Speeding Ch. 07 free porn video

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‘So?’ Jason asked as Reid slid into the car.

‘No help,’ he answered with a shake of his head. ‘Her parents haven’t seen or talked to her in years, and they raise the daughter.’

‘You talk to the kid?’

‘Not yet. Figure we’ll let her grandparents break the news and we’ll talk to her later.’ He didn’t envy his former in-laws that task.

‘Works for me,’ Jason agreed with a slight nod. Turning more fully towards Reid he asked, ‘How well do you know Dr. Marquette?’

Reid’s brows shot up. ‘You interested?’

Jason didn’t answer directly, instead continuing his original line of questioning, ‘You’re friends?’

‘We went to high school together. She went to Tech, came back a doctor and ended up becoming an ME around the time I made Detective.’ At Jason’s ‘tell me more’ gesture, he went on, ‘I don’t think she’s seeing anyone.’ He chuckled at Jason’s pleased expression. ‘You do like her.’

‘And if I did?’

‘Be careful mixing work and play, bro,’ Reid cautioned.

‘Don’t shit where you eat and all that. She’s hot.’

Reid thought about that for a moment before replying, ‘If you like fresh-scrubbed women twice as smart as you who cut up dead people for a living, sure.’

‘Maybe I do.’

‘More power to ya, Jase,’ Reid answered with a laugh.


Kendall knew today was not a good day despite the diamond glinting on her left hand and Reid’s assurances otherwise. Being Sunday, she had nowhere she needed to be, so after calling to check on Taylor, she shimmied into her gear and went for a run. Stress always made her run or clean, and she figured marrying Reid would keep her body trim and her house spotless with worry. This morning was proving that already. After her two miles became four, she made her way back to the house, her worry in no way allayed, but her legs burning.

Kendall turned the music up louder as she cleaned the kitchen. Sure, it was pretty much spotless when she started, but it was either clean or panic. She had a terrible feeling in the pit of her stomach when Reid left this morning. Dead bodies were not something normally found in Aylesford.

A sharp rap on the door pulled her from reorganizing the pantry. Muttering to herself, she stalked to the door, curious as to who would show up a Sunday afternoon. Didn’t they know she was busy freaking out? She brushed off a shudder. No, it wouldn’t be someone with news of Reid. She peeked out the sidelight and didn’t know what to make of what she saw. A little girl?

‘Hello,’ she greeted the thin, blonde girl at the door. ‘I don’t want to buy anything,’ she said before the girl could open her mouth.

‘I’m not here to sell you something,’ she answered, twisting a curl between her fingers. ‘I’m here to see my father.’

Her father? ‘You must have the wrong house, sweetie,’ Kendall answered, her heart beating double-time.

‘My name is Rhiannon Shaw,’ she shifted on her feet before adding, ‘everyone calls me Annie.’

Okay. Playing along, she asked, ‘Who is your mother?’

‘Amy Shaw, and she seriously screwed up.’ She shifted on her feet again. ‘She told my father I wasn’t his, and told someone else I was.’ Annie let out a long sigh. ‘Now she’s dead.’

The porch seemed to spin. Forcing herself to focus, Kendall gripped the doorjamb tightly. ‘What? Your mother is dead, and you’re here looking for Reid?’

‘He came to see Grandpa this morning. He told him she was dead.’

There were a lot of pronouns in that sentence. Sorting through them, Kendall realized the dead body this morning must have been Amy. ‘Wow. Well. Do you want to come in?’

Annie followed Kendall into the house. ‘Are you married to Reid?’

Kendall smiled despite everything. ‘Not yet.’ Gesturing to the brown leather sofa she asked, ‘Do we need to call your grandparents? Surely they’re worried about you.’

The question earned a vigorous shake of blonde curls. ‘They think I’m at Amanda’s.’

‘You want to wait for Reid to get home, don’t you?’ She hated to be the bearer of bad news, but she knew Reid had asked for a paternity test when Amy’s baby was born, proving he wasn’t the father. If he had been, he would have done right by her.

It didn’t take long until the man in question walked through the door. ‘Baby, I’m home,’ he announced.

Kendall came out of the kitchen, Annie trailing behind her. Kendall greeted him with a kiss before introducing the girl. ‘Reid, this is Annie. Her full name is Rhiannon Shaw. She overheard you talking to her grandfather this morning.’ She winced at his pained expression, but trudged on, ‘She thinks you’re her father.’

‘She told me you were,’ Annie chimed in. ‘She said I had too much Caufield in me for my own good.’ A tear slid down her cheek. ‘And then she left.’

Kendall turned to face the girl. ‘Your mother didn’t deserve you,’ she soothed. Annie had shared some of her childhood with her today, and between the pain inflicted on Reid and walking away from Annie, Kendall was almost glad Amy was dead. She shuddered at her terrible thought.

‘So you came to me?’ His mind swirled as he looked at her. She looked so much like Amy, but her eyes were dark blue. Very much like his. He watched her intently, taking in this newest turn.

She nodded as she twisted a curl between her fingers. ‘I didn’t know where you were, but I thought….’ Fat tears rolled down her cheeks. ‘You don’t want me either.’

How wrong she was. ‘I thought you were mine at first,’ swallowing the lump in his throat, he forced himself to continue, ‘the blood test proved you weren’t mine. I left your mother then.’ He shook his head. ‘I didn’t know she would leave you with your grandparents and run to Sheridan.’

‘To do drugs,’ Annie spat. ‘Drugs were more important than her own daughter.’

Kendall hated to ask this question, ‘Reid, could Amy have lied about the test results?’

He shrugged. ‘Why would she, baby? If the baby…’ he stopped, corrected himself, ‘if Annie had been mine, I wouldn’t have divorced her, or at least, I would have been there for my child.’ His former father-in-law’s words came back to him, reminding him Amy was a professional story-teller. He sighed. ‘Look, I don’t know, but maybe we should make a trip to Doctor Oakes in the morning.’

Doc Oakes was Aylesford’s doctor of choice for paternity and other genetic testing. In fact, he’d probably done the original test. Thinking about that, Kendall asked, ‘Maybe we should try a doctor out of town?’

He thought about it for a moment, understanding her logic. ‘Maybe we can get A to do it?’

‘The Medical Examiner?’ Kendall asked.

‘Why not?’ he asked with a shrug in return.

‘I don’t care what test needs to be done, just do it,’ Annie interrupted.

‘I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’ll call now and set it up.’ He smiled before adding, ‘I’m calling your grandparents, too.’

Her shoulders slumped. ‘Okay.’

‘Hey, they love you.’

‘I don’t know about that,’ she murmured, head down.

‘Of course they do,’ Kendall assured the dejected girl.

‘Whatever,’ was the only reply.

A few minutes later, Reid returned from the bedroom where he’d retreated to make his calls. ‘A will see us tomorrow after school, and your Grandma is coming to get you in a few minutes.’

‘Okay,’ Annie answered, her tone flat.

‘I have to know, Annie,’ he said apologetically. ‘Your mother, well, she said a lot of things that weren’t true.’

‘I know.’

Beverly Shaw arrived then, her face pale. Reid met her at the door, inviting her in. ‘Annie’s a good girl,’ she said by way of greeting. ‘I don’t know why she just came to your door.’

‘She overheard my conversation with your husband this morning. Evidently her mother told her I was her father.’

Beverly’s eyes rounded in shock. ‘Why would she say such a thing?’ she asked.

‘I don’t know, but I
‘d like to have a new test run. If she’s mine-‘

‘You can’t take her from me!’ Beverly cut him off, her hazel eyes flashing. ‘I lost my daughter years ago, and I won’t let you take Annie from me, too.’

Reid held up both hands. ‘Mrs. Shaw, I’m not saying I would take her. I understand you and the Reverend have taken care of her since she was a baby. But if she’s my daughter, I have a right to know her.’ He lowered his hands, ran the right one through his hair. ‘Look, the chances she’s mine aren’t good. The last test proved she wasn’t, and this one might not change that result, but I need to know, and Annie needs to know.’ His tone was gentle. ‘Please, let me take her for the test- no, you should meet me there- so she’ll know. Do it for Annie, not for me.’

His entreaty took some of the fire out of the older woman. ‘We’ll meet you there. Doctor Oakes?’

Of course she would assume that. ‘No. I just need you to meet me at the station. Doctor Marquette will do it.’

Beverly made a face at the mention of the Medical Examiner. ‘Fine. What time?’


She nodded once, then turned to Annie. ‘Come now, dear. You have school tomorrow.’

Kendall watched the almost teen reluctantly follow her grandmother. ‘Bye, Annie. It was so nice to meet you.’

Annie gave Kendall a small wave. ‘You, too.’ She turned to Reid, gifting him with a smile. ‘See you tomorrow.’

After the door closed, Kendall wrapped her arms around Reid. ‘What a day.’

He blew out a breath as he held her close. ‘Long and full of turmoil. Just how I like my days,’ he quipped.

‘Do you think she’s yours?’

He kissed her hair before answering. ‘I don’t know, baby.’ He paused, holding her tighter. ‘If she is, we’ll do everything we can for her.’

‘Of course we will,’ she agreed. She let out a short bark of laughter. ‘We’ve been engaged for a day, and look what happens.’

‘We’ll figure it out, baby. We always do.’


‘Hi Annie. I’m Doctor Marquette. Today, I just need you to open your mouth and I’ll stick this long, q-tip looking thing in your mouth, swirl it around your cheek and be done.’

Annie twisted her hair between her fingers as she assessed the doctor. She had imagined a doctor who worked on dead people to be old, but this one seemed to be the same age as her parents. She bit her lip. Correction, her father. Her mother was dead. ‘No blood?’

The pretty doctor smiled. ‘Nope.’

Annie opened her mouth as instructed and let the doctor do her thing. It didn’t take long, and then she was done. ‘How soon until you know?’ she asked. ‘I mean, until you can prove he’s my father?’

Her grandmother took great offense to that. ‘We don’t know he’s your father, dear. Your mother told him he wasn’t, and the test when you were born said he wasn’t. This is just to make you happy.’

She would be happy when she had a Dad. She looked back to the doctor. ‘So?’

‘It shouldn’t take too long. We’ll know in a week or so.’

Reid walked into Dr. Marquette’s office just then. ‘What’d I miss?’ he asked.

‘Not a lot,’ was the answer from the doctor before she produced another swab. ‘Open,’ she commanded.

Annie watched as Reid’s mouth was probed. She hoped this time, this one time, her mother was telling the truth. She knew it was a long shot. Knew her mother never said the same thing twice, but this time… She squashed the glimmer of hope she’d felt when she saw his eyes were the same color as hers. There was no use in hoping. It never amounted to anything before, why would it be different now?

‘We going private?’ Reid asked when his mouth was free.

‘Best way to get a quick result,’ Adrienne answered. ‘We’re using a lab run by a friend of mine from Tech. Very fast, very accurate. We’ll know soon.’ She looked from man to girl and back again. ‘For what it’s worth, I think it’s possible.’

Reid clenched his fists. If he’d had any idea all these years, he’d have done everything so differently. ‘It seems anything is possible right now,’ he conceded.

‘Yeah, but now you’ve got Kendall,’ she shook her head, ‘talk about trading up.’

‘Whoa, watch it. Her mother and daughter are in the room.’

Adrienne chuckled. ‘See why I don’t work with living patients? I have zero bedside manner.’ She looked over Reid’s shoulder at Mrs. Shaw. ‘I’m sorry for your loss, and for my comment,’ she apologized. ‘I didn’t mean any offense.’

‘Amy washed her hands of us years ago. At least she gave me Annie.’

Adrienne mouthed, ‘Wow’ to Reid before replying, ‘she’s a great young lady.’

‘She’s all I have.’

Adrienne mouthed, ‘Good luck,’ to Reid before turning to head back to her examining room. ‘I’m all done. I’ll send these to Charlie and let you know the results.’

‘Sounds like we’ve been dismissed, folks.’ Reid ushered them out of the building and to the car. ‘I’m here if you need me.’

‘We done fine on our own for almost twelve years. I think we can manage a week,’ Beverly told him.

Reid tried not to be hurt by that statement, true as it was. ‘Okay, then. As soon as we have the results, I’ll call.’

Instead of answering, Beverly nodded and started the car. Dismissed for the second time in less than five minutes, he made his way to his own vehicle. Easing in, he wondered just what the hell he would do if Annie turned out to be his. He’d learned today Amy had named her Rhiannon Danielle, the name they had chosen for a daughter, following his family’s tradition of naming with the initials R.D. He didn’t know whether that was Amy’s idea of a joke, or if she was trying to honor him as Annie’s father in spite of keeping him from her. He rested his head on the steering wheel. Just when he thought his life was perfect, it had to get fucked up. Just what the hell was wrong with his karma?

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This is chapter four of my romantic novel. If you haven’t already done so, please read chapters one through three first. ***** We were met at the airport and driven the thirty miles in a Land Rover. The roads were paved but rough. The resort for obvious reasons was in a more remote part of the area. Our cottage was adjacent to the beach and quite luxurious, as promised. Tired from the trip we took a nap. Upon check in we were briefed on the protocol. Wearing clothes except when entering...

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Poor Little Cassie Chap 9 Special Night

It was Thursday night and I was in bed reading. It was around midnight and I couldn’t sleep. My current book was wonderful, so I didn’t really care. I could sleep in tomorrow anyway. My cell phone buzzed. I thought it was strange that one of my friends would call this late but hey, what the heck. “Hello.” I said without looking at the number. “Hey sweetheart, still awake?” Tony’s voice and I froze. “Yes.” I said. “Night owl, huh? I wish I could be there to relax you.” He said and...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Lily Larimar Give Me Some Credit

Lily Larimar has gotten fired from her job and now she can’t pay her phone bill. She tries to get her stepbrother, Tony, to help her out. The bill is for Lily and her boyfriend, and Tony isn’t cool with it. When Tony declines to help, he goes to take a nap. Lily waits until she thinks Tony is asleep, then sneaks into his room to help herself to his credit card. Tony catches her in the act, at which point Lily claims she’ll do anything to get Tony’s help. Tony...

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The Cup Of Milk On First Night

Hi, this is Krish from Chennai again. This story is my cousin’s, his first night story. His name is Sandeep and his newly wed wife is Gokila. It was an arranged marriage and the marriage had happened within a month from their first meeting, that they had rarely talked to each and had no clue what to expect out of that relationship. So, when they sent her in a red Saree with a cup of milk inside their first night room, he was all in anxiety. Describing Gokila, she was of a wheatish complexion,...

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Free Spirited 5Paying to Stay 1998

I spoke to Stacy on my first night while Melissa was out working and learned a few things. I tried to continue with schooling; but found it so difficult. I found it really hard concentrating at school so I dropped out of the subjects that gave me a headache. English, Science, and Home Economic were the ones I ditched; but I continued with the rest. Stacy told me “I have been living here since I was 14 and I am 19 now. I have been a hooker since the age of 15 and been on drugs since I was...

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What is it about cosplay that makes my dick so hard? Don’t get me wrong; I’m not talking about just any kind of cosplay. Those fat chicks that dress up like anime characters with titty sweat dripping down their bodies, leaving a trail in their wake, don’t exactly make the penis move. Rather, I’m referring to the talented gals who know their character, understand the costumes’ ins and outs, and then make it sexual.That’s the kind of content that you are going to find over on Mitaku. It’s the...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Time Stop Fun

My name is Ethan Miller. I'm 18 years old, brown hair going up. I'm usually on my phone taking selfies and looking at porn. I was still finishing up my senior year in school. We just started spring break but I had nothing to do. So I went on Pornhub and looking up women getting timestop and I enjoyed it. Until I saw something on the site. It was a ad featuring a watch that could time stop anyone in the world. I clicked on the ad which came to another site featuring the watch so grabbed my...

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A WellLived Life Book 1 BirgitChapter 18 Dazed and Confused

December 1977 I saw Jennifer at school, and she seemed much happier. Others noticed as well. Only she and I, and Melanie, who was at the High School, knew why. Jennifer and I had agreed before I left her house that there would be no outward signs of affection in public. As far as anyone knew, nothing had changed. I hoped I could keep my end of that bargain. But if I could get a repeat of Sunday, I’d pretty much agree to anything. I had pulled it off with Melanie, and nobody except Larry and...

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The Good Dean

After a short drive along the highroad, she arrived at FLK University. She drove inside the gates and onto the faculty parking and got out. She could see some lecturers, not running, but hurdling to the courses building. The urge to look down on them in disdain was quickly dismissed, once she remembered how she’d used to hurdle, back when she was a mere lecturer. Not anymore. If her whole classroom lined up at the University principal’s office and asked to kick her out, their cries would go...

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The Age of Inocence

1. Summer in Kaiafas It was nearly the end of the summer vacations. I was with my grandparents at Kaiafas, a small spa resort near the sea at the west coast of Peloponnissos. There was a small island in the middle of a lagoon. There were three hotels on the island. At the East was the mountain Geranion, having the famous therapeutic waters. On the north and northwest was a beautiful sandy beach. On the west was the main road going from Pyrgos to Kyparissia, while on the south and the...

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Girl Fridays

Girl Friday By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - Casual day Lemon or baby blue? Perhaps pink? We all know what they say about girls who wear black panties, don't we? [Giggle] Fridays can be such a challenge. I mean, I had been wearing panties every day since my boss, Mr. Everhard's, "Girl Fridays" decree six weeks ago. But on Fridays, besides panties, I wore the miniskirt, stockings, garter belt and big heels to work too. On Monday through Thursday, when I'm wearing icky boys'...

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My Rapist the Worst Thing That Can HappenChapter 4

The next two days were quiet and lonely. I only saw Sean at breakfast and for a few minutes before we went to bed. I sat around my quiet house all day and wondered if and when my rapist would reappear. Each day I would sit and watch the time pass and each day when he didn't come for me, come to use me, I realized that I was always more disappointed than relieved. I was actually starting to get impatient to be raped again! Well, at least I knew how sick that was. To make things worse, Sean...

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Masturbating with friends after fucking Jo

It has been a few months since being with beautiful Jo; wonderful memories I have, thinking so much about her lush swinging cock and having my cock sucked and my hands squeezing her pert and round ass; many times I masturbate over the memories of being with Jo. I have been quite busy at work and travel a lot, not much opportunity to meet new friends… I watch quite a bit of porn and make sure my cock is exercised well and have a lot pleasure in my few available off hours. I love watching...

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Life Is Uncertain Eat Dessert FirstChapter 2

The ship renovations exceeded my expectations and were more than adequate for our task at hand. With all of the new technology, the former crew requirement of over twenty people was reduced to a core of eight. We hired a Captain, an experienced pair of mates, a Chief Engineer and his assistant, a radio/radar tech, and two crewman/deckhands. The crew was mostly Turkish, from the Izmir area, and my brother Dave, with all of his local connections there, was able to get excellent references for...

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Making of a Mistress

Making of a Mistress Is a dominatrix born or made? Read on and decide. Chapter 1 - Susan - Susan and Judy's early sexual experiencesChapter 2 - Karen - Ken's early sexual experienceChapter 3 - Susan Again - Susan and Ken's first sessionChapter 4 - Susan Gains Control - Susan gains sexual dominanceChapter 5 - A Girl and her Toys - Susan learns how to use toysChapter 6 - A Girl's Best Friend - Susan learns more toysChapter 7 - Judy - Judy...

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Alisons Awakening

Alison’s Awakening Preface Chapter One  Mrs Alison Barber is one of a new breed of middle aged housewives that are exploring a new sexual freedom. She calls it her ‘enlightenment’. Many of her close friends are experiencing a similar sexual renaissance as well. Like many women of her generation, sex in the early days of her marriage was new and exciting. Alison was a virgin when she met her husband Michael. The pressures of working life, commuting, keeping house, raising a child, and caring...

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PovMassage Cherie Deville Massaging My Friends Hot Mom

Cherie DeVille enters the massage parlor, and as she gets a look at masseur Zac Wild, there is an immediate look of recognition on her face. ‘Don’t I know you?’ she asks. He is unsure, but as he’s thinking, it comes to Cherie. That’s right, he was a friend of her son’s in high school!, she says. Oh yes, he recognizes her now, Zac says brightly. It took him a second to place her since he hasn’t seen her son since graduation a couple of years ago, he...

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Her Friend Jack

She hated herself. In truth, she hated that her body was so big and round all her life. She was constantly standing in front of her mirror turning left, right, and even when she was at her friends talking about how “fat” she was she’d find they’d all stand in front of one while the other part of what they considered was big, round, and way too big was being reflected in another the other mirror behind them. She never liked that at all. Never. Her ass was way, way to big and round, or so she...

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From My Masters Point of View

He wasn't the biggest, about 5 inches, and an average thickness. This gave him the ability to shove until her nose and chin were crammed into his slight belly like a little jackhammer.It didn't matter. I liked it anyways. Heck. I sit on the computer enough watching the videos every day it seems like. My favorite fetish is, you guessed it, cross-dressing. Not wearing, but watching other wear. Especially when she does her best to present herself with care. Completely shaved, nice makeup,...

4 years ago
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Taking Emma Home Part 1

"Is that so?" She said, obviously aroused by what I had said. I winked over the rim of my glass. "I will hold you to that..." she said seductively "I look forward to it" was my reply. "In that case," she said, "how about we head out of here?" She didn't have to say another word, I closed out my tab and we quickly rushed outside. I led her toward my nice 1966 Shelby GT350, which was a total chick magnet. As we headed back to my apartment, I could see her admiring me as I handled...

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Batman Arkham City ChroniclesChapter 3

Tuesday, January 3, 2012 C.E. Wayne Manor, 1007 Mountain Drive, Gotham City Bruce Wayne quickly grew tired of the conversion and fake pleasantries between Mia Dearden, aka Speedy and Rose that accompanied any two-people meeting who had been on opposite sides before. Bruce walked through the Master Ballroom on autopilot toward his office, as he realized more and more, he couldn’t find any joy in his life as millionaire playboy Bruce Wayne. His only satisfaction and enjoyment came when...

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Sunita ki train Sawari 2

Sunita was so engrossed in enjoying her experience, while on train that she did not notice that an old man standing in other corner of the compartment was staring at her face and reading her expressions. He is the same old man, Keshubhai, who lives very opposite to her apartment. His eyes were always glued on her ever since she moved in this apartment. Her figure and her body and her beauty were driving him crazy. He is about 55 years old widower, living his son and his wife but mostly alone,...

3 years ago
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Jessicas Fantasy Roast Part 3 of 4

Introduction: Jessica is back for round two. *Ding, Ding, Ding* (Couldent resist LOL). Jessicas Fantasy Roast Story: #28 Copyright 2005 Written: March 26 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Part 3 – Jessicas Back Still sitting there on the floor staring in to Genes eyes Jessica began to speak I know this is difficult for you to understand...

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Private Inspection

A young woman dressed in snug military attire stood before me. Her posture was ram-rod straight, with breasts thrust outward, trim stomach pulled in, and eyes focused above my head. She was at full attention, and deadly serious in her demeanor. But despite all that, I couldn't help but notice how strikingly beautiful she was. Her uniform clung to her figure deliciously, accenting every curve of her womanly figure in snug camouflage. On her head, was a green cap tilted just slightly off-center....

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The Spell

Charlie was your average middle class suburban kid, currently studying at college. He was good looking, had an athletic body, a decent enough sized dick and did OK with getting girls but was certainly not a lady's man. Like every guy at college, he jerked off regularly and particularly enjoyed watching porn where the girl would be fucked by a big dick which also meant an enjoyment of interracial porn. Additionally, Charlie weight trained and despite being in good shape, he dreamed of being...

2 years ago
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Auto Se Ghar Tak Girl Ko Choda Valsad Me

Hello all mera name deepak he. Me gujarta ke valsad city me rahne wala hu.Ye mari first story he aur me kai baar aise story padta raheta hu. Me company me job karta hu aur company aur ghar tak ka rasta ek ghante ka he. Me harroj updown karta hu. Ye mari paheli story he agar pasand aye to mere email id pe mail karna & agar koi lady ko sex karna ho to mere mail pe contact karna. Mera email id: Ab me story pe ata hu.Ladki ke bare me baata ta hu bade bade boobs wali lagbhag 36 c ke hoge aur thodi...

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Angels Week Of Religious Breeding Gangbang

I awoke Thursday morning in agony. Yes, I did over did it yesterday, as Russell, sweet, adorable Russell, helped me into the bathroom, where he tenderly washed my over sexed body. I winced in pain when he washed my groin, and when I saw myself in the mirror, I about died. My skin was covered with welts where those horny African men kneaded my flesh a bit roughly. Especially my tender boobies. And they felt even more tender today.My lover carried me in his arms to the kitchen, where he sat me in...

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