Lacie Ch. 13 free porn video

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Chapter 13: Lacie’s Party

Lacie still blushed anytime someone looked at her. Probably because no one was just looking at her, they were outright staring. Her long, soft hair was done up in a wonderful style, seemingly tied in a gently flowing waterfall down her back, falling smoothly from a complex, artistic knot at the back of her head. She carried a small, silver and blue purse, matching the elegant hue of her shimmering dress. Lacie’s long gown was simple in it’s elegance. A single thin strip of fabric slithered up over her collarbones, joining behind her neck, beneath her hair, leaving almost the entirety of her smooth back exposed. The strip of fabric held her dress in place, while the rest of the shimmering satin slid over her curves, stopping just an inch off the floor.

Lacie’s dress clung to her body, emphasizing her delicate frame and sleek, feminine curves. The dress shimmered in the lights, changing color as Lacie moved. The silver deepened in hue to a brilliant, dazzling blue and back again every time she breathed or took a step. The deep, plunging neckline dove between Lacie’s breasts, almost down to her navel, tantalizing and teasing observers with hints at the treasures hidden by the thin fabric.

Past her hips, the tight dress had a thin slit on one side, near the knee, allowing Lacie to move and walk comfortably. The bottom of the dress hovered a mere inch off the ground, looking like her lower legs were cocooned in an inverted calla lily. Lacie’s makeup was barely visible, a soft blush to her cheeks, and light hints of blue eye shadow accented her dress, making her eyes seem wide and happy with excitement beneath long, luxurious lashes. A soft, subtle red lipstick colored the soft bows, accenting the blush on her cheeks, making Lacie seem vibrant with joy.

Beside her, Claire held herself slightly stiffly, still a little uncomfortable. They had been at the party a few hours already, but Claire was having trouble loosening up, knowing her former owners were wandering around somewhere close. Despite her tension, Claire was breathtaking in her own ensemble. Claire’s bird wing hairstyle was gelled to look carelessly windswept and wild, but it had taken nearly an hour of work to achieve the effect. The leading edge of the wing partially concealed her left eye, lending her a smoky, mysterious look. Her eyes were shadowed a deep black, and her lashes were long and thick.

Claire’s lips were a deep purple, and her gold piercings had all been switched out for glimmering silver. The effect was mesmerizing. Claire’s dress was a deep, dark purple, only a few shades darker than her lips. The dress she wore was similar in design to Lacie’s, but instead of leaving her scarred, tattooed back exposed, Claire’s dress had two straps that crisscrossed behind her shoulder blades, partially concealing her skin. A thin veil of translucent purple silk hung under the straps, further protecting Claire’s scars from being seen. Her dress stopped mid calf, unlike Lacie’s. Thick black lines obscured the seams of Claire’s dress, almost seeming to blend in with the purple fabric. The stitching continued around the hem of the dress, just above Claire’s feet.

Both girls wore elegant shoes, Tara having made the strappy, heeled sandals in record time. The sandals were similar, but subtly different. Lacie’s shoes had thinner straps, and fewer pieces held them to the brunette girl’s feet. Claire’s shoes wrapped around her bare toes before curling around her arches and tying into a simple loop around her ankles.

When Lacie had seen Master in his black tuxedo, Lacie had been glad he wasn’t facing her. The embarrassment she would have felt at him watching her collapse from weak knees would have killed her. Master’s black tuxedo fit his large frame like a second skin, emphasizing his powerful physique and strong, tall stature. Under his dinner jacket, he had on a vibrant red silk shirt that clung to his chest. He wore a red tie the exact same shade as the button up shirt, allowing it to subtly blend into his outfit. His eyes were hidden behind a dark pair of designer sunglasses, making him seem dashing, mysterious and a little intimidating. Master’s pressed black pants were spotless, and his polished Italian shoes glimmered in the light. Lacie was knocked breathless by the sight of him, and it took almost all of her willpower to hold herself back from simply running up to him and throwing herself at him. Lacie had once thought that Master could never be more attractive, more dashing, more imposing than in his normal business suits. Lacie had never been more wrong in her life.

It had taken almost all afternoon for the group to get ready, but the effect was astounding. Both girls were the objects of stares from males in every corner of the massive ballroom, and Master had the women present almost drooling over him. Apparently, Master’s target had wanted the event to be huge, and had rented out a massive ballroom in one of the most expensive hotels in the city. When Lacie had entered, she had flushed when she saw the doorman’s jaw drop as he caught a glimpse of her. Clinging tighter to Master’s arm, she had almost missed one of the signs inside the door. Immediately, the sight sobered the young girl, reminding her why they were there.

The sign had simply read, ‘Girls for rent upstairs, new product device use free with purchase of time with a girl. Inquire at front desk for details.’

Lacie had shuddered in horror at the thought of those poor girls. Clinging tighter to Master’s arm, Lacie had looked up at him, fear making her belly tremble and knees shake. The confident smile on his face had washed away her fears, and the eye crinkling grin that lit up his face as he looked down at her made her heart soar. Smiling back, Lacie had winked at him, grinning as he winked back. Lacie hadn’t yet put her choker back on, and she was waiting for the right time to ask Master to do it for her. He didn’t seem put out by it’s absence, but Lacie was a little concerned about being off the grounds without having it on. Still, she was keeping it close, the tiny felt box hidden inside her little handbag.

The party was huge, hundreds of well dressed people milling around, massive amounts of champagne and food on the buffet tables, waiters and waitresses walking around the room offering hors d’ouvres and drinks. People clustered in groups and cigar smoke wafted overhead as waves of noise hummed through the room. Once inside, Master was almost immediately pulled into a group of well dressed men, dozens of people coming up to him, shaking his hand, clamoring for his attention.

Lacie was surprised at how well Master seemed to do under the onslaught. Laughing good-naturedly with some people, Master seemed to slip effortlessly from one person to the next, giving each man an ear, a handshake and a few moments of time before moving on. Within the first forty minutes, Lacie had been introduced to over a hundred different people, almost all of them rich men in suits. More than a few frowned at her, whenever they thought Master wasn’t looking, blatant hostility painted on their features. Lacie stood her ground, glaring back. They knew who she was.

Every time someone looked at Lacie or Claire like that, Master was very quick to wrap things up there and move on. More than a few lasting glances told Lacie that Master’s plan to partially disrupt the party was working, as people not only started to watch her, but as more people started to notice who she was, observers started to watch the executives that were hostile towards her. It was a subtle thing, but slowly, people began to distance themselves, conversations started to lag, and uncomfortable silences filled the space around Master’s targets.

For his part, Master seemed blissfully unaware of the effect he was having, but in a few rare moments alone with him and Claire, Lacie could see the gleeful grin on his face, before he schooled his features again to meet the next person who asked for s
ome of Master’s time. Lacie watched him with awe, amazed by his poise and courtesy as he effortlessly guided the conversations around him. He was constantly dropping subtle hints, but those around him latched onto his every word like sharks on the hunt. A few soft words from him and the tenor of entire conversations changed, and people who had been spouting their viewpoints quickly retreated when Master gently opposed them, or surged forward aggressively when he commended them for their wisdom.

Shaking her head at his deft maneuvering, Lacie stepped away. Realizing how hungry she was, she gently touched Claire’s arm, tilting her head towards one of the massive buffet tables, a question in her eye. Claire nodded gratefully, glad to escape, even if only for a few minutes. Lacie caught Master’s attention and silently motioned towards the table, his answering smile and nod acknowledging them, while his eyes warned them to be careful. Lacie smiled at him before twining her arm through Claire’s, gently bumping her hip into the other girl before grinning at her friend and tugging her towards the food.

It took the girls longer than Lacie had expected to get to the table, but eventually they reached the food. The spread was enormous, and both Lacie and Claire grabbed plates, careful not to pile too much on in their haste and hunger. Sitting down at a nearby table, Lacie began to eat. Claire sat only a foot away, almost shoulder to shoulder with Lacie.

‘You know what?’ Claire said after taking a small bite of her sandwich, eyeing the tiny triangle critically.

‘Hmm?’ Lacie responded, softly blowing on a spoonful of hot soup.

‘This is nowhere near as good as Ana’s cooking.’ Claire said, grimacing as she took another bite.

Lacie smiled as she swallowed another spoonful of soup.

‘Tell her that. I’m sure she’d love to hear it.’

‘I mean, it’s not horrible, but it’s not all that good either.’

‘Ana cares about what we eat. She wants us to enjoy her food. She makes it special for us, knowing what we like and what we don’t. She puts love into it. This is all impersonal.’ Lacie replied, waving her spoon back at the laden buffet table. ‘I think that’s part of it.’

Claire considered that for a few moments.

‘I think you may be right. Still, as much as all this must have cost, you’d think it’d taste a bit better.’

Lacie almost snorted soup as she giggled, casting an admonishing look at Claire, who grinned at her, unashamed.

‘Maybe it’s one of those situations where the food is all stuff that rich people try to convince themselves they like.’ Lacie grinned back.

It was Claire’s turn to laugh into her food, coughing a bit as she almost swallowed another bite of her sandwich whole.

‘Oh, there’s a lot of things here that rich people like.’ Another voice came from nearby, the soft, sultry tones betraying the speaker’s gender. At the sound of the voice, Claire’s sandwich fell from her nerveless hands, the tattooed girl suddenly trembling violently as her face drained of color in an instant.

‘For instance, my pretty little pet,’ Lacie saw a beautiful woman, her softly bouncing, flame red hair artfully swept around her face as she leaned down over Claire’s shoulder, whispering into the trembling, frozen girl’s ear. ‘the sound of your screams.’

Lacie’s eyes widened as she realized who this woman was. Claire’s former owner stood behind the stricken girl, her hands drifting down, settling, feather light, on Claire’s shoulders. Claire’s trembling was visible to Lacie, and the wide eyed look of absolute panic and terror in Claire’s eyes forced Lacie to act. Turning as if to get a better look at the newcomer, Lacie intentionally elbowed her glass of sparkling champagne off the table, forcing the redhead to jump back to keep the crystal glass from landing on her foot. As it was, she was barely splashed with the fizzing liquid. Still, Lacie knew she had to keep her as far from Claire as possible.

Stammering false apologies, Lacie grabbed her folded napkin off the table and began patting at the woman’s legs. The redhead protested, but Lacie simply ignored her, gushing about how sorry she was, how clumsy she could be and otherwise trying to make as big a scene as possible. She knew she had to create a diversion so Claire could escape. Lacie could feel the redhead trying to back away, but Lacie had her pinned between two occupied chairs at a nearby table. Lacie ducked her head and pushed closer, grabbing the hem of the woman’s dress, jerking and tugging as she apologized and apologized. The woman grabbed at Lacie’s hands, desperately trying to keep Lacie’s violent tugs from pulling her strapless evening gown completely off of her body.. The moment she managed to get Lacie’s hands free, she pushed the brunette girl away. Lacie spared a quick glance behind her, and breathed a silent sigh of relief. Claire had vanished, hopefully headed back to Master as swiftly as possible.

A pair of busboys swept in to clean up the shattered glass, momentarily separating Lacie from the redhead. Given a few free seconds, Lacie eyed her adversary up, watching as the redhead did the same. The woman was older than Lacie by a good amount. While nowhere near middle aged, Lace thought the other woman was probably in her early thirties at the youngest. There were already a few lines forming at the corners of her eyes and mouth.

The woman’s hair came down below her shoulders, billowing around her head in soft waves of fiery red. Her face was angular, striking. Her dark brown eyes stared out at Lacie, her sharp chin and angled cheekbones making her look like a bird of prey. Her outfit was a simple black cocktail dress, but with red trim that matched her hair. It didn’t hug her form as well as Lacie’s dress, but it was still striking. The two women stared each other down, palpable tension in the air as they stepped forward at the same time, the shattered glass having finally been cleared away.

‘So. You must be Lacie. His… newest little whore.’ The woman’s voice sang like crystal bells, belying the venom in her words.

Despite herself, Lacie smiled.

‘Oh, we don’t get paid. He doesn’t need to pay us. He’s good enough that we let him take us to bed without it. In fact,’ Lacie said offhandedly, playing on a hunch. ‘if he asked, we’d probably pay him for the… pleasure.’

Lacie had the satisfaction of watching the woman’s face flush, the redhead’s lips pulling back over her teeth in a snarl, proving Lacie’s hunch correct. This woman wanted Master for herself. Lacie grinned at the other woman, knowing that there was no way she would ever get him. He belonged to Lacie.

‘Well, me and over half a dozen other girls. But every one of us would fight tooth and nail to keep Master away from a woman like You.’ Lacie thought, narrowing her eyes at the redhead standing opposite her.

‘Don’t be so arrogant, you little slut.’ the older woman said to Lacie, her face returning to a somewhat more normal color. ‘You never know when the tables will turn.’ she snarled, attempting to intimidate the younger woman.

Lacie had to bite her lip to stave off an attack of the giggles, covering her mouth as she shook with silent laughter. All Lacie could think of was the irony in the woman’s warning. Lacie’s mirth stole the heat and venom from the redhead’s verbal barb, rendering it harmless. The redhead looked at Lacie as if she were mad.

‘Sound advice, dear.’ Lacie said when she had recovered. ‘I’ll take that under advisement.’ Lacie couldn’t resist and tossed a wink at the other woman. ‘You might want to do the same.’ Lacie giggled at the woman’s face as she glared at the brunette furiously. ‘Now, if you’ll excuse me dearie, something around here is beginning to smell. I’ll take my leave.’ Lacie said formally as she smiled. Turning, she saw the other woman’s trembling hand curl into a tight fist, looking like she was barely restraining herself from attacking Lacie right then and there. Addi
ng insult to injury, Lacie turned and sashayed away, taking the eyes of over a dozen men with her.

Once she was a safe distance away, unable to see the redhead anymore, Lacie slowed and headed for a nearby wall. Gently leaning her back against the solid barrier, Lacie took a deep, shuddering breath. Lacie grimaced as she saw her dress trembling in little waves as her knees shook violently. Adrenaline pumped in her veins as she rested against the wall, taking deep, calming breaths to steady herself. Slowly, her racing pulse slowed and Lacie weakly grinned at herself. It had taken everything she had inside her to stand there calmly and banter with Claire’s former owner, but she had done it, and done it well. Not only had she done it well, Lacie had emerged the clear victor in their brief confrontation. She had been filled with terror the whole time, but she hadn’t shown one iota of it. Lacie’s grin grew on her face as she realized she had stood her ground, actually laughing at her enemy.

Lacie suddenly felt light as a feather, as warm as if she were bathed in sunlight. Closing her eyes, Lacie stepped away from the wall, taking in a slow, relaxing breath, releasing it in a sigh of happiness as she opened her eyes. Lacie stopped with a soft gasp as a young man materialized out of nowhere in front of her. She had seen him around the room once or twice, his eyes following her every move, but he’d never once approached her. That seemed to have changed. Lacie blinked with surprise as he held out a thin glass of champagne in one hand. Lacie could see him take a deep, calming breath, apparently gathering his courage.

‘Hi… um… I’m Eric.’ he said bravely, his voice threatening to crack with every word. Despite herself, Lacie smiled back at him. Brushing a loose strand of hair over her ear, Lacie introduced herself to the young man. He didn’t seem that much older than Lacie herself. He looked like he was nineteen at best, though from his awkward stance and his apparent shyness Lacie would have had to say he was probably just a little younger than that.

‘Hello Eric. My name is Lacie.’

‘Oh, uh, hi Lacie. I like your name. It suits you.’

‘What can I do for you Eric?’ Lacie asked, cautiously looking around the room for Master.

‘I uh, saw what happened between you and Clarissa, and well, I, uh, thought you might like another glass of champagne.’

Lacie’s eyes drifted back to Eric as he spoke.

‘Who?’ Lacie asked.

‘Uh, Clarissa? The redhead you were arguing with?’

Lacie smiled in sudden understanding. She realized then that she hadn’t ever heard Claire’s old owner’s name.

‘Well, thank you Eric.’ Lacie smiled at the young man. He held out one of the two drinks he was carrying, but Lacie, still feeling daring, took a step closer to him. Lacie sidled up close enough that she was able to lay her palm on his face and feel the rough shadow of his beard. Winking, Lacie slipped her hand down, gently tugging the glass out of his other hand, rather than taking the glass he had offered her. Lacie felt she was probably being overly cautious, but if Eric was offended, he didn’t say anything. Clarissa’s warning had her a little worried.

‘Um, well, uh.. Lacie… I was wondering… um… if… you… uh…’

Lacie smiled demurely, reaching up to gently squeeze Eric’s arm.

‘Use your words Eric.’ Lacie teased, a smile on her face.

‘Doyouwanttodancewithme?’ He blurted out, his haste and nervousness blending the entire sentence into a single word.

‘Oh.’ Lacie blinked, caught a little off guard. Lacie quickly glanced at the boy again, noticing the broad set of his shoulders, the square set of his jaw, the dark stubble of his five-o-clock shadow. Smiling to herself, Lacie realized that he was kind of cute. And he had brought her another drink. Smiling again, Lacie decided to tease him a little more. Reaching up, she gently twisted a few loose hairs around her finger as she looked up at Eric.

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Kind Stranger

It was a late Friday night, the bar was swamped. I was doing my best trying to keep up with everyone. Tony the owner was talking on the phone. I was wishing he’d hurry up. that bimbo he married was always calling here. he’d lose the damn bar if she kept going but that was his affair I was just here to do my job (lately it seemed his also). Finally he hung up the phone. My relief was short lived ‘uh Jonna I really hate to do this but I have to run home real fast’ ‘Tony! You can’t leave me...

3 years ago
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Mut ist der Anfang vom Glck

Es ist ein warmer Sonntag Abend in der neuen Stadt die ich nun mein Zuhause nennen muss, da mein Vater beruflich umziehen musste. Heute morgen sind wir in unserem neuen Haus angekommen, den ganzen Tag haben wir all unsere Sachen aus dem Speditions-LKW ausgeladen und ins Haus getragen. Ja und jetzt sitze ich hier in meinem neuen Zimmer, alles sieht noch so kalt aus. Nur mein Bett mein Schrank und meine Schreibtisch sind bereits aufgebaut und stehen in meinem Zimmer. Um ich herum türmen sich...

3 years ago
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Capture Games Chapter Two

Capture Games Chapter Two As the woods got dark, the captors would come back and untie their captives and send them on their way. The boy who had captured me let me go untied my wrists and told me I could untie the rest of my ropes and go now. He hadn't won that day and he said it was because Julie had managed to escape, probably with my help. I untied the rest, pulled up my jeans and found my shoes and socks not too far away before it began to get spooky in the woods. As I walked...

1 year ago
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Meeting my friends boss

Walking to the office I think to my wrinkles. Each and every one talking about my story, about me. At 52, I can say I don’t have many wrinkles, but some. Especially around my mouth. I hate those because I can’t apply lipstick anymore. I’ve always loved a bright red lipstick. And I think about my body. I’ve never loved my body and I’ve never taken care of it. Nobody ever taught me to love my body.I’m learning now how important my body is. I can’t say it’s too late but for sure it’s harder. I’m...

Straight Sex
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Did you ask for room service

The weather forecast for the week end was supposed to be warm and sunny before some thunderstorms later; so Ana and I decide to escape those days to the coast. We got reservations at one nice resort on the ocean. It was very comfortable; nicely furnished rooms and a pool area.The first night we both were tired; but still we had a wild making love way.After a good rest, we woke up in the morning very relaxed. Ana asked me to order room service as she went to the bathroom.Some minutes later the...

1 year ago
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A Glimpse Through the Mist of TimeChapter 7

There was work to do first. I needed to make money before I could spend it, and I recognised that restoring the Dower House was going to take a big hit on my finances. There was no email or snail mail from Mr. Anders; that was no cause for concern as looking at it realistically it was too early for their acceptance. However I did have enough on my desk to keep me occupied until the early evening. I went upstairs to my flat and put together a meal, so it was getting close to eight o' clock in...

3 years ago
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The Demon Sting Concluding Part

I first Thanks ISS for helping me and to give courage by publishing my stories.If I heart any one’s feelin,He/she must excuse me. We, Honey and my dad cum husband left our country with Sam and Mag for their isolated curse village to help the people.Our Visa and passport was made ready by them and then only we came to know the position of the place where we are going. It is a small village at the border of Russia.The village is isolated by three side mountain and sea at the fourth side and thus...

1 year ago
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Dancing with Irene

Note to the Reader: I always get grief when I post a story with no sex in it, so this is fair warning: There is no raw sex in this story. It’s a sexually-oriented romance about the consequences of swinging. * * * * * I had not seen Aaron Lerner in five years. Six years, once I stopped to think about it. I was at the Home Depot at Milestone Center, looking for a replacement thermostat, I ran into Aaron at the end of an isle. It took two looks to convince myself that it really was Aaron, and...

2 years ago
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He Bags More Than My Groceries

About a month or so ago I was at the supermarket doing my weekly groceries trip and as I headed to the register, I noticed the bag boy was already waiting. I had noticed that for the last several weeks, he would always come over and bag my groceries for me and even take them out to the car when things were slow at the store. He was very friendly and outgoing with me and I enjoyed it. Most of the time he would complement me on my car and how nice it was. I found it kind of strange but being that...

3 years ago
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Jasmine in Hotel Part 2 The Mans Perspective

From His perspective now..So this is picking up from just having had Cum down your throat, leaving you lying on the bed with your makeup all messed up, your ass gaping wide and exposed and your hands tied behind your back......I go and fix myself a drink... maybe a big glass of whiskey. i'm feeling satisfied and very macho, knowing that i've really given it to that slutty tgirl, in her sissy little latex dress and whore heels. I can't believe how cheap and easy she was, letting her garters and...

1 year ago
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Glorious breasts

This happened when I was 33 years old; a guy from Lahore, Pakistan, married with two kids. I chat a lot on MSN and mIRC and when ORKUT was started, probably I was one of the first hundred members to join. I saw this profile on ORKUT (we had ORKUT before Facebook) and she described herself as a very hot and a desirable woman from Islamabad. I sent a message to her and she in turn added me in her MSN buddy list. I started chatting with her after a day or two. But in the start, we somehow...

Straight Sex
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Roommate Caught Me Jerking Off Gay

I was watching a hot, nasty porn tape, dick in hand, having a perfectly good solo time one Saturday night at my new place. I'd lived here just a month after answering an apartment-sharing ad Jimmy had placed. He had a nice, spacious two-bedroom spread in West Hollywood that he needed to share with someone, and the rent was good. I didn't feel like being stuck in one of those overpriced apartments near the beach, having to pay all the rent on my own, and had no problem sharing a place with a...

3 years ago
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Theres nothing like watching your wife fuck

After dropping hints over a period of time my wife finally cheated on me. I assured her that the thought of her having sex outside of our marriage was extremely exciting to me. She never came right out and said " OK, I'll do it" but as I found out she did in fact allow a close friend of mine to fuck her . I begain to suspect something was up because a couple of times I'd come in from work to find her in a very playful mood. On those days she had been visited by my buddy and after he had left...

2 years ago
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Allans Story

Realisation hit her like a well-aimed sledgehammer. She had been fucked by this horse, which even now was still calming down after losing what seemed like a gallon of horse cum into her stretched cunt. Alanna felt her inner walls start to contract and adopt the usual shape of her uterus, instead of the expanded accommodating tunnel that had so recently been violated by the animal. The mounting bench that she had been placed and tied on was slick with the Animal’s seed. A pool of the milky...

4 years ago
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Another ChanceChapter 62

It was sitting all by itself in one of the Michigan Aeronautical Research Center WW2 hangars at Willow Run Airport. It had two longitudinal seats with two sets of controls. A long bubble canopy graced its dorsal side. and It had very wide-spaced landing gear and that was as far as its resemblance to a North American T-28 Trojan trainer went. To make matters worse ... it was blue ... and it had folding wings ... and they were folded. "That fucker is huge," said David. My language has not...

1 year ago
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TeacherFucksTeens Eva Long More Than Fantasy

Milf-y teacher Eva Long is expecting Seth Gamble for a tutoring session, but she thinks she has enough time before he arrives to masturbate. She lays herself out on the couch and spreads her thighs, slipping one hand to her clit while the other gropes her big boobs. Spying a dildo, Eva grabs the toy and shoves it all the way inside her greedy snatch. She’s just getting ready to cum when Seth arrives, interrupting her masturbation. Eva tries to give Seth some attention, but her fantasies...

4 years ago
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Just an Old Book Part 1

Just an old book By Anna Stone Warnings, disclaimers, and the usual stuff: Let's start with the obvious, this is a work of fiction and may contain offensive material, you have been warned. You can't repost this work or parts of it anywhere without my explicit consent. Constructive criticism is welcome, gratuitous bashing is not, so as always if you don't like it move along. Regarding the story itself, this is just the first "setup" chapter, and there isn't really anything going...

2 years ago
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Sharing my sister part 3

This part 3 where my education really began.As stated in part 2 the previous few days were taken up by the Easter Holidays so no opportunity offered it’s self. But on the Wednesday morning I was woken up by the front door slamming as my mother left for work, leaving the house free with just myself and my 2 sisters as my dad would have left about an hour earlier. As usual I had woken up with my cock rock hard and aching to cum, I reached down under the duvet and into my pyjama bottoms and gave...

2 years ago
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Cry HavocChapter 14

Benni declared a cycle of mourning and all non-essential personnel were ordered to stand down. Most people found a place to sit with handcomps set on streaming news. The best estimation was that whatever was not destroyed by the fusion beam would have been decimated by the blast wave or seared by the wall of radiation emanating from the implosion of the fusion reactors on Callisto. No one really knew what the final tally was. As Qi sat next to Benni, he fed the patriarch data. Qi learned...

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Jennys 16th YearChapter 6

When Ray walked into the house he yelled for his daughter to come down and talk with him. She came down to the kitchen doorway. She was bare foot, had on a short robe and her hair was wet from the shower she just finished. She smell like flowers. Ray could, maybe for the first time, see just how beautiful his daughter had become. He told her to take off the robe and come sit at the table. She wore a pair of athletic shorts and a small top that showed her belly. He also told her to relax he...

1 year ago
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Dear Diary 06

The summer was almost over and I had one class left, having flunked it, as I was too lazy to apply myself during the year. The blasted math had been giving me a headache throughout the entire high school. I had to stop at my dad’s apartment every day after summer classes and do my homework there. A punishment for a moment of weakness when I smoked in his place, forgetting that my dad, very much against the bad habit, would smell cigarettes on me within a mile. There was a long discussion...

First Time
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Tristan Marisol LydiaLydias Story

I answered the phone. It was Marisol. "Hey BFF, what's up?" I said. "I am so out of control!" She wailed. "Why?" "I was driving home and I saw Tristan washing his car in his driveway. In shorts and flip flops." "Ooooh! That I'd like to see!" I said. "I hustled home, let down my hair and put on my yellow shorts and the white tank top and no bra." "Those yellow shorts might as be painted on! And your tits might as well be bare in that top!" I snickered over my cell. "I...

2 years ago
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Kiaora GirlChapter 4

On her thirteenth birthday he had taken Janet shopping. Together they chose her a new fashion dress. Wearing that dress with high heels made Janet feel sophisticated. Dan had told her she could pass for sixteen easy and Janet was thrilled to hear that. Just to prove it Dan said he would take her to the cinema to see an adult film. But she had to keep it quiet. Janet was thrilled at the idea of going out at night. Margot believed it was a club rehearsal that evening they'd set off; but the...

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Lesson truly learned

Jerome’s mind often toyed with him like a cat with its prey/food. He was powerless to stop it, so he just let it happen. He’d become a passenger in his own head; someone else was at the wheel. In a way, it was less exhausting this way, even if he wasn’t in control of the journey. Sometimes they were speeding down a bumpy road on the way to places they shouldn’t be, and his stomach began to summersault like when on a rollercoaster with lots of loops. Other times the ride was smoother and the...

2 years ago
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Friends and BenefitsChapter 11

I spent a lot of the afternoon thinking about Sherri's words. Did I want Tina back? Did I want Sharon back? My first impulse was 'yes, yes, yes!' How could Sherri even ask the question? But based on what I'd told her so far, how could she not? I'd glossed over all the casual conversations with Sharon. The simple sharing of the week. I hadn't mentioned the letters and calls that were about nothing other than the little minutiae that make up most days. I'd emphasized the 'benefits'...

3 years ago
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My Neighbour

Hi this is Sam a great fan of ISS. I have been reading stories since many years, I big fan of incest stories but never got a chance fucking any family or relative member. I’m 26 height 6ft and done with studies. I’m running a business. I am from hyderabad. Any aunty or girl interested in my story or feeling to meet me here in Hyderabad can contact me via mail M from a very conservative family v r not so open/ free with each other in all matters (sexual matters). Me and my family used to b in...

3 years ago
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The Babysitter

The Babysitter Listening carefully to my instructions, This was my first time babysitting for Mr and Mrs Masters and I was keen to make a good impression, Emily who was only five had to be in bed no later than 7.30, David who had just turned eight was allowed to stay up an hour later. "Don't worry Mrs Masters, I'll look after things here, you just enjoy your night out." "Now you have my number, call me if anythi..." "Susan, stop fussing, I'm sure Chloe has it all under control,...

2 years ago
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Silent Night PT2

He managed to get close enough to rub his massive knob on my labia. I could feel the contact made, and his wet cock seemed to slowly ooze a lubricant. I tried to struggle to break free but I was bound even tighter. I decided that this was it, and that I wasn't able to fight him off, or attempt anything silly, as I would not win, the more that I tried. I could feel the warmness of his cock shrinking to human size, as it slowly worked itself into my cunt. I squinted my eyes shut, in agony,...

4 years ago
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Damon sank to his knees before flopping back on the grass, his arms extended. The warm spring sun flowed over him like the hands of a sublime masseur, gentling and calming nerves worn shadow-thin by months of stress.He turned his head away from the sun, opened his eyes. Far above, a bird circled without moving its outstretched wings. He sat up, settled into a comfortable position, took a deep breath, closed his eyes again, slowly let out the breath and emptied his mind.+Somewhere, far away, a...

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The Deerfields

The Deerfields I remember when Abby came back to tell us the news. "They said they'd sign us, but only if we are an all-girl band," she had said, her voice low with despair. "I told them we wouldn't do it without you, Brian. I mean its sexist as hell! Who are we supposed to be the Spice Girls?" The news seemed to hit me in the chest like a runaway anvil in a bad Saturday morning cartoon. I felt like my dreams were gone. How could we have come this far only to have the last...

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Pure Bliss Ch 04

‘Take their blindfolds off. Leave the gags.’ A voice commanded. My blindfold was pulled down around my neck. I blinked against the harsh over head light and looked around. We sat on the floor of an old one room cabin. A hunting cabin by the looks of the animal heads mounted on the walls. I cringed when I saw on the opposite wall several hunting rifles and knives. One of the twins followed my gaze, his mouth twisting into a cruel mocking smile. ‘Nice huh? Our dad was an excellent rifleman. All...

2 years ago
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Mom Helped Son with his Imaginary Sexual Problem

"Come on. Arnie. What is really bothering you? Tell me. I'm sure mom can help." "Not this time, mom. It's really ambarassing" "It is sexual, isn't it? Remember? I am the one who gave you your first lesson in sex" "I think I am suffering from pre-mature ejaculation." "Really? How did you know?" "I found out during my masturbations." "When did you start masturbating? You should have told me about it. A mother would love to know about such thing." "I watched porn with...

4 years ago
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Jan Story 1

Story 1 by JanI have been getting tons of email from you guys asking ME to write a story about one of our, shall we say exposing times together. I have never wrote anything like this before, and Jim has kinda explained what I should wirte. so here goes, and I hope you guys enjoy this one.Jim and I went to a movie one night, and I wore a miniskirt and a low cut pull over top. Yes I had panties on, but no bra. At the show, Jim had his hand up my skirt, and under my panties for most of the movie....

1 year ago
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The Boy DownbelowChapter 7

Cat was the first of the two to get past her shock. She flowed to my side in a flutter of rags, pointedly ignoring the other woman’ shivering form. She still flinched at the occasional scream, but it was obvious she was trying to prove something, perhaps that the murders didn’t bother her. Both women were afraid of whatever was happening outside. I, having the advantage of knowledge, felt no fear. Although I did feel an intense curiosity. I’d only killed three of the people outside, and my...

1 year ago
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Paying For My Love

Copyright© 2004 He played smooch and stinkfinger with Daisy Till this virgin was gotch-eyed and hazy. Then his gargantuan pole in Her pink, tight, and swollen Young cunt just about drove her crazy. The door to mom's condo flew open, after the fourth knock, and mom was standing before me with a small private smile and looked almost anxious. "Oh Luc honey... your early?" My short voluptuous Asian mother was wearing a knee-length black skirt, white silk blouse, white hose and black...

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