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(Thank you so much for your comments, I truly appreciate them. I will admit that the syntax of my stories is a bit peculiar, but it is just the way my mind works. If one reads any of the poetry I have posted, one will see I am a deep thinker, I put a lot of thought into my story characters, including the names. The meaning of the names coincides with the character’s purpose as well as the type of person they will evolve to be. I hope you enjoy, this story will be a long one.—Dragon_13)
P.S.—to the one who wants to submit a story of their own, just write about your fantasies, what you would want to happen to you…that is where the inspiration for this story came from ,)
Kara’s eyes widened, her restless thoughts jerked from her mind. The Weimaraner sensed her fear and started licking her face. As soon as realization set in, she started laughing. The last time she had played with a dog was in her youth. She moved her head from side to side, trying to evade the slobbering tongue. She finally grabbed the Weimaraner’s head and looked into his eyes, a smile on her face.
Kara began to talk to the dog in that silly tone we all know well, charming the dog into submission. She was scratching and flopping his ears around when she suddenly noticed the delicious smell coming from the kitchen. It had been so long since she had a good, slow-cooked home made meal, she simply didn’t have time anymore. She looked towards the kitchen and noticed Cadogan watching her.
He had the strangest look in his eyes, one that seemed hungry, yet she could sense a deeper emotion within those depths. It excited her and scared her. A smile slowly curved his lips.
‘You seem to have made friends with Boris.’
‘Yeah, you have a beautiful Weimaraner’ Kara said as she looked back at Boris and scratched his ears.
‘Actually, he is not mine, though I wish he was…my landlord does not care for animals at all. …You know, he really seems to like you. Usually he does not take to people so quickly. Perhaps you could take him?’
Kara was speechless. She loved dogs, but that was a big responsibility…in fact, she had never really thought at all about getting a dog, even though she was very lonely. …It was like an epiphany just happened to her. Perhaps a dog was just what she needed. She looked back at Boris, with his blue coat and blue eyes, and couldn’t say no.
‘Well…I suppose I could take him.’ Kara looked back at Cadogan and he was smiling so big she thought his face would get stuck like that.
Cadogan could not help but smile. He had hoped he would find Boris a good friend, and he finally did. {Besides, Weimaraners are very protective, and Boris seems to be just what Kara needs…she seems a little on the skittish side}-Cadogan thought.
Kara gave him a small smile back, amused he was still smiling. The silence was a little unnerving. ‘Smells good.’ At that Cadogan perked up and ran back into the kitchen. Kara chuckled. Suddenly Cadogan popped his head around the door, his hat flopping over to partly cover his face. Kara tried to stifle a laugh, putting a hand over her eyes. She opened her fingers, and he was still in that same position. She started laughing, and closed her fingers again.
Cadogan had a goofy smile on his face. ‘Dinner is almost done, do you like gravy?’
‘Yes please!’ Kara said with enthusiasm. Cadogan teemed with excitement. {So far, this woman is quite something}
Kara looked back at Boris when Cadogan went back in the kitchen. Things were happening so fast, she was trying to take it all in. {Yes this man seems to be a gentleman, but then again so was he…at first. I wonder if I will ever get past this…every time something or someone wonderful happens to me, that doubt comes back again. When will I ever be rid of it? Perhaps…I now have my own demons to fight…} Kara thought towards Boris whilst scratching his head.
When Kara thought about having her own demons to fight, Boris yipped curiously and titled his head to the side, but Kara was too deep in thought to notice. Boris licked her right on the nose and brought her back to reality. ‘Boris!’ Kara groused. Kara heard the clattering of plates and decided to try and get up now rather than get so close to Cadogan again.
Kara moved slowly, sliding to the edge of the bed. She swung her legs to the floor and pushed with her arm at the same time, so that the momentum of her legs would sit her up…she didn’t want to take any chances. She decided to give herself some time before she moved again, and took in her surroundings.
Cadogan had taste, she had to admit. The room was a dark tope, with wisps of a faintly lighter color, almost undetectable, it served to give texture. He had beautiful mahogany furniture that was obviously antique and very well taken care of. The floors were a rich oak, the grain had a sheen to it and had a little tint of red.
Surprisingly enough, he had no pictures anywhere, it was almost as if where he lived was staged. Boris jumped off the bed and trotted out of the room, his stubby tail flicking back and forth. Kara pushed herself off the bed and onto the floor. {Thank goodness he has a high bed} She looked around for the restroom, needing to know just how disheveled she looked. By no means was she conceited, but she had a sense of propriety.
The door to the restroom was towards the back of the room. She walked towards it gingerly, but as she walked she felt no pain, and figured it had subsided. When Kara opened the door and her jaw dropped. The bathroom was like an oasis, there were plants everywhere—yet the positioning and species complimented each other and made it seem like a rainforest… however all the walls were painted a red-orange with gold ever so slightly sponged over it, giving the impression of being encompassed by a sunset. {Talk about ambiance… wonder where the toilet is} Above the claw foot tub were lighted glass blocks, casting an amber light into the tub.
Kara’s eyes roamed over towards the mirror and was utterly shocked. She thought she would look like a ragamuffin, but to her surprise she looked…beautiful. {No wonder why he was being so nice…or maybe it is the awkward lighting in here} Her hair was a golden brown auburn with natural streaks of blond running through it from her youth. Kara had never seen her hair so perfect, her long curls tumbled around her shoulders and down her back. Her blue-grey eyes were suddenly piercing in their intensity, the dullness that had crept into them over the years was gone. Even Kara’s face had a perfect complexion. {Damn, I should pass out in the snow more often.}
Kara looked behind her in the mirror and saw the shower, {dear lord…} she didn’t even notice the shower when she came in. But the shower did not evoke awe in her, it evoked lust. The shower didn’t have a door, it had an entry. What separated the shower from the tub was a wall of passion flower vines. There was a huge rainfall shower head connected to a gorgeous marble wall. The rest of the shower looked like stone…Kara made a mental note that if she could, to find a way to stay over night so she could use that shower…{damn how I would like to be fucked—} Kara immediately cut off her fantasy before it began. She realized she was really starting to take to Cadogan, it was beginning to get dangerous. {You remember what happened the last time you let someone in} a voice seemed to say in Kara’s head. {As if I am even in his league anyway} Kara retaliated while giving the luxurious shower one more look-over.
Though Kara did admit if she had the money she would have done something similar…if she even thought of it that is. She opened the door to leave and saw Cadogan slightly stumble after the knob she had just pulled away. Cadogan saw a look of slight irritation on Kara’s face before she saw him and laughed at the situation.
{Damn she is so beautiful} ‘I was wondering where you had run…well, went off
to’ Cadogan said and smiled. ‘I see you have found my little oasis.’
‘Yes, I did. It could almost be a man cave except for the solitary fact that you are missing a flat screen TV suspended from the ceiling over the tub.’ Kara said.
‘You know, I thought of doing that, but the way the studs run up there, it wouldn’t have been in a desirable position while sudsing.’ Cadogan said in a completely serious tone.
Kara looked at him with an open mouth. {Oh my God…} Kara’s thoughts were stopped short by the look on Cadogan’s face. The corner of his mouth was twitching. {He did not…} Cadogan saw the look change on Kara’s face from awestruck to her leering at him. Cadogan started laughing, ‘Just kidding!’ He put his hands up in surrender. If Kara had known him better she would have gone after Cadogan hitting him with a purse…or something…she was trying to hold back her amusement. ‘Oh come on, I would never put a TV in there, it would totally ruin the ambiance.’
Kara then gave him a quizzical look. {He just used two of the words I used to describe this place…strange} Cadogan was caught off guard by her look, he went from smiling to the look of a person who just walked in at the wrong time of a conversation, lost. The look on Cadogan’s face made Kara smile, but with sadness in her heart. {He does care, but he should not waste his time on one such as myself}
‘Well, dinner is waiting!’ Cadogan said trying to lighten the mood. Kara had completely forgotten about dinner. Her stomach growled in response. Kara blushed a deep shade of red. Cadogan chuckled. ‘Well, let’s not waste any time then.’
Cadogan stepped away from the door, allowing Kara to pass. {Better be behind her just in case} Kara glanced at him as she walked by, raising an eyebrow in question to his gesture. She walked towards the door he had kept coming in and of out when she was in bed. Cadogan could not help but check her out as she walked in front of him. {Damn she has a perfect ass} She walked through to a hallway with beautiful wood wainscoting, letting the delicious smell of the food guide her nose.
So far, the rest of the house seemed normal compared to his ‘oasis’. That is until she walked into the kitchen. It was very obvious that Cadogan was a chef. {Talk about a gourmet kitchen} There was everything a professional chef would need. The cabinets were a beautiful vivid cherry—almost like a mahogany. There were granite countertops with beveled edges, an island in the middle of the kitchen with a huge rack of every assortment of pans known to man hanging above it.
{Wow, he even has sub-zero freezers…} If Kara ever imagined her dream kitchen, this was it. She wanted to touch everything, make notes as to how he did it so she could put it into her plans for her future home. She finally managed to look past the kitchen and she saw that there was a large opening to see into the next room, but that the sheer curtains were drawn. She looked to the left and saw a revolving door, she walked through it.
He had set a table with candles and he walked ahead of her to pull out her chair for her. Kara could not believe what was happening. {Perhaps I am still passed out in the snow somewhere, this must be a dream} Kara pinched her arm as opposed to slapping herself in front of Cadogan. She barely bit back her squeal. {Ow! Fuck! …This is all too much…} Cadogan noticed her pinch herself and wondered why. {Does she think I am not real or something?}
Cadogan took his seat across from Kara. He couldn’t help but look at her, the way he situated the candles, it framed her face, making her look like an angel. Kara looked down at her plate. She had to keep from drooling at the sight before her. Carved roast pork loin with mashed potatoes and carrots, everything was smothered in gravy…{Just the way I like it}
She looked up to Cadogan with a cocked brow, intent on wanting to know what was really in his fridge. But the dreamy look on his face made her blush and look down. ‘Why do you keep staring at me like that?’
‘Because you are gorgeous.’
‘Heh, [Kara pointed to her face] this is not normal. I have half a mind to pass out in the snow on a regular basis.’ Cadogan smiled at her, he thought a woman with a sense of humor was insanely attractive.
‘Well…dig in, I hope you like it.’ Kara smelled the food and smiled {I am sure I will} Kara picked up her fork and knife and took a bite of the pork roast. There was nothing on earth that could have stopped her moan. His cooking was orgasmic, there was no other way to put it. Cadogan heard her moan and his cock stiffened in his pants. {If that is what she sounds like in—} Cadogan berated himself her having sexual thoughts about a woman he had just met and who was in some sort of distress or trouble…but he couldn’t help himself. There was some unnatural draw of attraction between them, and the way he had found her…he wondered if it were possible that there was something deeper at work here. He glanced up towards the ceiling questioningly. Kara snapped him out of his thoughts.
‘This is delicious Cadogan…thank you.’
‘My pleasure Kara. I will cook for you anytime.’ Kara smiled and blushed a little. {If anything this guy would make a great friend…especially if he is willing to cook for me…} Even as she thought about that possibility, a little voice seemed to scream in the back of her mind: {Friend?! Friend! Are you kidding? This guy is it! He cooks, his place is impeccable, his looks are to die for, he has a sense of humor…he is perfect!} That demon of doubt kicked in at that thought. {Perfect…perfect.} A sudden flash of heat went through Kara’s body that had nothing to do with desire. Her mind flashed back to years ago, when she had met him. He was perfect, at first. Everything she wanted and more. He had treated her better than anyone else ever had. They had plans to marry, have kids, the whole nine yards. But he…but his past came back to haunt him in the end. He changed, did everything in his power to keep her away from him. She fought with everything she had to save the only true love she had ever known. Finally he came back around, but he was never his old self again, the man she had fallen in love with. At times she could see it flicker in his eyes, but that was only a passing moment. It killed her, to see what he had become, but her love for him outweighed that pain…but eventually— ‘Kara?’ Cadogan couldn’t stand the blank look that had come over her face any longer. Kara seemed to shake her head out of a trance and looked at Cadogan.
‘Sorry. I just realized I had no idea where my purse went.’ Cadogan knew that this was not what she had been thinking about, but he let it go for now. He had only just met her, and while he desperately wanted to know what was going on, to help her…he didn’t even know why.
‘It is by the front door…I dropped it when I carried you in. Sorry… I forgot about it.’
‘Where do you live?’
‘East 50th and Waterman.’ Kara was stunned. Granted this was a really nice part of town, it wasn’t as nice as what the interior of his place indicated. Then realization struck Kara.
‘You carried me all the way from Fairview?’ Cadogan looked down sheepishly.
‘Yes.’ Kara looked at his body. He was wearing a long sleeve shirt, but the thought had never donned on her that he was athletic. A wave of lust slammed into her at the thought of what just might be hiding under those clothes. She gazed into his green hazel eyes, making note of his mussed dark brown hair. {Damn he looks hot. Wonder what he looks like first thing in the morning…} Kara stopped her thoughts again.
‘Thank you Cadogan.’ Cadogan smiled at her. Kara’s stomach reminded her that there was food right in front of her and that it was hungry. Kara started eating again, and didn’t speak again until after she had finished her meal. Meanwhile Cadogan watched with interest as she mixed up her mashed potatoes and gravy and dipped her carrots in the mixtur
e before eating them. He could tell she had a slight case of OCD just by the way she ate.
When she was done, she looked up at him and blushed when she realized he had been watching her the whole time. ‘There wasn’t any bologna or leftover pizza in your fridge was there?’
‘No, but I figured I had to do something to lighten the mood.’ Cadogan grinned, making her laugh. ‘I also wanted to hear more of your angelic laughter.’ {Angelic laughter?}
‘I am flattered Cadogan, but I do not have angelic laughter.’ Kara said in an amused tone.
Cadogan searched her eyes. ‘Says who?’
Kara’s amused look faded. She looked at him, felt him trying to find an answer in her eyes and looked away, smiling to herself. Suddenly a yawn escaped her and she instantly put a hand over her mouth, a shocked look in her eyes. Cadogan started laughing, and Kara blushed a furious shade of red, but eventually erupted in peals of laughter along with Cadogan.
As the laughter faded, Kara’s eyes glimmered with happiness she had not felt in a long time. She felt relieved, like a burden had been lifted…a voice began to come forth in her mind, trying to proclaim a warning, but she cast it aside, she was actually enjoying herself and wanted this feeling to last.
Cadogan watched her laughing, her face framed by the candles, and wanted to kiss her so bad. He couldn’t stop it, there was nothing that could have stopped him as he rose and walked over to her. Kara didn’t even notice he had moved until his face was inches away from hers.
Cadogan had knelt down and was looking into her eyes. He moved in to kiss her and Kara’s heart started beating so fast, she couldn’t stop him. She wanted to be kissed, to feel that heat again. When his lips touched hers, a fire was sparked that started growing at a rapid rate. Cadogan ran his fingers through her hair, pulling it away from her face. He kissed her with such delicacy she felt cherished, it was as if he was holding back. His fingers in her hair were keeping her from deepening the kiss.
She whimpered as Cadogan started kissing her with such a fiery passion that Kara knew if she were standing Cadogan would have had to hold her up. Cadogan wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up. She clutched his shirt hanging on for dear life as he devoured her lips. Suddenly his tongue snaked out and she moaned, the sensation causing Cadogan’s cock to harden. Her tongue began to duel with his until he elicited a moan and his cock began to throb.
Cadogan had never felt anything like the sensations he was feeling with Kara. He had to have more. Kara was getting very aroused, she could feel it pooling between her thighs, it turned her on even more. Cadogan broke his kiss and pulled her hair, causing Kara to bear her neck for him. He barely grazed her skin, causing her to shudder in excitement. Cadogan impulsively started to ravish her neck, using the power of his tongue to flick against her neck, right along a vein, the sensation driving her mad with desire.
Kara moaned, her underwear utterly soaked with her arousal. Just then her back hit a wall, she hadn’t even noticed they had been moving. Kara moaned, she was so hot for him, she had a hard time remembering the last time she felt this way, if she ever had. Cadogan’s hard cock began to press onto her. Panic began to tickle the back of her mind, and she slightly pushed at his chest.
Feeling his hard muscles beneath the shirt stalled her, she didn’t want this to end, but she didn’t know if she was mentally ready for this. Her mind reeled, she finally came to the conclusion that if things were meant to be he would realize and stop. Cadogan knew the instant she changed from being willing. When he felt her pushing at his chest he almost stopped, but when she stopped pushing he kept going. Then he noticed she had stopped kissing him fervently and with reluctance he pulled away from her and rested his forehead against hers. {Oh my God…} Kara thought. ‘Kara…’ Cadogan could say nothing else at that moment.
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I sat in the front seat with Gary, and Moira had the back seat. Gary made me wear my seatbelt, which kind of annoyed me, since I wanted to be able to turn around and talk to Moira too. I did manage, but it wasn't easy, with the strap cutting into my tits. We drove around West Maui, which is the smaller of the two blobs that make up Maui. Well, they are blobs – I don't know what else to call them. It looks like two biscuits stuck together, one large than the other, at least on the map. From...
Lily had taken control over me. I was her bitch. Her living toy and I wanted to be nothing but that. As I finished getting dressed, I felt the urge to go the bathroom. “Can I go to the bathroom” I asked as per her rule. “You may go, but remember the door has to be wide open” she reminded me. She stayed in the kitchen as I walked out the hallway leading to the downstairs bathroom. I entered the room and left the door wide open as she had told me to. I undid my zipper, pulled the thong to...
Violet walks in. "Hey, I'm home." That's all she's able to say as she walks into the living room and looks at us. She gasps. "What the fuck?!?" I'm standing naked while Linda is in her bra and holds her panties in her hand. Violet is completely shocked and horrified. Oh boy. We had quite some explaining to do. “Uhh...hey Violet. How’d everything go while you were away?” I try to make small-talk with her but I could tell she’s still in shock. “Luke! What the FUCK are you...
"With all due respect, do we have any idea how ridiculous we look?" I stepped over the long picnic bench next to the community dining table as I stood to speak. My rear end protested.After several long hours of note taking, my fanny was in no mood for a new session. My flat ass had a bad case of meeting butt. My hand was cramped, and after a day of biking thru the mountains, I hurt in places the sun didn't shine."This does not bode well," I said as I closed my notepad and set it to one...
Fantasy & Sci-FiIt came into being at the same time as humanity. God thought that the best way to go about his plan for humanity would be to create a magical Calendar to help him plan, create, edit and keep track of the holidays and events that he created. Then, after remembering his omnipotence, he chucked it down from the heavenly realm to earth and promptly forgot about it. This Calendar that has taken many forms through the ages, and passed through many hands. Though through all that time it's power has...
Mind Controlvi nenu inter chaduvutunna rojulu. maa annayya daggira vundi chaduvukontunnanu first year parikshalu inkoka rendunelaalo avutaayi aa roju aadivaaram. nenoo, maa annayyaa,vodinaa kalisi bajaaruki bayalderaamu. maamoolugaa vodina gaaru vokkare vellevaaru.aaroju enduko maakiddarikee koodaa vellalanipinchindi. sandu malupu tirugutoondagaa… akasmaatugaa maa pakkana oka maarutee van vochhi aagadam, maa muggurnee anduloki laageyyadam aravakundaa notlo guddalu kukkeyyadam annee kshanaallo...
This story was pieced together from several conversations with my wife, normally after several drinks when she was more open to sharing. Even then, she was pretty reluctant to talk about it but I am the kind of guy who wants to hear details. I’ll share more details about my wife’s past in a later story but although out of character for my wife at the time, let’s just say there is some history here. About 10 years ago, my wife used to attend Bunco parties in a different neighborhood. If you are...
It was such a relief to get out of town and have some time to myself. I adored having a personal retreat at a nice hotel.Yesterday afternoon, I hung out by the pool with a good book. I wasn’t trying to get attention, but could I help it if the only bathing suit I had with me was a cute little striped string bikini?I didn’t even notice the cute little family come out on the deck until the little girl was standing beside me. Her long dark pig-tails were dripping onto my things. The oil I’d put on...
MasturbationJohn's Story===It was a dangerous obsession, to be sure.I have always had a fascination with breasts, maybe starting even before I found my first adult magazine as a teenager. The seemingly endless variety has always drawn my attention. There is no such thing as a 'perfect breast' to me. They are all perfect, although I prefer the ones I am allowed to worship in person.This new obsession goes beyond that, and I'm still hoping it won't get me in trouble.It all started with a trip to the...
Office SexJune 16: Dearest Diary, I’m so sorry to have been neglecting you lately. I’ve just been so busy, That’s all, what with finding an apartment and a job and moving and all, I just haven’t had time to do anything else. Wow, is St. Louis ever bigger and more hectic than down home in Paducah! But I’m starting to find my way easier now, and my new job looks like it’s going to be real neat, ...
We were just about to pour ourselves another glass of merlot when we heard a car pull into the drive and then the door shut and alarm being set. I looked at Karen with trepidation and rose just as the doorbell rang. I opened the door to be greeted with a huge smile and a strong handshake as Colin introduced himself. I ushered him in and led the way into the lounge. Karen was standing by the fire looking nervous but stunning as I introduced her to Colin. "Hi Karen, so happy to meet you," he said...
Wife LoversI still remember that first time I caught her smiling. Effervescent and pure, sitting on the clothed seat at the terminal. Her slim body in a tight blue tank and khaki shorts, she turned to me while I was talking to my friend trying to spot any other students heading to Italy to study abroad, “So you’re on this trip too? I’m Ariel.” Her bright blue eyes locking with mine as I returned the smile and introduced myself. Her sweet voice tickled something inside me, immediately putting me under her...
I am Akhil from Chennai 25 yr old.. I was asked to come to attend an interview in Bangalore.. I went there by train.. Come to the story. Before i was getting on train i went to find my seat no in the chart.. I was happy because fortunately i got a seat next to women named… Her name is Ashwini aged 26 married women..She came with her family except her husband.. She has a 4 yr old kid. Her name is Preethy.. She does U.K.G in Chennai.. Ashwini is goddess and belongs to the Brahmin.. She looks very...
I don’t have any idea why I even started doing it, much less why I have continued. Maybe it has something to do with when I was a small child and we had Valentine’s mailboxes and mine was always empty. It’s not that I am not ‘a man’s man’ in every other sense of the words, really. I played football and still spar MMA to stay in shape. I don’t think I even own a pair of tweezers and I tend to rip my nails while working to below the cuticle more often than even the most fastidious would trim...
Introduction: What were those muffled sounds echoing in the canyon… Myra spread the bushes apart to reveal quite a sex act. One woman was on her knees sucking a gigantic cock while another male was just about to enter her from behind. Two other males stood around jerking their oversized cocks, pre-cum glistening on the heads. Myra decided early that morning to take a hike up in the desert trails that surrounded her Arizona home. She absolutely loved the weather. Always hot and dry. She dressed...
“Ta-da!" Matthew said as he walked into the room.Mark laughed before asking, “What the fuck do you look like?”Matthew reached behind and grabbed his tail and started to swing it as he paraded in front of his husband.“So, your orange dog suit from Pride London in 2019 got me thinking. All through the twentieth century the freedom to express ourselves as equal human beings was repressed. It took a fifty-year revolution to get to where we are today and there's still miles to go."“You don’t have to...
Gay MaleIt was the last few weeks before graduation, and the whispers going around campus suggested that a few of the guys had something really big planned, something even bigger than the traditional bull roast with which the college normally celebrated the end of the year. My friends and I were intrigued, despite ourselves. This was a guys-only deal, and worse than that, it was jocks only – the football players, the baseball team, the wannabe sports crowd whose entire academic career had been...
We'd been fucking for hours and I'd lost count of the number of times I'd cum and which holes I'd filled with my cum. Her arse, pussy and mouth had each received at least one load and she hadn't cleaned up at all yet. Her lower region was covered with cum and despite working the load I'd shot all over her face into her mouth with her fingers her face still glistened from the earlier facial she had happily received. It was a huge load that had shot onto her pretty face and naturally some had ran...
The gorgeous blonde teen Light Fairy has come to Private Specials, Young Nymphos 5 and this young sex addict is yet another victim of photographer Willy Regal’s charms and this photoshoot of course ends the same way as all the others… with a good fucking! Enjoy this sexy teen on as she strips off and offers up her juicy pussy for a taste before returning the favour with a nice blowjob. Then watch Light put her tight teen body to work as she fucks, rides and grinds in all her...
xmoviesforyoua finger was just not enough. She wanted something more, something bigger, something harder, longer. Then she saw it. It was not quite as big as what she had in mind, but it would do. With Melanie looking on, Janie got up and went to her dresser. Picking up the hairbrush, she fondled the smooth, hard rubber handle. It was about six inches long and at the end it was about an inch wide. About a third of the way down, it enlarged to about an inch and a half. "What do you want me...
My husband, James, secretary quit last year after marrying one of his clients. And he was struggling to find a suitable replacement. He had hired a number of secretaries, but they just kept quitting sometimes not even working a full week. James is a major distributor of swimwear and leisurewear for women, which is imported from Brazil. Most of his clients are in coastal areas of the United States and Mexico and sales are seasonal and very competitive. We have been married for twenty years...
It was a Saturday morning and it was raining. I usually got up and played golf with friends on Saturdays, weather permitting. This Saturday the weather was defiantly not permitting. A quick check of the Weather Channel told me it was going to rain hard all day. Then I remembered it was Christmas morning. My usual foursome would be spending the day with their families. Me, I didn't have a family anymore. I was spending the day alone. They had families who would love to have them hang around...
Note : This story is completely fictional! my sister just turned 19 and she has been craving my cock for along time. when she knows that the rents will be out of town, she always dresses in low cut tops or skimpy hot outfits. my sister is about 5'4" tall, skinny, real tight abs and ass, 36c bra. One day last week she asked me to check the air in the tires on her car, so i go out and check them, while im out there, she ran upstairs and got changed into a super tight capri/spagetti strap top with...
IncestIt was almost 6 p.m. before Celina finished taking notes to draft the articles of incorporation for Subarctic Enterprises. There was some grumbling about things that had to be included and some about things she suggested be left out. But for the most part, everyone found it to be a productive few hours. Allie escorted Celina to the door, and the lawyer said she would see her in the morning. "And me if that's OK," Sarah said. "I plan to deliver official notice that I will not renew my...
Tommy grabbed his bag of stuff and went to Charlene's door. It was shut. He hollered through the door, “You ready?”“Yeah, yeah, just a minute,” she replied through the door.“We need to get moving, Blake's already outside waiting.”“I understand. You go wait in the truck. I'll be right out.”“Okay, but don't be long. We're waiting.”Charlene still hadn't made up her mind about what to wear for the trip. She had put on a new pair of satin panties and had found a skirt she wanted to wear but the top...
College SexHi, sex story fans, It all began when I lost my new-born baby boy just after 15 days of his birth. He was suffering from some rare complications in his kidney. They say that breastfeeding is good for both mother and child. It helps to maintain good health of the baby as well as the mother. Agreed, but what to do when there is no baby? I didn’t know what to do with my breasts. My body was producing milk and there was no one to consume it. There was a severe pain in my breasts due to the...
IncestWhen other teenage girls were busy worrying about boys and dating I was at home taking care of my parents. When my old classmates went off to college, I had to put off my education as my dad had just passed away and mom was not able to take care of herself as she was blind and going deaf, and in very bad health. By the time I was 20 I was all alone. My parents weren’t my real parents. They were actually my grandparents. They’d been in their late 30s when they had my biological mother — their...
My name is Mark, I'm a twenty seven year old banker living and working in Boston., Massachusetts. I guess I'm considered a pretty good looking guy. I'm six foot three inches tall, weigh about two hundred pounds, clean cut with short hair, blue eyes, and considered a nice dresser with an athletic build as I work out regularly. I'm not a muscle man by any means but my wife Patricia says I have a great body. I'm not a hairy guy and I routinely do a little man scaping to keep everything neat and...
Copyright© 2003 by Carlos Malenkov "who pays any attention to the syntax of things will never wholly kiss you" -- ee cummings Don't laugh, Joe. Fifty dollars can ruin a man's life. That's what this whole fucking mess is about. We had dropped in at the Millers' party. I don't have much occasion to go back to the neighborhood where I grew up, but Jack and Ellen Miller were old friends. It happened to be one of Joanie's sleepover nights and the two of us had decided to indulge in a...
There was an old lady of Kewry Whose cunt was a 'lusus naturae': The 'introitus vaginae', Was unnaturally tiny, And the thought of it filled her with fury. There was 10 ladies lined up looking at me anxiously, fearfully. I strode up and down a meter before them, taking my time, enjoying the smorgasbord presented to me. Most of the females were semi-clad, wearing lingerie and trying to look seductive. They ranged from twenty years of age to forty, thin to chubby, tall and short - all...
The search for a husband continued. Widely-traveled, Geoffrey promised more exotic pleasures. Would he just be a plaything for the queen’s amusement, or could he become a true partner?The queen hid the bon vivant in the head cook’s quarters. The chef didn’t mind relinquishing his room for a few days in exchange for some new recipes. People from Sybarisia were known for their love of food and Geoffrey had a well-deserved reputation in that regard.He had prepared quite a lunch for Jeena. She...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI took a deep breath to calm my nerves. I told myself for the fiftieth time that there was absolutely no chance that she was there. Her car wasn’t in the driveway, so she couldn’t be here. I took a second breath ... and remembered the things they’d said. They were my family too. Or so they claimed. Maybe it was too soon. I took a third breath for bravery and lifted my hand to knock. Then I decided that stepping onto the porch had been a good first step and turned to leave. Before I could...
Lighting a cigarette I sit in my car listening to Bob Dylan’s Like a Rolling Stone on the radio. In this dark, dank, multi-storey car park, she doesn’t see me as she walks past my car. I pop the trunk of my car before leaving it and begin to follow her. I dip and dodge in between parked cars avoiding detection. She is oblivious to me presence, which will make what I’m about to do so much easier. As she approaches her car she begins to rustle about in her handbag for her car keys. I run up...
She looked me up and down slowly trying to get a feel for me and then lowered her eyes and went to teach her class.“Ladies, since our gentlemen aren’t here, it’ll be a girls only class. Line up!”I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes again. To me girls only meant talk about other men and all that shit and that wasn’t my type of environment. The girls only I could really get down with were two girls fuckin in my bed or sliding down the pole at the gentlemen's club but I made a promise to...