Holy Godfather Of My School
- 3 years ago
- 26
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Author’s note: The first part of this was recently posted. You’re advised to read it before you read this.
My thanks as ever to my muse, for her inspiration and editing, and to raconteuse, who has greatly assisted with editing. And of course, to my readers, whose support and interest has helped sustain my writing.
If you’re new to Melanie, there are two earlier chapter stories about her, with lots of red Hs against them. Do please have a look: I know that if you liked this, you’ll like them too. ‘Journey into Melanie’s Reality’ is almost complete now, and the remaining chapters will be posted soon.
He woke slowly, half-dreaming… but it was no dream. Her face was above his, her breasts dangling lewdly over his chest. And her hips were pumping hotly on his cock embedded in her sex. She panted as she watched his eyes flutter open:
– Good morning my sweet. Sorry, couldn’t wait. I woke wet and needy. Hope you don’t mind?
Her smile was bewitching, illuminated by love. His heart melted, his body trembling in joy and excitement as she fucked him:
– My sweet numpty… the most beautiful way to start the day… take everything you need from me. I belong to you… oh fuck…
– Course I had to wash your cock first… oh my sweet man… how I love you…
He thrust into her as the speed of her movements on him increased:
– Ohh darling, not going to last if you keep this up, going to spunk you…
– Yes love, need that… so close now. Cum to me darling one, give me your seed…
– Yes sweet… touch my balls…
She felt the contraction as her fingers feathered his scrotum:
– Ohhhh jesusgod…
They convulsed and groaned together as the jaggy lightning of sudden ecstasy struck them. She collapsed on him, sweatsoaked, their groins welded, her orgasm lingering long after he was spent, hips still moving on him, but with less urgency. Eventually she stilled, kissed his eyes:
– Well, that’s sorted for now. Are you ready for your breakfast?
His answering look had her exploding with laughter.
They rose, stood naked at the window, watching the rain sweep up Loch Indaal:
– You’ll need warm clothes today darling. If this keeps up it’ll be a car-tour and indoor pursuits. What d’you fancy?
– Well, we can’t visit Islay without seeing a distillery, can we? No point in doing that on a dry day…
– Sounds fine to me. But now — kneeling before her — you can’t get dressed till I’ve cleaned you up a bit, can you?
– Yes, I need that, and so do you. On the bed with you man…
They cleaned each other, then dressed for the day. Over breakfast, their young waitress Katie said:
– Ye’ll be pleased tae ken the forecast says the rain’ll lift later.
Melanie smiled at her:
– Sounds like a distillery visit this morning then. Any recommendations Katie?
– Ach weel… Ardbeg’s supposed tae be good value, and the tours are hourly even at this time of year. Mibbe ye should try there?
So after breakfast, Melanie drove them up round the shores of Loch Indaal, wipers flailing in the driving rain, then southward to Bowmore, the largest village on the island. When she turned left in the village centre, there was the kirk at the top of the hill. Sandy peered closely at the entrance as they passed it:
– Aye, as I thought, looks like it’s open to visitors…
His hand stroked the denim on her thigh, and she eased her legs wider as she drove so he could feel into her heat:
– Darling, I’m wet at the thought… but if you don’t want us to end up in the ditch, perhaps you’d better leave me alone? For now…
A few miles of bleak peatland, then they were past the airport, through Port Ellen, and eastward along the south coast for the few miles to Ardbeg. They arrived just after ten, and the first tour began at ten-thirty, so they had time to look round the shop.
Melanie was fascinated by the tour, and whilst Sandy had visited many distilleries, every one was different. When their small group stopped by one of the stills to listen to their attractive young guide’s explanation of the process, his hand stroked Melanie’s arse and he whispered in her ear:
– Mmm, I wouldn’t mind her joining us for play…
– Maybe I wouldn’t either darling… though Katie’s nearer to hand, and so sweetly shy…
The tour moved on, and ended with everyone sampling a sixteen year-old measure of the distillery’s product. The rain was down to a smirr by the time they left the building. Melanie handed him the car keys:
– I think you’d better drive, love. That went straight to my head. What now?
– There’s the ruin of a celtic church a few miles further up the road darling. Want to have a look? It’s probably more ancient than any building you’ve ever seen.
She was glad she wasn’t driving as he navigated the twisting single-track road, braking suddenly at passing places to allow the occasional oncoming vehicle through. Then they were at the signpost: Kildalton Church.
The small kirkyard was dominated by a large eighth-century celtic cross, complete and surprisingly unweathered for something that had been exposed to the harsh Atlantic elements for well over a millennium. Melanie studied the guidebook, tracing the elaborate biblical carvings with an archaeologist’s practised fingers.
Sandy sensed her mood. The spirituality of her younger self showed through at times, and he knew she needed to be alone. He wandered through the medieval graveyard, stood before one of the guardian yew trees that Scots Christianity had adopted from pagan times. Rolled a fag and reflected in awe that this remarkable and beautiful woman had chosen him as her lifemate.
Presently she wandered over to him. Her face glowed as it did after orgasm, transcendent. Her voice was reverentially hushed as she whispered:
– It’s just so beautiful darling. Everything, the cross, the churchyard, you… I’m so glad we came here. Let’s look at the church now?
The building was roofless but otherwise intact, and dated from the twelfth century. A small rectangular structure, curved Norman windows and doorway. Breathtaking in its simplicity. He felt her retreat again into a part of her soul he couldn’t reach, and was content to let her wander round the ruin alone. Eventually she leaned back against the damp wall:
– Come here darling.
They embraced, kissed softly. His fingers went to her groin:
– I want to make love to you here my sweet, but it’s too cold and damp. Are you needing attention?
At her nod, his fingers went to the fastening of her jeans, and his hand slipped inside her panties. Felt her wetness, began stroking gently, teasing her as she breathed heavily in his mouth:
– Oh yes love, need this…
His fingers gathered speed in the warmth of her sex, feeling her wee hardness protrude from its hiding place. His mouth lifted from hers, his fingers more insistent, whetting her need. He felt the fire growing in her, kissed her beloved eyes, her sex thrusting against his hand. She groaned as two fingers entered her, curled to the soft sponge in the wall of her cunt. Her surreal cry was a prayer fulfilled in the sanctity of this ancient place, her squirt the fountain of all that was wholesome. She sank in his arms, shaking.
Sounds of a vehicle stopping on the road beside the kirkyard.
He licked her neck, up to her gasping lips, kissed her beloved mouth, busied to refasten her jeans. A couple stood by the cross as they passed and exchanged greetings. Melanie was beyond words. They got in the car. He didn’t ask her, just drove the couple of miles north to where the road ended at Claggain Bay.
He reached to the back seat, lifted the rucsac from it. Glanced at her:
– Time for lunch sweetheart?
The rain had come again, not heavily, but enough to kee
p them in the car for now. He smiled. Her vibrant brown eyes were on him:
– A penny?
– Oh, just remembering my daughters telling me this. They grew up thinking that picnics were something you had in the car, with rain drumming on the roof.
– I’m not surprised, in this wet country of yours. Now, what’s for lunch?
The rain had lifted by the time they’d finished the tea and sandwiches. They left the car and his eyes were on Beinn Bheigier. The hillwalking gear was in the back of the car, but with heavy mist down below a thousand feet, they’d not be donning it today. Melanie was looking intently out to sea. She gripped his arm:
– Look sweetness, what are they?
He followed her gaze. A couple of large birds circled over the bay, a few hundred yards out, black wingtips and pale yellow heads on otherwise white bodies. One folded itself and plunged vertically into the sea, maybe a hundred feet below, a splash when the bird hit the water. It emerged and took off seconds later, a wriggling fish in its beak.
– They’re gannets darling. Solan geese is the old Scots name. Some of the biggest colonies in the world nest on inaccessible islands off our shores. Aren’t they beautiful?
– Everything’s beautiful my love. Everything in this world has its own beauty.
They lingered on the empty beach for a few minutes, but she began shivering, so they returned to the car. Headed back they way they’d come, heater full on, the road wending inland before returning to the shore at Loch a’ Chnuic. She touched his cheek:
– More seals! Can we stop?
He parked and lifted his camera. The tide was in, the seals on rocks only yards off the short beach. Alas, they weren’t singing, but he managed some good closeup studies with the zoom. His eyes wandered the shoreline, but with the tide in, only a couple of oystercatchers peep-peeped on the wee beach. He was about to hand her the binocs so she could study these most iconic of Scots birds, when her fingers tightened on his arm:
– There darling, there was something there…
His eyes followed her finger, but saw no movement. He gave her the glasses, turned to fetch his old ones from the car. When he returned seconds later she was focused on a vee-shaped streak in the calm water of the inlet:
– That’s not a seal, is it?
He fiddled with the focus till the view came sharp. He breathed carefully, not wanting to send the shy creature into hiding. Whispered:
– No sweet. It’s an otter. Don’t move, and don’t make a sound. Just watch. It likely has a mate.
They watched entranced as a second otter emerged from behind the rocks, and the two sleek beasts began tumbling together in the water, playing as few other wild mammals do. After about ten minutes they disappeared behind an outcrop of rock, and didn’t reappear. He turned to her:
– That’s only the third time in my life I’ve been privileged to watch otters at play love. Thank you for your sharp eyes. They’re shy and elusive beasts. A bit like you sometimes… as you were in the kirkyard.
A heavy burst of rain drove them back to the car and he handed her the keys:
– Your turn to drive love.
It was still raining as they approached Bowmore Kirk. She glanced at him as she drove past it:
– Now, darling? At least this one has a roof…
His fingers went to her groin:
– Is she wet? Needing something?
Melanie groaned and parked the car. They walked up the hill hand in hand to face the stark simplicity of the building. The door was shut against the elements but not locked. The interior looked as though it hadn’t been altered since the place was built, over two centuries previously. A broad wooden gallery ran round the walls above the circular nave. The building echoed with emptiness, suffused with the mustiness of old kirks everywhere. It wasn’t warm. They breathed the spirit of the place for a few silent minutes. Then Melanie nodded to the gallery:
– Up there’d be best. As far as possible from the door, in case we’re interrupted?
Her hand went to his groin:
– Glad you’re as ready as I am darling. Bet you can smell my need.
He knelt reverently, his nose to her cunt:
– Yes. Now my sweet.
They climbed the stairs, explored the gallery nervously, searching for the best place for their holy sacrilege, out of sight of the entrance downstairs, and secluded from direct view from the stairway. The building’s acoustics reflected their every movement, so they were confident they would hear anyone enter. At the very top of the gallery, she pointed to the solid wooden barrier behind the rearmost pew, maybe four feet high. She whispered, awed from her Christian upbringing at the delicious violation of sanctity they were about to perpetrate:
– Here love?
He drew her to him, kissing her neck, her sweet mouth, his fingers fumbling with nervous excitement at the fastening of her jeans. She pushed him away gently:
– Well, my fine atheist, I’m glad you’re as affected as I am by the enormity of this act.
She slipped off her shoes, shucked jeans and panties down, stepped out of them. Leaned back against the barrier, baring her cunt lewdly at her lover. He knelt and nosed the glistening wetness, her scent filling his being as it always did, whispered:
– For what we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truly thankful.
Attacked her orally with a need that took the breath from her lungs. She panted:
– Just do it. Fuck me. No need for foreplay, and every second we waste increases the likelihood we’ll be interrupted.
She twisted round and leaned over the barrier, wiggling lewdly, presenting cunt and arse to him. His jeans and briefs were at his knees in seconds, erection sliming her beautiful bum:
– Need your cunt first, then your arse.
She groaned as he slid in her welcoming wetness, pushed back against him:
– Whatever you want, I need…
Her fingers reached for her clit. His hand moved under her top, squeezed one nipple then the other, twisted till she breathed:
– Oh god. Arse. Now.
He drove into her anus hard, one hand scrabbling at her tits, the other reaching for her throat:
– The holy fuck we’ve both fantasised about my sweet… not going to last.
– Me neither, beautiful. Consecrate me. Give me your blessed seed…
– Ohh jesusfuck…
Her body shuddered as the spunk filled her. He slumped on her back, feeling the furious heartbeat thudding through her, as his resounded against her back. A creaking sound, then voices below. She went rigid and he withdrew, pushing a tissue in her arse. They fumbled to right their clothes as the voices grew louder, and a couple came into view in the nave. The same couple they’d passed at Kildalton Cross earlier. Melanie was still drawing her jeans up as she called down to them:
– Well, we meet again? Seems we share some interests…
Sandy was amazed, as so often, at her self-control. The woman below called back, a New England accent:
– Why yes, we’re exploring our Celtic heritage. You?
Melanie laughed, a real laugh:
– Well, we’re exploring too. But we’re just on holiday, neither of us have any connections here. Historical connections, I mean…
They waited at the top of the stairs as the couple ascended laboriously. Sandy sensed his partner might have lingered, but he glanced pointedly at his watch:
– Sorry folks, we have to go. Enjoy the rest of your trip.
He almost stumbled on the stairway, had to catch the banister to steady himself. Outside, the rain had finally stopped, and there were traces of sunlight behind the heavy Atlantic cloud.
Two days later they were up early to catch the first ferry back to the mainland. The sun was shining for their departure, as it had for their arrival. Their stay on the island had been a jumble of craft shops, wil
dlife, folksongs in the bar of the hotel, and the most intimate companionship. The condoms hadn’t been used, and she didn’t know whether she was relieved or disappointed.
They hardly spoke over breakfast, or on the drive to the ferry. There was no need. They’d never been closer.
At Port Ellen they wandered the pier after parking the car in the queue. Watched boats tying up after a night’s fishing, open crates of fish being raised to the quayside. He identified the species he knew for her and they murmured companionably, arms loosely around each other.
On the ferry they sat in the bow lounge, touching but not needing. No alcohol: they were sharing the long drive back to the city. The crossing passed in a dream for them, a dream of the togetherness they’d shared in a beautiful place that was uniquely new for both of them.
Approaching Kennacraig, the call came to return to the vehicle deck. He slipped her the keys:
– You’re on first shift love, if that’s okay?
Her lips met his, gentle completed love, before they eased themselves into the car.
On the way up Loch Fyneside, she was too focused on the twisting road to notice the sun sparkling on the loch to the right, and by Lochgilphead he knew he ought to be driving. Melanie hadn’t been here before and he had, many times:
– Darling mine, you’ve done your bit. Time for you to see something of Argyll. Do you know that this single Scots county has a coastline longer than France?
A roguish smile creased her face:
– Jesus sweetness, please don’t start in your how-wonderful-is-Scotland mode. A girl can only take so much… but yes, I’d like to be a passenger now, a tourist.
She sat back, absorbing the rugged beauty of the land, the tranquillity of the sun dancing on the gentle water of Loch Fyne, as he spoke with love of what she was seeing. She was lulled into another place, deep inside her head, into the depths of her soul. She had never felt so secure as she did now with Sandy. Gravel crunching under the tyres drew her from her reverie.
– Lunchtime, darling.
She glanced through the car window. A modest two-storey Georgian building. The sign said ‘Cairndow Inn’.
– Um… we’re continuing your literary explorations. Burns stayed here during his tour of the highlands.
They supped soup and ate sandwiches. He drank water, but urged her to sample a pint of the Deuchar’s ale.
– You don’t need to try and loosen me up my sweet. I’m approaching mid-cycle…
Sandy knew exactly what that meant. Shivered in anticipation as he placed the pint before her. They spoke lightly, but the sex between them quivered beneath their words. When he went to piss before they left, he was glad it was a urinal. His cock was so hard, it would have been painful to pee in a toilet.
As they sped up the long straight road through Glen Kinglass, he pointed to the ragged mountain towering to the south at the head of the glen:
– That’s the one we climbed last year darling: Beinn an Lochain.
The car breasted the summit, Rest and be Thankful, she remembered. As they began the long descent of Glen Croe, his voice startled her from the ache in her cunt. There was a hoarseness there she knew well:
– I want you to do something for me my dirtygirl. For me, and for you.
Her mind stopped functioning. She heard nothing but sexneed in his voice:
– What darling? You know I’ll do anything for you…
– Remove your jeans and panties and wank for me.
She flooded at his words. Removed her shoes. As he took the bends at sixty, she eased her hips from the seat, removing jeans and panties. Spread her legs wide, her hand working between her thighs:
– Like this… master?
He glanced at her engorged labia, blooming like the most exotic flower in the world. His eyes returned to the road as it made a final bend before the shore of Loch Long. He was shaking at her use of the word, barely able to growl:
– Yes darling. I want to hear and smell you get off. We’ll be passing through Arrochar in a few minutes. Lots of folk around…
She teased her clit, leaned over to touch the bulge in his jeans:
– Darling, can’t we stop somewhere and fuck… please? I need you.
– Just concentrate on getting yourself off dirtygirl.
So she did. As they approached the village she slid three fingers deep in herself, stroked then rubbed, her other hand working her clit. There were folks on the pavements now, a few feet from her, as he drove carefully through the village, but she didn’t care, she was nearly there, that was all that mattered…
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I wanted to watch a Mission Impossible movie but Jane (because she was my girlfriend) decided that we were going to watch a chick flick instead. About twenty minutes into the movie, I sighed and rolled my eyes. Jane giggled and and asked, if I was ready to call it quits on the whole girlfriend thing. I thought about it for a minute. There was a pretty redhead snuggled up next to me, warm and inviting. Her hair smelled great, she felt great. I bent my head down and she inclined hers up to...
I was on my way home from work and thought I would stop by the Adult Bookstore and buy a new video to add to my collection. I have a large collection of some hot sexy videos but a new one always turns me on, especially the first time you watch it. I usually go into one of the video boothes and check out a few of the new ones to see which one I would like to buy. I got to the store about 11pm and it stays open til 2am so I had plenty of time to watch some videos. As soon as I entered the store I...
BisexualThis is the pure fuckmeat of our story, as she arrived at a "work" place. The red? Well, you can imagine bright blue, pink, jet black, etc, for she had those colors in similar ultra-short styles.Not just for work, she walked all over campus in this type of dress.Outfits like the above? Fairly common on campuses of the late sixties and early seventies.When your wife does real prostitute duties, it is rare or impossible for the husband to watch those duties being done. All those other guys are...
HardcoreThis is what happens if you are brave enough to meet a man from an internet chat room ;-)Its 2 am in the morning.You follow the careful instructions and park your car in private car park. You are in the parking space you have been told to park in. You are next to a nice set of modern 2 story flats in a nice part of Ealing.. Your phone rings and I give you your next set of instructions.I tell you I can see you sitting in your car. You must remove all your clothes immediately.Reluctantly you do...
________________ Little Humiliation Fucktoy He'd told me he'd call me whenever, so I expected him even when I went out. Today was one such day, I was out with my family, shopping at a mall when I got the call. I picked it up, lagging behind a bit. 'Hello?' 'Hey fuck toy, meet me in the largest stall in the men's bathroom in 2 minutes, pronto. I've left a bag in there, put all your clothes into it and be on all fours when I get there.' With that, he hung up, leaving me...
Ever since i have became interested in guys, all I've wanted for as long as i can remember is it to know what it feels like to have a cock sliding down my throat. i fantasised about sucking a cock for such a long time, but not just thoughts about sucking a cock i have wanted to be facefucked hard , and i mean really hard, i was dreaming about getting put on a desk upside down and getting my skull fucked so hard and sloppy that my face is covered in so much sperm and saliva that a can't open my...
At this point in the sex story, I have done quite a few things that involved me getting fucked in the ass by women with huge strapons and transwomen with huge cocks. I have gotten my ass double penetrated by two women with two huge strapons and by two transwomen with huge cocks. I've always wanted to try having double anal sex and I'm glad that I did because its now one of my favorite things to do. I have gotten anally fisted by JessiKa who shoved her entire arm all the way up inside of...
This is the meat that was provided on that late summer day...When your wife does real prostitute duties, it is rare or impossible for the husband to watch those duties being done. All those other guys are working on their own fantasies. Directly or indirectly, they are paying for the services. And entertaining the boyfriend, fiancee or spouse is not on their list.That is why I could only hear of most encounters, or get the rare extra photo that was given to my wife. I became used to dropping...
Hung white male looking for a sub cocksucker to worship and swallow – In town the week of March 19 – 26. Looking to meet at a local coffee shop, before returning to my rental and spending several hours fucking your face into submission. If you are not an expert deep-throater, you will be when I finish with you. You should take instruction well and be willing to submit to light bondage and humiliation. I will not reciprocate and am not looking for chit chat or drama.Me: 6'2", 195, in-shape,...
It’s a real story and I don’t give a shit if you believe it or not. So pull down your pants and grab your dicks/pussies and enjoy. So the person I’m talking about is my classmate cum fuckbuddy Princiya(name changed) we study together in a medical college. We are 19 years now and we have know each other for almost 10 months. About her looks: she is looks fine. Not too fair and not too dull. It doesn’t matter to me about the looks. I am okay with anything. Coming to her body she has a fine body...
Several of my buddies take an annual trip, just the guys, leaving the wives at home and taking a week to do all that stupid stuff that wives hate; drinking beer, watching sports, swapping stories, and generally being guys. This year we decided to go skiing and found an awesome cabin in the woods near Lake Tahoe. Even better, the cabin was near a casino; drinking beer, watching sports, and gambling, it just doesn't get better than that. Eight guys were able to convince their families to let them...
Andre came past us and said “Now Astral may be washed and we can start this Clusterfuck for real.” Astral turned to me and hugged me. I took her hand and noticed Audrey standing looking at me. I reached out and took her hand, “Come you can help me wash Astral,” I said. So the three of us went to the duck boards. I moved the bench off and several girls sat on it and watched as I washed the last of the Bahia. I had to make this fast but I also had to get Audrey back up to at least simmer...
This story contains many selected scenes from the erotic text-based game "Unholy Arts". The High Priestess, symbol of the Goddess herself in the Confined Valley, has died, and the tribes must find her successor. Each of them must send a Candidate, a pure woman who just became of age, who will have to show talent for the arts of magic, combat, and love... And manages to get the others to accept her leadership. The game is part Choose Your Own Adventure Novel, part RPG, part Simulation, with a...
FantasyThis is the story of the first time I got butt fucked by a tranny...In my early twenties, I'd gotten in the habit of visiting strip clubs for a bit and then picking up a hooker for a quick blowjob. At home, my jerk sessions were always pretty dirty (I love eating my cum) but more and more frequently involved toys and ass-play. I was also starting to explore transsexual porn.Over time I was noticing an increasing number of trans and CD/TV hookers on the street but hadn't yet hooked up with any...
Every day now at my lunch break I service one of my many Daddies in his office in the building where I work. He'll always slip me a few bucks, a $20 or even $50 afterwards, not as a payment for sex, but as a "tip" "for all the hard work you do here," he says. I work in the parking garage connected to the building this 50-something rich, handsome, budding attorney has an office in, doing cleaning, maintenance, and customer service which mostly entailed finding people a parking space or finding...
The following occurred on Saturday April 16th 2011. It is true and it was hot. I am a 40 year old male who is married to a 34 year old woman named Cindi. She is 5?7? 139 pounds, and blond with blue eyes. She wears her hair shoulder length. We have two young c***dren and just don?t find the time to go out anymore. So this particular Saturday, we were able to drop off the k**s at my mother in laws and go out. When my wife was getting ready to go, I walked in the bedroom and she had put on a blue...
My wife Elaine is 19, petite with long black hair, small but very firm tits and keeps her pussy shaved. She likes to have sex with strangers in strange places and in public. She gets her excitement from being used, abused and humiliated in front of people The more people who see her, the more she likes it.We had been married for a little under a year before I found out about her eccentricities. We where very happy (or so I thought) and I had no reason to suspect her of any infidelities. That is...
This is a requested story, Janin http://xhamster.com/user/xxxsweetgirlxxx Wanted to know what I would do if we ever meet.I had been going to the broken down shabby old restaurant for a couple of days in a row now, it was perfect for what I wanted to do, never any people between four and five except for me and the brown haired waitress that always tried to get may attention when I was there.I had indulged in some causal flirting so far, stringing her along to give me a free beer with my early...
It was a cold, breezy January night, and we exchanged flirty smiles as we walked into the bar, looking forward to meeting our tall strong stranger. Her beautiful painted eyes were sparkling with anticipation and lust. I could feel my cock stiffen against the denim of my jeans as we searched the room for the man who had come to meet us. "There," I whispered into her ear. She looked deep into my eyes and grabbed my hand and she led me through the crowd to the small table in the corner where our...
I’m in my 50s and lead a loose group of guys who meet now and again to use mature sluts. Vicki was recommended to me by a friend of a friend who had gangfucked her a few times and I was impressed with photos and a video of her being used . Mid 40s sexy curly bonde hair, quite attractive, slim but with decent tits and a dirty smiles. Anyway, I emailed her, mentioning who had suggested her, and she got back to me a week or so later. I told her that we are all doms and quite brutal at times but...
Unholy UrgesbyStardog Champion©Thank goodness for the trace of warmth emanating from the computer screen on her cheeks because the rest of Kay Kellerher's body was growing clammy and numb. Even though it was late Summer and the humidity that plagued the Florida panhandle hadn't shown the slightest hint of letting up, the 47 year old woman might as well have been sitting on a chair of chisled ice as she stared, eyes agape, at the computer in front of her. "Please... nobody come upstairs," Kay...
It was a hot Saturday afternoon. I had just comeback from running a few errands, and was laying back on the bed for a rest. I had the fan going as the air conditioner wasn’t getting the cool air around the house. Andrea comes up after putting a movie on for the k**s. She’s all hot and bothered. I’m wearing my shorts and am OK, but she’s wearing her jeans and a white top. She rushes in and goes to the bathroom, takes off her top and pants to reveal a sheer white DD Bra and dark green hip hugging...
Dinner was served, before Mayor Goode got up to talk. He welcomed all the new-comers and told us that we are seated amongst two couples from town who know the way of the evening. Mayor Goode then walked around chatting with all of us newbies. Sandy and George talked with Bill and Annie, who are also new. The other couple from town were off setting up the screen and computer. A waiter came around and brought 4 cans of whipped cream, chocolate syrup and lube; along with marichino cherries,...
Friday Night Fan Fuckfest an original story inspired by comments by cocklover47Kiki and Ty were one hot ass black couple. Not only did they look hot, they were hot. Hot and nasty. They had become stars in the underground porn scene. Ty had been a gangbanger, and in that life discovered that niggas liked his dick as much as bitches did. Kiki loved that fact about Ty. She herself loved pussy, and loved the fat that her man was so free, that he would...
Friday Night Fan Fuckfest an original story inspired by comments by cocklover47Kiki and Ty were one hot ass black couple. Not only did they look hot, they were hot. Hot and nasty. They had become stars in the underground porn scene. Ty had been a gangbanger, and in that life discovered that niggas liked his dick as much as bitches did. Kiki loved that fact about Ty. She herself loved pussy, and loved the fat that her man was so free, that he would...
The top part of a brush was held between the heels of her feet, the rounded 5 inch handle in her hairless 14 year old pussy as she bounced on it. She was naked, glistening with sweat with her head thrown back, her long blonde hair swishing from side to side.. Her pert Bcups were bouncing wildly as she fucked her hairbush like an animal. The handle was coated with her sweet pussy juice. She reached between her legs and rubbed herself for a minute, getting her hand coated in her cum before...
Introduction: Lily gets a fucked from her daddy Oh…oh…mmm…fuck me, oh, yes! Lily moaned, imaginging she was the pornstar in the video getting her pussy reamed by the thick cock. The top part of a brush was held between the heels of her feet, the rounded 5 inch handle in her hairless 14 year old pussy as she bounced on it. She was naked, glistening with sweat with her head thrown back, her long blonde hair swishing from side to side.. Her pert Bcups were bouncing wildly as she fucked her...
He was on his way to come see me, he had certain commands that I knew I needed to follow. I had to be on my knees on the floor, my mouth open and tongue out ready and waiting for him. My tits were to be exposed and I was to be naked or dressed in a sexy outfit for him. I was ready, waiting, getting more excited and wet as each second passed. My body was aching for his touch. My heart was pounding hard in my chest as his car pulled into the driveway. I stirred in my spot on the floor, trying to...
Hello to all of you that read my first true story about outdoor sex. This is another account of a meeting I had in the middle of a city near a river. It was late one summers evening when I met up with this sexy young Portugese stud I had been messaging on a gay dogging site. I had been chatting to Fillipe for a couple of hours, and we were both getting hornier and hornier with each new message that we sent. It was me that asked if he would like to meet that night, and he of course said yes....
Ezra The way our thing started has never sat well with me when I try to tell the story, to myself or to others. How would I say it? At first, I was irritated because there had been obvious possession in Morgan’s touch when he introduced her to me and I knew he and Trish were looking to bring another into their relationship. They were two married Doms who wanted a submissive third to have together and the little dark haired girl, with a barcode and the word N9ne tattooed on her back, was...
Caroline was cumming again. It seemed as though she could feel every inch of her body all at once. Every bead of sweat running down her ever improving body, the pull of her hairband tight around her straight brown hair, her tits bouncing almost violently with the motion of her body. Caroline could feel it all as she looked behind her at her son Clayton, 22 years her junior and barely able to keep up with her. As her orgasm passed Caroline couldn't help but think of how much she loved their time...
Fair TradeByMichele NylonsDavid Cashmore sat at the wheel of his Ford Explorer watching a geyser of steam erupting from under the hood; his wife Michelle sat in the passenger seat fuming. He imagined a similar geyser bursting from her ears; she looked at him contemptuously, what he saw in her eyes was beyond anger."You had to listen to your pals at the sports bar didn't you? 'Don't worry Chelle, it's a back road but it's fine and will cut thirty minutes off our journey.' Which numb-nut told you...
Cristy our receptionist was on all fours in the supply closet, getting revenge against her cheating husband by taking my cock in her pussy and letting two other guys switch off in her mouth.She had just told us she wouldn't do it in the butt when our boss, Anne, walked in on us, smirked at my co-workers' dicks, looked greedily at mine, and stripped off her dress, revealing a strapless bra and knee-high boots. She was about 5'8", with reddish brown hair styled short, an aerobicized ass and pubic...
My name is Bry and I work as a receptionist in a large corporation. I am outgoing in my personality, but it wasn't always the way. I had a pretty rough time of it in high school. I was a bit short and chubby and certainly not one of the 'cool k**s', and was constantly teased. I was very nerdy in my bland prescription glasses. The girls were always worse than the boys with their insidious taunts. My big breasts made sport uncomfortable, but I soon learnt that they had significant advantages in...
I am looking for a direction from readers who enjoy the stories from my twisted mind. I need your feedback and opinion on what makes you hot. All involve American Families who's genitals are given offers they can't refuse A quickie short involving a hard up 40 year old man and what happens after moving back home with dear ol' mom. He left his wife of 10 years over a year ago and has not felt a warm pussy in over 3 years. But tonight Mom is celebrating her 60th birthday and is returning home...