My Niece The Slut: An Uncle's Discovery free porn video

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Just after Tracy's 18th birthday Fran got interested in dancing and wanted to go to a month long dance school. Fran's husband had divorced her several years before and disappeared, so Fran ask me if I would watch her daughter for the month. I really didn't want to, but finally caved in and agreed. I was divorced and we never had kids so I lived a bachelors life. I owned a house with a full basement. I turned the basement into an entertainment area. I had a pool table, a Foosball table, a huge TV with a DVD and surround sound. To watch it in comfort I had a large section couch with built in recliners. Tracy had been to my house many times and when she heard she was going to stay with me, she was very excited about having her over friends to enjoy the downstairs. When my sister dropped her off, the first thing I did was set the rules.

"Ok," I told her,"You need to be home before 5:00 PM. You can have friends here, but only until 8:00 PM, then they go home. After that I expect homework to be done before bedtime."

"Ok if I have to." Tracy said with a pout.

"Yes you have to." I told her.

As Tracy grabbed her bag and walked toward my spare room I took stock of my niece. She had dark, almost black hair and had it cut short. She stood 4' 10" tall and weighed about 95 lbs. And she was already filled out. Her breasts were "B" cup, with a nice round little ass. She was wearing a short tight skirt. In fact the skirt barely covered her firm little ass. I knew my sister and Tracy fought constantly about her clothes, but as a male I liked it so I didn't say anything about how she was dressed.

The next day was Monday. Tracy left for school and I started work shortly after. At times I work from home and this particular week I was going to be working from home all week. Tracy arrived home at 5:00PM followed by a huge crowd of kids. Before long the noise from the basement was a dull roar. When I went down to investigate there had to be at least 30 kids there.

The basement was in an L shape. I placed the pool table and Foosball table on the end where the stairs were. The TV was against the wall on the other end. This meant that anyone coming down the stairs couldn't see the couch or TV until they walked over to and around the corner.

"Hey uncle Brad!" Tracy called as she came around the corner through the crowd from the TV area.

"My god is the whole school here?" I asked.

"No just a few friends." She said with a giggle.

"Ok. Have fun, but everyone is out at 8:00. Right?" I said.

"Yes daddy." She replied rolling her eyes, then added,"you're not going to be spying on us are you?"

"Are you going to do something you shouldn't be doing?" I asked.

"Of course not!" She huffed.

I figured she was lying, but I also figured they weren't going to do anything more than make out and feel each other up and I wanted to give her as much freedom as I could while she was living with me, so I said,"Ok. If you follow all my rules and don't do anything to get me in trouble, I'll stay out."

"Deal!" She replied.

I went back upstairs and did some work on my computer. Through the evening kids came up the stairs and left. By th time 8:00 PM arrived I calculated there was only a few of them left down stairs. I went to tell them it was time to go home.

I called from the top of the stairs,"Tracy! It's 8:00 time for your friends to go home."

"Ok uncle Brad." She called back.

I stood leaning against the wall as the two boys came up the stairs.

" ‘Night boys." I said.

Neither one looked at me but mumbled a ‘goodnight' as they passed.

When Tracy came up I asked,"The three of you the only ones left?"

"Yea. Jimmy and Tommy are kind of stuck on me and wanted to hang around longer than anyone else."

"Ok, go do your home work." Tracy walked down the hall and I found myself getting hard watching her round little ass bounce under her tight skirt.

I knew they were inappropriate and I also knew I was going to have to try to keep those thoughts out of my head. The next afternoon Tracy arrived home at 5:30 and much like the day before was followed in by at least 20 kids.

As they headed down stairs I called to Tracy,"Is this all or do you have more coming over?"

"I think this is all." She said with a grin.

"Ok. Have fun but try to keep the noise down."

The rest of the week went by the same. Tracy would arrive home with 10 or 20 kids in tow, they would all go to the basement and spend the afternoon and evening watching TV and playing games. Saturday I told Tracy I had to go to a friends house to help him with a project and asked what she was going to do. She said she was going to her best friend Summer's for the day. Summer is a sweet little redhead. She's about 5' tall and has a nice set of "A" cup tits. I told her I would be back at 6:00 that evening and I'd call her when I got home. Summer arrived at 9:00 and they headed to Summer's house.

Just before I left I started my computer and the surveillance program I had installed. I had been burglarized a few years before and had cameras installed in several parts of the house, the livingroom, hall, kitchen and two in the basement, to record anything or anyone who entered the house. I hadn't used it all week with Tracy there, but decided to turn it on because no one was going to be home that day. I wondered if I should call Tracy and tell her how to turn it off, but I was

planning to be home before her so decided not to call her.

I arrived home earlier then I had planned, at 4:45. I was about to call Tracy when I spotted a jacket hanging from the back of a chair. It was unfamiliar and I was sure it hadn't been there that morning. I went to my computer and began to scan through the video files. At the time mark of 11:00 AM Tracy and Summer came in the door.

As they walked in I heard Summer say,"Your room or downstairs?"

"Down stairs." Tracy replied,"It will give us more room."

On screen, the girls disappeared down the stairs so I scanned through the video for the downstairs cameras until i located them and then watched the two girls walk into the basement.

They walked to the couch and Tracy turned to Summer and said,"Want to play a little before they get here?"

"Sure." her friend replied as she stepped up and began to kiss Tracy.

I watched in shock as the girls began to strip their clothes as they kissed. Before long both were totally naked and were groping each other. Summer pushed Tracy back onto the couch, knelt between her legs and began to eat my nieces pussy. I sat in shock, but my cock was hard as a rock as I watched Summer lick Tracy's pussy. It wasn't long and my niece groaned, grabbed the back of her friends head and I could tell she was cumming. When she let go of Summer head, Tracy stood and changed places with her friend. For the next 15 minutes I watched my niece eat her friend. Finally Summer came and Tracy crawled up and sat next to her.

"When will they be here?" Summer ask.

Tracy glanced at the clock and replied,"Any minute. You ready to do this?"

"I think so. I'm a little nervous though. I've done it with Ben, but never with more than one." Summer replied.

"You're going to love it!"Tracy said,"You remember the trip to Ft. Gordon last year to watch the football team play?"

"Yea. I saw you at the game, but couldn't find you on the bus." Summer said.

"That's because I was on the team bus. Carl Wheaton, the team captain, snuck me onto the bus and I hid in the back. The coach drove his car home so old Mr. Carlisle was the chaperon. He sat in the front seat and slept all the way home. I fucked and sucked most of the team in the back of the bus that night."

"Really?" Summer gasped.

"Yes. After that I wanted to do the Lacrosse team, those boys are really buff, so when Frankie Collins asked if what he heard from Carl was true I told him it was and that he and his team mates could do the same. When uncle Brad told me he was going to be gone today, that's when I set this up. When I told Frankie you were going to be here too, I thought he was going to cum in his pants!"

I was totally shocked by what I was hearing, but it wasn't anything compared to what was to come. Tracy and Summer chatted for a few minutes, then I heard the doorbell ring. Tracy went to answer it and didn't bother to put on any clothes. I watched mesmerized as she opened the door and six boys filed in, each staring at my nieces naked body and each showing a lump in the front of their pants. Tracy motioned them to follow, and they all filed downstairs. A couple of the boys whistled as they saw Summer standing in front of the couch naked. Tracy instructed all of them to take off their pants and underwear. A very few moments later six boys stood next to the couch naked from the waist down.

"Summer, since this is your first time doing this, you get to choose the three you want."Tracy said.

Summer slowly pointed at three boys, then Tracy said,"Ok. You three over there, and you three,"she said pointing at the three remaining boys,"Over here."

Three of the boys sat on the large couch next to each other, the three others did the same.

"So you boys want a little show, or do you want to get right to it?" Tracy asked.

The boys looked at each other, then one said,"Let's have a show. A short one though, ‘cause my cock is hard and needs some attention."

"You'll be drained by the time you leave here." Tracy replied with a wicked smile.

Tracy motioned Summer to her, then the two girls began to kiss and finger each other. Before long they were laying on the carpet in a 69 licked each other's pussies.

Groaned comments came from the boys,"Look at her go after that pussy.....damn I want my cock in there..... fuck this is great.....they better hurry my dick will explode by it's self if they keep that up..."

Finally one of the boys (I later learned it was Frankie) said,"Come on girls! We got some hard cocks waiting for attention over here!"

The girls broke apart and stood. Tracy stepped over to one group while Summer went to the other.

"Blow jobs anyone?" Tracy ask with a grin.

A clamor of voices filled the room from all six boys.

Tracy knelt in front of one of her group and said,"Ok. One at a time."

Over the next 20 minutes I watched my niece and her friend suck off each one of those boys. The amazing thing was when each boy came Tracy and Summer swallowed the load and then moved on to the next boy in line.

When the last boy busted his nuts in her mouth and she was done licking his cock clean, Tracy said,"Time for some fucking. Who's first? And how do you want it?"

I wanted to check out the entire video, but knew I didn't have enough time to watch it all, so I quickly scanned through the next two hours of video. I was stunned as I watched those two girls fuck those six boys multiple times in every position. At the end Tracy rode one of the boys cocks for almost 20 minutes before he busted his nuts inside her pussy.

When they were done Tracy said,"Time for you guys to go. Summer and I need to get cleaned up and get out of here before my uncle returns."

"When's our next invite?" Frankie ask.

"I'll let you know." Tracy said with a wicked smile and a wiggle of her firm little ass.

After the boys were gone the girls showered and talked about it. When Tracy asked her, Summer said she enjoyed it and would like to do it again. The girls left a few minutes later. I turned off the video and sat staring at the screen in shock by what I had witnessed. My brain was numb and I couldn't decide how to proceed. I decided to leave it for a while and think on it before I made a move.

By the time I was through scanning the video files it was 6:30. I figured I should call Tracy. I called her to let her know I was home and she told me she would be home shortly. When she arrived she acted no differently then any time before, but all I could think about was seeing her sitting on those boys laps riding their hard cocks. After seeing Tracy I found I was very upset and decided I couldn't wait to talk to her.

"Tracy can I talk to you for a few minutes in my den?" I ask.

"Sure uncle Brad." She said, following me into the den.

I closed the door and after hesitating for a moment, decided to cut right to the meat of it.

"I have a video surveillance system in the house." I said watching her face,"and I had it running today."

She looked puzzled for a moment, but a look of comprehension crossed her face and she began to stammer," Uncle wasn't.....we didn't....I....I....I..." Finally she stopped stuttering and stood staring at me.

"I saw everything you did here today."I told her,"Everything!"

She began to wilt under my stare and stammered,"I'm...I'm sorry."

"Tracy I'm not sure what to do about this." I told her,"I don't know if I want to tell your mom, but I need to do something."

A tear ran down her cheek and she whimpered,"Please don't tell my mom! I'll do anything! Please!"

As my mind digested her words, as the meaning of ‘I'll do anything' sunk in, I tried but couldn't keep the image of her sitting on those boys laps, moaning as she rode their cocks out of my head.

And fast on the heels of the image came the unbidden thought,'She'll do you too'. I had an over powering urge to reach out and take her arm, lead her to my chair, pull her onto my lap and bury my hard cock in her tight teen pussy.

I knew I couldn't and knew I shouldn't even think about it, so to waylay those thoughts I said,"I think you should go to your room. We'll talk about this tomorrow."

Tracy left and I sat staring at the door. I pulled the bottle of whiskey I kept in the bottom drawer out and began to drink right out of the bottle. The evening hours disappeared as I sat thinking and drinking. The good part of me was saying ‘tell her mom'; the bad part was pushing me to go see if she would let me bury my cock in her tight pussy. By the time midnight rolled around I had drank a third of the bottle. I was a little drunk, and also very tired of thinking about it. I took a long shower, trying to ignore my steel like hard on from watching the videos and climbed into bed. I woke a while later and it took me several seconds to understand that I wasn't alone in the bed. There was a naked body pushed against me. It took me a few more seconds to realize it was Tracy.

"What are you doing?"I demanded groggily.

"I told you I would do anything if you didn't tell Mom about what I've been doing. I'm here to do anything you want. Anything."

"We can't..." I began to protest only to have Tracy reach over and wrap her hand around my already hard cock.

"I don't think he wants to stop." she giggled as she began to slide her hand up and down my now stiff shaft.

A war raged in my head. The good side of me was demanding I stop her and eject her from my bed; the bad side was urging me (magnifed by the feel of her small, soft hand sliding up and down the length of my hard cock) to take advantage of the situation and fuck her. Needless to say the good side of me was losing, fast.

"Tracy we can't do this." I said with a groan as I weakly tried to push her hand away,"We can't we just can't."

"Sure we can Uncle Brad." She whispered.

I felt her move up and place a quick kiss on the lips. Then I felt her slide over me. A moment later she was sitting astride of me positioning my cock against her bare shaved pussy.

"Tracy please! You have to stop....."Just then she pushed down with her hips and I felt the head of my stiff rod engulfed by her warm tight box.

I was lost. I knew I was lost. All I wanted at that time was to bury the rest of my cock inside my sexy, slutty, little niece. I grabbed her hips and pulled down as I shove my hips upward. As my hard shaft slid root deep into her tight pussy I heard her grunt, then moan. I worked my way up until I was sitting against the head board. I leaned down and took one of her

nipples into my mouth. It was erect and as I began to suck it, to pull it with my teeth, Tracy groaned, grabbed my head and pulled my mouth tight against her firm globe.

After a short time I leaned back and said,"You said you'd do anything. So let's see what you've got."

Tracy giggled and immediately began to fuck herself onto my cock. I couldn't believe how good her tight pussy felt and how good she was at doing it. She fucked me. Her slim hips pistoned up and down, sliding my hard shaft in and out of her tight, warm , slippery little pussy. I knew I wasn't going to last long and I didn't. I felt my balls draw up, then my cock throbbed, bathing her cervix and womb in rope after rope of sticky cum.

"My, my uncle Brad, that didn't take long." She whispered,"I'd say you were a bit horny."

"Watching you fuck those guys will do that." I replied,"You do know we aren't done don't you?"

"I hope not!" She giggled.

I picked her up and set her to one side as I said,"Get on your hands and knees."

"Oooo, doggy!" She cooed as she got into position.

When I got up behind her a fantastic sight greeted me. She had her firm, little ass in the air and was wiggling it at me. Her legs were spread giving me a good look at her bare, glistening, pink pussy. I put my cock against her wet, glistening lips and pushed, watching as my hard rod disappeared inside her.

"Oh fuck I love cock." She moaned as I slid into her.

I grabbed her hips and began to slam into her, bouncing my balls off her pussy with each stroke.

"Oh.....o....oh.....God! Fuck me....fuck me hard!!!" She gasped as I hammered her tight little pussy.

I had emptied my balls once, so I knew It would be a while before I could cum again. I held her small, slim hips in my hands and rammed my cock into her tight cunt over and over. As I did I could hear her moans growing louder, her gasps sharper.

As I fucked her I growled,"You are a little slut! A cock hungry, cum loving slut! Say it! I'm a slut! Say it god damn it!"

"I'm .....a.....slut..." She moaned back at me.

I pulled my cock out of her pussy, grabbed her hair and jerked her around. I grabbed my cock, slimy with her pussy juices, and put it against her mouth.

"Suck it slut!" I demanded.

She didn't hesitate, she swallowed my rod to the root.

"Make me cum you little cock hound." I groaned.

She sucked me, stroking my balls as she did. I leaned against the head board and watched her work my cock. She licked every inch of it, then sucked on my balls as she stroked my shaft. She was good at it, very good indeed. I could feel the cum rising in my balls and knew I was going to cum. I grabbed her head and pushed my cock back down her throat. I held her head and began to fuck her throat. Pushing in until my balls were against her lips, then pulling out until just the head was in her mouth. She didn't fight it, she just let me fuck her mouth and as my cock slid out I could feel her tongue licking the underside of my cock.

"Oh fuck!!! I'm gunna cum again!" I grunted.

I felt my cock throb, blasting cum down her throat. As the first rope blasted into her mouth I felt her swallow my rod to the root, then the most exquisite feeling hit me as she began to swallow, her throat milking my cock as she did. When I was done I fell back onto the bed spent.

Tracy crawled up next to me, snuggled close and said,"So I guess you're not going to tell mom?"

"And lose the chance to fuck you again?" I snorted,"Not on your life!"

I pulled the sheet over us and fell asleep with Tracy snuggled close. I woke the next morning and looked over to find Tracy laying on her back still asleep. Slowly and very gently, so I wouldn't wake her, I worked my way between her legs. I put my cock against her pussy. I used my fingers to spread her bare pussy lips to let the knob of my cock slip between them, then with one slow steady push I entered her. She groaned as I filled her. When my cock was root deep in her, her eyes fluttered, then opened.

It took a moment, then she smiled, warped her legs around me and said,:"I like waking up to that!"

I began to fuck her with long slow strokes, taking my time, just enjoying fucking her tight pussy. I fucked her slowly, steadily for the next 20 minutes. With each stroke I could feel her hips rising to meet me, fucking me back as I fucked her. When I felt my balls tightening, I increased my pace. Soon I was fucking her hard. The room was filled with the sound of skin slapping skin, the sound of Tracy's moans and my grunts. Finally my cock exploded, throbbing, blasting spunk deep into her tight pussy.

As she felt my cock begin to throb Tracy used her heels to pull me deeper into her pussy as she moaned,"Oh fuck yes! Cum in me!"

When I was done I pulled out and sat beside her.

"I have some rules."I said.

She giggled and replied,"Ok. What?"

"Rule one, I get this,"I reached over and pushed two fingers into her slippery, cum filled pussy,"when ever I want it."

I could feel her hips begin to rock, fucking her pussy onto my fingers as she groaned, "Fuck yes."

"Rule two, If you want to fuck any of the boys in my house you need to tell me before hand." I added, using my thumb to rub her clit.

"Absolutely!"She said.

By that time Tracy had her eyes closed, her feet flat on the bed as her hips moved, sliding my fingers in and out of her tight opening so all I got from her was,"Oh.....oh......oh."

"Rule three, I get some of Summers pussy too!"I said.

"You want to fuck Summer too?" She gasped.

"Yes. And I want to fuck both of you at once. One on my face, one on my cock."

"Oh.....God.....I'd love that!" She moaned.

I grinned and said,"You little slut! You like fucking! You want to cum again don't you?"

"Uh,hu." She mumbled as her hips rose and fell, fucking her pussy onto my fingers.

"Then do it. Cum you little cunt! Cum for me! Do it! CUM FOR ME!" I snarled as I began to ram my fingers up her pussy.

She grabbed my arm as her body began to tremble. She moaned, then let out a strangled cry as her pussy clamped down on my fingers.

I pulled my fingers out of her and placed them against her lips whispering as I did,"Lick them clean."

Tracy opened her eyes and looked into mine as she slowly licked each finger. When she was done she smiled and sat up.

"Come on." I said slapping her ass,"Shower, then breakfast."

An hour later Tracy was showered, dressed and had just finished breakfast.

"So what are you going to do today?" I asked.

"I'm going over to Summer's." She said, then added with a wicked grin,"I'll be back this evening. After all you do want to fuck me again tonight don't you?"

"Hell yes!" I grinned.

"And would you like me to bring Summer?"She asked with a grin.

"Sure, but not tonight. I want to get my fill of your pussy first. So the question becomes, which do you want first my cock or my tongue." I asked my grin widening.

Tracy smiled wiggled her hips and replied,"Your tongue and then you cock!"

"Done deal! You will be getting both tonight." I replied.

As she walked out the door I knew that while she was staying with me, I damn sure wasn’t going to be pussy starved.


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lost my virginity at 15 to my uncles wife

I was 14 years old and my aunt was 20 years old. She married my mom's brother (uncle) 1 year prior dec 1988 in germany. I first met her in the summer of 1989 they came here (toronto) for honeymoon, When I saw her I thought she was really pretty and hot. She stood about 5'3 130-140lbs but all in her chest, nice firm body. They stayed with us for 3 weeks. I stayed clear of her a few days. I feared having a boner infront of her and my family, and did not want to seem foolish/horny teen.She had an...

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NIECE'S NOOKIES (mf, ff, inc) by Studs Manley After my third, and messiest, divorce, I had no place to live, no car to drive and few clothes, even. Fortunately, I did have my older sister, Linda. She and her husband had a house with a basement that had a room with a foldaway bed. They said I could stay with them till I got on my feet. Thing is, my nieces lived at home. Oh, they were out of school and working, but they figured they might as well pay rent to their mom and dad as to some other...

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Not Quite a White Knight Book 1Chapter 48 Figuratively ButtFucking Larry and His Uncles Before Their Peers

Larry Alexander was a associate with the law firm who was a jerk and an ass-hole. Now he is a thief as well. He was also a pencil-necked wimp. Plus, he was not a good enough lawyer for this outfit, his appointment was the worst type of nepotism and would cost me money when I embezzled from the firm. Larry’s skinny-ass wife was the one who tried to ridicule Abril for being Hispanic and got it turned around on her, establishing Abril as the whitest woman as well as the most attractive woman in...

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Lisas Sessions Ch6 My Special Uncles

Don't stress out...its fantasy...mostly.6. My Special Uncles.I arrived a little ahead of time with a wet pussy and a racing heart. I had to admit, I was beginning to like my sessions. I loved confessing all of my naughty experiences and actually telling Dr. Heard who I am and why. I stepped off the elevator to see Nancy, Dr. Heard’s receptionist in her usual straight-laced appearance and impeccably neat office ensemble. I winked a private secret wink letting her know I knew what she had...

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Niece Beth Gets What she Asks For

Niece Beth Gets What She Asks ForBy billy69boy(Sequel to “Niece Beth Confesses”)By the time I got down to the basement, Beth was already fiddling around with a musty old length of thick, rough rope. “Find something you like?” I asked her. “Hmmm, it smells kind of funky, but it’s real scratchy,” my adorable niece replied, in all her naked splendor. She handed me the rope and presented her wrists to me. I spun her around, and bound her wrists behind her back, then threaded the rope down...

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Niece Katy Plays Hostess

Niece Katy Plays HostessBy billy69boy (with special thanks to Nastydaddy2)(Sequel to Niece Katy’s Surprise Visit)I got up off the patio, and helped Katy to her feet. I walked her into the house and laid her on the couch, and cleaned her up with a towel. She was drunk and exhausted, so I let her sleep while I took a shower and changed my clothes. A few hours passed, and night was beginning to fall, when she stirred, rubbed her eyes, and sat up. “Hi Uncle Billy, what time is...

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BackscatterChapter 12 The Age of Discovery

One week later. Time: Friday, June 4, 2049 10:30 AM, 30 km due east of Santa Cruz de la Palma Discovery left its home port of Funchal just before midnight and spent the next ten hours cruising southward at a leisurely pace of twenty-six knots, four knots below its rated speed and almost twenty knots below its true maximum speed. Discovery represented Madeira's very first attempt to explore outside of Golem's bubble radius. The ship was maintaining radio silence, and after ten hours of...

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My Three Favorite Uncles 8211 Part 4 Gifts From And For Uncle

Vijay uncle pulled me close to him and buried his face into my neck, sniffing deeply. It caused tingling shivers in my body that originated at my neck and radiated all over my body. I loved the sensation. “Ah, Sweta,” he said in a guttural voice, “I have waited for so long to enjoy your body.” I could not help but reply, “Me too, uncle.” He laughed and turned my face towards him. He kissed my lips lightly and replied, “You smell so nice Sweta, like a flower in its bloom.” I giggled at the way...

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Niece Katys Surprise Visit

Niece Katy’s Surprise Visit By billy69boy (Sequel to “The Truth about Oral Sex Clubs”) “Bye, honey, have a great week!” I yelled to my wife, as she headed out the door to her car. It was all packed and ready for her trip to the beach house that she rented with her s****r. I was home alone for seven glorious days, and I was going to make the best of it. I sat down on the patio with my newspaper and glass of scotch, even though it wasn’t quite noon yet. The waterfall gurgled in the background,...

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Niece Katys Surprise Visit

Niece Katy’s Surprise VisitBy billy69boy(Sequel to “The Truth about Oral Sex Clubs”)“Bye, honey, have a great week!” I yelled to my wife, as she headed out the door to her car. It was all packed and ready for her trip to the beach house that she rented with her sister. I was home alone for seven glorious days, and I was going to make the best of it. I sat down on the patio with my newspaper and glass of scotch, even though it wasn’t quite noon yet. The waterfall gurgled in the background,...

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Nieces First Love

Niece's First Love Posted by Paul606Nieces First LoveOne summer, my niece Elyse was over to visit me . Elyse was staying with me for about 2 weeks during her summer vacation. During her stay, I had the voyeur fantasy of a lifetime come true when I was able to watch my niece strip and masturbate while by chance I was outside her bedroom window (Please read A Nieces Bedtime Show).Then a few days later my niece Elyse was sitting on my lap watching TV, one thing lead to another and we orally...

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Walked in on my Uncles

About 10 years ago I was home alone with my twin uncles.  They are my uncles by marriage so we are about 3 years apart.  We have always watched porno's together and have masturbated in the same room before, but that was the extent of any sexual behaviors we have ever had together.  One Monday morning I awoke to loud moaning coming from downstairs.  My room was positioned directly above the TV room so I heard everything that went on down there.  I figured my uncles were watching pornos without...

Gay Male
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My Three Favorite Uncles 8211 Part 6 Boobie Day With Vijay Uncle

Hi Friends, thank you for all the nice words and encouragement you gave me through emails. They pushed me to continue my story. I explained to you in the last couple of parts how I lost my virginity to Sharma uncle. My other two uncles were the only people in the world who knew what was going on. And how supportive they were to me! Later, as I explained in the last chapter, that Sharma uncle had to leave overseas for a few months. Vijay uncle helped me overcome the feeling of loneliness by...

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Niece Helped Uncle To Get Into Her Cousin

The last time was about how I fucked my niece Vanshani. If you have liked that on, you would love this one. This one is about how Vanshani helped me to get into her cousin Trisha. It was one December in Florida and Vanshani was visiting me and my wife. This time she had invited her cousin Trisha also to live with us. Vanshani was now 22. Trisha was 19. They were good friends also and always talked freely about boyfriend and all that stuff. But somehow Vanshani never told Trisha about me and...

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Daughters Slut TrainingChapter 7 Daughterrsquos Naughty Discovery

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah My sixteen-year-old daughter Leyla slumped to the floor, trembling from the force of her whorish orgasms. Her naked, dusky body was flushed, her round breasts rising and falling as she sucked in deep breaths. Her brothers’ cum leaked out of her pussy and asshole. She took their dicks in both her holes at the same time, learning to please two men at once. I lowered the camcorder, the recording saved on the memory card. The video of...

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Walked in on my Uncles

About 10 years ago I was home alone with my twin uncles.  They are my uncles by marriage so we are about 3 years apart.  We have always watched porno’s together and have masturbated in the same room before, but that was the extent of any sexual behaviors we have ever had together.  One Monday morning I awoke to loud moaning coming from downstairs.  My room was positioned directly above the TV room so I heard everything that went on down there.  I figured my uncles were watching pornos without...

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The Murder of Sharon Weathers Slut Extraordinaire

My name is Rebecca. Everyone calls me Becca. I entered the police department right out of college. I progressed rapidly, through different divisions and assignments. I always had my eyes set on Robbery-Homicide and after six years of hard word and dedication, I finally made it. At age thirty, I was youngest female in the division for such a coveted assignment, but I was superb at my job. I made it because of my skill not my gender. It was Saturday. Dispatch called our number just after we had...

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The Niece Janet L Stickney [email protected] It sounded innocuous. Easy dad said. Just a few days my mom said. Me? Well I wasn't so sure about it. They wanted me to pretend to be their daughter for a few days. I could not grasp the why, but mom said it had something to do with a Great Aunt that I barely remember. For some reason she thinks that I am her niece, and she wanted to see all of us, which includes me, the so called niece. "All of the real girls in the family are...

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Niece Becomes Our Nanny

The greatest experience of my life happened when my niece agreed to be our nanny. But I am getting ahead of myself. My wife and I had been married for just over 10 years when we had our first baby. It almost amazes that we did have a baby, since we rarely had sex after the honeymoon. It wasn’t really a sudden stop, but gradually there were more and more days that my wife said “No, she wasn’t in the mood” For my part, I quit trying. It wasn’t worth the effort. Noone likes to beg. Two weeks...

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Uncles wife first then Tracy

My Story relates back 20 years when I was about 40 years old, it started at Christmas when my wife and myself went to my Uncles home for Christmas drinks. We had a good drink and were feeling quite merry, then as the pubs emptied more people joined us. One a couple of girls consisted of my Uncles step niece which had come from his wifes previous marriage (he was married 4 times) the step nice was Rachaul a chubby girl not bad looking but all Breast and backside with moody sorry for her self...

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Sex in the Car Atop Uncles cock

'He's here', I hear my mother call out to me. I'm packing my bags and beginning on my journey back to boarding school, after Christmas break.I heard my uncles voice and mothers laugh, as she calls up again. 'I'm coming', I shout back, as I zipper-up my bags, and drag them downstairs.In a way I am glad for the lift, otherwise a four hour train journey was the alternative. I know mother was grateful, being 14 and looking like I did, she feared I would be ****d, not in as many words, but it did...

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Licking Mommies Pussy and Uncles Cock

When I was 18, we moved back to Indiana because my dad got laid off from his job. Mom and dad were in their mid-fifties and looked it. Dad is a big man with dark hair and eyes and heavy set. Mom is about 5 ft. tall and weighs about 100 lbs. with gray hair and glasses that are very out dated. She has big boobs and a perfect round ass that I have really noticed since puberty. It seems like I'm always horny and mom is my favorite jack off fantasy. My uncle Jim (moms brother) is a big man and...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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Uncles Wife Taught me to Fuck her lovers

What can I say? For as long as I can remember, I have been sexually curious, even more so when I started having my periods, and my hormones directed my fingers between my thighs, and my mind went blank as I grunted like a sow until the relief flooded over me.But for an incident that happened before the stirring of my hormones, the argument of 'Nature', versus 'Nurture', would come to the fore, and the outcome in favour of 'Nature', as the other brought shame on the family, so labelling me,...

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A visit to uncles house

It all started when myself and parents visited him one summers day. I changed into my bikini which I had had a couple of years. Since then I had filled out a whole lot more. I was still slim but my boobs had got larger and they really showed in the bikini. I noticed him looking at them a few times and it sort of excited me.  I decided to really tease him, so whilst we were swimming I got on his back and rubbed them on him. A couple of times I also brushed against his cock which felt pretty...

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Sucking Uncles DICK at the Drive in

When I was young, most everybody went to drive in movies in their cars. I loved going and you could get in for just a dollar and lots of couples would go to make out, etc. I was too young to drive and after making many trips with my parents there, one day, my uncle Bill was at the house and wanted to see some movie that was playing at a local drive-in. He started to leave but had to make a call to his girlfriend who then told him she couldn't go, so he asked me if I wanted to go with him. I...

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The Training Of Slut Heather 9

THE TRAINING OF SLUT HEATHER OR MY WEEK-END OF SERVITUDE AND HUMILIATION CHAPTER IX THE ORGY Sunday morning came much too early for me and as I got out of bed, I felt my "pussy" was still stretched and throbbing. First I went into the bathroom and "douched out" like Ann had told me. I dressed in a casual pair of slacks and with "D" cup bra padded with silicone breast forms and a low cut red knit top that revealed my pushed up cleavage, short but dangling earrings, and matching...

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Chorley slut Catherine

So, I want to tell you all about a woman I met while on a business trip to Chorley. Her name was Catherine, and what a slut she was, well is. I had finished my business meeting and stopped at Costa to finish my paperwork and do a few emails. I was sitting at a table for six people and was fairly spread out. I noticed a woman with her tray and looking for somewhere to sit. I collected my papers and offered a place to her at the other end of the table. She sat down and took her coat off. It was...

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Its Practically What Uncles Are ForChapter 1

Hannah had been his special pet all her life. They didn't see each other all that often - living on different continents, but it was like he was always there for important things and he always wrote her and encouraged her, never missing a birthday and always sending her spot-on presents. She was a modest child but whenever she protested that Uncle George spoiled her too much, he would laugh and say "It's practically what uncles are for" and that became a catch cry. 'Uncle' was actually...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Futa Gym Shower Slut

It had been an interesting six months that led Andrew here. While home for winter break, his parents announced he wouldn't be returning to college. His mother, in particular, had decided the investment was no longer worth it. His father supported her decision wholeheartedly. Andrew was told that new opportunities for young men with no degree were opening up in their area. He had no idea what kind of jobs his parents meant, but he took them at their word. Mother allocated him a weekly stipend...

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The Training Of Slut Heather 8

THE TRAINING OF SLUT HEATHER OR MY WEEK-END OF SERVITUDE AND HUMILIATION CHAPTER VIII The Black Dahlia Club By the time we arrived back at the house, my new piercings were not aching as much, with the except of my nipples. They were still very sore and sensitive to the lightest touch. But even then, Ann suggested that I go relieve myself of the tampon, and the enema solution, then take a good shower. I was told to put on a robe and come down to the kitchen for dinner. By the...

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The Training Of Slut Heather 4

THE TRAINING OF SLUT HEATHER OR MY WEEK-END OF SERVITUDE AND HUMILIATION CHAPTER IV THE CLUB After we finished eating, Ann told me to clean up the table, go upstairs and open up all the cosmetics I had bought, take off my make-up, wash my face real good to get rid my face of the old make-up, and take off my panties and wait for her to finish dressing. By the time I had finished washing, putting the face cream on, rubbing it in, and wiping it off like Ann had taught me, Ann came...

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The Discovery

The Discovery By Margaret Jeanette Tom and Kris Rhoden were happily married. He was a junior clerk and she was chief teller at a bank. She always knew he wasn't very macho. In bed she always initiated sex and led the way, but she liked it that way. Occasionally she would tell him to do something like wash the dishes or clean a window and he always did it. It was on one such occasion that she told him to scrub the kitchen floor. She hated to do any sort of house work. He...

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Children of the Gods Part 1Chapter 3 Discovery

Mark had become "the man of the house," after his father was killed. He had been forced to take his father's place in so many ways. By the time he was twelve Mark and Rachel became confidantes, rather than merely mother and son. In time, it became necessary to help her make certain business decisions. Soon after his father's funeral he began to learn how to repair things around the house. Rachel's job was more than adequate to support them. Their home was paid for and her taste in cars...

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my uncles girlfriend

my uncle and his girlfriend went away on holiday for 5 days my uncles girlfriend was big woman huge tits i had the hots her 2 days had past i didnt really have my auntie in mind until i decided to go for a piss about 3 in the morning when i saw a pair of her worn black lace knickers on the floor i couldnt resist it i tried to get it out of my mind but my auntys pussy was stuck in my mind so i picked them up and started to smell them it was lush never thought i would even come remotely close to...

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Anal Discovery

Looking back I guess I was very sexually reserved as a young person. But by 18 I was beginning to feel more relaxed about have sexual desires and fantasies.I didn't start masturbating until I was 19 but it soon became a very regular thing. I would often think about touching myself during the day and I thought I was terribly sexually liberated because I knew I was going to act on it that night.I thought people would be astonished to know that I touched myself sexually. I now know that I was...

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A Daughter's Special DiscoverybyThomX©I think all girls have a secret desire to make love to their father. I knew I was one. My mother died when I was very young. (I would tell you how she died, but, since that's still a very sensitive subject for me, I won't.) Overnight, my father became a single parent, and I became his whole world and he mine. I couldn't have asked for a more loving and attentive father. I never went without as he would sometimes work two and three jobs just so I wouldn't go...

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A Daughter's Special DiscoverybyThomX©I think all girls have a secret desire to make love to their father. I knew I was one. My mother died when I was very young. (I would tell you how she died, but, since that's still a very sensitive subject for me, I won't.) Overnight, my father became a single parent, and I became his whole world and he mine. I couldn't have asked for a more loving and attentive father. I never went without as he would sometimes work two and three jobs just so I wouldn't go...

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Night of Discovery

DISCLAIMER: This story is rated X for strong sexual content. If you are under eighteen (18) years of age or in an area where this type of material is prohibited, DO NOT READ THIS STORY. If you are of legal age eighteen (18) or older and are located in areas where this is legal, and not offensive to you, please continue. The characters and locations in this story are fictional and any resemblance to any actual living person or place, either in person or name, is purely coincidental...

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Naughty Girls and their Uncles

1.) Rhoda's Uncle StoryMost girls, by or around, the their mid-teens, are sexually active, masturbate, and think about cock. We know about the age of consent, but when your pussy dictates it needs attention, legality goes out the window, and it's hypocritical to condemn men, you begged for a fuck, or at least left them in no doubt as to your intention, when you did a down blouse flash, of your small titties and rigid nipples, or let them see your bald pussy with your cotton panties pulled to...

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The Training Of Slut Heather The Sequel

THE TRAINING OF SLUT HEATHER THE SEQUEL OR PREPAIRING FOR MY LIFE AS A SUBMISSIVE T-Girl Authors comment: This is the sequel to the story "The Training of Slut Heather" and that story should be read before starting this sequel. While the events depicted in this story are not connected to the original story, there are references to people and events that occurred in the original story. The story starts after returning from the west coast, and describes the preparations Heather must do to...

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Daughters Slut Training 9 Brothers Naughty Help

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Nine: Brother's Naughty Help By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah Pete's eyes bulged at my words. He trembled, staring at my naked tits swaying before him, his eyes drinking in their pillowy softness and how hard my brown nipples were. He licked his lips, rubbing his hands on his jeans as he struggled not to jizz in his pants. Such a wanton thrill went through me to witness this young man,...

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Stepbrother Made Me His Slut

My twenty-year-old stepbrother, Jim, my five-year-old son, and my loving husband were waiting for dinner at the dining table. I adjusted my red top, grabbed the bowl of meatballs and came out of the kitchen. I didn’t want to flaunt my cleavage, sending any wrong message to my stepbrother. However, when I bent over the table to serve him, he didn’t miss the chance to take a brief look at my cleavage. My husband was busy talking to my son. He didn’t notice Jim checking out my cleavage. Jim gave...


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