The Forbidden Fruit free porn video

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I’m not one to brag, but I looked fantastic that day. I walked with the swagger of a grown woman(nearly 23), placing my legs just right to accentuate my eye candy for any intimidated man who dared look at me. I was powerful like a cobra, and my prey was about to be squeezed to death- figuratively speaking. I just knew when he saw me his lungs would cave in. By he, of course, I meant Jesse.

This all started out as a joke between my two best friends and I. Jenny was the hostess, inviting over me and Monica to go to the mall this weekend and blow off a little steam. The three of us looked a mess, but it wouldn’t have mattered anyway, since the first thing we were going to do was get our hair cut.

‘As soon as we’re finished, I’m going to shop for a new dress. I can’t stand not looking good,’ Monica pointed out. She was skinny, 5’2, and Asian. I had no idea what the hell she was talking about. I would do her if she wasn’t my best friend.

‘Please, Monica, not this again,’ Jenny complained. ‘You always look good- you can even pull off that ‘just rolled out of bed’ look. Remi, however…girl, I don’t know what you were thinking.’ Jenny was the queen bee blonde and former cheerleader of Dull High, fashion guru of the century.

‘What?’ I said irritably. ‘We said we were going to get our hair done so I left it alone.’ That was my excuse for being a self-proclaimed ‘artiste’. A sophomore in college attempting to be a journalist cares not about what they look like, but how to task manage to get through a certain deadline.

‘Yeah, I agree with Jennifer,’ Monica chimed in, ignoring my protest. ‘Ever since you attended college your style has literally gone flat- and we’ve known you forever. Your case is so not good. No offense.’

I rolled my eyes. ‘You guys know I don’t have the time.’

‘Make time,’ Jenny said, drawing out the word ‘make’. ‘If you don’t make time for you, how do you expect Mr. Blue Eyes to make time to look your way?’ Mr. Blue Eyes was our reference to Jesse, who I had a humungous crush on for a good 2 and a half years. I had to admit she was right.

‘Remi, honey, we’re trying to help you. You need a good fashion therapist and you have two good ones right here you don’t even listen to,’ Monica exclaimed, flipping through a hair magazine.

‘Fine, how would you guys suggest I get Jesse’s attention?’ I said sarcastically.

‘Hair is good,’ Monica noted. ‘You’re getting that done today.’

‘Why don’t you let me put on a little makeup?’ Jennifer suggested. ‘And a sexy outfit wouldn’t hurt, either.’

Makeup. I hadn’t touched the stuff since the year after graduated high school. What was the point? I never cared enough to look good for Trent. He never took me out. He was too busy getting high and drunk with his pals. We’d been dating those two point five years I’ve liked Jesse- his best friend.

‘Yeah, you’re single now! You can tap Jesse’s fine ass,’ Monica purred.

‘What does it matter? He’s off-limits- the forbidden fruit, remember? I just can’t have sex with my ex-boyfriend’s best friend. That would just be wrong.’

‘Earth to Remi? You don’t have to care about what Trent thinks. You guys are broken up now. Why should it matter if you have a little fling?’ Jenny said.

‘It’s been a month, Jenny. I seriously doubt he’s over me.’

‘Are you stupid? He’s not going to change. I think you’re the one who’s not over him.’

I sighed. I knew it was a hopeless attempt to take Trent back- it would be my decision. Lately, I’d been moving my stuff out of his apartment and into my own, one I’d been planning to have with a year’s worth of time thinking about this break up, this was time in between college homework. Trent and I had been talking like good friends, and it was hard not to start back up again and flirt with him.

‘Are you crazy? Seriously, Jen, I’m done with him.’

‘What’s all the being friendly and tickling him?’ Monica asked, raising an eyebrow. The two had come over to help me move all of my stuff out, which should have been done a month ago. I’d been screwing around and taking my time, and my best friends caught me red-handed.

‘Okay, fine. I know I really have to get my shit and get out of there. Or else I’ll never quit. He’s not good for me.’

‘No, he’s not,’ Monica replied. ‘Let’s get your stuff this evening. I bet you-know-who will be there.’ She sauntered off , looking at me with dreamy eyes as the hair stylist called her over.

I ran my fingers through my not-yet trimmed hair nervously as Jenny whispered, ‘You want him, and he’s gotta want you. It’s obvious. We’ll just go over there and see what happens, ok?’

I suddenly felt encouraged to seduce Trent’s best friend. Oh, god, was this so wrong and so right at the same time. My hormones throbbed like a teenage girl whenever he was around. How come I never felt that way with Trent? My heart pounded wildly in my chest as I smiled a devious smile at Jenny. ‘Well, okay, but there’s no guarantee he’s over there.’

‘That’s my girl,’ she said.

Later that day we roamed the mall in search of the latest updates on our wardrobes. My hair added new, vigorous energy to my mood. I had never felt so full of life since I’d gone to the prom with Robbie Benson, my high school crush.

We took a break from our serious searching for clothes to gape at the vintage shop on the right-hand side of the mall. ‘Check it out!’ I said. ‘We have to go in!’

Jenny and Monica gave each other a look.

‘Come on, you guys. I don’t wanna be the only one in the group who isn’t a stuck-up little priss.’

‘Oh, it’s on,’ said Monica, rushing into the store. ‘I bet I can rock out the ugliest thing in this place.’

Jenny and I followed behind, laughing and chattering loudly. The store owner gave us a curious look, a faint ‘hello’, and went back to what she was doing. By the time we were looking at the stores in the purses, Monica had already gone into the dressing room.

‘Hey, guys, look at this.’ She was wearing an ugly, lime green shirt with ruffles on the sleeves. It had a pink cat on the front.

‘Eew,’ Jenny said.

‘Wow, we’re in kindergarten.’ I shook my head.

‘Hey, look at that dress!’ Jenny said, pointing to a short, red vintage dress on one of the mannequins. It was short-sleeved with a v-neck and went barely past the waist. It looked like something a sexy secretary would wear.

‘Wow, what a joke,’ Monica said. ‘Hey, Remi, that thing would definitely get Jesse’s attention.’ She snorted. ‘Looks like an anime cosplay.’

‘It’s a little too skimpy for me.’ I shook my head.

‘I dare you to try it on!’ Jenny pointed a finger at me.

‘Fine,’ I said, motioning to the shop owner to help me get it off the mannequin. I went into the dressing room and took my clothes off. Damn. My boobs were so big, that was one thing I was proud of. I looked in the mirror and my eyes bulged out of my sockets. I could not believe what I was seeing- a hot sex goddess in red was staring at me with the same bewildered expression. My boobs looked perky and my cleavage made them look better, above them was the small dip in my neck, showing off my collar bone. The dress hugged me tightly and accented every curve. I turned around and looked at my cute little round ass that I didn’t think I had. My legs looked long and delicate.

When I got out of the dressing room, Monica and Jenny were hunched over, looking at some scarfs. ‘Hey, guys,’ I called. In unison they both gasped.

‘Damn!’ Jenny cried. ‘That looks way better on you than I thought it would!’

‘You slut!’ Monica hollered ecstatically. ‘We absolutely have to stop shopping and go over to Trent’s right now. There is no way Jesse can say no to that.’

‘Guys, don’t be silly. I’m not getting it,’ I said, flushed.

‘Yes, you ARE,’ Jenny said. ‘You have to. I would so fuck you right now if I could.’

After several pleads from the girls and much convincing, I decided to go with it. I did look hot, and if it made the girls react that way, I wondered what it would do to Jesse. As we walked out of the mall, I was still wearing the dress, as demanded by my friends. Apparently, we were all going to Trent’s ‘right this minute’. Everyone and their brother looked my way. I don’t think I’d ever gotten that much attention in my life.

‘Did you see the way all those guys were looking at her?’ Monica said to Jenny as we packed our stuff in the trunk of Jenny’s car and got in.

‘I know, I’m telling you guys- I swear I saw this guy sticking his hand down his pants and playing with himself.’ We all laughed.

‘That’s disgusting, Jen,’ I said.

‘God, I can’t wait to see that pathetic look on Trent’s face when he sees you. Asshole,’ Jenny remarked.

‘Or even better- Jesse’s!’ Monica shrieked.

‘Now that we’ve gotten your hair done and did your clothes, how about a little makeup?’ Jenny said.

‘Okay,’ I replied, ‘But don’t make it too dramatic.’

Letting Jenny do my makeup was a huge mistake. She was globbing on cherry-red lip gloss, black eyeliner, smudging it every which way, and dark eyeshadow. ‘Red lip gloss? Isn’t that a little much?’ Jenny held her finger up as if to stop my sentences from flowing. I was scared to even look at my face, especially after Monica mouthed, ‘Oh, my god…’ and cupped her hands over her mouth. Do I look like a clown? I thought.

‘What? I told you, Jen-

But Jenny was smiling pleasantly. ‘What did I tell you, Monica, huh? I’m amazing.’

I looked in the mirror at the reflection I couldn’t believe was my own. The sex goddess now had dark, mysterious cat-eyes, pouty lips, long lashes, milky-white skin… The red was a shock but looked surprisingly good.

‘Okay, now run your tongue over your lips, but don’t mess up the gloss,’ Jenny said. I did as I was told and received an excited squeal from Monica. ‘Hot. So hot,’ Jenny said. ‘You’re officially ready.’

We pulled up in front of Trent’s apartment and I got a pep-talk from the girls. ‘Okay,’ Monica started. ‘Just be cold to Trent, because he’s going to flirt with you, and if you can’t tough it out you’ll end up having sex with him and not Jesse.’

‘God, you guys, I’m not going to fuck him, just tease him a little.’

‘Trust me, he’ll want you so bad, you will,’ said Jenny. ‘Let’s come with her so we can snap her out of it if she does something stupid.’

‘Good call,’ Monica said.

We knocked on the door for a few seconds. A few minutes later, Trent answered in his boxers. He looked a mess, and it was a huge turnoff. I was pretty sure I could save myself after that. Then I would get my stuff and never see him again. He had to do a double-take before he realized it was me.

‘Remi? Is that you? You look incredible.’ His eyes lit up, and I could see fire in them.

I put the fires out with my cold words: ‘I came to get my stuff for good.’

The words were like a slap in his face. ‘Sure,’ Trent said quietly. ‘Come on in.’

The girls and I pushed past him and I started hoarding knick-knacks and books off the shelves. ‘Can you guys take these to the car?’ I asked Jenny and Monica. ‘I gotta grab some stuff. I’ll be ok,’ I added.

Trent, assuming it was okay because I wasn’t going to be doing any heavy lifting, decided the last statement wasn’t suspicious. ‘So what are you all dressed up for?’ He said after they left.

‘Just going to a club and doing a little dancing,’ I replied.

‘Oh,’ he muttered.

That was one thing I hated about Trent. He didn’t like to dance. ‘Anyway, I think I’m done here, so sayonara.’

‘Wait,’ he said, eyeing my boobs. ‘Can I have a hug?’

I felt too old for his little games. I felt like a grown woman talking to a sixteen year-old boy. ‘No thanks,’ I said. ‘See ya later.’ Trent opened the door, hovered as he watched me walk away, and went silently back inside.

I shut the door in his face and disappeared as soon as possible. I was so disappointed that Jesse wasn’t there, I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t want to go to some stupid club- I know it was childish. I just wanted to see, more than anything in the world at that moment, if Jesse wanted me. That would be enough. I got in the front seat of the car and slumped into it. ‘Jesse wasn’t anywhere in sight,’ I said, bummed.

‘Yeah, but it was so worth it seeing that look on Trent’s face,’ Jenny snickered. ‘He stared at you for like, 10 minutes as you walked out the door.’ Just when I was about to reply, a black truck pulled up and Monica gave another squeal. ‘It’s Jesse! Hurry! You have to get out there!’ I looked reluctant as Jenny ushered, ‘Go!’ I stumbled outside and got to my feet. There he was, tall, full, luscious lips and brown eyes that seared into my skull whenever he looked at me. He was so damn sexy.

Back to where we were before. I swung my hips as every male, all ages, in their apartment complexes peered at me from their patios, porches, balconies, and tennis court. Like a diety I made my way effortlessly to Jesse’s car. The girls had already left before I had the chance to say bye. They were pushing this all the way, and I was grateful. He almost dropped his cell phone when he saw me. His eyes jolted everywhere- my new hairstyle, my makeup, my legs, my breasts.

‘Hey, Remi,’ he said, seeming to be a little confused about what was going on. Jesse took his sunglasses off and smiled that perfect, crooked smile I want to melt for. God, just take me now, I thought. I could feel my nipples beginning to harden under my bra.

‘Hey,’ I said back, pushing my hair to the other side of my shoulder and looking up innocently. I waited, savoring every moment as his eyes grazed my face and my body with the discomfort of guilt I could see in his eyes. He seemed to be enjoying himself, despite it. Yes. Tripping all over himself like a puppy, I thought. My pussy tingled as his eyes got lost in every curve of my body, it looked as if he were not able to control what was going on in his mind as he rubbed his head and squinted his eyes shut.

I ignored it, almost not being able to compose myself because of the fact I was enjoying this too much. I peered down at his jeans and couldn’t believe what I saw- little Jesse. I wanted to kiss his body all the way down and feel his warm skin on my lips and his hard cock in my hand. I looked up, pleased.

‘This is kind of a funny story but the girls left me here and I have no way back…can you take me home?’

His cheeks flushed and his eyes gazed at me as if he were asking if what I was saying were real. I smiled a small, devilish smile as I realized what he was thinking. This was so priceless. Then, a switched flicked on in his head. ‘Oh, yeah, sure. I was about to stop by and hang out with Trent but it’s only 10 minutes away, right? My cell phone died but he’ll know I’ll be there soon. He always blows me off and shows up an hour later anyway.’

I nodded and felt sorry he was still Trent’s friend.. I knew that feeling. As soon as we were in the car, he turned the radio on and looked straight at the road, looking at me out of the corner of his eyes every once in awhile. We said nothing until he asked, ‘Is this your stop?’

‘Yes,’ I replied. ‘Just turn in here.’

He pulled into the parking lot. ‘Okay,’ he said uncertainly. ‘Good to see you again.’ He grinned that crooked smile and I was swarmed with thoughts of flinging myself on top of him. Just then, the truck engine made a sputtering noise and the car turned off. ‘Shit!’ he cried. ‘Stupid ass truck! I’ve been meaning to get this fixed.’ He tried turning the keys in the ignition several times, but no luck.

‘Hey, you don’t mind if I borrow your cell phone, do you?’ Jesse asked.

‘Sure,’ I said, heading to unlock my apartment. ‘Hey, you don’t have to stand out here in the cold. Come on in,’ I offere

‘Thanks,’ he muttered as he followed me inside.

I finished unlocking my door and turned around. ‘By the way, do you know anything about- I stopped as Jesse jerked his gaze toward my face. I caught him staring at my legs and my ass. Too slow. Poor boy. I was torturing him. I went inside and clicked the lights on. He plopped on the couch and I joined him with two beers. ‘Thanks,’ he said again, watching me.

‘God, this is weird,’ Jesse finally admitted. ‘You look so good in that dress, I can’t stop staring at you. You just broke up with my best friend.’

Thank you god! I almost had tears streaming down my face. I never thought this would happen. I smiled. ‘Thank you.’

‘Sorry,’ he said openly.

‘It’s ok,’ I said. ‘I’ve always had a crush on you.’

‘Yeah, I’ve liked you too, but I could never say that to Trent.’

‘Really?’ My heart was pounding. I wanted to egg him on, to hear more.

‘Yeah. The first time I saw you I thought, ‘that girl is hot.’ I would always be jealous of Trent. But anyway, I’m sure it’s weird because he’s waiting for me right now, so I probably should call him…’

‘Oops,’ I realized, embarrassed. I had left my phone in Jenny’s car. No joke. I could not believe what was happening. Was this for real?

‘What?’ Jesse pressed.

‘Umm…this is kind of embarrassing, but I left my phone in Jenny’s car.’

‘Wow,’ Jesse said. ‘No phone, no car…’ He smiled, shaking his head as if he’d gone crazy.

‘But I can always wait until Monica comes over. She’s supposed to be coming over in about 15 minutes,’ I lied. I wanted to come up with an excuse for him not to leave the house and look for another phone to use.

‘Is that okay if I stay here until then?’ Jesse asked politely.

‘Yeah, it’s fine,’ I assured him.

He sipped on his beer and watched tv as I sat next to him awkwardly. I looked over at him staring at the tv. He looked so gorgeous. I looked away as he turned to look at me. Then, we ended up looking at each other. I couldn’t take it anymore. I leaned in hopefully. He leaned away. ‘This is so wrong,’ he said, ‘all the things I’m thinking right now. I have a girlfriend, you know.’

‘I know,’ I said softly, looking down.

‘If I were single and you weren’t just with my best friend, I would kiss you…’

Then, it happened. His full, sexy lips were on mine, his tongue inside my mouth. He nipped at my lower lip, and we were lost in the kiss for a good minute and a half.

‘What just happened?’ I wondered aloud.

‘I don’t know,’ Jesse said, as he leaned in to kiss me again. His mouth penetrated mine and he sighed as if he’d wanted this for a long time. My body surged with sexual energy. It was so strong I couldn’t contain it. Jesse was apparently feeling it too, because he forced his body against mine, knocking it down on the couch. His hand slid down my neck and brushed my arm. Suddenly, he realized what he had done and got up. ‘I can’t believe this. I have a girlfriend.’

We walked toward my apartment door, both of us stunned at what had finally happened. He looked at me again sadly before he reached toward the door. ‘You look so innocent, like a doll.’ He paused, slowly making his way toward me. As he got closer, he took in the smell of my hair, and this made me shudder, slightly whimpering. I could barely contain myself and wondered what he would do to me next. My head was swimming. Jesse’s masculine hands ran slowly across my stomach and played with my belly button ring. I let one hand run upward, exploring and playing with my nipple.

I moaned as he kissed my shoulders and dug his teeth into my neck. My hands slid down the sides of his face, and one reached to tug on his hair as he held me from behind. I felt all the muscles in his chest as my hand started moving downward and shuddered again. I wanted him so bad, and for the first time, I could see he wanted me too. I placed my hand on his bulging jeans and squeezed, pressing my body against his as he let out a gruff moan.

My fingers looked for his zipper and played on the edge of his boxers before running my hands over the top of them. He let out another moan as the top of his pants soaked slightly with pre-cum.

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Prom Ch 13 Forbidden Fruit

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

3 years ago
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Eating forbidden fruit

“You know Denise; I could hear you before I came into the shop,” She turned around and immediately smiled, her eyes lighting up behind her glasses, “Justin*! How good to see you again you rascal.” We hugged, her breasts pressing firmly against me, “So how are you stranger?” I chuckled, “Been around, working and the usual you know, how about you?” “Been working, partying, and gaming, you know, the usual.” I chuckled, “Well we will have to change our routines, we...

2 years ago
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Family The Forbidden Fruit

(Note: This fictional story is posted on the Literotica website. Do not repost anywhere else without the author’s consent .This is a work of fiction, intended to entertain adult readers. It has graphic erotic scenes and offensive language. If you can’t legally view this, please don’t! All characters and names of the story are fictional! Any resemblance between these characters and any person is strictly coincidental. All characters depicted in sexual situations are over 18.) * Andy woke up to...

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Milking my fantasy and forbidden fruit

I open my eyes to his hard cock just an inch from my mouth. We had agreed last night that I would wake him in ‘a special way.’ I see how his veins contrast against his pale length, so peaceful as he sleeps and all mine to gaze at. I can smell my juices on him, mixed with his own and smile inwardly. This is how we had left things last night, both still hungry for more but too tired to continue despite needing to relieve ten years of pent up frustration. Our naked bodies were now sprawled across...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit

I grimaced as the tightness in my jeans increased. Not that I was unhappy — on the contrary — but my discomfort was growing and I could do little to relieve it. My prick, which until a few minutes ago was in its normal, dormant state, was now outgrowing the confined space and the strain was telling. The reason for this sudden growth spurt was Suzanne, our next-door neighbour. She’d just popped in for a chat with my spouse and was sitting opposite me. Nothing wrong in that… except she was...

4 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit

I grimaced as the tightness in my jeans increased. Not that I was unhappy — on the contrary — but my discomfort was growing and I could do little to relieve it. My prick, which until a few minutes ago was in its normal, dormant state, was now outgrowing the confined space and the strain was telling. The reason for this sudden growth spurt was Suzanne, our next-door neighbour. She’d just popped in for a chat with my spouse and was sitting opposite me. Nothing wrong in that… except she was...

3 years ago
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Fucking the Forbidden Fruit

I saw her again. She was walking to her dorm and I was walking to mine. Ever since school began, I had attempted to avoid her every day but we still ended up crossing paths. She'd flash a smile and I'd nod politely, just like nothing had ever happened.We were best friends in high school and had a huge falling out senior year. She started being a crappy friend to our whole group and cut us off. When we pressed to talk about it, she refused and said she never wanted to see any of us again.Now,...

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Code Forbidden Fruit

At Ashford Academy in Area 11 Lelouch groaned as he tightly gripped her two buns on each side of her pink hair in an almost painful way. One of her hands was on his base massaging it while the other was cupping and massaging his balls. “Oh God, Euphie” Lelouch gasped. His Half-sister Princess Euphemia li Britannia smirked with his cock inside her mouth as she kept sucking and bobbing. She just loved the taste of Lelouch’s cock, it has such an “exotic” manly taste, not like her personal Knight's...

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Forbidden Fruit

Your name is Simon, you?re in your late twenties and you just lost your job. Due to outsourcing, downsizing, cutbacks, economy, and a half dozen other bullshit reasons your asshole boss gave, you've been let go from the dead end cubical job you had for a couple years. Well you have to pay the rent somehow, so you check the local paper. You noticed there's an opening at the local Youth Center. You don't have much experience working with teens, but at this point you?re desperate, so you set up an...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit

1994 John and Ayesha looked at each other and each had a broad smile on their face. They were going home and mixed in with the overriding joy was a faint tinge of apprehension. The Fasten Your Seatbelt lights went out and John reached across and took her hand in his. Looking into the dark pools of her eyes, set in the golden radiance of her face that had always captivated him, he asked, “Are you all right? Do you want me to order you a drink from one of the air stewards?" “No thank you," she...

3 years ago
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Mom The Forbidden Fruit

Hi, I am Bojo, I am from a conservative family, my family consists of only me and my mom. She was in the early fifties but nobody can guess that, because of her regular yoga and meditation and to tell about the body, 34-32-36. She always wore transparent sarees and sleeveless blouse which gave an excellent view to the local cocks…..My father, he passed away when I was 18. This is my first sex story. This is about how I used my mother when my father was alive Dring the school days, we all used...

2 years ago
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Taking of the Forbidden Fruit

I was just 13 when my father died. That left my stupid little sister and me for mom to take of. We were devastated over his death for a long time. Living in the mid-west, the winters can be bad. Mom did her best to run dad’s small farm. One winter day I was 18 & on a Friday after school it started snowing. By dusk it was really getting deep. By night it was above knee deep. Mom & I feed, watered the livestock cleaned corrals. Grandpa came by with his plow and moved driveway and barn...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit

It was 4am when I heard the back door click shut. I rubbed my eyes and sat up in the armchair I had fallen asleep in. I knew that Seema, my Sister, was sneaking up the back stairs to her room, as quietly as she could in high heels, and too drunk to remember to remove them . I sat silently, listening to her platform shoes click softly on the stairs, until I was certain she was in her room. I got up then, and went to the kitchen and after a glass of water and some aspirin, I heard Seema in her...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit

“You know, if I could just find a man like Jason, I would probably let him have his way most of the time without even a fight. Just my luck, you know. The one man that would be perfect for me, and he is off-limits because he came from my womb! That’s the fucking story of my life. My soul mate comes along and he happens to be my own son! Some lucky bitch will get to marry him and live happily ever after!” Valerie complained to her best friend Melina about her unusual predicament. “Not to put...

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Forbidden Fruit

"Hi," said the young girl. "Hi," said the boy. "I'm Jenny." "I'm Marcus." "I'm pleased to meet you, Marcus. My mom and I are staying with my grandma; apartment 15A." "How long are you staying?" "I'm not sure," said the girl. "It sounds like your parents are getting divorced." When the girl nodded her head Marcus said, "Mine are divorced too. I live here with my mom." He pointed at the door with 9B stenciled on it. "So, didn't your grandma warn you...

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Hot Tub and Forbidden Fruit

Emily again. I told you about how I met Paul and Sara in "Hot Tub Service Girl" and how I met their son Jeff in "Hot Tub and Whipped Cream." Well, if that wasn't wild enough, things got even more interesting later that summer. I had to laugh ... when I was in high school, all the girls in the shower used to call me "No-boobs" and brag about the great sex they were getting from the guys, while I was getting zilch. Things didn't much change in college. My tits weren't really any bigger,...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit

A fun childhood, great time at school with lots of friends, a love of football, and all the things young, healthy teenagers liked. That had been my life. I left school at 16 with a few minor certificates and just enough brains to keep me in a white collar job in a large insurance company. I had been there for two years and, though I had lost contact with many of my old school friends, had some new friends from work who shared my love of life, football and Saturday nights on the town. We were...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit

Tad morgan entered the store of the newton's the owner was Dan newton and his wife Vicky a lovely women of 35. Tad waked in with his t shirt and jeans his dark hair and dark eyes he was only 15 but he was very big for his age. He spoke slow and soft to dan he was very polite, Dan needed the help in the store it was growing and he neededto be away getting new bussiness in other counties. Dan shook tads hand you can start tomorrow you can drive ? Tad said yes even tho he was 15 good dan said...

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Forbidden Fruit

My wife's family was a rather close-knit one, even if they were large. They got together at the drop of a hat to talk and eat. Every holiday and birthday was a time of celebration. And until we moved a thousand miles away, the whole family lived within a hundred mile radius. The wife's brother, the oldest of the clan, had three children himself. The oldest sister had two boys and four girls, the next sister had one boy and three girls, the middle sister had one boy and one girl, and the...

1 year ago
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Forbidden Fruit

Deborah got off work on saturday night, grateful that her shift was over. Although the hours were long, the job in itself was rewarding. Not financially, mind you. But it had its benefits. Her regular customers loved her. They wouldnt even come into the place when she wasnt working. Tonight though, had been unusually slow for a weekend. It made the time drag by slower, and she couldnt wait to lock the door and head out. Earlier, her friend Terry had poked her head in the door and said, "Dont...

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Mothers Forbidden PassionChapter 7

When Debbie Mason and Ken Clark reached his bedroom, the lovely black-haired teenage siren immediately pulled her blouse over her head and unfastened the buttons on her hot-pants, letting both garments fall at her feet. She wasn't wearing any panties or bra, and she stood completely naked, the black, sparsely growing curls of her pubic hair glistening wetly with her arousal and her large, firm young breasts quivering in proud anticipation as she stared at the sweating, lust-incited older...

3 years ago
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Temple Of The Forbidden Goddess

THE THREE BANNERSThe sky was turning grim and grey with distant thunder and lightning. The three banners flew defiantly against the raging wind as armored spearmen began to assemble behind them. The iron-serpent, wolf and the bleeding lotus had finally come together to demolish the temple. The sound of war drums echoed as troops formed into battle lines. Archers took their positions behind the kneeling spearmen and armored cavalry rode forward to assemble near the flanks.Temple of the forbidden...

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A firsttime story of forbidden desires MMD

As a young gay man, not yet even out of high school, it was always hard to find ways and means of fulfilling my sexual desires. The bathroom stalls were a hit and so were the parks. Cruising areas were a big hit because then no-one really cared about who you were, what your name was or even how old you were. Let me be clear this is not a story about a minor being taken advantage of. I was fully aware of who I was, what I wanted, and puberty was far behind me. In fact, if truth be told I was...

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The Futa Fairy Futa MILFs Harem Wish Chapter 1 Mrs Fatimas Forbidden Desires

Chapter One: Mrs. Fatima's Forbidden Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 “Have a good night a work, husband,” I said formally in Arabic as I embraced Tarik, fighting my disgust at the sour reek about him. I was glad to see him leave, even if he'd return in twelve hours. Once, when I was a girl of nineteen, I thought I loved him. But at forty, I knew differently. Especially after my encounter with Dr. Rita, a woman who had a huge cock and who healed me with her magical cum. Just...

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They talk for a brief moment. The apartment is darkly lit. There is a drop cloth on the floor, something a painter would use. There isn't much furniture so it was either moved before we came, or this person lives very simply with only a couch, television and stand. He asks if I want something to drink I shake my head no but do not make a sound. I am looking around while my friend puts down the bags we have brought. My friend turns to tell me to take off my clothes and lay on the cloth so...

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Mother And Son A Tale Of Forbidden Love ndash Part 2

this is a continuoes story of part1 Priya gently removed her panties. She felt Dev’s hand on her secret mount. God! This was the first time someone other than her husband is touching her privates and the one touching her cunt is none other than her own son!Dev was curious. He brought his nose to his mother’s cunt hole and deeply inhaled the pungent sexy aroma of her pheromones.“You hungry?” Priya asked.“Oh maa, its like a dream come true”“Then eat me Dev, I can’t wait!”Dev with both his hands...

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Mother And Son A Tale Of Forbidden Love ndash Part 2

hi frnds this is the continues story of part 1.......Priya gently removed her panties. She felt Dev’s hand on her secret mount. God! This was the first time someone other than her husband is touching her privates and the one touching her cunt is none other than her own son!Dev was curious. He brought his nose to his mother’s cunt hole and deeply inhaled the pungent sexy aroma of her pheromones.“You hungry?” Priya asked.“Oh maa, its like a dream come true”“Then eat me Dev, I can’t wait!”Dev with...

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Mother And Son A Tale Of Forbidden Love 8211 Part 2

Priya gently removed her panties. She felt Dev’s hand on her secret mount. God! This was the first time someone other than her husband is touching her privates and the one touching her cunt is none other than her own son! Dev was curious. He brought his nose to his mother’s cunt hole and deeply inhaled the pungent sexy aroma of her pheromones. “You hungry?” Priya asked. “Oh maa, its like a dream come true” “Then eat me Dev, I can’t wait!” Dev with both his hands spread apart her labia and...

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Introduction: When Laurel goes for an audition, she fails to follow instructions and the result is deadly. Forbidden Room The cab dropped her at the entrance of the huge house, mansion really, and was now gone. Laurel checked her make up one last time before walking up to the front door and pushing the small black button next to the door. She thought she looked good and had certainly tried to look like someone theyd want to cast in their film. The announcement had asked for a look a little on...

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Forbidden Fruit 1 The Beach House Meeting

Introduction: The following is a story about a forbidden romance of a man 33 far too old to mess with a teenager girl. But their paths cross and they feel a forbidden attraction that neither should act on. The first two chapters were written together as one but it made too long a chapter so I broke it into two. I wanted to build the story with detail to share their thoughts and emotions and it is pretty long and detailed for two chapters. So please read them both and I hope you will enjoy the...

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Forbidden Thoughts Of You

You're so fucking beautiful; I love your long silky jet black hair and your brown eyes. Your cherry-red lipstick complements your silky red and black lingerie and red hills. Your pheromones are just so intoxicating the way they ricochet off your body, capturing my entire being up into a cloud of forbidden and erotic passion.You have no idea how long I have been craving you, how hot you make me, and how badly I desire you. I’m trying so hard to just walk you slowly into my room of forbidden...

3 years ago
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A Forbidden Affair

A Wild Satin Episode A forbidden affair by Georgina She came elegantly through the door and undulated sexily towards me. I could see immediately that she was drunk again by the extra careful way she walked and the slow smile of uncaring sensuality that played over her full, and utterly kissable, carmine lipsticked lips. Her body, slim, almost boyishly slim apart from a pair of exquisitely shaped, yet small and firm, breasts was sheathed in a lovely cocktail sheath of heavy...

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Mother And Son Sexual Journey 8211 Pt 2 Forbidden Joy

When I opened my eyes my rigid cock was already in mom’s mouth, fully. And she was looking at me. Her eyes were shining with lust for her son. I looked at my mom and gave her my happiest smile. Then I extended my hands, lying down. I was welcoming my mom to place her nude beautiful body on top of me. She got the message. Slowly and reluctantly, my mom disengaged my cock from her mouth and stretching forward, placed herself on top of me. Her big beautiful breasts, which fed me when I was a kid,...

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The Forbidden Tablets

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you...

3 years ago
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The boys next door The forbidden pleasures

It was a hot summer day, the mercury touching 42 degrees Celsius and still climbing. Even though it was evening, it felt like a furnace. Thankfully I had the day off from work. The ceiling fan in my room barely provided any comfort. Living alone has its advantages, so I spent most of the day lounging around in my underpants, or naked. The heat was making me hornier with each passing hour.Some time later I heard voices in the corridor and looked through the keyhole. Someone was moving in to the...

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Mothers Forbidden PassionChapter 4

Bette awoke in the guest room a few minutes before nine the next morning, stretching languidly, the sheets cold and sweet smelling against her naked body. Sunlight slanted in through the partially drawn blinds over the window, falling across her eyes, and she raised one arm to shield out the bright light. As she lay there, the events of the preceding evening returned vividly to her mind. She dwelled for a moment on the frenzy of passion which had been generated between her and her...

1 year ago
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The cab dropped her at the entrance of the huge house, mansion really, and was now gone. Laurel checked her make up one last time before walking up to the front door and pushing the small black button next to the door. She thought she looked good and had certainly tried to look like someone they'd want to cast in their film. The announcement had asked for a look a little on the wild side but not too wild, so Laurel had tried to come up with the right half slutty, half girl next door...

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My Son So Forbidden

Oh God what was she doing she thought! Here she was embracing her own son, naked apart from a flimsy nightie which her son had managed to lift and bundle around her waist. Her pussy was wet, fully aroused. It had happened all so fast. Her young son, her only c***d, she should not be in his bed with him, naked as he is, as young as he is, and as sexually aroused as he most certainly is. It is wrong, oh so wrong, she must put a stop to it now.He was in Heaven. He could not believe this was...

4 years ago
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ShipwreckedChapter 7 The Forbidden Island

If anyone had asked Zack, he would have told them he couldn't recall ever being happier with his life. Life on the island was interesting and exciting, as well as relaxing. After their defeat of the pirates, the native men now viewed the two sailors as something between a deity and their chieftain of war. However, best of all was his relationship with Nani whom he found to be an excellent companion while his friendship with Destand continued to grow. Overall, life was treating the two...

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