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At a party. First night back out after the disaster that was her previous ‘love match.’ Fuck. How do you do these things? Shouldn’t she be home with a gallon of ice cream and tissues? Still, she didn’t feel like crying or wallowing, enough was enough. Time to be herself again and get out there, make friends again. Time to figure out who she was again and stop making excuses for her ‘other half.’ Now she could be whole. Less a wrench and more of a relief, she was feeling stronger by the minute. Just the social awkwardness of admitting she was wrong about her chosen mate.



Well, no time like the present. She looked good, and if she still had a little roiling unease going on under the surface, so be it.

Checking her reflection for the umpteenth time in a picture frame, she sighed and cleared the furrows from her brow, turning to a group of friends and edging her way into the warm circle of laughter.

‘The prodigal daughter returns!’

She’s pulled into the embrace of her friend Rachel and is hugged, forgiven for all her flaws and foibles. ‘Child, it is good to see you, we missed you. Especially without that awful man whose name shall not be spoken. There, I said it. Now, everyone else, be nice to our girl Cynthia here. There. Done.’ Rachel smiled and released Cynthia’s arm with one more squeeze, then turned back to the story she was telling and began doing more gesticulating to underline her point.

Cynthia’s ears were roaring a little and felt like she’d been called out on the carpet, but there was no helping it, it had to be done. Rachel had ripped the Band-Aid off and it’s out. She gritted her teeth and tried to think lovely thoughts like in ‘Peter Pan.’ Maybe someone would sprinkle her with fairy dust and she could fly away from this.

But no.

No dust, well, not the childish kind. Some drugs here and about, but she didn’t do that kind of dust either. Dammit. No escape.

And it gets worse. A knowing smile is walking her way, one she’s particularly not enjoying confronting.

She heaves a deep sigh and says ‘I know, please don’t start.’

His smile is pure sugar and his voice is the opposite. ‘God damn, girl, you have atrocious taste in men.’

Her head hangs and she looks mock ashamed. ‘Carl, please. My first night back. Is there any chance that you…’ she raises her head and looks at him. No. No chance.

His eyes meet hers and he hands her a drink. Offhand she notices it’s her favorite. How the hell did he know…never mind. Here it comes.

‘Cyn, I swear, I have to strike while the iron is hot before you find another loser to prop up.’

Cynthia sighs. He always managed to say her name in a way to make it sound like ‘Sin’ on purpose. She couldn’t stand it and he knew it. Nobody else calls her this. She takes a sip of her drink and braces herself against the sharp fumes and the sharp atmosphere.

‘Fine. This is my ‘flog the heretic’ night. Please, don’t spare me.’

‘Cyn, if you’re looking to be flogged, I volunteer.’

She starts to laugh this off and then meets his eyes again. He’s not joking. Her hands curl around the cool glass and beads of condensation slip between her fingers. ‘I’m a little raw this evening, if you could tone down the cat o’ nine tails to maybe a cat o’ five tails, I’d appreciate it.’ She delivers this is a quiet voice and tries to take another sip, eyes downcast.

His hand closes over her glass and his smile is again silken and his voice harsh. ‘No. We’re leaving. Unless you want a public flogging and not a private one.’

The glass is extricated from her nerveless hand and his arm pulls hers into the crook of his own with a steely hand holding her in place. Much warmer than hers. Much more determined and all the fight’s just gone out of her. Raw and willing to escape in any way, and unwilling to become a public bullseye, she knows him well enough that he’ll do exactly what he says without mercy unless she goes with him. But this is Carl. He wouldn’t hurt her. She knows this and is relieved to be going, to have it done and out of her hands, to be rescued from tonight. And she doesn’t trust herself anymore. And she’s so tired.

He makes the rounds with her saying good night in what appears to be a friendly promenade, but is underscored with his hand on her forearm, solid and unyielding. She says goodnight in a confused and anticipatory blur. Anticipating getting her ass kicked, but that’s better than the bleak loss she’s been feeling.

Thankfully they didn’t have far to go, Carl and Rachel lived in the same building, and his apartment was only an elevator ride away. Familiar territory, but this time, not a rowdy and fun ride. He was staring at the numbers, watching them tick by as if he could will them to travel faster.

Silence as his key grated in the lock and he ushered her inside, gesturing her to go before him. As if he didn’t trust her, and she’d cut and run if he wasn’t bringing up the rear. With his present mood, she might. He knew it.

Since he wasn’t taking any chances he even locked the door behind him and leaned against it once inside. She grinned and tried to make light of it.

‘Carl, I’m not going to try to escape. I can take it. I think. Can I take it?’

Silence and a glare from Carl. ‘No. You can’t take it. But you’re going to.’

Her head rolls back in exasperation and she closes her eyes and says ‘Please, just say what you’re going to say. I can’t stand the suspense.’

Pushing off from the door and stepping behind her, he moves her hair out of the way and tips her head forward to knead her shoulders. ‘It’s been bad, hasn’t it?’ he asks simply.


‘On a scale of 1 to 10, how stupid do you feel?’ His voice is warm and teasing.


‘Three? No way, you should be lower than that. One.’


‘One point five, and that’s my final offer.’

She starts to laugh and groans softly at his hands massaging her shoulders. ‘I should pay you for this. Can I make an appointment for this in the future, this is nice.’

His voice is closer to her ear than she expects and he says ‘I insist on future appointments. I see your calendar becoming crowded.’

She nods slightly and says ‘I should get back into the game.’

He shakes his head and kisses the nape of her neck. ‘Not THE game. My game.’

Her head jerks up suddenly and her voice is no longer relaxed. ‘Carl, you’re acting very strange this evening. This is a little more ‘Confuse Cynthia’ than I’m used to.’

He laughs and slides his hands down her arms and pulls her back against his chest. ‘Good. I like you confused. It’s when you try to think that you’re scary.’

Taking this as more friendly chiding, she tips her head back against his shoulder and looks at him imploringly. ‘Please, tell me, when does the flogging end?’

He wraps his arms around her and sighs ‘I don’t know. We have to get past the grudge fucking first. Then I’ll consider being civil.’

She freezes and twists her head to study his expression, which is steely again. ‘You’re scaring me.’


Turning her in his arms he holds her face between his hands and draws her closer for a kiss that sears and shocks, surprise holds her still for a moment, and then ignoring the sensation she starts to struggle. ‘Carl. Not funny.’

Growling at the interruption of the kiss, his expression darkens to anger and his voice is a lash of intent. ‘No. Not funny. Not intended to be. Shut up, Cyn.’

Squirming with what she feels to be the deepest humiliation she’s undergone, she bites his lip and pulls back, the back of his hand going to his mouth and dragging over a smear of blood.

‘God damn it, you bastard. Like I need you to make me feel like I’m being used. I’ve had enough of that.’

His laugh is bleak. ‘Enough? No. Not enough. You never expect enough. And you get ev
erything wrong, as usual. I swear, you are the stupidest woman on the face of this Earth. What the hell do you think is going on here?’

Cynthia stammers and grinds to a halt in her anger and apologizes for the blood she drew. ‘I don’t know. This is your idea of punishing me. For my bad judgment, for my lack of control, for something only you know. Why don’t you tell me.’

He releases a bark of laughter and pushes against her shoulders, rocking her back a pace with every sentence. ‘No. YOU are the one with the bad judgment, not me. YOU are the one with horrible taste, not me. YOU are the one who can’t see someone in love with you when he’s kissing you.’

Her eyes narrowed and she scoffs at him ‘You. In love with me. When did this happen?’

‘You are one of the most Godawful stupid people. I swear to you, I can’t understand how I fell for such a stupid woman.’

His stalking advance induces her into flight and she starts to scoot around the couch to put some distance between them, hands in front of her to ward him off somehow. ‘No. No. This is crazy. You’re acting crazy. Is this some ‘Scared Straight’ program where you’re trying to put me off men altogether? It’s working. Carl. CARL. It’s me!’

‘I am not chasing you around this couch. Hold still or I’m not going to be responsible for the consequences, brainless.’

Heedless, she backs away one extra step and with a sudden leap over it, she’s caught in his arms again. ‘Bloody hell, woman. Can’t follow simple instructions.’

His mouth lowers to hers and her arms are pinned this time to her sides. She’s caught between him being serious and thinking he was slipped something in his drink. Either way…leaning against him, she’s beginning to believe in serious.

She draws back and looks at him. ‘You’re serious.’

He nods and draws one slow breath. ‘I’m serious.’

Her eyes close. ‘What the hell?’

He laughs and wraps his arms around her completely, caressing her back and shoulders. ‘I’ve decided that you’re a heedless treasure and you need a dragon to guard you.’

‘You’re a dragon?’

‘I’m a dragon. Don’t let the handsome face and incredible body fool you. Pure reptile. I’m working on the wings. Maybe next year.’

‘And here I thought the breathing fire was just an act.’

‘Cyn. I’m telling you now. No more men.’

‘No more men?’

‘No more men. Only me.’

‘Only you.’

‘You’re not allowed to think about this.’

‘I’m not?’

‘No. You’re supposed to feel this.’

His head tilted down for a gentle kiss, nuzzling her lips and kissing the corners of them, his teeth playing with her lower lip and his hand coming up to trace the curve of her ear and tuck her hair gently behind it. ‘I’ll try to grudge fuck you nicely. Stupid.’

She starts to laugh and her finger traces over his lips and over the spot where she bit him. ‘I am such a trial to you, huh?’

‘Felony trial.’


He nods solemnly. ‘Cyn. Tell me you’re staying here with me or you’ll never leave here alive.’

She giggles again ‘That doesn’t make any sense.’

He nuzzles her neck and whispers ‘Sure it does. It makes Cyn sense. As much as you ever do. Tell. Me. You’re. Staying. Cyn.’ He punctuates each word with a kiss on the nape of her neck.

Her head tilts back and she sighs with one long exhalation. ‘I’m staying.’

All the anger and tension drains out of his body and he looks wrung out for one moment, then playful again. ‘That is a binding legal contract. I’m holding you to it.’

‘What gets me is that there’s a grudge fucking clause to this contract.’ She looks pensive.

‘Oh yeah! Grudge fucking, I almost forgot.’ He seizes her suddenly and carries her to his bedroom, tossing her into the center of the bed with a heavy ‘OOF’ on impact.

‘That’s about the most unromantic…’

‘Oh shut up. I’m the injured party here, you’re only going to be vaguely bruised. But you’ll like it.’

‘I will?’

‘You’ll have a bruised smile.’

She starting to edge off the bed again, but he circles around and leans over her, unclasping his belt and slowly drawing it out from each loop, then dropping it dramatically on the floor.

‘You are a scary son of a bitch, you know. If I’d known earlier…’

He interrupts her ‘If you’d known earlier, you probably would have fallen for me sooner, huh? Predictable wench. Okay. First there’s the rending of the clothing. Mind if I tear your dress off you?’

‘Do I have a choice?’

‘It’s really for effect. I’d like you to have the whole package.’

She looks down at her dress and then up at him, starting to unbutton his shirt and spread it open to lay her hands on his chest. ‘I’d hate to miss the whole package. Go on. Tear me.’ Her voice is huskier and she kisses the center of his chest, rubbing her lips and cheek against his skin in a sensual drag.

‘That’s so not fair. You’re supposed to be intimidated by me.’

‘C’mon, Carl. Or do you not know how ladies’ clothing works?’

‘You’re enjoying this way too much.’

She looks up at him and her eyes are warm and welcoming. ‘I am.’

‘Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?’

She shakes her head slowly. ‘Show me?’

His smile deepens and he kneels on the bed, pulling her to him and tipping her chin up to look in her eyes, then dipping his lips to kiss her, tangling his hands in her rumpled hair and combing it through his fingers.

Disarmed and shaken from the sudden shift of events, sapped weak by his kiss, her thighs start to tremble and a shudder reaches up her spine and into her hands, clutching spasmodically at his shoulders accompanied by a weak little gasp, brought to stinging tears that she tries to blink back.

But this is Carl, who knows her better than she knows herself, leaning her back in his arms, across his lap, in his embrace, caressing her back as she starts to cry. ‘Shhhhh. Honey, nothing’s going to hurt you. I won’t hurt you. Well, not unless you ask nicely.’

That produces a watery chuckle and she bites down on his shoulder playfully. ‘It’s okay. You don’t have to be nice to me. I…I know…I know you’re just trying to make me feel better…and…and…that’s sweet. You don’t have to lie to me.’

He growls softly. ‘Sweet. Sweet? You think I’m being sweet. Again. Stupid. I am not feeling sweet. I’m feeling ravenous.’

‘Well…ravage, why isn’t there ripping yet?’

‘You started to cry, doofus.’

‘Oh. Sorry. I do that.’

‘Me kissing you made you cry.’

‘I’m sorry. I’m no good at this.’

‘New rule. You’re not allowed to talk. Or think. Only guttural noises or moans. Do you understand me? Maybe my name. If you can get it right.’

She presses her lips together. ‘Check. No…um…talking.’

He glares at her again and mutters the word ‘moron’ under his breath before tearing the bodice of her dress clean through the front, yanking her forward and lowering his mouth to her breast, sucking her nipple deep into his mouth in a sudden, painful bloom of sensation.

She whimpers softly and said ‘Oh, God…’

His mouth is withdrawn and rains soft kisses on her nipple, whispering softly ‘Carl. My name is Carl. Use it.’


‘Yes, Cyn.’

Ripping the rest of her dress off her, he lays her on her back and wrenches his shirt and pants off with barely controlled violence and covers her with his body, grinding his hips into hers. His mouth teases hers into opening and his tongue delves into her mouth, wrenching little moans from her. He draws up her legs on either side of his hips and the only bit of clothing remaining on her is high heels on her perfect legs, the heels digging into the bed as her toes curl inside her shoes.

Looking down at her he smiles lazily and rolls over on his back beside her, drawing her up to lay on his chest, her back bra
ced against him and his legs locking around hers, to spread her apart. His cock nestled and pulsing against her, his hands travel down her arms to capture her hands and put them where he wants them, one hand on her breast and the other on her clit, caressing softly.

Hands entwined, he guides her through pleasure, watching her breasts heave and kissing the back of her neck, waiting for her breath to grow hoarse and catch, for her legs to clutch around his for support and balance, arching back against him until he drives deep inside her and impales her, rolling her onto her stomach to a clenching orgasm. He braces his arms on either side of her and drives hard, lifting her hips until her feet, still in her shoes, are braced against his upper thighs. Leaning into the sharp pain of the heels, he grinds out his release inside her until they’re both limp and trembling, gasps and sweat mingling on their skin and their mouths, twisted into a kiss until she’s turned to face him, wrapping her arms around him.

His shoulders shudder and he buries his head in her throat, kissing at her damp skin and murmuring her name like a prayer or a blasphemy. Right now it’s all the same to him, with her in his arms. As long as she stays there.

She holds his face in her hands and kisses him softly, then settles back to lay her head on his shoulder. ‘Carl?’

‘Yes, Cyn?’

‘We should have done this sooner.’

‘Yes, but you were being stupid.’

‘Fair enough. Carl?’

‘Yes, Cyn?’

‘Next time you know something important that I don’t…tell me, okay?’

‘From now on, I promise.’

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Part 16A Quiet moment in the world of darkness Rachel woke up in a nice soft warm bed. It must be a hospital, she thought because there was the regular bep bep sound of one of those monitoring machines you always see in hospital rooms. But as she looked around the room she felt more like it was a fancy hotel, and it sure smelled nice. The bed was not the usual hospital contraption; it was a big regular bed. There was a bunch of medical stuff next to her, but the rest of the room was well...

3 years ago
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Visiting My Aunt For The Second Time 8211 Part II

Hi ISS readers, Akash here i think you all know about me if not no worried i will introduce myself once again to you. I am Akash working as a call center employee in Hyderabad height 6 feet weight around 75 with perfect body black long hair and about my aunty my princess Divya she was a house wife with height around 5.2 weighting not more than 50 perfect figure with sexy ass she lives with her husband he is a railway contractor, went out of city for 3 days and i entered into her house for 3days...

3 years ago
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the divide part 2

" what Amy what's going on what am I doing on the floor and why is my head killing me" " do you really expect me to know that im just as curious as you are so are you feeling ok" "apart from my head yeah fine but I cant remember what happened last night at all the only thing I remember was being at work walking home and then its a blank" "stay here ill get you some coffee see if that helps you wake up or at least remember something" I kept trying to remember what happened...

2 years ago
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Hot Sravanthy Aunty Made Me Mad About Her

This is Ravi about me i am a IT employee and this happened three months ago with a aunty who stays near by my office, she is a slim and a hot bomb this aunty have a kid who studies in a near by school to my office and even aunty house was also in a walk able distance, let me give you some idea how i meet this aunt and how it lead to bed. Aunty son is studying 4th standard in near by school aunty regularly come to drop & pick up her son as you people may be aware that in Hyderabad most of the...

4 years ago
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I Love Older Women Chapter Six

Jack woke up at six forty. Su was awake and looking very happy. Jack quietly got up and out of the bed and signaled her to follow him. They got into the lounge then Jack said, “Good Morning,” then they kissed. Soon they were on the rug and both were taking time with the foreplay. Jack was hard. Su was wet. Jack got her into position and went into her doggy style which allowed him to play with her clit as he rode her. After twenty five minutes Jack came. Su had cum several times. Then they lay...

2 years ago
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Silver BloodOrigin

Well,here I am, the last one alive in the research lab. The vampires have either turned or killed everybody else here. Luckily, I am in a sealed off self contained bunker with its own sealed water and air recycling systems. Now I can put my plan into action to destroy the menace. [-][+][-] It all started when we received an aged corpse in a wooden coffin filled with dirt. What was unique about the corpse was that it had fangs and pointed...

4 years ago
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The Widows Daughter

I had been surprised at the greeting I got upon arrival at the late Edith Downing's home. Her daughter, Laura, had greeted me at the door like a long lost friend, and, after the other mourners had left, she had enticed me to tell her the details of her mother's relationship with me. Far from being mortified by the fact that Edith had seduced me, spending time teaching me how to please women, Laura had gotten very turned on by it, suggesting that we go upstairs so I could 'show' her what we had...

3 years ago
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the gym

i'm a white male. about 35 at the time,and i was at the gym. it was after work and after my workout so it was around 9;30 when i was done. i went to the locker room to change,and heard someone on their cell phone. i didn't really think anything of it,and went to my locker to change. after i changed i sat down on the bench to put my sneakers back on,and i realized the guy on the phone was actually right across from me,still on the phone. when i looked at him,he was pacing back and forth talking...

3 years ago
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Aggerwal sahab ki beti

Hi readers I am bablu near delhi main 36 saal ka hoon main aap logo ko apni sacchi story sunata hoon mere pados main aggerwal sahab rehte they vo mere papa ke dost they Unki 5 bacche they 3 ladki aur do ladke humlog sath main khela karte they aggerwal sahab ki badi ladki ka naam anu tha vo mere se tin saal choti thee dheere dheere hum log jawan ho rahe they humlog. Chupam chupai ka khel khla karte they ak din hum log khel rahe they hum dono upper wale kamre main ja ker chup gaye kamre main...

4 years ago
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The Lost One Ch 07

A/N: Here’s another long chapter folks but alot happens in it so I hope you enjoy it. Thank you BlackStallion21 for editing for I really appreciate it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VII. So Close . . . Yet So Far . . . Now that Pristine held the Crystal of Life, she could go and find the lost unicorn. But first, she had to find Inion. It was still morning as the travelers went through another dense forest. Unlike the majority of the land, these trees were alive and towered up to the sky. ...

2 years ago
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Hydrabadi Lady Ko Diya Pyar Ka Ehesas

Hi friends, its waseem again…aap sab ne meri suman ke saath hue romance ki story padhi and I got good responseso now ab main aapko apni agli real kahani share karne ja raha hu. Is kahani maine shabnam ke saath kaise romance kiya yah bataunga…so let’s start now Orrissa se kam khatam hone ke baad boss ne mujhe hydrabad jane ko kaha and yaha mujhe 6 months rahena tha so main soch raha tha kaise hoga tabhi mujhe heena ka call aya wo ab permanently Dubai settle hone wali thi. So usko milna tha but...

3 years ago
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Fleeting Encounters

My name is Robert. I'm 43 years old, divorced, and all my kids are grown. I am a self-employed software designer and have worked from my home office for many years. About a month after my last child left for college, my wife left me for another man. She had apparently been seeing him for almost a year, delaying leaving me until the kids were gone. I was, to put it mildly, shocked and devastated. In retrospect, it was probably my fault. I neglected her needs while I built my business....

4 years ago
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Wives and Daughters Swap ClubChapter 13

While Tim was hugging his seventeen-year-old niece, Karen, he whispered her trigger phrase to put her in her altered state. Frank and Elizabeth were sitting on the sofa and Frank quickly gave his wife her trigger phrase, putting her in her altered state, so that she would not interfere while they had their fun with Karen. The teen did not show any signs of resisting as her uncle felt her firm young breasts through her top and bra. She let out a slight whimper when he pinched one nipple and...

3 years ago
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Debbies AdventuresChapter 3

Mr. Groves had stayed until the early hours the night before and they had had a lot of fun, but since Debbie wasn't sure what time her mum would be back this morning she asked him to leave just before three o'clock in the morning. She locked the back door behind him and yawning tiredly she went up to bed. She slept the night through and a good part of the morning too, but she was still up and dressed and looking bright eyed by the time her mum got back. Debbie put the kettle on and sat...

2 years ago
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Sexy Professor Part 2

It was a subtle Sunday afternoon... All the shades were drawn in my bedroom and a little red lamp lit the room nicely. It was cozy and warm in my bedroom as I was writing my last journal entry...Before I could end the last sentence, my cell phone rang loudly... On the other end of the phone was a sultry voice...I knew the voice, but could not place the face behind it...It had been two months since I met up with the sexy professor. It sounded like her with a cold..."Hi" " This is Verna, the...

5 years ago
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Next Door Neighbors 2Chapter 2

When I got out of the shower, I went to my room to get some shorts. Mom was there, lying on my bed naked. “Hi Mom, I didn’t hear you come in. how was your day at the salon. Were you real busy?” I said as I walked naked over to my bed and sat next to her. “Hi Hon. I was trying to be quiet so I could get in your bed naked and surprise you. Yes, we were very busy and I did nails all day long. My legs are tired too. Come here and let me see that beautiful cock. It looks like it’s not as red and...

2 years ago
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A Friendly Bhabhi Part 8211 1

Hello, everyone…. I am a boy aged 23…. Have lots of dreams… And pretty much single as well….   But luckily I have a very friendly bhabhi who is just two years elder to me. She is a perfect girl anybody would dream of. A mixture of innocence and naughtiness. I started fantasizing about her from the first time I saw her. But never got the courage to move forward with my ideas.   It’s been three years since ruchi became my bhabhi but I could just masturbate thinking about her. Praying to have...

3 years ago
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Amy and Clara Prisoners in Space 2

Amy looked up at the computer screens situated all around the control room. They were displaying a message to “BEGIN EXPERIMENT 2”. Amy knew that Clara and herself would be the subjects of this experiment. What on Earth was going to happen to them? Suddenly pale yellow gas started to fill the control room. Amy yelped and desperately looked around for an escape route. To her dismay, there was no way out. The gas engulfed Amy and almost instantly she started to black out. She grasped at the...

4 years ago
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Lesley part 34

Kevin the delivery driver was delivering his cock into Lesley's well stretched rectum at 215am by her bedside clock. Sweat was running down his face and dripping onto her backside, then watched as the drops ran like drizzle into the crack of her arse and joined his dick sawing into her well oiled fuck hole. She was insatiable. He had been driving for most of the day, and had broken many driving regulations, just so he could get into this old birds knickers. He wasn't disappointed. Their was 15...

2 years ago
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The Present Day Mira Destovsky and Ivanova were dead and gone. Mira’s younger sister, Alexandra, had assumed command of Mira’s business empire. My name is Jelena Miskoba. I was trained by the former KGB as an assassin. I only graduated when the Soviet Union was in total disarray after its collapse. I had learned the arts of cold-blooded murder and excelled in them. I was not like some of my peers who orgasmed when they killed. It was not a sexual thrill for me, it was a job. I was also...

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Daddy Part 3

"Sit with me Daddy," I said, patting the seat next to me in invitation as he hovered uncertainly in the middle of the room. Finally sitting cautiously at the other end of the sofa he watched me, his eyes flicking from my breasts to my thighs before meeting mine. "You're as bad as the bellboy," I giggled nervously, my sang-froid suddenly gone, knowing the next few minutes were so vital to my future happiness. He moved towards me, and wrapping his arm around my shoulder and tucking me...

3 years ago
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You Made A Promise Chapter 2 A Life Worth Living

It’s the morning of the wedding, the very day that you’ve been dreading for the past week. You can’t believe that you’re going to walk down the aisle with your beautiful wife to be, only to let her go off with another man and consummate the marriage. Rose looks more beautiful than you’ve ever seen her before; she stands in front of you in her wedding dress which doesn’t leave much to the imagination. Your cock presses against your chastity belt as she leans up against you and kisses your neck. ...

2 years ago
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The DriverChapter 5

R.S. Automotive, Penrith 21st September The Man It had been a confusing time and one that left me some work to do. Right up to her confession, I’d known exactly what I was going to do; indeed the wheels were already in motion, now I didn’t know what to do. If McIntyre had drugged her then it was rape and she needed my support. If it was anyone but him I would have accepted her story without hesitation, but the memories of the way he dominated her at university were still in my mind. I had...

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Tits For Tats

Ivy placed items down, waiting her turn in line. She shifted and stretched, moaning in pleasurable pain at the slight burn in her defined muscles from tonight's lengthy and intense workout. Slim fingers brushed the long damp hair away from her face as she checked her phone for new messages.Private party needs 5 bikini models. $50hr plus a chance for extra. Call me. Jared She smiled. That sounded like fun. The late-night sessions at the gym were finally paying off.Baby, April is just a friend....

2 years ago
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Seer 1 I See Dying People 12Part 2

When Melissa heard her room was located in the "Annex" she had expected to find one building, maybe even a small house, and in the cab she had actually considered asking for a relocation the very next day -- not that she would die unless she was around people, but a small cottage with tile roof just wasn't her thing either, especially not if she was to share it with a bunch of crazy scientists. Once they reached the Annex Melissa was even more disappointed. It wasn't a small house, or...

3 years ago
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PHYSIOLOGY. Team meeting. Parkour. I led and let Coach chase me. It felt good to run flat out until I was so exhausted, I couldn’t move. I barely had time for a quick shower before Literary Criticism. This was it. I entered the room, spotted Rio, and sat beside her. She looked up at me, a little surprised. “You okay?” I asked quietly. “Yeah. You?” “I’ll live. Talk to you later.” We sat in a booth in the cafeteria after class. She was surprised when I sat on the same side. She was...

2 years ago
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Mean Chicks 2

The honeymoon was simple. I rented a small cabin in a wooded area about 50 miles from home. It was a beautiful area completely surrounded by trees and a small pond with fish about a quarter mile from the cabin. The cabin was simple. Kitchen, bedroom and a bathroom. It was perfect for the two of us. Once we settled in, we went to the bedroom to unpack. We were both exhausted from the day’s events and needed a nap. Once we were both in bed however, napping wasn’t going to happen. As I...

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Immersion Author’s note: This was a co-written story, written by two Lush lovers... We hope you love reading it as much as we did writing it... Ariane & Yazzam Part 1 - Warming up Beccy stood, poised with one foot firmly fixed on the soft bathmat. The other hovered over the water, testing the temperature with the tip of her toe. It had been a long day at work, and she had to admit, the quality of systems in her workplace was not something she found deeply inspiring. The bath however, now that...

Love Stories
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Comforting after a break up

It was around the time Summer becomes Autumn in 2010 and I was only 16. I had my very first girlfriend and I was very pleased with how we were going. We had hit the 3 month mark, and I was elated, I couldn’t comprehend our relationship going any better. Evidently, she could. Pheobe dumped me on a Thursday, during the lunch break at school. I was devastated. I found myself questioning how this could happen, what went wrong, what could I have done. As you do. In the face of these...

3 years ago
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The Bounding Main

THE BOUNDING MAINT.S. FESSELNDisclaimer: This is a work of amatory fantasy. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental. If you are under the age of 18, please stop reading here. If you are a bit squeamish about graphic depictions of sex and bondage, please stop reading here. The author takes no responsibility for those who wish to reenact anything written below.Permission is granted for private use. The author wishes any agencies that wish to publish this work, to please...

4 years ago
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Once a Year

I first met Shelby three years ago at a nightclub. She was with a girlfriend that I knew from high school and they had been club hopping. I got an introduction courtesy of my high school acquaintance and fell head over heals for her the moment she opened her mouth to speak. I don't know if you have ever experienced this, but I knew that I loved her the moment we met. I also knew that she was way out of my league. She was like a goddess walking the earth. Shelby has a body that is perfect in...

2 years ago
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The Merchant of ChaosChapter 28

Dawn broke in subdued, misty splendor behind the mountains that rose to the east. As the morning fog lifted under the beams of cool morning sun, the valley stirred. The road was alive. A twisting column of armor, weapons, and flesh marched as one, each booted foot coming down at the same time, each lifting to take the next step with mathematical precision. The constant, staccato tread of this serpentine entity echoed well in advance of its march. Birds took flight and animals scattered in...

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BangBrosClips Keisha Grey Fucking My Boyfriends Friend in the Woods

Keisha went camping with her boyfriend and his friend, she just woke up craving some cock but her boyfriend is not around instead she finds our boy Sean. He’s available and ready to give her a good fuck. Even though Sean feels bad for his friend, he still gives Keisha all the dick she’s looking for. Feeding his massive cock to her mouth and the letting her ride it like a champion. Eventually her boyfriend shows up but they don’t care, the fucking keeps going on in the tent, behind the zipper....

4 years ago
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The Client On The Sixth Floor Part III

The story picks up where Part II left off… Mattie has been hired once more as an escort by Simon. This was after they had spent an amazing night together a few weeks previously. Tonight was the launch of a new business venture for him. She was very impressed by him and looking forward to seeing him again, as was he her. We join them as they are about to enter his hotel suite and they both suddenly realise that they are a little nervous… (Whilst you don’t have to read parts I and II, it will...

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