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At a party. First night back out after the disaster that was her previous ‘love match.’ Fuck. How do you do these things? Shouldn’t she be home with a gallon of ice cream and tissues? Still, she didn’t feel like crying or wallowing, enough was enough. Time to be herself again and get out there, make friends again. Time to figure out who she was again and stop making excuses for her ‘other half.’ Now she could be whole. Less a wrench and more of a relief, she was feeling stronger by the minute. Just the social awkwardness of admitting she was wrong about her chosen mate.



Well, no time like the present. She looked good, and if she still had a little roiling unease going on under the surface, so be it.

Checking her reflection for the umpteenth time in a picture frame, she sighed and cleared the furrows from her brow, turning to a group of friends and edging her way into the warm circle of laughter.

‘The prodigal daughter returns!’

She’s pulled into the embrace of her friend Rachel and is hugged, forgiven for all her flaws and foibles. ‘Child, it is good to see you, we missed you. Especially without that awful man whose name shall not be spoken. There, I said it. Now, everyone else, be nice to our girl Cynthia here. There. Done.’ Rachel smiled and released Cynthia’s arm with one more squeeze, then turned back to the story she was telling and began doing more gesticulating to underline her point.

Cynthia’s ears were roaring a little and felt like she’d been called out on the carpet, but there was no helping it, it had to be done. Rachel had ripped the Band-Aid off and it’s out. She gritted her teeth and tried to think lovely thoughts like in ‘Peter Pan.’ Maybe someone would sprinkle her with fairy dust and she could fly away from this.

But no.

No dust, well, not the childish kind. Some drugs here and about, but she didn’t do that kind of dust either. Dammit. No escape.

And it gets worse. A knowing smile is walking her way, one she’s particularly not enjoying confronting.

She heaves a deep sigh and says ‘I know, please don’t start.’

His smile is pure sugar and his voice is the opposite. ‘God damn, girl, you have atrocious taste in men.’

Her head hangs and she looks mock ashamed. ‘Carl, please. My first night back. Is there any chance that you…’ she raises her head and looks at him. No. No chance.

His eyes meet hers and he hands her a drink. Offhand she notices it’s her favorite. How the hell did he know…never mind. Here it comes.

‘Cyn, I swear, I have to strike while the iron is hot before you find another loser to prop up.’

Cynthia sighs. He always managed to say her name in a way to make it sound like ‘Sin’ on purpose. She couldn’t stand it and he knew it. Nobody else calls her this. She takes a sip of her drink and braces herself against the sharp fumes and the sharp atmosphere.

‘Fine. This is my ‘flog the heretic’ night. Please, don’t spare me.’

‘Cyn, if you’re looking to be flogged, I volunteer.’

She starts to laugh this off and then meets his eyes again. He’s not joking. Her hands curl around the cool glass and beads of condensation slip between her fingers. ‘I’m a little raw this evening, if you could tone down the cat o’ nine tails to maybe a cat o’ five tails, I’d appreciate it.’ She delivers this is a quiet voice and tries to take another sip, eyes downcast.

His hand closes over her glass and his smile is again silken and his voice harsh. ‘No. We’re leaving. Unless you want a public flogging and not a private one.’

The glass is extricated from her nerveless hand and his arm pulls hers into the crook of his own with a steely hand holding her in place. Much warmer than hers. Much more determined and all the fight’s just gone out of her. Raw and willing to escape in any way, and unwilling to become a public bullseye, she knows him well enough that he’ll do exactly what he says without mercy unless she goes with him. But this is Carl. He wouldn’t hurt her. She knows this and is relieved to be going, to have it done and out of her hands, to be rescued from tonight. And she doesn’t trust herself anymore. And she’s so tired.

He makes the rounds with her saying good night in what appears to be a friendly promenade, but is underscored with his hand on her forearm, solid and unyielding. She says goodnight in a confused and anticipatory blur. Anticipating getting her ass kicked, but that’s better than the bleak loss she’s been feeling.

Thankfully they didn’t have far to go, Carl and Rachel lived in the same building, and his apartment was only an elevator ride away. Familiar territory, but this time, not a rowdy and fun ride. He was staring at the numbers, watching them tick by as if he could will them to travel faster.

Silence as his key grated in the lock and he ushered her inside, gesturing her to go before him. As if he didn’t trust her, and she’d cut and run if he wasn’t bringing up the rear. With his present mood, she might. He knew it.

Since he wasn’t taking any chances he even locked the door behind him and leaned against it once inside. She grinned and tried to make light of it.

‘Carl, I’m not going to try to escape. I can take it. I think. Can I take it?’

Silence and a glare from Carl. ‘No. You can’t take it. But you’re going to.’

Her head rolls back in exasperation and she closes her eyes and says ‘Please, just say what you’re going to say. I can’t stand the suspense.’

Pushing off from the door and stepping behind her, he moves her hair out of the way and tips her head forward to knead her shoulders. ‘It’s been bad, hasn’t it?’ he asks simply.


‘On a scale of 1 to 10, how stupid do you feel?’ His voice is warm and teasing.


‘Three? No way, you should be lower than that. One.’


‘One point five, and that’s my final offer.’

She starts to laugh and groans softly at his hands massaging her shoulders. ‘I should pay you for this. Can I make an appointment for this in the future, this is nice.’

His voice is closer to her ear than she expects and he says ‘I insist on future appointments. I see your calendar becoming crowded.’

She nods slightly and says ‘I should get back into the game.’

He shakes his head and kisses the nape of her neck. ‘Not THE game. My game.’

Her head jerks up suddenly and her voice is no longer relaxed. ‘Carl, you’re acting very strange this evening. This is a little more ‘Confuse Cynthia’ than I’m used to.’

He laughs and slides his hands down her arms and pulls her back against his chest. ‘Good. I like you confused. It’s when you try to think that you’re scary.’

Taking this as more friendly chiding, she tips her head back against his shoulder and looks at him imploringly. ‘Please, tell me, when does the flogging end?’

He wraps his arms around her and sighs ‘I don’t know. We have to get past the grudge fucking first. Then I’ll consider being civil.’

She freezes and twists her head to study his expression, which is steely again. ‘You’re scaring me.’


Turning her in his arms he holds her face between his hands and draws her closer for a kiss that sears and shocks, surprise holds her still for a moment, and then ignoring the sensation she starts to struggle. ‘Carl. Not funny.’

Growling at the interruption of the kiss, his expression darkens to anger and his voice is a lash of intent. ‘No. Not funny. Not intended to be. Shut up, Cyn.’

Squirming with what she feels to be the deepest humiliation she’s undergone, she bites his lip and pulls back, the back of his hand going to his mouth and dragging over a smear of blood.

‘God damn it, you bastard. Like I need you to make me feel like I’m being used. I’ve had enough of that.’

His laugh is bleak. ‘Enough? No. Not enough. You never expect enough. And you get ev
erything wrong, as usual. I swear, you are the stupidest woman on the face of this Earth. What the hell do you think is going on here?’

Cynthia stammers and grinds to a halt in her anger and apologizes for the blood she drew. ‘I don’t know. This is your idea of punishing me. For my bad judgment, for my lack of control, for something only you know. Why don’t you tell me.’

He releases a bark of laughter and pushes against her shoulders, rocking her back a pace with every sentence. ‘No. YOU are the one with the bad judgment, not me. YOU are the one with horrible taste, not me. YOU are the one who can’t see someone in love with you when he’s kissing you.’

Her eyes narrowed and she scoffs at him ‘You. In love with me. When did this happen?’

‘You are one of the most Godawful stupid people. I swear to you, I can’t understand how I fell for such a stupid woman.’

His stalking advance induces her into flight and she starts to scoot around the couch to put some distance between them, hands in front of her to ward him off somehow. ‘No. No. This is crazy. You’re acting crazy. Is this some ‘Scared Straight’ program where you’re trying to put me off men altogether? It’s working. Carl. CARL. It’s me!’

‘I am not chasing you around this couch. Hold still or I’m not going to be responsible for the consequences, brainless.’

Heedless, she backs away one extra step and with a sudden leap over it, she’s caught in his arms again. ‘Bloody hell, woman. Can’t follow simple instructions.’

His mouth lowers to hers and her arms are pinned this time to her sides. She’s caught between him being serious and thinking he was slipped something in his drink. Either way…leaning against him, she’s beginning to believe in serious.

She draws back and looks at him. ‘You’re serious.’

He nods and draws one slow breath. ‘I’m serious.’

Her eyes close. ‘What the hell?’

He laughs and wraps his arms around her completely, caressing her back and shoulders. ‘I’ve decided that you’re a heedless treasure and you need a dragon to guard you.’

‘You’re a dragon?’

‘I’m a dragon. Don’t let the handsome face and incredible body fool you. Pure reptile. I’m working on the wings. Maybe next year.’

‘And here I thought the breathing fire was just an act.’

‘Cyn. I’m telling you now. No more men.’

‘No more men?’

‘No more men. Only me.’

‘Only you.’

‘You’re not allowed to think about this.’

‘I’m not?’

‘No. You’re supposed to feel this.’

His head tilted down for a gentle kiss, nuzzling her lips and kissing the corners of them, his teeth playing with her lower lip and his hand coming up to trace the curve of her ear and tuck her hair gently behind it. ‘I’ll try to grudge fuck you nicely. Stupid.’

She starts to laugh and her finger traces over his lips and over the spot where she bit him. ‘I am such a trial to you, huh?’

‘Felony trial.’


He nods solemnly. ‘Cyn. Tell me you’re staying here with me or you’ll never leave here alive.’

She giggles again ‘That doesn’t make any sense.’

He nuzzles her neck and whispers ‘Sure it does. It makes Cyn sense. As much as you ever do. Tell. Me. You’re. Staying. Cyn.’ He punctuates each word with a kiss on the nape of her neck.

Her head tilts back and she sighs with one long exhalation. ‘I’m staying.’

All the anger and tension drains out of his body and he looks wrung out for one moment, then playful again. ‘That is a binding legal contract. I’m holding you to it.’

‘What gets me is that there’s a grudge fucking clause to this contract.’ She looks pensive.

‘Oh yeah! Grudge fucking, I almost forgot.’ He seizes her suddenly and carries her to his bedroom, tossing her into the center of the bed with a heavy ‘OOF’ on impact.

‘That’s about the most unromantic…’

‘Oh shut up. I’m the injured party here, you’re only going to be vaguely bruised. But you’ll like it.’

‘I will?’

‘You’ll have a bruised smile.’

She starting to edge off the bed again, but he circles around and leans over her, unclasping his belt and slowly drawing it out from each loop, then dropping it dramatically on the floor.

‘You are a scary son of a bitch, you know. If I’d known earlier…’

He interrupts her ‘If you’d known earlier, you probably would have fallen for me sooner, huh? Predictable wench. Okay. First there’s the rending of the clothing. Mind if I tear your dress off you?’

‘Do I have a choice?’

‘It’s really for effect. I’d like you to have the whole package.’

She looks down at her dress and then up at him, starting to unbutton his shirt and spread it open to lay her hands on his chest. ‘I’d hate to miss the whole package. Go on. Tear me.’ Her voice is huskier and she kisses the center of his chest, rubbing her lips and cheek against his skin in a sensual drag.

‘That’s so not fair. You’re supposed to be intimidated by me.’

‘C’mon, Carl. Or do you not know how ladies’ clothing works?’

‘You’re enjoying this way too much.’

She looks up at him and her eyes are warm and welcoming. ‘I am.’

‘Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?’

She shakes her head slowly. ‘Show me?’

His smile deepens and he kneels on the bed, pulling her to him and tipping her chin up to look in her eyes, then dipping his lips to kiss her, tangling his hands in her rumpled hair and combing it through his fingers.

Disarmed and shaken from the sudden shift of events, sapped weak by his kiss, her thighs start to tremble and a shudder reaches up her spine and into her hands, clutching spasmodically at his shoulders accompanied by a weak little gasp, brought to stinging tears that she tries to blink back.

But this is Carl, who knows her better than she knows herself, leaning her back in his arms, across his lap, in his embrace, caressing her back as she starts to cry. ‘Shhhhh. Honey, nothing’s going to hurt you. I won’t hurt you. Well, not unless you ask nicely.’

That produces a watery chuckle and she bites down on his shoulder playfully. ‘It’s okay. You don’t have to be nice to me. I…I know…I know you’re just trying to make me feel better…and…and…that’s sweet. You don’t have to lie to me.’

He growls softly. ‘Sweet. Sweet? You think I’m being sweet. Again. Stupid. I am not feeling sweet. I’m feeling ravenous.’

‘Well…ravage, why isn’t there ripping yet?’

‘You started to cry, doofus.’

‘Oh. Sorry. I do that.’

‘Me kissing you made you cry.’

‘I’m sorry. I’m no good at this.’

‘New rule. You’re not allowed to talk. Or think. Only guttural noises or moans. Do you understand me? Maybe my name. If you can get it right.’

She presses her lips together. ‘Check. No…um…talking.’

He glares at her again and mutters the word ‘moron’ under his breath before tearing the bodice of her dress clean through the front, yanking her forward and lowering his mouth to her breast, sucking her nipple deep into his mouth in a sudden, painful bloom of sensation.

She whimpers softly and said ‘Oh, God…’

His mouth is withdrawn and rains soft kisses on her nipple, whispering softly ‘Carl. My name is Carl. Use it.’


‘Yes, Cyn.’

Ripping the rest of her dress off her, he lays her on her back and wrenches his shirt and pants off with barely controlled violence and covers her with his body, grinding his hips into hers. His mouth teases hers into opening and his tongue delves into her mouth, wrenching little moans from her. He draws up her legs on either side of his hips and the only bit of clothing remaining on her is high heels on her perfect legs, the heels digging into the bed as her toes curl inside her shoes.

Looking down at her he smiles lazily and rolls over on his back beside her, drawing her up to lay on his chest, her back bra
ced against him and his legs locking around hers, to spread her apart. His cock nestled and pulsing against her, his hands travel down her arms to capture her hands and put them where he wants them, one hand on her breast and the other on her clit, caressing softly.

Hands entwined, he guides her through pleasure, watching her breasts heave and kissing the back of her neck, waiting for her breath to grow hoarse and catch, for her legs to clutch around his for support and balance, arching back against him until he drives deep inside her and impales her, rolling her onto her stomach to a clenching orgasm. He braces his arms on either side of her and drives hard, lifting her hips until her feet, still in her shoes, are braced against his upper thighs. Leaning into the sharp pain of the heels, he grinds out his release inside her until they’re both limp and trembling, gasps and sweat mingling on their skin and their mouths, twisted into a kiss until she’s turned to face him, wrapping her arms around him.

His shoulders shudder and he buries his head in her throat, kissing at her damp skin and murmuring her name like a prayer or a blasphemy. Right now it’s all the same to him, with her in his arms. As long as she stays there.

She holds his face in her hands and kisses him softly, then settles back to lay her head on his shoulder. ‘Carl?’

‘Yes, Cyn?’

‘We should have done this sooner.’

‘Yes, but you were being stupid.’

‘Fair enough. Carl?’

‘Yes, Cyn?’

‘Next time you know something important that I don’t…tell me, okay?’

‘From now on, I promise.’

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Heather Picks the Photos

When last we saw Heather, she and Danielle had been together with me on a photography trip and an unplanned marathon sex session. It was time to review the pictures I took. I was to be at her place at 9 on a Saturday morning. I was early. What I found was quite a surprise. I walked up to her place and knocked on the door. All I heard was the quick scurrying of people. I had interrupted something. Heather came to the door all disheveled. Her curly strawberry blond hair was all fly away. She was...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Movie night in

My day began the same as any other day but I knew tonight was probably going to be a little boring. My parents had been invited to a party which I wasn’t allowed to go to, well that’s another story in itself. Our neighbours had also been invited to the party which left me the great opportunity to ask their 16 year old daughter, Jen, around. That opportunity was soon destroyed when I texted Jen to ask if she wanted to come round and watch a movie and she replied no, I’m sorry but I have to...

1 year ago
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Earth Tentacle Breeding Ground Chapter 5

Her thoughts were a jumbled mess of worries. Were her friends okay? Was this thing going to drop her by mistake? What happened to A’luhr? What did the new queen have in store for them all? Sarah’s body involuntarily shuddered thinking about the ruthless edging she had had to endure when previously captured and tears started to well up in her closed eyes, both from the fear of having to undergo such an ordeal again and from the anticipation of being able to experience those mind-breaking...

1 year ago
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Little Big Man Sunday Surprise

I woke up about eleven the next day. My soft cock was crusty with the leftovers of my sister's pussy juice and my dried jizz.As I thought about it my cock started to squirm and lengthen. The memory of fucking Karen's willing mouth, juicy snatch and her big bouncy tits was making me hard. The image of Mom fingering herself while she watched made my now-swollen snake twitch.A knock on the door interupted my thoughts."Come for brunch," Mom invited through the door."Okay, be right there," I...

1 year ago
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How Would You Like Me

 First timer, she thought, watching him fumble with his belt buckle. Everything about him was tense: furrowed brow, clenched jaw, averted eyes. She sat back on her haunches, hands resting lightly on her thighs. This one was going to need coaxing.“Can I help?” she asked.“No, I’m…” He flinched as someone rattled the door handle. A nervous smile flickered across his face. Smiling back, she pushed strands of wet hair away from her face. “Ignore the outside world. This bathroom is yours. So am...

2 years ago
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Devlins StoryChapter 40

"That was a nasty trick you pulled on me last night," Doug said when Devlin met him in the lobby of her dorm. Devlin shrugged. "You mean with Charlotte, when you..." Her voice trailed off as she considered who might be listening. "I thought it was something that had to be done." "She seemed well satisfied. Other women have been." "So you learned something." She smiled as he held the door for her. "Look, Doug, I could sense her need." "But--" "She didn't want any more oral...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Alexis Zara Alexis Zara Loves Fucking That Hard Cock

Busty and bubbly babe Alexis Zara is back for more and this time she ha a real hard cock to join the fucking fun! She loves to laugh and bounce on that cock once she gets it all nice and wet from her sloppy blowjob. She lets you admire those beautiful large breasts as they bounce and bounce from her grinding down hard on that cock! If there is one thing this girl can do it is mesmerize you with those gorgeous perfect curves and one deliciously tight pussy that consumes that hard cock to the...

3 years ago
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At first, it felt odd but in a strange way enjoyable. Obviously the sexual tension associated with the device made it pleasurable, even if it was entirely designed to delay pleasure. I had thought about it for some time, the idea tumbling around in my head. That was one of the things odd but the idea, because I was still getting great sex in my marriage. My wife was open to trying new things and had even suggested a few. When she suggested she masturbate me, I felt offended at first....

3 years ago
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PrivateerChapter 16

"Amethyst Station, 'Shivari' is ready for departure," I said. "Roger, 'Shivari'. Retracting transit shaft ... Retracted." "Confirm transit shaft retracted. You can release docking clamps." A few seconds later, "Docking clamps released. You are clear to maneuver to port side." I tapped in the commands and our starboard thrusters gave a quick burst to slowly move us away from the dock. Once we were clear of the station with about 500m of separation I started turning us away. I...

3 years ago
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Horny Loving BrotherChapter 2

As Mary slowly lowered her dripping slit toward Ken's pulsing shaft he reached down to hold his prick steady for her. "I'll take care of that, Kenny," Mary said, reaching down to intercept his reach and shifting it to her left breast. "Why don't you play with my tits? They're feeling left out right now." "Ok," Ken agreed, lifting his left hand to play with her other tit as he fondled the first one, enjoying the feel of the younger girl's soft breasts as her nipples popped erect...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 97

THURSDAY AFTERNOON — SEPTEMBER 26 As Jeff and Dave sat in the SUV, Jeff glanced over at his friend who appeared more than a little shell-shocked. "What are you going to do about rings?" "Wha ... Oh, shit," Dave said sitting up straight. "I haven't even thought about them." "Better start," Jeff grinned, enjoying someone else being on the receiving end for once. Jeff's cell rang. Eyeing the caller ID, he frowned. "What is Evie doing calling me?" "Jeff," he answered. "Let me...

2 years ago
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The Hypnotic Adventures of BeautyChapter 4 Happily Ever

My name is David Rothman, and this is a story about the three most impressive women I've ever met. Now, one of those ladies I already knew. Wanda Perkins, a fellow grad student at Berkley. Sharp, pretty, witty, and a total bitch. Well ... she could be, when she wanted to. I had pursued her during the past two years ... and I'd even gotten her to go out with me once. We both had a really good time; but when I had tried to kiss her goodnight, she turned me down flat; and she'd refused to...

1 year ago
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Teacher conference

My name for this 100% true story is Sandy and I’m finally telling someone about something that I won’t dare tell anyone in real life. I’m a 38 year old wife and mom of 3 k**s. I’m 5’10”, brunette, with small/medium sized 34C breasts. I’m in pretty good shape for my age but about 20-30 lbs heavier than high school/university. I like to think I could rock a bikini back then but I’m a bit more selective of swim attire now. My husband adores me still and is very horny for sex all the time even...

3 years ago
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CousinsChapter 2

Laurie lay there on the sofa, eyes half-closed, totally relaxed. Her running shorts were pulled slightly aside, the hem of her tee-shirt was up to her neck, and her legs were spread apart. To me, she was the most beautiful, sensual girl in the world. I wanted to see more of her, though. I wanted to see her as I saw her in my dream: stretched out with nothing at all on. She opened her eyes wide and looked up at me. "I didn't know anything could feel that good. Thank you for doing that to...

1 year ago
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Chocolateen Part 1

My friends call me Jim, but my full name is James Schneider with no middle name. Some people, mainly women, think I'm a woman hater because I enslave women. That is not exactly true. They don't know why my women submitted themselves to me. I am 24 years of age, and my weight has varied between 180 and 190 lbs since I graduated from high school. At 5' 9" tall and with a slight build, that places me on the chubby side of athletic. My short black hair, brown eyes, acne, and personality don't...

2 years ago
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Fucked On The Water0

We had known Joe and Liz for about a month and had spent many days on their boat. At first, everything seemed friendly and we had a good time with them. Then one day, they said they were going to take us to their favorite cove and show us the beauty of the place. We agreed and enjoyed the trip over. We talked and laughed just like before but had no idea what was in store for us once we arrived. After dropping the anchor, Joe suggested the two women go below and start lunch while he and I...

2 years ago
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At My Wifes Mercy Part 3

Final part of the story.When I awoke, I found myself lying face down, back on the table on which my wife rode me to begin the evening. Lying on my stomach, I discovered a hole in the table similar to one on tables at health resorts or spas. My face rested just inside of this hole, and underneath the table, set on the ground, was a mirror that showed the image of another hole in the table, this one quite unlike those at health resorts or spas, as dangling through this hole were my testicles and...

1 year ago
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Special Delivery

I was home alone doing my usual chores, getting ready for a week long trip out of town. I had my music playing in my own little world when I heard a knock at the door. I was in no hurry to check it cause I was not excepting anyone. Iwent to the door and there stood this man. I was not sure who he was, but he was very attractive. He had on a black baseball cap, sunglasses, a black shirt and blue jeans. I asked him how could I help him? He turned and looked at with this big ass grin on his...

1 year ago
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Night at the DriveIn

It was a Saturday, and my boyfriend said, “hey lets go to the drive-in tonight, there showing some movies we really wanted to see.” I said sure lets go for it. I hopped in the shower, cleaned myself up, got out and put on a shirt and shorts. Its hot outside in the summer time, so I want to be confirmable. So Nick, my Boyfriend, hopped in the shower after I was done and put on a shirt and shorts as well.We left the apartment around 7pm went to the store and bought some snacks then headed to the...

3 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 4 Tuesday August 3 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010 “She’s already awake?” Jake asked. “She’s almost always the first up,” Harris said with a yawn. “I usually sleep until seven. Then I release them one at a time to use the bathroom.” “How are they enjoying their stay?” “What do you think? Except for bathroom breaks they spend all their time lying on their mattresses, paralyzed. They hate their lives. The only reason they don’t hate me, too, is because conversation with me gives them a break from staring at the...

3 years ago
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Cheating Her Fiance

This is shaker from Vijayawada this is my friend Priya and me , Priya decided to pick up dinner and a bottle of wine to enjoy a quite night alone since her fiancé was out of town for business. She changed into her silk tank top and silk shorts and sat down in front of the TV with her dinner and drink. As she flipped through the channels, she came to see that her favorite movie was on and as she watched, she missed her fiancé.The phone started to ring. She jumped to the thought that it was her...

3 years ago
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One Last Job With VengeanceChapter 6

Being late May, it was light at 6.45pm when Dan arrived at the Curzon. Walking in it looked like nothing had moved for the week. The girls were still wailing, the old boys were fixated on their dominoes, the beer still tasted like piss and Ray had by now lost the fifty quid on the fruity he'd won the week before. If it weren't for the extra bum passed out on the floor, anybody would have thought it was ground hog day. "Ray, smoke break" Dan said as he walked past without...

1 year ago
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The Eighth Warden Book 2Chapter 24

“Change the world how?” Rusol asked, narrowing his eyes. “You’re a son of Larso,” Leonis said. “You know the scripture. Magic is too dangerous to be allowed loose, uncontrolled. It’s only safe when it’s granted as priestly blessings.” “What does that have to do with anything?” Leonis smiled again. “What if all magic was priestly magic, given only to those the gods deem worthy?” “That’s impossible. The gods have no say over elder or arcane magic.” He just barely stopped himself from...

3 years ago
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Sexy Sub Slut ShySanne Day 1

INTRO: VIRGIN TEEN WANTS ME TO TAKE HER, MAKE HER MY SLUTTY SUBMISSIVE SLAVE & SEXTOYShe started it all, less than a week back. Messaging me from her almost empty profile. She is in my town.Her fetish is BDSM. That's all. She is new to it all. Moreover, still a virgin. This is how our tasty talk starts.Feels like I am the first man on here she tries. Looking back, probably not. Her profile is two weeks active.So, she most probably tried some local profiles before, but unsuccessfully. Or she...

2 years ago
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A Glimpse Through the Mist of TimeChapter 13

I was always of the opinion that when you got people to work for you, and you were confident in their abilities you left them alone to get on with the job. Tina was constantly nagging me to go up and inspect the work. Her constant refrain was that Aleksy needed my approval for many things. I replied that Aleksy was competent and did not need my overseeing of his work. "Tina, it would seem as if I didn't trust him. You are up there every weekend. If there were problems you would let me know...

2 years ago
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Three Days Of Threesome

Anjali’s hand was just above her vagina over the gown. She couldn’t resist rubbing it as she was too excited. The other hand slowly touched her breasts and slipped inside through the zip opening. Her eyes were closed and imagined Mayur caressing her body sensuously. His thin and hard lips munching her pouty ones. The very thought was generating anxiety in her and she couldn’t wait for him to come. There was a knock on the door which brought her back to earth and Anjali rushed to open it. There...

1 year ago
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CattailChapter 13

"Ralph was right on one thing," Bonnie said as the attorney headed for his sport-ute. "It's colder than the north end of a southbound husky out here." "Michigan in winter, what do you expect?" Catalina snorted. "Hell, it wasn't this bad in Korea. Let's at least get in Roger's car and get out of the wind." It was warmer in the Taurus, and the car hadn't been sitting long enough to thoroughly cool off; Roger got the engine running and the heater going, and that helped a little,...

2 years ago
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Granny quickie

This is a true story but the names have been changed to protect the innocent, or the guilty or whatever applies! This happened several weeks ago. I was on my way home from work when I saw a car pulled over with a flat tire. There was an older lady standing next to the car with her hands on her big hips and a frown on her face. So being the few good guys left I stopped and volunteered to help her. “Thank you my cell phone has a dead battery so I couldn’t even call anyone.” “No problem it...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Cristina Miller Natural Wonders

Busty Colombian Cristina Miller returns home from her date with Max Dior with just one goal in mind: to have as many orgasms as possible. Happy to oblige, Max locks lips with his hot date and slides his hands around to caress her big all naturals. Cristina’s moans are music to Max’s ears as he peels the top of her dress down to really enjoy licking and stroking her titties. Suitably warmed up, the exotic coed sends Max to the other side of the room so she can give him a show! She...

3 years ago
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Sister SpreadsChapter 5

Once Joy got them started, her father, mother and brother would not stop fucking her or one another. She was half afraid she'd made them all too hot. She expected her father's cock to go soft after squirting so much cum in her cunt and shooting quarts of it down her mother's throat in the bathroom. But his prick stayed hard and he went after her naked body hotter than ever. Her wracking orgasms with him scarcely ended before he curved over her and plunged his cock up her cunt again. And,...

2 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 2

For the next week, we fucked like bunnies. When little Junior was too tired to stand, Virginia and Suzie would play together. Of course I'd be there to supervise and in the process Junior would have a miraculous recovery. And so it continued. All too quickly the time allotted for their visit came to an end. Reluctantly, I put my two beauties on the plane in Midland as it was closer and they had already toured El Paso. I waited as their plane took off. I waved, knowing that they couldn't see...

4 years ago
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Old fashioned French style

Monique was a faded beauty. Her long, rather straggly black hair betrayed her age with its grey roots and her skin was dry and pale but her eyes were those of the 20-year-old she had once been, cheeky and vivacious, cool and seductive.She had been married to the same man for 40 years and had seemingly led a nice life. He was a sculptor of international repute and they had traveled the world, he working and speaking and lecturing, she taking care of the administration. She could probably have...

2 years ago
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Tracey could not believe what she had found in Davie, her husband’s drawer. She was not looking for anything, just trying to sort and clean up some of the hundreds of socks that he kept stuff inside the small drawer. When she first found the papers, she thought they were just receipt or old napkins. However, it was obvious from the words on the napkins that Davie was or had an affair with someone named ‘Vicky.’ The scrawl on each of the three napkins was in a woman’s hand and...

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