Emily’s First Solo Holiday Part 04 free porn video

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by Vanessa Evans

Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous part. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable.

Part 04

DAY 08 – The second day of my ‘enslavement’


Will didn’t wake me by fucking me. We were both woken by Harry telling us to get our lazy butts off the bed. When Will woke he looked disappointed, I know that I was.

“Will, you go and shower in our room, you know how long girls take to get ready” Harry said and Will slowly grabbed his clothes and walked to the door while I got off the bed, smiled at Harry, and went into the bathroom.

Harry followed me to the door and stood there as I sat on the toilet and opened my bowels.

“Give me a shout when you’ve finished in there.” Harry said as he turned and went towards the balcony. The balcony door was still open from the previous day and the sun was shining in.

“I’ve finished shitting and wiping my butt Harry.” I shouted as I pressed the flush button.

I washed my hands and was cleaning my teeth when I saw Harry in the mirror. I smiled at him, finished my teeth then got into the shower.

“I may be a while Harry, I need an all-over shave as well.”

“That’s okay Em, take your time, I’ll just take a few photographs.”

“Okay, but don’t say that I didn’t warn you.”

About 10 minutes later I heard all 3 of the guys talking.

“Get me some clothes out to wear please guys.” I shouted.

“Okay.” Luke replied.

About 5 minutes later I walked out of the bathroom and said,

“I presumed that you wanted me in pigtails again.”

“Yeah,” Harry said, “they add to the little sister look.”

“Thought so, what have you got out for me to wear.”

Luke handed me 1 of the net skirts that I’d bought and trimmed so that they only just covered my butt, but didn’t cover my slit, and all the holes in it are big enough for me to put my index finger through; and a bikini top with no material.

I smiled as I put them on then asked Luke to take a photo of me out on the balcony. He took 4, 2 of them with me with my legs spread quite wide and Luke taking the shot from close to the floor. When I looked at them I could see my open vagina and my hard nipples sticking out.

“Good photos Luke.” I said, “can you send 1 of them to my loser ex please?”

He did, and then showed me the text,

‘your loss, our gain’

I smiled and thanked him.

I guess that we’re having breakfast out somewhere this morning.” I said as we walked along the corridor.

“Yep, I saw a nice looking little cafe on the way to pick the Jeep up yesterday and thought that we’d try it, and it gives you a chance to flash that cute little pussy of yours Emily.”

“Cool.” I replied.

As we walked passed reception I saw Pedro, the man who had told me about the ‘special’.

“Hang on a minute guys, something that I have to do, only take a min.”

I walked over to Pedro and before I could speak he said,

“I trust that everything was to your satisfaction madam?”

“Buenos días Pedro, it certainly was, when’s the next ‘special’?”

“Sadly not until next month.”

“That’s bad new, but muchas gracias Pedro, thank you for telling me about it.”

I went up on my toes and kissed his cheek before turning and walking back to the guys.

“What was that about?” Will asked.

“Just a little service extra that he told me about.”

I put my sunglasses on as the bright sun and warm air hit me. Two minutes later we were outside the little cafe that Luke had mentioned and he was organising the chairs so that I was sat where he wanted me to be, pavement side of the table, facing out of town.

“Sit on the front edge of the chair Em.” Luke said.

He needn’t have said anything, I just knew what he wanted me to do, and I wanted to do it as well.

An elderly waiter came and gave us the menus and asked us what we would like to drink. My eyes were going from him to the approaching 2 nerdy looking young men. As the waiter walked away I lay back in the chair and opened my legs. I stared at the 2 nerds through my sunglasses and came to the conclusion that they were were probably virgins on their first holiday abroad without their mummies, and that they were looking around to see the scantily clad girls that they would probably never even get to even talk to.

I felt sad for them and when 1 of them looked my way and realised what he could see, I clenched my pussy muscles to make it a bit more interesting for him.

He stopped dead in his tracks and elbowed his mate who quickly saw what nerd 1 was looking at. I clenched my pussy muscles again.

The 2 nerds obviously hadn’t intended to stop at that cafe, but all of a sudden their minds were changed and after the initial shock of seeing my pussy they turned and came and sat at the next table, moving their chairs so that they could continue to watch my pussy.

They weren’t very bright nerds because I could hear what they were saying to each other.

“Do you think that she knows that we can see her pussy?”

“She must know.”

“So she must be a flasher then.”

“I don’t care what she is, she can sit like that in front of me all day.”

“Hey Ben, that bikini top isn’t covering her tits, look at those chapel hat pegs.”

“What I’d give to get my hands on that body.”

Just then the waiter went up to them and they ordered a couple of colas. When they finished ordering they looked back to me.

“I see that you have a little audience Emily.” Harry said.

“Yes, the poor little brats look like they’ve never seen a pussy before.” I replied.

“Probably haven’t.” Will added.

“You’re enjoying this aren’t you Emily?” Luke asked.

“Sure am.” I replied.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw the waiter approaching so I closed my legs and sat up.

“Shit.” I heard 1 nerd say.

Four coffees were put on the table and 4 orders were given, and when I lay back in the chair and opened my legs, the nerds were still watching. So was a couple of girls who were walking by.

“She’s brave.” One of the girls said.

“She’s with 3 hunks, I think that I’d dress like that to get them.” The other said.

They both giggled and kept walking.

By then my pussy was getting much wetter than it had been ever since I got out of the shower and I wondered, hoped, that the nerds could see my juices. I clenched my pussy muscles again.

As we waited for our food I saw 1 of the nerds reach in to his backpack and get out a camera with a telephoto lens. I smiled to myself as he made a hopeless job of trying to take some covert photos of me and my pussy. I wondered if he’s actually get my pussy in any of the shots.

As I watched I saw a middle-aged man walk by and I saw him do a double-take of me. I wondered if I’d made his day, probably like I was giving those 2 nerd enough wanking material for the next year.

When our food arrived the show was over for the 2 nerds as I sat up and ate my breakfast. I kept looking over to the nerds and realised that they were waiting to see if I’d sit back and open my legs again.

I ate a bit faster than I usually did, and got finished before the guys.

“In a rush to flash those boys again?” Luke asked.

“Poor boys, I’ve got to give them lots to wank over.” I replied. “Where are we going to today Luke?”

“We thought we’d go to that beach that Dani and Wren mentioned, Cala Conta. That okay with you Em?”

“Sure, I’m yours to take to where you like and do what you want to me.” I said, loud enough for the 2 nerds to hear.

One of the nerds obviously heard me because he turned to the other and said,

“Did you hear that Ben. I know what I would like to do to her.”

“Yeah, do you know where this Cala Conta beach is?”

“No, but do you fancy finding out and going there?”

“Fuck yeah, but let’s wait until she leaves here.”

When the guys were ready, Luke waved for the waiter and I sat up as he approached. We paid and left, but as I walked away I stopped in front of the 2 nerds letting them get a good look at me slit and tits and said,

“You can get to Cala Conta beach either by boat from the harbour or a bus from the bus station just up that next road. You might see more of me there”

The 2 nerds were too shocked to say anything and I left to catch up with the guys.

“What happened to you?” Harry asked.

*Nothing really, just a bit of education for a couple of sad young men.”

At the hire place Luke said hello to the hire man who was outside doing something to another Jeep. When he saw me he put down a spanner and said hello to me. I smiled at him the turned to Luke and said,

“Can I take my clothes off now or do I wait?”

“If you must.” Luke replied realising that I wanted to strip in front of the man.

I pulled in the 2 bows holding the strings only bra on me and it fell to the ground. Then I unfastened the catch on the skirt and it too fell to the ground. I stepped out of them and turned my back to the man before bending with straight knees to pick them up.

For some strange reason I had to spread my legs a bit more and I had to have about half a dozen attempts to pick up both the skirt and the top with one hand before I stood up straight and turned around to face the man again, and smiled at him.

“We have real trouble getting her to keep her clothes on when it’s warm like this,” Luke said to the man, “I hate to think what she will be like when she grows up.”

The man smiled and replied,

“No problem, I have that problem with my daughters.”

I thought about that and wondered if he was telling porkies just to please his customer, or if he really did have daughters that were like me.

“You’re a cock teaser Emily, you know that don’t you?” Will said as we drove off down the road.

“I sure do, but I’ve never heard anyone complain.”

“Can you map read for me please Will?” Harry said to Will who was in the seat next to him.

Luke put his hand on my thigh and I spread my legs to give him access.

Just as we were getting to the roundabout on the outskirts of the built up area, I let out a really loud moan then,

“Oh fuck!” as my first orgasm of the day hit me.

“Thank you Luke, I needed that,” I finally said.

“So are you going to keep a count again today?” Luke asked.

“Yes, why not, but I doubt that I’ll reach yesterday’s total.”

“What was it?” Luke asked.

I looked over to Will who was obviously listening to the conversation and replied,

“Well it was 15 when Will pushed me down onto my bed but I lost count as he rammed his cock into me for ages. I can’t say for certain but I think that Will gave me at least 3 more before I passed out with exhaustion. What do you think Will?”

“Err yes, it must have been something like 3 or 4, I can’t really remember.”

As I was saying that to Will I put 1 finger up in the air where just Luke could see it. He smiled and nodded his head.

After at least 1 misleading road sign, we got on the right road and were soon approaching the very disorganised car park. There seemed to be no logic in people’s parking, they just abandoned their cars, sometimes blocking others in. But to be fair, there were no parking lines on the very dusty ground.

Harry found a place where there wasn’t as much dust blowing around, and where it didn’t look like we’d get blocked in, and out we got. There were other cars parking near us and no one seemed to care that a naked girl was standing there waiting for some sunblock to be applied to her body.

Luke was the lucky guy and he gently, but quickly applied the cream, even on my face where he pretended to poke my nose and pull my earlobes. When he got to my tits he caressed and pulled and twisted and rolled my nipples causing them to get even harder and send waves of pleasure down to my pussy.

When he was doing my butt he was stood beside me and he rubbed the cream all around my butt hole then slid a finger, then 2, up my butt. I spread my legs to make it easier for him, and me. That was the first time that I’d ever had fingers in there. An old boyfriend had once tried to butt fuck me but I told him to stop, that I didn’t like the idea, but there I was letting Luke put 2 fingers in me, and I was liking it. I wanted more but Luke had already moved on to my pussy where he rubbed my clit and finger fucked me to my second orgasm of the day.

All that time, people were parking their cars and walking passed us and seeing me getting pleasured. I was enjoying that fact and those who looked at me either smiled or just ignored us. I wondered just how many of them thought that I was a kid and how many thought I was what I actually am, a young woman who was letting a handsome young man rubbing sunblock all over me and making me cum. The latter I hoped.

Will and Harry had been patiently waiting and as we started walking out of the car park Will said,

“That took long enough.”

“Hey,” I replied, “part of our agreement was that one of you would cover me in sunblock each time that we stopped and each of you has made me cum when you did it so it takes as long as it takes.”

“I know,” Will said, “don’t get your knickers in a twist.”

Will and I looked at each other then just laughed at the stupidity of his remark.

Quite a few people were converging on the main exit from the car park and more people were walking down the road. I couldn’t see any other naked people, or topless women. I felt so excited, so aroused, to be the only totally naked person in amongst all those clothed people. My nipples were rock hard and throbbing a little, and my pussy was tingling and getting wetter.

As we turned the corner and saw the cafe I asked the others which beach they wanted to go to, giving them the details of each one. I also explained that I could get away with being naked on the ‘clothed’ beaches but they would have to keep their shorts on, whereas and the nudes beach we could all be naked.

The guys chose the big(ish) clothed beach which pleased me because the people there may not be expecting to see a naked girl, and I wanted some of them to see every bit of my body.

We walked to the end of the road then turned right and went down to the beach. The guys chose a spot roughly in the middle and close to the water’s edge, then spread our towels. Each of them put sunblock on themselves, except for their backs which they told me to do.

I looked around and saw a variety of people close to us. None seemed at all bothered that a naked girl was with 3 young men, although I did see a couple of men who were looking at me.

When we lay down to soak up the sun, with me between Luke and Harry and my feet touching both their legs, I started thinking about how many times I was going to get fucked that day and how many times I was going to cum that day. I suspected that it was going to be less than the previous day and I tried to think of ways that I could make both happen.

I think that the guys must have been thinking about that as well because after a while Luke said,

“Come on guys, it’s time to christen this little bit of Ibiza.”

I smiled as I got up and ran into the water then swam out to where the water was up to my chest. The guys were close behind and it was Will that grabbed me first, his right hand went straight to my pussy and his fingers invaded me. I moaned and Will’s hand go very active. I had my third orgasm of the day courtesy of his fingers.

Will wasn’t content with making me cum, he wanted to cum as well and he pushed me back and pulled my legs to him. They went either side of him and he was soon pulling me onto his cock then pushing me back a little.

When he came it was deep inside me.

Harry was next, Will taking his place standing between me and whoever was fucking me and the beach. Harry didn’t last long and he added to the male cum inside me. Whilst Harry and Luke were changing places I noticed a snorkel heading our way. I couldn’t tell who was attached to the snorkel, and I didn’t care.

Luke was different. When he pulled me to him, it was 2 of his fingers that slid into my ass. That surprised me, but I wasn’t complaining. Not even when 2 became 3, although I did moan and feel the pain as he stretched my ass hole. It hurt a little but I certainly wasn’t complaining as those 3 fingers went in and out of my ass.

That didn’t last long and when they came out his cock went in to my pussy and I almost instantly orgasmed. He fucked me long and hard and I orgasmed again as I felt him erupt inside me. I watched the snorkel that had by then got to just just beside and behind Luke. Whoever was attached to the snorkel was getting a front row seat to our coitus. I guess that helped my fifth orgasm of the day arrive.

I ignored the snorkel and Luke didn’t spot it when he pushed me off him and I felt the cooler water go inside me.

The 3 of them swam ashore leaving me out there, floating on my back with my legs open and pretending not to see the snorkel. What I could see was that it was a man, that’s all. He swam back and forth a couple of times before heading off back the way he came.

I swam diagonally back to the beach, coming ashore at the cafe end of the beach and slowly walking back in front of all the clothed people, although I did see that quite a few of the women were topless. Some looked at the naked little girl but most just ignored me.

I was again grateful that I have a petite little body that I keep free of hair. Most, if not all, of the people there probably thought that I was 10 years younger than I actually am.

As I got back to the guys I heard a young man say,

“That’s her, the naked girl.”

I looked in the direction of the voice and saw the 2 nerds from breakfast time. I smiled as I thought that they must have listened to what I said to them and come and searched for me. I ignored them and plonked myself down in the space that the guys had left for me on the towels.

I thanked them and told them that I was only up to 5 orgasms so far that day.

“I’m sure that we’ll make up for that sometime today or this evening.” Harry said.

I wondered what he meant but I ignored it and lay back and spread my legs.

About 10 minutes later I heard Will say,

“Isn’t that those to nerdy kids from this morning?”

“Yeah,” Luke replied, “just ignore them and they’ll go away, I think that it’s Emily that they’re staring at not you Will.”

I got up onto my elbows and saw that the nerds had come and sat just in front of us, they’d turned over and were laying on their stomachs with their legs in the water and their eyes glued to my pussy.

I smiled, lay back and discovered an itch just near my labia.

About 30 minutes later they were still there and Will was obviously getting a bit pissed with them staring.

“I’m going to go and thump those 2 if they don’t piss-off soon.” Will said.

Then I had an idea then said,

“Guys, I can get rid of them but you have to trust me for about half an hour.”

“What do you want to do to them Em?” Luke asked.

“Take them into the bushes and let them take some photos of me and maybe let them touch me a bit.”

“Woah they little girl.” Luke replied, “there’s 2 of them and both of them are a lot bigger than you, they could easily rape you – if it could be called rape,”

“Don’t worry about me, one thing that you don’t know about me is that I’m a karate black belt, and besides, as soon as they touch my skin they’ll probably cum in their pants.”

“You, a black belt?” Will said, “I’d better not upset you then.”

“Yep, and a very agile and competent black belt so watch out buster.”

“Wow,” Luke said, “that’s okay with me, what about you 2?”

Both Harry and Will agreed and I got to my feet. I went and stood right in front of the nerds, letting them look up my spread legs.

“So you guys like what you see do you?”

“Err yes.” One of them said.

“Relax guys, I’m got going kick the shit out of you, I’ve just got a proposition for you.”

“What’s that.”

“Assuming that you’ve got your cameras in your bags, you follow me into those bushes and I let you take as many photographs of me as you want, close-ups, any angle; and maybe I’ll let you even touch me. But no fucking. Then you disappear. What do you think?”

“Yeah, yeah.” One of them replied.

“Is that a deal?”


“Right, go and get your stuff then follow me.”

I’ve never seen 2 nerds move so fast, and by the time that I got to the fence between the beach and the bushes, they were right there. The fence is quite small and even I could step over it, one leg at a time. I looked at them then lifted one leg over giving them a great view of my pussy. I heard one of them gasp.

I smiled then lifted the other leg over and I started walking, not even looking back to make sure that they were following me.

It didn’t take long for me to get to a place where we couldn’t be seen from the beach and I turned to find one of them right in my face.

“Get your cameras out and get clicking.” I said.

I watched as they did so, fumbling as they did so.

They stepped back and started clicking. Guess which parts of me there cameras were pointed at.

After about 20 shots I decided to give them a bit more to look at and lifted a foot up onto a branch. They didn’t zoom in on my pussy, they moved right in, front and back.

After another 20 or so shots I said,

“You can touch it if you like.”

I suspected that they would be too nervous to actually touch me but I was wrong. The thing was, the whole situation was turning me on something rotten and when one of their fingers touched my clit I orgasmed, number 6.

Both nerds stepped back, possibly shocked and maybe not believing, or realising, what was happening.

“When I was able, I said,

“Relax guys, it was just an orgasm. That’s the effect that you have on me. You can touch me again if you want.”

Both nerds moved their hands forward, one to my tits and the other to my pussy.

“Gently.” I said, expecting them to be as inexperienced and amateurish as the boys back at school were.

They were so slow and gentle that it was actually quite stimulating, and when a finger went inside me I orgasmed again (7).

“Okay guys,” I said when I was able, “that’s it, the show’s over. Get your shit together and get the hell out of here.”

“They both stopped and looked at my face.”

“I mean it, I’m a black belt and I can easily make you need your holiday insurance.”

I saw their faces drain before they turned and grabbed their belongings.

I laughed all the way back to the guys on the beach. I even put a smile on a man’s face as I climbed over the fence.

“We won’t be seeing those nerds again” I said as I lay on my towel.

“You haven’t karate chopped them to death have you?” Harry said.

“Shush, don’t tell anyone, we might be gone before the police find them.” I joked. “Oh, by the way, their fingers gave me 2 more orgasms, things are looking up.

“You humped a dead guy’s hand.” Luke continued the joke.

“Yeah, but it took 2 floppy hands to bring me off, one from each dead guy.”

Luke turned to me and quietly said,

“I’m pleased that you had another 2 Emily.”

“So am I, but I’m still horny,” then louder, “any of you guys recovered enough to want to try to drown me by holding my head on your cock underwater?”

“Not so loud Emily.” Luke said.

“No one’s listening, and no one cares.” I replied.

Unsurprisingly, all 3 guys wanted a repeat of the previous days underwater throat fucking and into the water we went and I got close to drowning 3 more times. I didn’t cum again but all 3 of them gave me an early lunch.

Back on the towels I needed a rest and the 3 of them went for a walk leaving me, legs spread wide and chest still pounding up and down recovering.

When they returned I was back to normal although the experience had left me more horny than before. The 3 of them stood over me, Luke having put his left foot between my legs right up at the top, his big toe at the entrance to my vagina. I responded by moving my hips so that his toe actually entered me.

“That’s nice.” I said.

“Time for something to eat guys.” Harry said, and Luke put an arm down to help me up.

We walked up to the cafe and walked straight in. I’d been in there before wearing only a thong, without any material, and not had any problems, but this was different, I was totally naked, not even any flip flops. Luke had a word with 1 of the waiters then we went to a table and sat down, Luke positioning me so that the people coming and going would be able to see up my legs to my pussy.

“Thank you.” I said as I sat down. He gave me a knowing smile.

We actually had a great meal although I suspected that it was priced according to it’s location, but the guys were paying.

I kept looking around to see if anyone was looking at my pussy but I never saw anyone. That was the only disappointing bit of that visit to that cafe.

Attached to the cafe is a little shop selling, well rubbish, but the guys still wanted to go and have a look, I suspected that it was for me to have more time being on display like that.

Back at the towels, Luke announced that he was going for a walk and I said that that was a good idea and him and we slowly walked along the water’s edge.

As we walked he told me that I was going to get a ‘right good fucking’ that evening and that I’d be left knackered and sore after it.

“Bring it on.” I said, “do we have to wait until this evening?”

“Yes, if we did it here we definitely would get arrested.”

“That good eh?”

“It should be.”

After a short pause Luke said,

“You like being the only one naked here don’t you Em?”

“Yes, it turns me on.”

“You’re not at all embarrassed then?”

“Hell no, besides, it’s more natural, I mean, why the hell do we all wear clothes?”

“Yeah, in principle I agree but there are some people that I’d rather not see naked.”

“If we were all naked all the time we’d get used to seeing the fat ugly people.”

“True, hey, do you want an ice cream Emily?”

“I wouldn’t mind.”

We walked back up towards the cafe to where there is a window selling cold drinks and ice cream and stood in the queue waiting to get served. A teenage boy joined the queue behind us and I kept turning sideways to let him get a better look at me. My nipples had been hard ever since I got off my bed that morning but that youth’s eyes made them harder and my pussy got a bit wetter.

When we got to the front of the queue Luke ordered then looked at me. I was trying to make up my mind when the teenage girl serving said,

“What would your daughter like?”

I looked up at her and said,

“Sister actually.” then pointed at an ice cream on the display board.

“Daughter!” I exclaimed as we walked away, “that would make me about 7 or 8, I don’t look that young do I?”

“No, relax Emily, it’s probably just her not very good English.”

Luke decided to walk a bit more before going back to Harry and Will, and we walked to the other, smaller ‘clothed’ beach where we walked along it and then back up. Luke followed me up few steps. When we got to the top he said,

“You do have a cute little bubbly butt Emily.”

“You like it then?”

“Yes, I do, I could just bury my face in it and lick you until you cum.”

“Wow, maybe we should go somewhere where you can do just that.”

“That would be nice, but where?”

“Where I took those nerds.”

“Lead the way my little daughter.”

“Hey, that’s too much.”

“So did you enjoy walking through all those clothed people Emily?”

“Yes, especially when those young men stared at me.”

“You know that you’re an exhibitionist don’t you?”

“Yes, and its nice to discover and be able to be the real me here on holiday.”

“Whatever are you going to do when you go back to England?”

“Suppress it again I guess.”

“Poor you. You need to find a man who can help you be the real you.”

“I thought that I had but he went all weird on me.”

I gave Luke a flash of my pussy as I climbed over the fence that Luke just walked over, then in the bushes he got behind me then picked me up and turned me over so that my butt was in his face and my hands were dangling down near the ground.

With one hand round my chest holding me up by one tit, and his other hand round my hips and rubbing my clit, his mouth buried its self between my butt cheeks, he started licking my anus.

“Oow, that’s different.” I said.

His tongue probed just inside me and I have to say that it was increasing my arousal. He kept going and before long I was cumming for the 8th time that day. When I had returned to normal Luke slid his hands to my hips, spun me round and put me down on my feet.

“Wow,” I said, “I never thought that my ass could give me that much pleasure.”

“No one has ever done anything like that to you before Emily?”


“So you wouldn’t mind a full blown anal fuck?”

“I never fancied it before, but now, yeah, just as long as the cock isn’t too big.”

“Good, lets head back to the others, they’ll be thinking that I tried something with you and you put me in hospital.”

“I can’t see you doing anything to me that would warrant anything like that Luke.”

“No I wouldn’t but you might not say that in the morning.”

“I doubt that but I am curious.”

“Not giving you any clues Em, that would spoil the surprise.”

I gave Luke, and a teenage girl, another flash of my pussy as I climbed back over the fence.

“Where have you 2 been?” Will asked when we got back to the towels.

“Just walking and talking, and showing this cute little body to the world.” Luke replied smacking me on my butt just before I got down onto the towel and lay with my legs open.

After a while Will said,

“I’m getting bored, this sunbathing is okay but only in small doses. I need to do something different. Anyone want to go into those bushes Emily?”

“Let’s all go, then we can keep going and go to the Jeep. There must be some more beaches around here.” Luke said.

We did just that, each of them took me doggy style while another of them fucked my mouth and throat. The third one kept watch, just in case, but that didn’t stop me seeing 2 middle-aged men watching us from about 20 metres away. Those 2 watching encouraged my third orgasm of that session taking my total to 11 for the day. As I started to relax I wondered if I could equal the previous day’s total.

With 3 lots of male cum seeping out of me we walked back to the Jeep. It took ages to find it in the spread out car park, Luke sense of direction finally taking us there.

As we walked around looking for it we saw quite a few people also walking around, some looked like they were leaving and some like they were arriving. Quite a few looked at the naked me and I wondered if they could see the male cum on my thighs.

I was happy.

Harry drove us up the road a bit then turned at a sign that indicated there was another beach. It took a bit of finding and there were only a couple of cars parked near the entrance. Harry had no problem parking the Jeep in the trees.

“Who’s turn is it to put sunblock on me?” I asked.

“Mine.” Will said, “get ready to cum again girl.”

I smiled and got out and stood at the front of the Jeep with my feet about shoulder width apart.

Will seemed to be in a bit of a rush to get the cream on me and apart from my tits, butt and pussy which he really worked on, he quickly covered my less interesting parts. My nipples got pulled, twisted, squeezed and flicked before his hands went lower. He was really rough with his hands on my pussy but that just got me worked-up quicker and it was a strong orgasm that exploded out of me.

“Twelve,” I thought when my brain was capable.

“What time is it?” Harry asked as we walked onto the beach and saw only 2 couples on the little beach with not so nice sand.

“Four thirty.” Will replied.

“Well I guess that that explains why there is hardly anyone here.”

“Okay, Luke said, let’s watch Emily bring herself off then go for a swim, then head of back to the San An to get a snack before our evening of debauchery.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.” Harry said.

Am I doing this on my back or on my feet?” I asked as we stopped near the end of the little beach and just about as far as we could get from the other people.

“You can be more inventive if you’re on your back.” Harry said.

“Okay.” I said as I got out 1 of the towels and spread it out.

Getting down on my back, my left hand went to my tits and my right to my still very wet pussy. I had just started running my index finger round the end of my clit when Will asked,

“Emily, you said that you did karate, did that keep you flexible?”

“Yes, to a certain degree, but I also did gymnastics and the coach was a flexibility fanatic, why”

“Can you lift your legs right over and put your arms over the backs of you thighs?”

“Sure, I did it a few days ago on my bed, remember?”

“Go on then.” Will ordered.

I did, and found it quite easy.

“Now bend your head forwards and see if you can lick your pussy.”

“Oh, I never thought of doing that - I lied.”

I moved my head then reached forwards. It was a struggle, but with the help of my hands pulling on my butt I managed to reach my clit with my tongue, and then the entrance to my vagina.

“See if you can stay like that long enough for your tongue to make you cum.”

“If you can it opens a whole new way of masturbating.” Luke added.

It only hurt me a little to do that so I continued playing with my clit with my tongue.

“Even if I wanted to there’s no way that I could bend like that.” Luke said.

“I guess that it’s one of the advantages of being so skinny.” I replied.

“Got to take some photos of that.” Harry said as he delved into the bag and got his and my phone out.

Two minutes and quite a few photos later, Harry said,

“I’ve sent one to your ex Emily and added the text,

‘I’m better at this than you were’

If my mouth wasn’t busy I would probably have said,

“Too true.”

I looked around and saw that both couples were watching us. Getting back to my pussy I continued licking it and my arousal level started to rise. Luke must have realised that and he said,

“Go girl, you can do it.”

My hands were like spare parts so I reached out on both sides and managed to find 2 cocks that had mysteriously escaped from the confines of their shorts. Will’s and Harry’s and I started wanking them.

It was a bit of a weird experience for me, but at the same time it was nice and I could feel an orgasm building. My hands and tongue worked faster and as I felt 2 lots of male cum landing on me I felt a third lot of cum shoot up from my pussy and land on my face as I reached my peak. As I slowed my hands I looked up at Luke and saw that he was grinning. I smiled back and increased my count for the day to 13. There was still plenty of time for me to break my own record.

After a swim, on my own, during which I decided that I was going to lick my own pussy quite a lot from then on, I returned to the guys and thanked them for waiting for me.

We went back to the Jeep and headed back to San An.

The hire guy was outside his place when we got there, and he was talking to another man as well. They both stopped talking and stared at me as I got out and waited for Harry to unlock the lock box. I was stood facing the hire man and when his eyes went up to meet mine I smiled at him and said, “Hi.”

He smiled back and asked me if I’d had a good day.

“Yes thank you, do you think my tan is coming along?”

That stunned him a little and there was a pause before he replied,

“Err yes, you look beautiful.”

Needles to say that his eyes had drifted down again.

Harry gave me my skirt and top and I slowly put them on, still facing the hire man. They might have been clothes but they didn’t hide anything.

Luke went and had a short chat with the hire man then we left and headed back to the centre of town to find somewhere to eat.

As we got nearer to the centre we came across a couple of young men who had obviously started on the pop a bit early and I heard 1 of them say,

“Fucking hell Dave, I can see her cunt.”

I smiled and kept walking.

The guys chose 1 of the many cafes with outside seating and I ended up in a seat with no chance of flashing my pussy to anyone, but my bare tits were still on display, framed by the strings of the material-less bralette.

We only had snacks and one of those fancy ice creams before heading back to the hotel.

As I walked into my room I could hear Dani and Wren out on their balcony so I stripped and went out to see them. They too were naked, just having got out of the shower and about to get ready for a night on the town.

We started talking about what we had all been doing and I saw Luke pick up my door key over the balcony divider, then a minute later he was beside me.

“Hi girls,” Luke said, “has Emily invited you to our little get together yet?”

“No,” I replied, “I haven’t got round to that yet.”

“Is that because you don’t know what’s going to happen yet?”

“So what is going to happen?” Wren asked.

“Can’t tell you, it’s going to be a surprise for Emily.”

“So when is this going to happen?”

“In about an hour, we’re all getting cleaned up then we’ll have a couple of beers then start. Would you like to join us girls?”

“I don’t know.” Dani said.

“Hey, come along, have some fun and if you don’t like it you can go clubbing or whatever later.” Luke said.

Dani looked at Wren then they both said that they were in.

“Just 1 thing, well 2 actually, you have to come as you are right now and you have to bring your cameras.”

“Will you and Harry and Will be naked as well?” Dani asked.

“Nudity is a requirement for all attendees.” Luke replied.

“In that case,” Dani said, “when does this, whatever, start?”

“As soon as we are all cleaned up.”

“You 2 are cleaned up already so do you want to come round?” I asked.

“On our way.” Dani replied.

“Bring those balcony chairs with you.” Luke added.

I picked up my door key and passed it to Dani, telling them that I was going to my shower.

I was in the bathroom for a while as I wanted to get myself to my best, I even had a pee and a poo, not wanting to have to interrupt whatever I was going to be the star of. My shaving didn’t take that long as it was my pussy area that I wanted to be really smooth. After splashing a bit of perfume on, for the first time in Ibiza, I stepped out to see 3 naked men and 2 naked girls all drinking and talking.

“Here she is, our star of the evening.” Dani said.

I nearly blushed as a bottle was thrust into my hand and Luke patted a spot on my bed for me to go and sit on.

“You guys still haven’t told me what I’m going to do, I might not be able to do it. Or are we all going to go for a run around town like this, or are we going to have a fucking session in the fountain. When are you going to tell me?”

“In a bit, drink that beer first.” Luke said.

“You’ll need it.” Will added.

“No she won’t, she not going to do anything that she doesn’t want to.” Luke replied.

“So we are going into town like this.” I joked.

I had a vague idea what it was that I was going to have to do but I didn’t want to say anything unless I had got it wrong. The thing was, my nipples and pussy were reacting to what I thought it might just be, but my nipples had been rock hard and my pussy had been dripping ever since I’d left home in England, and no one could see that they were tingling.

We all chatted about nothing really for a while then just as I was given a second beer, Dani said,

“So Emily, they guys tell us that you can lick your own pussy, are you going to show us?”

“What? No, they shouldn’t have told you.”

“Come on Em,” Luke said, it’s not a secret, it’s something that you should be proud of.”

I thought for a second then handed Luke my bottle before laying back on my bed and swinging my legs up. Ten seconds later my tongue was licking my clit.

“Wow.” Dani said, “I wish that I could do that”

“Who says that you can’t?” Harry said, “why don’t you try? You too Wren.”

Dani got a mischievous grin on her face the replied,

“Move over guys, we need some bed space.”

Both Dani and Wren did their best to do what I was doing, but both of them could only manage to get their legs behind their shoulders. It was then that the guys phones appeared and they started taking photos of our pussies.

The thing was, none of us girls complained or asked them to stop. Not even when the guys picked up some empty beer bottles and started fucking us with them.

I could reach my clit with my fingers and I soon managed to have orgasm number 14. As I was cumming I saw Luke take the bottle out of me and start putting it back in the other way round.

“Oh my gawd Luke, what are you doing, it will never go in that way round.” I said when I was able.

“Too late Em, look, it’s already part way in.”

As he was saying that I felt his fingers press on my butt hole, it opened and in at least 2 fingers went.

“Fuck Luke, what are you trying to do to me, is this the big event that you’ve been talking about?”

“No Em, this is just the warm-up.” He said as his fingers moved around a bit then withdrew.

With all of the wide part of the bottle inside me Luke started fucking me with it.

“Oh my gawd Luke, stop that, no, keep going. Oh, oooooooooooh, oooooooooooh, yes, YEEEEEEEEEEEEEES.”

And I orgasmed for the fifteenth time that day.

As my heart started to slow Luke let go of the bottle and I turned my head to see what Will and Harry were doing to Dani and Wren.

“Jeez,” I thought, as I saw 2 bottles, also the wrong way round, sticking out of the 2 pussies and both girls in the throws of orgasms.

“Well that was fun.” Will said as he pulled the bottle out of Wren. “Is Emily ready for the main event?”

I looked down a bit and saw 3 cocks pointing to the ceiling.

“Yeah, I reckon she is.” Luke replied, then when everyone was quiet he continued,

“Ladies and gentlemen, this evening we have with us a young lady who is an anal virgin. She also loves to have a cock in her pussy and another in her throat. I am also sure that she has an unspoken desire to rectify her misfortune. So, this evening we are going to take her anal cherry and at the same time filling her other 2 holes with the other 2 cocks in here. I’m sure that she would appreciate it if our 2 beautiful ladies watching this deflowering would use her phone and take photos and a video so that she can look back at her deflowering with pride.”

The 2 other guys and the 2 girls all cheered and clapped their hands while I was sort of dreading what was going to happen to me, and at the same time, really looking forward to it. The thought crossed my mind that when Luke had fingered my ass he was preparing me for what was to come. I made a mental note to ask him later.

“Okay, okay,” I said when the noise died down, “yes, I admit everything that Luke has said is true. All I ask is that you guys use plenty of lube and take it easy on this poor little virgin.”

“Okay guys you know who is going where first.”

Will pulled me to my feet then he lay on the bed where I had been. I smiled at his cock sticking up, knowing that it was go to go inside me.

“Emily,” Luke said, “straddle Will, facing him and lower yourself onto him.”

I did.

“Lay flat on him with your head as far to the side of the bed as you can, and try to stick your butt high up.”

I did, pressing my body to Will’s.

“Harry, fill her throat and Emily, relax.”

Just as Harry’s cock went into my mouth then throat, I felt Luke’s cock press on my anus. It opened and I felt his cock go in. It didn’t hurt as much as I expected, even when it kept going further in.

It stopped when I felt his balls on my pussy. I giggled a bit as I wondered if his balls were also touching Will’s cock.

I tried to sigh but my mouth was full of Harry’s cock.

Then they started fucking me. They weren’t in sync and I don’t know if that was a good thing or not.

My body was pushed in 3 different directions as each one thrust forward. Needless to say that I had another orgasm (16). I was plugged in all my 3 holes and those 3 cocks were pounding in and out of me, the only thing that could make it any better was if it was happening outside somewhere with people watching.

Will suddenly shouted “stop”, and all 3 did, Harry and Luke withdrew their cocks and Will lifted me off him.

“Sorry guys,” Will said, “I was getting close to cumming.”

“That’s okay mate, we knew that that one of us would get to that point and we planned for that. Emily, we’ll have another beer the start again.

I sat up and heard Wren ask,

“Are you okay Em, what was that like? Oh, I got it all on video.”

“Thanks Wren, it wasn’t as bad as I’d half expected. Sure it hurt a little at first but then it was nice, I wonder if just fucking my ass will make me cum like fucking my pussy does.”

“Oh it can.” Dani said.

“So you’ve done anal before then Dani?” Will asked.

“Sure, but I prefer cocks in my pussy.”

“I do as well.” Wren added.

“So it was just me who was an anal virgin.” I said.

“Well not any more girl.” Luke said, “and you’ve got 2 more rounds of it so that you will have had 3 proper gang-bangs before the evening is over.”

“Bring it on guys.” I said.

“Slow down girl, you may be able to keep going for hours but us guys need time to recover.”

“But none of you came.”

“But 1 of us was about to and we want to last as long as we can.”

“So why don’t you just cum and let us girls help you to get hard again?”

“We hadn’t planned on Dani and Wren being here but that’s not a bad idea, guys, what do you think?”

“Works for me.” Will said.

“And get the chance for Dani to wrap her mouth around my cock, bring it on. Emily, you’re about to get fucked real hard.”

I just smiled.

When the guys finished their beer the guys rotated round my holes and I was soon getting pounded harder and faster than the first time. It didn’t hurt at all when Harry rammed into my butt hole but with both my butt and my pussy being pounded I couldn’t tell which I preferred.

It was Will that shot his load down my throat first, just as number 17 arrived. The other guys stopped and it wasn’t long before Wren was working on Will’s cock. Harry said that he was about to explode so Dani volunteered to finish him off then get him hard again.

While that was going on the guys were drinking beer again and Luke was sat next to me. I put my hand on his still hard cock and asked if he wanted me to finish him off. He smiled and nodded so I got on my knees in front of him and did just that, showing him what was in my mouth before swallowing it.

The thing was, it was Luke’s turn to fuck my throat so when we resumed I had to take Luke’s cock in my throat again.

Will was pounding my butt and he kept going after Harry had shot his load into my pussy and stopped. I was left with just my butt getting pounded and, although number 18 arrived it wasn’t as good as the previous ones that evening. I decided that I agreed with Dani, pussy was better than ass.

After Will finally deposited his load in my butt and pulled out I rolled off Harry and just lay there feeling quite knackered. More beers were passed around and the people slowly started talking. Both Dani and Wren were feeling a bit left out of all the main action and it was Luke that suggested that they got on the bed with me and had some girl-on-girl action.

That was also something that I’d never done and when I told everyone that both Dani and Wren volunteered to give me another first. Of course the guys were all for it and it wasn’t long before Dani was kissing me and Wren as eating my pussy. After a couple of minutes she came up for air and said that she could taste Harry, or was it Luke or Will.

Dani took the opportunity to move down on me and she was soon in the 69 position with me eating her pussy. I wasn’t sure what I was doing, particularly as she has some inner labia and I don’t, but judging by her moans I was doing it right and she was enjoying it. She was also forcing my body to moan a lot as well.

Wren had moved to my tits and was massaging them and playing with my nipples. It didn’t take long for number 19 to arrive and I managed to keep going until Dani came as well. I felt some of her juices escape and land on my face.

When Dani rolled off me I saw 3 hard cocks hovering over me.

“Guys,” I said, “are you trying to fuck me to death, I’m knackered.”

“Don’t worry Emily,” Luke said, “not all these are for you. Only this one, where do you want it?”

“Pussy” was all that I could say and he swung my legs around then lifted them up.

I grabbed my ankles and pushed them as wide apart as I could just before I felt my vagina stretch open wider than it usually is.

“I’m knackered Luke.” I said as he started going in and out of me.

“You just lay there Em, I’ll do the work.”

And he did, me going “umph” each time that the tip of his cock hit my cervix. I didn’t cum, I think that I was all cummed out by then, but it did feel nice when I felt his warm seed flood into me.

When Luke pulled out I let go of my ankles and by the time they landed on the bed I was asleep.

“Come on Emily, wake up.” I heard Dani say.

“Go away.”

“No Emily, wake up, we’re going out for a drink. You can wear just one of those net dresses if you want.”

Deep down I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to show my body to some guys so I pulled myself up to sit on the side of the bed.

“Where is everyone?”

“Wren’s in our shower, Luke’s just finished in your shower and has gone to put some clothes on and Will and Harry are in their room.”

“I need a shower.”

“Yes you do, come on, I’ll help you.”

Dani helped me into my shower and helped me soap and shampoo my hair.

“I need a piss.” I said.

“Just let rip girl.” Dani replied, so I did.

“Sorry, I think that I got some piss on your legs Dani.”

“That’s okay Em, it will wash off.”

A few minutes later Dani and I were stepping out of the shower and getting dried, I was feeling a lot better, but still knackered.

“Don’t worry Emily, you’ll feel a lot better when were in a bar with a drink in your hand. Can I borrow 1 of your net dresses?”

“Sure, help yourself.”

I cleaned my teeth and when I walked out of the bathroom I saw Dani, all of her through the holes in the dress and under the front, the dress wasn’t quite long enough for her taller body.

“If we were in England I would have said that you’d get arrested for indecent exposure Dani.”

“But we’re not in England, I’ve picked out your shortest dress for you to put on Em.”

I slipped it on and my slit was also below the hem of the net.

“That’s 2 of us libel to get arrested.” Dani said.

“I’m sore.” I said.

“Front or back?”


“I’m not really surprised, your holes got a really good hammering, You did enjoy it didn’t you?”

“Yes, let’s do it again right now. No, only joking. I need a few hours rest first.”

Just then Wren walked in and said,

“Wow, look at you 2, I feel positively over-dressed.”

“What do you mean, I can see your slit and your nipples are sticking through that top Wren.”

“Yeah but at least 1 square inch of my body is covered.”

Just then the 3 guys walked in, Luke first and when he saw us he said,

“Wow, 3 hot chics in here guys, we’re going to have to fend of the whole of San Antonio to keep them with us.”

I gave Luke my room door key and phone and asked him to keep them for me, I wasn’t going to take a purse with me.

We left the hotel and walked in pairs to the nightlife area. I was alongside Luke and we started talking.

“You look really hot tonight Em.”

“Thank you Luke, Luke, when you fingered my ass hole these last couple of days were you trying to get a message to me to expect what happened tonight?”

“I was trying to get your ass hole used to being opened by something from the outside. I guessed that if you suddenly had a cock rammed into you it would hurt a lot and I didn’t want that to happen.”

“Thank you Luke, it didn’t hurt that much, but I am sore now, butt and pussy.”

“Not really surprised, you took quite a hammering tonight, you took it amazingly well. Tell you what, it’s my turn to spend the night with you and I’ll wake you with my fingers on your clit not ramming into you with my cock.”

“Thank you Luke. Can you just hold me when we go to bed, that will be nice.”

“Will do, but a couple of beers may just wake you up and the nymphomaniac in you may just make you want to jump me as soon as I take my shorts off.”

I was quiet for a while as I thought about what he had just said, was I really a nymphomaniac? I didn’t think too much about it because I decided that I was just a holiday nymphomaniac.

We did have an enjoyable few hours, us 3 girls getting a few rude comments about what we had on display and a couple of guys trying to hit on us despite there being 3 tall, handsome guys with us. We even did some dancing at one bar, but we headed back to the hotel well before the nightlife died down,

Luke came into my room, Wren into the guys room and Harry into the girls room. Luke was true to his word and I went to sleep in his arms.


Same as Emily’s First Solo Holiday Part 04 Videos

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Emilys First Solo Holiday Part 05

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous part. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 05 DAY 09 – The third day of my ‘enslavement’ ****** Luke did wake me by rubbing my clit and when I realised that my pussy was no longer sore I asked him to fuck me. “I had 19 orgasms yesterday.” I said after Luke had fucked me to my first orgasm of the day. “No wonder that you were knackered, although I...

2 years ago
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Emilys First Solo HolidayChapter 3

Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous part. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 03 DAY 05 I was actually woken by an unknown cock going in and out of my vagina. I sighed and then moaned as his speed increased until I had my first orgasm of the day. When he’d cum and started to go soft he rolled over and I turned to see who it was. “That was nice Harry, it set me up for the day.” The night’s sleep had...

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Emilys First Solo Holiday Part 06

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous part. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 06 DAY 10 – The fourth day of my ‘enslavement’ ****** Harry woke me with a start, my whole body moved and I woke up as he thrust his cock quick and hard into my pussy. His subsequent hard and deep thrusts quickly made me cum. He later told me that my pussy was dripping before he started and asked me what I was...

3 years ago
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Emilys First Solo HolidayChapter 5

DAY 09 – The third day of my ‘enslavement’ Luke did wake me by rubbing my clit and when I realised that my pussy was no longer sore I asked him to fuck me. “I had 19 orgasms yesterday.” I said after Luke had fucked me to my first orgasm of the day. “No wonder that you were knackered, although I suspect that the 3 proper gang-bangs contributed quite a bit to that.” “Probably.” After my bathroom routine I went out onto the balcony to greet the new day. Both Dani and Wren were sat on...

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Emilys First Solo HolidayChapter 6

DAY 10 – The fourth day of my ‘enslavement’ Harry woke me with a start, my whole body moved and I woke up as he thrust his cock quick and hard into my pussy. His subsequent hard and deep thrusts quickly made me cum. He later told me that my pussy was dripping before he started and asked me what I was dreaming about. Unfortunately, I couldn’t remember but I was glad that I was very wet when he first thrust hard into me. It was the last day with the Jeep, therefore my last day of me being...

4 years ago
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Emilys Lingerie Party All girls

Introduction: Boyfriends were gone and a girl needs some lovin Emilys Lingerie Party (All girls) I woke up Saturday morning and had to go to the bathroom. Ashley, my girlfriend/lover, was curled up with her forehead touching my back. Poor thing was almost completely uncovered, and looked so cold. When I came back to the bedroom, she was lying on her back, one arm over her head, a knee bent and legs slightly spread. Just looking at her made my heart race, she was so hott. Instead of just...

2 years ago
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Teens First Solo Gay Holiday Part 1

It was 1974 and I had just turned 17.We were due to go on our first family holiday the Cyprus but it was stopped when Turkey invaded the island. I had been looking forward to it and hand been allowed to take a friend as company.The school holidays had only just started and I was determined to go somewhere. A  friend suggested that Brighton was a great place to go and he had been going for a few years with his boyfriend and they had a good time. I had only recently become involved with guys and...

Gay Male
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Emilys First Solo Holiday Part 02

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous part. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 02 DAY 03 ****** I woke as dawn was breaking, the air was warm, but fresh, the balcony doors being wide open. I looked beside me and saw Luke next to me still fast asleep. I smiled as I vaguely remember us fucking. I decided to wake him by giving him a blowjob and was pleased to see his morning woody when I...

3 years ago
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Emilys Second Solo Holiday Part 06

by Vanessa Evans Part 06 We arrived at the nightclub around 10:30 and 2 naked girls and one with just a pointless wrap on, escorted by 2 large men had no problem getting in. I was surprised to see how many people there were there. I thought that it would be mainly girls for the dancing but it was mainly men. No sooner than we had found a table Chuck told me to go with him. I thought that we were going to the bar but I was wrong. He led me to a little office where I was told that I would be...

1 year ago
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Emilys Second Solo Holiday Part 05

by Vanessa Evans Part 05 I woke up to the feeling of a cock entering my vagina. My initial thought was that it was Aryn’s but something was different, I wasn’t getting stretched as much. I looked over my shoulder and saw that it was Chuck who was fucking me. I relaxed and enjoyed it. The woman who was laying in front of me turned over and I saw that it was Mary. “Morning little girl, how are you?” “Fine, umph,, thank, umph, you, umph.” “Good little girl, for someone so young and small...

2 years ago
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Emilys Second Solo HolidayChapter 5

I woke up to the feeling of a cock entering my vagina. My initial thought was that it was Aryn’s but something was different, I wasn’t getting stretched as much. I looked over my shoulder and saw that it was Chuck who was fucking me. I relaxed and enjoyed it. The woman who was laying in front of me turned over and I saw that it was Mary. “Morning little girl, how are you?” “Fine, umph,, thank, umph, you, umph.” “Good little girl, for someone so young and small you did very well last...

2 years ago
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Emilys Second Solo HolidayChapter 6

We arrived at the nightclub around 10:30 and 2 naked girls and one with just a pointless wrap on, escorted by 2 large men had no problem getting in. I was surprised to see how many people there were there. I thought that it would be mainly girls for the dancing but it was mainly men. No sooner than we had found a table Chuck told me to go with him. I thought that we were going to the bar but I was wrong. He led me to a little office where I was told that I would be the star of a sex show. My...

3 years ago
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Erotic SOLO Roleplay Journaling

Did you read Slut World and wish to do something similar but with a different Rule System? Or maybe you read some IMPREGNATAR but wanted something with a different concept? Did you take a look at the CHYOA forums and find the Role-Playing Games posts and feel like trying some Erotic Roleplaying of your own but don’t feel like doing a Play by Post? Do you do want to do some SOLO Roleplaying but with PORN? Then this is the place to share your story(s)! 1) Select the System: If you do NOT see the...

2 years ago
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Emilys First Solo Holiday Part 07

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous part. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 07 DAY 11 ****** Luke woke me with another long, slow, fuck that made us both cum. When he left I checked the time and saw that I would be able to get showered and still have time to go down for breakfast. I wore just a half sarong again, the knot starting off on my left hip but by the time I sat down to eat it...

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Emilys First Solo HolidayChapter 7

DAY 11 Luke woke me with another long, slow, fuck that made us both cum. When he left I checked the time and saw that I would be able to get showered and still have time to go down for breakfast. I wore just a half sarong again, the knot starting off on my left hip but by the time I sat down to eat it was just below my belly button. There were a number of people in the restaurant but no one took any notice of me. After 4 days of being fucked many, many times, and cumming more times than...

2 years ago
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Teens First Solo Gay Holiday Part 2

Brighton was the next stop and I was to be met by the B&B owner.I managed, with great difficulty to get my bag down from the luggage rack and stumbled to the door as we pulled into the station. It seemed that most people were getting off here and I dragged my bag on to the crowded platform looking for the exit. The guy picking me up was supposed to be waiting outside near the taxi rank.As I headed for the rank, I saw a man holding up a piece of cardboard with my name written on it. He was what...

Gay Male
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Emilys First Solo HolidayChapter 2

Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous part. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 02 DAY 03 I woke as dawn was breaking, the air was warm, but fresh, the balcony doors being wide open. I looked beside me and saw Luke next to me still fast asleep. I smiled as I vaguely remember us fucking. I decided to wake him by giving him a blowjob and was pleased to see his morning woody when I lifted the sheet. Instead...

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Emilys First Solo HolidayChapter 8

DAY 13 I woke to sound of Dani shouting my name. As usual, I’d gone to bed leaving the balcony door open so Dani’s shouting soon woke me. When I emerged Dani told me that I had about an hour before we were getting picked up to go to the Party Boat. “Plenty of time.” I said and rushed to the bathroom. Thirty minutes later I was all nice and clean, totally hairless below my neck, wearing just a half sarong and flip flops, and was walking into the restaurant for breakfast. When I got back...

3 years ago
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Solo HMT Adventures 03

Jun 5, 2009 Heavy Metal Thunder Solo Adventures #3 Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on May 2009. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature...

1 year ago
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Sex With Cute Traveler Girl During A Solo Trip To Rajasthan

Hi, I am a professional photographer from Bangalore and a travel enthusiast. I always keep myself fit with regular workout and clean diet. I mostly travel solo and all my plans are instant and crazy. Ladies you can contact me at my email. We can sit over a mug of beer and share things. I had been for a solo trip to Rajasthan recently and in one of the forts, I met a girl from Hyderabad. She was a stunning beauty with perfectly shaped body and I found out that she was also on a solo trip and it...

2 years ago
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Solo Outing

Janet Ballion knew she was blessed and lucky. She was born upper-middle class, was surrounded by a great support system filled with friends and family who loved her. The college girl was also a highly intelligent extrovert. Her looks were alluring and the people who were drawn to her stayed because of her charisma. The list of why she was as lucky as someone who had a horseshoe and found a penny right before hanging upside down to kiss a stone in Ireland just kept going. Even with...

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Holiday surprise part3

Holiday surprise part3On return to our suburban life style, we spent the first week, catching up on everything. I had a commission to complete as well as my Monday to Friday work as a bus driver and that of course had to come first. Before I started I had the frames made, as I did not want to send the completed work to the framers, the men there knew both me and my lady wife and there`s no point in inviting a reputation is there, and giving my local carpenter a cheap thrill is not what it`s...

3 years ago
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Emilys Second Solo Holiday Part 02

by Vanessa Evans Part 02 It was late morning when the yacht turned into a big bay. There was 4 or 5 yachts already there but Aryn dropped the anchor about 15 metres from one that looked like it had just 4 young men on it. Wren and I were still standing on the sunbathing deck, totally naked and watching the young men. Aryn shouted over to us telling us to get ready to go ashore. For me that was easy, I was going to go as I was so I went and helped Aryn get the jet-ski out. That done I...

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Emilys Second Solo HolidayChapter 2

It was late morning when the yacht turned into a big bay. There was 4 or 5 yachts already there but Aryn dropped the anchor about 15 metres from one that looked like it had just 4 young men on it. Wren and I were still standing on the sunbathing deck, totally naked and watching the young men. Aryn shouted over to us telling us to get ready to go ashore. For me that was easy, I was going to go as I was so I went and helped Aryn get the jet-ski out. That done I stood there, still visible to...

2 years ago
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Emilys Second Solo HolidayChapter 4

Once well under way, Wren came to see me again and asked me if I was okay. Then she told me that we’d be dropping anchor at the next beach that we saw and that we’d be going ashore to sunbathe for the rest of the day. I had mixed feelings, I wanted to stay there having more orgasms as the yacht cut through the fresh sea air, but at the same time I was getting quite tired. The thought crossed my mind that if there was a slight accident when Aryn was cutting me down and I dropped into the sea,...

3 years ago
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Solo HMT Adventures 04

Jun 16, 2009 Heavy Metal Thunder Solo Adventures #4 Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on May 2009. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature...

3 years ago
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Solo HMT Adventures 07

Oct 6, 2009 Heavy Metal Thunder Solo Adventers #7 Introducing the Blond. Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on October 2009 The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are...

3 years ago
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Solo HMT Adventures 01

May 26, 2009 Heavy Metal Thunder Solo Adventures #1 Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on May 2009. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature...

3 years ago
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Solo HMT Adventures 05

Jun 28, 2009 Heavy Metal Thunder Solo Adventures #5 Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on May 2009. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature...

3 years ago
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Solo HMT Adventures 06

Jul 9, 2009 Heavy Metal Thunder Solo Adventures #6 Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on May 2009. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature...

1 year ago
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Solo HMT Adventures 02

May 24, 2009 Heavy Metal Thunder’s Solo Adventures #2 Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on May 2009. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature...

2 years ago
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Flying Solo 100 true

The pressure of the day at work and the emotional turmoil I was under had subjected me to many nights of restless sleep. I sat in bed reading a collection of erotica that I had picked up at my last visit to the bookstore. I bought the book on a whim, simply because I liked the way the cover looked, snuggled in my bed I started reading the first story and when that was finished moved onto the second. Before long my breathing quickened, and I could feel a dampness between my legs. I hadn’t...

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Emilys Seduction

She knew it was wrong, and that she would never agree to it in a million years. But she knew that it was because it was so forbidden that she was drawn to it. She was obsessed with the idea of group sex, particularly MMF threesomes. The idea of being with two men thrilled her, even though she knew she would never dare to try it herself. Her name was Emily Wilson. She was a tall, slender brunette. At age thirty-eight she was still able to turn heads, especially when she went out of her way to...

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Time for family Holiday adult only series 1 part3

Andrea’s kids were picked up by their dad and taken off for a two-week holiday with him and his parents.While they were going to Spain, we were heading to Cornwall for a week with Andrea’s family. Our first stop was at her parents’ house and her mother, Rachel, came out to greet us.“The Jeep’s loaded and we’re ready to go,” she said and then surprised me by adding, “Men in the Jeep, girls in your car.”“Oh, right,” I said, handing my car keys to Andrea.I had just enough time to give her a quick...

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My Wife at the Holiday Party

(This is a re-imagining of JetLag's "Party Game." All the credit for idea and structure goes to him. -- CO) *A few months ago, my wife Karen and I were invited to a holiday party that was thrown by my boss. It was the beginning of the holiday season, and we were eager to go to a nice party, even though it was going to be mostly attended by my coworkers. Karen and I had only been married a few years ago, after we met in college and fell in love, and we discovered very quickly in our relationship...

1 year ago
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Jennys solo adventure with Ruby

I had known Ruby, you may know her as Rubz, for about three weeks. I can’t remember who contacted who but I do remember it was on a Saturday evening. We seemed to hit it off straight away. She told me that she was happily married and only came here for the stories and a bit of harmless fun. We spent the remainder of the night sending messages back and forth finding out a little about our completely different lives. I can't put my finger on what I liked so much, maybe the candid conversations or...

4 years ago
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Susanne Submits 2 Solo Sex Photos

Susanne shows us in, after our first fucks in the small hall of her apartment. The double doors to her sunny garden are wide open, so I sit down outside, which is a few steps down from her main room. While she is in the kitchen to fetch us fresh mugs of milk-coffee, I roll a reefer to set her mind further free, into the rich realm of life full of lust as a sex slave for a few weeks. Susanne seems at peace with her new submissive role, although she still hardly knows, what it might imply for...

3 years ago
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My Wifes Solo Visits to Porn Theaters

We made many trips to the adult theaters in the Denver area where Cheryl spent many hours entertaining the various males there. She would always wear a slutty outfit so the guys knew she was there to suck and fuck as much cock as she wanted.On several occasions I took her to the adult theater during the day, dropping her off and picking her back up an hour or so later. The guys there during the day were a different crowd, not in a bad way, just a different set of men who normally did not visit...

1 year ago
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Remix Chapter 9 Solo

Remix, Chapter 9 : Solo By Brevdravis After leaving the doctor's office, Anne and James quickly took a side trip to the local pharmacy, where an obviously amused clerk had filled the prescription for the pill. James was instantly reminded of an old George Carlin joke about having to get a note to get laid. They left as quickly as they arrived, and soon were once again traveling in the battered station wagon. "You've really been doing very well over the past few days,...

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Emilys CleanUp Chores

Introduction: I heard about this and had to try it I read a post on the forum. What it amounts to is the guy ties up his willing girlfriend in bed on a weekend and while going about his daily activities he come in and fucks her just about any time and way he wants. It sounded really exciting to me. (Thanks, J & E) So I brought it up to Ashley the night I read it, while we cuddled naked in bed after a fantastic session of love making. Ashley is my female lover, she is: 22, with long blonde...

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Emilys Ass Goes English

“You want me to do what?” my husband, Jack, asked me. “Fuck me in the ass,” I whispered. “You serious? That’s what fags do. Why the hell do you want me to do that?” “Because I like it.” He hauled himself up onto one elbow and looked down at me accusingly. “You like it? You’ve done it before?” I was unsure of how much to admit to him but decided honesty was the best policy. “Before I married you,” I explained, “When I was going out with Tom. If he forgot to get condoms he’d screw my ass so...

3 years ago
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Emilys Horny Christmas Shopping

Introduction: Never take a horny blonde shopping The moral of this story is: Never take a horny blonde shopping if you want to get anything done, give her what she wants and needs before you leave. It started on the forum Wednesday morning with some flirty chat with the one that gets my motor running and my juices flowing. But, sadly, we didnt have enough time to satisfy the horniness that was building inside me. So there I was, getting hornier and hornier as the day passed. Usually when this...

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