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With a light touch to the small of your back, I nudged you gently to the couch. Your granddaughter gone to bed, and after you check, you believe for the night. Daughter gone until the wee hours of the morn’, and after a flick of the back light which was the signal for ‘He’ snoring, I slipped in and found you between the living and dining rooms, smiling, quietly waiting, warm and gorgeous in the soft flickering light of your raised fireplace.

I’d been camping at Paradise Lakes, and after days of text messages, phone calls, and deep pining, I drove to you. The door was open. The room warm. My heart raced. I saw what I thought was a shadow move as I entered the kitchen and looked to the left. I followed the motion and saw you for the first time. You took my breath away. I stopped. I looked. You heard me come in and watched me enter the room and move through the shadows to you. You waited for me to get to you. You watched me every instant. You opened your arms as I came within striking distance, and as we fell into our first embrace I almost swooned.

I lightly but definitely touch your hip as I raise my hand to the top of you pelvis, and tracing it, feeling its substance, your tone and flex, to the delicious place where your hips met at a glorious valley between two taught curved ridges. With four fingers I follow your valley inside your waist band to warm moisture, and then slowly to the small of your back, and as we conclude our first kiss, deeply warm and sweet, silently lip to lip, lips parted slightly, each inviting and permitting the other to enter if we desire, and we both do, just to touch tongues, to feel more of each others soul, hugging, twisting slightly back and forth, pulling each other closer, I feel your breasts on my flexed chest, and you feel my erection beginning with your thigh as we strive for full length touch.

I am feeling the pent up tension of the frustration of the distance within which we developed what we are to each other and want to be within you. I want to be deeply within you. I want to be as deeply within you as I can be. I want to touch each centimeter of your moistly viscous vaginal portal to your soul again and again with the ridge of the head of my erection, but, we waited this long,

I begin to separate slightly and with my hand at the small of your beautifully curved tensely arched back, begin to guide you backwards to what I perceive as a couch in the shadows, three feet behind you. You understand what I am doing, and as if we had practiced this dance 100 times, as if we were on the ballroom floor, being judged, with no missed step, no clumsiness, no teenage fumbling, we glide to the couch.

As you seat yourself, I release you tenderly, and sit next to you, hip to hip and without asking, I can wait no longer, I open the zipper of your sweater, and opening you, gaze upon the beauty of your breasts for the first time. I tremble as I first touch your nipple, you lean your head back and look at me as I slowly experience your nipple between my thumb and fore finger, and then the weight of your breast with my palm, and then I take my hand away, close your sweater, zip it a little, and focus on your gorgeous face, gazing at me in shadow.

We have never seen each other. This is our first experience. There is a husband in the house. There is a grandchild in the house. Oh my, it is good I have huge experience at deferred gratification. Rushed, frantic, in these circumstances, this is too precious to jeopardize like that. I whisper, ‘To you I confer the benefit of my love, and of my lust. I impose no responsibility.’ I give you a key to room 619. I bend to kiss you good-bye, and silently, I’m in the night air, feeling the Gulf breeze, gliding through the streets upon which I cruise back to my Hotel to wait. I texted you my hotel and room number upon my arrival, that I would be there two days, and then back to Paradise Lakes, where I invited you to join me. It is hard sometimes. All I can do is wait. It is hard sometimes.

It has been a long day of travel. I open my room to the balcony, take off my clothes, and stand leaning on the railing basking, sky clad in the gentle breezes coming off the Gulf. The day is over. I lay on the bed, still feeling the breeze, and thinking of you, touch myself, imagining the grasp of your fingers, the warmth deep, deep within you, remembering your breasts, your touch, your warmth, your presence.

I wrestled with myself about this room. Why not just meet at the Lakes? Wander arm in arm through the nude revelers to our camp site. But I never made peace with that scenario. We became what we became to each other in absolute privacy. Largely in silence. Estranged by space and time, solitary in our individual impressions, each of the other. No instantaneous symbiotic give and take, based on facial contortion, posture, gesture and gate. You basing whatever you base on physical appearance, solely on two photos, three years old, 40 lbs heavier than when I entered your kitchen, with long hair and beard, compared to the closely cropped brushes and fuzz I presented you with in your kitchen. I wondered what you must have thought.

As I drifted to dreamy, deep and surprisingly sound sleep I feared disappointment, or belief of deception. What did you think of my limp, or what black clients and black friends all call my ghetto strut. I wondered if you thought of the Simon & Garfunkel song entitled the ‘Boxer’ who wore reminders of every punch suffered. Again, so far away, yet, this time, so close. I did not want a public meeting. I wanted to meet, touch, know you privately, for hours or days, room service, day trips, in each others arms for hours at a time, forgetting the brevity of our encounter, living in the moment, forgetting what it was like before we touched, before we entered each other, before we quivered within each other, OOooohhhhh Baaaaaaaby, Oh Baby. Baby. Rolling over with a long pillow between my legs, dreaming of your arrival, I was gone.


After two hours of deep sleep, dreaming of home, I began to awaken. It felt like home in the dream. It involved my cats, sisters, five years old, never apart, twins, cute as they move throughout the house following me like a couple of puppies. And then I see my lover, she who I called the love of my life, contorted, grotesque, bent, at the waist as an old Spanish woman who cleaned my pension at in Malaga. Face deeply lined with creases of age and grief. Looking at me from what was our room, peering at me from next to what was our bed, inviting me.

I was sorry for her. I pitied her. I loathed her. My cats sat at my feet, Mickey on the right, Michelle on the left. My lover’s son, Seth, stumbled in. He was chained, hand to hand, foot to foot, feet to waist, hands to waist, eyes covered, mouth taped, smelling of alcohol, trembling of meth, clearly, to me, in the dream, making no progress to graduation, flushed out of school, they had a plan, GED. Oh, the nightmare scenario. My terror was that he could have done so much, unlimited, but he was done,

I called out, but he could not hear me over the chatter of she, and cries of he. Mickey and Michele were not there any more. My almost one year old beautiful Malamute romped in and ran into me. She killed him because he ran away after she replaced me with a passing fancy. She did not rescue him from the pound and let him be killed. Poor Basheba was sitting at my feet, looking up at me. He said he was sorry he ran away. Oh Basheba, I told him it was not his fault. He never knew what he needed to know.

Seth looked at me, now unshackled, with eyes cast down, said he was doing good, he was learning welding, might get a job in town, at the machine shop. They needed someone to put corners on grain buckets for barn stalls. The job might be good for a month, and then maybe he could get on permanently. She appeared next to her son, and appeared greatly satisfied that they had a plan, hell he was 15, they needed a plan, and they had a plan. She
appeared to think it was a good plan, the result of much planning, talking to bottom-feeders, drunks in the local bars and I’m sure one or more of her transient lovers. They had a plan.

In walked one I did not know, in ten gallon hat, plaid skin tight western store shirt, three inch healed, copper tipped cowboy boots, with a buckle at his waist reaching from pubis to belly button. I calmly drew my Walther PP. It was an interesting gun. It was my first double action semi auto. He was looking in the mirror and did not notice. I never could attack one that did not know I was coming. I yelled his name,.’Hey, bottom feeder, you piece of dog shit’. He looked at me, and I shot him through the left eye, and as he reeled backward, put one in the back of his skull, and as he fell I got another off to his temple before he hit the floor.

In an absolutely desperate cold sweat I jumped up, on my feet in one motion as if picked up by the hand of god, drippingly wet from my sweat on this cool night. I was agitated but absolutely calm, completely focused, straight ahead, in the mirror. I saw only myself in the reflected shadows of that dark mirror. I put my hands down, took a breath, and checked under the pillow for the gun. All was good. I walked onto the balcony. I stood leaning on the railing, nude, in the ambient light of the city, feeling the gulf breezes cooling me until I was dry, until every crease was dry, until my beard was dry, and I felt disconcerted. How could I have let myself be pulled down like this. What a reduction. Throughout my life, even at my most drunk and most violent, when another man came between a lover and I, my deal was with her, and I just moved on to the next, and was done. I was responsible for me, not her, and certainly not him. I had no deal with him, my deal was with her. But now, oh man what a reduction. What a reduction. I couldn’t believe it.

It was 3:30 am. I put on white silk draw string pants, black loose cotton ‘T’ shirt, bottom drop shoulder holster, black silk very blousy shirt with loose ‘V’ neck and saddle shoulders. White Adidas leather knock a round’s, and our ring. I was waiting for its meaning to clarify, but until then, unlike any time before, I was willing to wear it. No voice, text or email message, so I sent a text to you that I was, ‘On the road, looking for after hours club, call, and please come over’. Grabbing the Walther I was out the door past the relative cool silence of the late night lobby into street sounds and heat. In the middle of 300,000 people, I could feel the tension, the pressure, the rhythm.

The concierge disclosed many of his secrets for $20.00. He asked it I was driving or needed a cab. I advised I walked. He looked at me quizzically, and asked if I had a gun, trying to discourage me. I said ‘Nah, man.’ I asked, ‘Where is the afterhours club. He said there was one, but he did not think I wanted to go there. I asked why. He said it was just like a house, more brothel than club. It was across the highway, next to the strip mall, behind the gas station. Ten minutes, ya, and he pointed the direction. No light, illegal, but open, he thought.

I disappeared into the night of Tampa Bay. I sprinted across the highway, and sauntered south to the strip mall. Behind the gas station was a one story tract house. It appeared out of place as all around it were business buildings. This lone house had a couple Hispanics sitting on the front stoop. I hoped they spoke English. I walked up to the closest. We shook hands as he knocked on the door. I gave him a 10 spot, and the woman who opened the door let me in for $20.00.


I’d taken a call from a friend once who wanted me to come observe so I could call for or provide, help if needed. She was meeting a new home care client, and was uncertain as to who he was. I ran his name through the courts and learned he had, in his life, been out of prison three years total, since he turned 18, spread out over two separate occasions of parole. He was thirty eight years of age. He had been in the system since the age of 6 when he was taken from his mother who went to prison. She was killed there in her third year, a day before her release on parole. I took my friend to a rooming house in the hood. I brought my gun. She did not know of this. I advised her of the results of my computer search, and asked her to stay on the porch, in view. There were five black males on the porch. I recognized two of them. I had represented them, and I offered to go with her as I would certainly be welcomed by those guys. She said no, she would be alright, and I watched as she approached the building. They there became obviously animated upon her approach. They had not seen a beautiful, well conditioned, dressed to kill, completely made up, blond, white woman in their midst, ever. I was across a four lane highway in a parking lot. I got out of the car and showed they there I was present. They whom I recognized acknowledged me, and I relaxed a little, but then she disappeared into the building and one by one, they did also, over the next minute or so. I called her cell and it rang directly to message. I resolved to give her fifteen minutes before I went in.

As I looked around the entry room of the Tampa After Hours Club, more like an after set, to which I was admitted by the woman at the door, I thought of this event. Other than white women, I was the only white person I was aware of in the place. But then I thought, is this just racial discomfort, or is it truly dangerous in this place. I have always listened to the hairs on the back of my neck and they were not standing in this place. I did not feel danger. I resolved to find out. I walked up behind the first person I was close to, a 5’8′ guy with no shirt, put my hands on his sweaty shoulders lightly, but authoritatively and at the same time asked what was up, as I slid by to a stool at the bar. He was shocked to be touched. I knew he would be. When I did this people always were. But he also reacted as I expected. He immediately calmed. It has been my experience when someone feels my touch, from behind, when I clearly have the drop on them in crowd situations, I can almost feel the pit in their stomach grow. He smiled as I slipped by. Relieved, he got chit-chatty. I could barely understand him through his accent and intoxication, but I listened intently as I ordered a double Jack. I made a mistake when I paid for it. He saw some cash, and it became immediately apparent why he was standing away from the bar. I asked him if I could get him a drink, and he said, ‘Ya.’



I ordered him double Jack, and had a friend for life, or at least until I left that place. He took a sip and touched the collar of my shirt. He said, ‘Silk!’


He seemed to approve and began enjoying the attention of the women who came to see me. I was sitting with my back against the bar, facing the crowd, and the door I came in. A very painted lady approached out of the crowd we had been interacting with. She stopped a few feet away, and opened her front. I enjoyed this and enjoyed looking at her from her eyes to her breasts, belly button, and her delightful labial fold. She shaved. I have always found the area just above a woman’s clitoral mound, where a woman’s tummy separated into identifiable labia folds, very erotic. I wanted to touch the small of her back, I wanted to slide my hand over her beautifully toned hip, and pull her to me, and with my other hand lightly touch her belly button, and slowly move lightly to the area of separation, to the beginning of her labia, separating her, beginning to open her so I could feel her fill with blood, feel her harden, a little harder, a little deeper, oh man.

Not me, I was there for you. I wanted you. I thought of you. I was not going to touch her. I wanted to touch you. I gave her $20.00 making sure he saw me do so, and then I put her hand in his as I left. The concierge was right. This was more brothel than after-hours club. Enough of Tampa after-hours. Oh, save m
e from this, I cried as I scooted across the highway, back to my balcony.

Nude, leaning on the railing I checked my messages. Wow man, you were to be here at 10:00 am. Wow, you were to be here at 10:00 am. Oh what was I to do till then, oh what was I to do till then. Oh Enough of this. I was in my vehicle and getting out at the gym-pool building in Paradise Lakes. I had stopped by my camp site to get need-full things. I had the place to my self until 6:30. I did my hour long weight assisted calisthenics and stretch routine. That done, I swam a half mile. That done I joined two ladies in their 30’s or so at the sauna. I told them of my excursion into Tampa, and they were unimpressed, seeming to think me foolish for venturing from there to the textil’d world. But it was all good natured, as I have always found nude people to be, and we had a fine time in the sauna. They thought it a little strange that I jumped in the pool every ten to fifteen minutes, and then laid on my lounge chair for ten minutes or so, and then repeated. I told them of my experience in Ostend Belgium, over looking the English Channel, where the pool had ice in it, and where I first learned of the profoundly fundamental calmness precipitated by this


As 9:00 am approached, I excused myself, and headed to you.


Oh baby, an hour to wait. Oh baby, an hour to wait. Oh what could I do. Oh what should I do. Oh baby, an hour to wait. Nude on the balcony in daylight was not okay. So I lounged on the bed, on what was to become our bed. You had a key. I decided I did not need to stay awake. If I fell asleep, it was okay, so I laid in bed and thought of what was to happen. Stop the expectations. No fantasies. No plans. Needed to be spontaneous. Needed to be, just be. Oh pins and needles, pins and needles. I decided to meditate. I put a chair in the doorway to the balcony and feeling the Gulf breezes, sat, nude, and began my ritual of calming self awareness.

As I began my mantra, thoughts streammed in, uncontrollably: Oh, she is coming, 0h, what will she think? Did I disappoint last night? Oh, what did she think? Will she come? Yes she will come. Should I go pick her up? No, she can get here. Oh what will she think? Oh, what will she think observing me, experiencing me for the first time? For the first time: only get one chance to make a first impression. Oh, will she enjoy my touch: does she crave me as I her, is it important for her to do so. Is it possible to do so? Is it desirable to do so? Distinct I’s, we met in the ethereal never never land of our imaginations. Assisted by photos, assisted by words, assisted by trust, assisted by loneliness, assisted by something lacking in our other lives. Is it the vestige of anonymity that continues to bind us? Are we bound? Have we ever been? Is it that I am . . .. Oh, she will be here soon. Oh, calm. Trust. Believe. It is all good. I am here because I want to be. She wants me to be. She said so. Why would she. What is this all about? She does not need me. Why would she want me? Why? What am I doing! What do I think I am doing! She has a life here, a family here, a cadre of friends here. Why me here? Look to me for that answer. Why am I here? That is why she will be here. What do I feel? That is what she will feel. Oh, as I have meditated, I have gone from you to she, from you to her. Oh my, oh my, I control this, I will personalize it again. Oh, you are on the way, oh, you are on the way. Start arousing, the meditation, such that it was, is over. My eyes open. I look at me, and think of you. Oh, better get dressed. Better we be dressed when you arrive. You will be. We should both be.

I dress, as I was on my excursion to the after hours club: but smell of smoke. I shower and done clean silk. I take a Viagra. You are to be here in fifteen minutes. I sat down to my computer, and wrote to you. Writing to you is almost like being with you. I actually sometime even think of you as having been with me, on reflection, regarding some writings. It is like I have gotten so close to you in my pages it is almost as if you were next to me. But, alas, beautiful baby, I always awake from such perception, and , and , and. You know. I am calm, on pins and needles. I want to see a pet scan of my brain when I think it is you at the door. It would take all scales off the page, plumes of red, blues, whites, flashing across the page as different parts of my mind fire, and fire, and fire again in anticipation, in recognition, in resolution.

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Internet Love

Teresa sat on the couch in front of the open deck door, glancing at the driveway every few seconds. Expectantly awaiting the arrival of her internet boyfriend, Wayne. They had met nearly a year previously through the chat room that they both frequented and through mutual friends. Teresa had been attracted to him from the beginning, but she was in an unhappy relationship at the time and Wayne was taken too. So she had put those kinds of thoughts to the back of her mind and concentrated on...

2 years ago
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My Sister Set Me Up on a Blind Date

It was a Friday night at the end of my sophomore year at college. A cop had pulled me over as I was driving home. "Yes it is, Officer." "And your last name is really Chevrolet?" "That's my last name. Just like it was the last name of Louis Chevrolet, the co-founder of the Chevrolet car company." I hated it when people wouldn't believe that my last name was Chevrolet. If it was Ford, they wouldn't think twice. Now if it was "Google" or "FedEx", I could understand...

4 years ago
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The Fifth Date

The Fifth Date By Sarah Goodwoman Chapter 1 Scott paced back and forth with looking at his cell phone in his hand. He was only a half hour away from having his fifth date with Monica and was making big decision. He was either going to cancel the date or go through with it. He strongly wanted to enjoy the evening with Monica, he found her wonderful, yet he knew that if they had their date it ended their budding relationship. Scott knew it will end his relationship, the fifth date...

3 years ago
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Not Your Average JoeChapter 9 The Mandate

When we arrived at school, Major Johnson excused himself to use the restroom. He’d already witnessed a demonstration of my self-defense skills, so he knew I could take care of myself if the situation called for it. I assured him I’d be fine standing out in the hall for the few minutes it took him to “do his business.” My father had been training me in martial arts sparring for years and, even though I didn’t particularly enjoy it, I still learned how to defend myself well enough to keep him...

2 years ago
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Mia Chapter 8 First Date

It was almost dinner time when Mia got back to the apartment after Jesse dropped her off and brought in her luggage. Since he was working that night so they couldn’t really get the opportunity to hang out, but it gave Mia the chance to unpack and get settled back in. Patrice was back already, but Norah and Kris weren’t due to arrive until the following day. Mia felt a little apprehensive thinking about Norah’s arrival. She was waiting to tell her in person her decision to try things out with...

2 years ago
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Savannah And Kats First Date

"So, you're going on your first date now, Mom?" she asked, coming into my bedroom with me."Yes, Lena, I wanted you to meet her first, but she was persistent. She's just another teacher that started this year, and we just hit it off. I've never been with a black woman before either," I replied, doing my hair."She knows about me, though, right? Sometimes kids can be a dealbreaker.""Yes, Kat knows I have an eighteen-year-old daughter, and I'm a widow. So, now I just have to work in all the other...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 14 Planning My First Date

Thursday, March 31, 2005 (Continued) Dinner and the dishes were finished later than normal, and I was about to talk with Dad about the problems caused by predatory girls, when I was buttonholed by all the females to talk about my date tomorrow. #3: If I wrote that, "I was looking forward to it", that'd be the same as saying, "the Pacific Ocean is damp." I had spent years desperately longing for tomorrow night. I would've been wildly...

4 years ago
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Things Girls Always Notice on a Date

Do you want to impress a girl on the very first date? If you really know what girls always notice on a date, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to impress that pretty lass within the first few minutes. And you know what they say, first impressions are everything when you’re trying to have a great date! Unlike men, who don’t notice a great deal too much, women are a lot sharper on a date.They put in a lot of effort, and they expect their date to look spruced up and primped for them. So what...

4 years ago
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My Blind Date

Burying my wife's been such a life-changing event! I'd known Jackie, short for Jacquelyn, for two years, before we started dating ... then four years of dating, finally getting married on Catalina Island on the Fourth of July! Married fifteen glorious years together - until she was diagnosed with lymphoma! Refusing treatment - because she didn't want to live messed up by it - it didn't take long for her to weaken into a person I didn't recognize anymore. I loved her to the very end,...

3 years ago
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Promises and Secrets Tinas Prom Date

Promises and Secrets 3: Tina's Prom Date By Maria Ski Authors note: This story takes place before the events in 'Promises and Secrets'. Tina Grant, to know her is a pleasure; to look at her is to admire her, to fall in love with her... Because Tina Grant has a secret, a secret that she has kept from a very early age. Few people know, but those who do are sworn to not share the secret. Lest it harm Tina in any way. Who am I? I hear you ask, my name is Michael and I had the...

3 years ago
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A Hot First Date

  Charley Wilson hadn’t had a decent date in months. Twenty-two years old and full of raging hormones, he just had to find a suitable woman for his needs. He didn’t understand that he was a jerk; just that he had a pretty face and an athletic body. Charley finally signed up with an internet dating service, as all the women he approached in singles’ bars, restaurants and at work, walked off after a few words with him. He entered his profile into the database; including his age, great bod,...

2 years ago
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A Date

Dad sat across from me at the table and shoveled oatmeal into his mouth more out of habit than for nourishment. Dark circles under his blue eyes confessed a lack of sleep. His constant sad expression made him look older than his forty-seven years. It didn't help that his hair had rescinded back to his ears. Worry had thinned his once bulky frame. He had been in a declining emotional state since my mother had left us last spring.The day after I graduated high school my mother packed her...

3 years ago
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The Test Date

Ra“Ok, sure!” … wait, did she just say ‘yes?!’I was joking not-joking when I asked and wasn’t expecting her to agree to a ‘test’ date. What even is a test date - I just made it up!I feel a bit sweaty, maybe she was joking too...Maya was a sharp brunette, shaped like a coke bottle, had a sexy waddle like a supermodel (I borrowed that line from her …). She was a bit younger than me and when she smiled, the corner curl of her lips would make me melt, and I think she knew it.Mmmmm her lips … and...

Office Sex
4 years ago
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Internet Dating

Jen was finally getting her life back on track, she was married for 21 years to her highschool sweetheart right after graduation, and he was the only man she had ever slept with, she was a stay at home mom raising her 2 c***dren but soon after they left home her husband decided he wanted a divorce, it had been 10 months now , she finally found a job in a small d**gstore and was was getting her life back on track, Jen wasnt what you would call a smart woman but she had a great heart and never...

2 years ago
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Internet Classified Chronicles Conclusion

It was almost 9pm now and I was getting desperate. I only had a few hours until I had to go to sleep. I couldn't miss work again tomorrow. I decided to end the weekend with a bang. Or more accurately, a gang bang. I made use of some of the backups I had been saving. I had about ten phone numbers of guys that had sent me cock pics, but I never hooked up with. I texted all of them, giving them the address and telling them to take a shower and show up at 11pm if they wanted to participate in...

3 years ago
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internet mess up

One night daughter Marie was bored and just got a new laptop and was happy that she didnt have to use her dads all the time. So she got on the internet one night and was playing some games when a chat room popped up since her dad didnt know what she was doing and really didnt care.So she click on it to see wat is was Marie being 16 and never been on a chat didnt know what to do so she look and seen all the people talking and thought this is a way to meet friends.She goes and click make...

3 years ago
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Internet Partner III

Sam would only fuck me when I aroused him. The odd time I can interest him in sex he plays with my tits for a few minutes, fondles my pussy then mounts me and fucks me till he ejaculates, then he roles over and falls asleep. I’m left with a soggy, still horny pussy. But all that changed when I got up the nerve to date Ben. He took me to sexual heights I had never imagined. He awoke in me the filthy slut I really want to be when I am in bed with a man. The things I have done astonished me. ...

3 years ago
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Internet Sex

Internet Sex excerpt: "While Greg is getting on top of you I think I'll get in front and slide my legs down under your arms. This would be easier if your wrists weren't tied to the bed corners. " ----------------------------------------- oliver mellors wrote: Cathy, I recently started reading the stories you submitted, mostly in the fall of 2004. Are you still answering e-mail? I especially loved reading the biography submissions. I can see that they aren't as erotic...

3 years ago
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Internet Partner

Internet Partner As told by Julie I As you know my sex life with Sam has not that thrilling. It seems all he ever thinks about is his job. He gets a decent income from his work, but the trouble is, it seems that he is always at work. I sit at home waiting for him. He comes home eats supper, and falls asleep in front of the television. The odd time I can interest him in sex he plays with my tits for a few minutes, fondles my pussy then mounts me, and fucks me till he ejaculates, then roles over...

2 years ago
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Internet HookUp

I’ve been an active bi-sexual guy for most of my life..since I was about 17. I’m now 58, married and have two kids in their early 20’s, and live in Central NJ. I’ve been married for 37 years to the same girl. She’s a wonderful person and I love her deeply. She however, has no idea of my bi-sexual side. Neither do my children. For that matter, I’m not out at all and keep my bi-sexual life very well guarded. Throughout my adulthood I would stop at adult bookstores and adult movie theaters for my...

3 years ago
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Internet Lovers meet up

We had spoken on the internet for a few months now and had got to know one another  well. We had also seen one another on webcam naked and sexually aroused. That was just a bit of fun really. He had a sexy body that made me feel aroused just looking at it and a huge cock. I am  attracted to the older man. Today was the day we were going to meet up. All the teasing and games we had both played would finally come to a head. I put on my stockings short skirt and sexy underwear as well as a...

2 years ago
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One day I was on my computer surfing the internet for porn and whatnot, when I found an interesting site. The first page read: Want every woman you've ever desired, without any fear of their husbands? Want the best sex ever? Want whatever? Then continue on.

Mind Control
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Internet Dating part 3

PLEASE READ PARTS 1 AND 2 FIRSTJen spent the next 3 days at home, never leaving the house, She had a few calls from Ann but dismissed her quickly telling her she wasn't feeling well, She spent a lot of time going over what had transpired over the previous days, trying to make sense of it but none of it did, she had more sex in the last week than the last 18 months, and not normal sex, she had given herself to men, submitted to them and let them use her, take advantage of her, but she liked it,...

3 years ago
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Internet Romeo

One night my wife was chatting online and talking away to some guy in a yahoo chat room. Amidst the giggles and sudden outburts of laughter she called me over and showed my a cam shot of this guy's cock on screen, and I must admit, it was a lovely looking cock for a guy.Some time later and a lot of exchanged lines, it turns out our mystery guy was only 10 minutes from our door and the wife was already asking me if we could go for a walk and meet up. I couldnt say no to that smiling little face,...

4 years ago
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Internet Dating 2

*PLEASE READ INTERNET DATING FIRST, THIS IS A CONTINUATION OF THAT**Jen awoke the next morning wondering if it was all a dream, it wasn't, she knew it wasn't but hoped it was, she had a long bath and relaxed, Trying to make sense of all of this, Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine herself doing anything like she did yesterday, but the men, their confidence, forcefulness, the way they spoke to her thinking about made her heartrate go up a little, She was glas she only had the afternoon...

2 years ago
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Internet Connection

By early in 2003, I had been an active member of an internet community for several years. The community was a NASCAR racing related group consisting of members from all over the United States. There were even a few members who popped in from overseas. The community members would spend hours chatting with each other in the chat room of the web site. Our conversations were not limited to racing. We discussed a wide variety of topics, especially during the off-season, or anytime there was not a...

4 years ago
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Internet acquaintance

When I once again was bored and surfed the internet looking for some fun, I found the following ad: “Experienced and dominant master is looking for a young, unexperienced and submissive TV. You should be slim, shaved and very feminine. If you are interested, fill out the added form and send me some pics of you.” I found the text a bit short and I was disappointed that there were no photos of the man. Nevertheless I became curious. The text exactly applied to me. Already a bit excited I filled...

3 years ago
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Internet Sex

I met Joe on the internet. I was looking for a quick fuck and he wanted a girl to play with. He told me the only thing was that I had to like pussy as well as cock. I told him that I loved both. We talked for another two weeks before we decided to meet up. He would get a hotel room and I would meet him there. I was excited as Joe was twenty five years older than me and I always wanted to fuck my dad. We met at ten in the morning so we would have all day. When I got to his room he let me in and...

3 years ago
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Internet History

One day when i went to the shops to buy my girlfriend a present for our 3 year anniversary i said she could use my laptop while i was out. The internet history was littered with porn, most of which was a huge departure from the sex life between the two of us as i had a big thing for Femdom type videos. The anniversary came along a couple days later and i was still completely unaware she knew about my sordid sexual fetishes and the type of thing i need to watch to get my self off. We...

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Internet Friend

I was recently chatting with a sexy woman online and the subject turned to masturbating. She confessed that she always wanted to watch a guy stroke his cock and cum for her. Being a gentleman i am i switched on my webcam and proceeded to jack off for her viewing pleasure. She was telling me what a big black cock I had and how good it looked and she was fingering her pussy at the same time. After I shot my load I asked her where she lived. She lived less that 6 miles away and wanted to watch me...

2 years ago
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Internet Se Pyaar Married Women 8211 Part 2

Hi Friends, I am Sahil, again back with my story Internet se Pyaar married women… Part 2 Pehli Story aapne padi aur acha response bhi mila. Mai ISS ki bahut sari stories padta rehta hu.. jisse mujhe bhi apni real life ka experience likhne ka moka mila … Ab mai aapko bataunga ki kaise maine Avantika (married women) ko us ek mulakat ke baad dobara uske ghar jake choda.. Avantika ke sath Hotel Ke kamre mai bitaye hue us din ko mai bool nahi paya.. aur jab use main Station chodne gaya to train...

2 years ago
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Internet HookUp

A few years back when Yahoo had more specific rooms, and real people in them, I was looking for women that would enjoy watching me masturbate for them in person. I was beyond the cam sex shows and wanted more. Amazingly to me, I found a woman only 20 minutes away and we agreed to meet at a school parking lot. She knew of a park that had some private areas so we had a plan and went through with it that same day! I met her - awkward - LOL. Especially weird when we both know our meeting is to...

2 years ago
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Internet meetings 1

My third story may not be as good, my appologies in advance but again I am telling of true encounters...Well I have met a few women via the internet, fuck buddies, and a couple have proved rather rewarding...The first was a woman, what would be described as a MILF... short blonde hair, reasonable figure and an appetite for cock... we met in a bar for a drink one evening after chatting a few times online... within a few minutes I knew I wanted to bed her and she was making no secret of the fact...

3 years ago
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Internet Friend

Hi Friends, let me share the experience which I had with my internet friend. First let me introduce myself, I am naresh (name changed), 29 year’s old married man, 5.9: height, weatish colour from Tirupati. But I always try to get something else from this new world so I always chatting with females. This is a true story which happened seven years back so I have taken care to change name & her family details. Please do let me know your comments on my experience. My email id is Any girl or...

4 years ago
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Internet HookUp

A few years back when Yahoo had more specific rooms, and real people in them, I was looking for women that would enjoy watching me masturbate for them in person. I was beyond the cam sex shows and wanted more. Amazingly to me, I found a woman only 20 minutes away and we agreed to meet at a school parking lot. She knew of a park that had some private areas so we had a plan and went through with it that same day! I met her - awkward - LOL. Especially weird when we both know our meeting is to...

2 years ago
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Internet Lovers meet up

We had spoken on the internet for a few months now and had got to know one another  well. We had also seen one another on webcam naked and sexually aroused. That was just a bit of fun really. He had a sexy body that made me feel aroused just looking at it and a huge cock. I am  attracted to the older man. Today was the day we were going to meet up. All the teasing and games we had both played would finally come to a head. I put on my stockings short skirt and sexy underwear as well as a skimpy...

Wife Lovers
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Internet Meeting

Alan had just gotten connected to the internet and trying out various options available to users of the system. One day he discovered some of the different newsgroups available to him so he downloaded a couple. In the weeks following, he really got into reading and thinking about them, especially some of the bisexual, interracial stories. He thought it unfair that he would download stories and not contribute any so he made an attempt to write a story and submit it. It wasn’t long...

Porn Trends