In The Library free porn video

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I was drifting through time in the library of a small village in Vermont one November afternoon, enjoying the swirl of leaves on tawny grass outside as autumn winds shouldered their way along the steep-walled valley that hemmed-in the little town. I was trying my best to ignore the pile of books on the table beside me. I had been looking for something in those books, some truth I’d never known, perhaps couldn’t know. The library was housed in a musty old colonial building, and the old building sat in forlorn glory in the fading afternoon sun, waiting – as she always had – to be discovered. I remembered the place from my childhood. It had always been a beautiful red brick temple of truths known – and truths yet to be – and here she stood, shunted off to the side of a little quad in this somewhat too-quaint New England village.

I guess you know the kind of place I’m talking about here. Old wooden floors adorned with tattered sage-colored oriental rugs, the oak reading tables worn smooth from the turning of pages as new seekers acknowledged their right to continue the journey. Comfortable if threadbare overstuffed chairs lined up in military precision under a huge window – this capped with a dramatic arched stained-glass window depicting a scene from the Revolutionary War. The air inside the library had been worn clean by the passage of time, warmed by bronze lamps whose ochre shades cast an amber glow over the old wooden shelves that lined the walls. I remembered those lamps, always lined up in silent majesty on the tables. I had always thought they looked like sentinels on guard, watching the room, guarding the truths that remained hidden within the pages and pages of books. Each book waiting to be opened, explored, but always under the care of the soldier-lamps.

Released. Maybe the truth was waiting for release.

And of course, let me not forget to mention at this point the librarian.

She was, well, an older woman. Not quite as old as the building, but I could have been mistaken about that. So familiar, too. Let’s be charitable and leave it at that. I think even the leaves that rattled by on the lawn outside tried to calm down as they passed by the library for fear of disturbing the silence of her space. I’m sure anyone, or anything, would never have risked upsetting the old woman as she sat behind her counter. I’ve never seen such a scowl in my life. Unforgettable. I looked up at her once and she was – smiling – at . . . what? Me?

There was a clatter – and of course I jumped – as steam found it’s way through rusting pipes to old green radiators along the walls, and heat rattled into the room, chasing drafts of cold air across my feet. Anyway, I looked up when the pipes began their music, and I looked out the huge mullioned window onto the unchanging scene outside. I could see a schoolhouse across the way, kids let out for the afternoon were running away from the building like they had been held in confinement all day, and shadows cast by the mountains were advancing across the scene like Napoleon’s armies. Relentless? Would that be inappropriate to describe the passage of time in a library?

A woman walked out of the schoolhouse and headed across the quad toward the library. She was fifty-ish, and appeared out of place in her surroundings. Most of the women who walked by the library that afternoon were dressed in newish jeans and rugged plaid shirts, and to a one they were wearing what looked like rubber boots. Functional in the extreme, these women were dressed as good utilitarians might be in any agrarian village, attired as if to be prepared to shovel snow off the roof, or help milk the family’s cows each morning before getting the kids packed off to school. The scene only became incongruous to me when these women settled into their pachydermic Volvos and tore out down the street in a cloud of diesel soot.

Not so this other woman.

She was wearing a brown suit, and in concert with her auburn hair she looked like a woman out of time. She drifted across the landscape as in a world apart, she looked like the women in old family photos I had seen taken in the 1940s. Even her jewelry was – different. She looked like a throwback to another time. Elegant might be going too far, but up against the agrarian locals she looked positively astonishing . . . like Audrey Hepburn walking into a truck stop. I could say the woman looked sexy, but there was – even from my vantage in the library that chilly autumn afternoon – something tentative in the way she moved. Something that said she was unsure of herself, unsure of her surroundings. Maybe she was a woman trying her best to look professional, but the sunglasses that obscured her face couldn’t quite hide the impression of familiarity that washed over me as she walked along the sidewalk outside the library.

Sometimes it’s easy to look at other people and imagine – to construct – a whole life based on what you see in the briefest flash of time. Maybe it’s just daydreaming, or wishful thinking, but whatever it is, it’s easy. Not the truth, but easy nonetheless. Sometimes it seems like an autonomic reflex, and I caught myself holding my breath as the woman walked down the street and disappeared from view. I returned to my stack of books, reluctantly, if you want to get right down to it, because there was something about the woman that struck a chord somewhere deep inside me. I ached, positively ached, when she turned the corner at the end of the block and was gone.

What kind of life had the woman lived? Was she a teacher at the school across the way, or perhaps a reluctant mom called in for a parent-teacher conference? Was she going home to put supper on for her husband and kids, maybe stopping off at the little grocery down the street before heading home? No doubt her family had a Golden Retriever and she drove a Mercedes. Maybe she was one of those rich New York transplants escaping the tedium of life on the lower east side, and her father had been a stockbroker living in Stamford.

Yes. Easy to fill in the blanks when there’s nothing to go on but memory.


I left the library when it closed at four thirty, and the librarian was nice enough to let me leave my books with her so I could resume my work the next morning. I think, though I’m not sure about this, she might have smiled at me when I asked her where a good place for dinner might be found. She pointed toward the main street out the front doors and said there were two in town, and just down the street a bit, but neither was worth a Goddamn. Then she laughed. Humor in Vermont is a ferociously misunderstood thing.

And sometimes it’s funny, too. But why did it feel like the joke was on me?

I walked out into the cold evening air as the street lights came on, and immediately felt a snowflake on my face. I understood in that crystalline moment why Vermonters have a delicious sense of the absurd. Almost three weeks until Thanksgiving, and it was going to snow. What could you do but laugh in the face of that. The prospect of six months of snow on the ground ought to be enough to make anyone come unhinged.

Even if you had a Volvo.

I walked down the street toward a little diner that was tucked in between an upscale used book store and a camera shop that had seen better days, and I stopped to look at a couple of old cameras in the shop’s storefront window. There was an odd assortment of new auto-focus gadgetry and old chrome rangefinder cameras – a couple of Leicas stood out, as I recall – and I thought that was odd. People usually didn’t part with a Leica unless they died. After a moment thinking about the implications of that insight, I turned and looked down the street.

Snow hung in golden globes around the street lights lined up down the sidewalk, but was otherwise lost in the blue light of the fading sunset. Only a couple of other people were out in the snow, and the air felt very – quiet. The snow was, I felt, settling over the v
illage, putting it to rest for the evening. It was one of those moments that felt so familiar to me. Like the past was framed against the present in a never changing photograph. Time is such a funny thing. I shook off the thought and turned toward the diner. I remembered the place well. Dad had always taken us to the place for pancakes on Saturday mornings.

I walked into the diner and shook the stuff off my coat, then hung it up on a well worn rack to let it dry off. The procession of green vinyl booths still lined one wall of the place, all empty, while a faded red-topped lunch counter sat on the other side of the room, separated by a narrow gulf of black and white floor tiles that looked older than just about anything on the North American continent. I looked at the signs posted on the empty booths – No Singles Allowed – and then at the two or three single men and women splattered out along the counter. It looked like a lonely night shaping up. Hell, this place was the living personification of lonely. I hadn’t been lonely until I walked into the place, and suddenly I was tormented by unrequited loneliness!

I took my place at the counter. Gotta know your place.

No one was behind the counter, though I could hear some work going on in the kitchen area in the back of the place. I looked at the menu scribbled on a whiteboard . . . clam chowder, boiled corned-beef and cabbage with new potatoes, meat loaf and mashed potatoes . . . your basic New England Nightmare menu.

The waitress walked out from the kitchen. It was her. The elegant woman dressed in brown that had walked out of the school a little over an hour ago. Now she was wearing a waitress’s uniform.

From this now much closer distance she looked tired. Her auburn hair was streaked with faint traces of gray, and dark, puffy shadows lined her eyes. I caught my breath. Something . . . She almost looked as if she had been crying not too long ago. I looked at her as she carried a plate to the man on my right. Pretty decent looking corned-beef. Hmm. She put the plate down, said she’d be right back with me as she slid a glass of ice water my way, then disappeared back into the bowels of the place.

It hit me like a ton of bricks.

Her name was Patty McKaig. We had gone through school together, like kindergarten through high school, then back in the early seventies we had gone off to Dartmouth together. She had fallen in love with me then, or so she professed one Saturday afternoon before the annual autumn slugfest with Harvard, and we had spent a lot of time together in the Caribbean one summer. She had been cute, she had been nice as hell, but we had gone our separate ways. Hadn’t we? That time in the Caribbean together, something tugged at me when I thought of those days and nights with her. I hadn’t thought of her in twenty years. Right?

Now she looked pretty in an odd, unencumbered way, but she looked weathered, maybe hardened. Like she had loved once, and lost. One too many winters in Vermont, maybe, or was it something more. Hard to say, you know, to fill in the blanks when there’s some truth to get in the way.

She came out with another plate, this one destined for a really pale woman at the far end of the counter. I wondered if I should keep quiet or run from the place while I could, but she came to my space at the counter and leaned over. Her breasts had . . . grown. Yeah. Grown. Nice vantage, too.

I love subtle body language. Always been a sucker for cleavage.

‘Hi, Tom.’

‘Hey, Patty. Howya doin’?’ I looked at her left hand, looked for a ring there. Nothing.

‘What have you been up to?’ She looked at me with eyes that seemed to sparkle for an instant.

‘Came back to do some research at the library. Some family stuff.’

‘Yeah? Your Dad?’ I nodded, knowing what was coming next. ‘How’s he doing? I heard about, well, you know, I guess everyone did . . .’

‘He’s doing fine, Patty.’

‘Is he going to stay in Washington?’

‘Yeah. What are you up to?’ I asked, wanting to change the subject as quickly as possible.

‘Law school. Third year.’

‘Is this homework?’ I asked her, looking around the diner.

‘Yeah, Tom. Homework.’ Her face flushed with anger. ‘Know what you want?’

I looked at her intently for a moment. No one’s ever accused me of being tactful. Or even nice, for that matter. Doing Dad’s dirty work in the Senate, so it was said, had come too easily to me. They had no idea. She was looking at me. Waiting.

‘To eat. You know. Restaurant. Food. Eat.’ Yep, I’d stomped on her toes, alright.

‘How’s the chowder?’

‘Like Bookbinders, Tom. Best in town.’ She was going to get into this.

‘Corned-beef looks good.’

‘It is.’

‘Well, then, chowder and the boiled New England plate, maybe some hot tea?’

‘Right.’ And she walked back to the kitchen.

There was a disused New York Times in a pile of discarded papers by the door, and I walked over to give it a look-see. Another article about Dad and his heart attack – still front page, too – and an editorial about what it meant for the coming primaries in Iowa and New Hampshire. Would he still be able to run for President? Inquiring minds wanted to know.

I sat at the counter and read an op-ed piece on the violence spiraling out of control in East Africa as famine and Islamic militants took their toll on the defenseless once again, while another fat-cat regime – this particular one backed by China – financed the escalating bloodshed in Kenya as yet another wave of Marxist revolutions was heating up there and, oh boy! Now in South Africa. Chavez and the Marxist remnants in Cuba had started a nice pan-America communist movement that was enjoying widespread success, and now China was agitating in Africa. Fun. Who would want to be President with all this bullshit happening?

Page two, another influence peddling scandal breaking on the hill, this time a Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee in the sights of Justice Department investigators. Ah, well, the more things change . . .

Patty slid a cup and saucer next to the newspaper, and I looked up. ‘What kind of tea you want?’

‘Hmm? Ah, English breakfast if you’ve got some. Cream?’

‘Yeah, sure.’

‘Saw you coming out of the school this afternoon,’ I said when she came back with the red tea bag and a little pitcher of real honest-to-Betsy holstein cream. Vermont is good for some things, after all.

‘Yeah, I’m working there three afternoons a week. Tutoring.’


‘Money’s tight. Hard for fifty something yacht-yuppies to get financial aid, you know.’


‘Well, second thought, you’re probably the last person in the world who would know that, right?’ Off she went. Back to the kitchen. One of the guys down the counter was looking my way, and I returned the favor.

‘Buddy, she don’t like you too much, huh?’

‘Maybe it’s my deodorant,’ I shot back at the man.

‘Nah. Patty’s always had a low tolerance for assholes,’ another man said.

I gave my left pit a sniff. It was getting pretty warm down there.


I finished dinner and got some more tea, settled in with the Times and read at the counter for a while. After a bit Patty came by and slipped a check under the little saucer and walked off, and she never said a word. I turned it over. Maybe eight bucks and change. I slipped a hundred out of my wallet and folded it up under the check and walked hurriedly out into the night. It was really coming down now. Huge, fat flakes drifted slowly down, the nice dry snow was now about ankle deep on the sidewalk, and it was about a three block walk back to the Inn where I was staying. I turned up my collar and set off through the night.

The Inn was a huge old place, really special around Christmas, and as I approached the rambling old three story monster it looked simply magnificent i
n the chaste snow. Huge and quite probably ancient spruce trees dotting the grounds were now beginning to sag under the weight of all the new snow, and soft amber light arced from prettily decorated windows through the night, casting equally soft shadows on the now white yard. I stopped and looked at the scene, oblivious to the wet snow that was beginning to run down my neck.

I heard footsteps in the snow behind me.

She walked up beside me and stood in silence, apparently taken in by the simple majesty of the scene, as I was.

‘I never tire of the beauty of this place.’ It was all I could think of to say.

‘I was always surprised you left,’ she said.

‘Are you off, now?’ I asked.


‘How about a coffee? Maybe something Irish?’

‘Sounds about nice, Tom.’ I held out my hand and she took it, and I walked with her into the Inn.


We sat in the old bar, our truce holding firm. Logs popped in the fireplace, the dancing light played on her face, and she really did look as beautiful as I remembered.

‘So, did you ever marry?’ she asked me after a while.

‘No. Never saw the need. How ’bout you?’

‘Once. Didn’t take.’

‘Someone up here?’

‘No, that Drake kid – from Britain. You remember? He had that Swan, was going to go around the world.’

‘Oh, yeah. Him? That I would have never guessed, Pat. What happened?’

‘I don’t know. Just your run-of-the-mill abusive Brit. Hated women, loved his mother. That kinda thing.’

‘How long did that last?’

‘Ah, not quite a year. We made it down to the Antilles, but that Swan was the wrong boat. Way too deep, you know.’

I knew.

‘Anyway, his mommy wanted him home, so off he went. He came back a few weeks later all ashen faced and told me he had to divorce me, that his Mum would never tolerate a Yank in the house, and that was that.’

‘Sounds lucky you got out when you did.’

‘Yeah, maybe. But he was fun.’


‘Oh, life was just fun back then, Tom. You remember how it was.’

I did. It wasn’t a question.

‘It was fun to play the privileged class, you know, enjoying their privileges,’ she said, and that sounded funny coming from her. She had hated that about the people at Dartmouth and down in the islands, and it wasn’t self-loathing, either. She had always been on the outside, looking in. Her family had usually been just one bad harvest away from starvation, but she had made it into one of the first coed classes at Dartmouth the new fashioned way, with great grades and a scholarship. Unlike so many of us back then, she hadn’t had an academic agenda, she had just wanted to learn everything she could. Admirable, in a looney kind of way. I took her with me to Antigua in March of our senior year, and she loved it there, loved the bohemian vagabond life of the live-aboard community that called that neck of the woods home, and she had talked me into going back down there the summer after we graduated.

It had been good.

I had a date at Harvard Law that September, and she decided to stay down there when it was my turn to head north as summer drew to a close. That had been that. Fast forward twenty eight years, and here we were, getting bombed on Irish coffee at half past one in the morning in front of a fireplace in the middle of Vermont. Did I mention that life is strange sometimes?


She rubbed her eyes, I looked at my watch. Almost two.

‘Can I walk you home?’ I asked.

‘No, I live here.’

‘Here?’ I asked incredulously. ‘What does that set you back?’

‘I do night audits on the weekends, and help run the personnel office, the legal end, anyway. I get a roof over my head and a couple of bucks here and there for my services.’

‘So, let me see if I’ve got this right. You tutor at the school in the afternoon, wait the counter in the diner nights, and work here on the weekends? And you’re going to law school when, exactly.’

She laughed. ‘I do get a little run down. From time to time.’

‘Well, can I walk you to your room?’

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The College Library

Hi to all you sex loving people out there. I have been reading these stories for quite long and felt like it’s time to publish my own real life story though pretty old now. I am writing this story in August, 2012 just for you to know whenever you read it. This is my 1st time so pardon in advance and all feedback welcome at To start with, I am Rahul Khanna working in an American company, 36 years old man from Delhi married for the last 11 years. Ok built with a 6 inches boner. More than the...

4 years ago
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In the old School Library

It was an old school, over one hundred years old. The boys and girl who went there appreciated its history, especially the decor. It's an old building had been updated with air conditioning and a full electrical overhaul, making it a nice mix of the modern with the old. It was a wonderful place to study for the teachers and students alike. It had many weird features in the school that you wouldn’t get in a modern school, for example, it had two libraries. One library was bright and modern, it...

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Research Library

Research Library When I retired at sixty-two I decided to research the area when I lived and to write a comprehensive book unlike any written before me. It combined several of my previous hobbies of reading, writing, investigation, genealogy, and history. I went to every library in my area and then I was sent to a unique and little known library in the state capital. Before I could even get inside the building I had to submit an application as to who I was, what I was attempting to...

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Meet Me in The Library

You log onto your computer and notice that you have a message from me. You click on the message button and read only ‘Sweetheart, Meet me in the stacks of the university library at 11pm just before closing. Wear a loose cardigan sweater and a short black skirt and no under things’. There is nothing more to the message and you wonder what I have in mind. You think about what happened the last time you received a message on your computer like this from me. It was almost a year ago. That time it...

2 years ago
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A Chance Meeting At The Library

A Chance Meeting At The LibraryI would say to you that when you think about picking up a woman, at the library does not come to your mind. But every now and then there is that special one that you find. I was in the library looking my next book to read when I saw this beautiful woman sitting in the corner of the library reading a book. I had read the book before so I knew about it. So I went over to her and said, “Hello Miss. I could not help but see the book that you are reading. I have read...

2 years ago
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My First Blowjob In A Public Library

Hi, everyone. I’m Sujay from Coimbatore.(of course, it’s a fake name).This is my first story here. So please forgive any mistakes. This happened when I was doing my 11th(2012) Std in a very reputed school in my locality.I was in love with this girl (heroine) named Sanjana(name changed) Sanjana was a head turner. Believe me when I say this.. she had those perfect figures that could make any man drool for her.She was white as milk and was short doll which makes her a fucking beauty.Till now I can...

3 years ago
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Daydream in the Library

It was a sweltering day in the city. Adriana’s heels clicked on the sidewalk and she silently thanked the breeze that played against her stockinged thighs as she hurried up the steps of the library. She was nearing the top of that mountain of stairs, slightly winded from the stack of books she held tight against her chest when the whistle rang through the summer air. It was enough to set her heart racing and her feet clash against each other. As she threw out her arms to catch herself, she...

Love Stories
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Virtual Sex With Hot UP Girl In Abandoned Library

Hi guys, I am Tarun from Noida and welcome to my story. I am a guy who always wanted to have sex in public! The thrill of almost being caught in a public bathroom or in some shady corner was always a thrilling fantasy for me. I have this fantasy because of something that happened during my time in college. Once I was in the library to check out some textbooks. I walked into the right section, but it was always deserted. You could smell the fungus growing in between the pages of these books! The...

2 years ago
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Orgasm Sound Library

Well, here is a website that could not have a more straightforward name... Yes, you can expect to have a plethora of real female orgasms to listen to. But that is the extent of the website in case you were hoping to watch some sluts masturbate as well. Now, I should mention that is not really your regular porn website… so throw all your perverted hopes out of the window.Because instead of an actual porn website, you have a website filled with...

ASMR Porn Sites
1 year ago
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The Library

As Cora neared the library, she felt heart beat a little quicker than usual. Immediately, she knew why and was not surprised. She was hoping he would be there again, sitting alone at his table, surrounded by his regular pile of art books, wearing his worn blue turtleneck sweater. Cora always did like visiting the library; she loved the smell of the books, the feeling of being surrounded by so much knowledge, so much inspiration. But ever since she saw him for the first time, last Friday, her...

4 years ago
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The Library

I love to read...and not just erotica! I went to the library this afternoon and grabbed a few books from the "New" shelves. Not having heard of some of the authors, I sat down on one of the couches at the back of the library. It's one of my favorite places to read. The rounded back wall is an expanse of tinted windows that overlooks a beautiful park. There's even a covered veranda with tables, for days like today when the weather is nice. Unless I'm sitting and talking with someone, though, I...

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One Night in the Library

I locked the library door and turned off all but the security lights. The rest of the library’s staff had gone home and the library itself would be closed until Monday. That left me alone with the building all to myself. No one would even know I was there.Returning to my office, I retrieved the key to the rare books room in the library basement. One of the privileges of being the Public Services Librarian was control of that key. Really, there wasn’t much of extreme value in there but someone...

4 years ago
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Girlfriend in college library

This is Rahul Sharma from Delhi writing my episode that took place with my girlfriend in our college library about 10years ago. Firstly, to divulge details about myself, I am a married man, 5ft 10.5in tall with a fair complexion and hold a decent member sized 6inches. Rather than the size, it is more of how well you use it that matters, and I think I use it fairly well. We had been going around for some time and we had already kissed and stuff but nothing major physically till now. At this...

3 years ago
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Seducing And Fingering My Hot ExGirlfriend In Library

Hi everyone! This is a real story of how I fucked my hot ex-girlfriend. I think of this incident every night before going to bed and masturbate. I haven’t had sex with her in the last 2 years after our break-up. But that day, I used some cunning tricks in the library to seduce her first and then played strip poker finally to fuck her. Coming to the story, my name is Rithwik, and this story happened one year back when I was in the final year of my graduation. Giving a bit of context to the...

2 years ago
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Love Library

“Mom, I’m bored and my cunt’s hot,’ said Rosalind’s young daughter casually as she stretched her arms over her head and yawned. Megan stood in the middle of library at the Jefferson Public High School, she glanced mainingfully at her mother, who was working behind the librarian’s desk and service counter. It was Wednesday, the night Rosalind was expected to offer extended hours for the students and their parents, but this night, as most, no one had come in yet. Megan kept herself busy reading...

3 years ago
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Quiet in the Library

From time to time he returned to it. He was always somehow comforted by its steadfast austerity. In the fifteen years since graduation the world as a whole had gotten faster. The outside had changed. But here, inside, things were mostly the same. Sure, the old card catalogs were gone, replaced by the sleek kiosks of the electronic information system. And a few years back there had been some minor furniture changes. But for the most part, it was the same and he depended on its sameness. In his...

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The Devils Pact Ghost of ParisChapter 4 The Public Library

Friday, September 13th, 2013 – Paris, Texas There was an away game, so there was no cheerleading practice this afternoon. I missed those sweet, young Lionesses, and their even sweeter cooches. Every afternoon this week, just like last week, I had spent it with the cheerleaders, fucking one of them behind the bleachers, while the others practiced. It was an arrangement we reached; I had been disrupting their practices too much, so the girls started drawing straws to see who would keep me...

4 years ago
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After the Library

As Susie strode out of the library, grinning like the cat who is about to get the cream, out of the corner of her eye, she saw the girl scramble to her feet, roughly hitching up her knickers and tugging her skirt down. Her face burned with embarrassment as she picked up her bag and followed her back to her office.Susie held the door open and motioned Cathy inside, before silently locking the door and sitting down behind her desk, leaving Cathy standing before her. She opened the girl’s laptop...

Oral Sex
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Crazy Night In The Library

Im just your normal guy. 5 feet 8 inches, skinny, nerdy, and I've never been to good with girls. Im one of two black guys in my school but everybody is cool. It was my 18th birthday, and while other people party and do crazy things, i spent my day doing nothing. I had a test to study for in two days so i decided to go to the library so i can study quietly. Not to many people come to library, the only time they do is when the want to get a blowjob or something in the last row of books. Tonight...

3 years ago
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I went down on my best friend in college library

This is a story about how a happy accident led to me having sex with my best friend in college. I was a 3rd-year student studying engineering in Hyderabad. I was volunteering for a college festival that occurs every year. As part of this event, I was in charge of organizing a book donation drive. My best friend at the time, Sheena was also on the same team helping me organize the event. Sheena was a great friend, we both met during our first year and bonded over our mutual hate for a senior...

2 years ago
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Caught wanking in the library

Even after a few weeks at college I was still finding my feet. I had made some new friends, but the place itself - it was so big! I wanted to knuckle down and, being a bit of a nerd, decided to get some books on English grammar. I had only been to the library once and then it had been locked. One girl told me that it was a good place to study because so few people went in. Mobiles and iPods were strictly prohibited. I opened the heavy glass-panelled door and walked in. It had a slightly musty...

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Sex in the Library

The teenage girl who worked in my local library was red hot! She had long shapely legs and blonde hair down to her waist, and a lovely cleavage to boot. I had fantasised about her many a night as I lay on my bed, jacking myself off at the thought of her.I didn’t think that I had any chance in savouring her delights as she sat behind the desk wearing her black secretary type glasses and short red skirt. Plucking up the courage, I asked if she had a book about “Sexual positions for the more...

5 years ago
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The Library

This story is based upon real life experiences, but places, names, and some parts have been changed to protect the guilty. “I hate this class,” Mindy huffed, as she plopped her books on the table in front of me. It was late at night. Actually, it was somewhere around 2:00 AM. No one else was in the student center and that’s that way it should have been. It had been closed for nearly two hours. I had been working as a security guard for the college Mindy & I attended, near a large city...

1 year ago
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The library

"Brit, wait up!!!" Hannah shouted from half a block down the street. Hannah stopped in her tracks and waited a little impatiently for her best friend. "I'm sorry I was late!" Hannah puffed while pulling along side Brittany. "But if you saw what I just saw you'd be late too!!!" "Okay," Brit replied with a shake of her head. "I'll bite, what did you just see!?!" With her breathing returning to normal Hannah answered in a whispered tone, "I just saw Ben Sutherland in the raw!!!" Brit actually...

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We Met at the Library

My name is Oliver Johanssen. Yep, a big husky guy of Norwegian descent, right down to the close cropped hair and square jaw. At 5’11’ and 210 pounds, the name fits the look perfectly. I did play football in high school but getting a scholarship for that wasn’t even close because in college, they considered me too small. It didn’t help that I had a set of legs the size of tree trunks, so my 18.5 second 100 yard dash was very slow, I was a tad too short for basketball, in baseball I could have...

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Lucifers Library

Lucifer’s Library A one act play Based very loosely on Sartre’s No Exit CAST Lucifer – Handsome and sinister. He holds the keys to each character’s potential salvation or damnation. Millie – Young, buxom milk maid from mid-1800s England. Veronica – Well endowed Upper Main Line Philadelphia debutant from the early 1950s Paige – Senior associate attorney at Kickim, Schrewem & Rhune, PC. 2008. Leslie – S 1960’s hippie Leo – A magician Alex – The head of a pan-global corporation Mack...

5 years ago
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Checked Out At The Library

It was the proverbial dark and stormy night. Not wanting to get stuck in my dorm room with my wannabe redneck roommate and his classic country music, I escaped to the library. I took the elevator up to the 4th floor. The top floor of the library is quiet and usually deserted at night. I’m doing research for an advanced level history course and I don’t need distractions. I dropped my backpack on the table and pulled out the chair. I saw her as I was spreading out my notes. She was directly...

2 years ago
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Afternoon Trip To The Library

I’m in need of going to get books from the library downtown. I beg you to come to the library with me, and after much debate, you agree to come. You’re still grumbling about it as we pull up to the library. As I walk in, I stop and look up where the books are I’ll need to study with and tell you that they’re upstairs. We walk up and I begin to go through the rows. The last book I need is way in the very back of the old library, in a corner. I reach up and start to look through them, running...

4 years ago
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In the Library

(After some hiatus, I've returned to writing. In light of having a more busy job life of, well, writing, I've decided to focus on actually finishing some of these scenarios rather than having the originally intended 50-100 endings. I've always intended to have a focus on choice, but honestly, I just don't have time for that. So! Over the next couple months expect my stories to actually have some finished choices, and I can expand from there. Thanks!) Cora had a long dream - to see the rare...

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Express Action The University Library

Screw Callum and screw the Library of Congress classification, geez was I missing my old college library Dewey Decimal saunter. Here I was amongst the frickin old academic bound periodicals, bloody rows and endless shelves of unopened dusty crap; looking for an obscure but relevant brown nosing article, not conveniently in pdf form on the internet, to get an A on my current Uni assignment. But I was screwed. Screwed up inside because I hadn’t been screwed like I had hoped to be last night....

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Sassy goes to the library

Here comes that beautiful Sassy into my lab here at Wannabe U. She is always so perky and on her that is absolutely erotic, a real turn on for an old guy like me. Today she is in a short, pleated skirt with a matching vest covering another sheer white blouse. Like all her blouses none of them need to be wet to show off the dark tone of the skin underneath, those enticing breasts with nipples that seem to be painted to the outside of the blouse.I stand to greet her but need to sit quickly...

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Quietly Having Sex In The Library

My name is Will, and I'm twenty-two. I have brown hair, and I'm six foot. My girlfriend, Sharon, and I are students in college. She is twenty-two as well. We both agree that college totally sucks. We both study every single day and feel like we have absolutely no social life, none whatsoever. We often studied in the library, for research papers, and various other things. Anyway, there was almost never more than twenty people in there at a time. We guessed it was because of absolute silence...

College Sex
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Erotic man from the library

As a bookworm I love to spend a lot of time in the library, going through the shelves, all the old books, the feel of the pages, the quietness. I normally keep to myself in the library, just put my headphones in and zone out. This time was different.I got to the library about lunchtime, I had no plans for the rest of the day so I decided to go find a decent book worth reading. I have short, straight light brown hair, I carry a little weight but not too much. This time I was wearing a tight...

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1001 Words for Love I The Library

She spoke with her hands, letting them flutter like anxiousbirds, her lips shaping words, each as silent as the snow that settled on her shoulders, covered her bare toes, turned her dark hair white. Above her the sun stared off into the distance, its black fur swallowing its own light, its kitten face smiling as it dreamed of balls of yarn and tasseled ribbons and tasty fish, or perhaps it was just waiting for the moon to come so that it could take a relaxing dip in the ocean. “No.” The word...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Afternoon Trip To The Library

I’m in need of going to get books from the library downtown. I beg you to come to the library with me, and after much debate, you agree to come. You’re still grumbling about it as we pull up to the library. As I walk in, I stop and look up where the books are I'll need to study with and tell you that they're upstairs. We walk up and I begin to go through the rows. The last book I need is way in the very back of the old library, in a corner. I reach up and start to look through them, running my...


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