Meant To Be Ch. 10 free porn video

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Standing on the railroad platform, Vicki was terrified. She held tightly onto Aaron’s arm, dreading what was next. Here in a small southern Pennsylvania town, she would be meeting Aaron’s parents, Thomas and Edna Williams and his sister, Casey, for the first time. She who had met European elite as Robin’s wife now trembled as she waited.

Aaron and she got married less than a month ago. He promised he would when the war ended and he kept his word. They waited until the end of June as the Army wanted a little more from him. He had enough points so it wasn’t a problem plus it was easy to get the right papers when you knew the right people. It was a small ceremony in front of the local justice of the peace with her mother and Major Scovill as witnesses. Aaron booked passage on a small liner and they left England bound for New York City and then on to Pennsylvania. The voyage was smooth and quick with the only problem being Vicki starting each morning seasick. As the day wore on she felt better but then the next morning she awoke feeling queasy.

Aaron didn’t allow her any time to be sick once they reached New York. It was a whirlwind of events. He took her to all the places including The Statue of Liberty, the top of the Empire State Building, Times Square, and Central Park. He even arraigned two tickets to see the hit Broadway show Carousel and the second night to have dinner at one of New York’s hottest night clubs. As they returned to their room they were exhausted but never too tired to make love.

It was obvious to anyone who cared to see, Aaron and Vicki were deeply in love. Both were enjoying each other whether making love, walking the streets of NYC, or in the middle of a crowded nightclub. Aaron felt for the first time in his life he had focus. Vicki had found what she always wanted, real love.

‘So what do you think of America?’ Aaron asked Vicki as their train traveled across New Jersey and into to Pennsylvania.

‘It is much more than I dreamed of,’ she replied. ‘It’s bigger, brighter, and life is definitely faster. I’m a little overwhelmed.’

‘I’m sorry,’ he said putting his arm around her. ‘I’m afraid we did quite a lot since we arrived. Things will begin to slow down real soon, as soon as we get home. I promise. Are you feeling OK?’

‘Just a little tired.’ Vicki stretched in her seat. ‘And a little nervous.’

‘Don’t be. Everything will work out fine. You’ll see.’

Vicki was more than a little nervous. She hoped to make a good impression and was pretty sure she would. But what if she didn’t? They hadn’t seen their son in three years and now he returns with a wife, a foreigner, and an older woman. So many things could go wrong. Her stomach already unsteady gave another flip.

So here they were, stepping down from the train. The moment she dreaded was here. They looked around. ‘They should be here,’ Aaron said. ‘I wired them what train.’

‘Uncle A!’ a young boy shouted running towards them.

‘Hey Rocky!’

The boy threw his arms around Aaron’s waist. ‘Am I glad to see you. How was it? Wow! A major! Did you bring back any souvenirs?’

‘Hey, slow down. I want you met somebody.’ Aaron held the boy’s hand. ‘Vicki, this Rocky, er Walter, my cousin. Walter this is Vicki, my wife.’

‘Pleased to meet, ma’am. You can call me Rocky. Everybody does.’ He held out his hand.

Vicki took it. ‘Pleased to meet you, Rocky. You may call me Vicki.’

Rocky looked at Aaron. ‘She talks funny. Come on let’s go.’ He began to pull Aaron along.

‘Whoa, Slow down, Sport.’

Together they walked rather quickly down the platform. Standing there, waiting for their son and his new wife were the Williams. Vicki grasped Aaron’s arm tighter and she took a deep breath.

There was a brief moment when everyone stood and looked at each other. Then his sister Casey threw her arms around his neck. ‘I’m so glad you’re safe!’ She stepped back, embarrassed, tears running down her cheeks.

Aaron’s dad was next. Vicki could see where Aaron got his looks and height. He extended his hand. ‘Son,’ he said with the look of pride. Aaron took it firmly. ‘Dad.’

Finally there was his mother. Edna Williams was standing there, dressed in her Sunday best. She was a stout woman with her gray flecked hair pulled back in a bun, and steel rimmed glasses. Even though her eyes were filled with tears, you could see by the lines around them that she was a woman who enjoyed life. Her smile at this time said it all as she looked at her son. She was bursting with joy.

‘Mother.’ Aaron put his arms around her and hugged. She held him tight then like her daughter, she seemed embarrassed by this public display. She let him go.

Now was the moment Vicki had gotten herself ready for. She tensed up, waiting.

‘Mom, Dad, Casey,’ Aaron began. He had thought over just what he was going to say. ‘This is Vicki, my bride, my love.’ Turning to Vicki, he said, ‘Vicki, this is my family.’

Vicki nodded and smiled. ‘Pleased to meet you. Aaron has told me so much about you. I feel I already know you.’

Mom looked her over and smiled. Holding her arms wide, she said, ‘Welcome to the family!’ With that she pulled Vicki close and gave her a big hug. That simple move seemed to break the tenseness. Everyone began talking at once, laughing, patting Aaron the back, and shaking Vicki’s hand.

‘Son,’ Dad said. ‘Let’s go see about those bags. We’ll meet them at the car.’

As they walked down the platform and out of earshot, Aaron asked, ‘Well, what do think about her, Dad.’

His father looked back over his shoulder. He could see the three women talking. ‘I think she’ll do,’ he laughed, ‘but you know who really matters.’

Aaron looked back. ‘What do you think Mom will think?’

‘Personally, I think you have nothing to worry about. From what you wrote us about Vicki, I think she’ll fit right in.’

The ride home went quickly. Vicki, Aaron, and Casey squeezed into the back of the ’37 Ford. Rocky sat up front between Mom and Dad but kept turning around, asking a ton of questions. Aaron let him wear his hat and the boy loved it.

‘I hope you don’t mind, son, but a few people are at the house,’ his mom said as they entered the driveway.

A few! It seemed like half the town was there. Family, friends, and more were there to greet them. ‘Mother, I thought I said we just wanted a quiet time,’

‘Well, son,’ Dad said, ‘Its not often that we get a real hero coming home.’

As the car stopped, the people gathered around the car. When Aaron stepped out, they began to pat him on the back and escort him away from the car. It seemed everyone wanted to greet him, to say welcomed back. He turned and attempted to go to the car to get Vicki but there were too many. He vanished into the crowd.

Vicki sat alone in the back seat not sure what to do. A voice calmly called her. It was Aaron’s mother. ‘Come, my dear,’ she said. ‘I’ll introduce you to everyone. You must be starved.’

Mrs. Williams took Vicki by the arm and brought her around. To everyone they met, she introduced her as my new daughter-in-law. She never left Vicki’s side as they walked. The more people they met, the more relaxed Vicki became. She also realized her new mother-in-law was doing all she could to make it easier for her.

She was amazed at the food that was available. There was cole slaw and potato salad, sliced turkey and smoked ham, apple and blueberry pies spread out on large wooden table. To drink there was homemade wine and potent applejack.

‘Fill your plate, dear.’

Vicki hadn’t seen this much food in four years. She stood looking not sure where to start.

‘All the food is local, from our gardens or the nearby farmers.’ Mom explained. ‘Sugar is hard to get but we get by.’ She put her arm around Vicki’s waist. ‘My, you are skin and bones. We’ll take care of that.’

After Vicki filled her plate,
Mom invited her into the house. She took her into the kitchen where they sat down.

‘Quite a crowd, isn’t it? Well, they are just happy to see Aaron again. All the women wanted to meet you too. They were interested in who was the lucky girl who landed him. You know, I think Aaron was the lucky one.’ She reached out and rested her hand on Vicki’s knee.

Vicki put her folk down and looked down. ‘Thank you, Mrs. Williams.’

‘Oh no, that won’t do. Call me mom or Edna. Mrs. Williams won’t do.’

‘All right. Mom.’

‘That’s better. Come on, I want to show you the rest of the house.’

Aaron’s mother showed her around the house and then upstairs. ‘This was Aaron’s room but Tom and I thought you would stay here until you found a place.’ She opened the door. ‘The bed was Aaron’s grandparents. We moved it in here. We couldn’t let you two sleep in his small one.’

‘It’s very nice,’ Vicki said, sitting on it.

Mom sat next to her. ‘I don’t want to be one of those know it all mother-in-laws but you know how they say ‘the way to man’s heart is through his stomach’.’ She looked around as if looking if anyone was listening. She patted Vicki on the knee and winked. ‘There is another way.’

Vicki looked at her. They both smiled and then began to laugh. Yes, they would get along just fine.

The next morning Aaron came down for breakfast. He could smell the eggs and his mother’s scrapple. It had been a long time. He kissed his mother on the cheek. ‘That smells great,’ he said. ‘Morning, Mom, Dad.’

‘Good morning. Where is Vicki?’ Mom asked.

‘She’ll be down soon. Her stomach is a little upset.’


‘Yeah. First it was a little seasickness, then all that rushing around and rich food in New York, then she was really nervous about meeting everyone plus she ate a lot of food yesterday. She’ll be alright.’

‘What are your plans today?’ Dad asked.

‘I thought I take the car and show Vicki the area. It is suppose to be hot so I figured we go over to Rock Creek and have a picnic. Take some Cokes and leftovers.’

‘Sounds good. Just remember that gas is rationed here so don’t go to far.’

Vicki entered the kitchen and sat down. ‘Good morning, everyone.’

‘Good morning, Vicki,’ Mom said. ‘Feeling better?’ The look she gave her seemed to ask more.

‘Yes, much better. It is just all the excitement.’

Aaron kissed her. ‘If you feel up to it, I thought I show you around the neighborhood and then go on a picnic, just you and me.’

‘I’d like that.’

Around 11, Aaron and Vicki headed out. They placed the picnic basket filled with yesterday’s leftovers in the back seat of his Dad’s car and drove downtown. Vicki slid over next to him and Aaron put his arm around her. It brought back his high school days when he drove his Model A to the dance. Only this was so much better.

He showed her the town center, the high school, the town’s only 5 & 10 store. They parked and walked over to the town green, hand in hand. Along the way, folks said hello and welcomed him home. Vicki was surprised as to the number. It seemed every one knew him. He explained that, just like in England, in a small town, everybody knew everybody and there were no secrets.

‘I bet they know all about you now, after yesterday.’


‘One of those many people you met was Mrs. Mullins, the town busybody. Any one who wasn’t there has heard about it from her.’

‘I met so many yesterday that I can’t remember everyone. I hope I made a good impression with her.’

‘Don’t worry. You did fine.’ He leaned over and kissed her forehead. ‘Come on, let’s go have that picnic.’

He took her to a very private area just out of town along Rock Creek. They parked a few yards away and walked to the spot. It was a wide deep pool with rocks along the edge. The creek tumbled over the large rocks before it entered the smooth waters of the pool. The spot Aaron consisted of a large ledge that tapered down to water’s edge. Tall oak and beech trees surrounded this side of the creek while across it was open field. Despite the trees and the shade they created, most of the rock was bathed in sunlight. The site was very secluded with only the rushing water and occasional birds disrupting the silence.

Aaron spread the blanket on the rock and opened the basket. He took one Coke and handed it to Vicki. Keeping one for himself, he placed the other two in the creek. As he walked back, she was taking out the food and spreading it out.

‘I can’t believe all this food!’ she said. ‘I’m truly amazed.’ In the basket was some of the cole slaw, potato salad, cold turkey and half of loaf of his mother’s bread. She shook her head. ‘You know what your mother said?’

‘No, what?’

‘She said I was skin and bones. I think she wants to fatten me up!’

Aaron dropped down next to her. Putting his arm around her, he eased her down on the blanket. ‘You’re great just the way you are.’ They kissed and held each other, just enjoying the moment.

The two of them sat and talked about yesterday. Aaron apologized for leaving her alone most of the time. Vicki said it really didn’t matter as it gave her a good chance to get to know his mother. Vicki asked more questions about a number of people she met as she thought her first impressions might be wrong. After she explained herself, Aaron laughed. Almost in all cases she had formed the right idea. Overall, she told him it went better than she thought it would.

‘Does it always get this warm?’ she asked.

‘About 3 or 4 times in the summer. We could go swimming to cool off.’

‘We could,’ she answered, ‘but I don’t have a suit.’

‘Who needs one,’ Aaron said standing up and removing his shirt. ‘We could skinny-dip.’

‘What do you mean, skinny-dip?’

He looked at her. ‘Swim naked. Don’t tell me you never have.’

She shook her head. ‘No.’

‘Well, it is time you did. Come on, no one is looking.’ He swung his arm around.

Vicki slowly stood up and began to remove her dress. She felt that she was doing something dangerous, naughty. Her heart began to race as she laid her dress aside and began to remove her under garments. Aaron was already naked and in the water. ‘What if someone sees us?’ she asked.

‘No one will. Who cares?’ he waved to her. ‘The water is great.’

Vicki stood naked on the rock and gave one final look around. She ran to water and dove quickly in. Aaron was right, the water felt great. Not only that, she felt incredibly free. Swimming naked in the cool water created feelings she never felt. It seemed as if only the two of them were on this earth and the world was theirs.

She looked around for Aaron. She wanted to tell him how great it felt but where was he? She began to call out his name, ‘Aaron, Aaron, where are you?’

Suddenly she felt something grab her around her waist and she screamed. Aaron broke surface right front of her and laughed.

Vicki said with a hint of anger in her voice, ‘Don’t do that! You frightened me.’

‘I’m sorry.’

‘Well, don’t do it again.’ With that, she splashed water in his face and began swim away. ‘You can’t catch me!’ she said over her shoulder.

Aaron shook the water from his face and took off after her. Quickly he caught her and spun her around in his arms. Vicki put her hands on his chest and tried to push away. ‘No! no!’ she said laughing.

‘Gotcha and you’re not going anywhere.’ He was laughing too.

They stopped and looked at each other. Aaron kissed her and her lips yielded to him. She sucked on his tongue and bit his lip. They pulled each other closer as Vicki wrapped her legs around his waist. It was if they couldn’t get close enough

‘You’re shivering. Come on, let’s get out.’ Aaron said.

They swam to the rock and Aaron got her a towel. He rubbed her down and dried her off. He went and got his towel. As he turned,
he looked at Vicki. The sun was behind her and silhouetted her. It caused a rainbow as she shook her blonde hair and the water drops flew. He stared.

‘My God, she is beautiful,’ he thought. ‘Her breasts are perfect and firm, her waist narrow and her hips flare with a blonde patch between her thighs. How he loved her.’

Vicki dropped onto the blanket beside Aaron. She kissed him then rolled onto her back. She could feel the heat of sun warming her body and it felt good. She wished that day would never end. It was perfect.

She felt Aaron’s lips on her nipple. He sucked and nibbled on it, sending electric tingles between her legs. She sighed and spread her legs.

‘Aaron, honey.’

He lifted his head.

‘I need to tell you something,’ she said.

‘OK, go ahead.’

‘I don’t think it was seasickness, or rich food, or nerves that has been making me sick in the morning.’

Aaron now concerned got up on his knees. ‘What is it?’

‘I missed my last period and now I’m late again. I think I’m pregnant.’


‘How?’ I think you know how. At least you’re pretty good at it,’ she laughed.

‘No,no. Remember you said that you and Robin…’

‘I guess it wasn’t me who was the problem.’

‘Oh Wow! This is great, fantastic. What should I do? Here, you should get dressed.’ Aaron started reaching for her clothes.

‘Aaron, calm down. I’m not made of china. I won’t break.’ She reached up and caressed his face. ‘ I want you to make love to me right now.’ She spread her legs.

Aaron looked into her face and understood. He moved over her. Vicki reached down and guided him into her. Despite the coolness of their bodies from swimming, he could feel her heat. Slowly Aaron began to move in and out.

Vicki wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him deeper. ‘Faster,’ she pleaded. He moved faster, going deeper with each stroke. Vicki moaned loudly, grabbing his ass. ‘Yes, oh yes!’ she said.

She could feel the pressure within building, demanding release. No longer caring, she yelled, ‘Oh God,’ as she came.

So underneath the warm sun, on a ledge near Rock Creek, two people, deeply in love, made passionate, meaningful love.

Dr. Aaron Williams looked across his backyard. He had done pretty well in the last 18 years. He was a full professor at the local college and the author of quite few books on English History. He had a nice house, a number of friends, and most important a great family.

There was his oldest daughter, Katie, talking to one of her friends over by the picnic table. She had her mother’s looks and grace. Next year she would off to college, majoring in journalism. She was a great writer having won a few awards for it.

Over by the cold drinks was Lydia. She was the middle child and the tomboy of the family. Where Katie got great grades, to Lydia it was sports. She lettered in 3 varsity sports and still had two more years of high school left. She definitely had her Dad’s athletic skills but like Katie, she got her Mom’s looks. Aaron considered that a blessing.

Then there was Tom. Named after his late grandfather, Tom was a spitting image of his dad. Not only that but he did very well in school and on the playing field. He was lucky enough to get the best traits from both his parents.

Aaron was very proud of his family.

‘All right, everybody, gather round,’ Vicki shouted to the group. Still after all these years, she still kept a part of her accent.

The occasion was Aaron’s 40th birthday. He didn’t want a party and he even threatened to stay away. Vicki convinced him that it was his children’s idea and he couldn’t let them down so here he was.

Lydia started it off. Standing next to the picnic table, she addressed the group of Aaron’s closest friends and family. Aaron wondered what was going to happen.

‘I’ve known my Dad all my life,’ she began and everyone laughed. ‘But there is a lot I didn’t know about him. One weekend Katie and I were in the attic and found a trunk so being curious we opened it. It was full of Dad’s Army uniform and stuff. We spent the afternoon going through it. Now don’t get mad, Dad. We asked Mom if it was alright and she said it was.’

Aaron gave Vicki a dirty look who just smiled back.

‘We found out that our Dad met General Eisenhower and there was a picture of the two together. How cool is that! We thought he should have it on display so Katie wrote to the General and asked if he would autograph it. Well, Dad, he did and here it is, signed and framed.’

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Lulu Chu and Jada Kai have a huge crush on their professor. All day, the cute Asian girls give him eyes while he tries to teach his class. So, today, when they get a hold of his phone number, he knows they have some dirty ideas on their mind. They show up at his house and Jada pulls her plaid schoolgirl skirt up and bounces on her favorite professor’s dick. Lulu lays out and exposes her pierced nipples, screaming as she gets her tight Asian pussy stretched out. Then, the innocent teens share a...

2 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 3 The Catalans

Beyond a bare, weather-worn wall, about a hundred paces from the spot where the two friends sat looking and listening as they drank their wine, was the village of the Catalans. Long ago this mysterious colony quitted Spain, and settled on the tongue of land on which it is to this day. Whence it came no one knew, and it spoke an unknown tongue. One of its chiefs, who understood Provencal, begged the commune of Marseilles to give them this bare and barren promontory, where, like the sailors of...

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4 ladko ne milkar bhoji ko choda

ye baat un dino ki ha jab main 21 saal ka tha mere group main 8 ladke ha. all over young and smart and handsome .we all like sex very much. to ab main apni story pe aata hun ye baat aaj se 3 month pehle ki ha humare pados main ek bhabhi thi wo dikhne main bahut sunder to nehi thi par wo bahut sexy thi uska figure 34-26-32 tha wo mere ek khas dost *babu* ne sabse pehle use patane ki kosis ki babu ek rangin mijaj ladka ha. ek din wo mobile main net use kar reha tha to bhabhi ne usse pucha ki tum...

4 years ago
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A pleasure model. Becky had been thinking about getting one for awhile. More and more people had been talking about them lately and at first she had thought it was a joke. But she soon realized after meeting a few of them at parties and dinners that they were the real deal. They weren’t run-of-the-mill bots like the line they had rolled out a few years back. These particular models were part human. Their bodies were completely life-like, slight flaws and everything. Their eyes showed...

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The Monday Girl

It was my last day in Pennsylvania. The travel piece, 20,000 words on why the state was as culturally rich as it’s more popular near neighbour New York, (a presumption I thought I would struggle to validate but I had surprised myself and managed to give the place an ego boost) was emailed to my editor back in London leaving me a few days grace before the pedant came back with his endless notes and ideas to improve the article. We then engage in our customary email exchange where I quietly...

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Lies lies and a cunt of a timewasting arsehole

Ok, so after a couple of hours chatting to a guy online I decided to fuck him, he sounded nice and his pics looked good, he was really into me so I thought I was onto a winner.Just after 3pm and the buzzer went, I waited with the door unlocked for him to come in himself, that was my first mistake!When the door opened I looked up to see a guy standing there, but not the one I had been chatting to online! I was shocked, I'd never had this before, but before I could say anything in he came and...

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How Polygamy Begins 1rev

Hi, My name’s Jason and I’m a young atypical guy, not quite the Dungeons and Dragons living in your mom’s basement type, but not quite good enough to hang out with the cool kids either. I have spent my life stuck in the netherworld of loneliness. Not that I don’t have any friends, it just seems like mostly women want to be friends with me. I’m not really into sports, so most other guys think I’m a dweeb, and I’m not into geeky stuff like Dungeons and Dragons, so the nerds don’t like me either....

1 year ago
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Bob and Lynda rape Tina 2

Introduction: a disgusting filth filled tale of rape abd incest completky terrible do not read Bob and Lynda rape Tina part 2 Tina filled with utter confusion at the past few events looked into her mothers eyes, completely taken back by the actions of her parents . she looked into her mothers eye as the incredible pain and tightness in her noise from the fishhook her mother had forced into her . It was serval moments she just stood their incredible pain shooting through her body from her...

4 years ago
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My Slutty wife used as a Dog Slave Bitch part 10

The soft dirt mound that Jane was naked and staked over was the home to a colony of red imported fire ants!!!...The little people had brought this ant colony to this particular place in the woods for just such an occasion. An as she started to realize her fate the feeling of the first aggressive ants were on one of her nipples! quickly followed by many more, and at almost the same time her nipples and then her clitoris was pinched just hard enough by several of the young naked women,...

2 years ago
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Too tight

We were still in our quick Jamaica’s vacation, when Maia decided we could go for dinner at a nice restaurant close to the beach.The waiter attending there was of course a Jamaican dark skinned man in his thirties, with athletic body and a handsome face. He was wearing a tight T shirt, that enhanced the image of his muscles…We sat down and he approached to ask what we wanted to drink, while he was talking to us about I noticed that my sweet Maia was looking directly at his bulge…Both me and my...

2 years ago
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Taking the car out for a test drive

Here is another one of my life experience stories. This happened a few years ago. I had bought myself a new car as a birthday gift. It really was not that much of an extravagant gift: my old car was dying a slow death, costing me $600 a month in repairs each month.   That buys a lot of new car. My new car was a little sports coupe, just perfect for me, a single guy. At that time, I was working for a small business. My “boss” was a very charming Thai woman in her early thirties. I had...

Straight Sex
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What’s better than paying twenty bucks to watch a couple of trailer park bitches slap each other around in your buddy’s back yard? How about free catfights with hot chicks wrestling, groping, grinding and ripping each other’s clothes off on video? That’s kind of the premise of FreeCatfights, or at least what they’re implying with the may be the world’s biggest forum devoted to erotic female wrestling, boxing and fighting. They’ve been around for over a decade now, and...

Porn Forums
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Visit To A Strip Club

"Sweet Loretta Modern thought she was a woman, but she was another man." -- The Beatles The loud music blasted from the surround sound system and pounded in my head, causing it to feel as if it would pop with the echo that was coming from the shrieking scream to the loud bass. I watched as the girls danced slowly on the stage under the color strobe lights, the light playfully danced across their bodies, highlighting their tits, cunts, and asses. Each of the bitches was slowly peeling her...

3 years ago
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The Rask RebellionChapter 9 Captive

“Wake up,” a gruff voice said, its rolling accent unfamiliar. Something hit Cooper in the shoulder, rousing him, and he slowly opened his eyes. He had a monster headache, and there was the metallic taste of blood in his mouth, his blurry vision gradually coming into focus as he blinked groggily. Where was he? He couldn’t remember what had happened. Most of his gear was gone, and his helmet had been removed. He was sat on a bench in a dingy troop bay, surrounded by tall, shadowy figures. The...

2 years ago
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Naked Assasin

She lived for these moments, naked in the black night, little pinches from the twigs, stones and roughness of the ground, sweating even in the cold, her pussy tingling. One with nature, the orgasmic execution she had carefully planned a certainty now that she had gotten past the outer perimeter of the elaborate security system. All her senses were at peak level, and the area within fifty yards of her reverberated as its sounds let her monitor the small animals, one owl, and she thought a...

1 year ago
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DareWeShare Kagney Linn Karter Kitty Valance Fighting Over Fresh Meat

Things have been going well for up-and-coming fashion model Kitty Valance. So well, in fact, that her agent Danny Mountain has taken a particular liking to her and has let her stay at his house. The two of them have since become lovers, and things couldn’t be more perfect for Kitty. That is until Kagney Linn Karter shows up. Kagney’s another top model from the agency, and also happens to be Danny’s ex-lover. To Kitty’s annoyance, Danny has let Kagney stay at the house as...

4 years ago
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Lucky Journey With Lusty Lakshana

This is Shiva (29) from Southern part of Tamil Nadu. I have been a very regular visitor of Indian Sex Stories website right from my school days and started to satisfy all my sex thirst by masturbating, reading the lovely stories here. First of all, i thank all the story writers here for giving daily feast for guys like me. I always think of writing some story here but sadly nothing happened in my life till last weekend. So I am providing you the real story which happened last weekend in a train...

3 years ago
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The Quest for the Black QipaoChapter 21 Filling Gaps

Detective Sergeant Valerie Haste of the Male Control Force was sitting in Madame Chao’s office at the rear of the Sunrise Tea Parlour. “I’m afraid I don’t have much to report on the absconder,” she said. “He has not appeared on any of our surveillance operations. There was a shot of a man answering his description on closed circuit TV crossing Shaftesbury Avenue near Dean Street but after that nothing. Some of the cameras around there have been vandalised. We think we know where he was headed...

3 years ago
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My Wifes New Job

'I wish we could afford a nice holiday!' Julie said, sulking looking at her friends latest holiday pic's on fb.Things hadn't been going so smoothly for me lately with work, coupled with some expected large outgoings, our finances weren't looking great.'You know its been tough for me lately!', I replied. 'Maybe you could get yourself a job!'That didn't go down too well. My wife got up and stormed off to the bedroom, slamming the door behind her. Damn she looked sexy when she was angry!The next...

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My New Life 4

My New Life, a story by Dee Ramone © D. Ramone 2018 My New Life is an erotic novel by D. Ramone featuring themes of chastity and cross-dressing and descriptions of sexually explicit acts which those of a sensitive nature may find not to their tastes. It is not suitable for such readers nor for anyone considered a minor by the authorities in their country of residence. My New Life is entirely a work from Dee Ramone and any similarities to places or people, either living or dead,...

2 years ago
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Hot Sex With My 46 Years Old Housewife Mom

Dear readers, I am always a fan of incest stories, especially those involving moms. I thought were just a fantasy until recently it happened to me. And to say more, yes I just recently fucked my mom. To start my experience, let me share about my family. In our family, there are only me, mom and dad. Dad is 49 yo and Mom is 46 yo. I am 22 yo. My dad runs his own security company that provides security services to MNC. Mom was previously working as a clerk and recently stopped working and now...

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Picnickers FChapter 6 Practice

When he rang her bell at 10 Thursday, Marilyn was prepared for Andy’s second visit. She was better prepared than last time, she hoped. The perfume she wore was minimal, only on the pulse points of her wrists. She had on her mascara but not her lipstick. A towel and the Airwick were already in the room, and the window was open. The alarm was set for 3:00. She let him in and locked the door. They had a great kiss. Her top was white and so thin that she’d never have worn it without a bra if...

4 years ago
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Black Mailed TeacherChapter 3

Liz was almost back to her classroom when she realized she'd left her notebook in the lounge. She cursed herself for, being such a fool, then turned round and headed back for the lounge. Why had she felt so damned guilty? What she and Beth had done wasn't anything a lot of other women had shared. Why did sex always have to be strictly male-female? She didn't have any, answer for that one. She wasn't really ashamed of what she had just done. She'd enjoyed it. Anything she enjoyed...

3 years ago
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Beginning My Life As A Femdom submissive

To pick up some extra cash I took a job on the weekend delivering wood and hardware for a local lumberyard. Most of the big jobs were delivered during the week so I wound up driving a lot of lighter shipments to residential areas. That was how I met Mac. The directions had me going out a ways into the country and turning down a long lane and pulling up behind a house with a load of heavy lumber, some brackets, chains and heavy duty hardware. I was just about to honk the horn when I saw the...

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Two Fingers

Two fingers? No, two fingers of jack were not going to pacify him. It wasn’t the cold steel of the colt in his hand, aimed at nothing in particular, compelling Daphne to comply. The arrogance in the stranger’s face was prompting her submission. The smooth glass in his other hand was waiting for her to show a little more hospitality. “You’re not a half bad looking woman to be working a bar this late into the morning,” he said, flipping the drained glass back to her with a nod. “But you could do...

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Three days of being Cliffs butt bitch

was living in my 40 foot RV on a naval military base at their campground. It was fully functional and I had all utilities. It was to be my home for two years. It had a queen 12 inch memory phone mattress and in two years I bed over 20 different men on it. With the good luck of Craigslist I was sucking a sailors cock on base at least once a week and various civilian employees and a few retired guys with base access. I had a few text regulars and my cock sucking life was great. But there was one...

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Threesome with a local celebrity

I like fucking hookers. There is no judgement, there is only payment. If you want to fuck her in some twisted dirty way, you establish it up front and you pay them for it. Done. If your fetish is not a service she offers, then you just move on to the next girl. No anal? Next. No bareback? Next. Don't want to roll molly, dress in fishnet thigh highs, heels and stripper makeup then go fuck random strangers bareback in the adult viewing theater private rooms at Annabelle's adult super shop? Next....

1 year ago
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Private Amaris Silvia Soprano Share Everything

The super sexy Italian beauty, Silvia Soprano, has been sharing a flat with her best friend Amaris for years, but now, it’s time for this stunning duo to say farewell in style as they live out their threesome fantasy with Potro right here on! So watch the dream unfold for these beauties in Private Specials, Loving Threesomes as we get to see Silvia’s gorgeous little ass and Amaris’s big natural tits in action in a display of pure Private class, with nothing but top quality...

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The Homely 18Year Old Babysitter

I had been a single father for three years now. I had lost my beautiful wife in a tragic car accident. I had reared my 5-year old daughter single-handily. I was so traumatized by the death of my wife that I had not dated since her passing. Yet, recently, at the urging of friends, I had joined and had been on a string of dates and one-night stands. I had hired an 18-year old named Lacy to take care of my 5-year old daughter. She was very good with the c***d and I paid her handsomely...

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Sophias Showcase 1Chapter 2

When Sophia got to her dad's house, she saw that John wasn't home yet. So she texted him, "can i go on ur computer?" she asked. Careful not to make the same mistake, and stay on his good side. His answer was funny. He sent two messages. "Of course, hun. Nothing to hide!" he sent first. Then, a minute later, she got, "anymore..." She giggled, and within 10 minutes she was settled in her dad's office and browsing through all those pictures again, wondering which ones he would pick....

1 year ago
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Black Sons Adventures pt2

Cathy was smiling at her friend Cynthia with a goofy oh I just got fuck by a big black dick kind of smile while I just had an oh shit I just got caught fucking a while lady here comes the police kind of look. Cynthia didn’t really move. She just looked at the two of us. I guess she was in shock seeing me fucking her friend.I release my huge dick from between Cathy’s creamy pussy lips and Cynthia’s eyes were bulging at the sight of my pussy juice-dripping dick.“May I,” Cynthia asks me.I wasn’t...

4 years ago
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Cora Suri

"You'll love Suri, she is funny, but quiet. She has a amazing rack, and I know you have a thing for nice tits," she told me, sitting down with me."Really, that's one of the attractions you are listing for me?" I chuckled, putting my arm around her."Yes, we both know that these melons hanging off my chest definitely played a role for you to propose," she reminded me, lifting up her boobs a bit."Yes, but you don't just say that. You let me be surprised and then slap me when I stare at them too...

Group Sex
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Heavy Metal Sissy Whore

Heavy Metal Sissy Whore by Tanya Sissipus "Finally!" Hot, sweaty, and more than just a little irritable, I jumped to my feet before anybody could take my place in line. The radio CLAIMED it was only 90 degrees out, but I'd have sworn it was closer to 120 -- and I mean in the shade! As if that weren't bad enough, we were on the sunny side of the arena, left to bake against the concrete wall for the past three hours. However, there WERE only 20 people ahead of us -- and that made it...

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7 Days in heaven Day 2

Day 2: Early morning I awoke to the most beautiful sight in the world. There she was sleeping next to me looking so peaceful and deep in dream land. I could have stayed there watching her for hours but I had something I had to do. I slowly made my way out of our bed trying my best not to wake her, when I moved and she stirred I held my breath, thankfully she never woke up. I made my way out of my room and into the place where my other talents are put to good use: the kitchen. For the...

4 years ago
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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 62 Decisions Directions and Distractions

February 15, 1982, McKinley, Ohio “Mike!” Angie squealed when she opened the door to her room. “Hi, Ang!” She hugged me and kissed my cheek. “I missed you! How was home?” “Good,” I replied. “Have some time for me?” “Always! Your place?” “Sure.” She took my hand and we walked back to my room where I put on Shadows by Gordon Lightfoot, then grabbed a couple of Cokes from the fridge. “How was your weekend?” I asked. “Quiet. Yours?” “I spent some time talking to my dad. I haven’t...

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Sweet Little Katie Part Five

Katie opened her eyes as a cool breeze ruffled the curtains at her window and a ray of early morning sun played on her face. She had that moment of waking up in unfamiliar surroundings before she remembered where she was. She smiled and sighed as she recalled the time she had spent in the barn with her cousin Ken the previous evening.Just the thought of his hands fondling her breasts and his mouth sucking her nipples made her wet. She touched her clit with her left hand and gently flicked her...

3 years ago
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Club Slut How I Earned My Nickname

I was a horny 25 year old girl, wanting to go to the club for some drinks and dancing. Unfortunately, I was also mostly broke."What the hell", I said to no one. "Maybe I'll meet a new friend who will buy me drinks." This was, after all, a common occurrence for me; heading out to the club with just a few bucks, meeting a guy willing to buy me drinks, and then taking him home for a quick fuck.I dressed in one of my sexiest outfits; a tight black dress that hugged my body like paint, lacy black...

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