Road To Nowhere free porn video

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‘Fuck! Just my goddamned luck!’ Though no stranger to cursing, Pam’s outburst had a rare fury as her brand new MINI coasted, engine silent, to the side of the country road.

‘Fuck, fuck, FUCK, fuck, fuck-fuck!’ The car settled to a stop. It wasn’t just that her still-got-that-new-car-smell MINI had died. It had died, as her next vitriol proclaimed, ‘In the middle of FUCKING NOWHERE!’

Pam pounded her fists on the steering wheel: the universal, futile signal to an automobile that its owner is less than happy. Her cell phone was no more helpful: twelve noon, no signal. The fine city of Fucking Nowhere didn’t have cell coverage.

‘Fuck,’ she said, this time not more than a sigh. Pam collapsed back into her seat. ‘Might as well sit and wait. Eventually someone is going to go by… I hope’ thought Pam. The road stretched straight ahead and behind. She could see far enough to have plenty of advance warning to flag down a passing motorist.

No denying the undeniable. Barring a miracle she was going to miss her flight. Time had already been running tight, that’s why she had taken this god-forsaken shortcut through nowhere in the first place. Now she had all the time in the world and nowhere to be. Which was probably a good thing, because Nowhere was exactly where she was. For all she knew she might not have a job anymore.

In the three years since this young female advertising apprentice first walked through the doors of Ward Worldwide, Pam had been on the fast track. With her non-threatening girl-next-door looks she was able to work well in the male world of automotive advertising. Her shapely figure and unassuming demeanor got her foot in the door, and her marketing ideas landed the account.

It didn’t take long to go from shock absorbers to performance tires, bigger and better accounts. Pam had made a name for herself. This trip was the big break. Her boss had agreed to give her a shot at a major account: a big-name Japanese auto manufacturer. And now it looked like she had royally blown it.

An hour later there had been no passing motorists and all hope of catching her flight had long since passed. The people of FN, as she had begun to call her temporary home in the sun, must not have much to do. A half hour ago the car had gotten too hot to leave the windows up. At least the radio worked, though in FN the only station was an oldies station. The sounds of ‘America’ drifted out the open window.

I been through the desert on a horse with no name,

It felt good to be out of the rain,

In the desert you can’t remember your name,

Cos there ain’t no-one for to give you no pain,

‘Fitting.’ she thought. A grumble from her stomach reminded her that in her rush to get to the airport she had skipped breakfast. And now having the windows down wasn’t enough. The car was getting hot and her back was sweating against the seat.

‘Not much chance of AAA happening by, is there?’ she said to the MINI. Getting out of the car she peeled off the jacket of her skirt suit. God only knew how long she could sit here without a passer-by: time to hoof it. At least she was wearing walkable sandals and not heels. She always wore sandals when flying, airport security had done her that favor.

Not thrilled to be wandering alone in the middle of FN, Pam winced with the realization that her airport security unfriendly pepper spray was back home sitting uselessly on the counter.

She grabbed her purse, locked the door, and began her trek continuing in the direction she had been driving. No sense backtracking as she couldn’t remember passing anything for quite some time.

An hour’s hike later, still no traffic and nothing in sight. ‘Horse With No Name’ continued to echo in her head:

After two days in the desert sun,

My skin began to turn red,

After three days in the desert fun,

I was looking at a river bed,

Pam was beginning to worry. She wished she hadn’t left her jacket in the MINI. It would be nice to have something to shield the sun from her hot neck and shoulders, which she feared had already turned pink. She didn’t need three days in the desert sun. For that matter, three hours on the road to FN was more than enough. Checking her cell phone for at least the thirtieth time, her heart quickened. Connection! Only one short bar, but a connection! She dialed 911. It rang twice and she heard the line being picked up. Then nothing. The one little bar was gone.

Maybe she was just out of range. Pam ran back down the road, she trudged across weeded fields, she held her phone high in the air. Nothing. By now it had been over two hours since the MINI’s engine had sputtered to silence.

And the story it told of a river that flowed,

Made me sad to think it was dead.

Pam was beginning to get nervous. This could be bad. Though she dearly wanted to, she resisted crying. Fundamental thoughts like conserving water crossed her mind, and though she was unsure if it would make any difference, tears are water.

Hoping to do something about her dry mouth, Pam was engrossed searching her purse in hope of a stick of gum or a Tic-tac and didn’t notice the approaching cloud of dust. The truck was nearly to her when the rumble caused her to abandon her search.

The truck was ancient, a tow truck, the sort that were really nothing more than a hoist mounted in the back of a pickup. This particular pickup looked like something from TV’s Mayberry, maybe older. Pam was amazed that the rumbling heap could even stay together. But who was she to be choosy. After all, it was her brand-spanking-new MINI sitting dead a few miles down. The truck skidded to a stop and a dust cloud thrown up by the tires grew, temporarily enveloping the truck.

‘Di’ja cawl nien unnunn?’ she heard through the grumbling engine and settling dust cloud.

‘What?’ she yelled trying to be heard over the rumble of the old truck.

The truck’s engine went silent. ‘Did ya call nine-one-one?’ came the reply. The dust had settled and Pam could now see the driver. He sat in the GMC straddling the open window with his free arm resting on the door, his fingertips drumming.

‘Yes, that was me’ Pam replied.

‘Are ya in any kinda trouble?’

‘Well other than my car crapping out and being stranded in the middle of Fuh…’ Pam caught herself. Nothing to be gained by taking it out on this fellow, ‘No, I guess I’m OK.’

‘OK, well you’re lucky I’m around. State police are at least an hour away. They got a 911 hang up and asked me to take a peek. Jus’ a sec while I call ’em and tell ’em know everything’s OK.’

‘OK. Thank you Ted.’

‘Howd’ you know my name was Ted?’

‘Just a lucky guess.’ Pam said pointing at the side of the truck on which was hand-painted ‘Teds Towing’ in what looked to be white house paint. At least it looked like it had once been white.

‘Oh. Yeah.’ Ted grimaced an embarrassed smile. ‘OK, well I gotta call this in.’ Ted pulled his arm into the truck, the arm of someone not unaccustomed to hard work. While Ted placed his call Pam did her best to measure him up. Nice face, though a shave might help. Hard to tell about his dark brown hair as the truck’s open window had tussled it pretty bad. But it was that tanned arm that Pam really noticed. That arm that had went from the impatient fingers, up the sinew of muscles, and disappearing into a white sleeveless T.

‘Not too bad looking’ Pam thought to herself. ‘Shame. I can’t imagine they hire the best and brightest to drive truck in FN’. She laughed. Funny how mere minutes ago she was concerned about saving water, basic survival. Now her biggest worry was that the tow truck driver might be Jethro Bodine.

Ted got out of the truck and came over to her. ‘OK, all set. What do you say we go get that car of yours?’ Pam nodded. Ted really didn’t sound bad at all. His low voice sort of reminded her of the deep rumble of the truck.
She reviewed her own condition: Filthy feet, knee length suit skirt, a sweat-soaked white blouse. With social graces again more relevant than survival, Pam blushed to note that with all her sweating the blouse would work well in a wet t-shirt contest.

‘OK, jump in the truck and lets go get your car’ said Ted. Picking her blouse out away from her skin, Pam got into the driver side. As Ted wrestled the truck’s transmission into first, Pam noted the truck was every bit as nice on the inside as the out. The seats were torn and had been patched with duct tape innumerable times, but obviously not innumerable enough. She felt her bottom sink into one of the rips. Despite the welcome breeze through the window, the cab smelled of grease, stale beer, gutted fish, and something she couldn’t identify.

‘Aren’t you going to ask where my car is?

Ted laughed. ‘Well, seeing as I came from the north and didn’t see it, and since you were coming from the south, I gotta figure south. Right?’

Pam nodded.

‘Guess we’re even’ said Ted. Pam gave him a perplexed glance. ‘That name on the door thing.’ he said. ‘Boy did I feel dumb. But we’re even now.’ he laughed again.

What had seemed an eternity to walk took no time to retrace in the pickup. Approaching the MINI Ted asked ‘Um, so where’s the other half of your car?’ Though Pam had probably head that ‘joke’ a dozen times a month she refrained from wincing and laughed politely.

Pam stayed in the cab and watched as Ted hitched and hoisted the MINI. First impressions weren’t too far off. As far as she could tell Ted was lean and strong from his head to his toes. His jeans rode beltless on a narrow waist which rose into a well-muscled chest. Then there were those shoulder muscles wrapping their way down his arms and up his tanned neck. But the show didn’t last long, in minutes they were again heading north.

As the pickup gathered speed, the breeze filling the cab was a welcome relief. Pam pulled her blouse here and there to let the wind fill it, cooling and taking at least some of the damp out. Ted seemed to keep his eyes on the road, but she thought she saw a quick dart of his eyes when the front of her blouse billowed in the wind. Not that she hadn’t taken a few darting looks of her own.

‘Um, NOW can I ask where we are going?’ said Pam, realizing she hadn’t a clue.

‘Closest repair shop back the way you came is 57 miles. My shop is only ten minutes north. Plus I do better work. If that’s OK with you.’ he said.

‘Yeah, that’s fine with me. I think I need to call the MINI people though.’ Pam took out her cell: still no signal.

‘Not gonna work here in Pashaw County. No coverage. We aren’t important enough for that sort of thing.’

‘Figures’ Pam muttered to herself. So Fucking Nowhere has a name: Pashaw County.

Ted continued ‘I’ve got a regular phone at the shop. ‘course ya gotta crank it just right to get it going and can only make calls afternoons when Thelma is working the switchboard down to the trading post.’

Pam looked at him incredulous. Ted started laughing. ‘Not really. We aren’t quite that stuck in the past.’ Pam blushed realizing her comment hadn’t been as private as she had thought. ‘I’m really sorry, I…’

Still smiling his easy smile, Ted said ‘Don’t worry about it. Sometimes I feel the same way. But to be honest, in the end I know this is where I want to be.’ After some thought he continued, ‘Hell, now-a-days we’ve even got ourselves commodes right in the house!’

This time, Pam and Ted laughed together.

The tow to Ted’s shop was uneventful. Ted told Pam how he lived in the same home in which he had grown up. How he had went off to college and ended up in a reasonably well-paying insurance underwriting career. How life in the cubicle had sucked his soul, and about his eventual decision to go back where he belonged to take over his dad’s repair shop. He lost his characteristic smile and his eyes moistened as he told of the painful but priceless time with his parents during their last days.

Pam told her history: Career woman. Nothing in life more important than climbing the corporate ladder. How at first she had thrilled to the creative and artistic outlets it provided. And how meetings with corporate know-it-alls, a climate where politics outweighed quality and the cutthroat nature of the business eventually deflated the joys.

‘Not that I’ll have a job tomorrow. I was on the way to meet with our biggest account. I have a feeling they aren’t going to be too thrilled.’ Pam surprised herself to feel almost relieved about it.

‘Ted’s Towing and Service’ read the front of the metal-fab building housing Ted’s business. Unlike the truck, the building was modern, well-kept, and tidy. A second drive curved toward a beautiful brick farmhouse. Despite its age — Pam was no expert but she guessed at least seventy-five — the home had obviously been well cared for.

‘That’s my house. I’ve got another shop out back of it. It’s smaller so you can’t see it from here. I like to think if it as my play house.’ With that Ted hopped out of the truck Interrupting any question Pam might have had to his comment, Ted opened his door and hopped out of the truck.

Ted showed Pam to the shop phone. ‘There ya go. Go ahead and make your calls while I try to figure out what’s wrong with your roller skate… er, I mean, car.’

Pam was starting to like Ted’s friendly sense of humor, despite his lack of originality. Pam was able to finish her phone calls, the first to let friends know that she was OK, and the second to MINI road service. Ted returned with the verdict of bad fuel pump. A few calls later a fuel pump was promised Fed Ex the next morning.

The day’s activities were taking their toll on Pam. Tired and hungry she asked Ted to call her a cab for the nearest hotel.

‘OK, now there’s maybe a problem.’ said Ted. ‘I can call you one, but the nearest one is almost 40 miles from here. Nearest taxi is probably 50 miles. I might be able to find someone to take you but I gotta stay here — I am a businessman you know.’ Again that easy ear-to-ear grin that was making her feel just a bit flush.

‘We don’t get many out-of-towners here’ he said gesturing out the window.

Pam nodded.

‘OK, don’t take this wrong or anything, but if you aren’t looking for anything fancy, I have an extra room up to the house. You’re welcome to stay until your car is purring again. The room locks in case you might worry about me.’ Again the reassuring smile.

‘How do I know you aren’t some sort of Norman Bates’ she said, trying to make it sound like a joke.

Ted thought for a moment. ‘Well then, I guess you can just shoot me.’ He reached under the counter and set a handgun on top.

Pam could tell he was serious. ‘No, I guess that’s not necessary if I can make another call and tell my friends the address and that I’m staying here.’

‘Sounds good to me.’ He handed her a Ted’s Towing business card. ‘Here’s the address and phone number. Make your calls then let’s grab your stuff and get some dinner.’

The inside of Ted’s home wasn’t at all what Pam would have expected. Rather than the bachelor pad she expected, it had remained a modestly decorated family home. Ted carried her bags and led her upstairs to her room.

‘You can stay in here. As you can probably tell, it’s my old room.’

A hand-made plaque written in a youthful hand hung on the door:




‘That isn’t quite true anymore. For some reason I never took it down. After my folks passed I moved into the master suite, so this is your room for now. Bathroom’s down the hall, fresh towels and such in the cabinet. I’ll give you a call when dinner’s ready.’ Ted’s smile had a hint of softness Pam hadn’t noticed before.

As he had promised, the room locked from the inside.

The room told Ted’s life story. L
ittle League trophies sat on a shelf along side books about cars and engine repair. The walls were covered with framed letters, photos, and awards. A picture of a younger Ted catching a football with both feet off the ground, ‘Pashaw HS’ just legible on his uniform. His high school diploma with Validictorian-stamped gold star. A National Merit Scholar Finalist Award. College acceptance letter offering full-ride scholarship. She smiled remembering her initial country bumpkin impression.

After unpacking, Pam grabbed what she needed and headed to the bath. She was a little surprised to discover that the old farmhouse had only a tub, no shower. Along with the washcloths and towels she found bath oil beads and bubble bath. Feeling like she stunk to high heaven and could use all the help she could get, Pam took avail of both. She felt relieved to get out of the dank outfit and into the warm tub. It must have been years since she had taken the time to soak in a nice foamy bath. Swirling the water to keep the temperature even as it filled, she enjoying the lapping of the waves against her skin. Once filled, she laid back, closed her eyes, drifting into thoughts of carefree days gone by.

Pam was in the middle of a long walk when she woke in the tub, without a clue how long she had been asleep. A quick check for puckered toes or fingers reassured her it hadn’t been too long. She couldn’t remember the last time she had been so relaxed. Reluctantly she got out, dried, and wrapped herself in a towel. Checking first to make sure the hall was clear, she made the short dash to her room.

Preferring to travel light, Pam’s wardrobe options were slim: clean panties and bra, a second skirt suit, and oversize T-shirt and jogging shorts. ‘I doubt this is going to be a black-tie event’ she thought to herself, and opted for the shorts and shirt with fresh underwear.

Dressed, Pam opened the door and entered the empty hallway. An aroma wafting up the stairs told her dinner wasn’t far off, and it smelled good. Of course right now a butter sheet of paper might taste good. It was near dinner time and Pam hadn’t eaten all day. It seemed so long ago that she had skipped breakfast dashing out of her apartment to catch a plane.

Downstairs, Pam found Ted setting the kitchen table. ‘Hey there, I hope spaghetti and salad are OK. I apologize, but I don’t keep a lot of food since it is just me. Spaghetti and garlic bread will be ready in about five if you’d like to start on your salad. Wine?’ Still a little wary of her situation, Pam opted for ice water.

Diner was filling and filled with light and polite conversation. Pam helped clear the table and had to admit to herself — as if there had ever been any question — that there was nothing wrong with having dinner with a good-looking guy. Everything he did he seemed to do so effortlessly. He had a certain calmness about him, even when laughing.

‘I know dinner wasn’t very fancy, but I do have a nice dessert planned. Interested?’

After skipping two meals Pam though dessert sure couldn’t hurt.

‘OK then. Why don’t you go into the living room and watch some TV while I get it ready?’

Pam tried to pay attention to an episode of Seinfeld she’d seen twice before, but the clanking and banging of pots and pans and who-knows-what coming out of the kitchen was incredible.

‘Everything OK in there?’ she called out.

‘Almost ready! Just hang tight.’ The rattling and banging continued until Ted emerged from the kitchen carrying a beautiful silver platter covered with an ornate silver dome, the sort used in hotel room service.

‘Ready?’ he asked, with the now-familiar grin.

Pam stifled a giggle. ‘Um, sure.’

‘Whalla!’ he exclaimed, and with a flourish swept the cover off the platter and to behind his back, revealing: Two glasses of milk and a bag of Oreo cookies.

The absurdity took a moment to register, but when it did, Pam could not hold back. She burst out laughing with Ted joining in. It was that rare infectious laughter that feeds on itself, building until both Pam and Ted were nearly choking for air with tears in their eyes.

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Road Trip With MomChapter 3

"Mom, I don't know what to do. I'm pushing and pushing, but it won't go in," Josh said, totally exasperated. "Just slide it in nice and easy, baby," his sexy mother Erica replied. "Okay." Josh did as his mother asked, going nice and slow, but once again, he found his efforts stymied as he tried to slowly push it further in. "It's not working. I don't know what to do. I feel like giving up." "C'mon, baby. You can do it. I know it's long and thick, but I think if you just...

2 years ago
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Crossroads RulesChapter 5

Sid arrived in class early to watch the arrival of Cynthia. It was her grand unveiling - the first day in which she was going public, wearing her new wardrobe. He wondered which of the new outfits she would wear. He hoped that it was the blue dress since it was the sexiest of them. When Cynthia glided into the room, even Sid was surprised at the transformation. The loose fitting blue dress came down to her knees, was tight at the waist, and had a plunging neckline that just begged a man to...

3 years ago
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Patricia is fucking my brains out tonight pulling out all the stops her body soft but demanding I could barely keep up with her and that usually only means one thing she is going to ask me to do something I probably won't enjoy doing and this is compensation sex not that I am complaining mind you Patricia's compensation sex is always unbelievably hot and especially dirty she'll do things she normally doesn't ask for but knows that I like!... Tonight she wants to be tied up spanked and then ass...

2 years ago
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Road trip into heaven

I was suspicious as soon as I heard the oozing sweetness in her voice. My wife of four years called me at work just before noon to ask me if I would be willing to go "rescue" her 18 year old little sister and bring her back to California. She went on to tell me how her sister had just broken up with her jerk of a boyfriend and was out of a place to live. She then confessed that she had volunteered me to do the four hour each way turn around trip from our place to Vegas.Six hours later I pulled...

5 years ago
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Road trip game

I was suspicious as soon as I heard the oozing sweetness in her voice. My wife of four years called me at work just before noon to ask me if I would be willing to go "rescue" her 18 year old little sister and bring her back to California. She went on to tell me how her sister had just broken up with her jerk of a boyfriend and was out of a place to live. She then confessed that she had volunteered me to do the four hour each way turn around trip from our place to Vegas.Six hours later I pulled...

2 years ago
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Road Tripping

Once upon a time in happened that I was dating a girl named Chrissie. Let me tell youfrom the start guys and gals, Chrissie was a hot little number who was hotfor cock. Specifically, she was hot for my cock and had been since she'dfound out how good I was from the other girls.And how big I was.She did everything within her power to get a piece of me.I thought right from the first that she was a hottie. And I couldpretty much tell right from the beginning that she was clearly...

2 years ago
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Road Trip Tease

It had been a long week, visiting the in laws. My wife's parents were assholes, more so her mother than her pussy whipped father, but I shut up and acted like I enjoyed the visit, for the sake of my wife. The two oldest were spending another week with Nana and Poppa, and so we were driving back to northern Michigan with the two babies. The drive had tuckered them out, and they slept peacefully as I navigated the interstate. Once we got north of Bay City, Sheryl developed a mischievous twinkle...

2 years ago
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Broadway Hollywood

(The erotic memoirs of a department store ‘Floorwalker’) My Father passed away three months ago to the day. He was a good father and seemingly lived a very quiet, mild-mannered, average life. At least that’s what I thought until I pried open a locked large brown trunk in the attic of his small 2 bedroom home in West Hollywood and discovered the three dusty, well-worn black books inside. They contained the tightly scrawled handwriting of my father. The realtor listing my dad’s house was calling...

4 years ago
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Road Trip Jim Mellons Erotic Journey Across AmericaChapter 24 Colorado

The peak of fall foliage time had passed, but some Aspen trees still carried their leaves and late color. One or two of the taller peaks showed evidence of high altitude snowfall. I felt awe struck by the scenery. Gunnison, Colorado, sits on a wide plain at the base of Tenderfoot Mountain where students from Western State College placed a huge 'W' on the façade of the mountain. In another direction, Blue Mesa graced the skyline. Taller mountains fill the horizon in all directions. During a...

3 years ago
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Crossroads A Young Hero

I walked through the headstones towards Dad's car. It was my car now after that accident. I was walking away from the double funeral for Mark and Carol Arrowstone. It was less than a week ago that I had come home to the cops sitting in my driveway to tell me that Mom and Dad had been in a car accident. The drunk driver that hit them was dead too. Standing next to the car was Mike Larter, Dad's lawyer. He was handling the reading of the will and the distribution of my parent's assets. I knew...

3 years ago
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Road Rage

Lissette was having a bad day. It had started that morning, when she had woken up with a terrible headache. Then, going outside to pick up the newspaper, she had stepped in a pile of poo. Some asshole had let his dog take a shit right in her driveway. It hadn’t gotten any better at work. At noon, she had opened the refrigerator to discover that some jerk had stolen her lunch. During her afternoon break, the obnoxious new guy from accounting had been badgering her for a date yet AGAIN, despite...

4 years ago
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Road Trip Ch 01

Eve cringed at the alarming screeching sound and cursed as she parked her car. Glancing to the right, she cursed again. She had just scratched a truck – a gigantic, very new, very shiny truck. You just know the owner of that considers it his baby, she thought grimly. She walked around her car, inspecting the long scratch on the otherwise pristine body of the silver truck, her shoulders slumping. Without bothering to look at her own car’s damage, she leaned into the passenger seat to grab a...

4 years ago
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Road Trip

I hate road trips. You drive for hours and then, after a few days of fun wherever you end up, you have to make the drive back. I hate road trips. That is, until I took one with Becky. She is married and swears she doesn’t sleep around, but her husband was out of the country on business and this was our chance to get away for a few days. We weren’t going far, just to Atlantic City, but the drive through the Pennsylvania countryside was looking pretty daunting.About two hours into the drive,...

1 year ago
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Road Trip With Sis

Note : This story is completely fictional! This is a story of my Sis Chelsey and I experiances on our cross country trip. It all started when I recieved a phone call from my dad in California telling me he was getting remarried for the 3rd time. He asked me if my sister and I would be interested in flying out west to be in his wedding. I said I would love to, (not really but a free trip to Cali, why not). I told him I'd call Chelsey my sis to see if she could go for sure since she was getting...

1 year ago
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Road Trip

Things were getting pretty hectic around our house so we decided to take a road trip. We called our friends in Las Vegas and told them we were coming up to see them. We got our daughter to watch the house and feed the animals, got the car ready and we were off. About an hour on the road and already I was feeling horny. I took off my bra, pulled my shorts aside so he could see my now moist pussy. Slowly I started playing with myself. He was trying to keep his attention on the road but found it...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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The Man From Nowhere

It was a typical Saturday afternoon in July. Serena walked along the beach near her summer home in the Caribbean. She was an unusual beauty, not very tall, but beautiful. She was slender and toned with a golden tan, large blue eyes, long dark hair, and great legs. She had just come out of the ocean from an exhilarating swim and the sun had not yet dried the beads of water from her skin. She wore a fluorescent bikini that barely covered her voluptuous body. She was happy, at 23, she had more...

4 years ago
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The Middle of Nowhere

You and I are in the middle of nowhere. No one to see what goes on, just close enough to have the life of the city and just far enough that we can be totally naked on the front porch and no one will see. Do we live here? Yes. Do we take it for granted? Sometimes we do. I wake up at 5 am and notice you’re gone from my bed. I’m not worried. I know where to find you. You’ll be there on the porch on the swing, sipping your coffee, and enjoying the morning. I put on my warm, silky robe and head...

4 years ago
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Awaken In The Middle Of Nowhere

Hey everyone, this is my first story. It's not finished yet, but interactive stories are never really finished anyway so I figured I'd publish it now and add more and more to it later on when I get time. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy what exists of it so far. To all the writers who are reading this, please feel free to add more to the story yourself. You can take the story in any direction your heart desires. You, a young 18-year-old man named Marcus, are in your bed, exhausted from a long...

5 years ago
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Ride to Nowhere

  There’s a moment of hesitation, as if she can’t believe that I’ve decided to stop, before she finally makes her mind up and trots towards my car.  I size her up through the rear view as she approaches. I have to admit, it’s a wonderful sight.The sun is just the wrong side of noon but perfectly placed to reflect off her blonde hair, the effect being that of a halo framing her angelic face.  The rest of her body is pure sin.  Pert breasts bounce so enticingly under a flimsy white t-shirt that...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Ana in a cottage in the middle of nowhere

Ana in a cottage in the middle of nowhereMy loving husband Victor never suspected I had been meeting secretly with Danton during at least six months… He was a handsome black man, married to a nice ebony woman, but he loved to fuck white married pussies…We took every chance we could get to go and fuck, during lunch time or in some weekends Victor was out of home, travelling or flying away.Danton always said the same excuse to his sweet wife: he was fishing with his mates at a lake in the middle...

4 years ago
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A quick stop in the middle of nowhere

A quick stop in the middle of nowhereOne evening Anita and I were driving in the highway, coming back from a rock band concert out of town, when she asked me to stop at a rest place.She got out of the car and asked me to follow her. She whispered she was so fucking horny that night…I fucked her in one of the stalls in the ladies room. It was pretty cool, especially with other women coming in and out of the restroom the whole time. We could hear them doing their business and talking to each...

4 years ago
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Cruise to Nowhere

Cruise to Nowhere by Abe(for Jo:  Mother and daughters face interminable torture at sea aboard the Motor Ship de Sade. The Republic of Nauru is real.  The Nauru Navy is pure fantasy, and no offense is intended.)Part 1, a death sentenceIt was some time around midnight.  The two-lane road across the desert was straight and level.  There was no moon, but the sky was ablaze with a zillion stars, as there was no town nearby, no light pollution.  Nora was driving 85 or 90 mph; she didn't look at the...

2 years ago
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Cruise to Nowhere

When my wife Alexis hovers over me like this I know I'm in for something special. Married six years now, sex still hasn't gotten anywhere near old. I look up at her dark sexy features, eyes gazing at me as her body remains tantalizingly close. Her hands are flat against my chest, her arms in position to squeeze her breasts together just a bit. Delicious breasts, small tasty, teasing me. She reaches between us and lets my cock just touch the opening to her pussy. Glancing down I see her...

3 years ago
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Midnight on the Road to Nowhere

It was already past ten on a quiet Tuesday night when the small bell that hung on the back of the office door rang, causing Carolyn Hendricks to look up from the textbook she’d been reading. The short haired brunette’s first thought on hearing the sound was that her relief had come in extra early tonight. That notion instantly faded, however, when she saw the tall, caramel-skinned woman coming in from the rain. Carolyn didn’t need to wonder long what had brought the unexpected arrival to the...

4 years ago
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Taweret and the Tales of Heroes Erotic VersionChapter 10 The Party of Nowhere

“Oh, there she is!” yelled Taweret as she clapped her hands. She stood up from her seat and ran down the massive room to the other side. Gary and Fumi watched the hippo leave from them as Adnoartina gave an annoyed look. He clenched his fist as Pakhet put her hand to his arm to calm him down. “I had more to tell!” Adnoartina yelled. He shrugged as he looked at his empty cup. He then took the cup and slammed it into the wall next to him as it shattered to pieces. “That was an interesting...

3 years ago
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After IT The First 40 Days A Commonwealth Struggles to AriseChapter 1 Stranded in the Middle of Nowhere

May 31-Day 9 (Kobuk River, Alaska) When IT happened, Paul Kensington and his family were on vacation in Alaska's Brooks Range. Paul, his wife Ramona, and their two teenage sons, Calvin, and Steve, were with the Hart family Ernie, Lana, and their two twin daughters Kelly and Shelly. Ernie had found this fantastic deal on a rafting trip with an outfitter out of Bettles, Alaska, where the cost of the trip would be half that of the peak season, and because of the already lengthening days, the...

2 years ago
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RoadhouseChapter 12

Sitting back with my cup of tea I was patting myself on the back, I'd done a bloody good job and I knew it. My bubble was about to be burst. "Tony, the guests are calling for the chef, they would like to compliment you on the meal." "Jeeze Sally I can't do that, what would I say to them?"
 "Of course you can Tony, just tell them you enjoyed cooking for them and you appreciate their compliments." Sally led me into the dinning room or should I say I floated behind her? Then my...

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RoadhouseChapter 19

Thankfully the day was a bit cooler than the last few. I like it warm but sitting in the dickie seat in the blazing sun is no treat. Our trip to Bairnsdale had left us with a slight case of wind burn, Dom's mum had given us some cream to sooth the burn and to protect us on the return trip. We were about half the way to Sale when I tapped Dom on the shoulder. "Dom, can we go back and look at that old house?" Dom pulled up and did a 'U' turn and drove back to the house. "What have you...

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RoadhouseChapter 20

Another evening meal over, Jess, Cheryl, Dom and I were sitting back relaxing in front of the oven and talking. There was a radio playing in the mess hall and a few of the boys were playing cards. Ernie, Fred, Wally and another chap were playing whist; I felt contented, this was 'My family'. "OK Tony, let's talk about your 'Road house' idea" said Jess, "You told us a bit about it coming back from Bairnsdale, now's the time to tell all." "Like I told you, when I did my National...

2 years ago
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RoadhouseChapter 29

The paint on the inside look smart and fresh, Dom suggested we do the outside next. "We did well with buying the café stuff so there's still enough in the kitty to buy some paint, what do you think?" "Good idea Dom, let's talk to our designers and see what colour scheme they would like." We caught up with the girls who were up to their elbows scrubbing the tables and chairs. "We need to talk about painting the outside of the building girls. Would you two get your designer hat's on...

4 years ago
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Railroad Robledo Mountain 4Chapter 12

I woke up the next morning feeling more refreshed than I had since the mountain lion attack. Stretching my arms out to my side, I looked at my right hand, flexed my fingers, and laughed at the thought that I could play the guitar again. I hadn’t realized until yesterday afternoon how much I missed it. Jumping out of bed, I ran through my tai chi exercises and the katas, before cleaning up with a basin of water, and getting dressed. I was whistling as I walked in the back door of the...

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Road Trip7

My husband, Teddy, gets a big kick out of watching me lift my top and flash my boobs. The truckers seem to like it too. I almost never wear a bra, so it's a quick flash. Sometimes I wear a little mini skirt and lift it up just enough for truckers to get a peek when we pass them. A few years ago we added a CB radio to our car so we could listen to the truckers. You should hear the chatter on that radio after I flash a driver. He will let every other driver know what vehicle to look...

3 years ago
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Road side show for the truck drivers

All my stories are true experiences.... My girlfriend and I were traveling around Australia and had some fun along the way, If you have checked out my other stories you’ll know Amy and I love to be watched as well as swinging Dom/Sub play sex out doors and/or public and pretty much anything new. So on second morning driving across the Nullarbor we are bored out of our minds so have fun cheering up every truck driver that goes past and by lunch time we had it worked out, as a truck comes...

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Road Trip Ch 05

‘Yo, Dr. Hammond!’ They both looked up at the shout of greeting that sounded through the open door of the RV. Eve smiled at him from where she was seated, slipping on her shoes. ‘Go on, I’ll catch up,’ she told him. Will paused to study her delicate fingers buckling her sandals before giving her a smile and walking out to greet Hank. They had been friends since college, one of those comfortable friendships where no matter how much time passed they were able to pick up exactly where they left...

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Road Trips for Peter Chapter Nine

It was about 10:00 in the morning. I had just left the Cincinnati area and was traveling west on U. S. 50. The sun was behind me and I was buzzing along, having a good time. I enjoyed the landscape. It was late Spring and there were still plenty of trees blooming, along with the flowers beside the road. Mostly croplands along the roadside, with lots of old farmsteads to bring back memories of bygone days. I would come to little towns and usually go straight through the middle on Main Street, or...

2 years ago
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Road Trips for Peter Chapter Six

When last you were following my story I had been on a road trip visiting fine ladies I had found on my writing site. We were all good friends, and they had all invited me to visit. I didn't surprise anyone. My trip was fully planned and it had been very successful in the sexuality and sensuality departments. I had made out like a bandit when it came to getting all the lustful pleasure I could handle, and more. The trip had ended with me and a lady named Wendy professing that we both felt our...


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