Tanyas visits uncle John
- 2 years ago
- 36
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Author’s note: I wrote about Tanya and Paul’s first encounter in my story ‘Taking Tanya’s Picture’
I have a friend that I am in love with. We were lovers years ago and recently reconnected. He is funny and sweet and smart and talented. And I think he cares for me. I know he desires me and god knows, I desire him. So, what’s the problem, you ask? We are both married. To other people. And we are happy with our lives. But we connect on lots of levels. And the temptation is sometimes so overwhelming.
Can anyone survive, loving two men at once? Wanting both, fully and completely. I don’t think so. So I tried sitting on the sidelines. Wanting so much more, but thinking there is a line I cannot cross. And Paul wants more. Would it compromise him like it would me? I am not even sure what I mean to him. I know he cares for me but I am pretty sure he doesn’t love me.. And I know he wants more. So we flirt, chat and lead each other down a dangerous, yet exciting path.
Then a few months ago I finally got together with Paul. He took some really wonderful erotic pictures of me, but things went a lot farther than I expected. We didn’t have intercourse, but we had gotten naked and had oral sex. And it was wonderful and so much better than I had remembered! But then I told Paul I needed a break from seeing him. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to continue having a sexual relationship with him. So we continued to chat several times a week, talking about all sorts of different things. But mainly we chatted about sex. What we wanted to try, what we wanted more of and how much we still wanted to explore each others bodies.
I decided that I wanted to see him again. So we finally arranged a time for Paul to come and meet me for lunch. I am staying with a friend and she isn’t home during the day, so we will be able to relax and visit and be alone with each other. Nothing more than kissing, I told him, because I still need to figure out just what I can handle without interfering with my marriage.
I wait nervously for Paul to arrive. Looking in the mirror again, I brush my light brown hair and smile at my reflection. I am wearing my favorite jeans and a v-neck shirt. I think I look sexy and that helps boost my confidence. I’ve waited so long to see him again, to touch him again. Trying to convince myself to relax, I remind myself that we are only friends. Very good friends, maybe, but just friends. But my body knows differently as the tingles of anticipation run up and down my spine. Impressing on me how intensely I desire him. Waiting is so hard.
The dogs start to bark and I know he is here. The doorbell rings and I jump, my heartbeat accelerates even as I take a few, hopefully calming deep breaths. Opening the door, I drink in the sight of him as all my senses go on full alert. ‘Come in’, I tell him as I pull the door wide. My mind is racing…. should I hug him, kiss him, take his hand and lead him upstairs to bed? But the dogs jump on Paul’s legs, distracting us and I close the door and lock it.
Now I am shy. I want to be bold, but I just say ‘Hi, how are you?’ Paul says he is tired, that he didn’t get much sleep last night…. thinking about today. Oh, does that mean he is having second thoughts about seeing me? Or was he anticipating today as much as I am? I am afraid to ask. So instead I ask ‘Are you hungry?’ Paul smiles at me and we walk into the kitchen. I start pulling out plates and food.
‘What do you want on your sandwich, mustard or mayonnaise?’ I am so nervous as I move around the kitchen making our lunch. I keep bumping into him, brushing my breasts against his body. Wishing I had the courage to just stop and put my arms around him and kiss him. I feel so silly (I think I’m babbling) as I continue to smile and make our lunches. I am so very happy to be with him.
I lead him into the living room and put our lunches on the coffee table. We sit on the couch, facing each other but too far away to touch. I am just looking at him, lost in his smiling eyes, when Paul motions to my plate. One of the dogs has come over to investigate my lunch. I snap back to reality and pick up my plate and hold it in my lap as I try to eat. We talk and smile and laugh as we eat our lunch. I can only eat half my sandwich, I am so distracted by him.
His jeans have little holes in them. I ask him ‘Do you always wear jeans with holes to work?’ as I reach over and stick a finger in one hole. Paul laughs and tells me that it doesn’t matter what he wears to work as long as he has on shoes and pants. The thought of him without shoes and pants runs through my head. He lifts his arms and clasps his hands behind his head. His tshirt rides up and a line of skin appears above his pants. I want so badly to run my fingers across his skin. To touch him there, so close to his cock that is hidden from view. We continue to talk and laugh but time and time again my eyes are drawn to that line of exposed skin.,
I want to lean over and kiss him, but he is leaning back a bit. Farther away than I would like. Too far away for a quick, casual kiss. I would have to lean over him to kiss him. Lay in his arms on the couch. I am again distracted by my desire to have Paul hold me and kiss me. Why is he keeping his distance? I know he wants me, but he is waiting for me to decide how today will play out. So we continue to talk, getting to know each other a bit more.
Paul says he has to go back to work. I want him to stay longer. I thought he was mine for the whole afternoon. I don’t want our visit to come to an end, but I don’t protest. I know he is busy and I will have to be content with whatever time he can spend with me. I stand up and clear the lunch dishes while Paul excuses himself to use the bathroom.
We stand in the entryway to say goodbye. I put my arms around his neck and step into his arms. Kissing him is a delight. Our tongues play and explore, inflaming our desires. Paul pulls me tight against his hardness and I run my hands through his hair. The kiss goes on and on as we move together. Wanting more but limiting ourselves to just kissing. I think I could kiss him forever. He says he has to go now. ‘I don’t want you to go,’ I whisper. ‘I know,’ Paul whispers back. One more kiss and then he is walking out the door. Driving away and gone again from my life. How will I ever make it until we can be alone again?
I send him a note, thanking him for the visit. Paul sends one back, telling me how good my kisses are. How he wanted to put his face in my breasts and that he wants more but understands my boundaries. I want to smash my boundaries and let him in,. I want him to come back and tell me he has to have me. I want him to seduce me and make love to me so our bodies will never forget the imprint of each others. I wait, hoping he will come back. But I know he won’t. Not unless he is specifically invited. And I can’t admit to Paul or myself how desperately I want him… need him… love him.
I go upstairs to my bedroom. I am so hot and horny from our kisses. I can feel my pussy getting wet as I think of Paul touching my breasts and making love to me. I can still taste him in my mouth. I take my clothes off and get out my vibrator. I put a towel on the bed underneath me in case I gush. I start by playing with my breasts, imagining it is Paul. I think of his mouth kissing me, and I put my vibrator in my mouth, wetting it with the taste of him. I use it to tease my clit and then I slowly push it into my wet pussy. It’s like he is finally inside me, I think, as I work the vibrator in and out. I turn it up slowly, making myself squirm with delight. And then I am cumming and gushing on the towel, thinking of Paul deep inside me, pleasuring me.
The next day I have an opportunity to visit Paul where he works. I am so excited to see him two days in a row. I am nervous still, but since it is a public plac
e, I feel it will be okay. I call his cell phone telling him that I am waiting in the lobby. I wander around reading the plaques on the walls while I wait. I can hear him upstairs and then I see him coming down the stairs. Paul obviously has given tours of his area before because he starts right in explaining about the building and what he does. It is interesting, but I am just happy to be with him.
He takes me downstairs to a machine room and asks me if I want to kiss. I say sure and lean over and give him a quick kiss. Paul backs off and points out the window in the door. Then he leads me down some stairs and around a corner. Now I am nervous again and I look around for something to talk about. Paul quietly says ‘stop talking now,’ and pulls me into his arms. Our kisses are passionate, our tongues quickly playing deep in each others mouths. Paul holds me so tight against his hardness and I run my fingers through his hair. We continue to kiss deeply and I moan into his mouth, running my hands up and down his back. I can never get enough of his kisses. I let myself flow into the moment, no fears, no worries, just falling into the powerful sensations he gives me.
Breaking off the kiss, Paul tells me it’s time to go. So we leave and go upstairs. On the way we see his boss and Paul introduces me, but forgets my last name. We are both nervous and talk some as he walks me through the lobby and out the front door. We smile and say goodbye. Our time together is always too short, but I appreciate that it keeps me safe from crossing my boundaries. I get in my car and drive away. My pussy is tingling and I am feeling so turned on.
When I get back to my friend’s house, there is a message from Paul, thanking me for coming to see where he works and taking the free tour. I send a message back, telling him how good it was to see him and thanking him for the ‘tour with a bonus’. I tell him I could kiss him for hours, how his kisses made me wet and tingly and that I wish we had more time together. We won’t see each other again this trip because I am going home tomorrow.
Settling in on the living room couch, I put on some CD’s I bought. I turn the music up loud, so I can feel it flow inside me. I am feeling sad, missing Paul already. Knowing I won’t see him for several months. I close my eyes and remember his kisses, his tongue deep in my mouth, the hardness of him against me. I am still so turned on and I find myself wishing that he was here. Wishing that he would just show up at the door, saying how much he wants me, how he has to have me, that he can’t let me leave without making love to me. I am still not sure how I can keep it separate from my marriage. But I want him so desperately.
I realize that the dogs are running around and barking. Thinking that maybe they have to go outside, I take them to the back door. But they run to the front door instead. When I look outside, I think I am imagining things. Because there he is, just as I wished he would be, standing at the front door. I open the door and let him in. Paul closes the door and softly says ‘hi, there,’ as he smiles at me. I start to ask him why he is here but I just walk into his arms. Paul kisses me softly, swallowing all my questions. Then his kiss turns deeper, different as he pulls me hard against him. This kiss is passionate and desperate with desire. This kiss is claiming, seducing, a promise of things to come. I close my eyes, holding on tight as I melt into him.
Our tongues are twirling, exploring, devouring as we try to get closer. My hands run through his hair and then down his back and I moan into his mouth. We move against each other, our passion and need racing out of control. I forget about everything else in my life, all I can do is embrace this moment in time. All I can see or think or feel is Paul, all my senses are focused on him and my body is his. I reach under his shirt and finally, I am touching him, feeling his warm skin with my searching hands. A contented sigh escapes me and I pull and tug at his shirt. He moves away for a second so I can pull his shirt over his head. Our eyes meet and hold, he can read my desire and need for him in their depths.
I wasn’t bold before, but now I am. Taking Paul’s hand, I lead him up the stairs to my bedroom. This is the moment I’ve waited for. In this moment I am finally sure of my path. I smile at him as I run my hands over his chest, feeling him, learning him all over again. Paul pulls me close and kisses my lips, my face, my neck and down between my breasts. His hands come up to cup them and he rubs his thumbs over my stiffening nipples. I murmur my pleasure and whisper, ‘I want you’. Paul smiles at me, his eyes sparking with his pleasure as he pulls my shirt over my head. Reaching behind me, he unclasps my bra and pulls it away. I pull him in tightly, my breasts rubbing against his chest. I love this feeling, skin to skin. We hold each other and kiss deeply again, our hands roaming, touching, caressing, exploring.
I want to take it slow but I am on fire for him, becoming wet with anticipation. Paul moves back to sit on the bed and pulls me close, burying his face in my breasts. Rubbing them, molding them with his hands, flicking my nipples with his thumbs. He holds them together and runs his tongue around my areolas, teasing me. I hold his head as I quiver, his tongue flicks over my nipples and then he sucks them both into his warm, wet mouth. I arch my back, pushing my breasts tight against his face as the sensations race through my body. His talented tongue strokes my nipples as he sucks them deeper into his mouth. He bites them, gently at first and then a little harder. I start to moan and shake, tingles of excitement shooting from my nipples directly to my hot pussy.
Unable to stand any longer, I go down on my knees in front of him. I kiss his stomach and then reach down and remove his shoes and socks. Running my hands up his legs, I massage the inside of his thighs. Skimming over his erection, I unbutton and unzip his pants. I tug on them until he stands up and I pull them down and off. His cock springs free and I reach up to caress him as I admire his naked body. Pushing him back down on the bed, I slide my hands over the hard length of him, producing a drop of pre-cum. I lick my lips, smile up at him and then gently kiss the head of his cock, licking it clean. Cupping his smooth, shaved balls in my hand, I hold his cock and lick from the base to the tip. Swirling my tongue around the rim, I lick and then suck the velvet head into my warm mouth. I close my eyes and focus on how it feels as I rub it against the roof of my mouth. Paul strokes my hair and I open my eyes, looking up at him as I take his cock deeper into my mouth. We gaze into each others eyes, communicating without words our feelings and our pleasure.
I let his cock pop out of my mouth and once again lick down his hard length. I gently lick his balls and then suck them into my mouth, one by one, rolling them gently with my tongue. I’ve never done this before and the texture amazes me. My hand strokes his cock slowly as I concentrate on his balls, licking and sucking and learning what he likes. Paul’s gasps of pleasure and his hand on my head guide me as my tongue learns his secrets.
‘Stop, now,’ Paul says quietly, as he pulls my face up to his for a long, lingering kiss. His lips travel down my neck, between my breasts, pausing to give each of my nipples a slow suck and a nibble, and down to my stomach. Pulling me close, he tongues my belly-button as I stand in front of him, stroking his hair. His hands move, unbuttoning and unzipping my pants, pushing them down my legs, along with my panties. I step out of them, completely naked in front of him. Paul’s eyes smile with the rest of his face as he looks at me.
Pulling me into his embrace, Paul rolls over me, placing me on my back on the bed. It is his turn to go down on his knees in front of me, He spreads my legs and pulls me to the edge of the bed, so I am open to him. After placing a kiss on my mons,
he proceeds to lick, kiss and bite his way up and down my inner thighs. I am trembling now, so wet, so ready for him. He pushes his face deep into my pussy and then starts by licking softly over my lips. Tugging and sucking on my wet lips, he holds my thighs open as I squirm and moan my pleasure.
Licking his tongue up my wet slit, he pushes it deep inside me. His tongue is so strong and my hips rise, meeting his every thrust. I can feel my orgasm building, starting deep inside me. Replacing his tongue with his fingers, Paul starts massaging my gspot. I cry out with pleasure and buck against his hand. As his mouth moves to my clit, sucking it and flicking it with his tongue, my orgasm crashes over me. I scream as my pussy contracts over and over again, gushing out my warm, sweet cum, bathing his face and hand. My orgasms continue, one flowing into the next, ebbing and flowing and crashing over me again and again. I am sobbing with the pleasure he is giving me.
After what seems like forever, my orgasms abate and my body goes slack. I lay there gasping for breath, still trembling from the aftershocks that run thru me. Paul moves up over me and holds me in his arms, running his hands over my body, gently rolling my nipples, until I am ready for more. Suddenly I need his hardness moving deep inside me so we move further up on the bed . ‘Fuck me,’ I demand as I guide his hard cock into my soaking wet pussy. Paul enters me in one hard stroke, filling me, stretching me, settling himself deep against my womb. We hold still for a moment, relishing the feeling, and I wish he could be inside me always.
He slides slowly almost all the way out of me and then slams hard back inside. I run my hands down his back and grab his ass. ‘Fuck me hard,’ I command, and I pull him hard against me. Paul leaves the slow slides behind as he speeds up, until he is thrusting into me like a piston. ‘Yes, yes,’ I gasp as I meet each of his hard thrusts. ‘More, more!’ My pussy is grasping his cock, pulling him deeper inside me. Contracting in the throws of orgasm, my pussy massages his cock and I start gushing again, surprising both of us. I gush over and over, bathing his cock and balls with my warm, wet cum. Paul thrusts deeply inside me and arches his back as he pumps jet after jet of his hot cum inside me. We hold each other tightly as our orgasms consume us, making us one and tossing us up into the stars.
As we drift back down to reality, he moves to my side, still holding me in his arms. We kiss deeply, slowly, our tongues lingering in the warmth of each others mouths. I know I will never be the same again, our loving has changed me. Laying entwined on the bed, we take a short nap. In a little while, Paul gets up and takes a quick shower and dresses quietly. He thinks I am still sleeping, but I watch him thru partially closed eyelids. When he is fully dressed, he comes over and sits on the bed with me. I reach up and he pulls me into his arms. ‘I have to go now,’ he whispers. ‘I know,’ I reply. We kiss each other once again and then he is gone. I sit by myself, naked, forlorn, alone, my heart breaking in two.
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One morning while awake but not yet out of bed, I was texting to K and she was in her usual teasing mood, full of innuendo and questions meant to drive myself, and in turn herself, mad with lust and enjoy the thought of it all until we both have beautiful orgasms. We were throwing around ideas and fantasies, pictures and pet names. Fucking at her workplace in front of her coworkers, treating her as a slut, fucking in front of her boyfriend, all sort of experiences for someone who was...
Everyone knows that sometimes temptation is a little too hard to resist. And this was definitely one of those times. I've always been curious about females. Males bore me. Every inch of a woman's body fascinates me, though there are areas that I'm sure you can guess I pay a little more attention to sometimes. Being a photographer, I get to take photos of all manner of things: landscapes, people, architectural things, sunsets, and I enjoy them all…mostly the people, and yes, mostly the females...
Quickie SexI love that picture of you in your pink underwear. It makes me wish that we were together, you modeling for me, stripping down, seducing me. I’d try and do the same for you, stripping to my gray cotton boxers, but you do it so much better. Your actions clearly excite me, as the outline of my bulging cock is clearly visible in my boxers. I love how you lift your breasts from your top, showing off each enlarged nipple in turn. It is beautiful to watch them in your hands, and how they sway when...
AnalAltered Fates: A Favor for Anna, Part II "Temptation" Author note: I'd just like to say thank you to Eric for beta reading and offering suggestions on this story, you've undoubtedly made it better! - Cheers Zapper ++++ Chapter 1 "Curiosity killed, ......swapped the cat" ++++ It was a cold Friday afternoon in February as Tom looked out his living room window at the snow covered backyard. The scene showed several trees coated in ice and a...
I have written before about Liz, about how easy guys managed to get her knickers down before we met. Liz in her teens and early twenties was stunning. She was very attractive, slim, with 34E breasts. She also had a very warm personality, so men were drawn towards her. Even when she had a boyfriend, men would still try for her, and being that she was more than a little gullible, more often than not, she ended up being screwed by the confident guys who tried it on with her. Then I came along, I...
Quickie SexMy Best Friend’s Daughter-Part One: Temptation John lived in Nottingham, between Manchester and Birmingham in the UK. At 43 John’s life was a bit of a mess and although he had a good legal practice and financial success he was just not very happy. There hadn’t been a serious woman for ages and John just didn’t seem to have the inclination or energy to go to clubs or anywhere and find “Mrs. Right”. Consequently it had been years since John had been on the receiving end of a wild fuckfest. John’s...
TabooAltered Fates: "Temptation" By Brad M. & Zapper Synopsis: Harold's stepdaughter, Alicia, is willful, dishonest, and a thief. At seventeen she is gorgeous and eager to explore her body with her boyfriend Chad. Alicia blames Harold for everything that goes wrong in her life and her mother Hanna is at her wits end. Enter the medallion of Zulo. Warning: This story contains explicit content. It takes a dark turn as power, magic, and madness come into play. Note: The rules...
A girlfriend of mine, Shamita, and I have a mutual friend, who happened to be an ex of mine who had a fantasy of a three-some. We will call him Amit. Just kidding around we told him we were going to massage his whole body and then we were going to tear him up. Of course he knew we were kidding. That is until we each had a couple of drinks and relaxed a bit. Then what started out as kidding around turned out to be an evening we still smile to each other about. We did begin to give him a body...
Author’s note: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. If you feel offended by the subject, please skip to another story. Karen McAllister was furious. She had just received a phone call from the detective agency that she hired to spy upon her husband. An agent from Paris just informed her that for the last two nights a girl had been visiting her husband in his hotel’s room. This night as well she was there…for more than two hours....
Incest(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Seven: Taboo Temptations By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! September 13th, 2021 – Cruzita Gutiérrez “Cruzita?” I lifted my head to see the Hispanic girl coming out of the cloth curtain that cut off the waiting room from the back hallway. She wore a lilac, silk robe about her petite figure. She wore her dark-brown hair short, framing her face. She couldn't be more than eighteen, and wore a bright smile on...
My name is Jack Langley, aged twenty-two, and I was amazed that I had managed my first month of teaching experience without succumbing to the temptations that surrounded me and threatened my probationary year in Collington Academy.Four years of the educational and lustful university experience and the latter part had contained just as much learning as the former. I had ‘kissed the girls and made them moist’, and, satisfying that moistening, over four years had demanded increasing...
College SexMy name is Jack Langley, aged twenty-two, and I was amazed that I had managed my first month of teaching experience without succumbing to the temptations that surrounded me and threatened my probationary year in Collington Academy.Four years of the educational and lustful university experience and the latter part had contained just as much learning as the former. I had ‘kissed the girls and made them moist’, and, satisfying that moistening, over four years had demanded increasing...
College SexNot a whole lot, Hugo realises. His intern hasn’t put his iPhone down for the last five minutes, just endlessly scrolling something he’ll probably tell Hugo he’s too old for, with his stupid pretty face a mix of sass and sympathy. “I wouldn’t let anyone else catch you staring like that,” Ellis is looking at him now, looking like he knows everything there is and that Hugo’s a fool. ...Hugo is a fool. “No one else catches my eye,” he responds, setting his face in an attempt at...
The wild life in the ski resorts, yeah right, Matt thought. His only wild life in this godforsaken town was the occasional wild animal he saw. He hated it out here in the mountains of Colorado. He had been lured here by the prospects of making good money working the slopes only to find out the recession of the country had hit here as hard as everywhere else. His dream job lasted a few months and he was laid off.So, after months of just scraping by, he was delighted to get a response to one of...
ThreesomesHe sighed, looked away and licked his lips. When he looked back at me, he smiled. “Okay, Alice. I’ll see you when you get here. I can’t wait to see you.” I smiled back at him. “I can’t wait either. I love you, bro!” “Love you too, sis.” We logged out. As I started to get dressed, I couldn’t help but wonder why he seemed upset when I wouldn’t dress in front of him. He’s like my brother! That would be weird. So I just shrugged it off as I slid on my flip flops, put on my headband and bag...
Her high heels made a loud clicking noise as she ran up the steps to the front door, kicking off her shoes she sighed in relief as she felt a blast of cool air from the air conditioner climb up her smooth long legs, raising her skirt a bit. Giggling she began to make her way to the bathroom, wanting to take a nice cold shower before she left for the night. “What are you laughing at?” She heard as she entered the living room. That voice, she hated that voice, it could only be one person… Andrew....
There I was in my hotel suite somewhere in Hawaii, checking out the view of the beach from my balcony. I saw the beautiful blue ocean, the white sand, and lots of people in swimwear swimming and playing volleyball and the sun was brightly shining. So I decided to take a walk on the beach. I put on a pair of jeans and a midriff under my rainbow-colored two-piece bikini and stepped out. Not only did I love the feel of warm sand on my feet but I also liked the crashing of waves against the rocks...
She should have known better than to trust him, he had done nothing but lie to her from day one. Of course she hadn’t been aware of this fact until it was too late. Way too late. John had asked Melissa out on a magical first date and had completely bowled her over. A whirlwind romance that turned into roller coaster ride that had stopped abruptly, leaving shattered dreams and broken promises. He had made so many promises to her, and had seemed to mean each one. She had lived for those promises...
Mmmm, today was a good day. I was sitting at work fantasizing about the sexiest man that had to be alive, in my world anyway. I finally spoke to him on the way home last night…and that was all she wrote. This man was godly, almost too good to be true. He had a nice and tight body with a smile that could kill. And you know what, he fucked me so good last night, I almost lost sight of who I was. Shit, how does one lose sight of who they are? Easy, when you do some shit you normally...
Author’s note: I didn’t plan to write a part 2, but something inspired me. This is once again dedicated to C, who seems to provide me with so much inspiration. ***** I have to confess, I was more than a little disappointed after the disappearance of Camilla. While she wasn’t the only motivator in my quest to get fit, that little throwaway comment she made set the whole process in motion. Over the passing months I logged into the FBFM forum regularly – partly because I wanted to see if she...
I passed her on the stairs to my building. She stopped to hold the door for me as I was taking a load of boxes to the street. The light came in behind her silhouetting a beautiful figure and a riot of short curly hair. “Lucky girl” I thought with just a smidge of envy. My 5’8” frame is rather more generously curved than fashion dictates and my long brunette hair takes an army of stylists equipped with an arsenal of product to hold a curl. I came face to face with her and was able to see her...
Donna worked at the local five and dime store where one of the young bucks from her neighborhood had become a fairly regular customer. Regular enough that she started to wonder whether he really came in for pencils or a candy bar, or if it just made a good excuse to come in and see her. She had often caught him staring at her ample breasts and at first, she passed it off as just the raging hormones of youth, but after five years with her trusty vibrator as her only lover, the thought of his...
*this story is an outtake from my novel ‘the Lovely Forsaken’ the scene does not appear in the book but I loved it so much that I decided to post it here. I hope everyone enjoys it!* I watched in terror as Daniel leaned over me and pressed his cold lips to mine. In shock I could not prevent his tongue from entering my mouth and it was an automatic reaction to let my own twirl around his. I would be lying if I said I didn’t want him. I had wanted him since that night in the woods when he had fed...
My day had been lazy and generally unproductive – just the way I liked it, for a Saturday evening. I had lounged around the room all day in a pair of tight blue boxer briefs, watching television, eating whatever I fancied and idly playing on my laptop. This was my idea of a relaxing, enjoyable weekend alone. Nothing could disturb me. No sooner had I thought this than my phone vibrated on the table in front of me. An ear-piercing song that I had once loved – now a grating noise to be tolerated...
I have written before about Liz, about how easy guys managed to get her knickers down before we met. Liz in her teens and early twenties was stunning. She was very attractive, slim, with 34E breasts. She also had a very warm personality, so men were drawn towards her. Even when she had a boyfriend, men would still try for her, and being that she was more than a little gullible, more often than not, she ended up being screwed by the confident guys who tried it on with her. Then I came along, I...
There she goes again. Now I know she is doing it deliberately. She has been sent here from the devil himself just to tempt me. Why else would my wife’s 18 year old sister be doing cartwheels in front of the sliding glass door to my office, in a bikini no less? She graduated high school last week and her parents offered to send her wherever she wanted to go and she chose to come stay with her sister and me in Louisiana. Anywhere in the world she wanted to go and she chose here. She arrived late...
I had been looking at the white camper in front of me for hours, driving behind it with my black Civic. Lightly gripping my hands on the steering wheel I let my mind wander about the week ahead. I was on my way to go camping with Jake Austin and his family. His parents were driving in front of me in their camper, while Jake himself was laying down on the backseat, still suffering from a hangover from the night before. Julia, his eighteen year old sister, was sitting next to me in the passenger...
Introduction: A smoldering look ignites a passionate fire Donna worked at the local five and dime store where one of young bucks from her neighborhood had become a fairly regular customer. Regular enough that she started to wonder whether he really came in for pencils or a candy bar, or if it just made a good excuse to come in and see her &hellip,. She had often caught him checking out her ample breasts and at first, she passed it off as just the raging hormones of youth, but after five years...
Lacey smiled as she made her way to her car. She was so happy for her best friend Kady. After an incredibly hard couple of months she was now happily engaged, with a newborn baby. She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t a little jealous. Her ex-boyfriend, she thought bitterly, had dumped her several months ago for the slut down the hall in his apartment building. She tucked a strand of her brown hair behind her ear as she opened her car door. She sighed, she loved Kady but once again she was...
As usual, she was the last one to leave the class, and as usual she took an age to tidy up her books giving me teasing glimpses of her long suntanned thighs, she smiled at me as she stood beside me at my desk."You were looking up my skirt weren't you, sir?""Nonsense, Kylie," I protested weakly."I saw you, you were trying to see my panties.""Kylie that's just not true.""I bet you've got a hard-on haven't you, sir?""I bet you were thinking how much you'd like to see my pussy weren't you?"She...
College SexAs usual she was the last one to leave the class and as usual she took an age to tidy up her books giving me teasing glimpses of her long suntanned thighs, she smiled at me as she stood beside me at my desk."You were looking up my skirt weren't you sir?""Nonsense Kylie," I protested weakly."I saw you, you were trying to see my panties.""Kylie that's just not true.""I bet you've got a hard on haven't you sir?""I bet you were thinking how much you'd like to see my pussy weren't you?"She moved...
OccupationsRobert was a photographer who liked taking pictures -- people, animals, and objects. Today his focus was on a woman who was sitting on a bench reading her Kindle. She had been sitting there for at least ten minutes, absorbed in what she was reading and oblivious to what was going on around her. A cup of something apparently hot sat beside her untouched. Robert wanted so much to take pictures of her but he had a self-written rule: never photograph without permission.To many men, she was just an...