Lizzie free porn video

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Dear readers,

In a comment on one of my stories, coinnaisseur29 wrote:

‘I thought the romance a bit too quick. […] I expect one has to make it quick what with so little space and time.’

This story is an attempt to remedy that. The romance is slow, as you may expect from the two main characters. There is not a lot of sex in it (only on pg. 17 or so) but I tried to show a little what the characters are like and how, eventually, they realise their feelings for each other and allow themselves to give in to them.

If you don’t like that idea, or if you think stories should be short and to the point only, please, please, please, give this one a miss.

Unfortunately it proved impossible to post this in another form that would retain the bits in italics present in the original.

Affectionately yours,




Lizzie McPriddy was a smallish, sparkling woman in her late forties, with a bright smile and a beautiful head of rather untidy chestnut hair. She worked as an illustrator for a publishing house that mainly dealt in children’s books, and she was really good, people thought. She wasn’t so sure herself, but she liked the job and gave it her best, and the people who bought the books she’d had a hand in were always very enthusiastic about her stuff.

She generally worked in watercolours, or in pencil and crayon when black and white pictures were needed. She loved painting in oils, but she only did so in her spare time, as it was expensive and more difficult to sell. She was too modest to go in for the big exhibitions some of her colleagues seemed to enjoy. Moreover, being told what she had meant in her paintings always came as a shock to her – it felt like an intrusion, somehow.

The big advantage was that she didn’t have to guard her time too carefully, as she could meet her deadlines easily without having to feel stressed or hurried. She lived in the country, in the house she and her late husband had bought and converted a few decades ago. There was a nice, roomy studio with a good north window, and a washbasin to take care of her brushes, and the house was surrounded by a well-kept flower garden.

Lizzie stood in her studio looking at the last of a series of watercolours for a book about a little boy’s dreams. She’d tried to imbue them with a fin de siècle feel and, she thought, she’d succeeded quite well. Yes. She would deliver them to the firm tomorrow and then take a fortnight off to do the riverwalk she’d wanted to do for a long time now. She heaved a deep sigh and took her brushes to the washbasin to clean them.

When she had restored order in her studio, she went to the kitchen. She poured herself a gin and tonic which she took outside where she sat down on a garden bench, smiling contentedly at the lovely flowers of her late summer garden. Her work finished, and with no pressing assignment on hand, her life really felt good.

She slowly finished her drink, just doing nothing for a change – she usually kept herself busy, either reading or sketching or weeding the flower beds, but now she just felt like enjoying the sun on her back and the sound of the bees. It was a nice day, and she was determined to make the most of the afternoon. No cooking, no cleaning, no chores whatsoever. She would have a meal at the Royal Oak, and spend the evening reading. Yes, she thought, that would be lovely!

When she had finished her drink, she leisurely went back into the house and changed from her working clothes into a new pair of mauve jeans and a cream-coloured blouse. She tried to make her hair look a little less untidy, but she didn’t really manage. Not that she cared about her appearance too much, Zeb had loved her the way she was, and that seemed enough.

She never minded anyone’s looks too much. Zeb hadn’t really been Mr Handsome, but he had been all she needed: he was sweet, intelligent, a good musician, good-looking enough and a truly good husband, and they had been very close. They had always done a lot of touching and cuddling. She missed him awfully at times. It had slowly become less painful, but it still assaulted her in those silent moments when the sun hung low over the fields at the back of the house, or when she sat listening in the lamplight to some music they had bought together…

Now, though, she felt happy and at ease. She’d found a lot of B&Bs online – a few might well be the ones she’d stayed at with Zeb, all those years ago – and she’d compiled a list of addresses. As it was the second half of August and a slack time for all such establishments, she didn’t bother with reservations. She had bought new maps, though. After so long, she thought, some paths might well have changed, after all, and she firmly believed in having thpe right means to find your way. The walking boots she had bought in summer were well used by now and so she was sure she’d be alright wearing them. Being well-prepared was what mattered. Zeb had always smiled at her, but he knew she was right, and he had good-humouredly let her have her way.

She looked around her garden with satisfaction. It was a riot of colour and, she thought, quite well-kept. She heaved a sigh, picked up her empty glass and walked back into the house. She put her glass into the dishwasher and locked the kitchen door. Then she picked up her coat and walked to the Oak with her coat over her arm. It was a lovely afternoon turning into evening, and there were a few men sitting outside the pub having a pint. They greeted Lizzie when she was near enough, they were old friends, and Lizzie treated them to one of her brilliant smiles.

‘Evening, Lizzie – how’s life?’

‘Everything’s fine, Joe. And you lot?’

They nodded and returned the smile. ‘Great. We’ll be making some music tonight. Three more weeks until folk night but we just feel like it, and it’s ok with Dwight. Will you stay to listen?’

‘When are you going to start?’

‘Seven thirty or thereabouts.’

‘Oh great. Yes, I will for a while. Must be up early tomorrow.’

The men grinned at her. ‘Okay,’ Fred said. ‘We’ll have at least some audience then.’

‘No worries – you will be alright!’ Lizzie went into the public bar and ordered a steak pie with salad and chips and another gin and tonic.

She took her drink to one of the small tables and sat down contentedly, looking at the bar slowly filling up. Her meal wasn’t long in coming, and she tucked into it with an appetite. She felt absolutely good, life seemed rewarding and friendly.

When she had almost finished her meal, the men who’d been sitting outside filed into the bar, carrying two guitar cases and a concertina. They took up their places at one end of the room and unpacked their guitars, and after a little tuning they embarked on their first song. Lizzie didn’t know it but it sounded good, it was by some Irish singer she’d read about once.

She finished her meal quickly and collected one more drink. She took it to a seat closer to the performers. She knew them well. Zeb had often played the guitar as well as the mandolin with them. She had loved listening to him, she thought he was brilliant. She had occasionally done some singing with him, too. It seemed long ago. It was long ago, actually. His mandolin lay collecting dust on top of a bookcase in the study.

She shook off her reminiscences and addressed herself to the music again. The second song was an old favourite of hers and she happily hummed along. The men heard her and grinned at her. It was good to be sitting here listening, she thought. Folk nights were even better. Just like in the old days…

She stayed until nine and then she left with a wave of her hand. Time to go to bed with the book she’d promised herself! She put on her coat – the evening was not quite as balmy as the day had been – and walked home. When she got there she yawned. She felt pleasantly tired, it had been a long but satisfactory day
. She brushed her teeth and went to bed with a novel by Anita Desai – Fire on the Mountain, a present from a good friend of hers who was into India, and travelled to Goa a few times a year. It was a nice book, but Lizzie was too sleepy to keep on reading for a long time, and she switched off her reading light before ten.

She was up at six the next morning. She’d promised to deliver her illustrations at the firm at eleven, and she liked to take things slowly. Moreover, it was an hour’s drive, and she often saw things on the way she’d want to sketch. But she was there at a quarter to eleven, and she walked into the office with her portfolio tucked under her arm.

‘Good morning, Lizzie,’ Kevin, the general editor, said. He was flamboyantly dressed – somewhat like Chaucer’s squier, Lizzie thought, with lokkes crulle, as they were leyd in presse – and a little affected and effeminate, and Lizzie genuinely liked him. ‘You look most wonderful! Done as good a job as last time?’

‘I don’t know,’ she said. ‘I never can tell, you know. I think l did alright. You’d better have a look.’

‘Yes please,’ he said. ‘But first I’d like you to meet Jane Carlton, the author.’

Jane was a slight woman with red hair and lots of freckles. She looked positively Irish and Lizzie thought she must be in her early fifties.

‘Pleased to meet you,’ she said. ‘I’m Lizzie.’

‘I’m Jane. I’m dying to see what you did – I love your work!’

Lizzie blushed. It made her feel a little uncomfortable, but she just put her portfolio on the big table in the centre of the office.

‘I do hope you’ll like these,’ she said. ‘Do give them a good look.’

Jane and Kevin did just that. They went through the illustrations slowly, without speaking at first. Lizzie looked at them apprehensively. Jane’s face flushed when she looked at the artwork, and when they’d seen all of them once, she turned to Lizzie.

‘Oh my,’ she said. ‘Oh, I’m so glad you agreed to illustrate my book! They’re absolutely wonderful!’

‘You like them?’ Kevin asked.

‘Goodness, yes!’

Jane didn’t say anything more but went through the lot again, very slowly this time. She seemed to drink in every detail, and now and then she went back to a picture she’d already seen. When she’d seen them all again, she sighed deeply.

‘Exactly what my book needs,’ she said. ‘Brilliant!’

Lizzie smiled broadly at her. ‘Thank you very much,’ she said. ‘I am never sure if my clients will like what I do. I’m very happy to hear they are alright!’

‘They are,’ Kevin said. ‘As always. Coffee, everyone?’

They sat having their coffee and talking for some thirty minutes. Then Lizzie said she had to go home.

‘Oh,’ Kevin said. ‘I have another request for illustrations for you. Shall we have a look at what is wanted?’

‘Sorry, Kev. No time, and I am off tomorrow to spend a fortnight walking. It’s a longstanding promise to myself. I’ll be happy to come here when I’m back, to discuss the work if I’m still in demand for it then.’

‘No problem. Fair enough. I was asked to have you do the illustrations and l’m sure there’s no hurry – well, no big hurry at least. Would two months be alright?’

‘Depending,’ Lizzie said. ‘Suppose so. Is it a big commission?’

‘Not too hefty, I think. Alright then?’

Lizzie nodded. ‘I’ll call when I’m back, okay?’


Lizzie shook hands with Jane. ‘Hope your readers will like my pictures, too!’ she said. ‘Lots of success!’

Then she walked out of the office with the empty portfolio. Back home to pack!


Next day, to Lizzie’s joy, she woke up to a beautiful morning. The weather promised to be brilliant for a very long time, and it was with a glad heart that she locked the door and took the bus to the station. Friends from the village would take care of her place, so she needn’t worry about things, and Fred had said he would mow her lawn the next weekend. He had a riding mower and, he assured her, it would be no trouble. Much nicer to come home without worrying about the grass!

The train was on time, and as she had chosen to be travelling half way the morning, when the rush hour was over, it was easy to find a seat. She lifted her rucksack into the rack, and sat down with her Kindle. She much preferred paper books – she’d actually brought one along – but on a walking tour e-readers were really okay. She had two hours before she needed to change to the southbound express. She could do a lot of reading in that time. She planned just to go to the first B&B that day, so she could start on the first stretch early in the morning. No sense in wearing yourself out, she thought. She’d arrive at about three. Time enough to explore the town and to get into the right mood!

She sat reading until she had to change. A friendly young man lifted her rucksack from the rack for her, and she descended from the train onto the platform. There was a one-hour wait, and so she went in search of a cup of coffee. She bought a large black coffee in a cardboard cup, and took it to her platform. There was a bench in the sun and she sat down to observe the people that populated the station. After a while she took out her sketchbook and made a few drawings of some children who stood waiting for a train to arrive across the tracks.

She kept herself occupied until the express rolled into the station. She boarded it quickly and found it was rather full already. She had to walk down the aisle for two carriages before she found a seat, and she didn’t see her way into putting her luggage up. Fortunately one of the male passengers noticed her plight and helped out.

She sat back and read for a little while. Then she put her e-book away and watched the landscape swish on by. She loved the hills and the hedges, and the occasional stone walls, and she felt rested and happy contemplating the weeks ahead. It would be very nice, and it would be like keeping a long-standing promise. No matter the one she’d made that promise to was dead, it would give her a feeling of peace and of accomplishing something important.

She looked at her watch. Almost there, another forty-five minutes to go. It would leave her ample time to find a place to stay for the night, and have a rather late lunch, and explore the town. It was a nice town in her memory, but back then they’d been too impatient, and they had started straight away without allowing themselves the time to look around. After a few days they had slowed down considerably, and the rest of the walk was done at a more reasonable pace. Oh dear, it was really long ago!

When the train rolled into the station she got off, carrying her backpack before her. She hoisted it on to her back on the platform, and walked off to the town centre. It wasn’t far to the place on her list, and when she got there she looked at it with approval. It was a Georgian house with a beautiful, well-kept front door and a friendly aspect. Good! She rang the bell and was received by a young woman with a little rose tattoo on her shoulder. The room she was given was small but comfortable, and she put down her luggage in the corner. No, she could come home at any time she wanted – not after eleven, hopefully?

Lizzie explained that she was going to do the riverwalk, and that she had to be up and going quite early.

‘That’s wonderful, then. What would you like for breakfast?’

They arranged things quickly, and then Lizzie took her money bag and a light coat and she set off to go and explore. The town centre was near the river, with a beautiful old bridge crossing it on the main road, and she stopped there for a while to draw. Then she walked on, noting the position of a few restaurants on her way. There was an Early English church with beautiful stained glass and some interesting effigies, and there were quite a few well-preserved medieval town houses. Lizzie spent a few hours contentedly roaming up and down the narrow streets.

She popped
into the local Red Cross shop for some minutes and bought a CD, which she almost immediately regretted, as it meant more weight to carry. Then she went into a stationary shop to buy a lined envelope, and she addressed it to herself and put the thing to the post. Problem solved, she thought with a grin.

When the afternoon turned into evening she went to a small Indian restaurant she’d passed on the way and sat down to a very nice North Indian meal. Good, she thought. Just what a woman needs.

She went back to the B&B just before dusk and the young woman let her in, smiling broadly.

‘Had a nice afternoon?’ she asked.

Lizzie nodded enthusiastically. She talked with her for a while, and then she climbed the stairs, satisfied with her first day.


The following day she started out on her pleasant task in earnest. Armed with a couple of good maps, and a sunny mood that was reinforced a lot by the lovely weather, she walked down the road to the start of the long distance path she’d set out to complete this time. It wasn’t long before she came to a signpost at a gap in the hedge. She thought the hedge had been a lot lower when she first walked here, and the way it was now she had to squeeze through. Rather to her surprise the somewhat forbidding entrance led to a path that was very well-kept indeed. It ran alongside a field of maize for a long time, going slowly down until she hit the river at the bottom of the slope. The fast-flowing water sang over the small stones and splashed into the occasional bigger rocks, and the sun sparkled on its ripples. The path ran quite close to it, but not too much so, there was no chance of getting wet.

She’d fallen into a medium pace, not too slow – nothing to get you good and tired like dawdling – and not too fast either. She was a good walker, and she wasn’t going to get too tired. She felt no need to prove things to herself, and there was no one to check on her. She grinned. They’d learned to be economical with their energy, walking together back then, and ever since then they had gone their way without any troubles. Walking together had been great, and they had been a good team. Zeb would have loved this… She nodded. He would.

The path was fairly even and it ran between fields and along the river for most of the morning. When the map showed it would branch off into a little wood soon, she sat down on a rock to have her lunch. There was a nice view of a large stretch of grassland on the other side of the stream, and there were a few cows stolidly grazing. The farm she supposed they belonged to was just visible in a clump of trees in the distance, there was a thin wisp of smoke coming from the chimney.

She took out her sketchbook and worked on a couple of drawings for some time. Then she got up, put her stuff back into her rucksack and went on her way. It was hotter inside the wood, and there were a lot of insects. Fortunately it’s not far, she thought. It had been much nicer out in the open, with a light breeze and the sound of birds in the distance. But the path was good and dry, and she quickly made her way through the trees.

When she came out into the open again, she sniffed the cool air and grinned. There was another beautiful vista – time for a drawing break. She put down her rucksack and had a swig of water before she tried to capture the view on paper.

She quickly drew the view in a few fast lines. Then she added a few notes about the colours and sat down on her haunches for a different perspective. She smiled at the beauty of the surroundings. It had been a bright idea indeed to go and do the walk again!

Okay – she’d better move on. She didn’t want to arrive late at the next B&B. She enjoyed being able to look around before she had dinner and turned in, and it was still quite some way to go. Manageable enough, though – she’d started off early enough. She was looking forward to the next stretch. She remembered it as a wonderful walk from last time, with a lot of variation.

Actually it was even better than she remembered. The winding river and the hillsides sloping down to meet the cold, fast water and the wisps of high cloud, and occasionally a farmhouse in the distance – what more could a person want! She went her way beaming at the world in general.

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Caught cross-dressing by my wifeI have always been a cross dresser and enjoyed it. When I got married I put all my special clothes in the basement and lived a normal life. One day I was home from a trip early and found my wife was doing the laundry. There on the top of the pile were her pink knickers. I remembered I loved the feel of silk on my body. She left the room and I picked them up and I was running my hand across them and soon I was feeling and rubbing my cock which quickly became...

2 years ago
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Diary of A Face Sitter

I don't know whether its the feeling of power, the control, the naughtiness or the orgasms. It may just be all combined. Whichever it is, I know I have never loved my husband more for his wonderful ideas. It started off a simple sexual suggestion. My husband Liam asked me to sit on his face one time when we were playing around. I told him I really wasn't comfortable doing it. I was scared I may smother him and for some odd reason, I felt a bit self-conscious about it. Liam would ask time and...

2 years ago
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The entertainment center

I just broke up with my boyfriend of two years moved out of state rented a one bedroom house and got a job at the local store where I started meeting new friends. There was this one guy (Tyrone) who would come in daily and we would talk and said if I ever needed anything just ask I told him I would but never did, Tyrone was extremely good looking black, 6 foot and muscular. It's been about 4 months or so we became friends but never went anywhere together just talked at the store while we talked...

4 years ago
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Maid in Heat

Hello all, I hope you all liked my first admission and I hope you all like this one. Enjoy. Being a famous wide receiver for the local football team gave Jackson Dumont everything that a athlete wanted. Money, cars, jewlery, women, you name it. It did not help that he was a advertiser’s dream with his model looks which gave him every endorsement deal known to man. Plus coming off of a champoinship year in which he had a career year in catches, yards and touchdowns plus the MVP award he had it...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Mila Taylor G298

Mila’s luscious lips are in full effect (all four of them) as her gangbang begins. She is splayed out on top of the pedestal with Chris licking her into a frenzy on her lower set of lips while she smiles seductively with the other lips on her face. GUESS THE V winner Randy takes the first plunge into Mila’s non-birth controlled pink wetness. Her natural 34Cs jiggle with each thrust as she gets her first taste of each Cocksman as they take their first turns inside her already juicy...

3 years ago
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For Reading Out Loud

The girl behind the counter swallowed hard and asked, "The second book?"She struggled to maintain eye contact as she waited for me to confirm my request.I paused for a moment. It wasn't as if I had asked for a Salinger, Blume or LaVey."Yes, it's called 'Yendi'," I said repeating myself. "It's the second book of Steven Brust's 'Jhereg' series.""I'm sure we have 'Jhereg' on the shelf," she said nervously as she turned to her computer. "We have several good copies of 'Yendi', but they are in our...

2 years ago
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Para entrar a vivir

Me llamó con la excusa que la ayudase a decidir el color de una habitación y fui aunque hubiera sido una clienta horrible hasta la fecha. Siempre cambiando de opinión, exigiendo más, tirando por tierra todas mis ideas... Aquella mujer y yo no conectábamos desde el primer día, y sin embargo, fue ella la que convenció a su marido, cuya única aportación a la casa había sido económica, para que yo se la hiciera.Llegué a la casa, que estaba para entregar, y no quedaba ya ningún operario. Estaba ella...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Maya Woulfe Careful What You Wish For

Maya Woulfe is friends with Tommy Pistol and his wife, especially his wife. They love hanging out and spending time together, but today Maya comes over when she’s not there. She wants to have a little chat with Tommy about watching her from his window. Tommy tries to lie his way out of it, but Maya makes him an indecent proposal. Maya wants what Tommy gives to his wife, hot bondage sex. Tommy has no choice but to give this conniving slut what she came for. Tommy pushes her down on her knees and...

3 years ago
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Living LargeChapter 12

Later that day Sean stopped by to see Jenny. He peeked his head into her office and said, "Hi Jenny." "Hi Sean. Come in." "Jack and I were wondering if Tuesday would be a good night for you to go out with us. There is a great place a few blocks from here and they have live music for dancing on Tuesday nights." Jenny thought for a moment and said, "You know, that sounds nice. I haven't danced in ages." "Then it's a date," Sean said with a smile. "Is six thirty okay?" Jenny...

1 year ago
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My Submissive Sister

Third person until Emma/you arrive at Sarah's house. The photo was of Emma, but it came from Elena's number. That wasn't the only weird thing to come from the same number 'Emma has a crush on you' the message said, that had followed the photo. Sarah was confused, but calmed quickly, thinking over the times Emma acted off. She did have a crush, but why did Elena tell her, and how did she know? Emma wasn't very open, nor was she very strong in social skills. Emma still wouldn't have her sister,...

2 years ago
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The Glen Book OneChapter 21

So it came as a total surprise when Erin walked up next to Emory with a raw red nimbus of power surrounding her. Even Mordrant dropped his final warding in astonishment. "Well, what do we do now?" Erin asked as sheets of energy sparkled on the surface of her wards. "I mean, do we just leave, or is there a particular reason that we are hanging around here? I know I'm a bit new at this whole magic thing, but I have played Dungeons & Dragons before, ya' know?" It was Roland who broke...

2 years ago
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Jenny Visits a Gloryhole

Yes, it happened the other day again. People, posts, chat online as well as people I come across in real life will often trigger erotic thoughts in my head. Those thoughts most often evoke memories of my many past encounters. My pussy gets wet, and I get that uncontrollable urge to suck cock. As a little background, Nick, my husband of thirty years completely owns my pussy. My pussy has been 100% faithful to him since our first date many moons ago. My mouth is another story. I am a cock sucking...

Oral Sex
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Jenny 01

Not finished yet, will update....keep looking..thanks....any comment will be truly appreciated.......IanxJenny 01....“OK, see you Monday.”“Bye”“Bye”"Wow! What a week! Gerald thought to himself as she closed the door. He watched her as she walked down the road and joined the throng pouring into the college gates. She was a good looking girl, just turned eighteen but you’d think she was older to look at her. She walked with a confident movement that was quite fascinating to him. Her figure was...

4 years ago
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Once upon a time, a person was offered a choice by a force infinitely their greater. Either they could remain as they are, continuing their life as though nothing had happened, or they could get a chance to experience a different life altogether, abandoning their old life in the process. This person, for some unknown reason, chose the latter. At this stage, you're probably thinking "Great, I'm going to get to experience another life!" and whilst that is technically true, there is one small...

1 year ago
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Disabled Son but Able for Mom Part 1

Chapter 1 Brian broke his neck and became paralyzed in 1986. After his rehab and a brief stay back at home, he quickly grew accustomed to life in a wheelchair. He was introduced to his new sex life by his personal care attendant. Strangely enough, he was further educated around the same time by his mother. In fact, the three of them together explored new sexual possibilities his last few days at home before returning back to college. During that time, the three of them experienced many new...

2 years ago
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A CSIers story

Callie awoke...slowly...gently....she slowly opened her eyes and paused, her CSI mind taking in all the details. She didn't know where she was, which was typical results for the pill she had taken last night. Ahh, one of the pills her friend Julie had given her, starting so many years ago, and with typical results.As her eyes went over her location, things started to register in her mind. It was obviously a hotel room, and judging from the decor, likely a higher dollar room in the same hotel...

1 year ago
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Alpha Male a Continuation StoryChapter 16 Sunday ndash The Barbeque

It wasn’t too often that Joan and I had slept with another person in our bed. There might have been times when the kids were babes, but since then, our bed had been our own. It was therefore a bit of an interesting sensation being sandwiched between two females and having that nice feeling that which ever way I faced, I had a lady to hug and spoon and another behind me who’d then spoon me. When we awoke, I did have to get out of bed by moving down the middle as both escape paths were blocked...

1 year ago
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The Blind Girl in the Rain Part 2

That Monday was a day that lasted forever. It was a day when work was everything and the only thing that mattered was to be there at my desk ready to cover all eventualities and possible outcomes. Everyone was in the same boat and we all had to make sure we were rowing in the same direction. As the sun began to set in late afternoon, it felt as if we'd survived the economic storm and had come through it in pretty much one piece. But ever since Janet had left my office that morning something...

3 years ago
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One Lucky GuyChapter 40

“Kiss Charlie - Rita.” Their kiss lasted so long, Rachel looked at me and nodded. We pulled them apart and Charlie reached down to pick up her purse. She pulled out two condoms and gave them to Rita. Rita smiled and clutched them in her palm, before stuffing them down into her blouse. She saw me watching, and pulled her blouse back to show me a lacy bra, filled with titties that would match Rachel’s. Rachel told Charlie, “If you get a chance, give us the knock-knock and we’ll open the...

1 year ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e8 Bridget Hooper 18 from Norwich

We’re in a concrete carpark on an industrial estate. We pan around looking at the various buildings, noting that most are marked as engineering works, mechanics shops, window manufacturers, etc., before we get to the last building in the row – the biggest of the bunch – which has signage that tells us it is “Norwich City Trampoline Center”. We pan a little further and come to rest on the less-than-attractive, but very popular, ‘figure’ of our host. All the way from West Ham in London, it’s...

4 years ago
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The morning I lost my virginity

It happened on a sunday morning way back in 1987.I had been going out for 3 months prior, With my first truelove Amanda. It wasn't Amanda who gave me my first delvation into the "Lucious tunnel of lust"...It was her Mom!!.. Linda.Lets have some descriptions of the parties involved, Before I get into the nittygritty and jiucy details. 1* Amanda.Was 16, Maccas checkout chick, Brunnette, 5foot 6 tall, Looong legs, 10B breasts (I should know cause I bought her some sweet lace lingere for her 16th...

1 year ago
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ExWife Loves Dirty Talk and Rough Sex

Meredith pouted as she walked over to where I'm lounging on the couch after a long day at the office. I can just tell by the look on her face that she is craving attention. She got this way every once in a while, and I knew it was coming. She has these moods where she is practically insatiable in bed and want to do nothing more than whore all of my attention and occasionally fuck like animals. As she looks down at me with the saddest blue eyes she sighed, though with a good natured smile,...

3 years ago
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At the Top Pt 3 Weakness Clare

Clare stared hard into her bathroom mirror. Mark had punished her and the matter was closed, their remarkable relationship the positive benefit of her foolish mistake. But her outrageous attempt at career suicide ten days ago required special recognition. She'd pushed herself to reach her powerful position. Self-respect required she address her major lapse.Early in her career, she'd punished herself. Frustrated with weakness or failure, she'd strip to her panties, snapping her short black...

2 years ago
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SixteenChapter 8

“Oh my god, hide me!” Tiff whispered as she ducked behind us. At first, I was all confused, but Charlie was instantly on guard and scanning the crowd. “Over there, just coming through arrivals,” Tiff pointed at an oldish couple waddling forward with a trolley full of brightly-coloured suitcases. “They go to my parents’ church” I saw them coming towards us. Clearly they’d seen us, and we probably stood out, the way we were standing still, transfixed, the only stationary group in the middle...

2 years ago
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Matter Of Perception

Donovan struggled with his apartment key as his new friend was all over him. He still couldn’t believe that he’d gotten her to come home with him the first time he asked. It even seemed to him like it was her idea. He just knew when they got into separate cars she would turn and leave before they were at his apartment building. Still, there she was when he parked, waiting on him. Once he got the door open she practically pushed him into his apartment, tearing his clothes off as they moved...

3 years ago
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My Modern Indian Housewife Mom 8211 Part 2

Hello readers, my mom Rakhi is a housewife and she is 42 years old. She has a figure of bust 36, waist 24, and hips 36. That makes her the perfect MILF! My dad worked for an international healthcare company and was transferred to the USA for 3 months. Mom used to have long talks with dad. But she could not get her sexual needs fulfilled. My mother needed a dick in her pussy desperately. Her pussy was basically starving for a dick. One day, my mom told me to go to the market and bring some...

3 years ago
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The Persistence of Memory Ch 04

The Fourth Picture I held a picture that brought a smile to my lips. It was of you looking over your shoulder standing against a small hall table, the sun ran across your body. You smiled that wonderful smile that always hinted of innocence and a deep sexuality. Just looking at that smile made my cock twinge with arousal. Looking at the photo again made me smile even more. What was remarkable was the fact that you were naked in the photo and I marveled at the curve of your buttocks, and the...

2 years ago
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How I became my fathers cum slave Part Two

I had been wondering why my brother hadn’t tied my legs down but then I realized why. When he let go of me, I stayed lying down and just stared at my father. He climbed onto the bed and picked up my foot, licking my toes. I couldn’t help but giggle and try to pull my foot away. “Stop it that tickles!” This only made him start sucking on my big toe while his free hand lightly started to trace up and down my leg. I knew what he was doing. He was trying to get me to relax and just let him...

4 years ago
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Three Months in Paris Part Nine

In the two days between my perm and Saturday I was only able to see Jacque a couple of times. He was very busy at work. I did stop into his shop to buy a douche and panty liners. My period had thankfully passed but I wanted to be safe and clean. It was nice to see Jacque in his natural habitat. I met his assistant, Christine, who gushed to me when Jacque had wandered away to help another customer, that she thought Jacque's nails were to die for. "You have been a great influence on...

3 years ago
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Encounter With DestinyChapter 4

"Don't tell me you actually ENJOYED eating that stuff, slave!" Alexa looked up, startled by the doctor's smiling face peering over the end of his desk. She stared down again at the empty feeding bowl that she had carefully licked clean; examining the gleaming stainless steel for any remaining trace of food but it was all gone. "Umm, it wasn't very uhh nice, d-doctor sir but uhh I WAS very hungry." Alexa immediately regretted the words as soon as they came from her mouth. How would he...

2 years ago
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PalimpsestChapter 15 An Old Whores Heart Warming

As promised Mary set up a date for Joe to visit Marcie. Everything good about his date with Marianne vanished in Marcie's presence. "Why aren't you getting naked honey?" she asked when she peeled off her clingy cotton dress revealing her saggy forty year old body. Slim, her fake tits defied gravity. The old whore's face looked skeletal fighting age's loss of metabolism. Her butt sagged and her flesh lost resilience over the years. Her broad face still looked beautiful in its perfect...

1 year ago
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Family Porn is a site that basically speaks for itself, is there really a need for me to explain just what they offer, or well, what they should offer with such a domain name? Well for all you airheads out there, this place has a lot of taboo type of porn; with step-siblings, stepmothers and fathers… you know what the fuck I am talking about, right?Slick design, good organization, and some features.Usually, when it comes to the designs of free porn sites, I just give up, as they tend to be...

Incest Porn Sites
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Chucks Forced VacationChapter 3

At midnight I felt Kathy get up to take her watch on the helm then shortly after that, a lush body slid next to me. When she turned my head to kiss me, she said, "Kathy told me you were worth waking up. Do you think you can make love to an old lady?" I kissed the beautiful Cuban and made love to her until we shared a juicy orgasm together. When we collapsed, Mercy gave us both kisses but Juanita wouldn't let me go and kept me buried within her. Later I felt Mercy get up and shortly Kathy...

1 year ago
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Cecilia Lion 80 272000

Cecilia Lion may be a girl whose name strikes a special place in your pants... I mean, heart. Her long, curly hair is easily one of her most identifying features when you see a photo or watch a video of her. On the other hand, you have Cecilia who is a very petite nymphomanic and she knows how to bring her sexuality through when she has sex.Cecilia has over 273K followers at the time of this review. I'd assume she's had this since the beginning of her career and has only continued to grow....

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Can the mirror see the moment

At the single apartment at the third floor she read the name Lisa Larsson. “Seems they have not had time to remove the old name,” Mia thought as she felt some discomfort. It was a blessing that she could move to this apartment instead of living with her aunt but the way the apartment became empty was not pleasant. At first the morning paper had only included a small notice that 22 years old Lisa Larsson had gone missing. The police had treated it as an ordinary disappearance until a...

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Sissy erotica

The following is a fantasy sissy eroticaChapter one: Entering sissyhoodThis is a story about my first few experiences as a bottom sissy slut. I am now 21, my name is Alyssa and a dedicated slut for my daddy. I'm 5"9, very slender & smooth, feminine and i have long blonde hair. Ever since i was in my early teens i had been interested in trying to take a mans penis in my ass. At some point i decided to try playing with my butthole. I loved it right away. I would take a bath, get nice and...

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