Virtual Vacation Coupon First Recursion
- 2 years ago
- 35
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I been a busy little bee working double shifts so I’ve not had much free time to type this up. Sorry it’s taken so long and hopefully it was worth the wait.
* Michelle*
I was sprawled on my stomach, one arm dangling off the edge of the bed and my face buried in a pillow. My mouth was dry and I rolled over noticing my nudity and lack of covers at the same time I felt a twinge between my legs. I smiled, thinking of how amazing the things we’d done to cause my tenderness had been. I was a little past pleasantly tender.
I got up to stretch out as much of the stiff soreness as I could. I wondered where Brian was and why he’d gotten up so early but decided to shower before I went looking for him. Maybe he’d even join me again.
I shaved, washed my hair, taking my time. I got out when it became obvious I was wasting hot water. I dried my hair standing nude in front of the vanity mirror. I noticed I had several fingerprint bruises on one thigh and then a quarter sized one on my left ass cheek. Porn star bruises, I grimaced. Still at least they weren’t on my knees. I bruised easily and certainly hadn’t noticed when they happened.
I walked in the bedroom and pulled out a pair of lacy briefs and cut off shorts. I pulled a scoop neck tee on sans bra and wandered out to find Brian. I noticed the washing machine and dryer were both hard at work as I passed them going down the hall.
Brian was sitting at the kitchen table with his nose in a book. One hand was shoveling cereal in his mouth in a mindless way that I was disgusted to find myself thinking of as cute. I watched him for a while until I realized what he was reading.
‘Seriously? I have two shelves of romance novels out of like fifty plus total shelves and you’re reading a romance?’ I moved to get a bowl and spoon out snagging the milk from the fridge before I settled at the table across from him.
‘Good morning beautiful.’ He smiled at me sliding the cereal towards me. ‘I was doing research. This is pretty steamy stuff.’ He waggled his eyebrows. ‘Do you find this sort of thing romantic? I mean this guy tricked the girl into marrying him for her inheritance which it turns out she doesn’t have but he falls in love with her so no harm done?’
‘No honestly I don’t. The local used book store has a free box out front.’ I pointed out the black mark across the top of the pages of the book. ‘The owner marks them so people don’t waste her time trying to trade them back to her. I can’t hardly resist a free book and once I have it well…’ I shrugged helplessly. ‘If I can’t find it a good home if it doesn’t belong with me forever, what can I do but let it stay with me?’ I acted as if I were covering the books ears. ‘They recycle unwanted books in this county.’
He laughed. ‘So you’re saying you can’t turn away a homeless book? Have you read all the books in there? Or are a majority of them homeless?
I thought about it. ‘I’d say five percent are homeless but I think I read about two percent of those all the way through. I started to read them all of course. I don’t just bring home every stray I find. That filth though, my Great Aunt Glenda can’t get enough of those. Not that I hate all romances but she likes the ones with male chauvinist jackasses.’ I shrugged. ‘I pick um up throw them on a shelf and she carts them off when she visits.’
‘Well that’s a relief. I was really wondering how I could manage to trick you into doing something you didn’t want to do.’
‘I’d really prefer you stick to convincing me to do things I already wanna do. You’re good at it. Thanks for starting the laundry by the way, that was sweet. I should probably strip the bed today.’ I smiled at him when he really registered what I’d said.
‘I don’t mind laundry. So what exactly do you want to do that I should be convincing you to do today?’ He made a face. ‘That sounded better in my head.’
I laughed and poured cereal. ‘I don’t know about being convinced of anything crazy today. I know this is your vacation but how about a lazy day?’
‘Lazy sounds good to me too. I don’t expect you to provide a thrill a minute or constant entertainment. It’s just nice to be here with you.’ He leaned over the table. ‘It has been though, a thrill a minute. ‘ He waggled his brows before looking a bit sheepish. ‘I saw the bruises this morning. I’m sorry about those I knew I was too rough last night. I didn’t really hurt you did I?’
‘You didn’t hurt me. It’s fine and the bruises aren’t really a big deal.’ I cleared my throat. ‘So what would you like to do today?’ I finished a bit primly.
‘How about we cuddle up and read or watch a movie in between doing the laundry?’
‘Sounds good to me.’ I said beaming at him.
After I finished eating I did the dishes quickly and went back to strip the bed. Brian was in the hall folding clothes straight out of the dryer. He had the underwear I’d shoved into his pocket last night in his hands and I realized the load was nothing but my delicates he’d even used a lingerie bag. I was impressed despite myself.
I had just unfurled the fitted sheet when Brian came in and took up the other side. We made the bed together and I was amused when I caught him tucking covers and all under the mattress up his side of the bed. He got all the way to the top before he grunted in obvious disgust and undid it. He proceeded to do a very neat hospital corner which is exactly what I like. I enjoyed watching him. The muscles in his arms rippled and his face was very expressive.
‘So exactly how serious were you about my keeping that little gift you gave me last night?’ He’d turned and picked up a pile of folded underwear he’d brought in and on top were the ones I’d put in his pocket last night.
I laughed. ‘If you wanted them you shouldn’t have offered them back to me. Those are expensive.’
‘I prefer them on you or just taken off of you.’ He winked and turned to put my things away. ‘I’d love to take you shopping sometime. You seem to be lacking a few color choices here.’
I laughed thinking he was teasing me. My underwear drawer was like an explosion I never folded the panties. All my bras were neatly lined up on one side in a stark contrast to the tangle of panties on the other.
‘Why no pink? Or purple?’ He was unfolding and mixing in the panties he’d gone to put away. He paused to feel a pair of silk briefs between his thumb and fingers.
Oh he was serious. ‘I’m not really a fan of pink. I just haven’t found any purple I like lately. So I suppose you think taking a girl shopping is gonna be like a movie montage. I’d come out and parade around for you and the store would be amazingly empty.’
It was his turn to laugh. ‘No I don’t think that. I might hope to see you in them later but honestly I just liked the idea of you wearing something I bought. Like you’d have to think of me every time you wore them. I think you’d look amazing in pink.’
‘Oh well I don’t need underwear you bought for that now do I?’ I mumbled it as I turned to gather up the dirty sheets. I was thinking of how the underwear I’d worn every day this week would remind me of him.
‘Are you saying you’ll think of me anyway or you can look amazing in pink without underwear?’ He was holding up the only garter belt I owned.
‘That I’d think of you but maybe the other as well. You know those aren’t crotchless panties right?’ I teased.
‘Yeah. So what are the chances you have thigh highs and you’ll wear them for me?’
‘I could do that.’ I went and dumped the sheets in the washer. I went back to the bedroom and took out a pair of black lace stockings. I held them up.
His head dropped back and he groaned. He came over wrapping his arms around my waist and burrowing his face in my neck. ‘I might not be able to resist eating you all up.’ He made growling noises and playfully pretended to chew on my neck.
I laughed and tossed my head back not even pre
tending to try to get away. He kissed the corner of my mouth, hugging me tighter. I closed my eyes wanting to savor the feeling.
We broke apart. I shucked my shorts, the briefs I’d chosen this morning were a pale green. I moved over to the dresser and fished out a pair of black lace briefs. Brian moved to sit on the edge of the bed, I began gathering up a stocking after I traded the panties and slipped the garter belt into place. I balanced on one foot to slip my toes into the stocking. I placed my toes on Brian’s knee as I began smoothing it up my calf.
My hair swung like a curtain over one shoulder. I hooked the garter’s clips to the top of stocking, smoothing my hands up the length of my leg. Brian’s hands followed mine more slowly, caressing. I could tell from the look on his face he appreciated the view as well as the feel of my lace clad leg. I began to work on gathering up the other turning away from him this time to offer a view from behind. I pointed my toes and bent at the waist. When I finished I slowly straightened and turned.
Brian was slightly leaned back and clearly enjoyed the show based on the slight bulge in his jeans. He sat up so he could snag the hem of my tee with one hand. He reeled me back until I was standing between his knees. ‘Take your shirt off for me.’
I crossed my arms and grasped the hem and slowly pulled it over my head. I’d skipped the bra that morning. Brian made a deep growling noise of approval when my bare breasts came into view. I dropped the tee and grabbed the hem of his tee, pulling it over his head. I stepped closer knees bumping the mattress as his hands stroked down my outer thighs.
I was already excited, the little show I’d put on for him had worked on me far more effectively than him as far as I could tell. He slowly worked his lips across the under side of one breast, seemingly in no hurry. I wanted more, faster.
I pulled away dropping to kneel in front of him. I slid my hands down his chest from his shoulders making sure to graze his tight little nipples. His stomach clenched jumping under my fingers as they slipped in the waist band of his jeans. I worked his fly open tugging the zipper down to find he didn’t have any briefs on. His hard cock popped up eagerly and I rewarded it by taking it straight into my mouth.
‘Fuck!’ His fingers delved into my hair pulling it back from my face. I looked up watching him watch me. I loved the feeling of power I had with my lips wrapped around his hardness. Any woman who thought this was a subservient position was sadly uninformed. I grasped the base with one hand working it in time with my lips sliding up and down his shaft. I wasn’t in the mood for teasing and my other hand slipped down to circle my clit through the lacy crotch of my panties.
Brian couldn’t handle this very long and soon grabbed me under the arms pulling me up and turning me so my back was towards him. I felt his fingers hook under the crotch of my panties pulling them to the side even as he pulled me back onto his lap. The head of his cock almost made the entrance unaided, then slid up over my clit. He groaned in frustration. The hand on my stomach moved to guide his erection into my extremely wet cunt.
This was what I had wanted, to be taken with urgency and just a bit of force. I wanted him to want me like he had the night before. He’d been wild and rough when he had me pressed up against his truck. His thrusts were hard and his hands were a little hard themselves where they gripped me and pulled me tight to him. I thought he’d be cumming any minute with the pace he seemed to be setting and was eager for it even. He surprised me however by abruptly standing with me. I probably would have fallen over had his hands not still had a firm hold on me.
He turned us bending me over my vanity chair before thrusting his cock deep into my pussy once more. I felt the panties rip when he tugged them forcefully out of his way. My hip burned where the brunt of the pressure had come from when he did this. The pain only distracted me for a moment before the pleasure took back over. I let my head fall forward my arms braced against the vanity edge to keep the chairs back from digging into my middle.
‘I’m close…’ I assured him hoping he’d be able to hold out just a little longer. I could feel my orgasm building pleasurably but not as fast as I’m sure his was. One hand gathered my hair and tugged my head back gentle but firmly insistent. My eyes opened and I realized he was watching us in my vanity mirror. I could see the strain on his face of holding himself back. His jaw was clenched tightly. I saw his eyes flicker from mine to my breasts bouncing with his every thrust. The whole scene in the mirror was enough to push me over the edge.
I moaned, watching my own orgasm and Brian’s obvious pride at being the cause of it through half lidded eyes. His pace quickened then stopped with him thrust deep and I felt the hot spread of his cum deep inside me. I could feel my thighs quivering with a combination of exhaustion and strain. Brian palmed one of my breasts still watching us in the mirror.
‘Fuck!’ His voice was uneven, breathing still ragged. He pulled me upright to lean back against him. His chin came to rest on my shoulder. The hand on my hip slid over my stomach to slowly rub my mons. I shuddered a little, still sensitive from my recent climax. He slowly plucked at my nipple as well watching himself do so in the mirror.
‘I always thought a mirrored ceiling seemed cheap and sleazy but I’m seeing the appeal right now.’ He chuckled a little still playing with my body lazily. His toes hooked a leg of the chair dragging it to the side. ‘Put one foot up there.’
I did noticing my panties were indeed ripped up the right side all the way to the waistband. They were held together there by a grand total of five threads. Brian snapped these with a quick tug.
‘These I think I will take home with me,’ he said pulling them down out of the way of his view. They were still intact on one side and even held up in place by the straps of my garter belt but with my thigh raised up to the side the crotch fell away. The view of my pussy in the mirror was clearly what he’d been after. He made a rumbling appreciative noise in his throat eyes locked on the site. ‘Look at that.’ His voice was soft but commanding. ‘So beautiful. I’m going to brand this in my memory. Has to be the most sexy thing I’ve ever seen in my life.’
His palm grazed up the inside of my stocking clad thigh until it hit bare skin. He gripped at me softly before sliding up further till his fingers grazed the protruding inner lips of my pussy. He stroked them before sliding his fingers deep into my wetness. His touch was soft and gentle which I was grateful for. The tenderness of this morning was more of a rawness now that the effects of my orgasm had worn off. I must have made a sound of protest or pain because he apologized immediately withdrawing his fingers.
‘I’m just a little sore.’ I said removing my foot from the vanity chair. I unhooked the garter belt from my left stocking letting the ruined panties fall to the floor.
‘Leave those on.’ He kissed my shoulder, ‘I promise I’ll behave myself.’
I re-hooked the garter before turning to wrap my arms around his neck. He’d stepped out of his jeans at some point and I enjoyed the feel of his bare body aligned with mine. I burrowed into his neck inhaling the sweet smell of him. His arms were gentle and even a bit tentative when he hugged me and I giggled.
‘I’m not gonna break, you know. I’m a little sore but it’ll go away. That was amazing, exactly what I wanted.’ I made a bad impression of a cat growl. ‘Raow! It was very hot how forceful you were.’ I admitted this last smiling into his chest.
He tipped my head up so he could see my face with a hand on the back of my neck. ‘You drive me crazy. I’ve never been this way with anyone. I got very jealous at one point there.’ It was his turn to flush, cheeks
red. ‘I couldn’t help but wonder who you bought these things for and who else has seen you like this. I didn’t like it but I shouldn’t have been so rough with you.’
I cleared my throat stalling while I decided whether to be amused or annoyed. ‘I said I liked it and I meant it. In fact there at the end it should have been fairly obvious exactly how much I liked it.’ I chuckled even as I felt myself blushing despite myself. ‘As for who I bought them for that’s…’
His hand covered my mouth quickly and he shook his head, ‘I don’t want to know, really. I just wanted you to know the way you get to me and I’m still sorry no matter how enjoyable it was. You’re going to be covered in bruises tomorrow.’
I growled, pulling his hand off my mouth. ‘I said I wanted you to be forceful. I also was going to tell you I bought all my underwear for my fucking self! I’ve never bought underwear to impress a man, naked impresses them just fine. If I wanted it soft and tender I would have made that clear. I’ve never had a problem with saying no in my life’ I scooped up my ripped underwear and threw them angrily in his face. ‘Also don’t ever cover my mouth to shut me up it just really pisses me off.’ I was completely out of steam by the end of this sentence.
I grabbed my shorts and shirt on my way into the bathroom. I washed up a bit. I pulled on the clothes refusing to go out and apologize for my outburst or even admit I’d forgotten underwear. Being stubborn almost always carried it’s own forms of punishment.
When I came out Brian had put his jeans back on and he’d used some of my lipstick to write ‘JERK’ on his forehead and ‘I’m sorry’ on his chest. I burst out laughing.
‘I’m sorry, too. That was a bit over the top.’
He smiled ‘I don’t know about that. When I thought about it well…Only an asshole asks a question without expecting an answer. I’m not a chauvinistic pig most of the time. So truce?’
I nodded. Then smiled wider when I spotted the lipstick he’d used on the vanity. It was a stain I’d only used once because it was better than it’s 12 hour promise and had it fact proved almost impossible to remove. ‘I’m sorry!’ I burst out before I collapsed laughing on the bed. He gave in and laughed with me when I explained what he’d used to write ‘Jerk’ on his face.
I ended up using rubbing alcohol but got the jerk to disappear completely. I didn’t meet with the same success on his chest but he managed to laugh it off. ‘This way I’m ready if I piss you off again. Which if it’d get you to toss your panties in my face every time I’d be very tempted to do.’
We ended up in the library. Brian picked out a mystery and I grabbed an old favorite. He stretched out and put his head in my lap. I petted his head while we read. I noted how he seemed to eat up every bit of psychical attention he was given. When I ran my fingertips behind his ear his eyes drifted closed and he tilted his head to give me better access.
I spent far more time watching him than reading and I wondered if he was honestly reading himself or simply flipping pages every so often. One of his hands stoked the back of my calf. I could tell he enjoyed the feel of the lace.
The dryer buzzed long before we actually got up and went to get it. It was nice folding and hanging clothes with him in the tight space. My hip bumped his butt when I stretched for a hanger and he bent for more clothes out of the machine. His forearm rubbed over my back as he flicked the wrinkles out of a shirt. I was almost ready to change my mind about enjoying laundry but only if I got to do it with him.
I’d noticed how easy he was to be with from the first day. I especially noticed when we had worked in the kitchen together. I’d thought how rare it was to find someone so easy to work with. We moved around each other without having to talk, like we’d been doing it for years.
I made us BLTs for lunch while he switched the sheets to the dryer and put in the last load. I was still putting them together on plates when he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me from behind.
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After 3 years without a vacation for ourselves, my wife and I were finally able to book a cruise in the Caribbean for an entire week. It was to be a much needed break from a stressful job and the full time 24/7 commitment of being parents. I was also hoping that it would be an opportunity to spice things up a bit. Our sex life wasn't bad, but the commitments of work and family rarely left us with the time and energy to play. Even then, we had gotten into a rut of doing pretty much the same...
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My name is Adam Rockwood and I am twenty-one years old, a country boy at heart. My dad was a hard-working logger and I inherited his rugged looks. I wear my dirty blond hair down to my shoulders, which has just a bit of a curl to it. I’m six-foot, two-inches tall, with a muscular build but I have a ruddy complexion that is a turn off to most girls. I did inherit my mom's icy blue eyes, which I think is my only redeeming feature.My dad was hoping that I would follow in his footsteps and become a...
First Time“Sometimes I wish I’d moved farther away after the divorce instead of taking the house next door,” Greg told his fourteen-year-old daughter, Marlee, setting his cup down on the table between them. They were sitting together in the open-air café at the resort they’d checked into the night before, having some fruit and coffee for breakfast before walking out to the beach just beyond the patio. “How come?” she asked. She did that thing where she cast her eyes off to the side to show how...
**Day One - Part One** I don't know about you other dads out there, but I’m a sucker when it comes to my daughter (Sofia). She has me wrapped around her little finger.I'm a successful man and have my own business with numerous staff. I hire, fire, and make important decisions on a daily basis, yet, I'm such a soft touch when it comes to my baby girl. She knows exactly how to play me to get what she wants, especially when it comes to spending my money!Take the other day for instance. She...
Incest“James and Susan Hullett. That’s H.u.l.l.e.t.t” I said to the pretty red head behind the ticket counter. “Here you are sir. Here is your boarding pass and seat assignment,” she said as she passed me my tickets and smiled. She looked to be about 22 or 23 and I couldn’t help noticing she had either very perky breast or a great push up bra. They were standing hard and proud. She noticed I was looking and her hand instinctively went to her cleavage and...
I just completed four years of college, attending Yale University on an academic scholarship. To my surprise, my parents awarded my efforts with a trip to the French Riviera for an entire week, covering all expenses. Luckily, they weren't coming along with me as part of the gift. I consider myself to be just an average guy, though admittedly I do get some attention from the ladies from time to time. I'm 6 feet 2 inches tall and weigh around 190 pounds. I'm not a jock by any stretch of the...
Chapter 1. While in the car on the way to the mountains for our family vacation my thoughts drifted to what I would be missing for the next week, namely my girlfriend or in other words doing without sex for the next 9 days. When your in your teens you know how it is having to cope with the urges so you masturbate a lot and when you do finally have sex all you think about is the next time. Here is the problem: My parents rented a couple of small camping cabins, they stay in one and I will be...
I just completed four years of college, attending Yale University on an academic scholarship. To my surprise, my parents awarded my efforts with a trip to the French Riviera for an entire week, covering all expenses. Luckily, they weren't coming along with me as part of the gift. I consider myself to be just an average guy, though admittedly I do get some attention from the ladies from time to time. I'm 6 feet 2 inches tall and weigh around 190 pounds. I'm not a jock by any stretch of the...
Did I ever tell you that I and my wife have a unique relationship. ? In fact that was what brought us together. We met as working adults and became friends and soon there was no subject we did not discuss or argue about. She was an air hostess and keen to pursue her career, see the world. She also said that her job meant being away from home, having temptations like a normal human being but said that she had never met a man who would accept that. She said that while a man never thought twice...
This story draws on a conversation 'driving home from the Cartwrights' I sketched several years ago, forgot, partly used in "Coupled," then forgot again. I'm embarrassed to see I used some of it here too. With a different POV and leading elsewhere, but still, if a few lines of dialogue early in this story seem a little familiar, that's why. That's not why, as some observe, my other stories also somewhat resemble each other. The reason for that is, I like them that way. ...
Anthony sighed again and took the brochure from his daughter. "This resort looks expensive. How did you pay for this", he asked as he looked at the papers that showed a beachside resort with a beautiful hotel. "I've been saving money for awhile and I combined that with my graduation money. Now please, come on vacation with me. It will do you good and that will make me happy." Anthony looked at his daughter, who was giving him her best puppy dog eyes. "Damn it", he thought. "She knows...
This is a sequel to my previous story.Its 430 am and I hear a snore,I feel my wifes back and see her in the moonlight shining through the window.I see that our friend Glen(Fats is his Nickname) is in our bed sleeping.I don't see his wife,but I know we shared wifes last night as we have done most of our vacation.I decide to wake and get ready for our last few days left.I go to our bathroom,as i am brushing my teeth,Glens wife Kay comes into the room from their bedroom and closes the door to my...
MY FLORIDA VACATION What a bore. This job sucks. For a long time, it has made me depressed and frustrated. Sales were down all over and cutbacks in travel to meet old customers and generate new ones were limited. I was bored and angry, aware that there was no possible improvement in sight... My commissions were almost non-existent. I'd like to open up an artery or something. Business is soooo bad, but even when business is good, the job and the boss suck. I brought a lot of this job...
Girls Getaway Vacation Friday. I climbed out of the shower and toweled off. "See any stray hairs I might have missed?" I asked. Geena looked over my naked body and then ran her fingers down my chest to my waist. "Looks god to me. Aren't you glad we had you shave all that hair off?" "Absolutely," I agreed. I looked her over, she was putting on makeup standing there in just a bra and panties. "I also like that you are wearing sexier underwear." I traced along the lace front of...
It was the weekend before the 4th of July and Eric and Jennifer were getting packed for their week long vacation from their long beach California home to traverse city in Michigan making sure they had everything they needed for their vacation they have been dreaming about for a long time they were packing up and loading their Chevy suburban for their day and a half cruise to traverse in and leaving at 7 in the morning they were only a few hours into the trip before the both of them got bored...
Traci and I just got back from another amazing vacation which I will get to later. As a couple, we have found an amazing rhythm of limiting our involvement in the swinging world. We find that when we do get back from a vacation with her enjoying well hung black lovers, that we are able to recall the memories and feelings while we are making love. Our sex life is incredibly fueled by these memories and many black realistic dildos. If we don't have an existing black dildo that is very similar to...
Vacation Fun Chapter 1 - Vacation Fun(The girls of iCarly/Victorious/Sam & Cat go on Vacation together to catch up and relax.)With everyone off doing their own thing, there hasn’t been much time to hang out like they did in the past, so it is no shock that when everyone got the invitation Tori and Jade sent out, they accepted without a second thought. The invitation is for a week’s vacation at a private beach house, complete with a small private beach, Tori won the vacation as a prize in a...
Disclaimer* The following story is a work of fiction. It has strong sexual content and some of the material may be offensive to some. I hope those that do read it and enjoy it will comment or contact me if you would like to offer any feedback. All the photos except the first two shown at the end are not ours, and are only offered as visual aids to add to the story’s experience. I hope you enjoy! JAMAICAN PLEASURE - My wife and I have always loved to travel. We like to explore...
Hello everyone. I am David from Hyderabad. I have been regular reader and a big fan of ISS. I am very thankful to ISS for providing such a wonderful platform to express stories of our real life. This is my 1st story in ISS and i hope u people will like it. Comments and suggestions are welcomed. This actually motivates me to write more and girls/women in Hyderbad are also welcomed for personal chats. Give me feedback on I am 22 year old, with good height, have a athletic figure and working in a...
Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...
Chapter 1: First Day My wife really wasn't a prude, I would call her extremely conservative. She was a beautiful woman when we married and she has not lost her beauty. Our marriage of fifteen years has been a good one; I have no complaints, other than Mary being conservative. When I say conservative I mean it and every sense possible, grocery shopping, automobile purchases, necessities for the house and our clothing. Its true, our savings account is much fatter under her guidance where it...
Chapter 10.Delays because of the storm. Weird conclusion to a strange vacation.(Not much raw sex in this chapter, but don’t give up, there is some at the end!)We left the hotel at 8 AM on the way to Debrecen to bring Marika home and to shop for jewelry. I drove the Mercedes, Eva and Tamás took Esmeralda and her sister in their VW Passat and followed us. Bohunka drove her Skoda and Anne-Marie accompanied her. Although the rain had stopped and the skies were clear, the road was riddled with...
I hadn't looked forward to a vacation like this in a long time. Yes, I'd gone on vacations with my wife and kids. Yes, I'd had a pretty good time. Yes, I'd been lucky enough to go different places around the country. But this was different.I was excited because I was going to a vacation spot I'd been to a number of times, staying in a cabin in the mountains. Being outside in the beautiful weather in Tennesse. And most importantly, being in the mountains. It was one of my favorite places in the...
TeenWhen Hailey Davidson was a twenty-year-old college sophomore, her biggest worries were getting to class on time, knowing where the next party was, making sure she did her homework, styling her long, blonde hair, finding the right eye shadow for her blue eyes, and making time for her boyfriend, Alan Bryant. Alan was taller than the curvy and petite, 5’3” Hailey; standing 5’11”, with brown hair, brown eyes, muscular build. They had been dating a few months. Alan very much wanted to move forward...
NovelsMy girlfriend Roxanne found the ad in the paper. A free Caribbean vacation and all we had to do was listen to a sales pitch. I bitched that it probably was just a come-on, but she was intrigued. So on Saturday we sat through an hour and a half of a boring presentation for Isla Cachonda condos. The only thing that kept me awake was the amazing body of the presenter. She was built like a goddess, and her lines were well rehearsed. The twenty or so people at the presentation were...
Chapter 1. While in the car on the way to the mountains for our family vacation my thoughts drifted to what I would be missing for the next week, namely my girlfriend or in other words doing without sex for the next 9 days. When your in your teens you know how it is having to cope with the urges so you masturbate a lot and when you do finally have sex all you think about is the next time. Here is the problem: My parents rented a couple of small camping cabins, they stay in one and I...
“You’re such a whore, Shelby! But that’s still fucking hot…” Chelsie said as I briefly mentioned one particular aspect of my vacation to the Cayman Islands. “How were they? Big? Muscular? Come on, Shelby, details!” “Geez, let’s not be too demanding here. It was just sex on the beach with three incredibly hot guys! After all, I was on vacation…” I just stared at Chelsie, hoping she wouldn’t judge me for spilling the contents of my wild and dirty vacation. “Oh, please do tell! And you couldn’t...
Group SexLet me just say that I had never really had a threesome before all this happened. I also can't say that I thought about my wife, or my girlfriends before that with other men either. After what happened to us last year though, I don't really know...I had what you would call a totally normal relationship with my wife Jennifer. Boring name, I know, but not a boring girl. We had gotten married soon after I turned 24, and I was working on Wall Street. I was doing really well, and my wife was totally...
I was so bored. It seemed nothing was happening where I lived. During the summer it hadn’t been so bad with lots of boat activity on the lake. But, after that, nothing. It’s a dull life. I was restless and knew I had to do something or I would scream and go mad. A light came on. I decided to take a vacation. I had no idea where I would go but I knew I had to get away from this dead zone. So I packed a suitcase and, the next morning, I told my room-mate I was going on a vacation. She asked...
Straight Sexbyjealouscuck©The first full night there, the men had the opportunity to fuck their wives. As with Dan, the guys had no idea that unless something out of the ordinary happened, they would not be fucking them for the duration of the vacation. Dan was definitely turned on watching Valerie dancing so closely with her dance partner. Obviously, she was equally aroused and ready to fuck. The other guests were there and watched the interaction of the white wives with the black men. Several of the...
My vacation with GabikaThis is an old story I published in a known story site. I have change some names, though.Chapter 1.In which we meet Eva, Gabika's daughter - I go to the all-female choir convention in Hungary and meet Eva. We promise to meet again.This is a story about the best lover I have ever had, and believe me, I've had a quite few. You might tend to think that this lover is a gorgeous young blond with a terrific figure, big fat bust, athletic and slim, long legs and all. A Barbie...
Nora Fleming waited anxiously for her son Darrin to arrive home from his summer job at the landscaping business he worked at with his two friends. Her son had just recently graduated from high school, and the eighteen year old was trying to earn extra college money with his summer off. Nora could not have been prouder of her son when he had graduated with honors and gotten a scholarship to the state university. She had wanted to give him something special for his graduation, but the money was...
We always had a great sex life. We liked all kinds of sex. Toys, role playing, anal sex, the works.We even liked to fantasize of having sex with the same sex. My wife told me maybe this year on vacation we would be able to fulfill a fantasy or two. Boy I sure hoped so.We left late and drove late into the night. It was about midnight when we stopped at a rest area. No one was there when we stopped. We got out and used the restrooms. When we got back to the car Sue, my wife, reached over and...