Missy Gets It Good
- 3 years ago
- 30
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This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person, past or present, is completely coincidental.
Missy had a reputation. She didn’t really care though. She’d never cared much for what other people thought of her. Even though she knew those old busybodies at the ladies quilting circle weren’t the only ones who gossiped about her. She’d never cared much for ‘ladies’ either.
She lived in a moderately sized town with a population of about ten thousand or so. The neighborhood she lived in was securely middle class. Most of her neighbors were single men with a few married couples of varying ages. When she’d moved here she’d made sure she rented a house right in the middle of all the single men. She wanted a man. Not just any man would be good enough. She wanted a man who wanted her enough to take her.
That purpose was how she’d earned the reputation of a slut. She knew she’d never get a man just going to work and sitting in her house reading. She got a job at the closest convenience store, selling gas and cigarettes from behind bulletproof glass. She knew the men only bought a few dollars of gas at a time so they could come back as often as possible.
She knew they wanted her. At work she had to wear the buttoned- down shirt and pants of a uniform but she made sure to order them in the smallest sizes she could wiggle into. The pants would have shown a panty line if she’d had one. Not that she didn’t wear panties. She did. She wore thongs to keep the center seam of her uniform pants from chafing her pussy lips. The shirt of the uniform stretched quite a bit so she was able to wear one two sizes too small. The buttons strained over her size 36C breasts. She was careful not to sit when she had male customers. The buttons strained rather more than she liked over her belly when she sat. She wore an unlined, satin bra under her shirt. The air conditioning was always set on cold, making her nipples stay hard. She always left one more button undone than any other woman in the neighborhood, making sure to show plenty of cleavage. She found it amusing to check out her male customers, eying their cocks to see how hard they got from staring down her cleavage. She made sure they knew she was looking.
The clothes she wore at home were much different. She liked to wear very loose, very short shorts with a too small bikini top to putter around in her flower garden in her front yard. Whenever possible, she bent over at the waist to pull the weeds, flashing a glimpse of her shaved pussy lips. When she mowed the large yard she wore just a bikini.
She liked to lay out and tan in the early afternoons before she went in to work the evening shift. She had a chain link fence around her back yard, letting the single men in all the houses around hers see her as she tanned. She sprayed oil all over her body before reclining on her cushioned lounge chair. When she flipped to tan her back she untied her top so she wouldn’t have a tan line from the ties. The bottoms she wore to tan in were thongs.
She knew most of the men were home on weekends. One of them, Wayne, had such an erratic schedule she was never sure when or for how long he’d be home. He was just like all the others though, stopping by her work anytime he was around, watching her lay out. She knew he wanted her, they all did. He was hard from looking at her erect nipples through her uniform top much more often than any of the others. The question was: did any of the men want her enough to take her the way she wanted?
Wayne was a man of rather simple needs. He needed to not be idle, which was the main reason he worked two jobs with 24 hour shifts. He needed a house to eat, sleep and shower in when he wasn’t working. He needed a vehicle he liked. This was a black Porsche 911 fastback. It was also one of the reasons he worked two jobs. It was an expensive car. He needed a sex with a woman much more often than he had time for. That was one of the drawbacks of having two 24 hour shift jobs. Since he noticed that he had a new neighbor, and heard about her reputation, he decided it would be convenient to have sex with her on the one or two days a week he was home. He was sure it’d be easy to convince her of the same convenience.
He’d chatted with her a couple of times through her fence when he was home. She was tanning both times, lying on her belly with the ties of her top undone. He was sitting on an old tire swing the previous owners had left hanging from a branch of an enormous oak tree. The tire looked like an old semi truck tire mounted horizontally instead of vertically. Even though it had been meant for kids it was a nice place to relax with a cold drink on a hot afternoon. After working 48 hours straight he needed a nice place to relax.
He’d gotten hard from the conversations with Missy. Just looking at her plumply curved body in that too-small bikini would have been enough. But knowing that if she were to turn over, or even if she just got up to go into the house, she’d have to adjust her top to keep her nipples from showing made his cock throb. Added to that were the topics of their conversations. She was very open about discussing anything related to sex. Their first chat was about sexual positions. She told him her favorites, some she’d never tried, and some she didn’t care for. He told her he’d tried many different positions, his favorites, and the ones he found difficult to do. Their second conversation involved details of encounters they’d each had. He had the oddest sense that she was a little inexperienced. He trusted his instincts and intuition but this time they were totally at odds with her reputation. How could a woman almost every man in the neighborhood claimed to have fucked be inexperienced?
Every other single man in the neighborhood had gone out on one date with her and told very similar stories afterward. She wore tops that just almost revealed her nipples, skirts that just almost revealed whether or not she wore any panties, or dresses that did both. She smiled a lot, touched a lot, and made a lot of deliberately obvious glances into the men’s laps. Some of the touches were just as obviously deliberate brushes of her fingertips, ass, or a hip against their flies. By the time they got back to her place every single one of them had sported a raging erection.
Their stories varied some after that. Some of the men claimed she was so wild to fuck they barely got the front door closed before she was taking their cocks out of their pants, raising her skirt or dress, and having them fuck her standing against the door. Some of the men claimed she continued the tease all the way to her bedroom, making them slowly undress themselves and her and fucking slowly on her bed. Still others went wild with her, taking their own cocks out of their pants and bending her over the back of her living room couch, pounding into her pussy from behind.
Missy didn’t care what kind of stories they made up about her. It was public fact that she had dated almost every single man in the neighborhood and that she did dress and act the slut on those dates. It was publicly accepted that, because of her clothes and actions on those dates, what the men said about her actions after the dates must also be fact.
She knew that her slut act was just that, an act. Almost all of the men took her to dinner at the Four Seasons forty miles away. The specialist doctors bored her silly with talk of this knee surgery or that sprained ankle. The lawyers droned on about mergers and takeovers and settlements. The accountants carried on a monologue about taxes. She had to put on an academy award performance just to get through the evening, much less smile, laugh, and tease.
Tonight she’d gone out with what seemed like the last available man in a ten mile radius of her house or work. John was an accountant, a junior partner in the largest firm in town. Missy could tell within five minutes exactly how the date would go. It would be almost an exact replay of al
l the other dates she’d gone on with accountants. She was right too. He picked her up exactly on time in his very respectable tan Buick. She wore her almost-black hair down in ringlets around her shoulders and down her back. Her dress was white satin, spaghetti strapped, and very low cut. The length would have been a modest ankle length but for the slit in the left side all the way up to her hip. On her feet were sandals with 4.5 inch stiletto heels. She looked hot and she knew it.
John had told her he was taking her to a nice dinner in a town an hours’ drive away. He claimed it was because he didn’t think any of the restaurants any closer were worthy of her. Missy knew it was because he still lived with his parents and didn’t want anyone he knew to see him with her and get him in trouble with his father. She knew his father hated her because of her reputation. Image was everything with that family.
The restaurant was very high class. The dress code was black tie making Missy glad that she’d worn a nice dress instead of a denim mini skirt and tank top with a built in bra. She ordered one of the few menu items she could pronounce, salmon with whole green beans and wild rice, and made a show of eating. She never took a large bite, she didn’t want her cheeks to distend while she chewed. She made sure to take the prongs all the way into her mouth, close her lips around the tines and slowly draw the fork out from between them.
The table was perfectly sized for two people, giving Missy the opportunity to slide her foot up and down the inside of John’s calf. The angle was wrong for her to look directly into his lap but when she got up and returned from her single trip to the ladies’ room she looked and saw the bulge of his erection. She knew he saw her looking. She also knew that he knew the glance was deliberate.
She continued to stroke his inner calf with her foot. She also reached out to touch his hand or arm as he droned on about how she should file her taxes next year. She kept her eyes on his whenever possible, nodding and smiling whenever he paused to take a breath. She barely spoke a single sentence during the entire tedious hour. It was taxing her acting skills to even appear mildly interested. She concentrated on keeping the top of her dress pulled as low as possible and her breasts thrust forward.
Finally the meal was finished. They walked back out to his boring Buick. What happened to men who drove exciting vehicles? Or at least interesting ones, Missy thought. That was when the evening took a turn for the worse that she never expected.
‘Super 8 had no vacancies so I got a room at the Motel 6,’ said John. ‘I hope you’re not expecting to have sex all night. I only have a couple of hours before I need to get back home. I don’t want my parents to miss me at breakfast.’
Missy looked at him in shock. Motel 6, she thought. I’m not even good enough for the Holiday Inn?
‘I don’t think so Johnny boy,’ she said. ‘I’m not interested in fucking a man who thinks I’m so easy I don’t even need to be asked if I want to fuck. Didn’t your Mommy and Daddy teach you any manners? You’re not taking me to any cheap motel. You’re not taking me anywhere but home.’
John started to sputter. He reached the driver’s door, got in, having unlocked the door with a remote, and instead of waiting for Missy to walk around the back of the car, he started it and drove off.
Missy was even more shocked now. All the other men had taken her home before asking or suggesting that they wanted to have sex with her. When she refused, they either took her refusal graciously or just got a little frustrated and asked her for a second date. The only thing she’d do was ask for their number and promise to call when she was ready for them to take her out again. She never called because she was never ready to be bored by the same man again. This was totally different. She’d never been stranded before.
She must have stood on the parking lot of the restaurant for almost a full minute before she shook herself lightly and decided there was nothing for it but to start walking. It was almost 1 a.m. The restaurant staff had locked the doors behind her and John as they’d left. The parking lot was deserted, John having been the last to leave. She’d seen a gas station just a few miles down the road. She’d left her cell phone at home to be polite and only had a few dollars in her little white satin clutch purse. She hoped they had a pay phone. She’d have to call information and give them Wayne’s address and hope that he had a house phone, and that he was home, and that he was willing to drive an hour to come pick her up. During their backyard conversations she’d gotten the impression that he was basically a nice guy. She just hoped that ‘nice guy’ would include helping her out.
By the time she got within sight of the gas station her feet were killing her. She had blisters on both heels and both little toes. When she saw the station she almost sank down onto the shoulder of the road in relief. It was open. She reached down and took off her shoes. The station was still almost a mile away and she just could not stand walking another step in them.
She was halfway there, just past an interstate off-ramp, when she felt drops of rain on her face.
‘Fucking great,’ she muttered to herself. ‘Not only am I abandoned eighty miles from home without a phone, have to walk four miles down a poorly lit road to get to the nearest place that might have a pay phone, get huge blisters on my feet from these damn shoes, and have to walk the last mile barefoot, now it starts to rain! There should be a law against leaving your date more than a couple of blocks from their house.’
While she’s ranting to the night, a car comes up the off-ramp, lighting the road in front of her. She steps to the side, not even thinking of sticking her thumb out to ask for a ride. All she’s thinking about now is just placing one foot in front of the other. The sky opens up as the car pulls over a little ways in front of her. She’s soaked to the skin in seconds as she watches the reverse lights come on and the car back toward her.
Wayne was headed home from 36 hours at his paramedic job when his gas light came on. He knew from experience that it only came on when there was less than two gallons in the tank. He signaled and left the freeway at the first gas station he saw with the lights still on. He’d just turned onto the access road when his headlights flashed across a white figure walking down the road. His heart jumped, thinking he’d seen a ghost. As he passed the pale figure, he thought he recognized his neighbor. What’s Missy doing here? He thought. It’s Tuesday night. She has dates every Tuesday. He pulled over just as the rain that had been threatening all night chose that moment to start pouring out of the sky. He backed up and reached over to open the passenger door as she came up to the car.
‘Missy?’ he asked. ‘What are you doing walking down the road in the middle of the night?’
She looked miserable as she said, ‘It’s a pretty embarrassing story.’
‘If you want to tell me I’ll promise to listen and not judge. Just get in before you get hypothermia.’
She got into his car looking like a waif. Her long black hair was plastered to her skin, her mascara was running down her cheeks and her vivid emerald eyes looked suspiciously bright. Being a man, Wayne couldn’t help but notice that her wet white dress was practically transparent. He could see the darkness of her erect nipples, even her lightly tanned skin. He’d already been considering asking her out, getting aroused from thinking about it, and now here she was in a dress that didn’t conceal anything with a slit in the side all the way up to her hip. Now was not the time to be a potential date though. Now she just needed a friend.
‘I need to stop in here to get some gas,’ he said. ‘Why don’t you use the ladies’ room and dry your face? I promise not to leave without you.’
Missy gave h
im a weak smile. ‘Ok,’ she said. ‘As long as you promise.’
Wayne pulled up to the pumps and went through the routine of pumping gas. While he waited for Missy to finish in the restroom after he paid for his fuel, he noticed a cappuccino machine by the register. He thought she could use a little hot pick-me-up. He got her a small one and went back out to his car to wait. She didn’t take long. He’d only been waiting a few minutes before she walked out of the station and got into the Porsche.
She smiled and said, ‘You waited.’
‘I promised,’ he said. ‘I never break a promise. It’s why I make so few of them. They’re usually impossible to keep. And here,’ he handed her the cappuccino, ‘even though it’s May that rain is cold. This should help you warm up.’
‘Thank you,’ she said, taking the cup and sounding just a little flustered.
‘You sound surprised,’ he said. ‘Do you feel like telling me why?’
‘You know what everyone says about me,’ she said. ‘I’m a little wild at best and a slut or whore at worst. Men only want and expect one thing from me. They expect me to fuck them just because they asked. I tell them no because I don’t want just sex. I want to be wanted so much the man almost can’t control himself and won’t take ‘no’ for an answer. They’re never nice to me. They might have picked me up on the side of the road but they’d never have thought to suggest that I clean up some. They’d certainly never have gotten me a hot drink to keep me from getting too chilled.’
‘Most of the men around here are all assholes,’ he said. ‘I’m not like them. You’re a lady in need, a damsel in distress, and I’d do the same for any woman.’
She looked at him so long he wondered if she was going to say anything else. He was curious about what had happened tonight but didn’t want to push her into talking before she was ready. When she did speak, it was all in a rush, as if she was trying to get the story told before she lost her nerve.
‘John didn’t even ask if I wanted to have sex with him,’ she said. ‘He just told me that the Super 8 was full and we’d have to go to the Motel 6. He couldn’t be missed at breakfast so we wouldn’t be able to fuck all night. Even if I’d been interested in having sex with him I wouldn’t have after he said that. I’d never cared that the whole neighborhood thinks I’m a slut for the way I dress and act on dates but I never thought men would think I was so easy that all it would take to fuck me is dinner in a fancy restaurant and telling me they got a cheap motel room for a few hours. I’m sick of it.’
‘Was the food good at least?’ he asked with a smile, trying to lighten her mood.
She gave a little laugh. ‘Yes, the food was good. That’s about the only part of the dates that is. But they could have taken me to the local steak house and the food would have been just as good. I don’t need to be impressed. I just want to be wanted. I want to not be so bored on a date. I want to talk with a man instead of him talking at me.’
‘Well,’ he couldn’t resist saying with a laugh, ‘I’ve never been considered boring. And I like to hear my conversation partner’s opinion.’
She smiled a little at that but didn’t say anything. The exit he needed was the next one so he didn’t say anything else. He couldn’t remember the drive home from work ever going by so fast.
When Wayne drove his car up her driveway, Missy just sat in the passenger seat for a minute as the engine idled. She stared straight ahead with her hands folded in her lap around her little purse. The warm air from the vents had partially dried her hair and the front of her dress. Now that she was safely home she was a little embarrassed. She’d never wanted any man to see her at her worst.
‘Thank you for the ride,’ she said. ‘And I’m sorry for ranting so much. I usually don’t do that.’
Missy was a good girl at heart, but knew her mother would not approve of her new part time job. Mamma was so old fashioned. She did not believe a young mouse should go out enticing all the males while not in her season. Missy would never dream of shocking mamma, but boys were so, well, Boys! Besides, mamma couldn’t object to her keeping the pantry full. She always made big tips working at Club Mouse-Holes. It may not be the most wholesome place for an attractive young mouse, but Missy loved...
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BDSMI couldnt believe I was staring at a picture on my computer of my 18 year old babysitter's naked pussy. Leaning back behind my desk in my home office, maximized on my monitor, was a picture of Missy lying on her back nude with her legs spread, and a perfectly shaved, glistening pink pussy pointed at the camera. Wow. I mean -- wow. It was the second of the fifteen pictures that I'd opened. The first pic, ME, had a nice smiling photo of her sitting on the bed wearing a bra and panties. And, of...
Missy woke before dawn, catching the alarm just as it started it's annoying squeal. She turned to see the alarm hadn't disturbed Robbie, angelicly sleeping under his muss of red hair. The only thing scruffier than Robbie was their terrier mix dog, Snarf, curled up at Robbie's feet. Missy toyed with the thought of waking Robbie, rolling him over, onto his back, so she could mount him and ride until they both shook in pleasure. A quick glance at the clock told her she'd have to wait until later...
Missy awoke the next day fully feeling the effects of getting railed by three teenage dicks. Fucking Ben and Wyatt had been completely unexpected but she was glad she did it, especially the way Alec fucked her afterwards. He did her again later that night after telling her that he saw someone, probably Jodie, watching from next door. Voyeurism wasn’t something that she ever thought would entice her but then again getting fucked by her former step son never really entered her mind either. She...
Missy couldn’t believe she was masturbating in confessional but fuck if it wasn’t about to make her spray her juices all over the padded vinyl seat. She had walked in wanting absolution but she knew as she rubbed her swollen little clit that life was forever changed. Inside her mind she could still see Paula's lips quivering as the whip slapped across her body and see her tiny breasts heaving as she tried to regain her breath. Paula’s party had been the single most erotic moment of her entire...
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Introduction: A five part story of a young woman growing up in a BDSM family In Chapter 02 she talks about her junior high years. WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the...
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Missy grew up in a very poor family, and lived most of her young years in the projects. Her family's small apartment complex was in one of the worst parts of town. Missy's mother had left when she was only five years old and she barely remembered her. Her father drank every meal, and spent all of his money on alcohol. Missy and her sister had to wear hand me down clothing, and were often un-bathed and unruly. She rarely had time to play with the other c***dren who were mostly black. Once...
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If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...
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If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...
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Missy and Ethan began to see each other regularly, and every time they were together, they ended up at Ethan's apartment for some hot lusty sex. Missy couldn't believe how long she'd fantasized about and wanted to have a sexy black boyfriend, and now that she had one and he was as horny for her as she was for him, she wondered why she'd waited so long. There was one thing for sure true about Ethan; he was quite a stud and the best lover she'd ever welcomed between her legs. Ethan also...
Missy was one of those women who remained beautiful, sexy and very desirable even when she slipped into her late 30s and early 40s. She'd been married once before and had two children by her first marriage. That marriage had ended due to domestic abuse by her husband and Missy had gotten a divorce and taken herself and her two children out of the reach of her violent husband. She'd been a single mother for a few years and then she'd met Will, an attractive man a few years younger than her...
Part 1 It was finally the end of the school year and graduation was right around the corner. Then summer. A hot, sexy summer with Bob if she had anything to say about it. Missy smiled at herself in the mirror and then went out the door. The man absolutely drove her crazy. He was the most patient person in the world, it was maddening. Every time he had taken her it was wild and red hot, but then he wouldn’t touch her for days on end, sometimes weeks. He never, ever talk about any...
Missy and Nancy walked slowly and mostly silently, the long way, to their houses after school. It was the weekend and Missy was stalling; she didn’t want to go straight home. She was grounded, again. She and her stepdad had been fighting for the last few weeks, about everything and nothing. She purposely did what she could lately to get under his skin, she knew she was being a total brat, not acting her age at all, but she couldn’t help it. The biggest argument was her curfew. He wanted...
I had gone to bed pretty early Tuesday night. The painkillers they subscribed for me helped. I didn't stay up very late after David had left. I didn't even eat-now there's a miracle. I did, however, stay up long enough for my Dad to get home. Unfortunately. That man takes 'unsympathetic' to a whole new level. And, of course, all he cared about was that "it would get around" if I dropped out of The Program. So, he called Mr. Tilling and twisted his arm, nice and hard. I'd still be in...
If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...
Missy was loving the fact that she was finally experiencing the sexy hotness of being with Ethan, the well-hung young black man that she'd been fantasizing about having sex with for quite some time. As Missy had gone into his apartment, he'd quickly taken matters into his hands and he soon had Missy naked and then his own clothes off too as he seduced her and then mounted her for a very sexy interracial fuck. Missy wasn't the only one who had been fantasizing. Ethan had noticed Missy...
Introduction: A five part story of a young woman growing up in a BDSM family In Chapter 03 Missy talks about Summer Camp. WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18...
I had a hell of a time sleeping Friday night. In fact, I ended up waking up at 6:30 Saturday morning. Which is a hell of a time to wake up on a Saturday! I got out of bed, took a shower, went downstairs. I was the only one there. I knew this-Mom had to be at the store by 6:00 AM for inventory. Happens a couple times a year. So, I went downstairs and found my "Mom Note". Every time I'm going to be getting up, or getting home, and Mom knows she's not going to be there, I get a note. I...
Missy was becoming a totally hot erotic sexual young woman with her new lover, her brother and his girlfriend. She'd just finished having a totally hot sex session with her brother's girlfriend, Amy, and when she orgasmed, Missy had passed out from an overwhelming climax. After she'd regained her strength from the first 69 session, her brother, Mike, and her boyfriend, Ron, came over and Missy began to play with both of them. She first took her boyfriend, Ron, in front of her and he began...
If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...
Introduction: A five part story of a young woman growing up in a BDSM family Chapter 01 goes back to the beginning of her urges and needs WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are...
The picnic table we had out back was covered in a traditional red and white tablecloth, the square corners ruffling with the slight breeze. I giggled quietly, and watched Mommy straighten each dish that was out there just so as Daddy snuck his hand onto her ass to cop a feel. She shooed him away and adjusted another dish, grinning up at him. Daddy smiled and walked back to one of the chairs on the deck under one of the big umbrellas we had and sat down, reaching for the beer he’d left on the...
My name is Sean, I got stuck helping out at a Prom for girls and boys. My sister Missy was inside dancing, and I was checking out all the young girls. They were all so hot looking in their fancy gowns. I sat with my dad outside who was drunk. Dad started telling me about how I ought to get me a girl. He went on and on how hot they were. Finally he leaned over in his whiskey breath and said: “Your sister is hot son. I’m gonna tell ya someth‘in, and you must promise never to tell anyone...
“Rise and shine Missy girl!” I blinked my eyes open, my lids gritty from the deep sleep. I took a deep breath and felt it ache throughout my whole body. I must have made some kind of noise of pain. “Aw poor baby, are you sore Missy?” Mommy asked, leaning down to run her hand over my messy auburn hair. I opened my mouth to tell her yes and found found my throat raw and my mouth dry. “Here Missy, take these with some water,” she placed two pain pills in my mouth and held a straw up to my...
“And then he just fucked me right out there on the lawn Mommy!” I said excitedly, replaying my evening at Grandma and Grandpa’s the next morning. “Mmhmm, that sounds very hot,” Mommy said distracted by whatever was playing on the television. “Keep suckling baby, we have to get you to school soon.” Mommy moved her teat back into my mouth for me to suck on. I got comfortable and nursed for a few minutes before letting go of her nipple once more. She sighed and looked down at me. “It was so...
School was boring and uneventful that Wednesday. I sat in English class listening to my teacher ramble on about the differences between two types of poems. Talk about boring. I squirmed in my seat. It seemed the more sex I got, the more I wanted. Every stray thought I had now always ended up back to sex and when I was bored, boy did my mind run rampant. I reached down to scratch an itch on my bare knee. Sitting down at our little desks made my school uniform skirt reach the middle of my...
Missy and the Sissies By Cassandra Morgan The trouble with band meetings, of course, is that Larissa does all the talking. I guess she thinks she's entitled. She's the face. She's the voice. She's the showman that all the little pimply faced nerds come to see. That is, those few who do come to see. We're a bloody failure, if you want to know the truth. If you've heard of Larissa and the Knights, you're in a pretty small crowd. If you've downloaded one of our songs, then we...
I was eating breakfast the next morning when my parents came down. "Aren't you going to be late for school?" Mom said. "I'm going in late today. Mr. Tilling knows all about it. I have an appointment at 8:30." "What kind of appointment?" Mom asked. "I'm going to see a psychologist," I told them. "I don't think so," Dad blurted out. "No Jenkins is going to see a psychologist." "Then I'll just have to change my last name to Lipschitz, won't I? "Don't get smart with...
Missy sat in class thinking of how Jeffery had acted and what he had done. She absolutely couldn’t believe he had cum by just touching her. He made her so angry! She wanted to slap him, right in the face! Stand in front of him like a drill sergeant and scream at him like she had heard her father do to his men. The thoughts of Jeffery cowering and pouting while she screamed at him made her face burn. Her fingers crept closer to her crotch. Heat burned there between her legs. She could feel the...
Missy stood naked in front of the bathroom mirror. She turned slightly from side to side admiring the shape of her naked ass. Her tight shirt hugged her slender waist and accented the curve of her smooth booty. Half way across the small cheeks of her ass the color changed from coffee brown to creamy light latte. She couldn’t decide if she liked the tan lines left from her bikini but when would she ever be able to lay out naked with her father and brother watching her constantly? Steam lifted in...
Once more the adventures of Missy and her cumslut slave Trisha ...Enjoy --please leave comments Four weeks since we last met --- four long weeks since my last hot creampie ( both holes )--- but tonight will put that all right again --- Mister is in town and we are going to party hard -- 2 nights we have together as i have "a girlies weekend away " I turn up at the Hotel with the "special" clothes that Mister wanted me to bring .As always we meet in the bar --Fantastic welcoming kiss -- and a...
I woke up in my own bed the next morning, my mouth dry and thirsty. I stretched and went into the bathroom for my morning pee. As I wiped myself I winced, my pussy was sore and hurting from the all day fuckathon Daddy had treated me to. Did Mommy really love fucking dogs? I shrugged and started brushing my teeth. The bathroom door opened and I jumped, startled by the sudden noise. Daddy walked in, scratching his tight stomach, bare chested in his boxers. I could see his hard cock peaking up...
If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...
I woke the day after the barbecue and immediately groaned. My whole body hurt, again. I carefully stretched it, enjoying the feel of the silky sheets against my skin. I glanced at the clock on the nightstand, 11:37am. I had certainly slept in, but it wasn’t surprising considering I went to bed so late. And oh what a day it was. The party had been unlike anything I had experienced. My young mind struggled to catch up to everything that had happened. I sat up in bed gingerly and took...
I woke up with a grin on Saturday morning, my whole body stretched and twisted. I had slept so well, my body sated from Daddy’s cock the night before. He had fucked me twice, Mommy’s tongue cleaning my sloppy, swollen pussy before bed. Her wicked mouth made me cum two more times before I finally fell asleep, exhausted. I was a lucky girl and today was the barbecue! I squealed with excitement and got up to get ready for the day. It was already later than I thought, 11:35am the clock read on...
Friday morning was uneventful, I got up and dressed as usual. Mommy was running a bit behind in schedule because Daddy had fucked her instead of getting a morning blowie. She was perky though, energized by the early morning endorphins from the orgasm. Looking pretty in an emerald green sun dress she ushered me into the car, worried about being late for school. We drove through the neighborhood, Mommy asking me about my day and if I had any exams. I didn’t but I was excited for Study Hall...
The next morning I woke up groggy and sore, everywhere. I was surprised that I hadn’t been woken up by my alarm or Mommy for school yet. Morning light streamed into my bedroom window so I knew it couldn’t be too late in the day. I gingerly sat up in bed and took inventory of my naked body. It turns out fucking is a whole body sport. My arms were sore from holding myself up on the table, but I lifted them to gently cup my breasts. My nipples were a little red and tender from sliding against...
That Monday morning I was in my pjs eating a bowl of cereal at the kitchen table with Mommy and Daddy when there was a knock at the door. Since it was a long holiday weekend we were all off and I was hoping to spend the day playing with Mommy and Daddy. Hopefully whoever was at the door wouldn’t derail my plans. While I may have been confused by the unexpected visitor Daddy simply looked up and put down the leftover Sunday paper. “That must be Andrea,” he said standing. Daddy looked...
She stood at 5'6 with deep reddish brown hair. She was very skinny but she had the type of body designed to be small. Of course I wanted her, I wanted to do things that would make a trucker blush. But I couldn't at least not tonight; she needed me to be in charge. So I was, she had gone out again to find someone to replace the sorry excuse for a husband she had. She had 2 kids Sam and Kristopher, Sam being the oldest was 5 and Kristopher whom we called gopher was 2. That night Missy was...
It was Sunday, one of my favorite days of the week. Mommy spent most Sunday’s at Grandma and Grandpa’s house with her sisters and brother for Sunday dinner. Daddy said it was important for her to get alone family time too. This meant Daddy and I had Sundays all to ourselves. “What are we going to do today Daddy?” I asked as I skipped into the living room. Daddy glanced up from the DVD player and looked at me, his eyes going to my little buds under my t-shirt. I wasn’t wearing one of the...
It had been a long time from the seven days I spent with my studs, but sadly I went off to school and Missy had to go on an extended vacation. However, school did not work out as planned and I found myself in a new city and my own apartment with a small job. I had to help pay the bills. For a while I lived with a roommate who was a little homophobic and despised the ideas of trannies. He never found out that I was Missy but had come across the site once and never recognized me. Eventually, he...
CrossdressingThe next morning I made a pleasant discovery. It seemed like the more I masturbated, the more aware of my body I was. Everything felt different. The sheets felt softer on my bed, making me stretch lazily like a cat when I woke up. My cute little toes pointing and toned legs stretching to their full length. When I stood up my perky little buds of breasts felt heavy and swollen. My hands slid up my body to cup them through my cotton sleep shirt. My nipples tingled and tightened. I could see...
This is my imagining of a future with my partner and my pet...I have never been more ready for the weekend as I stumble through the door absolutely exhausted. Work this week was incredibly strenuous and I cannot wait to relax. I hear the jingle of your tags against your collar as you bound across the house to greet me. “Welcome home, Missy,” you smile up at me. I can see the excitement in your eyes and the furious wagging of your tail and know that you would like nothing more than to jump up...
“This way ladies,” Jessica called over her shoulder as she walked down the dimly lit hallway. I adjusted the tie on my robe as I walked, tightening it around my waist. The Spa’s lounge had a couple of women in it, all in various states of undress. One woman was walking back into the lounge as we were walking out, her gait awkward and a little bow legged. “She must have had a session with Michael,” Hannah whispered in my ear. “Michael?” I whispered back. I looked back at her to see her...
I woke up in bed groggy and stiff. I cracked my eyes open and winced, shutting them quickly against the light flooding through my bedroom window. It was morning and I was back in my bed. I groaned, my head spinning and still a little sluggish from the day before. Mommy and Beth had given me a lot of Twilight, not that I hadn’t enjoyed it. I forced my eyes open and saw a glass of water and two tablets next to it on my nightstand. Mommy must have left me some pain meds for me. Twenty minutes...
"Shhh, shh little one," Abuela murmured, twisting her four fingers counter-clockwise in my pussy. "It's a good hurt." I sagged back onto the gynecological table and tried once again, unsuccessfully, to close my spread legs. When I had entered the smaller treatment room earlier to see a gyno table, I wasn't surprised. When my feet were put into stirrups, my legs were spread wide and then were strapped down I didn't even utter a sound of protest. But now, they made it impossible to...