- 4 years ago
- 36
- 0
*Author’s Note: Any persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age.
The chairperson was finishing up the announcements and then introducing her and the knot in her stomach tightened even tighter. She silently prayed to God to help her, to speak through her.
‘If I can help at least one person here tonight,’ she prayed. ‘Then it will be worth it, God. Please let me help someone else.’
She realized, with a smile, that the simple little prayer was so vastly different from how she had lived her previous life, her life before Alcoholics Anonymous.
The chairperson called out her name and started the spattering of applause and Robin walked to the podium and hugged the chairperson, then faced the small gathering. There were only about forty people in the small, smoke filled meeting room, but it might as well have been four thousand, the way she was feeling. She pulled her long strawberry blonde hair back and took a deep breath.
‘My name is Robin, and I am an alcoholic,’ she said.
‘Hi, Robin,’ the group replied.
‘And I’m nervous,’ she said and there was appreciative laughter from the group.
‘I’ve never done this before,’ she went on. ‘Gee, I’ll bet that’s the first time some of you men have ever heard a girl say THAT.’
Loud laughter greeted her and she smiled and took a sip of her coffee.
‘I’ve never done this before,’ Robin admitted as the guy used a safety razor blade to cut up and form a line of the cocaine on the small mirror.
‘Nothing to it,’ he smiled and demonstrated, quickly snorting the line up.
He cut another line and offered the mirror to her. She put a finger against one nostril and brought the mirror to her other nostril. She smiled and laughed aloud as the lights in the room intensified and her whole body tingled.
She came to, riding on one cock while another cock thrust in and out of her mouth. She tried to peer out the corner of her eyes and felt absolutely sickened, there were five other guys in the room, waiting their turn. The slopping sound her pussy was making as she bounced up and down told her that there had been many others in her pussy, and the taste in her mouth told her that this cock wasn’t the first she’d sucked on that night.
She did another line of the magic powder and the shame and disgust left her.
‘No!’ she cried out when she came to and felt a cock battering at her anus.
She wanted to throw up when they finished with her, but another line of the wonder drug and she forgot about her revulsion, she couldn’t wait to get some more of the stuff.
‘My mom and dad didn’t plan having me, or getting married to each other, but as my dad tells me all the time, I may have been an accident, but I was no mistake,’ Robin said. ‘They got divorced because my mom had a problem keeping her legs together. Back then, there was no such thing as divorce so I learned how to use that to manipulate my mom and dad for whatever I wanted. But you know, no matter what they gave me, no matter what I got, it wasn’t enough. It just wasn’t enough.’
She cleared her throat, the smoke in the room was pretty thick, choking.
‘When they got a divorce, my mom fought for full custody of me. She didn’t really want full custody, it was just a way to get more child support out of my dad,’ Robin said. ‘My dad didn’t fall for it, told her he could have full custody. He says he knew it was just her trying to get more of his money. But that’s not what I heard, what I heard was ‘you’re not wanted.’ My dad tells me all the time I’m the second most beautiful woman in his life. That’s what he says when my step-mom’s in the room. When she’s not in the room, he tells me I’m the most beautiful woman in his life. Typical lawyer.’
She smiled, as there was laughter in the room.
‘The truth is, my step-mom is the most beautiful woman in his life, and the most beautiful woman in my life. She loves me so unconditionally, so completely, that she lets me take my two sisters and brother out to eat, lets me baby-sit for them when they go out to eat, lets me be a part of their lives. They call me ‘Sissy.’ Me. A drunk and a junkie, and a whore,’ Robin said and turned her head, she could feel the beginnings of tears.
She took a moment to compose herself, and then continued.
‘I took my first drink at age eighteen, a real nice guy bought me a Dixie longneck,’ Robin said. ‘And when that nasty tasting stuff went down my throat and hit bottom, man oh man! I thought ‘I have found the answer! This! This am what I’ve been looking for’! Anyone else feel like that?’
She knew that her boyfriend, Paul Dumella, did not approve of drinking, his mother was an alcoholic. She also knew that Chad Fontenot had a crush on her. So when she saw Chad at the bowling alley, she turned on the sex appeal and Chad bought her a beer.
And she felt the warmth radiate through her, and the happiness and sense of well-being and comfort. Before Paul yanked her out of the bowling alley, she’d drink another beer.
She broke up with Paul and went after Chad.
‘I mean, who wants a boyfriend that’s going to stand there and kill a good time?’ she smiled. ‘So, he had to go, I found somebody that drinks! Not like me, but as long as he don’t mind, I don’t mind.’
Chad bought her beer, as much as she wanted, he was a beer drinker too. She gave him sex in exchange for the beer and was truly dumbfounded when he dumped her for Serena Lee, a not so attractive red head.
‘I mean, I couldn’t believe it!’ she smiled. ‘He dumped me, a selfish, self-centered bitch, for a really sweet girl! Can you believe that? And the worst thing is, they’re still together, she gust gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, I just love her to death!’
‘But now I got a real problem, I want alcohol, I need alcohol, and I don’t got no boyfriend baying me alcohol,’ she said and took another sip of the coffee and motioned to the chairperson that she wanted another cup. ‘But there was this girl in our class that was always hanging around, always wanting to be my friend.’
Robin felt like screaming, or hitting Angela, Angela as so clingy. But the bitch had a car (Robin’s was in the shop because she’d run into a parked car while digging around on the floor for a tape she’d dropped and her father wouldn’t pay to have it fixed.) She sighed and took another sip of the beer and turned to ask Angela if she would stop at a convenience store so she could buy some more beer.
‘I love you,’ Angela admitted and kissed Robin softly.
Robin felt like throwing up, but quelled the nausea and allowed Angela to kiss her.
‘Thank God for fucking weed,’ Robin thought as Angela’s hands cupped her padded bra.
Robin was very vain, hiding her nearly nonexistent breasts behind a mountain of foam rubber. She also covered her freckles with a slathering of make-up.
”I mean, I was even trying to save up money for a boob job,’ she laughed. ‘Kind of hard to save up money when all your money is going to beer, and oh my God, when I discovered vodka! Well, the money really started to fly out the window!’
Angela sighed happily, she’d been dying to tell Robin for months now that she loved her and wanted her and would do anything for her.
‘Let me, can I, I want to eat you,’ she whispered and tensed up, waiting for Robin’s rejection.
‘Not a good time,’ Robin admitted. ‘Know what I mean?’
‘Oh,’ Angela said, very disappointed.
Robin gently, but firmly extricated herself from Angela’s clumsy grip and lighted the last of her joints.
‘Damn it,’ she thought. ‘I’m going to have to suck that ass hole’s cock if I want another joint.’
Angela sat that and babbled happily about how much she loved Robin and would do anything for her. Robin
smiled maliciously and held the sweet, acrid smoke in, then offered the joint to Angela.
‘No, I don’t like that…’ Angela protested.
‘Fucking do it,’ Robin ordered and a shaking Angela took the joint from Robin and took her very first hit of marijuana to please the object of her desire. She hacked and coughed and wheezed and finally Robin ordered her to drive them home.
‘See you tomorrow?’ Angela called out and Robin nodded her head yes.
The next night Robin made Angela drive out to Luke’s house.
‘Look, I don’t have any money, he ain’t going to just give us a bunch of dope for nothing,’ Robin said under her breath.
‘Then how you going to…’ Angela asked.
She cried and begged and pleaded with Robin, she really didn’t want to fuck Luke, but Robin was adamant and Angela screamed as her hymen was roughly battered through.
‘Aw, fuck yeah!’ Luke laughed and pumped his semen into Angela’s unprotected womb.
Fortified with a couple of joints and a pint of Bacardi rum, Robin kissed Angela’s tears away, then made the girl squeal as she took a rubbery nipple into her mouth and cupped Angela’s sore pussy tenderly.
‘I mean, it really didn’t taste all that bad, the rum, I mean,’ Robin said and blushed hotly as the room erupted into laughter.
‘But, you know, I wanted the rum, I wanted the dope, and there wasn’t nothing going to get in the way of what I wanted, you know?’ she went on.
The chairperson picked up the baskets and sent them around the room for member contributions. Robin dug into her jacket pocket and fished out a dollar bill and put it on the table next to the chairperson, took another sip of coffee and then continued.
She lapped at Angela’s pussy and used her thumbs to pull the lips apart. Angela grunted in orgasm, and lapped hotly at Robin’s pussy. Finally, Robin pushed the girl’s mouth away from her pussy and sat up in the back seat of the car. She laughed when she saw how fogged up the windows had gotten.
‘Dyke,’ she wrote on the window with her finger and laughed.
‘Don’t write that on my window!’ Angela squealed and rubbed it out with her palm.
Robin laughed again and lighted another joint.
‘Don’t fucking hog it all,’ Angela demanded and grabbed for the joint.
‘Wait your fucking turn, cunt,’ Robin snapped, feeling a sudden headache coming on.
Robin decided that Angela had served her usefulness, Luke didn’t think that an ice of Angela was worth more than four joints, and Angela was demanding half the joints as her cut for fucking the dope dealer.
‘Get both of y’all,’ Luke hinted and showed Robin a large bag of weed.
‘Uh huh,’ Robin said, knowing that the bag would be considerably smaller the moment Luke got his rocks off.
Angela cried and begged and pleaded, but Robin was adamant, they were through as lovers. Robin finally had to resort to punching the other girl in her face, blackening the girl’s left eye.
A month later, she felt a wave of remorse and self-loathing as a tearful Angela told her she was two months pregnant. Luke was definitely the father, as Luke was the only man Angela had ever fucked and she had fucked him for Robin.
‘I hate going to speaker meetings and it just turns out to be this long boring drunkalogue,’ Robin said. ‘You know? The speaker just goes on and on about all the drinking and doping they did and never get around to talking about their recovery and you leave there just wanting to drink or get high. So, I’m going to kind of skip ahead, going to jump right over stealing from my mom and dad to buy rum and weed and cocaine. Gee, you know, it never occurred to me to go and get a job, you know?’
She took another sip of the coffee and put the cup down.
‘So, I’ll tell you about the last really monumental night of my drinking and drugging,’ she said. ‘Now, most of this, I don’t remember, this is what the police reports tell me, and what my mom and dad tell me. I wasn’t really there when it happened, you know?’
She hated anal sex, it burned horribly. She also hated the taste of a man’s come, and wasn’t all that thrilled with the feeling of a man’s come dripping out of her pussy.
But the group of guys had made it pretty clear that they wanted to fuck. Her dad had barred her from his condominium and her mom had changed the locks on the house. She’d tried breaking a window but had only managed to cut herself pretty badly.
They’d drink and smoked a bunch of weed, then got right down to it. Even though the first guy had used plenty of lubricant, her anus still felt like it was on fire. After they’d all had a turn at whatever hole they wanted to use, she staggered into the bathroom to empty her bladder.
‘What the fuck you looking at?’ she spat to the weird guy that had come into the bathroom with her.
He blushed and stuttered horribly, but finally confessed that he liked to watch girls urinate.
She shut her eyes and spread her legs for him and began to pee. HE squatted down and watched and moaned and jerked his small cock.
The waves of self-loathing and self-pity threatened to overwhelm her. She had never intended to become what she was, a drunken, stoned whore. The self-pity and bitterness quickly turned to anger.
‘Got something you might like,’ the guy said and used his belt to tourniquet her arm.
She watched in horrified fascination as the needle entered her vein. He pulled the belt off of her arm and the heroin flooded her entire consciousness.
‘My mom says I was in her front yard, screaming all kinds of stuff, then I dropped my pants and took a dump, right there, in the front yard,’ Robin shuddered in embarrassment.
‘My dad says I called and was yelling all kinds of stuff about him and my step-mom and I threatened to come over and kill them and Beatrice and Chuck,’ Robin went on. ‘I don’t remember any of that, thank God. I feel bad enough that he remembers it, I wouldn’t want to remember it too. And I am so so grateful that Beatrice and Chuck don’t remember anything about the old, drunk Sissy.’
‘Here’s what the police reports say,’ Robin said and unfolded the sheet of paper. ‘Official court documents, y’all. How many of y’all can say you have that?’
‘How many of us want to?’ one of the men said and there was good-natured laughter.
‘According to this, I was on my way to my dad’s when I decided to take a short-cut and use the off-ramp as an on-ramp, Clearview at I-10. A grandfather and his grand-daughter were on their way home from Lakeside Hospital, her mom had just had a baby boy,’ Robin said. ‘I saw a car headed right at me and swerved to avoid them. My car flipped over the guardrail and fell thirty-five feet down. The retaining fence’s fencepost came through my windshield. The grandfather raced back to Lakeside Hospital to tell them there had been an accident and they sent an ambulance and fire truck out there.’
She cleared her throat again.
‘There was so much blood in the car, they said the entire roof of my car was red. They thought I was dead for sure with that much blood loss, until one of the firemen saw me trying to put the car in gear,’ Robin said. ‘They had to cut the car in half to get me out of it and when they did, they saw that the fencepost had gone right through my left leg, that’s why there was so much blood. Had that grandfather not drove like a mad man back to Lakeside, I’d be dead.’
Robin wiped a tear away.
‘I still get birthday cards and Christmas cards from Ray, he says I’m an angel,’ Robin choked out. ‘I have no idea why he says that, I could have killed him and his grand-daughter. If you ask me, HE’S the angel.’
She took a moment to compose herself again.
‘They had to amputate my leg, at mid-thigh. When I was released from the hospital, I was taken straight to jail. My dad was going to leave me there, but my step-mom
made him bails me out. She made him bring me to their condo and she put a rubber sheet on the couch and made me lay there,’ Robin said. ‘I’ll never forget how humiliated I was when she stood there and watched me crawl on my hands and one knee, to their liquor cabinet. I wanted to die when I looked up and saw her standing there just looking at me.’
”Go ahead,’ she said to me. ‘Obviously you need a drink pretty fucking badly, but you know what? I am not going to get it for you. Go ahead. Get your fucking drink,” Robin said through gritted teeth. ‘Of all the things that I felt lower than snake shit about, that was it. I’d never felt lower than I did at that moment. But I got my drink, drank it on the floor right there, like a fucking dog, then crawled back to the couch and lay there and cried.’
She cleared her throat again.
‘My court date came up, On top of everything else, they found about a gram of heroin and some coke in my car and were going to charge me with possession with intent to distribute,’ Robin continued. ‘Shit, the only person I was intending to distribute it to was me! But that’s when I hit bottom, sitting there in a wheelchair, looking at at least five years, more like twenty years behind bars. I turned to my dad, who was going to fight for me, going to try every legal trick he’d ever learned and told him ‘Let me go, Dad. Let them have me. I just can’t go on like this anymore,” Robin said and wiped the freely falling tears away.
She heard someone blow their nose and realized that she wasn’t the only one crying in the smoke filled room.
‘The judge heard me and gave me a choice, go to treatment or go to prison. Shit, I might be crazy, but I ain’t stupid!’ Robin went on. ‘So I went to treatment.’
She smiled and blew her own nose.
‘If ever there was any doubt that I’m meant to be here, meant to be standing in this room, telling my story, I have proof positive that God wants me to be here today,’ she went on. ‘They admitted me to the treatment facility, did all the paperwork, then gave me a room. They shot me full of something to combat any DTs I might go into, they could smell the vodka on me. Anyone tells you ‘oh, you can’t smell vodka’ has obviously never smelled someone that’s been drinking vodka for three days straight!’
She nodded in gratitude to the chairperson when a fresh cup of coffee appeared on the podium.
‘They left the room and I went into anabolic shock from whatever they shot me with,’ Robin continued. ‘One of the patients had heard that there was a new girl and came into my room to tell me ‘hi’ and saw me turning blue and going into convulsions and ran and screamed for help. To this day, I have no idea who it was that saved my life, I don’t even know if it was a man or a woman and the nurse that was on duty says she doesn’t remember either. She just remembers hearing someone screaming for help and running into my room and hitting the ‘Alert’ call button.’
She looked at her watch and realized that she’d been speaking now for thirty minutes. She only had another twenty minutes to go, then she could sit down. Her new prosthetic leg was beginning to throb and itch her stump, she was still getting used to it and standing for this length of time was difficult. The podium was too flimsy for her to lean on so she had to endure it on her own.
‘I did my first step sitting in that courtroom, ‘We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable,’ when I gave up, quit fighting and told my dad ‘I can’t go on like this,” she said. ‘My second step, ‘Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity’ was when I was given a choice, go to treatment or go to prison and I was lucid enough to say I wanted to go to treatment.’
She glanced at her watch again and gritted her teeth, Eighteen minutes to go and her stump was burning horribly.
‘My third step I do daily, praying to God to let me do His will, not mine,’ she continued. ‘We can see where my will got me.’
She took a sip of the coffee.
‘My sponsor, I met her when I was in the treatment center, said it was time to do a fourth step and she wanted me to do it straight out of the Big Book,’ Robin said. ‘She said she didn’t want any ‘treatment bull shit,’ no little ‘check lists’ or ‘fill in the blank’ crap.’
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‘Nora, get dressed. We’re going out.’ Nora was lounging naked on her sheepskin rug on the floor of the living room reading a novel on her tablet when he spoke up. He was seated in his easy chair and had just finished going through the mail and paying the bills. She quickly put down her tablet and stood up, placing her arms behind her back. ‘Yes, sir. What would you like me to wear?’ ‘Short skirt, T shirt, no bra or panties, no shoes.’ She blinked. Their dynamic really didn’t include public...
4 months after choosing to transfer over to a university and leaving her family and friends in Minnesota, Chloe Nelson has adapted quite well to her new life in California. She is currently following her passion as an art major and loving every minute of it. Her professors for the most part are nice, as well as her fellow peers. She at times does get homesick, as she misses her loved-ones back at home, however she still much prefers her more independent life over here, plus she can’t stand...
FetishI met my , Marc, when he moved into town with his girlfriend to work at the same resort I was at. first time I saw him, I was impressed by his good looks and his shy but friendly demeonor. It never occurred to me in those first few encounters that we would become friends. I knew I was gay at the time, but was not yet ready to come out. I had never had a male best friend before, but had years of pent up fantasies of male comoradarie that I wanted to play out. He and his girlfriend were overly...
GayThere were several space-faring alien species that had tiny empires dotted along the border between the Trankaran Republic, and the Terran Federation. Port Megara was the biggest outpost along the border with Trankaran Space, and this huge Terran Federation Space Station provided a convenient place for them all to meet and trade. Port Megara was built along the familiar vertical “stack of plates” design used by most distant Terran stations, and like the others they had visited before, the...
A Night at the Four Corners Bar and GrillI received your call just after lunch, as I entered the clinic office. In your deep sexy husky voice you gave me the details of what to be wearing when I met you for our date tonight. The black lace shelf bra with matching crotchless panties you had purchased a couple weeks ago. That was a given as you hadn’t seen me wearing them yet so I knew you didn’t want to wait any longer. Patience was not one of your strong suits, but I knew what was and the trade...
Introduction: I wanted to watch, only to watch the wonderful fucking I just want to watch . ……………………………………… I sat just inches away from the couple fucking on the bed. I studied her face as she was being fucked from behind. Her eyes half closed and at times rolled back in total enjoyment. From time to time our eyes would meet and we would hold each others stare, until she would break off as result of the pounding her pussy was getting. Shed bite her lower lip in ecstasy. Even though my...
ReGenesis, Inc.: A Loose End Tied By Bill Hart As one of her many household chores, Becky was vacuuming the living room when her mother arrived home from work. She didn't enjoy doing it, but keeping the house clean was one of her responsibilities. On the other hand, she knew her mother, who generally worked the morning shift at the diner, appreciated her helping out. Even with getting up at 3am every workday morning, Phyllis was more or less satisfied with her working arrangements,...
Mom and dad had gotten divorced a few months ago. We had moved to a small, two bedroom apartment, just the two of us. For the first few weeks, mom had been pretty down, often crying, while I would hold her to comfort her. Mom to me, was hot. She had a fairly pretty face and blonde hair, which she kept short. For 44 years of age, she had a great body. Her tits were fairly large though they were sagging a bit with age. Her ass was the main thing you'd notice about her if you saw her on the...
It was a pleasantly warm May afternoon. So nice, in fact, that I decided to cut my afternoon classes and spend time down at the pool like any intelligent 14 year old boy would do. Okay, so it was not my pool. My family didn’t own a pool. I was swimming in the pool at an apartment complex about 3 blocks from our house. I didn’t let the little fact that my family didn’t actually live at this apartment complex keep me from sneaking in and enjoying the cool water. I’d long discovered that the key...
IncestIf I were to rate her out of every girl I had seen naked, or on porn movies, or even in real life – imagining them naked that is – she would rank somewhere right at the top, for she was the proud owner of the best asses that I had ever seen. Yes, she was entirely aware of what she owned. There are a gazillion girls in this world who have something or the other, but either they are too ignorant or they just do not know how to make use of their best features. Some act pricey, some are pretty...
Hello people, this post is part 2 of last post about Koyal, my college friend. Hopefully you had enjoyed the last post and are looking forward to this part. So to continue, After our last gangbang encounter with Koyal; me, Sachin and Jay had enjoyed her in various occasions. Sometimes one on one other times all 4 of us. I must also say that Koyal enjoyed all 3 of us too. The pleasure was totally mutual. Although I got the maximum number chances among the 3 guys, Since I lived closest to Koyal,...
Joyce and Roger waited patiently on the front steps of their home for the Transit Van. Joyce tugged on the short skirt and felt her husband's finger run down her arm. She turned and smiled, before raising her hands and asking, "You like?" Roger chuckled and nodded his right 'S' hand up and down with his palm forward, answering her with enthusiasm. "I did pick it out," he added. "You have nice legs," he signed. He watched her blush and tipped her head back for his lips. Their kiss...
Megan Rain is horny for a little girl-on-girl time, so she goes to her friend’s house, and waits for her to get off work by masturbating in her bedroom with a pair of underwear over her eyes. Little does Megan know that her friend’s brother Sean is in town visiting and arrives home, ready for a nap. But when he hears Megan moaning and groaning, fingering her little pink pussy, he wakes up fast. With her eyes covered, Megan assumes it’s her friend, and begs her to lick and suck on her pussy —...
xmoviesforyouWe Left Off with...Ginny didn't suck it like the other two did she sucked it! After a few intense minutes of her strong sucking and Bobbie wondering if it might just pop off and go down her throat before she could stop she stopped and looked at it. "Huh I thought maybe I could make it bigger sucking on it but guess not." Then she went back to sucking but this time twisting her mouth and using her tongue. It felt WONDEFULL. Now it all came together the being bound gagged and plunged and...
Alyson is ordered into The RoomAlyson felt she needed to get away from home, she had lived with her mum and dad for long enough and now she was in her mid 20s she had to make the break. As she worked in Durham it had to be fairly near so it was easy to get there and easy to get back to visit her mum and dad. She trawled through the local papers and found a first floor apartment to rent in a nearby village.She picked up the phone and called the number. A man answered and told her about the...
I spent the morning watching dirty movies. Is an ‘actress’—paid to do a sex scene in an adult movie—a prostitute? The middle-aged sex worker Cinnamon picked me up Tuesday morning ready to get back to work. She had been grinning all day long and wouldn’t say a word about her weekend. She was very interested, though, to know about my discoveries. She’d boxed everything in Georgia’s bedroom and planned to supervise the first Goodwill pickup in the afternoon. I spent the morning watching...
Friday 19 August: After being closed up for the last month, the house had been rather hot and stuffy, when we arrived home last night, and we had changed the air in the entire house for cooler winter air before going to bed last night. Now in the morning, the house was again quite warm, but my wives just opened most of the windows and started the ceiling fans instead of changing the air again. There wasn't a lot left in the cupboards or the refrigerator to eat, so breakfast was a rather...
I allowed myself a forty minute siesta after leaving Randy and the girls and awoke somewhat refreshed some two hours later when the phone next to my bed started ringing. Although I wasn’t scheduled to start until the following day, I answered it and heard a breathy female rapidly tell me that her unit was flooding and she couldn’t stop it and could I please, please, please come help her! Her unit was on the far side of the complex and I told her I’d be there in five or six minutes. I had no...
So I was talking with some friends the other day, and the subject (as usual) turned to sex. That is what happens when you add alcohol and a group of adults who are finally away from their k**s for a few hours LOL! And somehow we got to relating some of the worst sex stories we'd ever heard and some of our own worst sex stories!! You know, guys who claim to have huge dicks, and when they get naked you need a magnifying glass to find it. Women who say they love giving head but stop after less...
My newest neighbor and friend, James, was married to a fun and beautiful woman named Clarissa. From the very beginning, I made them feel welcome in their home and helped them get settled in. Over the next few years, we became very close and were often at each other's homes. James felt like a brother to me from almost the beginning. We shared common views on nearly everything that life offered.I ran a small business and worked crazy hours while Clarissa was a nine-to-five secretary. James...
Wife LoversIn medieval times, families could only continue to rule if they convinced their subjects that their successors were of the same, royal bloodlines as themselves. Obviously, the easiest way to achieve this was through incest! Partners for these assignations were not always that readily available! Take Charles VII, of France. This unlucky fellow had two sons die in childbirth! (In those days, unlucky or not, the queen's life might be in jeopardy if she couldn't produce offspring!) On the...
I guess my first mistake was in getting too close to my pretty and provocative step-sister who never failed to get me aroused just by bending over or "accidently" brushing up against me when I was so horny my desperate needs must have radiated from my crotch. My mom's recent marriage to her latest live-in boyfriend had taken me by surprise and I found myself relegated to the living room sofa whilst my new step-sister took my bed and my bedroom by right of "girls go first" or something like...
I was watching how Adam did his sister and it was obvious that he knew all about the clit, she must have shown both her brothers just where all the sensitive parts were. Good girl. He had her squirming pretty good when she panted, "That's good, I don't want to wait any more," and Adam rose up and waddled up to press the tip of his penis against her. "Spread yourself open with your fingers, honey," I urged her as her brother began pushing. She reached down and I watched as Adam's cock...
There is this little school girl called Yumi, the teacher Charlie since first day of school could not take out his eyes from her. Small frame, perky tits, short hair, deep eyes. Charlie notices how she got towards him with his button blouse open when she was delivering the exams in class and very flirty girl, he notices how she usually let her pen down , to kneel and let some classmates peep under her beautiful pink panties and Charlie could not hold to have his big 18 cm boner under his...
Tom was lounging on the bed reading all of Dan’s notes on starting the restaurant. He had just finished looking over the list of items that had to be purchased, along with their estimated prices. Dan was seated at his desk watching his friend settle into his old routine when looking over his work. Tom looked up from the stack of papers. “This is really impressive. You’ve done an amazing job with this.” “Thanks. I’m still working on it,” Dan said. He knew that if Tom had found an error that...
Priscilla watched Lightning paw the ground and give a tug at the reins, which she had tied to a branch, while she carried on with her target practice. She didn't know why she was so obsessed with practicing hitting little beer cans when she would only need to hit a warm body from a few feet away. Yes, five or six shots into Desirée's vitals at point blank would put her well and painfully out of the picture, so why was she going through five boxes of fifty practicing? She supposed it...
Guidelines 1) All characters are presented at a legal age to be sexually involved. (18) 2) Nothing heavy like rape, scat, watersports or anything that can be interpreted as disgusting. 3) Their is a chance that I might intertwine universes or have the (SI) jump into different universes. 4) For the purpose of making this seem more like your on CYOA (Choose your own adventure) I am not adding descriptive qualities for the (SI) so feel free to interpret how the (SI) looks and their background. 5)...
Author’s Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was written as part of a series. For full enjoyment, please read “The Barbie Lez Fantasies: Week 1-95”. *** Have you ever had one of those fantasies? You know, the ones that feel so real you begin to wonder if you are actually imagining them. Well, I do… because I have them all the time! Sometimes, they turn into a story, but mostly they remain trapped inside my brain. That is, until now… I was visiting my mother...
i worked as a bartender at a biker bar a few years back.i didn't ride but always wanted a bike.i saved my money and finally bought the bike i had been dreaming bartending was a great life for a single guy i was 26 years old. so i am working one day and this hot young thing comes up and says "so i hear you ride now" i say why yes i would love to take you for a ride she says there is a rally this weekend and asks if we could go this sounds promising so i agree. i...
Hi Readers. Thanks for the response for my first story on board, “The Night – In the Bus”. Though I appreciate the feedback from different corners, I felt sorry for all those men who liked to get in touch with the person ‘Jyoti’. Jyoti (fake name) though is indeed a real person and the encounter is real, but the id is not hers. I’m a man who’s writing like how the real woman narrates her experience. Please share your feedback to So, here am back to share another story, which again is very true...
This is a completely true story about something that happened a couple of years ago when I was working in Asia. It was a great place to be as a middle aged expat , with plenty of young girls, both ethnic and white skinned (Russian mainly) who were interested in fucking! Many people assume these young girls go with us old guys for money and whilst that is often true, many seem to do it for fun or simply as a condition for hanging around with foreigners. I am not complaining, I do not mind why...
Matt and Madison were lying there catching their breath after their rather intense welcome home sex as she continued, “Matt, I’ve met someone.” It caught him a bit off balance, but it sort of explained the events of the last hour or so. A sort of last huzzah before he was cut off. He had known it would happen sooner or later, but later was always better. He was trying to figure out what to say, realizing that they probably would not be sharing the benefits of each other’s bodies...
Chapter 1 Jimmy Martin was kicking a small rock along in front of him as he slowly walked down the street with his twin sister, Amy. The two kids had gone over to the local playground for the afternoon, but, finding no other children there, they were reluctantly ambling back to their uncle's house. Because their parents had gone on a company-sponsored three-week Caribbean cruise, the children were temporarily staying with Uncle Paul and Aunt Alice, and they were bored...
My best Friend Joni introduced me to her husband’s cousin at her wedding three years ago. His name Jason, Jason was super sexy, Tall, dirty blond hair, green eyes and well built. He was amazing to look at. Jason and I hit it off right away, only at the time we met he said he was seeing a girl named Michelle and he was very serious about her, she couldn’t come to the wedding because she was out of town. I was very disappointed, but promised to keep in touch with Jason just in case something...