- 2 years ago
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I want to thank my collaborative, special friend, Dave. Taking turns in writing each scenario was a ‘turn-on’ and filled with anticipation. Without him, Sharon and John would never have met.
Sharon’s heels clicked on the concrete as she walked toward the Chicago law firm of Connelly & Frisk. Unlocking the front entrance, a cool blast of air hit her face as she entered the front lobby. The night watchman, Joe, sat behind the counter.
‘The boss has you working with him after hours again tonight, Ms. Jones?’
‘Hi Joe. Yes, Mr. Connelly needs a lot of help with this case. I am grateful for the job, so I can’t complain.’ Sharon said.
‘Well. Don’t work too hard.’
Glancing at her watch, she noted she should have been upstairs 5 minutes ago. She knew Mr. Connelly didn’t like tardiness. Quickening her step, she reached the elevator door, pushing the button for up. Sharon stepped onto the elevator and reached over to push the 9th floor. A moment later, the doors opened and she walked to Mr. Connelly’s door, knocking gently.
‘Come in!’ said Mr. Connelly.
Sharon opened the door, entered and sat down.
‘Good evening, John.’
Sharon was a young lawyer who had recently joined Connelly & Frisk. She had been married for five years, but that had come to an end and now she was divorced, single again, and needed to start earning a good salary. Sharon dressed smartly for work, jacket and skirt, but loved colors, not the basic black. Today her suit was pink. She loved silk and wore a silk blouse, buttoned down the front. Her skirt was just above the knees, complete with stockings and heels. Her figure was fabulous and she looked gorgeous. Her blouse was open at the neck and the ‘v’ down to her buttons was perhaps a little low for a law firm, but nobody complained! The ‘v’ showed her abundant cleavage and the outline of her lacy bra could be seen under her blouse.
Sharon tried to convince herself she didn’t dress to attract her boss, but looking across the desk at him she knew she was lying to herself. John was a tall man, older than her by at least 10 years. He had wide shoulders and a broad chest, green eyes and once dark hair that was now streaked with grey. She had always had a weakness for grey hair. John usually wore a tie, but Sharon noticed tonight he had no tie and several buttons were undone showing a tangle of chest hair. Sharon couldn’t help but look at that and wonder if the hair trailed down his chest and stomach. She blushed thinking what might lie further and glanced up to John’s face to see he was intently studying her. Her hands shaking, she opened the file containing the Peterson case.
‘W-w-where was we the other night with the list of defendants, John’ she stammered, trying to get her mind on the work at hand.
‘Sharon, we can discuss that later, at the moment I have a question of a more personal nature.’
John stood and walked around the desk. Reaching down and grasping Sharon’s hand he pulled her to her feet.
‘I love your suit, the colour is lovely, and you are very very attractive. But the question I want to ask you is both personal and work! I have just been appointed to another large case and I want you to help me. However…. this time it means going away for a week as the client is out of town. We have to meet the client and then speak to the witnesses, which there are a lot of them. So will you join me?’
Sharon was taken aback by this but answered, ‘Yes, I would be happy to help with this case.’ Privately she wondered where all this would lead. Looking at John her thoughts were jumping ahead fast (too fast?) but a week with just John, mmmmmmm…..
John interrupted her thoughts, saying, ‘Good, I am so glad. First we must rap up this Peterson case, then next Monday early I will meet you at the airport.’
With that he returned to his seat and they both started going though the Peterson papers.
Later that evening, as John locked up his office he thought of the trip next week. He wasn’t sure if Sharon was attracted to him as much as he was to her. He normally kept business and pleasure separated, and after his wife’s death 3 years ago had plunged into work, not leaving much time for pleasure. But he found Sharon, not only attractive, but intelligent and very much his equal. But what if she didn’t feel the same way? He had caught her sneaking glances at him the last few weeks as they had put long hours after work on various cases, but perhaps he was reading too much into those looks.
Sharon arrived home late that night. Slipping off her shoes and grabbing a nightcap, she stretched out on the sofa to think about John’s proposition earlier. He had been very generous in bumping up her salary, but she also knew she worked hard and deserved every penny of it. She had mixed feelings about next week’s trip. Could she continue to keep her feelings to herself? After her divorce, she had tried to pretend that she didn’t need a man or sex in her life, but only knew that she was fooling herself. Picking up the remote to her CD player she clicked it on. Soft jazz poured out of the speakers as she tried to clear her mind. The music was relaxing and sensual. Sliding her hand under the edge of her skirt she unfastened the garters holding her stockings. Rolling the stocking down her leg, she imagined John was removing them……
Mmmmmmm she thought! Enough of that. She took her drink into the bedroom, removed her work clothes, and then went to shower. Lathering herself she could still hear the music and the alcohol was slowly relaxing her. Thinking more about the events of the day, she lathered soap on her breasts, giving attention to her nipples which harden under her touch. She soaped down her body paying particular attention to her pussy and ass. Standing under the shower a bit longer, Sharon washed away the soap and enjoyed the warm jet on her neck. It was so relaxing.
Sharon dried herself with a big fluffy towel and then put on her silk night dress and gown. In the kitchen she poured herself another drink then lay down on the bed. Sharon’s eyes started to close but her thoughts were too strong. She touched first her breasts and then her pussy, stroking them very slowly but sensuously. It was all too much, the events of the day, imagining John there beside her, the shower and the wine. Stroking her clit until it became swollen and her fingers explored that part that she loved and it happened….shouting out with her orgasm. Not content with that she continued until she had another. It was so overwhelming. Sharon was excited as the sensations pulsed through her body, slowing until she was relaxed and drifted contentedly off to sleep.
Across town, unbeknownst to Sharon, John was lying naked on his bed, eyes closed, stroking his cock as he imagined Sharon naked in front of him. Every since hiring her, he hadn’t been able to get her out of his mind. Her full lips beckoned to be kissed and he moaned aloud as he imagined what she could do with those lips. Sliding his hand up and down his shaft as his other cupped his balls…he tried to not rush things. But all he could think of was her and with those thoughts, he stroked faster, feeling his cock swell larger and his balls tighten. Crying out as he came, he pictured her lips tight around his cock. ‘Damn John’ he thought to himself. ‘She may not even think of you that way.’ Cleaning himself off, he turned out the lights, images of Sharon tormenting his sleep.
The week before they left was busy. Both John and Sharon had very little time to spend alone or near one another. Several days before she needed to meet John, Sharon carefully packed her bags. First she packed the basics, a couple of business suits and half a dozen blouses. ‘Now for some fun’ she said to herself as she walked back to her wardrobe. The first dress she picked out was black with a collar at the neck, slashed down the front to almost her navel and the back was backless down
to her waist. She tried it on, it was a miracle how it went on but she loved it. The next dress was red with a halter neck which then just covered her breasts and finished with a short flared skirt. But she also needed something long and chose a full length black skirt slit up one leg. To go with it she chose a white blouse with a low neckline which would show her lovely breasts. For underwear she had a couple of lacy bras for her work suits, a lovely uplift bra for the blouse and some fun bras, one was red peek-a-boo, another was just wired and half cup to the underside of her nipples and also a pink basque. She threw in several g-strings and some lacy panties, one was a really naughty crotchless pair. Shoes, a pair sensible work heels and two pairs of fantastic high heeled shoes with a minimum of straps!
She suddenly thought, ‘what happens if John doesn’t respond!!’ But she immediately put that though out of her mind. Finally, for nightwear she chose a long black gown and coat in silk, again slashed to the waist, and two baby-dolls, one was tied with ribbons down the front and the other was halter neck which barely covered her breasts. Stockings, garter belt and make up and she was there!!
At the airport, John checked his watch for the third time. He hated to admit it, but he was nervous and had actually arrived 45 minutes earlier than needed. Sharon had a good 15 minutes before she needed to check in her luggage. Thinking back to last night, he mused over the ‘extras’ he had packed for the trip. A bottle of lightly scented massage oil, a pair of leather and furry hand restraints, and a couple of other surprises. ‘Damn, John thought, I might scare her off if things go as I hope they will.’ In John’s heart, he hoped that Sharon was open-minded, sensual and sexually interested in him. If not, he was afraid this trip would end their excellent work relationship and friendship.
Just as he started to glance at his watch once again, he noticed her walking toward him. She was dressed casually, in a lightweight flowing skirt, sandals, and a peasant blouse. Not use to seeing her out of office wear, he was startled but overjoyed to see her looking so carefree and beautiful. He was sure she had packed dressier clothing as he had for business, but hoped that she had packed for evening and the bedroom. He had dressed for the flight casual as well, in jean, loafers and a dark green polo shirt.
‘Hi Sharon. I hope you had no trouble getting here. Here’s your ticket. I hope you don’t mind, but we are seated together.’
Reaching out to take the ticket, her fingers tingled as his hand touched hers. Looking down at the tickets her eyes opened wide as she looked up at John.
‘First class?’
After checking in their luggage they went to wait for their flight. Wandering around the shops they stopped by a jeweler. Sharon was admiring a brooch. John agreed that it was lovely and asked Sharon if he could buy it for her. Sharon said, ‘That is very kind but you mustn’t.’ John replied that he wanted to give her something as a thank you for helping him so much. The assistant pulled the brooch out. It suited Sharon perfectly and she pinned it on her blouse.
Once on the plane they settled down and after take off John ordered two glasses of champagne. They talked about everything, except work! John asked Sharon about her family, parents, brothers and sisters and Sharon asked the same. More champagne and more chatting, John felt he was really getting to know this lovely lady and Sharon saw a more relaxed and charming side of John’s personality.
John was trying to find a way of getting to know Sharon even better but he was still not sure how Sharon might respond. So during the conversation he emphasized a point by leaning towards Sharon and lightly placing his hand on hers. Sharon smiled at him and placed her other hand over his, as she agreed with him.
When lunch was served they had their meal and held hands again, this time under the meal trays. John was bolder and rested his hand on Sharon’s leg, she didn’t mind so he let his little finger rub her leg and she moved closer to him. Sharon said that she hadn’t really thanked him properly for the brooch and she softly kissed his cheek.
A little later the plane landed at the Guardia Airport in New York City and they walked to the waiting rental limo for the ride to the hotel. Sharon watched the busy streets as the limo traveled toward Manhattan. It had been several years since she had been to New York City and watched as the lights of the city glowed.
John leaned over brushing against her to whisper in her ear. ‘I hope you don’t mind, I reserved dinner for us tonight at Sugiyama’s. I hope you like Japanese cuisine.’
Inside Sharon’s heart thumped. She knew this Japanese restaurant, but had never been there. It was a very expensive restaurant that started with raw, delicate foods building up to robust cooked dishes.
‘Oh John, I love Japanese food, but you don’t have to go to that much trouble.’
‘Please, Sharon, let me make the arrangements for this week. I need you to only concentrate on your work and enjoying yourself when we are not working.’
Just as she started to speak again, the limo pulled up to their hotel. Looking out the door, she stared at the front of the The Carlyle, a beautiful hotel on Madison Avenue.
Things were happening quickly as the driver unloaded their bags with the porter at the entrance of the hotel. John arranged to pick up the keys and led Sharon to the elevators.
On the ride up the elevator, John turned to Sharon and said, ‘I reserved a double suite, with two bedrooms. I hope I am not being to forward …ummm, but I figure it might make it easier to work on this case if we needed to after hours.’
Sharon noticed the hesitation in his voice. Was she reading too much into the connecting rooms? John opened the door, leading into the setting room. Sharon’s bags were placed in one bedroom and John’s in the adjoining one. On a table an ice bucket contained a bottle of Champagne. Popping the cork to the Champagne, John handed Sharon a glass and raised a toast.
‘To a wonderful week in New York City.’
Sipping the Champagne, John thought about the week coming up. The client in New York would actually require only a few hours every day. Hopefully, he could spend lots of time trying to woe Sharon. He had been planning this for some time and hoped that his senses were correct. She appeared to enjoy his touch on the plane and he didn’t want Sharon to think that his interest or feelings were trivial.
Leaning over, John kissed Sharon on the cheek and said, ‘Why don’t you take about an hour to freshen up and change for dinner. I will knock when the car is ready to leave.’
Sharon went to her room and unpacked her bag. Then she undressed and had a shower. Standing under the shower she thought of the flight and also the room arrangements, is this too much to hope for, she thought as she lazily soaped herself and played with her nipples. If only…..! Back in the bedroom she chose the black backless dress with the slashed front, taking her time she put on her stockings and garter belt, then a g-string. Sitting in front off the mirror she put on her make-up, using a subtle shade of lipstick, and looking at the result she thought ‘you look terrific!’ High heels and then the dress with a wrap, a few deft drops of perfume and she was ready. A few minutes later John knocked on the door. When he saw Sharon he was overwhelmed, ‘You are so beautiful’ he said, and handed her a rose, then took her arm and went down to the car.
At the restaurant he said, ‘Connelly and I have a reservation’.
‘Yes sir, just one moment while I get your hostess.’ A few minutes the maitre de returned with the hostess, wearing a kimono. ‘This is Syouko and she will be looking after you this evening.’
Syouko motioned for them to follow her as she led Sharon and John through the main restaurant and along a corridor. She s
topped and pulled back the wall panel to an exquisite room. Japanese music was playing softly, there was rush matting on the floor. In the center of the room was a small table set into a recess in the floor, with two big cushions. ‘Please make yourselves comfortable.’
After arranging themselves on the cushions, Syouko poured them sake. She left the room and quickly returned with two plates of appetizers. They saw from the menu that several small dishes would follow before a dish of steak prepared as they chose.
Syouko left again while Sharon and John savored the setting. She returned shortly with wine and the next course. Sharon and John enjoyed the little courses and also each other’s company, again talking about everything, John asking Sharon about her likes and dislikes. When Syouko brought the steaks she said, ‘Please ring this bell when you have finished or if you require anything.’
The steaks were perfect, the wine was superb and they both enjoyed the intimacy of the meal. John again put his hand on Sharon’s and she covered it with her hand. He said. ‘This is a wonderful evening with a gorgeous beautiful lady.’
Sharon said she loved the evening. John leaned over and kissed her cheek, Sharon thought ‘let’s be bold!’ so she kissed his cheek and then lightly kissed his mouth. John pulled her to him and kissed her, with his arms around her he fondled the back of her neck and opened his mouth. Sharon responded and their tongues met as the passion welled up in both of them.
Sharon said, ‘Perhaps we had better finish our meal.’ They both continued eating for a few moments. Then John said, ‘I have never had an evening like this,’ kissing her again but this time caressing her breast. Sharon covered his hand and moved it into her dress so that he could feel the roundness of her breast and her erect nipples. John reached around her neck and undid the clasp of her dress so that he could see the full beauty of her breasts. He kissed her again and then leaned over to kiss her breast taking her nipple into his mouth. Sharon moaned with ecstasy as his tongue ran over her nipple while his fingers cupped her breast.
Sharon’s hand went down to John’s thigh and she ran her fingers along the inside of his thigh, feeling his reaction as he continued sucking her breast. She felt his hardness and pressed her fingers against him. John shuddered with excitement as he felt her touch. Opening his zipper she pulled out his cock. Leaning over she slid his cock into her mouth. She loved his hardness and its shape, not too big, not too thick, uncut with a sexy tip, just right for her mouth as she took it between her lips and ran her tongue up and down the shaft while she cupped his balls.
John wanted more but also wanted to completely share the final moment with Sharon. With great restraint, he whispered, ‘Shall we make ourselves more comfortable at the hotel?’
The car trip back to the hotel seemed much longer than it actually was. The sexual tension was obvious and difficult for them both to restrain from doing more than kissing. Finally, pulling up to the hotel door, they got out of the car, and headed for the elevator. Luckily, no one was around and when the elevator doors closed, John pulled Sharon against him. Grabbing her ass in both hands he pulled her against his groin and leaned over to claim her mouth. To his delight, Sharon’s response was to moan, wrap her arms around his neck and return the kiss with matching passion. The elevator stopped and both were startled out of their kiss by the opening of the doors and the young man who walked on the elevator. Sharon looked up to see the young man smile a knowing smile and wink, causing her to blush.
Sharon followed John without question, all thoughts of work gone from her mind. Unlocking his suite room, John stood back to allow Sharon to enter. Closing the door, he once again pulled her against him, kissing her mouth hungrily, trailing his lips down her throat and sliding her dress aside so he could capture her nipple, sucking greedily. Sharon’s knees shook as she felt the pulse and the dampness between her legs. Her hips pushed against his now hard cock in his slacks. Backing Sharon up against the edge of the bed she moaned as John’s tongue worked its magic on her breasts. Sliding up her dress, he pushed her onto the bed roughly pulling apart her legs to allow him access to her panty covered pussy. John kissed her inner thighs, sucking on the flesh and nipping until Sharon cried out, ‘Please John! Yes!’ Pressing his mouth down again her mound he sucked on the now wet panties, inhaling her scent.
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David isn't athletic, bright, or handsome. You can say, he's an average Joe who spent most of his time playing video games, but there's a reason for him being a shut-in. Throughout his life, he's been harassed by his family and peers. His older sister, Sarah, is a straight A's student, and every chance arises, called him a complete failure. His mother, Heather, favor her daughter, and reluctant to give him affection. David tosses the Xbox's controller across the room, and shout. "Damn it, lost...
BDSMThe Pixies gripped 'em and clipped 'em. Pete personally checked each and every nipple to be sure the jewelry was well placed and firmly attached. The titties passed inspection. He urged them on their way, stopping by the office to get a small package. The baker's dozen made it to the appointment with Amy barely on time. Not that she would complain, but promptness is always appreciated. Pete lined the Pixies up in a semicircle facing the black box. He was positioned at one end. "Amy,...
Finally it was Spring Break, and Jean and I were celebrating. I had aced all my exams, and had been awarded an academic scholarship. We had splurged a little and gotten some sexy bikinis, according to her. And once I finished an exhibition on Friday we were heading for Panama City! And since she now had a car, it was already loaded up, and as soon as I finished we were jumping in her Aztec and heading South. We had reservations at a hotel about 15 miles from the beach, and it would be 4 days...
Daren, John and Max had taken off for the river and were cruising down this little county road when they spotted this babe hitchhiking up ahead. They all agreed she looked smoking hot in her cut-off shorts and tight little top, so it was decided quickly they’d offer her ride. As they came up beside her Daren slowed the van down and stopped next to her. Max leaned out the window and yelled, “Hey, you want a ride?”She looked over at Max and said, “Where are you guys headed? I need to get to...
Group SexMy wife has known jamie most of her life and i had just met her a year before this night. We had hung out a few times and partied but had never went this far before. We had been hanging out most of the day when we decided to go to our house and have a few drinks. As soon as we walked in the house I knew this was going to be a exciting night. Me and jamie sat down as my wife went to the kitchen for drinks. As she walked in with three glasses and a bottle of whiskey i wonder what was in store for...
EroticMonday Night After our swim, we had dinner. I called Mark's house and talked to him, he agreed in coming over the next afternoon, again, Aky fell asleep on the couch watching some Hero themed movie...guy saves the girl, they kiss and all's good...I bet he couldn't take it because it was way cliché I just kissed his forehead and took him to my room again...I laid beside him and stared at mind was full from things that had just less than 48...
It was early August of 1985. Kelly and I were both twenty-five. Kelly had an interesting friend in high school. Terri came from a family that was very straight-laced. Terri was the black sheep of her family, probably because Terri liked to fuck. That was exactly what her first boyfriend had told me. Her boyfriend also told me that the more clothes Terri took off, the better looking she became.It was probably the fact that Kelly also loved to fuck that drew her and Terri together. For the most...
Group SexSilvie spent the day lounging around the house in one of her dad's t-shirts. She figured her brother had already seen her naked, even though he was off playing baseball with his friends, and her parents wouldn't be home from work for hours. Besides, her sunburned skin was still very sensitive and the elastic from her panties just aggravated the burn. She thought back on the past day and a half and couldn't get over all that had happened. Her getting extremely sunburned while wearing a...
Chapter 3: Exploring and Watching Can Be Fun After graduation Erika and I started spending most of our time up at the lake where our whole crowd hung out during the summer. Often Danny and Steve would be there too when they weren’t working. Erika really liked Steve. She would get all shy and weird when he was around. I never told her anything about what I had done with him. As far as she knew we were just friends. One day, I think it was early August, Erika and I were up at the lake as...
Lana Smalls tells us in her interview that she wants her pussy beat up. I walk up and slap her face and tits and tell her to get my dick hard before taking it out. My dick gets hard fast so I have her stand up and turn around and I spank her ass and finger her pussy. Her pussy is already soaking wet so I decide to fuck her. I put my dick in her and pound her tight little fuck hole. I put my fingers down her throat and stretch out her mouth while I’m fucking her. I step on her head and...
xmoviesforyou“Well, well, well” she said smiling brilliantly at the old friend. She looked up as she gazed at the young man. He’d grown up next door to her and now 26 years old, he was all filled out, and of course all grown up as well. He wore a closely shaved beard but still his eyes identified him almost immediately. She knew the eyes quite well. Having adored him all her life, she was thrilled to see him again. “How are you?” she asked. She couldn’t believe he was back in town. Stepping out on to the...
MatureThe beginning of the end was when my wife started to see a guy who was in our social circle, actually he was a friend of my best friend Tom. Everybody knew what was going on. Nobody said anything to me (I knew as well) and things just sort of went along. However one night I got a call from Tom, usually I didn't pick them up as I would either be in the middle of or about to indulge in my new sexuality. Anyway, this night I was just sitting watching the football match having a beer, so I...
My good friend Kevin, a tall 280lb black stud, was about to get married. If you've read my last story, we had a history of fooling around on the DL. I really didn't mind that he was about to get married as I was young and did not foresee him giving up on dominating my ass on major holidays.I flew back home, so that I could make it to his bachelor party in time. But, due to flight delays, I got there relatively late. When I opened the door I saw three guys and Kevin drunk or high out of their...
485 handing over the wifeIt was on the Monday when they had had breakfast that Marc contacted me, gave me the details of Fridays meeting and explained the state of Mya`s arse, and her general demeanour. Something somewhere was for me not ringing quite true, if truth were told there had been something niggling at me since Mya had told me of the whole scenario, but I said nothing, and we went off to do whatever we usually do on a warm spring morning, in my case not a lot!Anyway, Mya herself had...
My name is Dhruv and I am 23 years old. I am 5’11 tall and my penis is 6.7 inches long and hard. I am fair and I have a slim, fair skinned body. But what is special about me is that I have the biggest balls (testicles) in the world! From adolescence itself, I have noticed that my balls are very big, punk and hang very low. They are also very sensitive. I produce lots of cum. This is the reason I am very horny all the time. I have to masturbate 5 times a day or otherwise, my cream gets released...
As I pounded my miraculously resilient cock into Sandy's hot and throbbing and multi-orgasmic cunt, driving her even crazier with the tongue bath and sucking I gave her long and tough toes, especially the big toe, I kept my cum at bay with thoughts of what I would tell her. The thoughts did excite me though, and after an hour of excruciatingly intense fucking, I was as hard as I had been. Finally I let go of the thoughts, shut my eyes, and let the incredible sensation of sliding in and out...
I opened my eyes and looked at the travel clock beside the bed, it was nine o’clock and it was a new day, a great new day, the first day of the rest of my life! Ringing down to room service I asked for breakfast to be sent up and went in the shower while I was waiting, like everything else in the hotel, the shower was perfect, as were the big fluffy towels and the lovely white bath robe I wrapped myself in afterwards. It was a lovely summers day so I sat out on the balcony eating my breakfast...
Rosanna had walked five blocks before she found herself stopping and slowly turning around to see if Sol was still standing there. Why? Why did she care? She didn’t. She let out a low moan. Solace had already gone. What did it matter? Mattie was expecting her for dinner and she definitely did not want to be late. That was another trait they shared—punctuality. Sol had not known the meaning of the word. Mattie was always ready when she was supposed to be. Never more would Rosanna have to wait by...
CollegeRules, or at least it has the potential to. Institutions of higher learning tend to be jam-packed full of sexually ripe babes first experiencing the freedom of not living with their parents. If you can’t see the inherent possibilities, you may need to see a doctor about your inhumanly low libido. I’m guessing you’re here because you’ve either experienced those possibilities for yourself, or you’re just looking to live vicariously through the magic of hardcore pornography. Just because...
Premium Teen Porn SitesThis is a story about how slutty my wife was one day at school while I was at home with the day off. So a couple days ago she told me about how she had been lightly flirting with a guy from her class, lets call him Mark. Well I guess they started texting each other during that time and on this day he texted her commenting on how her cleavage was very distracting today and how she looked so sexy. She jokingly responded that she wishes she could see more of him, to which he replies with a picture...
What began as a flight of fancy for 21-year old English student nurse Emma Davis was fast developing into a dangerous obsession. No sooner had she finished reading the latest instalment of Dr Strangelust’s ongoing saga than she was busily firing off an e-mail, sloppy cumstained fingers slipping all over the keys. ~Oh gosh, Dr Strangelust, Chapter IV made me the wettest yet…I’m literally trembling with desire~ The cute redhead paused momentarily, reading back over the words, her words, yet...
"I Wanna Be Your Dog" - Joan Jett (Note from the author: This section is a somewhat 'darker' substory about Tina's special needs. If you don't get off on violence, forced sex, and the disgusting things that perverts do to each other, you might want to just move on to Part 5. -ZM) I was fine with having Hannah and Monique in my bed every night. We tried the two-beds-and-take-turns thing, but whoever was left out didn't like it. It was better to all sleep together even if it took some...
"Merry Christmas, Samantha! It's so good to see you better - fighting fit again!" "Merry Christmas, Mrs FitzWalter!" Samantha and Edwina were standing looking out over the grounds. Young Edward was in bed asleep. It had been a quiet day for the couple. Samantha sighed. "I wonder how Gloria is!" "Out in the cold, I'm afraid, Samantha. It's a Saturday and she gets no favours! Thank heaven it's been reasonably mild. But the stupid girl has only herself to blame. If it weren't for...
Author Note: The following story takes place on the same night, but different locations. Excerpts from different chapters have been included to help remind those following the series, of where all the players were last located. Thanks and enjoy. . .~ Red. Taken from Ch. 08 ‘In time Savannah. . .It all takes time.’ He kissed her deeply and then watched her leave the small cottage he’d rented for their time together. When she was safely enclosed, with a driver that her bodyguard had...
CHAPTER 7 Susan woke the next morning, only after Peter had opened the door and said, “Good morning.” She sat up, feeling somewhat stiff, and saw him as he was walking toward the bed. In his hands, he held a tray with plates a cup and a glass of orange juice. “I don’t want you to starve, and we do have things to accomplish today.” he said almost cheerily. Susan blinked her eyes, trying to focus. She watched as he set the tray on the dresser closest to the bed, then moved to the closet on the...
EXPO SUMMER Part 03 The Peerage Copyright (c) 2000 by Kim EM All rights reserved - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between this Story and any actual person, living or dead, is coincidental. Why won't you believe me? The story contains mature subject matter. It may contain adult situations and/or language. If you're not old enough to legally read this (and you know who you are), then...
The outlandish Nade Nasty ? is back for his record-tying 4th appearance here on See H?️M Fuck, and we paired HIM up with the lovely Rebel Rhyder ❤️ for this week’s update. After our fantastic director Johnny ?? Robins assists us in getting caught up with HIM, Nade stands and begins to strip from his blue 2-piece suit ?️ Rebel samples HIM before grabbing a bottle ? of motion-lotion ? and lubing HIM up nice and good, reaching around to ensure Nade’s big prick is standing at full...
xmoviesforyouFor anyone who doesn't know, 'Borstal boys' is a reference to an institution, now closed, that was a prison (supposedly Borstal School) in which under eighteen violent offenders were incarcerated and it became a term used for all institutions of that type. MAID FOR THE MANSION Darren was surprised when he saw that the tall, elegant woman returned his smile from the other side of the room. They were both guests at a party that he was finding had sunk him to the depths of boredom,...
If you were wondering I am 5’10”, brown hair, blue eyes and I have a fairly muscular build. I wouldn’t say I’m the most attractive guy around but I’m not far off. Well in my opinion anyway. About 3 years ago the house next door to me was sold to one of my mother’s friends. She had a daughter who was two years younger than me called Jess. She was gorgeous. She has long, straight, hazel hair that falls below her shoulders and rests on her breasts. She had green eyes, a slightly freckled face...
"Why can't you stop them? This is complete insanity! They could kill each other! Mary you have to prevent this!" Lucie was pleading with Mary. "Under mandates, rules and orders that the emperor gave me I cannot interfere unless death becomes an issue. I am sorry Miss Lucie but there is nothing I can do." An upset but immobile Mary was saying. "Well I can damn sure..." Lucie started. An arm restrained Lucie as she was starting to move forward. "What!? Let me go! I have to...
Luscious Mindy has decided to explore her options when it comes to male lovers, and Charlie Dean is the lucky one to win her attention. After a brief shower where she rinses her bombshell body off with the warm spray, Mindy steps out and lets her hair down. Grabbing a robe, she joins Charlie in the living room where he is waiting. With a soft caress, Mindy makes it clear that the only place they’ll be going is to the bedroom. Charlie follows Mindy to bed and watches as she drops her robe...