- 1 year ago
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Emma lay still. She hadn’t been quite wide awake, but conscious enough to feel Liam slide into bed. Her mind perked, knowing full well that he was going to be going through some changes with her present. But she remained calm and kept her breathing even and listened. When he finally turned and pulled her closer, she smiled and let him. His larger body radiated heat like a strong radiator and when he buried his nose against her hair she shivered slightly.
The squeezing tightened and tightened again until she finally squirmed against him, her bottom bumping against his lower belly and hips. ‘Easy.’ She whispered softly, ‘I’m right here, Liam.’
She wasn’t sure quite what to expect or what to do, but as she wiggled against him, his hold slackened enough to turn. Slowly she wedged her shoulder against his chest and turned, letting out a puff of air. Then his grip tightened again, the pressure so great that she turned once again to face him. Her face pressed against his chest as she slid her own arm around him, her hand sliding over his back and caressing him through his shirt.
‘You’re not alone,’ She continued. His great body shuddered against her own and she gave him a bit of a squeeze, wishing she could see his face. Reaching she slid her fingers through his hair, his warm breath fanning against the top of her head and under her ear she could hear his heart beat beating strong and fast. Then the trembling began and Emma tightened her hold, using a little brute force to pull herself up higher against his body. She caressed his short cropped hair, ‘It’s okay. Shh…’
His eyes once closed opened and held hers, looking a little glassy and out of sorts. Her heart went out to him, wishing she could take his pain away. Not the physical ones, but the deep seeded emotional ones that went a lot deeper.
Emma was awake, or maybe he squeezed her too tightly and awakened her. Either way, he didn’t care. He was holding her. He needed to hold her.
She was wriggling in the embrace of his arm. He loosened his grip a little and she rolled to lay flat on her back. He squeezed her more tightly again and finally she rolled fully around to face him. He knew he was squeezing her too tightly, but the pill was starting to affect him. His faculties and any sense of delicateness were disappearing. The Voice was struggling too.
Enjoy it, Hansen. Canoodling with your professor.
Fuck her now before she’s dead.
She brought him back as she had always done recently.
She was pressed against him and her arm was around his body, her hand caressing his back. He could still feel that, thank God. The Palanozol had to get rid of the Voice. If it didn’t, he didn’t know what he could do.
If you get rid of me you get rid of your edge.
Her hand was rubbing through his hair now. It felt good. She felt good. Smelt good. He didn’t want to embarrass himself, but there was nothing he could do. He was glad he had come to bed dressed because there would be no mistaking how good he thought she felt. The hard evidence was pressing into her belly.
Hard evidence?
He smiled to himself.
‘I’m….sorry….’ he said. ‘Irish.’
She even sounded good, better than the Voice.
He thought he was going to burn up. He knew the symptoms of the drug so he was not afraid. It was the same every time. This time was different though, Emma was with him. Usually, he was under the supervision of someone who knew him, like Laura or Bonnie or even Carl had been there before. He hoped he didn’t scare her. He hoped….
She hugged him more tightly and pulled herself up along his body until their faces were just apart. He could just see her face in the glow of light provided by the various appliances. He was aware of her breasts pressing into his chest. Of her legs against his. Of their groins together, the heat there making it almost unbearable for him.
He kept looking at her face. Actually, there were three faces, an effect of the drug, but he didn’t care.
They were all beautiful.
They were all her.
All Emma.
And she was alive.
He was shaking, he was hot and he was sweating. He gripped her even more tightly and kept staring at her. He could have closed his eyes, but he wanted to keep looking at her.
No point being embarrassed now. She was a woman. Surely she could forgive him being aroused by lying in bed with her, their bodies squeezed tightly together. There was nothing for her to worry about.
Was there?
Her face was so close to his and she looked so beautiful.
The middle one, that must be her face.
He ran his arm along her back and up to the nape of her neck. He pushed her head towards him.
I’ll feel which one it is.
He felt her breath on his face and his eyes tried to focus.
‘Sorry, Irish,’ he said breathing a little heavily, ‘but I have to take my chances….when I….can get them.’
He followed the warmth of her breath and leaned his head forward, kissing her lips softly. It felt good, so good…. He pulled back to look at her.
He tried to smile, but he didn’t know what his feelings were. He ended up smirking.
‘And they say I’m not romantic.’
He moved forward and kissed her again.
Fuck it. May as well make the most of it.
He was so hot, the heat off of his body rolling over her own and making her own heat, dampening with sweat. But she wouldn’t let him go or wiggle away, she told herself. She would be there for him, even if the press of his hard arousal pressed between them felt highly intimate. He was all male, she had to hand him that. Every part of him strong and hard as he squeezed her.
Holding his gaze was easy for Emma. His eyes, even glassy from the drugs were so attractive and then his hand was moving up her body, cupping the back of her head. The cool strands of her hair sifted gently through his fingers as he pulled her closer.
Her heart did a funny little flip, her nerves humming to life. Deep in her belly she warmed, her body reacting to his nearness, tingling until she shivered. And then his lips pressed to hers, his breath warm and good. She let out a little gasp of surprise, but didn’t fight him. It felt good, his lips gentle despite his internal struggle.
Then he drew back, a small smirk playing on his lips.
She opened her mouth say something in return, but his mouth came back down and smothered whatever she had to say. She promptly forgot what it was as he stole her breath away. This kiss was a little firmer, his mouth drawing on her fuller bottom lip. She flicked it with her tongue, tentatively kissing him, torn between pulling away and easing the pressure or going for it. It had been many years since the last time she’d kissed a man and to Liam she would probably be considered a virgin compared to the likes of Laura. But she couldn’t hold back with him.
Her mouth was soft and pliant, giving as much as he took. Shyly her tongue kept returning, tracing his bottom lip, tugging at it with her teeth and then slowly sliding against his own in a sensual slow dance as she opened up fully for him.
Her body pressed closely, aching as she tightened her hold. Without thinking she slid a thigh over his hips and rocked her hips against his, whimpering softly.
He was kissing her and it felt good. Damn good. He knew it would. His reserve was draining away. He was not ‘drugged’ in the true sense of the word. His thought processes were gentler, more caring. He was still adjusting to the drug and his brain was whirling with images. Laura had described it as rebooting.
He was kissing Emma and she was returning his kiss, offering herself to him as he drew her bottom lip into his mouth. Her tongue was probing
his mouth softly, shyly at first and then with added vigor as she seemed to grow more confident and willing.
He gently curled her long, brown hair in his fingers as he pressed her head to him. He looked into her eyes, brown he remembered, but he couldn’t see their color in the near darkness of the room. He surprised himself, recalling the color of her eyes.
I must have paid attention.
The fact that he was still fully clothed, coupled with the heat of their bodies pressed together and the effect of the drug, meant that he had a very light sheen of sweat on him. She was beautiful. She wasn’t his type of woman or so he thought. But then, what was his type of woman…..? He’d had many women, but now was not the time….
Her leg moved over his thigh and she pressed herself to him with more urgency. She was rocking her hips and making low, whimpering noises.
She only had the t shirt on and he could feel her body through it. If he hadn’t left his clothes on, she would be in danger of….
What? She’s an adult. If she wants to fuck….
He didn’t want to take advantage of her. He knew from experience that people who were scared were more likely to cling to the ones who were protecting them. It heightened all of their senses. He had no doubt that he was more attractive to her because he was helping her, protecting her.
He took his hand from her head, but continued kissing her. He then ran it down her back and to her practically bare ass cheeks. The t shirt had ridden up to her hips, so there was only her underwear between his hand and the smooth skin of her firm buttocks. He pushed her into him, responding with some small bucking of his own.
He rolled over a little, so that his weight was on half of her body. He could feel her breast pressing into his chest. Her leg was around his his and he moved his hand onto her thigh.
He paused from kissing her for a moment.
‘I’m….not… sure….I’m in….such….good….nick….for….this….Irish,’ he said.
But he continued to hold her and rock his hips. His jeans and underwear felt very tight now as he became harder.
I hope this is the right thing.
But he continued kissing her, pushing his tongue further into her warm mouth and driving his groin into her.
Hard to go back from here….
She clung to him, even as he rolled and pressed his weight into her, his body solid and hot. She could feel the sweat of his body dampening his shirt, making it cling. Her fingers tugged at the material, wanting it off. Wanting bare flesh under her eager hands.
As he pressed and rubbed against her own tilting hips, she gasped and whimpered against his mouth. He swallowed the sweet noises as their mouths clung. His large hands kept on caressing the full tightness of her bottom. In turn, she pulled her thigh up higher, hooking her leg more firmly around as they ground together, dry humping like worked up teenagers. The rough texture of his pants was rubbing her all too sweetly and pretty soon she was having a hard time thinking all together.
‘Liam.’ She whimpered, her body pulsing as heat spread through her core.
She knew it had to be bad…but it felt so good. But he was under the influence of drugs. What if he resented them doing this in once it wore off. What if she couldn’t look him straight in the eyes anymore because she was taking advantage of his weakness. What if he truly didn’t want her?
His words seemed to cool her a little and she forced herself to relax, pulling her mouth away to suck in a long deep breath. His face dropped lower to her neck and she bucked under him, her fingers curling into the material of his shirt as she let out a yelp and shuddered under him as her nipples tightened painfully. ‘Oh!’ Her voice hit the side of his ear, loud and clear, followed by a delicious little whimper.
Stopping was easier said than done. Her panties were embarrassingly wet. Never in her life had she felt so on fire! Her fingers tugged worked until she’d bunched up his shirt around his shoulder and kept on pulling. ‘For the love, Liam, take it off!’
He felt like he was going to explode. He was hot. He was sweaty.
And he was now as aroused as any man could be.
I’m supposed to be protecting you.
The Voice had gone, but now his mind was jumping around, the faces of different women coming into his mind for seconds and then being replaced by others. It was the risk with the drug. His mind would recall similar incidents of the same emotional tenor to whatever he was experiencing at the time. That was why he always needed supervision and why he couldn’t do anything for twelve hours as the drug took effect. If he was fighting, he would recall old missions and the results could be catastrophic. It could affect whatever he was doing either negatively or positively, depending on the previous experiences he’d had. It was reconstructing the memory of such experiences so as to shape his future behavior. He thought again of Laura’s rebooting analogy just as she popped into his head.
He tried to focus on Emma and she started to steady in his mind. There were a few more flicks of his mental Rolodex, but ultimately it was Emma’s face that both his eyes and his mind could focus on.
Just as well, I’m dry humping her like a dog on a football.
His mind cleared a little when she yelped in his ear.
For a moment, he thought he’d hurt her somehow with his weight on her, but it didn’t sound like pain. It may have been pain, but it was pain borne of pleasure. She was making small whimpering noises now and nuzzling him.
If I keep this up, I’ll have to go through with it.
He smirked to himself.
A man’s gotta do, what….
He genuinely didn’t know if he had the strength or if his mind would allow him to make love to her, but the heat between his legs wouldn’t leave him now. The only way to relieve the pressure of his desire, of his lust was to take her the way she wanted to be taken.
His shirt was bunched in her fists and she was pulling it up his belly, over his chest and then she stopped at his shoulders. She was having a problem getting it off with his weight on her.
Here goes. This is it. The protector becomes the hunter….
He couldn’t help, but use some humor to relieve some of his tension, both physical and emotional.
‘Need a little help there, Irish?’ he said. He was feeling better. The focus on their sexual excitement meant that his brain was thinking of only one thing: fucking Emma. It probably wasn’t sustainable in the long term, but for now it would do.
Pleasantly enough.
He rolled off her and onto his back. He then sat up as if doing a sit up and pulled the t shirt up and over his head and threw it on the floor. She was a lot smaller than he was, so he was easily able to put an arm under her and scoop her up so that she was now lying on top of him. He then ran his hands slowly along her thighs, up over her ass cheeks and hips and along her ribcage until he finally got to the bottom of her t shirt which had ridden up to just below her breasts.
Again, he sat up and felt his muscles ripple under her belly. He gripped the shirt and then pulled it up over her head and shoulders and threw that on the ground as well.
She was now lying on top of him, bare belly to bare belly. It did little to help him with his erection. He was harder than he’d been the whole night. He still had his jeans on and she still had her panties on. He put his arms around her and squeezed her into him and raised his head to kiss her. She was so small and light that he hardly felt her and his embrace felt like it was going to crush her.
As he kissed her, he ran his hand down her back and to the top of her panties. He slowly began to pull them down. He wanted this badly now, like nothing that he’d wanted for a long time.
I think I’m going to fuck the professor.
I’d better get an A….
Emma loved the taste of him. His kisses seemed to drown everything else out until in the end it was just him and her. Skin on skin, mostly, finally. He felt so good, so solid that it was hard to imagine that at that point he wasn’t exactly in the best of conditions.
His touch as making her rub against him, her small hands sliding against the hot skin of his shoulders and sides, caressing whatever bits of skin she could get to that wasn’t pressed to her front as their tongues dueled. She curled hers around his, then flicked the roof on his mouth and nipped at his lips.
Big hands began to tug at her panties just as she slid her mouth over his chin and pressed kisses along his jaw line, dipping low to taste the slight saltiness of his skin before she nipped at his earlobe. She wasn’t Laura, she wasn’t smooth and experienced. She wasn’t drop dead gorgeous. She actually surprised herself for getting naked and not being a complete mess about it. But he wasn’t letting shyness take hold, instead driving her need further as those clever fingers dipped down the edges of her panties and squeezed her bare bottom.
From her position, straddled over his thighs and pressed against him, there was no way those panties were coming down. She smiled against his skin as he tugged and pushed and got nowhere. It struck her as amusing, through the haze of passion.
‘Need a little help there, Liam?’ She quipped breathlessly, smiling sweetly as she pressed her lips to his again, drowning whatever response he could have. Her hips kept rocking, rubbing against the roughness of his fly which was hitting her clit just right way through her panties and making her shiver. Moaning, she sucked in her already flat tummy and pulled her middle up every so slightly, even to drive her hands between them as she began to pop the button of his pants.
She should have been shy, but as the button gave, she slowly sat up, panting softly, her lips moist swollen from their kisses. All pretty and pale with her long hair drifting over her shoulders, she sat on his thighs and with trembling fingers began to unzip him jeans, the rasp of metal and on metal almost deafening. This was it. The panties came off after this and there would be no turning back.
It was easy.
Making love to her.
Her mouth covered his and her tongue was probing, looking for more of him. She was hungry for him and it was just as well because both of them needed to satisfied. His mind was well and truly focused on her alone. Maybe Emma had done him a favor. The workings of his mind under the drug could proceed in the background because he had something that needed immediate attention.
He could feel her soft hands sliding over his body, her touch making him harder and wanting her more. If their kisses grew anymore passionate, they would devour each other. She was lightly pulling on his bottom lip with her teeth.
Damn those panties. He wanted them off. Now.
She was kissing his face, running her lips onto his chin and then along his jaw, moving back to his ear. His fumbling with her underwear had at least got him to the stage where he could hold her smooth butt checks in his hands. He could almost hold a whole cheek in one of his hands, but he wanted….
Her playful teasing was breathy.
Touche, he thought. It only made him hornier that at this moment she could share his sense of humor. The rocking of her hips was driving him mad. He wanted to pound her. Use her. She was nothing like he’d met before and he wanted to release himself into her.
Careful, buddy. This is no one night fuck….
She sucked in her stomach and reached her hand down between them. Her hand found the button of his jeans and she opened it. He drew in his breath. Her hand felt good on the skin of his lower belly. Its coolness only made him want it more, wanted her hand to go lower, to take hold of him.
She slid back slightly and sat up so that she was sitting on his thighs with her legs folded beneath her. In the dim green light he could see her pale nakedness. Her breasts. Her hair trailing down over her shoulders. Beautifully disheveled.
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Love StoriesBy : Jaanu143 Hi friends, how are you all? Enjoying stories? I’m just same as you guys. I don’t wanna reveal my real name. I’m a 23 years old guy from Bangalore doing post graduation (almost over and expected to join job very soon). I am 5.11” in height, quite good looking (cute,innocent look as told by GF) but lean and have a normal dick of 6. Any comment on me and my story is appreciated. My mail ID is I don’t bother if u don’t believe its real r not because as for my concern its damn...
It was another hot August day at 112 degrees and I had had it so I headed for the water hole over by the mountains. As I walked through the withering tree it felt a little cooler and looked better then my fields. By the time I got to the water hole I really was ready for that dip and stripped fast and jumped in the low water. It felt great and since there was a drought the water fall had thinned so I swam under it and enjoyed its refreshing coolness. While playing in the falls I noticed...
Since my family had moved to our new house, Steve and I had become best friends. He lived next door and had moved in about a month before we did. With both of us being the new kids on the block we bonded quickly. He was two years older than me at eighteen and I had just turned sixteen a few months back. He was also taller and had more muscles than I did. He had tan skin and black hair where I was pale and had brown hair. He stood almost six feet tall and I was about five foot six. We played...
"I'm sorry, Wendell," the doctor shook her head as she closed the file folder, "I just don't see any reason to continue this course of therapy. I guess we just missed our opportunity by a few years. If you'd been younger, then maybe things would have worked out differently. But as things stand, there is just no point to continuing. There's nothing physically 'wrong' with you, you're just very small. Sometimes we just have to play the hand we're dealt, Wendell, and live the best life that...
When hot blonde MILF London River is in the PervCity house, you know that things are about to get rough and raunchy. She looks like a Hollywood starlet as she teasingly strips by the pool, but proves beyond a doubt that she’s a porn valley nympho when she demands an aggressive DP threesome. John Strong and Ramon Nomar have no problem with that, and spank, slap, and choke her to a squirting orgasm, before hammering her shaved pussy, big ass, and deep throat with their big dicks. But face-fucking...
xmoviesforyouI had a few disastrous flirtations. The Brothers held a sophomore class prom. Those who couldn't find a date could get one through Brother Lawrence's contacts with the Catholic girls' schools in town. At first, my sister was going to fix me up with a blind date. After meeting several of her girlfriends I decided I'd be better off with pot luck through Brother Lawrence. How bad could it be, I told myself, after some of my dates in New York? But trying it was. Being driven to and from the...
Hi all, this is not completely fiction,this story was narrated by one of the reader to me, to write, the whole thing is not a reality, premise is real and have added my imagination and interpretation, mail me on for feedbacks, please respect girls, I do. This story is regarding ramesh and his beautiful wife sahana, ramesh is a graduate from andhra who comes to delhi in serach of job, and he lands up in a job in one of the travel agencies, though salary was not excellent, he had landed up in a...
When he went up to his room, Bill removed his clothes and cleaned himself. The he got into his pajama bottom and lay on the bed. He started to think of his sexy young mother and what they had done earlier. This caused his manhood to leap into arousal. It swelled, lengthened and tented his pajama. He heard a knock on his door. "Yes?" "May we come in, Bill?" That was his grandma's voice. "Yes, please come in... the door's not locked." He got up and stood by the bed. He was nervous...
I wouldn’t have thought about going to such great lengths, but I’m also not an adult whose consciousness transferred into a mainframe. After Elena, Molly, and “David” departed, and Mr. Smith just vanished without anyone seeing him leave, the elder requested I come to his quarters for a private meeting. “Darren, I see you have met some powerful allies. How it is that you, Mr. Smith, and that child David all have a similar appearance is beyond me. Your parents would be proud of you,” the...
I tried to make it clear to Orda, Junga, and Trudy that they did not have to stay with me any longer than they wanted to. I'm not sure that they understood that I did not own them, and they could leave any time they got tired of me or found a better offer. At first, they thought that I was throwing them out, and they became hysterical over that idea, but I finally got through that I was happy with them and not abandoning them. Once they realized that, things settled down and we became one...
I took the soaked clothes off and threw them into the basket. I then washed the pantyhose she gave me and hanged them to dry. I saw a pink razor and some shaving cream and decided to shave my body. I only used a normal razor and never such a pink girly one. I creamed my legs, then took the pink razor and started shaving my legs. It felt so good using that razor! I really felt like a little girl!His mom came into the bathroom again and saw me shaving my legs with her razor. I got pretty...
The warlock had been running her dread-steed hard through the Ridge Mountains. The letter she carried was of the utmost importance, well at least that is what she had been told. Cara was nothing more than a messenger today she thought to herself as she made her way ever closer to Stormbreeze. All she knew for sure was that in the dying rouge’s last moments he that gave it to her saying it had to get to the king and fast or all our plans would be for not. She kept looking over her shoulder as...
Lying in bed after making love to Kelly, Ed held her in his arms. She rested her head on his chest and had one leg covering his legs. With his free arm, he traced little lines up and down her forearms. This was happiness, the close sharing after making love with one that you loved. Continuing to trace a path up and down her arm with his free hand, he lay there thinking about how his life had changed. He had been such a miserable bastard that took pleasure from tormenting the people around...
(JUN 1940 HITLER ENTERS PARIS) “Dr. Goebbels proved himself right, in that the radio became by far the regime’s most effective means of propaganda, doing more than any other single instrument of communication to shape the German people to Hitler’s liking. I myself was to experience how easily one is taken in by a lying and censored press and radio in a totalitarian state. Though unlike most Germans I had daily access to foreign newspapers, especially those of London, Paris and Zurich, which...
I had known him for ages, but nothing ever came of it. Personal circumstances for both of us prevented any desires we may have had from surfacing, then one day we bumped into each other in the crisp section of our local supermarket.He looked hot and I knew I wanted him. We talked for a bit and went our separate ways. I couldn't get him out of my head. I knew he was seeing someone, so was I, but it didn't stop me feeling the need to fuck him.I knew he was a bit of a horny bastard and so after a...
Everyday I would ride bus route four home from work. I would get on the bus at the same time everyday give or take a few minutes. A couple of times I have came out and the bus was pulling off and as a ran after it the bus would stop and I would get on from the back. I admit this bus driver was the sexiest bus driver I had ever seen. As he rode me home everyday I would just think about what his life was like after he got off the bus. One day I was early getting off work and as he pulled up I...
Hi friends. My story is a bit twisted. Let me introduce the characters, Me-a little fat boy(20 years) my mother-village and old fashioned type who still know nothing of sex other than something done by a husband resulting in a son. I am the only son. The incident so happened that like usual my mom used to play with me her silly village games like hide and seek, stone game etc. That day the game was hide and seek and I was tying her eyes when my leg unknowingly touched her ass. It felt very...
IncestAfter our little adventure in the afternoon, I took a bath and fell asleep till evening as I was exhausted. Dad was home by the time I had woken up. Mom was wearing a different nighty and it looked like she had taken a bath as well. I noticed her wearing a bra this time. Dad and I spoke for a while and mom brought us tea and pakodas. Every time my eyes searched for mom’s breasts, she folded her hands, blocking my view. Once she also gave me a stern look to not look at her that way. After...
IncestIt's been a while since we met on the Internet and became friends... Lately though we have been closer than we intended...We have learned much about each other and we are now talking about a real live meeting...Unfortunately, we live far apart...far enough to make a difference in our hopes to meet...But then, since your job calls for frequent travel, maybe we can work something out...Time went by and then your trip plans became conducive to a possible meeting... We excitedly made plans for me...
Hi all, I am Rohan, I am 27, over 6 ft tall and have a strong athletic body. This is a sex story about my encounter with a big Spanish woman (or as we call BBW, Big Beautiful Woman), while I was working in Houston, I am currently situated in India. This is my 1st sex story so pardon me for any flaws. This happened almost a year ago, while I was working in Houston, I had a 8 to 4 job, but I had nothing to do after work and was getting bored. So I decided to check some online dating sites, I...
Halloween Delight Part Two: In part one, I got the chance to fulfill a life long dream of going out in public dressed as a girl with my buddies on Halloween. I got more than I dreamed of when my best friend, who supported the idea, picked me up for lunch and seeing me already dressed, began to treat me like a girl. Lunch: Even though Carl and I had been friends for a long time, he looked upon in a different light. He was seeing me as a girl, not as his friend. I knew he...
This was something “new” for her. It was actually radically new for her to be honest. See Trisha, a very quiet and a very mild mannered woman did something out of nowhere one day. In fact, she felt she had to do it. In truth, out of nowhere, she’d started having daydreams, and realized she had to at least tell her sisters about them. Trisha and her sisters were very close. They got together all the time in fact. They talked about everything although Trisha wasn’t the chattiest person around....
I learned to pronounce it with a roll of my tongue and a little wiggle of my ass. I was proud of it and of everything else I learned because I knew that Sam and The Doctor would be proud of me. That was all that mattered. The project began when The Doctor learned about the second critic that had upset Sam. More on that later, but suffice it to say that he liked Latina women. The Doctor sequestered me in my room in the basement for nearly a month, transforming me into Reyna, body and...
It was . It was an arranged marriage. Things happened so quickly that we didn’t even get much time to get introduced to each other, leave alone knowing about my horny stepson. We got engaged the same day we first met and got married in two weeks. I didn’t want to have sex with him that night. But he was in a real mood. He didn’t even listen to me. He just ripped my saree, pinned me against the wall. He drilled my pussy for 30 minutes and sprayed his creamy juice all over my ass. I went to the...
IncestBeing with Todd for one incredible night and having him leave again had left Allison more despondent than she would have thought possible. She moped and sulked for a few days, never leaving the house as Diana and Chad tried valiantly to cheer her up. After the second day she started accepting calls from Roger again, although she kept making up excuses as to why she couldn’t see him yet. Every night, before bed, and every morning she would stand naked in front of the mirror, fingertips running...
My Girlfriend The Sorceress is a story where the direction is decided by the readers. If you are interested in taking part in the polls please consider joining my patreon. Chapters will be posted there earlier than on CHYOA but if you are just reading here you will not be missing out. The story could go in a number of different directions. Perhaps the main character will end up with a harem of magical women? Or maybe his girlfriend will fall for someone else? I have a few ideas for paths the...
Fantasy"All three of you... right?" Sandy was talking on the phone to Charlie, her cousin Bob's friend she had met a couple of days earlier. "Right, all three of us," Charlie said. "Bob and Paul will definitely want to come, especially if you're going to wear that black bikini again." "They liked that, huh?" "Yeah. We all did. We even talked about it after we left." "Really? What did you say?" "Just stuff ... like how good you looked in it." Sandy thought about how she had...
Reasonable by Brandy Dewinter "I am NOT being unreasonable," I insisted to my irate wife. "Millions of women do anything I've ever asked you to do, wear anything I've ever asked you to wear." "Millions of women are STUPID," she declared loudly, unconvinced. I continued in a calmer tone, trying to get the argument back to the reasoned conversation level, "Look, Julie, I just think you should take a little more pride in your appearance, just as I am proud of you, and of the way...
"I'm afraid Jorgarn was tight lipped about what he discussed with the Princess," Torbert told the King only a short time later. "He did say that she did not offer him the post nor did she hint he was being considered." The King sat heavily. "Which means she is considering him rather carefully," he said. "Well, even after a short time with him, she could do worse." "She would be hard-pressed to do better, if you ask me," Torbert said. "Honestly, I liked him before I even met...
The sexual tension is high between beautiful blondes Anya Olsen and Jillian Janson, and it’s clear they can’t wait to go to work on each other’s gaping buttholes. With some grade-A cock topping to begin, they immediately spread their cheeks and let the tongue-probing party commence. It’s electric to watch Anya glide her mouth up and down the cock as it fucks Jilian’s perky, pink butthole. After an anal feast, the girls have no problem spit-sharing the load they...
xmoviesforyouMyself Faizaan, I’m a Sales Manager in a multinational telecom company situated in a posh area in UAE. I belong to Kerala and after my graduation I move to UAE for job. But I didn’t moved all alone but my girlfriend Gulafsa moved with me as well. She’s 5’ 4” tall, plump, very fair, she has heavy boobs, thick thighs thick waist, overall you can call her fat. But she was very fair, soft lips, beautiful face and flawless skin tone. We had childhood affair and our parents knew about it, so they...
Mio Hentai! If you value yourself a true connoisseur of the arts who loves to jack off every now and then or even on a daily basis then you’re definitely someone who can appreciate one of the lewdest forms of animation: Japanese hentai. Hentai is as most of you know and X-rated version of Japanese animation, also known as ‘Anime’. Anime was relatively unknown to the western world prior to the late 90s when shows like Pokemon, Gundam Wing, Dragon Ball Z, and other mainstream classics broke...
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