’
She led him back, as always, to the cells. Anne sat up covering herself with her hands.
‘Stand up,’ Kitten said. The naked woman no longer interested her. She’d had her. Now was business. ‘Come over here, let this man inspect you. And none of your damn false modesty.’
Anne hesitated, then, realizing the futility of resistance, dropped her hands to her sides and stepped up to the bars. Murdoch’s dark eyes gleamed with appreciation.
‘Indeed, indeed,’ he muttered. He had her turn around. The ivory skin was flawless. No blemishes. He would haggle price, but he knew as well as Kitten that the blonde was a rare jewel. They went back to the office and agreed on a sum three times hig
her than usual.
‘I’ll be back tomorrow and pick her up.’
Kitten followed him to the front door. Then, when he was gone, she turned to Gladys, who was showing a dead hand on the computer screen.
‘And you wonder why you’re always broke.’
‘I know, I know, but what the hell. You’d think I’d make a big score one of these days.’
‘If you have to think you’re doing something wrong.’ Kitten nodded sagaciously. Gladys was like most people. Living on dreams. And if you don’t ask too much of her, pay her enough to get by, she’ll never ask questions. Had no interest in knowing what went on around her. In short, the perfect employee.
In the morning, before the heat started rising off the desert, Kitten opened the cell door. Anne, who was sitting slumped over, head in hands, looked up. Kitten went to the sink and filled a paper cup with water then handed her a pill.
‘Take this.’
‘What is it?’
‘A morning after pill. You don’t want to get pregnant, do you?’
Anne shook her head listlessly and swallowed it, draining the cup.
‘What’s going to happen to me?’ she asked. She lowered the cup to her lap. ‘Please tell me. That man who was here yesterday, he’s going to buy me, isn’t he?’
‘Bought. He’s already bought you.’
‘But what will he do with me?’
‘He’ll sell you to another party who’ll sell you to another party until an ultimate buyer purchases you, I imagine.’.
‘Please. My husband has money. His construction firm is starting to do a lot of business. He’ll pay you more than that man paid you. I know he will. No questions asked.’
Kitten chuckled. ‘Nah, I don’t think so, hon. You’ve been bought, and–soon to be–paid for. Accept your fate, and you’ll suffer less in the long run.’
‘Please help me. How can you be like this?’
‘For money. It’s nothing personal. I do feel for you, but one has to be practical. It’s just business.’
‘Will you give me something to wear? Please. I don’t want that man seeing me naked. You’re a woman. You must know how I feel.’
Kitten sighed, glanced at her watch. ‘He owns you now. That’ll be up to him. Don’t resist. It would be pointless.’
An hour later a late model hearse with a simulated black leather top and silver gray sides parked at the exit door in the alley. Murdoch pressed the buzzer and a minute later Kitten opened the door. He dropped his cigarette and came inside. Anne lay on the bunk, hands cuffed behind her back and a ball gag in her mouth.
‘Nice. Really nice.’ Murdoch muttered. He reached in his jacket pocket, pulled out a thick manilla envelope and handed it to Kitten. She thumbed through the contents then nodded. He motioned for Anne to get up and led her outside. The back of the hearse was open. Inside, the metal tracks serving to slide a coffin in and out had been removed. Thick gray carpeting covered the floor. Stronger than his slender frame would suggest, he easily picked her up and placed her inside. He lowered the hatch, lit a cigarette and turned to Kitten.
‘See if you can get some more like this, Kit.’ he fiddled in his pants pocket for car keys. ‘Blue eyed blondes with velvet skin are a hot commodity.’
He guided the smooth running Caddy out into the desert leaving Travisville a dot in the immensity behind. A cigarette in his mouth, an air-conditioner blowing full on, and a naked babe in back. What more could a man want? Whiskey. He removed a flask from his chest pocket and took a burning gulp. Even the sweet smell that flared his nostrils was addictive.
‘Ah, god,’ he sighed. He took another gulp then screwed the cap back on. In the mirror he could see her lying there. He didn’t usually fuck with the merchandise. He had a Mexican wife who kept him well satisfied, but this blonde was too much to ignore. He looked for a spot to pull over. Soon he came to a mound chock full of rocks and left the highway to circle around behind it. When he was out of sight, he put his cigarette out and took off his clothes. His bloated cock swung heavily side to side as he made his way back to her on his knees. Her blue eyes fixed on him. A stifled moan and grunted protest were muffled by the ball gag. He spread her legs and got between them. She banged her heels against the carpet, squirming rebelliously until she felt his belly against hers and the fullness of his cock in her. She ceased struggling and stared corpse-like at the ceiling. He unhooked the ball gag and started kissing her. She turned her face to the side. He grabbed her head with both hands, resting his weight on his elbows, and forced his tongue in her mouth. She made weak garbled protest as the long minutes passed then became still as his thrusts became more and more frenzied and brutal. He was entering her fully now. Wet sweaty flesh, despite the air-conditioning. Each time he withdrew she could feel her hips rise off the carpet then be slammed back down as he entered her. She cried out twisting her body crazily beneath him. Their rapid pants and gasps fill the plush interior of the hearse: Death’s chariot. He placed his hands on her hips. She could feel them trembling with need. He had to come. He thrust forward. Missed. The huge cock slipped out flopping against her belly, come gushed out and squirting like warm gravy all over her. He’d waited too long.
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Hi friends, i am gautam shah from am i am telling you my my first sex experience which was happened 6 months ago at my cousin brother’s house.agar koi bhabhi,aunty ya ladki mere sath sex kana chahti hai to muje mail kare my id- Jab meri sem1 ki exams khatam hui thi tab hamare ghar pe mera cousin bhai keval aur uski wife khushbu aye the…tab me pehli bar apni nai bhabhi se mila vo dikhne me ek dam kayamat lagti hai…height 5.6ft ,cup size size 36d aur waist 28 hai..meri height...
Ed was sitting in his small apartment, trying to relax in the heat. Even with the front door wide open, and all the windows opened as well, the apartment was sweltering. This seldom happened in Santa Cruz, this unbearable dry heat. Usually the off shore ocean breezes assured residents of moderate temperatures and pleasant, comfortable weather. For the past few days though, the air had been hot and dry, and there was only a gentle little warm current of air moving in from the desert and then...
The next morning,I was awoken to gentle kisses on my neck and George fingering my butt. His hand was in my panties and his middle finger was wiggling its way up my hole. I didn't realize but I had started moaning, gently at first, but now I breathing heavy and moaning louder. I reached back and felt his hard cock growing in his tighty whities. "Mmmm." I moaned. "Pull down your panties." He whispered. I put my arms behind me cupping my butt and looking over my shoulder,in a " come...
She was human, but she wasn’t… It’s hard to explain. At least most of her was human. She was originally an experiment. Half of her genes were human, the other half were that of an albino tigress. The way she turned out is just fine by me. She is covered by short, fine fur, her head is somewhat tigerish, and she has an exquisite tail. It really doesn’t matter. All that is really important is that we love each other and that we love what we engage in. She is my mistress,...
Hi All This is steve,I married my gf suchi. i was 30 when I had a best moments with my friend Once I finished my studies immidetaly I got a job and settled in banglore. After 2 years I got my friend chris in contact, and to my surprise he also working in banglore at that moment. I met chris in the weekend. He got married to my friend marry. she is gorgious and of same age 29. Both Chris and Marry works in Same office. Almost every weekend we use to have party together. some times at their...
Cheating WifesI met Sophie shortly after her mid-course exams. Her parents contacted the tutoring agency and the agency then contacted me. I followed my normal routine and arranged an initial meeting to assess her needs. Sophie, her parents and I sat around the dining table at her home drinking tea while I evaluated her class notes. “There are several Oxbridge candidates in her mathematics class,” Sophie’s mother told me. “The class teacher has left her behind rather than hold back the others.” “Clearly,...
Based on the short story: Lost Days Make for Memories and Souvenirs By SplendidSpunk My name is Marci. I work as a project manager for a small manufacturing firm. I travel as part of my job, though thankfully that requirement is not a large part of my job. Mostly I travel alone, though sometimes I do it in the company of my boss Marty, or one of my coworkers. Like most females, I don't like to travel alone, and for obvious reasons. There is the loneliness factor, of course, and the fact...
"Hey Nick, didn't think you would be stopping by today." My older brother walked into the room and closed the door behind him, he appeared only half surprised that i was half naked. He was wearing a plaid flannel button up/unbuttoned, with a t-shirt and jeans, his usual attire. As he passed me on his way to the bed he kissed me on the cheek and sat down. "Yea, I wasn't planning on it, my whole day got canceled. I was supposed to go out with Melissa tonight but that ended up...
"No turning back," I whisper as the front of the bus comes into view. I wrap my arms around my waist cautiously as I approach, a frown forming on my lips as I see red and blue lights glisten on the side of the bus. "They didn't," I say in disbelief. Sure enough, two police cars are positioned behind the bus with three different officers surrounding the bus. "There she is!" I hear from inside the bus and I hang my head in guilt. I let out a sigh as I walk closer to the bus, my feet dragging...
IncestSummer started off at the beach. Anna and I spent the afternoon there, relaxing in the sun, checking out the hot guys as they checked us out.We followed the beach up with a Memorial Day house party at friends. After being out in the sun all afternoon, the alcohol gave me a nice buzz. It also stole all of my energy. I was ready to call it a night after that, but Anna had other ideas.“Tim's having a private get together. He’s been texting me all night to come over. Let’s just go over there for a...
HardcoreOver the years I have had different sexual experiences some bad, some good, and some amazing. These are the ones that I am going to share some of mine and I hope you decide to share some with me also.My first one was 1996 and I am 39 today for you to see the age. I had spent the past year jerking off in every shower and most nights in my bedroom. I had managed to get a small collect of porn mainly magazines and 2 VHS tapes. One night Dave my step brothers friend stated the night with us and I...
When Jane first mentioned bringing Byron into our sex life I was pretty negative about it. But over a couple of months her sexy talk made me think about it more and more.Jane and I have been married for just about 4 years and being a successful white middle class couple we haven't met all that many blacks in our social circle. But Byron was our new neighbor and it was inevitable that we would meet him sooner or later.Apparently Jane had met him and was taken with him because she kept bringing...
I could feel my prick spasm and my balls tense as my jism began to rise. I sat there at the table looking around at the faces surrounding me like a deer in the headlights of a truck. I knew that I was about to cum any second but there was nothing I could do to stop myself. I was beginning to pant and I knew that everyone in the room must know what I was about to do. When I'd first accepted Cheryl's invitation to Thanksgiving dinner at her folk's house during school break I'd never even...
I followed 'Lady Samantha' into the living room, to the nearest phone. I saw her glance back at me and give me a threatening glance at the 'Lady Samantha' thought. I don't think she had any idea what she was doing or how she was acting. Something important needed to be done, so she took over and did it. Amy, Cindi, Julie, Sarah, and Victoria were in the room when I arrived. By the grim looks on their faces, I knew this was not good. None of them would give me a hint what it was about,...
Barbra led them to the rec room, finding Dan and Brian looking up the shorter skirts of Diane, Brenda, and Abby. The girls closed their legs more, seeing the women returning. “You don’t have to stop your teasing because of me,” Barbra said, sitting by Brian. The others immediately noticed her increased cleavage. “I thought I’d give you something a little closer to look at unless you want one of those three sexy girls to sit on your lap and see if they can get a rise out of you!” She...
Introduction: Linda the new sexy woman Rosetta girls nightmare (no more) 4 When Mike got home on Monday he had the evening meal ready to eat and his daughters were doing homework for their classes. Norm Kelly had called to leave update to his last update on the investigation on who did this kidnapping, the FBI was seeking a new warrant to search yet another building for the kidnappers and the two million dollars they took in ransom. It was bedtime for Mike and Linda She got a new hair cut...
A few summers ago DJ and I visited Princes St Gardens in Edinburgh whilst out in the city. It was a lovely day and the park was fairly busy with people enjoying the sunshine. DJ was wearing a loose summer dress (no underwear as normal), and we chose a spot to sit down. As is the norm when we're enjoying a day off together, we planned to indulge in a little bit of naughtiness if possible. We chose a quieter spot next to a grassy banking, however for a good while there were no suitable "targets"...
A big tear welled up in her eyes as she stood before him. She was by anyones definition beautiful. large breasts that stood on there own. Legs long and firm despite impending middle age. She was still in her 30's but on the back side. But it was her face that made everyone who saw her stop and look again. Hers was a killer smile that made the room freeze when she flashed it. The only piece to the puzzle missing was her personality. She'd been a shrew as long as anyone could remember. She had...
Group SexI hate being on the road for work because it means leaving my beautiful wife Ellen at home alone. I also love being on the road for work because it means leaving my beautiful wife Ellen at home alone! Confused? Maybe I should explain... The reason I hate to go is because at 36, Ellen is drop dead gorgeous. Standing 5'7" with an awsome figure and blonde hair she has nice perky tits that just sit there with not a hint of sag. The reason I love to go is because Ellen is a total slut and has let...
Cheating WifesThey received me with very awkward face as girls always make when they interact with others Boyfriend, they try to show that you are dumb and she is awesome. I never mind because I don’t have any bother with them. Her sister was pretty too but friend was dark like coal mine. I reached home, both of the girl’s came to main hall. I used sofa to sit there. After some time she came I saw her from top to bottom and fond on her. She looks gorgeous and sexy. She used her hand on hairs to make them...
As Glen pulled into his driveway, he saw his sister-in-law's car. A small ball of tension began to form in the pit of his stomach. Had Lauren felt guilty and confessed? When he walked into the house, he thought he felt tension in the air. His worst fears were confirmed when his wife, Kim, came up to him with a pensive look on her face. Over her shoulder, he saw a satisfied smile on Lauren's face.Confusion roiled through Glen though when Kim gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek. "I'm so sorry...
It was Wednesday night and the last couple of days had been uneventful. Claire was able to get out of the office almost on time. Sunday night with Bob was keeping her libido in check. She had not fallen asleep in her chair so there hadn’t been any sexual stimulation from Michael. Michael was home tonight so Claire made spaghetti and jazzed up the store-bought sauce with Italian sausage and peppers for their supper. After they finished supper, Michael decided to entertain his mother with his...
Hi guys, this is curvesaddict. Thanks for your feedback on my previous story. I had a few interesting conversations with the readers. Now, this incident happened a few weeks back and can’t wait to share it with you guys. I am Ram, 24, working as a graphic designer in Bangalore. I am a simple guy of about 5’6″ with a decent cock of 6 inches. The heroine of the story is a colleague of mine. She is an intern at my company for content writing. Her name is Helen (name changed). As I used to do the...
Another fictionalized account of a true story. It's a slow build up. So, if you're not into it, don't bother.Beth's birthday was the day before mine. So we always celebrated together on her birthday. We had been living together for over two years and hadn't killed each other (yet), so we decided to send out invitations to everyone we knew to come out to our party. We reserved the up-stairs of our local pub and expected it to be packed.As I had been working my first real job since grad...
Hi all.. . This is Raj.. Thanks for your comments on my previous story’s.. You can drop your comments @ After all the comments I received I replied to most of them and got a reply from few.. . Out of which one was female aged 28 named Sudha living near mehandipatnam in Hyd. She appreciated my experience and also shared her desire of sex.. .. I gave her my number for further chat and I began exploring her.. .to tell about her she was 5.10 with a little chubby and glowing face.. . Her boobs were...
I am dressed in a short black dress and boots with stockings and a metal collar on my neck. Master loves to see me like this when he comes to pick me up for the weekend. My pussy is already wet just thinking about what Master might do to me. The whole time we are in the car he teases me to keep me on the edge of cumming. We get to the hotel and Master tells me to take my clothes off and I'm not aloud to put them back on. He then tells me to lie on my stomach on the bed, and I obey him like the...
Harry took his seat on the river bus from Westminster Pier. The boat was, unsurprisingly for the middle of October, almost deserted. Harry scowled out at the afternoon gloom. He didn't see why this meeting couldn't be in a pub. It would have been warmer. A non-descript, rather short man with thinning sandy hair put his head into the boat's saloon. He looked around a few times attempting to appear nonchalant but looking more furtive by the moment. The shabby overcoat and down at heel shoes...
I wrote the story which follows originally for a female friend I will refer to as Julie, who I regularly exchanged sexy messages with a few years ago. At the time she was in her early thirties and I was in my early forties.She introduced me to erotic writing by asking me to tell her stories of some of my more memorable sexual experiences and she wrote about her experiences in exchange. Sometimes we also set each other “homework” to come up with exciting fantasies, but we were always honest...
ThreesomesJohn's practices were done for the weekend, and he asked if we could go up to the boat and spend the rest of the weekend on the lake. After a quick trip to the grocery, I loaded up my charges and off we went to the marina. The weather promised to be beautiful and the winds perfect for gentle sailing. John had not seen the boat until we arrived, and once underway, he became a very interested and serious student in the techniques of sailing as well as the safe operation and handling of it....
Nanna next story mudvarstini.. Ratriyalla amma na tullu mattu tika hattu olle maja tagonde ..amma kooda olle support mattu maja kottalu.. nanu kanasallu yochisiralilla hige amma maja kodtale anta.. Next day beligge 9.30am ge eddu nodide pakkadalli amma erlilla ..nanu nan shots hakikondu room ninda horage bange.. amma sexy yaki transperent nity hakikondiddalu adu avala todeya mele ettu. Nanagu gottiralilla ammana hattira e tarada dress ede anta..WWWOOWWAAA.avala molegala seelu mukkalu bhaga...
Everywhere you go there is a chance to meet hot girls down to make a few dollars by sucking a little dick. Today we were trying to feed some fat motherfuckers on the bus when we spied this little hottie getting off her shift at the strip mall. She was working as a waitress or barista, or some other job that ain’t gonna pay her bigly like sucking cock will. Our man behind the camera tells a few tall tales and gets Zoey to step on the bus. She gets in thinking this might be her ticket to stardom....
xmoviesforyouAnders stands in the parking lot, looking at the darkened plaza. He is alone. The storefronts are all shut down for the night with only few running a couple lights on the inside. Work was stressful but now it was over. He has already missed dinner, which has been a common occurrence for him lately. His boss has kept him busy on a project that just seems to have taken over his life. Standing beside his car, he looks around. There is no one in the immediate vicinity, which is good. Anders isn’t...
“Good morning, I’m Gerard MacDonald, a news correspondent with WZAX TV. I’m here at Tampa Police Headquarters, where, in a few minutes Police Chief Michael Townsend will be giving a news briefing about last night’s dramatic events involving the rescue, from certain death, of four missing women.” A few minutes later the room fell quiet as three people stepped onto a small riser and Police Chief Townsend stepped to the podium, emblazoned with the Tampa Police Department’s crest. “Good day,...
When the kids had arrived at the school early that morning, they had found the area around the school semi-deserted, similar to the day before. The only real difference was that they found Patty waiting by the front door. The eleven people crowded in the car, counting Pietro, Amy and the 3 Wilson kids, clambered out and breathed a sigh of relief. The only people that really enjoyed the ride were John and Debbie (Debbie was riding on John's lap and he took the opportunity to position the...
"OH... ?" the policewoman gasped. Officer Bonnie Clarke had been writing the woman a citation... "I'm sorry, Officer?" Britt-Chanelle sighed - the brunette sat back in her seat and took her driver's licence back from the wide-eyed blonde. Bonnie hesitated. She closed the citation book and leaned a little closer to the woman's car. There was a moment of silence. Standing at the driver's side door of Britt-Chanelle's corvette, Bonnie had caught sight of the woman's 'cock'......
Whoever this girl is was right about them just asking me to take a sleeping pill instead of being sneaky and putting it in my food. When we stopped outside a pair of sliding glass doors, someone helped me into a wheelchair. I noticed I was wearing the super soft pajamas dad had gotten me. No one said a word to me as we got on an elevator to ride up the nineteenth floor. When the doors opened, I saw a sign saying “Hospitalized Patient Consultation - Optical Patient Entrance Only.” In the...
She bites her bottom lip and lets out a little teasing moan as she traces her fingers along my shaft. I still have my boxers on, but the sensation makes me twitch and grow quickly.I try to lift myself up onto my elbows so I can return the favour and start to tease her, but she gently pushes me back to a laying position - clearly she’s taking early control, not that I mind!She leans forward, not taking her hand off me - smiles and tells me to relax. Then we kiss, gently at first, her soft lips...
Oral Sex