Hungarian Rhapsody Ch. 01 free porn video

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This story is an idealized work of fiction. The setting, even though inspired by history, is by no means reflecting events of the past with historical accuracy. Essentially it is a love story that has been close to my heart for a long time now. Feedback is welcome. :o)


Chapter 1 – Shattered Dreams

‘Through a millennium we have prevailed upon this land, the throbbing heart of a bleeding continent.’

The words lingered in Amalia’s mind long after the flames had consumed her father’s memoirs along with his letter and last words of instruction. Soon the mysterious glow of the fireplace would be the only reminder of the past. Century old family treasures, certificates bearing the seals of kings and rulers long gone, their genealogy and linage, even her brother’s letters from the Eastern front were reduced to ashes that would soon turn cold and be forgotten along with her family’s unfortunate history.

Averting her eyes she glanced out the window, far into the snow covered endless darkness that stretched across the lake.

Peaceful, just like the grave, she thought sadly.

Looking up she searched for stars through the thick mantel of the cloudy winter sky, just like she had done countless times when missing Rudolf.

‘Should you miss me just look up and up and up, right into the night sky. The same stars you see will shine down on me, where ever duty calls me,’ he had told her comfortingly when saying goodbye.

She had just turned eighteen then and felt highly insulted for being talked to in such a childlike manner. Years later she stood there, trembling, gazing out into the same night sky, looking up and up and up and seeing nothing but the darkness that had befallen their world, the same empty darkness that must surround her brother now, out there, somewhere, abandoned in the cold soil of the tundra with no cross to bear his name.

The frantic knock on the door tore Amalia from her mourning, her maid entering with a feverish rush.

‘My lady … my lady we must hurry,’ Mariska panted breathlessly. ‘They’re at the village already!’

As toddlers they had played together, down by the lake shore at times of peace. When the first war had become but a stinging wound to their mutilated homeland, another boring topic of debate for the gentlemen hunting alongside her father high up in the hills. Looking at Mariska now, her eyes bloodshot with worry, her face pale with fear, she couldn’t help but wonder, did she look the same?

Her mother’s room had remained unchanged. Her health had started to dwindle rapidly after learning of her son’s fate last winter. By the time the forget-me-nots started to bloom, her soul was reunited with that of her beloved son. At least Amalia liked to think so.

The baroness’ presence still lingered in her rooms, even as her daughter stepped in front of the antique dresser eying her own reflection in the mirror critically.

No, she didn’t look like Mariska at all. The evening gown she had chosen for the night was a dark, shimmering black complimenting her pale complexion and emphasizing her slender beauty. The jewelery sparkled elegantly in the candlelight. Oil for the lamps had become a rarity and electricity was gone from their daily lives since the first days of the occupation. The pins in her dark hair matched her mother’s most precious collier and ear rings perfectly. She touched up her make up with great care, as if perfecting a piece of art before gesturing for the rich fur coat.

Mariska caressed the soft material for a moment sadly then assisted the young lady in draping it over her shoulders.

A final glance into the mirror: a majestic view. At twenty one years of age she looked utterly adult, gracefully noble and seductively feminine. When she was a little girl, she had admired her mother in her long, beautiful evening gowns, watched her enthusiastically as she got dressed for the opera or one of the governor’s famous parties in the city. The image starring back at her now from the mirror, so proud, so elegant, would have made people’s head turn at any of those events, Amalia noted contently.

Mariska didn’t dare to hug her farewell, her sobs echoing through the empty corridors and rooms of the summer estate as she ran, frantically, helplessly after being dismissed.

‘God be with you, my lady,’ she had cried.

The young baroness watched her run, out of her mother’s rooms, heard her hurry down the steps that led away from the west wing of the villa, heard her run and cry, run to die probably in the forceful arms of an invader.

Gunfire sounded from afar at first, bringing her attention back to the velvet box placed carefully on the dresser by the trembling hands of her maid. Amalia opened it slowly, greeting her companion for this night with respect. Certainly worthy of any noble lady in beauty and style.

Her gloved fingers slid over the fine craftsmanship carefully, lingering, much like a loved one’s caress. The gunfire was drawing closer to the estate now, she could make out distinct shots and the occasional cry for mercy, sounds of defenders’ and invaders’ fear in the dark.

She picked up the weapon gracefully, intent on not giving the satisfaction of raping and killing an Orlay to any of those dogs howling outside the doors. Determined to save their family’s honor and follow her father’s silent instructions, carefully embedded in the final words of farewell he was able to send her from his prison. She was determined, she would not fail. And yet she couldn’t help her eyes blurring with tears.

Her thoughts drifted to her secret, a wound so fresh, her father in captivity could not have known about. To the one person she had given her word to forget. Her broken promise. Erich.

And with him came a thunder of emotions crashing down on her, blurring her noble plan with doubts. Somewhere, out there, he was most likely dead by now, wasting away atop a heap of corps or maybe resting just like her brother, far away from his home, in an unmarked mass grave. Or if not, he had forgotten about her by now. If he was not dead yet, he was soon to die. So in the end he would follow and find her anyways, wouldn’t he?

‘Oh God have mercy, what am I doing?!’ she cried out desperately.

And there, in the middle of her panic, with the gunfire of foreign arms singing their deadly melody right below her balcony, she remembered the words that were now but ashes, that didn’t exist anymore but in her mind.

‘Through a millennium we have prevailed upon this land, the throbbing heart of a bleeding continent.’

She dropped the elegant little gun as if burned, her breathing quickening, her mind running frantically on it’s own accord.

‘Forgive me, forgive me! Please, forgive me’ she pleaded breathlessly, tearing at the smooth, rich fur and the exquisite material of her gown.

The late baroness’ collier broke into pieces and elegantly set, tiny sparkling stones flew across the room. Gems to be picked up by pigs in time. What had been once whole and of most precious value fell apart that night.

Darkness stretched across the lakeside, only illuminated by the occasional gunfire, until a tiny spark appeared on the Northern shore, growing slowly, steadily into an all consuming fire that brightened the cold winter night of the invasion across the lake, leaving but a few burnt walls of the summer estate of the noble Orlay family behind.


She floated. Slowly, softly rocking and drifting away. A pleasant numbness engulfed her body and she finally felt peace settle over her mind.


It had been a magical October. The night of the first snow fall that year. The tension was palpable in the air as the black car rushed along the elegant homes lined up at the riverbank, passing numerous tanks and armed forces on the streets, only to find the town house deserted. There was an old housekeeper left to report that the baro
n and his daughter had moved to the villa at the lake after the baroness had passed away that spring. The baron occasionally still spent a night at the town house when his affairs demanded his presence in the city but for the most part has grown to prefer a secluded country life.

The drive should not have taken more than two hours, two precious hours he did not have. He had dismissed the chauffeur and decided to travel on his own. His flash light had started to dwindle above the map. Directions were not easy to get after nightfall. People all around the country were talking amongst themselves, guessing, getting more and more nervous and gradually growing aware of the inevitable outcome of the war. It was well past midnight by the time he arrived at the villa, having been there only twice before. The first time years ago, in fact when Rudolf had introduced him to his family, as a friend.

Now he knocked on the heavy oak door with authority and a vehemence that was bound to the uniform he wore.

No one was asleep in the villa that night. He could hear the radio broadcast as soon as he entered, they played a patriotic march. Amalia sat in the salon, accompanied by a handful of servants, the priest and the aged teacher of the village neighboring the estate. They had most likely come to gather and bring news.

The company seemed to pale like one man as soon as he entered the salon. All of them struck by fear, except Amalia. Despite his uniform, despite the hatred and the political turmoils of the day, she had recognized a friend in him, not an occupant.

Talking to her in private was easier than he had expected. The servants seemed eager to flee his presence. Only the aged teacher who had known her since childhood voiced concerns which she gently soothed away.

‘The Obersturmführer had been a dear friend of my brother’s. He is welcome as a guest in our home. Mariska, get some late supper readied, please.’

He didn’t like her distant and carefully chosen words and missed the light of warmth that had left her eyes after the initial excitement of meeting him again.

They had not seen each other in almost a year.

She was vaguely aware of him offering his condolence for the passing away of her mother, begging her pardon for the late hour, talking about urgency and matters of great importance. She listened to him, barely, for all she could do was look at him. He had not changed much, she noticed with delight. Despite the menacing uniform of the SS she could still see the same carefully combed sandy blond tresses, the same aristocratic, masculine face and gentle blue eyes that had captivated her heart years ago.

She had been a child then, unaware of love and the ways between man and woman. He was barely a young man himself, studying at the University of Nürenberg alongside her brother. Blue blood, influential family, just like their own. Albeit in a foreign land the ideas of which her brother had chosen to become a diligent student of. He admired Germany’s strength and efficacy in battling the depression, saw hope and reason in the new order of the world they promised. His views had led to many a passionate debate between Rudolf and their father about true patriotism and the best interests of their homeland. The baron was the child of a declining era, fiercely valuing and preaching independence, calling for revision of the treaty of Trianon but utterly refusing the idea of serving foreign interests.

‘Ignoring foreign influence and politics would be foolish. We cannot ignore the world around us, father!’ Rudolf would often debate passionately only to provoke the baron’s anger but never able to change the traditionalist’s views.

Amalia was but a child and had grown to hate politics because of these very debates, never taking much interest until their country entered the war and Rudolf was sent to the Eastern front.

‘I am afraid the news I bring you is grave. Baroness, your father has been arrested this afternoon.’

The words seemed to drift to her from afar.

‘Arrested? What are you talking about? Arrested by whom? Why?’

She looked at the officer confused and offended, taking a few cautious steps backwards and putting distance between them.

He hated to cause her mistrust.

‘It seems your government has plotted with the Russians behind our backs, I am sure you have heard the news.’ He gestured towards the turned off radio. ‘Their attempts have failed. And of course the Reich cannot let such behavior unpunished.’

‘What does any of this have to do with my father?’

‘Your Nazis have overthrown the government by evening fall and taken control of the capital.’

‘Is that right? Our Nazis? All on their own?’ She spat the words at him, full of hatred, ‘Still, my father is a traditionalist, he has nothing to do with this.’

‘Several influential men were arrested today. Involved or not, the Baron Orlay was one of them.’

His words bore the power of steel, finally breaking through her denial.

‘Arrested? But, the governor knows him, my father is no traitor! Once the governor learns of this, he will be free. He must be free! This is a misunderstanding,’ she tried to reason, sinking down on the sofa as realization started to dawn on her.

He knelt by her side, touching her arm with gentle familiarity.

‘Amalia, the governor has no means to save your father. He has no means to even save himself … or his family. He will officially resign tomorrow.’

‘How can you know? He would not leave his people to those rabid dogs!’

His jaw tightened, just a little. It was clearly an insult, yes, but it also indicated trust.

‘It is not important how I know. But I do know it, with certainty. The streets of the city are flooded with our tanks to support your armed Nazi forces. They are intended to punish the rebels. Tomorrow, or the day after, I don’t know when, but they will come.’

‘What about father … can’t you do something? Anything?’ She fell to her knees before him, all grace and dignity forgotten, begging him to interfere, to save her father, her only family left. ‘Please, have mercy! My brother died alongside the soldiers of the Reich, his son! Don’t they know that? You must help him, please, help him!’

Her words turned to vehement sobs that even his gentle rocking could not sooth. He put his arms around her trembling body, so fragile in his arms, trying to give what little comfort he had to offer through his embrace.

‘He’ll be questioned, if not already. Then … perhaps transported …’

‘No!’ Amalia cried. By the time the late night supper arrived she had no more tears left to shed.

‘I have come to take you with me,’ he said finally after finishing the meal, when she had calmed down enough to talk reasonably again.

She looked at him through glassy eyes, a sad smile on her lips. Oh how she had longed to hear him say those very words, for years even. But now, it seemed too late.

‘I have the papers with me, we will marry tomorrow morning in the city.’

‘Marry? You are not making sense! Are you not here to arrest me as well? Why would we get married, you haven’t even proposed!’

He took her hands gently in his own. The fingers of an artist. She could faintly hear the music in her ears, see him dressed in casual clothes, sitting in their music room, the summer before the war, carefree. Laughing and playing Chopin with all of his heart. Secretly she had hoped, she liked to imagine that he was playing just for her.

‘I know this is a lot to take in for one night, I know. But you must understand, you cannot stay here. You are not safe here anymore.’

‘But father …’

‘Amalia, it breaks my heart to say this after all the grief I have caused you, but your father is not likely to return.’

‘Not likely? That means … that means you don’t know for sure, do you?’

Hope glittered in her eyes for the first time since h
e had broken the news on her. He didn’t have it in his heart to extinct the spark.

‘No, I don’t know with certainty. Only God knows such things,’ he whispered. ‘But I do know, with certainty, that it would break his heart if anything happened to you. He loves you more than life itself.’

‘I have never told you this, but I can’t propose to you without making you aware of the danger our union could bring. Actually, you were wrong love,’ he explained with a small, sad smile, the endearment rolling so naturally off his tongue. She didn’t seem startled at all with the familiarity nor the liberties he was taking by embracing her, caressing her hair while speaking to her softly.

‘I have proposed for your hand in marriage before. To your father. I was aware of his feelings towards my people and wanted his blessing before talking to you.’

Amalia looked up at him, astonishment evident on her beautiful face. For even with her eyes red, her cheeks flushed and stained with drying tears, he couldn’t help but gaze at her and think how beautiful she was, how lovely and utterly desirable.

‘You never asked me,’ she ventured.

‘No, I didn’t,’ he agreed with a sigh of regret.

‘You have changed your mind.’

A pregnant pause followed, he contemplated how much to tell her, what to say.

‘You didn’t want me. I don’t want your pity or sense of duty either!’ She exclaimed suddenly jumping up from the sofa and turning her back on him.

‘That is not at all how it has been. Your father and I, we may not have agreed in many things but … we both wanted for you to be happy and … to be safe.’

He tried to wrap his arms around her again, watching her hug her body and rub her arms for comfort.

She shrugged his touch off though, stepping away.

‘Your father was a wise man.’

‘Don’t you dare talk about him as if he was dead already!’

‘He was aware, that as an aristocrat, as an officer of the Wehrmacht any association of mine would be scanned closely, especially once I had been assigned to the SS. If he had agreed to our marriage, he would have agreed to our death.’

She turned, wide amber eyes starring at him. Her lips parted but no sound came out.

‘Your brother never knew, neither were you supposed to know, your father and the baroness had agreed on that. But your grandmother, on your mother’s side, after whom you had been named Amalia, only converted to Catholicism before marrying your grandfather.’

‘She converted … does that mean … but that would make me … a Vierteljüdin. An unsuitable wife to an SS officer.’

‘Amalia, please, you need to understand …’

‘Don’t touch me! How can you even bear to touch me?’

He overcame her meek attempts of keeping him at distance this time quickly, hugging her to him in an iron embrace.

‘How could I bear not to touch you? You can’t know how much I missed you! How much I wanted to be near you. How I longed to hold you, how could you possibly know?’

She hugged him just as fiercely then, amazed to realize that the tears running down her flushed cheek were not her own.

‘You wore a blue dress, like the midday sky,’ he whispered into her hair. ‘Blue like forget-me-nots when I first saw you. Your hair cascaded all around you as you ran down the hill to greet your brother. You were so young. Beautiful and free,’ he added planting a small kiss on the top of her head, tucked safely under his chin. ‘I think I have started falling in love with you then and there. Of course, it couldn’t be, you were barely older than a child. But you have enchanted me, my love, and in the years to come, when I visited your family, watching you bloom into a beautiful young woman, I couldn’t wait for the day when you would be mine.’

‘Erich …’

‘Please, I need to tell you, before I loose my courage again, ‘ he added with a mirthless chuckle. ‘And when your father told me, that it could not be, not without putting your life at risk, I couldn’t bear the thought.’

‘It was the day you brought the flowers, was it not?’

‘You remember? Yes. That was the day.’

‘You said you came to say good bye. That you were leaving the country.’

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"Tommy"By GentilePart 28---------Together they moved about till Girl was on her right side. Tommy gently jackknifed her left leg and came in close. His attempt at intercourse was rebuffed."No, darling, where's Cully, where's Cully-boy?" I saw her speak thru her dresser mirror next to their bed. She was white as a ghost, the tan lines all but gone.He did not venture an answer, just calmed his own intent and nestled in by her neck and ear.Thru the reflection Girl crooked her finger beckoning me...

3 years ago
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A Hot Shower

A few weeks ago my husband and I stayed the night at our old friend Sean's house on our way through town. It had been a hot day and I was feeling a bit sticky and grimy from the ride. I asked to use the shower and my host showed me where it was. He ushered me into the bathroom with a grin and shut the door behind him. "Need a hand?" he asked. "Mmm, will you get all those hard to reach places?” I murmured with a smile in return. "I'd like to get my "hard" into all your places," he teased back....

Wife Lovers
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Nicks Summer

Nick's Summer Nick's Summerby Emile Copyright 2007.? This is a work of fantasy and the writer does not suggest or condone any particular activities.? You should obey the laws of your juristiction, ie consensual sex between adults. __________ Nick got into his dad's SUV, dreading the next three months of summer holidays.? Only minutes before they'd been in the airport, his dad joking along with his lacrosse teammates, slapping him on the back, but now they were on their own. "Get out of...

3 years ago
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John and Alex Part 3

If you are new please read Part 1 from my very first series and so on or none of this will make sense. Thanks. By the way, I dislike posting asking to swap pics with emails posted. I can't delete comments so just don't do it. Stick to PMs for that stuff. Thanks. I decided today would be the day they get their Christmas tree! Santas coming to town =D STORY TIME. I woke up with Alex's face on top of mine, like last night. His dick was being sandwhiched between me and his body,...

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Jamie and her father

                                                                                                                                                           Not written by me. Chapter One. Dad?” my daughter asked, as she handed my car keys back to me.“What, sweetie?”“Can I ask you a question?”“Sure.”“It's kind of embarrassing,” she said.“Jamie, you know you can ask me anything. What do you want to know?”“I asked my friends Melody and Kiersten, and they just laughed at me. I don't know who else to...

2 years ago
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Me: So you’re a virgin? D: Yes Ma'am...I am. Me: Well that will be a thing of the past after tonight. Valentines Day 2009 didn’t mean anything special to me, so when D called to ask if I could fly to see him, I didn’t have to rearrange any plans, because I had none. He had been begging for a bitch session for over 4 months and this weekend he would become just that..MY BITCH!! D: Ma'am which flight do you prefer Ma'am? They have 9:20am and 3:30 pm. Me: 3:30pm works better for me bitch. D:...

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The Belle Of Coeur DAlene

Author’s Note: Thanks to Techsan and Lady Cibelle for their great editing assistance – they are the best! Enjoy! * WHAT PRICE PARADISE? ‘If I commit suicide, it will not be to destroy myself but to put myself back together again.’ – Antonin Artaud I lay there in the tub, thinking how my life had gone bad so fast. Even now, two months later, I was still confused. It all seemed like a dream, a nightmare. Images flashed in and out of my mind of that awful motel room, images of the bugs...

4 years ago
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A Long Kinky Story

Betty and I both work for the same firm. She works in another building, so we never really met until the company picnic. The heat was almost unbearable, the sun was bearing down and the humidity was high. The volleyball teams were chosen and Betty ended up next to me. After losing the first game, our team went straight to the beer cooler, everyone was dripping sweat. I grabbed two brews, handed one to Betty, and asked her to join me under a tree. We started talking and immediately hit if off....

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ElenaChapter 13

“So you’re serious about me impregnating you?” I inquired. “I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life.” Maxine stated. “It’s important to me that you make love to her regularly. In a way she’ll be your wife too in all the ways we live. Except nobody besides the three of us will know about it.” Elena told me. I turned to Maxine, “But what about school? It’ll be hard to go to school with a baby.” “I’m going to attend homeschooling. Zoe and William have already agreed to let me...

2 years ago
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Twilight Jasper Alice

Author's Note: The characters of this story are based on the hit vampire novel/movie series Twilight. This novel was written by Stephanie Meyers and has a strong fan base (mostly females and even some males). I am a fan of any vampire literature of any concept, regardless if it is a love story or a normal horror story or even social arte farte or sci fi. As for why I wrote this story was because I liked some of the characters in it. Not Edward and Bella, but other characters. The story...

4 years ago
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AlexisChapter 11

In June the following year a sickness fell over the land. In the castle it hit first among the servants. Then Lord Billingsly was stricken and died. Ann passed away the very next day, Esther came down with it and was dead. It struck Mark and Katherine the next day. Alexis escaped the plague but she lost everyone she loved including her parents. The disease took its toll on everyone. Most of the generals died and finally Matthew, Alexis' two month old son succumbed leaving her all alone in...

2 years ago
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An unexpected shag With my sister

So me and my sister have always been very close. My names Ryan, I'm 22 and Im pretty average sized and looking, My sister helen, is 20 and she is a bit on the plumper side but thats what attracts me about girls. In my opinion Helen is absolutely gorgeous and sexy. Being close has always had it's advantages, when we were kids we used to always play action man vs barbie which lead into real fights. Them it turned into what pop band was better which ended up in singing contests at home....

2 years ago
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I must find shelter, or I will freeze! There was nothing around. It was an undeveloped part of land, so she decided to go searching off road. Come on, I must find something! Emma walked for several miles before she collapsed and passed out. When she awoke a herd of wild horses had gathered around her. Some had laid down next to her to keep her warm, saving her life. Horses! So many of them! There were 20. Mostly brown, some spotted, black or white. Emma pets the horse that slept with...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Fun With My Best Friend Pt 2

It had been almost a week since Alex and I had sex that first time. With finals around the corner we were both heaps busy studying, so we hadn’t really talked. We had arranged a study session ages ago for the afternoon and he was due to knock on my dorm room at any moment. I wasn’t sure exactly what was going to happen, if there would be an encore to the previous week or what, so I made sure to take extra time in the bathroom getting ready. I grabbed my phone and sent him a quick text, “Hey,...

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Its The Paperwork That Counts

The administrative duties of Bonnie Anderson, the strikingly attractive 41-year-old principal at Middlesex High, were starting to pile up. Late last week she had to send two recalcitrant students to the dean for a spanking. Determining who needed a good spanking might seem like a simple task, but Miss Anderson had to investigate the problems, interview the students and teachers involved and decide on the proper punishment. She used to deliver the spankings herself, but she had become too busy...

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I Love Her So MuchGod it Aches

I studied her legs. We were desperately in love, and I strove to learn every inch of her body, so that I could make love to it, so that I could know her. On our very first date, I had told her I would caress her entire body, inside and out forever. After only five minutes, after entering her home I looked Rachel straight in the eyes and said, ‘up until now I explored the earth, because I wanted to know me. Now I will explore you, because I want to know truth.’ Rachel was an angel. She...

2 years ago
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Hannah Watching LFS

"Do you remember Hannah?" Mark asked.He and his wife Caitlin were visiting us for the weekend. The four of us were out for the evening down by the harbour, eating out at Valantino's, our favourite Italian restaurant. Jess always looked forward to their visits, had fussed all week so that everything would be perfect for our dearest friends from the scene."How could I forget a woman like Hannah," I said. And I meant it. Jess punched my arm, told me to behave.Just then the waiter arrived with our...

4 years ago
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Abducted by Aliens

    This story is meant for the enjoyment of adults only.  This is my first attempt at a science fiction story and I would like to hear what you think of it.  I tried to make an implausible situation believable and still have the prurient interests involved.  Please write to me at [email protected] and let me know what you think.                                           Abducted by Aliens                                            Written by 4play      My girlfriend and I were driving to...

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Threes Company Part 2

We waved from the door as Maura stepped into the cab, heading for her conference. I turned to Kay and said, “You really enjoy her company, don’t you?” She blushed, recalling her tryst last night with her best friend. “Yes, I do,” she replied, turning to me, her hand cupping my balls. “But that doesn’t mean I won’t enjoy yours.” Looking up into my eyes, her free hand on the back of my neck, she pulled me into a kiss. Our lips brushed, but only for a moment. Her mouth opened, her tongue licked...

Straight Sex
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Tammys Spirit

Tammy's Spirit We stood at the window, and the woman with us pushed a button on the wall. The curtain pulled back, and on the Gurney, on the other side of the window, lay Tammy. She looked just like she was asleep, but I knew she was dead. My friend Phil, almost collapsed from the pain of seeing his wife. A little over an hour ago, I had received a panicky call from Phil. The local police had called, and told him that his wife had been involved in a bad traffic accident, and they...

1 year ago
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My First Step into BDSM Sex with a Beautiful London Escort Girl

I had never thought about BDSM as a sexual act that would appeal to me. So, I never even thought about trying it. But the first step into BDSM sex, for me was with someone so sensuous and beautiful, that I enjoyed it thoroughly. The work week was rough and I wanted sex. I was single and wasn’t currently dating anyone, but I had the need. So, I looked up escorts and made a booking for Friday night. I met her in my hotel room. She had knocked softly on the door and when I opened it, wow! There...

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Thankur ki Haveli 8211 5

Phir Rajni uthi aur aadam kad bath tub me jaa let gayi. Usne garam paani aur thande pani ka nal chalu kar diya. Phir ek hath badha us almirah se do bottle nikalee aur bari bari se dono botte se kuch drav us pani me daala. Dheere dheere pani ka leval bath tub me uncha uth raha tha. Rajni pani ko dono hathon se chapka rahi thi aur dekhte dekhte jhaag umadne lage aur Rajni gale tak jhaagon se dhak gayi. Rajni ne Malti ko ishaara kiya aur vah bhi ek foam leke bath tub me ghus gayi aur vah foam...

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A Terrific Threesome Part One

When my girlfriend and I moved into our new apartment, the tall handsome maintenance man came by to put a hand-held spray-jet nozzle on our shower for us. I was home alone and dressed in a sexy little pair of Sherry's panties when he arrived and I put on her little short black silk robe to answer the door. When I opened the door, the maintenance man's eyes went directly down to my soft, smooth-shaved legs down below Sherry's little black silk robe. The man standing before me was so tall and had...

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Julias first fuck

This is my first story, so please tell me what you think! Julia was a fifteen-year-old freshman. She was a little over 52, and had a knockout figure. She was one of those petite, curvy girls. She had 32C tits, and tiny waist that faded into a perfectly round ass. She had an angular face with full lips, and creamy ivory coloured skin. Long chestnut brown hair tumbled down her back. But her most striking feature where her eyes. They were large, intelligent and bright blue, half-hidden under a...

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Little IndiansChapter 12 Jane

As Dee suckled at her mother's breast, there was no barrier between herself and the visions entering her head. She was not wearing the choker charm, and her mother was pure demon. It had been years since Dee's mind had been free of the choker charm's strange influence. Dee began to see into the past, into Jane's past. Dee felt herself becoming Jane, as if she could see, hear, feel, and even think, everything that had been Jane, but still looking on, a spectator. Jane had been in Gynt...

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Fluffy Duffy the Devonshire AffairChapter 4 Fluffy Grows Bolder

Fluffy walked with a purpose down the road and into the cul-de-sac where the Devonshires lived. Danielle had called late the day before to say she had to go away with her mother for a day and a night. "Mum and dad have been having another of their rows. A real biggie, this time." "Why is she taking you with her?" "Just because. I don't mind, 'cos it's only for a little while and Grandma lives right by the sea, and there's loads of boys. I'd have asked if you could come, only you...

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Sams YearChapter 10 Adelaide

Sam made up his mind while walking back to the hotel: after breakfast, he’d find a laundromat and clean his swag and his camping/walking clothes; once that was done, he’d buy a cell phone. He’d noticed a Vodaphone store in the Rundle Mall. He stopped and asked at the desk where he was told that there was a laundromat on Carrington that was open from six to 2300. In his room he read a few more chapters of Sayers before going to sleep. It wasn’t a restful sleep. Was he really going to Olary?...

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Deanna and Summer Get Their ManChapter 5

Greater Love Unitarian Church, six months later... “So, that’s how this is going to roll. No need to sign a license, of course, no witnesses, because of it being illegal or unofficial or whatever. Still, almost everything else will be the same. This includes the vows to ‘forsake all others,’ only it will be exclusive to a triad instead of a couple,” Brent stipulated with the officiator of choice, none other than Jordan’s brother Davis Muller. “Except for the occasional hall pass,” Deanna...

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A Bathroom Affair

"That misogynist fucking prick!" Sarah was infuriated as she left the studio of the radio station and made her way back towards her plush offices off Dublin's Grafton Street. The cause of her outrage was her long-time adversary, Patrick Morrison, a man whom she loathed everything about. Sarah and Patrick were polar opposites in almost every respect. She was a young, up and coming political consultant to almost every major feminist organisation in Ireland. He was an old-school macho conservative...

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Jennys TapeChapter 2

Jenny found out that she liked being fucked by other men as I watched. I found out that I liked seeing Jenny fuck other men. You would think that we were a perfect match and in that you would be right, but we had a bad experience back in Detroit and it had made us very cautious. Hopefully you've already read the story "Jenny's Tape" so you are aware of what I'm talking about. To recap, Jenny allowed herself to be fucked by her sister's husband who had been video taping us making love....

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Samira Ki Chudai

Hi friends mera naam rahul hai meri age 24 hai me dikhneme bohat acha lagta hu mene abhi abhi college ki padai puri ki hai me up ka rehne wala hu. Aap log to jante hi honge ki up me padai karne ki achi college nahi hai, isliye me padai karne ke liye apni aunty ke waha Mumbai chala gaya waha meri ek sameera naam ki ladki se achi dosti ho gai uski 22 age hai dosto me Tumko sameera ke bare me kuch batana chahta hu uski age 22 hai but wo dikhne me bohat sexy hai uska rang bohat hi gora hai uski...

2 years ago
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Im just not in the mood

"I'm just not in the mood." This is what my Master told me to say to my wife when she is looking for sex from me. He insists I call him "Master," but "blackmailer" is the more appropriate title. I'm getting ahead of myself, let me go back to the beginning. You'll find an earlier story from me on this site called "An Open Letter to my Master," in which I apologize for chickening out on a blind date with a Man. I'd never done anything at all with a Man prior to these...

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CivilityChapter 8

I thought it prudent to call Janet to alert her to the additional guest we would have. And I sat in the living room of the Federici's home while Amelia packed enough clothes, accessories and toiletries for a month-long excursion to China. I put my foot down when she started back up the stairs for the fourth time. "Kiddo," I said. "Let's be realistic. I have a small car with limited trunk space. You're not moving in with me. You're staying for a couple of days." Amelia glared at...

4 years ago
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Scattered CrystalChapter 4 Predawn

Location wilderness, White Wand Territory Time Predawn 900 hours (6 hours before dawn) The caravan had stopped in order to harvest the falling mana. Reluctantly Kin started to get up. Illia eyes fluttered. She smiled as she saw him. “I am starting to remember. Your name is Illia, and we had a friend called Maiho.” She nodded. He remembered that both of them had held him when he cried over missing his parents. Sometimes Maiho had cried too. Illia never did. Kin realised that Maiho would...

2 years ago
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Time of Eden and ElvesChapter 23

SPARTA Martin stared out the computer screen sized window as the pilots of the transport brought them in slowly over the valley below. Almost everyone not from Sparta was crouched close to the windows with anticipation and curiosity. It was in the nature of any species to be curious, and this was very evident now. No one had been able to sleep for the last hour and a half of the flight. Many had slept enough in the previous thirteen hours to last them a life time it seemed. Card games were...

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