Swing Time Ch. 01 free porn video

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All characters in this story are 18 years of age or older.


Eighteen-year-old Allison Katz closed her eyes and blew the last run of Artie Shaw’s Etude No. 3. The hard tip of the clarinet curved warmly in her mouth. She sucked off a drop of saliva and pulled the instrument away from her lips. Ah! It was her senior year in high school. Only music had brought her moments of bliss.

The final bell had rung forty-five minutes ago. Mr. Olaffsen didn’t mind if Allison stayed late in the music room to practice. He was pleased as hell that any student gave a damn. Besides, in this case extra practice was especially important: he and Allison were half of a quartet that would soon perform in a concert. Along with Allison’s father, Jacob Olaffsen had been encouraging the girl’s musical development for several years.

Now the young clarinetist carefully disjointed and cleaned her instrument. Allison never rushed this step, the stick had been her mother’s. Allison’s mother had died in a car accident over a decade ago. Memories of the woman were few, and fuzzy, but they were happy ones.

Her thoughts continued to wander as she applied a tiny amount of grease to the cork. Her mother probably wouldn’t have approved of what she had done with the clarinet last night. But after quite a bit of pondering, the clarinet seemed like the best choice. The mouthpiece was hard, approximately the right shape (minus the ligature, of course), and carried no social consequences.

Was this what sex would be like? Allison probed the tip of the mouthpiece between her thighs. She would have been mortified to buy condoms, but of course she wanted to protect the instrument from moisture, so she used a small plastic bag. The sensations were interesting and faintly suggestive of pleasure. Undoubtedly a boy would be different. After a few minutes of gentle prodding, she made a fist and curled her bicep in the mirror. With her other hand she felt the muscle. Would a man’s hard muscle feel about like this?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of voices drifting in through the open windows. The music room was on the second floor, whoever it was, was standing directly below.

The words made her hands go still and her eyes go wide.

‘This meeting of the Cherry Poppers Club will officially come to order.’

The voice belonged to Craig Stewart, football star and heart’s desire of pretty much every female in school. Craig was possessed of sexy blue eyes and wavy hair the color of a tortoiseshell kitten’s fur. His square-cut jaw was perpetually peppered with stubble and his broad shoulders were balanced by narrow hips. Once, Allison had seen him playing volleyball with his shirt off. Her cheeks had flamed a 70’s retro hot pink. What a god!

But in the space of an instant, the heart throb illusion collapsed. Allison felt nauseous as the conversation continued:

‘Jeff, how’d you do with Raven?’ Craig was addressing Jeff Mullins, South Carolina farm boy and new kid in school.

‘Gave it up on the thi’d date,’ drawled Mullins. ‘They always fall for Southe’n cha’m.’

Poor Raven! True, the girl had always been an unbearable snob to Allison. Raven often bragged about her (alleged) Cherokee blood, and was one of the most popular girls in school, along with—

‘Hillary Fairchild.’ Craig was apparently asking the next man to report in.

‘I’m making her wait.’ Hank Jones, the third boy, exhaled cigarette smoke. The stink wafted up through the window. ‘Two weeks from now, I guarantee she’ll be on her knees and begging for it.’

Allison nearly wept. There was no love lost between her and Hillary, either, but it sickened her to hear these women degraded. Then Allison had a selfish moment: at least she, unpopular Allison Katz, was not the subject of this sordid conversation. She wasn’t overly beautiful, and playing the clarinet did not exactly generate the buzz of athletic accomplishment. She was safe.

Hank continued: ‘What about you, Craig-o?’

‘Hm, I’m in the mood for someone different. Someone who won’t give it up too easy.’

The boys swatted around names of their female classmates. Then Hank snapped his fingers. ‘I know. Allison Katz.’

‘The band kid?? Don’t make me laugh.’

‘She’s kind of cute, really,’ pondered Jeff.

‘What’s the matter? Think you can’t take her?’ Hank sneered at Craig.

Craig snorted. ‘She’d give it up for me in a heartbeat. No challenge there.’

‘Don’t be so shu’ about that. I’d peg huh as one of the good gi’ls.’ Jeff sounded thoughtful. Then he said: ‘Race ya.’

‘You’re on.’ There was a slapping sound as the two clasped hands.

Allison’s disgust turned to rage. How dare they! As if she were some, some thing available for purchase, — some whore with no will of her own! Her fingers shook as she put away her clarinet.

As she pulled on her jacket and reached for the light, she stopped. Would they notice the light flicking off, and realize someone might have overheard? Then her lips flinched back in an angry smile. Let them! She gave the switch a sharp smack.

‘Hey. Did that light just go off?’ Jeff pointed up toward the music room.

‘Probably just old man Olaffsen. What’s he gonna do?’

It was true that the music teacher’s face was lined and his crew cut was iron grey. But his posture was ramrod straight, he never hunched or slouched, even when seated behind his drums. Despite the years, his demeanor still held a devildog snap. The boys would never dare to jeer to his face.

* * *

Allison jumped on her bike and sped toward the warm yellow lights of home. Her dad would be cooking, and after that, her friend David Hemingway was coming over and the three of them would practice for the fall concert. The normal events sounded rushingly good right now.

She clattered into the kitchen and was instantly greeted by the rich scent of beef stroganoff.

‘Hiya, Punkin.’ Her dad looked up with his lopsided grin. He doused the bubbling sauce with red wine straight from the bottle. As he stirred, he added, ‘Go wash your hands. Dinner’s about ready.’

‘Thanks, Dad.’ Allison put her backpack on the sofa and was headed toward the little half-bath when someone knocked on the front door. It was David.

‘Sorry I’m early,’ he began, then saw the plates on the table. The scent of the food socked him in the nose. He shifted on his feet.

‘Oh. I can come back later.’

‘That’s all right, Dave, come on in,’ called Stan Katz. ‘There’s plenty for everybody.’ The high school senior’s face relaxed into a smile. ‘Great.’

David and Allison had known each other since grade school. She was ignorant of his crush. Allison’s dad looked on with faint amusement, even as he felt sorry for the boy. A young girl like his daughter could break a young man’s heart without even knowing what she was doing.

It was David who had suggested a concert of swing music to coincide with homecoming. Stan knew exactly why: numerous rehearsals would be necessary. Allison had recently become fascinated with the genre. David thus contrived to spend several hours with the young lady, without the risk of asking her out and possibly being turned down.

The only problem was that, to Allison, David was an ordinary feature in the landscape. They had suffered through music lessons in grade school, and as their skills improved, enjoyed orchestra in middle school and high school together.

Their advanced study had been due to luck and property taxes: program cuts had left the musical instruments programs intact. The choir had not been so lucky, despite Mr. Olaffsen’s argument that ‘the voice is also an instrument!’ He had not been successful in keeping all of the programs alive.

But David’s world did not include administrative politics. Of greater concern was his failure to resemble Mr. Universe. His frame was wiry rather than jock-like, and his hands were
more like those of a pianist, which he was, than a boxer, which he certainly was not.

And now time was running out. David figured he had to get next to Allison before they picked their respective colleges, or they’d go their separate ways and he’d never see her again. Music was the only weapon in his arsenal. He meant to use it to full advantage.

‘You okay, Allie?’

‘Sure, Dad.’ Her tone sounded forced. ‘Pass the green beans?’

David was just as near, so he handed over the dish. He, too, thought Allison had been acting a little weird. He could see she didn’t want to talk about it, so he changed the subject: ‘Great dinner, Mr. K.’

‘Thanks.’ Stan beamed and David joked in return, ‘No, thank you.’

‘Oh, no, oh, no, thank you.’

Allison made a goofy grin and thanked her dad. Pretty soon they were all thanking each other with the familial ease of a lame joke. Allison felt better. Somehow she knew right then that no one could hurt her.

Then she remembered someone who could be hurt: Hillary Fairchild. Quickly she finished her dinner and excused herself, saying she would be right back. She pounded up the stairs, two at a time, leaving Dave and Stan sharing a puzzled look.

As fast as she could, Allison fired up her computer and opened a new email account. Hillary, Hillary, where are you? She had to scroll through some old messages to find her classmate’s address. There was no time for eloquence, so her warning was crude. Hell, it was probably none of her damn business. A better course of action would be to butt out. Regardless, Allison felt compelled to try.

Grabbing a hairclip, Allison rushed back down and made a bee line for the kitchen. David was almost done loading the dishwasher. ‘I see my timing is perfect!’ she joked.

‘As always. Hey, are you sure you’re okay?’

‘Yes, I’m fine. Come on, let’s get started.’

* * *

Hillary slid into the booth across from her date. She stared at him, wondering how well she really knew him, and whether having sex with this guy was such a good idea.

‘What’s wrong?’ asked Hank.

‘Just have a question for you.’

‘Oh yeah, what’s that?’ He smiled and sipped at his ice water. The waitress appeared, notepad in hand.

Hillary looked at the woman coolly. ‘Could we have another minute, please.’

The waitress dipped her chin once and left as silently as she came.

‘So what’s on your mind?’

Brightly Hillary asked, ‘How are things going with the Cherry Poppers Club?’

Hank choked on his drink, splattering cold water in awkward places. A line of red crept up his face. ‘I don’t, I don’t know what you’re talking about.’

‘I think you do.’ In a cold fury the young woman dug a piece of paper out of her purse and flung it across the table at him. Hank’s mouth dropped open as he read the email printout:

Hillary, Stay away from Hank Jones, he means you harm! He is a member of the Cherry Poppers Club along with Jeff Mullins and Craig Stewart. They already got Raven! Sincerely,

A friend.

‘Where did you get this?!’ Hank gawped at the paper. His glance fell upon the return address. ‘Who’s Black1?’

‘Why don’t you just tell me the truth?’ Hillary’s anger was palpable. Her blonde ringlets were shivering.

‘Look, look wait! It was, it was a gag, all right, it was a joke—’

‘Then how come you said you didn’t know anything about it? It doesn’t matter, you’re a liar,’ she spat. Eyes blazing, she picked up her purse and flounced out of the restaurant, pausing only long enough to grab the piece of paper off the table.

Her date called after her, but she ignored him.

* * *

David stretched his fingers and shook out his hands. He’d been playing the piano for nearly ninety minutes. That was the nice thing about rehearsing with Allie and her dad — they actually practiced. Most of his peers devoted practice time to horsing around, which was frustrating for anyone who actually wanted to play.

‘Nice pickin’.’ He grinned at Stan.

The older man smiled in return and leaned the string bass into its stand. ‘Not so bad yourself.’

‘When do we meet next with Mr. Olaffsen?’

‘I talked with him today, he can do either Thursday or Friday night,’ Stan answered. They’d meet at the high school, where Jake Olaffsen’s drum kit was already set up. It was a pain in the ass to tear down, move it, and set up elsewhere.

Dave looked at Allison, who shrugged. ‘Makes no difference to me.’

‘How about Friday, then?’ It would almost be like having a date with Allison on Friday night.

‘Great!’ Stan looked happy. It really knocked his socks off that his kid would enjoy jamming with him on a Friday night. So many parents never got the chance. He felt sorry for them.

‘There’s one more thing we need to settle, guys.’

‘Oh, yeah, what’s that?’ asked Allison.

Dave knew the answer. ‘What to call our band. I’ve been thinking about that,’ he said with a sly look. He twinkled a big flourish on the keys. ‘Swing Time!’

‘Cool!’ exclaimed Allie and Stan said, ‘I like it!’

They shared a look of universal yes. Heads nodded all around. ‘Swing Time.’

* * *

‘Get outta here!’

Craig Stewart jumped, then realized Allison Katz was singing, not yelling. He was hiding behind the costume rack in her dressing room.

‘Get me some money, too…’ Allison sang. This would be the trickiest number. She’d be alternating between singing and blowing her horn. But ever since she had seen that old Peggy Lee and Benny Goodman video on YouTube, she simply had to perform it. Benny’s enthusiasm was infectious, even across time and through the crackly old black and white media.

Allison wished her voice was better than passable. She would have loved to find a torch singer like Peggy Lee, but hadn’t had any luck. The lack of a school choir made it impossible to pinpoint local talent. So she braved the notes herself: ‘Why don’t you do right … like some other men do…?’ And technically it should have been a big band production. But the spare quartet sounded fine in rehearsal, and besides, David would really have a chance to shine on this one.

Still humming, Allison peeled off her jeans and sweatshirt. She shimmied in front of the big dressing room mirror, unaware that a member of the Cherry Poppers Club was getting an eyeful.

Craig studied his target critically. Her breasts were small, but perky. He thought of how sweet her tits would taste. Oh, yeah, she was a bit on the skinny side, but if she could move like that, she’d be a nice ride. And he’d show her a good time as well. This was going to be fun. His cock remained at true north while he watched her prance around.

Then he almost made a sound. Allison was taking off her bra. Yes!! She was fondling herself in the mirror. The young woman turned sideways, eying her profile. It wasn’t hard to tell what she was thinking. Plainly she was wondering if she was attractive, probably comparing herself to other girls. She held up her breasts and squashed them a little, trying out the look of a tight bustier.

With a sigh, she gave up and reached for another flimsy undergarment. This one was white, too. Craig watch with extra interest as his peer fiddled with the straps, twining them into some kind of X shape across her lower back. Women did the strangest things for the sake of fashion.

Whoooo, there went the ordinary cotton panties. After a flash of bare bottom, they were replaced by a lacy scrap that he yearned to touch, to tug at. Maybe he could even sweet-talk her tonight, on the pretext of congratulations. No doubt roses would sweep her off her feet. He’d miss part of the concert while he went out to buy them, but so what? Craig hadn’t the faintest interest in Allison’s passion … only his own.

Allie wiggled into a strapless white fifties-style dress. She was limber enough to zip up the back by herse
lf, though Craig had a fleeting urge to help her with it — almost as if he were her friend, or boyfriend, and they were going out somewhere together. He drew himself up short. They would never be friends. Oh, he might charm her, spend some coin to feed or amuse her, but he’d never lose sight of his sole objective. He was the hunter and she, the prey. Once he fucked her, their relationship would end. It was that simple, and he’d do well to keep things clear in his mind.

Now she was fussing with her makeup, and Craig found himself wishing he could leave. Suddenly there was something pathetic about this young lady trying so hard to look nice. He was starting to feel bad about invading her privacy, and that pissed him off. He told himself he’d be doing her a favor by making her big night even bigger. He was still trying to convince himself when she left for the stage.

* * *

Stan: And, every time it rains, it rains, pennies from heaven.

Jake and Dave: Shoo-be-doo-be!

Stan: Don’t you know each cloud contains, pennies from heaven.

Jake and Dave: Shoo-be-doo-be!

Stan: You’ll find your fortune falling, all over town. Be sure that your umbrella is up-up-up-up-upside down…. Trade them for a package of sunshine and ravioli.

Jake and Dave: Macaroni!

Lacy and Frank Mullins looked at each other with delight. These guys were great! As one, they got up and danced. Other couples quickly followed their lead. The musicians were ecstatic, the teenage offspring of the moms and dads were horrified.

Jeff Mullins looked on, appalled and embarrassed, as his parents swung with abandon. He smacked his hand over his eyes. He would absolutely never live this down.

Stan: Now come over here, girl! Allie! And every time it rains, it rains!

Allison: Bop bop, bop-ba-bah!

Stan: And don’t you know each cloud contains!

Allison: Bop bop, bop-ba-BAH!

Stan: Every time it rains, it rains!

Allison: Bop bop, bop-ba-bah!

Stan: And don’t you know each cloud contains—

Allison: Bop-ah-dop-ah, bop-ah-dah!

Jeff sank low in his chair, trying to disappear. He scowled at the performers, even as he noticed again how pretty Allison looked. The black clarinet stood out against her white dress.

Suddenly he leaned forward in his chair, staring hard at the instrument. Black1. The black stick resembled a number one. His mouth fell open slightly as another memory clicked into place. A memory of a light turning off in a music room, as he and his cronies discussed … their private business …

Jeff leapt from his chair and scuttled from the room that was now in full swing with dancers and happy music. He had to find Craig and Hank.

* * *

Craig knocked on Allison’s dressing room door. She answered quickly, breathlessly, but her eager face fell as she saw who it was. ‘Oh.’

The young man bulled ahead. He showed her the dozen red roses he’d been hiding behind his back. ‘Congratulations on a fabulous performance!’ He settled the flowers into her arms.

Automatically she received them. Her caller took the opportunity to nudge his way into the room and close the door behind him. He would have locked it, but the high school was not crazy enough to install locks on student dressing room doors.

‘Thanks!’ Allison’s voice piped out like the clumsy efforts of a first-grade clarinet player. She looked around, still feeling off-balance by the unexpected visit. ‘I, uh, don’t seem to have a vase. I’ll just go find one,’ and she made for the door.

Craig blocked her path. He put his arms around her and did the look-deep-in-my-eyes thing. ‘Why fight it, Allie? I’ve seen how you look at me. Let’s make your big night even more special.’

‘No!’ Allison came to her senses. She placed a firm hand against the football player’s chest, trying to push him away. It was like pushing against a wall.

Her would-be lover pushed his lips against hers. The result of his caress was not swooning, but panic.

‘Ow!’ Craig pulled away and felt at his mouth. ‘You bit me!’ Blood decorated his fingertips. ‘You bitch! I tried to play nice with you!’

Everything happened at once. Allison shrieked. Craig put his hand over her mouth and began to demonstrate wrestling maneuvers that were far beyond her ken. David heard the noise and burst in without knocking. Jeff and Hank, who had been hiding behind the costume rack, jumped out and all hell broke loose.

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The door was open. I had no reason to have it closed. We were all in this together. So I was sitting in the large chair as my nurse prepared to access my port to begin the first liter of Cisplatin. The cancer center had been busy today and I glanced out the doorway as several people passed by. Then I noticed a woman pausing as one of the nurses escorted her somewhere.It was Katherine. I recognized her at once even though it had been so many years ago. Then I heard her laugh as her companion...

College Sex
3 years ago
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Swinging Paradise

I am Huma, with a new kind of group sex experience of a couple who have already tasted the pleasure of swapping. Hope you like it. ” Swinging Paradise offers you the best atmosphere to swing and enjoy in the lap of Mother Nature. Do you swing? Do yoy wish to swing? The best time has arrived to enjoy love to its fullest. We will take care of your needs, fetishes, dreamas and even whims and fancies. Contact us online or phone us to mail you entry forms and other literature” So read the...

4 years ago
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Master of All Timelines

Your name is Edward Richardson. You're 20 and you've been fascinated by history ever since you're 11. You're also good at making inventions as well. As you're growing up, you usually found that at various points in history of each country, things always turned ugly at many points. And you wanted to change that. You decided to use your intelligence you create the device called the T.O.S, abbreviated for Timeline Opener and Stopper, that can make you travel back in time and alter the histories...

Mind Control
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Swingers Club

"You're the one who said you were getting bored and wanted to spice things up," Floyd grumbled. "I didn’t think you'd suggest a swinger's club," Melanie chuckled. "You used to say you loved me so much and that you'd never let another man have me." "Well I've separated love from sex in my mind now. If you aren’t satisfied with just me then we can just collectively swing. It's better than lying and cheating, isn’t it?" Floyd sounded tired. He was not really looking forward to...

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Swinging In The Canary Islands

Hello Mates. This is my first story here and my first ever story writing experience too. All my stories are going to be real. I hope it gets posted and you all like it. Please leave your comments because I will be excited to know your views. You could also reach me at To tell you a bit about myself. Let’s call me Sensual Arc, a 27-year-old male enjoying all aspects of my life. I support sexual liberation and have been into swinging for a long time. I would say its a lifestyle that you live...

3 years ago
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Swinging hard

Sorry, I went right into my life event without proper introductions. So I'm Nora and I am 24 years old brunette with brown eyes. I'm 168cm tall and I weight 57 kgs. I was blessed with nice C-cup breasts but I had to work countless hours in gym to develop my butt. I'm gentle and sweet as they come... So why would he cheat me? I mean I check the most boxes. Sure, I don't have my life fully figured out yet but who does at 24. But I digress, back to the story. I took the car and started to...

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One night I was sitting at my desk working on a paper when I got an email. It was a reminder about a party I'd already rsvp'd with my ex, Janice, took me ages to get on the welcome list but I opened it and read through. I shook my head, though about who I could ask to replace and swore, all my friends were couples or prudes. I sat going through my phone contact list in the hope I'd forgotten someone then my sister, Maya came into my room. "Thanks for knocking Sis, I could have been...

4 years ago
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Swingers Christmas Cruise

My wife and I discovered swinging (aka lifestyle) relatively late in our marriage. We were introduced to it by our neighbours Janet and Philip. Strictly speaking, it was Janet who first took my wife Susie in hand, during a shared showering session at the local golf club. Within a week, we had invited our neighbours round for a boozy barbecue in our secluded garden and were soon enthusiastically swapping partners.One Saturday morning in November, Janet called in for coffee, armed with a stack of...

Oral Sex
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Swingerclub visit

HiHere is a little story from real life from a guy born in the 1940ties.I was in Germany, 2005, in Frankfurt, and watched ads for porn clubs o brothels in the newspaper. But all I watched and called to check out where too far away and since I did not have a car it didn’t work. An ad sounded especially interesting since it was Gangbang, it was fucking three women in all holes and cum into mouth how many times you wanted in the evening. But as I said they were too far away.I became more and horny...

2 years ago
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Swingerbesuch am Freitag

Es ist wieder einmal FreitagabendIch bin mit meiner Frau unterwegs Richtung Swingerclub.Beide gut gelaunt fahren wir am Ziel ein.Wir begeben uns in den 1. Stock zum Eingang, Angekommen Zahle ich den Eintritt. Oh je da schwirren ja eine ganze Horde Solo-Männer rum. Da werden wir heute wieder verfolgt. Der erste Gedanke. Der 2. Folgt sogleich, allenfalls hat meine Frau mal wieder Lust auf einen 2. oder 3. Penis.Wir gingen Duschen und uns gerecht ankleiden, sie diesmal eher Konventionell, mit...

2 years ago
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Swingin with Mike Julie part 3

Okay Swinging Fans! Part 3 of where our meeting with Mike & Julie at 'our' club led us......Last time, I told you about what happened when we went to visit Mike & Julie at their home. They introduced us to a very fit couple called Keith & Jackie, and at the very end I told you that my partner had arranged to meet Keith on her own, whilst I had been a 'good boy' and not made any such arrangement with Jackie - despite the fact that she was HOT! - Oh BOY was she HOT!!!!Anyway, a couple...

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Swingin with Mike Julie part 2

Just to recap, we met Mike & Julie on our first visit to the club we go to fairly regularly now. They were almost exactly the same age as us and also of similar builds too - I am a large ex-rugby playing guy and so is Mike, and my partner is petite with some very nice curves a great tits - and so is Julie. We all seemed to get on together and certainly had 'fun' the first time we met them.Although we hadn't been able to join them at the club again in the few weeks after, we had kept in...

3 years ago
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Swingin with Mike Julie part 1

When my partner and I started going to clubs, we tried a couple near to us and nearly gave up the idea as both were a bit 'seedy', and we didn't like the mix of people who went to them. Then I remembered a club a lady I had met through a contact site had mentioned briefly, I decided to find it so we could give the whole idea one last go.Luckily it came up on Google. I showed their website to "Mrs Pornman" and she thought it looked a lot better than the others. I gave them a call and spoke to...

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Swingign with Anna

Although Cyprus was pretty mind blowing Anna and I both agreed we had gotten a little carried away. We had done more than we had planned and wanted our next experience to be a little more controlled. Anna had found a hotel that catered for swingers new and experienced. I was shocked at first as she had been reading up on these hotels for a few weeks before telling me.When we looked into it together we were both very excited about visiting one of these hotels? I was even more shocked to find...

3 years ago
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Swingers Party Teacher Train

NOTE 1: A thank you for my passionate and thoughtful editors: Steve B and Estragon. BECOMING MY COSTUME: HALLOWEEN TRAIN I moved to a new school this fall and, although I was pretty crazy in college and am rather dynamic in my classroom, I am pretty shy and reclusive with my colleagues. I was the only new teacher in the school and I just didn't seem to fit in. The only other new person was an intern named Heather. We went out for drinks a couple of times, and had shared some rather naughty...

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Swingin on a Star

Hey Folks, this one is kind of twisty. It's more of a character study than a fable. There are no sterling examples of humanity here, only several very flawed people who make the best of a bad situation. The only thing about this story that is a Sterling example of anything would be the job that Barney-R did in editing it. But I think it's a good story for a cold winter afternoon. SS06 Life really is funny. Right now, everything is just perfect. I never imagined it would be this way. I mean...

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Swingers Date Club aka SDC Swingers aka SDC.com! Not every website that you visit in order to feed your endlessly lustful appetites has to be an orgiastic smorgasbord of whores and porn and all-out fuck fests with anal gaping and deepthroating and double penetration galore. Consider for a moment that you might take some time out of your day to become a little more enlightened about sexuality. Have you ever stopped to consider that possibility? That you might educate yourself on the nature of...

Hookup Sites
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SLS.com! Do you live the Swing Lifestyle, or have you ever considered swapping partners with other horny local couples? Before the Internet, it was hard to find like-minded swingers to fool around with, but we’ve come a long fucking way since the days of awkwardly asking your coworkers if their wife would be DTF. Why risk a sexual harassment accusation or an uppercut from a dude who takes it entirely the wrong way when you say you’d really like to bang his old lady? Today, we’re going to look...

Hookup Sites
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Fab Swingers (fabsw)! The only thing I can think of that might be better than porn is actually sticking your dick into a warm, wet, living hole. Yeah, sometimes the broads yammer too much, but what can you do? That’s just the price of entry, I guess. Speaking of, the front page of FabSwingers.com says their price of entry is a flat rate of zero. Not bad for a swinger networking site where you can meet other freaks for a hookup.There ain’t much to look at on the landing page, but it...

Hookup Sites
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Swing Towns! Man, things just get better and better for people who like sex. I say that as a totally depraved pervert, but even normal folks are more open than ever about their freakiness, kinkiness, and sexual desires. Apps like Tinder are fun for a quick hookup, but real swingers recognize the value of a dedicated platform like SwingTowns. The site has been around for a couple of decades now and helps around half a million visitors a month get a little bit of action.SwingTowns.com calls...

Hookup Sites
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Swinger Porn Fun! What’s worse than finding out your parents are a couple of sexy swingers? Cumming upon them at a party. Well, maybe that’s just a matter of opinion, because I know plenty of you freaks out there would love to get down with any kind of swinger, cuckold or hotwife situation. Not everyone has the confidence to pull off, though, not to mention a wife who’s down to let you have a little strange. Fortunately, sites like SwingerPornFun let you live vicariously through swingers and...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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I’ve always wanted to be a Thai Swinger, but kind of assumed my status as an American disqualified me from making the team. After spending some time perusing the Thai Swinger Network, I’m starting to consider the dream even more seriously. Their shelves are stocked full with some of the finest Thai poon ever captured on video, and it looks like a bunch of white tourist dudes are the ones doing the smashing. Fuck, now I’m really wondering what the COVID quarantine rules are if I book a flight...

Premium Asian Porn Sites
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Kiwi Swingers! I know some of you fucks out there actually know how to get some pussy. You can’t all be basement-dwelling fappers with chafed cocks and bacne. Hell, some of you might even have a kinky girlfriend, partner, or spouse who likes to get down and dirty with other sex-addicted couples. Maybe you like being cucked. Perhaps you enjoy sharing the fun. Or, hell, possibly you just want to land a devil’s threesome with another couple. I sure as hell am not here to judge your tastes. What...

Hookup Sites
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Reddit Swingers, aka r/Swingers! Swinging is not for everyone, and you fucking know it. But the fact that you are here reading this tells me you wouldn't mind getting down with any kind of swinger, cuckold, or hotwife situation. I don't know how you freaks pull it off. I mean, it takes an extremely fucked up individual to swap partners, don't you think? Well, that is if you have a partner that is down for that shit to start with. Some of you motherfuckers don't realize how fucking lucky you...

Reddit NSFW List
4 years ago
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Swinging leads to circle of Cuckold men

Chapter 1Bruce and his wife Linda were having drinks on the patio of their large suburban home. Bruce, a 42-year-old accountant, had done very well in his profession and was up for a vice presidency of firm. Their expensive home reflected Bruce's financial success.Linda, a 36-year-old attractive brunette looked less than her age. Thanks to a disciplined regimen of exercise and diet, her figure was that of a woman ten years younger. Her most notable features were her large bust and long shapely...

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Swinging the dick

A bunch of us had been swimming there since we were in elementary school. It had always been common for the boys to swim naked while the girls swam in suits. We all came from farming backgrounds of one sort or another and a childhood of dealing with farm animals left all of us with little to wonder about male anatomy, what it was for, and how it worked. So it was just an accepted thing for us and pretty much non-sexual until we got older. In the fall of our senior year it matured. Janice,...

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I was never the most beautiful or the ugliest woman but I got my fair share of attention from men. I have never had a toned body, sometimes I was just plain fat, other times I was well overweight. Still men wanted me and I was happy for that. Ten years ago my long term, off/on partner suggested swinging. I was in my 30's with a brood of kids, not entirely satisfied with the hum drum sex my fella gave me. Don't get me wrong, with an 8 inch cock he hit the spot but he was selfish. I know...

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Swinging Seniors

I thought it was just going to be another summer, just another season going by in my life. I'm Ben Brown and have been a widower for three years now since my wife passed away. I loved her and did all I could do to help her through her sickness. We were married for eight years before cancer took its toll on her. It wasn't until after her death that I learned a lot about her past that I wish I had never found out. That's another story I need to tell sometime. I needed to move away and try to...

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Swingers Gone Wild

Reddit SwingersGW, aka r/SwingersGW! Are you interested in the swinger life? Do you even know what the fuck that means, or do you need to get educated? Well, whatever the case might be, you might want to check out r/Swingersgw/. This subreddit is dedicated to all the swingers who love to post their naughty private pictures and videos doing all kinds of nasty shit.Reddit is a free website with thousands of other subreddits, so you do not have to worry whether you will love what r/Swingersgw/ has...

Reddit NSFW List
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Sweet And Sentimental

Sweet And Sentimental by Throne I was at my computer, dressed in panties and my long, pink-champagne nightgown. What I was wearing felt so good against my smooth satiny skin. Instead of one of my wigs I had my natural hair, which is collar- length, up in ponytails at the sides of my head. For make-up I had on just a touch of blush and some pink-tinted lip gloss. I was in the middle of reading a newly posted story on my favorite site, Make Believe Mania, when I heard the front door...

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Swingers Experiences

Being cooped up all week in an apartment wasn't Rachel's idea of the perfect life. She and Andrew just moved in from a small suburb in the Toronto area, to the big T.O. itself. Andrew was a computer analyst for a big firm, as for Rachel, she was still looking for a job.During their short stay, the couple met Jean and Stewart through Andrew's company Christmas party. They developed a good friendship and were almost unseperable from the get go. All 4 of them were in their late 20's and as...

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Swing Party Part 3

Part 3Joey came back into the room with Deb. I was sitting on the bed, watching another couple fuck up against the wall."Ready?" Deb asked."I'm always ready," I replied. "You know that."Debbie told me that she was going to sit back and watch, like a cheering section. I asked Joey to lie on the bed with his legs spread. His hard cock pointing straight up, I got on my knees, put both hands on it, and started sucking. I was pumping his cock with long, deep sucks. The bed must have been cheap...

Group Sex
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Swing Shift part 3

"Someone named Derek was looking for you," Jeff said. I was swinging into my smock. It was nearing 1pm and time to start my Saturday shift. Jeff was the assistant manager and looked down his nose at me because he'd gone to college and came from Washington state. I was intelligent but uneducated and crude. "What did Derek want?" I asked, fairly sure I knew. Amanda wanted me to buttfuck him. I think he wants me too as well. "He just wanted to know if you worked today," he said. "He...

3 years ago
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Swing Time

Bruce and Hannah had been married for fifteen years. They were wonderful happy years and they had a beautiful family with two kids, pets and everything a family should have. Unfortunately the flames of passion that burned so hot when they were dating and first married had smoldered and were threatening to go out altogether. The solution to their intimacy problems came quite unexpectedly one week during the summer. Hannah called her friend Mary to change their plans for the weekend. ‘I am so...

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Swing Time

Bruce and Hannah had been married for fifteen years. They were wonderful happy years and they had a beautiful family with two kids, pets and everything a family should have. Unfortunately the flames of passion that burned so hot when they were dating and first married had smoldered and were threatening to go out altogether. The solution to their intimacy problems came quite unexpectedly one week during the summer. Hannah called her friend Mary to change their plans for the weekend. "I am so...

Group Sex
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Swingers initiation Part 1

I get my first swingers experience by be introduced by a good friend of I call Pedro (see my profile about him). So Pedro was at this time with a friend with advantage name Sylvie who were members of swingers clubs and it’s where they met. This situation happened just before I met El Chatogne (see my first story)I made my first boys vacation with Pedro in South Carolina US. We left Montreal at 1 o’clock in the morning straight to our destination which is a 17 hour drive. So to make the whole...

4 years ago
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Swings and Things

“Did you write today my sweet peach?” A question heard as your footsteps walk down the hall to our bedroom door. You see me sitting at my desk, lost in thought and typing away. You walk directly behind me and grab each one of my breasts, pinching my nipples with your index finger crooked and thumbs. “Ouch,” I cry out as your face nuzzles in my neck. Low masculine tones whispering words in my ear slowly and clearly.“Did you get excited today thinking about my cock in your mouth?” Your warm...

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