Carnival of Sluts My Visit to Iron Henge
- 3 years ago
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Tom was just about at his wit’s end. Ever since Ann had had her miscarriage, she had been distant, almost cold. Tom had tried everything he could think of to get her out of her funk. He had tried to be as understanding as possible, but Ann just didn’t seem to respond. Tom had tried to get her to go to a counselor, but Ann had flatly refused, telling him that there was nothing wrong with her, and to leave her alone.
Tom was a partner in a private investigative firm, his specialty being in computer and network security. For that type of work, he really didn’t need a private investigator’s license, but he had gone ahead and gotten one, just so he could help Stan, his partner, with the other side of the business. So when Ann had her miscarriage, he was able to get a considerable amount of time off to stay home with her, and just be there for her. After two weeks, however, he went back to work, the same time Ann did.
Ann would get up in the morning, leave for work, and when she came home she didn’t want to talk any more than was absolutely necessary. Often she would spend virtually the entire evening sitting in her chair, staring off into space.
The last time Tom had suggested that they go to a marriage counselor, a couple of weeks earlier, Ann had shown the first real emotion she had displayed in weeks, if not months. Unfortunately it had been anger, and they had wound up in one of the few real fights they had ever had. Tom had tried to explain that he felt there was something going badly wrong with their marriage, and Ann had told him that she just needed some time to get things straightened out, and that he should just leave her the hell alone.
Sex was virtually non-existent. Ann would submit periodically, but there was no passion, or really much in the way of response. At times Tom felt that he would get as much response out of a blow up doll. Ann had never been particularly responsive sexually, and in fact had seemed to treat sex as more of a duty than anything else. However recently, her lack of involvement had dropped to a completely new low.
Then last week, Tom had been given four tickets to the charity ball at the local country club by one of his clients, and thought he had something that would at least give him a chance to get her out of the house to do something other than go to work, and mope around the house.
Tom brought up the subject, telling Ann that they could give the other two tickets to her sister and her husband and all go together. Ann was initially responsive, but on Wednesday she had announced that she wasn’t going, she just didn’t feel like it. Tom got mad, and another fight started, with Ann finally storming off into the bedroom, locking the door behind her.
Thursday, Tom was still irritated about the whole mess, so when an out of town client called about a security breach on their network, instead of sending one of the people that worked for him, he just decided to go himself. He called Ann, told her that he had to go out of town, and that he probably wouldn’t be back until Monday, although he would try to get back sooner.
By Saturday night, he had identified and plugged all the security holes, and run his final checks. He called the airline, and found that he could get a flight home very early Sunday morning. Tom called Ann, first at home, then on her cell phone, leaving messages both times that he would be back about 7:00am, and home about 8:00. Tom thought it was quite strange that Ann hadn’t answered at least one of the phones, but felt that there just wasn’t much he could do about it until he got home.
Tom arrived just as he planned, but when he got home he found that Ann’s car wasn’t in the garage. He went into the house, and saw that the answering machine still had his message on it, and that it hadn’t been picked up.
Getting a little worried, he called Ann’s sister, apologizing for calling so early, and asked if she knew where Ann was.
‘We were finally able to get Ann to go to the ball last night, and she had a bit too much to drink, so she is sleeping in our guest room. Do you want me to wake her up?’
‘No, I’ll see her when she gets home. Did you all have a good time?’
‘Yep, it was great getting out like that. Bob and I really enjoyed it, and Ann was actually dancing.’
Tom thought Pat sounded a little strange, but didn’t pay a lot of attention to it, and after a few more pleasantries, he hung up, got the morning paper, and settled down to read the paper and drink his coffee.
After reading the news and sports, Ann still wasn’t home, so Tom was idly paging through the paper, when he saw the coverage of the charity ball on the society page. He just glanced through the story, when he noticed that there was a picture of Ann dancing with some man. She had her body molded to his, and when he looked at the other pictures there were two more pictures of her dancing with the same man. He could clearly see that the man had his hand well down on Ann’s back, actually really more on her buttocks, pressing her against him.
Tom was more than a little angry. First she had refused to go to the ball with him, then she let some jerk paw her. Finally, by the time Ann got home at nearly noon, he was calmed down, and had convinced himself that it was really pretty innocent. After all Ann certainly wouldn’t have been doing anything out of line with Pat and Bob there.
When Ann finally arrived, she came in pretty bouncy, and told him all about the ball, and how much she had enjoyed getting out of the house. She thanked him for getting the tickets, kissed him, then invited him into the bedroom for what turned out to be some pretty good sex, well maybe that was an overstatement, but it was certainly better than it had been for the last few months.
By evening, however, she was back to her moodiness, and over the next month or so, she was still going off into her own little world, rarely talking about anything that didn’t need to be discussed.
Tom did notice however, that while Ann had always been quite a nice dresser, she seemed to be back to paying more attention to her appearance, which he took as a positive sign. She hadn’t become a slob by any stretch of the imagination since her miscarriage, but she had not been paying as much attention to her looks as she had previously. Now she seemed to be coming back to the Ann that had attracted him in the beginning.
Early one Friday morning, Tom’s partner, Stan, called, and told him that Steve’s wife had just delivered a baby, and so of course Steve would not be able to do the surveillance that he had been scheduled for. Stan asked if Tom would do the morning shift until Stan could get another man out there. Tom agreed, went by the office to get the paperwork he would need, and to pick up the surveillance SUV.
Tom’s relief showed up a little early, and as Tom was heading back to the office, he realized that he was going right by Ann’s office. He pulled into the parking lot, picked up his cell phone and called, thinking that he might take Ann out to lunch. Tom’s call was answered by Ann’s secretary, and when Tom asked for Ann, Susan told him that he had just missed her, that she had left maybe five minutes earlier, and had told her she would probably be gone all afternoon.
‘Oh, I wasn’t aware that she had anything going this afternoon.’
‘Let me look and see where she went. Huh, that’s odd, normally I would have her meeting listed on my calendar, but there isn’t anything there.’
‘Don’t worry about it, it isn’t anything urgent. I’ll see her tonight.’
Tom was just getting ready to start his car again, when he saw Ann come out of the office building, and get into a little Mercedes coupe. Tom now was a bit curious about where Ann would be going to a meeting in someone else’s car, so he let the coupe get out of the parking lot, then turned out and followed them, not really sure why he was doing it, it was just a hunch he had.
He wound u
p just behind them, which wasn’t very good technique on his part, but he could see Ann and what appeared to be a man quite clearly through the rear window. When they stopped at a light, he could also see Ann lean over and kiss the man.
Tom’s initial reaction was to simply ram the coupe with his car, but reason prevailed, and instead he simply turned on the video camera that was mounted on the dashboard of the SUV. Then he picked up his phone and called in to the office asking for a license check on the Mercedes. Within five minutes he had a call back, telling him that it was registered to a Russell Anderson, at 1521 Alta Vista Way.
Tom followed them for another ten or fifteen minutes, grinding his teeth every time they hit a stoplight, because Ann and Russell would spend the entire light cycle kissing and hugging. By this time Tom was so angry that he could hardly function. Here he had been worried sick about Ann for months, and now she was showing more emotion and love with this asshole than she had showed him since her miscarriage. He didn’t know whether he was madder at Ann or at the asshole in the car with her.
Just before they got to the Hyatt, Russell changed lanes just before the stoplight and Tom couldn’t change lanes with him, so he wound up alongside the coupe, looking down into the car. He couldn’t see Russell, but he could see that his hand was on his wife’s thigh, stroking it, and sliding up under her skirt.
Russell turned left into the Hyatt, and Tom was forced to continue down a block and make a u-turn to get back to the Hyatt. He pulled into the parking lot just in time to see Ann and Russell disappearing arm in arm into the hotel. Tom parked, got out of the car, and walked toward the entrance. As he entered he could see Ann and Russell leaving the check-in counter, and walking toward the restaurant. Tom waited until they had disappeared into the restaurant, then went up to the check-in counter, and asked if Russell Anderson had checked in.
‘You just missed him sir. He and Mrs. Anderson have checked in, but the room isn’t ready, so they are having lunch. Would you like me to have him paged?’
‘No, that won’t be necessary. I would like a copy of that registration though.’
‘Sir, I can’t do that, it is strictly against our policy.’
Tom reached into his pocket, and pulled out his identification, with his fancy private investigator’s badge. He knew that ninety percent of the time, people would just assume he was some sort of cop, and give him what he wanted.
He flashed the badge, and told the clerk that he could simply give him a copy, or he could come back with a court order and get it anyway. The clerk apologized, quickly ran a copy of it off, and handed it to him.
Tom folded it up and put it in his pocket, then walked over to the restaurant entrance. He could see Ann seated at a table with her back to him, and Russell sitting beside her, holding her hand.
Tom had thought that Russell looked familiar when he and Ann had walked into the hotel, but he couldn’t place him. Now the pieces fell into place. He was the same man that had been dancing with Ann at the charity ball.
As Tom walked across the restaurant, he could see Ann lean over and kiss Russell, her hand going behind his neck as she did. Tom walked up behind Ann, putting his hand on her shoulder. Ann spun around, and he could see that she didn’t have a bra on, and that her blouse was unbuttoned enough to show a good part of her cleavage.
‘Oh my God, Tom!’
Russell started to stand up, asking what the hell was going on.
‘Russell, if you want to keep those pretty white teeth, just sit the fuck down and shut up.’
‘Don’t come home Ann. You don’t live there any more. I’ll drop your things off at your sister’s place.’
Tom turned and walked away, seething. As he was driving past the entrance to the hotel, he saw Ann come running out the door, frantically looking around.
Tom hadn’t gotten more that a couple of blocks before his cell phone rang.
‘Tom. It isn’t what you think.’ Ann started.
‘I know exactly what I saw, and I am not in the least interested in talking to you any more.’
Tom hung up and although the phone kept ringing, he didn’t answer it, finally turning it off so he didn’t have to listen to the damn thing ring constantly.
Tom drove to his bank, immediately canceling all the joint credit cards, and starting a new credit card account in his name only. He also opened a new checking account in his name only, and took exactly half of what was in the checking and saving accounts and putting it all into the new account.
Tom didn’t even bother to go back to the office, he just called Stan and told him he wouldn’t be in for the rest of the day. He stopped off at a U-Haul rental agency and bought several broken down boxes, then drove home and started packing Ann’s stuff – if it could be called packing. Tom would just put a box together, dump a drawer of her things into it until it was full, then start on the next box.
By six, everything was stuffed into boxes, and loaded into the SUV, the locksmith Tom had called had replaced all the locks, and Tom had changed the access codes for the alarm system.
Tom arrived at Pat and Bob’s house to find Ann’s car parked out in front, just in front of her Aunt Maggie’s car. Tom backed the SUV into the driveway, and just as he was reaching for the doorbell, the door opened and Bob stepped out.
‘Hi Tom, what the hell is going on? Ann is with Pat and Maggie, almost hysterical – something about how you have thrown her out of the house.’
‘Yep. Sure did. I’ve got all her crap here in the car. If you will open the garage, we can get this all in there and I will be on my way.’
‘Is there anything I can do?’
‘Just help me unload this stuff.’
They worked in silence, and just as Tom was getting ready to climb back in the SUV, Maggie came to the door.
‘Tom, can I see you for a minute.’
Tom closed the door again, and waited for Maggie to walk over.
‘Tom, Ann is telling me that you have thrown her out of the house, and that it is all a misunderstanding.’
‘No misunderstanding. We are done. I’m going to see an attorney first thing Monday, or at least as soon as I can get an appointment.’
‘Can you at least come in and talk with us for a few minutes?’
Tom sighed, and felt that he might as well do it and get it over.
‘Maggie, you are one of my very favorite people, and I know you have been essentially a mother for Ann since her parents were killed, but in this case I don’t think it is going to do any good. As a favor to you, I will come in, but I guarantee you it won’t be pretty.’
Tom followed Maggie and Bob into the house to find Pat and Ann sitting in the living room, Ann’s face streaked with tears.
‘Tom. You have to understand, it isn’t what you think it is.’
‘Well you just tell me what you think it is.’
‘Russell is a client, I was just having lunch with him.’
‘Oh, so you weren’t there for a little friendly hugs and kisses? Like the kiss I saw you give him as I walked up in the restaurant? How about all the hugs and kisses I saw you giving him in the car on the way to the Hyatt? Would you like to review the videotape in the car that captured the whole thing? What about the way he had his hand up your skirt just before you turned into the Hyatt? Was all that just friendly client relations? Oh, and by the way, do you take your bra off for all your clients?’
‘You followed me?’ Ann gasped.
‘By accident. I was coming by to see if you wanted to go to lunch, but Susan told me I had just missed you, and when I asked where you went, she didn’t know. She had nothing on her schedule like she tells me she normally does.’
‘Oh, and let’s not forget the registration at the Hyatt. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Anderson, at least that is what the clerk called you.’
y Maggie, I’ve given you your five minutes.’
Tom turned and walked out as Ann burst into tears.
Tom spent the weekend moping around the house, trying to come to grips with the idea that his marriage was essentially over. Over and over he went through everything since they were married, trying to figure out what he could have done differently, and not coming up with a single answer. The phone rang nearly every thirty minutes, starting early Saturday morning, and continuing into the evening. Finally he answered, and Ann voice came through.
‘Tom, please, we need to talk. Please Tom, I’m begging you.’
‘Ann, we don’t have a damn thing to say to each other.’
With that Tom hung up the phone and ignored the continued calls, which finally stopped about midnight, only to resume Sunday morning. Tom would simply look at the caller ID, and if it was Ann’s cell phone, or Pat’s phone, he just ignored them.
Sunday night, he finally got a different call, this one from Maggie.
‘Hello Tom, do you have a couple of minutes?’
‘Sure, what’s up, as if I couldn’t guess?’
‘Well, Pat is madder than hell at Ann, and apparently it got so bad that Ann asked me if she could stay here for awhile. But that is not why I am calling. I wanted to ask if you would consider going to marriage counseling with Ann.’
‘Why bother? She has flat ruined our marriage, she has lied to me, she has been screwing around on me, hell, she wouldn’t even talk to me half the time before I caught her, so I really don’t see any point in it at all.’
There was silence on the other end of the phone for a few moments.
‘Tom, you once told me that if there was ever anything you could do for me that you would do whatever it took to make it happen. I’m calling in the favor now, and asking you to go to marriage counseling with Ann.’
Tom was, in turn, silent for a few minutes, remembering that he had always been so proud that his word was his bond.
‘All right Maggie, I’ll do as you ask, but that wasn’t what I meant and you know it.’
‘I know, but you two really were meant for each other, and this is the only way I can see to get you two back together. I know you don’t want to talk to Ann, so when we get an appointment set up, I’ll call you and let you know when and where it is.’
With that, Maggie hung up, and Tom went back to his drink, and the book he had been trying to read all day, without much luck. He would read a few pages, then have to go back and read them again, because he had forgotten what had been said.
The following Thursday, a little after 5:00pm, Tom arrived at the office of Joyce Ayers PhD, marriage counselor and psychologist. Ann had already arrived, and as soon as he checked in with the receptionist, they were ushered into Dr. Ayers’ office. Ann had tried to talk to Tom when he came in, but he just looked at her, then ignored her.
After the introductions were made, Dr. Ayers asked, ‘Why are you coming to see me?’
Ann spoke first. ‘I did something incredibly stupid, but not what my husband thinks it was, and I want to put our marriage back together, and move on with our lives.’
‘Are you living together now?’
‘No. Tom has essentially locked me out of the house. I am staying with my aunt at the moment.’
‘Actually, after I caught her with another man, I told her not to come home, and delivered her things to her sister’s place.’
‘Please Tom, you’ll get your turn to speak, let me finish with Ann first.’
‘Were you with another man?’
‘Yes, but it wasn’t what Tom thinks it was.’
‘Well, we can explore this a bit more later on. Tom why are you here?’
‘Ann’s aunt called in a favor, so I agreed to come.’
‘Have you filed for divorce yet?’
‘No, I haven’t had time to get to an attorney, my appointment is not until next week.’
‘Good. I’m going to ask you to hold off on filing the divorce papers. I’ve found that marriage counseling is much harder with a pending divorce action. It really is up to you, but my preference would be for you to hold off until you know whether you can reconcile or not.’
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IncestThanks to all the readers who read my stories before and dropped me a mail. I am very much delighted and would appreciate if more people emailed me. Sorry, it has been a bit long since I last posted my story. I am sorry because my GATE exam preparation was going on. So continuing from the last part. It was the day when she was discharged from the hospital. But I was sleeping peacefully. She didn’t even give a call on my phone. I too totally forgot about her discharge. And then my daily life...
DAY ONE: The last of the movers left and Carl was left alone in his new furnished home. The few boxes of personal effects they allowed him to keep have been stacked neatly in the living room. Carl looked over the room before moving into the kitchen; it was bright yellow with warm orange accents. Warm like everything else in Arizona. Carl realized that in his 34 years of living, it was the past two years that drastically changed his life. He was busted back then by a combined federal task...
This is a true, albeit long-winded recollection of a very inappropriate experience, which started when I was all alone in my best friend’s mother’s house… I regularly used my mother’s vibrators as a teenager, literally hundreds of times. I was never particular aroused by sticking penis-shaped objects in my butt, but rather by the fact that I was accessing and using a woman’s private and secret stash of sex toys without her knowledge or permission. The fact that they belonged to my own mother...
I am SO angry with Carter! He still haven't fucked me. My whole body is screaming for him! And my ass is still sore for all the spanking yesterday. I had stayed in my room all day just being grumpy. I was laying in bed with my laptop watching porn when I heard music coming from down stairs. I went down the stairs and saw candles, flowers, the fire burning and romantic music. I rolled my eyes and was on my way back up stairs when I heard Carters's voice. "And where do you think you're going?" I...
Hannah sighed as she pulled her top over her distended belly. Her large breasts heaved against the flimsy material, the closeness of the garment causing her sensitive nipples to spring up in response. She hadn't meant to get pregnant but sometimes these things happen and forced into circumstances she hadn't chosen, she made a brave decision and opted to keep the baby. Seven months down the line though and she was beginning to regret the decision. For one, she...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: December 25, 2009) Chapter 14 - Marketing Blitz "Hurry and get dressed," Dad told me when I walked into the house. "We need to go." "Ok," I said. I dropped my book bag on the couch and headed for Sarah's room. "What should I...
Hey guys, thanks for reading my previous story it was a bit long but I hope you did not get bore. As you liked the previous part 1 bring to you what happened next. Do read the first one to link it with this. I and Malaika were carrying out our jerking act in the balcony. I was holding my dick from the bottom in my hand and the dickhead in the circular window grill. Malaika made me push my dick in there to get a fill of penetrating the hole. We heard mom approaching so I had to pull out the dick...
Mike drove me downtown, and I did what needed to be done for the final arrangements for my woman. We had a little insurance. She would be cremated, that had been her expressed wish in a conversation about family matters we’d once had. I was in the chapel at the funeral home when it was done. My sobbing was beyond telling. I had never felt so low. I had nobody. I had nothing and nothing was what mattered to me. I did have an ‘82 pickup truck. My part time job would pay—at a bit more than...
I fucked my mom in front of my dad without his knowledge as he was too busy to understand what happened.I and my dick left for the kitchen, and to my surprise, my mom was very horny. When we entered the kitchen she just grabbed my dick and started to suck. It was an awesome feeling.I couldn’t control myself I cummed in her mouth. She asked me can we do it again in front of your dad. Yeah, I like to do that but how without him knowing. We will get a chance one day, mom.My college started. I and...
She strode into the barracks as though she owned it. It was Saturday but in the Army, in a basic combat training company that made no difference. Staff Sergeant Jill Anderson bolted the stairs two at time. She liked her job and she was glad to be here. After all, where else could one have an unlimited supply of cocks? Where else could a horny woman get satisfaction by blowing a whistle? Yes, this was the job of her dreams. Jill arrived on the third floor of the building. It was about 5:00...
EroticBut at last I was completely wrung out, burrowed into your shoulder with my arms around Your neck as I subsided and became quiet, interrupted only by an occasional sniffle. You held one more tissue to my nose, which I snuffled into, then tossed it into the wastebasket before gently easing me up so You could look into my eyes. “My little girl has had a very long and eventful day,” You said quietly. “Maybe enough for one day. I should take you home, I think, and give you some t--” “Please...
Prologue I was lonely. I looked around the big house and thought about how happy my parents and grandparents had been here. My mother had attracted my father with her good looks and sweet nature, but had held him with her knowledge of how to gently dominate him. He had been more than willing to go along with her, and they had loved one another deeply. He had died before I’d been born, and my mother had been devastated. She had never gotten over his death, and had passed away before my...
Two months later. Diana tapped on her coffee shop table with a measured calm, her eyes fixed on her towering ice cream float. She used her spoon to poke at the sticking white mess as it melted, ensuring none spilled over the side. With each motion of her wrist, the dangling silver child’s bracelet she wore made an audible rattling sound. A mere hour before closing time, only a handful of customers remained seated. Diana had studied them all a thousand times since she sat down. “Eight...
Jay, a 40 year old married man had recently crossed the line with one of his daughter’s good friends, Tristen. It started out innocently when Tristen busted Jay masturbating one night when she spent the night with Jay’s daughter, Anna. The next time she spent the night it quickly escalated into a lustful session of hot sex. To top that off Jay had just learned that his daughter also liked Tristen more than just as a friend via his secret recording of them in the shower. A week had past...
For some reason the characters of steven universe get in sexual situations anything goes (all the characters are aged to 18) You want a stroy wahrw connie is useing her mom as a bdsm slut go for it or how about a stroy whare a nieve steven is being toght about sex by the gems who diced to give a deminstartion or what if your in to harem steven ends up the only male on home world surounded by sexy horny alian gems. How about aoem fun with paradot the clules smart short stack. Or lapis useomg her...
1Three Wishesby The TechnicianFantasy, Transgender Male to Female, D/s (Implied)It was late evening. The sun was setting and a full moon was just beginning to rise. I was walking on the beach, but not to enjoy the breeze or the view. I was debating with myself whether on not to swim out into the ocean until I was too tired to swim anymore and thus end it all. I'm told that if you aren't struggling against it, drowning is a rather quiet and peaceful death, but was death what I was seeking? ...
"No, Dad, I think mom and I are in a mood for 27 Dresses, don't you think, Mom?" I asked, glancing at her. "Yes, Chase, that sounds like the better choice," she replied before she looked back at him. "Sorry, dude." "Okay," he sighed, leaning back. "In the next life, we should have a boy. I'm constantly getting outvoted here. Movies, restaurants, food we order and everything else," he whined, crossing his arms. "Well, Dad," I said, placing a hand on his leg. "No one said life...
Is ghatna ke pahle kya hua tha maine ISS mein apni story “Shabnam Ki Chudai, Part II “ main bataya hai. To maine aap ko bataya tha ki meri aur meri saheli Lata ke beech ek doosre ke liye chahat kaise paida hui thi. Us din to hum aage nahin ja paye kyunki thorhi hi der baad Lata ka boyfriend Ravi pahunch gaya tha. Hum abhi ek minute pahle ek dusre ki bahon mein se alag hue the. Hamari dono ki saansein abhi tez theen, dil tezi se dharhak rahe the. Hamara dono ka pyaar kuchh hi der pahle paida hua...
Big Boy suspected that he was a butt of an elaborate joke.He was angry and desperately wanted to cut someone's head off. He thought he knew who had initiated the joke, but wasn't absolutely sure. And what if he was sure? That man was doing what he wanted; he was the boss after all. Big Boy was 6'10'' tall and weighed more than 300 pounds, most of which muscles. Until ten years ago he was a professional weightlifter but his results were not very good, maybe because he wasn't patient in...
Her name was Connie but I always pronounced it “Cunnie” and she knew exactly why. Just looking at her trim body and short dark hair, kinda pixie like, you’d think she was the All-American wife. Not quite. I’d fuck her several times a week. Might be on lunch break, after work, or on a Saturday when she was supposedly out shopping. Never on Sunday because she always went to church to keep up her image. She never felt like she had any sins that needed forgiveness though. The way she dressed...
Raju is 45 years old and widower and has 18 years daughter. He did not have any woman contact after the death of his wife more than 5 years back. His daughter,Priya, is 18 years old. She is 5’6″ tall, 60 Kg wight and 38 – 28 – 38 figure and boobs of 38 C size firm and stunning and size and firm and fair complexioned and studying in college. In their house normally they sleep on separate beds and both have good affection towards each other. Raju also attractive and in good physical and mental...
IncestAuthor’s Notes: First and foremost, Always Faithful is a work of fiction, no characters depict any known persons. To the best of the author’s knowledge, there is no women’s clothing manufacturer by the name of Business Lady. This is the first part, about five percent, of a much longer story. I intend to submit successive parts frequently. Since the story is of novella length, and contains minor elements of homosexual, exhibitionism and BDSM sexual activity, it is listed in the Novel – Novella...
Hi to all my sweet ones after a little break I am here with a perfect romantic sex story which makes you feel good.I am Ravikrishna or Ravikrish aged 21 who is studying in a reputed engineering college in Bangalore.My body stats 6 ft height 68 kg weight with an athletic body.I have a hard rock penis with a size of 6 inches in length and 2 inches in thickness. As everyone knew life moves only on love care and affection.Sex is equal to these three things which both men and women should get.My...
Confederate General Jubal Early and most of his staff spent Sunday evening near Gaithersburg, Maryland, a few miles north of Rockville, at the home of a very angry slave owner and Union sympathizer named John DeSellum. Mr. DeSellum was particularly unhappy because passing Rebels had pretty well cleaned him out of food and fodder before someone on the General's staff decided that his home would be a good place to locate the invading army's headquarters for the night. The few dark hours of...
She reminded herself that she should not be ungrateful. Every armor had its flaws. Ice Queen was in the middle of the battle for New York when her entire suit shattered. Strangely, at that exact moment, the battle had come to a complete haul with every camera focusing on her… like they knew what was going to happen. Ice Queen was still recovering even a week later after the battle after her suit malfunction, her next step caused her to trip. Her hands had caught her but her feet remained...
What a day! I get to wake up to a corrupted file system, a crashed computer, no OEM for my OS CD to restore, a lost report, and a longing for sexual relief. However, I didn't know that it would eventually turn out better.It all started when I when I woke up this morning. I had been doing some rather important schoolwork on my computer and grew tired, so I saved and let the program run all night. And when I woke up, my computer was frozen and refused to boot into Windows 98. I tried to salvage...
Melinda was quite chipper the next morning, barely saying a word of contention to Heather. In fact, her only reaction to her older sister's usual jibes and teases was an increasingly smug smile. After Melinda had dressed and was heading out the door, Heather came up from behind her and laid her hand on the edge of the door, pushing it back closed. "What?" Melinda demanded, looking up at her older sister impatiently. "What are you up to?" Heather said, narrowing her eyes. Melinda...
On Friday, I went shopping on my way home from work and then called Ken. "Hi honey" "Hey sweetie. You ready?" "I've been sitting in a puddle all day! I can't believe how horny I am! Do you want me to come over," I asked, hopefully. "Yes, but not tonight" "Uhhhh, come on. I'm so horny. We could start tonight," I added, coquettishly. "We will start tonight, but you'll start over there. Do you have a pen and paper handy?" "Ummm ... hang on ... okay, I'm ready." God was...
From the middle of my adolescence I was quite the ladies’ man. I’ve had many different lovers despite my young age. I lost my virginity early, at about the age of fourteen. Despite my youth I was known for being an attentive and caring lover. This surprised many ladies because most men of my looks and type were often selfish in bed. By the time of my eighteenth birthday I had probably bedded about fifty women. I know that’s hard to believe, but it’s the genuine truth. I’ve even had a few more...
Hi ISS readers. I am Naresh Patil from Mumbai central suburbs and back with a new incident. I recently posted an incident in Couple section HAD SEX WITH COLLEGE FRIEND. The day this story got published on ISS I started receiving many emails complimenting my story. I was really happy as I was not expecting such a huge response. Thank you all who read it and appreciated me. I replied to each and every mail that I received. In this story I’ll narrate you how I satisfied one of my reader. I...
Out on the town for a night of fun, two babes join the mass of humanity partying wildly at one of the Strip's hottest nightclubs. The music is rocking and they fall into step - letting the beat envelop them and the alcohol melt away their inhibitions. They are both tall with long golden hair, short skirts, large breasts bubbling out of their skin-tight tops and the legs...oh, the legs, long and perfectly curved, accentuated by silk stockings and wonderfully high heels. As they twist and grind...
EroticKevin is kinda a geek, but not too bad, but although he could use a better haircut, it wasn't his hair that I first noticed. I remember seeing him running with the rest of the boys on the track field. I love to watch the boys run. Especially when they pass me by and I can see their buns flexing in the nylon school shorts we all have to wear. The guys all seem to get their shorts two sizes too big and the girls get theirs one size too small. So there I was standing with my girlfriends waiting...