- 4 years ago
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Chapter 11: Lacie’s Day Off
Heather didn’t let Lacie sleep much that night, due to her concussion. She woke Lacie intermittently, checking on her condition, making sure her head injury didn’t worsen. Most of the group stayed in the medical suite, only Lindsey and Master went outside once Master’s ‘friends’ arrived. For a few hours the girls heard nothing about what was going on. Then Master came back with Lindsey in tow. Lindsey had gotten dressed up in an outfit made of nothing but lace and leather, a show for the men outside investigating the breach of Master’s property. Two men in dark suits entered the medical suite behind Master. They shook the girl’s hands, and Master introduced them as his friends Don Michaels and Brian Edwards.
Brian began checking Lacie’s injuries almost immediately, while apologizing for the awkward inspection, tossing question after technical question at Heather. Heather was delighted to have someone else to talk to who knew medicine. Soon the two were so deep in medical detail that it confused Lacie and made her head hurt. Later, Lacie learned that he had been a medic in the army for a few years, before getting out of the armed forces.
His partner fired question after question at Lacie, who did her best to answer. Part of her was irritated at the constant stream of seemingly repetitive questions, but it helped keep her mind off the other man still scrutinizing her injuries. Don wrapped up his questions for Lacie and picked up his radio, speaking rapidly to his men outside. Brian finished with Lacie soon after, reluctantly wrapping up his discussion with Heather. He commended her on her exemplary care of Lacie, and departed with his partner, both men speaking to the assembled women in turn, being as courteous as possible.
Master followed his friends out of the room, and Heather finally gave Lacie permission to sleep. The other girls hunkered down inside the medical suite, unable to return to their rooms due to the uniformed men still swarming the grounds, looking for more intruders. Lacie closed her eyes and smiled, remembering the short, passionate kiss she had shared with Master only a few hours previously. She was out in moments.
The next morning Lacie woke to the soft breathing sounds of the other girls. Looking to her left, Lacie saw Claire and Lindsey cuddling on the next bed, both sound asleep. Callie and Heather were in the bed to her right, though they were facing away from each other.
Lacie’s mouth was dry, making her grimace in discomfort. Lacie tried to sit up to get a glass of water, but a sudden, pounding headache made her flop back with a groan. Immediately, she felt a soft hand on her shoulder.
‘What do you need, sweetie?’ Lacie heard Tara say. Lacie croaked a response.
‘Let me get you that. You shouldn’t be moving around with your ankle. Back in a flash.’ Lacie heard Tara patter barefoot across the med suite. The sound of running water came from nearby and soon the small girl was back at Lacie’s bedside, holding out a glass of water. Lacie cracked her eyes open and lifted the glass to her lips. The water was slightly warm and tasted funny, but it soothed her mouth and throat, quenching Lacie’s thirst.
‘Thanks.’ Lacie said, her voice much softer as she looked at the asian girl.
‘No worries. I was up anyway. I couldn’t sleep at all last night.’
Not that she was going to say anything, but it was obvious to Lacie that Tara wasn’t exaggerating. The smaller girl’s eyes were slightly bloodshot and had dark circles under them. She pulled herself up onto the foot of Lacie’s bed and perched there, her legs dangling off the edge.
‘I was really freaked out last night. We thought that they had caught you and you’d fought free at first. Then Marie told us what she saw by the door. I didn’t know Master could fight like that.’ a shiver ran down Tara’s spine.
‘I’m glad he can. I wouldn’t be here if he couldn’t.’ Lacie said with a smile. ‘Lock the door then come here. You can lay down next to me.’
Tara gave Lacie a small smile of gratitude before hopping down to lock the door. Once Tara got back, she pulled herself up onto the bed next to Lacie. Laying her head down with a moan, Tara began to fill Lacie in on what had happened since she fell asleep.
‘Master’s friends came back in a few hours after you conked out.’
‘Did they find anyone else?’
‘No people. Some footprints though. Master’s people brought in dogs around midnight. All of the trails ended up circling back to the broken fence. They think that the rest of the poachers got spooked when Master killed those two guys. They’re launching an investigation into who they were. Hauled the bodies off right away. Hopefully that will pan out. Master hired a crew of guys to chop the tree up and repair the fence. It should be running again by tomorrow. He doesn’t want us going outside the mansion itself till then though. The doors are all barred from the inside, so not even Master can get in unless we let him in. We’re safe for now. We don’t think any poachers got into the house, but we’re traveling in pairs just in case. Bridget went with Ana to go make us some breakfast. I said I’d stay up here in case someone woke up and had to go get something.’
‘So we stopped them?’
‘Sounds that way.’ Tara said, rolling over to face Lacie. ‘Thank you for that. If you hadn’t seen the tree, we’d have never known they were here till it was too late. Heather says you nearly killed yourself trying to get back here to warn us.’ Tara’s eyes clouded with unfallen tears of gratitude as she held her arms out to Lacie. ‘Thank you.’
Lacie smiled, holding her arms out to the shorter girl as Tara enfolded her in a hug.
‘You’d have done the same for me.’ Lacie responded, knowing it was the truth. A different voice croaked out from the next bed over.
‘Touching. Now can you two please quiet down so I can go back to sleep?’ Lacie couldn’t see who it was, but she did see Tara lift her head and stick her tiny tongue out at the offending speaker.
‘Oh, zip it Claire.’
Lacie could hear muffled snickering from the next bed over as Claire lay back down.
‘Anytime you want to put that tongue to better use, let me know, cutie.’
Tara flushed scarlet all the way to the tops of her ears as she ducked back behind Lacie. Both girls could hear Claire’s muffled laughter as the older girl buried her face in a pillow to keep from waking the others. Lacie smiled to herself. Everything seemed like it was back to normal.
A soft tapping came from the door, and Lacie recognized Ana’s distinctive, slightly timid knock.
‘Open up!’ Bridget called from the other side of the door. ‘We’re back with breakfast.’
Lacie heard Claire sigh and get up. Looking over her shoulder, Lacie flushed when she saw that both Claire and Lindsey apparently had slept in the nude. Claire winked at Lacie before throwing the covers back over Lindsey, who was still fast asleep. Reaching down, Claire picked up a robe and slipped it on. Another insistent knock came from the door and Claire responded irritably.
‘Yeah yeah, hold your damn horses. Gimme a sec to put some clothes on. Safe Code?’ Claire queried. There was a small sigh outside and they heard Ana speak up in response.
‘Claire, be for opening the damn doors of please. Is cold out here and I are not for wanting to waste my timing of playing word games with silly little girls. Is just us for being out here and food are getting cold.’
Claire’s look of incredulity made Lacie giggle. It was probably the first time either of them had ever heard Ana cuss. The stunned look remained on Claire’s face as she unlocked the doors. The handle turned and swept inwards as Bridget and Ana pushed their way into the med suite. They were hauling a large cart between them, and it was absolutely full of trays, plates, glasses and utensils. As Ana brushed past the slack jawed Clai
re, she lifted herself onto tiptoe and planted a quick kiss on Claire’s cheek, teasing the older girl again.
‘Thanks you.’ she said, a huge grin on her face.
Claire was so confused, Lacie swore she could have blown her over with a feather. Bridget and Ana were giggling up a storm, and Lacie could feel Tara shaking with silent laughter as she lay next to her. Finally, Claire seemed to come out of it and turned to Lacie, a querying look on her face. Lacie simply held up her hands and shrugged. The confused girl shook her head and closed the door again, locking it once it was shut. Bridget and Ana were gently shaking girls awake all around the room, passing out plates from the cart they had pushed in with them. Claire sidled up to Ana and bumped the shorter girl with her hip.
‘Silly little girl? You’re at least four inches shorter than me, missy.’ Claire said to her, cocking one eyebrow at the grinning Ana.
‘Really?’ A teasing light grew in Ana’s eyes. ‘Perhaps I are meaning little in other ways.’ she said suggestively, turning to face Claire directly. Ana ran her hands up Claire’s robe, stopping right as her hands slid over the once-again stunned Claire’s chest. Gently pushing, Ana backed Claire up to the counter, her hands gently squeezing Claire’s breasts through her robe. Leaning in, Ana moved as if to kiss the taller girl, slowly angling her head back, lifting herself onto her tiptoes as Claire moaned weakly. Less than a hairsbreadth from making contact with Claire’s lips, Ana smiled and suddenly tweaked Claire’s nipples, winking at her before dancing back, dodging Claire’s questing lips as the other girl instinctively leaned in, trying to kiss Ana.
‘See? Silly.’ Turning and skipping away, Ana once again left Claire standing there, gaping like a stranded fish. Laughter echoed through the small room as the rest of the girls began to giggle at the expression on Claire’s face. It was rare to see someone teasing Claire, since she was usually the one doing the teasing. To see one of the most shy and awkward amongst them do it to her made it even more funny to the assembled girls.
‘Claire,’ Bridget said, trying to get the bewildered girl’s attention. ‘Don’t worry about it. She’s been acting like this all morning. I think she might have gotten into some of the drugs that Heather keeps around here.’
‘Not likely,’ Heather yawned, rubbing sleep from her eyes as she stretched. ‘I keep those under lock and key.’
‘Nope. No druggings for me. Just having for good day. We all still here, thank yous to Lacie, and we happy, safe, mostly unhurt, and still being living. Is good day.’ Ana explained.
Lacie had to admit, Ana had a damn good point. Considering the very real danger they had all been in, a moderate concussion and a twisted ankle were a small price to pay for their continued safety. The rest of the girls were soon swept up in Ana’s good mood, though Claire looked slightly uncomfortable as she sat and fidgeted in her seat. Curious, Lacie watched Claire and saw the rocker girl cast furtive glances at Ana from time to time. Lacie almost laughed out loud when she realized what was bothering Claire. She had the good sense not to draw attention to her discovery though. Ana really had gotten to Claire, in more ways than one.
Ana ducked into the cart she had been pushing, pulling out a huge covered tray. It took both her arms to carry, and the tiny Russian girl almost fell twice while carrying it over to Lacie. Setting the huge platter on Lacie’s lap, Ana stepped back and grasped the handle topping the lid.
‘And this, be for Miss Heroine of house.’ Ana said with pride, sweeping the lid off the massive tray. Immediately, Lacie felt a huge burst of steam waft up into her face. The smell of sugar and cinnamon, mixed with the delicious scents of fresh bread and other warm spices, made Lacie’s mouth water as she inhaled deeply. Looking down, Lacie saw a huge tray of food. Eggs, pancakes, French toast, bacon, sausage, syrup soaked waffles, apple slices, strawberries, grapes, and in the center of the tray, a cluster of steaming, spiced cinnamon rolls. The soft, gooey bread was literally dripping with the warm sugar glaze that Ana had slathered on top of the aromatic treat.
Lacie’s mouth dropped open as she looked at the freshly baked rolls. Reaching out, Lacie picked one up, biting into the soft bread, moaning in rapture as the flavors mixed in her mouth. Ana stepped back and grinned, practically glowing with happiness and pride. Lacie looked down again at the tray. Realizing there was more food there than Lacie could eat even if she had a few days to accomplish it, Lacie waved the other girls in, inviting them to share her feast. All of the others rushed up to try some, and Lacie giggled as she held the tray out.
By the time the rush was over, all the girls had full plates and were sitting back down. There was one cinnamon roll left on the tray, and Ana picked it up to set it on a spare plate nearby, along with a few of the remaining pieces of food. A few minutes later, Bridget’s ever-present tablet buzzed, and she set her plate aside. Picking up the tablet, Bridget grinned.
‘Master’s finished outside, the crews finished clearing the tree. Now they’re waiting on the guys who’ll be fixing the fence. Master wants to come back in.’
‘I’ll go with you.’ Claire jumped off the foot of the bed she had been sharing with Lindsey, pecking her lover on the head. Lindsey reached out and grabbed Claire, pulling her in for a quick, sugary kiss on the lips. Claire smiled at Lindsey before heading out the med suite door with Bridget. The girls continued to eat, waiting on their friends to return with Master.
It wasn’t long before they heard a knock at the door and Ana stood up to answer.
‘Who being it?’ she called out playfully.
‘Just let us in, you crazy Russian tease.’ Claire’s voice sounded from the other side of the door.
Ana giggled while unlocking the door. Bridget and Claire came through the open door first, followed by Master. Oddly, he wasn’t wearing his usual business suit. Instead he was in heavy leather work boots, blue denim jeans and a black t-shirt. It was obvious from the tiny scratches on his hands and the windswept look of his hair (which had a few twigs still stuck in it) that he had been helping the crews clear the tree away from their disabled fence. As he passed Ana by, the tiny blonde crouched and jumped, landing right in the middle of Master’s broad back. His eyes widened in surprise, but he managed to maintain his balance, even sweeping one arm behind him to playfully swat at Ana as she clung to him.
‘Hey, get off!’ He grumbled, while angling his arms behind him to lift Ana into a more comfortable position, allowing her to wrap her legs around his waist. Looking back over his shoulder, he grinned at the small girl, letting her know that he was happy to play along. Ana lifted her hands and slid her fingers into Master’s thick hair, shaking her hands as she did. Master leaned forward slightly, and specks of sawdust and a few tiny leaves and broken twigs cascaded down. Straightening, Master grinned.
‘Well, would you look at all these lazy bums. Not a one of you has done one thing today, save monkey girl back there.’ Master jerked a thumb behind him, indicating Ana, who still clung doggedly to Master’s back. Ana smiled, but like a shy child, she hid her face behind Master’s head.
‘Speaking of which…’ Master trailed off, reaching out to pick up the plate which had the last cinnamon roll on it. Tearing a piece off with his fingers, he popped the treat into his mouth as he leaned against the countertop, careful not to squash Ana as he did.
Master’s teasing prompted a barrage of glares as the assembled women stared him down. Master began to laugh around his breakfast as he saw the girl’s reactions.
‘Come on, the crews are all gone, I have a security detail watching the fence. We’re as safe as we’re going to get. I think a day off is in o
rder. Let’s go out to the pool.’
A cheer rose up from the women as they dashed towards the door, glad to finally be free of their confinement. Master leaned back over the counter, gently placing Ana down before pulling her arms away. Master popped the last of his cinnamon roll into his mouth as he turned around to lift her off the counter and back down to the floor. As he reached for her, Ana intercepted one hand, pulling his sugar and cinnamon coated fingers to her mouth, gently sucking his fingertips as she gazed straight at his eyes. Giggling, Ana licked her lips and vaulted down off the counter by herself before dashing off, leaving Lacie and Master alone in the Med suite.
Before Master could turn and give Lacie the questioning look that she knew was coming, Lacie spoke up.
‘Don’t worry about it. She’s been like that all morning. I don’t know what she was doing in the kitchens around Bridget, but you should have seen her earlier with Claire. ‘
Master turned with a grin.
‘Bridget mentioned something had happened. Wish I could have seen it, I’ve never seen Claire speechless before.’
He walked over to her bedside and sat down on the nearby wheeled stool. The smile ghosted from his face. Leaning over her bedside, Master steepled his fingers in front of his face.
‘Look Lacie, I don’t know if you’re ready to forgive me yet, but I wanted to thank you for last night. You just might have saved everyone here. If you hadn’t….’
Lacie covered his mouth with one hand and shook her head. She’d been drugged, but a few things had become very clear to her last night, and she wanted him to know how she felt.
‘Shut up. Last night, you saved me. Not the other way around. And it wasn’t the first time, either. You saved me at the auction. Yes, you manipulated me, yes, I have a right to be angry, but the end result got me to this place. If you hadn’t set me up, I would never have been involved, and I would have ended up a real slave for someone else, someone who wouldn’t care about me, someone who… well, someone who wouldn’t treat me like a person, like you do. So thank you. I love it here. I always have. I did what I did last night because I had to. As far as I’m concerned, you’ve saved my life twice. That means I have to forgive you.’ Lacie smiled impishly, ‘But, only on three conditions.’
Master raised an eyebrow.
‘I’m listening.’
‘First, I’m not the black plague. Stop avoiding me.’ Lacie said, her grin teasing Master.
He laughed.
‘Two, fix my choker. Please? I want it back. The same one if possible. It might take me a while to wear it again, but I want the option of putting it back on if I choose to.’
‘I’ll see what I can do. I don’t know if it can be repaired easily, but I’ll do what I can. What’s your third condition?’
Lacie lay back, snuggling deeper onto the bed, smiling shyly as she pulled the sheets up around her neck.
‘Kiss me again?’ She whispered nervously. Lacie could suddenly feel her heart begin hammering in her chest. She was amazed he couldn’t hear it.
A smile slowly grew on Master’s face as he looked down at Lacie. The same crinkles around his eyes that Lacie found so adorable reappeared as Master stood up. Leaning over Lacie, he slid his big hands under her shoulder and behind her head, gently twining his fingers into her hair as he moved closer. Mere inches away, Master slowed and stopped, Lacie choked off her disappointed whine before he could hear it. A teasing glint shone in his eye as he spoke.
‘Yes ma’am.’
His open lips pressed against Lacie’s and her eyes snapped open wide. The sensation was even better than Lacie remembered. Electricity crackled through every nerve in her body, every fiber of her being felt like it was tingling and burning at the same time, but the sensation was so pleasurable, Lacie’s eyes rolled back into her head as she closed her eyelids with a soft moan. Wrapping her arms hungrily around his neck, Lacie pulled herself up, pressing her lips to his so hard it hurt. Even the sweet pain was delicious to Lacie. She felt his arms slide behind her, holding her close to him as he opened his mouth. Lacie’s tongue darted out of her mouth and slowly slid against his. Lacie let out a sound that was half whine, half moan as Master kissed her deeply. Lacie’s world spun around her and she finally broke the kiss, desperately pulling in air as her breath shuddered in her lungs.
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Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to another edition of the most popular radio call in sex advice program in America, The doctor Is In!!! And here to answer all of your questions regarding relationships and of course sex, is your host, Dr. Samantha Miller!!! Thank you, Steve Parker, I'm your host Dr. Samantha Miller, and for the next three hours we'll try and answer as many questions about sex, love, and relationships as we can!!! As you know, this program is of an adult nature, so...
EroticThe subjugation of Rockyvale went quickly and without further bloodshed; well, except for the linens on Neelam's new bed. Adeline was a somewhat willing partner and Neelam enjoyed himself well into the night. He slipped out of bed the next morning causing Adeline to stir before rolling over in the bed. He was up and practicing with Gor when a knock on the door caused him to pause. "Enter," he commanded. The door opened and Adeline's mother, who was now Neelam's servant, wheeled in his...
Full permission is granted to reproduce this work, provided credit is given to the author. The following is an adult story. If you are not 18, you cannot read it. If you are offended by sexually oriented material, stop now. Any comments on this story would be appreciated, e-mail: [email protected] Mensroom Slut By SissySlutSue A few weeks after I had provided the entertainment for Bill and Jane's fetish group I was once again summoned over to their house. They had...
A couple of months ago I went to visit the parents of one of my old school friends to see how he was doing as I haven't spoken to him for a long time and neither have our other friends from the school. When I got round his dad answered the door and invited me in so we sat down and talked for a little while. After about 10 minutes my friends mother came back home from doing some errands and we all continued to sit talking in the living room. This brought back a lot of memories as I used to go...
The passionate interlude in the darkened shop entranceway between Claire Darcy and Arthur King had been a spur of the moment random impulse but Claire knew the unfortunate marriage to her anally obsessed spouse was soon to be a closed chapter in her life. Her lush garden was still trembling with the strength of Arthur's violent thrusts and the delicious stretching caused by his unusually thick shaft. She had not washed his spunk from her slit hoping that he had possibly managed to put her...
Hi friends I am telling you the experience which I had with Aarti Name Changed a sexy housewife in Pune. I would really appreciate if you could get in touch with me so I can satisfy all you lovely women also. To tell you more about myself, I am from Pune. 5.11 ft tall fair with a athletic body and my greatest passion is to spread love among all the lovely women who are deprived of it. This story is about 35 yrs old married lady from Pune and her name is Aarti and she is a housewife. Aarti has a...
After the wonderful night I had with Nan, I had to stop and re-think in what direction my life was taking me. She had been so great to be with but I still needed and wanted my Mom’s loving. The next night I followed my Mom to her room and sat of the side of the bed watching her disrobe and get ready for bed. Not a word was said by either of us as she proceeded to slowly strip off her outerwear. She stood in her underwear, black satin bras, garters and stockings and sexy panties – not thongs...
IncestPart Ten OK lets get this straight. I am a teenager and like most teenagers, I have told my Mum lies over the years. Never anything big, but lies nonetheless. This was something completely different. Mum and the rapist arrived home just after 7pm. I couldnt even look him in the eye. One of the first things Mum said to me made me feel sick to my soul. She said how delighted she was that I had asked John if I could call him Dad from now on. The little tear of happiness in the corner of her eye...
"Our goal is nothing less than to land a woman on the moon, impregnate her, and return her safely to the earth." President Barak Obama If everything goes according to plan, VBE will open for intergalactic business in November of 2011 when Evie Swan arrives at the International Space Station. "I'm not sure I want to set a precedent by giving it away," she joked at a recent press conference, "but let's just say I'll be offering a substantial discount for my services while I'm up...
To sixty-one-year-old Sheila Butcher the incident when her henpecked husband Jim took her over his knee and gave her large arse a good tanning seemed a lifetime ago because so much has happened since.Their marital sex life was reignited and she had continued to get spanked and had also felt a belt and a cane across her buttocks.She had divulged news of the initial spanking and the sex that ultimately followed to her friend Yvonne Marsh and on a later occasion she suggested to Yvonne that a trip...
SpankingDeep within the dense northern forest, hidden away from the rest of the world, lays a small village. The people of this village were decent and hard working. Luckily, for their hard work, they enjoyed delicacies that most people would do anything to savor just once, the delicious pastries of Grandma Cupcake. Every day, she would cook her delicacies at her little house outside the village, and bring them over to the town’s center on her caravan. People would wait in line when...
Karen was on top of the world she had just got off the plane in Miami. The morning hot sun beating down on her as she walked across the tarmac. After picking up her bags she went to the car rental company and picked up the rental car. Using the GPS in the car she found the Motel where she was renting a room to stay until she got a place of her own and a job. Her Mom had rented her a very nice place right on the ocean. At just eighteen Karen had received a full scholarship to Miami University....
It was so easy. I was thinking about our relationship now. My husband (at the time) and I were participating in a special archeological study of a tribe which had no previous contact with modern man. We are both in our early 30s. I am rather tall at 5' 10" 140 lbs. with long blond hair and (if I do say so myself) a killer body!) Stan, my husband, was a shrimp at 5' 6", 120 lbs. with a physic of a child. He had longish brown hair with somewhat gentle features. A real Nerd! ...
The thunderstorm had gone by morning and patches of blue sky were doing their best to pull apart the low drape of cloud that hugged the sea. We walked along the beach again though I swear we left no footprints. Some of the magic from the previous night seemed to linger about us still. It may sound callous, but I wasn't particularly worried about Niall. Angela made me feel immortal - that protection had to include my friends. It sounds lame now but I really felt that. Of course, there was no...
When Brianna spotted me at school on Monday, she greeted me with the biggest public kiss ever and I'm sure the school's "affection police" would have got on our case if they saw but only other students saw a beautiful cheerleader kissing a nerdy boy one year younger than her. I loved the facial reactions of the other students. I could tell it was the hardest thing for Brianna not to say anything about what I did this weekend during lunch. Now that my project for Brianna was done with I...
John’s mouth fell open as he stared at the images the Vulkat had taken of the salvaged Thrall ship components. He felt an eerie kind of click as Dana named each of the forbidding black objects, her words resonating in his mind. “They’re standard issue in all Thrall vessels!” he blurted out, his eyes widening as he stared at the ship’s equipment. “I know what they do!” “Yeah, me too,” Dana confirmed in a hushed voice. “The schematics just popped into my mind...” He glanced her way and...
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? The Sisterhood of Spite. Chapter 1. The Brides of the Emperor. ???????? The house was impressive, even by year 2537 standards. As was the fashion in the Empire, and had been since the first Emperor had ordered it some ninety years before, the building was of Ancient Roman style. An exact replica of a second century Roman Villa in fact. Plush and luxuriously furnished and...
IMPORTANT: FOR FIRST NAME PUT A GIRL NAME, FOR LAST NAME PUT A BOY NAME! First choose whether you are a boy or girl...
It had been a few years since my daughter-in-law Wendy and I found ourselves as lovers in Mumbai, India. It was so interesting that we also found an Indian young woman named Aashi to share our passion. We had shared many forms of love-making and it had all been good. But after some years the passion had faded for me. Wendy had went her way with my son and found work in another city. I made do with my wife. She was very good in bed, but she wasn’t as good as Wendy. Or Aashi, for that matter. I...
In the bathroom with the douche tip inserted deep into her cunt-hole, Mary realized that she was losing her grip on reality. When Nate had fucked her the first time, she'd resisted enjoyment of the act. But by the end, she'd nearly begged for it. Then Royce had stabbed her with his big prick and again her lust had finally overcome her fear. In fact, even the stiffness of the plastic nozzle made her tingle. She stood in the tub, legs spread wide as the cummy juice drained from her body. She...
My sisters and I have done school at home for the past 15 years. This year, my mom divorced my dad, and we moved from Madison to Charlottesville. My mom had to get a job, so she put us all in public school. About time! Life sucked all alone at home! Anyway, the first couple weeks at school sucked, because I naturally had no friends. But in about three weeks I finally was accepted into a group of like twelve people. When that happened, I was hoping to get a girlfriend. I had always wanted one,...
Liza Rowe was playing ping pong with Ken. But Ken changed the rules on her. Every time she lost a point she had to flash him. She had those beautiful tiny teenage breasts and surprise. A bush. So they played more as Ken was interviewing her about her sex habits. And from time to time she lost a point a flashed us more. Then they went up to the hotel room. Liza undressed and showed off her young body. Ken gave her a pink vibrator to play with. She massaged her clit with it and pushed it in and...
xmoviesforyouThings evened out. By summer, I was into my routines and we were planning a genuine family vacation. Yes, after the first time Bruce had convinced us to go to Lake Superior for a long weekend, we’d tried pretty successfully to make regular outings for a weekend or a week to just be together. This was a biggie, though. We were going to Disney World. The ad on television was cute, but already two weeks before time to go, Emily was too excited to sleep. Her head was filled with Mickey Mouse and...
Three days later Ken called him over to the radio, Ari Silverman wanted to speak to him. Ari came straight to the point, “Shaun, I need you, Bobby, Ken, and Prof, can you get all your possessions together? Transport will arrive to pick you up at noon tomorrow. You won’t be going back to the base camp. Now is Prof available, I need to have a word with him.” Mystified Shaun called out to Prof, he passed over the microphone and walked over to where Bobby and Ken were talking. “We have to pack...
“What ... How ... Where did you get that?” Miranda cried out, as she looked at the TV screen, in absolute horror as she collapsed on the sofa with big tears rolling down her cheeks. Chase told her it wasn’t important how or where he got it, but what was important, is what he could do with it. He asked Miranda had her husband ever seen the video. Before she could answer, he told her if he hadn’t, he was absolutely sure her husband would enjoy it as much as he did. Chase was sure he already...
This is a true story of how a husband can share his wife without her knowing and you'll have to decide if I've broken her trust or I'm leading her and myself to a better life.We're Dave and Michele and we are both 34 and live in the UK, we've been married for just over 14 years now and my wife came from a strict catholic family. We didn't have sex before we married so I had to be content with the odd fumble and heavy petting with my wife-to-be calling a halt to it when I got carried away.We...
What else can I do for Paula? Has anyone decided to give me a direction to go now? “You will be helping the robots repair her body from the neck down. There is a lot they can’t see that you can. She has been very fortunate that her ovaries weren’t injured and her uterus was only bruised,” the voice in my head told me. “She will be able to have children. I fear she would have lost all hope should that not be possible.” I made myself see only those places the robots couldn’t or hadn’t been...
=== Trust Machines: Pioneers === part 13 of 15 by Trismegistus Shandy ----- This story is set in dkfenger's Trust Machines universe. It's a prequel to his stories, however, and I've written it to stand alone for readers who haven't read them. Thanks to dkfenger, clancy688, MrSimple, Karantela, Icaria, and JAK for feedback on earlier drafts. This story is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial- Share Alike...
The surprise potty slaveIt was a quite normal day at collage. Lectures and tutorials filled the morning and afternoon. It was about 3ish when a pressing matter made me excuse myself from class. I always took my time when visiting the girls room. I believed that pressing too hard would dis figure my little orifice and that to me was the last thing I would ever want.I came from a wealthy family and had everything one could wish for, even my striking good looks. A perfect combination of my,...
The weekend came to an end and it was back to hard work again for our last week. Even though I past Mark, Pete, Joey, Ted, Alex and Brett. We kept our secret to our selves even though we did have a coy smile for each other when we passed in the barracks. By the time the day was over I at least was exhausted and only wanted to sleep and none of the guys woke me. It was not until Thursday night before Friday’s graduation in the afternoon I saw Mark alone in the barrack. I smiled as I saw him and...
GayLittle Kadence Marie was deeply missing her boyfriend. She could not stop thinking about him, especially his long cock. She missed when he would penetrate her pussy with it the most. Just as she was going through some photos of him, a package arrived at her door. It was from her boyfriend! An exxxtra large teddy bear to keep her company until he returned. This was too cute. It even smelled like him, which kind of turned Kadence on. She mounted one of her dildos onto it and decided to fuck it....
xmoviesforyouHello Huma at your service again with a sexy story that I hope all my readers will like to read. This is a hot incest tale which is true to a great extent with names changed and has been made spicy with combining a little fantasy to truth,. I have narrated teh story through the lips of a close friend and associate of mine in her own words. Main Ritu,32 varshiya shadishuda aurat hun, aur ghar mein meri ek 8 saal ki beti Ruby, 55 saal ke sasur Ramnarain, Meena meri 50 saal ki saas, 28 saal ki...
Chapter Twenty-EightThere can be few more beautiful sights than the early morning sun rising slowly over the majestic and ancient city of Istanbul. Despite my current anxieties, my chest tightened with emotion as I stood on the balcony of the five-star hotel and watched brightening sunlight gradually drive the shadows from the dark streets and iconic buildings.It would have been close to romantic perfection to have been able to share this view with the woman I loved and respected so much, but...