The Earth Mother free porn video

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Alice was neither tall nor short. She was neither beautiful nor plain. When at age twenty she married George, she was wide hipped, with full soft breasts, generous mouth, upturned nose, and bright shining blue eyes. She was also three months pregnant to George.

It was no shotgun wedding. Alice had told George that she did not want him to marry her if he did not really want to. George, who sincerely loved Alice, had exploded. ‘You’ll marry me if I have to drag you to the altar.’ He did not have to drag her.

George worked for a company in a semi-skilled capacity that made concrete pipes and culverts. The wages were not good, so they were always on a tight budget. Soon after their marriage they were fortunate to be granted a house built by the State Government for people on low incomes.

After the birth of their first child, another one was quickly on its way. Alice loved children and soon after they had moved into their house, she became a sort of substitute mother for the neighbourhood children. Many of these children belonged to single parent families, or had inadequate parents, or both, so they came to Alice for the love and consolation she so generously gave.

If they grazed their knee, they went to Alice. If they broke a toy, Alice tried to mend it. If they were hungry, Alice somehow stretched her limited budget to feed them.

Alice was the Great Earth Mother, always there for all this world’s unhappy children, of whatever age.

The local men and women also came to Alice with their woes – ‘He hit me again last night.’ -‘I came home and the guy from next door was fucking her on the sofa’- she had words of comfort and advice for them.

Alice enjoyed her sex life with George immensely. For both of them, it was the outcome of their love for each other.

George was a morning person and Alice an evening person, so in the morning it was a ‘quick one for George,’ and in bed at night, it was ‘a long one for Alice.’

For Alice sex was a combination of factors. In addition to the release of sexual tension, it was fun, it was an expression of love, and, earth mother that she was it was a means of comforting and consoling George when he was troubled.

Sometimes at night, when George had ejaculated into her, she would sit across him with his penis still inside her and laughingly say, ‘I’m going to hold on to you all night.’ She would then proceed to hold on until he rose in her again and put more sperm in.

Unlike many women, she loved having her husband’s sperm in her, and after his morning ‘quick one,’ she would try to hold on to his fluid long after he had gone to work. ‘That’s part of him still with me,’ she said to herself.

After the birth of her second child, the first of two bitter blows fell upon Alice and George. They were told that Alice could not have any more children. To Alice the lover of children, and George who derived joy from helping her to have them, this announcement was crushing.

Alice, with her usual determined outlook on life, soon found a way round the problem. ‘Let’s become foster parents,’ she said to George.

‘They’d never let us,’ replied George. ‘They only want well-off foster parents, not battlers like us.’

‘You don’t know that for sure,’ retorted Alice.

‘All right, give it a go if you want to,’ said George.

An application to become foster parents was made, and there now followed questionnaires, interviews and home inspections.

George had been right about the financial angle, but it became clear even to the bureaucratic officialdom of the Social Welfare Department, that in Alice they had the eternal loving mother, ready to take any of God’s unhappy creatures to her ample bosom. So, they were accepted.

There were some months of waiting before Adrian arrived.

Adrian was a surprise. He came from a family where his father had been sent to prison for twenty years for murder, and a mother who was a hopeless drug addict. There were three other children – one boy and two girls, all of whom had been taken into care by the Welfare Department and placed in one foster home, with the exception of Adrian.

The problem was, that Adrian at fifteen years old, was much older than his brother and sisters, and was on the age borderline for State organised foster care. Most foster parents did not want children who had entered puberty, with all the mad, hormone racing problems of that age group.

So, it was that Adrian was initially left out. The Department turned to Alice and George and the social worker said quite frankly, ‘If you won’t take him, I don’t know what we’ll do.’

After some discussion, Alice and George agreed to take the boy. At their first meeting with Adrian, they saw a thin, pale faced lad who was very withdrawn. He looked at least three years younger than his actual age, and he did not seem to possess that noisy, exuberant quality rightly or wrongly associated with the teenager. They found it very difficult to get him to speak, his replies to their questions being given in monosyllables.

‘He’s had a bad time of it,’ confided the social worker. ‘He’s practically had to look after his siblings, and has been subjected to some pretty brutal treatment.’

Adrian made no comment about the room they had got ready for him, and didn’t seem to take any interest in any other part of the house or garden. What he did do, was to eat as if he had not had a proper meal for years, which of course, he hadn’t.

The mother in Alice almost wept at his condition, and George was concerned about their ability to communicate with this distant youth. They approached the problem with great care, not trying to force responses from Adrian, and in the following months he started to come out of his hard protective shell.

One of the first signs of his entering into a warm relationship with the family was his taking an interest in Alice’s two young children. Alice observed him playing games with them and amusing them. The next sign was when he came into the kitchen one day to ask something of Alice, and he began with, ‘Mum…’

This did not impact on Alice immediately, but after he had left the kitchen, it hit her. It was the first time he had called her by any name or title.

Thereafter Alice continued to be ‘mum,’ and George became, ‘dad.’

Alice fostered Adrian with all the love she had to give. She provided a tender female environment for him, while George introduced him to those masculine pursuits, like football, fishing, ‘mucking about with cars’ and ‘doing things down in the shed.’

Adrian began to thrive. His paleness was replaced by a healthy colour, and he began to develop physically so as to look his age. Alice and George could see he had the makings of a nice looking young man with a good physique.

One problem was Adrian’s schoolwork. He was way down the bottom of the class, and neither Alice nor George were exactly great scholars. They did their best to help Adrian, and although he began to improve, it became obvious that scholarship was not his line.

After talking to his teachers, and discussing matters with Adrian, it was decided that once he was sixteen they would begin a search for an apprenticeship. This was not easy, as apprenticeships were rare, and many employers insisted on taking boys who had completed the full high school course.

George approached his own employer who, aware of Adrian’s circumstances, agreed to take him for a trial period as an apprentice maintenance fitter and turner after he turned sixteen.

Fortunately, Adrian was not located at the same plant as George, but in another branch of the company. Thus, he was not present when the next devastating blow fell.

Early one morning, George, still harbouring the memory of his morning ‘quick one’ with Alice, was using a hand manipulated electric overhead crane.

He was moving a huge concrete culvert with the crane, and instead
of walking with the hand set behind and to one side of the load, he walked alongside it. One of the wire hawsers gave way. The culvert swung. At that point, George was between the culvert and a solid wall. The culvert crushed and killed him.

Alice was devastated. She could not believe that her beloved George, her husband, lover, friend and supporter, was dead. Killed in such a terrible way.

Her own two children were too young to fully comprehend what had befallen the family. Adrian, having been schooled by George in what were believed to be the ‘manly qualities,’ tried to become Alice’s comforter.

Throughout her grief, Alice was told by Adrian over and over again, ‘I’ll take care of you mum.’ He didn’t know what else to say.

Alice mourned George deeply, but she had a solid working class background and knew that life had to go on. She had her children to care for, and there was Adrian. She turned to the practicalities of their existence.

Inspections had shown that the hawser had been badly worn, and should have been replaced long before it gave way. This meant a hefty compensation pay out by the company.

Alice, always careful in money matters, saw to it that the pay out was well placed to give them a small, but steady income. Adrian also brought in a little money, and all round, they were little worse off than when George was alive.

Adrian was in his seventeenth year when Alice finally started to recover fully from George’s death. It was then she noticed that apart from her self and the children, Adrian seemed to have no friends, and especially no girl friends. If he went out at all, it was on his own or with the family.

He now had a fully established apprenticeship and was doing very well. Sometimes he would save money from his wages and take Alice and the children out to see a film, or for some other treat. Very occasionally they would get a sitter to look after the children and he and Alice would go out together for the evening.

He seemed to be trying to take on the role of the man of the house. He did the little maintenance jobs around the house, and was always to hand when it came to the simple chores like washing up.

Alice, always having been very economical when it came to purchasing clothing for herself, now resorted to the local Salvation Army Opportunity shop to clothe herself. Fortunately she had an eye for just the right attire for her slightly full figure, and was often the envy of people who spent ten times more than she on clothing.

Again, Adrian did a little saving, and when he thought he had accumulated enough money, he would take Alice out to buy something new and special in the way of clothes.

‘You’ll look great in this, mum,’ he would say. And so she did.

Alice recognised what was happening. Adrian was trying to take George’s place. His promises to ‘look after’ her at the height of her grief, had been real.

One aspect of Adrian that troubled her was what she heard at night. Her bedroom was right next to Adrian’s. Through the thin wall, she could hear his gasps and moans as he masturbated. Most disturbing, she would often hear him crying after he seemed to have finished ejaculating.

She hesitated to intrude or question him about this, and was at a loss to know what to do. What he needed was a loving relationship with a girl, but she could think of no way to help with this.

The situation took an unexpected turn when, on one of their nights out together to see a film, in the dark of the cinema, Adrian put his arm round Alice’s shoulder. She did not object to this, in fact, she rather enjoyed it. ‘That’s what George used to do,’ she recalled.

The cinema was close to home, so they walked the distance, and as they did so, Adrian held her hand. On arriving home they said ‘goodnight’ to the sitter and drank a cup of tea. When Alice said she was ‘off to bed,’ Adrian rose, walked over to her, and kissed her lightly on the lips. ‘Goodnight,’ he said.

That night Alice thought long and hard. As she heard Adrian masturbating, she wondered.

In the following weeks Adrian demonstrated even more physical affection. When departing for work he tended to hold Alice close, and the kiss that had once been a peck on the cheek, had become a full blown kiss on the lips.

While not rejecting these growing physical contacts with her, Alice did not allow herself to reciprocate. ‘As if a well set up young fellow like him would want a widow twelve years older than him and with two children.’

Despite this lecturing of herself, Alice was unable to deny what was happening to her. Now, as she heard him masturbating at night, she felt herself getting aroused. She had not had any sexual relationship since the death of George, and she was emotionally and physically ripe for someone to love her sexually again. And so, listening to Adrian, she began to masturbate in unison with him, trying desperately to muffle her cries when she climaxed.

So, it went on for weeks. Adrian looked at her with increasing longing, and Alice tried to pretend his touches and attention did not arouse her.

She thought of asking him to leave, but the motherly care she had lavished on him, and her genuine love for Adrian, forbade such a move.

Adrian’s eighteenth birthday was approaching, and as he still seemed to lack any friends or close acquaintances, she decided to invite some of his work mates for a small party. Word got to Adrian’s boss about this gathering, and he was quickly on the telephone to Alice.

‘Why haven’t I been invited?’ he asked.

Alice was at a loss to know what to say, but finally stuttered out, ‘But…I didn’t think you’d be interest…’

‘Of course I’m interested,’ came back the reply. ‘It’s just the occasion I need. I’ve got something special for Adrian.’ So, the invitation was extended.

On the day in question, everything went marvelously. Adrian, it seemed, was a lot more popular than Alice had thought. Many of those present had known her through George and her attendance at company picnics and other gatherings. They spoke to her of George, and she found that she could discuss what had happened without pain.

Half way through the evening the boss called for quiet. He made a short speech about Adrian’s success as an apprentice, and ended by announcing that Adrian was the company’s apprentice of the year. A certificate to this effect was handed over, together with a cheque of very generous amount. Hearty clapping followed.

Alice was amazed at all this. Adrian rarely said anything about his working life, and about his successes. She wished she had questioned him more closely.

The party over, Alice and Adrian began to clear up. ‘You are naughty, Adrian,’ Alice said with a laugh, ‘You’ve never told me how well you were doing, or how much you’re liked at work.’

Adrian stood looking at her for a while, then said quite simply, ‘When I come home I want to be with you. I want to talk about you, not me.’

Alice was confounded. She had no words in reply, so she said, ‘Let’s leave the clearing up until morning.’ They departed to their separate bedrooms.

Alice lay still in her bed, listening for sounds in Adrian’s room. She heard his gasps and little cries begin. Determinedly she rose, left her room, walked into Adrian’s room without knocking, and said, ‘Not tonight my love.’

With equal audacity she crossed to his bed, took off her nightdress, pulled back his covers and climbing on top of him and placing her vaginal opening over the head of his erect manhood said, ‘Tonight you’ll be a man.’ With this, she lowered herself on to him.

Adrian was momentarily stunned. As Alice’s warm moistness enclosed his penis he felt as if he was entering paradise. ‘Mum…mum,’ he cried out, and as Alice began to move him up and down inside her. He continued this cry, seeming to have no other words to express what he was feeling.

Alice did have words. She kept up
a constant whisper. ‘Its all right sweetheart, let it all go when you’re ready. Put it all into mum. Let me have your sperm. Nothing to worry about just let me love you. Just let me have it all,’ and with a wicked smile added, ‘I know how to look after it.’

Adrian came with a howl of ecstacy. As she felt the first spurt of his discharge, Alice suited her movement to his rhythm, thrusting down on to him with each mighty spurt to the full length of his organ.

Alice, so long without a man to love her like this, kept him inside her long after he had emptied himself into her. She had not climaxed, but for that, she had plans.

Adrian, having now experienced his first sexual intercourse, his first woman, was overwhelmed. Throughout all his fantasies during masturbation, most of which had Alice as their content, he had not imagined the beauty and wonder of this contact as it really was. He had been taken to heaven, and even though the climax was past, he still hung there in bliss.

Alice brought him back to reality by withdrawing from him and saying, ‘This single bed is too small. Come to my room.’

She took Adrian by the hand and pulled him up and without giving him a chance to say anything, led him to her double bed.

‘Not a quick one this time,’ she thought, but knowing she could not push too far with this raw young lover, she went carefully about her tender work.

She began by kissing Adrian, gradually opening his mouth with her tongue so as to push it in and explore. Adrian soon saw the point, and reciprocated, if a little awkwardly.

She pulled his head down to her large, soft, motherly breasts. He somehow knew what to do, and took a nipple into his mouth. Alice held his head close to her, thinking, ‘Feeding at the breast is so beautiful, I wonder if his own mother fed him like this. Well, he can have all of me he wants.’

Adrian did get all he wanted. He discovered the pleasure or caressing a soft breast as he sucked and licked a nipple. Alice guided his hand down to her sex organ and moved his finger to her clitoris, showing how to move his finger round it to pleasure her.

She took his penis into her hand to slowly stimulate it until he was crying out with delight.

Rolling on to her back she told Adrian to come on top of her, and guiding his penis with her hand, she brought him to her entrance. She laughed and said, ‘In you go, my love.’ He pushed into her.

Feeling his length inside her, Alice, holding him close, luxuriated in his young body. Even in the act of sex, she was the mother. It was the desire to nurture and comfort that gave a special dimension to her sexual loving. I was as if the man loving her was her child that she wanted to take back into herself. She sought for oneness in the carnal act.

It had been that way with George, and now, despite his inexperience as a lover, Alice felt herself melding with Adrian. With him inside her, she was complete again. She was a whole woman in a way she had not been since George.

Another aspect of Alice’s sexual interaction was that for her it was always procreative. Even though she knew she would never give birth again to a child, there remained within her psyche as she joined in sexual union, the desire for new life to be implanted within her body.

Although Adrian, or any other man Alice honoured with her body, might not be able to understand or interpret these dimensions of Alice’s loving, the impact was there.

Neither Alice nor Adrian were given to philosophising about the meaning of life, but as Adrian penetrated Alice, he somehow knew that this was it – to be at one with a women like Alice.

The future implications were still far from them as they lost themselves in each other. ‘This night,’ thought Alice, ‘will be my special birthday gift to him.’ So she was ready to teach him what arts of sensual love one night would allow, and was ready to respond to his explorations of her body. ‘The morning is the morning,’ she thought, as she whispered her words of love and desire to him.

The morning came. The odour of their loving hung about them, Adrian’s sperm still lingered in Alice’s vagina and that which had spilled out of her stained the sheet beneath them. Adrian felt the drying stickiness of Alice’s discharges.

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When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
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Opening Earth Part 1Chapter 9

Acknowledgments: I decided to locate Doug’s Embassy about halfway between Greeley and Fort Morgan, Colorado. The site I selected for the story’s fictitious ranch has the property’s southern boarder overlapping the northern portion of the Riverside Reservoir. I know nothing about the property or the surrounding area. Some of the information contained in this story may appear to be accurate, but any resemblance to reality is pure chance. To the best of my knowledge, the information herein is...

4 years ago
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Opening Earth Part 3Chapter 11

The family meeting was scheduled to start at ten. So the next morning, we all had a late breakfast and I hopped us back to my parents’ home. When we arrived, everyone was there except for one of my uncles. He wasn’t responding to Dad’s comms, so we weren’t sure if he was coming. Mom was chairing the meeting and she said we should start without him. Mom started the meeting by defining its purpose. She then had Dad present the status of the new company that the family had formed to do business...

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Opening Earth Part 3Chapter 7

After breakfast the next morning, we said our goodbyes to Sereine, Coral, and Sto. Sereine would deliver her report to Carl on Vora and check on the availability of police officers, who could staff the checkpoint on Earth. Then she would be taking Coral to Toomby for a prenatal checkup; Sto was going to support Coral. Sereine expected to return in a week, but she told us to not hold our breaths. It’s nice to see I am not the only one who is learning and using Earth slang. However, it must...

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Opening Earth Part 3Chapter 8

I had Twixted ahead to reserve a room at the Timson Luxury Hotel, as we usually did when I visited Maribel in Timson before leaving the estate. Maribel currently had a moderately light schedule; well, light relative to how busy she seemed to be during my previous visits to Timson. A light schedule was good for we had a number of things that needed to be discussed, and there were a few items that were important to me. Most of this visit would be dedicated to our discussing specific topics, but...

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Opening Earth Part 1Chapter 6

I told Matt that I needed to discuss my trading trip with him, Alan, Sue’s boss, Bill, and Sue. The six of us were in one of HS’s meeting rooms. Sue’s boss had been introduced to me, and he told me to call him Charlie. “To start out with, I owe all of you an apology. I don’t think that anything I said to you was an outright lie, but I have not been fully truthful with you about the situation. Therefore, I apologize for what I have done, and for what I need to do in the future. “It could...

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Earth Maiden We need a 21 year old virgin

Earth Maiden************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan April 2014The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. *************************************************Our village has a problem. Earth Day is approaching, the due time for the annual...

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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Opening Earth Part 1Chapter 4

While returning to Earth, I had a great deal of time to think about my past activities on Earth, and the changes that my new position would require in regard to my relations with the people of Earth. I had been telling lies of omission to many people since my arrival on Earth. I don’t like lying, but most of Earth’s people were not ready to learn the truth about my being an alien from outer space or about some aspects of my being a D-Hopper. When a D-Hopper opens a planet, they can choose...

1 year ago
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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
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Opening Earth Part 3Chapter 10

After a leisurely breakfast the next morning, Betty, Misty, and their helpers set up an area to work on the translation. While they were busy doing that, Cindy, Kendrick, I, and our bodyguards left to go to the Guild Office. We only had a short trip to get to our destination, and when we arrived, we went directly to the reception area of Guild Master Kevin Moore’s office. My bodyguards insisted on checking the area before I entered, which alerted Ann Tinny, Kevin’s secretary, to my arrival....

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Opening Earth Part 1Chapter 8

After leaving Guild Master Moore’s office and returning to the hotel, Matt and I learned that our ladies weren’t back yet. We left them a note, so they would know we had gone to the hotel’s swimming pool and the note suggested that they join us. The pool was nice. The only problem was the large number of kids made it difficult to swim laps. Matt and I decided to just relax and enjoy the water. We also participated in that male bonding activity commonly known as girl watching, until our...

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Earth Day is the Name of My Dawg

This is a Earth Day contest story. Please vote. * A man and his dog have an Earth Day tale to tell, but now with a happy ending. This is my dawg, Earth Day. Yeah, I know, she’s a little funny lookin’, but I love her just the same. Man’s best friend, I’m never without my dawg. She goes ev’rywhere I go. ‘Woof,’ barked Earth. ‘She’s a good girl. She’s a good dawg.’ She likes it when I rub her head like this and ev’ry time I lean down to pat her side, she licks my face. See? Oh, yeah, she’s...

4 years ago
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Opening Earth Part 2Chapter 3

The trip to First Stop was the usual boring event. When we had arrived on Wayside, it occurred to me, this was the first trip I had made to the Multiverse with no trade goods. On our way to First Stop, Sereine and I briefed everyone on our plans for what each of our two groups would be doing during this trip. We had been talking during the trip, while we rested. During our discussions, it occurred to me that in the future, we might need two penal planets in Earth’s Universe. For the interim...

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Earth Day Celebrations

Here I am a senior in college and this science professor thinks we're all grade school kids. Writing a stupid report about Earth Day! This is the third year in a row we had to do it. I may be wrong here but I really don't give a crap. I want a clean environment as much as the next guy and to save the natural resources but I'm just a college kid trying to make it to graduation and find a job. I knew I had to get a good mark on this report so I went on the Internet to see what I could find...

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Opening Earth Part 3Chapter 6

The first thing in the morning, Edgar called Kendrick to let him know I was back. Me ... I was lying between two lovely pregnant women, and I had no plans for getting out of bed until it was absolutely necessary. As usual, my bladder told me it was necessary and I reluctantly got out of bed. When I made it out into the dining room for coffee, Edgar let me know Kendrick had commed, and he had returned the comm to let him know I was out of bed. Kendrick showed up an hour later, and at the...

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Opening Earth Part 2Chapter 7

We had just arrived, and I felt my link with Sto reestablish itself. All I heard was, “Doug back. Go talk.” The idea of Sto having to be face-to-face with me in order for us to talk over our mental link seemed funny to me. “Hello, Sto. How was Toomby?” “Shots hurt. No go Vet. Sto no need shots.” “Shots? Was there something wrong?” “Vet say need. Sto good. No need shots.” By then Sereine and the rest of my people made it out of the house and had walked over to greet us. “Hello, Sereine....

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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites
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Motherless Facials

Fuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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Opening Earth Part 1Chapter 19

I was awakened at two in the morning by the siren alert of my comm unit. Someone had sent me a Twixt, and had flagged it as urgent. By the time I got to my comm unit, my eyes were open far enough for me to read the message. The message read, ‘Urgent you and Abby return to my office at once, Kevin Moore.’ I went down the hall and knocked on Abby’s bedroom door. When she said to come in, I opened the door, and said, “You need to get up and dress. We need to leave for Vora as soon as we can. I...

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Opening Earth Part 1Chapter 23

The next morning, Abby, Andy, Sto, and I went to the State Department, so Abby could deliver her report. I met her boss, Ryan Charles, and Abby introduced me as Ambassador Doug Smith. I suggested that we be informal and use first names, which he agreed to. Her boss was surprised by my being an Ambassador and wanted to know where I was from. Abby gave him her written report, and said, “Mister Charles, I think you need to read my report. It will answer many of your questions in an efficient...

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Opening Earth Part 2Chapter 9

By the time Sereine and I got to Wayside, we were both tired. We had let our egos control our actions, by hopping eight shipping containers to Wayside. Their combined mass and volume was more than the utility equipment we had hopped to Earth some months before, and we had been pushing our limits to hop that much equipment. We decided to leave the shipping containers on Wayside, and hop them to the ranch, later. As soon as we had stored our travel equipment and rested, we hopped home. Since...

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Opening Earth Part 2Chapter 13

Sereine and I getting stuck in a quarantine shelter for almost a week didn’t really affect my overall schedule. I didn’t have much to do before I had to leave for Shilling, so there was a lot of available time in my schedule. The only impact the delay caused me, was my having to reschedule a few minor things that I wanted to do before I left for Vora. Overall, I would be able to finish all of my outstanding tasks before my departure date. One of the good things that happened while I sat in...

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Opening Earth Part 2Chapter 15

“Meri, what do you think of this Multiverse Ambassador?” asked Janis Huff. Janis Huff’s aide and personal assistant Merideth (Meri) Charles responded, “I’m not sure what you mean by think of him.” “Don’t worry about what I mean. Just tell me what your thoughts are about him.” “I haven’t given him much thought, Janis. He seems like a nice enough person. I know what he has said about his reasons for coming to Earth, and I know most of what people have been saying about him. However, I hear...

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Opening Earth Part 3Chapter 9

I timed our departure from Timson so we would arrive at Mister Tam’s home on Halpern late in the morning. I did so for I knew we had to be at the Tam home before mid-afternoon to confirm our hotel reservations and we didn’t want to arrive too early. We arrived in the portion of his backyard that he had previously designated as our arrival area. It didn’t take the Tam family long to usher all of us into their home. Our party was too large for them to accommodate us in their six-bedroom house,...

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Story-THE SKUR ALIENS CONQUER EARTH ( part 1) By-Chucky NG Copyright 2009 - All Rights Reserved-Adults Only The year 2013, the Skur Armada has just dropped out of hyperspace near sector G784399 or more precisely, just outside the solar system containing a small blue planet named Earth. The Skur, unbeknownst to the population of Earth, have long been a violent and planet conquering race of space faring Reptilian warriors. The Skur walk upright with most males standing at least 7 1/2 feet tall....

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Opening Earth Part 2Chapter 2

My wives said I needed a new wardrobe for the office. Rita was the most insistent, and she had arranged for an appointment with a tailor at a men’s specialty store that Charlie had recommended. Charlie always looked good in the office while he had been with HS, so I accepted his suggestion. Rita knew exactly what I needed as office casual and my other wives agreed, but Charlie had said that whatever I got as off-the-shelf clothing had to be tailored to fit me properly. Cindy had some work to...

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Opening Earth Part 3Chapter 4

I knocked on the doorframe of Abby’s office. She looked up and motioned me in. As I pulled one of her visitor’s chairs to the front of her desk, I thought we needed to get something more comfortable to sit in. Then I recalled the staff meeting where Sue suggested plain metal chairs for visitors. They were okay for short visits, but sitting in one for too long was uncomfortable. Sue said that she found the uncomfortable chairs got rid of visitors quickly, so she could get back to her work. We...

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Und draußen schallte wieder Punkmusik aus dem Ghettoblaster – von der Eisenbahnunterführung bis zu seinem Haus! Punks und Skater hingen da ab. Das war diese Art von Jugendlichen, die ihren Eltern das Leben schwer macht , die von Arbeit nichts hielten, sich an keine Regeln hielten, ständig auf Party machten. Die soffen viel zu viel und kotzten dann in irgendeine Ecke. Denen bedeutete doch nichts und niemand etwas. Wahrscheinlich nahmen sie auch Drogen und trieben weiß-Gott-was mit...


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