Razor Ch. 10 free porn video

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After a miserable week, in a long line of miserable weeks, I pulled my tired body and aching head towards my foster-mom’s house for our monthly family dinner. I hadn’t gone there for our last family gathering, because I hadn’t felt up to it, and I’d contemplated ‘calling in sick’ again, but I’d had calls from several of my brothers over the past week, some just calmly reminding me of the date and time, some blatantly telling me I had to come. I felt pretty crappy about it when I realized that they’d been worrying about me, when I hadn’t thought about them one bit, all because I’d been stuck inside my own head. Stuck inside my own head and my own heart, if I was to be real honest.

It had been weeks and she was still firmly lodged under my skin, and I just couldn’t understand it. We had only met three times and we’d only spent one night together, that was all. It should have been easy to just shake it off and move on, and god knows I had tried, but she was like the worst kind of drug, it only took one try and then you were either hooked for life or spent weeks with the worst kind of withdrawal symptoms.

Yes, we’d only met three times, but every one of those meetings had been pretty memorable, hadn’t they? And the night even more so, in several unexpected ways. I suppose it was those damned movies that had made me expect more aggression and domination from her side, but except for that first time in the hallway, most of it had been soft, gentle, almost loving in its nature. I wondered if she had been as surprised as I was. I didn’t do gentle, I didn’t do loving and I never stayed the night. And perhaps that was the key to my problems. Holding, kissing, touching and fucking someone was one thing, but sleeping together was something completely different. She had fallen asleep in my arms and I had fallen asleep in hers and it had been good. It had been fucking great.

The day after that one night I’d been walking around with a silly smile on my face, probably pretty similar to the one I’d seen on Sean’s, when I’d been called to a one-vehicle accident in the middle of the city. And when I saw her in that car my heart damned near stopped, I couldn’t breathe, I wanted to puke, because she was sitting there, pale, blood smeared across her cheek. It was almost as if her pain was my pain and at the same time as I wanted to pull her out of the car and just hold her I kept wishing that it was me sitting there instead of her. And that’s when I realized that she was important, so fucking important, to me.

But that was all before I knew that she loved someone else and I realized that what had been an eye-opening, heart-expanding experience for me probably hadn’t meant shit to her. That also meant that the feelings I was fighting were as absurd as they were unwanted. The scene at the hospital kept repeating in my mind, day in and day out. The way that bubbly feeling of love in the pit of my stomach had been so instantly replaced by a churning feeling of dark despair, suspicion and anger. How could you love someone and hate her at the same time?

‘Fuck it! Fuck her!’ I muttered as I walked up the stairs to mom’s house.

‘Who are we fucking?’ the cheerful voice of Eric asked from right behind me, another sign of my preoccupation, I hadn’t even noticed him.

I turned around prepared to say something to him about minding his own business, when I realized he had company. It was that singer-songwriter guy, whatever his name was. The singer who was Mary’s friend. Oh great, fucking awesome, a real-life, living reminder of the woman that I really, really didn’t need or want any reminders about.

‘Hey there,’ I said with a fake smile on my face that I hoped looked sincere ‘good to see you both!’

‘I’m glad you’re here,’ Eric said with a much happier smile on his face ‘then Mike will have someone he’s met at least once to lean on, if the going gets rough.’

‘Don’t worry,’ I said to Mike, smile still in place ‘just keep away from the dark corners, make sure you keep an eye on the ones with the sharp teeth and you’ll do just fine!’

‘Simoooon,’ Eric whined ‘be nice!’

‘Sugar and spice!’ I muttered before I opened the door and walked into the house.

My ‘honey I’m home’ shout was interrupted by two dark-clad shapes with capes who tackled me and almost sent me to the floor. I’d forgotten about the twins, and they made sure I knew about it as they told me they’d missed me and tried to trip and tickle me at the same time. I hadn’t been to see them in weeks and I cursed my mindless heart and heartless mind once more. I grabbed the two boys around the waists and carried them with me into the kitchen, where I found mom occupied with cooking the massive amounts of food needed to satisfy twenty or more hungry mouths of all ages.

‘Haven’t you found a way to extract, bottle and sell some of this excess energy yet?’ I asked her as I leaned in and kissed her cheek.

‘Well, then I should have started with you, shouldn’t I?’ she asked with a laugh before she turned to take a proper look at me.

Her laughing, golden brown and far too knowing eyes started scanning me, the way they always did, extracting information better than any lie detector in the world. At first it had made me afraid of her and more angry and determined to leave her house, but now I knew she only did it because she wanted to know and because she cared about me, so I let her see it all, the pain and chaos inside of me.

‘But you’re running pretty low on energy now dear Simon, aren’t you?’ she said with a low but concerned voice.

Thankfully the boys stepped up their attempts to try to get out of my hold so I turned around and carried the two seven-year-olds out of the kitchen. I didn’t want to talk about it, because I realized how stupid it all was, a love that had lasted for mere days, not counting the last miserable weeks, shouldn’t hurt this much.

Just before I left the kitchen I heard Eric introduce Mike as his ‘special friend’ and with a laugh I remembered mom’s silly use of the term ‘special lady friend’, which of course made me think about Mary again, because even though it would have been hard to call her a lady, she really had been special. With a silent groan I let go of the twins and decided to never think about her again.

I actually managed to stay away from any thoughts of women, love and heartache for a good half hour whilst wrestling, tickling and chasing the boys in the big garden. But then it was time for dinner and I was placed next to Mike, who already seemed to blend in well with the rest of the family, and I just couldn’t stop myself from thinking about her, the way she had looked when she sat on that stage, when she closed her eyes and just became the music. I really was totally and royally screwed.

I tried to keep up with the happy bantering that was as much a part of our monthly dinners as mom’s wonderful homemade food, but I saw that a few of my brothers threw worried looks my way and I knew there would be questions, questions I didn’t want to answer. What was I supposed to say? I met a girl, fell in love with her and then I found out she loved someone else, that’s all. And the answers would be your standard ‘you lose one, there’s hundreds more out there waiting for you’ message, or other similar versions used to cheer me up.

I was pulled out of my bitter thoughts by Eric’s happy voice telling us all how he’d met Mike. I looked up and tried to signal to him to shut up by shaking my head as discreetly as possible, but he was too caught up in his story and he kept his big, blue eyes focused on Mike, so I guessed even a red flag and trumpets wouldn’t have been enough to get his attention.

‘… and when the show ended I couldn’t stop myself,’ Eric said, his words almost too fast ‘I just had to meet him, and I stood in line to tell him I’d been deeply moved by his story, but when it was my turn, one of the crew members walked up to him and whispered something and he walked
away and I just followed, and that’s when I saw Simon…’

‘… talking to my friend Mary,’ Mike interrupted ‘and Mary and Simon introduced us, and that’s really all that happened. We ended up exchanging phone numbers, and here we are.’

I gave Mike a grateful smile and a nod. I really didn’t want to explain the make-out session to anyone, in addition to explaining why I was not my own at least moderately happy self. I threw a look across the table and met mom’s hawk eyes again. Shit, she’d probably seen all of that, hadn’t she. I hoped she would just let it be, but when I saw her worried look change into a very well-known stubborn one I knew she wouldn’t. I exhaled slowly and decided to try to sneak off early, before she could pull me to the side and have one or her talks.

I helped clear the table and fill the dishwasher and then quietly walked out of the kitchen. I almost made all the way to the door when mom’s ‘Simon’ stopped my steps. I turned around and looked at her and she smiled at my probably very grumpy-looking face before she walked up to me and put a cool and smooth hand on my face.

‘Simon,’ she said ‘let’s just talk about it, ok? I’ll feel better at least, and perhaps it will help you too, you never know.’

I nodded, perhaps it would help to talk about it, but I really didn’t think so. I’d tried to think it all away a couple of thousand times already and talking about it would just more of the same, but out in the open, with someone else listening in too. I walked with heavy steps and followed her to her small office at the back of the house. She sat down, I sat down and there we were, sitting, staring at each other, none of us saying even one word.

‘So, Mary, tell me about her?’ mom said after a short moment of silence, putting her finger straight in the open wound, like she usually did.

‘I really don’t want to.’ I answered in a whisper.

‘I really wish you would.’ she whispered back ‘Because I haven’t seen you this way since just before that last time when I found you shitfaced in the gutters. We’ve had ten good years since then, and I’d been kind of hoping that I wouldn’t have to worry about you in that way anymore. So talk!’

I’d been sent to mom’s house when I was eleven as a last resort after getting thrown out of a long line of foster care homes and it hadn’t taken me long to figure out that she was different. She never forced me to sit still, she never complained when I talked to much, she never told me to stop thinking and dreaming. Instead of getting annoyed with all of it she asked me questions, gave me problems or puzzles to solve, paper to write on, building material of every possible kind and a great big garden to roam, sit, lie, dream or build things in. By the time I was sixteen, everything was pretty great, until I found out the truth about me, the truth about my mother. Learning that you’re the unfortunate and unwanted child of a prostitute would probably be enough to send anyone spinning.

‘It’s not really that bad.’ I answered with a heavy sigh.

‘But bad enough,’ she said with lifted eyebrows ‘so do you want to tell me or should I start guessing?’

‘None of the above?’ I answered with a small smile, even though I knew she wouldn’t let it rest.

‘You met a girl called Mary, and…’ she said, gently coaxing me to continue.

‘I met a woman called Mary,’ I corrected her ‘and I only met her a couple of times, and I still can’t stop thinking about her.’

‘Smells like love to me,’ she answered with a wide smile ‘so what’s the problem? What’s got you down? Is she married? Into girls? Dead?’

‘She loves someone else.’ I answered, almost choking on my own words.

‘Did she tell you she loves someone else?’ she asked with lifted eyebrows.

‘No,’ I admitted ‘I read it on a piece of paper, okay? It doesn’t get more real than that, does it?’

‘Who the hell uses pieces of paper to communicate nowadays?’ she asked, her eyebrows going even further north.

‘She didn’t really communicate with me,’ I said in a whisper ‘the note was for someone else.’

‘So, she didn’t really tell you that she didn’t love you then?’ mom said softly and looked at me, now with just one lifted eyebrow ‘You just assumed that she didn’t.’

‘Yeah…’ I gave her my grumbling answer.

‘I seem to remember telling you about assumptions and drawing conclusions based on too little or bad evidence at some point?’ she said and stared at me ‘And I really thought that they’d teach you all about that in the police academy, at least that would have made up for the surprise you gave me a few years ago when you decided to become a police officer.’

‘But she…’ I tried to tell her but was interrupted.

‘No buts, big or small, shaken or wiggled. You really don’t know for sure until you’ve heard her say it herself.’ she said with a shake of her head ‘Brightest boy I’ve ever met, decides to become a police officer and gets his brains turned to porridge, that’s all I’m saying…’

I laughed softly and shook my head, perhaps my head had become a little soft and mushy. We both stood up and she gave me one of those big, long, warm hugs that always seemed to solve all sorts of problems in the past. It didn’t solve grownup problems quite as well, but at least she’d been able to shake me out of the cage of thoughts I’d been walking around in for too long.

‘I love you mom.’ I told her and it actually felt like breathing was a bit easier than before our talk.

‘I love you too Simon.’ she answered softly ‘Don’t let the frustrations of life get to you. If you’re ever stuck in a thinking-loop, look for a different way to find the answers or solve the puzzles. And if you want to talk about it, about anything, you know where I live, ok?’

‘Ok.’ I answered in a soft whisper.

I walked back out into the kitchen after deciding that I had to learn if Mary had been released from the hospital. It had been weeks, so she was probably recuperating at home, but still, I thought I’d ask Mike about it. Unfortunately, he and Eric had already left, apparently deliriously happy and holding hands, according to the biggest cynic of our big family, Juan. Despite living for years in the loving and accepting environment that mom provided us all with, Juan didn’t really believe in love, and especially not that it could come in all shapes and forms. I guessed I wasn’t much better, but in a slightly more self-centered way, love was something for other people, normal people, it would never happen to me, I was too damaged, inside and out. And still, there I was, struck to the heart with no one but myself to blame.

After staying for another hour, talking to the rest of my many brothers of all ages, sizes and shapes, I walked home, my steps a bit lighter. I had a plan. I would go to her apartment, knock on her door and ask if she was alright. And if I felt really courageous, I’d ask her about that list of songs.

* * * * *

I woke up in that hateful bed, with the very fitting number 666 glued to the sidebar, a few weeks after the start of the chemotherapy, sick as a dog. The chemo had not been to play with, and the team of doctors had gone all in to ‘destroy what needed to be destroyed’, and me with it, as I had grumpily told them.

The doctors hadn’t laughed at that statement or any of my other attempts at dark humor and that was a sobering notion, fighting cancer obviously wasn’t a laughing matter. I just wished there was at least one not so very stone faced person around whom I could vent my thoughts to, because I really, really needed it.

I was worried, no absolutely frightened, about the bone marrow transplantation. Not about the procedure in itself, but about having someone else’s stuff put in my body. I realized it was completely illogical, but I was as frightened of the transplantation procedure as I’d been when I was tied up in that room all those years ago. I guessed it was the feeling of not being in control,
but knowing what it was that sent my pulse running too fast and my body tense up until my muscles hurt really didn’t help calm me down.

I still hadn’t been told who was the secret donor, and that frightened me too. There really weren’t that many options, and all of them were completely inappropriate, for several different reasons.

‘Alright,’ the cheerful voice of the old nurse told me as she walked in the room ‘today’s the day. Are you ready to start feeling a whole lot better?’

I wanted to yell at her to tone her chirpiness down a whole damn lot, but I didn’t. There was no need to get her down just because I felt like I’d been chewed up and shat out. I could handle jokes about death and despair, but happy cheerfulness really got me down.

I got transported through a couple of ‘safe corridors’ that was supposed to be clean enough for a zero immune system patient to travel through, and I spent a minute calculating the odds for them actually being clean enough, the result wasn’t all that great. I was then placed in a room that didn’t quite look like the surgery I’d expected and I tried to figure out what they were up to, it was supposed to be a quick procedure, but as far as I knew it still had to be performed by a surgeon of some sort?

My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening and another bed getting pushed into the room. What the hell were they doing and what was this, the grand central station? I kept my mouth shut and my eyes open, because the nurse was smiling a bit too widely. Time for another cheer-me-up session perhaps?

‘Your friend wanted to talk to you before we started the procedure,’ the nurse said, still with that too cheerful voice, and pushed the second bed closer to mine ‘and you have about 30 minutes before we’re good to go. So talk, get it all off your chests and ring me if you need anything!’

‘Oh for the love of something,’ a very well-known voice said from the other bed after the nurse had left the room ‘she couldn’t have possibly placed us so we could actually see each other, could she?’

‘Susan,’ I whispered ‘is that you? Why? And how?’

‘Of course it’s me,’ she said ‘how many sisters do you have?’

‘I really and honestly can’t answer that question,’ I answered, exhaling slowly to let go of some of my worries ‘one sister and one brother as far as I know.’

‘I’ve got a brother too?’ Susan said, obviously surprised by what she was hearing.

‘Yeah, if you’d have talked to your mother,’ I answered ‘you’d have known as much as I do.’

‘Well,’ Susan answered ‘I did talk to her and she told me everything, from her stupid mistress-gone-pregnant-pushing-for-more mistake to the painful experience of giving birth and the even more horrible experience of having to care for a baby. Everything except who our dad is. She told me she wasn’t allowed to tell anyone. And what’s up with the whole secrecy thing anyways?’

‘Sometimes when certain people tell you to be quiet, you’re better off shutting up,’ I whispered ‘and I understand why your mother is afraid to tell you.’

‘That means you know who it is, doesn’t it?’ Susan said ‘That settles it, I’ve got to see your face.’

She sat up, turned around and I could see that she was shocked by my appearance when she got the first good look of me she’d had in weeks. I had avoided looking at my own reflection in mirrors, windows and any number of polished surfaces, but I saw it all clearly reflected in her eyes and facial expressions before she gave me a wobbly smile.

‘That bad, huh?’ I asked with a crooked smile.

‘Worse,’ she answered ‘didn’t you like use to have hair or something?’

‘Yeah,’ I said ‘but I asked them to cut it off before we started the chemo. By now some poor girl or boy is running around with a Mary-wig, because I donated it to one of the children with cancer organizations. It seemed appropriate.’

‘Did you cry?’ Susan asked ‘I think I would have cried. So silly really, but the hair, you know?’

‘Yeah,’ I answered ‘I cried. And yes, it’s silly, but I never realized how much of your personality and your sense of self is connected to your hair. I never cared that much about it before, and now I almost can’t stop thinking about it. But as they keep telling me, ‘it’ll grow back’.’

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 372 SuperAikido Invented

Sunday, June 10, 2007 TV didn't show any progress being made until Washington DC started waking up. It was Sunday, so not much progress was made even then. Some important people were chased down by reporters - the DC media people being even less concerned about politeness than normal. The interviewees' most conservative comment was, "For goodness sake, let's pull back and consider the situation. We've got agencies tripping over each other with seemingly conflicting objectives and...

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The Cuckoos ProgenyCast

Character List Al Collins: 20-year-old college student. Amanda Collins: Al and Betty’s mother. Betty (Be) Collins: 18-year-old high-school graduate. Al’s sister. Delilah Rivers: Martial Arts instructor, girlfriend of Gary Marks. Eli Thead: Coffee shop barista and History major, Zita’s boyfriend. Etta Mollins: Associate biology professor at Kempsville University, wife of Theo Rawlins. Frank Evens: FBI agent assigned to guard Al in the hospital. Gary (Gar) Marks: Martial Arts instructor,...

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Foreplay With My Neighbour Aunt

Hello, everyone, This is my first story so forgive me for any mistakes. My name is Rahul. I’m 23 years old and I’m from Guntur. I’m here to describe a story that happened between me and my neighbor aunt. Her name is Siri (name changed). She is 5ft 6inch and her age is 34 She is wheatish in color not slim and not fat, She had the right amount of flesh in right places and have a nice pair of boobs and an ass to die for. Her husband is working in Pune and she is a teacher in a local school. Her...

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How I became a Cheating BBC slut

How I became a Cheating BBC slut:By Blackcockslut This story takes place shortly after my marriage in 1989. A little about myself, I was at the time short with long blonde hair DD cup tits and a very nice round ass. I had somehow made it thru high school and college without giving up my virginity. At age 23 I met my husband Tim and we fell in love. I soon lost my virginity to him and wow I wondered why I had waited so long. He was as I have seen now average in the size of his cock. His was...

3 years ago
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RevolutionChapter 8

General Williams wanted us to press our luck and start a swing of conquest up the east coast of Florida while the opposition was still off balance from our success so far. We certainly had the resources for it, now that all of the Army units in the Miami area had defected to us. Our revolution was not bloodless, but it was awful damned close, and Hank wanted to maintain the momentum. Actually, Jimmy and I didn't take much convincing. We told Hank to do whatever he thought was the right...

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A Just RewardChapter 28

Becca was determined that Sunday lunch was going to be a success. She spent a long time at the butcher's choosing topside of beef. Roast potatoes were naturally on the menu. She havered for a long while over greens finally deciding on Brussels sprouts plus cauliflower in a white sauce. Pudding was difficult. There was virtually no fruit at that time of year and she did not want to produce something heavy or stodgy. She did manage to find some cooking apples and decided an apple crumble. She...

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Shadow of a Doubt Ch 07

Chapter 07 A few hours later we were sitting in the Mustang outside Ernie's strip joint and preparing to leave. Johan had just told me I was sexier than any of the three girls we watched strip, even without taking off my clothes. He fired up the rumbling engine and I relaxed into the leather seat with a big grin on my face. As he backed up, he said, "Baby, you were so good. You could easily have been a stripper." I giggled, bringing my sunglasses down over my eyes as we took off on our way...

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Bla Book 3 Wrinkles in TimeChapter 3

"Are you tracking her?" Jake Hedron, the Chairman of Tomlin Security asked. The tinny voice in his headphones assured him they knew exactly where Tanya was. She was presently about a hundred and fifty miles north of the Hawaiian Islands, and a hundred and thirty miles high, traveling East at six-thousand kph. "Have you decrypted their flight plan yet?" he asked. There were several major terminals capable of handling a strato-carrier, but unless it made a radical course correction,...

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Elder Sister Was My Sexual Queen Part 8211 2

Hello everyone this is maciver again from bangalore, I am glad to see feedbacks in my mails about my 1st story elder sister was my sexual queen. I am happy that people have liked my real story. I will be now telling you the 2nd part of the story on how I had sex with my elder sister. For people who have not read my 1st story I suggest you to read that first and then read this. And yes I welcome everyone’s feedback, do write me to About my intro again for those who don’t know. I live in...

4 years ago
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No relief

She was cheating on me, I was sure of it. Although I couldn't prove it, I've had my suspicions for quite some time. Given the fact that we hadn't had sex in months, and the fact that she was always in such a good mood.... why else would she be so happy? She wasn't getting any from me, but she surely was getting some elsewhere.I grew paranoid and overly self conscious. In the four months since we started living together, Monique and I seem to have grown apart. I cared for her so much, and it...

1 year ago
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One Last Job With VengeanceChapter 35

The mobile phone, on silent, vibrated in his pocket indicating he has received a voicemail. Listening, he hears Bern's voice. She must be missing me he smiles. I know how she feels. I'll call her back later. The dark clouds overhead made the night seem darker than normal. Lurking in the shadows opposite the Victorian terraced house, Dan's eyes, firmly directed towards the top window, had a hypnotic stare. The small lamp light emanating from inside the window was not great, but it was...

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Dolly Time with Sasha

Dolly Time with Sasha(Note: There is a “son” version titled “Dolly Time with Sammy”)Scott: Several years ago when I was just out of my teens, I fell in love with a wonderful girl. Sasha was several years younger than me and incredibly beautiful. She was petite, with long red hair and a ton of freckles. She wore braces and her glasses did not block me from seeing her enormous blue eyes. She had tiny hands and feet and very delicate facial features. She had only slight curves and hardly any...

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A long night at the bar

I go to the bar with my boyfriend and he lets other guys touch me as they like. We decide to go to the bar, you make me wear a short mini red see through dress with no bra or panties underneath, plus some black high heels. Everyone can clearly see my nipples and pussy. The dress barely covers my butt cheeks, it slightly moves up with every step I take. Once we get there we order some drinks and sit at a table. When the drinks arrive you tell me to open my mouth and you pour the drink in it and...

3 years ago
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SparksChapter 23

08:10 EDT Friday July 26th, 1991 Building 2748 Ft Benning, GA "Where in hell is your gear, Private?" The speaker wore a black baseball-style hat with silver parachutist's wings and the silver-on-black of a Sergeant First Class' dress rank sewn to the front of his headgear. He stood behind a tall wooden desk-like partition, which stretched down the room chest high, one of many stations to receive soldiers reporting. Ben was alone in the reporting area, standing within the lines painted...

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A Matter of TrustChapter 3

"Jeff," she said, "You have to find someone else to cash in as the winner. Someone you can trust to give the money back after all the excitement dies down." Of course I'd thought of that. The catch was that there was no way to make a legally enforceable agreement, like a contract. Normally that would have to involve a lawyer, and any lawyer would be duty bound to reveal the existence of the deal once he or she learned about the divorce. What we were talking about would be a transparent...

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Lady In The House Part XIII

Lady in the House ? Chapter XIII By Michele Nylons "Hang on a minute Carmel; I've got an idea," Steve exclaimed and sauntered over to where I lay curled up in a snivelling ball, may face covered in semen mixed in with my heavy makeup; my clothes dishevelled. "Lift that bitch's face for me," he said as he played with his cell phone. Carmel came over and helped me to my knees. I knelt there with my face hung...

2 years ago
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New Holly Potter Part 4

NEW HOLLY POTTER PART 4 BY PAUL JUTRAS If Ron had known what was waiting for him at Honey dukes other than butter beer, he would have known that he had got the best of the deal from his duel with Malfoy. For while the new Rhonda moved her things into the same room as Hermione, Ginny, Angelina and Holly, the figure of Lord Voldemort stood in the shadows across from Honey dukes. In his hand he griped the copy of the Quibbler that Luna was reading on the train to school. "Can you...

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Oh no it might be heredity

No excuses but will lay out the groundwork. Have…I mean had been married a little bit over seventeen years. The bliss full years I could count on one hand. Still, we managed to produce two fine children. Both were born in the first couple of years of our marriage when the bliss was at it’s greatest. Sex was an every day looked forward to event. That changed. Could have been because of the demands two babies put on our relationship, but most likely it was our realization that we were...

2 years ago
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The Billionaire Rapest chapter 3

As she started to regain her breath, I grabbed her shirt and pulled it over her head, revealing her perfectly formed DD's. I then gave her ass a good squeeze. Her ass was well formed, and firm but fairly small. I pulled off her shorts reveling cute green cotton panties, that upon further inspection had a cute cat drawn on them over her pussy that said fuck me. I pulled them off her, rolled her onto her back and started to knead and lick here tits. They really were spectacular. They...

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Cabin Love

Gina and Marie were best friends from college and they decided to go for a weekend away together to the cabin by the lake to celebrate graduation. They were aware of the sexual attraction between them, but they chose to pretend that it wasn't there in front of their families. But when they were alone, Gina and Marie would be themselves and kiss passionately in secret like a forbidden love. They would kiss each other along every curve of their skin tenderly and taste each other's pussies. Gina...

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The Tales of TanitsarChapter 17 At War with Hanilei

It was strange for Macro to watch the ships sail, while he himself had to stay behind. Twenty-seven large caravelles carried over four thousand soldiers, including Macro's own archers. He fervently hoped for their safe return. Below him, on the quays, Banas was exercising the recruits who were to form the Prince's Guard. The young man had gladly accepted the position, and he was busy whipping the ragtag bunch of recruits into shape, assisted by experienced sergeants and corporals recruited...

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In love with my best bud GayBiCurious

Thursday 17th Feb 2011 Ok here we go for my first entry what should I say ? I am not good in the mornings, and I mean not good. Mum wakens me my two younger brothers and my sister at 7.30am each morning for school, on a really good day I am out of my bed for 8am, I just can’t function until I have been awake for at least half an hour, I have tried but it is just impossible to get my feet on the ground before 8 and some times as late as 8.30, This causes me more grief with my mother...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 35

When the time arrived for the Olohanas to depart, it was with sadness. They agreed to return at vacation time, and Jane said she would be back on weekends with Johnny and Leniki whenever that was possible. Kaneki and Jeannie would have to wait until summer vacation when it was agreed they could spend it on the estate, and help with the planning for the island trip the following summer. Allison and Amy began to spend more time contacting their agents in Manila to begin activating their plan....

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CompanionChapter 8 Welcome to the Human Race

Initially, it felt a little strange to Caleb as he boarded the city bus to go to the airport. Caleb had visited cities that viewed public transportation as the normal way to get around town. New York and its subways was one example. Japan's train network and the bus system in Portland, Oregon were other examples of excellent public transportation. Phoenix, Arizona had been struggling to create a public transportation system for a couple of decades, but the effort was obviously not finished....

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Even Steven

Andrea stepped down off the bus, feeling self-conscious. She shifted her daybag to the other hand, and hurried away from the stop, positive that everyone on the bus knew exactly what she was doing. The feeling was silly, but it hadn't stopped her from worrying through the entire ride across town. In a block or two, she would be safely inside, and she could forget all about it. Andrea turned her thoughts to the weekend. She didn't have much in the bag - just one change of clothes, and a few...

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BoxTruckSex Apolonia Lapiedra Teen Apolonia Lapiedra Fucks the Model Agent in Public

It’s a lovely morning when we set out, and we’re hoping to find a good woman to invite back into our truck. It’s shaping up to be a good day as we see the lovely Apolonia sitting on a park bench by herself as soon as we walk into the park! Our crewmember instantly starts talking her up, and after letting her know that she could qualify for some paying jobs with our modeling agency if she steps into the truck for an audition, we soon have this slender woman inside the walls of...

4 years ago
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Seeberger ChroniclesChapter 2

Earth Date 09/30/2018 After I was up and dressed, a harsh knock was happening at my front door. Opening the door, I saw Dianne and Larry. He said, “I caught her sneaking out of the house. She told me she was coming over to visit you. I’m not stupid. What’s going on between you two?” She pulled from him and went into my arms, “I’m in love with Jeff, and he loves me.” “Is this true?” he said looking at the two of us together. “You’re not as smart as you think you are. We’ve been seeing...

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Hot Night With My Sons Friend Alex

After my divorce, I had dated quite a few guys but I found that none my age could fully satisfy my unyielding unquenchable lust. I was 47-years-old, a redhead with 40DD tits and a nice round ass that men loved to fuck. The problem was they came during our encounters and fell asleep. I was ready to go at it again and instead had to settle for hearing them snore for hours on end afterwards. I thought about having a gangbang but though I hungered for more men, I wasn’t yet ready to make...

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Sharing my sister part 2

This is a continuation of sharing my sister part one; it does reflect true events as they happened.After that initial Saturday , I was buzzing completely and really wanted to rush straight round to my best friend Phil's house and blurt out all that had happened and couldn't understand how she could immediately tell Tina but I wasn't able to tell anyone. But I kept hearing Sharon's words in my head about not telling anyone. I also knew that Phil couldn't be trusted and wouldn't keep it to...

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Stress Relief

I was so completely stressed. The day, hell, the week had been brutal. I just wanted to relax, quietly. I found my room, locked the door behind me and removed my clothing. First, my top, then my pants, followed by my bra and panties. I paused a moment in front of the mirror admiring some curves, like my ass, begrudging others, like my tummy. Ultimately, I still feel sexy, even with a few extra pounds and no matter what, I know I have great tits. That means a lot, right? I took the lotion from...

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Get Out of TownChapter 7

“So, which room will we stay in, honey?” Jessie asked me as the meal broke up at last. “Yes, we need to know. We gave you a room, just in case, because your stay was unconditional. We had to prepare for contingencies, such as if you were gay or something like that. Naturally, we wouldn’t have asked a gay man to marry a woman at all. Your choice, I think. “I should warn you that Jessie tends to be ... sexually submissive. To put it mildly. She’s not comfortable taking charge at all....

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 33 Old Time Rock N Roll All Summer Long

Mrs. Pierce’s Classroom, Medway High School 1:15pm, Monday, February 26, 1979 “So, why was Hercules required to perform ten or twelve labors?” Mrs. Pierce asked her tenth grade English after a lively introduction to Appolodorus: The Labors of Heracles. “The Goddess Hera, his step-mother, was jealous of Zeus’ off-spring which included Hercules,” Elizabeth replied. “Zeus was her brother, AND his wife which wasn’t usual at that time.” “Those statements are both correct, Elizabeth, but it...

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PornstarPlatinum Jolsyn James Kelli Provocateur Horny Hotel Hussies

Look who I have with me today guys! It’s Kelli Provocateur! We�re just hanging out here at The Plaza, horny & a lil bored so we thought we would make a video for our fans out there. I mean who doesn’t want to see Kelli�s gorgeous muscular body & my big tits bouncing around. Kelli & I know how to get into loads of trouble. Like running around the hallways of the hotel half naked with a couple of dildos. Who knows maybe some hot guy will see us & invite us into his...

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Doggy Styles 8 Sultans Revenge

Summary - Claire babysits Sultan for the evening, and Darlene, Candice and Duke stop by for a visit. Previous Chapter Summary - Claire’s mother Darlene visited her friend Candice, and brought along a furry friend Hope you enjoy! If so, let me know! UU. Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity involving animals or sexual activity...

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Tennis Team TroubleChapter 3

The next day I hadn't even begun to miss my two sexy teenagers when Katie turned up at my doorstep. I shouldn't have been surprised, though it was hardly an hour since her sister had departed for the ocean. I wasted no time getting her inside and stripping her naked. With Sabrina and Missy around, I felt compelled to use Katie as harshly as they did. But she was so fucking beautiful. I had been longing to explore other avenues with her. Now, I lay her on my bed and examined and toyed with...

2 years ago
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Cuckolds ChoiceChapter 5

Even if Sam Slade had not already been perversely but extremely turned on by the sight of his faithless spouse being long cocked the sight that now befell him would have been too much for the morally-challenged schoolteacher to resist. The girls called June 'fatty' but it the sobriquet was engendered more by envy than anything else. June Adams was barely thirteen although a punster seeing her in her present state of dishabille might have said she was a nearly bare thirteen. And, despite...

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