The Desirable Mrs Hawke free porn video

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Sue Chung, face lined with fatigue, shook her companion awake and growled angrily, ‘You pig.’

Eyes fluttering, a pain stabbing behind them, Jimmy Crowley’s brain brought him into real-time to establish where he was and with whom. Ah the drunken slut and they were on the deck of the wrecked fishing boat to fish off it when the tide covered the reef. They’d gone out to the reef the previous day when the pretty travel agent’s rubber inflatable had blown away in a gust of wind when her knot tying it to be hulk had slipped undone, marooning them.


‘Yes and don’t flash those baby blue eyes at me so innocently. You had sex with me during the night without my permission.’

‘I regarded any request for permission as unnecessary: you were pushing me in.’ ‘Well what about the mess on me. You ejaculated on to my stomach and left it to dry.’

Jimmy scratched his balls and ran his tongue over his dry lips. ‘Well, we weren’t on a bed with towels handy, we were?’

Sue sighed. ‘I concede that.’

‘I withdrew, not knowing if you were protected.

Sue sighed.

Jimmy, now wider awake, looked around and saw the change of tide and change in wind direction overnight had returned the inflatable and it was now left hanging off the far end of the reef by the receding tide. He smiled, ‘Now we have that sorted do you want another one?’

Sue climbed on to her hands and knees and complained, ‘Well come on, I haven’t all day.’

Fortunately for Jimmy she was facing away from the inflatable. He grinned, wet his lips and moved in saying, ‘It’s my pleasure to service you ma’am.’

Later Sue found a pool on the reef in which to clean herself – the sea was shark-infested – and Jimmy, energy depleted, clambered over the reef to retrieve the dinghy.

Jimmy slept the day away in his hotel room. Sue called to say her husband had returned home but she could still take him to the airport for his flight to Sydney. When passengers were called for boarding, Sue wouldn’t be kissed, bawling and her husband looking at Jimmy frowning, and that changed to deep suspicion when Sue shrieked, ‘I love you Jimmy’ and she shrieked again as her husband whacked her. Jimmy sighed and boarded, concluding that spending sunny days in peace and harmony on the idyllic island in the South Pacific had been rather over-stated in the travel brochure. Everything had been unsatisfactory or gone wrong for him and he was returning to a similar mess.

* * *

The usual lively eyes of Jimmy Crowley were dulled when two days later he appeared before the senior partners of the law firm to be disciplined. The only partner absent was Jimmy’s father Charles, the managing partner.

Convener Mary Calder said icily, ‘You have brought out firm into disrepute, not only losing the case against the director of operations of one of our largest fee-paying clients but being found by him in bed with his wife less than twenty-four hours later was incomprehensible and disgraceful.

‘Mary, there was nothing incomprehensible about it, she’s a real babe.’

‘Shut you mouth Jimmy,’ she snapped. ‘That is an insolent and uncalled for response. The purpose of this meeting is to hear your explanation and appeal to retain your position and to show contriteness.’

‘Is that so? Perhaps my resignation is the best way out,’ Jimmy said, milking the situation. He concealed his smile when he saw Mary the old bag lick her lips. So the partners had already decided that.

‘Well I suppose that would bring closure.’

‘I’ll go for a severance payment of $50,000 plus all other entitlements.’

Mary’s tongue almost reached her overly prominent nose. ‘Well, that could be a consideration. Please leave the room while we discuss that.’

‘No, I’m comfortable here. You guys leave if you don’t wish me to hear the squabble.’

The five other partners followed Mary out. The Minutes Secretary came over and poured blond and now very tanned Jimmy coffee, snapping her legs shut when he went to touch her. ‘Stop it Jimmy, you know I’m Mary’s girlfriend.’

‘Oh yeah, what a criminal waste Jennifer.’

Jennifer hesitated and then came in closer and stood with her legs apart but just then the solemn-looking group of partners filed back in with Jennifer having leaped back two feet like a gazelle. Fortunately for her Mary came in last and seeing the coffee pot in her lover’s hand said, ‘Yes, I’ll have more coffee Jennifer.’

The meeting reconvened. Mary announced Jimmy’s demand for a $50,000 payout had been accepted providing Jimmy now called Mr Duke and apologized, saying Jimmy’s indiscretion had cost him his job with Chas. Crowley & Partners, Attorneys at Law, and then he’d vacate his office and in building within ten minutes of completing that call.

‘Hi Mr Duke, it’s Jimmy Crowley.’

‘Why the fuck would I talk to you,’ Phil Duke said, on speakerphone, his voice venom-filled.

‘No, don’t hang up. I wish to apologize and to advise I’ve been fired.’

‘Fired? Oh you bastard, you’ve made my day. I’ll never forgive Megan for giving herself to a creep like you.’

‘Oh don’t blame Megan Mr Duke. Her problem is she was not getting enough. She needs sex two or three times a day. Your second wife is a powerhouse woman Mr Duke.’

‘You don’t say. Well Megan told me you were next to useless.’

‘Oh what a disappointment for Megan,’ Jimmy grinned. ‘Goodbye.’

‘Two or three times a day?’ Mary said weakly and the one other female and four male associates looked rather troubled.

‘Well, give me the letter confirming our agreement Mary and I’ll be off. You guys will regret missing the lift I gave this firm.’

‘So your father says,’ Mary said flatly. ‘I’ll have Jennifer prepare the letter for signing while you clean out your desk. Please take nothing belonging to the firm.’

* * *

Twenty-four hours later, tired of listening to his distraught mother saying her son had ruined his brilliant career, Jimmy rang the front door bell of the small mansion on Brighton’s Hill. A tall, pale but beautiful brunette he knew was thirty-seven answered the door.

‘Oh hi Jimmy.’

‘Hi Mrs Hawke. This is just a courtesy call to check out that post-divorce is treating you well and the good life has returned.’

Farrah turned her troubled grey eyes on Jimmy. ‘It’s been a fucking disaster. Come in and have a drink.’

Jimmy took the Martini and said smoothly, ‘God you have a great body Mrs Hawke.’

She looked at him startled and said, ‘Well I suppose as I’m an ex-client you can talk to me like that.’

‘Thanks Farrah.’

‘And call me Farrah.’

He grinned. ‘Your ex husband called you useless around the home but I’ll say this Farrah: You look great around the home and this Martini tastes perfect.’

‘Oh Jimmy. You have no idea how appealing it is to have someone other than my parents say lovely things to me. Most of my friends have gone.’


‘They’ve dumped me.’

‘Well they can’t have been your friends.’

Farrah dabbed at her eyes. ‘You have no idea what it’s been like Jimmy.’

‘Perhaps I do.’

‘Do you?’

‘Yes, practically no one calling, you feel confined to the house. You social life and sex have been non-existent.’

‘Well yes but ought you be talking to me about sex?’

‘Who knows Farrah? How do you feel about me talking to you about sex?’

‘I-I… well to be perfectly honest I feel very good about it. It’s really lovely to be talking to you.’

Jimmy knew women were easy prey when they felt vulnerable, only he didn’t regard the very desirable Mrs Hawke as prey. She had oodles of money and was adrift so would be open to regaining some real substance to her life and over the last couple of days he’d thought through the women he knew who were available and guess who came out top of the list.

‘Well this is just a fleeting visit. I really shouldn’t be here because I’m in disgrace.’

‘Oh really?’ Farrah said, leaning forward very interested, her smallish breasts barely noticeable against her printed silk top.

‘Yes. The partners of my law firm have fired me after finding out from the enraged Carlos Duke that I’d had sex with his wife.’

‘You allowed Carlos to find out?’

Jimmy had to smile. Farrah wasn’t censoring him. ‘Um, my mother thinks I’m disgusting and a disgrace to the family and my upset father has a burning desire to slam dunk me.’

‘But Jimmy, that’s unreasonable. Adultery happens. I should know.’

‘Well thank you for being so sympathetic. You are the first. The few people who know have treated me contemptuously.’

‘Well they are prudish and some are probably hiding their own guilt. Whether or not we like the thought Jimmy, sex thrives.’

Jimmy pulled the trigger. ‘I-I feel so ashamed.’

‘Oh no, my poor boy,’ Farrah cooed, almost launching herself at him. ‘You are just one of those capable guys fortunate ladies like. You are so naturally sexy. Although you never spoken about sex with me till just now, when you represented me when I was being divorced I was aware of your eyes raking me and knew what that meant although your face remained passive.’

‘Oh no, I’m so sorry. How disgusting of me.’

‘Shut up Jimmy. It was therapeutic for me to know at least one male appeared interested. I’m really impressed you had it off with Megan Duke… Megan is widely known as the Number One most desirable women in the city.’

‘Megan Number One – what about you Farrah?’

Farrah appeared to stop breathing after saying, ‘What do you mean?’

‘Oh come one Farrah, you know other women know you have a face and figure to die for. I’d have to fuck you before I could rate you alongside Megan otherwise it would not be fair.’



‘It doesn’t matter.’

Jimmy told Farrah she looked a little down. You need to do something exciting.’

‘Like what? Since my divorce I only leave the house to shop and to conduct essential business.’

‘Do you still have your house in Hawaii?’


‘Well call airlines direct now and ask for two tickets on tonight’s flight to Hawaii with me as your guest.’

‘Are you serious?’


‘Well I don’t know.’

Jimmy said firmly, ‘You wanted to do something exciting Farrah. This is it. Book now and then I’ll call back in a cab in half an hour. We can eat and talk at the airport.’

Farrah jumped up. ‘Very well,’ she said, sounding anything but convinced. ‘That is exciting and I think I’m for it.’

She returned smiling. ‘I have booked two tickets business class on the flight leaving just before 8:00 this evening. Give me an hour to pack and get ready.’

‘Excellent. Give me a kiss.’

The kiss was long and very gentle.

‘God,’ she said. ‘That was great. Off you go.’

* * * Jimmy’s father thought it was a good idea for his son to go to Hawaii. ‘You will be out of sight here, lessening your disgrace.’

His mother began crying and said she didn’t want Jimmy to go. ‘I want you here to face up to family and friends.’

‘No you silly cow,’ growled his father. ‘I want him out of here.’

‘Charles, don’t you dare speak to me like that! How could you? Now give our boy money so he can enjoy himself. Give him ten thousand dollars.’

‘Give him what?’

‘You heard. Transfer ten thousand dollars into his bank account otherwise your home life will be a misery for you.’

‘Give me your bank account number son. Um, you could stay home?’

Jimmy, grinned and went off to get the bank account number and gave that to grumpy. He then packed two carry bags and had coffee with his parents before heading off.

* * *

Farrah packed five carry bags, at one stage singing, ‘Dee Dee, Fiddley Dee, Jimmy Crowley Will Fuck Me’. She was so happy although she knew he was also out to get his hands on some of her money. Well she’d think about being generous, certain he wouldn’t be an unscrupulous gold-digger. She looked for her anti-contraceptive device aware she was nearing the limit of normal child-bearing age, but definitely not past it. When Jimmy arrived she hugged him tears mixed with smiles and he said he understood she felt like a woman just rescued from drowning with new hope and a new life ahead of her. At that moment Farrah would have given Jimmy anything he’d asked for however outrageous. She told him she couldn’t find her anti-contraceptive device.

‘You probably were enraged when learning your ex was seeking a divorce and tossed it out, declaring you’d never have sex with a man again.’

‘No, I wouldn’t be like that,’ Farrah laughed and then lost the laugh. ‘Oh god, I was in a real paddy. I remember tossing it into the trash can and saying exactly what you just said. Oh how could I?’

‘Well you can switch to the pill.’

‘But I don’t want my breast growing large.’

Jimmy bit back a selfish retort. Instead he said they should just leave it and accept any consequences.

‘Any consequences.’

‘Yeah, like twins.’

Farrah looked at him strangely and said, ‘So that’s it, I’m too old for you. You want a woman who can have babies?’

‘Now, now lovely lady. Who said anything about children until just now? In fact who every thought about children? I have other things to think about.’

‘I haven’t, at least not for some years. Kiss me Jimmy. I’m sorry I shot my mouth off. I’ll buy pills at the airport.’

‘No don’t. If there’s a miracle and you become pregnant I’ll stand by you.’


‘Absolutely. Anyway, my sperm are probably duds because my underpants are too tight.’

They laughed and kissed again.

At the airport they ate lightly, knowing they’d have dinner on the aircraft. Jimmy raised his wine glass and said, ‘Here’s to magnificent times together.’

Farrah responded and asked how long did he wish that to be?

‘You may not like the reply.’

‘Go on.’

‘Providing we are compatible, I’d like it to be for a very long time.’

She smiled with a flicker of uncertainty. ‘It could be difficult accepting I’m seven years your senior.’

‘Oh I can accept that. Older women apparently fuck better.’

Farrah blushed.

Warming her with a big grin Jimmy said, ‘There’s a couple of things I should say. The first is you have been through a rough time. I’ll not look for sex from you until you pull my hand on to a breast and say, ‘Fuck me Jimmy’. The second thing is you might become interested in going into business with me. I propose setting up a small law practice and you could run the administration if that appeals. I recall your degree was in business administration and that is unbelievably convenient. You might consider advancing me the capital to establish and you’d gradually be repaid out of profits because I intend specializing in industrial law and charge substantial fees.’

‘I could be interested. A loan you say?’

‘Yes or a stake or part loan/part stake. I’d require you to use an independent lawyer to vet the agreement, to even draft it if that’s your wish.’

‘And that’s why you came visiting today?’

‘Actually I hadn’t thought about it until returning home to pack. The reason why I came was I was feeling sensitive, being in big trouble myself and mom had told me your mother said you were still a bit down. I thought I’d call to cheer you up and perhaps arrange a date and because I’m not with anyone at the moment there was a chance our renewal of contact might lead to sex.’

‘Ah, predatory?’

‘Yes. Do you blame me?’

Farrah laughed and sat back very relaxed.

They arrived in Honolulu next morning at 9:30 local time and took a limo to the southeastern windward coast with its lush gree
n valleys where Farrah owned a house alongside the Hawaii Kai Golf Course in a gated community, only a short walk to Sandy Beach. The wife of the married couple who looked after the property greeted them and Jimmy noted she and Farrah hugged affectionately. Farrah introduced him to the older woman, a native Hawaiian, as Leilani who called him Mr Crowley.

‘No, please call me Jimmy.’

‘Very well Jimmy. My husband helps to look after this property. Sam will be available to play golf and go fishing with you until you make your own friends if that’s your wish.’

‘Thanks Leilani. I’d like that and playing golf very early to avoid the heat.’

‘Yes of course.’ She stepped back and whispered something to Farrah and they both laughed, turning to look at Jimmy.

Leilani left and Farrah showed him around, Jimmy eyeing the enclosed swimming pool. The house was a very modern and simple detached dwelling with two bedrooms and Farrah said he could choose where to sleep.

‘I’d like to sleep with you.’

‘Oooh, I’d like that. I prefer sleeping on the left side of the bed.’

‘That’s fine. I’ll eager to fit in.’

‘I bet,’ Farrah said. ‘Leilani whispered that you seem a much better choice of guy than my ex husband. She never liked him but she has taken immediately to you. I’m very pleased about that. Go and have a swim while I unpack. The tradition is when we are alone we swim nude.’

Jimmy kidded himself he must have swum a hundred lengths before he spotted Farrah watching him.

‘You have a lovely style.’

‘Thanks,’ he grinned, standing and his gaze raked her nude body.

‘I-I’m sorry. I have small breasts.’

‘Don’t be sorry, imagine lugging around heavy hangers in this heat?’

She laughed and dropped a hand down alongside her thigh.

‘You shave.’

‘Yes, unlike blondes brunettes have much to shave.’

‘Don’t kid yourself. I have carnally known a few unshaven blondes.’

She giggled and he grinned, both of them still feeling a little less than comfortable.

‘Your pussy looks great. Spread for me.’



She blushed and spreading her legs used both hands to part her butterfly, complaining never in her life had she been asked to do that.

‘Stop complaining. It’s a little beauty.’

‘Well from what I can see from here I think you’ll be too big for me.’

‘You call this big,’ his said, lifting his semi-erection closer to the surface. ‘You ex must have sported a pee-wee.’

‘As did the guy I sported with and plunged into that affair that his fucking wife made public and ruined my marriage.’

‘Well forget about that. This time you’ll have a good-size cock to work on. Jump out to me.’

‘No, my hair.’

‘To hell with your hair.’

‘Oh Jimmy. I spend hours… oh what the hell. Catch me.’

She jumped at him hard, lightly winding both of them. He’d staggered back and overbalancing and pulled her under.

‘You fucking beast,’ Farrah said as they surfaced, both gasping. She hammered her fists against his chest and he laughed and told her not to be a bad-tempered bitch.

‘I thought you’d hold me high so my hair would only get splashed a little.’

Instead of answering he kissed her with growing passion. She groaned and pulled his hand on to a tit and sank down on him so his erection as now against her pubic bone.

‘Go on,’ she whispered hoarsely.

‘No, wait till we get out. Let’s mess around a bit.’

She nodded, he pushed a finger into her slit and she smashed her mouth against his and rammed her tongue into his mouth. But Jimmy slowed her down, frustrating Farrah no end. She broke away and cried, ‘Come on, get out of the pool, I want it.’

Jimmy knew this was it. He’d wanted to get her almost screaming for it as in his experience the first fuck with a new woman was often the very best. They tended to give it their all when panting for it.

Farrah lived up to his expectations. They staggered inside, dripping pool water and remained in a clinch, both moaning and groaning. She toppled on her back on to the sofa and expertly pulled his head down to her crotch without pulling out handfuls of hair, and groaned deliriously as his tongue slithered over her slit, circled her clit and returned to her slit that by then she’d spread open and his tongue went into her juicing pussy. After a while Farrah sighed and said, ‘Fingers’. He obliged, slipping one in under his probing tongue, turned that hand around and slipped in another finger and began finger-fucking her with increasing rhythm, feeling Farrah press a hand against his cheek to reach in to begin tapping her fingers around her clit. With the pussy lips now really swollen Jimmy lifted and went after her nipples, Farrah playing with his hair, her head swinging from side to side.

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Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Motherless Facials

Fuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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Und draußen schallte wieder Punkmusik aus dem Ghettoblaster – von der Eisenbahnunterführung bis zu seinem Haus! Punks und Skater hingen da ab. Das war diese Art von Jugendlichen, die ihren Eltern das Leben schwer macht , die von Arbeit nichts hielten, sich an keine Regeln hielten, ständig auf Party machten. Die soffen viel zu viel und kotzten dann in irgendeine Ecke. Denen bedeutete doch nichts und niemand etwas. Wahrscheinlich nahmen sie auch Drogen und trieben weiß-Gott-was mit...

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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

Fetish Porn Sites
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The Governors Meeting Chapter 5 Mrs Vero

I knocked on the door that was clearly marked: “Mrs Sheila Vero, Senior School Governor”.‘Enter!’I opened the door and stepped into her office. It was very much like the Headmistress’s study, with a desk, sofa and two armchairs, as well as a series of wooden cabinets.‘Ah, Mrs Lonsdale. I’ve been waiting for you! Come in, come in! Sit!’Mrs Vero pointed to an upright chair in front of her desk. I sat, with my hands in my lap, unsure what to expect.She looked at me over the top of her glasses. She...

3 years ago
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Mrs McGregors Tawse 5

CHAPTER 9 SUZANNE'S PHOTO SESSION After returning from the outing Suzanne was ready for the photo shoot. Mrs. McGregor said, "I think first we should do a series of poses with him completely naked. Suzanne, strip." She removed her clothing. "Now stand with your elbows in, hands out and up." "Now clasp you hands behind your back." "Now stand on tiptoe. Turn. On tiptoe again. Margaret, her ass looks very nice when she does that, doesn't it?" Mrs. McGregor...

4 years ago
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Me Mrs Craddock And Mrs Ca

“Tell Angela I’ll be down in a few minutes!” my mother shouted down the stairs.“She’ll be down in a few minutes,” I said. Mrs Hotter, who was standing right next to me, smiled, no doubt at the absurdity of me repeating what she’d just heard.I was more nervous about being alone with Mrs Hotter now than I had been when we were still rutting like animals. Normally when she came round to discuss Hydrangeas or mulch or some such thing with my mother, I kept out of the way, yet here I was all alone...

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Mrs Graves

MRSGRAVESBy: counterparts199; part 1?What?s up, Mister Askins?? I asked the barber.  He was sweeping the winter dirt off of the shop porch.?Looks like you could still use a sit, Joe,? he teased back.  To Mister Askins I seemed a deserter, my hair having grown a little since the better economic conditions of fall.?Hi there, Mrs. Graves,? I said after walking on a piece, and past the town?s cornerstone plantation house.  She didn?t answer.  Mrs. Graves was pruning her roses because she?d grumped...

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Doing Mrs Pierce

(I was forced to help the girls' injured coach)Mrs. Pierce was a real piece of work. That's all there was to it. She was the girls' softball coach and the reason they had been the most winning team in county history but that didn't change the fact that she was a real bitch. All the girls hated Mrs. Pierce, partly because of her nasty temper but mostly because of her cutting, condescending remarks but each member of the team played their very best to avoid becoming the target of her ridicule.The...

2 years ago
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Jenny Is Disciplined By Mrs Denver

Mrs Denver stood up, hands on her hips, looked cross, was very cross, and shouted, “Mrs Howe, that was extremely dangerous and could have hurt young Emma. I’ll need to deal with you.” The afternoon had been going well. Parents and students were using the swimming pool. The swimming competition had been exciting. Now, about thirty parents and students were relaxing in the pool, some swimming lengths but most just were standing in the water and chatting to friends. Then came the incident. The one...

2 years ago
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Me And Mrs Hotter Caught In The Act

Things took longer than I hoped, but not nearly as long as I feared. On the odd occasion when I chanced to be alone, briefly, with Mrs Hotter she would tease me in some way. A flash of stocking top, letting me have a quick feel of a boob, even whispering something salacious in my ear, like how she couldn’t wait to feel my cock spurt inside her again. In my youthful impatience, weeks felt like years. When she came round to the house, my mother was always there, and I couldn’t really go round to...

4 years ago
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Mrs Denvers Parent Discipline Scheme Part 2

Elizabeth stood quietly in Mrs Denver’s Study with her dress tucked in above her waist, her knickers off, her Brazilian cut showing. The 36-year-old watched Emma, her 17-year-old-daughter, turn and pick up her knickers. She cringed when she saw the twelve wicked red lines across her bottom. She watched her daughter ease her knickers back on over those weals and it brought back memories of those times she was caned when at school. She heard Emma gasp as she let go of the elastic of her...

2 years ago
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mrs watsons new neighbourhood part 3

mrs watson gets a text#all the cameras are up mrs watson#good boy come round when your housemates are home and we'll check the views togetherjustin arrives at mrs watsons later in the evening strips then knocks on the door'come in' mrs watson opens the door lets justin in'was it fun positioning the cameras?''uh yes mrs watson''did your tiny cock get excited ?''yes mrs watson it did''but you didn't touch it ?''no mrs watson''good boy , would you like me to touch it as a reward for being a good...

2 years ago
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Absinthe 2 The Absinthe of Malice

Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...

3 years ago
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Mrs T The Sales Girl and Me Dressing Room

Upon Mrs. T requestI read her this story as she stroked my cockshe did not let any leak out her sexy red lipsI love to shop. It always better to go shopping with someone else. There is nothing more fun then going shopping with Mrs. T. We always seem to have fun. On some occasion we have a little too much fun. I usually buy her what ever she wants. On most shopping trips she buys everything with her husband credit card or cash. She likes to make a game out of shopping sometimes. She likes to...

2 years ago
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Mature Mrs Hallam and her cocksucker photos

FOREWORDYeah, bored this Sunday. Felt like writing something nasty which features my personal fave of a mature blonde lady with big boobs and a dirty mouth; one who looks and sounds like butter wouldn’t melt. Then, when the heat takes her she de-cloaks into the Super Cougar and gets her claws into some young male meat.The poor boy.But he does well in the end. *wink*. There’s a twist in the tale.I hope you enjoy the scene, which is largely unedited so there are likely to be errors and/or typos...

3 years ago
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Mrs Denvers Parent Discipline Scheme

Part 1 Sally Denver , the 45-year-old Headmistress, was in her Study when the buzzer sounded. She looked at her watch. It was 2.30 pm so they were right on time. Sally pressed the button of the intercom. “Yes?” she asked sternly. Her Secretary, 25 year old Charlotte , replied, “ Mrs Carson and Emma are both here, Mrs Denver.” “Send them in please,” Mrs Denver ordered in her strict tone of voice that students knew to fear. Mrs Denver watched sombrely as 36-year-old Mrs Elizabeth Carson and...

3 years ago
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Mrs Howard Spanks Mother and Daughter

  Mrs Collins brought Ellie home from camp knowing she had promised Mrs Howard she would give her 16 year old daughter a really hard spanking. “Put all your clothes in the linen basket Ellie, and then come straight to my bedroom” she instructed her daughter.   Ellie knew her Mother had threatened to spank her and fully expected to have her knickers taken down and make the trip across the maternal lap, but it was her Mother of course, not Mrs Howard. A few spanks and it would be over. She...

2 years ago
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mrs watsons new neighbourhood part 4

Justin is in the kitchen trying to ignore the sounds coming from gerrys room when his phone rings'hello ?''hello justin i see gerry has his girlfriend over i'm watching them fuck now you placed that camera well would you like to watch it''oh yes please mrs watson''well i need you to do something for me then i need to catch gerrys girlfriend doing something so i can have some fun with her''um i don't know mrs watson how could i do that''well something i find usualy works is cash leave some...

4 years ago
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Mrs Denvers Double Spanking The Aftermath

Elizabeth Carson sat in the car. She was far from comfortable she had to be acknowledge to herself. The 36-year- old was suffering the effects of the 24 fierce red lines across her bottom given courtesy of Mrs Denver’s senior cane. She got herself as comfortable as possible before driving off. She drove carefully as the stinging distracted her but thankfully got home without incident. As she drove she reminded herself she suffered the humiliation of being spanked and caned to prevent her...

2 years ago
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Mrs Howard Spanks Mother and Daughter

  Mrs Collins brought Ellie home from camp knowing she had promised Mrs Howard she would give her 16 year old daughter a really hard spanking. “Put all your clothes in the linen basket Ellie, and then come straight to my bedroom” she instructed her daughter.   Ellie knew her Mother had threatened to spank her and fully expected to have her knickers taken down and make the trip across the maternal lap, but it was her Mother of course, not Mrs Howard. A few spanks and it would be...

3 years ago
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mrs watsons new neighbourhood part 2

3am justins phone rings he picks it up and answers'good morning justin did i wake you ?' asks mrs watson'uh yes good morning mrs watson' says justin sleepily'what are you wearing ?''nothing i sleep in the nude''pull back the covers put your phone on videocall and show me your clit'justin pulls back the covers points his phone at his tiny cock'hmm no morning wood ? keep the phone pointed at your clit while we talk''uh no mrs watson its very early''have you been good or have you been touching...

3 years ago
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Mrs Denvers Parent Discipline Meeting

Charlotte was enjoying her weekend her stay with Mrs. Denver but they had not yet made love. Charlotte still did not realise her boss had strong feelings for her so when Mrs. Denver suggested a morning walk Charlotte decided to misbehave, force Mrs. Denver to spank her again, then hope this time for kisses and cuddles afterwards. Unfortunately as Mrs. Denver equally did not realise Charlotte’s feelings for her she took the misbehaviour as disobedience that required a disciplinary spanking, and...

2 years ago
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Mrs McGregors Tawse 2

CHAPTER 3 STUART'S MEETS MRS. MCGREGOR'S PANTIES Stuart stood naked in front of Mrs. McGregor and his stepmother. His blush ran all the way down his chest. "Well, Stuart, today we start your....conditioning.... concerning women's panties. I know you're aroused by the sight and feel of a woman's panties. You've stolen your Step-mother's and masturbated into them enough times. Right Stuart?" "Ummmm....errrrr......." Mrs. McGregor laughed then said, "Don't lie, child. Now lie...

2 years ago
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Me And Mrs Craddock

“Have a nice time, dear!” my mother called out as I left the house.Not for the first time I wondered what she’d think if she knew what kind of ‘nice time’ I was hoping for. For the past few months I’d had many very nice times with her good friend Mrs Hotter, an affair which had ended when we were caught in the act by her son, Tommy.However, Mrs Hotter had given me to understand that Mrs Craddock, two doors down from her, might appreciate a visit. Her words were etched on my mind: “She gets...

3 years ago
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Mrs Stone Teases

It was a conversation David Glanfield didn't relish, knowing it would probably be awkward and embarrassing. But, having decided it was his problem, and as difficult as it might be, he felt it his duty to tackle the issue. It did occur to him that Human Resources should really deal with it -- in fact company protocols were quite clear, however, since being newly promoted and with it still being early days, in an attempt to foster a relationship with his team and gain their trust, David thought...

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Mrs Denver The Prequel Continues

23 year old Nikki Pearson had eagerly agreed to meet up with her ex-Headmistress to be disciplined in her Study. It was educational for her ex-Headmistress, Mrs Sally Denver , who had been shocked to be told by Nikki how when at school she had been naughty on purpose so that she was disciplined more than any other student, by far. The agreement was that Nikki would allow Mrs Denver to be much more severe than she was with the students to test just how thorough she could be when disciplining...

2 years ago
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Me And Mrs Hotter Almost Caught

My mother shrieked.This was not unusual. My mother was fond of shrieking. She would shriek in any circumstance where a reaction was called for. Now she was standing in the middle of the kitchen in her best clothes, ready for her and my father to go out for the evening.“I completely forgot!” she shrieked. “I meant to take the bulbs round to Angela!” She turned to where I was pouring myself a glass of orange juice. “You wouldn’t mind, would you, Darren? Taking the bag of flower bulbs round to Mrs...

1 year ago
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Alice and Sophia Meet Mrs Heaton

Alice and Sophia knew they were two very lucky girls. Both were twenty-six-years-old and rented a room and lived under the auspices of their two landladies. They both found adverts for single women, their mum's ages, who offered a maternal type arrangement. It turned out that both landladies, Loretta and Monika, enjoyed mothering girls they could treat as their daughters, and charged a lower rent as well. Alice and Sophia jumped at the chance, seeing many benefits to the arrangement.The...

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Mrs Howard spanks Ellie

16 year old Ellie waited in her bedroom knowing her bottom was soon going to be spanked very hard and for an awfully long time. She could hear her Mum speaking to Mrs Howard, the cleaner. “Ellie deserves a good hard spanking so please will you work an extra half an hour and give her one of your especially hard thrashings.”   “What’s the reason this time Mrs Collins” Mrs Howard asked pleasantly.   “Her room is a disaster area, and when I told her to clean it up she gave me such a lot of...

4 years ago
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Nikki Sees Mrs Denver Once Again

Mrs Denver sat in her study when Charlotte pressed the intercom. “Nikki Pearson is here to see you, Mrs Denver.” “Send her in,“Mrs Denver replied. Charlotte watched the 23-year-old walk towards the study door as much in wonder as thinking about the pain Nikki was about to endure. Charlotte had seen so many students go in to the study with trepidation and come back out with tear-stained faces, rubbing their bottoms. She wondered what it was like to be caned and wondered whether she would ever...

1 year ago
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mrs watson makes some new friends

'please mrs watson i don't want to keep doing dirty things for you and don't want you to do dirty things to mewhat can i do to end this ' asks katy while fucking her own arsehole with a cucumber'you don't like it then why do you keep cumming ' mrs watson asks while pinching katys nipples ' i can't help it but really would like to get back to a normal life what can i do ? please may i cum mrs watson ?'katy is shoving the cucumber harder and harder up her arse' of course you can cum ' says mrs...

2 years ago
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mrs watson enjoys katies and leannes mother

mrs watson was in the mood for some light entertainment at someone elses expense so she called katys housea woman answered the phone 'hello''hi i'm mrs watson i just wondered if katy was at home ?''oh hello mrs watson its nice to hear from you i'm katys mom dawn i'm sorry katy isn't here can i take a message ?''no i really need to talk to her' mrs watson had a naughty thought 'or could you pop round it is important buti don't want to discuss it over the phone''ok as its important i'll pop round...

1 year ago
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Mrs McGregors Tawse 3

CHAPTER 5 Mrs. McGregor returned a few minutes later. She had a smile on her face and was carrying her tawse. "Very well, ladies, I think you'll enjoy this." Mrs. McGregor led them to another room. Entering, they saw that Stuart wrists were tied to the ceiling, his ankles chained to rings in the floor. Stuart was still nude, sporting an erection that pointed straight out. One thing the Mother and daughter noticed was that Mrs. McGregor had draped Mindy's panties over Stuart's...

4 years ago
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Mrs Denver Spanks Mother and Daughter Part One

Jenny Howe dreaded today. The 42 year old mother was going to be given twelve strokes of the cane and that realisation made her shiver with panic. She looked again at the Parent Discipline Slip and the instruction to see Mrs. Denver at the Academy together with her 17 year old daughter Olivia who had gone AWOL the previous week when she had a test. Having been caught Olivia had to pay the penalty by being excluded for 2 days. At least that was the easy part of the penalty. Olivia’s return to...

2 years ago
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Everyone Loves Mrs Gormley

Prologue: Gertrude Gormley was rushed to the hospital. She had fallen in her home and pressed that magic button that hung like a pendant around her neck. The ambulance came to take her away. The entire neighborhood was concerned for her. The ambulance driver asked the neighbors about Gertrude. They told them all they knew. But no one knew who was Gertrude's next of kin. Gertrude was an elderly woman certainly over seventy years old. She might even be over eighty or maybe even...

2 years ago
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Mrs Denver Spanks Mother and Daughter Part Two

Please do read Part One first: Mrs. Denver spoke very clearly and firmly, “Mrs. Howe, you will be first now, the strokes will be more spaced out, and I repeat they will be rather harder than the first six.” Mrs. Denver smiled when she remembered of course she had given both ladies seven strokes, the seventh being the penalty they both had to pay because Mrs. Howe had stood up after the first stroke, a definite no no, and an act everyone knew was never tolerated by the Principal. Olivia had...

3 years ago
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Mrs Denver Spanks Mother and Daughter Part Two

Please do read Part One first: Mrs. Denver spoke very clearly and firmly, “Mrs. Howe, you will be first now, the strokes will be more spaced out, and I repeat they will be rather harder than the first six.” Mrs. Denver smiled when she remembered of course she had given both ladies seven strokes, the seventh being the penalty they both had to pay because Mrs. Howe had stood up after the first stroke, a definite no no, and an act everyone knew was never tolerated by the Principal. Olivia had...


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