Longhorns Ch. 02 free porn video

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***Author’s note: Thanks to everyone for the feedback on the first chapter. This chapter proceeds from Virginia’s point of view. As always, I appreciate votes and comments. -Theworldspins***

There must be some law that any party thrown by a sophomore chick has to have at least, like, three bottles of Malibu coconut rum.

Virginia scrunched her face up when she took a sip of the ‘tropical’ concoction her friend Stacy passed her. She hated the taste of coconut.

‘This one’s from Madison,’ Meredith cooed, in a voice only Virginia could tell was tongue-in-cheek. ‘Open it up!’

Virginia set her foul cocktail down to take the pink, glittery gift bag from her best friend and roommate. Almost all of the twenty odd girls assembled in their friend Lydia’s apartment were focused on her, waiting to watch her open more birthday presents. The ones who weren’t staring were mostly drunk, as the night of partying had actually begun as an early afternoon of partying.

‘It’s…a DVD…of Vampire Diaries, Season One,’ Virginia said, trying to maintain an appropriate level of enthusiasm to avoid offending her friend for the less than awe-inspiring gift. ‘Awesome!’

‘Do you remember freshman year at Lakewood?’ the inebriated Madison asked loudly. ‘We watched that show religiously!’

Virginia could remember, in fact, being friends with Madison meant she’d never forget anything that happened in high school, since reminding people what happened back then constituted the majority of Madison’s social skills. It wasn’t that she was a bad friend, only that she never…well, evolved.

‘Well, we need to get together to watch it all over again,’ Virginia enthused.

Please do not take me up on that offer.

‘This one’s from me, but it’s a twofer,’ Meredith announced. ‘There’s also a surprise inside.’

The other girls ooohed and aaahed.

Ummmm, aren’t all the presents technically surprises?

Virginia reached into the gift bag and felt around. First, she pulled out a gorgeous handcrafted pottery bowl, glazed in her favorite color, red. Meredith knew how much she loved the artsy stuff in the shops on South Congress. It was nice—too nice. Meredith didn’t have much money, and the last thing Virginia wanted was for her to spend a lot on a birthday present. On the other hand, she didn’t want to offend or embarrass her either by suggesting she take it back.

Reaching back into the bag, she felt a thick envelope and nothing more. She looked over at Meredith, who silently winked. Virginia opened the envelope and then the card inside. Tucked inside the card was a silver bottle opener, with a Longhorns collegiate insignia at the top. Written in the card was a message:

‘For when you get tired of broken glass in your beer…


Virginia looked back at Meredith: sneaky bitch…

‘What’s it say?’ asked their friend Melissa, slurring her words.

‘Nothing,’ Virginia said. ‘Just…an inside joke.’

Virginia thought back to her night with Robert. She hadn’t intended for things to go the way they did. Or, rather, she had intended for them to go exactly the way they did, only she hadn’t really planned what would come next. Now it had been almost a week, and she had barely spoken to him.

‘Last one—from Kylie.’

Virginia didn’t know what to expect. Kylie was probably her favorite friend outside of Meredith, though that was mostly because when Kylie around, Virginia didn’t have to worry about being the ‘slutty one.’ Most of their friends assumed Virginia was getting a lot of action, because of her brashness and because she talked a good game. Virginia had long known, though, that some of her quieter friends in fact got around a lot more than she did. That’s why she ultimately respected Kylie, the outspoken and unapologetic ‘slut’ of the group, for having the guts to say what most of them hid: she loved sex and had a lot of it.

‘Batteries come separate?’ one of the girls asked to a chorus of cheers.

That would make sense. And be awesome—one of those Hitachis or something.

Virginia tore the paper from the box and opened it. It was both surprising yet totally in character.

‘Are those…?’ she said, this time not needing to feign enthusiasm as she pulled out a plastic baggie of three expertly rolled blunts. ‘I love you, girl.’

Kylie smiled a devious grin. Virginia knew she only smoked the best weed, what was better was that they were already rolled, since that was a talent Virginia, an amateur smoker at best, did not possess.

‘Just one condition, ‘ Kylie added. ‘I want to meet the guy you’re keeping secret from us.’

Virginia could feel her eyes shooting over to Meredith, though she tried to stop herself. It was too late. The sidelong glance gave it away instantly, and the place erupted into laughter and teasing as the girls realized Kylie had just caught Virginia. The girls demanded to know who this mystery guy was, but Virginia remained tight-lipped.

‘He’s nobody,’ she said, before she felt a little guilty. ‘I mean, not nobody, but, like, we’re not boyfriend and girlfriend or anything, so don’t start in on me about meeting him.’

One by one, the girls started to trickle away from the party over the next hour, until Meredith and Virginia began the walk back to their apartment. Though both girls were more than a little tipsy, they hadn’t tilted into the blackout drunk phase that some of their friends had entered.

‘Why didn’t you tell me?’


‘You know.’

‘Meri, not now.’


‘Meri, please. I promise. Not now.’

They walked for a while in silence. Virginia felt guilty but also too drunk to care completely at the moment. She knew she’d have to explain herself in the morning.

‘It makes sense, though,’ Meredith said, as if to herself.


‘Well,’ she continued, ‘you haven’t gone over there in, like, a week. I know you Virginia. You…slept with him, and now it’s all weird and awkward.’

No, I slept with him, and it was amazing. It just wasn’t the plan.

‘Yeah, well, I didn’t want you to feel weird about hanging out over there,’ Virginia said, hoping Meredith was convinced. ‘You two are friends now.’

That’s why I did it with him in the first place. So you wouldn’t.

‘Honey, I don’t care,’ Meredith said. ‘You’re my best friend. You don’t have to keep things from me.’

Like guys?

‘Tomorrow, I promise.’

She could tell Meredith was hurt.

‘Hey, snuggle with me tonight, OK?’ Virginia asked, buttering her up. ‘Forget about the dumb futon.’

Meredith seemed to be weighing things in her mind.

‘OK, but keep your hands to yourself. You’re on a sexing-people-up streak.’

Virginia smiled. Being teased was better than the silent treatment.

‘I can’t make any promises…’


Who the fuck gets married on October 30?

Fucking Dracula? Freddie Krueger?

Seriously. There has to be some kind of crazy pregnancy thing they’re trying to hide here.

Virginia felt angry—at her friend Veronica for being dumb and getting married at age 20, at Robert and Meredith for their stupid fucking pictures together, and at herself, for being the biggest goddamned idiot in the world.

She told herself that she wasn’t normally like this, that there was something about Robert being older that made being with him feel…different. Her plan—her stupid plan—had been to fool around with Robert every now and then. She hadn’t been lying when she said she didn’t want a boyfriend, and a guy ten years older than her wouldn’t have been her first choice anyway. Moreover, Robert had been cool with it: no pressure, just fun, casual sex.

So why the fuck am I avoiding the first guy to ever actually give me an orgasm?

Somehow, he had gotten under her armor, and feeling vulnerable was
not Virginia’s strong suit. It wasn’t that she’d never talk to him again—just that she needed time to process her feelings. Maybe this FWB thing was going to be trickier than she thought.

Virginia kept swiping through photo after photo of the party last night on Meredith’s Instagram, even though she hated looking at them. There was Robert as Don Draper and Meredith as Peggy, in a bob wig and retro skirt suit. Back home in Virginia’s closet was a flame-colored wig and a to-die-for emerald green, totally ’60s dress. But there was no Joan Holloway to be found, because she was at her stupid friend’s stupid wedding and Don and fucking Peggy were laughing, smiling, posing for pictures, and acting like the couple Virginia had always thought they would become.

She could tell from the moment Robert had laid eyes on Meredith. He would fall in love with her. They always do.

At the wedding were no fewer than four of Virginia’s ex-boyfriends from back home, all of whom had, at some point between eighth grade and graduation, dumped her because they preferred her best friend to her. Of course, they didn’t just come out and say it. It might be a month, it might be a year, but eventually, they all asked her out, all took a shot at the prettiest girl in school, sweet little Meredith.

Meredith was always too shy and, maybe, too good of a friend to do anything with one of the guys who’d dumped Virginia. In a way, though, that made it all worse: guys would break up with her for just a chance to be with Meredith, and not even a good one.

Now his arm’s around her waist. Just fucking kiss her already.

In Virginia’s mind, Meredith and Robert had already kissed a million times. Like a wound she wouldn’t allow to heal, she tortured herself by picking at the fear and feelings of shame that came when she imagined Robert together with her. Virginia had hoped college would be different, but if anything, guys were even more upfront about it. More than once, a guy she was with brought up the subject of threesomes in a transparent attempt, as Virginia saw it, to find some way to sleep with Meredith.

Yet, somehow, that asshole Clay was the one to get to her. He was the one who’d taken Meredith’s virginity, convinced her that he cared about her, then ditched her shortly thereafter. When they’d first hooked up, Virginia felt relieved: Meredith would have a boyfriend, one for whom Virginia had no romantic feelings. Yet it all ended in heartbreak for Meredith—and in an ‘ alleged’ act of ‘alleged’ vandalism Virginia ‘allegedly’ perpetrated against Clay’s shiny new Audi.

She does look cute as Peggy. Who am I kidding?

Virginia felt guilty for blaming Meredith for everything. It wasn’t her fault she was gorgeous, it’s not like she went around trying to get guys to fall in love with her. She was just who she was.

And Robbie all dressed up as Don…

What was most fucked up about the situation was that she wasn’t actually going to miss Halloween, which fell that year on Monday. Virginia would come home, ready to dress up and go out partying for round two, but in the back of her mind, she’d see those pictures and she’d know how much Meredith and Robert loved being together, how perfect they were for each other.

She’d also be reminded of how dumb she was. Because she was dumb. Really dumb.

She hadn’t thought things through. Robert and her had flirted at first, and Meredith was always at work. He liked her, she knew it. Given her past, though, she was scared. She hadn’t wanted to go through yet another boyfriend dumping her like always, and, besides, he was older, and a bookworm, and maybe he didn’t really like her at all, or maybe he only saw her as, like, a potential slam piece, or maybe not even that, maybe she was too fat, because Meredith was skinny, and guys like skinny, and Virginia wasn’t skinny.

So she didn’t do anything. And he didn’t either. And then Meredith started to study over at his place, and they developed their own little jokes, and he was closer with Meredith than he was with her, and Virginia knew that, soon enough, she’d end up a third wheel, or, even worse, hanging around yet another man in love with Meredith.

So she fucked him.

Guys in the past couldn’t make her come. At least, that’s what she had thought. After being with Robert, Virginia had started to suspect that maybe it wasn’t that they couldn’t, but rather that they didn’t care enough to try. He made her feel things no one really had before.

That fact still surprised her. Robert didn’t have some massive cock. It wasn’t small, but it wasn’t…special, either. He wasn’t unusually good looking, though the more she was around him, the more she noticed little things about him that she liked, things she didn’t even know that she liked on guys until she saw them in him.

He had long, graceful fingers and strong, but smooth hands. She liked the way he held a bottle of beer. His eyes would light up whenever she knew about some band or TV show from his childhood. They were soft and kind but also sparkled with intelligence. Most of all, more than being handsome or funny, he was smart, a quiet kind of smart. He listened. She knew she probably sounded stupid to him sometimes, being younger and not that great at school, but he never made her feel that way. And when they’d see something on TV or read something online that made her mad, he’d know exactly how to put it, to say her thoughts better than she could.

‘Is that Meredith?’ a loud voice called from behind her.

Virginia turned around. It was…Chris, maybe? Some guy from their school she couldn’t quite remember in any event.

‘Yeah,’ she said nonchalantly. ‘We go to UT together.’

‘I need to visit Austin,’ he said, the unspoken meaning clear enough to Virginia.

‘You do that,’ she said, waiting for him to go away.

Once he did, Virginia closed her iPad. There were only two choices, as she saw it, since the whole ‘fuck him, freak out, then avoid him’ thing had been an utter disaster. She could start hanging out with him again, laugh off the whole sex thing, and just watch him fall in love with Meredith. He was never her boyfriend, and, shit, they did look cute together. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. At least, if she never really tried, she wouldn’t get her heart broken.

Or she could stop being so chickenshit, put on something scandalous, and go bang the hell out of him. Her big plan of sex without emotional attachment might not be perfect, but maybe, just maybe, he might be the guy who doesn’t prefer Meredith. It was scary and really nerve-wracking, but it might also be amazing.

Maybe I’ll wear my Joan costume…


‘Would you have liked that better if I was a redhead?’

Robert cracked a broad grin.

‘You know, I really don’t know what goes on inside your head.’

‘Sick things,’ Virginia said. ‘Dirty things.’

‘I hope.’

Virginia felt tentative lying on the bed next to Robert. Walking into his apartment again after little more than perfunctory greetings for over a week was easy. Telling him to strip immediately and then blowing him in his living room was easy. Laying back on the bed while he returned the favor was, well, better than easy. But now she felt like the hard parts were coming. He’d ask her what the hell happened to her. She’d ask him if he wanted to be with Meredith.

First, though, was the part where she wanted to snuggle against him and felt really weird about asking permission, or doing it without asking.

‘So…’ she said, still laying on the bed in parallel with him.

A few seconds, which felt like an eternity, passed, before he rolled over towards her.

‘I was waiting to see if you were going to disappear again.’

‘I deserve that.’

‘So we should talk?’

Virginia sighed.


”Til then?’

Now or never.

‘Hold me?’

Robert smiled.

‘Roll on yo
ur side.’

Virginia rolled over until she was facing away from him, and Robert began to spoon her. She could feel his warmth against her—it was always cold in his apartment, and lying there naked, she was especially pleased by the heat of his body. She could feel his cock stirring from time to time, as he cradled her with his right arm directly under her breasts. His left arm, tucked underneath her neck, laid straight across the bed in front of her, and she traced the lines of faint blue veins along his arms all the way to his wrist and beyond.

It hadn’t been sex, but it had been…fun. Coming is always fun, and, hell, what guy didn’t like a blowjob? As long as the guy would take care of her too, Virginia had never minded giving head, enjoyed it even. Before Robert, oral had been the only way a guy had ever given her an orgasm. Virginia silently decided that she’d have to surprise Robert with oral sex often.

At that moment, cradled in Robert’s arms in post-orgasmic bliss, her doubts and fears didn’t seem so bad. Maybe she would even find the strength to be honest.

‘Virginia,’ he said in a low whisper into her ear. ‘What…what did I do wrong? Before.’

Though their position wasn’t very conducive to a conversation, she was loath to move.

‘It’s not you,’ she said. ‘I’m…I fucked up. I’m sorry.’

Thankfully he didn’t press it, and they lay there together in perfect contentment, until, suddenly, Virginia remembered she had to pick Meredith up from work. She had hoped to just spend the night, to tell Robert how she felt, and to see if, after how she had treated him, he still liked her. Whether or not a guy accepted a BJ didn’t seem like a particularly accurate test of his emotional state, after all.

‘Robbie, I’ve got to—’

‘Don’t make me correct you again.’

Virginia rolled over. She’d always teased, always picked at people for as long as she could remember. She didn’t do it to be cruel. Most of all, it was a way to test people’s affections, to make sure that they liked her or cared about her even when she did things to bug them. Now she didn’t want to play those kinds of games.

‘Can I?’

‘Can you what?’ he asked.

‘Can I call you ‘Robbie?’ I like it.’

‘No one calls me that.’

‘That’s why I like it.’

‘Can I call you ‘Ginny?”

‘Do you want to? ‘

Robert laughed.

‘Not really.’

‘You can call me whatever you want, so long as you’re not mad at me anymore.’

‘I wasn’t mad. I was…confused.’

‘I know. I’m confusing—to me most of all. But I was trying to tell you I have to pick up Meri.’

‘Do you want me to come with you?’

‘You don’t have to—’

‘Do you want me to?’ he interjected.

Virginia leaned in, and Robert obliged, kissing her deeply. Her body tingled. It felt good to be kissed, better too now that she knew he wasn’t mad. Virginia felt his hands on her body, holding her by her hips and stroking her thigh. Her impulse was to stop him: he was touching her in the places where she felt fat, and she didn’t want him to feel her gross body and then see Meredith. But for once she banished such thoughts from her mind. The way he looked at her made her feel like it didn’t matter.

‘We’ve got to go, like now,’ she said, though her voice betrayed a certain reticence to stop what he was doing. ‘We’re already going to smell like sex as it is.’

‘We can spray some of my cologne,’ he suggested.

‘Like that’s not suspicious,’ she giggled back. ‘C’mon, let’s go.’

‘Yes, mistress…’


Oh shit oh shit oh shit.

Virginia was almost too out of breath to speak. As a general opponent of running and strenuous exercise of all kinds, Virginia was out of her element. She knew that if her face was half as red as Meredith’s was, then she probably looked about as good as she felt.

‘Yeah…mom…no…running,’ she said between breaths.

‘Tell her I say ‘hi,’ OK?’ Meredith chirped in.

‘Meri says ‘hi’—what? Now?’

Virginia was thrown into a state of panic. She hadn’t expected her mother to make a surprise visit. She had just flown in from El Paso and was on her way to the apartment: the one filled with Meredith the non-rent-paying tenant’s belongings.

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Hi friends this is Felix again to complete my sexual expedition with Aarthi. As I told you before, Aarthi is a 34-23-32 figure working in the same office as I do and just split from her boyfriend. I know she is still a virgin because she never got a chance with her boyfriend. Ok back to the encounter that I had; 15 days after Aarthi and I had a small spree of exploring each other’s body, Aarthi’s friend Archana called me to invite for her birthday party at her house. I quickly agreed and...

2 years ago
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The Reluctant Cuckold

Days like this are never easy. Liz told me just a few days ago of her plans to go out tonight, and the way she put it over, indicated that she wouldn't just be going out with a girlfriend. It's best she only gives me a few days notice of her plans, it means the whole situation will have come and gone quickly, then I will be able to relax again, until the next time she goes with one of her lovers. We don't discuss her lovers openly, but after many years of her straying and the arguments that...

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Brothers Forever 1

My big brother has always been my hero. When we were younger he always took up for me; because I was so much smaller than the other boys I was often picked on but Jeff would never let them get away with it. He was also my younger sister’s hero, he always made sure no one picked on her either. When this story begins Jeff was 13, I (Jack) was 11 and Shelia was 10. Our father had a good job with IBM and my mother, once a teacher, was something of a June Cleaver. We lived pretty well and...

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Katie and her mother had spent the afternoon shopping. It was Katie's first trip home from college since her mother's divorce. Tess Markowitz was 36 years old, she'd gotten pregnant at 16, as a result she look more than Katie's older sister than her mother. Both had short blonde hair, light skin and deep blue eyes. Katie was 5' 6" , just a fraction shorter than her mother's 5' 7", The most obvious difference between the two was breast size. While Katie was a respectable 34c, Tess filled...

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Private Mary Popiense Angel Rivas Practice Strip Volleyball

Today in Private Specials, Beach Angels, the sexy brunette Mary Popiense makes her www.private.com debut alongside star Angel Rivas, and this is one tag team duo that you won’t want to miss in action! You see, Mary and Angel are members of a beach volleyball team that loves to strip the losers, and the lucky loser today is Alberto Blanco, a hung stud who won’t waste the opportunity as he offers both babes back to his place for phenomenal outdoor fuck by the pool that includes some anal for...

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HomeworkChapter 5

John picked Sharon up at the mall and took her home around 3:00, then went home to shower and have dinner with his family. After dinner, he drove to a DVD kiosk, picked out a movie, headed for home, parked the car and then walked over to Sharon’s. Paula answered the door and invited John in. “Where is your backpack tonight?” “No homework tonight, but I have a movie,” John explained. “So you’re going upstairs to watch a movie with Sharon tonight?” John showed Paula the DVD case, “I was...

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Dont look Hell figure it out and leav

Oh my fucking God! I ran out of RX two weeks ago. Now that I'm back in Ohio, I have to find new people to get what I like and find the hook-ups. I haven't milked myself for almost two weeks because I love being spun up and feeling that deep nasty slut who goes slow and stays in that ejaculation almost dripping state of mind for 3 or 4 days. It's been longer with this one girl who really loved the RX and fuck play! Now it's just me alone in Ohio and I find myself spoiled! The break was awesome...

4 years ago
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My Wifes Pussy is so Sore PT2 Blacken

After fucking Tyrone the first time, I was feeling like I had crossed a line that I shouldn't have. I felt like I totally lost control and should not have ventured down the path that I did. I spoke with my husband, Brian, about how I was feeling. My husband is the love of my life, we have been married for 12 years and even though I had dreamed about fucking other men I have never acted on it. Brian told me that he was OK with what happened, he loved me, and stated that I shouldn't be concerned...

3 years ago
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Delores ThrockmortenChapter 5

The sandwich shop: Tina was on her hands and knees along with four other girls in the bathroom. They had an enema tube in their anus that was attached to a bottle of saline solution on the wall. Their asses were up and their heads were down as the solution filled their guts. This was free anal week at the sandwich shop, which meant that a sandwich and a cup of coffee for twenty dollars got the purchaser free anal. One of the employment Patriarchy laws said that women and girls were entitled...

3 years ago
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Barbara endeckt neue Seiten

Barbara wollte eigentlich nur kurz ein paar Überweisung tätigen und da sie in eile war schnabte sie sich den Laptop ihres Manne sund setze sich an den Küchentisch. Als sie die den Laptop öffnete war noch ein Brwoserfenster offen, sie wollte es schon schließen, aber dann viel ihr der Titel der Seite auf "Macht Sie zur Sau". Die Seite war ein Forum. Geöffnet war ein Beitrag, Dieser bestand aus einem Foto von ihr, mit gepixeltem Gesicht. Es war ein freizügiges, privates Foto. Und mit dem...

2 years ago
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Boyfriend Gets a Good Surprise

Elissa had been dating Thomas for about six weeks now, but they’d never had sex. But that all changed when she went to his house one afternoon. Elissa had dark chocolate hair and smooth olive skin, with orange-green eyes. Thomas was sort of the opposite – tan skin and dark blond hair and bright blue eyes. She giggled and threw her head back. Thomas leaned in and kissed her. He was expecting her to pull away with a shocked look, but she kissed him back. Gently French kissing, she pulled off...

3 years ago
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The Bar Scene Adventures of Slutty Wife

I can't imagine not being with my lady, she is tall sexy and chocolate - and every time I am with her I think of how lucky I am. But the one thing I count myself most lucky about is that she is such a slut - now many people use slut as an insult but to her it is a title she wears with pride because she is sexually free and liberated and will never be confined by societal conventions. Besides she loves to get fucked and as her man I love to watch her get fucked as much as I love fucking her.So...

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Darji k sung

Ek din sania ke sath pehli bar main uske tailor ke pass gaya.woh 50 saal ka buda admi tha uska naam moin tha woh sania ka purana darji tha.sania ko dekh woh hasa par mujhe dekh uski hasi chali gayi.sania ne kha chacha blouse shilana hai usne mujhe chair diya aur sania ko andar le gaya maap lene andar maine dekha ki moin ne sania ki saree niche ki aur woh uska maap lene laga.usne apni tape sania ki bade ball me kasa aur size likne laga sania ka blouse se uski upari ball ka hissa dikh raha tha...

2 years ago
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Way Beyond ReachChapter 6

Sara had changed for bed and was fixing herself a cup of tea when she broke down. Little sobs escaped while she waited for the water to boil. She was such an idiot; how could this have happened again. She was in love with her boss. Justifying it all in her mind, she knew that Sloan was nothing like Steve Johnson and she had never really loved Steve. Making the tea and heading for her bed she tried to convince her self that this would all go away when the case was over, and they were back to...

4 years ago
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Becoming a professional Bitch part 2

I got my fist sized dildo out and suctioned it to the edge of my tub as dog cum ran down my legs. I attached my nipple clamps, that were always hanging over my shower rod, to my nipples. Then straddled the dildo and dropped all my weight on it, forcing it deep in my cunt. My nipples were stretched upwards with every thrust of my body down on the dildo. My cunt stretched wide yet missing the dog cock. I dug my nails into my inner thigh as I remembered my trip home. Dog paws digging into my...

1 year ago
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A Day in the Life of a Public Urinal

I may not be as clean and wholesome as the gents in the Hilton or the Savoy, and my clients may not be so rich or well-dressed – but I guarantee that I see things that they never see, well, hardly ever, anyway. I certainly bet that more sperm is washed down my drains than in the Hilton gents, because although rich men undoubtedly wank just as much as, if not more than, the worse off, most of them seem to choose to do it in private and so if they do it in the gents, on the whole they jerk...

2 years ago
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WebYoung Kenna James Judy Jolie Making The Squad

Judy Jolie is on her bed catching up with some work when her phone rings. Kenna James is on the other line and has just told Judy that she’s considering joining the cheer squad. Judy is ecstatic and tells her that that’s an awesome idea! Kenna wonders if they could possibly meet up at some point since Judy’s been in the squad for some time. Judy sets the time for tomorrow and the girls hang up the phone. The next day, Judy brings along an extra uniform for Kenna to wear while...

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Inside the heads of two dirty girls

If you find reading my encounters sexually stimulating, and you find yourselves wanking, and more importantly cumming, then please after wiping tell me yo did, and if you want a special thank you leave your email address so I can thank you for your efforts. That after all is what this site is about, bringing you and I together so we can be dirty together, now is that exciting or not.We sat in our knickers and loose fitting t-shirts, that way when we bent forward out tits, small as they were,...

3 years ago
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Kitten in Elfland

Note: To support me as an author, please buy my books (links available through my creator site). This is a story about abduction and non-consent. In the real world, please always do enthusiastic positive consent. Thank you! They call me their animal and I obey. I hate that I like it. They think I belong on my knees in front of them, my legs spread and my breasts bare… The trouble is, I have come to the conclusion that they may be right. The old world, the human world, seems so far away...

4 years ago
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Desi Mausi Ki Chut Mari

Hello dosto Mera name deepak he or meri mausi ka name aasha he unki ek beti he or ek beta unki beti ki sadi huye 6 mahine huye the unka beta 12 me padhta he or unke pati delhi me kaam karte he meri mausi ka ghar gaao me he me garmi ki chutti me mausi ke yaha gaya tha meri mausi kya kamal ki lag rahi thi savle rang ki hatti katti thi mast chuchi or bade bade gand dekh kar laga jake abhi daba lu magar me apne aap ko roka or unke per chuye or andar chala gaya unki ladki sasural me thi or unka...

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GayChapter 26

After lunch, while on my way to my first lesson I was intercepted by Cayenne Proctor. “Did you get a tuxedo okay?” she asked. “Not yet. It’s having a couple of alterations made, but it should be ready this afternoon, subject to a final fitting,” I replied. Then a thought occurred to me. “Shouldn’t I have the receipt for the prom package with me in case the rental shop wants to check it?” Cayenne sighed with annoyance. “I promised Marcus I wouldn’t let the receipt out of my hands. I guess...

3 years ago
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Monday Morning

I hate Mondays. They are the worse day of the week by far. It is the first day back to work and I sooooo don’t want to be there. I am tired from the weekend and I have to get up way to early to suit me. I am a night owl and always will be. As I get closer to work I start trying to come up with ideas for our Monday morning meeting. I have none as usual. Why anyone thinks Monday morning is a good time for a meeting I will never know. When I get to work I notice a new car in the parking lot. I...

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Friendrsquos Mom and Daughter become My Subs Pt 1

Friend’s Mom and Daughter become My Subs. Pt 1I’m Dave and half way through my first year at University. At school I was sport mad. Now at 19 I’m into dangerous sports; skydiving being just one. I’m fit, randy and smart! I don’t need to do too much work to get laid. Yes I’m a very lucky sod and I know it.During the run up to my exams I return home to study. If I stayed at university I would no doubt chase girls or break something doing my sports.One week into my three week break my Mom and Dad...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 249

Laura was sleeping with Shontay in Shontay's bed but dreaming of Dawn. It was a real dream, and guilt or chagrin would have to wait until later. In the dream, Laura was on her back, and Dawn was on top of her. Both were naked. Laura could feel Dawn's very firm breasts and the thick soft bulbs of her nipples moving against her own skin. Dawn slithered her long tongue deep into Laura's mouth. Laura almost came in her sleep, and then slid abruptly into consciousness. She was face to face...

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Charlottes Punishment Letter

This is the third story in the current series about Mrs Denver. She has disciplined three adults, as well as giving 42-year-old Jenny Howe her second punishment. Charlotte goes home so her Mum can discipline her again and sign her Punishment Letter. It doesn’t go as smoothly as Charlotte had hoped. 25 year old Charlotte Thomson and 39 year old Kelly Hall were both rubbing their bottoms as they walked away from the Academy, each with their Punishment Letter in their hand. Jenny stayed at the...

2 years ago
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Accidental Slave

I can’t believe how my life has changed over this past year. I am doing things that I never thought myself capable of doing. I am a married woman with three children that up till recently led a relatively normal life. I have been married for over 20 years and like most married couples we have had some rocky times to get through in our lives. We reached a point of near divorce a few years back over some serious differences in sexual preference. My husband, Bill, had very strong interests in...

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London Lover

I met Hollie on the internet, and we had chatted for a number of months. It isn’t usual for me to just talk to random strangers on the internet, but there was something different about Hollie. After a few days, we discovered we both had an interest in writing – and a few days after that we found we had a shared interest in erotica! I’m in a relationship and so didn’t try anything on with her, even though she sounded like exactly my kind of person. We never stopped keeping in touch though and...

5 years ago
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Lustful Wife

Erica paced nervously taking quick deliberate drags from the glowing cigarette between her fingers. The wind blew her long brunette hair back and forth, as the chilly December night air caused her tiny pink nipples to stiffen upon her gorgeous perky 34c breasts. Her nipples poked out against the sheer fabric of the old Chicago Bears t-shirt she had thrown on to come downstairs. She cautiously looked around again as she took the last couple of drags from her cigarette. The wind blew once more...

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Mama LoLo Gets My Big Black Cock Over for a Quickie2

Mama LoLo was prepared to seduce me with her intoxicating perfume which filled my nostrils, as she let me grope and massage her mature ass cheeks that was exposed from her short length sheer robe.Mama LoLo’s face was becoming Lust filled , as she arched her back and pushed her luscious bare ass back into my fingers and palm of my hand. Mama LoLo needed no more encouragement as the sexy seductive cougar opened her robe to expose her nude body to me , which caused my Big Black Cock to throb...

3 years ago
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The Dark Lady Ch 11

The Dark Lady – Ch 11 – Terror in the Night Turns to Joy in the Morning Back in my office after lunch, I still had a glow from the incredible organ recital. Clemmie arrived and said, ‘I got Greg to give me the FBI guy’s number and invited him to come to the dinner incognito. Told him he would be more useful inside than lurking around outside. He accepted.’ I bent her fingers back and forth. ‘Kim’s going to tell the three of us she can’t afford to let us go to college.’ ‘We’ll gang up....

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101 Bell WhistleChapter 5 Audras Story

"My father stole from the Andersons. I found out when I overheard them arguing about my father's plans on the night of my 17th birthday. It was late and I wasn't sleeping well because I had eaten too many sweet things. Then there was a late night summer storm and I was awakened by a loud clap of thunder. There was only a thin wall between my bedroom and my parents and I often overheard things that I wish I didn't ... you know sex things. At first I thought that was what I was hearing, I...

4 years ago
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Spanking School 3 Training Tamara Toy 1

"I am Tamara Toy. Today I am finally eighteen, so I can apply in Amsterdam at Your famous Spanking School. I want to become a toy of joy in sexual use, in pain and pleasure! Can you train me please, Professor Peter?"Immediate intimate inspection and interrogation is the start of her entrance examination to test this teens talents.I like her decision and dedication. I love her looks, a slender sensual sweet brunette beauty with firm little titties."I run this place with pretty Petra, my...

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Gf ki khuni chut2

1st part kaisa raha..agar koi female mere 10 inch ke lund se maza lena chahe to plz mail me..aur comment karna na bhulna..now story-maine dhire dhire uske shirt ka batan khol diya.uske chuchiya uske sas ke sat upar niche ho rate the fir mujhe raha nahi gaya aur maine dhire se uske badan se bra aur shirt dono alag kar diya.wo ankh band kiye leti thi mai uske ek chuchi ke muh me lekar chusne laga aur dusre ke pink nipple ko ungliyo se dabane laga.uski sase tej hone lagi aur wo mere muh ko apne...

2 years ago
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My Dear Sweet Slave Chapter 2

‘I don’t want to get up, this bed is so warm…’ Feeling like he was coming out of anesthesia, Isaac could hear activity in the background of his apartment, but he didn’t have the strength to open his eyes, especially after how hard he had “worked” the night before. ‘I don’t hear my alarm going off and I don’t have to take a piss, thereby proving that I don’t have to get out of bed.’ He pulled up the blankets over his face, but even while covered, he could smell something...

3 years ago
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Dating My Daughter 8211 Part 15

Hello ISS readers. I am back with this series. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. This is a fantasy fictional story. I’m a divorced 41-year-old guy who has a beautiful and young daughter, Amy. She just turned 19 and I haven’t seen Amy in almost 10 years. But now she has come down to meet me. So this is what happened next. Amy and I walked back to the main beach. She still shook about the father and daughter who were roaming naked in the nude beach. Me: Hey honey, why don’t we go and get ice...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 17 Renewal

July 1978 I woke early as normal on Wednesday, swam my laps, showered, and ate breakfast. Stephanie and Vickie were up just before I left. Vickie gave me a big smile and Stephanie just shook her head. I got my bike from the garage and pedaled to the deli. As soon as I walked in, Andreas called me to his office. This only happened when something was changing. “Steve, we’re going to start opening an hour earlier. And I will have more things for you to do. Do you have a friend who would like a...

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