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Tom was just about at his wit’s end. Ever since Ann had had her miscarriage, she had been distant, almost cold. Tom had tried everything he could think of to get her out of her funk. He had tried to be as understanding as possible, but Ann just didn’t seem to respond. Tom had tried to get her to go to a counselor, but Ann had flatly refused, telling him that there was nothing wrong with her, and to leave her alone.

Tom was a partner in a private investigative firm, his specialty being in computer and network security. For that type of work, he really didn’t need a private investigator’s license, but he had gone ahead and gotten one, just so he could help Stan, his partner, with the other side of the business. So when Ann had her miscarriage, he was able to get a considerable amount of time off to stay home with her, and just be there for her. After two weeks, however, he went back to work, the same time Ann did.

Ann would get up in the morning, leave for work, and when she came home she didn’t want to talk any more than was absolutely necessary. Often she would spend virtually the entire evening sitting in her chair, staring off into space.

The last time Tom had suggested that they go to a marriage counselor, a couple of weeks earlier, Ann had shown the first real emotion she had displayed in weeks, if not months. Unfortunately it had been anger, and they had wound up in one of the few real fights they had ever had. Tom had tried to explain that he felt there was something going badly wrong with their marriage, and Ann had told him that she just needed some time to get things straightened out, and that he should just leave her the hell alone.

Sex was virtually non-existent. Ann would submit periodically, but there was no passion, or really much in the way of response. At times Tom felt that he would get as much response out of a blow up doll. Ann had never been particularly responsive sexually, and in fact had seemed to treat sex as more of a duty than anything else. However recently, her lack of involvement had dropped to a completely new low.

Then last week, Tom had been given four tickets to the charity ball at the local country club by one of his clients, and thought he had something that would at least give him a chance to get her out of the house to do something other than go to work, and mope around the house.

Tom brought up the subject, telling Ann that they could give the other two tickets to her sister and her husband and all go together. Ann was initially responsive, but on Wednesday she had announced that she wasn’t going, she just didn’t feel like it. Tom got mad, and another fight started, with Ann finally storming off into the bedroom, locking the door behind her.

Thursday, Tom was still irritated about the whole mess, so when an out of town client called about a security breach on their network, instead of sending one of the people that worked for him, he just decided to go himself. He called Ann, told her that he had to go out of town, and that he probably wouldn’t be back until Monday, although he would try to get back sooner.

By Saturday night, he had identified and plugged all the security holes, and run his final checks. He called the airline, and found that he could get a flight home very early Sunday morning. Tom called Ann, first at home, then on her cell phone, leaving messages both times that he would be back about 7:00am, and home about 8:00. Tom thought it was quite strange that Ann hadn’t answered at least one of the phones, but felt that there just wasn’t much he could do about it until he got home.

Tom arrived just as he planned, but when he got home he found that Ann’s car wasn’t in the garage. He went into the house, and saw that the answering machine still had his message on it, and that it hadn’t been picked up.

Getting a little worried, he called Ann’s sister, apologizing for calling so early, and asked if she knew where Ann was.

‘We were finally able to get Ann to go to the ball last night, and she had a bit too much to drink, so she is sleeping in our guest room. Do you want me to wake her up?’

‘No, I’ll see her when she gets home. Did you all have a good time?’

‘Yep, it was great getting out like that. Bob and I really enjoyed it, and Ann was actually dancing.’

Tom thought Pat sounded a little strange, but didn’t pay a lot of attention to it, and after a few more pleasantries, he hung up, got the morning paper, and settled down to read the paper and drink his coffee.

After reading the news and sports, Ann still wasn’t home, so Tom was idly paging through the paper, when he saw the coverage of the charity ball on the society page. He just glanced through the story, when he noticed that there was a picture of Ann dancing with some man. She had her body molded to his, and when he looked at the other pictures there were two more pictures of her dancing with the same man. He could clearly see that the man had his hand well down on Ann’s back, actually really more on her buttocks, pressing her against him.

Tom was more than a little angry. First she had refused to go to the ball with him, then she let some jerk paw her. Finally, by the time Ann got home at nearly noon, he was calmed down, and had convinced himself that it was really pretty innocent. After all Ann certainly wouldn’t have been doing anything out of line with Pat and Bob there.

When Ann finally arrived, she came in pretty bouncy, and told him all about the ball, and how much she had enjoyed getting out of the house. She thanked him for getting the tickets, kissed him, then invited him into the bedroom for what turned out to be some pretty good sex, well maybe that was an overstatement, but it was certainly better than it had been for the last few months.

By evening, however, she was back to her moodiness, and over the next month or so, she was still going off into her own little world, rarely talking about anything that didn’t need to be discussed.

Tom did notice however, that while Ann had always been quite a nice dresser, she seemed to be back to paying more attention to her appearance, which he took as a positive sign. She hadn’t become a slob by any stretch of the imagination since her miscarriage, but she had not been paying as much attention to her looks as she had previously. Now she seemed to be coming back to the Ann that had attracted him in the beginning.

Early one Friday morning, Tom’s partner, Stan, called, and told him that Steve’s wife had just delivered a baby, and so of course Steve would not be able to do the surveillance that he had been scheduled for. Stan asked if Tom would do the morning shift until Stan could get another man out there. Tom agreed, went by the office to get the paperwork he would need, and to pick up the surveillance SUV.

Tom’s relief showed up a little early, and as Tom was heading back to the office, he realized that he was going right by Ann’s office. He pulled into the parking lot, picked up his cell phone and called, thinking that he might take Ann out to lunch. Tom’s call was answered by Ann’s secretary, and when Tom asked for Ann, Susan told him that he had just missed her, that she had left maybe five minutes earlier, and had told her she would probably be gone all afternoon.

‘Oh, I wasn’t aware that she had anything going this afternoon.’

‘Let me look and see where she went. Huh, that’s odd, normally I would have her meeting listed on my calendar, but there isn’t anything there.’

‘Don’t worry about it, it isn’t anything urgent. I’ll see her tonight.’

Tom was just getting ready to start his car again, when he saw Ann come out of the office building, and get into a little Mercedes coupe. Tom now was a bit curious about where Ann would be going to a meeting in someone else’s car, so he let the coupe get out of the parking lot, then turned out and followed them, not really sure why he was doing it, it was just a hunch he had.

He wound u
p just behind them, which wasn’t very good technique on his part, but he could see Ann and what appeared to be a man quite clearly through the rear window. When they stopped at a light, he could also see Ann lean over and kiss the man.

Tom’s initial reaction was to simply ram the coupe with his car, but reason prevailed, and instead he simply turned on the video camera that was mounted on the dashboard of the SUV. Then he picked up his phone and called in to the office asking for a license check on the Mercedes. Within five minutes he had a call back, telling him that it was registered to a Russell Anderson, at 1521 Alta Vista Way.

Tom followed them for another ten or fifteen minutes, grinding his teeth every time they hit a stoplight, because Ann and Russell would spend the entire light cycle kissing and hugging. By this time Tom was so angry that he could hardly function. Here he had been worried sick about Ann for months, and now she was showing more emotion and love with this asshole than she had showed him since her miscarriage. He didn’t know whether he was madder at Ann or at the asshole in the car with her.

Just before they got to the Hyatt, Russell changed lanes just before the stoplight and Tom couldn’t change lanes with him, so he wound up alongside the coupe, looking down into the car. He couldn’t see Russell, but he could see that his hand was on his wife’s thigh, stroking it, and sliding up under her skirt.

Russell turned left into the Hyatt, and Tom was forced to continue down a block and make a u-turn to get back to the Hyatt. He pulled into the parking lot just in time to see Ann and Russell disappearing arm in arm into the hotel. Tom parked, got out of the car, and walked toward the entrance. As he entered he could see Ann and Russell leaving the check-in counter, and walking toward the restaurant. Tom waited until they had disappeared into the restaurant, then went up to the check-in counter, and asked if Russell Anderson had checked in.

‘You just missed him sir. He and Mrs. Anderson have checked in, but the room isn’t ready, so they are having lunch. Would you like me to have him paged?’

‘No, that won’t be necessary. I would like a copy of that registration though.’

‘Sir, I can’t do that, it is strictly against our policy.’

Tom reached into his pocket, and pulled out his identification, with his fancy private investigator’s badge. He knew that ninety percent of the time, people would just assume he was some sort of cop, and give him what he wanted.

He flashed the badge, and told the clerk that he could simply give him a copy, or he could come back with a court order and get it anyway. The clerk apologized, quickly ran a copy of it off, and handed it to him.

Tom folded it up and put it in his pocket, then walked over to the restaurant entrance. He could see Ann seated at a table with her back to him, and Russell sitting beside her, holding her hand.

Tom had thought that Russell looked familiar when he and Ann had walked into the hotel, but he couldn’t place him. Now the pieces fell into place. He was the same man that had been dancing with Ann at the charity ball.

As Tom walked across the restaurant, he could see Ann lean over and kiss Russell, her hand going behind his neck as she did. Tom walked up behind Ann, putting his hand on her shoulder. Ann spun around, and he could see that she didn’t have a bra on, and that her blouse was unbuttoned enough to show a good part of her cleavage.

‘Oh my God, Tom!’

Russell started to stand up, asking what the hell was going on.

‘Russell, if you want to keep those pretty white teeth, just sit the fuck down and shut up.’

‘Don’t come home Ann. You don’t live there any more. I’ll drop your things off at your sister’s place.’

Tom turned and walked away, seething. As he was driving past the entrance to the hotel, he saw Ann come running out the door, frantically looking around.

Tom hadn’t gotten more that a couple of blocks before his cell phone rang.

‘Tom. It isn’t what you think.’ Ann started.

‘I know exactly what I saw, and I am not in the least interested in talking to you any more.’

Tom hung up and although the phone kept ringing, he didn’t answer it, finally turning it off so he didn’t have to listen to the damn thing ring constantly.

Tom drove to his bank, immediately canceling all the joint credit cards, and starting a new credit card account in his name only. He also opened a new checking account in his name only, and took exactly half of what was in the checking and saving accounts and putting it all into the new account.

Tom didn’t even bother to go back to the office, he just called Stan and told him he wouldn’t be in for the rest of the day. He stopped off at a U-Haul rental agency and bought several broken down boxes, then drove home and started packing Ann’s stuff – if it could be called packing. Tom would just put a box together, dump a drawer of her things into it until it was full, then start on the next box.

By six, everything was stuffed into boxes, and loaded into the SUV, the locksmith Tom had called had replaced all the locks, and Tom had changed the access codes for the alarm system.

Tom arrived at Pat and Bob’s house to find Ann’s car parked out in front, just in front of her Aunt Maggie’s car. Tom backed the SUV into the driveway, and just as he was reaching for the doorbell, the door opened and Bob stepped out.

‘Hi Tom, what the hell is going on? Ann is with Pat and Maggie, almost hysterical – something about how you have thrown her out of the house.’

‘Yep. Sure did. I’ve got all her crap here in the car. If you will open the garage, we can get this all in there and I will be on my way.’

‘Is there anything I can do?’

‘Just help me unload this stuff.’

They worked in silence, and just as Tom was getting ready to climb back in the SUV, Maggie came to the door.

‘Tom, can I see you for a minute.’

Tom closed the door again, and waited for Maggie to walk over.

‘Tom, Ann is telling me that you have thrown her out of the house, and that it is all a misunderstanding.’

‘No misunderstanding. We are done. I’m going to see an attorney first thing Monday, or at least as soon as I can get an appointment.’

‘Can you at least come in and talk with us for a few minutes?’

Tom sighed, and felt that he might as well do it and get it over.

‘Maggie, you are one of my very favorite people, and I know you have been essentially a mother for Ann since her parents were killed, but in this case I don’t think it is going to do any good. As a favor to you, I will come in, but I guarantee you it won’t be pretty.’

Tom followed Maggie and Bob into the house to find Pat and Ann sitting in the living room, Ann’s face streaked with tears.

‘Tom. You have to understand, it isn’t what you think it is.’

‘Well you just tell me what you think it is.’

‘Russell is a client, I was just having lunch with him.’

‘Oh, so you weren’t there for a little friendly hugs and kisses? Like the kiss I saw you give him as I walked up in the restaurant? How about all the hugs and kisses I saw you giving him in the car on the way to the Hyatt? Would you like to review the videotape in the car that captured the whole thing? What about the way he had his hand up your skirt just before you turned into the Hyatt? Was all that just friendly client relations? Oh, and by the way, do you take your bra off for all your clients?’

‘You followed me?’ Ann gasped.

‘By accident. I was coming by to see if you wanted to go to lunch, but Susan told me I had just missed you, and when I asked where you went, she didn’t know. She had nothing on her schedule like she tells me she normally does.’

‘Oh, and let’s not forget the registration at the Hyatt. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Anderson, at least that is what the clerk called you.’

y Maggie, I’ve given you your five minutes.’

Tom turned and walked out as Ann burst into tears.

Tom spent the weekend moping around the house, trying to come to grips with the idea that his marriage was essentially over. Over and over he went through everything since they were married, trying to figure out what he could have done differently, and not coming up with a single answer. The phone rang nearly every thirty minutes, starting early Saturday morning, and continuing into the evening. Finally he answered, and Ann voice came through.

‘Tom, please, we need to talk. Please Tom, I’m begging you.’

‘Ann, we don’t have a damn thing to say to each other.’

With that Tom hung up the phone and ignored the continued calls, which finally stopped about midnight, only to resume Sunday morning. Tom would simply look at the caller ID, and if it was Ann’s cell phone, or Pat’s phone, he just ignored them.

Sunday night, he finally got a different call, this one from Maggie.

‘Hello Tom, do you have a couple of minutes?’

‘Sure, what’s up, as if I couldn’t guess?’

‘Well, Pat is madder than hell at Ann, and apparently it got so bad that Ann asked me if she could stay here for awhile. But that is not why I am calling. I wanted to ask if you would consider going to marriage counseling with Ann.’

‘Why bother? She has flat ruined our marriage, she has lied to me, she has been screwing around on me, hell, she wouldn’t even talk to me half the time before I caught her, so I really don’t see any point in it at all.’

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a few moments.

‘Tom, you once told me that if there was ever anything you could do for me that you would do whatever it took to make it happen. I’m calling in the favor now, and asking you to go to marriage counseling with Ann.’

Tom was, in turn, silent for a few minutes, remembering that he had always been so proud that his word was his bond.

‘All right Maggie, I’ll do as you ask, but that wasn’t what I meant and you know it.’

‘I know, but you two really were meant for each other, and this is the only way I can see to get you two back together. I know you don’t want to talk to Ann, so when we get an appointment set up, I’ll call you and let you know when and where it is.’

With that, Maggie hung up, and Tom went back to his drink, and the book he had been trying to read all day, without much luck. He would read a few pages, then have to go back and read them again, because he had forgotten what had been said.

The following Thursday, a little after 5:00pm, Tom arrived at the office of Joyce Ayers PhD, marriage counselor and psychologist. Ann had already arrived, and as soon as he checked in with the receptionist, they were ushered into Dr. Ayers’ office. Ann had tried to talk to Tom when he came in, but he just looked at her, then ignored her.

After the introductions were made, Dr. Ayers asked, ‘Why are you coming to see me?’

Ann spoke first. ‘I did something incredibly stupid, but not what my husband thinks it was, and I want to put our marriage back together, and move on with our lives.’

‘Are you living together now?’

‘No. Tom has essentially locked me out of the house. I am staying with my aunt at the moment.’

‘Actually, after I caught her with another man, I told her not to come home, and delivered her things to her sister’s place.’

‘Please Tom, you’ll get your turn to speak, let me finish with Ann first.’

‘Were you with another man?’

‘Yes, but it wasn’t what Tom thinks it was.’

‘Well, we can explore this a bit more later on. Tom why are you here?’

‘Ann’s aunt called in a favor, so I agreed to come.’

‘Have you filed for divorce yet?’

‘No, I haven’t had time to get to an attorney, my appointment is not until next week.’

‘Good. I’m going to ask you to hold off on filing the divorce papers. I’ve found that marriage counseling is much harder with a pending divorce action. It really is up to you, but my preference would be for you to hold off until you know whether you can reconcile or not.’

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I Belong to Snake NowChapter 4

The next morning I showed up at the appointed time. Snake was eating breakfast when I got there. He told me he was going to sleep on the couch. I’m to clean his room and do the laundry. He handed me a large bag of coins but I said, “That’s alright, Sir. I can take the laundry to my house and do it for free.” “Yeah, you wish. Stupid cunt! You’re going to go to the Laundromat at Main and Dorchester. Wear your slut clothes. While you’re there you can’t say no to anyone. If a man puts his hand...

2 years ago
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Making Paul Watch Me

Whatever the reasons, I loved domination and found a surprisingly willing partner in my Paul. Thanks to Mario's early lessons I soon had Paul my first real boyfriend succumbing to my every whim. I did not know the term edging when I was tormenting Paul but it worked like a charm. We both knew that we were fortunate to find each other and married immediatley after college. Soon afterwards, I found that the internet was good for things other than plagiarizing essays. I would soak my panties...

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Serving Mistress

A day of punishmentsAs the day when i am to see You again draws closer i feel more and more excited but also slightly worried about what You have planned for this submissive. i know i am being punished for upsetting You by being banished and this has become harder and harder to bear - it is the worst punishment and worse than i could have imagined it being.The days go by, it has now been 19 days and my anticipation increases until the time finally arrives and i am able to see You again. As i am...

3 years ago
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Demonology part 3

The warm light filtering through the tall windows warmed Amandas naked form. Stretching like a cat in sunlight, Amanda cracked one eye open then the other. Her husbands still sleeping form was next to her in bed, his horns having gown exponentially in the last couple of weeks. At first it was something concerning for Amanda, but he assured her that it was perfectly natural and part of his final stages of development. The Taipan demons, of which her husband, Balthazar was one, were the record...

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petite evil part 1

When i was four years old i started wearing stockings on my bare smooth legs. I didnt have any hair on them at all yet as i was an extremely late bloomer. Sitting at the shoe store with my gramma i would take the nylon socks they give you to try on ,which are nylon knee high stockings, and pull them up past my thighs. I had very very petite girly legs with very balanced curves that drew your eye very hard to the depths of your sexuality to fight the demons that plague men their entire lives....

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Sister Angelique and the OutlawChapter 6

Angelique's attempt at reconciliation was not something that she wanted to dwell on for any length of time. The priest proved to be of sound hearing and he was totally shocked at the extent of the lapsed nun's depravity even in a frontier town reputed to be both harsh and mean. Her contrition was truly sincere because she wanted to be fresh and clean again at least on the inside where she held her earlier beliefs. She could always get a hot bath at the Chinese laundry and look as clean as...

3 years ago
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Willing Slave the first experience

She had met him online in a bondage group. She had started off just fantasing but he had talked her into more. Much more. She trusted him, liked him. He had always known just what to say to make her so hot, her finger pumping into herself as she came on his commands. He had asked her to join him and his friends for the weekend. How could she refuse? He had given her directions to his house, talked about her codeword incase things got to intense, and told her what he wanted her to do. That...

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Dress Rehearsal

Amber Hall sat in the back booth of the small diner, her eyes lost in the black cup of coffee she had been staring at for the last half-hour. The twenty-three year old had a big problem and felt she had to get out of her apartment to think about it. "Well how's my favorite television star doing today?" the tall black waitress asked as she walked back to the short-haired blond with a fresh pot of coffee in her hand. The dark-skinned twenty-one-year-old looked down at the untouched cup of...

3 years ago
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A Very Sensual Princess

Chapter 1 Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales, wife of the heir apparent to the throne of England, mother of the next King of England after his father, Prince Charles. Diana was an amazing young woman even before she met Charles and through her betrothal, marriage, and then split-up from Prince Charles, she grew and matured into a totally amazing woman and person. Yes, Diana had been a physical virgin when she met and was engaged to marry Charles, the Prince of Wales and future heir to the...

1 year ago
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Our first group experience Part 1

My best friend and his wife have always been, shall we say, flirty with us. For a wedding gift, they gave us a set of books that were, to say the least, suggestive about having group sex. Our get-togethers (once or twice a year) almost always got around to sexual fantasies, and it was not unusual at all for a playful little flash to take place (by any of us). One year, they were visiting us for several days. My wife (Jean) and Ivan had taken his and Nichelle's things up to the upstairs bedroom....

Group Sex
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Ascent into Sensuality

ASCENT INTO SENSUALITY – THE BEGINNING Hi, my name is Carly Simones, and today is my 16 th birthday and to make things perfect it’s the weekend and also the beginning of the summer holidays. I’ve just got up and had a shower and slowly walk out onto my balcony, enjoying the soft morning breeze across my naked body. The breeze is cool enough to make my nipples pucker and harden. It’s a beautiful day, the sky is clear and dark blue and the breeze does not even ruffle the surface of the lake. ...

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One Stormy Night

It is a dark and cloudy night, the weather person had said we could get an evening storm. The wind is currently howling through the trees and rattling the windows of the office. It looks like they could be right.. Although the rain has not started yet, you can still smell it in the air. Checking the compound is secure one more time before deciding it would be best to stay over near the car just in case…  You see I am helping my friend, they are short one security guard for this evening.The...

4 years ago
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Thathaiah Tho Renu

Hai friends.. ela unnaru… nenu gurthunnana… nenu Renu… ( ) nannu kalisaaru kada adenandi baboo naa experience read chesaru kada ippudu malli mee munduku maro koththa anubhavam tho.. Anand annayya tho naa first experience tharuvatha sex lo naa view total ga change ayipoyindi. Now I love sex. Irrespective of any one… magaalllu koda anthe… andamaina adapilla correct proportions tho eduraithe eppudu padesi dobbudama ani eduru choostuntaru.. anni varusalu marachi potaru. Ee experience alaanti oka...

4 years ago
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My Nimmi

Me,my brother and Nimmi we are in home and my parents went to work.Nimmi is aunt. She’s my father’s sister.This happened when I was 13 and now I am 20. Now coming back to the story,She went to take bath and after along time I went to peep in her bathroom and she followed me and I was caught by her and she told me how long were doing this?I told a lie by saying “when I saw u fingering”.She went in shy and she gave mybrother food and she had and myself had mine.She made my brotherto sleep and she...

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My sexy step daughter Part 4

She turned off the shower head and kneeled in front of Kriss. With the beard trimmer she clipped her friends pubic hair as short as possible. She did have to stop a few times, as the vibrations of the clippers caused Kriss to moan and move around. After she was done she gently put the shaving gel on her friends pussy. She moved the razor gently across her skin, being careful not to nick her. Ronnie was overly turned on being this close to her friend's beautiful little cunt, she could smell...

2 years ago
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Battlemage Book 6 Scarlet Rage UnleashedChapter 7

Later than night Ariel and Nathan had a seat at a table in the Inn. They were planning on leaving early the next morning as Nathan wanted to confront Keith immediately about being used for such criminal activities. He wasn't happy with being used like he was. As they had dinner before they called it a night, Terrance and Rory insisted they buy the first two rounds of drinks to make up for their earlier rude actions. "Since we didn't get the introductions out of the way earlier," said...

2 years ago
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After the Crash

AFTER THE CRASH By Roy Del Frink Robin Hart was continually pleading with Susan Porter. "Please forgive me, Susan. It was an accident." "No! You killed my husband and I'm gonna sue you for all you've got!" It all started one evening when Robin drove down the road. He'd just left the local Hooters, and was on his way to a topless strip joint. Robin just LOVED big-breasted women, and couldn't get enough of them. Robin cared nothing for the women themselves; he just wanted to...

3 years ago
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Black List IV MalevolenceChapter 3

The HALO jumps goes off without a hitch just as it was expected to. The only thing Samantha, Spencer and the DEeP Six team has to worry about is sharks, but if the body suits can withstand bullets then shark teeth won’t matter. Using diver propulsion vehicles, the team is able to move effortlessly through the water and cut the travel time to the island by a substantial amount. Once on land, the team quickly hides away any excess equipment. The escape will be the same as the entry with the...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 102

This one compliments of larry A Little SEC Humor A guy from Tennessee passed away and left his entire estate to his beloved widow, but she can't touch it till she's 14. Did you hear that they have raised the minimum drinking age in Tennessee to 32? It seems they want to keep alcohol out of the high schools. Q: What do they call reruns of "Hee Haw" in Tennessee? A: Documentaries. A Tennessee State Trooper pulls over a pickup truck on I-64 and says to the driver, "Got any I.D.?"...

2 years ago
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Toothbrush Part V

TOOTHBRUSH PART V Tonight was a special night. It was several weeks after Dr. Grant (Tina) had examined both John and Anna, and John was busy setting the dinner table for three. Tina informed John and Anna that she had the preliminary results of her examinations. Anna suggested that all three of them would have dinner together at Anna's apartment and Tina would make her report. Tina at first balked at this suggestion, but on the basis that she did have a long standing social...

4 years ago
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Hearts Present Part 1 of 3

I woke up the next morning still inside her. My head swam. For a moment, I didn’t know who I was or what happened, and I didn’t fucking care as long as I could stay with this beautiful woman forever. It was her, the woman of my dream, Hearts. Hearts was a tall, slender Asian dream with great legs, perky breasts, tight ass and pussy, and fucked like a machine. I had assumed and dreamed all of that for months, but last night, I had seen and experienced it. I spurred a bet with her husband that...

4 years ago
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An Affair To Remember

I always thought of myself as a moral man. On the two prior occasions when I was faced with choosing morality over carnality, it was fairly easy to do the right thing. Recently, however, I found myself unable to resist. I’m semi-retired. Lucky, at 63 to have been able to leave the rat race of the corporate retail world early. Married, with three grown kids. All in all, life is pretty good. Not perfect, mind you, but pretty good. I work part-time at a local winery not far from my home. A couple...

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The Bearing Girl

Back in the nineties, parts suppliers started to use women to deliver there goods. It made good business sense to then, as they knew when men ordered parts and a pretty face delivered them, that company would be first on the list to order from again. It did work as well, the women were always helped unloading there van’s and never had to hang around to get there paper work signed. When a man delivered there was never a hurry to help him and we would watch him unload the van himself,...

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My last Friday of my schooling holidays

It was the last Friday of out last holidays of our schooling career. Both Jessica and myself knew that once back at school and starting our final few weeks with final exams that we wouldn't see much of each other. We therefore made sure that we would spend time together on the last Friday of our holiday. I woke up that morning and a little after 8 30 am I hopped into my car and made my way over to Jessica's house. We were alone for the day and on arrival she met me in the entrance hall wearing...

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Morning Treat

Mornng Treat Easter break and Danny was home again from university.With his parents at work and his sister away he enjoyed the lie in each morning and the privacy of not having to share a room with another student. Awakening with his usual early morning erection he had taken to enjoying a slow masturbation and letting the cum spurt out over his stomach before cleaning up and showering.This morning he began to think of some of the girls in his lectures that he didnt know and wondering what it...

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Celebrating Freedom

My celebration of freedom The apartment was finally mine. I just saw her off at the airport and came home to look at my roommate- less haven for the next three weeks. Three weeks by myself, my time of absolute freedom. And tonight I was going to go in search of someone with to share the exhilaration of an empty apartment that I was feeling. Since I had not even had a date in the past two months, and the only girl who had approached me had just come off of a relationship with one of my friends,...

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NTR Games

I was worried NTR-Games might stand for NeuTeRed Games, in which case it’d be stocked with a bunch of boring, SFW and sexless games for asexuals. Fortuantely, the NTR in this case is an abbreviation for NeToRare. If you ain’t up on your weeaboo talk and don’t recognize the word, allow me to explain: the term Netorare is used to describe a story that focuses on cheating, often in a hentai context. Since you’re reading this on ThePornDude and not some wholesome bullshit blog for soccer moms, it’s...

Free Sex Games
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First Sex With My Girl On Train

This happened when i was 18 year old. Shrishti was my best school friends as we share our secrets with each other. She is a dam hard working girl with her academics and guys girls who are hard working never like to get involved in any relationship and shrishti is that type of girl who even not like to explore herself to may people. As i have told you that she used to share her secrets with me so she had told me about her feeling when she first seen porn on internet.There is a dehradun tour...

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os HS Reunion

o’s High School ReunionHigh School reunions are often a source of surprises; the homely ?fat chick? turned into the gorgeous swan, the tough-guy, troublemaker, is now a cop, the science whiz is a shoe salesman. There are, i’m sure, similar surprises at every reunion, but can you imagine the girl known as ?The Ice Queen?, and voted most likely to be a virgin when she gets married, returning to her high school reunion as a sex slave; Hard to imagine? Well, i’ll try to describe how it went.i...

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Sex With Rahul

Hi I am Rani 26 I like to share my experience to you all. I got married to arun 1 years back .I am a housewife and he worked in a company .As the house rent was high we shifted to outer of the city. We found a new house where the house owner stayed in one portion and we stayed in the side portion. As we were only two of us we occupied with 1BHK. The house owner were a nice and a friendly person. They were only 3 of them father mother and their son Rahul. I used to call them uncle and aunty...

2 years ago
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Enslaved to the Mob Ch 06

(Author’s Note: This chapter does NOT contain any sex/erotic scenes. Purely this is for the storyline of the series. I want to thank all of whom who have written with words of praise and support while I go through this troubling time in my life. As with all of my stories, all characters are 18 years of age or older.) With gentleness, Nikolai places Angelique on top of the large bed. His hands softly find the blankets, pulling them over her as she curls up into a ball. ‘Smart move earlier… ‘ He...

4 years ago
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golden nectar mature lady

this story is not mineSusan O'Malley loved the beach, the relaxed setting, the sun. And it was a great place for the sexy older gal to sit with a cooler full of cold chardonnay and get hammered. Susan loved her chardonnay on the beach.She was a silver-haired beauty of 65, slender build but strong from years of exercising, big brown eyes, an impressive chest that had given away somewhat to a saggy crease of wrinkles and tanned skin dipping into her cleavage, slim in the hips and long in the...

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Island ENF

A yacht filled with various female passengers heads to the tropics for vacations. All females feel a great jolt as they hear an alarm blare. A small group see the captain and crew take the remaining emergency rafts and evacuate. The boat jostles around some more and the women black out. One by one, the passengers wake in random parts of the island and noticeably less clothes. Whether it is some missing shoes or no attire at all, they find themselves scattered over the jungles and beaches. The...

3 years ago
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Beautiful Passionate Encounter With The Girl In Neighbor

Hi everyone. I am a 22 year old guy from this amazing city of Pune. In case if any girl or any married female is interested in casual relationship my email address is Mail me anytime and be assured of all the respect and dignity that u deserve. No one except you and me will ever come to know about this. This incident which I am about to describe happened almost a month ago with my neighbor girl. She was really beautiful with a wonderful figure and God gifted her right amount of flesh at...

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wife got fucked

At the time my wife was about 31 years old, a perfect size 12 36ff breast the sweetest shaven pussy in the would which i was very proud of! we had a very horney sex life with stories fantacies and fuck in most places. she ozed sex was one of those women that everyone wanted to fuck!.She was dressed in a short skirt high boots and a tight white top which made her breast look amazing.The night start like any other when we went out club we meet her work mates one was having a party.we left about...

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