Solstice Ch. 01 free porn video

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I glanced at my watch. Eight thirty-six. Thirty-six long minutes past the hour. And I’d arrived early of course. Just in case. So all in all, I’d been sitting on the steps of the Buttercross for a bottom-numbing forty-nine minutes. It was time to face facts.

I’d been stood up.

Blowing out a sigh, I got to my feet and brushed down my dress. Maybe he’d turned up, taken one look at me and bolted. Or maybe he’d just forgotten.

Yeah, right. I snorted at my own naivety, startling the pigeon that had landed by my foot. Who’d forget they’d been set up on a blind date? I certainly couldn’t have forgotten. Bloody Lisa and her great ideas.

‘I’m going to set you up with my boss,’ she’d said, last Saturday night when I’d been bemoaning my lack of love life. ‘I think you two would get on really well.’

‘Your boss?’ I’d stared at her in disbelief. ‘You mean Mike?’ She couldn’t mean Mike, I’d thought, panicking. Yes, I knew he was single, but he had to be at least twenty years older than me, had a beer belly and a white beard. Father Christmas material. I knew beggars couldn’t be choosers, but still…

‘No!’ She laughed merrily. ‘Not Mike. Griff.’

‘Griff?’ I frowned, trying to remember if she’d mentioned him before.

‘He’s been supervising a project in Aberdeen for the last year — he’s been away since before I started working at ASG. Seems like a nice bloke, though I don’t know that much about him.’

‘Then how do you know he hasn’t got a wife and two kids?’

‘Because I asked him.’

‘Well then he’s probably gay.’

She shook her head adamantly. ‘He isn’t. I asked him that too.’

I groaned. ‘Lisa! You can’t — you can’t ask things like that!’

‘Why not?’ She looked bemused. ‘If you don’t ask, how are you supposed to find out?’

And that was the fundamental difference between Lisa and me. It would never occur to her to baulk from the nitty gritty question. Never occur to her not to speak up if someone said anything she disagreed with, no matter what their creed, colour or status. I’d known her my whole life — her parents owned the semi-detached house adjoining my parents’ — and she’d become less and less bothered about what anyone might think of her candour with every passing year. To my constant wonder — and secret admiration — this hadn’t resulted in Lisa lacking friends or male attention. In short, she was the person to ask whether your bum looked big in your jeans.

Even though I’d protested that at twenty-eight I was much too old for blind dates, she’d gone ahead and arranged one anyway. I still couldn’t quite believe that Griff had agreed. It spoke volumes about Lisa’s impressive powers of persuasion – or more likely, her uncanny ability to brow-beat someone into submission.

So where was he?

I lifted a hand to shield my eyes from the evening sun and stared down the street. Though there were numerous people milling around, wending their way to the bars and clubs, there was no sign of a six-foot man with blond hair and blue eyes carrying a book of poetry with a pink carnation tucked between its pages.

‘A book of poetry?’ I’d spluttered when she told me that part. ‘That’s such a cliché.’

‘So?’ She’d grinned. ‘What’s your problem? It is a blind date, after all.’

Well, maybe he’d had a problem with it. Or maybe he’d simply been unable to locate any Wordsworth or Keats.

At least I hadn’t missed the last bus home. As I turned to walk back up the street, I noticed the guy standing outside the bank opposite. I’d seen him earlier but discounted him as Griff immediately. For a start, he was under six feet tall — taller than me, but definitely not six feet. And his hair wasn’t blond — it was light brown. Most tellingly of all, he wasn’t carrying a book, let alone a pink carnation.

He’d been there when I arrived, and judging by the way he’d been looking up and down the street, he too had been expecting to meet someone. I sent him a sympathetic glance as I approached.

To my astonishment, he smiled. ‘Been stood up?’ he said softly.

‘Uh –‘ I felt heat flood into my face. I’d been watching him — no doubt he’d been watching me too. It was no use denying what was patently true. ‘Yep. I guess he got a better offer.’ I forced a smile then found the courage to reciprocate. ‘How about you?’

‘Looks like it.’ He shook his head. ‘Never mind. It’s their loss, right?’

‘Definitely.’ He certainly didn’t look like someone who should’ve been stood up. Okay, so he wasn’t movie star gorgeous but he was good-looking nonetheless. In his early thirties, at a guess, with well-proportioned features, a strong jaw and twinkling dark eyes. ‘Anyway,’ I said, my discomfort returning as I realised I’d been staring, ‘hope you still have a good evening anyway.’

He nodded. ‘You too.’

But before I’d taken more than a few steps I heard his voice again.


Figuring that I should probably keep walking, I looked back over my shoulder.

‘I’ve got a reservation for dinner at the Mill House Hotel.’ He shot me a speculative look. ‘By all means, say no, but I was wondering — seeing as we’ve both been stood up — whether you’d care to join me?’

My feet had stopped moving. The evening thus far had been a disaster. There seemed little point in hoping that it might actually get better. I was tired after a long day at work and now my limbs were stiff from sitting too long. So this was the moment to politely decline his generous offer, cut my losses and go home. Besides, the illogical part of my brain reasoned, he could be an axe murderer.

‘I’m not an axe murderer, if that’s what you’re worried about.’

I gave a startled laugh. ‘Of course not,’ I lied hastily. ‘It’s just — I really don’t know you from Adam.’

‘Of course you don’t. Allow me to introduce myself.’ He moved towards me and extended his right arm, grinning. ‘I’m Adam.’

‘Oh.’ This was so implausible it was impossible not to smile back. ‘Well, I s’pose that’s okay then.’ As I took his hand, his fingers closed over mine in a warm, firm grip.

‘And you are?’

‘Me?’ For a moment, I gazed up into his face, mesmerised by his dark eyes. And all at once — I have no idea where it came from — I felt the desire to live a little dangerously. To be daring. Reckless. ‘I’m Eve.’

He threw back his head and laughed. ‘Of course you are.’

There was a pause and I realised he was still waiting for me to accept his invitation. ‘Well,’ I heard myself say, not quite believing that it was me saying the words. ‘It’d be a shame to waste a reservation at the Mill House.’

He gave an earnest nod. ‘It really would. They need all the customers they can get, I’m told.’

I couldn’t repress a smirk. Following a major refurbishment a few years ago, the Mill House Hotel was generally acknowledged to be the most luxurious hotel in the city. And I’d heard that in order to secure a table in its Michelin-starred restaurant you had to book weeks in advance — and then secure a small mortgage to foot the bill.

‘I’ll be paying,’ he cajoled, once again demonstrating a rather unsettling ability to read my mind. ‘Please?’

‘Oh –‘ And in a flash, my misgivings were back. ‘Maybe I shouldn’t. Thanks, but –‘ He was a total stranger. This was a crazy idea. ‘They probably wouldn’t let me in anyway. I’m not exactly dressed for a posh meal.’ I glanced down at my lemon sundress, a reluctant concession to the heat wave, chosen only after a fruitless search for something less revealing. It was so warm that adding a cardigan to camouflage my curves had been completely out of the question. He, on the other hand, was wearing smart dark slacks with a pale blue shirt, a jacket that matched the slacks over his arm.

He chuckled again, a low rumbling sound that I was beginning to find rather attractive. ‘Are you kidding?’ As his eyes travelled the length of my body, heat fl
ashed to parts of me that these days only grew warm when I was reading the steamy pages of a romantic novel. ‘You look stunning.’

As I stared at him, open-mouthed, he held out his arm. ‘Come on.’

And that was all it took. A moment later I was at his side, strolling down the High Street towards the river.

‘If it’s any consolation,’ he said, taking a sideways glance at me, ‘I don’t normally do things like this.’

‘No?’ I murmured, still trying to rationalise my decision. All I’d done was swap one blind date for another, right? We were going to a public venue where there would be plenty of other people around. If necessary, my carefully considered escape-from-the-date plan would still work despite the change in personnel. The mobile phone in my handbag was fully charged and…

I looked stunning? Chubby, ample-bottomed me?

‘No. And don’t laugh, but I was supposed to be meeting a blind date this evening.’

I stared at him in surprise. He didn’t appear to be the sort of guy who’d need to resort to such drastic action — but what a coincidence that he’d been waiting there for exactly the same reason. Unless, of course, it wasn’t a coincidence… ‘Your name,’ I faltered, needing to be sure. ‘Is it — is it really Adam?’

‘I’m fairly sure. That’s what it says on my birth certificate, anyway.’

‘Right.’ I bit my lip. ‘Because – my name isn’t really Eve.’

‘I kind of guessed it wasn’t.’ He looked amused. ‘But I’m fine with that. Why not have an evening where you can be who you want to be? Do what you wouldn’t normally do? Who says we have to be our boring selves all the time? Not that you’re boring, I’m sure,’ he added quickly.

‘Well, no, of course not,’ I agreed with solemn fervour. He was right, of course. There was no reason to be my usual insecure self. This — if I could only manage to let go of my reserve — could be the most fun I’d had in ages. Besides, we were only going for a meal together. I’d expected that eating would feature somewhere in my date with Griff too, though admittedly, the venue was going to be rather grander than the burger bar I’d been expecting.

‘So,’ I began, confident that Eve would be better at making small talk than I was. Only she wasn’t. I cast around for a suitable topic, growing more frantic with every passing second. ‘Er…’

Come on, Eve — say something interesting!

‘Hasn’t it been hot lately?’

Oh dear God. The good old British stand-by…

If Adam had noticed my inner turmoil, he didn’t show it. ‘Apparently,’ he said amiably, ‘we’re on course to have the warmest June for fifty years. And the forecasters say the weather’s set to stay like this for at least the next couple of weeks.’

‘Really?’ I pulled a face. ‘I know I shouldn’t say this, but I’ve kind of had enough of it all now. Being hot and sweaty all the time and not being able to sleep.’ When he grinned, I regretted my choice of words. ‘Well it’s true!’ I gabbled, covering my embarrassment with a laugh. ‘It’s not like the dry heat you get in countries like Spain or Greece. It’s — ‘

‘Wet?’ he suggested, raising an eyebrow.

‘No –‘ I knew I was blushing again. ‘You know what I mean. Muggy. Clammy — no, that’s not it.’



He was laughing now. ‘Actually, I think the word you’re after is ‘humid’.’

‘Humid, yes. Thank you.’ Groaning under my breath, I looked back over my shoulder. There was still time to make that escape. ‘You know, maybe this isn’t such a good idea after all –‘

‘No — wait.’ He caught my hand and a tingle of electricity raced up my arm. ‘I’m really sorry. We’ve only just met and I’m teasing you already. Please — forgive me?’ Though he was still smiling, his remorse was obvious. ‘I’ve got three little sisters — well, not so little these days — the youngest is twenty-six now — but when we were kids I used to wind them up something terrible.’ He shrugged his shoulders and looked a little sheepish. ‘I still joke around when I’m nervous. If I’m honest, it’s been a long time since I’ve taken anyone new on a date. In fact, I was this close –‘ he let go of my hand to indicate an inch with his thumb and forefinger ‘–to chickening out of tonight.’

My hand felt oddly bereft without the warmth of his fingers. ‘And then she didn’t even have the decency to turn up.’ I hesitated. ‘Actually, I was supposed to be on a blind date too. He didn’t turn up either.’

For a moment Adam surveyed me in silence. ‘Then he was a bloody fool,’ he proclaimed at last. ‘Look,’ he said as I shot him a grateful smile. ‘The hotel is just there.’ He waved across the street. ‘Are you hungry?’

Before I could answer my stomach growled loudly. I hadn’t eaten since noon. He grinned as I nodded.

‘So let’s go and eat. We’re brave enough to do that, right?’

The hotel was an imposing three-storey building on the city centre side of the river. Flagpoles jutted out from its ivy-clad walls, displaying colours from an array of countries — some of which, due to my shameful knowledge of geography, I didn’t recognise. Beneath the canopy was a double row of hanging baskets, riotous flowers spilling over the rims.

A doorman appeared as we climbed the steps, welcoming us into the blissfully cool, air-conditioned interior. But before I could take a look around, a bearded man in a dinner jacket came striding towards us, beaming his pleasure. ‘Adam!’ he exclaimed, clasping his hand and pulling him into a hearty embrace. ‘How wonderful to see you!’

I detected an underlying accent. French, perhaps?

‘You too, Anton. It’s been a long time.’

‘Too long, my friend, far too long.’ Anton released him, his gaze landing on me. ‘And this lovely lady is?’

Cowering under his appraising stare, I found myself momentarily incapable of remembering my pseudonym.

‘Eve,’ Adam supplied with a grin.

‘Eve. Wonderful to meet you. But then –‘ he gave an odd little smile ‘– that means you are Adam and Eve. How –‘

‘I believe we have a reservation for nine o’clock?’ Adam interrupted hastily.

‘Mais oui – bien sûr,’ Anton agreed at once. ‘Your table is available now. Or perhaps you would prefer to begin with an aperitif in the bar?’

Adam glanced at me. ‘Oh, I think we’re ready to eat.’

We followed the maître d’ along the wide hallway. Though my eyes swept eagerly from left to right, it was too overwhelming to gain any more than an impression of highly polished glass, ornate archways and sumptuous red carpet. Over the years, I’d heard much about the hotel’s magnificent decor and lavish furnishings but this far exceeded my expectations. And as we rounded the corner into the dining room an astonished gasp tore from my throat.

A working water wheel dominated the room, shimmering water cascading like golden rain over the blades, driving the wheel at an impressive speed. The dining area, itself circular, was laid out around the wheel, meaning that it could be viewed from every beautifully dressed table. But as Anton led us past the other diners, I noticed I couldn’t hear the roar of water above the hum of conversation. It was only as he ushered us to an empty table right beside the wheel I understood why. It was completely encased by thick glass.

‘I hope this is to your satisfaction.’

‘It’s beautiful,’ I replied, so transfixed by the silently turning wheel that I didn’t realise Anton was actually asking whether the table was to our satisfaction until both men chuckled.

‘I think that’s a yes,’ Adam said, grinning as Anton pulled out my chair. ‘Thank you.’

‘However did they do this?’ I breathed as the maître d’ bustled off to find a waiter.

‘I believe it required a considerable amount of ingenuity,’ Adam said, looking pleased at my enthusiasm. ‘It’s a replica of the original mill wheel. Unfortunately when the building was extended a few years ago the old one disintegrated when they tried to move it.’

‘It’s incredible. The way the light catches the water…’ Now that I was alongside, I could see streams of yellow light pouring through the slats, the spray refracting the beams and making the tiny droplets glitter like stars. ‘It’s like watching fireworks — like a Catherine Wheel.’

‘I’m glad you like it.’

‘Does it ever change colour?’

He laughed, clearly surprised. ‘No. Why, d’you think it should?’

I tipped my head on one side, still watching the spray. ‘Yes, I do. On special occasions. You know, Christmas. Weddings.’

‘Bar mitzvahs? Funerals?’

‘Absolutely.’ I was laughing now.

‘We’ll suggest it to Anton when he comes back. He and his wife Isabelle own this place.’

‘Really? No, don’t! It’s fabulous just as it is. Oh –‘ I’d glanced down at the menu, noticing to my horror that it was written in French. ‘Um — what’s good here?’

‘It’s all good.’

‘Right.’ I chewed my lip, almost drawing blood when my eye fell on the prices. Oh dear God… ‘Okay.’

‘But I recommend the chicken.’ Adam reached forward and prodded at a line of incomprehensible writing halfway down the page. As I looked up he winked. ‘I always have the chicken. Don’t tell Anton, but I have no idea what anything else is.’

I grinned, relieved. ‘Chicken sounds great.’

‘Mademoiselle. Monsieur.’ A jittery-looking waiter appeared at our table, a bucket of ice in one hand, a bottle in the other. ‘Champagne? It ees –‘ his accent was much stronger than Anton’s ‘– on the ‘ouse?’

‘You eat here a lot, don’t you?’ I ventured when he’d taken our order.

Adam shook his head, wiping the condensation off his glass with the tip of one finger. ‘Not any more. I used to come here with my wife, but I don’t think I’ve been here in over a year — maybe longer.’

His wife? He was married?

‘So I think maybe this –‘ he gestured at the ice bucket, ‘is because they’re pleased to see me again.’ He smiled. ‘Anton and I are very old friends.’

‘Right.’ My mind was whirring frantically. Was he still married? No, he had to be divorced, surely – he’d been waiting for a blind date to show. Although I remembered reading somewhere that a lot of married men joined dating agencies, just for fun. For the chance of illicit sex, fun and frolics… ‘So, Adam,’ I faltered, disappointed to find that once again, Eve wasn’t brave enough to ask a question worth asking, ‘what do you do for a living?’

‘Hmm.’ He shot me a quizzical look, leaning back in his chair. ‘Nah. Let’s make this more interesting. What do you think I do?’

I gave a nervous laugh. ‘I’ve no idea. Something that earns you enough money to eat here, obviously.’

‘Not necessarily. Maybe I just enjoy washing up.’ He grinned as I sent him an anxious glance. ‘I’m kidding. Come on, have a guess.’

‘Oh — ah.’ After a moment, I blew out a small sigh, scared of being way off the mark. ‘I can’t. I don’t know.’

He nodded slowly. ‘You know,’ he said, his expression solemn now, ‘my Granny always used to say that you can tell what someone does just by looking at their hands.’

‘Really?’ I frowned, glancing down at my own.

‘Really. May I?’ Before I could answer, he reached forward and picked up my right hand. ‘Hmm.’ He turned it over, studying my palm with the intensity of a fortune teller. And beneath his inspection, beneath his touch, that alarming tingle in my fingers returned, rapidly spreading up my arm and straight down my spine. ‘Well,’ he said at last, pausing to smile at me, ‘I think you work with children. You’re a nursery school teacher — something like that?’

For a moment I couldn’t speak. Then, realising my mouth had dropped open, managed to gulp, ‘You got that just from looking at my hand?’

He chuckled, wiggling my forefinger. ‘She was a wise old bird, my Granny.’

I snatched my hand away and stared at it furiously. ‘How?’

He tapped his nose. ‘I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you. Come on.’ He proffered his own hand. ‘You have a go.’

Finding his hand between mine was a disturbingly heady experience. I slid my much smaller fingers over his, their dry warmth seeping into my own as I tried to gauge the length of each digit, noticing the way each tapered to a gently rounded end, the almond shaped nails. ‘You’re an artist,’ I said finally, not at all sure but aware I needed to make a guess.

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Bhabhi Se Maze

Hi iss readers.. I’m devilkumar from ghaziabad.. Again with a story .. Agr story achi lge to plz comment krna meri id pr .. Agr kisi girl ko ya specially aunty ya bhabhi ko sex chat ya bat krni ho to mssg kr skti h.. Bt please be genuine.. Ek girl ne esa hi kra thodi si chat kri pic li or block kr dia.. So please don’t do this.. Now going on story.. Meri pados me bhabhi rhti h .. Unki chut to mai maar chuka hn or ye mene apni phli story me btaya tha.. But us time usne gaand marne se mna kr dia...

2 years ago
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Brittany and ChadChapter 17

We went into our room and dressed in shorts and better tops than tee shirts. We pulled on our sneakers. We could meet the world but were dressed to perform light work. We stripped our bed. We brought the sheets and the damp mattress pad down putting all in the washer and starting it. On the way up, Mom said, "Mattress pad, too?" We blushed and she laughed lightly. Once in our room, I said, "What do we work on first?" Britt sat on the bed. "Let's talk about furniture. We could use...

1 year ago
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Frankie Part 3

Frankie and I lay together on her bed. Her body was warm and slightly sweaty and she was still convulsing from her intense orgasm. We lay facing each other on our sides and she pulled my leg around her. I kept studying her face as I kissed her neck, cheeks and behind her ears. Her breathing was still ragged and it brought me immense happiness to know that I had given her so much pleasure. With her eyes still closed she began to touch my body. First with her hand moving up my thigh to my waist,...

3 years ago
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Recluse and GhostChapter 25

It was late enough that by the time I arrived home, the chores were done and the working women had been taken home. I parked the truck in the big garage, or rather, machine shed, and thought about checking the treasure in the smoke house, but just left it alone. The more I messed with it, the more attention I would draw to it. I was warmly greeted by the ladies in the house. Millie gave me a sweet kiss and hug, Marita gave me a hug, and Mom kissed me on the cheek. I played coochie-coo with...

3 years ago
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Cosseted and Corseted

COSSETED AND CORSETED By Bea My mother is very feminine, kinda dithery if you go by outward appearances, but has a habit of getting things her own way. My dad died before I had time to establish any memories of him, so my formative years were pretty well dominated by her. Not that she was mean - far from it. I was spoiled I guess, but on looking back, I'm fairly sure that she 'protected' me from any elements that she felt would be detrimental to what...

2 years ago
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Cocktail Party

consutant in Washington D.C.. I was attending the cocktail party along with other political people and business executives. Karen put on her skin color thigh highs and garter belt. She had always preferred them over regular panty hose so that She wouldn't have to worry about tugging on them late into the evening. She threw over a sheer pink blouse that moved with her body and pulled up a gray pencil skirt that hugged her hips. And nice black heels to top it off. I put on my gray slacks...

2 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 45 We Are Just Friends

When Jessie Harper saw her mother through the throng of visitors and naked campers she rushed over and flung her arms around her neck and hugged her tight then she took a step back and said with a silly grin on her face, “Well, what do you think of our new choir uniforms?” Mrs Glenda Harper scanned her only child’s nude body very carefully before replying with, “You look just wonderful and so do all the others, don’t they Bryce!” The Reverend Bryce Unsworth was standing right beside...

1 year ago
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Becoming Chloe Part 3

Becoming Chloe Part 3: The continuing story of Chloe and her transition assisted by his wife and her boyfriend. [email protected] (Cindy Johnson) After we finished lunch Kate instructed me to clean the dishes, put everything away and come up to the bedroom when I was done. I heard them both go upstairs and then heard them moving things and realized that they were getting ready to move my things out of the bedroom. As I rushed to finish I saw Ricky carrying things out of the...

2 years ago
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Satans BrideChapter 39

"Six hundred thousand," bargained Tiana, holding the leash of the otherwise naked woman. "Brunettes are not so unusual in my country. I will give you four hundred thousand," countered Al Fah. Mioki stood mutely in the corner of the room. The three naked, blindfolded women had been brought in by Darius, each with a collar around her neck and a leash attached. The Arab's manservant stood stoically to the side as the Sheik's son inspected his merchandise. "Five hundred thousand," said...

1 year ago
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My New Sex Life

Note : This story is completely fictional! I got married a year ago and going into the marriage I knew my wife didn’t want kids or a lot of sex ether. I stupidly thought that once we were married, I could change her mind about the sex thing, but it got worse. I haven’t seen her nude or touched her in the last seven months and my poor cock is about ready to dry up and blow away. My wife is a rising star in a brokerage firm, works a lot of hours and I run my web design business from our home. My...

3 years ago
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Lisa and I

Lisa and I Looking back on it now, I still can’t believe that it happened. I can’t believe, either, that I basically instigated the whole thing. If not for what happened between Lisa and I…Oh well, anyway, it did happen, and weeks in September. This all started one Friday afternoon, in early September, Lisa’s parents, who were good friends of my folks, had asked me if I could pick Lisa up from her after-school gymnastics practice, bring her home, and stay with her for a few hours. They were...

2 years ago
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Creative Teaching Methods

Summary: My first day of creative writing class would change my life in ways I would never have believed. ~ ~ ~In the Fall of 1983 I was beginning the first semester of my senior year of uni. With most of my core classes long since completed I ticked off electives towards the 136 hours I needed to graduate the following May. While flipping through the course catalog, I noticed that Creative Writing 1 was not only 3 credit hours, but could also count towards my Humanities...

1 year ago
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Shari Bruce and me

Sheri's big brown eyes and long curly red hair made my loins acke, but Bruce's peircing blue eyes and his shaved head and earring sorta intimidated me. I knew that Bruce and Sheri got together from time to time from the chat room but I didn't know if they were more than just friends so I got the drunken nuts to find out what my chances were. When the band started up I didn't hesitate to ask Sheri to dance. As we left for the dance floor I noticed Bruce putting his ciggarete out in a annoyed...

3 years ago
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Swrong Son Part 1

"It's been a great night," I said to myself, "a really good night, and I'm just about ready for bed." It was one thirty a.m. my sister, my brother and their families had left before midnight as they had small k**s to consider, and the last of the guests for my father's forty sixth birthday celebrations had left a half an hour ago, leaving the back garden looking like a bomb had hit it. I'd spent the past fifteen minutes picking up the rubbish, and was now almost finished.I picked up the last...

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 Guess what? I went to one of my favorite places last night - Secret's on San Pablo Avenue in El Cerrito. Things were pretty hot. I got there about 4:30 pm and stayed until 2 am. I had about 10 guys fuck me in the ass and god only knows how many cocks I sucked - I lost count after 12.One hawt musclefuck stood me up against the wall of the preview booth and fucked me in the ass. He was El Salvadoran, VERY muscular and macho, LOTS of sexy tattoos, shave head, and, like most Latino meyn, very...

3 years ago
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Pados Wale Ladke Ne Chod Diya

Hello friend mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aur main call center me job karti hu main dikhne me ek dum maal hu aur mera figure 36 30 38 h aur mujhe ladko se chudwane me bahut accha lagta h aur mujhe mote lund aur bade lund bahut pasand h ap sab mujhe mail kariye main apse chat karungi. Main apne apko bhaut maitain karke rakhti hu aur mujhe meri colony ke padsi ladke bahut line marte h aur main bhi kabhi kabhi un logo ko response deti hu. Main aaj apko bataungi kaise mujhe ek...

4 years ago
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Gay Men Having Fun At The Dusk

I was at the gallery looking over to the city which is developing at an enormous pace. The buildings are almost kissing the sky and with that increased traffic too. It was a quiet evening for me, although I was a bit aroused, I couldn’t pinpoint the reason. I stood there welcoming the dusk, within hour or so the sun will brighten up another part of the world. Suddenly I felt hands around my waist, I was startled but the smell of cologne made me realize he is familiar. He was my roommate, came...

Gay Male
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Kiraredarni Ke Beti Ko Pata Ke Choda 8211 Part 2

Mera nam rahil hai mai patna se he meri first story apne padhi hogi ke kaise maine apne kirayedarni ke beti ko pata ke choda jis kisi ne bhi pehli story nahi padhi hai wo pehla part pad le . Mujhe aaplogo ke kafi sare mail mile please sry gar mai kisi ko reply nahi kar paya kyki mai kafi busy rahta hu ar ye ek real story hai isme wahi hai jo hua hai mera sath Ab aage batatu hu age kya hua farhat niche chali gayi mai upar hi rah gaya uski bahan upar ayi usne mujhe upar deka to pucha ke kya ho...

4 years ago
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The Sex Tutor

Around 3 years ago, we finally hooked up permanently. It has been a wild ride ever since. You see, about 3 weeks into our relationship, Frank told me that he was Bi-sexual, which blew my mind because I was as well, and knowing that we both had that in common seemed to take our relationship to a whole new level in an instant. I have always had fantasies about two men fucking. Call me weird, but the thought of my husband with a hard cock shoved up his ass while I am sucking on his dick,...

2 years ago
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 Diapers was a girl I dated fairly often back in the eighties. She was a cute and sweet young gal that always seemed happy and on the verge of giggling. She was in her early twenties and had a one-year-old son. Diapers lived with her parents who helped her care for her baby. She carried around a few extra pounds and, though not overly fat, she was nicely rounded. Like most heavier girls, she had a wonderfully large set of tits. I was beginning to really appreciate bigger girls and their big...

Straight Sex
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Doing it with my study partner

Even in college, you have projects to work on, it's like high school all over again. Our teacher assigned us all to write a paper on something that we thought should be changed, I picked the game rating ages. You have to be 17 to rent an 'M' rated game, I think the age should be lowered to 16. I have a female friend in that class that picked the drinking age, she thought it should be lowered to 18. Personally I disagree with that, but that's besides the point. We were both 23 and decided to do...

Straight Sex
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StepSecrets Shona River Watching My Stepbrother

Shona has been eyeing her stepbrother for quite some time. She knows it’s naughty to want him, but a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. So when she makes the move, it’s kinda scary, but fortunately, step bro is way into it. Who wouldn’t be? You’ve got to see Shona with all her clothes off, cuz you’ll understand his response. Risky? Sure. Irresistible? Definitely. Shona is the tight petite horny dream any man would love to fuck. And now’s your...

2 years ago
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Oscar MeyersChapter 13

“Come in.” Oscar stepped into the office and looked around at the plain furnishings. For the most part, it looked like an office that hadn’t been assigned to anyone. There was a desk and two chairs on opposite sides of the desk. The desktop was bare of anything other than a telephone. The plain white walls were bare as well. The high-backed chair behind the desk was turned so that all he could see was the back of it. He didn’t see anyone in the office. He frowned and wondered where the...

3 years ago
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Chrissies Parade

ChrissieHaving received the invitation and tickets. You board the plane. It's a long flight so you have come prepared. Long flowing dress, stockings, no underwear, and reading material. An overnight bag full of essentials and a few nonessentials. The pain killers you took are working fine but they have reacted with the other little pill you took that arrived with your tickets. You feel lovely, all warm and floaty and slightly sleepy. But the strange thing is – you love everyone.Your club class...

1 year ago
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More Than Friendship Material Pt 13

A little while later, everyone had formed a neat little line through the kitchen. The girls had set out bowls, spoons, corn bread and drinks. Each friend took turns getting their food and then plopping down wherever they found a spot to eat. Liz wiggled close to Todd, with Hollie on the other side of him, making a very happy Todd sandwich. Beside Liz, Tammy sat while Mary and Ben camped on the floor together. Not much talking was had, as everyone dug in, moaning with appreciation as they ate...

3 years ago
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The road to lesbianism my 2nd taste

This is a true story2 weeks after my crazy night with Maricruz I was aching for her to touch me agian. We had been sending each other dirty text and emails, and I couldn't stand being away from her. We made plans to meet up at the movies. It was the last week before "Zodiac" left the theaters. Oh how I love Jake Gyllenhaal. As we sat in this empty movie all I could think about was fucking her. I wanted her. I yearned for her. To touch her, and be touched by her. I wanted to have her clit in my...

2 years ago
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The Military Guy

I found myself a widow and young mother at only nineteen. I had always been attractive and knew I wouldn't have issues moving on, but never felt it would be right. That changed unexpectedly in one chance meeting. At twenty-one I was happy, but deep down felt that I needed to find a guy to please me. Before my first husband swept me off, I always saw myself with a man in the military; I loved the uniform. Maybe that's why I had agreed to go on a date with my dad's friend, nothing serious, he...

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Party Time at the North Pole

Author Note: The beast tag is only mentioned not described. It has been so long since I wrote anything I wanted to see if I could even tell a story without a lot of mistakes. I hope I did alright. Thanks, BarneyR The North Pole is a cold and windy place and due to the weather, most times you will rarely see an elf, the reindeer, or Mr. or Mrs. Claus outside. Most of the time they are preparing for the next ride for the jolly old elf himself to make his yearly run of distributing gifts to...

3 years ago
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My New Fetish Part 3

It was Friday and I still had not experienced the a*****ion scene Lorenzo had promised me. My anticipation had reached to a point of thinking non stop about it.I had to run some more errands and I began parking places to make it easy for the two guys he had said he lined up, alleys...spots behind tall vegetation...ect.My pussy was tingling as I'd walk to and from my car...but nothing happened. I pulled into the garage after my errands were done and began unloading the groceries and dry...

1 year ago
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FuckingAwesome Jynx Maze AfterShower Anal Quickie

Jynx Maze Has An After Shower Anal Quickie with Markus Dupree. Jynx is in a hurry to get dressed and go out with her girlfriends but her horny boyfriend Markus has other ideas and begs her to quickly suck his cock. Jynx isn’t happy but she decides to do her duty and she lets him fuck her face with his big dick. This gets her so horny that she needs to feel him inside her tight asshole. Markus puts her legs over her head and drills her tight asshole until she’s gaping. Jynx bounces her big...

2 years ago
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Tempest of LiesChapter 35

The low clouds at the dawn horizon glowed blood red with the approaching sunrise. A crimson taint touched the former D'ronstaq Manor as the glow brightened, and to those walking along the sandy paths formerly tread by slaves, Trainers, and Overlords, it felt like walking on faintly bloodstained ground. To the two Cohorts who emerged from the west side path, the ones who had helped Verano carry the body of Jothan to his final resting place, it seemed appropriate. They crossed the clearing,...

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Lindas Pants

Linda only week the weekends at this restaurant. So she only has one uniform. She wears them on both days, then washes them on Monday. She had these work pants for a long time about 2 years. There getting worn. I dare Linda when she gets ready for work, don’t put your panties on. She wears panties when she goes to work. She said only if I don’t wear boxers when I go to work. I told her deal.So I watched getting dressed. She left the panties off. She watched me, I left the boxers off. We went to...

1 year ago
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Supervisor Seduction

Supervisor Seduction When he walked into the room that first day to meet with his cooperating supervisor he was pleasantly surprised at the sight he got. His supervisor for this internship was a fairly attractive woman having to be somewhere around forty years old. Being twenty-eight himself he did not feel that it was too much older. Besides his wife had several adventures with men around fifty years old. He gave her a quick up and down checking out her full figure. She was not his full...

3 years ago
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Kathryns technique

I have probably had an intense foot fetish even before that time in second grade when I dreamt of my teacher swinging above me dressed in fragrant black nylons, dangling her intoxicating, aromatically arousing feet near my face. And before a friend’s older sister punished him in front of me, ( He had been late and she threatened to tell their mother). He begged her not to so she told him "GET ON YOUR KNEES AND SMELL MY FEET!!! Which he did and I wanted to.. Well one cannot simply wait for these...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Kiara Lord Big Booby Redhead Loves Cock

Raunchy redhead Kiara Lord is wet and ready for action in this super hot hardcore scene. The ginger goddess preps herself by fingering her puffy pussy in the shower before donning some seriously sexy sheer lingerie to greet randy horndog Vince Karter. Join them as the sizzling sexpot treats her lover to a blowjob, her lips only just fitting around his massive meaty dong as she struggles to fit it into her mouth. The porcelain skinned beauty is just aching to get her pussy filled and this lucky...

3 years ago
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Fuck My Arabian Slut Wife Chapter I Nescafe Goes Black And Hubby Loves It

Fuck My Arabian Slut Wife By Arabian Knights Chapter I Nescafe Goes Black And Hubby Loves It My name is Aziz, I am a 45 years old businessman from Casablanca. My wife Nescafe (that’s her nickname), is 15 years younger than me. She is a very tall (almost 6’) and very sexy babe with the most perfect body you could ever imagine! She‘s got the most perfect boobs, a small waist, large sexy hips, and the biggest booty in town. With the purest and silkiest skin ever, light brown shiny hair and...

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Private Charlie Red Anal Debut

Today on Private, we introduce you to Charlie Red, a saucy redhead who has come to Private Specials, Urban, Sexy and Anal Loving 2 dressed in her sexiest lingerie as she looks to lure her man away from his video games in the only way she knows how! Watch this cute debutant masturbate next to her boy on sofa as she uses the temptation of her pussy to get some oral attention. Then enjoy Charlie in action as she returns the favour with a sloppy blowjob before going on to receive a hard anal...

1 year ago
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A Twink Gets Fucked for the First Time

My first time ever having sex was when I was 18. Actually I was a few months shy of 18 at the time. I went to a party of a cousin of a friend. There were all guys there. I had always wondered why I found men so attractive. And there were a lot of attractive guys at that party. I had noticed this one guy kept staring at me. Actually there were a few, but this one guy was older and I found that I liked him looking at me. He winked at me and I smiled back at him. Later he walked by me and told me...


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