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Chapter 1

110º. Thank god for air-conditioning, Anne thought. West Texas. Flat stretch of endless desert and burning blue sky. Rest Stop Cafe. Red neon sign to the right. She pulls in on the gravel lot. Sign in broad window says, ‘Enjoy a hearty meal in air-conditioned comfort.’ Not many customers. Anne takes a booth and orders a turkey sandwich with salad and a glass of iced tea with lemon slice. A Mexican, early twenties, is watching her. She’s used to men watching her. She’s good looking and knows it, but isn’t hung up on it. She ignores the Mexican and gazes out the window. When she’s through she dials a number.

‘Hi, hon, it’s me.’

Barry looked up from blueprints on his desk and leaned back in the swivel chair, a smile on his face.

‘Where are you, babe?’

‘Somewhere in West Texas at the Rest Stop Cafe. You won’t believe how hot it is—110°.’

Barry whistled. ‘Bad time to go visiting your mother.’

‘I miss you already.’

‘I know, me too, but I haven’t seen mom for years. Megan wanted to go with me, but she’s got a bug. She’s always calling Megan and me to come see her. She’s lonesome. It won’t be long. A week and I’ll be back.’

‘I’ll be here, and the first thing I’ll do is rip your clothes off with my teeth and lick your naked body all over until you’re begging me for it.’

‘You shouldn’t talk like that. You’ll make me hot—and it’s already 110°.

‘I’m serious.’

‘You’d better be. I might do some licking too.’

The Mexican was gone when she got through talking. Two rednecks had come in and were sitting at the counter. They stole glances as she left. Outside, as she got into the car, she noticed the Mexican in a white van with another Mexican.

Santana dialed a number as he watched the pretty gringa drive off.

‘She coming, Cobra. Gray Honda, WRA183. Blonde, blue eyes, 36C-22-33 or 34, five-five there bouts.

Anne saw the patrol car sitting on the side of the road and slowed until she was certain she was well under the speed limit. What in the hell anyway? The road was as straight as an arrow as far as the eye could see. Surely the officer knew he wasn’t going to catch anyone speeding while he was sitting right there. Stupid. She drove past making a point of not glancing at him then heard a whoop, whoop. A glance in the rear view mirror. She saw the patrol car pull out, blue lights flashing. She pulled over. Her heart was pounding. Men with badges…all that deadly hardware around their waist, frightened her. You’ve done nothing wrong, she told herself. Calm down. It’s some kind of mistake. Maybe something wrong with the car. What? In the mirror, she watched him get out from the patrol car. He was big with a pot belly. He swaggered toward her, his hand resting on the butt of his pistol. She scrolled down her window feeling the furnace heat of the desert rush in. Wavy lines rose up off the highway. The sun was everywhere. A blinding radiance. She squinted looking up as he stopped at the window.

‘What’s the problem, officer?’ She smiled weakly. He had a crude, insensitive face.

‘Well. I’ll tell you what’s wrong, little lady. You were speeding.’

‘But that’s not possible because–‘

The officer grinned. It wasn’t a nice grin. ‘Because you slowed down when you saw me, didn’t you?’

‘I wasn’t speeding.’


‘Well, just write me a ticket, then, and I’ll be on my way.’

‘Oh, so now you’ve got a smart mouth. I want you to get out of the car.’

‘Officer, I wasn’t being smart with you. It’s just so hot, and I’ve been on the road so–‘

‘Lady, I’m not gonna tell you to get out of the car again.’ He jerked the door open, grabbed her arm and pulled her out. ‘Now don’t make me charge you with resisting arrest.’

‘Arrest? But I haven’t done anything. Please…’

‘Turn around and face the car. He forced her wrist behind her back and cuffed it then the other one. ‘Spread your legs.’

‘What are you doing? Why?’

He kicked her feet apart. ‘I said spread ’em.’ He began frisking her. ‘Wearing a miniskirt. You women disgust me.’ He rubbed his hand up between her legs feeling the smooth cunt through the thin panties.

‘Stop it! Stop it!’

He grabbed her by the hair and forced her toward the patrol car, shoving her in back. After a minute or two a white van pulled in behind the patrol car. The Mexican who had been riding with Santana got into the Honda and drove off. Cobra and Santana followed. Where a sign read: LAST EXIT TO TRAVISVILLE. They left the Interstate and pulled in at an abandoned gas station. Cobra got out of the patrol car and dragged Anne into a gutted room that had once been the office. The only furniture now was a filthy double wide mattress lying on the floor. The Mexicans watched as he forced her down on the mattress, pushed her skirt up.

‘Hey, man, take her clothes off. We wanna see pussy.’

‘You can do what you want when it’s your turn.’

Cobra slid the panties down and tossed them aside among other dusty stale articles of women’s apparel lying on the gritty floor then bunted her thighs apart. He unzipped his pants and thumbed his cock out. She gave a wounded cry. He jerked open the front of her sleeveless blouse, buttons popping, then pushed up her bra.

She wailed with animal ferocity as he cupped her tits, thumb nails denting hard into the soft pink nipples. He was strong and held her in check as if she were a child. Cupping her ass he lifted her off the floor as he strained to force in the knotted head of his cock. She was dry. Tight. Her blue eyes froze on him as he spit on his hand and rubbed it over the purple veined organ. He pressed against her again. Slowly she spread. She clenched her teeth as she felt the width and length of him, squeezed her eyes shut, twisted her body beneath him, sliding and kicking her spiked heels against the floor, the soles making a scrapping rasping sound like sandpaper. Her face red from struggling. Sweat beaded, trickling down into her hair. She arched her back, bucking against him, her struggles only intensifying his eager thrusts. The weight of his fat body, slamming against her, forced air from her lungs as if she were a bellows. Guttural whines puffed her cheeks. He began moving in and out more easily. Suddenly he grew rigid. He groaned, then exploded with short quick thrusts and collapsed on top of her. After a moment he rose up and shook his dick off on her belly then stood up. She lay on the floor looking up, her eyes hot, her breasts rising and falling rapidly. Naked to their gaze.


He walked outside and lit a cigarette leaving the two Mexicans with her. A lone car swished by on the Interstate. The naked desert shimmered in the heat. A bird made a black dart overhead. When he finished his cigarette, he strolled back inside. She was totally naked now. Santana’s switchblade lay on the floor next to the mattress. She was sandwiched between them. Santana on top fucking her in the ass. Jorge beneath. The rest of her clothes had joined the scrap pile scattered on the floor. She no longer struggled. There was heavy breathing, grunts, the sound of flesh against flesh. Her blonde hair hung down curtaining her head. Jorge had his hands on the sides of her face kissing her hungrily. Cobra could imagine her slack mouth and greased cunt accepting his wet thrusts.

He walked back outside and opened the door of the Honda. Her purse lay on the passenger seat. He opened it, saw the cell phone and took it out. He dropped it on the concrete and crushed it with his heel.

After awhile Santana came out buttoning his shirt a toothy grin on his brown face. ‘To think we get paid for this, bato.’

‘Is Jorge about done?’

‘Aw, you know that fucker, man. He go on forever. He like his pussy.’ He lit a cigarette and stood with his hands on his narrow hips looking out over the desert.

‘Well, he’s gonna have to rush it. I
wanna get an ice cold beer and something to eat. Get out of this fucking heat.’

Santana nodded. ‘Manana.’ He got in the van and left.

The sun moved imperceptibly across the sky. Half an hour dragged by before Jorge came out, a shorter man than Santana and pudgy. He nodded, got in the Honda and drove off. Cobra tossed his cigarette and went back inside. She was sitting up, strands of long blonde hair hung down to her nipples. Pink lipstick smeared her cheek. Her body was wet with sweat. The greasers had taken her wedding ring, watch and gold necklace. He lifted her up, walked her out to the patrol car, and put her in back.

Sheriff Jane Kitten sat at her desk, pointed boots propped up, clicking a ballpoint pen against her smooth, white teeth while studying a crossword puzzle. Long red fingernails tapped the folded magazine. Piercing blue eyes moved over the columns. Red lips smiled faintly. Beneath a gray Stetson, tilted low on her forehead, long black hair was fixed in a ponytail. Custom fitted jeans and a long-sleeved western shirt, with small brown and white checks, cleaved to her perfect five-foot-seven figure. On her hip was a pearl-handled .357 revolver.

Her Smart Phone buzzed on the desk. She picked it up.

‘Got another one for you,’ Cobra said. ‘Prime this time. Blonde, blue eyes.’

‘Okay. Bring her round back. I’ll be here.’

She dropped her feet off the desk and slid back in the swivel chair, got up and opened the office door. Gladys, the dispatcher, was playing poker on her computer. She went to the right, down a corridor, opened a steel door with a key, passed two empty cells and opened another steel door marked EXIT.

Outside was a brick walled alleyway on both sides. A green dumpster hid the exit door from the view of anyone passing across where the alley met Loomis Ave. An anonymous graffiti artist had spray painted in bold letters on a section of wall, SATAN RULES. Underneath was a well executed picture of a leering, demonic creature.

Soon Cobra’s patrol car turn into the alley. He stopped at the exit door and got out.

‘You’re gonna love this ‘n, Jane.’ He pulled the naked blonde out. ‘Whadahyah think of that?’ He squeezed a tit.

‘This man and two Mexicans raped me.’ Anne tried to jerk free, but he was too strong.

‘Shut your slut mouth, bitch.’ Cobra shook her.

‘Bring her inside.’

She opened the cell nearest the exit, and Cobra took off the cuffs and shoved her in.

‘She’s gonna bring a pretty penny, huh?’ Cobra said.

‘We’ll see.’ Kitten said, matter of factly. Then with a tone of dismissal, ‘I’ll get back to you.’

Cobra fumed as he drove off. He didn’t like being kept in the dark. He had no idea who the higher ups were that Kitten was dealing with, and that being the case, he only had her word on how much she was getting for the women he brought her–and, damn it, he was taking all the risk. Yeah… but he grinned. Even he had to admit there wasn’t much risk with the county sheriff protecting him. He headed for Nell’s Bar & Grill for a cold one. Hell, even if she was short changing him, the easy money was still good and so was the free pussy.

Anne sat on the thin bare mattress that rested on a steel slab jutting from the wall. There was nothing in the cell to cover her nakedness. Only the bunk and a steel toilet-sink combo. It was hard to form her thoughts. Only a few hours ago she existed in a world that made sense. Now nothing did. What was it the man Cobra had said? She’ll ‘bring a pretty penny.’ Are they going to…sell me?

Her eyes darted to the steel door that suddenly opened. The pretty sheriff, the one Cobra called Jane, came in. She unlocked the cell door and tossed a pair of padded cuffs on the mattress. ‘Put one around your wrist and the other around one of the bars.’

When Anne had done so, Jane sat down on the mattress next to her. She placed the palm of her hand on her cheek. The hand was soft and warm. Anne smelled a flowery scent. Jane moved the hand down the side of her neck squeezing softly with tantalizing, almost hypnotic, repetition.

‘You’re very lovely.’ She placed both hands on her breasts and flicked the pink nipples with her nails until they became rigid. She slowly circled the breasts with her palms, pressing, massaging, making the shapely mounds swell. The slightest touch was making Anne tingle with guilty anticipation. She wanted to resist, felt she must, but couldn’t. She closed her eyes and when she opened them Jane was naked pressing her red lips to hers. She didn’t resist, couldn’t have even if she wanted to. She’d never been kissed sexually by a woman before. It was like nothing she could have imagined. She felt the wet tip of the woman’s tongue pressing insistently at her lips. She parted them allowing her full access. She grew heady. Her senses spun out of control. She felt warm soft breasts pressed against hers.

Hands gently reclined her on the bunk. The tongue worked within her mouth dominating her, smothering her with unrelenting eagerness. Hands wandered over her nakedness. Warm palms circled her belly giving rise to needs she had to have fulfilled. Then she was jolted. She cried out in lustful agony. Fingers prodded her swollen cunt sending myriad electric shocks racing through her tormented flesh. She arched her back forcing her hips up against a hand now wet with her juices. Fingers probed her, building an unquenchable fire. Long nails traced erotic outlines about her clit driving her wild. Every touch sent shudders of ecstasy rampaging through her. Her heart raced madly beating against her chest. She panted, gasping for breath. Crying. Begging. Whimpering. Moaning uncontrollably. Then there was a pleasure almost inconceivable, she felt the woman’s tongue, her lips, her mouth probing, kissing, sucking at the cleft beneath her belly. The teeth nipping, tugging, biting. Hands cupping her breasts. Fingers kneading sparks of desire from nipples hard as pebbles. Sensations rocked her body building in intensity, more than she could endure. Her body shook as waves of delicious release exploded from some deep central source racking her with convulsions that, after what seemed an eternity, subsided, leaving her incapable of thought or motion. When she became aware of her surrounding again, the beautiful sheriff was gone.

Kitten looked at her watch again. It had been three hours since she’d called Fetcher Murdoch. She didn’t like holding merchandise any longer than necessary, and she was anxious to get the haggling over that she knew was coming. The blonde was, as Cobra said, prime cut. She should bring top dollar. And she was going to make damn sure she did. She was about to make another call when Murdoch came in the front door.

‘In the office.’

He settled himself in a chair in front of her desk, crossing his legs. He was a tall thin man with coal black hair combed back and a long narrow nose above lips so thin the mouth seemed cut with a razor. A cigarette dangled from the corner.

‘Whadah we got?’ he said, letting smoke drift idly from his mouth.

‘Blonde, blue eyes, perfect figure, unblemished skin.’

Interest showed in his dark feral eyes. He smiled salaciously, the tiny teeth pearly white.

‘Alright, let’s take a look then.’

She led him back, as always, to the cells. Anne sat up covering herself with her hands.

‘Stand up,’ Kitten said. The naked woman no longer interested her. She’d had her. Now was business. ‘Come over here, let this man inspect you. And none of your damn false modesty.’

Anne hesitated, then, realizing the futility of resistance, dropped her hands to her sides and stepped up to the bars. Murdoch’s dark eyes gleamed with appreciation.

‘Indeed, indeed,’ he muttered. He had her turn around. The ivory skin was flawless. No blemishes. He would haggle price, but he knew as well as Kitten that the blonde was a rare jewel. They went back to the office and agreed on a sum three times hig
her than usual.

‘I’ll be back tomorrow and pick her up.’

Kitten followed him to the front door. Then, when he was gone, she turned to Gladys, who was showing a dead hand on the computer screen.

‘And you wonder why you’re always broke.’

‘I know, I know, but what the hell. You’d think I’d make a big score one of these days.’

‘If you have to think you’re doing something wrong.’ Kitten nodded sagaciously. Gladys was like most people. Living on dreams. And if you don’t ask too much of her, pay her enough to get by, she’ll never ask questions. Had no interest in knowing what went on around her. In short, the perfect employee.

In the morning, before the heat started rising off the desert, Kitten opened the cell door. Anne, who was sitting slumped over, head in hands, looked up. Kitten went to the sink and filled a paper cup with water then handed her a pill.

‘Take this.’

‘What is it?’

‘A morning after pill. You don’t want to get pregnant, do you?’

Anne shook her head listlessly and swallowed it, draining the cup.

‘What’s going to happen to me?’ she asked. She lowered the cup to her lap. ‘Please tell me. That man who was here yesterday, he’s going to buy me, isn’t he?’

‘Bought. He’s already bought you.’

‘But what will he do with me?’

‘He’ll sell you to another party who’ll sell you to another party until an ultimate buyer purchases you, I imagine.’.

‘Please. My husband has money. His construction firm is starting to do a lot of business. He’ll pay you more than that man paid you. I know he will. No questions asked.’

Kitten chuckled. ‘Nah, I don’t think so, hon. You’ve been bought, and–soon to be–paid for. Accept your fate, and you’ll suffer less in the long run.’

‘Please help me. How can you be like this?’

‘For money. It’s nothing personal. I do feel for you, but one has to be practical. It’s just business.’

‘Will you give me something to wear? Please. I don’t want that man seeing me naked. You’re a woman. You must know how I feel.’

Kitten sighed, glanced at her watch. ‘He owns you now. That’ll be up to him. Don’t resist. It would be pointless.’

An hour later a late model hearse with a simulated black leather top and silver gray sides parked at the exit door in the alley. Murdoch pressed the buzzer and a minute later Kitten opened the door. He dropped his cigarette and came inside. Anne lay on the bunk, hands cuffed behind her back and a ball gag in her mouth.

‘Nice. Really nice.’ Murdoch muttered. He reached in his jacket pocket, pulled out a thick manilla envelope and handed it to Kitten. She thumbed through the contents then nodded. He motioned for Anne to get up and led her outside. The back of the hearse was open. Inside, the metal tracks serving to slide a coffin in and out had been removed. Thick gray carpeting covered the floor. Stronger than his slender frame would suggest, he easily picked her up and placed her inside. He lowered the hatch, lit a cigarette and turned to Kitten.

‘See if you can get some more like this, Kit.’ he fiddled in his pants pocket for car keys. ‘Blue eyed blondes with velvet skin are a hot commodity.’

He guided the smooth running Caddy out into the desert leaving Travisville a dot in the immensity behind. A cigarette in his mouth, an air-conditioner blowing full on, and a naked babe in back. What more could a man want? Whiskey. He removed a flask from his chest pocket and took a burning gulp. Even the sweet smell that flared his nostrils was addictive.

‘Ah, god,’ he sighed. He took another gulp then screwed the cap back on. In the mirror he could see her lying there. He didn’t usually fuck with the merchandise. He had a Mexican wife who kept him well satisfied, but this blonde was too much to ignore. He looked for a spot to pull over. Soon he came to a mound chock full of rocks and left the highway to circle around behind it. When he was out of sight, he put his cigarette out and took off his clothes. His bloated cock swung heavily side to side as he made his way back to her on his knees. Her blue eyes fixed on him. A stifled moan and grunted protest were muffled by the ball gag. He spread her legs and got between them. She banged her heels against the carpet, squirming rebelliously until she felt his belly against hers and the fullness of his cock in her. She ceased struggling and stared corpse-like at the ceiling. He unhooked the ball gag and started kissing her. She turned her face to the side. He grabbed her head with both hands, resting his weight on his elbows, and forced his tongue in her mouth. She made weak garbled protest as the long minutes passed then became still as his thrusts became more and more frenzied and brutal. He was entering her fully now. Wet sweaty flesh, despite the air-conditioning. Each time he withdrew she could feel her hips rise off the carpet then be slammed back down as he entered her. She cried out twisting her body crazily beneath him. Their rapid pants and gasps fill the plush interior of the hearse: Death’s chariot. He placed his hands on her hips. She could feel them trembling with need. He had to come. He thrust forward. Missed. The huge cock slipped out flopping against her belly, come gushed out and squirting like warm gravy all over her. He’d waited too long.

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Captain Beckinthwaites Bride

I'm Captain Thomas bloody Beckinthwaite, from bloody Yorkshire and I don't give a bugger what you bloody think because I bloody speak as I bloody find. We had a bloody bad trip back from America on Steamship and when we got back to Liverpool I made sure me brass were safe and went to see bloody Agent first thing. I went in his office.It stunk like a Tarts boudoir with furnishings to match. Agent were a slimy bastard with slicked down hair and poncy suit. He sat behind this over polished...

1 year ago
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Spit and Image 3

They'd looked everywhere. He wasn't on the streets near the country club, or on the way home, or at the school or at The Dairy Bar. He wasn't downtown or in the park. He wasn't at McDonalds, or Burger King, or Dairy Queen... he wasn't anywhere. They'd gone home and checked twice; he wasn't there. Lori called the kids from school and asked for their help. They'd spread out and looked everywhere. He was nowhere to be found. Lori was at her wits' end. Lilly was staying controlled for...

1 year ago
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Black On BlackChapter 2

After Sunday services, I drove Lela home for a change of clothes and then to the picnic grounds in a caravan of cars with Vanessa, her other daughters and other church members. A lot of the married men and teenage boys, who like to avoid church, willingly go to the picnics for the free food and games. The men make an effort to participate in the activities with their children, but most of them eventually wind up in the back parking lot drinking and bullshitting with each other. Why do they...

2 years ago
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Hummer And Gummer

I wish I was in the land of cotton, old times there are not forgotten, Look away, look away, look away, Dixie land. In Dixie land where I was born in, early on a frosty mornin', Look away, look away, look away, Dixie land. Hummer And Gummer The very day that I turned twenty-one years old I went out to a bar for my very first legal drink. Two of my good buddies went out with me to help me celebrate my birthday. I spotted a very adorable babe in the corner with an older woman....

1 year ago
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Homespun FunChapter 8

"You'd better go help Nancy with lunch," Ken said. "And bring me a beer, will you?" He switched on the TV and sat down to catch the news, trying not to think about his youngest daughter and all the problems his screwing her in the ass might have caused. He was in so deep with both girls now that it seemed hopeless, and the prospect of getting out of there looked better by the minute. "It'll be ready in about ten minutes," Dana said when she brought him a cold can of beer. "Fine....

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Lake House 3

Linda woke up to the smell of coffee.   When she entered the kitchen wearing nothing but a T-shirt she found me busy at the stove.   She moved up behind me and hugged me tight. “Breakfast is almost ready” I said, “why don’t you grab a couple of plates”. As we ate I said that if I was going to stay very long I needed to go get my truck.   Linda said that I could stay as long as I liked.   I looked at her seriously, and then smiled, saying that I didn’t want to wear out my welcome. “Brad”, she...

Straight Sex
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Matts Crazy Corner of the WorldChapter 15 Seans Comeuppance

Thursday June 13 It was still dark outside when Matt awoke, and it took him a few seconds to get his bearings. Tara was on one shoulder and Susie the other. Aimee groaned in protest when he wormed his way out of bed, but she quickly found Carla and snuggled against her. Matt was slightly disappointed when nobody joined him in the shower so he could molest them. Grabbing yesterday’s leftover cantaloupe chunks from the fridge, he headed for his study to take advantage of the quiet. After...

3 years ago
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The Last Night Ch 02

Another familiar face introduces itself. Nancy is her name. I see that her hair is damp as she thrusts out a hand to shake mine. ‘How are you? Is Stephaney here with you or couldn’t she make it?’ she asks me, smiling. ‘Sorry for the damp hands. It’s started coming down out there and I just got in.’ Rain. I can hear it above the dull roar of the room, beating down just beyond the open doors of the auditorium. I think of the first time I saw you. But I always think of the first time I saw you...

2 years ago
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Mamata Ka Prem Chudai 3

MAMATA KA PREM CHUDAI 3 Hi, I am back. Me prem hun yad to hoga. Meri ye sex kahani bhi mamta ke saath he. Me yaad diladun mamata meri chachi he. She is very hot & sexy. I love to fuck her. Last time maine bataya tha ki hum(me aur mamta) kaise occasion ke bich me sex kiye the. Ab uske bad hame sex ki adut lag gaya tha. Jab bhi time milta I fuck her. But waisa maza nehi aarahatha. actually we don’t get enough time. Phir kuch dino bad mujhe bhi bahar jana pada lagbhag 3saal k liye. Bich me aatatha...

2 years ago
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Common Interests

This is a story brought about by friendship of a woman of my acquaintance. Though it is purely fictional, it was not conceived without reason or thoughts of the adventurous tale told of a bond that should never be; regardless of how much the glory of fulfillment might drive friends to seek it. It had been a year and more since I met her at work, her name, though I will change it to protect the innocence of her reputation will be known as Brenda. Mine, as usual is rarely the same twice in a...

4 years ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 4 Many Faces of the MoonChapter 21

I awoke sometime later with Lillian and Janet still in my arms. I looked down to see that their hands were still intertwined. I wished we were done with all this, allowing me to bask in the love and tenderness of the women in my life. I was growing tired of all the darkness and death that seemed to permeate my life, despite my attempts to prevent it. Still, they are the light that has come out of that darkness and I do not think I would do anything that would have kept that from...

3 years ago
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The Futa Fairy Taboo Futa Wish Chapter 3 Deidres Naughty Spanking

Chapter Three: Deidre's Naughty Spanking By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 My dick softened as my mom stared at me in absolute fury, spunk dripping from her face. It was my girl-spunk, fired from my new futa-cock. I trembled on the couch, my little sister half-lying on the ground and half-hanging by the wrist from our mom's grip. Only moments ago, I had been fucking Keily's asshole beneath our mom's very noses as we watched a movie, hidden by a blanket. It was Friday night. Movie...

3 years ago
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Streamy Session With Her My Love

Hi, guys, Codey here. Back with another story .. I did get a lot of responses for my previous stories. Thanks to all you readers.. Have a great day!! Sitting on a couch lazing around I could see her from the bit open door of our bedroom, she was changing her dress. I could see her black panties sliding up her round ass, I loved to spank her ass.It was red now, from last night. Thinking about last night made the tent in my shorts grew up in size. I shifted myself on the couch and continued...

3 years ago
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Sailing Into Uncharted Waters

Synopsis: A young man with a deep secret finds himself in an exciting, yet precarious position when persuaded by a male photographer friend to fill in for an absent female model on a photo shoot aboard a charter yacht in Florida. Sailing into Uncharted Waters Day 1 - Morning Walking down the shop lined street, I'm wondering exactly why I had to awaken and get going so early this morning. I mean, I really enjoy sleeping in when I get the chance, just letting my body wake...

3 years ago
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A Boat Beneath The Darkening Sky 2 Alice

I awoke with a sudden intake of breath, startled out of my sleep by the sound of someone, or something, tapping at the window pane. Funny. I’d slept through nights of Joey listening to Retox at full tilt, but that was back in London where our flat looked out on King’s Cross. Here, where the silence was so deep it could swallow you whole, the slightest sound, apparently, carried. Suddenly on edge, I sat up, reaching out to assure myself that Joey hadn’t suddenly gone missing or something weird....

4 years ago
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A Very Extended Window Peep

In 1984 I was stationed in Key West at the naval station there. If you are old enough you will remember the nation was in a pretty deep recession at the time and we started getting older guys coming into the military for lack of jobs elsewhere. They were great people to work with, always problem free for supervisors. I worked rotating shift work in air operations as the supervisor of a two-man team. I was assigned this new guy just out of technical school who was married and had a child four...

1 year ago
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Chuck A Love Found

Have you ever looked at someone and known instantly that person would change your life forever? It has happened twice to me. The first time it happened as I walked down an airplane exit ramp. I looked at her just as she looked at me, and we knew. That look turned into lunch, and in the end, Kelly and I were together four unforgettable years. Because of her I was a different and better person, but unimaginable circumstances tore us apart. On New Years Eve seven years ago my plane crashed at...

2 years ago
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It all started at Rachel’s funeral — or, after, actually, when everybody in the family was crowded into our house — the one I no longer shared with Rachel, but still had Lisa and Suzanne to take care of in. It was just hitting me again that Rachel wasn’t going to be there, again, ever ... Connie, Rachel’s mother, was at the sink, washing dishes. We really didn’t have enough glassware to be supporting the drinking habits of thirty or forty people. “John, where do these go?” she asked. I stepped...

4 years ago
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Fresh Air Sunshine And Her

Lego bounded out of the car, eager to run off some of his endless Aussie energy. Much as he loved to ride, he loved to run even more; he chafed under the constraints of a long car trip, as did I. Now he ran around, sniffing the evidence of previous canine passersby while I changed into my boots and packed up our stuff.We were later hitting the trail than I would have liked, but I’d had some business to take care of first. Now, in the uncrowded parking lot at the trailhead the soft susurrus of...

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First time with Megan

Megan-Where do I start, she was my ex-wifes cousin, stood at 5-7 was slim and petite shoulder length blonde hair and was naturally beautiful. We always got along quite well don’t know if it was because I never acted my age or that the sexual attraction between the two of us was explosive! It all came to fruition during the holiday season and that part of her family would come visit from the cold up north. There trip started out as normal and I was looking forward to seeing her she was always...

4 years ago
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Can I Borrow Your Wife 2

Introduction: When I arrived As everyday progressed closer to the weekend it seemed as Amiee got more and more excited. She was fucking my brains out like 3 times a day. We would both come home for lunch everyday and fucking for an hour and go back to work. Let me tell you I love fucking her in the middle of the day. I always make sure that I cum in her ass or pussy and make her put her panties on right away so that she can sit in cum all day. 90 percent of the time we didnt even make it into...

2 years ago
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Horse Surprise

The morning had started out like any other. After breakfast she had went out to the barn, fed the cows and chickens, and was tending to the horses. She had been brushing them all down, and was getting ready to turn them back into the pasture when she got the urge to pee. Since she was the only one on the farm, she frequently went to the nearest corner to relieve herself, and today was no different. Lisa was just finishing peeing and was still in the bent over position rising up when all...

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auntie Barbara

Well here I am again I have been in lockdown now for seven nights with my auntie Barbara .and I do not regret one minute of it she has gone from having no sex in nearly 7 years to having this cock of mine three and four times a day . Last night after dinner we sat in the front room having a drink I started to ask my auntie Barbara about her sex life with my uncle Vic she said it was okay I suppose he did not like sex very much I don’t think he would last just a few seconds .before he cum .when...

2 years ago
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Marks Party pt 3 Chris Nyomi Annette0

Chapter 1 As Nyomi kept sucking his prick , Chris motioned for his mother to come over & sit by his side & they began their french kissing ritual. Meanwhile Nyomi who now spent most of her free time at Chris's home waited for her dessert.. Chris hadnt planned on making his mom his sex slave but after he saw how much fun Arthur & Mark were having with their moms , he decided he wanted that too. Besides it would take some of the pressure off Nyomi he smiled as he unloaded a load of...

3 years ago
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Doug Takes total control

As I stepped out of the shower my daughter Kim and my nieces Shauna and Andrea stood there naked and with grins on their faces. I looked at them and asked why the grins on their faces. Kim said we were just thinking about what your day is going to be like. And I asked how it was going to be. Kim walked up close to me and started to apply lipstick to my lips as Shauna commented that today all of the men would be subject to Kim's father-in-laws (Doug) wishes. After Kim finished Andrea then...

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Double delight

I met a guy who I had been chatting to for a long time but we could never meet as he was married with k**s.however Harry finally arranged to meet me and told me his friend would also arrive later when his family went to Devon for a day and he used a excuse to stay behind. Harry is a 63 year old self made man who lived in a very posh area. After all was arranged including the outfit provided by him. I got up eager in the morning and had a long bath before putting on lots of body butter and...

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While coming back home I purchased few fancy, lacy and transparent bra and panty for my wife. I reached home. Gopal opened door and Anu got up to receive me. I kept my bag in room and gave packet of those fancy clothes to her . She enquired and I said that these are for her . She took bag and came out. She sat on sofa and took out packets. She took out panty and bra from each packets and commented, “you are so generous , but I have many.” :darling , you should very often get nice & good...

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Who Needs a Man

Leila was locking up her shop late one night. Her shop, she savoured the thought in her mind, remembering all the sacrifice and hard work it had taken to start it up. Despite all that, her shop was her own. A small piece of her soul had been placed in the little boutique on the corner of the usually bustling street of Dalkey. She looks past the mannequins on display and squints out into the darkness, then shakes her head at herself. It’s 2am, Leila, she chided herself. Who do you think is going...

3 years ago
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Wild Sex Story With A Newly Married Girl Met In Bus

Hi friends, mera naam gourav hai. Ye meri pahli story hai. Main jaipur ka rehne wala hun and aur ahmedabad main job karta tha. Office main diwali par kuch din ki holidays li thi and uske baad wapas ahmedabad aa raha tha sleeper a/c bus main. Meri sleeper peeche ki side thi, single upper birth. And mere samne lower double birth main ek married ladki thi jisse lagbhag 1 ya 1.5 saal hue honge shadi k baad. Usne yellow colour ki semi-low waist saree pehni hui thi. And left shoulder par and right...

4 years ago
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Spontaneous Car Sex

So one day mid-July I happen to be hanging out with a friend, it was supposed to be a simple night out to dinner and to help with a few chores around her house. And that's exactly how it began and went...... until.....On the way back to my car while on a slightly busy freeway my friend puts on some R&B (bump and grind), which I had no idea had the effect it did on her mood. She started to grab and rub her thighs while she griped the handle above the passenger side door tightly. I put my...

3 years ago
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Slut for Pakistani TeensChapter 3

Well, it had been over a week since the escapade with Pam and I couldn’t get it out of my mind. I was constantly looking at my phone, every time it rang I hoped that it was Pam, unfortunately it wasn’t. By the time the following week came around it had slipped from my mind, albeit with a sense of disappointment. My phone rang and it was Pam, she apologised for not ringing before and asked me if I fancied paying her a visit on Thursday. My heart was racing as I said yes! Pam told me to...

1 year ago
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Summer after high school masturbation buddies on

The summer after I graduated high school, I wanted to travel to Texas visit a friend. Last big bash before college. I was taking Karate for many years and had met the older guy there, Don, early 30s, and we had become casual friends. He did long-haul trucking. We got to talking and he happened to have a shipment to and from Texas the following week. Worked out perfectly. He offered passage for nothing except I would cover for my own food. My mom and her boyfriend had nothing to say that...

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School Misstake

Johnnie Cosentino was always a trouble maker. Being small and somewhat effeminate, he strived to make others take notice of him by constantly breaking rules. Because of this, he had been held back several times. At almost 19, he was easily the oldest kid at school. He started growing his hair long and wearing eyeliner, trying to look like a rocker, a bad boy. Unfortunately it only contributed to his feminine appearance. Guys started avoiding him, thinking he was either gay male or just a...

2 years ago
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Whore of the Dragon

There, amongst the remnants of the dead race, where their greatest queen reigned, two dragons lie dormant. One of pure evil, one of pure good, both yearning for a vessel, both lusting for a mate... She may be adequate for that purpose, our forlorn child... We shall see. "Silence, fools. We are close to the inner sanctum." The two mercenaries exchanged a annoyed look before continuing their path and Lunnara pretended not to notice. That's the thing about mercenaries, she thought, You can...

1 year ago
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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 23

A hole in one? Dar and Inga had been off relaxing for 14 days. They got word to John that they needed a week to visit all of Dar’s properties, then they would be ready to take on a project or two. Dar still did not know who this Ben guy was. He was in his eighties and he usually shot 1 to 5 under for a round of 18 holes consistently. Chet knew the Ben guy was one of the best that ever played the game of golf. Brien was averaging gaining a pound a day. He had his father punch some holes in...

4 years ago
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Watching Chloe

Chloe sat at her desk in her social studies classroom. It was the last class of her day, and although Chloe was trying to pay attention to what the teacher was saying, she was having trouble concentrating. This was unusual for Chloe, who was normally a good student. She was on the honor roll, and wasn't ashamed to admit her intelligence. Far from a quiet, nerdy type, Chloe, was 5'8" and 140 pounds with a slim, athletic build.She had long legs, curvy hips, and a fully womanly figure, with low-C...

3 years ago
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Texting SethChapter 5

Noah roused and glanced at the ceiling. The last evening twilight was filtering through the skylight. He reached for Rachel, eased her against himself and held her under his left arm. She snuggled to him and opened her eyes. "What time is it?" "Nine," he replied. "Did we sleep all night?" "We slept for a couple of hours." "Oh..." She stretched. "It felt like all night." "Would you like a late-night snack?" he asked. "You are becoming a mind-reader." "I have some...

1 year ago
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Mother Came Too

Note : This story is completely fictional! As my taxi pulled up behind a strange car on my drive, I could hear the ‘boom-banga-bang’ music coming from my 18-year-old daughters’ bedroom. “Kids? What can you do?” the taxi driver laughed, as I gave him his fare. He was right, since my divorce, two years ago; Kylie had become a ‘wild child’ and a brat! She dressed in short skirts, tight tops, and she showed too much leg and cleavage, for a girl of her age. In the last year, she had started going to...

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Breeding Season At The Rocking R Ranch Version CharleyChapter 2

The bunkhouse was closer than the big house. There wasn't anybody in there, but even if there had been it probably wouldn't have made any difference. Dee's emotions were on too high a plane. She pulled him to the shower room, which was a big tiled room with three shower heads sprouting from the walls, and started taking her soaked clothes off. First the boots, and then she got her blouse off, baring the most gorgeous set of tits Bobby had ever seen, Playboy included, and turned on one of...

3 years ago
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Busted With My Online Porn 11

Renee had left for grocery shopping. I sat naked waiting for Donna to speak. Donna walked around me to the couch and sat down. I’ve known Donna for years. She has a husband who has a serious medical condition that has resulted in a zombie-like state from the medication he takes. Her two sons have been in and out of trouble for as long as I had known her. One of them has saddled her with a grandchild that he was incapable of providing for.I always felt sad for the situation Donna was in. I never...


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