Shackled Ch. 09 free porn video

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Emma had never considered herself to be a princess or a girly girl, but their tip toeing trip down the back alley was enough to make her want to scream ‘eeewwww!’ She was more than happy when they made it into the main streets again.

‘Yeah, I’m pretty hungry too.’ She admitted, pushing her hair back and studying him as he seemed to struggle with some internal decision. She was about to ask him what was the matter when he finally spoke.

‘Mmkay.’ Who was she to argue? Again, Hansen had pulled her through this far and was giving her the tools to put her plan into action. ‘Let me help with the bags at least. I can pull my own weight.’ She suggested and when he just shrugged, she took some groceries off his hands and followed close as they began to move again.

Her mind began to wander, thinking of Simon and the others. Would they truly be willing to work with her and put an end to the threat? She had to believe they would or pulling it off solo was going to be a real bitch. Well, not quite solo. She had Liam, she reminded herself and while he was definitely rough around the edge, there was definitely an ooey gooey center to the man. Of course, he would never admit that and she would never repeat that thought out loud.

‘Do you get headaches often?’ She asked casually, wanting to get to know more about him.


As they started walking, Emma offered to take the bag of groceries from him. He shifted it to his other hand and gave it to her. It meant letting go of her hand for a moment and it made him feel odd. He’d become used to it in his. He decided it was best not to hold her hand for now. The street was getting a little busier as people started to leave work. Not that what most people did now could be classed as ‘work’. It was mostly running administration for the government. The real work was done somewhere else, where few people saw what was happening. More people on the street meant it would be easier to avoid SPF’s if they saw them, but on the other hand, they would be harder to spot in the first place. Leaving one hand free might be prudent.

They walked in silence for a little while before she spoke.

He smiled to himself.

Of course.

He kept walking. He certainly wasn’t going to tell her about the voices in his head. He definitely wasn’t going to tell her when they’d started. That was for another time, if ever.

Tell her the truth.

Enjoy yourself, fucker, you’re going to have a rest.

Go ahead. You know what happens when you do that.

It’s no worse than you. Laura will get rid of you.


‘Oh, in my previous work, I had a few close scrapes,’ he said. ‘I got knocked about a little. That’s all. Now I sometimes get headaches that are a little stronger than most. I need something and then I’ll be fine.’

He turned to look at her as they walked down the street. She was intelligent and eventually she would know he had a problem. He would have to stop talking back to the voices. He’d done that already and she would start to think he was unstable.

It wasn’t that he couldn’t feel. He could feel. Jess and Cassie proved that. And Carl and Bonnie and Laura and Mrs. Chan…. Even Emma. But they had done things to him. Unspeakable things. He was an asset once. Now he was a liability. A liability that they wanted to destroy. Wished they had never created. He wished his life had turned out differently. Maybe not even been born.

You’re getting maudlin, Hansen.

I’m fine.


He really needed to get to the doc….

They got to the curb and paused. He knew he’d gone quiet again and Emma would be wondering if she’d asked something wrong, but he didn’t really want to talk.

I need to get to the doc….

They waited for a break in the traffic of the public transport vehicles and crossed. They walked a further twenty metres up the street and there was a sign for a medical clinic. It was a government clinic. They all were now.

They stood a little away from the entrance and Hansen took out his comms unit.

Need it now. Head fucked.

He pressed send and waited for a minute. His comms unit announced a message.

Up. Now.

He wondered what Emma would be thinking. They were walking around meeting all these shadowy characters, each with different skills, and each just as dangerous as each other. She had been introduced to a whole new world. A world that was fighting against the world she lived in, the world she came from and knew.

Hansen eschewed the elevators and led her to an opening next to them. They climbed up the stairs to the first floor of the clinic and then rejoined the foyer and walked into the main entrance of some consulting rooms.

A woman in a white coat approached the doors, ushered them through and then locked the door. When she turned around, she looked at Emma with an expressionless face. Hansen nodded and she noticeably relaxed. Even with an expressionless face, the woman was beautiful. She was beautiful in a totally glamorous way, not the natural, endearing attractiveness of Emma.

Dr. Laura Black had short blond hair, was nearly as tall as Hansen and her pale skin was perfect.

She took Hansen into her arms and hugged him close. ‘I haven’t seen you for weeks,’ she said, obviously glad to see him.

‘I’ve been….busy.’

She laughed. ‘You were last night. I saw the news stream. Now let me guess, Carl and yourself were out for some fun?’

‘I wouldn’t say fun,’ he said, ‘but yes, it was Carl and I.’ He paused for a moment. ‘And Emma,’ he said nodding to her.

Dr. Black hadn’t let him go yet. She gave him another kiss on the cheek, a little too long for his liking in front of Emma, but then she let him go and stepped back.

She extended her hand to Emma.

‘I’m Laura Black, Emma, nice to meet you,’ she said. ‘So you’re why Liam hasn’t called me in weeks?’ she said smiling, but with no warmth.

Hansen looked at Emma. He knew her head must be spinning by now, but the look was the same she’d had a few times today.

You can trust her.


Emma felt as though she could buy that explanation, but as he fell completely silent after, she began to worry. There had to be more to the story or maybe she had pushed too hard. Once again Liam was pulling her through some loops. He seemed to know all sort of people in ‘high places’ or in his case, low places.

The glamorous doctor took her completely off guard. What sort of doctor looked like that? As if she’d just stepped off the pages of some glam magazine. She watched her hugging on Liam, her lips against his skin, her tall long body pressing close. For an instant she felt a sharp pang of jealousy and looked away, clenching her teeth.

Slowly bending at the waist, Emma unburdened herself of the grocery bags and wiped her hands on her jeans. It didn’t matter who Liam kissed, he wasn’t hers. They weren’t romantically involved, he was shackled to her against his will and compared to Dr. Glamor Girl, she looked tiny and mousy.

Glamor girl extending a perfectly manicured hand. After glancing over at Liam, she took the woman’s hand, although both of them clearly not thrilled with the exchange. Still, Emma managed to smile oh so sweetly. ‘I can’t take all the credit. We only met a day ago…the rest of the time has nothing to do with me.’

Dr. Glamor pulled her hand away, giving her a look that told her she was unconvinced and Emma almost laughed. Was the Barbie Doll jealous? Crazy broad. Still, it gave her a little thrill. ‘Liam is just helping get out of some, well trouble. Apparently he’s good at doing such things.’

Her eyes sparkled as she looked up at him and crossed her arms under her breasts and leaned against an exam table. ‘I could wait outside if you’d like….would ah…that help, you two…catch up?’ She asked, raising her brows questioningly. ‘I really do
n’t mind.’


They shook hands, but Hansen could tell they hadn’t got off to a good start.


Laura nodded. She knew he was good at ‘such things’.

Emma sat back against a table and looked at him. She had her arms folded as she spoke.

Hansen looked at her.

She couldn’t be.

Her eyebrows were raised.

She was!

He almost laughed out loud, but held it in. She was jealous. Come to think of it, so was Laura.

Shit. Over me?

‘Um, that won’t be necessary,’ he said quickly. ‘Dr. Black knows what I need.’

Laura slowly turned around and opened the door to another room. While she was in there, Hansen looked around. At the ceiling. At the floor. At the open door. Anywhere but Emma. He felt like a naughty boy.

I haven’t done anything wrong.


Laura came back with a small plastic bottle. The bottle was unlabeled and small enough to fit in the palm of her hand. She gave Hansen the bottle and looked at him seriously.

‘Only one a day,’ she said. ‘Promise me, Liam.’

He promised. ‘Ok.’

‘There’s enough in there for a few weeks so that you don’t have to come back for a while, but you have to stop after a week. When you need more call me and I’ll let you know when you can take more.’

He nodded.

Yeah, right.

He looked at Emma. She would know these weren’t ordinary pills, but at least she didn’t know what they actually were. The pills were Palazonol. They were used in the control of mentally unstable patients. People with personality disorders, violent tendencies, self harm and a host of other problems were prescribed them if they were too difficult to handle.

Only he and Laura knew why he took them.

And she wasn’t saying.

To anyone.

‘Right,’ he said. ‘We have to go.’

‘So short a visit, Liam,’ said Laura. ‘When you have time….’

‘I sure will, doc,’ he said. ‘I’ll call you again soon. Promise’ He held up his hand with his thumb up.

Laura glanced at Emma and then back to him with a sceptical look on her face.

‘Mmm. I’m sure,’ she said softly.

He picked up the case and looked at Emma so that she could get the groceries.

‘You’re certainly packing today, Liam,’ said Laura referring to the weapons he was carrying. Surely Emma would start to get suspicious as to how all these people were so good at clearly seeing what he went to such lengths to conceal. ‘Surely,’ she smiled seductively, ‘you weren’t afraid of me?’

‘Er, no,’ he said, ‘they wouldn’t be enough to stop you.’

He smiled as he thought about her…. There was still something between them, but he pushed it out of his mind.

At least she’s useful. She’s your type. Not like the scientist.

Say what you like. As soon as I get home, you’re gone.

We’ll see.

‘Well, better go,’ he said, walking over and giving her a light peck on the cheek. Laura turned her face and also gave him a quick brush on his lips with hers. ‘Er, um I have to cook dinner. We’re eating in tonight.’

She nodded. Then she looked to Emma.

‘Bye,’ she said with no emotion, not even offering her hand.

They started to walk to the door when Laura said something softly.

‘Maybe you can cook me dinner some time.’

She looked wistful, even a little sad.

‘You’ve never cooked me dinner.’

Hansen could feel himself blushing as he opened the door and let Emma out.

‘Sure thing, doc,’ he said over his shoulder as the door closed. ‘Sure thing.’


Emma’s ears perked up a little. Apparently this was not your run of the mill headache medicine. So obviously, headaches weren’t his only problem. She felt a twinge of remorse for feeling guilty about Laura. She obviously cared about Liam, even if it did seem to make him feel a little uncomfortable. Maybe it was just because she was there, invading their personal time. But she had offered, hadn’t she?

Glancing away, she studying her scuffed shoes for a little while. Liam was making fast tracks to get out of there. Picking up the groceries, she gave Laura a curt nod and followed him out, catching the tall blondes wistful thoughts. She said nothing until they were out of there.

He turned them into the direction of ‘home’ or so she was hoping. With all the places they had been, to Emma it was impossible to distinguish where the hell they were at. She wasn’t used to all this traveling about the city. The silence between them was deafening. She wanted to talk, to ask questions, to poke about and get some info, but was too afraid to piss him off.

‘You certainly have a lot of friends, Liam.’ She stated casually, her stomach clenching with hunger. ‘I’m getting a whole new view of city.’

Not going to talk about Dr. Glamor, she told herself. Not…gonna…do…it. He owed her no explanations. ‘So what are you cooking tonight? Or shall i do the honors? Either way, I am starving.’ She yammered on, noticing the dimming light of the day turning into dusk. ‘I hope those pills work. I hate to have our local hero be down and out. I certainly hate it when my head starts pounding. Makes for a crap day all around.’


They were walking back towards his place. He didn’t have to rush now, so they could do it at a more leisurely pace, although they still needed to keep a look out for SPF’s. He had been surprised that the SPF’s were thin on the ground, but most of his movements in the past few months had been at night, so it was possible they had focused their attention on that time.

He felt relieved to walk beside Emma without having to explain something or introduce her to something new. It gave him some quiet and he liked that. The hazy sun was just starting to go down. Then she spoke.

Of course.

She was angling for information, but trying to be casual. He knew that at some stage, she would want to know about these people, how he knew them and why would they be so willing to help him in what was obviously going to be a dangerous situation.

‘I do,’ he said.

That was it. He could explain later, when they ate. He was enjoying the silence between them.

You had been.

Hey, you’re back. Not for long. I’ve got the Palazonol.

It won’t work.

We’ll see….

It wasn’t the most romantic way to describe it, but he was getting used to her. She really was a good sport and she had coped so far with everything that had been thrown at her.

And she was attractive. Not in a Laura Black way. Shit, no one was that attractive….or dangerous. But she was beautiful and she was smart. He needed smart right now because he was invested in this. Emma didn’t know, but he would be doing this with or without her and he would much prefer it to be with her. Soon they’d be back at his place and they could work out what to do next. The surveillance cameras at Jimmy’s had been bugging him and he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. He would, though.


She could talk, that was for sure. He guessed she wasn’t any worse than anyone else, it was just that he hadn’t been accustomed to so much communication.

Since Jess.

She was talking again….

He turned to her as they walked. He was tempted to say that his head would stop pounding if she would stop talking, but he thought that might be rude.

Since when did you care about rude?

Since now.

You never used to. Must be love.



‘Yes, I get severe pain in my head,’ he said, happy that she thought that. ‘Laura can get those for me.’ He winked and patted his coat pocket. ‘The special stuff, you know?’

He hoped that would keep her happy for a while. He had to take one tonight and he was worried about her staying with him. Unfortunately, there were no other options. He thought that tonight might be a good night for a few dr
inks and a talk. She might go to sleep earlier with a good meal and drinks under her belt. He would expect that she’d feel tired after all the walking they’d done. Yes, that’s what they’d do, have a nice night in and try and get her to sleep. He had to take the Palazonol.

He felt better now that he had it in his pocket. Relief wasn’t far away. Just the thought of it there made him feel better. He slowed a little and turned to her.

‘Ok, Emma Hopson, I’ll take you up on the cooking if you like,’ he said. ‘Seeing you don’t do socks, you may as well do something.’

He shifted the case to his other hand and reached down absentmindedly to grab her hand.

‘No pressure at all, Irish,’ he said, ‘but I’ll tell you after trying dinner whether you’re worth keeping around or not.’

He laughed and they kept walking.

I could get used to this.



She laughed along with him. He’d like her cooking…even if he didn’t admit it. It was actually once thing she enjoyed doing. One got tired of fast food and even though she lived alone, she enjoyed a good meal. Maybe she was a bit of a foodie. All she knew was she enjoyed food and was terribly cranky when hungry. However, Liam was making her smile despite the hunger pains that plagued her belly. The pastries had long since warn off and they hadn’t bothered with lunch. She was going to have to start packing them food to take on their trips around the city. He was a machine.

Well…not a complete machine. He was in pain. But not the sort of pain he was trying to convince her of. This went deeper and he was trying his damnedest not to show it.

‘I suppose those are fair terms.’ She responded and shot him a cheeky grin, her eyes sparkling. She wouldn’t push and prod…much. Not unless she felt he needed her to or put them in danger. But she was curious. She wanted to know about all these people at the very least.

The image of Dr. Glamor flashed in her memory and she stuffed her away, feeling mildly irritated. Yep she got them for him…she was sure that’s not all she got for him. She inwardly sighed mentally shook herself. Quit being a bitch. It doesn’t matter what she does for him.

She was more than glad to reach his place again and this time wasn’t so worried about traipsing through abandoned buildings. She blew out a sigh of relief when the steel door shut behind them. ‘Home sweet home.’ She sighed dramatically and giggled, kicking off her shoes before taking the groceries to the kitchen. Time to cook.


Emma agreed to cook. He didn’t mind. He was a good cook, but was liable to be a little more utilitarian, using food as an energy source rather than something that was to be enjoyed and savored.

Like her.

Fuck off, mate. As soon as I can get her to sleep, you’re gone.

They shut the door behind them. He dropped the case on the floor and she put the groceries from Mrs. Chan on the kitchen bench. It felt good to be back. He needed to think and plan. He wanted to hurt them. Emma didn’t realise it yet, but her plight gave him an excuse, a reason to go after the fuckers again. He’d kept his head down for a while, but now he was recharged. He wanted to cause them pain.

She kicked her shoes off and the scene was almost domestic. Her looked at her small feet and they looked, well….cute. He’d forgotten what that was like, to share space with someone. Sure, she talked a lot, but it was a small price to pay for her banter and companionship. He’d almost forgotten about the shackles. There’d been no need for them to be apart so it hadn’t crossed his mind, but at some stage, that had to be handled. Fifty meters wasn’t enough room for what he wanted to do. Also, that would be too close for her and he didn’t want her in that sort of danger.

‘I don’t know what Mrs. Chan put in there for us, but I’m sure it’ll be good,’ he said. ‘Feel free to make whatever you like. In the meantime, I’m having a beer. Like one?’

Without waiting for her answer, he walked over to the fridge and pulled one out for himself and one for her. If she didn’t want it, then it wouldn’t be a problem for him to have it. Shit, two beers were like an entrée for him.

He took his assorted weaponry from his person and put them neatly at one end of the bench. He pulled up a stool on the opposite side of the bench, opened his beer and then sat there to watch her prepare the meal.

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How I became a black cock slut III

Ok, as you probably know by now, my journey to become a black cock slut was not of my making. It wasn’t my desire at all. It was my husband’s. And instead of being a man and just sharing it with me, he dreamed up quite an elaborate and expensive scheme. First he surprised me by giving me what I’d always wanted: big tits. But at the time I thought he was just doing something nice and loving for me. But no, his plan went far deeper. After moving he opened up my naughty side by play acting...

2 years ago
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A Secretary Changed Ch 20

Thank you for reading this latest chapter. I hope you enjoy it and as always, we are all adults in this tale and any similarities to anyone are purely coincidence. Also, these two timelines are about a week apart this time, with Ashley about a week ahead of Jenna. ***** So after my night with that older man, at Mistress Jane’s instruction, I had a day to relax. I spent my time trying to recover and finally catch my breath a little. My whole world had been turned upside down since I met...

1 year ago
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Freedom is Being Out of Jail

CHAPTER 1 Released from prison after serving nineteen months of a twenty-four-month sentence, out early because of exemplary behavior, Ryan Bateman returned to Maxwell City, accepting his life was in tatters. He remembered the night well, as if it were yesterday. He’d been to a strip club and had drank too much and had become befuddled. Similarly intoxicated Merton Joyce, his employer, had come up to him and offered him a ride home. Merton had driven much too fast, lost control turning out...

3 years ago
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Combine study with my girlfriend

This story took when i was studying my 2nd year engineering.Late me introduce myself i am KUMAR from bangalore. I am 24 yrs old with handsome face and will body. It was my first day of collage & was new to the college(bcoz i was from diploma) ,Class was already going on i entered inside the class with permission,everyone were looking at me i introduce myself & sat in the 2nd branch.After 2hrs there was a tea break in this fews boys & girls from my home town came to me & introduce themself.i...

1 year ago
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A Suck Broom SalesmanIR15part1of1

It was pretty late in the morning when I got up. I’d showered and was about to get dress when I heard I horn beep. I peeked out the window and saw two guys talking. Then I notice that it said ‘Kirby Vacuums’ on the side of one of them’s car, As I watched I saw another guy going door to door obviously trying to sell them. They were all mostly young guys and not too bad looking to a woman who’d gone without sex for four weeks. I knew they would be ringing my door before too long so I decided to...

2 years ago
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Part of an endless fantasy i jotted down

What you're doing, this is amazing. you are walking around us, circling ustouching us as you wishcreating the comfort and building the tension with every move.He's squeezing my nipples, and breasts a little too tightly, which you and i know i lovehis cock hard thick and perfect in length.I can feel his body react to your every touch. He's imagined being touchedby a man like this but never thought he'd have the chance to experience it for real.Never thought it would feel this natural and so...

2 years ago
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A Big Mistake

Chapter One Medicine Hat, Alberta June, 1978 Neil watched Stephanie leave the school with Joanne and Iris and as they walked down the steps and strolled toward the bus stop. He couldn’t help but feel horrible after what had happened. How could he have acted like such an idiot? He had never behaved in such a manner before this. What had ever possessed him to make such an erroneous mistake? Earlier that day Stephanie had been pretty coy, but he was sure he had interpreted her signals correctly....

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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I was used by my mami

Let start the story straightway. I just completed the primary education. We lived in a village named Sagorkandi which was 10 km far from the town. My Renu mami (maternal uncle’s wife)Whose husband served in Army came to visit our house for a month. Mama (maternal uncle) got married with Renu mami 2 years ago and as far as I know mama came home once after his marriage for 5 days and that was 6 months ago. Renu mami lived alone in her father-in-law’s house. She was very cheerful and always...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Cousin In My Apartment

Hi Indian Sex Stories readers. Vaibhav (changed) here. I love this site because reading stories here help me keep my sexual intentions up always. About me, I am 20 years old. I am a student in a college and live in Rajasthan. I am handsome, 6 feet tall with muscular body and I am fit as I play sports and visit gym regularly. Let us get into the story. This a story about how I made love to my cousin sister. So coming to the story, we live in the same building she lives in the opposite apartment...

2 years ago
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The Lands without Men

The Island continent of Lemuria isn’t of this earth. It lays in the ocean of the red currents in the southern hemisphere. It looks like a dart board target with forest and city islands forming circular bands with three kilometer water ways forming the lines between the sections and the radials towards the center of the land mass. In the center is an island castle city surrounded by a moat. Each of the segments of the land has it’s own settlement. The cities and villages are reminiscent of...

1 year ago
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Honey Were Home

She called me, like she always did when her husband wasn’t around. I didn’t mind being the other guy; she had the body of a goddess and it wasn’t going to be my broken home. We met at the gym when she caught me staring at her ass during a stretching routine. A little harmless flirting and a few run-ins later and I was making house calls every other week to ‘stretch her out’. This time was no different. She lowered her voice to a sultry tone and talked about how much she needed me, craved me...

2 years ago
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The Lesson Plan Part Four Episode Four The Curtain

The Lesson Plan -- Part Four Episode Four: The Curtain Chapter 21 New York City in rush hour. Traffic is at a standstill, with taxis and busses honking and road signs flashing. The sidewalks are full to bursting: everyone seems to know the direction they're going, and matches speed with the people around them. It's a throng of people, busy to get to where they're going in a hurry. Men in suits and women in skirts, students in jeans. No tourists yet. This is a migration. I walk in...

3 years ago
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Happy Birthday Audrey

This happened about 27 years ago. I’d been visiting Grandma with a mate of mine, Steve, and was walking back towards his house when we bumped into Audrey. She welcomed me and said tomorrow was her 70th birthday and did I fancy a drink at her house which was right next to where we were talking, as she went inside she left the door ajar.Steve looked at me and smiled “Is this the old bird you shagged a few years ago” “Yes and she’s horny as fuck” as we made our way inside. She motioned for us to...

1 year ago
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Helenas Nightmare

Helena slept heavily, her long blonde tresses dangling over the edge of the bed as she sprawled across the double mattress. A groan escaped from her lips as she woke uncomfortably, the feeling of a weight pressing down on her stomach and ribs disturbing her. As her eyes flickered open it seemed, in the gloom of her bed-chamber, that a small creature was perched on her torso, its eyes glinting. Eyes suddenly wide open, she shot upright. The vision of the creature disappeared. She...

3 years ago
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Bride for the whole familyChapter 9

Neither of them moved for several minutes, their bodies still locked together. But, eventually, she felt his cock deflate, slowly slithering out of her body and he rolled from atop her and lay at her side in the grass. "That was good," she whispered, as she cradled into the hollow of his shoulder. He squeezed her and lightly kissed her forehead in answer. "Last night..." she started, then stopped, unsure of exactly how to pose her question. "Mmmmmm?" his hand idly slid along her...

3 years ago
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The PI And The HookerChapter 3

There we were in my bedroom. We were both a little uneasy. I'd done this dozen of times. Hell, I was thirty eight years old. Why should I be nervous? I walked over to the CD player and put on a romantic disk. With music playing low in the background I turned on a corner lamp and turned all the rest of the lights off. I asked Peggy if she wanted to do this and she replied, "More than anything. Please be gentle with me." I reached for the zipper on her dress and slowly pulled it down. I...

3 years ago
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Real Family Sex

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers I am revathy En husband enna 22 varushama othutu irukaru our nal kuda avaruku verupe adikadhunu solluvaru,first night la othamadhriye daily opparu. Enaku 3 akka oru thangachi . First akka radha age 49 kunda koluku molukunu irupa, second akka shanti age 44 correct height nalla shape, 3rd akka vani height ku yetha weight age 41 enga ellara vida iva mola perusu size 40, adutha thangachi shamla age 37,ivaloda paiyandha namma hero Name selvam age 19. 19 vayasu...

3 years ago
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Family ReunionChapter 3

Jamie Livingston smiled to himself as he remembered what Linda had whispered in his ear just before he'd left her the night before. His driving was almost automatic, and he paid little attention to the passing scenery as he drove along the New York state thruway, headed toward his mother and father's resort. He had made this trip many times before and could almost name every rock along the way to Exit 18. He welcomed the long drive up, because he knew his wife Susan would elect to remain...

2 years ago
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All the wrong places Part 1

Home. Well, country of origin anyway, at last. Officially these trips are called 'assignments' by the branch of the military I work for. I finished doing real tours a few years back when I was selected to do more... well, specialized work. As far as family & friends are concerned, All they need to know is that I'm still in the military, only they have me travelling all over the globe. The smart ones can put 2 and 2 together to realise it's something covert, but they're also smart enough to know...

3 years ago
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New Mistress

I don’t know much. Sure, I can save patients. I’m a smart girl, too. Once upon a time, I thought I’d be happiest with choices and intellectual discourse. But I found out one day that, somehow, that is not the case. I thought it couldn’t be true for awhile, and fought it. But there’s one truth I could no longer ignore, one thing I knew to be true in my heart and soul. My pussy never lies. I sit with my fellow oral only slave, on my knees, with my hands on my thighs, palms up and open, hiding...

1 year ago
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Meeting my new fucktoy Kimberly

My life is a story of two parts; in the daytime I am a respectable, mid-thirties professional guy with a normal circle of friends, a decent job and a normal suburban lifestyle. By night, I turn to the dark; I’m a kinky, dominant, perverted soul. It was during one of those nights recently that my mind started to wonder to its perverted depths. I was sat alone, feeling particularly lonely as my best friend was away on holiday. They say the devil finds work for idle hands, well that night the...

3 years ago
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Virgin Friend8217s Girlfriend

Hi this is Pawan you all know me as this is my second story. This time I’m gone share my experience with my friend’s girlfriend which happened after my 12th board. She was 1 year Junior to us but then also at that time she was very sexy, with nice ass n boobs, her name is Ruchira. I don’t know about her figure completely but I’m sure anyone wants her sexy 36 ass and as she is my friend’s girlfriend. I never had bad intension about her and as my friend can’t get time to meet with her because of...

1 year ago
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Train K Bad Hotel Me Gand Marai 8211 Part 1

Humne hotel k liye cab kar li.Raste me maine uncle se pucha ki unhe kaisi ladki pasand h,wo thode surprise ho gaye,fir samjh gaye ki main driver k karan aisa puch raha hu. Fir humhone kaha ki mujhe traditional ladkiya pasand h,main samjh gaya ki aage kya karna h. Hotel pahcuh kar uncle bada se double bed room liya. Room k andar jate hi uncle ne mujhe hath pakad kar khicha aur bistar par daal kar mere upar chad gaye aur mujhe zor zor se lips par smooch karne lage,,main b unka sath de raha tha,...

Gay Male
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Dyres Method

I sat from the observer's chair as they were brought in. For the first time, they looked scared. They knew what was coming. Not pain, not punishment as such... just that they were going to be turned round, into... someone who would hate what they were. But everyone sitting next to me agreed this was the best thing. These kids had shown no interest or liking for the world they lived in, their community, their society... that was about to end. In a few months they would be the very girls...

1 year ago
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I,m an old man now-not so old I don,t like pussy, but my wife,s health means seldom and rare. I recall the days when I first dated wife Sarah and how shy I was when we were on our own. I suspected Sarah knew a little about sex as she,d been dating a british fellow for six years before I met him, but it had never got serious on her part. In 1967 I was an airman in the US Air force based in what was then West Germany and had taken a ten day leave to come to england. I,d had a stroke of luck on...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 85 Friends in High Places Friends Needing Help

Mark I admit to a moderate degree of over-confidence as Cindy and I strode into the large conference room, followed by my financial colleagues from Worthington Industries. We were identified as WI on the ‘Big Board, ‘ the trading exchange that only the best stocks appeared on. I would be in control of this situation from the get-go. My goal was to have every financial analyst in the earnings report meeting walk away at the end of the day believing that Worthington Industries was one of the...

1 year ago
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Jesus Speaks Galician

So that’s why she didn’t come to the funeral—didn’t even acknowledge my letter—Penny thought. She put her forehead to the cold glass in the window overlooking the village street, gazing with a detached vision at the blanket of early December snow, which was covering the street and narrow front garden with a lovely covering of white. But Penny wasn’t fooled. She knew the ugliness and neglect that was hidden below the snow. She knew this would be a bleak Christmas for her, like so many of the...

2 years ago
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You dont remember what happened Ill t

I carried you in through your front door, up the stairs, and set you down gently on your bed. You had a few too many drinks at that party and asked for me to take you home and I happily agreed; I only went because you begged me to take you. You were wearing a plain black dress that fit to your body perfectly. I noticed a stray piece of your long brown hair laying across your face. I gently pushed it put of the way and leaned down to kiss you goodnight. But as soon as our lips touched your hand...

3 years ago
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Silkie tells Denis a story from Silkie in Pa

He was getting all flustered. I was thinking:"Bruce doesn't want to come in his pants in the middle of the fucking library........I knew enough about boys to know they could go off really fast..but still, I was turned on too, and I wanted to be kissing him...........I wanted to kiss him and pull his dick out and kiss him and jack him off right there." So I decided it would be hot to talk to him about that. I had done some hand-jobs with boys at this point in my life, seen some boys come, I...

1 year ago
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I Hate It When That HappensChapter 7

Back at the cave I helped the girls drag the travois right on inside the warehouse-cave's entrance. The snag now was no place to hang our meat for skinning and mostly to let as much blood as possible drip out of it. At least I thought of it as a snag. They didn't. Apparently they weren't worried about letting the blood drip out, and I guess that made sense since most of the blood left with the entrails. They didn't seem to need or want to hang them up to skin them either. After another...

4 years ago
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Orphan MagusChapter 22

After putting away the clothes, Mom headed back downstairs and I decided to change into a sweater to go with the pajama pants rather than stay in the robe. I went down after that. In the living room, Alyssa hung another ornament and then clapped. “Other than the top, we’re done with the tree.” Alyssa and Mom turned as one to look at me. Well, I did pick an eight-foot tree, and I was the tallest. Therefore, it would be up to me to place the topper. I went to the utility room, found the...

1 year ago
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LateLate Family ShowChapter 4

The ride home was made in silence. Andy was tight-lipped and his expression was grim. Several emotions struggled inside him as he turned into the familiar driveway of his house. Lola sat beside him seemingly engrossed in her own thoughts. For one thing Andy still couldn't believe what had happened to him earlier. He had almost been unfaithful to Lola, and what's more with his own sister-in-law! In addition to that, he felt frustrated because he had not actually been satisfied himself. It...

1 year ago
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E014 Pearl Four

Donald appreciates Emma’s newest talent as he bestows her third pearl and realizes she is cumming just from her accomplishment.  He does comprehend that her twitching and the rising of her pelvis is from so much longing in her.  It is rather endearing to him that she so lusts for his touch, or more. His plan for her tutorage is to rotate between her learning to give pleasure and learning to receive it.  For Emma is to learn that she can have as much gratification from each.  Yes, a perfect...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Uzma 8211 Part II

Weekend per main uzma k gher k bahir ja ker khara ho geya or dua kernay laga k Uzma ko koi pick kernay na aeay balkayh wo public transport use keray hsam tak main wahan pamphlets distribute kerta raha sham ko Uzma gher say bahir nikli or under ground station ki teraf chal pari or us ki dressing daykh ker tu shaed koi andha bhi apna dick kera ker lay khayr station k pass pohnch k wo khari ho gai main yah daykh ker hayran rayh geya k k wahan wo jis car main baythi wo mayray aik class fellow k dad...

3 years ago
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Lady Customer Shown Bank Lockers And More

Hello friends, today I am going to narrate the story about how I fucked a bank customer. First, let me introduce myself. I am Rahul from Punjab working in a reputed bank. This incident which I am going to narrate happened with me 2 years back when I was posted in a rural branch of the Bank. In that area, there was a school where they paid the salary to their staff through our bank. The heroine of the story, let’s call her Simran (name changed) came to the bank for opening a bank account as she...

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Me and my boyfriend

The first time I met my boyfriend, was right after I was 20. I had moved into a new apartment in the city, had a nice job. Not really missed that much. Except it and always be looking for someone to fuck with. I never have trouble getting a night stand or a sex friend who can fit it at that time. But miss a special one. I remember well when I met my boyfriend. It was three months since the last time I had had sex. Friday afternoon, my fuck buddy calls, and says he has hit a brown, bisexual,...

4 years ago
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The Black Room

Milk The Black Room ??????????? I have been talking on myspace to a dominatrix for a few weeks now. My schedule had recently cleared up and I had agreed to have a session with her. I went to the corner of the streets that she had instructed and called the dungeon studio at the appointed time. The receptionist then gave me the final directions to the facility. When I got there, the receptionist greeted me. She was a small redheaded girl in her early twenties dressed in a sexy business suit...

2 years ago
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The Eighth Warden Book 3Chapter 26

Ellerie rubbed her temples, trying to hold back a headache. It was growing late, much later than she’d anticipated staying within the mountain, and they’d spent hours searching through rooms empty of anything other than rusted or rotting furniture and miscellaneous odds and ends. Even an empty room was an important find to add to their knowledge of Tir Yadar, but somehow, after the giant sphere and the blue lights illuminating the animal statues, Ellerie had been expecting something...

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