Motherless BBW
- 2 years ago
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Author’s note: Though much of my work is completely fiction, based on fantasies of mine and/or friends of mine, some of it is partly non-fiction. That’s the case with this story. While several details have been changed, I actually did fall deeply in love and lust with a bisexual minority BBW who was serving a 15-year prison sentence several hundred miles away for her role in a jewelry store robbery. She had also been arrested three times for possession of marijuana, which was a bug turn on to me, being a stoner myself. And I met her through a personal ad largely identical to the one depicted in this story.
The relationship ended up not working out, but we’re still great friends and she hasn’t done anything violent since her release. Like me, she continues to regularly smoke weed, but hasn’t been arrested again.
While I never had any bitterness toward this woman, a lot of events in my life led to me not think much about her for several years. But recently I’ve started re-visiting that part of my life for the first time, and it’s brought back many sweet, loving, and lustful memories that I’ll always cherish.
And I think that this story is particularly worth telling because of the following:
1. The challenge of maintaining a long distance relationship, especially knowing that for years I wouldn’t be able to be with her in person.
2. The exhausting and constant fight to prevent my friends and family from learning about her criminal history.
3. The immense struggle of desiring her sexually for so long but not being able to fulfill those desires, then the mind blowing euphoria of finally having sex with her after years of fantasizing about it.
And to further emphasize the latter point, it will be a few chapters before sex with me and her occurs. However, there will be no lack of sex in the overall story. Between falling in love with her and meeting her in person, I masturbated frequently and had a part-time fill-in lover. Several of those sex binges, solo and with my fill-in lover, will be described.
Finally, to try to help the reader understand the formation of the relationship as closely as possible, much of the personal ad, and the letters that she and I wrote to each other, are copied verbatim from the real life ad and letters.
I hope you enjoy it and I welcome any feedback! Thanks so much for reading!
Upon my wife and I filing for divorce in the Autumn of 2010, when I was 39, I wanted to get married again, but not in the near future. After a 10 year marriage that was unhappy from the start, I wanted to play the field for at least a year or two before settling down again.
And I decided to start by searching for a black BBW. I dated several in my 20s and every romantic or sexual encounter I had with them was mind blowing. Every black BBW I was ever with was a sensational lover who gave 100% every time. And every one had a filthy mouth, no inhibition, and no ego. And to top it off, every one did weed.
I moved out of my wife’s and my house and into my new apartment on Saturday, October 2, 2010. I set my desk and computer right next to my bed and then began my quest.
I first opened my folder that contains every track from the explicit version of every album ever released by my favorite black BBW celebrity, Missy Elliott, who I’ve been obsessed with ever since I first heard ‘Get Ur Freak On’ back in 2001. Her music makes me very horny and I regularly masturbate to it.
I selected shuffle because I enjoy her music even more when I don’t know which track is coming next. As soon as her music was going, I lit a joint and entered into a search page ‘black BBW.’ I was hoping to find some personal ads placed by such women.
Most of the first results I got were pornographic pages, but after going through several dozen matches, I finally found a personal ad, which I excitedly clicked on.
The first thing I noticed was her picture. It unfortunately didn’t show much below her shoulders, but I loved what was visible. She was young had a gorgeous round face, a very dark complexion, thick shoulder length hair, and a come closer smile. Right above the picture was the name Jenola. I’d never seen that name before and found it to be very sexy.
Beneath the picture was a paragraph that she wrote and a questionnaire that she filled out. I first started skimming through her answers and suddenly froze in shock when I saw the phrase ‘release date.’ Immediately, I looked to see what kind of site this was and realized that it was for women in prison.
But much to my surprise, that actually turned me on. I figured that a black BBW in prison would be even kinkier and more uninhibited than the ones I’d been with, and would have a massive sexual build up from having been without cock while in prison.
So I stayed on the page and read all the information on Jenola. The questionnaire read: Height – 5’9′, Weight – 230 lbs., Date of birth – 1/14/84, Orientation – bisexual, Have children – yes, Drink alcohol – no, Smoke – yes, State of incarceration – Nebraska, Release date – 1/2013, Willing to relocate – Yes.
Her paragraph read:
‘I am a very romantic and sexual black BBW who is searching for a long term, committed, relationship. I love basketball, rap/R&B, dancing, camping, horseback riding, and good conversation. I have a beautiful seven-year old daughter and she is my world. Age isn’t a big priority with me, but I demand honesty and respect and give the same. When I find the man or woman of my dreams, I want to stand strong with him/her and spend my days and nights showing him/her the depth of my love.’
I was in awe of her ad. My heart almost melted because she seemed so sweet and loving. But at the same time, I wanted to start jacking off to the picture, because I was so turned on by her – especially since the THC was already hard at work on my brain. I have a huge sex drive to begin with, but even much more so when I’m fucked up on weed. It enhances my senses and causes me to focus even more intensely on things I’m passionate about.
I thought that she seemed like an optimal combination – very loving but also very sexual. To contact her, I had to buy her postal address for $3. I immediately did and then typed her an introductory letter on my computer, which I mailed the next Monday, along with a picture of myself and a money order for $10.
My letter read:
Dear Jenola:
I just saw your ad and, wow, it’s awesome! First of all, I’ll start off by saying that I’m white and I’m 13 years older than you are. I hope you’re okay with my race and our age difference. I’ve always been extremely attracted to black BBWs.
We have a lot in common. I’m also very romantic and sexual, and I go for the complete experience every time. And your mention of rap and R&B gives me high hopes that you’re a fan of my all time favorite artist, Missy Elliott, who I’m a huge mega die-hard fan of!
I love basketball, too, and particularly the WNBA. In fact, I’m a season ticket holder for the team here in Indianapolis, the Indiana Fever.
I can’t dance worth shit, except for slow dancing, which I love the closeness and intimacy of. Still, I love the thought of watching a black BBW dance. Seeing her shake her huge chocolate body all around would be an awesome turn on!
I’ve never camped but would love to. I’ve never been horseback riding, either, but would enjoy giving it a try.
And I absolutely love good conversation! I love it when another deep, thoughtful, open minded person and I share ourselves with each other. And if I ever have a girlfriend again, that will be one of the things I most want to have in common with her.
I recently divorced after a very unhappy 10 year marriage. It was hard to go through, but I learned a lot from the experience, which will help me make a much better decision before getting married or having a girlfriend again.
And one thing that impresses me so muc
h about your ad is that you seem to have the right priorities in your search for that special someone. And I love that you’re bisexual! But anyway, things such as honesty and respect are absolute essentials, as is communication.
My marriage was so lacking in those areas and many others.
I’m very happy that you have a daughter and that she means so much to you. I look forward to having kids someday with the right woman, but my wife and I didn’t have any because our marriage was so troubled from the start.
I love that you, like me, don’t drink alcohol. That’s just about the worst drug of all. It destroys so many lives, and relationships. I smoke a hookah pipe, though not cigarettes, but I don’t make a big deal over that issue.
I hope so much that you write back, but no matter what, I wish you and your daughter all the best. And I’m giving you a little money so you’ll be able to send your daughter a lot of letters, and I’d love for you to send me a few as well!
Big hugs from Steven
I continued to think about Jenola constantly, and upon returning home from work on Friday, just four days after sending the letter, I checked my mailbox. I saw an envelope with handwriting, which by that time I rarely received anymore. I had long been communicating primarily by email and phone.
My heart instantly started racing, as I had a very strong idea, and hope, who the letter was from. My eyes made a mad dash for the return address, and much to my happiness, the name was Jenola Sue Brown.
I rushed into my apartment, sat down on the couch, and ripped open the envelope. Her letter read:
Steven, wow to you, too! Thank you so much for your awesome letter, it really brightened up my whole week! You seem like such an amazing person, and you’re very handsome, too! I’ve had that ad up for three months and was starting to think I’d never get a response! I’m so happy I was wrong!
First of all, I am totally cool with your race! I’ve always been very attracted to white guys! In fact, the only boyfriend I’ve ever had is white! We were a couple from ages 16-21 and lived together since we graduated from high school. He’s the father of my daughter. He dumped me when I got locked up, but we’re still friends. He now lives with another black BBW and they have a daughter together!
And I’m also cool with your age! I’ve always had a thing for older guys! Most guys my age are so immature, and I like it when a guy has a lot of experience!
OMG! A an older white guy who loves black BBWs and also loves the WNBA?! Oh fuck, this is too good to be true! And I am so fucking jealous of you for having Fever season tickets! I’ve never been to a WNBA game because there aren’t any teams around here, but I’m definitely going to a game after I get out! Maybe in Indiana!
I actually played basketball when I was a kid and was pretty good for a while. I dreamed of playing in the WNBA. It didn’t work out, but if it had, I wouldn’t have my daughter, and I wouldn’t give her up for anything. She’s the best thing that’s happened to me, or ever will happen to me. I’ve been locked up for five years now and I never would’ve survived without her.
And I fucking LOVE Missy Elliott! I have all her CDs and I’ve seen her in concert three times! She is the fucking bomb! Her music is fucking awesome and she’s an inspiration to all of us black BBWs! That bitch is one hot slab of chocolate!
Hey, I bet I could teach you to dance! Most people can learn to do it a lot better than they think! But I’m glad that at least you like the thought of me dancing! I used to go to raves almost every weekend. Another thing I really miss.
I’d love to teach you camping and horseback riding, too! Oh shit, writing this letter is making me think about everything I miss! But that’s okay! That reminds me of all the cool fucking shit I have to look forward to after I get out!
If you talk anything like you write, you must be one amazing conversationalist! You seem like the kind of guy who I could spend hours with just chilling and talking about anything.
I’m really sorry it didn’t work out for you and your wife, but I don’t think she was the right woman for you and I’m glad you’ve learned so much from your marriage. I’ve learned so much from my two relationships. Besides my boyfriend who I mentioned, I had a girlfriend here in prison for 3 1/2 years, and it ended very badly.
But I’ve gotten a lot of counseling here and that helped me realize that neither of those relationships were meant to be. My counselor also helped me understand why I committed my crime, and because of that, I know I’ll never make any mistakes like that again, and that I’ll have a much better life when I get out than I did before.
Thank you so much for your beautiful words about my daughter, Britney! They made me cry! She is so precious and wonderful. I feel just awful that I let her down so bad, and I hope when she’s old enough to understand what I did and why, she’ll forgive me.
And don’t feel bad about not having kids with your wife. It was for the best. You’ll have kids when the time is right with the right woman. One thing I want to do when I find the right man is have more children and this time get to be with them for their whole childhoods.
I do need to quit smoking. That’s my one bad habit. And I love to hookah! It’s yummier than the regular way!
So you like that I’m bi?! That’s good! I was uncomfortable being bi at first, but now I love it and would never change it. I’ve been totally out since I was 18 and it’s so cool to be attracted to both sexes. Each has something special and unique to offer.
And finally, a million thank yous for the money! I promise I’ll use it only to buy stamps! Almost all I do every day is write letters to three people – Britney, my mom, and my BFF, Kim. They’re the only three people who never turned their backs on me. I wouldn’t have blamed them if they did, but they still totally love and support me, and that shows what amazing people they are.
And now I’m also going to be writing letters to a fourth person, and in case you haven’t guessed, that person is YOU!
I got a big smile on my face when you told me that you hope I’ll send you a few letters! I’m going to send you a lot fucking more than a few! Like our girl Missy says, ‘I’d like to get to know you!’
I’m going to write to you very often and PLEASE do the same to me! That’ll help me so much get through my last two years until I FINALLY get the fuck out of here forever!
And then I hope we’ll meet in person! I know we’ll find lots of cool shit to do and talk about together!
Thank you again so very much for everything, Steven! You are a wonderful new light in my life and I can’t wait to see what comes out of it!
Hugs and kisses,
I was in awe of the letter and already felt like I was falling in love. Even much more than when I saw her picture and read her ad, I felt a rare connection to her. She and I had lots in common and seemed to be searching for a lot of the same things.
After sitting still for a few seconds with proverbial hearts flying out of my body, the proverbial lightbulb lit up right above my head. Since I knew her full name, I could probably find information about her online.
I went straight to the computer and entered her name into a search page. Most of the results were newspaper articles about the act that put her in prison.
In the Summer of 2005, she was arrested for a crime that took place the previous Autumn. She and two accomplices, one male and one female, broke into the house of an Omaha jewelry store owner. The three intruders each had a gun and was wearing a ski mask. They tied him up and demanded to know the code to deactivate his store’s security system. When he gave it to them, Jenola stayed at the house and pointed her gun at him while the other two looted the store.
She pled guilty and was sentenced to 15 years in prison, with
the possibility of being paroled in half that time.
I also found a police log listed in a newspaper, dated three weeks before her arrest for the robbery, stating that she had been arrested for possession of marijuana. I was very turned on to learn that she was into weed. That log also showed a Kimberly Jo Blair as being arrested for the same crime, and I guessed that was the Kim who Jenola mentioned in her letter.
After reading many of the search results, I lit a joint and immediately started working on my response to her letter. I didn’t mention anything about weed, as I figured that the prison officials read all of her incoming and outgoing mail. I was concerned that they would confiscate my letters if they glorified any illegal activity.
My letter read:
Jenola, now it’s time for a super wow! I was awe struck by your ad and even much more so by your letter! And I’m very happy to see that all the feelings are completely mutual with us! We’ve both learned the importance of that because of our past failed relationships. I’m sorry we went through that pain, but at least now we know what to look for and what to stay away from in the future!
It’s cool that you played basketball. I’ve always been hot for black female basketball players! Were you ever on a school team? Anyway, I’m sorry it didn’t work out, but I’m so thankful for your precious daughter, especially knowing how happy she makes you!
Hey, consider it a done deal! I’ll take you to as many Fever games as you want to go to! And besides going to the games, we can talk about which players are the hottest! I’ve had crushes on so many girls in the league and I bet you have, too!
I look forward to letting you teach me dancing, camping, horseback riding, and whatever the fuck else you want to teach me! And at the very least, I know you must look smoking hot when you do those things! And I especially love the thought of you at a rave, shaking your hot chocolate body all around!
Yes, Missy Elliott is one fucking hot slab of chocolate, and so are you! I hope we see her in concert together someday! She actually hasn’t released an album since the year you got locked up, but she has one coming out this year! Maybe she’s just waiting for you to get out! Anyway, I hope we’ll spend many hours hanging out and listening to her music while watching the WNBA!
Jenola, please don’t worry about your relationship with your daughter. I have no doubt that she’ll forgive you. And you’ll end up being a better mom because of all the lessons you’ve learned. She’ll be understanding of your past and respect that you’ve changed so much for the better. And being apart for so many years will make you two even more thankful for the time you’re together in the future.
And it’s awesome that you’ve come to understand why you committed your crime and will definitely never do anything like that again. Most people never learn from their mistakes, but you have. That’s why, as you said, your future will be much better than your past.
And Jenola, I want you to know that I already know why you’re locked up and it doesn’t change my feelings about you in any way. Out of curiosity, I typed your name into a search page and read all about the robbery. So you don’t have to explain it to me, and you can be 100% certain that I’m just as crazy about you now as I was before.
We’ll have to go to some hookah lounges when you get out! I’d love to smoke a few bowls with you! And I love the thought of watching you inhale and exhale all that smoke! So fucking sexy!
I’m glad that you like being bi and that you’re out. It’s so important to be comfortable with yourself, and when you’re out, there’s no worrying about losing friends if they learn of your sexual orientation. Of course, I’d be just as crazy about you if you were straight, but you being bi is an awesome bonus! So fucking sexy! Just out of curiosity, since you’re into white guys, I wonder if you’re into white girls, too?! Anyway, no matter what your answer is, I’m so glad that you’re into white guys and older guys!
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BBW Porn SitesBig beautiful women! What’s wrong with them? I want them. Put them all on my face. Just don’t drop them too quickly, lest you break off my jaw. Look, the larger a woman is, the less fuckable she is, that’s just a fact of life, but I’m not here to judge your fetishes. There’s such a thing as a fuckable chubster, and that’s precisely how the BBW genre was born. AlohaTube is far from anyone’s first go-to for random porn videos, especially with the more popular porn tubes looming over these sites...
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BBW Porn SitesBig beautiful women have been a staple of the weird miscellaneous porn genres ever since smut was invented by one John H. Smut back in 1969. I always found the whole BBW genre to be a scam since most of the bitches that qualify are a bit too big to be beautiful, and I guess that’s also why they’re not called hot in the place of “beautiful.” Hot is what we call fuckable bitches. Beautiful is what we call the landwhales who are literally beyond redemption, so we pick a word out of a hat that...
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Premium BBW Porn SitesCall them big-breasted women or big beautiful women, BBW porn is arguably bigger (no pun intended?) than ever before. There are plenty of places to find it online, but as is typical with porn, it can be hard to find the best of any genre in one spot in cyberspace.Fortunately, I have been working over the years to find, categorize, describe, and rank all of the notable nudity sites online. It has been hard (and I am not just referring to the typical state of my dick when working) but very...
Premium BBW Porn SitesStreamate has a fat BBW section, though you might not know it from their front page. It’s a familiar song to chubby chasers around the world: the thick girls we love are out there in large numbers, waiting to shake their giant tits in our faces. But they don’t necessarily get the same level of promotion as their more conventionally attractive compatriots. That’s been slowly changing over the years, with a lot more plus-sized girls being featured in visible promos, but it still pays off to know...
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BBW Porn is a free porn tube website covering many porn niches, including the beautiful world of BBW fucking! There is a high chance that you already heard about, and if you haven't, you are missing out. This is one of the most popular porn tube websites, together with many others, which I have all already reviewed on TPD. You are welcome.I am here to talk about the BBW section on BBW stands for Big Beautiful Woman for the utter virgins, and no, that does not mean...
BBW Porn SitesLiveJasmin isn’t always known for BBW cam shows, but it doesn’t exactly take a world-class explorer to find the fat girls: the biggest girls always stand out among the crowd. I’m sure there are more fat jokes to be had in there, but let’s be real, one of LiveJasmin’s biggest strengths is just the fact that they’re so big and so popular. They get hundreds of millions of visits a month, and just what percentage of them do you think are chubby camwhores themselves? That was one of my major...
Live BBW Sex CamsThe reason why I love the porn industry, is because they are open to babes of all shapes and sizes. You have the skinny sluts, the curvaceous cuties, the chubby babes, and the big beautiful women. I am sure everyone has their own preferences when it comes to watching these beautiful babes in action, but if you are here to watch the big beauties get down and dirty, you have come to the right review.I am here to talk about, a premium porn site offering tons of hot BBW content....
Premium BBW Porn SitesBig beautiful women! Sounds contradicting as fuck, doesn’t it? I’ll be honest; I normally stay away from the big girls. My usual lay weighs slightly less than her IQ. I bang skinny chicks, ok? I also have a thing for fit girls who hit the gym. Those kinds of bitches normally spend most of their days making their asses tighter and thicker. That’s my kind of woman. But, I am a porn connoisseur, so I have to scrape every part of the barrel, which means going all the way to the bottom. So I dove...
Live BBW Sex CamsI had joined one of those adult friend finder type of hookup sites when it all happened. I was your typical white guy wondering what it was like to be with a black female. I found a black female with a really cute pic an decided to message her. She lived about 30 miles from where I had lived at that time. We sent mesages back and forth for about two weeks before she gave me her phone number. She was a really cute black bbw about 5"6 240 lbs or so with eyes that screamed fuck me. She sent me a...
If fucking one woman is great, then it only stands to reason that more women are far better. Being completely enveloped in pussy up to your neck is every man’s greatest dream. Tits, cunt, and ass everywhere with you, in the middle, penis destroyed but still demanding more, and a body covered in lube and pussy juice. It’s almost like your whole body has become a penis.Using this logic, one can also conclude that adding more woman to that woman is even better if a single woman is good. That is...
Live BBW Sex CamsWith the exception of (maybe) the most introverted asexuals, everyone likes to fuck. But it is always nice to have a backup when you can’t. Porn movies are my go-to, as you might have guessed, but I rarely need to watch my own porn movies to get off since I’m always getting it.(Check out PornDude Casting to see what I am talking about, m’fuckers!)Anyway, there are plenty of alternatives such as nudie mags if you are old school, erotic literature if you’re more cerebral, and, as has been popular...
Live BBW Sex CamsIt’s time to talk about a set of chicks that you cucks actually have a chance of picking up. Okay, well, not literally. You’d be likely to throw your whole fucking back out trying to lift one of these bodacious bitches. I’m talking about the flabby sluts with stretch marks that you chubby-chasers know as BBW or big beautiful women. If you want a girl in your league or simply sit at home fantasizing about grabbing hold of a slut’s fat rolls as you plow what you think might be a pussy hidden deep...
BBW Porn SitesEven if they don’t want to admit it, men love a big beautiful woman. There’s just something about them. And that something has recently been subject to scientific research. Fuck the cure for cancer or the development of Star Trek-like warp drive. Instead, we want to know why men love big bitches. These are the fundamental questions, god damnit.Well, science has come up with a few reasons why gentlemen like more cushion for the pushin’, and I’m also going to include a couple of my own at the...
Live BBW Sex CamsI was cruising around my old reviews in a wave of nostalgia and (re)discovered the picture hosting website: Scolller. I’m still a little mystified about what inspired the name (though I think was already taken or too expensive), but I think this one is worth looking at again. So, as you can see, this one is about all of the porn featuring nothing but big beautiful women on this platform.There Are Plenty Of Pics Of Rounder WomenAlright, it might not seem like it when you check out...
BBW Porn SitesIt really doesn’t get more unique than, and I’m mostly talking about the domain name. Do I think that this is the best cam website out there? Well, not really. But it’s definitely worth a visit since I’m taking my time to review the platform. So what is all about? What makes the site worth a whole-ass review? That’s for me to say and for you to read.But before I get down to business, I want to make one thing clear. is a typical cam porn site, and I have reviewed the...
Live BBW Sex CamsSteph lay naked between the sheets waiting for Jack to come to bed. It was Saturday night, their designated date night. The kids were spending the night out. Jack and Steph had gone out to dinner at a new restaurant in town, and sat at a table in a two-level room with brick walls, a black iron staircase, and a curved ceiling painted to look like the night sky. It had been as if they’d been dining on a Venetian terrace. It had been a nice night.Jack came into the room, naked. His dick was...
Wife LoversI've never been the type to discuss subjects like stereotypes openly. One of the common stereotypes about black men is that we date larger women. This is based on truth in the sense that:1) The threshold for what is overweight is simply different. I have a white friend that thinks anything above size 4 is fat.2) When black men do date larger women, they do it shamelessly. Any trip to the trailer park will show that there are plenty of white men having sex with very large white women.Anyway,...
Maid in Mexico (Bi-male, BBW)Disclaimer: All events and persons in the following story are ficticious. A four gigabyte flashdrive full of porn, 3 dirty magazines, and some anal lube. Maybe not "everyone" brings these items on vacation, but I did, and I was VERY glad to have them. My impromtu vacation to Cabo coincided with a hurricane off of Mexico's coast, and my weather consisted of four days of pouring rain. No beach time and no sun. This could have been a disastrous vacation, but it...
This is purely fictional and fantasy but if the cashier does see this hopefully we can make it a real story.I live by myself I'm quite fit and i go too the gym regularly I usually go for skinny girls but one day. As i was driving home I remembered I needed to go too the store and pick up some food for my diet I was a few weeks out from a bodybuilding competition. So i had to buy a bunch of healthy food for my diet to make me look more lean. As i walked into the store i noticed a bbw it was a...
In this one, we will get way into the big-breasted women (or BBWs if you prefer) who jiggle their jugs on Cam Soda. I’m keeping this one short, but I have packed in as much detail to make it a quick and exciting read. By the end, all you chubby chasers will start feeling thick in the trousers when you start imagining the fun times you can have with the gals on this side of Cam Soda.Big Titties: Surprise, Surprise, They Feature A Lot Of Them“D- d- damn, look at the titties,” was what I audibly...
Live BBW Sex CamsShe was 48 Black and a BBW and she had just knocked on my hotel room door. I was a little nervous about this encounter specially since I had never done something like this before. I had met her through the net and I knew how wild and kinky she could be – it excited me online but here in real life I was actually scared. I opened the door and let her in and there she was all 250 pounds of her – 5’9” tall, big –with black hair till her shoulders. She was wearing a denim skirt and a white shirt,...
FetishBim Bim BBW! For far too long, big beautiful women did not get the love they deserved. Being fat was frowned upon and seen as ugly and undesirable. Black men changed that for everyone. They showed us the way, and now people around the world appreciate the beauty of big bitches everywhere.There is so much to love about big beautiful women. (Literally) The booty sticks out as number one to me. You don’t ever find an ass like a fat chick on some little pencil bitch. Fuck that. I’m not trying to...
Live BBW Sex CamsIt was a night of drinking and partying a few weeks ago.......I ended up in my usual watering fountain to have one last drink before going home, I was buzzing really nice and felt good!! at the same time felt a little horny as well. In the bar my eyes caught a glimpse of a latin looking women to the best of my guessing she was about 45 years old dark to medium color skin and the CLEAVAGE she had on her was mind blowing, for the longest time I had not seen such remarkable huge breasts filling...
It all happened last summer, I was hired to clean a couples pool. I get in my truck and head to the address of the house. In the town were the couple lived at, there was a ton of hot girls outside. I knock at the door, the lady that opened up the door was a very pretty bbw. She had sky blue eyes, blond hair and a perfect bbw body with massive tits. I caught my composure and said: “Hi, I’m Randy from Carson’s pool cleaning. ” She said: “Hi, I’m Ms....
It all happened last summer, I was hired to clean a couples pool. I get in my truck and head to the address of the house. In the town were the couple lived at, there was a ton of hot girls outside.I knock at the door, the lady that opened up the door was a very pretty bbw. She had sky blue eyes, blond hair and a perfect bbw body with massive tits. I caught my composure and said: "Hi, I'm Randy from Carson's pool cleaning. " She said: "Hi, I'm Ms. James."Ms James took me to the pool to clean...
The 1st time I had sex with a BBW I was 17. I had sex before that but never with a big girl before but I had seen some BBW porn before and I did like it.The girl wanted me for months (she had told me afterwards).She was latina, probably about 5'7, and weighed somewhere from 180-200lbs if I had to guess. We would go to the park and she would always bring liquor and we'd share stories of sex. I remember the 1st time I wanted to fuck her she had these tights on that made the outline of her ass and...
Sex, sex, sex, that was all I could think of at work. Everyone kept asking me throughout the day if something was wrong? My answer out loud was no I’m okay just feeling a little sick, on the inside I was saying that I wanted to find a sexy black big beautiful woman to make love to. I went home that evening browsing the web looking for the right lady to play with. The social networking site I was on was full of women but not the type I wanted. After about an hour of pointless searching miss...
I have a friend, Bob. He's in his sixties and retired. We get together every now and then and fool around. He loves to suck my cock and show me naked pictures of his wife while he's blowing me. He really loves when I tell him how I would make him suck me in front of his wife then watch as I fuck her, but sadly, that never happened...Bob and I talked about finding a BBW for a threesome. So we put an ad on CL and we had to weed through the hookers and spam. Weeks went by and I had forgotten about...
BisexualI love big boobs, and the best way to get them is to date bigger women. I started dating a BBW when I was 17 and have mostly dated them ever since. Somewhere along the line I realized that I preferred BBWs and I've never been sorry. This is the story of one of my BBW girlfriends, back when I was in my late 20s.I usually ate lunch at the same restaurant downtown, there was a really big titted waitress there named Charity. She was probably in her 30s and married, but she had huge tits, her bra...
The Geek and the Mature BBW By The Young Geek A friend of my wife called and asked me to help her with her computer since she knew I was a computer repair tech. She explained that she had recently lost her job and was looking to go into real estate and since my wife had told her I had been an agent a few years earlier she figured I could assist her with what she needed to learn to make money in real estate. I said no problem since I knew what it was like to be laid off and looking to change...
The Geek and the Mature BBWBy The Young GeekA friend of my wife called and asked me to help her with her computer since she knew I was a computer repair tech. She explained that she had recently lost her job and was looking to go into real estate and since my wife had told her I had been an agent a few years earlier she figured I could assist her with what she needed to learn to make money in real estate. I said no problem since I knew what it was like to be laid off and looking to change...
MatureNo Names, just characters. Based on a true story.There was this man. 22 years old, looking for a girlfriend. He was on a dating app, looking for any woman that fitted his preferences. He was not uber picky, but he preferred them to be full figured or BBW or SSBBW built women.Apart from that, he didn't mind if she was a boozer, a smoker, or had any other health related vices. But he didn't like d**gs.He comes across this woman that lives in the neighboring town just 15 mins away. She was kinda...
I have always been a fairly skinny guy. 5'8, 125 lbs. in my 20's; 5'8, 135 lbs., in my 30's. When I first became sexual in my teens perhaps due to peer pressure I thought I could really only 'hook up' with thin or maybe athletically built women. And that was just what I did. Nonetheless, I always harbored a lurking attraction to females with builds reminiscent of those Rubensesque females you see portrayed in classic art. Of course, in high school there were certainly plenty of girls with...
This occurred in October 1973.At the time I was in the military and had just got off duty and was leaving Nellis at about 7pm, it was already dark. As I exited the base and made a left turn on to N. Las Vegas Blvd, my headlights caught a pair of bare legs in flip-flops. I slowed and saw she had dirty blonde hair and was a BBW with her thumb up hitch hiking. I pulled over by her and stopped the car. I asked her if she need a ride somewhere. She said she did and got in. She got out a...
My first bbw experience was one that I would never forget, mainly since she was the one I lost my virginity to. It all started last year in my seventh hour class. I was in the back row and she was two rows away from me. Now Madi was 5'9, an inch taller than me, with curly red hair that went a bit past her shoulders, with 38 DD breasts and a rather flat ass for a girl her size. Now, every time I looked at her, may it be to read whatever was on the board to waiting for the worksheet of the day,...
THE PLAYBOY AND THE BBW (part one) by Throne Milton Norton went to the reading of his Uncle Farnsworth's will smugly confident but left it devastatingly shaken. He had expected to inherit the entire considerable estate. The only other likely recipient was his sister Deborah, but she had been in several lesbian relationships, of which Milton assumed their uncle disapproved. The lawyer handling the matter, however, revealed that she was to be in temporary control of all that wealth...
I think on here that BBW stands for Big Black Woman or Big Beautiful Woman and in the particular case I must relate it was neither. Unless perhaps it was to be Big Brawny Woman.My Mistress had summoned me one afternoon. This was how it worked with her. I had to check in with her every morning and afternoon by SMS to tell her what I was doing. She didn't always answer but it was her way of checking up on me to make sure that I wasn't being stolen by any other Mistress. Any other woman that she...
Blackwoman drove down the rich suburban neighborhood till she heard what she waited for. There was a dispute going on at the house down the road where a black maid was getting chewed out by a white woman for not cleaning the dishes clean. It was her cue to that the situation needed correction. She turned down the road and parked in the driveway and got out. She loved every moment of this. It was her destiny in life. Arriving at the door, she knocked and the door opened. The maid was standing...
After driving almost 500 miles for the day, Ash and I decided to find a place for the night. Out in the dessert, we didn’t have a lot to choose from, but I did manage to find a decent motel room that had a hot tub. We were both worn out from all the driving and intense sunlight, and very much in the mood to take a good soaking together. Ash was a gorgeous BBW, 5’3′ with silky shoulder length jet black hair and a humongous pair of knockers. She had a light complexion and her upper body was...
Hi there. I like BBW stories and I want to write a BBM story soon. I believe in love and romance, and I believe erotica can be included within any human story. I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it — even if your primary motivation is just good sex… Single people tend to have habits they fall into. One of mine is meals. I don’t like to dirty dishes or cooking, except on very special occasions. I don’t mind dishes, it’s just nicer to eat with someone around. I have three...
Once a man approaches middle age, 50 years and up, it seems that his sexual abilities start to dwindle away. And as that happens, he then reaches for the wonder drug, Viagra. But not so much with our dear older women. As you read this true experience, you will really appreciate this about them and how they not only to love sex, but continue to perform even when well past their menopause. I am presently looking after a large complex that houses single women who are 48 years and older. And lately...