L.S. Apartment Ch. 03 free porn video

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Chapter 3 –The End of the Tale.

All parties are above the Age of 18 and willing. This is the final part of the tale of L.S. Apartment, again dedicated to a woman that needs to know that good guys exist that can be naughty at heart.


You awake the next day still wearing his t-shit and boxers. Noticing that the other side of the bed is unoccupied, you look around the room. Still very tired, you roll over and cocoon yourself in all of the blankets. Who know how much later it is when you feel the bed shift and the blankets being moved off of you. You feel lips press yours in a slow, sensual kiss. You melt into it, unwilling to open your eyes as you wrap your arms around him. You feel his weight on you as he puts more of his body on the bed. He keeps the connection to your lips, kissing you slowly yet passionately. Your covers leave your body, his strong hands caress your skin as the boxers are pulled off of you. His lips move against yours as one of his hands spread your legs apart. You feel yourself being teased as his hand slides along your skin, touching your pussy firmly but tenderly as well. You shiver at his caress. He breaks the kiss to run his lips along your neck up to your ear. You can almost sense his smile.

‘Poke, poke… good morning sunshine,’ He whispers in your ear.

You giggle at your inside joke but it turns into a gasp as he slides his cock into you. His hand slides his cock into you. His hand slips underneath you, touching the small of your back. His lips meet yours again as he slow, deliberately thrusts in and out of you. You feel his body tense as your hands run along his body, caressing his skin. You are almost distracted by his self control in his slow pace. His passion and desire radiates out of him and into you but his will power dominates his actions. You wrap your legs around him trying to force him to fuck you harder but he ignores your encouragement, keep his slow and steady pace. His kiss is leaving you breathless and turning you on more and more. The two of you are both wishing to kiss and consume each other as your desire for each other expands and multiplies. Your fingers knead the flesh of his back as his maddening self-control continues to thrust his cock in and out of your very wet pussy.

Morning sex has always been your thing and, apparently, his as well.

‘Oh, god, yes…’ you moan out as his thrusts go deep inside you and slowly draw back out.

With one arm supporting him, his other hand tilts your head and he places kisses and then bites into your neck. You feel that smug self-control slip, a little as he kisses, sucks and bites your neck.

‘Please fuck me harder…,’ you gasp out, some of it from pain but mostly from pleasure.

‘As you wish darling,’ He whispers into your ear, followed by his lips and tongue brushing your ear.

You dig your long finger nails into his back, drawing a little blood through the scratches. He growls into your ear and he picks up his pace, slamming his hard cock into you. You rake up and down, using your nails like spurs to force him deeper, faster and harder. His willpower slips as you do this and he fucks you exactly the way you want. Gasping and moaning almost in time with his gasps and growls, you move your hips in counter point to his thrusts bringing you together with greater force.

‘You feel so good, baby,’ He says,’ your pussy is so tight.’

‘OH fuck me harder, please, you cock fills me up,’ you moan and almost scream out.

You lose yourselves in each other, swept up and carried by the passion and this need to possess the other. Your kisses fuel and fan those desires as you almost mash your lips to his and you come closer and closer to a great orgasm.

‘Yes, yes, ye….,’ You trail off as you cum on his cock. Your hands clench as you finish, your nails digging into his back, causing him to growl, loudly, and plunges a final deep thrust inside your pussy. You have finally broken his self-control.

He kisses you softly and slides off the bed. He smiles down at you and runs his fingers through your hair. You sit up and kiss him, tenderly.

‘I almost have breakfast ready,’ He tells you,’ I just have to finish cooking it but I’m sure you would want to help.’

He smiles, a big shit eating grin at you, knowing your cooking skills aren’t the greatest.

‘Fuck you, old man,’ You say with no heat in your voice.

‘I just did that, darling, maybe later,’ He says, chuckling.

He moves off and picks up a towel, returning back to you, he presents it to you with a smart ass bow. You grab the towel, smiling and shaking your head at his behavior. It is uncanny on what he remembers, you mentioned what a bastard your ex fuck buddy was and how he failed to provide a towel to clean off his cum.

‘If you want darling, you can take a shower and breakfast will be served,’ He says as he walks of your bedroom.

You get up and hop into your shower. Smiling with a satisfaction that only morning sex can bring to you, you enjoy a nice relaxing shower. Toweling off, you go back into your bedroom to get dressed. You get into some comfortable clothes and wander out into your kitchen.

He is cooking pancakes as you walk up, flipping them over. You stand on your toes and kiss his neck as you come up behind him. He turns around and kisses you softly on the forehead.

‘Did you have a good shower?’ he asks you.

‘Pretty good but my alarm clock was a better way to wake up,’ You reply, smiling naughtily at him.

He chuckles and kisses you, this time on the lips. He turns back around and finishes cooking the pancakes. Gathering everything up, he brings it over to the table and sets it down. Smiling, he goes back to and gets out some juice and pours it into some glasses then brings those over to the table. You take a seat and look at the spread. Some eggs, bacon, toast and pancakes are what is for breakfast today and you smile as he sets the juice down in front of you. Leaning down, he kisses you softly and takes his seat afterwards.

‘Thanks for making breakfast,’ you say.

‘No problem, at least I know you ate better while I was here,’ he says, smiling.

You catch a sad smile but it is quickly replaced by his usual impish smirk. You both knew that this little vacation was going to end but you are still happy that he came to visit. The few days he has been here has put a brighter picture on the world and shown you that there are decent guys out there, which can manage to be naughty and nice at the same time. Digging into the food, you both eat in silence as you glance shyly at him. You catch him doing the same.

‘So what is the plan today?’ he asks.

‘Well I do have class later,’ you reply.

‘I figured but my plane leaves tonight so … what would you like to do between now and class?’ He asks you.

‘Well, not sure,’ you say.

‘How about we run around and explore and just see some of the city?’

‘Sounds good to me.’

‘Good then I can buy you that dinner I promised you before class and the last thing you never had from a guy will be done,’ He says, grinning.

‘What did you do? Make a check list?’

‘Oh, nope, I just remember, darling.’

‘Sure, sure,’ you say, shaking your head.

After breakfast you both leave and wander the city. You have been here a couple of years and it’s really nothing new to you but he seems to be like a kid. He looks around and explores, dragging you with him as he goes into shops and buildings and rides on the trains. It is a fun day and both of you have a great time. All too soon the though, it is getting closer and closer to class time. He notices you glances at your phone and realizes it is time for dinner.

Leading you into a random small restaurant, he quickly gets you both seated and menus in hand.

‘Have you ever eaten here before?’ He asks you.

‘Nope, I barely know where we are,’ you re
ply smiling.

‘Good,’ he says, though you see a sparkle of a naughty thought in his eye.

It turns out to be an Italian restaurant and you both order lasagna with side salads. The food is good and you talk and talk about really nothing but it is fun all the same. Both of you seem to be avoiding the fact he is leaving and that you are going to class shortly, it has been a fun and interesting couple of days. Neither of you really want it to end but he has to leave and you have to be in school and here so it is goodbye soon enough. After you eat and enjoy some nice tiramisu for desert, he pays the check, leaving a fairly big tip for the waiter and stands up. Holding out his hand to you and once you take it, he drags you back into the bathroom. Locking the door behind you, he pins you against the wall kissing you and caressing your body.

‘What are you doing?’ you ask, pulling your face away from his.

‘I think you know, darling,’ He says and then kisses your neck and your throat.

‘What if we get caught?’

‘We get thrown out and we never come back here but since you never have eaten here before you shouldn’t have a problem with that.’


He silences your protests with kisses and quickly pushes down your pants, dragging your panties with them. He puts his hand over your mouth as he kisses your neck, pushing himself between your legs. You feel his cock pushing against your pussy as he keeps you pinned up against the wall. This turning you on: the sex in a public place, his hand on your mouth and his insistence are all combining to make you wet for him. He easily slips his hard dick into you and fucks you against the wall. You gasp into his hand and moan but it is muffled as he strokes his cock in and out of you. He seems seriously intent on fucking you hard and fast. You can already feel it building up inside you which just turns you on more and more. It is crazy to think how well he knows after only a short time but he does and it is such a good feeling. His passion and desire for you are unmatched and his willingness to be completely freaky makes you so hot. Lost in these thoughts and feeling you feel yourself cum and you scream a little into his hand. He picks you up and sets you on the sink as he continues to pound your pussy.

A knock on the door is ignored by both of you.

He pulls on your hair as he merciless slams his cock into you, making you want to cum again. Fucking you on the hard sink and the hair pulling brings you back to the point of no return as you feel him cum inside you. That is the final blow to you and your orgasm ripples through your body for the second time in a short time. You lean your head against him, still quivering and gasping. He removes his hand from your mouth and kisses you.

‘I know this isn’t the movies but I figured it would work for now,’ He says, smiling tenderly at you.

‘Thank you,’ you manage to say.

‘My pleasure, darling one,’ He replies.

A more insistent knock hammers the door and he glances at it and quickly pulls up his pants. You hop off the sink and get your pants back on as well.

‘Just a minute, keep your pants on,’ He yells out, smirking at you.

‘Come on buddy,’ a male voice yells through the door.

Seeing that you are ready, he grabs your hand and opens the door. You both rush past the guy as he stares in shock and you realize that the scent of sex is heavy on the air as you leave the bathroom. You are blushing and you notice so is he as he leads you out of the restaurant and onto the street. Quickly, flags down a cab and you both take a rid back to your apartment complex, you still holding hand as you drive through the city. Throwing money at the driver, he motions for you to get out and he follows quickly. You glance at your cell, noting you barely have enough time to get to class and he is going to be cutting close to get to the airport time with enough time to get through security.

He smiles at you as you pull him along to your apartment, taking the elevator up. You grab him and kiss him the entire way, barely noticing the door open he pushes you out, returning your kiss. You bump against your door, hearing your two dogs bark inside: Eva and Layla. You come out of the kiss barely breathing and grinning at him. He shakes his head, almost sadly.

‘What?’ you ask him.

‘Nothing just going to miss you, a little more than I thought,’ he replies.

You smile, shyly and look into his eyes. You just see his admiration and sincerity shining through the deep green eyes of his and you glance quickly away. You manage to unlock the door and get inside he follows you, giving you a quick spank on the butt. You yelp in surprise and spin around into his arms as he kisses you.

‘Bastard,’ you tell him once the kiss is over.

‘Nope I know who my father is,’ He replies with a grin.

‘Sure, you do,’ you say smiling back. He always manages to make you smile and laugh. It is a good thing.

He walks around you and grabs his bag out of your room bringing it out. He sets it down and roots in it for a moment. Pulling out the handcuffs, he used on you last night, he holds them out to you. You look at them and then him and then back.

‘Keep them, I want you too and plus I don’t want to explain them to airport security,’ He says to you.

‘Ok,’ You say as you take them.

He takes you into his arm and kisses you softly and passionately.

‘This has been wonderful and I am going to miss you but we will still talk online and I hope you understand now darling,’ he tells you.

You nod it is all you can manage at the moment.

‘Now once I leave here, give me five minutes and check your bedroom. Don’t do it before please darling as a favor to me. I will miss you and I hope you have a good day at class,’ He says kissing your cheeks then your forehead and finally your lips. This kiss is intense and your stomach quivers a little as you feel this desire for something deep inside you.

‘Goodbye, little one,’ He says as he opens the door and slips out.

You try several times to say something but nothing comes out.

He smiles at you and tilts his head down, a small bow to you and he shuts the door.

You stand there a moment, breathing hard.

‘Goodbye, sweetheart, I’m going to miss you,’ you whisper to the closed door.

A little sadly you absently pet your dogs as you walk into your room. Sitting on the bed is a single red rose and folded below it is a sheet of paper. Picking you the rose and the paper, you put the flower to your nose and inhale deeply and smile. Taking your time you open the paper and read it.

Darling, I’m so glad you trusted yourself and me as well to let me visit you. I just wanted you to know that this trip has meant more than you can know and so has your friendship. If we never speak again or see each other again just know you have found a special place in my heart and that someone, somewhere will miss you, yet will wish you all the best. Good Guys exist, so keep the faith. Also in my tradition here is a poem for you, enjoy.

Sparks of truth
Guide us down
Our Paths
Lighting the way
Like beacons of hope
Will’ wisps dance
Across our vision
Of our future
From the past
Our own personal
Messengers of will.

You smile but yet you choke back a few tears as you fold the piece of paper back up and put it in your pocket as you get ready for school. Keeping the rose with you as you leave your apartment going back to your life, the thing that occupies your thoughts is that final smile he gave you and you wish you could see it again. Closing the door on your L.S. Apartment, you wish for a moment that life was different.

I hope you all enjoyed this and the woman that is about has managed to make me want to write a lot which in itself is unusual. I hope you liked it darling and if you ever want to talk you know how to get a hold of me. I hope you do beca
use you are missed, even though this is a work of fiction, part of me hopes to make it a reality. If not be well and know that where there is life there is hope.

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About 5 years ago, I was spending a lot of time in London. I tended to while away the evenings either in or go to the occasional concert or football match. I was also a huge addict of a number of social networking sites and I quickly learned which ones were good for no strings attached meetings!In my experience there are a number of types of person who use these sites. Some are just lonely hearts looking for online ‘company’ to pass the time, some are curious, they like the thought of ‘fun’...

4 years ago
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The Labyrinth

(Welcome to the Labyrinth! A Choose-Your-Own Sexventure! In this adventure we will be guiding our Hero or Heroine through the dark and dangerous world of the Labyrinth. However before we can make it there we have to figure out just who we are and that is what these first few chapters will be about. Building the character that you will then be taking in to the labyrinth itself. Along the way we will also pick up weapons, gear and maybe a few companions. Each chapter will have the stats and...

4 years ago
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The Accidental MasterChapter 6 The Fifth Day

The next morning I awoke to the sound of a hair dryer running in the bathroom. I was really starting to like the vision that it induced in my brain. The sight of Angela bent over at the waist, hair covering her face and her legs spread far apart was a sight that I hoped never to forget. Besides, it was a lot less obnoxious than an alarm clock, I thought. The other thing that I noticed was that my cock was sore. It was hard, as it usually is in the mornings, but it was sore from the workout...

2 years ago
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Her wonderful mouth

My first story for Lush. Hope you like it. I wait in my motel room for her call. She has been teasing me all week about meeting up with me on one of my usual stays in the city. Finally, a beep on the phone, I check the message. “I be ready in 20 min. Go to the park by the store” it says. I get up and head to the bathroom. Checking my appearance I find all acceptable so I head down to the car. I am nervous and excited all at the same time. Thousands of thoughts racing through my mind, what will...

Oral Sex
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How Christi Paid for College Ch 04

It was only the first week of classes when Christi moved into Kappa house. Within a couple of days she had used her summer savings to pay her tuition bill and changed her status to ‘off campus’ to cancel her room and board charges. She was left with just a couple hundred dollars in her bank account but free to keep following her degree. Spring semester would be a problem, a second huge tuition payment would come due and she didn’t have enough saved to cover it. Also, she assumed that living...

2 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 93

I blinked and looked over at the appendage strapped to a metal table as I contemplated her answer. “It’s that bad?” I asked. “It’s that bad,” Sondra answered with a grave nod. “I was going to give you a couple of more days to recuperate before I came out Sunday to explain all of this to you. It wasn’t going to be a surprise when you got the hospital on Monday. But now I hope you understand why everybody is so concerned with your well-being – me included.” “So I can cause more damage by...

3 years ago
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Kidnapped With Friends

This time at the beach, as usual, Jessie, Steph and Megan are renewing their tans while I'm in the water. I swim for a while. There are plenty of other swimmers to hang out with in the water. After a while, I decide to go check on my friends. Staring at their abandoned towels, I start to think about where they could have gone off to. I notice another shadow approaching mine on the sand. Expecting my friends, I turn and begin to ask "Where'd you three-". My question is cut short...

1 year ago
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New horizons for Sammyboy

You exit your home in a rush, making your mom scream at you from the living room. You don't listen, you are too excited to go to Mark house to care, both have been frinds since kindegarden, having eachothers back. You are quite different to him, you are quite slender, with a mop of blond hair over your head and bright green eyes that shine everytime you smile, he in other hand had tan skin, result of many hours of soccer training, and dark hair styled in a buzz cut. He gave off that tought guy...

4 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14E01 Adrienne Huntington 42 from Swanage

We open this week’s show, as usual, with an establishing shot of the seafront of a small seaside town. Shops and shoppers, deserted ice-cream stands, a beach filled with yellow sand but virtually no holiday makers, and a very choppy bay stretching out in the distance, with land on one side and a pier on the other. We can hear the unmistakable blustering sound of wind blowing in off the sea ... We’re clearly at a seaside resort in the middle of winter. A big caption appears, filling almost...

2 years ago
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A Special Birthday Surprise

This story is a very special story to me. I remember it quite well as a matter of fact. Her name, I finally discovered, at that time a number of years back, is Gwen. First off, there are a few things to know. Number one is that Gwen was 53 at the time. Number two, Gwen lives behind me. We still speak or communicate, usually by way of email, but either way we see one another often. And every time, although she’s as sedate as they come, she’ll smile a heck of a lot. Before I go on, my name is...

2 years ago
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Banged Vizag Hot Girl When Her Parents Are Out

Hello Ladies and Gentleman, I’m Jay Krishna, Jay, living in Vizag, done with my B.Tech 2 years back. I’m 25, 5’10 with 7 inches dick Long and wide enough to satisfy any unsatisfied pussy and ass holes. Not so fair but a good looking face and dimples as girls say all this. Firstly, thank you soo much guys for the feedbacks for my 1st story from many girls and middle aged women and also few men appreciating my story. And please guys no matter what you offer but I don’t want to share any of my...

1 year ago
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SensualistChapter 6

A Tiff with Sis - Showering Together – Wedded Bliss – A Voyeuristic Treat – My First Goodbye Fuck The day before Denise's wedding I finally caught up with my sister Maureen in our swimming pool. Almost everyone else was out tending to last minute details. "It was just an accident," Maureen said, whipping her brown hair so that it flew through the air to land sinuously over her breasts while conspicuously avoiding looking me in the eye. She was referring to our fucking earlier in the...

4 years ago
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True Story The Start of a 3way The Beginnin

The night started off like my usual night on X. Reading stories and getting all hot and bothered from the sexy vidz. My man is on the prowl looking for a hot chick to eat my pussy. You see we decided to make a Fuckit list. The fuckit list is the sexual conquest that we want to conquer before we kick the bucket. His fantasy is to see me eat pussy or vise versa. My fantasy is to watch him eat some pussy. I get wet from the thought of him licking and sucking on a tight lil cunt. As I was saying we...

3 years ago
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One Big Horny Weasley Family Chapter 21 Epilogue

Ron did one final walk-through of the bedroom to make sure he hadn’t missed anything. Dropping down to his hands and knees, he peered under the bed. Sure enough, they had missed something. Once he retrieved it, he realized he did not recognize this underwear, and he knew they didn’t belong to his wife. He stuck it in his pocket and figured he’d get it back to whoever needed it. After checking everything else, he walked down the hall as the others began to gather as well. “Somebody lose...

2 years ago
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An Unforgettable Night in JunePart 2

This is another true story. It occurred shortly after Part 1. The names have been changed. After the episode with Sabrina, June and I were extremely excited. We could not keep the idea of another threesome out of our heads. We would make love to one another like it was the last time every time after the threesome. Some months later, June decided she wanted to do it again, and who was I to stop her? As I got my gear put away at work, preparing for the long weekend ahead, June sent me a text...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Construction pt 2

Paul then told me that he had seen me pull up yesterday and get out of the car he could not take his eyes off me he wanted to fuck me then and there on the top of the hood of my car. That when he had walked over and saw my lips all he could think about was how they would feel around his hard cock he took his belt then and smacked my ass he said he could smell my cunt yesterday and had waited but I had done nothing. At this point my ass is on fire my pussy is dripping like a waterfall I beg...

3 years ago
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It felt like I'd been sleeping for a year. I stretched and moaned a little at the comfort of my bed. Then I looked at the clock. Uh oh, seven already, if I didn't hurry I was going to be late. I'd only meant to take a short nap. Just a pick me up so I'd be fresh and alert for the evening's entertainment. But I'd ended up sleeping for two hours. I wondered if Max was home yet? I listened but the house seemed quiet, empty. Still, I thought, he's probably here, staring at that damn...

2 years ago
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418 things aint always quite as you may fantasise

418 things ain`t always quite as you may fantasise .This story started about September last year, when I had a friend request from a couple SAYING; My profile on here clearly states I am a bi lady in my mid fifties and seeking a lesbian couple from preference for mutual sex [though what it doesn’t say so, in reality to have a good tryst with another woman again I would at a push agree to sex with her husband] but most hamster folk live on hope anyway. I`m Mid fifties as I said, I live alone, in...

3 years ago
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Tramp With A StampChapter 4

John couldn't believe his eyes when Molly walked through the door. They'd arranged to meet at his favourite restaurant, the same place that they'd had their first date. He could remember watching her enter, years ago; she'd been dressed casually (slightly underdressed for the setting, if he was being honest) and he remembered seeing her smile for the first time. It was her smile that he'd fallen in love with; on that night so long ago, his first thought had been that she looked drab and...

2 years ago
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Sara did not hear the door open downstairs. She was completely engrossed in her “alone time” as Mark entered the house undetected. She sat on the bed nude with her legs open, totally preoccupied and was working her fingers lightly on the outside of her pussy teasing her self. The wetness she felt excited her as the arousal intensified. Mark did not call out as if instinctively he knew what he would find. Her laptop was open and she was involved in a chat that had evolved into a mutual...

4 years ago
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Interlude 177

One For the third time in the last five minutes, she pulls the curtains aside slightly and looks out down the long driveway. Nope, not yet. She returns to her pacing. She is nervous. In fact, more nervous than she had been in many years. Exactly why, she can’t decide. She feels like a girl waiting for her first date. A couple of months ago, an old flame had looked her up through the wonders of social media. Many emails had followed. Innocent at first, the electronic conversations had turned...

3 years ago
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Whores de BalletChapter 2

Even in her semi-inebriated state Isabel was horrified and was about to alert Mrs Travers when she saw the look of anguish on the woman's face which was quickly accompanied by a shake of her head. Isabel still felt uneasy but went with the flow, it seemed so much easier to do that than make a fuss, and anyway the girls mom didn't seem to be concerned so... Susi gave Wendy the glass and, after encouragement from her mom to drink it all up, she downed the sweet and sharp mixture in one long...

2 years ago
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Jelly Bean and Her Bail Bondsman Ch 03

It was after ten when I left Aunt Joyce’s house on Friday evening. It is our ladies gab night when we do our nails. The main topic that evening being the wedding. Danny was upstairs in his new study when I let myself in and locked the doors behind me. I spend all my Friday and Saturday nights with him now. I went immediately to my office and put our wedding invitation in my desk. I eventually had to tell Danny because we would be driving down in 9 days. I hadn’t decided how to tell him what...

3 years ago
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The Fourth of July

It's the fourth of July. My family has gone up north to New Hampshire for the holiday. I did not go up with them, because yet again I have to work. But this year, I am not lonely, because you have come up to visit me for the holiday.The house is silent as we make sandwiches in the kitchen. You come up behind me, and kiss my neck, as you press your hard cock against my back. I laugh, as you nibble on my ear a little and your hands wander towards my breasts. I lean back into you, as I pull your...

3 years ago
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Children of the LightChapter 7 Pride and Precipice

The second half of our 'Boy's Night Out' was full of dancing and flirting. I managed to avoid most of both, but not all. I even managed a dance with Glova! The defining moment of the evening came when Ariana Burgess, walked into the Event Horizon and up to the table where Porter was sitting with Fred, Diyr, Aaron, Jon and two of our students. "Hi Daddy. Is there room for me to join you?" Fred was up and out of his chair so fast he almost knocked it over. He gave her a bow, and kissed...

2 years ago
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Ravaged Music TeacherChapter 6

Shortly after Buzz had left the salesman's wife, he'd driven toward his own neighborhood, even though it wasn't his official beat. Sometimes he did this to check and see if his wife's car was there. Not that she'd ever screw around on him, of course, but the cynical cop in his blood would never let him rest. She'd been gone a lot at night lately, but she was always visiting friends, gossiping and playing rummy. She played one hell of a lot of rummy these days, Buzz noted. She played so...

1 year ago
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An Incest Birthday Chapter 10

Everyone has an "interesting" last day at the cabin.As usual, comments and honest opinions are greatly appreciated.If you didn't read the first parts you should, it will make more sense if you do.I sat there in disbelief. “Are you kidding me? None of that was real?”“None of what? You didn't go anywhere! What the hell did you dream about?”I was still in a bit of shock. It all seemed so real, like I was really there. I could practically still taste the Vodka in my mouth, not to mention my mom and...

4 years ago
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Transformations ImmersionChapter 9

Andy and Beth waited in Andi's room while she was checked out, then walked beside the mandatory wheelchair as she was taken to the exit. Andy had parked the company van nearby, and before long they were on their way to the Tee. Conversation was sparse, with Andi obviously nervous about what she was getting into. During the night, she had tossed a lot with many misgivings about what she was doing. Ridiculous as spending a couple of months naked seemed to her, the stark reality was that she...

2 years ago
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Your Ass is Mine Pegged

The best way to explain my relationship I have with my wife is to explain how I became a slave to my wife. My wife is 5'2 and 115 pounds and has a nice curvy figure. Basically she looks damn hot. I am 6' and 185 with an athletic swimmers build. Not to sound conceded, but I consider myself fairly nice looking man.My wife and I married when I was 21 and she was 19, everyone said we were to young but we're in love and we're both ready. It is now been 10 years since we married and are still very...

3 years ago
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Steffis Story A Beach Romance

A Beach Romance -- Steffi's Story Companion to Suit-able Punishment. Further explains Steffi's side of the story. Prologue Steffi Thomas was a classic "townie" in a small beach town. Steffi's family owned a local pizza parlor, Shore Pizza, for almost 50 years. It was only a block off the boardwalk, and was a favorite of locals and the tourists who vacationed during the summer. Three generations of Thomas' grew up in the town, running the pizza parlor and making friends...

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