- 2 years ago
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‘So?’ Jason asked as Reid slid into the car.
‘No help,’ he answered with a shake of his head. ‘Her parents haven’t seen or talked to her in years, and they raise the daughter.’
‘You talk to the kid?’
‘Not yet. Figure we’ll let her grandparents break the news and we’ll talk to her later.’ He didn’t envy his former in-laws that task.
‘Works for me,’ Jason agreed with a slight nod. Turning more fully towards Reid he asked, ‘How well do you know Dr. Marquette?’
Reid’s brows shot up. ‘You interested?’
Jason didn’t answer directly, instead continuing his original line of questioning, ‘You’re friends?’
‘We went to high school together. She went to Tech, came back a doctor and ended up becoming an ME around the time I made Detective.’ At Jason’s ‘tell me more’ gesture, he went on, ‘I don’t think she’s seeing anyone.’ He chuckled at Jason’s pleased expression. ‘You do like her.’
‘And if I did?’
‘Be careful mixing work and play, bro,’ Reid cautioned.
‘Don’t shit where you eat and all that. She’s hot.’
Reid thought about that for a moment before replying, ‘If you like fresh-scrubbed women twice as smart as you who cut up dead people for a living, sure.’
‘Maybe I do.’
‘More power to ya, Jase,’ Reid answered with a laugh.
Kendall knew today was not a good day despite the diamond glinting on her left hand and Reid’s assurances otherwise. Being Sunday, she had nowhere she needed to be, so after calling to check on Taylor, she shimmied into her gear and went for a run. Stress always made her run or clean, and she figured marrying Reid would keep her body trim and her house spotless with worry. This morning was proving that already. After her two miles became four, she made her way back to the house, her worry in no way allayed, but her legs burning.
Kendall turned the music up louder as she cleaned the kitchen. Sure, it was pretty much spotless when she started, but it was either clean or panic. She had a terrible feeling in the pit of her stomach when Reid left this morning. Dead bodies were not something normally found in Aylesford.
A sharp rap on the door pulled her from reorganizing the pantry. Muttering to herself, she stalked to the door, curious as to who would show up a Sunday afternoon. Didn’t they know she was busy freaking out? She brushed off a shudder. No, it wouldn’t be someone with news of Reid. She peeked out the sidelight and didn’t know what to make of what she saw. A little girl?
‘Hello,’ she greeted the thin, blonde girl at the door. ‘I don’t want to buy anything,’ she said before the girl could open her mouth.
‘I’m not here to sell you something,’ she answered, twisting a curl between her fingers. ‘I’m here to see my father.’
Her father? ‘You must have the wrong house, sweetie,’ Kendall answered, her heart beating double-time.
‘My name is Rhiannon Shaw,’ she shifted on her feet before adding, ‘everyone calls me Annie.’
Okay. Playing along, she asked, ‘Who is your mother?’
‘Amy Shaw, and she seriously screwed up.’ She shifted on her feet again. ‘She told my father I wasn’t his, and told someone else I was.’ Annie let out a long sigh. ‘Now she’s dead.’
The porch seemed to spin. Forcing herself to focus, Kendall gripped the doorjamb tightly. ‘What? Your mother is dead, and you’re here looking for Reid?’
‘He came to see Grandpa this morning. He told him she was dead.’
There were a lot of pronouns in that sentence. Sorting through them, Kendall realized the dead body this morning must have been Amy. ‘Wow. Well. Do you want to come in?’
Annie followed Kendall into the house. ‘Are you married to Reid?’
Kendall smiled despite everything. ‘Not yet.’ Gesturing to the brown leather sofa she asked, ‘Do we need to call your grandparents? Surely they’re worried about you.’
The question earned a vigorous shake of blonde curls. ‘They think I’m at Amanda’s.’
‘You want to wait for Reid to get home, don’t you?’ She hated to be the bearer of bad news, but she knew Reid had asked for a paternity test when Amy’s baby was born, proving he wasn’t the father. If he had been, he would have done right by her.
It didn’t take long until the man in question walked through the door. ‘Baby, I’m home,’ he announced.
Kendall came out of the kitchen, Annie trailing behind her. Kendall greeted him with a kiss before introducing the girl. ‘Reid, this is Annie. Her full name is Rhiannon Shaw. She overheard you talking to her grandfather this morning.’ She winced at his pained expression, but trudged on, ‘She thinks you’re her father.’
‘She told me you were,’ Annie chimed in. ‘She said I had too much Caufield in me for my own good.’ A tear slid down her cheek. ‘And then she left.’
Kendall turned to face the girl. ‘Your mother didn’t deserve you,’ she soothed. Annie had shared some of her childhood with her today, and between the pain inflicted on Reid and walking away from Annie, Kendall was almost glad Amy was dead. She shuddered at her terrible thought.
‘So you came to me?’ His mind swirled as he looked at her. She looked so much like Amy, but her eyes were dark blue. Very much like his. He watched her intently, taking in this newest turn.
She nodded as she twisted a curl between her fingers. ‘I didn’t know where you were, but I thought….’ Fat tears rolled down her cheeks. ‘You don’t want me either.’
How wrong she was. ‘I thought you were mine at first,’ swallowing the lump in his throat, he forced himself to continue, ‘the blood test proved you weren’t mine. I left your mother then.’ He shook his head. ‘I didn’t know she would leave you with your grandparents and run to Sheridan.’
‘To do drugs,’ Annie spat. ‘Drugs were more important than her own daughter.’
Kendall hated to ask this question, ‘Reid, could Amy have lied about the test results?’
He shrugged. ‘Why would she, baby? If the baby…’ he stopped, corrected himself, ‘if Annie had been mine, I wouldn’t have divorced her, or at least, I would have been there for my child.’ His former father-in-law’s words came back to him, reminding him Amy was a professional story-teller. He sighed. ‘Look, I don’t know, but maybe we should make a trip to Doctor Oakes in the morning.’
Doc Oakes was Aylesford’s doctor of choice for paternity and other genetic testing. In fact, he’d probably done the original test. Thinking about that, Kendall asked, ‘Maybe we should try a doctor out of town?’
He thought about it for a moment, understanding her logic. ‘Maybe we can get A to do it?’
‘The Medical Examiner?’ Kendall asked.
‘Why not?’ he asked with a shrug in return.
‘I don’t care what test needs to be done, just do it,’ Annie interrupted.
‘I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’ll call now and set it up.’ He smiled before adding, ‘I’m calling your grandparents, too.’
Her shoulders slumped. ‘Okay.’
‘Hey, they love you.’
‘I don’t know about that,’ she murmured, head down.
‘Of course they do,’ Kendall assured the dejected girl.
‘Whatever,’ was the only reply.
A few minutes later, Reid returned from the bedroom where he’d retreated to make his calls. ‘A will see us tomorrow after school, and your Grandma is coming to get you in a few minutes.’
‘Okay,’ Annie answered, her tone flat.
‘I have to know, Annie,’ he said apologetically. ‘Your mother, well, she said a lot of things that weren’t true.’
‘I know.’
Beverly Shaw arrived then, her face pale. Reid met her at the door, inviting her in. ‘Annie’s a good girl,’ she said by way of greeting. ‘I don’t know why she just came to your door.’
‘She overheard my conversation with your husband this morning. Evidently her mother told her I was her father.’
Beverly’s eyes rounded in shock. ‘Why would she say such a thing?’ she asked.
‘I don’t know, but I
‘d like to have a new test run. If she’s mine-‘
‘You can’t take her from me!’ Beverly cut him off, her hazel eyes flashing. ‘I lost my daughter years ago, and I won’t let you take Annie from me, too.’
Reid held up both hands. ‘Mrs. Shaw, I’m not saying I would take her. I understand you and the Reverend have taken care of her since she was a baby. But if she’s my daughter, I have a right to know her.’ He lowered his hands, ran the right one through his hair. ‘Look, the chances she’s mine aren’t good. The last test proved she wasn’t, and this one might not change that result, but I need to know, and Annie needs to know.’ His tone was gentle. ‘Please, let me take her for the test- no, you should meet me there- so she’ll know. Do it for Annie, not for me.’
His entreaty took some of the fire out of the older woman. ‘We’ll meet you there. Doctor Oakes?’
Of course she would assume that. ‘No. I just need you to meet me at the station. Doctor Marquette will do it.’
Beverly made a face at the mention of the Medical Examiner. ‘Fine. What time?’
She nodded once, then turned to Annie. ‘Come now, dear. You have school tomorrow.’
Kendall watched the almost teen reluctantly follow her grandmother. ‘Bye, Annie. It was so nice to meet you.’
Annie gave Kendall a small wave. ‘You, too.’ She turned to Reid, gifting him with a smile. ‘See you tomorrow.’
After the door closed, Kendall wrapped her arms around Reid. ‘What a day.’
He blew out a breath as he held her close. ‘Long and full of turmoil. Just how I like my days,’ he quipped.
‘Do you think she’s yours?’
He kissed her hair before answering. ‘I don’t know, baby.’ He paused, holding her tighter. ‘If she is, we’ll do everything we can for her.’
‘Of course we will,’ she agreed. She let out a short bark of laughter. ‘We’ve been engaged for a day, and look what happens.’
‘We’ll figure it out, baby. We always do.’
‘Hi Annie. I’m Doctor Marquette. Today, I just need you to open your mouth and I’ll stick this long, q-tip looking thing in your mouth, swirl it around your cheek and be done.’
Annie twisted her hair between her fingers as she assessed the doctor. She had imagined a doctor who worked on dead people to be old, but this one seemed to be the same age as her parents. She bit her lip. Correction, her father. Her mother was dead. ‘No blood?’
The pretty doctor smiled. ‘Nope.’
Annie opened her mouth as instructed and let the doctor do her thing. It didn’t take long, and then she was done. ‘How soon until you know?’ she asked. ‘I mean, until you can prove he’s my father?’
Her grandmother took great offense to that. ‘We don’t know he’s your father, dear. Your mother told him he wasn’t, and the test when you were born said he wasn’t. This is just to make you happy.’
She would be happy when she had a Dad. She looked back to the doctor. ‘So?’
‘It shouldn’t take too long. We’ll know in a week or so.’
Reid walked into Dr. Marquette’s office just then. ‘What’d I miss?’ he asked.
‘Not a lot,’ was the answer from the doctor before she produced another swab. ‘Open,’ she commanded.
Annie watched as Reid’s mouth was probed. She hoped this time, this one time, her mother was telling the truth. She knew it was a long shot. Knew her mother never said the same thing twice, but this time… She squashed the glimmer of hope she’d felt when she saw his eyes were the same color as hers. There was no use in hoping. It never amounted to anything before, why would it be different now?
‘We going private?’ Reid asked when his mouth was free.
‘Best way to get a quick result,’ Adrienne answered. ‘We’re using a lab run by a friend of mine from Tech. Very fast, very accurate. We’ll know soon.’ She looked from man to girl and back again. ‘For what it’s worth, I think it’s possible.’
Reid clenched his fists. If he’d had any idea all these years, he’d have done everything so differently. ‘It seems anything is possible right now,’ he conceded.
‘Yeah, but now you’ve got Kendall,’ she shook her head, ‘talk about trading up.’
‘Whoa, watch it. Her mother and daughter are in the room.’
Adrienne chuckled. ‘See why I don’t work with living patients? I have zero bedside manner.’ She looked over Reid’s shoulder at Mrs. Shaw. ‘I’m sorry for your loss, and for my comment,’ she apologized. ‘I didn’t mean any offense.’
‘Amy washed her hands of us years ago. At least she gave me Annie.’
Adrienne mouthed, ‘Wow’ to Reid before replying, ‘she’s a great young lady.’
‘She’s all I have.’
Adrienne mouthed, ‘Good luck,’ to Reid before turning to head back to her examining room. ‘I’m all done. I’ll send these to Charlie and let you know the results.’
‘Sounds like we’ve been dismissed, folks.’ Reid ushered them out of the building and to the car. ‘I’m here if you need me.’
‘We done fine on our own for almost twelve years. I think we can manage a week,’ Beverly told him.
Reid tried not to be hurt by that statement, true as it was. ‘Okay, then. As soon as we have the results, I’ll call.’
Instead of answering, Beverly nodded and started the car. Dismissed for the second time in less than five minutes, he made his way to his own vehicle. Easing in, he wondered just what the hell he would do if Annie turned out to be his. He’d learned today Amy had named her Rhiannon Danielle, the name they had chosen for a daughter, following his family’s tradition of naming with the initials R.D. He didn’t know whether that was Amy’s idea of a joke, or if she was trying to honor him as Annie’s father in spite of keeping him from her. He rested his head on the steering wheel. Just when he thought his life was perfect, it had to get fucked up. Just what the hell was wrong with his karma?
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She was suddenly smiling and also in a mood where she felt…revitalized…as if she was a new woman who had needs she’d never known before in her life. Thank you Alec, she thought. She pictured his face and also his body too as she sat recalling how he laid there with her while stirring up hormones she hadn’t felt in ages. She felt like a woman should feel again. At least that’s how it felt to her. She stood there, in the bathroom once Sarah and Alec left, and she was cleaning off cum from her...
MasturbationYou remember me telling you we hired a new girl she started a month or two ago, the cute little blonde Jessie’s friend. Oh yeah, I told her not really sure but thinking I had better pay more attention when she talks work stuff. Well Jessy told us hey Chrissy is no longer jailbait she’s twenty one today. All the ladies were like oh congrats lets plan on getting together for a few cocktails this week, something they all do for any given reason anyway. So, my wife says yeah, we can take you to...
Peggy all but barged into Kathy's room. "Are you all right? I mean, I know you're all right, but..." "Yeah, I'm fine," Kathy said, as Peggy took her in her arms and gave her a fierce hug. "I'm madder than hell, though. You know I let him fuck me. I wanted to get laid. There was no earthly reason for him to punch me around like that. I mean... what the hell did I do to deserve that treatment?" "If I see that bastard again, I'll... I'll try to kill him is what," she sputtered...
I lowered my mouth over his, my fingers continuing to stroke his hair. He returned the kiss, his arm holding my waist tightly, the other supporting my head. It wasn’t a sensual kiss at all; it was like when I kissed him as a little girl; tender and loving in all aspects. In that moment when I felt so helpless and lost I wanted to be a toddler again. I wanted to be carefree and able to snuggle against my father and sleep in his arms without the worries I had. I struggled to pull my lips apart...
IncestLucile Louise told daddy he was crazy to let us screw. "Crew, Lucy," daddy said. "Crew ... not screw. They're going to help Niels get the boat to Chicago." "Oh ... my mistake," she apologized. She wasn't apologizing to daddy ... she was speaking to us. She was still pretty mad about the prenup. Of course, she couldn't leave it alone, mothers, be they natural or step, are like that, yeah, they are. "David, I've seen how you look at your sister ... and..." she looked at my...
Mark rode up to me. "It has been a long time man!" he said. "Yeah it has." I said nervously since I did not want to get caught hanging out with him. We talked for a while, sitting on the cover of the trash bin behind the church. It was another hot Virginia summer day. We were both glad to be just sitting in the shade for a while. After the small talk, and him explaining to me what really happened to get him sent away the talk moved to what we had done in the past. He asked if I...
I felt that I had a bad headache when I awoke. Some warm oiled hands were sliding up my back. I moaned softly, wanting nothing else than to drift into darkness. They were strong hands, kneading my shoulders, then going down my back, warming me up. I felt strangely groggy, as if...I did not know whose hands were on my back. My eyes were covered by a silky blindfold. I was fully awake now, my mind racing as those hands moved languidly down my spine.My arms were stretched above my head, bound to...
|~|~|~|~| The A.A.I. By Maria2 Chapter 10 |~|~|~|~ That night I had strange dreams. I dreamed I was mountain climbing, in the Swiss alps. It was cold - cold like Antarctica cold, and the wind was blasting. I was clinging to the mountain face, inching higher and higher to that curved mountain peak which was still so high above me. It was the Matterhorn. I was exhausted, frozen, about ready to give up, but each time I looked up at that peak my body found some way to go one more...
Chrissie had not slept well, her rest disturbed by her thoughts whilst awake and her dreams whilst asleep; dreams revisiting her life between the death of her parents and her adoption by the Yeomans. Not the positive parts, not Tom, or Jessica, Dave and Alison; not Amy or John ... but the rapes, the humiliation, being treated as an object, not a person. Once more, she woke with the first light and made her way downstairs to make coffee and toast. Not that she really felt hungry, rather that...
"You're going to be heading off to college soon," William said looking across the fire at Eddie. He added another small log to the fire and sat back to watch it catch. "I've got another two years of high school," Eddie said poking a stick into the fire and watching the end start to burn. He pulled the stick out of the fire. The weak flame flickered and died. The small glowing bud at the end of the stick slowly faded. "Enjoy them while you can," William said. Everyone was telling...
Hello dosto…Mera naam shubh h…Or m delhi ka rehne vala hu..Diskhe m sahi hu…Or meri height 5.9 h…M ek sportsman hu or bhot fit hu… Aj m ke samne mere sath hui ghatna ke bare m batane ja rha hu.Ki kese mane ek ladki ko apni baato ka deewana banaya,,,,.Vo dikhne m normal thi par lambi thi..Orr bhot hi maintain figure tha..Uska figure 32-28-30 ka hoga..Ek dum mast… Story padne ke bad agar koi mujhse contact banana chahe toh mujhe mail kar skte h par…Orr pls hi ki mastrubation karne ke lie wait...
Anthony is a big boy. He's on the defensive line on the varsity football team and can just plow through anyone to get to whoever has the ball. He weighs in at close to two and a half times my 115 pounds. He was watching me as a fly might watch a spider. A fly that was stuck in that spider's web. I went over to the nightstand next to him and got a wash dish. A wash dish is a plastic container that holds about a half gallon of water. Kind of like a meat loaf pan with some curves. I guess he...
One day I was working on my property when I decided to walk down to the local river. As I approached the river bank, on my property, I saw a ATV parked. I slowly approached and looked out on the sandbar and in the sun I saw my neighbors daughters. They were actually step sister. One I knew just turned 18 and was in high school and the other I knew was older and had been away in college for a year. They are both hot, one brunette with large tits and shapely ass and a hot red head, the...
Poki stretched out her arms, and let out a deep yawn as she finished her stream for the day. That makes the eighth day in a row going at least an hour over her allotted time, but it was worth it. Her fanbase kept on growing even, after being the largest female streamer on Twitch. It wasn’t exactly hard work, all she really had to do was flaunt her body around a bit, but not enough so that people get bored. She just had to feign ignorance to her own actions, and it was golden. Of course, that...
Olivia sprawled out on the bed and pretended she didn’t hear the knock on the door. Steve went to answer it, he knew it was Ray. Ray was a regular at Hot Wife Hotel and this was his second time with Liv. While Steve was typically content to watch his wife have sex with the men, he’d been unintentionally part of a threesome last week with Liv and Ray and it had been really hot. Ray had actually requested that Steve join in again, albeit with a bit of a twist. Ray wanted to role-play Olivia being...
Wife Lovers“At random and unexpected times, you terrify the life out of me.” —G.S. Jennsen, Relativity EM’S GRADUATION WAS NICE—and long. When there are seven or eight hundred people getting diplomas, it’s hard to even see the person you’re interested in. After the ceremony, though, I got to see Francie and hold the baby for a bit. Then they were off to various parties. The crash after the high is always the worst, I guess. And with Em, the slide was toward her coming service. She had a month to...
As I walk into the bedroom, illuminated by the various sweet smelling candles that you purposefully collect I see the outline of your body sitting at your table. Standing back I admire the image, feeling how lucky I am having someone as beautiful as you are, your glorious curves illustrating the petite frame that is your body. You don’t notice me as I stand taking your beauty. For a few moments I stand back watching you. Trying to stay unnoticed as I approach you occupied by brushing your...
A week had passed then two weeks. As the four friends sat around the table one morning Shelia addressed them with the dreaded words, "You have a new mission." Shelia's voice continued, "You will leave this planet tomorrow and I will take you to your next assignment. On that final evening the four friends and lovers sat arm in arm around the fire. They reminisced about the last two weeks of restful bliss, they laughed about the fun they had and their eyes became dreamy when they...
"Amy I'm going to work. I'll be back at around 5!" I heard Jake yell from downstairs. "Ok!" I yelled back. I looked at the clock. It was almost 11. I decided to call my brother's friend Matt. "Hey baby," I said into the phone "Jake is gone and wont be back until 5. Want to come over?" “Yes! I’ll be over in ten,” Matt said. “Don’t keep me waiting,” I told him and then hung up. I went to my room and put on the sexiest outfit I had, which consisted of a white tank top, no bra, and a short...
IncestI picked up the ringing phone to hear a husky, sensuous, breathy female voice say, "This is a voice from your past," the tone hinting at many past and future delights."Ah, yes," I replied, "But which one, is the question."She giggled coyly. "Well, I suppose I shouldn't be offended because it is about ten years since I was in there. Hi, it's me, Livia."My mind raced back the decade in nanoseconds. Livia had been a randy, lascivious student who had an enormous appetite for any sort of sensual...
Wie war sie nur wieder in diese Situation gekommen? Tina sah sich in dem riesigen Spiegel über dem Tresen einer etwas runtergekommenen Kneipe. Hinter ihr ein hagerer älterer Kerl, der sich abmühte, sie von hinten zu besteigen. Sie wurde langsam wund. Das lag nicht nur an ihm, sondern an der Vielzahl von Männern, mit denen sie es heute Abend schon getrieben hatte. Der Schwanz des Kerls war nur Durchschnitt, aber er stieß sie hart und kräftig, angefeuert mehreren Männern, die sie umringten....
Hi doston main apka Deeak Kumar fir se hazir hun ek naye anubhav ke sath meri 1st story apne padhi aur mujhe mails bhi kiye uske liye thank you aj main apni ek friend ka anubhav apse share karne ja raha hun. Ye uski real story hai jo usane mujhe batayi aur mere kahne par who ise apse share karne ko taiyar hui. Ab main apka jyada smay kharab na karte hue seedhe story par aata hun. Meri friend ka naam Simran hai and she is from jaipur age ki story Simran ki jubani. Ye story aj se 1 saal pahle ki...