Keeper Ch. 05 free porn video

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January 1


~3.01 pm~

‘Friends with Benefits’.

Blue had never given that phrase much thought before, but now it kept popping into her head. It was painfully obvious she wasn’t much good at relationships- Jackson had pronounced her unfit anyway, in a variety of ways and a lot of not very flattering phrases, before he decided he wanted her back, and ha ha, that wasn’t likely to happen in a million lifetimes- but the longer she spent time with John the more she wanted. Wanted more. Wanted John. And wasn’t that what most men really wanted anyway, the ‘Friends with Benefits’ thing?

Blue glanced in the rear view mirror, catching a glimpse of John and Abe as they rode in the bed of the pick-up truck, along with the chunks of wood that had just been loaded.

John had insisted that the wood was some that he had chopped for Jean to use in her old wood stove. Aunt Jean had often used the old stove for warmth, preferring it to the central heating system. According to John, since he regularly kept a supply for his fireplace, it was no problem to keep Jean, and now Blue, supplied at the same time.

After lunch and window shopping together in Chaplin, and then taking a long, round-a-bout route home as they enjoyed the snowy scenery, they had spent the next part of the afternoon filling the bed of the truck with the firewood. When they were done, John had tossed her the keys and settled in the back with Abe for the short ride to Blue’s house.

Putting the big truck into park, Blue turned off the ignition, but barely had time to reach for the door handle before the door was opened for her and John was there, reaching for her to help her down from the high seat. Any thought of objecting, of insisting she could get out of a truck on her own, became forgotten at the feel of his hands at her waist. And if there was any objection left at all, being pulled against his body when her feet touched the ground finished off that erasure completely.

He was grinning. White teeth, creased cheeks, sparkling eyes…

‘Damn, if I’d known how hot you’d look drivin’ my truck, I’d’ve given you the keys hours ago.’ he drawled, his southern accent more pronounced, making his words low, slow, and sexy.

With those words, and with her hands on his shoulders and his on her waist, it seemed only natural when he pulled her against him even closer. So natural that it felt as if her body floated towards him, and she found herself wishing they didn’t have their bulky winter coats between them.

Blue tilted her chin up, saw the look he was giving her… hot and hungry… and when he dipped his head towards hers she closed her eyes… and felt his lips purse against her forehead for a brief second. And that was it.

A little kiss on her forehead and he’d released her. Quickly. She watched in dumb confusion as he turned away and released the back gate of the truck and began unloading the fire wood.

‘Huh. Okayyyy.’ Blue mumbled to herself. Not that a kiss on the forehead was a bad thing. It was kind of sweet. But,come on, after what he’d said and that look he gave her…?? Shrugging, she slipped her hands into the heavy leather work gloves he’d given her and set to work.

John could feel her watching him. He could also feel a heat rise to his cheeks that defied the cold winter air. Piling the wood with more vigor than necessary, he tried to avoid her gaze.

He’d bet he knew what she was thinking. Probably wondering what kind of wuss she’d gotten herself mixed up with. Hell… there he was, making his move, helping her down from the truck, which was the perfect excuse to pull her in and lay one on her. And she’d wanted it too, he’d seen that clear as day. But, oh hell, his damned inner voice had chosen just that moment to tell him the PLAN. That big, god-damned, stupid, insane plan.

But it wasn’t even so much that that had knocked him on his mental ass, not really, because at the very same time his inner voice was chattering merrily away, the realization had hit him. Smacked him right up-side the head with a shovel. Whomped him but good, and all he could do while he was reeling from the blow was stupidly kiss Blue’s forehead and practically stumble away from her in his haste to make sense of what he was feeling.

He’d scared himself. Yeah, he’d admit it. Big, tough, ex Army Ranger had just about pissed his pants when the realization hit him that Blue was the one woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

Jesus, did it always happen this fast? He’d heard people proclaim love at first sight, but had never believed in it beyond being the stuff of women’s romance novels.

‘But this isn’t first sight, and you’ve been drooling over her for years. Admit it.’

Okay, yeah. That was the truth.

‘What are you scared of?’

John furtively gave Blue a glance over his shoulder. She was silently hefting chunks of wood off the tailgate and piling them with careful, exacting precision into the small shelter built onto the back corner of the house. Leaning against the truck, he watched her openly now, a sudden calmness beginning to settle over him. Okay, maybe not totally calm, but better.

‘She’s probably going to be skittish. But that’s where the PLAN comes in. You can do this, Johnny. You can DO this. HOO-AH!’

‘Hoo-ah.’ John murmured, then had to turn away to hide a grin as Blue returned for another arm-load of wood.

One moment Blue was leaning over the tailgate and lifting a chunk of wood, the next moment it was pulled out of her gloved hand, tossed haphazardly over John’s shoulder, and then it was she that was being lifted. John picked her right up with ease and sat her onto the truck’s lowered tailgate.

And then he kissed her.

Not a peck on the forehead. Oh, hallelujah no. John leaned in, no hesitancy to his movement, just pure, male, take-what-he-wants going for it. And it just about knocked her boots off.

Standing to her side but pressed in against her, he angled his head and fit his mouth perfectly to hers. Taking full advantage of her lips being parted in surprise, his tongue plunged in, licking smoothly at hers, retreating, re-entering boldly. Before she knew it, her arms were up around his neck and she held on tight as she gave back as good as she was getting.

The kiss went on and on. Every time John’s tongue swept against hers, jolts of arousal traveled down her body, swirling around her stomach before shooting down between her legs. Blue squeezed her thighs together, not sure whether she was trying to heighten the feeling, or contain it.

At some unknown point he must have taken his leather work gloves off, because when his hand traveled from it’s resting place on her hip to burrow under her coat, then her sweater underneath, continuing on until his fingertips reached the sensitive skin of her back, she shivered delicately at the invading coolness of his skin.

He lifted his head when she shivered, and her eyelids fluttered open to his heated gaze.

‘I’ve been wanting to do that again for… forever.’ The corner of his wide, sensuous mouth crooked up into a half smile.

‘It hasn’t even been twenty four hours yet.’ she felt like she needed to remind him, but the brush of his fingertips against her lower spine made any further rational thought difficult. Realizing his other hand had insinuated it’s fingers snugly between her knees didn’t help.

‘Seemed like forever.’

‘Well, then, why didn’t you?’ Blue tilted her chin teasingly.

John chuckled, mirroring the chin tilt and looking down at her through his lashes. ‘I suppose I wasn’t listening to my inner voice as well as I should.’

‘You have an inner voice?’

‘Mm-hmmm.’ He leaned in and brushed his lips against hers.

‘Well, I guess we all do.’ Blue closed her eyes as his lips traveled softly over her cheek.

‘Mine’s pretty vocal. But I find it’s usually right.’< br>
She tilted her head as he nudged his nose against her neck. Feeling her shiver again, he raised his head and, sadly, removed his hands from their respective warm spots to settle on her shoulders. ‘Your cheeks are red.’ He brushed a finger against one of her cheeks. ‘You must be cold.’

Blue lowered her lashes and turned her head until her lips feathered against the base of his thumb. ‘Actually, I’m very warm… now.’ she murmured, purposely speaking slow and soft.

His eyes flashed at her words and she felt a thrill, scary and exciting. This was completely foreign ground to her, such obvious flirting.

A movement from off to the side caught her attention, and both she and John turned to see Abe trotting from the shelter with a large-ish piece of wood in his mouth. The dog stopped mid-step, his head swinging towards them, looking comical as he realized he’d just been caught.

‘Hey.’ John pointed to the woodpile. ‘Put that back.’

Abe lowered his raised paw, his mouth still stretched around the firewood, lowering his head and keeping a careful eye on his master… and then took off like a shot.


The confounded look on John’s face when Abe completely ignored him had blue covering her mouth in a vain attempt to hold in her laughter. Turning at the sound, John smiled fleetingly before his expression morphed into one of dire seriousness.

‘I see. You consider blatant disregard for authority amusing.’

‘Yes.’ Blue pressed her lips into a thin line, trying not to snicker. She lost the fight when Abe returned, tearing past at top speed, his teeth still clenching the wood.

John’s firm expression didn’t change, except for a raising of his eyebrows, his eyes trained on Blue even though he had to have known that Abe had run by him again, missing him by barely two feet.

‘Hmm. Are you always this flippant?’

Blue gasped in mock indignation. ‘Me?! What about him?’ She pointed towards the dog now running in tight circles behind John, as if taunting him.

John glanced over his shoulder, uttered a low, firm, ‘Abe.’, made a quick hand gesture, and just like that, Abe stopped in his tracks, dropped the wood, and sat at attention.

John turned back to Blue, a self satisfied look settled onto his handsome face. Two seconds later he burst into laughter, making another gesture that released Abe from his pose. Blue watched, amused, as Abe trotted off with his prize.

‘That is one happy dog.’ Blue gripped the edge of the tailgate and began to slide off, holding onto John’s arm as he reached out to help her before her feet even hit the ground.

‘Happiest I’ve ever seen him. I know how he feels.’ he murmured. Blue looked up and found his gaze focused intently on her.

He smiled and lifted a finger to her cheek. ‘Either you’re cold or you’re blushing.’ he observed, way too knowingly. ‘Come on, how about we get this load finished, head to my place, and…’ He glanced at his watch. ‘Hey, you like football?’

John laughed at the face Blue made. ‘I’ll take that as a no.’

‘Sorry.’ Blue shrugged, but smiled.

‘Okay, no football for Sweet Baby…’ He broke off at Blue’s expression, this time one that wasn’t teasing. He cleared his throat and started again. ‘Okay… no football for Ms. Blue Waters. How about we relax for a while and watch a movie? We’ve got plenty of time before dinner together, then heading over to Orley’s for poker.’

Blue’s eyebrows shot up. ‘Poker?’

‘Didn’t I tell you? You’ve been drafted into the neighborhood poker game. All residents of our little area must play.’

‘All three of us.’ Blue said wryly.

‘Yup.’ John smiled, and she swore she saw a hint of devil in it. ‘No getting out of it. No excuses. Do you play?’

‘Um… no. I’ve never played in my life.’

John’s eyes narrowed. ‘Unfortunate. For you. I trust you have plenty of cash to bring with you tonight?’

‘Plenty of…’ Blue sputtered.

‘I’m kidding, I’m kidding.’ John said quickly, holding up a hand. ‘We don’t play for money. We switched to strip poker years ago. It’ll be fun having a novice join the game… I was getting tired of seeing Orley in his skivvies.’

The tip of John’s finger gently pushed up on Blue’s chin, helping her mouth close.


John held his cell phone to his ear, watching through the kitchen doorway so he could track Blue’s movements as she wandered through his living room. They had just gotten through his door and had taken off their coats when his cell rang. Prepared to ignore it, he had instead excused himself when he saw it was Abby on the caller ID.

‘Jackson Hubert Woods.’ Abby snickered softly before continuing. ‘Thirty-five. Lifelong resident of California. Born in the Bakersfield area, moved to Los Angeles at the age of 18 where he went to school to become a-‘

‘I’m not being a dick here, Abby. I’m really not. But what did you find on Woods?’ John spoke quietly and watched Blue pause at the fireplace, touch the stonework lightly with her fingertips, then look up at the painting that was hanging there.

Abby ‘tsked’ over the line. ‘Patience, Grasshopper…’ she said in a truly bad imitation accent. ‘And you shall be rewarded. Woods was in Los Angeles for two years before he moved to Modesto. But just before doing so, he was served with a restraining order, requested by his then girlfriend.’

John grunted, but made himself smile at Blue as she glanced at him over her shoulder. Turning, he walked to the far end of the kitchen to stand just inside the mudroom. Blue wasn’t even trying to eavesdrop, but he didn’t want to take any chances that she might accidentally overhear something he said and become curious.

‘He spent the next five years in Modesto,’ Abby continued. ‘where he apparently kept his nose clean. And then, we have another move and another restraining order, but this one was served after the move. It seems your Mr. Woods had followed his latest paramour after she had, probably wisely, made a break for it. Woods then got into some unwelcome mischief… public nuisance and a couple other piddling charges like that, all relating to the case… charges were dropped or not bad enough for anything to come of them… blah blah blah, he moved yet again and has been a good little boy ever since. Oh, and the details in both restraining orders are your mainstream, everyday kind of stuff. Nothing that really stands out and sets off any big, clanging alarms, although of course just the need for a thing like that is worrisome enough. But you know what I mean.’

‘Yeah.’ John leaned his back against the doorway, rubbing the bridge of his nose between finger and thumb. ‘Yeah.’ he sighed. ‘No getting caught with a knife in his girlfriend’s shower while wearing a wig and a dress. No alarms like that.’

Except knowing that wasn’t really making him feel much better. John thanked Abby and finished the call, then returned to the living room, where Blue had seated herself at one end of the sofa. Abe’s head was resting on her knee as he sat at her feet, begging for the petting that she was giving him.

John crossed the room to sit with her, trying to look more casual than he was feeling at the moment. She smiled at him, making his heart take a ridiculous leap.

‘So you’re the buyer. I didn’t know.’

John tore his eyes from her face to follow the point of her finger. Above the stone fireplace mantle hung a large, unique landscape painting, sign with a tiny, flowing script in the corner- ‘Blue Waters’.

‘Aunt Jean only said that someone saw it during that little local library showing that was still running it’s course when I’d moved to Cali for school. She’d given me the impression that it was a tourist passing through. That was what, almost ten years ago? And it’s been here all along.’ Blue said with a mild tone of wonderment, looking at him curiously.

John looked at the painting and remembered when he first saw it. He’
d had to have it, barely paying attention to whatever price it’d been. He hadn’t even been finished building the house, living out of a small camper while the work had been going on, and he’d already known exactly where he’d wanted it to hang.

And it had hung there in it’s spot ever since, and every time he walked in the door, whether coming home after an assignment or just coming in from getting the mail from the box by the road, his eyes automatically landed on it. It was part of his home. It was part of him. And it was part of Blue.

‘It’s my very favorite of all your paintings.’ he downplayed- greatly- what he felt about Blue’s creation. ‘So, how come you aren’t rich and famous by now?’ he teased, knowing instinctively to lighten the conversation from the deeper path his thoughts were taking. For now.

Blue laughed lightly, looking slightly self conscious with an adorable pink tinge coloring her cheeks.

‘Thank you for the compliment, but I know my talents and limitations. I enjoy the ‘doing’, but teaching art is my strong point. It won’t make me rich, but it makes me happy.’ She smiled, making John’s breath catch in his chest at the sheer, simple, beauty of it.

Right at that moment was when John’s biggest goal in life became not only to have Blue in his life, but to be the one to ensure her happiness.

‘What about you?’ She was asking, and he had to blink and breathe to bring himself out of his thoughts. ‘I’m guessing you are satisfied with what you do? What exactly is it that you do, by the way?’ she asked curiously before he could answer her first question.

John cleared his throat and shrugged, settling himself comfortably into the sofa as he gathered the words, sticking to his usual answer when someone asked him that question. ‘Well, I guess you could say I tell people what to do.’ he chuckled. ‘I guide them, offering professional consultation for businesses having issues…’

‘…sic the good guys onto the bad guys… leap tall buildings in a single bound…’

Blue was smiling interestedly, and John had to bite his cheek to keep from saying ‘shut up’ to his faintly sarcastic inner voice, at the same time feeling like a bit of a heel for giving her the damned cover story about his job, even though it wasn’t completely a lie, he did guide people and tell them what to do.

‘Hey,’ he stretched his arm over the end of the sofa to grab the television remote off of the end table. ‘I promised you a movie, didn’t I?’

Blue lifted a shoulder and cocked her head as if considering. ‘Mmmm, yeah, but I like talking to you. I don’t need a movie to entertain me right now… I have you.’

And oh, hell, but didn’t those completely innocent words from her lips go in through his ears, past his brain, and straight down to his groin, where things were getting, um… tight… never mind that she was talking about talking. Besides, spending time just talking to Blue was right up there on his list also. Hell, if they just sat here staring stupidly at each other, he’d be okay with that too.

‘All right.’ John flipped the remote blindly over his shoulder, getting the laugh he’d wanted out of Blue. ‘Conversation it is. So, Ms. Waters, seen any good movies lately?’

‘As a matter of fact, I have…’ Blue settled herself sideways onto the sofa, facing him, and he relaxed into the soft brush of her voice, knowing this was something he wanted to always come home to.

Glancing over at the painting above the fireplace before returning his gaze to the woman next to him, John let himself dare to hope.


‘Move your hand lower. That’s it. Now curve your fingers around. Perfect. Wait for it… okay, now.’

Blue gestured with her hand and immediately Abe bowed down, his snout resting on the floor between his front paws. His hindquarters remained raised up in the air.

‘Oh my gosh!’ Blue laughed, delighted with yet another successful trick.

‘Remember, he’ll hold position until you say he can quit or give the signal to stop. You remember that one, right?’ John grinned, clearly enjoying himself as much as Blue.

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Wild College GirlsChapter 6 The New Girl

A couple of weeks passed from the last chapter of farm fucks. The girls had tried more and more positions with the horses. Sarah and Jessica had also been doing double horse penetration as Delilah was forced to. Today talk was around our little group about a new girl who was at the stables for riding lessons today. Her name was Summer, she was 15 years old, 5'1, 90 pounds, blonde and had nice firm medium sized tits and a gorgeous athletic ass. She was from a fairly rich family and seemed a...

2 years ago
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The story of my submission

The Story of my Submission The Story of my Submission Hello, this is Lisa. I am 26 years old and I would like to share the story of my submission with you. I have been authorised by my Mistress to write and to publish this story. Every word is true, and the email addresses I will state in the end are also real. To begin with I would like to say that I am actually lesbian. It is true that my first sexual experiences, which occurred during my school time when I was about 15 years old, were...

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Halloween and Batman

Just a short non-erotic story for Halloween. If you're looking for sex, it's not here. For the rest of the readers I hope you enjoy it. A big 'Thank You' to Estragon for making it a much better read. I'm what most people would call a normal, non-descript type guy. I'm 5' 10", weigh 160 lbs. I'm not overly smart, but not dumb either. I've always been on the somewhat quiet side when it came to girls. In school I was the guy you never remembered in class. You would have to look in your...

3 years ago
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Happily Ever After Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Drive I pedaled home slowly and hoped that I wouldn't find a sad Sam when I arrived... Then I began worrying that he might have been convinced to rejoin the team. It was closing in on seven as I walked in the front door. I began thinking that I should have called first. Of course, the house was empty and I was out the door quickly as terrible thoughts began to assault my consciousness. Would I ever be back on an even keel again? Shandy...

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Changed By My Sister

CHANGED BY MY SISTER by Throne I was home from college for Spring break. My older sister Gwenn acted glad to see me but she was a bit reserved. And why not, after I had been a total pain to her while we were growing up. One thing I had taken special delight in was ruining dates for her, and even breaking up her relationships with guys. To me it had been fun, and I guess I never lost that attitude. I was still comfortable taunting her about it, along with tormenting her about her...

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A Younger Lover

I am a thirty-seven year old divorced woman. Being from a conservative background, I was married at a young age; an arranged marriage. A decent guy - divorced, with a kid from his previous marriage who was four years old at the time of our marriage. Our marriage worked out fine for ten years. Then, as it happens with couples occasionally, if they are unlucky, we too separated. We remained on friendly terms, occasionally helping each other too with family stuff and whatnot but it all faded away...

2 years ago
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My First Sex Ever With My Beautiful Cook Bina

Hi everyone, today I will be sharing my real sex story with my cook. This happened in Bangalore a year ago. I am a 26-year-old good looking, working professional staying in Bangalore, now let me start with the story. I used to stay in one of the apartments in bellandur, it was 3bhk flat shared by two other people. Once we moved in we decided to keep a cook and got a cook’s number from security people of the apartment and I called the number. Her name was bina, then I inquired about the same...

4 years ago
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Grays Week in Russia

Sometimes, no matter how satisfactory your life currently is, you just need to get away and experience something new. That, at least, was what Samson Grey told himself as he browsed cheap flights out of New York to various exotic locales. It wasn't that he was particularly stressed at work, or that his home life was bad. No, his job was good and his home life was rather nice. With a great deal of satisfaction, Samson looked over at the window sill where his girlfriend Mary was snuggled up with...

Mind Control
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Fucked Sexy Cologue 8211 Part I

Hi ISS readers this is sexsena111 from Ahmadabad, i am regular reader of ISS and read most of its stories which inspired me to share with you about my real life sex experience. Any girl or ladies who is intrested for sex can reach on below id, i promise it will be safer and secret My mail id Without waisting your time coming to my story, its around 4 years back when i was working with largest domestic BPO which is situated in Navi Mumbai, I was very old in the system hence was having good...

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A Study in GraysChapter 11

In the normal course of events even the most uncomfortable menstrual flow comes to its natural conclusion and the girl in question; Josette, resumes a normal life. Similarly, the tedious and anxiety provoking business of putting a house up for sale with an Estate Agent can be taken as read. Recounting the 900 mile journey from the English Midlands to the Languedoc in a heavily loaded Volvo estate car would be as tedious for the reader as it might have been for the occupants. Even the large...

3 years ago
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Theres Something in the Water Chapters 1 to 5

Also, all characters in sexual situations are 18 years or older. Late 1950s, somewhere in the Midwest … The stars shone bright on a cold night. Three high school seniors strode out of the malt shop and flipped up the collars on their jackets against the frigid breeze. Their footfalls echoed around the empty street as they made their way down the narrow sidewalk. Their bikes waited from them, leaning against a dark, forlorn street sign. As they left the lights, laughter, and conversation...

2 years ago
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Biker Vets Lose a Righteous Brother

Rick woke to find himself naked and alone in the middle of what appeared to him to be an A-Team encampment. He recognized the encompassing mountainous terrain as being very similar to that of the central highlands, a geographical region around Pleiku in the former Republic of Viet-Nam. The encampment was surrounded by wire and as Rick anxiously looked closer, he could see armed sappers crawling through the wire from all directions. Rick thought, "Oh fuck, I'm really in for it now." He...

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Poor Petra 2

“Alcohol!” I announce, as we tumble in, and I skip off towards thesmall kitchenette area that’s in one corner of the room. “Yeah!” chorus the boys. “Just make yourself at home, guys,” I say, grabbing some beers from the fridge, bending right over in the process so as to provide the same enticing view that Danny got treated to when I dropped my bag in the taxi. I’m such a fucking little tease! We have some of those beanbag floor cushion affairs, typical student stuff, and the four of us get...

Group Sex
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Meri Dost Ne Banaya Mujhe Raat Ki Raani

Mera naam Preeti hai. Jab mein pehli baar college mein aai mein bohat khush thi kyonki mein ekchote shehar se hoon jahan pe ladkiyon ko ghar se bahar nikalne ki izzazat nahi hoti or bohat hi restricted mohaul mein rehna padta hai. Mein TV pe dekhti thi ki ladkiyon ke boyfriends hote hai jo un ko ghumate hai, shopping karate hai or phool dete hain. Is liye mujhe bohat craze tha ki mein ladkon se dosti karoon or mera boyfriend ho. Bade shehar or college ka khula mahoul dekh kar mein bohat khush...

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Me and My sister

She slowly strolled over to the edge of the pool, with every step her bikini bottoms went into a camel toe and came out again. She sat down on the edge dangling her gorgeous legs into the cold water. She watched as I swam lengths trying to impress her, she kept watching and I pretended I didn't notice. After a period of time, I'm not sure how long, she said "you're very good at that" I pretended not to hear her but speeded slightly still trying to impress her. She kept watching for while...

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In Heaven

I opened my eyes, I was in a completely white room, this must be heaven. But why was I in heaven? That was the next question I asked myself. I reached out with my other senses, I couldn't hear anything, but I could smell a sharp antiseptic smell. That sorted it, I was in a hospital. Next question, why was I in a hospital? Well I've no idea, ok, what did I remember, I knew my name, Bill Thomas, good, so what was the last thing I remember? I was going to work on my bike, ok, a good guess would...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 10 Chapter 5 Rain

Book Ten: The Flaming Woman Chapter Five: Rain By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Faoril – Asunow Princedom, The Princedoms of Zeutch The rain hammered my rain cloak, beating the oiled canvas. Water dripped off the peak, falling onto my saddle. It didn't help. The rain was too heavy. The road drank it in like the driest earth after a monsoon, becoming sodden, thick. I didn't care. It was hard to care about anything after what happened an hour ago. I could still smell the reek of...

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Freshman year

Note : This story is completely fictional! I was good at hiding my feelings. Everyone loved me. All of my friends felt comfortable with me. People who weren’t friends with me wanted to be friends with me. The entire high school knew my name. I was a popular girl going into school, the star athlete who would hopefully bring a winning season to the struggling soccer team. I was really grown for my age. Not maturity wise, but I was tall and muscular. I never went through the lanky stage. Coming...

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Meera Comes Of Age

A parcel arrived on Saturday. It was for Meera Shaik, Apt 1806, Trinity Towers, Andheri East, Mumbai. I tried to tell the courier guy but he had already stepped into the elevator. There were 6 apartments on each side of the elevator shaft. I went around looking for ‘Shaik’. It was the last one on the left side of 1807, technically next door to our home. But the elevator shaft and stairs were coming in between us. I rang the doorbell, no one was at home. I went back to my apartment and started...

3 years ago
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Ever Pleasant Journey To Remember

I am Ruman, 24yrs old. It happened just couple of yrs ago. I was on an official visit to a coastal city. I don’t want to mention the city for obvious reason. It was a night journey by luxury ac bus. It was almost six hours trip. As usual the seats are arranged two seats in a row on both side of the isle. I was on a window seat in the mid section of the vehicle. I was in the left side and all three seats on my right side were empty. In the evening dark, only a dim light was on. I was doing with...

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Aunt Sonrda loves sex and acting

“I don’t usually pick up hitchhikers, but you look safe. Get in.” He was young and tall, just the sort that set my pussy juicing. I had to have him! I’m 38, divorced and I love to fuck, especially with the kind of tall, gorgeous hunk that just climbed into the car beside me. The spicy scent of his aftershave was driving me wild and that nice big bulge in the front of his jeans was enough to make any woman quiver and juice. He was in his early twenties, smooth skinned,...

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Samus and the Reality Altering Upgrades

Samus brought her ship into dock with the station, the docking bay walls closing behind her. In her travels around the galaxy, she had received a signal from an old research station. The signal informed her that the station was inhabited by a scientist AI, programmed to keep inventing for eternity. If she came to investigate, she'd be offered many new ways to "expand" her arsenal. She was here to see if that way true, and she stepped off of her ship, Zero Suit clinging to her curves all the...

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FapHouse Granny

Have you ever realized how older babes have a lot more energy and skills when it comes to cock-pleasing? They know all the right angles and have a plethora of naughty techniques to show off. Well, that is simply because the older babes have had so much experience, that they have tried it all. Thus, they tend to be a lot more open-minded about all sorts of naughty things.If you are searching for the perfect place where to watch hot GILF porn movies, I have just the place. Welcome to...

Premium Granny Porn Sites
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Hannah Moantana A Hannah MontanaMiley Cyrus stor

Miley stewart had been posing as the teen pop sensation Hannah Montana for as long as she could remember. She knew the basically every guy in the country wanted to fuck her. Some guys had even gone to her shows and begged her to take her top off on stage, but miley knew her dad would kill her if she even thought about that. Miley on a few occasions had found herself rubbing her wet cunt and eating her sweet juices. But one day things changed Miley had walked into the house and threw her blonde...

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How my BBC fantasy for My Wife Went Wrong CH3

Melinda and I had done our research so we knew a few good places to go to meet a black man to fuck her. The first place was a loss. There was only one black man and he was already with a beautiful brunette white girl. The second bar was different. There were a number of black and Spanish men. We got a seat and ordered strong drinks. As we sat there, Melinda made note of a group of black men sitting in one corner. The central figure was a dark black man with a muscular build and about 25...

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Confessions Of A Submissive Cuckold

PART ONE – Confessions Of A Submissive Cuckold PREETHI – Discovering the purpose of my Life I guess it was always part of my nature to submit myself to the whims of the women in my life and I have always felt it come natural and agreeable at a psychological and physical level to let them make decisions for me. My mother has been the dominant matriarch of the house with my dad not having much say in the family and so she always decided when I’d play, what I’d wear, who my friends would be, what...

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Eat shit and Die

Slave #31 ?What do you say we raise the stakes a little?? Priya asked with a twinkle in her eye. She was sitting across the couch from me, wearing her black t-shirt and her light denim mini-skirt. There was a mischievous smile on her face as she concealed a set of playing cards in her hands. She had such a seductive grace to everything she did; just being near her made my heart race. ?What kind of stakes are we talking about?? I asked stealing a glance at her upper thigh. I could stare at...

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CherryPimps Athena Faris Banging Gorgeous Athena Faris

It pays to be early if you have a date as Quinton James shows you when he walks in on the sexy Athena Faris wearing only her lingerie! Being early leads to some hot sex and Athena can not get enough of Quintons hard cock! She just loves kissing and sucking on his shaft knowing just how great it will feel in her tight little pussy! Quinton explores and worships her sexy body and soon is giving her everything she desires to feel. He’s so great at making her cum and she can not wait to feel...

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Bring Me to LifeChapter 8

It took a couple of weeks for everyone to adjust to our new situation. Two women with children came looking for me the next morning. They were not fond of Adriana, but I wasn't fond of their minds' smallness. Adriana knew how to put the new 'bitches' (her word!) in their place; the dual blowjob didn't do the job for me until Adriana lifted up her dress so I could play with her ass. The last bit drove into the women's minds that I played favorites. Cathy proved to be a trial--fifteen...

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It was the early eighties, a rare, long and hot English summer as we made our way from the stuffy airless mining village into the cool clean air of the countryside in our tiny Fiat 500.I was wedged into the back seat of the small white box with the bags, booze and presents ready for my Mum's 40th birthday. She and her twin, Aunt Tina, were celebrating at their new place deep in the Dales. Her husband, Uncle Dave, had done well under the new government and had been a part of a, then new fangled,...

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NaughtyMag Melody Marks Her Boyfriend Says It8217s Cool

Occupation: Hostess; Age: 18; Born: February 29; Ht: 5’3″; Wt: 115 pounds; Bras: 32D; Panties: I’d rather stay naked; Anal: Yes! Yes! Yes!; BJs: Swallow, always; Masturbate: Every damn day. Melody is still with her high school boyfriend. What does he think about seeing her sucking and fucking another guy? “He’s cool with it,” Melody told us. “He’s never had a problem sharing me. He was my first, and he’s still the guy I fuck every night....

3 years ago
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My First Sex With Sap 8211 Part 1

Hey guys, hot aunties and hot girls tom here, this is my second story over here in ISS.. Been a fan from long time. If any girl/aunty between 18 to 35 to meet personal needs contact me at My first sex story can be read I am Tom(name changed) from Hyderabad, I am going to narrate my true incident in my life. I am 24 years height 5.11 looks good and shy guy. My second girlfriend is Sap, 22 year look like Nithya Menon. She is a real sex bomb. She has beautiful boobs (36), waist (34)and big...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Alison Rey Lana Rhoades Maya Kendrick Three Cheers

Alison Rey, Maya Kendrick and Lana Rhoades are practicing their cheerleading routine. When they finish up, the girls decide to get together at Alison’s house to study. Later on that afternoon, the girls are about to plan their study session but before they begin, Lana asks if she could jump in the shower first. As Lana gets undressed in the bathroom, Alison and Maya talk about seducing her. They’ve both been really into her and have been wanting to fuck her for the longest time....

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Your future life passes in a glimpse

Your future life passes in a glimpse Beat heard the door open and turned around in panic too see his mother entering. He was a boy of 13 years but presently not dressed that way. Instead he wore a brown boucl? pullover with a wide turtle neck and a knee lenght brownish checked skirt. Both were his mother's. He had started to try on his mothers clothes just a few months ago. He could not explain why but he did it with a lot of guilt and shame. Nevertheless, despite the fact that a...

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MommysGirl AJ Applegate Mona Wales Sharing The Wet

When teen stepdaughter AJ Applegate explores her sopping wet pussy in front of a mirror in the bathroom, she starts squirting for the first time, and doesn’t know what is happening to her body. Her stepmother Mona Wales hears the commotion and walks in to congratulate her for unlocking her box. Mona calmly explains that AJ had her first squirting orgasm, and reassures her it’s totally a normal function of her sexuality. When she encourages her to do it again. AJ feels weird about...

4 years ago
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As A Song Forever Together Chapter 6

The Prom evening was two weeks after the start of school. On the Prom evening the contestant pairs had to join the best pair competition, where all of the participants would vote for the Prom Queen and King. Eve and I greeted each other in the school as if we had not already dated. Everybody saw our love story was over. I think she believed I would be alone and I would get a little humiliation from her. I was sure this was Bret Tyminsky's plan for revenge on me. But they did not know...

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The Seven

'Out of control' was written on the report which now sat on the Abbot's desk.The old Abbot read the report on the seven naughty teenagers who had not alone consumed alcohol ,but had made life a misery for many of the residents of the locality.It was a lengthy report made up of numerous statements made by people who had either witnessed or experienced the bad behaviour of the teenagers. Now the Abbot had the fate of the seven naughty teenagers in his hands and once he had finished reading the...

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