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Just a quick one inspired by Playa Samara, Costa Rica. This is my effort for the Earth Day contest, and as such I hope I haven’t gone too flowery with the philosophical musings of the principal character herein, I was just trying to justify the link to Earth Day.

Anyway, as usual, there may be errors, if there are, forgive me. Send feedback if the mood takes, let me know what you like — if anything — or what you didn’t like. If you do send/post feedback/comments please make ’em constructive.

I hope you enjoy it.

GA — David, Panama. 27 March 2012


The Dutch boys’ departure changed things. Their dusty backpacks were slung into the rear of the mini-van, the thin leather cords and gaily coloured wristbands flapped as they waved and smiled their white-toothed farewells, and with a cheery so long and good luck they were gone, on to the next party. That left the two of us, virtual strangers. But if we were strangers, why did I feel the way I did?

Unspeaking she picked up her plate and, with her fork, scooped the melon rind, watermelon pips and banana skin, the remnants from her breakfast, into the bio bin, an old plastic tub that had once contained rice. After rinsing the plate and coffee cup Ulla left them drying in the rack next to the sink. Moments later I heard the sound of water splashing as she showered in the cubicle at the end of the dorm. Slurping the rest of my coffee I then munched a slice of toast before I copied Ulla’s earlier actions and washed my breakfast things at the sink in the open air kitchen — cold water, there was no alternative, just as Ulla’s shower would be cold. Not that it mattered much at a hostel on a beach in Costa Rica.

A drink of water would be a good idea, and I took a litre bottle from the fridge, a bottle with my initials etched into the cap. All the food and drink in the fridge was labelled, a customary necessity given the transient nature of the hostel’s tenants. I’d seen bitter arguments leading to festering ill feeling erupt between travellers who’d spent months in erstwhile harmonious wanderings, spats about who ate the fucking pasta. I needed water to stave off the hangover that threatened behind my eyes, and took a few quick swallows to deflect the ache pulsing in my head, during which I mused upon the previous night, and the unsettling effect the woman had on me.

When I’d first seen her the previous day, upon my arrival, straight off the bus in my grubby tee-shirt, in need of a shower, cold water or no, and a change of clothes, Ulla had been aloof. There wasn’t the usual cheery exchange of names and nationalities, but a rather more perfunctory nod and subdued, almost surly hello. German I guessed at her accent, assessing her age to be mid-thirties. A bird’s nest of dark hair was piled carelessly atop her head, held in place with an improvised Alice band. Intelligent and interesting blue-grey eyes, a little shorter than me, slim — in my head I heard a snatch of lyrics by Shawn Mullins: but she’d be a whole lot prettier if smiled once in a while. — Then thoughts of Ulla were pushed rudely aside when the Dutch boys bounced into the courtyard like eager puppies. With their surfer blonde hair these unkempt beach bums, tanned, baggy shorts and no shirts, were a pair of tightly muscled, twenty-something good time boys perpetually on the look-out for the party.

‘Good to meet you, man, pleased to see you,’ said one, I can’t recall which since they looked so alike it was difficult to distinguish between them. ‘Party tonight, on the beach.’ He grinned after the touching of knuckles that passed for a handshake as was de rigueur, and mimed smoking and drinking. I noticed his eyes flick towards Ulla, after which the boy grinned and laid a lascivious eyelid against his cheek, a wink that spoke volumes man-to-man. ‘We gunna make the big fire wiss lugs.’ His fingers pantomimed leaping flames, which I interpreted as, we’re going to build a big fire with logs. ‘Den we gots de meat to roast, de beer to trink … Music …’ He danced and laughed, a joyous, infectious bubble, and I found myself agreeing to chip in ten thousand colones. I wondered if Ulla would be there too, although first impressions told me it probably wouldn’t be her thing.

I dumped my backpack in the dorm, an arrangement of two-tier bunks, four in total, a skeleton of a wardrobe, and a languid ceiling fan. Three beds were already made-up, one neat and ordered, the remaining two in chaotic tangles. No prizes for guessing which bed belonged to whom. I took my shower and then decided to take a walk back along the beach into what was the commercial hub of the pueblo — a dusty main street punctuated with hotels, apartments for rent,apartmentos a alquila, souvenir stalls and eateries, even a trio of horses trotted about the place unmolested. I needed some cash and a supermarket.

On my way back along the half-mile of crescent beach, blue plastic bag containing the essentials — water, beer and potato chips — in hand, I saw, in the distance, silhouetted against the diamante sparkling of the Pacific as the sun slid into the blessed cool of late afternoon, a lone figure ankle deep in the water. As I passed by I had a feeling that it was Ulla standing there, a Lowry figure incongruously displaced to this beach paradise. I hooked left, away from the water’s edge, moving inland a few yards towards the path back to the hostel. I couldn’t be sure but it looked to me as though the woman was naked, and a ripple of desire shivered through me. I’d seen the distinctly feminine outline of Ulla’s body and, despite her imposing demeanour, imagined what it would be like to lick the salt from between her breasts, to trace a path with my tongue past her navel to finally reach that place between her legs. I wondered: was she smooth or natural down there?

A shout from Peter, or maybe it was Dirk, I still couldn’t tell them apart, interrupted my reverie and deflated the sudden erection in my shorts. ‘We gunna make the fire at sunset,’ the boy grinned. ‘See you on the beach.’ He indicated the spot with a finger. I nodded, paid him the twenty U.S. dollars I owed. When I glanced towards the ocean, after the boy had departed on his wood gathering errand, Ulla was in the water, swimming. Time for a cold beer I thought, leaving the woman to her bathing.

The barbecue was a success. The boys, their enthusiasm and lust for life ensured nothing less. Beer flowed like blood on a battlefield, and there were a few casualties as a result. I smelled the sweet scent of something other than tobacco, and being in ignorant middle-age myself, pretended not to notice. There was music, dancing and hilarity as the Earth, ancient and elemental spoke to me. The fire, a leaping war dance of flames, with the poetic murmuring cadence of the waves, a timeless, endless susurration, a lullaby beneath the cold panoply of moon and stars above, held my gaze until I looked up and fell in love.

I’d thought her nondescript, but I was a fool. She was beautiful. When I looked up from the fire she was laughing at some inanity from one of the Dutch boys. Her hair was loose now, a glorious mane of waves and ringlets — in the light of day I’d see the colour of her hair, a rich, gypsy chestnut. Ulla’s teeth flashed brilliant as she threw her head back and let loose a deep laugh. I saw her throat exposed and vulnerable, and longed, with vampiric desire, to kiss her there, on the tender part, where life pulsed.

It was so simple, so perfect, and I fell in love with her on that beach, with the sand between my toes while the tide whispered endearments.

Then came the crash, a flare in my guts like the suicidal shooting star etched in the sky overhead. Ulla took the boy’s face in her palms, spoke to him seriously, I could see the gravitas in her expression before she kissed his mouth. The kiss lengthened and I saw their tongues entwined. The logical part of me understood the inevitability of their attraction to each other, and that I’d been an idiot
to even consider that Ulla would be drawn to me. All the same a heavy plumb line, weighted with a brick of disappointment, sank to the pit of my stomach. I walked away from the scene.

‘Great party, eh, man?’ one of the boys, the one without his tongue in Ulla’s mouth, said, his eyes glittering with the excitement. ‘Some pretty girls, eh?’

I nodded agreement in the direction of several figures dancing in front of the fire, bottles of beer or plastic beakers of rum in their hands. I drank steadily until, with middle-aged circumspection, I left the party to its inevitably chaotic climax.

Ulla returned to the dorm not long after me, with the boys crashing in just after daybreak. After packing their stuff and with zero sleep the energetic bastards breakfasted with Ulla and myself, both of us old people bleary-eyed and a little worse for wear.

The boys left and, dressed in shorts and tee-shirt, after needles of cold water woke me properly, I was disappointed when I ventured out into the courtyard and there was no sign of Ulla. At a loss for anything else to do I settled into a hammock with my book, only to stare at the pages, unable to concentrate.

After fifteen minutes of rereading the same page I heard a voice behind me. ‘Would you like to walk along the beach to the supermarket?’ Ulla regarded me, her hair falling to her shoulders. It was then I noticed the deep colour of it for the first time. ‘I thought, since it’s just me and you …’ She shrugged and pulled a face. ‘We could prepare our meal together this evening.’

I couldn’t see any reason why I should turn the suggestion down. OK, being close to the woman disturbed me on a level and to a depth I couldn’t define. Why she had this effect, I hadn’t a clue, but I wanted to be close to her, I knew that much. Physical intimacy wasn’t on the cards I realised, not after her night with the Dutch kid, but just to be near her, to watch her face as she talked, to smell the scent of her, would be enough. Or so I kidded myself.

As we walked barefoot through the listless incoming tide we swapped stories. A writer from Berlin who’d started out travelling with a boyfriend, and for whom it was a case of familiarity breeding contempt, solo now for three weeks.

‘And you?’ she asked, igniting the full wattage of her smile.

Oh how I wanted to kiss those dimples in her cheeks as when she looked at me. How had I been so wrong in my estimation of Ulla when I first saw her?

I told her of the inheritance, modest but enough to fund an indulgence. ‘Central America to start,’ I said. ‘After that, who knows?’

We shopped and lazed the rest of the afternoon away cocooned in hammocks and taking it in turns to fetch a hair of the dog from the refrigerator. The beers had been her idea.

‘We should go to the beach and swim!’ Ulla suggested as the day cooled into evening. ‘Come on,’ she insisted. ‘Don’t be so … English.’ A memory of the previous afternoon came to mind — Ulla down at the water’s edge. Had she been naked? We had the beach to ourselves. Minute specs, dog-walkers, tourists, whoever, were far along the beach from our remote end. The woman didn’t even look at me as she blithely pulled down her shorts and yanked the tee-shirt she wore over her head. ‘Come on,’ she grinned back over her shoulder. ‘Don’t be so English! Swimming nude is wonderful!’ The taunt spurred me and, after appreciating Ulla’s winsome rear, followed her lithe, tanned body into the waves. ‘It feels good, yes?’ she asked, her hair limp and plastered to her skull. I spat water and nodded at those perfect teeth smiling in her face. And it did feel good, I had to agree. Liberating, free, I told her. ‘Did you have a good time last night?’ Ulla asked, treading water a foot away from me.

‘It was OK,’ I replied blandly, feeling the tide pushing me gently shoreward. A twist of eifersucht, the green-eyed monster who respected no national identity, griped my stomach when I recalled Ulla and the blonde man kissing. I couldn’t resist the petulant self-flagellation of asking, ‘How about you? You seemed to be enjoying yourself.’

There must have been something in my tone of voice for Ulla cocked her head to one side and looked at me quizzically. Her eyes narrowed. ‘What do you mean?’

‘Nothing, I just meant … Uh …’

The woman sighed, muttered under her breath in German and swam to the shore. I was stuck now, feeling foolish at having caused this awkwardness between us and, in my typically English way, embarrassed by my nudity. With there being no alternative, other than to wait for dark or Ulla to leave, I mustered as much dignity as I could and left the water.

‘You saw me kissing Peter,’ Ulla said as, still nude, she sat on the sand and reached into her bag for cigarettes. My face told her the answer. ‘I kissed him to shut him up. He was …’ She searched for the word. ‘Belästigend’ … She blew smoke towards the darkening sky.

‘Pestering you,’ I suggested in English.

‘Exactly. All the time he was asking me …’ Ulla fell silent, smoking and surveying me with those narrowed eyes again. I could almost hear the cogs turn in her head. ‘Tell me, Steven,’ she said softly. ‘Did it bother you? That I kissed him?’ My red face supplied the truth.

It was a fair cop. I sighed, sitting on the sand next to her and shrugging. ‘A little,’ I admitted. ‘But I have no idea why. I hardly know you …’ I feigned a sudden interest in the water in front of us, inky now as night descended suddenly.

‘Would you like to kiss me?’ She tasted of salt water and tobacco. There was a tang of the afternoon’s beer on her tongue as well. To me she tasted delicious. ‘I prefer a man with a mind,’ Ulla whispered to me when the kiss broke. ‘Someone like you, Englishman.’

Desire flared and my hands went behind her. I felt the muscles of her back and the knobbles of her spine as I traced my fingers down her body, pressing my sudden, urgent tumescence against Ulla’s stomach as I held her buttocks in my palms. She moaned into my mouth and wriggled against me, rolling my erection between us while the kiss lengthened.

Ulla took hold of me, squeezing my girth in her fist while murmuring softly in her native language as my hands found the peaches of her breasts, high and tight on her chest, whereupon I leaned in to suck at each long teat of her nipples one after the other.

Then, as the light quickly faded, while the fronds of the coconut palms hung languidly, whispering gossip on the breeze, while the Pacific sighed a few feet away, Ulla took me into her mouth. I looked down at her face and could just make out her features, watched as her lips stretched around me and the pale sclera shone like twin moons and her eyes stared upwards.

When I came, she swallowed all of it, keeping me between her lips until the last dribble oozed from me.

Not a word passed between us for some time, several minutes. I had no idea what was going through Ulla’s mind as we lay there on the beach with the sounds of nature all around us. Stars twinkled and a lazy moon slid into view over the horizon. It was then that I felt the power at my back — the Earth behind me rushing through space. Understanding came to me, more clearly and simple to interpret than Steven Hawking’s mathematical explanations. I would be the first particle to come into contact with whatever the planet’s headlong rush dash into the unknown met. It was me, the infinitesimal dot on the cue ball, the mascot on the prow of this great vessel of rock and ice and gas as we rushed through the vacuum of space.

Ulla’s voice cut through the lofty, philosophical thought. ‘We must make a fuck,’ She said. ‘Outside. Here. With the ocean and the stars. We must make a fuck.’

I couldn’t have agreed more, and I didn’t need asking twice but needed a few moments of recovery time. Repeat performances were a thing of the past for a man of my age. I grinned to myself, embarrassed at where my thoughts had wandered. Just how ma
ny beers had I had that day/ ‘Shall we go back to the house?’ I suggested. ‘We could eat, maybe drink another beer, and then …’

Hand in hand, giggling, we hurried along the track, through the closeting, conspiratorial dark towards the house.

There was a newcomer there, waiting, a gangly man in his mid-forties, a foppish Hugh Grant type with a chastened, tentative smile on his face. Someone Ulla knew.

Crushed with anguish and cursing the gods I heard Ulla gasp. Of course, I knew immediately, the erstwhile boyfriend returned for another chance.


Another year, another continent.

I woke to the chaotic sound of Bangkok traffic, albeit muffled by glass and several storeys. Smugly congratulating myself on the decision to rent an apartment with air-conditioning I rolled onto my side and nudged the sleeping woman with my usual erection. She mumbled but still nudged her buttocks towards me, gasping as I entered her. As had become the norm over these last few weeks, in the latter phase of her pregnancy, she was wet and accommodating.

‘Good morning,’ she sighed, speaking German.

Without replying I began the slow, luxurious glide to our inevitably mutual climax.

Poor Manfred, I thought briefly before the sensation of my wife’s clenching sex took all thought away. He’d had his chance with her … his loss.

I leaned in and kissed Ulla, there, on the tender part of her throat, where life pulsed.

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Xxlayna Marie may be considered puny in the size department but she’s lion-hearted when it comes to the DREDD challenge. Dangling her “daisy dukes” poolside the diminutive darling has a smile as bright as the sun. The big brown-eyed pixie with the fun disposition perks up when DREDD pops in off camera. She unfurls DREDD’s behemoth and says “I can’t believe I’m going to have a dick this big inside of me”. Taking in the tiny temptress you understand why she would utter the sentence. After her...

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The Patrol

Second Lieutenant Ace Diwa scanned his surrounding environment on top of his open commander’s cupola of the Leopard 2A5EX Main Battle Tank, behind his tank is a Puma CFV, and two Boxer APCs. His patrol consists of twenty-four men all together task with finding and eradicating any insurgent groups found within his patrol area, a grueling 30 square miles. It has been a week since the regiment arrived and made a name as an effective counter-insurgency and mobile force. Rumors has is that even the...

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My stepsister part 1

When I was a teen my parents divorced. A few years later when I was a senior in high school my mom married to Ned. We moved into Ned's house. It was a modern house with the common rooms, living room, kitchen, and dining room, in the center and two wings on either side. One side was the master suit where mom and Ned had a bed and bath and the other side had two bedrooms and a bathroom. I shared the wing with Ned's daughter Chrissy. I was old for my grade and had just turned 18 early in my senior...

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ProfNigma Stories 6 Power Trip 2

(AU story)Spun out of last series, this AU story has the gang gaining super powers thanks to a wish. Action, twists, and shocking moments abound.It had been a week since everyone had woken up with amazing powers. The Seattle based iCarly's were planning to leave a couple days after the incident, but their plans got derailed when Spencer nearly tore the RV in half when his powers overwhelmed him. After his new girlfriend, Amy, threw him out of her apartment when he wrecked it, he had taken to...

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My Second ChanceChapter 48 Kim

When I get back, Dahlia is waiting up for me, standing at the door when I open it. I don’t even get a foot in the door when she asks, “Well?” “A gentleman never kisses and tells.” “It is a good thing you are an old pervert.” “You will have to ask her.” “Oh, come on, you know she is going to tell me everything. Why are you making me wait.” “Just for that, you can’t ask her tomorrow either. If you go into work, you are fired.” “What? Why are you so mean?” “I thought you would love going...

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Auntie Sarah Spanks Part Two

I was still crying as I washed my face. I could hear Auntie Sarah moving around in the kitchen. I went to my bedroom and looked at my bottom in the mirror. and couldn’t believe how every square inch of my bottom and the tops of my legs were a deep shade of red and I could see a few bruises as well coming up, from the hairbrush.   I got some cold cream and started to rub it all over those red marks which felt so good. So soothing. After screwing the cap back on I lay on the bed, on my...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsAfterword The Glencoe Concert and Chapter Title Songs from Book 3

I’ve put together web-links for the Glencoe High concert from Chapter 50, and all the chapter title songs included in this 3rd Book of The Energists series. I have not including a web-link to songs that I included in the ‘concert playlist’ for the Glencoe concert in the chapter list. If I used some special videos of a song to help with writing this story, I have include it in either the concert or chapter lists. I’ve also included any ‘extra songs’ I used in this book, such as: Lost in Love,...

3 years ago
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Sucked Into Incest 8211 Part XXIII

I regret having posted my 23 rd episode after a very long time. Many fans of mine were really upset with me, showing their concern to continue the Story, by mailing me. I couldn’t cope to write my true story, due to lack of time. I shall re-cap the whole story up to now by next episode, so that my fans & readers, can continuity. So, 23 rd episode is below, read and let me know your comments pls. JAYA’s mom stood numb seeing me below her cot with my short’s zip open with my erect COCK in my hand...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 421

“Rubber Company“ Struthers was assigned to show an important stockholder around the rubber goods factory. The woman nodded approvingly when shown the giant machine which spit out an endless stream of rubber nipples. “One of our steady sellers, a lot of babies being born these days,” Struthers explained. Not much later the stockholder inquired as to the functions of another huge machine spitting out little rubber discs. “Condoms,” Struthers informed her. “Big sellers,...

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Trapped in Number 6 Part 3

TRAPPED IN NUMBER 6, PART 3 by Zenna Swallows [Author's note: My apologies to readers who enjoyed the first two instalments in this series for the long delay between episodes. There were ... distractions. But hopefully this new episode will rekindle your interest!] For what felt like the hundredth time that day, Dylan fought the urge to glance down at his legs. After all, if he could feel what was under his pants, surely everyone else could see it as well? As he walked into the...

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My best friends girlfriend CH3

When I awoke it was pitch black. Looking over at the clock I saw it was a few minutes past midnight. I thought about getting up to leave but when I looked down and saw Kath cuddled up against my chest, breathing lightly and looking beautiful as ever I couldn’t bring myself to disturb her. Instead I gently began stroking her face and soft hair. I couldn’t get over how stunning this girl really was. I could have laid there all night stroking her face and watching her sleep, however, she stirred...

1 year ago
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Screw My Wife part 2

Dave’s idea to videotape real amateur couples having sex with porn stars was working to perfection so far. He’d taped a hot blonde fucking Steve Strong. She got so horny with her husband watching that she even started sucking Dave’s cock too. He chose the first woman because she was a tall blonde with a lot of sex appeal. He chose the second one for the opposite reasons. She wasn’t that tall, her hair was dark and fluffy, and she wore glasses. Her body was shapely, but petite and her tits...

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LeilaChapter 4

The following new characters appear in this chapter: Ryan PhD student, 5'-10'' tall, 155 pounds, 26 years old, brown hair, hazel eyes Alisha PhD student, 5'-7'' tall, 135 pounds, 36C-24-35, 27 years old, black hair, brown eyes Harry Harrington Professor, Head of the Magic Department, 5'-8'' tall, 190 pounds, 42 years old, dark brown hair going bald, blue eyes William Patrick O'Connell Thomas's Father, 5'-10'' tall, 170 pounds, 44 years old, dark red hair, gray...

2 years ago
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Strictly Business

"Tell me about that really cute girl you had over this afternoon, Sis? I really liked meeting her." "Oh, Michelle. I guess you haven't seen her before, huh?" "Oh, is she a hottie." "Well, actually, she is a pretty hot girl. She's not a virgin, she tells me. She's new, been at our school about a month now." "Man, what I wouldn't do to have a little of her." "Don't you wish." "Man, I'd give anything. She is so hot." "I could try to set you up, big brother." Well,...

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Lakshmi Ko Choda Holi Pe

Hey guys, mera nam Raghav h.It is my first sex story on the ISS.Meri stories kuch real hongi or kuch pure imagination but they will be erotic as hell.Pls apna apna feedback jarur de story pdhne k bad my email id is: Ye story 4 years phle ki h. Is story ki heroin h meri aunty(padosan).Aunty ka nam h lakshmi, kafi sundr hai,lekin jo best part h uski body me wo h uski gaand,bahr nikli hui ek dm chodi km se km 38 ki hogi,uska pura shareer ek dm wine ki bottle ki trh h jiska base kafi mota h. Kabhi...

2 years ago
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GFT 2 Down to the Banana Republic

© 2003 Commandante Ivana Cantora felt the eyes of everyone in the compound follow her as she stepped across the bloody and broken ground. Her men, pumped from combat, silently lusted after her. They wanted her, their hunger sharpened by the knowledge that they could not have her. She pulled her shoulders back, straining the worn fatigue blouse as it tried to contain her generous bust, and strode through the smoking ruins. Two hours ago this compound had housed a school and clinic operated...

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Fucked My Two Slutty Cousin Sisters

It was a sultry and tropical morning in Goa, where I had gone to visit my cousins. I had two very sexy cousins who were 20 and 19 years old. The elder one Riya was like an angel, had big boobs and an amazing figure. While Neha the younger one had a nice and big ass with equally big boobs. They both were slutty and were always flirting with sexy boys. They lived with their grandmother in Goa as their parents stayed in Delhi. Their house was quite close to the beach. It used to always be very...

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Fucking my girlfriends guy

Nicole is a 5’6′, 34c, one hundred twenty-pound stunning blonde. At twenty-three years old, she has been with her current boyfriend Alex for three years. She is sexy, beautiful, but a little prudish when it comes to sex. Her idea of sex is behind closed doors and traditional. Alex is her boyfriend, 6 foot tall, chiseled like an Egyptian god who works out daily to look hot. He is twenty-six years old and works in the construction business. Being outside also gives him a great tan. Nicole will...

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My girlfriends Ex Part 2

 It was two weeks since my threesome with Kasey and Mark, and obviously I kept in touch. Mark sent me naughty messages all the time and Kasey finds it quite amusing. She loved the fact that her boyfriend and her ex got along so well. Well, it was difficult to explain, I liked him a lot. He told me things that played with my head. I wasn’t in love or anything like that and I still loved pussy, it was just every time I thought of him, I thought of his tight ass and tiny cock. It turned me on...

Gay Male
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class reunion

Well, it’s our class reunion again! ugh 30 years past way to fast! But we get to see some old friends we haven’t seen in years! and a few we see a lot more but sometimes not for few months at a time. One is our good friend from out of state that is coming up this weekend also. We are looking forward to him coming up to catch up and have some fun with! It’s been a bit since we got to hang out and all. Well, we all have been working a lot! So, time off and away is well...

4 years ago
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The Boys in BlueChapter 41

Four tired but happy pilots were directed into Alan’s office, an RAF mini bus had picked them up from Brize. Alan came straight to the point after congratulating them on the success of the last tour. “The A10 has proven to be an unqualified success, so much so that another squadron is to be formed. There’re going to be changes to the structure, Robbie I’m afraid you have flown your last mission over there. You are to be promoted to Wing Commander; your main job will be to bring the new...

1 year ago
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Box Shaped HeartChapter 2 Everything Is Fuzzy

“Your memory of recent events seems to be a little fuzzy,” the doctor explained to him while tapping against his desk with a slim golden pen. Carter leaned against the wooden desk, his eyes wide and trained on the man in white. The guy looked like he was in his late 50s, so he had probably seen plenty of strange things in his medical practice. “Actually, I have trouble remembering other things, too,” he whispered. The doctor leaned closer, turning his head to one side like he was trying to...

1 year ago
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The Journey Ch 08

Val frowned. ‘Why privacy? You think I’m going to get in the way? I want in as much as you do.’ ‘Because you might balk at this. Normally, I’d balk at this. And for me to say that means that essentially, you don’t want to even guess at what I plan.’ answered Zeke. ‘Why do I have the feeling that I’m going to regret this?’ ‘Because you’re an intelligent fellow and you can sense I’m up to no good.’ ‘Couldn’t you just pretend to be a nice guy?’ ‘I could but I think the teeth kind of negate...

2 years ago
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Hunger Is Only Skin DeepChapter 8

Susie Holmes wakes up with a start. Instantly her fear grips her. She sits up in the bed, the soft white sheets clinging to her nude form. Her eyes scan the small bedroom. The street light outside her window illuminates it just enough for her to make out shadows and shapes of her furniture. There seems to not be anything out of the ordinary. Slowly, she pulls the sheets from her body and slides her feet over the edge of the bed to hang slightly before pressing her toes into the soft carpet....

3 years ago
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Mami meri jaan

Hello dosto aaj mai phir aa chuka hu ek nai kahani lekar mai bahut dino ke bad apna kahani bhej raha hu kyoki kuchhh din se mai bahut bijee tha .Sabhi pathak se anurodh hai ki apna apna lora ko hath me le le ebam bur bali bur me ungli le le kyoki is bar ki kahani bahut hi dhansu hai.Isliye kahani padhkar aplog bhi bur me laura dhasbaiye tab na maja aayega. To dosto jaisa ki pahle hi mera aur meri mami ka contract ho chuka hai ki das logo ko bich me usko bur me laur dal kar chodna hai. Mai apne...

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Sisters By Karin Roberts What is it about sister's one moment they are fighting like cat and dog the next you would be hard pushed to break their bond with half a ton of dynamite? I first met Allie in a pub, I was out celebrating a friend's 21st birthday, to be honest it was actually her sister I met first. I walked to the bar and shouted up a round of drinks 3 vodkas and coke 4 pints and a bottle of cider. "Hey meat head stop jumping the queue." I turned to my left an...

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I'm a scientist. That phrase seems to have a different meaning to the general public than it has in the science community. Most people think of lab coats and bubbling beakers, or wild-haired and absent-minded-but-kindly professors. But to us, science is a process -- lots of study to master one's field, then hard work, careful documentation, peer review, and publishing. In some fields, especially when the work has direct effects on humans, we deal with very stringent regulations concerning...

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Hypnosis Weight Control 2

Cynthia has been using hypnosis to lose weight. Her brother David has implanted a secret phrase that puts Cynthia into a deep hypnotic trance, ready to receive his suggestions. Author’s note: Every character in or referenced in this story is 16 years old or older. Sometimes in real life people lie about their age. In the same manner, these story characters may lie about their age, stating that they are younger than 16. But I am stating here and now, as the author of this story, that every...

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Moms Unique Punishment Part 6

The next day after school mom insisted on taking me shopping. She said we had to buy Gloria something cute for her birthday and she wanted to buy me a few new things for the sleepover. So right after dinner mom and I drove over to the mall. Fortunately for me, Mikey was having dinner over one of his friends so I didn't have to put up with his incessant teasing. Mom and I went to a few of the anchor stores to see if we could find something for Gloria. I wasn't too sure about her...

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Chanel and Ethan 34

I peel off my leggings as Ethan undoes his pants, both of us grinning at each other. He was taking me to dinner, but our hunger for each other surpassed the need for food. I started teasing him while he was driving, so he found a deserted road and parked. I'm surprised by how spacious his car is when I maneuver myself onto his lap with him in the driver seat. I'm ready and wet thanks to his hand a moment ago, and I line myself up with his dick. I lower my hips, feeling him create a space inside...

2 years ago
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The GiftedChapter 17 Running

Jimmy rolled and fired two quick rounds and caught one of the men coming towards him with the Uzi blazing away. The bullets caught the man under the chin, picking the man up and flinging him back into one of the many slot machines as alarms blared madly throughout the entire building. Samantha lay under Jimmy groaning, her left shoulder and back hurting from the five rounds that had hit her. She opened her eyes and saw Cindy and Davy laying a few feet away. Davy's head was against the wall...

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Uncle HarryChapter 9 Sunday we go to Visit the Cunninghams

While Cassie was still asleep the next morning, I received a call from John asking if the three of us would like to come over for a visit. When I said that we've love to, he suggested that we come prepared to stay the night. He didn't have to elaborate as I could read quite clearly between the lines. We agreed that the three of us would come over for supper and stay overnight. I turned to Sandy and relayed what John and I had been talking about. "This should be a fun time. I suspect John...

3 years ago
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Hannahs Delusion

I am the luckiest woman in the world. For almost six years I have been married to the most wonderful man in the world. He loves me unconditionally, he looks after me, he cherishes me and he would do anything for me. Sam and I met when we were in College. He was always the serious one when he was studying. But he had a fun streak a mile wide. He made me laugh all the time. It was his caring nature that first attracted me. His mother was quite ill while he was studying but he never forgot to ring...


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