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For J, on your birthday. You’ve made reality better than fiction.

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Jim was lying in bed at home, staring at the ceiling as the light was fading. Although he was physically drained, he could not bring himself to close his eyes and relax. His mind was filled with images of the weekend just past. He had spent two days and nights in a hotel room with a woman he had never seen before, but knew as intimately as anyone on earth. It had been truly the most memorable, powerful 48 hours of his life.

Jim’s analytical nature took over, he began to retrace, again, how he ended up in this emotional maelstrom. He chuckled thinking about the circumstances, such a short time ago, under which he fell into an Internet relationship, something he had always mocked upon hearing of others in the same situation.

He and Gina had started as casual correspondents, exchanging occasional e-mails about a common interest. Having recently divorced, he was looking to develop a real-life relationship, maybe with a hot young babe, rather than becoming someone’s long distance pen-pal. Nevertheless, they were both accomplished writers which made him look forward to reading her commentary on many different subjects. In turn, he enjoyed composing his replies, engaging in a subtle competition to create as witty and interesting insights as he had received.

He eventually discovered that Gina was married with children, struggling through a contentious, sometimes abusive relationship. He gave her sound, objective advice, as well as confided in her his feelings about his recent divorce, the affects it had on his psyche. Without any intent, they bared more and more of their souls to each other in an effortless, natural way. Soon, Jim was amazed to discover that he was thinking of Gina all the time, wondering what she was doing at that moment, worrying about her so far away.

One of the things that drew him to her, particularly at the point where he recognized the swell of love replacing a pleasant friendship, was how vulnerable she was. It wasn’t a needy kind of thing, just a deep hurt and longing crying out to be soothed. Of course, she would never have admitted to it, relying on her confidence and sense of humor to be the traits that the world would recognize her by. But he knew better. And contrary to his sensible and prudent disposition, he would find a way to be the one to make it right in her life, even across the great distance and despite her marital status.

They had taken up online chatting, late at night, after her family had gone to bed. The hours flew by quickly as they communicated line by line, their familiarity and understanding increasing exponentially. In the wee hours of one morning as they were agreeing that it was time to log off and go to bed, Jim found he could no longer wait to tell Gina how he felt about her. He summoned up his courage and typed, ‘I love you.’ He pressed the Enter key to transmit the message that could change his life. He held his breath, waiting for the response.

Although it only took a few seconds, an eternity seemed to pass before another line appeared in his chat window: ‘I love you.’ He exhaled forcefully. Then another line, ‘Oh my god. Now what?!’

Their correspondence became even more frequent, filled with expressions of love and hope and what-ifs. Jim constantly checked his e-mail box to see if there were any new messages. It was sometimes difficult for Gina to privately access her computer which she shared with her husband, so the many hours between new messages were frustrating. When his screen materialized with the announcement, ‘You have 1 new message,’ Jim’s heart leapt as he eagerly opened the new missive.

They both readily agreed that they had to meet in person, at the earliest possible moment. Naturally, Gina’s situation made it very difficult. She finally came up with a plan to visit relatives in a city near Jim’s location. Once the plans were made, they still had to wait four weeks. Four tortuous weeks, anticipating, worrying, filled with elation. Jim rehearsed the meeting in his mind, over and over. His normal self-confidence seemed to erode when he began to imagine that Gina wouldn’t like him in person as much as online, or that she would ultimately decide that staying with her husband was her only recourse. Jim resolved to make her see, somehow, that he would be her protector, her friend, her lover forever.

Jim lay there, smiling at the recollection of his determination. The memory unexpectedly energized him, he got up from the bed and made his way into his bathroom. He started to empty his shaving kit and put away the various items. He reached in and pulled out a small box. He didn’t recognize it until he saw the logo of the hotel where they had stayed emblazoned on it. He lifted the box to his nose, inhaling the scent of the soap. Instantly, he was struck by the image of being with Gina in the shower, her laughing heartily as he created a rich lather over her stomach and breasts. His eye caught his reflection in the mirror, a wide grin on his face. He placed the soap on the counter, allowing his hand to linger on it for just a moment.

When he had finished in the bathroom, Jim went back into his room, flipped on the light switch and turned his attention to his suitcase. With characteristic precision, he examined each item of clothing, relegating it to the laundry basket or returning it to the closet or dresser with care. When he lifted out a blue shirt, he hesitated for a moment. He gripped the fabric as another vision overtook him.

Jim was wearing that shirt when he and Gina met for the first time. He was surprised that perspiration stains weren’t more obvious, considering the intensity of his nervousness as he paced the lobby, waiting for her to arrive. He remembered watching a taxi pull up to the front door, somehow knowing she was inside. He stood off to the side in order to watch her unobserved. When she stepped out of the car, he recognized her immediately. His breath caught in his throat. Her pictures didn’t do her justice. Her face, her dress, her hair, were perfect. And then, an image that would always strike him as the moment that he was certain there was no turning back on his love for her.

She stood facing the entrance to the hotel, her suitcase at her side. She just stood there, not moving, seemingly paralyzed. The look on her face expressed everything she was feeling, everything that he loved about her. She had a wide-eyed stare, part wonder, part fear. The vulnerability he had discerned reading between the lines of their correspondence was confirmed. He saw her swallow, then close her eyes for a moment. He imagined she was gathering up her courage to take the last few steps towards a meeting that would change her life. He felt the urge to race to her, but he refrained, knowing he had to let her take those steps alone.

Jim sighed and placed the shirt in the laundry basket. His memory of the next few hours was a blur. When she stepped through the door into the lobby, she looked straight at him and ran into his arms, as if she had done it a thousand times before. They managed to find the elevator and the correct room. Once the door closed behind them, they didn’t lose contact with each other for quite some time. Their clothes somehow ended up on the floor. They fell together, a tangle of lips and tongues, probing fingers and urgent caresses. His passion for her engulfed him, all his plans for their first encounter, to slowly build to a crescendo, were overwhelmed by the imperative need to unite with her. He had never before been consumed by such a sensation, something that totally transcended the physical realm. Jim couldn’t recall the exact moment he penetrated her, only that he eventually found himself riding a tidal wave of overpowering pleasure. He had a sense she was clinging to him with the same urgency, their bodies moving together, their souls merging. He cried out with ecstasy and relief as his pent-up emotions burst forth
with his seed into her.

Jim had no awareness of the next segment of time, he had no idea how long had passed until he felt Gina’s hand stroking his hair. He lifted his head. He immediately recognized tears on her cheeks, which startled him. He raised himself off her and peered at her intently. ‘I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!’ he exclaimed, alarmed that he had ruined their first time together.

Gina’s face dissolved into a look of confusion. ‘What do you mean? Oh, Jim, I was so afraid you wouldn’t like me in real life! I was frozen, I wanted to give you so much more pleasure, to make this first time so special…’ She turned her head away as tears began to well in her eyes again.

Jim reached over and gently turned her face towards him. ‘Gina, couldn’t you tell? I have never felt such intensity, such love, ever in my life. That was the most perfect time, for me. I’m just so sorry I couldn’t make it as wonderful for you.’

Her eyes pleaded with him. ‘Being with you, having you in me, made it the most wonderful thing for me. Please don’t apologize!’

‘No, it isn’t enough. I love you so much and I want to make up for it.’

Jim lowered his head to kiss her on her cheeks, wiping away her salty tears. He felt her begin to relax under him. He brushed his lips down her face, over her jawline to her neck. She tilted her head up to allow him better access to the sensitive skin on her throat. He trailed his mouth down bit by bit, reveling in the taste of her succulent skin. His hand slid up the outside of her leg, over her hip, to her stomach where he gently caressed the swells and curves.

When he reached the top of her breasts, he hesitated for a moment. He looked up at her. She had her eyes closed, an expression of radiance on her face. Jim’s heart swelled with love. He lowered his lips again, moving over the sweet orbs, their soft flesh yielding under his now voracious mouth. As he sucked on a nipple, she arched her back, moaning softly. He delighted in her response, giving him the impetus to venture more boldly. He grasped her other breast with his hand and guided the nipple towards his mouth. He opened his lips wider, taking in the ample areole, applying firm pressure. Gina immediately squirmed, a little cry escaping. He flicked her nubbin with his tongue, feeling it bend and snap back over and over. Gina grasped his head and pressed him closer, her hips moving and swaying.

Jim broke contact with her nipple and moved his mouth lower, down the center of her torso. The gentle, teasing kisses made her giggle a little, yet she did not pull away. He felt her sharp intake of breath as he reached the top of her soft pubic triangle.

He lifted his head again, and heard her give a little whimper of protest. He stroked the top of her leg. ‘I want you so much, Gina. I want to taste you. Let me do this for you.’

He saw her smile, her eyes filled with an expression of gratitude. She moved her legs apart.

Jim positioned himself between her thighs, reveling in the sight of her proffered womanhood. He slid his palms up the inside of her thighs, pushing them even wider apart. He noted the dark golden color of her hair, glistening with the aftermath of his explosive assault. When his fingertips reached the edge of her pussy, she lifted her hips, her anticipation evident. Gently, Jim pulled on her swollen outer lips, to pry them apart, to uncover more of what lay beneath. She moaned as he exposed her labia to him, the turgid red, slick lips almost visibly throbbing with excitement.

With a fingertip, Jim stroked the edge of her lips from bottom to top. They parted under the pressure, revealing her vaginal opening, brimming with their mingled fluids. The sight of it filled Jim with undiluted lust. His tongue shot out and moved down to taste the nectar. It was like cool water for a man wandering in the desert, Jim became lost in the sensation of drinking her life-sustaining liquid, his tongue moving rapidly, searching out every nook and cranny where it could be hidden.

He was barely aware of her thrusting her pelvis against him, her cries becoming more urgent. His tongue had only one purpose and nothing else mattered. He vaguely remembered her grasping the sides of his head, directing him towards the hard protrusion at the top of her pussy. First he licked it, then he wrapped his lips around it, sucking it as if it were a straw. Gina’s body tensed, her fingers desperately entwined in his hair. With agonized gasps, she began to tremble, then shake, then buck heedlessly. Jim had to press down on her legs to try to keep his mouth on her. The cries subsided into moans, then tapered off all together into the sound of them breathing heavily while Jim rested his head on her stomach.

Jim nearly jumped when he realized he had been standing in the middle of the room for quite a while reliving this part of their encounter. He marveled at how some images were so vivid, others just a jumble of sensations. He realized that he could recall exactly how she tasted at that moment, that he would remember it forever.

He gave himself a little shake to try to finish his task of cleaning out his suitcase, but he could no longer deny the exhaustion that was overtaking him. Wearily, he stripped off his clothes, letting them fall to the floor. He collapsed naked on the bed, not even bothering to slide under the sheets.

Unbidden, more images continued to invade his thoughts. His mind was not ready to let go just yet. Jim could do nothing but surrender to the flow, having no strength to fight it.

He began to recount the details of the first evening they spent together, after they had dozed in each other’s arms. Even through his weariness, Jim smiled as he remembered how he had been filled with elation when he awoke later in the afternoon. Gina had been still asleep, so he savored the opportunity to gaze upon her face, her breasts, her legs. She had expressed to him her fear that her appearance would not be to his liking, but whatever the reason for her trepidation, he could not see it.

In a few minutes, she began to stir. Jim placed tender kisses on her head, stroking her shoulder and arm. She looked up at him, beaming. Jim pressed his lips to hers, trying to convey the emotion he felt. She returned his kiss with an unmistakable passion of her own, when they finally broke away, Jim felt that he had no reason to doubt that his love was being returned.

A loud rumble from Jim’s stomach pointed out that they must go out and eat something. He recalled how lustrous she looked in her pretty summer dress as they strolled the waterfront searching for a suitable restaurant. They held hands as they walked, stopping every so often for a kiss. They found a small, candlelit place to dine. Their conversation flowed easily, it was so nice to see her expressions as they talked, instead of relying on faceless computer or telephone communication. When their meal was barely over, Gina reached across the table and put her hand on Jim’s. With a wicked smile on her face, she said in a low voice, ‘Come on, let’s get back to the hotel… now!’

Jim was slightly taken aback by the unmistakable note of lust in her voice. He hadn’t seen this side of her in person yet, not that he had any objections. He managed a mock look of amazement, then laughed and quickly paid the bill.

When they got into the elevator back at the hotel, she leaned against the wall opposite from where Jim was standing. As the elevator began to rise, she leveled a look at him that immediately sent a surge into his cock. ‘I can’t tell you how you turn me on, how hot you make me. You make me want to do things I’ve never done before. And I want to do them right now.’

She lowered her gaze, staring at his crotch. He felt his erection expanding.

She smiled at the reaction. The elevators doors opened. Gina took Jim by the arm and led him down the corridor.

‘So you won’t mind if I drive now, will you?’

Jim could only nod dumbly.

ere in his bed, totally consumed by the memory of this particular part of their weekend, Jim was brought back to the present by the realization that his cock was hard again. He must have been absentmindedly stroking it. He decided that this encounter had been the most exciting one for him of all the ones they had during their time together. It wasn’t just the physical or the emotional sensations, he had been so aroused by Gina asserting herself with him for the first time. He knew that it took a lot for her to overcome her own self-doubts and vulnerability. For her to put herself on the line like that was truly thrilling to him. It intensified everything.

He recalled how Gina led him over to the bed, and positioned him standing facing her, a few feet away. Looking him in the eyes, she began to unbutton the front of her dress, slowly. As each button was released, more and more flesh appeared, then the top of her lacy bra. Jim watched intently. When enough buttons were undone, Gina slipped one arm through, then the other and let the dress fall to the floor.

She stood there in a beautiful satin bra and panties. Jim’s face betrayed his lust. ‘I’ve never worn anything like this before,’ she said. ‘I’m glad you like it.’

Jim reached out his hand to touch her, but she intercepted it and firmly placed it back by his side. ‘Oh no, sweetie. You can just watch for the moment.’

Jim swallowed hard and felt another surge in his already hard cock.

Gina cupped her breasts from below, running her thumbs across her nipples. They immediately protruded under the fabric. She closed her eyes as she stroked them, moaning softly. She moved her hands down, over her waist and stomach. Her fingertips disappeared under the waistband of her panties. Jim could see her shiver as they made contact with her pussy, the panties growing darker near her crotch.

She opened her eyes and looked at him again. Her hands moved back up to her shoulders to push the straps of her bra down her arms. She leaned over slightly, allowing the bra to drop forward, giving him a peek at the pleasure to come. She reached behind her to undo the hooks. Slowly, the bra slid down, then off completely. Her breasts came free, falling full and heavy, her rosy nipples already puckered. She straightened up and ran her fingertips across the soft white flesh.

Her hands slid down to her panties again. She closed her eyes and began to push the lacy material down over her hips. Little by little, more skin was revealed, then her ample mound was exposed. She bent over to push the panties down her legs, kicking them away as they slid over her feet. She stood up and put her hands on her hips, a little smile on her face.

Jim was totally inflamed watching her. His breathing quickened, he longed to touch her, but he wanted her to take the lead. Never had he become so aroused just by watching someone undress.

In a moment, Gina reached out and gently pulled on Jim’s shirt, drawing him closer to her. She smiled as she released his buttons. When the shirt was open, she reached underneath and stroked his chest. Jim closed his eyes and sighed. He felt her slipping the shirt off his shoulders, then falling onto the floor. He held his breath as she skimmed her fingertips down his torso towards his belt. He suppressed a moan as she pulled on the leather strap, his knees ready to buckle from the tension. He exhaled sharply as he felt the belt give way. With agonizing slowness, her fingers began to manipulate the button, the task more difficult because of the swollen mass of flesh underneath. It finally came free.

Now, just the zipper remained between agony and ecstasy. Her search for the tab brought her fingers in contact with the now rigid head of his cock. Each time she pressed in, trying to grasp it, he shifted and moaned, unable to focus any more. The zipper finally started to descend, giving the constricted flesh more room under his shorts. His pants slid quickly around his ankles and he stepped out of them.

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Cute sex kitten Angel Youngs shows off her lush cleavage in a tight pink top. Director/dominant fucker Bryan Gozzling fondles her nipples and examines her nubile body. He wraps his fingers around her neck. Bryan gives her a sumptuous rim job, and when he fingers her pussy, Angel squirts girl cum! She gives him a drooling blowjob and then pops her pussy for Bryan to penetrate. Bryan stuffs his boner in her juicy twat and pounds her relentlessly. Angel’s body shakes through multiple orgasms...

2 years ago
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The Challenge of a Younger Wife

I’m turning fifty and my new wife is half my age. She is very pretty, built nicely, and loves sex. I do too but realize that I can’t keep up with her youthful libido. Here is how we got together. We worked in the same building and parked in the same lot. Our arrivals coincided quite often and I’d briefly visit with her as we walked. One Friday morning she seemed very out-of-sorts so I asked her what was wrong. She was near tears as she explained that a boyfriend had promised her a weekend at...

3 years ago
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A Bag of Rags

A true story A Bag of rags part one: Big brother's laugh There are many stories on this site, some fantastical, some obvious wishes, or fantasies, and some no doubt based on what the writer has experienced., this story is a factual telling of some of the times that I found myself dressing as the opposite gender. I haven't used names, because I don't want to embarrass anyone, particularly me. If I'm honest about it, after the initial incident, I didn't try to hard, not to be made...

3 years ago
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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 21

June slipped into July, and we still hadn't found time to return to the Other Reality to visit the girls still there, and to see how they and the Daughters they were carrying were doing. We had planned on returning several times, but every time that we had, something had come up to prevent us from leaving. Aside from the normal work in the fields on the growing crops, and our work in the printing plant, several emergencies had developed to prevent us from leaving. The first was one...

1 year ago
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The cruise ship holiday 2

Mom and dad got used to me disapearing until dinneranother day , another morning kocking at em door''hooo our lil boy is here''smilling at Mary taking my hand toward the ''he woke up hard thinking of you go on and join him in the shower''getting her morning cofee walking me to my daddy bbc ''you want your daddy big hard cock boy?''''yes i do''''go get him , he is waiting''right there in the shower his bbc waitingshe undress joining us , me on my knees already worshipping him his big cock...

3 years ago
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White Sissy got Pimped Gay

I leaned closer to the mirror to apply my lipstick, the bright red smudged across my pink lips. I needed to hurry and finish my make-up, John would be home soon enough and I didn’t want to make him wait. I was looking forward to our outing tonight. I was already dressed. My black high heel boots that came up to my knees, my black leather mini, my black cotton tank top with the word “Sissy” written in big silver letters across the front. My thong was a vinyl material that fit snug so I could...

2 years ago
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The Day The World Came Pt 02

It was considered fortunate that on O-Day, most men lost their arousal within moments of orgasm. Men did not experience the ecstatic levels of arousal that many women felt. This kept sexual offences like rape to a minimum. When incidents did occur, the public were vigilant in helping each other out. This is one such case. James and Amber had never met before. Both worked in New York City, both of their lives were about to be changed forever. James: I was late for work that morning, I had...

3 years ago
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Brody Michelle Ch 04

Author’s Note: Hey, ya’ll! Sorry for the gap between chapters, yet again. I guess I could’ve made this into two shorter chapters, but I ended up just doing one long one. Also! There’s a little sexy time in this one, so yay. Thanks for reading! ***** Two days after the hot phone snuggling session Brody and Michelle had, Brody was at home watching ‘Firefly’ (again), when his phone went off. He looked at the screen to see it was his new favorite person. ‘Hey, Sugar Baby,’ he said after...

3 years ago
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New MagusChapter 7

Jordan didn’t seem to care that we were both soaking wet. She walked right up to the big glass double doors and pulled one open. I spotted my towel lying next to the other door and stooped to pick it up, but Jordan was already walking again, pulling on my hand. I had to straighten up to dodge the other door - otherwise I would have hit my head - and missed the towel. “Slow down,” I said. She looked back at me but kept going, tightening her grip on my hand. Her expression was different from...

3 years ago
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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 4

Hello readers, welcome back to this beautiful journey. I am thankful to the readers for their valuable feedback. it helps me to make the story better. I am male and the sex story is completely fictional. Let’s enjoy the journey. Ayesha is growing very fast. It is a well-known fact that girls grow faster than guys. She was very excited about the changes in her body and I was satisfying her curiosity every time she needed. I was taking care of her studies as well. I was to explain her the chapter...

2 years ago
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An Interactive Quest to Eat Out Muffet

Frisk had wandered the ruins for 8 years, only leaving when they turned 18. In those years, they grew as a person, struggled with gender identity, blah blah you're here for porn. Is Frisk a demiboy with sticky-outy parts, or a demigirl with putty-inny parts?

3 years ago
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Biwi Ko Chudai Ka Nasha

Dosto mera naam dharmesh khan hain aur main Bihar ka rane wala hoon.Meri umra 32 saal hain aur meri wife Shubhra khan ki 30 saal. Uski gand mast gol matol hain figure 36 34 38 hain.Hamari shadi ko 8 saal ho gayein hain aur hamari koi santaan nahi hain. Hamne decide kiya tha ki bachche hum 35yr ke baad karenge. because hum life ka asli maja lena chahte thei. Meri biwi ko chudai bahut pasand hain. Use to roj sex chahiye. Nasima ki adat hain ki raat hote he jab hum kha pi ke nipat jate hain toh...

2 years ago
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Whos gonna drive you hometonight

“It's said that clothes, make the man...Sugar.” I hear you throatily purr into my ear as your agile, lithe and athletic, feminine form saws into my own frame. Seated in this plush leather couch, I tremble as your thick, light brown hair sashays against my right cheek as I sit upon my tooo eager-to-caress-you, hands...I feel your soft, warm touch upon my shoulder as your right hand slides just under my coat collar and dives down my upper back, your nails teasingly pressed into my skin through...

First Time
4 years ago
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Sudenly Last Summer

It’s the start of a long hot summer in early 50’s England. Anna has again begun her school hols by coming to the small local outdoor pool; but this summer she’s wearing her new polka-dot bikini. She stands near the poolside with a fresh self-conscious pride as music filters from a little radio on the grass at her boyfriends side where he lays on his towel, sunbathing. Anna views his pale body smothered in suntan oil; highlighting the youth’s skinny physique. Despondently she wonders when he...

4 years ago
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Awesome With A Couple

Hi Guys, this is my first sex story hence I do not know how to start or proceed. Anyway this is a fantasy story which describes the cuckold feeling of a husband. I am not a cuck but know the feelings of cuck from my past experience through chats. Too much talking, lets continue with this story. I hope to get your valuable feedback on my mail id: . Let the husbands name be Vikram and his wife Sapna. We met on a chatting website and he messaged me saying a Hi seeing my username as youngmale21....

3 years ago
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Southern Vacation

Hi I am Marc I wanted to post this story for my wife Moni about the time we went vacationing down south. We were in a small city on our way to Tennessee and booked into a hotel. It was late evening we ate and decided to go for a drink. We happened on this bar which looked decent enough so we went in sat at a booth and ordered. Everyone seemed to stare us up and down when Moni mentioned she was the only woman there. It probably didn't help that she was wearing a short skirt and t-shirt with no...

1 year ago
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Masishen EvolutionChapter 33 Building Forces

The Masi'shen ship Galaxy Discoverer emerged from the far side of the moon in its parking orbit. The family members lounging in Jon'a-ren and Lyn'na-ra's ship's quarters gazed through the deck-to-ceiling view panel at the small blue and white planet in the far distance. Earth, they recognized, is a rare gem in the galaxy's collection of planets. Few could match its beauty; none could match its diverse climates and geography. "In another week? Really, father?" Michael exclaimed....

4 years ago
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I Thought She Made You UpChapter 3

I did call CeCe that Friday, and pretty much every Friday for months. The photos were a big hit. She said guys were actually starting to notice her. She started a collection of biker bar tee shirts, mostly from going out with me once or twice a month when she got home. Others she bought in shirt shops or motorcycle dealerships. She even bought me a couple. We still had to sneak around, which started bothering me. Normally she would get home, spend Friday night with her parents, go out with...

2 years ago
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Do Unto Others

As the old adage goes, do unto others as you would have them (or him) do unto you... or something like that... and Misty had a plan. She had been hiking for almost two hours and was sweating bullets. Her chambray shirt was soaked with sweat as was her bra, shorts and panties. The only thing that wasn't drenched in sweat was her hiking boots. Misty stopped for a minute and took a sip of water from the hydration tube then adjusted her Kelty-Redwing backpack and started back up the trail. An...

2 years ago
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The Last Supper with Brandon James

Crackles echoed throughout the somewhat silent living room as I fed the fireplace more wood. It was the middle of winter and freezing to death might have been the more humane way to die other than what I had planned for them. I never knew my mother, but from my father's point of view, she was a beautiful woman with a giving soul. She was always happy even up to the point when she came here to this secluded Cabin and took her life. She took the time to neatly cover the furniture in a plastic...

3 years ago
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Yuvi once again

Hi friends, I am from Baroda, Gujarat, India. I am Yuvi, 23 and would like to tell you about the experience I had with a family sex. It was all good for the first few days with my aunt and my Cousin, that is until my mom decided to visit me. I really dreaded this because she would be constantly on my case and most importantly I wouldn’t be able to have fun with my aunt or cousin. My mom wasn’t really very strict, but very conservative. She was the type of mom who would freak at the word sex....

1 year ago
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DevilsFilms Xxlayna Marie Mandy Rhea My Husband Brought Home His Mistress

Seth Gamble is in his living room fooling around with his mistress, XxLayna Marie. They aren’t being particularly discreet either… since Seth’s wife Mandy Rhea is actually just upstairs! Talk about flirting with disaster. Seth, however, stops kissing for a moment and appears pensive. XxLayna asks him what’s wrong, and he barely gives her a reply as he darts up the stairs, promising his mistress that he’ll be right back. He enters his bedroom and reveals everything...

1 year ago
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Preachers Daughter

Easter time in the north usually meant snow on the ground and this year was no exception. This was the time of the year I committed myself to a visit of the church for midnight mass to share with family and friends, a local tradition. Parking was always a challenge on events like this, fresh construction made it more and more difficult each year. After some searching I parked my white NSX behind the church and as I placed it into park I noticed her. There was a blurred figure watching me from...

2 years ago
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Going to Prom With Kelly

It was May of 1976. Kelly and I were going to prom, our first formal dance together.From a sexual standpoint, the seventies were perhaps the greatest time in recent history to be a teenager. The pill existed, AIDS did not, women had burned their bras, the counterculture had loosened the nation’s morals, the drinking age was eighteen, cars were still large enough to fuck in, there was no such thing as a helicopter parent, and cops and parents alike believed that “they’re just being kids” was...

1 year ago
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Naughty Daughter

He spanked her on her bare bottom when she was younger, but has not done that recently. At times Kristy feels that her father is too strict, especially when it comes to your dress standards. He has forbidden Kristy to anything that reveals a bare midriff, that is low cut, skirts that are more than an inch or two above the knee or have a high slit, anything that is tight fitting or revealing (i.e., low cut, sheer, etc.). Kristy went out today with some of her girl friends to the mall. ...

2 years ago
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Fall of The Femme Fatales Ch 02

‘Aaaaaahhhhhhh yesssssss!!! Fuck me Masterrrrrrr!!’ Amber screamed as James thrust his cock in and out of her tight ass. He groaned with pleasure, smiling as his sexy slut thrust herself back against him hard. He had been enjoying her body for over a week now and had been very pleased with himself. Amber was a very willing slut and seemed to take even greater pleasure in fucking him than the drug and his brainwashing of her mind would account for. Amber loved sucking his cock and drank his...

2 years ago
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The Long Road To Getting My Wife To Fuck Other Men

The Long Road To Getting My Wife To Fuck Other Men I love to watch my wife with other men, I've had this desire almost as long as I have known her. She was 15 & I was 17. We were both virgins on our first encounter so neither of us hadever had sex with anyone else.The desire to see her with other men all started for me one night on a date with her when we parked in a neighborhood park. We were in the back seat totally nude & enjoying each others bodies. Suddenly a light was being shone...

1 year ago
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Neighborly SwapChapter 4 The Next Morning

I woke up with Linda’s head on my chest, her hand possessively wrapped around my morning wood. She noticed me shift in the bed, and smiled up at me. “It’s still early” she began, “You have time to take me once again, if you wish. You could even get rougher with me, if you wanted.” Well, once she decided she liked something, she really went for it! My cock began to throb at the prospect of abusing and fucking the pretty woman laying next to me. She arose from the bed, and I left the bed...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Rocky Emerson Tall And Sexy As Hell

It’s not often you get a babe like Rocky Emerson to look up to and at 6’3″ most of you will be looking up those sexy long legs to peer into those crystal blue eyes of hers. Rocky loves how you admire her curves when she spins around showing off her lacy lingerie that will be soon coming off once Nathan leaves for a couple minutes so you can enjoy all of Rocky by yourself! She gets that bra off and lets those panties drop all the way down those long legs so you can see how...

4 years ago
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Kitten and TeddybearChapter 2 Coffee Break

Cindy: Dad never did become a paying client, though there were a few friendly sessions. Somehow Aunt Francine got involved, though I was never clear on exactly how. Knowing Aunt Frannie, it was probably inappropriate advice about their love life. Mostly, Mom and Dad just hit it off. The first day, even before they had a date, Mom sent Dad a workout picture of herself. I think it must have been pretty racy, since Dad will not show it to me. Sheila: Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep The...

3 years ago
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Nothing Left To WagerChapter 2

We lay there recuperating. She was the first to say anything. "I never tasted myself before." "Sorry," I sighed. "It wasn't at all like I thought it would be," she said. I turned my head toward her. "Really?" There was a lot of hope in my voice. She rolled toward me and lay one arm across my chest. "I can't believe we did that," she said. I didn't say anything. "I can't believe it was like that," she added. "Hasn't it ever been like that before?" I asked. She...

1 year ago
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Freezing to Hot Part 2

I had gone into the bus station to get out of the freezing cold to try and get some warmth in me. I had met Roger who bought me the first meal I had in two days. We returned to the bus station, and in the rest room, I sucked my first cock ever. Something, until now, I had never contemplated. An experience that was not all that unpleasant. Roger gave a fifty dollar bill and asked me if I would like to be his regular cocksucker. At first I was a bit taken back, but being warm and having a full...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Night With Erik

One night when I was twenty-three, I was asleep in by bed when I felt a hand on my breast. I awoke with a scream to find my eighteen year-old brother in bed with me. It was summer and the cabin had no air conditioning, so we regularly slept nude in our separate bedrooms with the understanding that unless there was an emergency, we wouldn't enter each other's rooms without knocking first. "Erik, what the hell are you doing?" "Shut up, bitch. Just lay there and let me do what I...

2 years ago
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Kate Catherine and Big Black Cocks Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Kate now sure that her clit would be sadistically severed and with her mind and body conspiring in anticipation,..kinda like the horror of a train wreck, had blanked out her thoughts and were trying to erased this terrifying vision as she passed out into an almost comatose state, something the mind does to protect one from witnessing such a thematic brutal and sadistic event! The Brute had no intension of actually biting Kate's clit off, he had only done this to one...

1 year ago
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Gangbang Slut

I recall the time I invited some guys back to my flat. One of the guys a friend and I had a threesome with some time ago. He was in town on a night out with two of his friends and it was obvious he had been telling them how my friend and I fucked this guy into oblivion. These guys took me home and gangbanged me like the filthy slut I am. Here’s how it came about. I was on a night out acting my usual flirty slutty self with a bunch of people from where I work.. The crowd I was with were starting...

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