Meant To Be Ch. 09 free porn video

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The week simultaneously sped by and dragged on. I stayed at Nick’s, Drew was staying at our apartment, which was a convenient excuse, but really it was that I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving. I never asked and thankfully Nick didn’t seem to expect me to go. My emotions ranged from numbness to crippling fear to panic. I almost preferred the dullness since any other emotion drove me to tears.

We returned to work after a few days. Nick shaved his beard before his first day back while I sat on the bathroom vanity watching. I unexpectedly burst into tears when he was halfway through the process, causing him to hug me in alarm. The ridiculousness of my reaction struck me and I began laughing through my tears, almost hyperventilating as I tried to catch my breath. The moment represented the dramatic shifts taking place inside me perfectly.

Gwen was released from the hospital and spent a few days recuperating at her parents’ house before returning to our apartment. The one silver lining of this nightmare was the relationship between her and Drew. She told me he’d confessed that he hadn’t been able to decide what he wanted, which made him believe he wasn’t ready for anything other than friendship. But once he’d seen she was trapped in his apartment as it burned, once he was faced with the prospect of losing her, the decision had been made. I teased them about living together so soon into their relationship although I knew they were taking things slowly as Gwen recovered. I was happy for them, but my joy and teasing felt hollow and forced to me.

Nick and I coexisted in almost perpetual silence, moving around each other quietly and communicating through random touches and caresses. I guessed he was giving me space to heal. I saw the stress and worry etched on his handsome face, the way his shoulders hunched forward slightly as if he was carrying a heavy burden. I assured myself that once I recovered, his concern for me would disappear.

My parents flew out that week despite my telling them it wasn’t necessary. Abigail and Louise called almost daily to check on me, and Louise gently chided me, explaining that for parents, it was necessary to see their children after something like this. My heart ached for her, acknowledging how difficult it must be for her to be so far away from Nick during all this.

Gwen’s parents invited my mom and dad to Newark during their visit but my dad declined, asking Mom if she’d mind going alone so he and I could spend the day together. I was still so numb I could barely manage the energy to be surprised, but I tried to respond with enthusiasm. Fake it till you make it, right?

Dad and I had lunch and wandered around the West Village. I pointed out various landmarks in a flat voice – places we regularly shopped or ate, even the gym Gwen and I belonged to – trying to give him a sense of my life in New York. He paused outside the gym and asked if we could go in. My surprise was genuine at this request, but I followed him inside. I introduced him to the staff working the front desk, not paying attention to their small talk until I heard my father ask about personal trainers. My head shot up to look at him quizzically.

‘Do any of them do self-defense classes?’ he asked.

My face flushed, though I wasn’t sure if with embarrassment or anger.

‘None of our trainers, but we do offer the occasional class. They’re not taught by anyone on staff, it’s usually ex-policemen or military personnel,’ was the reply.

My dad nodded his thanks and moved further down the counter under the guise of looking at their brochures. His hand held my elbow and he nudged me along with him.

‘Cassie, would you be interested in some self-defense classes? I’ll pay for them,’ he said quietly, studying a brochure.

‘Why?’ I said, unable to stop the hurt in my voice. ‘Do you think I could have prevented what happened?’

He dropped the brochure and grasped my shoulders. I looked up to see his shocked expression. He walked us to the chairs in the waiting area and sat me down.

‘Not at all,’ he said decisively. ‘That’s not what I meant, I’m sorry, princess.’

I nodded, hearing the sincerity in his voice.

‘I just think it might be good for you, to take some control back. I think it would help you recover. Emotionally,’ he added.

‘Maybe,’ I agreed half-heartedly.

At dinner my father floated the idea to the table and my mom and Nick readily agreed. Dad had gotten the names of some of the instructors while we were at the gym and he called them right after the meal.

‘One of them does private sessions,’ he told me. ‘Would you prefer that?’

I shrugged, not knowing how I felt about any of it.

‘You could have them come here,’ Nick offered. ‘Rather than the gym. It might be more comfortable for you.’

I glanced around the room, absorbing the various concerned looks directed at me. Suddenly I was irritated by the delicacy with which I was being handled, the eggshells everyone seemed to be walking on around me. I knew it wasn’t fair to be annoyed and bit my tongue, not wanting to lash out at them.

‘Is it – is it a man?’ I asked quietly, staring at my lap.

Everything in the room stilled. In my peripheral vision, I saw my mother’s hands clasp together tightly in her lap.

‘Uh – yes,’ my father replied.

I bit my lip. ‘Can you…can we arrange it so Nick will be here?’ I whispered.

I sensed their heads turning to face each other, but they didn’t speak.

‘Of course, pet,’ Nick said softly.

I nodded. ‘Thanks.’

My instructor, Scott, was a tall, imposing former Navy Seal who never smiled. To say I found him intimidating would be an understatement. He wasn’t disagreeable or harsh, just deliberate and professional. He was calm when he demonstrated each defense move, almost unemotional when describing the potentially scary scenario that would require it. He took his instruction seriously and I did my best to respond accordingly. Sometimes, especially at first, the memories of that night overpowered everything else.

I wasn’t sure how much my father had told Scott about what happened, but he didn’t seem fazed the first time I broke down in tears. He’d just demonstrated how I should escape from his hold, and as soon as he stood behind me I felt myself wavering, losing my already tenuous control over my emotions. By the time he placed his hands on me, I was shaking and gulping for air. He released me in an instant and silently handed me a bottle of water.

‘I’m sorry,’ I mumbled, wiping the tears away.

I perched on the couch and glanced up at him. He was standing stock still with his hands clasped behind his back, looking straight ahead. He gave an almost imperceptible shake of his head.

‘Not a problem,’ he said briskly.

His detachment was a relief compared to the way everyone else had been treating me – overly concerned and with kid gloves. I sighed and stood up.

‘Okay. Let’s try it again,’ I said.

We met three times a week and I soon began looking forward to our sessions. I became more comfortable being alone with him, which relieved the strain on Nick’s work schedule, though he did his best to be home for them when he could manage it. I still broke down on occasion, and the times it happened were all the more frustrating because there never seemed to be any warning. I was embarrassed by it, feeling it made me seem weak. One day I was so irritated with my tears that I tore my hand wraps off and flung them across the room.

‘Fucking hell!’ I shouted, sitting on the armrest of the couch. I kicked at the couch with the heel of my shoe several times for good measure.

‘Feel better?’ Scott asked after a long pause.

His voice was so calm that I chuckled, though without much humor. He was once again standing still as if he’d been given an ‘at ease’ command.

‘Are you…required to stand like that
?’ I asked timidly. ‘I mean, can you sit?’

A flicker of amusement crossed his face and he relaxed his frame, dropping his hands to his sides but otherwise not moving.

‘Force of habit,’ he explained.

I nodded. ‘I’m sorry I keep crying,’ I said quietly.

‘It’s understandable,’ he said.

I snorted. ‘Is it? Because I feel like I’m losing my mind.’

‘I’d say you’re doing pretty well, considering,’ he told me, surprising me by sitting on the floor.

‘My dad told you,’ I remarked in a hollow voice.


I nodded again, staring at the floor.

‘Ms. Drake, the goal here is to make your responses to any attack rote. So you can defend yourself without thinking. Like how you go through the motions of driving or brushing your teeth without having to think about each step – soon it will become second nature. It takes time and practice, and focus. If you like we can work on breathing exercises beforehand to clear your mind and that may prevent the emotional response.’

I stared at him. It was the most he’d said to me at one time other than our first meeting where he explained his process.

‘That might help,’ I said. ‘And you can call me Cassie.’

He looked so startled that I snickered.

‘Or, Ms. Drake is fine, if you’re going to freak out about it,’ I joked.

He made a sound that I supposed was his version of a laugh, and I grinned. I turned to the door as I heard Nick come in. Scott stood immediately, his hands automatically linking behind his back.

‘Hi,’ I said softly, walking to the door.

‘Hello, love,’ Nick said warmly, kissing my cheek. ‘Scott,’ he added with a nod. ‘Did I interrupt?’

I shrugged. ‘We were taking a tear-induced break, I guess.’

Nick brushed a thumb across my cheek, looking at me with concern. I smiled reassuringly. Scott began gathering his things.

‘Let’s cut this session short,’ he said. ‘We can make up the time on Tuesday.’

The breathing exercises worked. I still had moments where I’d feel myself wavering on the brink of tears, but by now Scott seemed able to read my body language. He would calmly remind me to breathe and focus. He didn’t push me, but I also knew he wouldn’t let me make any excuses. I was still rather intimidated by him and for some reason didn’t want to disappoint him. A few weeks later, he complimented my progress as he was leaving and I thanked him somewhat doubtfully.

‘Do you really believe that any of this would help me – I mean, if I was up against someone your size. Or even half your size,’ I added with a laugh. ‘Would it really work?’

‘I do,’ he said decisively. ‘But a good thing to remember is that attackers don’t usually expect someone to fight back. In the majority of cases, even the attempt of defending yourself will either throw them off guard so that you can escape, or cause them to reevaluate whether or not they want to bother continuing.’

‘Hm,’ I said, thinking about his reply. ‘What happened to me, though – it was…personal. I don’t know if he would have been discouraged by me fighting back.’

‘But you don’t have to worry about him anymore,’ Scott said firmly.

I studied him, wondering if he and my father had kept up their communication. Jason was still incarcerated and we’d been informed that he plead guilty. We expected him to remain locked up for quite some time, though he hadn’t been sentenced yet. His attorney was attempting an insanity defense and the process was dragged out while Jason underwent a mental health evaluation.

‘Do you think -‘ I hesitated uncertainly. ‘Can we go through what he did, step by step? If I describe what happened, can you maybe show me how I could have gotten away at some point?’

Scott watched me carefully for a minute.

‘Why?’ he finally asked.

‘I think it might help me not beat myself up over it anymore. Maybe make me stop reliving it, or at least if I’m going to relive it, I can change the outcome in my head or something…I don’t know,’ I said in frustration. ‘That’s probably stupid.’

‘You did everything right, Cassie,’ Scott told me.

I was taken aback, partly that he’d used my first name, but mostly at his declaration. He nodded.

‘You called 911 and immediately let them know that you were being held against your will. You kept your wits about you enough to take note of your surroundings so you could give them clues about where you were. You did everything right,’ he repeated.

I swayed slightly, feeling light-headed. I reached behind me to grab the back of a dining room chair. Relief unexpectedly washed over me. I knew Scott would never have said it if it weren’t true. I hadn’t realized how much I needed to hear those words until now.

Scott agreed to recreate the night of Jason’s attack. It wasn’t easy emotionally, but eventually I reacted more on instinct than fear and began to feel empowered. My father was more intuitive than I had ever given him credit for, and I called him the first chance I could to thank him for this gift.

The darkness lifted slowly, but it did lift. I found myself going through my day with confidence as opposed to dread. Scott and I cut back our sessions but I refused to give them up entirely yet, unwilling to lose the lifeline I felt it provided. I knew I was healing, I felt better and people were commenting on it. I became more comfortable being alone in public, giving Nick and my friends a reprieve from chaperoning me to and from work. I returned to my apartment once Drew found a new place to live, though I still spent most of my time at Nick’s.

So focused on the progression of my recovery, it took me a while to notice that Nick was still withdrawn and pensive. He remained supportive, of course. Tender and loving – though we hadn’t been intimate in weeks – buoying my spirits and taking care of me. As my fog dissipated, I expected his mood to improve, and selfishly didn’t spend too much time pondering it. One night he was in the kitchen cleaning up our dinner dishes and I walked in to get something to drink. He had left me tucked in on the couch studying and hadn’t heard me enter. The water was running in the sink, but he wasn’t washing the dishes. His hands gripped the edge of the counter and his head was bowed. The lines of his shoulders and arms reflected tension and fatigue.

My stomach tilted and I felt a brief moment of dizziness. This happened to him, too, I realized. I was ashamed by my lack of empathy. He jumped slightly when I stepped behind him and circled my arms around his waist. He covered my hands with one of his own.

‘Are you okay?’ I asked gently.

‘I’m fine, love,’ he said crisply, clearing his throat.

‘Nick,’ I said, nudging his waist. ‘Look at me.’

He turned to face me and I saw a mask slip over the pain in his eyes, leaving an almost blank expression.

‘I’ve been neglecting you,’ I whispered.

He looked at me in shock. ‘What? No, you haven’t,’ he protested.

‘I have. And I’m sorry,’ I told him. ‘I’m so sorry. You’ve been so wonderful, taking care of me through all this. I’ve been too selfish to notice that you’re going through this, too.’

‘Cassandra,’ he said with a resigned sigh. ‘You are not selfish. You’re healing. Christ – what happened to you -‘

‘It happened to us,’ I interrupted. ‘And you’re still hurting. What can I do?’

‘Nothing, pet. I’m fine,’ he said weakly.

I studied him for a few minutes, trying to figure out what to say.

‘Nick,’ I said slowly. ‘We’re in this together. If this is going to work then you need to let yourself be vulnerable with me. I love you. I want to take care of you, too.’

I leaned away slightly, running my hands over his chest down his torso until they rested low on his hips.

‘And I miss you,’ I added pointedly.

His jaw muscles worked furiously as he swallowed hard. His expression was inscrutable.

‘I’m not going to push y
ou,’ I whispered. ‘But I hope you’ll let me be there for you like you’ve been there for me. Otherwise this is just one-sided and that’s not fair to either of us.’

He didn’t respond and my heart fell. But, I had promised not to push him and I was going to keep my word. I rose up on my toes to brush my lips against his.

‘I’m going to bed,’ I told him.

My chin wobbled as I fought back tears and I left the room quickly. It was relatively early, but exhaustion was a constant companion to me these days and I fell asleep quickly. I woke up with a start and looked around the room in confusion. It was well past midnight and I was still alone. Stamping down my frustration, I got up in search of Nick. He was sitting on the loveseat with his head flung back. I stood watching him for several minutes, not sure if I should approach him. He sat up and leaned over, resting his arms on his legs. I saw his shoulders heave and his hand brush over his eyes and realized he was crying. I was at his side in an instant.

‘Sweetheart,’ I murmured, hugging him.

He made a strangled sound deep in his throat.

‘Go back to bed, love,’ he told me.

‘Come with me,’ I pleaded.

‘I’ll be right behind you.’ His jaw clenched and he wouldn’t meet my eyes.

‘Nick,’ I whispered.

‘I’ll be right in, I promise,’ he said in a tight voice. ‘Please go, Cassandra.’

I turned and rushed back to the bedroom, tears blurring my vision. I fell asleep before Nick came to bed.

I did my best not to nag or prod Nick, but I knew he felt my worried gazes. I became desperate with fear that he was pulling away, that I was losing him. He was as attentive as ever but now that I had seen the depth of his pain, it felt like a charade. Logically I knew there was no way to force him to open up to me but I still tried to think of something. I even went so far as to ask Abigail to speak with him, thinking he might share something – anything – with her, but she found him to be just as buttoned up during their conversations.

After an almost silent dinner later that week, Nick was cleaning up in the kitchen and I wandered toward the window with a cup of tea. My eye fell on his drafting table and I walked over to look at his latest sketches. Shifting the pages around almost guiltily, feeling like I was intruding on his most private thoughts, I searched for his latest drawings. I saw quickly that he hadn’t completed anything recently. The few he had begun were more angry scrawls than anything else. A sharp pain shot through me.

It was a struggle to concentrate on school. My professors had been gracious and lenient, allowing me to take incompletes since the incident with Jason occurred right before the end of the semester. I had until the end of spring term to finish everything, but I just wanted to get it done, so I plowed through. My work was uncharacteristically mediocre and even more surprising was that I didn’t care. My heart wasn’t in it, I still loved books and libraries, still believed in the world of possibilities and the potential for learning that they provided. I knew it was important in the abstract, I just wasn’t sure it was my path anymore. I felt the urge to do something more useful, but what exactly that was, I didn’t know.

Feeling hopeless as I stopped by my apartment one night after I finished my last class. I was packing up some things to take to Nick’s and unloaded on Gwen without meaning to. We checked in with each other daily but hadn’t been able to have a real conversation in almost a week.

‘I just don’t know what to do,’ I said. ‘He won’t talk to me about it.’

‘I think you need to be more forceful,’ she said. ‘Call him on it.’

‘Really? It seems so – harsh. I don’t think I would have responded to that very well,’ I told her.

‘Well, you’ve tried the hands off approach and that’s not working,’ she pointed out.

I nodded, deciding to change the subject and asked her about Drew. She sighed dreamily and I grinned.

‘I think I love him,’ she whispered, looking scared.

‘I think you do, too,’ I said, still grinning.

‘How do I know? For sure?’ she asked helplessly. ‘How did you know?’

I thought about her question for a long time, knowing she didn’t expect me to answer but that she hoped I would. I had never bothered to put it into words, the knowledge of how right it felt had always been explanation enough for me.

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Moving Blues

Ellen was an attractive professional businesswoman in her mid-40's, divorced, and worked during the day which meant that since I work nights, I could sleep in on my days off without worrying about being woken up. We agreed upon rent and living arrangements, which gave me full access to the house so I was happy. It wasn't long thereafter that I began to move my belongings into the place. It took a couple weeks to get everything set the way I wanted it and get accustomed to my new residence,...

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One Snow Leopard Four Willing Victims

One Snow Leopard, Four Willing Victims A. P. DamienAuthor's Note: I want to commission some cover illos for my stories.  If you are interested, and willing/able to draw hanging/snuff scenes, please see my journal entry: Almost all my hangings are consensual, and the hangee should look like he/she is enjoying (or expects to enjoy) it.Damien glided into the playroom and looked over his slaves. He was pleased with what he saw. Four young furs knelt...

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Hairy University Ch 1 Becky The Brown

I guess my appreciation of women with lush, full bushes began with sneaking copies of my dad's porn magazines in the '70's when I was young. Photo after photo of strong, attractive women proudly displaying their nether tresses for all the world to see molded my sexual imagination at an early age. Those first impressions taught me that a woman's bush not only gave her pussy a unique personality, but functioned as a badge of her maturity and power as well.And then came the dark times. When I was...

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Professor Prick 11

Three Deaths and a Funeral Eddie returned home for the Xmas and New Year holidays and we spent a lot of time together me visiting his parents and him with my mother and Robert. I was also able to introduce him to a few of my new found friends from college going out for drinks and meals as foursomes and doing all the normal things that couples would do. All in all the festive season and the dawn of the new year went well and it was with great sorrow that the two of us parted again as...

2 years ago
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The Mailroom

Deidre Simmons gets a lot of attention in the office. A lot of . . . inappropriate attention. It’s not uncommon for her to find a pair of amorous eyes zoned in on her tits or ass, or have a superior whisper something in her ear that would have him out on his ass faster than he could blink. But it doesn’t bother her, either. In fact, she welcomes it—revels in it, and will even get a little piqued when someone ignores her.        Her friend, Samantha, chalked it up to the nasty divorce she’d gone...

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I learnt a lot about sex in hostel

I am writing this for the first time. Please bear with me if I make any mistakes or make it long. I come from a middle-class family. We are two sisters to my parents. My father and mother got divorced when I was in elementary school. Since then, my mother has taken care of us. Education was the only thing that could turn our lives around. Since childhood, my sister and I have only concentrated on our studies. We rarely watch movies. I got a mobile phone after joining college. I cracked the...

1 year ago
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Kitten part 7

Kitten; part 7 By: Malissa Madison I found myself laying on my back my legs spread yet warmed by the three young body's that lay alongside them. I feigned sleep as I moaned and moved my head, stretching my arms up under the pillows to grip the rungs of the headboard. I'd let my eyes crack open the tiniest bit and saw Hope was between my thighs, with Samantha and Colene on each side. They had my cock out of my panties kissing and licking softly. Samantha giggled so softly, "Just...

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Annie and the Schoolteachers Part 2

“So do you really think they’ll be back again this week?” asked Mick, as he clambered over a dusty pile of carpet that lay in the middle of the store-room floor. “If Mr Nettleship discovers that I didn’t have a dental appointment this afternoon, I’ll be in detention for a week.” “Don’t worry” I said. “The way they were at each other last week, they’ll be here, I’m sure of it”. But secretly I had been having misgivings. What if Mr Pearson and Miss Sharpe couldn’t get away that afternoon? What...

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Growing TogetherChapter 7

After five years of literally hiding out from his father, and a couple more before that of walking very carefully around him, it seemed unbelievable to Jon that he could be having a pleasant dinner in his father's apartment. After a while, to Jon's amazement, Pete cleared the dishes from the table, rinsed them off and put them in the dishwasher -- something he'd never been known to do back when Jon had been living at home. They settled in the small living room, and for the most part talked...

3 years ago
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Facebook Par Mili Aunty Ne Apni Dost Se Chudwaya

Hello dosto mera naam Rahul hai. Main yaha kahani regular padhta rehta hoon. Meri height 6ft1″ hai aur mujhe sex ka bahut shauk hai. To isiliye aaj main aap logo ke liye apni zindagi mein ghati ek sacchi ghatna ke baare mein batane ja raha hu. To kahani shuru karte hai. Yeh ghatna pichle saal November ki hai. Main rojana ki tarah facebook chala raha tha aur apne dosto se baat kar raha tha. Tabhi mujhe ek shaadi sudha aurat ki friend request aayi. Maine to jhat se uski friend request ko accept...

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I had been reading lots about rabbit vibrators and how much good they do for women around the world and how many women still prefer them over other conventional sex toys and I knew I had to try out the most popular one there was and give you my 411 on what the fuss is all about even all of these decades later.I had read a lot about combined orgasms and whilst I had dabbled in this sort of play before I don’t think I had ever tried it with all in one type of sex toy. I was aware combined orgasms...

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Seeing Her Beauty

Hi friends here am describing you a new story. It is happens in 2009 Christmas. In morning I got a call from my friend that one of his clients visiting my place, he is working as a travel coordinator. So I receive them, Mr. John and his family, his wife Madhu and 2 daughters 10 and 8yr old girls and Madhu’s mom. They are coming from hill station they are so curious to see beach and like to go boating in backwater, I arrange them room in one of my friend’s resort. John asks me about the tourist...

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A Complete Week Of Love And Lust With Landlord8217s Wife 8211 Part 1

Hi, readers, your new friend Akshay, email id this is my first story so please please please do email me your reviews please as with your reviews i would to able to write better for you next time Coming to the story, it was all about 5 years back when i was 18 that time studying in class 12th in kota(raj) i was staying at a pg in vigyan nagar. It was a 2 floor house, the ground floor is occupied by the house owner, his wife(shalini 44) and they have 2 children both married and settled in...

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The Walk of LifeChapter 6 Temper us in fire and we grow stronger When we suffer we survive

“She what?” Chloe asked looking at me with wide eyes. “She ... tried ... to ... kill ... me...” I said slowly. “I heard that. But why?” Chloe asked me. I rubbed my eyes. “Just what I wanted on my birthday, to be explaining to my older sister how my mother tries to kill me in 15 years or so.” I said sarcastically. “Just tell me, you ass.” Chloe said. I looked over at her. My eighteen year old sister. I thought back to myself. Maybe I was being too harsh towards them. I mean, I remember...

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Par la lune

The evening was peaceful. Clair heard the rain pounding as she entered her home. She felt so alive. Wearing a blue skirt and white blouse, looking stunning. She sat reading on the coach. Looking particularly stunning, she trout. Her body swayed to the sound of the rain. Her plump breasts heaving as she sighed . Her plump creamy breasts lifting as she moved. Her skirt revealed her Snow White bottom. Her nipples were so firm today. She prided herself on her athletic body of 100 lbs. as she read...

4 years ago
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fucking my hot female friends

One night I went out with some friends, and also A. We had fun and got a little drunk. A and I decided that she would sleep at my place. When it was about 2 a.m. we went home. We were drunk so it took us a while to get home. When we finally got home we watched some TV. Eventually we went to bed. My cock was really hard and I really wanted to fuck. So when we went upstairs (I let her go in front on purpose to look at her ass). She got dressed and we got in our beds (she slept in another bed then...

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SRU Cant Say No

As usual, this is a story containing graphic sexual content. If you are not legally allowed to view such a story, don't download it, read it, touch it, lick it, eat it, burn it, use it for toilet paper, or even stand near it. If you do read it, send any comments to: [email protected] I should warn you, ladycyrrh labeled another of my stories "a fuckfest, but more literate than most." That is, of course, exactly what I was aiming for: a fuckfest. Literary worth belongs in...

3 years ago
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Familienbande Eine Geschichte zum Mitschreiben

Die Namen sind rechts unter Customize anpassbar Arnold und Annegret Anhölter hatten schon immer eine soziale Ader. Arnold hatte eine Fabrik von seinen Eltern geerbt, dementsprechend vermögend war er. Nachdem er Annegret kennengelernt hatte zogen sie gemeinsam in die Familienvilla am Stadtrand.Sie hatten drei eigene Kinder: Adrian war mittlerweile 20 und hatte gerade sein Studium in Berlin angefangen, Anja und Anna waren gerade volljährig geworden und standen kurz vor dem Abitur. Genauso wie...

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Cuming inside

Amy and I have been together for five years now when I got the first time fucking another female. Living together for a while before getting married was our parents idea. Amy worked for a bank in the city 28 miles from our place. I worked with my dad on the family farm and our place was the old hay loft. It was fixed up like a one bedroom apartment. During the summer months Amy’s little sister Hayley came to stay with us. While I was working Hayley spent the day with my sister Jayden. They were...

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Long RelieverChapter 6

Friday night and early Saturday morning were everything Susan had hoped they would be. Even the fact that Dan had pitched two innings in the game Friday night worked to their advantage. He would be unlikely to be called upon to pitch again Saturday. They could deplete his precious bodily fluids without much fear of immediate consequences. After a slower but more varied round of lovemaking in the wee hours, they slept until almost dawn before commencing a sweaty, athletic round three. They...

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Fucking My Elder Brother8217s Female Friends Hard And Wild

Hi friends. I’m Arun and I’m 23 years old. I’m here to share with you my real life sex experience with my elder brother’s 2 female friends. They are Kavita and Aparna. Kavita is my brother’s college mate and Aparna is his school mate. They both know each other through my brother. They are 5-6 years elder than me and are married. Both of them used to make fun of me a lot and we enjoy countering the fun made of one by the other. Kavita is very slim and looks quiet beautiful. Aparna is a bit more...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess4e13 Colette

Series 4, Episode 13: COLETTE We see that familiar opening sequence – various scenes of UK life, taken from the introductions to previous episodes – a field, a beach, a pub, a motorway ... And then we’re looking at something new... This time our drone camera is floating over a road in a nice suburb on a beautiful sunny day. High stone/brick walls separate nice houses from the pavement. Not too many cars driving by. We’re following a middle-aged woman as she jogs ... Well, it’s more of a...

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The Frog PrinceChapter 2

Some might think the most logical thing for Melanie to do was simply consign Galen to the same fate the other frogs endured when Thomas caught them and be done with it. But she couldn’t do that to a thing she had come to love, frog or not. And so she contrived to meet with her childhood friend Elizabeth, who became a maid in the castle of King Tanush, The Brave, when she began her monthly bleeds. She had been so employed for two years, and was now fourteen years of age, the same as Melanie....

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Ds Done Differently II Chapter 3

With Hannah laid out on the bed, naked, asking me to make love to her, I was hungrily devouring the banquet she had set out before me.I licked and sucked and nibbled on each tit in turn, making sure to give equal time and energy to both. Then I pushed them together and made a titty sandwich, which I also devoured with great pleasure.When I had enjoyed her tits enough (for now at least), I decided to explore a little further down. I wanted to see just where her sensations ended. I kissed down...

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Devils Island CH 7

Jackie was miserable. The sun beat on down her and she was thirsty. She would also get nasty sunburn on her back, ass, and pussy unless she got out of the sun soon. Her already sore pussy would have sun burnt lips on top of everything else. Jackie regretted having walked home that night she was abducted. Had she stayed with her friend she wouldn't be a bitch now and being baked in the hot sun. Jackie's thoughts wondered but Sue pinching her nipples brought her back to reality. "Hey...

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Torture “Comfortable?” His sardonic smile didn’t quite make his eyes. She looked at him through tear swelled and reddened, half closed lids. The saline water of her tears seemed to enhance colours; the silver badge of his office on his tunic shone, becoming branded into her mind. Not waiting for her reply, he slapped her pussy with the flat of his hand. The resounding smack rebounded off the whitewashed walls. She would have screamed, but the tape across her mouth allowed for a...

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Slut New to the scene Part 1

Slut: New to the scene. Part 1After 8 long weeks working on a construction site in the middle of the desert, I needed some time to relax and recharge my batteries. With four whole weeks to recuperate, I decided I would meet my wife in Tenerife as opposed to flying back to the UK. My rota would have me arrive in Tenerife on the Tuesday where as my wife would not arrive until the Saturday. Some of you will be aware that Tenerife is a haven for swingers from all over Europe, due to the year long...

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Kinky Caregiver for Khambrel

You are just finishing nursing school when you secure a job as a CNA at a nursing home. It is the first job you have ever had so you are very nervous my first few days. The RN shows you around, explaining the daily routine of the home. She also introduces you to the patients on the wing you will be working.Most of the elderly people are in wheelchairs or bedridden, but a few move around well. In addition, they seem to be mentally fit. I immediately notice an elderly Black Man because the area...

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A Fun Saturday Night

Man, what to say. So on Saturday March 30th, I lost half of my virginity. More specifically, I got a handjob. Now, if youre excepting some super erotic story or whatever, this isnt going to be it.Getting on to the story. In good ole Pensacola, Florida. Me, my friend(who I will just call Scarlet) and her other friend(who I will just call Tessa) went to the park. It was suppose to be just a regular day of goofing off. But Scarlet thought itd be funny to pour soap all over my car. I was already...

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My Innocent Daughter YeahChapter 4

“I don’t know,” I panted. And I really didn’t. When it came to orgies my fifteen-year-old had a whole lot more experience than me. In fact I was a virgin when I met Val, as soon as I started college, and we fell in love and married a year later. We had Lucie while we were twenty-one, with a college girl’s casual approach to taking her pill, and neither of us finished college. Then sex with Val tapered off, and of course now I understood why. It had always been a bit tense, now I thought...

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AnimeCon Harem pt 03

“Hey, s’your foot actually on the gas, Rebecca? Or... are we just idling forward?” Emily grumbled, rhythmically tapping the armrest of her friend’s station wagon in irritation. “‘Cause we’re movin’ a little slow.”“Really?” Rebecca asked sleepily, squinting through her unruly tangle of auburn curls. “No one’s going faster than us, though.”“Maybe ’cause they’re all stuck behind us? Like, right behind us. That huge line of cars breathing down our exhaust pipe. See all the angry little faces in...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 407

Friday was hectic in the office; Lorrie set up a commercial account with one on the international air carriers to get the 40 employees to Africa on Monday. All of them were flying out Sunday afternoon and would not arrive in Africa until almost 24 hours later with layovers in Europe. All of those employees were scrambling to get last minute personal things taken care of. In a way, we were fortunate that out of the 40 only 10 were married or had families. All of them were relieved that they...

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A Cross Dressers Revenge

CROSS DRESSERS REVENGE BY JANICE I was fifteen years old when I was beaten up and raped by three big adults. I was on my way home from Martial Arts school when it happened. I was pretty good, tops in my class, but that was little help to a teen age boy against three big drunks, aside from being beat up, I was also sexually assaulted. The three of them were arrested a few days later but not for what they did to me,...

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Massage woman of the house

I am Brinda. I was born and brought up in a very rich landlord family. I was youngest of six co-brothers and sisters. Like other sisters and girls of family I was not allowed to attend school. Tutor came home to teach girls of family.I grew and started hearing and knowing about sex. I came to know that all males of my family particularly my father and two elder brothers are fucking village women as if they are their slaves. I asked mother and other elderly ladies.They said that women of poor...

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A Little Fun in the SunChapter 2

The next thing I knew I could feel the sunlight through my eyelids and hear Kim saying: "Honey wake up. It's time for your morning treat." The next thing I knew I could feel the sunlight through my eyelids and hear Kim saying: "Honey wake up. It's time for your morning treat." My groggy brain took a minute to register where I was and a second later the memory of last night swamped my rocky boat. Opening my squinty eyes to the morning light I expected, after Kim's good night promise,...

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The Doctor The ExCon

I posted this story on another site some time ago, but never on Lit. I have been physically unable to do any writing for some time so this is all I can do right now. It’s a long story but I’d rather give it to you all at once. Personally, I hate multi-part stories. I hope you enjoy it. * * * * * Chapter 1- Carmine The whistle blew as I stood up from my resting place next to the chain link fence that enclosed the area where I, along with twenty other men, was getting my daily ration of fresh...

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