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To the reader: I’ve always known that lies are never good, even when done for the right reason. This little story shows what can happen when the truth is hidden by fabrications and lies.

Thanks to jo for editing.

There is no sex in this story.

This is fiction so, well, you know the routine. Enjoy.


‘I’ve done a lot of stupid things in my life but this takes the cake!’

I remember that thought flashing through my mind that as I ran head long down the alley. Then I don’t remember much else. Well, actually I do remember parts of it but most are not good.

I remember seeing the trash can lid coming at my face. I remember seeing some guy standing over with a knife in his hand. I remember seeing Cheryl’s body on the ground next to me. I remember blood, lots and lots of blood. I remember an ambulance attendant looking into my eyes. Then I don’t remember anything else.

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

Why I wasn’t killed is beyond me. I’ve always been somewhat lucky, maybe that? I’m not very strong or young anymore, so I can’t believe that had anything to do with it. Smart? Nah! So why am I lying in this hospital bed instead of the morgue?

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

Wait a minute… Cheryl’s body on the ground next to me… Cheryl? What about Cheryl? Where is she? Is she okay?

I fumbled around on the bed trying to find the nurse call button but it’s almost impossible to press any button with both hands wrapped in bandages. Maybe I can yell for help.


Nope that’s not going to work either. I could barely hear me let alone someone down the hall. Got to try to find that stupid button.

‘Ah Mr. Hoover, you’re awake.’ The nurse walked in as I was twisting to use my elbow to press the call button. ‘How do you feel?’

Why do they always ask such stupid questions? I feel like I’ve been run through a meat grinder that how I feel.

‘Would you like to sit up a bit, maybe some ice water?’ I know why she sounds so damned cheerful and it’s because she’s not the one in this bed. She presses the button to raise my head up and the pain shoots through my body again.

‘Nuf, stop, no, ow, OW…’

‘Oops, sorry,’ she said stopping. ‘Did that hurt?’

Jesus H. Christ, do they teach them in nursing school to find the stupidest question possible in a situation and ask it?

I couldn’t do anything but mumble incoherently. ‘Duh!’

She held a plastic cup with a bent straw toward my face. ‘Here, take a sip.’ I did but it was a major chore with two fat, clown-like lips. ‘Would you like the TV on? How about something to read? What can I get you?’ Her plastic smile didn’t do anything to brighten my mood.

‘Cheryl,’ I said as loud and about as forcefully as a whimpering puppy.

‘Ms. Scanlon? The woman they brought in here with you? I think she’s still in ICU but I’ll check and let you know. Now is there anything else I can do for you.’ She put the cup of water on the tray in front of me, out of reach of my two useless hands of course, and left.

She did have a nice looking backside though.

Now how do I get to that straw?

After a couple minutes of trying to use my mind to will the cup forward enough to get a sip, I heard a familiar voice at the door.

‘Damn, I’ve seen some ugly bastards in my day but you might just be the ugliest.’

The old gruff voice put a smile on my swollen lips and a pain in my neck as I turned to look at him.

‘Fuck you!’ I muttered.

‘Fuck you back, Jack.’

I looked across the room and saw my old friend leaning against the door jamb with his arms crossed and his usual shit-eating grin.

Ron and I have known each other for almost 30 years. We went to school together, were in the Army together, I was his best man and he was mine, and we built and sold a company that made each of us rich enough that we don’t need to work anymore if we don’t want to. To look at us we were completely different men. He’s a short, good looking, African American man with more muscles per square inch than was believed possible. Me, I’m a white-haired, old curmudgeon that looks like the old guy on the park bench feeding the pigeons. We’re both pushing 60. Ron doesn’t look a day over 40 and I look like I get the senior discount at bingo.

‘What have you gotten yourself into this time?’ Ron asked smugly.

‘Uh, from what little I can remember, I think I was trying to relive our glory days, trying to be a hero again. Doesn’t look too good does it?’

He walked over to the bed and lifted the sheet covering my body. ‘Well, you’ve still got your balls so I’d say you did about normal. The rest of it will heal, it always has before. I heard you took on four at a time in that alley. What were you thinking Jack? You’re too old to be playing with the kiddies anymore. Three at a time maybe, but four is too much for you now. Find a good retirement home and start watching the blue-haired old ladies. That’s more your speed.’

‘Again Ron, Fuck You!’

‘Tough words for a man with both hands in casts and lips bigger than mine, and from what I hear enough stitches to make a quilt.’

‘Look Ron, can you do me a favor? Can you go find out about Cheryl? I just woke up a little while ago and they haven’t been able to tell me shit about her. They said she was in ICU. Just go do what you do best and find out…’

‘Way ahead of you buddy. She’s fine. She’s out of ICU and they transferred her to a room this morning. She looks better than you right now. But there was a stab wound that nicked her aorta and it was touch and go there for a while. I know the surgeon and he’s a good man. He put her back together and she’ll be fine in a few days. Maybe in a couple weeks she can push you around the park in your wheelchair.’

Ah man that was a relief to hear. I relaxed back on the pillow and exhaled the tense breath I’ve been holding ever since I woke up. I’ve been in situations like this before but Cheryl doesn’t know about such things, about how cruel the world really is. She’s innocent and didn’t deserve what she went through.

‘Uh, Jack. Have you seen the news or read the newspaper this morning?’ Ron asked quietly.

‘No why?’

‘Well I think you got your wish. According to the media you’re a goddamned hero. They’re calling you the ‘Silver-haired Savior.’ Lotta’ bullshit if you ask me.’

‘Oh shit Ron. What did I do this time? I don’t remember too much, probably another concussion.’

‘Well, according to channel 7 this morning, the police received a 911 call last night around 10 o’clock for an assault in the alley next to The Ruptured Duck and when they got there they found your body draped over Cheryl’s and parts of four other men scattered all over the place. Three were dead Jack and the fourth isn’t going to be walking anytime soon. You left your signature on one of them. A cop I know that saw the mess said that one of the bad guys had a knife sticking out of the top of his head. You always did that when somebody pissed you off. They said that if you hadn’t been there then Cheryl wouldn’t have made it. You did good Jack.’

I turned away from Ron and did what I always did after something like this: I said a little prayer for the fallen. This time the dead were bad guys but that didn’t matter. I did what I had to do, what I’ve been trained to do, and there are three less men in the world today. Good, bad, it doesn’t matter. Dead is still dead and they deserve a little prayer for their immortal souls.

When I turned back a minute later Ron was closely watching me. ‘Good for you. That’s the Jack I’ve always known.’

We were silent for a time, just two old friends who didn’t need to say anything to communicate.

Ron adjusted the curtain to let a little more light in and then turned to me. ‘What were you doing there that time of night?’ He asked with a hint of worry in his voi

I tried to sit up a bit more but the pain in my abdomen returned. ‘I went there to talk to Cheryl. I knew she closed The Duck at 9:30 and then walked the daily receipts to the bank down the street so I was waiting across the street when she closed up. I saw three men grab her as he walked past the alley and drag her into the dark. I called 911 as I ran across the street and down the alley. One guy was already pulling all the cash out of the bank bag and the other three were on top of her hitting her and pulling at her clothes. They shoved something in her mouth so she couldn’t scream. The next thing I knew it was all arms and legs and assholes. From there on you probably know more than I do.’

‘No, I mean why were you there in the first place?’

I hesitated, waiting for the right words to form in my head. I looked down at my bandaged hands and then up to Ron. ‘I still love her Ron. I wanted to tell her how sorry I was and maybe explain things better this time. Maybe for once in my life tell her the truth.’

‘Man you know you can’t tell anyone about the things we did, not even Cheryl. You signed that Intelligence Community Agreement for one thing. If any of the shit we did ever gets out it could compromise relations with a few countries and put some of our boys in jeopardy when they have to go back there. No man, don’t even think about it.’

‘Goddamnit Ron, if you have a better suggestion I’d love to hear it. She’s no security risk and you know it. And besides, if the Feds want to throw my tired old ass in jail, then there going to have one hell of a fight on their hands. What would the public think of their Silver-haired Savior going to jail? It’s all bullshit anyway. I’m just going to tell her why I wasn’t there for her all those times and let the chips fall as they may. I just hope she’ll listen.’

‘Well man, you always were the charge ahead and kill the mother-fucker type anyway. If you need any backup with her just let me know, I’ll be there to vouch for you and maybe take your tired ass to the hospital when she finishes with you. I do have a couple photos I’m not supposed to have from that time we were in Columbia. Maybe she’ll believe that.’

We both became silent remembering our operations over the years: Thinking about our friends that never made it home and the ‘bad guys’ that didn’t either.

It all seemed like such a long time ago. It all seemed so important. It all destroyed my marriage. That I was going to fix, well, at least I was going to before four assholes decided to steal the daily receipts of Cheryl’s restaurant. I told her to not walk to the bank night deposit box by herself, but did she listen? She didn’t listen to me either when I made up stories about what I did on those extended periods away from home. She knew I was lying. But she got it all wrong when she accused me of having someone on the side. In all the years and in all the countries I was never once with another woman. I knew that the only woman I ever loved was at home waiting for me and I didn’t want to screw that up. Instead I screwed it up by not telling her the truth. I didn’t because I couldn’t. But none of that matters now. All that matters is that I get her back and we grow old together. I’ve missed her these last months. I still love her more than anything.

‘I’m going now,’ Ron said. ‘I’ll be back in a couple days to rescue the nurses from your nasty ass. In the mean time, just take it easy and don’t do anything foolish.’

‘Thanks man, with friends like you who needs the al-Qaeda.’


I’ve been cooped up in this hospital room for too long now, three days. It’s time for a little walk-about. I knew what room Cheryl was in and didn’t think I’d be missed so I took my IV pole with me and after looking left and then right down the hall, scooted around the corner to the elevator. Maybe I should have left a note saying I went for a walk and would be back in a little while. Naw, let them send the bloodhounds. I got off on the 5th floor and tried to look like I belonged there. Yeah right, an old man wearing a bathrobe and slippers, dragging an IV pole behind him looks as inconspicuous as hell. But when I got to room 537 I froze. I didn’t know what to do. It wasn’t in the field training manual and I didn’t have an intelligence report to say what to expect inside so I was at a quandary how to proceed. I just stood there hoping my ass wasn’t showing.

‘Come on in Jack,’ Cheryl said from the other side of the room divider.

How in the hell did she know I was there.

‘Jack, I can see your reflection in the bathroom mirror, so come on in.’

She’s a smarter woman than I ever gave her credit for.

I walked past the unoccupied bed nearest the door and over to her bed next to the window. For someone who had been near death she looked heavenly to me. But then I’m prejudiced.

‘Hi Cheryl, how are you doing?’ I stopped beside the bed and looked at her feeling my heart skip a beat. Lying in the bed with her own IV drip was the woman I’ve been married to for 30 years. She is as beautiful now as the day I met her. Sure her hair is white now instead of the auburn of long ago, and there are more ‘character lines’ in her face then before, but every pore, every cell, every square centimeter of her is as wonderful as it was the day we said ‘I do.’

‘I hear I’ve got you to thank for saving my life,’ she said as she reached out and took my hand in hers. ‘The police told me what happened and even a reporter from the channel 7 news was in here to interview me, but when they told me who the Silver-haired Savior was I couldn’t believe it. Jack, what in heaven’s name possessed you to do something stupid like that? You could have been killed. And how could you do that to those men. They said there were three dead and you did it. What’s going on Jack? Who are you, Rambo?’

‘Babe, I’m not Rambo, I’m Jack Hoover, the man who you married and who loves you more than anything in the world. I did what they said on the news and I’m sorry that it had to go that far, but they wouldn’t listen and were going to do things to you that I couldn’t allow. I had to put a stop to it before you got hurt. What happened was their fault, I was just the instrument of their destruction. I would have done anything to save you. I don’t care if it were five or ten men, they were not going to rape you, they were not going to hurt you in any way while I was there.’

‘Well how do you explain this little hole in my chest?’

I laughed at the completely ludicrous vision from that night. ‘That was you trying to be the hero. One of the men had a knife and was swinging it back and forth trying to cut my head off when you stepped in front of him yelling ‘Get your fucking hands off of my husband.’ That’s when he lunged forward and you jumped back in front of me. Babe, you took the blade that was meant for me. You saved MY life. When you went down he stood there staring at me knowing he was going to be dead in just a few seconds. He was. I took the knife from him and shoved it right into his skull. The surprised expression on his face was one I’ve seen a lot of times before. Everybody see’s me as a white-haired little old grandfather and that plays to my advantage. I’m not what I look like, I never have been. I’m sorry I never told you. If I did I could go to prison. I lied to you and deceived you for the entire time we’ve known each other and for that I’ll forever be ashamed. Babe, I’m so, so sorry I lied. I’ll tell you everything, every detail, every fact about every lie I ever told you. I won’t hold anything back. I want you to know that there has never been another woman in my life but you and I want you back. I want to come home and be your husband again. Please forgive me and love me again.’

She opened her mouth to say something but was rudely interrupted by a voice on the other side of the room divider. ‘Before you say anything else Jack I think we need to talk.’ The divider moved and out stepped a tall man wearing a da
rk suit.

Crap, the Feds I thought.

‘What do you want, Elmo?’

‘I just want you to reconsider what you just said,’ he said with not a hint of a smile. ‘Sorry, but I was listening in the whole time.’

‘Jack, who is this?’ Cheryl said pointing to the man on the other side of her bed.

‘This is Elmo Cray. He’s my handler and contact with the Agency.’

‘Agency, what agency?’ she said with a completely bewildered look on her beautiful face.

‘That doesn’t matter at the moment Ms. Scanlon, or should I say Mrs. Hoover? Right now Jack has to reconsider telling you about the work he’s done for us. If he does then there could be repercussions. Think about it Jack.’

‘Elmo, I haven’t done anything for you guy in five years and frankly don’t give a flying shit what you say about repercussions. I’m going to do whatever I can to get my wife back and if that means telling her about a few of your little state secrets then so be it. Arrest me afterwards. I’ll be happy rotting away in some prison cell knowing that my wife knows the truth. I lied to her for too many years Elmo, now it’s time for the truth.’

He just stood there with a sad, befuddled look on his face. He knew me better than just about any other man in the world except for Ron. It took a minute of silence for him to make up his mind. I knew that look. When he made up his mind on something there was no way of changing it. Whatever was going to happen was going to happen.

‘Okay Jack. I can see that you’ve made up your mind. But before you go ahead and break the law I think we need to do this.’ He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out an envelope, took out the papers inside and handed them to Cheryl.

‘What’s this?’ she asked looking at the papers with fear in her eyes. ‘This isn’t…’

‘No ma’am,’ Elmo said chuckling. ‘You’re not being served. This is a confidentially agreement stating in essence that whatever your husband says you will never repeat to anyone without the Agency’s permission. You will be bound by the same confidentially that Jack is so cavalier in throwing away. But, if he’s so determined to get you back by breaking the law then the least I can do is help him stay out of prison. Just sign and date at the bottom of the last page. Once it’s notarized then we’ll be all set.’

She took the papers and read. After a few seconds her eyes got wide and her mouth dropped. She looked up at me with tons of questions behind her expression.

‘Yeah, I signed one of those years ago,’ I said looking into her eyes. ‘That one piece of paper is the reason I couldn’t tell you what I did, the reason I made up all those stupid lies.’

‘But Jack, this says CIA. Surely your not…’

‘Yes ma’am he is,’ Elmo interrupted with his usual all business expression. ‘Jack and Ron and their company have been doing little odd jobs for us for over 20 years. Things you may have read about in the newspaper or seen on TV where they said ‘unidentified American operatives’ or some such thing. That was usually Jack and Ron. Here’s a pen.’

‘Jack?’ she said turning to me with that expression that I was in more trouble than I could imagine. It’s great to see her face light up like that again, especially at me.

‘Sorry babe. Just go ahead and sign the paper and then we can get on with our lives. Maybe, just maybe, Elmo and friends will get out of our hair long enough that we can take that trip to Fiji you always wanted. I’ve been there once. It’s beautiful this time of year.’

‘No Jack, I didn’t mean that. I mean, where are we going to get a notary?’

‘Ahem, Judy?’ Elmo said to the ceiling.

A very tall, extremely beautiful blond dressed in a nurse’s uniform stepped around the partition holding a notary seal.

‘Hi Judy,’ I said. ‘How are the kids?’

She smiled her heavenly smile and said with a very strong Aussie accent, ‘Good Jack. Deb started first grade this year and Kev is walking now. I’ll tell Charles you said hello.’

Cheryl was starting to look like a deer in headlights. ‘Jack?’

‘Oh yeah, Cheryl this is Judy McDougal, Judy my wife Cheryl. Judy does all the work too complicated for Elmo here. Without her the world would be nothing but chaos.’

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I am studying B.E in one of the colleges in Hyderabad. My mother is also working as a lecturer in the same college. First I will say about my family. My family consists of 3 members. I said about myself and mom. My father is working in Dubai and he will come once in 2 years. Dad doesn’t want mom to go for job. But mom convinced dad as she will get bored alone at home. So dad agreed her to go for job. Now I will say about my mom. I think every one knows the actress kushboo. You might have seen...

4 years ago
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Want Me to Brush Your Hair

I was home from college for the summer, for the third year. My sister Cecilia was on her first. We both vaguely thought about getting summer jobs, but the first couple weeks melted away without much effort. We were smart kids, both on full scholarships, with stipends, so we were equally lazy about it. We spent our days like sloths. The main problem for me was my serious girlfriend, who summered with her family, a thousand miles away from me. We'd been together for two years, having...

2 years ago
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MissionsMission 15

Dammit I thought why the firebase can't find some indigenous personnel that knew what they were doing. Seemed like this was the third trip this year to Dak Seang. The last time we had been sent Chung almost beat the Hmong head scout to death. He had met our chopper when it landed and told Chung he wasn't welcome in their camp. It had taken me and Ling both to pull him off the idiot. When the Captain came over and started chewing me I had told him the next time that ass jumped one of my men...

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The Undercover Detective part 9

The Undercover Detective part 9 20-25th June Mum went home on the 20th, she had to get back to work. I really missed her as soon as she had gone. I decided to stay on in the flat for a few more days. I invited Fran over and cooked her a meal. It was good to spend time with a woman. We chatted about everything under the sun, but mostly about the job and the cases in hand. I had spent part of the day in the National Gallery. That was a rare treat, I never usually had time for such...

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The Case of the Murdered Man

I was sitting in my Bark-a-Lounger in the dark. I was sipping on a bottle of cheap whisky when I heard my door knob turn. I picked up my service revolver off the end table and waited. All too soon a shot rang out and the door around my lock splintered. I went into action. My name is Percy Holmes, Detective Perk" to my friends. I'm a homicide detective with the rank of sergeant. I work the Metro section, that's were all the action is. Some of the punk kids in the neighborhood actually were...

4 years ago
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As you well know I have always loved Jan, I just wish I knew we lived so close I gladly would have brought her my wide to fuck and get fucked and yes we both were into bbc thanks to Reggie, as many films, videos I’ve seen on Jan, that was was a first my dear, a true gem, I guess what I love about Jan is how turned on she got when she unleashed one of her bull studs on a married white pussy and he just just ate her up, I know for a fact the husband was hearing sounds he never heard before like a...

1 year ago
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Self Facial Extrodinaire

Then it was my turn to draw a card…..nervously I reached to the top of the pile and lifted the card from the sex board game on the table. “You must masturbate, turn upside down and ejaculate on your own face!” Steve, my very good friend said…"oh yes…this is gonna be awesome!” He was aware that I was a very heavy cummer….”Wait till you see this guys. Bill can shoot a bucket of come. He’s gonna drown himself in his own jizz”. “Not fair”, I said. “I come way too much. And if I flip over, it will...

1 year ago
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Lisa Amber An Unexpected Evening

Lisa appeared suddenly in our lives, well, Amber’s life. She had been hired to work in the same office and they immediately became friends. They had a lot in common. About the same age and similar backstories. So naturally, the girls found reasons to do things together and talked regularly. I was glad because it gave Amber someone close that she could have some fun with and do girl things. The only difference between them was that Amber had found me and Lisa had a bit of a spontaneous streak....

3 years ago
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Confession Of A Sextress 8211 Part 9

Fareeda writes this part. * * * * * * * * * * While we were passionately making out, I saw a person appearing at the door . As I looked there, Ikmal started tasting my neck. Then I saw who it was. It was Iman, completely naked! He had come in, silently. I guess Ikmal also understood that Iman got in. He turned his head around and looked at him, while still being on my body. Iman came near, laughing. He said, “Well well, brother, you should not have gone this far while u was away. I guess you...

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It happened one night Again Part 22

This is the second part of my ‘it happened one night’ trilogy, as in the first part of this story it is a tale of pure fiction and any similarities to anyone alive or dead is purely coincidental. After the events of the first story life as it does just plodded along as it always had. Ashley had given birth to a baby boy that they had named Nicky and they had still remained living in their $100 a month rented cottage. Matt still had issues holding a job down but that was nothing new to...

1 year ago
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Business as Usual Continues

I woke up that morning exhausted. Last night had been a long night: a difficult client, contracts, negotiations, and in the end the failure to close. I was determined to start fresh, and work up some sort of positive attitude in spite of my desire to just go back to bed and sleep it off.So, after everyone was clean, fed, and out of the house I stepped into the closet to find my workout clothes. I grabbed some black stretch pants; a loose, turquoise tank top; and my nice, supportive sports bra....

2 years ago
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Lauren GisalChapter 25

Sunday 30th August, 4pm Maurice Gisal had spent the majority of the afternoon in the lounge. He had been having a quick snooze if anyone had asked, although Daniele knew that he would sleep for hours if left alone. When the children were young, a snooze on the sofa was a luxury, and in those days they had rarely needed it. But now with the children older, it still seemed a little naughty, but a quick sleep after lunch certainly had a fortifying effect. He usually read a book for a while...

1 year ago
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Mental Penetration

This is indeed a fucked up situation. I truly wish I was there personally to help you release your intense sexual frustration. But what I want you to do now will call for your total and complete concentration. So just think of this like almost spiritual masturbation. Just sit back and read or listen to a little mental penetration. Here we go now and I hope that your mind is ready. I wanna freak your mind nice and steady. There isn’t anything to please you that I wouldn’t do. I hope you’re now...

Erotic Poetry
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PenthouseGold Destiny Cruz Stepdaddy8217s Creampie

Stunning blonde Destiny Cruz can’t wait to get home from college to see stepfather Mike Mancini. Being family just makes things hotter for this sex crazed Penthouse pair. The perky titted stunner can barely contain herself as stepdaddy sucks her nipples then screams with pleasure as he eats her pussy, making that smooth snatch soaking wet. Desperate for Daddy’s dick, the petite starlet rides his thick shaft, then enjoys a hard and fast fuck in doggystyle and finally a welcome home...

2 years ago
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The model

The Model irishmik60 I’ve been a freelance photographer now since I was in my late teens. I am now 61 and have had many interesting shoots over the years. From your normal studio high school shoots, to glamours, nudes, erotica, outdoor, weddings, etc. Keeps life interesting to say the least. About a year ago a new restaurant opend in my home town. I live in a small agriculteral community in eastern Michigan. This was but a small mom and pop eatery. One of the waitresses (I’ll call her Anne...

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A Rude Awakening

I awoke out of a deep sleep screaming, My husband woke up grabbing my shoulders, I tried fighting him off until he got me to realize it was him that was trying to hold me and that I had been dreaming. I sat there in the middle of the bed my nightie clinging to my sweaty body, still shaking from the fear I had felt in my dream. I sat there thinking as I heard my husband return to his sleep. What had caused me to dream something like this anyway? Nothing even remotely like this had ever happened...

1 year ago
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Laundry Room Surprise

--- It had been a particularly long day, and I arrived home with a lot of pent up energy from all the frustration. I made a simple dinner and settled down into the evening, though unsure of what to do with myself. I had the house to myself tonight, since Rob had sent me a text earlier saying he’d be home late from work. Although it didn’t fit my energy level, I settled on some recreational...

3 years ago
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My New Gym Buddy Part 3

Richard and I continued going to the gym on a regular basis. Unfortunately, we did not have any opportunities to spend time together other than our workouts. I knew we both could not wait for our next chance to be alone.One morning after our workout, Richard asked, “Hey Tony, do you like fishing?’I said, “Haven’t been in a long time and don’t have my gear anymore.”“Would you like to go on a weekend trip sometime?” he asked. “Sure,” I responded.“Well how about next weekend? There’s a lake I’ve...

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ObserverChapter 11 Day 27

Peter stirred and opened his eyes. He looked at the clock radio and saw that it was after 10 o'clock. He picked up his watch from the nightstand and saw that it was Monday morning. Then he glanced over to look at Kirsten and saw that she was not in bed with him. For a moment, he closed his eyes again to get a little more sleep, then remembered that he had left Kirsten hanging in the closet. He jumped out of bed and hurried to see if she was OK. When he opened the door, she looked at him with...

1 year ago
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Toilet fuck in Edinburgh held by strippers

The noise inside hit you in the face as we opened the door, the jukebox blaring out loud, how anyone could hold a conversation in here was beyond me.The place was crowded, mostly men, drinking heavily and appearing to be in an agitated state, their glaring stares as I pushed through them, combined with their coarse remarks, as to what they would do to me if only, their final comments tapering off as I pushed inside to find a table.We eventually found a table at the back of the room, as most of...

2 years ago
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Classy ConversionsChapter 37

"Findley Processing, how can I help you? It's simple, really. You fill out the forms we have on the website and commit to registration. We added it already. Or you could come here to us and do the same. The intake form simply lets you get all of the activities out of the way and establishes that you have reported. We use that to file the exemption based on the presidential order and you go home. No harm, no foul and you have complied with both the State Law and the federal law." "Findley...

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The Business Meeting Part 2

When I returned from the bathroom, she was lying on her side, her face still flushed, that strand of hair still stuck to her forehead. She flicked it away and then, as if noticing me for the first time, smiled. Well, I suppose there was something to notice: a naked man in the middle of the room with a glass of water in one hand and a stonking hard on. “I’ve been very selfish,” she said, with a flirty look. “Now then, what can I do for you?” When a woman with killer eyes, great tits and long...

4 years ago
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My neighbour

I noticed a different vehicle was parked in my neighbor's driveway. I did see this heavy set woman going into the house. I asked my neighbor Craig if he knew what was going on."That's Jeff's new squeeze," he told me.That guy seemed to go through women at least one every couple of months. I was out mowing one day. It was hot and I had my shirt off. I only had a pair of shorts and shoes on. My new neighbor was out washing her car. I could see she had a halter top on. Every time she bent over her...

2 years ago
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A Different Kind Of FamilyChapter 5

Over the next year, Katie made a full and complete recovery. And as her health improved, so did our three-way relationship. We even had our own little marriage ceremony with a trusted friend where Katie, Rachel, and I all committed to each other. It wasn't government official, but it was binding in our hearts. Lin was our witness. By the time Lin graduated from college, Katie was completely cured. She'd lost quite a bit of weight, but none of her curves. And with every passing day, she was...

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Mommy8217s Another Side 8211 Part 6 The Nude Photoshoot

Make sure you’ve read the previous story. Let’s continue from where I left. “What the fuck are you having in your mind? Are you crazy?” I asked mom “Honey, please. They won’t stop until I agree,” she said. “I’m pretty sure they’re gonna bang you tomorrow.” “Yeah, I know. You can join them too.” “What the fuck? Are you sure.” “Yeah. Please, let’s do this.” “Okay. You were talking about a relationship. What was that?” “I will tell you. But, promise me you won’t tell dad.” “Yeah, I promise.” “Mark...

1 year ago
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The War of 2020 Pt 22

Jack moved along the treeline, stepping quietly over rocks and unearthed roots. He just spent hours trekking through the woods, mapping out the extensive Compound. It had such a large amount of dense forestry within its borders, it was almost a liability. Jack could remain hidden fairly easily while still getting close enough to hear certain conversations. He had slept outside of CG Barberi's cabin last night, waiting patiently for Morgan to appear. Instead of her, he saw that nut job...

1 year ago
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The Rose

The Rose     I have always enjoyed living in the country, it maintained such a peaceful essence about it, and even still seemed peaceful after going through a horrific divorce, Lucky me she didn’t want the farm. My closest neighbor was an elderly woman who was very much like my grandmother who I checked on regularly to make sure she was alright, she recently lost her husband after 58 years of marriage and enjoyed the company.   On one visit I was greeted at the door by a woman in her mid...

3 years ago
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A man and his maid Part 7

Chapter VIIA fearful scream broke from Alice, a violent quivering spasm shook her from head to foot. Her muscles contracted, as she vainly strove to break free. Arching her back she endeavoured to turn herself first on one side and then on the other, tugging frantically at the straps, anything as long as she could dodge the feather. But she could do nothing. The more she shrieked and wriggled, the greater was the pleasure she was affording me; so, deaf to her cries and incoherent pleadings, I...

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At Home Revers Bachelor Party 1

It was my fantasy, but I was glad to have my fiancé Tina there with me. She snuggled her body with its curves and round hips and breasts up against me and I inhaled the scent of her hair. She nibbled on my collar bone as I felt her hands mover down between my legs. My rigid cock filled her hands and she slid them over and over again across the sensitive velvety tight bulge of my cock head and I groaned. She looked up at me and smiled. It was a wicked smile, full of intent!“You agreed to...

2 years ago
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At the movies

The film is almost over. The cinema is quiet. I can see another couple kissing. But my girl is dirtier that that...ff I play my cards right. She’s wearing her little black dress so I can move my hand up between her silky thighs and gently touch her right where she’s sensitive, right where I can make her scream if I want to.I feel her shiver in pleasure. She takes my ear in her mouth and puts her hand down my shirt, pulling at my nipples. She grows wetter as I finger her -I can feel that through...

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Seduction of the servant boy

Hey ISS readers. This is the story of a close friend of mine who is a 29 year old housewife. We both were classmates in M. Hanumantharao girl’s high school in Hyderabad. My name is Sudha and her name is Manjari. I will present story on her behalf. I got married 2 years back to Kumar who is working as an sales manager in an engineering company and is on tour for 15 to 20 days. We don’t have children and his interest in sex is also less. Right from the time I attained puberty I am deeply...

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PetuniaChapter 12

Harold came back to his old apartment frustrated and pissed off. He looked around at the dump he had left his wife in and he couldn't believe how he had managed to survive all those months living like this. Or how that bitch who called herself Mrs. Wilson could call this 'home.' The place was a fucking disaster. A squalid, vermin-infested sty. They had laughed at him today. At Suzie's Whorehouse, out on Route 117. When he was living here, he'd been going there every fucking Wednesday...

3 years ago
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INTRO SONG: (Because I like of these. They make me think of amines but non-anime music) Lacey Sturm - State of Me "Finally. . .after a thousand years I am free! My prison gone! Free to rule. Free to lead. I'll destroy the Great Enemy. Theos. THEOS!" The dragon roared with his seven heads. Ten horns, and on his heads seven diadems. "I must have revenge! Anna. Dark feathery wings. Black hair, Pale skin. Black tunic. Sandals. She carried a sword of darkness. She flew down the tremendous hole. She...

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Bisexual Q and A

Everyone keeps asking me about how a bisexual woman like me can be compatible with a full-on lesbian like Susan. What’s up with that? Yes, I feel very lucky to have a friend-companion-soul mate like her who understands my bisexuality even though it sometimes gets in the way. She lets me have my adventures with men because she always knows I’ll be back and be with her. I get so many questions about my sex life, and I really didn’t intend this to be a sex blog but I don’t mind answering them. I...

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The Story Of Two Strangers In Delhi

Hey Guys! Rohan here from Delhi. I am 27 years old. Today, I am going to tell you a real story of turn of events which happened to me in the last fortnight. I met a girl through an online chat platform. Soon we hit up quite well. I asked her of her email credentials and with hesitation at first, she was kind enough to give it to me. I am that kind of a person who always craves for sex and that too with different girls at different times, so it was not very different this time around. The girl...

4 years ago
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Love And Lust 8211 Part 1

This is a true love cum lust story, which began with my proposal to Sneha. Sneha was a very modest girl, but very smart and pro-active. My name is Amit, I live in New Delhi. Sneha and I were the best of friends till then. Earlier even I didn’t feel much for Sneha, but some events changed the way I used to look at her. I have a very uncanny habit of poking into a female body, and get a glimpse of anything worth the voyeur. Just like a girl wearing a skirt, I would try to be a level lower to her,...

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