Lonnie’s Enterrpise free porn video

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by Philip Johnson


Fair warning, there is no sex in this work of fiction. It is purely a mystery/romance and I hope that some of you find it good reading.

Akron, Ohio is located about twenty five miles south of Cleveland and is transected by interstates seventy seven and seventy six. The city has a population of something over two hundred thousand souls and is the Summit county seat. At one point it was a heavy industrial center and considered the rubber capitol of the world, but that title has long since been lost. Now it is home to high technology, research and financial companies. It also has a thriving methamphetamine manufacturing presence.

Lonnie and Megan Becker lived on the south east side of town on Garner Drive in a modest but very nice home, less than fifteen miles from his budding research company, and Megan was an interior decorator. They had a good life with Megan working out of their home most of the time as a consultant for local contractors. With the building boom long past, her schedule had become much less hectic and she welcomed the slower pace.

Chapter One

Lonnie was late getting home, but that was nothing unusual. Megan pulled his dinner from the warm oven and he had dinner while she had coffee. ‘Sorry Lonnie, but I was too hungry to wait.’

‘That’s okay.’

‘I know your dinner is a little dry, but it was either that or let it get cold.’

‘I know. I sometimes think it would be easier if I just stopped someplace on the way home, when I have one of these long days.’

Be sure you call if that’s what you decide.’

‘I will.’

‘So what happened?’

‘I’m afraid our latest and greatest high tensile plastic formula is about hopeless.’

‘Your investors won’t be happy to hear that.’

‘No kidding. We won’t give up, but we may have to put it on the back burner and move on to something else for awhile. But on the up side, it is extremely strong for a flexible plastic and I think it just may be what Craig Longworth in Seattle is looking for. At leas,t that could cover what we’ve spent on research for the last six months.’

‘That should make it easier for your next report to the investors.’

I should hear something from Craig in the next week, so here’s hoping. If that falls through, I have another shot with Blake Faulkner in San Diego.’

‘Have you thought anymore about doing the manufacturing yourself?’

I don’t think I will, but I may have to work a partnership with somebody else to do it if the other options fail. Or, I’ll just sell Craig the formula, I haven’t decided, but I do know I want to keep my main focus on the research side though.’ Lonnie’s salary was secure, so at least their personal income was safe, but the failure of their most promising formula was a setback for his company.

It was only two days later when Lonnie called Megan to tell her, ‘I’ll be late tonight, so don’t bother with dinner. I’m waiting for a call from San Diego, so I might as well stay here and do some paper work. I’ll stop at Monty’s later for dinner.’

‘I hope you don’t get home too late.’

‘I should be home by eight or so.’

‘Thanks for calling, Honey.’ His call came a little before seven and as soon as he hung up, he locked his door and headed for dinner. As he was getting out of his car, another one pulled in not far from him and a tall man in jeans got out and followed him to the entrance.

As they waited for the hostess he asked Lonnie, ‘How’s the food here?’

‘It’s pretty good actually. Nothing fancy, but good and fast.’

‘Sounds like I picked the right place then.’

‘You from around here?’

‘Not really but I’m thinking of moving here.’

‘Oh, where from?’

‘Down state, Steubenville actually.’

‘Oh sure, along the river.’

‘That’s the place.’

‘Nice area as I recall.’

‘It isn’t bad.’

The hostess came and Lonnie said, ‘Join me why don’t you.’

‘Thanks, I’d like that.’

Service was fast, just as Lonnie had said and they talked as Lonnie had a scotch and water and Sam had a martini. ‘I’m Lonnie by the way.’

‘Nice to meet you Lonnie, I’m Sam.’

‘So what brings you up from Steubenville?’

‘I sold my company and I’m trying to decide what I want to do next.’

‘What was your company?’

‘It was a small one, Lyon Moldings. I made laser cut dies and custom molds for some of the local industries, mostly in the Wheeling area.’

‘I hope selling was by your choice.’

‘Oh, it was. I was tough competition for my main rival, so he gave me an offer I couldn’t refuse and bought me out.’

‘Sounds profitable.’

‘I won’t starve any time soon. So what do you do?’

‘I have a small research company. Right now we’re focusing on some plastics formulas.’

Sam raised his glass and offered, ‘To your success then.’

‘Thank you.’

‘So do you eat here all the time, Lonnie?’

‘No, I’m married, but when I’m running late I’ll eat here and it looks like it will be happening a lot in the coming weeks.’

‘You must be really busy, so I’ll take that as a good sign.’

‘We’ll know in a few weeks.’

Sam caught the waitress and got the check and told Lonnie, ‘On me.’

‘Thanks, Sam. I hope I’ll see you here again so I can return the favor.’

‘You probably will. I’m looking for a home to buy, so until then I’ll be eating a lot of my meals here or someplace like this.’

‘If I learn of anything interesting for sale, I’ll let you know.’

‘Thanks I’d appreciate that.’ Sam found the cash register and paid the bill and left.

Friday night was another long day for Lonnie, and just as he had said, Sam was there and waved Lonnie over to his table. Sam’s salad had just been delivered, so he waited until Lonnie could be served and they talked over a cocktail again. ‘Sam, I forgot to ask you, what kind of a house are you looking for and what price range?’

‘Oh, something on the south ,or south east side I think, and nothing too expensive. I still don’t know what I want to do, so I want to keep it simple.’

‘Well, I live on the southeast side, so I just might run into something.’

‘I’d appreciate the help. You said you’re married, any kids?’

‘No, not yet. I wanted to get my company on a solid footing before I dove into the father role.’

‘Might not be a bad idea.’

‘So you’re not married then.’

‘No…well, not now anyway, divorced about two years ago.’

‘Good thing that happened before you sold your company.’

‘You can say that again. She tried to go back and get a piece of it, but she failed. She didn’t deserve any of it anyway.’

Sam showed a crooked smile and admitted, ‘I do like my money and I’ll do what it takes to get it and keep it.’

‘Today’s world demands that kind of thinking.’

‘Well said, Lonnie.’

‘Listen, we’re having a few friends in tomorrow night, nothing fancy just to visit and share food and drink. Why don’t you join us, I think you’ll like everybody.’

‘Thanks, I would like that. Being in a strange town can be a little depressing at first.’ After writing on it, he handed Sam his card and continued, ‘Say about six.’

‘No tie, I hope.’

‘Hell no, the only requirement is don’t come naked.’

‘I think I can handle that. I hate to desert you but I better get going. I’ll see you tomorrow night then.’

Sam reached for his bill and Lonnie took it saying, ‘This one’s on me.’

‘Thanks, Lonnie, see you tomorrow night.’ Sam left and went in search of a liquor store so he could bring a bottle of Johnnie Walker Gold to Lonnie’s gathering.

Chapter Two

Sam found Lonnie’s house without too much trouble, and was greeted at the door b
y Megan. ‘Hi, I’m Sam, I hope Lonnie told you I was coming.’

‘Hi Sam, I’m Megan, and yes he did. Please come in, I’m so glad you could make it.’ He handed her the bottle and said, ‘I noticed that Lonnie likes this. I hope you do too, or I’ll have to bring you something special another time.’

‘No, this is very nice, thank you so much.’ Sam was introduced to the six other guests seated in the living room, and the group spent the next few hours having a little dinner and a lot of conversation. Miranda, one of Megan’s best friends, befriended Sam and they talked for quite awhile. The drinks flowed, and a couple of the guests plus Lonnie were pretty mellow by the time Sam left about eleven o’clock.

It was six days later when Sam and Lonnie had dinner together again. Sam caught him as he was going in, and they were soon having a cocktail and getting caught up. Sam raised his glass to Lonnie and started with, ‘Nice gathering last week, thanks for inviting me.’

‘Glad you could make it.’

‘I take it things are settling down, I haven’t seen you here for a while.’

‘I wish, I was in Seattle and San Diego, and just got back yesterday.’

‘Good trip?’

‘Long, but not too bad I guess. I was hopefully sowing some seeds to success.’

‘Here’s to profits’ and they drank to that toast.

‘So tell me Sam have you made any business decisions?’

‘No, not yet. I was talking to an old friend of mine and we’re kicking an idea around, but it’s a long way from a planning stage, and I’m meeting with other people from time to time. I’m in no real hurry, I guess. I’m kind of enjoying being able to take my time and enjoy life one step at a time.’

‘I envy you. By the way I may have a lead on a house that you might be interested in.’

‘Sounds good.’

‘Is there a way I can reach you if I need to?’

‘Well, I have a card, but all it has is my cell phone number since I don’t have a job or a permanent address.’ He handed one to Lonnie and he put that in his shirt pocket and looked at his watch.

‘I better get home to Megan.’

‘Tell her I said hi, and thank her again for her kind attention.’

‘I’ll do that.’

It was the middle of the next week when Sam got a call from Lonnie. ‘Sam, about that house I was telling you about.’

‘Yes, is it available?’

‘Went on the market today.’

‘What can you tell me about it?’

‘It might be bigger than you want, but it isn’t really large. Three bedroom, two and a half bath, about fifteen years old, and in excellent condition. I know the owners and I know they took good care of it.’

‘Sounds good so far, where is it?’

‘Southeast of town. Actually, it’s next door to us.’

‘So that’s how you know about it. Would it be the white one?’

‘It would be, so you noticed it.’

‘I did indeed.’

Listen, give Megan a call, and she’ll take you over. I’m going to be late again tonight. Oh, and I’ve cleared it with the realtor and our neighbor, and Megan is expecting your call.’

‘I appreciate all of your efforts, Lonnie.’

‘My pleasure. It would be great having you as our neighbor.’

For Sam, having Lonnie and Megan as his neighbors would work out perfectly, and as he remembered the house it would suit his needs nicely assuming the interior was acceptable.

Megan greeted him with a light embrace, and they shared a social peck on the cheek. Then after talking a minute, she called the neighbor and they went next door. Their neighbor Ellen answered the door, and was cordial as she described what they had done to update the house as the three of them worked their way through the ground floor and then on to the second floor. Sam could find nothing wrong with the house. As they went through the basement, he checked the wiring and the plumbing. He knew the house would suit him nicely, and by the time they were in the living room again, he had said he’d take it without attempting to reduce the amount and wrote her a check for the deposit. Ellen was smiling as she said, ‘I’ll bet that’s the fastest a house has sold in a very long time. The movers will be here next week ,so as soon as the paperwork is in order it’s yours.’

‘I’ll get with the realtor tomorrow and get that started.’

Sam and Megan walked back toward her house and he stopped and said, ‘As I recall, you’re an interior decorator.’

‘Yes I am.’

‘I’d like to hire you to furnish the house then.’

‘All of it? Don’t you have furniture to move?’

‘I sold it all with my house, linens and all. I just saved a few mementos is all.’

‘We’ll need to sit down and talk about it then, so I can get a feel for your likes and dislikes.’

‘I’m ready when you are.’

‘Where are you living now?’

‘In a furnished apartment about ten miles from here.’

She was still surprised and asked again, ‘All the furniture? Why?’

‘It had my ex wife’s energy all over it.’

‘Bad memories.’

‘That’s it.’

‘This will be expensive.’

‘I know. But let’s keep it simple, because I still don’t know where I’ll be in three years or what I’ll be doing. If I end up staying there, I’ll slowly replace things with better quality…with your help of course.’

‘Got time for coffee, and our first of several talks about your furniture and my fee?’

‘I’m at your disposal.’ The two of them spent the next couple of hours in Megan’s living room as they sipped iced tea and worked on his color choices and what he had in mind for the rooms.

‘Sam, what about the third bedroom?’

‘That would be my office.’ They went through the colors for that, and she questioned him about the furniture and his needs and then put her note pad down.

Leaning back she took a drink and told him, ‘This will take me some time.’

‘I’m sure it will.’

‘But you’re anxious to move I’m sure.’

‘Of course, I’ll write the check for the house tomorrow, so it just depends on how long it will take to do the paper work.’

‘Could you come over in a few days?’

‘You name the day and time.’

‘You really are that available?’

‘Well, what I have scheduled can be moved around without too much problem, and this is more important at the moment.’ Sam left before Lonnie got home, so Megan told him about how the house viewing went. ‘So he just said I’ll take it and wrote the check?’

‘That’s about it and he said he’d pay the realtor for the rest tomorrow. Plus, he paid my fee up front for the decorating.’

‘Must be nice.’

‘And yet he wants me to be conservative with what furniture I come up with.’

That’s why he has money, he’s frugal.’

‘Maybe so.’

Megan spent the next few days looking at furniture as she tried to furnish his house and once she had things lined up she called Sam. ‘Hi. I have some things for you to look at if you have time.’

‘I’ll make time. You thinking today?’

‘If that’s possible.’

‘I’m in town right now, so where do you want to meet?’

‘Why don’t you come here and I’ll drive.’

‘I’ll be there in about twenty five minutes.’

She heard him pull up and with her briefcase in hand, she met him at the door. She still took a moment to greet him and then they made the rounds of the furniture stores as she pointed out what she had in mind. It was no small task as they walked around, and he tried to remember what she had selected to go with something that they had seen two stores back. They did make progress though and with only a few exceptions, he agreed with what she proposed, and she had alternate suggestions in mind for those areas. They moved on to the bedroom furniture and he went with her second choice there. ‘Now Sam, you need to choose if you want queen or king and select the mattress.’

‘Queen, is more than adequate’ and he lay o
n the nearest mattress and got up. ‘That ones awful. On they went as he tested one after another. ‘I feel like papa bear. This one’s too soft, this one’s too hard etc.’ He tried another one and lay there for a second. ‘Megan lie next to me would you?’

‘What? Why?’

‘I want to make sure queen is large enough and I want your opinion on the comfort.’

‘But I might like something different than you.’

‘I’d still like your opinion.’

‘Okay, but if you don’t like it, you’re stuck with it.’ She lay next to him and he moved a little and turned on his side to face her.

‘Did you feel that?’


‘Me moving.’

‘Oh…that, no it was fine.’

‘And are you comfortable?’

‘I’m very comfortable.’

‘Me too.’

With that he jumped up and announced, ‘I’ll take this one then.’

Chapter Three

Except for the mattress, they had put a hold on the other furniture so they could review the choices one more time before he paid for them. ‘Sam, we still need to get all the linens and a whole list of small details.’

‘So we have a lot of shopping yet to do.’

‘I’m afraid so. You didn’t even keep things like dishes and silverware?’


‘Then we really do have a lot of ground to cover unless you want to get those things yourself.’

‘I can if you want me to, but I feel better having your input.’

‘I don’t mind, but we better do this again pretty soon.’

‘Just say the word and we’ll go.’

‘I have to say you’re one of the easiest clients I’ve ever worked with.’

‘That’s because I like your taste and trust you to steer me right.’

‘Well, I’d never do anything wrong intentionally, but don’t hesitate to disagree with me either.’

‘Oh, I won’t. Is Lonnie going to be late again this evening?’

‘I’m afraid so. It’s happening two or three times a week here lately.’

‘Everything okay at his office?’

‘Oh sure, it’s just that he tries to do everything himself, and right now there’s more than he can handle in a normal week’s work.’

‘I hope it settles down for him pretty soon.’

She laughed and told him, ‘I think you see him almost as much as I do.’

‘Okay, do you think Lonnie would object if I were to treat you to dinner? That way neither of us will eat alone.’

‘I don’t think he’d mind, and thank you. Of course that means you won’t have dinner with him this time.’

‘I can’t eat there every time or I’ll get sick of the place. Besides, if I have to choose between him and his very attractive wife, I have to go with you every time.’

‘Thank you Sam, that’s nice of you. Now when would you like to go shopping again?’

‘Let’s see this is Wednesday, so…how about Friday morning?’

‘That would be fine. Maybe we can get the majority of it done then.’

‘We can try.’ Megan selected a small local restaurant named the Clock Tower and they spent the better part of an hour over dinner and coffee as they talked about his house.

Then she asked him, ‘Dare I ask about your ex wife?’

‘I don’t mind.’

‘I take it you had a nasty divorce.’

‘Actually the divorce itself was rather civil when it came right down to it. It was the months preceding it that were rough.’

‘Why is that?’

‘It was like the more we argued, the more we found to argue about. We never should have gotten married in the first place.’

‘Were you married long?’

‘Just eighteen months.’

‘That’s sad.’

‘It’s sad that it ever happened and it was tough on both of us.’

‘So no bitter feelings?’

‘Oh there are, but in all fairness, I was part of the problem just like she was. I’m just glad it’s over.’

‘Some time ago?’

‘About two years now.’

‘Think you’ll ever get married again?’

‘Oh, I’m not against the institution of marriage, but I’ll go into it more carefully the next time.’

‘It’s amazing what we can see when we look backward.’

‘Isn’t it though. I’d guess that you and Lonnie have a solid relationship based on the fact that he’s working so much and you’re so understanding about it.’

‘Don’t misunderstand, Sam, I hate it with a passion, but that’s just the way it has to be for now I guess.’ He put his hand across the table and on hers and finished with,

‘That proves my point then I think.’ He took his hand back and emptied his cup and asked her, ‘Want more coffee, or are you ready to go?’

‘I’ve had enough I think.’ As Megan drove them home she asked him,

‘What do you like to do for fun?’

‘It’s been quite a while since I’ve thought about it I guess. First it was the divorce mess, and the less than a year after that, I went into negotiations to sell the business, and even after I sold the business, I was busy tying up loose ends for some time. One thing I used to enjoy was my kitchen. I like to make appetizers or small desserts…..dishes for entertaining mostly.’

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The mirror was an old one, picked up at a consignment shop a year earlier. Its oak frame holding glass that was wavy and dappled with dark spots. My image is slightly distorted, Bianca thought. Seeming unconcerned about any distortion, she tried on each of the three tops in turn, and then selected two others from her closet, repeating the routine of bending this way then that, while viewing the amount of cleavage each successive bend or twist might reveal to Jimmy when he stood across the...

3 years ago
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The Tgril Hooker pt2

All my stories are based on real life experiences.As I left off.....Emma pulled the toy out of me and said "I want you on all fours and ready yourself for a extra surprise...." I was still blind folded and as horny as hell, Emma had so far made me feel amazing and I think due to being blindfolded it had almost given me double the pleasure and the darkness had added an extra thrill of never really knowing what was going on.I got on to all fours like instructed and I could feel Emma behind me....

3 years ago
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Seduction of Shanti 2 Shanti allows hung friend t

The next day was Tuesday, and Shanti was leaving to go back home on Friday. Angelo had left her room about an hour later last night, and an hour after that Anna and Elvira came in. Shanti was already asleep, but the next morning she had to admit to her friends that she got laid. They were a little shocked, and it was quickly covered up with laughter and jokes. Neither one of the other women had sex, although both came reasonably close, they had decided to make the men wait more than the one...

1 year ago
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My Very Drunk Wife Part 2

The first part of this story was posted a day or so ago. For a while after that last adventure Jackie was very reluctant to talk about it or to be reminded of it. However, she eventually mellowed and soon it became normal practice for me to mention Tim's name whilst we were making love, and she would get extremely excited! Particularly if she'd had a few drinks beforehand (which I often made sure she did). We regularly went to our local for a meal and a few drinks with friends on Saturday...

Wife Lovers
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My First Time With Pa

Hey all, this is Victor here from India. Currently single and available for any kind of relationship. Whatsaap chats, email exchanges, dates, night outs, etc. I do respect every one and hence each name used in all my stories would be changed. Also if contacted, I would respect the secrecy of relation as well as the individual. Coming down to the story. It was all about when I was in 11th (Commerce). That was the time I used to study in Baroda. Must be mid December 2001. My and my friends used...

1 year ago
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Sexy house wfie

Dear friends, I met a lady via chattin in the keralaerotica chat room. We now got close and are fuckin every possible way.she is a house wife.38 yrs old. i am not revealing from which place we are, were we met for fuck.like that. our sex relation is confidential.i will tell that I am a guy from kerala. calicut is my working place. so currently in calicut. i am 22 years old , tall, broad chested with athletic body and 8 inch hard cock which loves matured ladies.i like sexy gals. She have...

3 years ago
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A Homeless Treat

“Isn’t fate strange?” Caroline said as they drove off from the supermarket parking area.“What do you mean, baby?” Garth, her husband, asked.“Well, if the homeless guy that always pushes our trolley and unpacks our groceries got cleaned up, I think that he could be; extremely sexy,” she answered with brevity.“You’re not serious?” Garth replied, before adding, “He would have to spend a week in a bath of antiseptic and detergent to get cleaned up.”“Yeah, he certainly needs a good scrubbing. But,...

4 years ago
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She Loves Being Watched

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers We had been married for about three years when I got a job offer in Kolkata and we moved from Mumbai. Our rented flat was on the first floor of an old English style building in a small lane. It had large wooden windows without glass panes but wooden shutters. On the second night after we moved in we had a power cut and the room became very hot. It was summer. We opened the windows to get some breeze. It was a full moon night and the room was was quite...

1 year ago
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WaitressPOV Allie Addison Cheater Cheater DickEater

Cute young waitress Allie Addison is serving up tasty comfort food to try-hard flirt Tony when she gets some heartbreaking news; her man is cheating on her! Seizing the opportunity to get some payback, she agrees to go chill with Tony at his place. In just a few minutes she’s posing for Tony while she sucks his big white dick and sending the pics to her now ex-boyfriend. Tony drills the little blond cheater’s tight wet pussy to several screaming orgasms then hoses her down with a...

1 year ago
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My Descent Into Being a DogslutChapter 2

Last Saturday night was amazing. Everyone is having a horrible time at the minute obviously due to this ghastly virus and our ‘lockdowns.’ Hope everyone is staying safe and well. I haven’t seen any of my regular lovers for weeks now and other than messages from them to let me know how they are doing, my fun has obviously been curtailed somewhat! Everyone is with family mainly and of course Mike is now home fully (most time we have ever spent together!) Our two children are with friends...

3 years ago
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Mom Ne Diya Naya Papa 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, mera naam Nikhil Malhotra hai. Main Uttar Pradesh se aapke liye ek sex story lekar aaya hu. Meri family mein 3 log hai main, mom and dad. Hum log ek rich family se hai. Mere dad ka naam Amit malhotra hai, aur wo ek private company mein job karte hai. Is story ki heroine meri mom Kavya malhotra hai. Unki age to 38 hai, lekin mushkil wo se 30-32 ki lagti hai. Meri mom ek boutique company mein manager hai. Mom bahut modern hai, aur wo hamesha modern dresses hi pehanti hai. Wo ghar...

3 years ago
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Book 4 Hanks StoryChapter 8

One by one they appeared next to the twins, WindWhispers smiled, a smile that didn't reach his amber eye's "A welcoming committee, how nice of you. Bitsy time has treated you well, ahh I see your still with your human lover, how quaint. Marti'en I'm surprised to see your still around one hears that the old ones are drifting to the winds." Bitsy shuddered this was not the WindWhisper she had tried so hard to save, this was the Wind of evil and pain, she could see it in his hard...

3 years ago
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Angels and Guardians Pt 01

Author’s note: The following story is about an eventful fall that brings a cheerleader from another state to know a very special group of friends. This story is 9 parts storyline, 1 part sex. If you’re looking for ‘Wham Bam’ right off, it isn’t for you. All characters are aged 18 at the time sex is described. Thank you for reading. ************************************************ Chapter 1 Living On a Prayer ‘You really need to stop saving my life. You’re gonna kill yourself someday.’ Joe...

1 year ago
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Fucked By Three Guys In Cohin

Hi I’m Sam, I live somewhere in North India. I’m 5.6 in height very cute to look, with very seductive eyes and I have very sexy body and I am gay. I am going to tell u a real story which happened last year when I went to Kerala with my friends. Kerala boys are always horny whether str8 or gay, you can always see horniness in their eyes and I love mallus because they have very big tools, we stayed in cochin near de back waters, we saw de city and den in de night we went to our rooms to sleep . I...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Private Monika Wild A Buttaholic Debuts

Today in Private Specials, Rimming Ladies 2 we have a real treat and it comes in the form of debutant Monika Wild, a stunning teen with a phenomenal little figure and sexy tattoos who has come to measure up Kai Taylor and gets much more than she hoped for! Watch Monika on her knees get a good serving of cock, gagging and deepthroating before showing off her rimming skills with some ass licking action. Then enjoy the sight of this sexy teen as she enjoys a hard fuck that will have her moaning...

3 years ago
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Fancy Dress or Undressed

I shocked myself a bit when I said it out loud. Mostly I’d been attempting to amuse my friend Rob. He had a huge talent for, and interest in, inappropriate comments. But he had perhaps mastered the art of making such comments sotto voce, or at least quietly enough to not be heard by the person referred to. Just for a moment, I hoped that Sarah hadn’t heard, but she turned and approached me. I expected to be slapped in response. When I looked around, it seemed that Rob had also mastered the art...

3 years ago
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Shy wifes first solo meet and greet

So ever since we've started in the lifestyle, we done things together. Whether it was a group chat with potential playmates or the actual playdate, I (husband) was always present. Partly because it made my wife more comfortable with me being there, and partly because I just really like seeing everything from start to finish. My wife is very shy and gets extremely nervous whenever we meet anyone, so me being there helps her with breaking the ice, as well as just making her feel safer about...

4 years ago
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Silver Lining

Rowena didn’t swear. She never had done and thought those women who did lacked the intelligence and vocabulary to communicate properly. But today! To call it a bad hair day was an understatement. It seemed everything had gone wrong, which was why she had stayed late at the office to try and put things right, why she was driving home in the dark, her wipers struggling to clear the torrential downpour flooding the windscreen. Maybe just this once, she thought, it might be a relief to let rip...

2 years ago
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Plumper BBW Stories Mature sex

I was 19 and growing in my sexual ways-by 16 my romantic poetic tone of talking was matured.I was already built like a bull short but powerful stocky muscular. I call myself a mini black hulk. Anyways I had three sexual encounters before the one I speak of later. I was one of those kids that grew into sex very easy like an omen.Like if a teacher had a sexual encounter with me it would only build my sexual knowledge. I wouldn’t need therapy. (Though this sadly never happened) I live in...

1 year ago
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Behan Ki God Bhari

Hi I am Huma, I am glad that readers have appreciated my recent stories greatly. My present story is a hot one in which husband offers his wife to be impregnated by her real brother. A hot sister brother incest with lots of vulgar dialogues is a dish I am offering you. Post your comments at ” AUR JOR SE CHODO MUJHE MERE RAJA, MERI CHOOT KAB SE TARAS RAHI HAI TERE LUND KO. KAHAN THAY ITNE BARSON SE MERE BHAIYA, MERE SAINYA, MERE MALIK, APNI BEHAN KO CHOD KAR NIHAL KAR DO AAJ MUJHE CHOD LO APNI...

2 years ago
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SRU Iteration X

SRU: Iteration X The woman scanned the mall wallway, looking for the little door people had told her would be there. She chanced a glance back at a section she had already passed three times and found what she was looking for. A small plain door with a sign saying "Spells 'R Us". She limped to the door, hoping that it wouldn't disappear before she could reach it. She had been searching for weeks and wasn't about to give up now. Going through the door, she walked into the shop. There...

3 years ago
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Valentine At 18 At Her House When She Was Alone

Hey, I am Ratheesh Goyal, age 18. I live in Ghaziabad, U.P. Contact me at Or find me on facebook. I have been an avid reader of ISS and have a huge drive for sex. This is my first story on ISS of one of the incidents with my girlfriend.Starting with the story. It was 14th February, you can think in a way that due to this date I got this chance. It was a long time since I met her as we were busy in preparing for our final exams. I called to ask her to meet me at the mall, but I got aroused...

3 years ago
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My Sister Fucked By Rag Pickers

Hi readers my name is Rohit and I am going to tell a about a real incident which happened with my sister Arti. She is a married girl and her age is 24 years. She is very fair and her skin is smooth and soft. She has long black hairs which reaches till her ass. Her height is 5 ft 6 inches and weighs about 60 kg. Her figure is 34 30 36 with good round ass. Her husband work in an MNC in Delhi and travels a lot to Hyderabad for official purpose. One day Arti got a call from unknown number and then...

2 years ago
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“E-rog-en-ous Zones – look it up. They are places on a woman’s body that, when touched ... or kissed, can produce the female equivalent of your ‘problem,’ at least it makes us feel really good all ‘inside.’” “A young girl like Claire or Kalista doesn’t know they have places on their backs that control specific parts of their anatomy, and can create a lot of sexual feelings, and in your and their cases, sexual frustration. Be Careful, dude,” Sarah finished. “Since this doesn’t sound like...

4 years ago
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A Journey into Submission

A Journey into Submission A Journey into Submission Summery: This is a story about a woman named Elizabeth who comes home to an intruder in her home. The events that follow lead her into the world of D/s. At first Elizabeth is confused by what she is experiencing and feeling. By sudburyhousewife [email protected] Author?s homepage and self-introduction; (recommended for new author) I don?t currently have one. I?ll update when I do Story Code: M/f, toys, spanking, D/s,...

3 years ago
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Seth a Civil War StoryChapter 18 Lincoln

Sweating junior officers called squads of soldiers from the walls, trenches and firing pits of Fort Stevens, and at a sergeant's insistence, Seth and Jefferson joined a shuffling chow line. The busy cooks never looked up as they served everyone a piece of gristly meat, a hunk of dark bread, and a cup of thick bean soup. The soldiers stood or squatted in the shadiest areas eating and joking about the probable age and source of their meat. They could not decide whether it was mule or camel,...

2 years ago
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Bujhae Shadi Shuda Mard Ke Pyas

Hi and greetings to mere all my indian sex stories dot net fans. “Aslee jawani ka pata tab chalta hai, jab dhere-dhere aap kisse ke samne apne kapre utarne lagte hai.” Ye baat mujhe tab pata chale jab maine is cheez ka experiance apni friend ke husband ke sath kea. My name is Saarika Singh aur main abhi 26years ke houn. Waise to main Bhopal(M.P) se houn par abhi NCR Delhi main job kar rahe houn, Aur 2yr se yaha settle houn. Mere skin tone pale white (gora) hai, aur kamar 28inc ke hai, aur main...

4 years ago
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My Wicked WaysChapter 49

Several lovers later, and I kid you not, I was joined by a lady dressed like Bond villain Xenia Zaragevna Onatopp from the 007 film GoldenEye. She had the costume down to a science, including the hairstyle, and she acted the part as well, riding me as aggressively as she could, even getting a bit rough. She bit my lip, but not too hard, and she also pinned my hands down by my wrists to the cold surface of the mall floor. She clearly knew and grasped that I was more than ready for something...

1 year ago
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The trip to the wondrous dessert in the Australian outback ended in disaster between my long time friend, lover and fiancé and me. We had a huge fight, a real knock down drag out, love ending brawl that left me alone in the wilderness near Ayres Rock right dab in the middle of the land down under. I was mad, I was alone and I was desperate to get back to the States. But I was down to my last $200.00 plus my airline ticket for my return flight and I had a long way to go to Sydney, so I did what...

3 years ago
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Sister Celeste Angel of Mercy Ch 1

This is a love story, so it's long and not full of sex. But this is a prequel to Sister Celeste: Snake Charmer. You will have a better understanding of Celeste's career if you read that first. I'm writing from the POV of a woman, which I don't feel particularly comfortable with, but you can be the judge of whether she is plausible.Chapter 1I hadn't been practicing long when Dr. F showed a troubling case file to me. Her first erectile dysfunction patient had stopped getting testosterone...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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“Could you handle that baby?,” she teases as I watch her dressing. A black, string, cup-less bra, then a matching g-string. “Does my ass look big?,” she smiles as I do up the clip on her g-string and ogle her wonderful size-14 ass, highlighted by the g-string on her size-12 body. Then a short, black, mid-thigh skirt and black silk blouse. “That black silk feels wonderful on my naked nipples,” she smiles as she watches me dress, loafers, skimpy black briefs, slacks and a white shirt. After...

3 years ago
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The Journey of Kylie and Zac Part 2

I woke up at 10:35 a.m. from a crazy night, realizing today is the day I was to hang out with Zac. I got up and went to my dresser, getting a orange bra and lace panties that matched, and put them on. I went to the bathroom and began to brush my teeth, as I turned on the flat iron. After I was finished brushing my teeth, I started straightening my hair and put on a red bandana. I walked from the bathroom to my closet and grabbed a white tank top and a pair of jeans. I changed and walked...

2 years ago
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A FRENCH VILLAGE (A TALE OF WAR) PART 7 AND LASTNote: This last part of my story is not a history of the fall of Vichy. It was liberated by the Resistance one week after Paris (end of August 1944). This last part will follow certain key characters a month of so before the fall of the city. It’s a story about the relationships of women who love women, and men who love men. Sex continued to happen until the end, but the fate of the characters will remain a mystery....

4 years ago
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Prudence House

Brownie, Coop and I met in fourth grade and had been friends ever since. Ms. Zimmerman was unconventional and arranged the students alphabetically by first name instead of last name like all the other teachers, so we three boys named Matthew got put at the same table. For a while, we tried calling ourselves "Matt," "Matty" and "Matthew," but that didn't stick. For the most part we were "Matt B.," "Matt C." and "Matt R." I kind of liked that, because my name came out sounding like...

2 years ago
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Pat and James

It was towards the end of the school day and since I started earlier than the rest of the students I got to leave at two instead of three thirty like the other students. I was headed to the Drama Clubs changing room where Pat had left her school clothes there for me as our plan. I had been a little stressed out about impersonating Pat because she's a brunette and although I was now one too, my hair hadn't been quite as long as hers. Luckily Pat had no qualms about getting a new hair style...

2 years ago
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Free Use part 5

This world had so many little hidden gems for Danny to discover. The first had been that in this world, people were sexually active with most anyone around them who was over the age of 18 and a person could fuck anyone of their choosing so long as the other person gave consent. The second gem was that most people including people from Danny’s past and celebrities posted nudes online. The third gem was that even if someone was married or in a committed relationship, they were still able to...

3 years ago
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I Needed A Pay Hike But Ended Up Getting A Lucrative Job Offer

Hello readers, Welcome to my secret diary & thank you for stopping by. I’ve wanted to start this blog for a while ,but have really no idea why I waited. It took me a while to be truly convinced that I should start it. Wanting is one thing but actually believing, I should because someone would want to read it is another. In the battle between my heart and mind, my heart won eventually and here I am! I am sharing my experience whilst the stories and characters are real, the names are fictitious,...

1 year ago
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The professor and the student

College was great and had many sexy very developed girls. The professor was hot and the girls all had a crush on him. One girl sat in the front row and wore no panties and spread her legs for him to see. He told her she would have to come to his office after school as he needed to punish her.At four o'clock she knocked on his door and he let her in. He shut the door and locked it. She was a sexy thing with big full tits and a round ass and her pussy was shaved as he could see with her legs...

4 years ago
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Blood Love Ch 05

Christian stirred under the blankets, his hands roaming across the bed seeking his lover’s body. Slowly he realized that she wasn’t there. He blinked a few times, trying to rid the sleep from his eyes, and stretched. Doing a once over of the room, he figured out that she must be downstairs somewhere. He rose from the bed and went over to the closet to retrieve some clothes, walking around naked would only end up in a disaster. Grabbing a shirt and a pair of shorts, he went to splash some cold...

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