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‘Oh my God, You’ve got to be kidding me? You’re pimping out your friends to keep your geeks happy now?’ Kallah couldn’t believe it and shook her head with a half-laugh hoping that Amber was kidding.

‘It’s not like that,’ Amber said defensively. ‘You said yourself you’re in a rut and I thought you might like a change of pace. He’s a great guy honestly.’

‘I am sure he is, but I am not sure I am I cut out to be a corporate whore, like you,’ Kallah replied a little angry that her friend had suggested it.

‘Nice. You’re all class, Kallah,’ Amber said stung by her words. ‘Forget I ever mentioned it.’

‘Mentioned, what?’ Louise asked as she sat with them.

‘My wonderful corporate friend here was trying to set me up on a date with one of the geeks she babysits,’ Kallah explained.

‘Wow! You really do go out of your way to offer full service in your HR department,’ Louise laughed. ‘You’re pimping for the little brats now?’

‘Thank you!’ Kallah exclaimed, ‘It’s pimping right?’

‘It’s not. I just like this guy. He’s sweet. Comes from a good family, first time in the big bad city, doesn’t know anyone, works a sixty-hour week because he is the new guy and has something to prove to all the other programmers. Drives a Porsche…’ her voice trailed off as she left the bait about him being rich out there for them to mull over.

‘Weighs two hundred pounds, large right forearm…’ Kallah laughed thinking of the geeks she knew at work and mimicked a guy wanking.

‘Now, now let’s not be too hasty,’ Louise said with a sly smile, ‘Exactly where does this Porsche driver live?’

‘He is so not your type Louise. He doesn’t go to clubs or fabulous restaurants just to say they were thee with whatever celebrity is in town,’ Amber laughed.

‘Urg why are the good ones always so shy and reclusive,’ Louise lamented, ‘Oh well did I tell you who I saw in The Zoo last night?’

The fourth of the friends, Donna, arrived and the conversation remained firmly on gossip about their lives where they had been who they had seen and the ever present husbands and boyfriends. The disparity in their ages didn’t seem to matter and never truly had, Kallah, the youngest and Amber, the oldest of the group were step-sisters though they had not really grown up together. The two others ranged in the decade that stood between the two. Each brought something unique to their weekly gatherings, and each of them treasured the friendship that had blossomed with the other ladies.

As the raucous luncheon broke up, Amber turned to Kallah one last time and spoke quietly, ‘One date, I’ll even chaperone with Bryan. You’ll be surprised, I promise, his mother is some sort of artist too. So you will have something in common at least,’ she wheedled.

‘Okay, fine, but only because I haven’t been on a decent date for forever, set it up and let me know when, my calendar is open most of next week,’ Kallah sighed rolling her eyes as she finally gave in as she always did with Amber.

‘Perfect, we’ll go somewhere nice but not too nice, comfortable okay?’ Amber knew from experience thatKallah’s stubborn, independent streak meant she would want to pay her own way and working as a research assistant did not leave much fun cash after taking out living expenses. Amber certainly didn’t want her dipping into the money she had scrimped to save for an art school she had been wanting to go to for years. At least not for a blind date.


Amber had been swift to set up a date, she hadn’t wanted Kallah to overthink it and change her mind. Amber and her husband, Bryan, sat in a Japanese restaurant with Mason, her colleague from work. Bryan was his usual genial self and was easily able to find common ground with the quiet man who sat across the table from them and engaged him in conversation.

Kallah walked in several minutes later smiling and apologising for keeping them waiting. She scooted into a chair but not before the young man seated with her friends had half risen at her arrival. Amber made the briefest of introductions before flagging down a waiter and ordering a bottle wine to share.

‘How ya been, Kal-gal,’ Bryan leaned over and kissed her cheek.

‘Pretty good, how’s you, Bry?’ She asked, ‘Amber forcing you to dress up again?’

‘Yeah, but I scrub up all right so who can blame her,’ he winked at her. ‘I’m starving what about you Mason?’

‘The menu looks great. Do you come here often?’ Mason asked.

‘We had our first date here,’ Amber answered taking Bryan’s hand. ‘He scrubbed up well that night too.’ She leaned over to kiss her husband.

‘Awkward,’ Kallah gave Mason a lop-sided smile. ‘So what’s everyone decided on,’ she picked up her menu to browse through it.

‘Well, as you have been here before what do you recommend?’ Mason asked Amber.

‘I love the tempura vegetables, but the Yankiniku or Sukiyaki is good here too, according to the carnivore,’ she smiled. She wasn’t a strict vegetarian but had a preference for those types of meals.

‘Oh yeah, Yakiniku for me, that Wagyu they use here is amazing,’ Bryan spoke mostly to Mason.

‘Sounds good, I’ll go with what he said,’ Mason laughed.

The waiter arrived with the wine, and they ordered. Kallah was surprised that Mason was far from the shy computer geek she had assumed was to be her date, going by the programmer title Amber had given him. Despite her reservations about this whole blind date thing, she found herself liking Mason more and more as the night went on. He was easy to talk to and didn’t seem to have any agenda of his own that Kallah could see.

‘So have you heard yet?’ Amber asked Kallah during a brief lull in the conversation.

‘No, but I am hopeful this year. I don’t seem to have gotten the automatic Thanks for your interest, but we are not accepting anymore applications letter that usually comes in around this time,’ Kallah said.

‘Well, fingers crossed, Hun,’ Amber held up her hand showing crossed fingers.

‘Every year she applies to attend some summer school for starving artists,’ Bryan murmured to Mason.

‘Not every year just the last two years, and it’s not a summer school,’ Kallah said defensively. ‘When I was in University, one of my professors talked about a small group of artists who got together at lightning Ridge at the beginning of every summer to offer workshops,’ She turned to Mason and explained further. ‘They take about a dozen or so talented people and offer Master classes for a couple of weeks, I heard one of my favourite artists was going to be there again this year, so I submitted a portfolio for consideration.’

‘She’s pretty good,’ Amber added, ‘We’ve got a couple of her originals at home, haven’t we?’

‘Yeah, we’re just waiting for her to get all famous and stuff, and then we’ll sell them for squillions’ Bryan nodded and winked at Kallah with a teasing smirk

‘What sort of art is your forte?’ Mason was genuinely interested.

‘I like pastels mostly, charcoals, sketching… painting sometimes. I haven’t got an on-going theme, a bit of this and that,’ Kallah shrugged. ‘It’s one of the reasons I really want to go, plus I could use a break from work.’

‘My mum dabbles a bit, she is more of a sculptor though, says she likes making the stone softer,’ Mason said, ‘She used to drag me through art galleries until I got old enough to rebel against it. I miss it now and then though. Maybe you can show me around some of the good ones here, I am pretty new to this city.’

‘Oh God,’ Amber groaned, ‘Don’t feed her addiction she is already disappearing into those galleries far too often for far too long.’

‘Oh, I am not,’ Kallah swatted at Amber good-naturedly, ‘Sure I would like that,’ she smiled at Mason. ‘Now if you will excuse me, I need to go to the little girl’s room.’ She stood from the table a little unsteady on her feet and looked at the second bottle of wine seeing tha
t she and Amber had almost finished it by themselves.

‘I’ll come,’ Amber sang happily and leaned over murmuring to Bryan before she too stood up and walked with Kallah to the bathrooms. ‘So, he’s nice right?’

‘Yes, he’s nice,’ Kallah agreed, ‘Just don’t push it okay?’

‘Okay,’ Amber grinned at her. ‘Don’t get all mad and stubborn the way you normally do when we go out, Bryan is paying the check and the guys are meeting us outside so he can have a smoke before we get in the car.’ Kallah started to argue, but Amber cut across her words, ‘Just buy me lunch next time we meet up, okay?’

‘Okay,’ Kallah agreed reluctantly.


Mason had been pleasantly surprised by the blind date setup by Amber. He had agreed because of the relationship Amber had built with him since she had head hunted him from a smaller southern firm he had joined after leaving university. She had helped with his move to the northern city and had taken an interest in his life in general. When she suggested a date with a friend of hers, he had been sceptical. If a girl needed her friends to set her up on a date there had to be something wrong with her he had thought.

He had liked Kallah though, she was bright and funny, not to mention cute. He had called her the following day and setup a date for the following Saturday afternoon. She had suggested the Gallery of Modern Art, which she had called GOMA at first, confusing him. He felt dumb as she explained the acronym. She had just laughed and said she had forgotten he was not from the city.

He had decided not to be dumb again and had done some research about the city in which he now lived. He had liked the location of GOMA and began to look at the fact that it was directly across the river from the city as well as being nestled at the edge of the Southbank Parklands. There was plenty to do if the initial unchaperoned date at an art gallery went well, and they wanted to continue on into the evening.

Mason wasn’t exactly the shy guy Amber thought him to be. He was just more a quiet watcher who liked to be comfortable in any given situation or conversation before saying anything. His father had always said it was better to be thought a fool than open your mouth and prove it to everyone. He smiled at the memory. His father had been an island of sanity in his crazy childhood with his free-spirited, eccentric mother who embraced life as an adventure to be lived to the fullest.

It was only as a young adult that he had come to know she was manic. Her highs were long and full of happy times, and her lows became the darkest of times for the whole family. Luckily, with his father’s help those times did not last long and after seeing the toll it took on her family she would always agree to go back on her medication.

Believing she would be amused that he had a date with an aspiring artist, Mason decided to give his mother a call. She had laughed merrily that what he had rebelled against most within his own family was what he now found attractive in a possible partner. She had lamented once again the squandering of his own artistic gifts in favour of the lifeless metal and plastic boxes of his computers.

Mason had rolled his eyes and refusing to engage in the years long debate over where his talents lay and asked if she had heard of a summer school for budding artists at Lightning Ridge.

‘Oh Mason, finally!’ his mother exclaimed. ‘But if you want to pursue your talent you don’t want to go there, it’s just an excuse for some so-called artists to get away for a few weeks and take advantage of their protégé’s.’

‘Don’t they invite applications, and run workshops?’ Mason was confused wondering if perhaps he had misheard Kallah’s explanation.

‘Oh, they have to do that in order to get the whole thing funded by the arts council, but generally speaking, only their protégés succeed in winning those coveted spots, I go out there, now and then as a guest artist, but only for a day or two. It’s not my scene,’ she explained. ‘Your Uncle Paul is the arts council director out there.’

‘Uncle Paul?’ He questioned and hearing a murmur of assent went on, ‘Well surely if you are doing a workshop it can’t be all about affairs of the heart, or dirty weekends in paradise,’ Mason said with a laugh, ‘Though with Uncle Paul you would never know for sure.’

‘I understand that young men don’t like to think of their mothers as mere humans with needs, but I have hardly been a nun since your father’s passing,’ she said, her voice fading off as if suddenly reminded of a painful event.

‘Ew mum please stop! Plus Dad told me that you only ever had sex once, and that was to conceive me,’ he chuckled, ‘and that is what I choose to believe is still the case. The alternative is just all sorts of wrong.’ Changing the subject quickly again, he asked if she had any pieces on show at GOMA that he could check out while he was there.

Easily distracted she had spoken not only about a piece she had on display there but the work of other friends and artists that she knew and admired. It was much later when he finally said good night to her. He loved his mother, as any son would he supposed, but it had taken him some time to recover from his crazy childhood of artist colonies and his mother’s bohemian friends inhabiting their home and stealing any form of normality his father had tried to give him.

At the onset of puberty, he had begun to rebel against anything art related and had gratefully gone off to boarding school far from the roller coaster ride that accompanied living with his mother, Patrice Gallagher: Sculptor. His father had died in a freak car accident during Mason’s first year at university, and he had returned home to grieve and look after his mother during that dark time in their lives.

During that time, he came to realise how deep the friendships and feelings of his mother’s friends were. He came to understand his mother better through her friends and their interactions, and he came to respect the dedication and emotional fortitude it took to put themselves on public display for other people to judge through their work. He knew he was not that brave or talented despite his mother’s protests.

The small group who had stayed to rally around Patrice and her son were incredible at knowing when to push them into the living world again and when to sit back and let them remember and grieve. When it came time for him to return to university he knew he did not have to worry about his mother, his father had seen to it that she had a good agent, and a better lawyer who handled all their finances. She had her friends and a relationship with him that they both enjoyed far more than they had in years.

His thoughts went to the girl he had just met, and he wondered if she was brave with her art or if she was like so many modern artists who thrived on the shock value and revelled in public outrage as much as the art world’s praise. Time would tell but what little he knew of Kallah he liked and was looking forward to getting to know her better.


Kallah sat on a stone bench in the terraced garden outside of the northern entrance to the gallery of modern art. She loved it there looking out over the river where the city reared up on the far bank, all stone and glass reflecting the sun’s rays back into her shaded spot. She looked at her watch. It was still early, but she looked around just in case Mason too had arrived with time to spare as well.

She looked down towards the parklands and imagined in her mind’s eye the bright sails that would be being set up for the twilight markets that evening. She loved poking around the markets, all sorts of strange and unusual items and people could be found there, from palm readers to doll makers, musicians to aromatherapy oils and massages. Maybe, if all went well, they could wander through the markets after the art gallery and pick up something to nibble on as they walked around. That would be preferable than an awkwa
rd dinner for two, which was far too much like a real date than what she wanted right now.

He seemed like a great guy just as Amber had said, but she was always cautious when things seemed too good to be true. He was reasonably good looking, in that unkempt sort of way, wealthy, according to Amber, and had a good understanding of art and artists, what more could she ask for in a man? She knew there had to be some major flaw there, so she wasn’t about to rush headlong into anything before she found it. ` ‘Hello there,’ Mason said as he stepped down onto the terrace she sat upon sitting beside her.

‘Hi,’ she smiled, ‘They’re setting up the twilight markets, have you ever been?’ She pointed out towards the few brightly coloured sails being erected in the parklands.

‘No, but then there is a lot of the city I haven’t seen yet,’ he smiled. ‘I am looking forward to seeing the gallery though shall we go in?’ He held out his hand to help her up from the spot where she sat.

‘Sure,’ Kallah said and took his hand standing beside him. Neither let go of the others hand as they walk toward the gallery entrance. Mason opened the door and held it open for her, and they entered the cool air conditioned interior. Taking maps they began to walk around the gallery following the suggested tour. Mason talked easily and confidently about some of the works, and Kallah had begun to think he had done some research on the gallery in an effort to impress her.

Kallah sat on a padded bench in front of a sculpture and stared at it. She knew very little about the artist as she was quite protective of her private life, but she had seen her once as she had visited her art college and spoke to a packed auditorium about her work and how she had been discovered. Mason did not join her right away preferring instead to linger at some small sketches on a wall near her position on the bench.

When Mason finally approached her he stood with his back to the sculpture and asked if she was ready to move on to the next gallery. Kallah looked at him quizzically as she stood, ‘You don’t like this sculpture?’

‘Far from it, I love that sculpture,’ he finally turned to look at it, ‘But I don’t want to dissect and discuss it.’

‘How come? You have no problem talking about the other pieces you like or even the ones I like for that matter,’ she was curious.

‘Amber told you my mother was an artist right?’ It was Mason’s turn to look confused.

‘Yeah…’ she blinked as realisation dawned on her, ‘Your mother is Patrice Gallagher?’

‘I thought you knew,’ he laughed, ‘I mean isn’t that why you sat there for so long?’ She shook her head and gave a half laugh with him. ‘Amber said she told you my mother was an artist,’ he said again.

‘No, just and artist and you said your mother dabbled in art. She certainly didn’t tell me who she was, and you made it sound like she painted as a hobby,’ she turned to look at the sculpture again. ‘The other artists you talked about while we walked around, do you know them too?’ She asked feeling a little guilty that she had thought he was just posing with some information gleaned from the gallery’s website.

‘Some better than others, but yeah, I know a couple of them. Most I have never heard of though, you know far more about this place than me,’ he shrugged as if everyone knew a few contemporary artists.

The tour around the rest of the gallery changed after that moment with Kallah listening to what Mason had to say about certain artists more carefully. Mason had enjoyed her obvious surprise, he had worried that knowing who his mother was had influenced her decision to see him again, but Amber had probably not recognised the name. After all, his mother was not particularly well known outside of those involved in the art world.

They had stayed within the gallery until almost closing time with Kallah wanting to revisit a few of the earlier works he had commented on and asking further questions about the artists. He spoke easily about growing up around a close-knit group of artists who, while not all successful in their chosen mediums, had friends of friends who were or who mentored and inspired them. Kallah became enthralled by the whole idea of growing up in such a household and how wonderful it would it have to be surrounded by all that talent.

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Suhasini 8211 The Sex Worker Discovers Her Art

This is Swankyess. I’ve earlier written some stories that are posted on ISS. I’m about to share some experiences of Suhasini, a sexy 20 year old [her true age] sex worker from Aurangabad district. Although, not very literate, she shares about one stranger who teaches her about her own biological body, and how she is on an immaculate journey of pleasing her customers. The story in her own words, only edited by me: I’m Suhasini, and I stay in Aurangabad District. This is very close to historical...

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Becoming Art

Loretta Sky scanned the room. She was attending a professional mixer, not that she needed any more contacts. No, she was here looking for a canvas for her newest project. Loretta is a proud lesbian and she wanted a canvas on which she can create a mural to the history of lesbianism. Others had created such murals, but they had done so in a mundane fashion, on fabric, wood, or marble. Not Loretta Sky. She would create her mural on a different canvas. Her canvas would be a woman's body. To make...

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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Rogues Wicked HaremChapter 17 Inspiring Art

Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Kora Falk Ealaín slipped out of her armor, exposing those large, taut breasts swaying as she shifted. Her nipples hard. Sven, naked beside me, groaned as the sight of the aoi si’s ebony beauty. I could feel his lust, but how would he react when Ealaín summoned her girl-dick? She could turn her clit into a cock. Would he freak out? Would he get jealous? He didn’t want other men touching me, but Ealaín was my muse. And she wasn’t a man....

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Deviant Art is arguably one of the most popular hentai sites on the planet, though they don’t actually market themselves as such. The online art community has been around for decades now, and has always been welcoming to all kinds of artists, from photographers and videographers to the fursuit-wearing deviates drawing up all that X-rated anime you’ve been shaking your dick at. It’s only natural that an art-based social network with “Deviant” in the title would pick up a whole lot of beautifully...

Hentai Porn Sites
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Yet Another Encounter With Aarti

Hi All this is Atul once again from Mumbai. I must thank all my reading fans to send me the overwhelming response for my last 4 stories of my encounter with Aarti. Surprisingly, this time, fan mails from women are more than those of men. Due to my job responsibilities, I could not write much nowadays but now got free time to write a one. This will be a continuing story of my encounter with Aarti at Khandala. So here I go. Needless to say to all my reading fans that they will respond with their...

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Me and Art

First off let me tell you this happened many years ago, 1956 to be exact, I was born in 1947 so you can figure it out. We lived on a farm in South Dakota and my dad had hired a man to help ot, he received room and board plus a small weekly salary. I don't have any idea how old he was but I think probably late 20's or early 30's. We lived in a two story house with bedrooms for us 4 youngsters upstairs in 2 bedrooms, boys in one and girls in another, just down the hall was Art's bedroom. My...

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Primitive Art

You like that piece, huh? Yeah, me, too. Real art, that is. There's a story about it, too. Hell of a story. Maybe tell you sometime ... Now? Take a while, you got time? Well, why not, then. Story I haven't told in ... Lord, I don't know how many years now. I'm over seventy, you know, coming down the home stretch now, haven't told it in ... well, it was back in the 'fifties when it happened, and after I told it a few times I sort of gave up and I haven't said much to anybody since...

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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolFriday Afternoon Art

Friday Afternoon: Part 2 - Art Emanuel “What sorts of poses do you think Ms. Rose has in mind for us today?” “Why not ask me directly Emanuel?” “For some reason, I’m still not used to teachers paying attention to us before class starts.” “You’re both seniors, right?” “Yes. Why do you ask?” She motioned them inside. “Most students don’t have room in their schedules for elective classes until their senior year. And considering how few chose electives over a shorter school day, I have...

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School DazeChapter 3 Mrs Daniels Art

I teach Art at the local high school. Last Monday I was in front of my class lecturing on the techniques of sketching. For a model, one of the boys was sitting on my desk. The other students were having a time trying to draw him and listen to me at the same time. After a while, I noticed their problem. After mentioning it to the class, they all smiled and agreed that they were having trouble trying to do both at the same time. I laughed and told them I had a solution. After telling the boy...

1 year ago
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Struggling with Art

They settled in and started chatting. Chris tried to ignore the fact that she had John naked, in hand cuffs, with a sex toy up his butt, locked in a chest in front of her, but it was hard to get it out of her mind. Her pussy was wet and she was feeling really light headed and euphoric with power. Her plan to get John in this position had worked and she was almost dizzy. Eventually Angel noticed something was amiss, and pressed her for details. “John is it?” she asked the man...

3 years ago
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A Love Letter for Jean Martel

Jean had short blonde hair and coke-bottle glasses, back before those glasses were cool. Jean’s favourite movie was Labyrinth, or at least that’s what she always said – she might have been joking. Jean wanted to be a musician, but could never decide what instrument she wanted to play. Jean wore boxer shorts. Jean’s best friend was a starving artist named Angela, who I actually met only twice. Jean kept a small stack of black metal records under her bed, which she only played after breakups....

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A Love Letter for Jean Martel

Jean had short blonde hair and coke-bottle glasses, back before those glasses were cool. Jean's favourite movie was Labyrinth, or at least that's what she always said — she might have been joking. Jean wanted to be a musician, but could never decide what instrument she wanted to play. Jean wore boxer shorts. Jean's best friend was a starving artist named Angela, who I actually met only twice. Jean kept a small stack of black metal records under her bed, which she only played after breakups....

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Martin to Martina

Martin to Martina By Maddy Maddison Synopsis: How a boy's life is changed when he decides to do what he can to be adopted. The only catch is that he doesn't like the consequences as things get out of control. Categories: Chemical or Drug Induced Change, Deals, Bets or Dares, Femdom, Authoritarian, School Girl, Age: Preteen to teen AP Keywords: Hair or Hair Salon, Martin waited nervously with the other children who were told that they were candidates fro adoption. He had...

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Holly Dr Hartley

Introduction: A gentler story about Dr Hartley and Holly, his new Nurse. (Please forgive any spelling mistakes, Im an insomniac up very late…) Holly Bennett fought her way to the back of the old equipment cupboard to retrieve the stepladder. Earlier that day, she had been asked to stay late to help Dr Hartley take stock of all the medical supplies in his clinic. Its going to be a long job, said Dr Hartley. I need to make a list of everything we own and quantities so we know what to order. As...

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Try a taste of Martina

We stock a huge range of exotic clothing, sex toys and adult paraphernalia in the boutique where I work, but one of the best aspects of my job at Playthings is dealing with the lovely pleasure seeking people that I meet on a daily basis. We get a few men who pluck up the courage to venture inside looking for some sexy underwear for their wives or girlfriends, but the vast majority of our customers are women. This is also the case with the sales reps and merchandisers that supply us with our...

Group Sex
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Release of Tension Trisha and Garth

Chapter 1 Trisha knocked on the door to Garth's celebrity trailer about an hour before he and her were scheduled to be on the stage for their live concert together. She and Garth had been touring now for over three months and the latent sexual attraction they had both felt for each other had slowly but very powerfully come to a blazing white-hot sexual reality. Sure, they were both married to someone else, but the togetherness and the intense sexual energy of being in each others' lives,...

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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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Lifeboat Introduction

This is not the story of how my mother, my sister, and I escaped that catastrophe, of how the starliner Pegasus II tried to escape the disaster into FTL only to be destroyed by debris, of our flight to and rendezvous at the lifeboats, of the 24-person lifeboat jettisoning with just the three of us aboard. There are at least a dozen such accounts from the 87 survivors from the Peg, and most, to be honest, are more compelling. This is not the story of the first tumultuous hours after the...

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Holly Dr Hartley

'It's going to be a long job,' said Dr Hartley. 'I need to make a list of everything we own and quantities so we know what to order. As you will be working here permanently, I hoped I could show you what to do so you can take responsibility for it.' 'Ok, I guess it's my job to do it. Maybe I can devise a more efficient way of doing this?' Holly suggested. 'I'm certain you can work your magic here. Fetch the stepladder and we'll start counting stock in the medical supplies...

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Lifeboat Chapter 1

Mom and Dad had been planning to renew their vows that very evening, and Mom had arrived at the lifeboat directly from the station where she had been shopping and getting made up for the ceremony. She was already in her white dress, tight around her torso to accentuate her remarkable figure but flowing in the skirt to give her an ethereal look. She wore white stockings underneath, the lacy tops barely visible where the skirt had ridden up. Like the rest of us, she was shoeless, probably...

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PART 1 Them fuckin’ Armed Services get all the credit, but who gets their asses blown out of the water to get them their crap, for chrissake? Us fuckers in the Merchant Marine, that’s who. Goddamn sub-bait. And then they don’t send nobody to fish us out. Goddamn Krauts. Goddamn war! Cookie bobbed in his lifejacket and watched his ship disappear, a sorry excuse for a vessel, to be sure, but nonetheless, his ship. Sailors deep-six all the time, the risk they signed on for, perhaps. Bad luck,...

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Our receptionist Bharti

Hi I am 24 years Punjabi male 4 u? This is a real story happened in 20003 when I was working in a private limited company at Baroda. Three brothers who were Directors ran the company. Ours was a small office staffed by one Receptionist, one Accountant, and five others including me, as a Stenographer. I was the only Malayalee staff, remaining were Gujaratis. Our company was located hardly ½ k.m. Distance away from the Gita Mandir Bus stop in the outskirts of Baroda city, where I used to get down...

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Martiby Abe        Marti  Sheffer, her married name, had from childhood wanted to be an actress, a movie star.  She had married Rudi for two reasons.  Principally, it was because he was wealthy; he could afford to bankroll a movie for her to star in.  Secondly, he was three times her age, and surely he would not want much sex.  Marti didn't much care for sex.  Sex was for casting couches.  She was a good enough actress that she could fake an orgasm, but she had never had a real one.  She was a...

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Vatsyayana Kama Sutra Chapter 3 Chapter III On the Study of the SixtyFour Arts

Vatsyayana's Kama Sutra states it has 1250 verses, distributed over 36 chapters in 64 sections, organised into 7 books. ] This statement is included in the opening chapter of the text, a common practice in ancient Hindu texts likely included to prevent major and unauthorized expansions of a popular text.[52] The text that has survived into the modern era has 67 sections, and this list is enumerated in Book 7 and in Yashodhara's Sanskrit commentary (bhasya) on the text. The Kamasutra uses a...

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Mrs Cartwright

I’d always had a thing about Mrs. Cartwright. There was something sexual about her, but it was impossible for me to explain what exactly. I’d once tried telling some close mates about how she made me feel, but they just laughed. They told me she was way too old for me and probably not very interesting. “She’s into potted plants, for fuck’s sake,” said Stewart, “It doesn’t get much more boring than that!” I figured my friends were probably right, but I still had this thing for her. She was what...

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Selling her body for art

My business had taken off in the last few years, and her prospects had gotten worse. Living as an artist was hard enough when the economy wasn't a wreck, and when she told me that she might have to give up her dreams and start working a 9 to 5 job I gave her another alternative. I said, 'You always told me you were willing to make any sacrifice in order to be a real artist. What I want from you will leave you a lot more time, and a lot more money, to pursue that dream. Hell, it may even...

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For the Sake of Art

Once I met an artist in a bar who asked to make a nude painting of me. I was sure that he was joking so I continued with the jokes for he rest of the evening. I had drank more than enough and actually became too drunk to fuck him that night. We went to his home in the middle of the night which had a nice view of Golden Horn. The last thing I remember was that he helped me to his bed and took of my shirt and shoes. In the morning I woke to find him all naked lying beside me and suprise! I was...

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Sarah Carerra 212 Album Art

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: October 18, 2010) Chapter 12 - Album Art I awoke the next morning excited to step into Sarah's shoes once again. I knew that Scott and Dad had hired a creative director to help us find the right image for the album, and I couldn't...

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Celebrity Fakes Story Art

I recently started making some story art and fake photos for some of my own stories and thought that some people might appreciate if I shared some of my work and also help other authors by making some of these things for them and their stories. I’m definitely it the best at it but I’d say the ones I make usually turn out semi-decent and sometimes pictures depicting scenes or cover art really add to the story! The request page will be in the next chapter, feel free to ask me any questions in the...

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Body of Art

Isabella was very excited about her project for art class. She started putting up flyers looking for a model, mainly male. After school, she went and bought herself lunch before going home to her apartment. Once she ate her lunch, she set up her art equipment, easel, colored pencils, and all. Then, she heard her doorbell ring. She opened her door and noticed this tall guy standing there. He had light brown hair and blue eyes. He wore a button-down blue-striped shirt with darkwashed jeans and...

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Billy and Martina

On the south side of my bedroom, there's a large window box, easily big enough for two friendly people to sleep or to play. The blinds allowed thin strips of late afternoon sun to lace across Martina's nude body as I traced feather-soft, random lines across the swell of her breasts, almost, but not quite touching the sensitive nipples. "Oh, you tease, you," she murmured in slight protest, pushing her breast at my retreating finger tip. "You ever read anything by Nancy Friday?" I asked,...

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Hot Encounter With My Neighbour Aarti

Hi everyone. Like you all I am also a fan of Indian sex stories as it provides a very good platform to read about your sex stories and share mine. This is a real incident which I had encountered with my neighbour aarti ( name changed) . Before digging into my story let me introduce myself. I am aryan( well it’s my pen name ?) from Vizag aged 28, with good height of 5’11 above average built and very fair and good looking which i am. I stay in Vizag but I shuttle a lot between Vizag and...

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Father Barton

Subject: FW: Father BartonFather Barton hated masturbating the dogs Subject: FW: Father Barton??? Father Barton hated masturbating the dogs. It was demeaning for theyoung priest to have to put his hands on the dirty canine pricks and ballsand rub them until the dogs unloaded copious amounts of doggie sperm intothe glass jar. But how else could he collect his special "protein elixir"for the boys.? He couldn't very well ask one of the other priests to do it.They already wondered why the...

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A Message from the Cartel

A Message from the Cartel Wanda Roesquez contemplated her wardrobe. A line of trim business suits hung in front of her. Next to these hung a line of blouses - mostly white. Farther along and considerably less used, there hung a few colorful skirts and dresses; and finally, protected in the dark end of the closet, there were several gowns that caught the light and shimmered. Wanda focused on the business suits. In her profession, the way one dressed made a difference. She ticked off a mental...

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Nude Bartending

This story is based on a true news report, however I made up everything in it. This is purely fictional. The actual Associated Press release is at the end of the story. Nude Bartending My car broke down in a small hick town in a rural area called Delhi, Illinois. As I quickly found out they pronounce it Dell-ee rather than Dell-hi. Go figure! The attendant at the local repair shop told me that I would have to stay in town until he got the parts sent in from Saint Louis. It was only...

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Katherine Cartridge

I met Tony Bennadetto on my seventeenth birthday. He and my brother introduced me to their gang as related in an earlier chapter. The next year I was a senior with a work-study job in the principal’s office. Halfway through the semester we hired a temporary substitute teacher for English and homeroom. Her name was Katherine Cartridge. She came with a good resume from a couple of high schools in Nevada. She was an immediate hit with the students. Besides being a fair and talented teacher,...

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