Longhorns Ch. 02 free porn video

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***Author’s note: Thanks to everyone for the feedback on the first chapter. This chapter proceeds from Virginia’s point of view. As always, I appreciate votes and comments. -Theworldspins***

There must be some law that any party thrown by a sophomore chick has to have at least, like, three bottles of Malibu coconut rum.

Virginia scrunched her face up when she took a sip of the ‘tropical’ concoction her friend Stacy passed her. She hated the taste of coconut.

‘This one’s from Madison,’ Meredith cooed, in a voice only Virginia could tell was tongue-in-cheek. ‘Open it up!’

Virginia set her foul cocktail down to take the pink, glittery gift bag from her best friend and roommate. Almost all of the twenty odd girls assembled in their friend Lydia’s apartment were focused on her, waiting to watch her open more birthday presents. The ones who weren’t staring were mostly drunk, as the night of partying had actually begun as an early afternoon of partying.

‘It’s…a DVD…of Vampire Diaries, Season One,’ Virginia said, trying to maintain an appropriate level of enthusiasm to avoid offending her friend for the less than awe-inspiring gift. ‘Awesome!’

‘Do you remember freshman year at Lakewood?’ the inebriated Madison asked loudly. ‘We watched that show religiously!’

Virginia could remember, in fact, being friends with Madison meant she’d never forget anything that happened in high school, since reminding people what happened back then constituted the majority of Madison’s social skills. It wasn’t that she was a bad friend, only that she never…well, evolved.

‘Well, we need to get together to watch it all over again,’ Virginia enthused.

Please do not take me up on that offer.

‘This one’s from me, but it’s a twofer,’ Meredith announced. ‘There’s also a surprise inside.’

The other girls ooohed and aaahed.

Ummmm, aren’t all the presents technically surprises?

Virginia reached into the gift bag and felt around. First, she pulled out a gorgeous handcrafted pottery bowl, glazed in her favorite color, red. Meredith knew how much she loved the artsy stuff in the shops on South Congress. It was nice—too nice. Meredith didn’t have much money, and the last thing Virginia wanted was for her to spend a lot on a birthday present. On the other hand, she didn’t want to offend or embarrass her either by suggesting she take it back.

Reaching back into the bag, she felt a thick envelope and nothing more. She looked over at Meredith, who silently winked. Virginia opened the envelope and then the card inside. Tucked inside the card was a silver bottle opener, with a Longhorns collegiate insignia at the top. Written in the card was a message:

‘For when you get tired of broken glass in your beer…


Virginia looked back at Meredith: sneaky bitch…

‘What’s it say?’ asked their friend Melissa, slurring her words.

‘Nothing,’ Virginia said. ‘Just…an inside joke.’

Virginia thought back to her night with Robert. She hadn’t intended for things to go the way they did. Or, rather, she had intended for them to go exactly the way they did, only she hadn’t really planned what would come next. Now it had been almost a week, and she had barely spoken to him.

‘Last one—from Kylie.’

Virginia didn’t know what to expect. Kylie was probably her favorite friend outside of Meredith, though that was mostly because when Kylie around, Virginia didn’t have to worry about being the ‘slutty one.’ Most of their friends assumed Virginia was getting a lot of action, because of her brashness and because she talked a good game. Virginia had long known, though, that some of her quieter friends in fact got around a lot more than she did. That’s why she ultimately respected Kylie, the outspoken and unapologetic ‘slut’ of the group, for having the guts to say what most of them hid: she loved sex and had a lot of it.

‘Batteries come separate?’ one of the girls asked to a chorus of cheers.

That would make sense. And be awesome—one of those Hitachis or something.

Virginia tore the paper from the box and opened it. It was both surprising yet totally in character.

‘Are those…?’ she said, this time not needing to feign enthusiasm as she pulled out a plastic baggie of three expertly rolled blunts. ‘I love you, girl.’

Kylie smiled a devious grin. Virginia knew she only smoked the best weed, what was better was that they were already rolled, since that was a talent Virginia, an amateur smoker at best, did not possess.

‘Just one condition, ‘ Kylie added. ‘I want to meet the guy you’re keeping secret from us.’

Virginia could feel her eyes shooting over to Meredith, though she tried to stop herself. It was too late. The sidelong glance gave it away instantly, and the place erupted into laughter and teasing as the girls realized Kylie had just caught Virginia. The girls demanded to know who this mystery guy was, but Virginia remained tight-lipped.

‘He’s nobody,’ she said, before she felt a little guilty. ‘I mean, not nobody, but, like, we’re not boyfriend and girlfriend or anything, so don’t start in on me about meeting him.’

One by one, the girls started to trickle away from the party over the next hour, until Meredith and Virginia began the walk back to their apartment. Though both girls were more than a little tipsy, they hadn’t tilted into the blackout drunk phase that some of their friends had entered.

‘Why didn’t you tell me?’


‘You know.’

‘Meri, not now.’


‘Meri, please. I promise. Not now.’

They walked for a while in silence. Virginia felt guilty but also too drunk to care completely at the moment. She knew she’d have to explain herself in the morning.

‘It makes sense, though,’ Meredith said, as if to herself.


‘Well,’ she continued, ‘you haven’t gone over there in, like, a week. I know you Virginia. You…slept with him, and now it’s all weird and awkward.’

No, I slept with him, and it was amazing. It just wasn’t the plan.

‘Yeah, well, I didn’t want you to feel weird about hanging out over there,’ Virginia said, hoping Meredith was convinced. ‘You two are friends now.’

That’s why I did it with him in the first place. So you wouldn’t.

‘Honey, I don’t care,’ Meredith said. ‘You’re my best friend. You don’t have to keep things from me.’

Like guys?

‘Tomorrow, I promise.’

She could tell Meredith was hurt.

‘Hey, snuggle with me tonight, OK?’ Virginia asked, buttering her up. ‘Forget about the dumb futon.’

Meredith seemed to be weighing things in her mind.

‘OK, but keep your hands to yourself. You’re on a sexing-people-up streak.’

Virginia smiled. Being teased was better than the silent treatment.

‘I can’t make any promises…’


Who the fuck gets married on October 30?

Fucking Dracula? Freddie Krueger?

Seriously. There has to be some kind of crazy pregnancy thing they’re trying to hide here.

Virginia felt angry—at her friend Veronica for being dumb and getting married at age 20, at Robert and Meredith for their stupid fucking pictures together, and at herself, for being the biggest goddamned idiot in the world.

She told herself that she wasn’t normally like this, that there was something about Robert being older that made being with him feel…different. Her plan—her stupid plan—had been to fool around with Robert every now and then. She hadn’t been lying when she said she didn’t want a boyfriend, and a guy ten years older than her wouldn’t have been her first choice anyway. Moreover, Robert had been cool with it: no pressure, just fun, casual sex.

So why the fuck am I avoiding the first guy to ever actually give me an orgasm?

Somehow, he had gotten under her armor, and feeling vulnerable was
not Virginia’s strong suit. It wasn’t that she’d never talk to him again—just that she needed time to process her feelings. Maybe this FWB thing was going to be trickier than she thought.

Virginia kept swiping through photo after photo of the party last night on Meredith’s Instagram, even though she hated looking at them. There was Robert as Don Draper and Meredith as Peggy, in a bob wig and retro skirt suit. Back home in Virginia’s closet was a flame-colored wig and a to-die-for emerald green, totally ’60s dress. But there was no Joan Holloway to be found, because she was at her stupid friend’s stupid wedding and Don and fucking Peggy were laughing, smiling, posing for pictures, and acting like the couple Virginia had always thought they would become.

She could tell from the moment Robert had laid eyes on Meredith. He would fall in love with her. They always do.

At the wedding were no fewer than four of Virginia’s ex-boyfriends from back home, all of whom had, at some point between eighth grade and graduation, dumped her because they preferred her best friend to her. Of course, they didn’t just come out and say it. It might be a month, it might be a year, but eventually, they all asked her out, all took a shot at the prettiest girl in school, sweet little Meredith.

Meredith was always too shy and, maybe, too good of a friend to do anything with one of the guys who’d dumped Virginia. In a way, though, that made it all worse: guys would break up with her for just a chance to be with Meredith, and not even a good one.

Now his arm’s around her waist. Just fucking kiss her already.

In Virginia’s mind, Meredith and Robert had already kissed a million times. Like a wound she wouldn’t allow to heal, she tortured herself by picking at the fear and feelings of shame that came when she imagined Robert together with her. Virginia had hoped college would be different, but if anything, guys were even more upfront about it. More than once, a guy she was with brought up the subject of threesomes in a transparent attempt, as Virginia saw it, to find some way to sleep with Meredith.

Yet, somehow, that asshole Clay was the one to get to her. He was the one who’d taken Meredith’s virginity, convinced her that he cared about her, then ditched her shortly thereafter. When they’d first hooked up, Virginia felt relieved: Meredith would have a boyfriend, one for whom Virginia had no romantic feelings. Yet it all ended in heartbreak for Meredith—and in an ‘ alleged’ act of ‘alleged’ vandalism Virginia ‘allegedly’ perpetrated against Clay’s shiny new Audi.

She does look cute as Peggy. Who am I kidding?

Virginia felt guilty for blaming Meredith for everything. It wasn’t her fault she was gorgeous, it’s not like she went around trying to get guys to fall in love with her. She was just who she was.

And Robbie all dressed up as Don…

What was most fucked up about the situation was that she wasn’t actually going to miss Halloween, which fell that year on Monday. Virginia would come home, ready to dress up and go out partying for round two, but in the back of her mind, she’d see those pictures and she’d know how much Meredith and Robert loved being together, how perfect they were for each other.

She’d also be reminded of how dumb she was. Because she was dumb. Really dumb.

She hadn’t thought things through. Robert and her had flirted at first, and Meredith was always at work. He liked her, she knew it. Given her past, though, she was scared. She hadn’t wanted to go through yet another boyfriend dumping her like always, and, besides, he was older, and a bookworm, and maybe he didn’t really like her at all, or maybe he only saw her as, like, a potential slam piece, or maybe not even that, maybe she was too fat, because Meredith was skinny, and guys like skinny, and Virginia wasn’t skinny.

So she didn’t do anything. And he didn’t either. And then Meredith started to study over at his place, and they developed their own little jokes, and he was closer with Meredith than he was with her, and Virginia knew that, soon enough, she’d end up a third wheel, or, even worse, hanging around yet another man in love with Meredith.

So she fucked him.

Guys in the past couldn’t make her come. At least, that’s what she had thought. After being with Robert, Virginia had started to suspect that maybe it wasn’t that they couldn’t, but rather that they didn’t care enough to try. He made her feel things no one really had before.

That fact still surprised her. Robert didn’t have some massive cock. It wasn’t small, but it wasn’t…special, either. He wasn’t unusually good looking, though the more she was around him, the more she noticed little things about him that she liked, things she didn’t even know that she liked on guys until she saw them in him.

He had long, graceful fingers and strong, but smooth hands. She liked the way he held a bottle of beer. His eyes would light up whenever she knew about some band or TV show from his childhood. They were soft and kind but also sparkled with intelligence. Most of all, more than being handsome or funny, he was smart, a quiet kind of smart. He listened. She knew she probably sounded stupid to him sometimes, being younger and not that great at school, but he never made her feel that way. And when they’d see something on TV or read something online that made her mad, he’d know exactly how to put it, to say her thoughts better than she could.

‘Is that Meredith?’ a loud voice called from behind her.

Virginia turned around. It was…Chris, maybe? Some guy from their school she couldn’t quite remember in any event.

‘Yeah,’ she said nonchalantly. ‘We go to UT together.’

‘I need to visit Austin,’ he said, the unspoken meaning clear enough to Virginia.

‘You do that,’ she said, waiting for him to go away.

Once he did, Virginia closed her iPad. There were only two choices, as she saw it, since the whole ‘fuck him, freak out, then avoid him’ thing had been an utter disaster. She could start hanging out with him again, laugh off the whole sex thing, and just watch him fall in love with Meredith. He was never her boyfriend, and, shit, they did look cute together. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. At least, if she never really tried, she wouldn’t get her heart broken.

Or she could stop being so chickenshit, put on something scandalous, and go bang the hell out of him. Her big plan of sex without emotional attachment might not be perfect, but maybe, just maybe, he might be the guy who doesn’t prefer Meredith. It was scary and really nerve-wracking, but it might also be amazing.

Maybe I’ll wear my Joan costume…


‘Would you have liked that better if I was a redhead?’

Robert cracked a broad grin.

‘You know, I really don’t know what goes on inside your head.’

‘Sick things,’ Virginia said. ‘Dirty things.’

‘I hope.’

Virginia felt tentative lying on the bed next to Robert. Walking into his apartment again after little more than perfunctory greetings for over a week was easy. Telling him to strip immediately and then blowing him in his living room was easy. Laying back on the bed while he returned the favor was, well, better than easy. But now she felt like the hard parts were coming. He’d ask her what the hell happened to her. She’d ask him if he wanted to be with Meredith.

First, though, was the part where she wanted to snuggle against him and felt really weird about asking permission, or doing it without asking.

‘So…’ she said, still laying on the bed in parallel with him.

A few seconds, which felt like an eternity, passed, before he rolled over towards her.

‘I was waiting to see if you were going to disappear again.’

‘I deserve that.’

‘So we should talk?’

Virginia sighed.


”Til then?’

Now or never.

‘Hold me?’

Robert smiled.

‘Roll on yo
ur side.’

Virginia rolled over until she was facing away from him, and Robert began to spoon her. She could feel his warmth against her—it was always cold in his apartment, and lying there naked, she was especially pleased by the heat of his body. She could feel his cock stirring from time to time, as he cradled her with his right arm directly under her breasts. His left arm, tucked underneath her neck, laid straight across the bed in front of her, and she traced the lines of faint blue veins along his arms all the way to his wrist and beyond.

It hadn’t been sex, but it had been…fun. Coming is always fun, and, hell, what guy didn’t like a blowjob? As long as the guy would take care of her too, Virginia had never minded giving head, enjoyed it even. Before Robert, oral had been the only way a guy had ever given her an orgasm. Virginia silently decided that she’d have to surprise Robert with oral sex often.

At that moment, cradled in Robert’s arms in post-orgasmic bliss, her doubts and fears didn’t seem so bad. Maybe she would even find the strength to be honest.

‘Virginia,’ he said in a low whisper into her ear. ‘What…what did I do wrong? Before.’

Though their position wasn’t very conducive to a conversation, she was loath to move.

‘It’s not you,’ she said. ‘I’m…I fucked up. I’m sorry.’

Thankfully he didn’t press it, and they lay there together in perfect contentment, until, suddenly, Virginia remembered she had to pick Meredith up from work. She had hoped to just spend the night, to tell Robert how she felt, and to see if, after how she had treated him, he still liked her. Whether or not a guy accepted a BJ didn’t seem like a particularly accurate test of his emotional state, after all.

‘Robbie, I’ve got to—’

‘Don’t make me correct you again.’

Virginia rolled over. She’d always teased, always picked at people for as long as she could remember. She didn’t do it to be cruel. Most of all, it was a way to test people’s affections, to make sure that they liked her or cared about her even when she did things to bug them. Now she didn’t want to play those kinds of games.

‘Can I?’

‘Can you what?’ he asked.

‘Can I call you ‘Robbie?’ I like it.’

‘No one calls me that.’

‘That’s why I like it.’

‘Can I call you ‘Ginny?”

‘Do you want to? ‘

Robert laughed.

‘Not really.’

‘You can call me whatever you want, so long as you’re not mad at me anymore.’

‘I wasn’t mad. I was…confused.’

‘I know. I’m confusing—to me most of all. But I was trying to tell you I have to pick up Meri.’

‘Do you want me to come with you?’

‘You don’t have to—’

‘Do you want me to?’ he interjected.

Virginia leaned in, and Robert obliged, kissing her deeply. Her body tingled. It felt good to be kissed, better too now that she knew he wasn’t mad. Virginia felt his hands on her body, holding her by her hips and stroking her thigh. Her impulse was to stop him: he was touching her in the places where she felt fat, and she didn’t want him to feel her gross body and then see Meredith. But for once she banished such thoughts from her mind. The way he looked at her made her feel like it didn’t matter.

‘We’ve got to go, like now,’ she said, though her voice betrayed a certain reticence to stop what he was doing. ‘We’re already going to smell like sex as it is.’

‘We can spray some of my cologne,’ he suggested.

‘Like that’s not suspicious,’ she giggled back. ‘C’mon, let’s go.’

‘Yes, mistress…’


Oh shit oh shit oh shit.

Virginia was almost too out of breath to speak. As a general opponent of running and strenuous exercise of all kinds, Virginia was out of her element. She knew that if her face was half as red as Meredith’s was, then she probably looked about as good as she felt.

‘Yeah…mom…no…running,’ she said between breaths.

‘Tell her I say ‘hi,’ OK?’ Meredith chirped in.

‘Meri says ‘hi’—what? Now?’

Virginia was thrown into a state of panic. She hadn’t expected her mother to make a surprise visit. She had just flown in from El Paso and was on her way to the apartment: the one filled with Meredith the non-rent-paying tenant’s belongings.

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The Twelth Hour

This is a true story - written by a wonderful submissive 'princess of puddles' to Me - her Dom Sir H about one of our incredible experiences.I hope you enjoy.....M CIt seemed such a long time since our last meeting, and I was sure today would be a time to remember, even more so than our previous meetings. I was so incredibly horny just thinking of rubbing myself against him again. Although part of me was maybe just a little disappointed as I had secretly hoped he would stay the night with me....

2 years ago
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A Night Out

It starts with me laying out your clothes for the evening: A short black silk dress with spaghetti straps, black high heel strappy sandals, and new black g- string A Night Out ?He starts the evening by laying out her clothes: a sexy short black silk dress, black strappy-high-heel sandals, and new black g-string. The heels and short skirt will really show off her legs. As he puts on his suit, she does her hair and make-up the way he told her, and she gets dressed. She comes out....

1 year ago
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My Husbands Nice Surprise

I am a tall (5'10") blonde and weigh about 125. I am 22 years old and been married to my husband for 4 years. I had never been with anyone sexually, except my husband...until last night! For the past couple of months, while fucking, ny husband has begun to go into explicit detail about having another guy in bed with us and "in" me. When he starts talking to me about a guy fucking me in my pussy while I suck his dick and them both cumming in me at the same time...I get very turned on and cum...

4 years ago
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My Husband caught me with my lover pt 4

Did that really happen, it couldn't have, could it?He had actually got off on giving me that gift, a gift I was never going to have again.Fuck, my head was a mess and I felt pretty used - worthless, but I had to get on with it, no point thinking about it now. Deep down I knew that he had something planned, a feeling that he knew, but just never really thought he would do that. Maybe strike me or leave me, but invite the guy to my home, ballsy to say the least.I needed to get ready, things to...

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This story is real and I have been asked to write it for John and Janice from Xhamster. So it is told therefore through the voice of John, Janice’s husband.(Johnhenshaw79)Janice and I had been married for around 8 months and although we are very sexual couple and often joked about threesomes, gang bangs, nudity and swinging we had not really gone much past the talking about it stage, most likely because it was all a little scary.We had just been out for dinner at a beautiful little Thai...

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Modhati Ratri

Hi my dear readers Coolguy again sending you good story from our telugu stories book, first of all I would like to say sorry to disappointing you since long time for not sending my stories to all of you, I am very much thank full to all of my fans, friends for the encouragement. Any writer wants more encouragement and in my case I am translating Telugu stories and sending to you all, so it takes some time and also I need good mood to write a good story, which will hit your hearts. Now coming...

4 years ago
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Urchin Chapter 1 Today was just another day in my life, I got up and got ready for work. I put the dogs out. Made and ate some Breakfast, then headed out for work. Little did I know my life was going to be turned upside down by that evening. I just completed my afternoon staff meeting and jumped into my car and headed for home, hoping to get some project time in on my 65 Mustang. It started raining on the way home. I pulled into the driveway and was pissed off as I did not need it to be...

3 years ago
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Joey and Susan Naked in SchoolChapter 10

Joey. After I told her she was not just the girl I dreamed about but my dream girl Susan kissed me and once again I was hard and once more we were engaged in a fast and furious bout of lovemaking. By the time our passions had subsided she was no longer drowsy but bounced out of bed and dragged me into the shower with her. There was no doubt she was right when she told me I would need it. I was lathered in sweat after our morning romp. When we had dried off I looked at her and said, "Now...

4 years ago
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Bringing friends over to help my mother finish the basement leads to some fun and her submission

My mother and I just moved into a spacious two story house a few weeks ago. We had spent weeks driving around and looking for houses until we just decided to go for a new one. The prices didn’t seem to be drastically different. With an old house we would be buying the land but with a new house we are only buying the house. An older house has double the lot size but usually it has only two floors. We were looking for a basement to use as the recreational room. We bought a house not too far...

2 years ago
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The wife hotel room and no condom

So here I was. My wife Emma beside me on the bed. Jordan at the bottom of the bed, taking his clothes off. At 23 he is young, fit and lean. I can't help but notice how big his cock is. Must be around 8 inches. My curvy 40 year old brunette wife takes off her bra and gives me a quick look whilst holding my hand. Her glasses catching the light.Over the years we had discussed this night many times. What he would look like. How old he would be. How big he would be. Tonight we had nervously gone to...

4 years ago
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After School Without Rules

Introduction: Me and my boyfriend used to be best friends and this is how he told me he wanted more i still love him and he wrote this when we were still together i fixed the spelling and grammar and changed the names even though were apart i still love him Anna walked out of her 7th period geometry class thinking of how much work she had when she got home glumly. A voice belonging to Teal pulled her out of her dull thoughts. He was standing in the library entrance gesturing her over....

2 years ago
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New Town Part 2

New Town Part 2 By Princess Pantyboy (All, I added a couple paragraphs from part 1. I hope it helps to become a better read since it's been awhile since I put Part 1 online. If you haven't read part 1 you should first. Thanks again for all the sweet emails with encouraging words. Hugs Princess) I put Kellie back on the floor but first giving him a big hug, hopefully throwing him off balance that I am reminding him to be more like the baby girl he is acting like. The look on Kellie's...

3 years ago
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The Paperboys Dream

Brett had been the dutiful paperboy in his suburban town for the last two years, always out early, never missed a day, always a smile for his neighbors. Brett was tall and toned for his age easily passing for late teens even with his smooth skin, the handsome looks and good jawline saw that the girls around town always looked twice.Brett had done the same round this last year and had gotten to know some of his customers. The same faces, the same smiles, it had gotten boring. There was one house...

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Teachers Pet

I must admit that my first semester as a college student was rather overwhelming and startling. During high school I had always been the type of person who conformed strictly to the "rules". No smoking. No drinking. No drugs. No sex. Needless to say it was, primarily, an uneventful time in my life. So imagine my first few weeks of the college experience. More parties, alcohol, and girls than you could shake a stick at. As a result I found myself drifting into the classic college first...

3 years ago
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First Time Ever

The First time i encountered anything sexual...I was five years away from my legal age, Paul my best friend also the same age as me & Stephen, Pauls Brother 19 or 20 years oldI had just had my birthday I was really quite nieve, having not really discussed anything sexualand back in those days everyone was nieve, there was no internet or porn at your fingertips,the only thing we ever got to see was the odd leaf from a dirty magazine that may have been strewneither in the bushes or at the...

4 years ago
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Evening School

DEDICATION: This story is for you Michelle - because I wanted to tell you where I come from - in more ways than one. PLEASE NOTE: Parts of his story have a high "yuck" factor. If involuntary bodily functions turn you off then I suggest you find another story. Don't read this over lunch, and if you have something in your hand while reading it I suggest that something is not your sandwich. In a central scene, George is looking after a very small, very sick child - and her mother. It's not...

2 years ago
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DevilsFilms Alexia Anders London Rose StepMommy Likes To Watch

Alexia Anders is busy working out at the home gym, showing off her physique. In the background, her boyfriend Cole Church can’t help but sneak peeks while also working out. Of course, this is all just for show as Alexia soon saunters over and starts jerking Cole off. But they are startled when London Rose, Alexia’s stepmom, walks in on them. Instead of being shocked, London seems pleased as she encourages them to continue! Alexia and Cole are shocked but Alexia is NOT about to let...

5 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 82

Wednesday I worked out hard in the gym after I spent several hours with Andy and Robert, then spent my daily hour at the firing range. My MP5, my Glock and M16 got a workout each day and a good cleaning after. Another thing I did was to make sure all the buckles, straps, and attachments were in good shape on my military grade body armor. With so much riding on the outcome of both France and Mexico, I was going to be there. I worked with Ching Lee, Vicky and Frank Hammonds on the Oklahoma...

4 years ago
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Boys and girls together

Introduction: Agroup of boys tried to come up with a way for boys and girls to get to know ech other better int heeir school, but very controlled I guess that my life started to take shape in elementary school. My seventh grade teacher, Miss Schmidt, started to treat me better then the other children in my class. I was a little above average intelligence. My parents were of the type that believed that the teacher had complete authority over me, as their student. I was well mannered and clean. I...

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The Chronicles of Mark and Jennifer Ch 02

Mark’s story Oh my God, Jen had accepted! She was actually going to go out with me. I stripped off and ran a hot bath: I wanted to be as clean as could be, and this student slums apartment doesn’t have a shower, so it’s baths for me. I shampooed and washed up, and then shaved. Time to pick out the right clothes. Well, for me, that meant khakis. This was a few years before the preppy look was in, but I still had some khakis. We weren’t allowed to wear jeans in high school, so I had several...

3 years ago
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Seduction Exhibitionism Part VI

Hi, Dear ISS readers, this is Seenu. I am back and hope you would have cherished reading the part 5 of my sex escapes with Ragini and Mythili. My appreciation of Mythili on two counts did not go will with Ragini and what happened next was beyond my wildest dreams. As all three of us were stark naked, and finished one round of foreplay, became tired a bit and all three of us decided that we will not dress up until finish the play we have started in the morning and to energize ourselves, I asked...

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The Birthday

It all started when I only 4 years old. My name is Jake. My little sister said was goanna have her 5th birthday and I was not invited cause it was a all girl's Barbie type party. Mom said the babysitter would take me to her house for the night and she would pick me up the next day. I did not want to go to the babysitter's house all she does is make me sleep the whole time she's around. An hour before she came to get me mom said that my sister said I could come to the party but only if...

4 years ago
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My stepdaughter is driving me crazy Part 2

My dick is throbbing. She must be feeling it on her foot which is still resting on my dick. I’m enjoying the moment. I’m closing my eyes, then scanning her body from her feet up to her thighs, her young shaved pussy, her nightdress, her full young breasts and her dark hair. I’m so glad that she’s doing this. It’s very wrong but somehow I’m telling myself it’s ok as long as I don’t let this escalate. After a few minutes Nadine moves again. No more feet on my lap. She’s curled up now on the sofa...

4 years ago
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Taboo IslandChapter 8

Over the next weeks the dynamics of the family changed dramatically. There was no longer any pretense or hiding sex between the three of them. Almost every night one or both of them made love to her. It might have been the competition or the possibility that she was pregnant, but Walter seemed to have a new energy. Of course it might also have been because they, for the most part, had dispensed with the wearing of clothes. Sometimes Grace put on panties, but mostly she was naked around the...

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P I and Magic Book II The Gods ReturnChapter 20

I strolled through Morningstar's Palace. After meeting with him, he had transported himself, Shaitan, and me, to the palace. Oddly, I did not see the depictions of hell that I always had been told about. I'm not saying they weren't there; just that I didn't come across anything like what had been described. It was definitely a harsh existence, though. Failure was dealt with swiftly and harshly. The few perks I had seen thus far, were in the form of power. This place was totally different...

2 years ago
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Seduced By My Favourite Teacher

Hi guys I’m arhaan back with my another story which happened to me when I was in 12th std.(18 at the time) I hope you guys have read my previous story about how I fucked a married aunty and I hope you guys enjoyed it.. And thanks for the feed back, I got from that story.. Agey ki story me simple language me bolte hu taaki sab ko maza aai Agr koi b female ko mere sth sex krna hi ya sex chat krna ho to mujhe meri email id pe mail krskte hai Mera email id – To ab me story start krta hu.. Ye...

4 years ago
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Girls Weekend Part III

We sat enjoying breakfast the next morning and I watched her gorgeous intelligent eyes, trying to work our what she was thinking. Maybe it was the same thing as me. I was a little confused right now and trying to work some stuff out in my head. As I watched her spread the toast, she glanced up momentarily and smiled. The images of the night before kept filling my mind, along with my deep feelings of desire. I kept watching and couldn’t take my eyes off her. I loved the way her raven hair fell...

3 years ago
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An Evening to Remember

Working at a lab facility can be nice, but often, when the pressure's up, and your report is due too soon, with too little funding, and too few assistants, it can be a living hell. It's times like these that I like to take a drink. Only one- I've never been much of one for car wrecks or hangovers, not since I wrecked my Dad's old pickup truck when I was sixteen, with my girlfriend in the seat next to me. She was fine besides a broken nose and a mild concussion, but she still hasn't forgiven me...

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The Youth Pastor Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Saturday came faster than I thought it would. As my mom drove me down the gravel road she asked me if it was appropriate that I should be spending 5 hours alone with a man. I told her it would be fine and not to worry because we would be at the tack shop most of the time. So I arrived at Mr. Monroes house and knocked on the door. He answered and asked what we should do first. I told him that we should go to my favorite tack shop called The Big Red Barn. We went and bought some...

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Masishen StrandedChapter 17

Fireside Evolution Boris had finished his breakfast and left with a truck driver for a ride to Boise when an intercept team arrived at the abandoned tent camp. They were perplexed. That something had uprooted the tent and left it abandoned at the edge of the campground was obvious. That all of the other camp gear was laying about undisturbed was surprising. That two men had disappeared from camp without explanation was unsettling. There was no sign of fighting or a scuffle; nothing had been...

4 years ago
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Walker Family Fun Part 01

After the funeral service was over, everyone went outside to place flowers on the casket sitting over the grave. When I took my turn to put flowers on it, I leaned way over and everyone's eyes immediately went to my beautiful naked breasts hanging down inside my business suit top. The people behind me got a great view also when they watched my short skirt rise up and expose the bottom of my naked ass cheeks. Even funerals can be fun sometimes! I just love the looks I get when I go grocery...

2 years ago
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A surprise from the past part 2

I woke again at 8 am to find Tony already up and busy getting breakfast, so I quickly dressed and joined him. While we were eating I asked him what time he was expecting his pals to arrive and he thought it would be about 10 o’clock. I explained that my friends were coming down from Fort William and if they had managed to leave at the crack of dawn they could arrive at about the same time. Then I suggested that we should avail ourselves of the camp site’s amenities which were a bit basic but...

4 years ago
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Hero Worship and Nocturnal Emissions

Even back then, I was fond of Michael but I never saw enough of him. But as I grew older, these visits kind of died out for some reason and it wasn’t until I was 18 that Michael came to stay with us for the first time. I too had a single bed and, remembering those times when we were kids, I was rather looking forward to Michael’s visit – although this time, I had another agenda entirely. Having navigated with great difficulty my years of puberty long before the arrival of the ‘Internet’...

3 years ago
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Taking My Daughter and Her Friend to Work for the

Taking My Daughter and Her Friend to Work for the Week – Chapter 9Taking My Daughter and Her Friend to Work for the Week – Chapter 9After the fantastic sex, I slept like a rock. The alarm was in it’s last throes of beeping when I came out of the comatose sleep I was in. I showered, dressed and looked in on the girls before I left for the course.After a quick breakfast I met Mike on the range for my warmup. There, I hit every practice shot perfect.Well, I see you’ve got yourself back in the zone...

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SweetheartVideo Jenna Foxx Emily Addison A Little Closer

It’s Maria’s (Jenna Foxx) birthday, she takes a nice hot bath before she celebrates with her mom. While she’s getting ready in her room, her stepmom Debbie (Emily Addison) comes in and gives her a birthday card from her dad. Maria, doesn’t open the card; she just puts it on the night table beside the bed. Debbie, feels bad for her, she tries to convince her that her dad didn’t do it on purpose. He really wants to be here, but it was impossible for him. Like every other birthday, she had. Things...

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Beauty Of A Glory Hole

Beauty Of A Glory HoleBy: Londebaaz Chohan Christopher was no geek, nerd or a bore. He was simply too good. He heard his friends and most class mates talk of pussies, cocks, boobs and ass holes. He heard a lots of stories of fucking, sucking, kissing and making out. Though he was sexy and horny more than any other boy in his class and his already adult size cock was always hard; he had not even masturbated as much as he should have. He was really that good a boy.One of his good friend; Scott,...

3 years ago
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Fire in the Water

They never found the Sara Lee. She was 5 days out working the trap lines, just like us when I heard the mayday call over the radio. I was running the haul, I just stopped and grabbed for the microphone. There was no answer to my repeated calls. We dropped everything, I hit the throttles on the Nancy Lee and headed in that direction. Even at full throttle, we were 3 hours away, The Sara Lee was 40 miles South and West of us. Running into the seas and wind, it took us 4 hours. I checked...

2 years ago
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Twins n best buds X

Introduction: another sexual experience Twins n best buds X Last night I had a date and while we were eating and talking the girl I was with made a comment about how it is really weird that me and Taylor can finish each others sentences and talk so much alike. Somewhere in the convo she asked if we had any secrets from each other. I thought about it a minute and told her we probably did but I couldnt say for sure. ( I knew right away that I had a couple of them I never told Taylor). Anyways,...

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