Robert and Clara Bathtime
- 3 years ago
- 45
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The cell was grey. Gray stone, single grey blanket, grey walls and door, grey straw on the floor. Gray light coming in through the tiny opening. There was a bucket in the corner which contained grey water. He was thirsty, but could not bring himself to drink it. Instead, he tried to clean up the dried blood which stuck to him and made his skin itch. The pain in his head made it hard to concentrate.
There was a tiny aperture in the door of his cell, through which the gaolers could check on him. It was closed, but if he stood at the right angle, he could see a tiny sliver of the passageway outside. Occasionally, he caught a glimpse of shackled prisoners being walked along it.He had no way to measure the passing of time. It had not been full dark and no-one had brought him food so it must still be the same day. It felt as if years had passed since he was shoved into the cell. Keeping control of his sanity was becoming more and more difficult.
The distant screams of inmates proved that not everyone was successful.
He heard steps outside, and rushed to the aperture, hoping for anything to break the monotony. He caught a glimpse of a woman stumbling past. She was naked to the waist and her back was raw and bloody. The gaoler with her grabbed her elbow and said ‘Next time you cause trouble, it will be thirty lashes.’
For one awful second, he thought it was Clara, until he realised this woman was a different size. The thought of Clara in here made him feel ill. Thank God she was on her way to London. Clara would not be able to resist causing trouble.
The light dimmed. His door opened with a rattle of keys and a dish of gruel was shoved in. He ate it with his hands. His arm started to throb again. There was no honey to put on it.
In the darkness, the smell of the prison was stronger. Despair, dampness, human waste. He heard rats moving around and moved to the door to see if there was anything more entertaining outside.
There was a faint light, and two voices of the night gaolers. Occasionally, one walked up and down the cell block, but mostly they stayed in the little ante room and played cards.
The light flared brighter, and he heard a female voice. It sounded familiar. No, it couldn’t be. He pressed his ear to the door and heard Clara say ‘Gentlemen, I was hoping to visit a prisoner.’
The voice was hers, but the tone was different. She now had a country accent, and she sounded as if she were flirting. She laughed at something one of the gaolers said, sounding so like Isabelle that his head swam.
‘Why, the notorious red-headed one, of course. I want to share a cup of wine with him.’
It was killing him that he could not hear their answer. He desperately wanted to see Clara again, but wanted her far away and safe. His palms sweated as he flattened them against the cold door.
Clara’s laugh. ‘What a pity. Perhaps I should have a drink with your two handsome gentlemen instead?’
A masculine laugh. A clink of glass, more laughter. He needed Clara to go away. He was a peer of the realm, he couldn’t be tried like a common criminal. Once they realised who he was, they’d release him. But she had no such protection.
Laughter. Voices. Clara flirting. He didn’t know she could flirt. She was arguing about how much of her wine they had drunk. She mustn’t get drunk, she would give herself away.
A groan. Hurrying steps. Silence. Then the door of his cell opened. Clara stood there. ‘Robert?’ she whispered.
Of course, he could see her as clear as day, but he was in total darkness to her. He blinked when he looked at her. Her hair was loose down her back, and her dress was scandalous. Nipped in at the waist to show her curves, and with a top so small her breasts were in danger of falling out.
‘Did any of them touch you?’ he demanded. Surely no man could avoid grabbing that bounty.
She made a disgusted noise, and moved into his cell. Once inside, she closed the door and lit a candle. He blinked in the bright light. ‘Quick, strip off your clothes and put these on.’ He had obeyed before he looked at what she had for him. It was a dress.
‘Are you mad?’ He couldn’t possibly pass for a woman.
‘Put it on.’ Her tone left no room for argument. He obeyed reluctantly.
‘What happened to the guards?’
‘A bad case of the runs. They must have drunk too much wine.’ She was laughing, damn her.
The dress went over his shoulders but stopped at his shins. He looked like a fool. She hauled him down, slapped a wig on his head and pulled out a box of paint. She rubbed paint on with a practised hand. Muttering about stubble, she put extra on his chin and cheeks, then finished by sticking two large warts on his nose and chin.
She grabbed his discarded clothes, stuffed straw into them and arranged them on his bed. From the doorway, it might look like a sleeping man.
She handed him a walking stick. ‘You’re 60 years old. Bend your knees and hunch over so that the skirt falls to the ground. You can use the stick to help you balance. And don’t talk.’ Then she led him out of the cell, locking it behind her.
She led the way out of the cell block, past the guards’ room. She dropped the ring of keys on the floor and walked on towards the main gate. Robert lumbered along beside her, forced to take small steps with his knees bent. He was glad of the stick.
The guard at the main gate was alert and eager for a flirtation. He smiled at Clara, and she smiled back, somehow revealing her cleavage as she did so. Robert ground his teeth. ‘Any luck?’ the guard asked her.
She shook her head. ‘They wouldn’t let me see him. I’m going to lose my wager after all.’
The guard produced the sheet where she had signed coming in, then looked at Robert. ‘Who’s this?’
‘That’s my granny. You don’t think I would come to a place like this on my own? I’m a good girl, I am.’
The guard frowned. ‘She didn’t sign in.’
‘She can’t write. But she goes everywhere with me.’
The guard frowned and made Robert put a mark on the page. The tremble in his hand was genuine as he marked an X. The guard could not take his eyes off Robert’s warts and never looked at his big hand. Then they were out, and moving away from the goal.
He laughed aloud as he took breaths of clean air.
Clara hustled him through the streets of Ely to the White Hart Inn, and brought him in the back door and up the stairs. Once inside a large bedroom, she locked the door and leaned against it. ‘We’ve made it. We’re safe.’ she said, and laughed.
He looked around at the luxurious chamber. ‘Whose room is this?’
‘Yours. I reserved it for the Earl of Oxbridge.’
He was really free. He took a deep breath, hauled her into his arms and kissed her.
It was like putting a spark to powder. All the terror and adrenaline turned to desire, and he couldn’t get enough of her. It must have been the same for Clara too, because she turned to flame in his arms.
Without ever breaking the kiss, he was shoving his hands into her bodice to free her breasts. He couldn’t spare a hand to bring her closer, so he used his body to slam her up against the door so that he could press into her and feel all those luscious curves against him.
Clara was as eager as he was. She tried to yank his dress down to get at his skin, but his arms were in the way. She made a sound of frustration and pulled it up instead.
He was naked under the dress. Her hands moved up his thighs and landed on his shaft. She gripped it firmly and refused to let go. He pulled back just enough to see her.
Her breasts had tumbled out of her dress, their nipples erect and proud. Her lips were wet and swollen, her cheeks were flushed and her eyes glittered. ‘Take that dress off, I want to see it.’ She kept one hand on his cock while the other tugged at his dress.
He ignored the sound of ripping as he dragge
d it off, then he was naked and unstoppable. He pulled her skirt up round her waist and ran urgent hands over her legs and buttocks. ‘So perfect,’ he groaned, then couldn’t resist her mouth any longer.
He swooped down and seized her lips greedily, thrusting his tongue into her mouth, unable to get enough of her. Her scent rose, intoxicating and maddening while her nails dug into his back.
‘Now. I can’t wait.’ He barely recognised her voice.
He pulled one knee up to his hip and slammed into her. She made a noise that was half groan, half scream. ‘Again.’
He did. She was hot and wet and welcoming, and delighted in his out of control thrusts. She urged him on with knees and voice and nails.
The harder he thrust, the higher her voice rose. In this position, she could not control her response, and spurred him on with demands for more. As he speeded up, she tightened around him and screamed as she collapsed into his arms.
He roared as he followed her over seconds later.
Only the sound of their laboured breathing broke the silence that followed. Robert was vaguely aware that he was crushing her into the door, but couldn’t summon the strength to move. Finally, she stirred and reluctantly, he forced himself to release her.
She opened her eyes and looked at him, dazed. ‘That was – astonishing. I want to do that again. And soon.’ She moved away from the door and looked over her shoulder. ‘I think I have splinters in my behind.’
But Robert wasn’t listening. Desire had turned to fear and fury. ‘No, you are never doing that again,’ he said.
She turned to stare at him. ‘What do you mean?’
‘Any of it. Dressing up. Breaking into gaols. This.’ He indicated their state of undress and recent activities with a gesture.
Her eyes narrowed as she glared at him. ‘I saved you tonight.’
‘I didn’t need saving. As soon as they knew who I was, they’d have let me go.’
She put her hands on her hips. ‘I have news for you, my lord. There wasn’t a man in that gaol who wasn’t prepared to swear blind that you were Thomas South and that you fired the shot which injured dragoon Williams. By the time someone could identify you as a peer, you might be a corpse swinging from a noose. I saved your life.’
He shook his head, infuriated. ‘You took appalling irresponsible risks tonight without any thought for the consequences and I’m going to make sure that you never do anything so reckless again.’
‘How?’ Her very stance challenged him.
‘Like this.’ He grabbed her and dragged her over to the bed. She went willingly, until he sat on the edge and pulled her down over his knees. Then she started to struggle like a wild thing. She screamed and clawed at him, and it took all his strength to subdue her. Finally, he had her hands behind her back and one thigh over her kicking legs.
Her bottom was bared to him.
‘You take stupid childish risks, by God you’ll be punished like a child,’ he said, and walloped her with his hand. Smack! Her buttocks absorbed the spank with a satisfying degree of resistance, and turned red. She shrieked at the top of her lungs.
He did it again. She shrieked again.
‘You took years off my life when I heard you in that gaol.’ Smack. ‘You have to learn not to take stupid risks.’ Smack. Smack.
He kept smacking her, but gradually he realised that she was no longer shrieking, and that he was not hitting her as hard. Instead his hand was lingering on her flaming buttocks, and she was wiggling against him in a way that did not suggest pain. And he had an enormous erection.
Appalled at himself, he let her go. She twisted away from him and landed on her back on the bed. Her dress was bunched around her nipped in waist, leaving her naked above and below it. She hissed in pain and flipped onto her front.
‘Look what you’ve done, you brute.’ She glared at him over her shoulder as she displayed her crimson bottom. ‘You did this, you can make it better.’
Robert was torn between shock at what he had done, and a tiny perverse satisfaction in having managed to shake her up. ‘Make it better how?’
‘Rub it until it stop stinging.’
He sat beside her on the bed and tentatively put his hands on her bum. The heat shocked him. He started to rub. She put her face down into the bed covers and made a moaning noise. He stopped at once.
She turned a narrow eyed look on him. ‘I didn’t tell you you could stop.’ She put her head down again and he resumed, and tried not to react to the noises she was making. God, she sounded like a woman being pleasured. As the fierce heat lessened, his touch became lighter, more caressing. Her moans changed, became more throaty.
He ran his hands down her thighs, and up to the small of her back. He was unable to go any further because of her dress, so he went back down again. Her legs had opened, and he slipped his hands between them. She twitched, then raised herself to his seeking fingers.
‘Do that more,’ she said.
‘In a minute. I need to take this off you.’ He looked for a fastening on her dress, couldn’t find one. Instead, she raised herself onto her knees, loosened it and pulled it off over her head. She turned to look at him. ‘You are not finished.’
He ran his fingers down her back, from the top of her spine to her buttocks. Shocked at the pleasure, she collapsed onto her hands and knees. She started to move, but he stopped her. ‘I like that. Stay like that.’
She did.
In this position, he had the freedom of her whole body. He nibbled at her neck and kissed his way down her back, while caressing her breasts. When he got to her bottom, he licked and kissed until she wiggled against him. He slipped his hand between her pink globes and caressed her. She was so wet. He slipped two fingers inside her and tormented her.
‘Enough,’ she cried. She was shaking, her muscles trembling. ‘I can’t stand any more. Shaft me. Now.’
He doubt he could have stopped if the roof fell on them. He moved behind her, pushed her thighs a little wider, and slid home. They both gasped. Never in his whole life had anything felt as right as this did.
He held her hips, controlling the speed and trying to go slowly, both to prolong the exquisite sensation and to prove to both of them that he was not an animal. He pumped in and out slowly, revelling in the silken tightness that gripped him like a glove, and the noises she made every time he pushed home.
But she wasn’t having any of it. ‘More. Faster,’ she demanded, and pushed back against him. He was unable to resist, and plunged in harder and faster. She met him stroke for stroke, until she screamed as she came. He plunged in one last time, and felt as if he was pouring his life blood into her.
She collapsed down onto the bed. He followed after her, and just had the presence of mind to flip the bed cover up over them before he passed out.
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John was a clergy man of the Papal Mainframe who had gone to place a guard and shield around the planet of Trenzalore to stop the Daleks, Cybermen and pretty much every other nasty creature in the universe from getting their hands on whatever was broadcasting a signal from the planet surface to every point in time and space, whatever the signal was it was impossible to decode and struck fear into the hearts of every creature that heard it. In a situation like this it was inevitable that sooner...
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INTRO: This is a story that begins in a small town called Ivor-Creek 500 residents We now follow a woman of 20 named Clara she lives on a street with 2 other houses with hers at one of the ends the town is based in one of what can be the coldest parts of the world but we dont know her where about's also this first part is pure character building a week from now i will release part 2 ______________________ "Clara" a voice whispered, She gazed around her room she stood up and...
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Hello dear readers. I know it was a long wait, not as long as some you have endured from me but I feel bad for leaving you out in the cold for so long. I have so many ideas jumping through my head that some of them turn out to be nonsense. Anyway, I hope you enjoy what I have managed to cobble together for you, your comments mean the world to me, honestly I take them all to heart and I try to fix my mistakes. Speaking of which, there was a comment on one of the chapters which brought up the...
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Clara was my good friend for many years and once we decided to make a two day outside trip. We left our car on the end of road and walked fem miles where we found beautiful small lake and spot to build our tent. Then we decided to go for a trip, took few things to backpacks and left. It was nice sunny but also very hot summer day. Somehow we made a mistake so our trip was much much longer. Finally wgot close to our tent. Last hour we walked up the hill and was such hot. She looked at me and...
As readers will know, I work as an assistant at a boutique clothes and lingerie shop catering specifically for chubby and larger over 50 mature ladies who like wearing girdles. We provide a discreet and private place where they can feel safe – and satisfied -- to buy fashionable, sensuous garments and lingerie that flatter them. And the staff are specially selected to help them fulfil their sexual fantasies whilst shopping. Women do not (or very rarely) lose their sex drive as they get older....
As readers will know, I work as an assistant at a boutique clothes and lingerie shop catering specifically for chubby and larger over 50 mature ladies who like wearing girdles. We provide a discreet and private place where they can feel safe – and satisfied -- to buy fashionable, sensuous garments and lingerie that flatter them. And the staff are specially selected to help them fulfil their sexual fantasies whilst shopping. Women do not (or very rarely) lose their sex drive as they get older....
MatureThe next morning Ferdinando leaves Thomasina, immediately after breaking his fast, saying he is off to Swainley, to release her son from the prison. Why does he still not tell her that he has already released him, not four hours or more before he first made his acquaintance with the fair lady? Indeed, he admits, never a fairer lady has he met or enjoyed the company of before. The woman is attractive, as well educated as any woman of his immediate acquaintance, keeps a good house and is...
At that instant several things happened at once, Clara’s eyes opened wide and she let out a high pitch shriek, her anus clamped down in a futile attempt to f***e out the invading finger and John vowed to himself next time he had her it would be his cock in her arse. ‘ john what you doing? I told you no entry.’ She yelled at him. ‘Trust me my dear, I know what im doing.’ gently fingering her arse all the while he ran his hand up her back to between her shoulders and pushed her close to him then...
At that instant several things happened at once, Clara's eyes opened wide and she let out a high pitch shriek, her anus clamped down in a futile attempt to force out the invading finger and John vowed to himself next time he had her it would be his cock in her arse. " john what you doing? I told you no entry." She yelled at him. "Trust me my dear, I know what im doing." gently fingering her arse all the while he ran his hand up her back to between her shoulders and pushed her close to him then...
The new sissy stood barefoot; naked but for the soft white gown. Though bewildered and a little scared, her little cock poked forward in the gown, partly through fear and partly through excitement as she felt the eyes of the stern woman upon her. Clara Bow rose slowly from the leather chair she sat in, cane in one hand, she wagged a finger summoning Pepper forward. She was accompanied by the buxom Nurse Wykett; her ample buttocks and breast bulging in her white uniform, her black stockings...
We ascended the spiralled staircase hand in hand. I followed behind him wordlessly, it all felt very… celestial. As if he was an angel, paving the way to the divine promised land. Which is all a very romantic way of saying that we went upstairs to find a bedroom. We entered one of many spare rooms, and Pierce quietly shut and locked the door behind us. He reached into his pocket as he looked hungrily into my eyes, and pulled out the blindfold, now grinning mischievously. As he tied it around...
It was the engagement party of the year, and champagne hung in the air like golden mist. It seemed that every noteworthy person in Charleston had come to meander about on the terrace of James Goodnight, the fiancé of my great aunt, Carolyn. A comfortable buzz of gossip and storytelling echoed off the marble pillars that trapped guests in their sovereign prison, forced to laugh under twinkling lights and a canopy of trees. I, however, had tolerated enough small talk from wealthy strangers. I...
‘So, you’re really meaning to tell me that you haven’t been staring at me all night?’ I pressed as we walked through Goodnight’s extensive gardens. Pierce moved slowly, I noticed, taking long strides as if he expected the rest of the world to kiss the ground he walked on. The entitlement is strong in this one, I thought. ‘Pierce!’ I insisted when he didn’t answer. Suddenly he swiveled toward me, his face just centimeters from mine. ‘I prefer it when you call me sir, Clara,’ he whispered,...
Greville Hambleton tried hard not to think of the ginger sissy; he was married to a fiercely independent woman who was very much in charge in the bedroom, and who knew all too well of Greville’s weakness for effeminate transgendered she-males. As he was often cuckolded, Tara his wife being partial to sampling cock, she turned a blind eye to his discretions. Like a lot of otherwise heterosexual males who enjoy the assertive control by the superior sex, he had a keen dominant streak which...
Peter had had no choice in the matter from an early age. As he car drew up to the huge ivy clad castle-like building, having entered through electronic gates in a ten foot wall, he felt doomed yet excited. His cock was erect in the tight panties his Stepmother has chosen for his introduction, his anus tingled and gripped the soft rubber plug she’d also chosen for his first day. His stepmother had allowed his soft ginger hair to grow to shoulder length already, and his dosage of hormones had...
By: Jesolal KAANTHARI CLARA (Malayalam)**HOT** Hi ! ella malayalee vayanakkarkkum vayanakkarikalkum ente namaskaaram.. Ente ‘Pattathi Vidhava Kush *hot* (Adichu Polikeda Mone),’ ninghal vaayichu kanum ennu vishwasikunnu, illa yengil I.S.S.nte DESI category yil chekku cheyuka. Eithu mattoru anubhavam: ithile Claramma (Kaanthari) Ente aadyathe kaamuki yaanu; yethandu 8th class il muthal jhangal aduppathil aayi, ennum school vittaal 1.1/2 – 2 manikoor tution nte peril chilavakki, 6 mani yodhe...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
Alex, Cate and Gail were glad to finally get out of the city. They didn't have any trouble getting out, but they were worried about how close they'd come to getting into some serious trouble before they did. As it was, they were sure that photos tagging Alex would be in every paper in the country tomorrow, along with YouTube videos of his latest miracle and interviews by Susan, who'd claim he'd refused to help her poor helpless daughter. The potential for trouble seemed...
On the morning of June 8, 1950, I met the world in a ramshackle farmhouse surrounded by a pear orchard. As I gasped for air, then screamed to announce the importance of my arrival, the Mexican midwife carried me outside and bathed me in cool water from a hand pump. Properly bathed and blessed in her Mayan dialect, she carried me back to be soothed with the milk of my mother's breasts. My father selected an auspicious spot and buried my placenta and umbilical cord.The "ranch", as orchards...
CheatingPepper returned to the room and sat on her new bed as she unpacked her things; Marie helped her stow things in a wardrobe and chest of draws allocated to her. The blonde smirked at the new girl as she blew on the brunettes nails she’d just completed; she would enjoy painting Pepper’s nails. Pepper bounced softly on the large double bed; the plug felt so nice now, and she loved the way it teased her anus.“Why such big beds? I’ve never had a double before and it feels so comfy.” The three...
By Gail Holmes Guys in the town couldn’t for the life of them see as to what the attraction was. If anything he was just a computer boffin. Just how he came to be one heaven only knows because his daytime job was on the roads, resurfacing the freeways okay his body reflected it; he was built like a brick shit house; on the beach, in the pool, the girls couldn’t keep there eyes off him. His huge shoulders and muscular arms, his...
Submissive and domination were two words I knew very little about until a few years ago. It was then I met Robert at a party. We had talked about an array of things including my wife Ann. He found her to be extremely attractive and sexy, and he gloated about how lucky of a man I was. We spent the better part of the evening chatting before exchanging numbers with one another. Robert had two extra tickets to an upcoming sporting event, and I immediately told him I would take them.Robert and I...
Wife LoversRandi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...
Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...
Robert was a hard working man, he sweat for every dollar he earned. Carpentry was no easy business in South Texas, where temperatures rarely dropped below the 90’s and the humidity made life hell. But Robert always liked working with his hands, and even the blistering heat wasn’t enough for him to give up his work for an air-conditioned office. Robert’s latest project was building a deck, porch cover, carport and gazebo in a young woman’s backyard. Robert liked this client, she was sweet and...