Meeting Bree Ch. 02 free porn video

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Vic looked lovingly at his princess, his lips lowering to hers, kissing her as a lover, softly, taking the time to allow the connection to go beyond physical contact.

He backed off and looked her in the eyes, ‘I am so going to enjoy spending the rest of my week with you Angela.’

She looked at him quizzically, he never called her that, ‘Why did you just do that?’ She asked, ‘Why did you use that name?’

Vic smiled, ‘Relax,’ he said, his fingers stroking the side of her face, ‘I just wanted to make sure you were paying attention.’

‘I always pay attention to you,’ Bree replied snuggling close to him again.

Vic looked at the clock on the side of the bed and made a move to get up. Bree quickly tightened her grip, ‘Where do you think you’re going mister?’

‘Sweetie, I need to order our food or we won’t eat until late. Besides, you’re going to need the food for energy,’ he quipped, kissing the tip of her nose before moving off the bed. Bree watched him move and realized that he was still fully dressed, while she was left with just a damp thong. She smiled and stretched, moving to pull her sundress back on, idly wondering how long it would actually stay on this time.

She smiled to herself as she pulled the shoulder straps up and moved into the main room again. She stood in the doorway of the bedroom, watching him interact on the phone. Even then he was laughing with the hotel staff.

He hung up and smiled at her, ‘It will be about 20 minutes baby,’ He informed her, handing her a glass of Malbec, and taking a seat on the love seat.

She took the seat beside him, cuddling in close, ‘How is it that I was down to my panties and yet you remained fully clothed?’

‘I guess I’m just lucky all around,’ He chuckled into her hair, kissing the top of her head.

She turned to face him, her fingertips tracing his jawline, ‘Well, your luck will be running out soon then baby, and mine will begin.’

He set his glass on the little table next to his seat, and took her face in both his hands drawing her lips to his, kissing her, slowly at first, his tongue licking away any trace of wine that was there, and then sliding between her lips, his hand sliding down around her waist, pulling her onto his lap, her legs going to either side, allowing her to straddle him.

She settled onto his lap as if she’d done it a thousand times, her drink going to the table beside his, her arms then encircling his neck, ‘I have time for my appetizer,’ she whispered into his mouth before kissing him deeply.

His hands slid up under the skirt of her dress, teasing along the outside of her thigh up to her ass, his fingers gripping her hips lightly, pulling her closer.

She pulled back, a smile playing across her lips, ‘Oh no you don’t, it’s my turn.’

Vic laughed as he looked into her eyes, ‘You don’t trust me baby?’

‘Shut up Vic,’ Bree said as she kissed him again, her hands moving to undo the buttons of his shirt. As she undid the buttons, she continued to kiss him deeply, her pelvis moving in tiny circles around his obvious bulge, ‘See, Little Vic likes this,’ she whispered as she pulled his shirt from pants, and pulling it open.

Her hands moved up over his abdomen and through his light chest hair, her fingernails making little circles around his nipples, as she moved her lips to kiss along the side of his face and down over his neck.

She moved back long enough to once again push the straps of her dress off her shoulders and down over her breasts, her nipples like two solid bullets sticking out at their peaks.

She moved forward to allow them to graze across his chest, luxuriating in the contact, loving the sensation of the hair on his chest scratching against her flesh.

She slid to the floor, onto her knees, her hands continuing to tease his chest, with her lips joining in on the assault to his nipples, gently licking and kissing her way down his chest, taking her time to ensure that she kissed everywhere.

The tip of her tongue made a little trail down the center of his chest to his navel, as her fingers moved to undo his belt and pants, ‘Lift your butt baby, I want to free you.’

Vic complied, lifting his hips off the chair, allowing Bree to remove his pants and underwear all in one motion. She smiled as she gazed upon his hardness in front of her face. ‘I’ve waited an awfully long time to have this,’ she whispered, more to herself than to Vic.

Her fingertips slid up the inside of his thigh, moving to the top of his leg to ensure that she didn’t touch him just yet, she looked up at Vic, seeing the hooded look and realizing she had him just where she had been not too long before, ‘Now it’s my turn to tease you baby,’ she said, smiling as she moved her fingernails across his lower abdomen and saw the look of pleasure that her touch brought to his face.

Her tongue moved to the inside of his knee and she licked a tiny trail of saliva up the inside of his leg, moving closer and closer to his scrotum. She watched his cock react to her touch, twitching in anticipation of her touch. She smiled to herself as she moved away to kiss her way up the inside of his other leg, her lips loving the heat of his inner thigh against her mouth.

She moved her fingers down and ran one fingernail along the underside of his scrotum. Vic’s hip lifted off of the seat in response to her touch, an audible gasp escaping his lips, loving the sensation of her touch, amazed at how gentle she was, how soft her touch.

As her mouth once again reached the apex of his leg, she moved her mouth closer to his hardness, her tongue flicking out to run along the underside of his cock, sliding up to the underside of his head and circled around. She grinned as she heard him groan in need again, she was going to enjoy every second of this.

Her free hand was teasing along the outside of her thigh, her fingernails sliding up and down, raising the goose bumps on his flesh.

Vic wanted desperately to grab her by the hair and force her mouth onto him but restrained the urge, allowing her the opportunity to explore as he had taken that same occasion with her earlier. ‘God Bree, you’re driving me crazy.’

This only served to spur Bree on, ‘Now you know how I felt lover,’ she replied before again kissing his sac. She ran her tongue up the underside of his cock, licking it slowly, enjoying the sensation of her tongue on the smooth surface of his cock.

She again circled the underside of his cock head, her tongue sliding along the bottom of the mushroom head. She raised her eyes to watch his reaction as she slid her tongue up over the head of his cock, the tip of her tongue running across his slit licking the precum from him. ‘Mmm, now this is what I call an appetizer baby.’

Vic was too lost to respond, it was all he could do not to force her head down over him and fuck her face. She knew that look, she loved that look.

She could feel her pussy leaking as she continued to explore her lovers cock with her mouth, her one hand lightly teasing his balls, the other sliding up and down the outside of his thigh, ‘Oh baby, I’m so wet,’ she crooned, ‘Can I play with my pussy?’ She asked, realizing that while he was allowing her to tease him, if he decided to change the game, she would submit to him completely.

Vic looked down at her, his eyes glazed over with passion, ‘Yes princess, play with that hot little cunt, let me see your fingers teasing that hard little clit.’

The hand on his leg moved to slide her skirt up to reveal her soaked thong, her fingers pushing it to the side and sliding along the folds of her pussy, feeling the moisture that was there, a soft moan escaped her lips, her body in overload from the sensation of her hand on her pussy and her lips on his cock.

She moved her mouth forward and slowly lowered it over the head of his dick, only taking the mushroom head in her mouth, enjoying the soft fee
ling of his flesh sliding past her lips, her tongue circling the head, teasing her Master, wanting this to be the best blowjob he had ever experienced.

She backed off and looked up at him before she again opened her mouth and enveloped him, sliding her mouth all the way down this time to swallow his entire cock in her mouth, the head of his cock nudging into her throat.

She began a slow up and down motion, teasing his cock slowly, losing herself in the sensation of his hard dick in her mouth, her free hand sinking into her pussy.

‘Give me your fingers,’ he whispered.

She pulled her fingers out of her cunt and delivered her arm to him in obedience to his request, her eyes sliding shut again as she moved down over his cock. She felt his fingers encircle his wrist as he brought her fingers to his mouth, his tongue sliding out to run over their tips to taste her juices before slowly sucking them into his mouth.

In synchronicity, they moaned as the pleasure of both the taste and sensation overwhelmed them. Bree began to suck and lick with more fervour, she wanted his cum, she wanted him to explode into her throat, to coat her mouth with his juices.

Vic sucked her fingers clean of her cum and freed her hand from his mouth, his hands reaching between them to grasp her distended nipples, ‘I’m very close princess, are you going to cum with me? Are you going to leak your cum all down your legs when I blow my wad in your beautiful face?’

The magic of his words spurred her forward, a deep moan escaping her throat, causing a vibration to run along the underside of his shaft. The sensation was too much for him, he moved his hand to the back of Bree’s head, grabbing her hair, he started to thrust his hips forward, his hard cock pistoning in and out of her hot mouth.

Even with him taking control, she felt the change taking place, the slight swelling of his cock, the increased tempo of his breathing, the tightening grip on her hair. The elation she felt, knowing that within seconds her lover was going to blast her throat for the first time almost overwhelmed her. Her hand had returned to her pussy, furiously rubbing it. Not that she would need that to cum, she knew that all it would take to send her over the edge was one word from her lover.

Her free hand moved to the underside of his scrotum, her fingernail teasing a line to his asshole. It was as if she had found a trigger, a deep ‘FUCK!’ was all the warning she was to get as he slammed his cock into her throat, the head of his cock exploding his load into her waiting mouth.

Her pussy immediately responded by pulsing her own orgasm, a deep passionate moan coming from her throat again as she forced herself to swallow his load, not wanting to waste a single drop.

She felt his body relax under her, his hand releasing her hair, sliding down under her chin to tilt her face up to look at him, ‘Come to me,’ was all he whispered.

She slid up his body to settle on his lap, totally unconcerned that her dress was once again a pile of material on the floor. He tenderly brought her mouth to his, their tongues reaching to touch as they once again lost themselves in each other’s arms.

‘Was I too rough,’ Vic asked, concern in his voice, as Bree lay against him, her fingers drawing little circles on his chest again.

She pushed off so she could look him in the eye, ‘Baby, I loved it, I loved the way you took control and fed me your cock, don’t ever apologize for that.’

He kissed her again, glancing at his watch, ‘Well princess, unless you plan on giving the doorman a show, you might want to consider pulling your dress back on again.’

‘Do you want me to give him a show?’ Bree asked, a slight smile flitting across her lips, already knowing the answer. For all of his control, and his love of adventure, Vic was not a person who was willing to share his Bree with anyone. The fact that he accepted Brad still caught her off guard sometimes.

‘You already know the answer to that,’ Vic answered, flipping her over to swat her bared ass cheek, but just for that, you will have to pay later.’

Bree felt her pussy pulse with his last sentence, knowing that she was going to really enjoy the rest of the week with the man that knew her best.

She went to the washroom to freshen up, her dress in her hand. Vic watched her move across the floor in just her thong and shook his head at his good fortune.

Bree returned to see Vic unveiling their dinner, her glass of wine was now on the table, as was his, a plate of pasta awaiting her. Vic looked up as she entered, she had changed and was wearing a short pink satin kimono, the color accentuating her tanned skin. She smiled shyly at him, even after the experiences of the afternoon.

‘You look absolutely stunning,’ Vic said, looking at her. She smiled at him, ‘Thank you baby, I’ve been into the box,’ she said, referring to the box that Brandi had sent over with her luggage.

Vic smiled, ‘I can well imagine what that girl has come up with,’ he said, as he pulled Bree’s seat out for her, bending to kiss her lips gently before taking his own seat.

‘I think you’ll be surprised,’ Angie said, ‘I know I was.’

They slowly ate together, just enjoying each other’s company.

‘Is there anything specific you would like to do while I’m here?’ Vic asked.

Angie looked across the table at him, ‘I just want to be with you Vic. I don’t care what we do, as long as I’m with you, I’m going to be happy. What about you? Is there something that you would want to see, or experience while you’re here?’

‘I already am,’ Vic replied, looking at Angie. ‘I have you here, that’s the whole reason why I came to Houston, so if I don’t leave this room until I go home then I’ll be completely content.’

Angie chuckled at his response, ‘So I guess we’re staying in.’

Just then a knock sounded at the door. Angie looked at Vic, her eyebrow raised.

Vic set his napkin on the table, and started to get up, ‘Don’t look at me, I have no idea who or what it is.’

As he opened the door, Jamie came through the opening, ‘Dude, you have to help me out,’ he said, as he entered the room. There’s a big dinner planned after the conference and there could be opportunities there that we don’t want to miss.’

As he was talking he looked around and realized that Angie was there.

‘Oh, umm, hi Angie’ Jamie said, realizing that he was interrupting.

‘I’m sorry Vic, I forgot that Angie was coming over.’

‘It’s ok Jamie,’ Angie said from her seat.

‘It’s not like I’m not used to your emergencies,’ Vic groused as he moved back into the room. ‘So what do you need from me?’

‘Well umm, I was hoping you could work your magic and target some of the larger companies represented.’ Jamie responded sheepishly.

Vic sighed, ‘You want me to give up my time with Bree to yak business?’

‘Vic, I’ve been through what Brandi sent, I have dinner wear, it will be fine.’

Jamie exhaled a big sigh. ‘Thank you Ange, I owe you.’

‘Excuse me,’ Vic said, ‘I still haven’t agreed to anything.’

‘Sure you did,’ Jamie said, a big grin on his face, ‘the minute she said ‘yes’, so did you.’

Jamie moved to the door, ‘Thanks again Angie,’ he said, ‘don’t you two stay up too late,’ he winked as he closed the door behind him.

Angie giggled at the shocked look on Vic’s face, ‘What just happened?’ Vic asked.

‘You agreed to be your charming self and make Jamie’s company lots of money at a banquet on Saturday night.’ Angie replied, still laughing as Vic moved in stunned silence to his place at the table.

‘That rat bastard,’ he mumbled under his breath, ‘he didn’t forget you were here at all. He planned the whole thing knowing that you would agree to it. I wouldn’t put it past him to have Brandi pack that dress on purpose.’

This caused Angie to start laughing all over again, ‘Vic, it’s ok, we’ll ge
t through it.’

The rest of the dinner went by without incident, the couple just chatting back and forth about things that were going on in each other’s lives.

‘I still can’t believe I’m here,’ Vic said as he finished the last of his pasta. ‘The fact that you are sitting across from me is just so surreal.’

‘I know,’ Angie replied, her hand sliding across the table to cover his, ‘but I’m so glad you are.’

Vic stood and went to the tray and uncovered desert. ‘I hope you like tiramisu princess,’ as he brought it over to the table.

Instead of placing it in front of her he sat it to the side and moved into the bedroom, ‘don’t move,’ he ordered Angie.

When he returned, he said, ‘Desert is going to be a little different princess. I am going to feed it to you, but you will be blindfolded to enhance the pleasure of what you are about to taste.’

With that, he moved behind her and tied a silk blindfold into place, ensuring that Angie couldn’t see.

Angie sat very still as she heard him move his chair over beside her. The sensation of having to rely on her other senses was a bit offsetting to begin with, but she knew that she could trust him to guide her.

‘Open up baby,’ he said, moving the spoon to her lips and giving her the first taste of the chocolate covered desert mixed with just a touch of whipped cream.

A bit of the cream was still on her lip and he promptly bent forward and licked it off, taking his lick a little deeper into a slow luxurious kiss.

‘I didn’t know that kisses were on the plate,’ Bree said giggling.

‘If you are in the room, kisses are always on the menu baby,’ he replied.

He continued to feed her desert, loving the way she slowly opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out just a bit to accept his offering.

Vic started laughing about half way through, ‘What’s so funny?’ Bree asked, becoming self conscious.

‘No princess, it’s not you, it’s me. As I bring the food to your mouth, I’m opening my mouth with you, just like I used to do with the kids.’

Angie laughed, causing the next spoonful of desert to miss entirely, smearing her chin with a combination of chocolate and whipped cream, which only made both of them laugh harder.

Vic moved in to suck the wayward treat from her chin, his tongue leading the way, as he moved forward to capture it all. Angie moved her hand under his chin, ‘That’s my desert baby, are you going to let me have it?’

She put a little pressure on his chin with her finger, her mouth opening to accept his tongue in her mouth, her head tilting back, a low growl emitted from her throat. Vic reached behind her head, grabbing a handful of hair and pulling her head back, exposing her neck to his mouth.

He bent and began biting her neck in response to her growl, his free hand sliding up the inside of her thigh again. She moaned at his touch, ‘But baby, what about desert?’ Bree managed through the moan that was at her lips. ‘Oh god baby, I’m so wet,’ she moaned as he continued to kiss and bite her neck.

Vic stood, moving the food away and then bent and picked Angie up in his arms, her arms reaching to wrap around his neck. ‘I love you,’ she whispered as she settled into his arms.

He kissed her lips again, tasting more of the errant desert on her chin, ‘I love you too princess,’ he responded as he took her to the bedroom and gently laid her on the bed. She immediately noticed that he had turned the bed down when he set her down.

‘Do you trust me baby?’ He asked.

She sighed in total relaxation, ‘Of course I do baby,’ she replied without any hesitation.

With that he took one hand and extended it over her head, a soft padded cuff clicked as he locked it over her wrist. He moved to take her other hand and lock it into the other cuff.

Angie lay there completely surrendered to her lover, her Master, as she heard him moving around the room, a drawer sliding open, the scratching of something being removed from the drawer and then the sound of him approaching the bed again, Angie laid out before him like a virginal sacrifice.

He reached down to slowly open the sash on her short kimono pulling it back to look at the wonder that was her body. ‘Mmm, Brandi chose well princess,’ he said as he looked at the see-through pink silk shirt that graced her body, that lowered to just below her pussy, which was covered but a thin translucent thong panty.

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The next day when Olivia comes into the office, she finds Mr. Wellington already there and on the telephone. She smiles and mouths a silent "Good Morning" to him and quietly slips over to her desk putting her things down. She sits there quietly as she listens to the phone call in case she is needed. Mr. Wellington is talking to a client and she learns that he will be coming to the office that afternoon. She makes a note of that – she may be needed at that meeting. Mr. Wellington finishes the...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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Meeting Hannah

Meeting Hannah SisyphusI hadn’t been to New York City in over twenty years, and in fact, rarely leave my off the grid cabin in Maine for any cities. I shop at a local food co-op in our small town, pick up mail at the post office, sometimes get a bowl of soup or a cup of coffee and exchange greetings with friends and neighbors then head home, happy to drive down the long dirt road through the woods and walk the path up to my quiet life.I had just completed a book of poetry and my brother told me...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Meeting Karen Part III

Meeting Karen Part III by MadQuill This is a four-part story is about a woman who models herself on another. I hope readers will enjoy this trans-lesbian tale. All of the characters are over eighteen years of age. This is a work may have an additional chapter. Thank you for your comments. This is a work of Fiction. Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. Meeting Karen - Part III Preamble : Carrie and Karen meet and ride...

4 years ago
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Meeting Karen Part II

Meeting Karen By MadQuill This is a four-part story is about a woman who models herself on another. I hope readers will enjoy this trans-lesbian tale. All of the characters are over eighteen years of age. This work will have additional chapters. Thank you for your comments. This is a work of Fiction. Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. Meeting Karen - Part II Preamble : Carrie has met Karen, and the two left the club...

2 years ago
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Meeting Karen Part IV

This is the final part of a four-part story is about a woman who models herself on another. I hope the readers will enjoy this trans-lesbian tale. All of the characters are over eighteen years of age. Thank you for your comments. This is a work of Fiction. Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. ***** Meeting Karen - Part IV Preamble: Carrie's new position evolves Carrie walked to the side of the large bed and sat softly on the...

3 years ago
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Tararsquos Breeding

Tara Bridges opened the door to her new apartment and breathed a sigh of relief. "Finally," she thought, "Time to relax..."The room had the scent of freshness about it, a nice change from the heavier, musty smell of her old apartment. Tara held a cardboard box with all her more intimate belongings – the kinds of things she wouldn't want the movers to find if they 'accidently' took a peek inside the box labeled "PERSONAL" with large black marker."That'd give them too much of a thrill," Tara...

2 years ago
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Brothers Incestous Bet Chapter 9 Daughters Ready to Breed

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Nine: Daughters Ready to Breed By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Maria Reenburg I trembled on the exam table in Dr. Wilson's clinic. The busty OB/GYN smiled at me as she lifted up my hospital gown. She arched an eyebrow at me as she stared down at the hairless flesh of my pudenda, my thighs pressed tight, only the top of my slit peeking out. “Someone forgot her panties,” Dr. Wilson said, an amused smile on her lips. “She didn't forget them,” said my...

2 years ago
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Meeting Rikki

I first meet Rikki about 3 years ago, guess going on years, via the Internet. I was responding to a posting I had seen on Craigslist… not sure I understood the posting but certainly it seemed that it was a good idea. We had some great conversations via email over a variety of subjects of course many of the subjects dealt in a very sexual nature. Truth is I became more an more aroused by this woman and though we never actually had meet face to face she became an intense fantasy and arousal of my...

2 years ago
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Meeting Rikki

I first meet Rikki about 3 years ago, guess going on years, via the Internet. I was responding to a posting I had seen on Craigslist... not sure I understood the posting but certainly it seemed that it was a good idea. We had some great conversations via email over a variety of subjects of course many of the subjects dealt in a very sexual nature. Truth is I became more an more aroused by this woman and though we never actually had meet face to face she became an intense fantasy and arousal...

3 years ago
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Becoming a Breeder

For a teenage girl, who developed an appetite for sex and a womanly figure from the ripe young age of seventeen, contraception was always something at the forefront of my mind. In my first few years of sexual activity my contraception method was the pill, then as my daily dose of cum shots grew, so did the seriousness of my contraception method, progressing to the contraceptive implant.I must admit, although I have not had many sexual partners I am extremely sexually active, but looking back at...

2 years ago
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The Breeder

The students of Hallmore College stood in front of the scientist who stood there in front of a large device. It was strange on the top was an radar dish like device and there was a pod it was attached to with a control panel on the side. The scientist, Professor Evan Hedgerow, stood at the side looking both proud and nervous. He looked at the group of over 50 young men standing there watching. He then cleared his throat, "Ahem, now then as you were told earlier my name is Professor Evan...

2 years ago
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Life of a dragon breeder

Hi I’m yizz, I have been a dragon breeder for 23 years now, I took over from my farther when I was 15 now as you may expect its a fucked up job and I don’t expect you’d like to know how exactly the breeding process is done... Or maybe you would like to I mean you are reading this... OK well you see dragons are a very temperamental species, they only mate twice a year and males only mate with like 2 female before there spent... Funny such grand and scarey animals and like that there spent,...

3 years ago
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Multidimensional breeder

Welcome the multidimensional breeder, here we gather countless versions of humanoid species of females that possess an extra variety of unique biology. Multiple female are captured from their respective universe for your various pleasure, monster girls as they would be identified. Here, you can view the breeding sequence as we make them bred with other males through various situations, or observe their behavior as we put them in numerous tests, either for your observation or entertainment. If...

4 years ago
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Pokmon Breeder

"Thanks for helping me out with all those dehydrated Squirtles, Brock," said Nurse Joy. "I'm always glad to help you, Nurse Joy," said the young Pokémon breeder. Joy knew the young man was smitten with her and she felt a little guilty taking advantage. But the needs of Pokémon always came first to the pretty pink-haired health care professional. And it didn't hurt to give Brock a little thrill to make him feel appreciated. "I don't know what I'd have done without you," she assured...

3 years ago
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Meeting Gloria

Meeting GloriaThis is a continuation of my story about my life with my ex-wife, Sue. Marg has come over to the west and planned to stay. She decided that I would not leave my wife for her so she had moved on and formed a permanent relationship with her good friend, Cherie. Sue, my wife had invited our babysitter to join us. It seemed that given she had promised that her cheating with men was to stop she had started to have an affair with our 18-year-old babysitter, Debbie. I had worked out from...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Meeting my online daddy

I met Mark online. I'd joined a gay chat room. I had been fantasizing about being with a man for a while and this was a harmless, anonymous way to explore my interest.To begin with, I was very shy and didn't know how to respond to the occasional message that came my way. Then I got into a conversation with a guy who made all the running. I only had to go along with his messages.I've discovered that the best cybersex is to be had by going along with the person you are playing with. Unless it...

1 year ago
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Meeting Hannah Again

Meeting Hannah Again SisyphusI hadn't seen or heard from Hannah since the last time I was in New York to do a poetry reading at the public library. That was two years ago and now I was back to do a reading at Barnes and Noble from my recently published book, Morning Songs. Hannah had been careful not to tell me where she lived or give me any information about her, so I had no way to let her know. Still I fantasized that we would meet again. I hoped she would have seen the posters advertising...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Meeting with the older man

I am not sure how or why it happened maybe because of a family tragedy, made me stop and realize life was way to short at times that you had to do things you wanted to as long as it didn’t hurt yourself or others.   Or maybe it was my version of a midlife crisis.   What ever it was I told my husband that I wanted to go for lunch with this older man that I had been chatting to on line.   Matt and I had been chatting back and forth via emails and then MSN for a few weeks and seemed to hit...

2 years ago
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Meeting my online lover

I'd joined a gay chat room. I had been fantasizing about being with a man for a while and this was a harmless, anonymous way to explore my interest. To begin with, I was very shy and didn't know how to respond to the occasional message that came my way. Then I got into a conversation with a guy who made all the running. I only had to go along with his messages. I've discovered that the best cybersex is to be had by going along with the person you are playing with. Unless it takes you...

2 years ago
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Meeting Up In A Cinema Hall 8211 Part I

Though basically from Trivandrum, I am staying in Chennai for past 3 years and this is my first experience in meeting up an aunty in Chennai. Like most of the unlucky guys I too tried on my luck in internet using my id to get hooked up with someone voluptuous like a horny aunty or a housewife. But my tries always went in vain as I always ended up in failure. Once I even went to meet a person who claimed to be a girl online, but turned out to be a guy. That day I made a quick escape as I was...

2 years ago
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Meeting Jon Mandy

Our first coupleMarie told me pretty much on our first date that she was bi-sexual. We had a few ffm’s over the years but she mainly felt more comfortable meeting other girls on her own which I didn’t mind at all. We had a great relationship and it was simply another part of her life that needed fulfilling on occasion. I never pressured her to allow me to join her, but she knew I loved hearing the details when she got home the next day, so she would wank me while she whispered to me all about...

1 year ago
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Meeting A Stranger Online And Fucking Her In A Hotel

Hi everyone. It was a Friday night. I was watching porn on my laptop and jerking off. I got a mail from a woman named Trupti. She was a regular reader of my stories on ISS and wanted to meet me. I immediately video called her on Google hangouts as she was online. When she accepted the call, I saw a beautiful lady on my screen. She was brown coloured and had long black hair. She was wearing a see through gown. She gave me her brief introduction and I described her about myself. She insisted on...

1 year ago
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Meeting Cindy

"Please return your seat backs and tray tables to their full upright and locked position; we will be landing shortly," the flight attendant announces over the intercom, waking me with a startle. I had drifted off to sleep, if anyone can sleep on an airplane. As I rub my eyes, the plane banks left and I hear the landing gear lower and the flaps come down. Lower we glide toward the runway. Row after row of homes appear below me. All look the same; there is no character in this modern world of...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Meeting Old School Friend

Hi all, I am again Darshan Patel from Ahmedabad. I am working at a decent post with an MNC and I travel across Gujarat for my official purpose. I am 27 years old and love to keep myself fit. This incident which I am writing happened as unexpected ss all the things are fresh as ever in my memory I will be narrating the small-small things also. You can submit your views and feedbacks on I often travel by air for few of my meetings and official functions on one such travel, inside airport I saw a...

2 years ago
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Meeting His New Submissive Chapter 1

It's raining cats and dogs outside and Mr. Jack Wellington is hailing a cab when he bumps into Olivia Stetson, both on their way to work. "Excuse me, Miss, would like to share this cab with me?" he asks. "Sure, I would like that very much, Sir," she says. As the cab pulls to the curb, Mr. Wellington opens the door to allow her to get in first, holding his umbrella over her so she doesn't get too wet. As they ride to the address given the driver, Mr. Wellington turns to her. "Where are you...

2 years ago
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Meeting at the Mall

Meeting at the Mall Let me start by describing what I look like. I am 5'11", athletic build, black hair and brown eyes. I live in rural Utah, USA, so it makes it difficult to get out much. I do most of my outings when I travel on business. I was raised in a very religious family with four sisters. Being the youngest, I had a large variety of clothing to choose from, when I started my dressing experiments, which was around 8. I thought that my mother, although a beautiful woman, was...

3 years ago
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Meeting Jackie and Derek Part 1

He watched as the large cock stretched his wife’s pussy. It looked as it would split her in half. He never thought his wife would do this no matter how much he dared her. He smiled watching her act like a total slut as the huge cock pistoned in and out of her. Now he just had to get her to admit what she had done. Jay and Sheila were both in their mid thirties and both were above average looking. Jay is about 6’1” with an average build. He has blue-gray eyes that seem to draw you in and...

3 years ago
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meeting my ex lover Dirk

Tuesday morning while I was in the mall, I bumped into an ex-lover, Dirk.We chatted for a short while and when saying goodbye he gave me his business card and said to message him if I want to catch up sometime. When I got home, I decided to go have a oily foam bath to relax a while. Once in the bath and relaxing I started contemplating whether I should message Dirk or not. My loving husband had never met him and it would be better for me to keep my relation as a secret. Then I decided to save...

4 years ago
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Meeting Jackie and Derek Part 1

He watched as the large cock stretched his wife's pussy. It looked as it would split her in half. He never thought his wife would do this no matter how much he dared her. He smiled watching her act like a total slut as the huge cock pistoned in and out of her. Now he just had to get her to admit what she had done. Jay and Sheila were both in their mid thirties and both were above average looking. Jay is about 6'1” with an average build. He has blue-gray eyes that seem to draw you in and...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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My Breeding

Yes it is time for your breeding. Come in and close the door behind you. In the middle of the room You see an examination table. I want you to take your cloths off and get up on the table.That's it. Now let me pull the stirrups out so you can place your feet in them. Now we will adjust your knees and your legs to give me proper access to your vagina. I need to first examine you to make sure that you are ready to be bred.This will not take long.I stand between your legs, looking at your pussy....

3 years ago
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Meeting My Probation Officer

My name is Andy, and I have totally fucked up. I’d never been in trouble in my life before. Then a lad I knew asked if he could stick some gear in my garage because his girlfriend had kicked him out and he needed somewhere to stash it until he was sorted. Like a mug, I said ‘yes’. I’m a mug because I know what he’s like, and I’ve always avoided him in the past, so I didn’t get involved. This time, for some stupid reason, I believed him. Next thing I knew, the cops were round with a warrant...

1 year ago
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Meeting My Probation Officer by Wilderness Cry

My name is Andy, and I have totally fucked up. I’d never been in trouble in my life before. Then a lad I knew asked if he could stick some gear in my garage because his girlfriend had kicked him out and he needed somewhere to stash it until he was sorted. Like a mug, I said ‘yes’. I’m a mug because I know what he’s like, and I’ve always avoided him in the past, so I didn’t get involved. This time, for some stupid reason, I believed him.Next thing I knew, the cops were round with a warrant and I...

3 years ago
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Meeting With the BoardChapter 3 Seducing The Board

I was doing a presentation to the management board of a Philadelphia based company, going over a proposed advertising campaign. The group consisted of me, Myra Simmons, Vice-President of Advertising for a small, Ohio based marketing company, the customer's company president, John DeLaRosa, Nancy Storm, Vice-President of Finance, Tom Watson, Vice-President of Marketing, Tony Adams, Vice-President of Sales and, Dave Johnson, Vice-President of Operations. As I moved around the table, giving my...

2 years ago
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Meeting her Master

a tale of a young woman meeting the unexpected Master of her dreams. part 1 -- Marilyn was a student at a local university and had long held her secret fantasies within herself. Months before she'd discovered a website where she could play out the life of her dreams a few hours at a time in the campus computer lab. She often chose a corner table so others would not see over her shoulder. Only 20 at first, Marilyn still had the sweet baby face of a teenager which she...

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