Late Bloomer
- 3 years ago
- 25
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This is only a test, if this was a real life you would have received further instructions on what to do and where to go, this is only a test.
At thirty-five I had managed to avoid adulthood for over a third of a century. Much to my father’s dismay and usually the pleasure of my mom, I lived at home. Oh, I’d been to college and had accumulated some knowledge that let me earn my keep by way of a job but other than that I was avoiding the serious side of life at all costs.
I didn’t feel like an adult. I mean I spent my days at work, usually plugged into a computer handling customer service gripes about my company’s software and helping them get things running. The job was textbook, all I had to do was follow the prompts on the computer screens and not get into an argument with the customer. Easy to do and I’m not the argumentative kind.
Weekends, I kicked back with a movie or some hoops or went to the beach in my old jalopy. Bennett was my good friend, he was less of an adult than I was and we’d sometimes just hang out in my backyard or play computer games. At least I was old enough to drink, although I’d given up getting smashed — it just didn’t feel good the next day.
Define adulthood? It has something to do with making your own responsible decisions. What happens when you are making no decisions about your own life? By definition, you’re not an adult. Ergo, I am not an adult. And, if I am not an adult, I must be an adolescent — that wonderful precursor to adulthood that, certainly in my case, can be extended almost twenty years.
Then I met Margaret.
Margaret was an adult. She lived alone, cooked for herself, bought her own clothes, decided what she’d wear each day without outside intervention, decided who she’d socialize with, and worked in a responsible job as a financial analyst at the same company I worked for.
Margaret had what I started to call a ‘rack’ in high school. She also had brunette hair and a nice ass, but I was a ‘rack’ man. Margaret took a new office down the hall from my cubicle when the finance group reorganized. I saw her at least fifty times a day and each time I saw her made me want to see her another fifty times. I could have just stared at her all day long, she had that kind of beauty about her.
For some strange reason, Margaret decided that she liked me. One day I was looking at someone totally unattainable, and the next day Margaret suggested that we have lunch together — a move that I took as tantamount to going steady. We progressed from that lunch to touching. At first, touching had a subtle quality about it, neither of us wanted to admit that we were touching the other so it had to be incidental to what we were doing. Fortunately, we both used computers and one or the other of us took to being in the other’s work area leaning over them, touching their shoulder or arm, or wrapping ourselves around them to point at something on the computer screen. I had the added benefit that when I went in her office I could look down her blouse or top and try to see more of her magnificent globes. Sometimes I think she knew I was peeking.
After a month of this foolishness, Margaret escalated things slowly, which was fine with me, I was in no rush to get anywhere. One day when we walked downtown for lunch she held my hand and even put her arm around me. I reciprocated of course. We kept doing that for a while. Then one day she kissed me after lunch to say ‘thank you.’ It wasn’t a peck on the cheek, and it wasn’t a tonsil tickler — just somewhere between. I knew she liked me. I liked her. We kept having lunch together, and we kept kissing each other more and more but in a sedate way. It was nice and perked me up for the afternoon.
We had our first date in April. Dave Matthews Band was playing up in Tampa, and I asked her to go. She jumped up and down in glee over the whole idea, and I read this as a good sign. We enjoyed the concert yet even more I enjoyed the physical contact we had with each other the whole night, including a lot of kissing and hugging while all this great music washed over us. When I took her back to her condo I wasn’t at all presumptive that something would happen, after all, I’d had a healthy relationship with my right hand whenever I felt the need for release — that was usually once a day.
Margaret invited me in for a ‘night cap.’ I think the last ‘night cap’ I had was a year ago with Bennett when he found two warm cans of Bud in the trunk of his car. Anyhow and with low expectations, I accepted her offer and followed her upstairs to her condo. We were both nervous, and I tried to think of what would make her feel better. Finally, I suggested that we dance.
Margaret liked the idea of dancing together and after we started so did I. We held each other close and made out. Sometimes we just stopped dancing and just rubbed body parts together, and French kissed. Margaret ultimately decided that she was ‘super horny’ and wanted some loving.
I was up for the occasion and helped her remove her clothes. Again, I was worried that I’d overstep some hidden boundary that I didn’t know about, so I went very slowly. I’d toy with a button on her blouse for a long time, enjoying having my hand between those gorgeous globes that I only dreamed of seeing and feeling. She’d accelerate things by undoing the button, I’d read that to mean that I could undo all the other buttons. Then there was removing the blouse and then we repeated the process with her bra after I’d run my fingers and tongue all around the skin at the edge of the material. I noticed that Margaret started to pant. I don’t know how I noticed over the sound of my own gasps.
When the bra came off I was in some corner of heaven. There, in plain sight for the first time before me, were these magnificent breasts, all round and firm, with large areolas atop them and then Margaret’s nipples — slightly inflated at this stage of things. Gesturing towards her chest, I asked her, ‘Can I suck on them?’
‘That would be perfect,’ she whispered as she started to un-do the buttons on my sport shirt. I lost the shirt quickly.
We stood in the middle of her living room, half-naked, as I ran my tongue down her neck to her right breast. I circled the whole hemisphere, amazed at the divine geography I could cover on this woman’s lovely body. I spiraled up her breast to the areola and then gulped the entire nub and nipple into my mouth. Margaret groaned and held my head to her chest.
After I made her right nipple erect and hard I repeated the steps on her left breast, maintaining consistency by using my hands to help support and feel her. She seemed to love every second of what I was doing. I drew this conclusion based on her mewing and cooing as I licked, tongued, smoothed, and pulled at her glorious tits.
I figured this was as far as we were going this evening so I had to be content with just the top of her body. Thus, I spent an inordinate amount of time orally loving her breasts. Of course, I’d come up and love her neck and face and lips and eyes too. She was swaying, sometimes in tune to the mellow radio station she’d dialed in, but more often in tune to her own body’s rhythms.
I think at one time I brought her to a small climax. I was sucking hard on her left tit and rubbing her right breast really hard, pinching on the nipple to add to eroticism of the night. She started panting and then yanked my whole body into hers and just held me in a frozen state for about twenty seconds. Afterwards, she started gasping for breath and whispered, ‘Thank you, thank you, thank you.’
I ran my fingers around her belt line as sort of test to see whether she wanted anything further to happen. In a flash, she’d unbelted her jeans and was pushing them from her long, lithe legs. All my systems went on full alert. This was a much better ‘date’ than I’d expected.
As she undressed I kicked off my loafers and undid my jeans. I stepped out of them and into her arms. We both
still had our underwear on, the only difference was that mine had a decided bulge in the front of them. Margaret rubbed her lower body into my bulge, and I rubbed back. My bulge got bigger.
‘Let’s go in my bedroom,’ she finally said, pulling me across the living room. I followed willingly and with an awesome sense of luck.
In her bedroom, all pretexts about why we were there vanished. We were there to fuck — to copulate — to make love — to have intercourse. She pulled her undies from her body and turned to watch me lose my briefs. I flipped them atop her frilly underpants in the corner of the room. We looked longingly at each other’s naked bodies in the dim light she’d turned on. I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around her. We kissed, and it was one of the hottest kisses I’d every experienced — no, the hottest. I melted.
Margaret pulled me to her large bed. She lay back and spread her legs. There was no pretext. Whatever we’d done before was foreplay. There were no more steps to be taken. I moved in front of her body and put my very erect cock at the entrance to her vagina, rubbing the tip around her slit to gather some of her lubricating juices.
She reached up and stroked my face, then lowered her hand to my neck and pulled me towards her. I sank into her body, my cock slowly just sliding into her until there was no more sliding to take place. She wrapped her legs around my back and held me close. Not only was I enjoying the warm sensations her pussy muscles were making on my cock, I could also feel her firm breasts pushing into my chest as we kissed. Those erect nipples were tracing out a very erotic message I was sure.
We started pumping into each other. The sensations were spectacular between feeling the heat from her pussy and enjoying the touch of her full sized breasts. I kept kissing her, her neck, her breasts, she kept moaning and using her legs to jerk me into her pussy.
I could feel my body go on orgasm alert. I whispered something to Margaret as a warning, something like, ‘I’m very near.’
She just yanked me into her body all the harder and whispered back to me, ‘Give me all you’ve got. Cum in me. It’s OK.’
My orgasm started deep within me. I know the semen comes from my balls, but the pump and the stimulating feeling that it produces are somewhere deep inside and when it kicks into gear every corner of my body feels ecstatic. I felt my pump rev up and start its pumping action, sucking my juices from my balls and shooting it along my interior tubing. Every surge took me to some new level of heaven, and it was happening fast.
Margaret threw her head back suddenly. I thought how wonderful she could time her orgasm to mine. Then I started to gush into her body. Jet after jet of my cum surged into her cunt. I held myself stiff-armed above her — my cock buried to the hilt, my breathing stopped, my eyes soaking up the beautiful sight of her body splayed out beneath me in full acceptance of my affection for her.
Some seconds after my last spasm I collapsed into her waiting arms and the cushion of those wonderful globes of flesh. We hugged and kissed with a different kind of passion, softer and more meaningful, less rushed. I remained buried in her cunt, and she kept me tight against her loins with her legs.
When I was finally able to speak I pulled up slightly and looked her in the eyes and said, ‘Wow!’
She smiled at me and said, ‘Wow, back.’
I made love to her breasts some more as I occasionally squirmed my flaccid cock around in her pussy. She liked all that and kept me going with little remarks like, ‘More of that. Right there. Do the other one too. Suck on it.’
Then I had an idea that I thought might please her. I wiggled out of her and she released her leg hold on me. I slithered down her body, running my tongue around both breasts and then down to her navel and then down to her very wet pussy.
‘Oh, Rob,’ she said, ‘Are you sure you want to do that?’
I didn’t answer. I just let my tongue slid up and down her entire slit. She jerked and writhed around me in response. She tasted good. I’d tasted myself several times before and decided it was no big deal providing I was bringing pleasure to my partner.
Apparently, I brought a lot of pleasure to Margaret. She seemed to float about a foot above the bed as my tongue wagged around her pussy, pulling fluids from her, tongue fucking her, and of course lapping and sucking on her clitoris.
A few fingers inside her sopping cunt and I was able to find her G-spot. Margaret’s mind-blowing orgasm followed thirty seconds later.
‘Oh my God, Rob,’ she said. ‘How’d you learn to do that? You have to stop … before work starts on Monday.’ She laughed at her own humor, and the day-and-a-half of open time she’d allowed herself for continued activities.
After a few more minutes of my ministering to her, Margaret said, ‘You lie back and let me return the favor.’ With that she moved down my body and inhaled my flaccid and very moist cock — moist with my cum and her own juices all over it. She had no issue with tasting herself nor my spent juices.
Margaret knew how to suck cock. I about came out of my skin in the first thirty seconds that she had me. I was panting and quickly started to reinflate as she worked me over. She delivered a wide range of sensations to my withered rod quickly bringing me back to full readiness.
She finally said to me, ‘Some day I’ll finish you off completely — even swallow. Tonight, however, I want you back in my pussy.’ With that she pulled off me and mounted me so that her breasts swayed down over my chest as she started to bounce up and down on my cock. The sight picture alone was worth masturbating to, instead I was getting one of the greatest fucks in my life. What a surprise this evening was turning out to be. Great music. Great sex. Great woman.
We both lasted longer this time around — at least I did. Margaret came several times as she mashed her cunt into my cock and loins. Finally, I had a repeat of the explosion I’d had earlier — a grand and glorious orgasm that swept through my body. Margaret again managed to bring herself off as I did. Things worked out nice that way.
We cooed and petted as she rolled beside me. We remained coupled. I expressed how what had just transpired was the highlight of my sex life and hence, possibly my entire life. She laughed and told me she was feeling the same way.
I stayed overnight with Margaret, and we repeated the whole sexual joining thing in the morning. We were both feeling pretty mellow about each other when I kissed her goodbye and headed for home.
The one bad thing about living at home is that when you come home after staying over elsewhere you get ‘looks.’ I got ‘looks’ from my Dad and then my Mother. I ignored them, offered no explanation for being out all night, and went off to my room, cranked up the stereo and lay back thinking about Margaret, sex and about the possibility of adulthood.
A few hours later, after a usual dinner with my parents, I did something very unusual. I decided to call Margaret to thank her for our date and just to tell her how much I’d enjoyed our time together. Apparently, it was the right thing to do. She assured me the feeling was mutual, and she looked forward to another date in the near future.
Monday morning I got started earlier than usual, stopped by the supermarket on the way to work and bought some flowers. I got to work before most of my colleagues and before Margaret. I found a vase and put them on her desk without a note or anything by way of explanation.
I saw Margaret wheel into the office about fifteen minutes later heading straight for her office. I rolled my chair back into my cubicle and started filling in some customer service forms. Next I knew Margaret tapped me on the shoulder, I turned and she planted one hot, soul-searing kiss on me. ‘Thank you for the flowers — and for the weekend,’ she told me, s
miled, turned, and walked away. My heart lifted right out of my body and went with her. I was smitten I believe they called it olden days.
As it turned out Margaret was smitten too. We spent more and more time together and more often than not tried to fuck each other’s brains out.
Margaret had some reservations about me, however. She thought my continuing to live with my parents was a stumbling block to any serious relationship. She was blunt. My relationship with Bennett and footloose and fancy-free attitude towards life came at a price too. Margaret told me in no uncertain terms that if I wanted to continue to be in her favor that I would have to become an adult.
Becoming an adult had all sorts of implications in terms of where and how I lived, the relationship with my parents and friends, my job, money management, and how I spent my time. Margaret started to push me to ask for some career advancement in the company, she decided that I needed to be a better earner than just getting some beer money and giving what was left over to my parents to defray part of my cost of living at home.
I decided I needed to grow in some ways that had escaped me if I were going to keep dating Margaret. I guess I’d already decided that she was a keeper. I hadn’t proposed marriage or anything, but I did suggest that we ‘go steady.’ I still carried the high school model of dating and love in my head. She agreed but told me it would be a trial for six months. I had to improve in that time frame.
First off, she told me I had to get more serious about my job and career. So I became more aware of what I was doing, how I was doing it and how things could be improved. After I reached some conclusions, I made some recommendations to my boss that were accepted rather than just coast along in my usual laid-back fashion. After a few months I asked for raise and started looking for other jobs in the company that might actually represent a career track.
As a reward for being assertive that day, Margaret came by at lunch time as usual but instead of heading down to our favorite sandwich shop she led me to the garage where her car was parked. We got into the back seat, and she unzipped my pants. She inhaled my large cock and proceeded to give me a blowjob that about took the top of my head off. Further, she took all my cum and swallowed every drop except for a small rivulet that she let escape her mouth as she looked up and smiled at me. I respond well to positive feedback!
Margaret also helped me establish a career advancement program. Instead of just accepting about how things were I started reading books and articles on the Internet about business. First, I was bored but then I got very interested in marketing and advertising and how they were used to mold public opinion and build brands. As I became increasingly expert in this area, Margaret again rewarded me with a lunchtime blowjob and this time she wore a skirt so she could lie back in the car seat while we cuddled in the garage at work and let me eat her pussy — something I love to do. I thought this was positive feedback at its best.
Next was the issue about living at home. Margaret and I talked about it and outlined two options: move in with her or get my own place. She told me I had to get my own place for a while to prove that I could live alone and responsibly take care of myself and my apartment. She was vocal about how my Mom had taken care of me way beyond a normal separation time in terms of cooking my meals, keeping my abode neat and clean, and doing things like laundry, sewing, and home maintenance (more my Dad’s job). Thus, a month into my six-month ‘trial’ I got my own apartment a short walk from Margaret’s condo.
I’d absorbed some of the basics about living alone. I didn’t let the dishes pile up in the sink, I made the bed each day, I kept the living room neat and vacuumed, I did my own laundry in the building’s common laundry room, and I actually started to prepare most of my own meals rather than just keep ordering pizza. Margaret actually took to coming to my place for dinner a few nights a week.
Late Bloomers By Rosie It's true what they say about dressing up - everything's more fun when you're in drag. The pile of dishes that had accumulated over the past days started seeming an easier task once I put on my mother's new suit. Correspondingly with the fashion changes, this outfit was different from her usual work clothes in the way that the knee length skirt wasn't straight but a full, even flouncy one. I'd been wearing that light golden brown skirt and blouse set all day....
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This is one of the best tabboo/cheat/cuckold stories that I've ever read and re-read. I finally found it and wanted to share. I'm not the original writer, and all original copyrights are included below. Please enjoy and comment.LATEBIRD (M/F, tease, light semi)Copyright May 1998 by Sam HammerThe usual disclaimer applies. If it’s i*****l, immoral or under the legal age of consent where you live then don’t read the following text. Archive okay as long as its not sold for viewing. If you do,...
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Sherrie lazily shoves her work books to the side of her bed against the wall. She stretches her arms straight up,straining a little. The muscles in her arm pits shiver in a sexy supple way that reminds me to look to her leg for that delicate little shivering morsel of a muscle between her shin and calf.Sherrie peels her maccosins off with hre toes then flexes her toes ,which press little knobby protruberances against her pure white cotton socks.Sherrie's elegantly delicate ankles silk...
Perc 4 October2012Sherrie lazily shoves her work books to the side of her bed against the wall. She stretches her arms straight up,straining a little. The muscles in her arm pits shiver in a sexy supple way that reminds me to look to her leg for that delicate little shivering morsel of a muscle between her shin and calf.Sherrie peels her maccosins off with hre toes then flexes her toes ,which press little knobby protruberances against her pure white cotton socks.Sherrie's elegantly delicate...
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I made my way to the sinks, my bare feet making little wet slaps on the misted floortiles. My shy steady steps echoing against the expansive shower area ,I looked around to see if anyone else was still there. I heard a far off locker close as well as a large heavier entrance door. A book bag sagged in a corner. Steam shone in a small irridescent cloud by an open window. Sherrie stood at the sink, her towel covering but highlighting the curves of her small ass. It always reminds me of two...
"Percolate" First InstallmentAll of the desk seats were wooden,and had been carved to fit two ass cheeks, each of them. The university conference hall was one of the oldest buildings on campus.Some of the seats were older from the 1930s, some from the 1960s.The larger ones had not been aged and worn down as much. The newer ones did not fit my bottom correctly.Asses are bonier than they look."Augh" I half whined,half growled,clumsily standing up and roughly bundling up my dark,thick,black curls...
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is a copyrighted work of fiction under my pen name Dean Denhomme. The inspiration—my muse if you will—for this vignette is the incomparable Lateshay. She can be found on x hamster under that name.Now, before we begin my little fuck story, allow me a word or two about Lateshay. If you visit my site on x hamster, it is easy to see that I am a tit man. So, it should come as no surprise that she provides the physical template for my imaginary fuck buddy in the story that...
Sincy aka Kathy my xhamster friend...Want to read a true story? Sincy of xhamster, her man makes her fuck him and she sucks his cock until he explodes while he watches my vids. She gets very humiliated by me this way. She hates it that her man shoots bigger loads and FUCKS HER HARDER! It gets me off when shesends me messages while I use my vibrator and masterbate to her stories. Just knowing her man fucks her and watches my vids is a big turn on. He thinks of me while shesucks his cock. I...
I am not a student of psychology and have no affectations of being knowledgeable on this subject. Everything I am about to tell you based on my subjectivity. Hopefully, therefore, I do not piss off readers who are well versed in this topic.To me, one of the most guarded subjects in the world is male homosexuality activity. With the biblical abhorrence to this phenomenon that we were all raised on, I suppose this comes expectedly, and any statistical evidence, therefore, can never be accurately...
Gay MaleWe were all sitting at the window table ... four of us and three lookers ... playing Euchre and having a beer when the subject came up. They had some of the same tales as we had way back in Highschool... 'Golden Arm' and like that ... and it was my deal. You need to understand ... we were playing cards during all this ... I just left that out ... unless you want a lesson on how to play Euchre. I didn't think so. I don't know if this qualifies as a Halloween Story ... they're supposed to...
My friends call me Jim, but my full name is James Schneider with no middle name. Some people, mainly women, think I'm a woman hater because I enslave women. That is not exactly true. They don't know why my women submitted themselves to me. I am 24 years of age, and my weight has varied between 180 and 190 lbs since I graduated from high school. At 5' 9" tall and with a slight build, that places me on the chubby side of athletic. My short black hair, brown eyes, acne, and personality don't...
The announcement of Frank and me forming a new corporation created a major stir. At the time I made the announcement, our friends congratulated us heartily. The media announcement made a different type of stir. People came out of the woodwork wanting to buy a piece of our new corporation and trying to convince us to locate the corporation in their hometown. We politely declined the offers and solicitations that were presented to us. Unfortunately, a few people did not want to accept our...
Jim C, Sam, Frank, Kirk, and I discussed the trip to New Zealand on Monday. We defined the specific objectives of the trip and what information we expected to acquire during our stay. All five of us had valid passports and there was an agreement between the US and New Zealand governments that allowed us entry as short-term visitors without a visa. By Friday, we were ready to go. We would be island hopping and our total flight time would be close to 16 hours, so our pilot, Bob Simon, and...
Frank and his wives went back to running the Chocolateen Corporation, while my wives and I continued the effort of preparing to move to New Zealand. Frank and I were right; our wives hated the idea of engineering events that would lead to the media invading our lives. They accepted the idea as a necessity, and only agreed to go along with it when we told them we would be involved in deciding what would be engineered and how the media would be enticed into taking action. I talked with Paul...
Everyone wanted coffee. We rushed to clean up and dress, and when everyone was ready, we headed downstairs for breakfast. As we walked into the restaurant, we saw Paul, Sally, Jim C, and his wives sitting at a large table, so we joined them. "Morning everyone," I said. "What's on our agenda for today?" Mary said, "Good morning all. As to our agenda, we don't have one yet." Jim C said, "Well that is about to change I think. If I'm not mistaken, I just saw Maxine headed to the...
We were gathered in the backroom of F&J's Pizza Parlor, Ltd. celebrating the shipment of our first solar cars to our Auckland dealership. Jim C, Frank, our families, and I decided to host a party for our key personnel and select members of the media. Frank was just finishing a review of what Jim C's Products, Ltd. had accomplished since we had created the corporation. One of the main points in his presentation was the successful restructure of the US operation under Evan Strophe in...
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Belated ChristmasDale was a tall handsome black man, the type by his size, looks, his dress and presence drew your attention. He seemed to naturally emit the sense of toughness and authority. He also had the reputation as a ‘ladies man’. I had my fantasies about Dale. He was, at the time, also my wife’s employee. Seeing him in my wife's office or at social events had always sent my mind off and fantasising about and picturing me or my wife as his bitch. I remember one Xmas party they had; I...
Disclaimer: I don't own anything, all credits to their creator 渡鸦10492. This is just a translation. This is midnight, wearing a leather object and turning into a latex succubus wandering around late at night. The lights of the city obscured the supposedly brilliant starlight in the night sky, leaving only dim and scattered scattered stars adorning the gloomy night sky half-covered by dark clouds, and the crescent-like crescent moon guarding it in the distance makes the night seem less empty...
If you get off to hentai bitches that are submissive and look a nice dick in their pussies, Violated Heroine sounds like it might fit the fucking bill. The title alone comes across as a game about violating hentai chicks, and sure, that happens in the game. But Violated Heroine is more than that.Featuring branching stories and paths that change depending on the decisions you make in the dialogue options through the game, Violated Heroine is the kind of game that you can make your own. If you...
Free Sex GamesI slid my key into the lock, turning it and quickly entering the room, breathless still from the sprint I took on my way from my car to the familiar meeting place. He was by the window, staring out onto the street below. "You're late," He said and nothing more, He never even turned to look at me. I struggled out of my jacket telling Him, "I'm sorry Sir, traffic was a nightmare." Hanging my jacket neatly on the empty hanger, I opened the closet and put it next to His familiar leather coat,...
BDSMNumber 36 of a series of individual stories. Latex and Schoolgirls - What could be better By SONIA (E-mail [email protected] - Please send comments!!!) Chapter 1 - Sally Anne's Idea I have been dressing up as a woman or just enjoying wearing panties for quite a while and this has made my sex life with my wife, Sally Anne, almost too amazing to believe. I did not dress up very often, normally about once or twice a month but when I did, I loved it! We had a trip...
A balcony where? Where was she? Jessica looked around. She took in the behemoth building jutting into the sky behind her. The white marble, detailed carvings and ornate pillars of age-old Roman architecture were unmistakable. This is a place she had only seen in pictures. St. Peter's Basilica. She turned back to the skyline and looked out at the picturesque scenery. The Tiber river flowed in the distance, but not with the clear blue one would expect. Milky white waves cascaded down its...
"But how are we going to get Mr. Thomas to do anything with us since we will both be there?" Nicole asked Becky, feeling her apprehension mounting. Nicole felt a growing excitement but also was a bit scared at what they were planning on doing. Nicole knew that she loved putting a dildo into her pussy but a real cock she didn't know if she was ready for that. "Becky I don't know how far I want to go, maybe if something gets started I could watch you and Mr. Thomas if he's okay with...
The recent rains had turned the farm grounds into a sticky, muddy mess. Normally that would create difficulty while working with horses and other animals, but there weren't many animals left on Stedman Farms. Very soon, there would be none at all. The metamorphosis of the estate was well underway and it was already serving a different purpose than raising animals and staple crops. Margaret heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. They approached her from behind, work boots clomping on...
It was a lovely morning as the sun crested the horizon at Stedman Farms. Margaret Stedman looked out the main window of the kitchen as she sipped her morning coffee. It was late autumn, but it was still fairly warm out. This time of year it rarely dropped below 70 degrees Fahrenheit and even during the Texas winter, going below 60 was rare. The recent rains had turned the farm grounds into a sticky, muddy mess. Normally that would create difficulty while working with horses and other...
The recent rains had turned the farm grounds into a sticky, muddy mess. Normally that would create difficulty while working with horses and other animals, but there weren't many animals left on Stedman Farms. Very soon, there would be none at all. The metamorphosis of the estate was well underway and it was already serving a different purpose than raising animals and staple crops. Margaret heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. They approached her from behind, work boots clomping on...
Francis was garbed in his usual attire, a thick, black latex gimp suit, leather hood and rubber boots. He matched his owner's pace, his arms locked behind him in a tight arm binder. He proceeded quickly, but carefully. Any misstep could result in a painful fall and he would eat the ground face-first. Mistress Superior had opted for a less conventional outfit today. Tired of the typical habit, but never weary of latex, Jessica wore a gleaming one-piece purple dress. It started with two thick...
Mistress Superior and Francis were at the kitchen table, passing a joint back and forth between moves on the chess board. The kink fueled former nun and clergyman had established a routine that Jessica loved. Upon waking up, she fucked him in both holes. Then Francis made them breakfast and they enjoyed a game. Once he lost, she “punished” him with another round of deep dicking which the eager butt slut was only too happy to endure. Jessica wore a latex bra and skirt that draped down to just...
Rain drizzled down in a steady deluge on a gray, miserable, midwinter day. The temperature had dipped into the fifties and no one could be seen on the puddle strewn grounds of St. Michael's. The campus had changed much in recent days with artwork, crosses, statues and other emblems of the Catholic faith being painted over, destroyed and otherwise stripped from their former places of prominence. It would be a few more days until all the relics were gone, but the landscape was changing...
Mistress Superior and Francis were at the kitchen table, passing a joint back and forth between moves on the chess board. The kink fueled former nun and clergyman had established a routine that Jessica loved. Upon waking up, she fucked him in both holes. Then Francis made them breakfast and they enjoyed a game. Once he lost, she “punished” him with another round of deep dicking which the eager butt slut was only too happy to endure. Jessica wore a latex bra and skirt that draped down to just...
Chapter 2 With a smile Barb leaned in and gave me a little kiss on the forehead. "Just relax, there is no need to panic, it will be much more enjoyable for all of us if you relax. The more you relax the quicker we can get you ready and the quicker the drinks will wear off. Then you can really start to enjoy yourself." And with that she went back to the others in the room. All of us I thought? What the heck does she mean by all of us? What does she mean by get me ready? I really...
'What the hell!?' She felt moisture on her breasts and her hands flew to them. Sure enough, her fingers were coated in milky discharge as she felt her areolas. Her nipples were lactating copiously. 'Ugh... why?!?' She wiped her fingers on the bedding. It was so dark in her room that Jessica couldn't decipher the long, black habit lying atop her office chair. She had discarded it immediately upon returning to her room, but kept on her red leather bondage brassiere. She had been too...
I am not very good at writing stories, but I would like to share some of my kinky passions with you all.I love to dress in kinky, provocative and feminine outfits; some for public wear and some only acceptable in the bedroom. I love heels or boots, pantyhose and stretch vinyl but, my favorite is latex. I have had a latex fetish my whole life! Even at the age when I was too young to have a sexual interest in another person, or even knew about sex, rubber gloves would make me hard just from...
It was 3:58 AM and rain pitter-pattered steadily on the windows of the convent. Jessica awoke to almost pure darkness. There was no moonlight to illuminate her spartan room this evening. It had stormed on and off all night, but Jessica had slept like the dead. Her dreams had overwhelmed her with wanton Femdom lust. 'What the hell!?' She felt moisture on her breasts and her hands flew to them. Sure enough, her fingers were coated in milky discharge as she felt her areolas....