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These are modern times. Times in which women can stand on equal footing with men. If you surveyed most women in the Western world, you would likely find that very few of them are looking for a white knight in shining armor to rescue them. The concept of a ‘damsel in distress’ no longer exists, I am sure most women would tell you that.

Javier James King would never have thought of himself as a knight. In fact, he was a bit terrified of horses. The first (and only) time he had gone riding as a youngster, he had been thrown from the horse. From that day forward, he refused to go riding again. His brothers and sisters loved to ride, but for JJ, the only horse he ever wanted to ride was manufactured by Harley Davidson.

Aside from beasts with four legs, there were very few things that frightened JJ. From his late teens until today, he had lived a life of adventure. He had been white water rafting, gone to the Antarctic on an expedition, climbed most of the way up Mount Everest and was an accomplished sky diver. The only two things that had given him any trepidation were leaving his secure job — and marriage.

The two were somewhat linked. He had been a professor of English Literature at Hudson for almost twenty years, the youngest they had ever hired. Just past his 40th birthday, his on-the-go lifestyle kept him looking several years younger. He admitted to being a rogue and a lady’s man, so whenever a willing professor or attractive teaching assistant made an offer, JJ — with discretion — indulged himself. Why would he ever want to marry when there was a bevy of beauties out there to choose from? The women offered and JJ Kirby took. He knew what to say and he dressed nicely and he prided himself on being in good shape and good in bed.

The catalyst that spurred the change in his life was when a less-qualified professor was promoted to the head of the department before JJ. He was not one to remain silent. He was not a man who suffered fools gladly. He spoke up — quite vocally — and then he learned how things rolled in the world of academia in which he toiled. It was all about appearance. The new ‘boss’ didn’t make waves, he was as bland as a piece of Melba Toast. There were no rumors flying around about Seymour Hollingsworth III. He was a good academian who did what was required of him. He never bucked the system.

JJ was livid. Rather than burning his bridges behind him, he took a six month leave of absence and hammered out a manuscript he thought was superb. He never downplayed his own abilities. The first publisher that it reached bought it. With a $35,000 advance in hand, he walked into the Dean’s office and told him to shove his job where the sun didn’t shine. It was almost 6 years later and he still had never looked back. Sometimes, you know when you’ve reached the end of a journey and JJ had reached his.

His first book started out as a slow climb, but after a few positive reviews, sales started on an upward climb. By the end of the first year, it had sold well enough for the publishers to ask for a second book and earned him a larger advance. With his earnings from the first book and the advance, he was able to put a down payment on a home and start to live nicely. He was becoming popular and got invited to a lot of parties and functions as a guest. Women were enchanted by his career and he started to write — a lot. Slowly, he developed a following and when he released a novel with erotic overtones, sales went through the roof. He became the flavor of the day, although that day lasted for several years. His editors were thrilled with him and his advances were only outweighed by his royalty checks.

In the early days of his career, JJ didn’t much like book tours. Too much travel, too much bad food, too much inane chatter with people who had only skimmed the book. Some of the fans were a bit — weird, to say the least. On one book tour, however, destiny took him by the hand. He was barely looking up as he signed copy upon copy of his books. When a soft, chiming voice spoke to him, he looked up and saw – her.

JJ’s first impressions of the younger woman were mixed, to say the least. She was beautiful, you could see that. With little or no makeup, her face was gleaming with youthful vitality. Her eyes were the palest blue he had ever seen and her blonde hair was almost silver. She was lovely and slender and seemed to have a nice figure.

That was the incongruity of it all. Despite her good looks, she was wearing very plain clothing, a gingham dress. Did anyone still dress that way? No high heels, just flat Mary Janes and she didn’t seem to be wearing any jewelry. To JJ, it was as if someone had thrown a tarpaulin around the Venus De Milo. Why would anyone want to make someone this stunning look so — dull?

He could barely hear her speaking, her voice was just that delicate. She pushed two of his novels in front of him, asking if it would be too much trouble for him to sign both. The young lady told him that her name was Mona Miles. Her name didn’t seem to suit such a vision. She declined to have them personalized, so JJ signed the books for her and she smiled sweetly. ‘My mother would kill me if she knew I read books like these,’ she giggled nervously. ‘They’re my little secret, but they’re so thrilling!’

Javier wondered what it was about this pretty young thing that charmed him so. ‘I’m glad to hear that you like them,’ he said to her. On an impulse that came out of nowhere, he piped up ‘Would you like to have a cup of coffee with the author when the book signing is done?’

The girl’s blue eyes seemed to take on a sign of life for the very first time. ‘Oh no, thank you — I couldn’t do that!’ She seemed to be in a panic. ‘I don’t even know you and my family will wonder where I am, they think I’m at the library.’

‘Only way to know someone is to talk with them,’ JJ said to the girl. ‘Just tell your family that you wanted a cup of coffee before you came home.’

With a timid grin, the young woman agreed. She hung around the store for an hour until JJ had signed his last autograph and let him take her to a nearby Tim’s. They talked for over an hour and once he drew her out of her shell, she was quite intelligent. He could see that someone was repressing a keen intellect and a kind, lovely gentle soul.

‘You’re twenty-five years old,’ JJ said to her. ‘Why do you let your parents tell you how to live your life?’

‘I live under their roof, I have to follow their rules,’ Mona told him. ‘They’re very old-fashioned and strict. I don’t really have much choice.’

‘Everyone has a choice,’ JJ told her and held her chin up so that he could look into her eyes. ‘Why not move out and find an apartment of your own?’

‘With what money? I’ve always earned my keep by working in my parent’s hardware store and they put part of my wages towards my rent,’ Mona answered. ‘The remainder is in the bank and I need one of their signatures to withdraw any of it.’

JJ shook his head. These people had this young woman over a barrel. He had never met them and he already didn’t like them. ‘IF you will let me, I can help. I may be a good writer, but I’m terribly disorganized and I need an assistant. I can pay you a very nice wage and I have a friend who owns an apartment nearby that likely has a place you could rent. If you’re interested, of course. Mona, don’t you think that at your age, it’s time that you asserted some independence?’

For the very first time, JJ saw a look of steel in her blue eyes. It was one that he would come to know much better a while later. ‘Yes, yes, I do,’ Mona smiled. ‘As a matter of fact, I’m going to start right now. I think that I’d like another cup of coffee — and while I’m at it, I think I’ll have some pie!’

JJ laughed and spent another hour with the girl. He liked her, although he had no idea why. She wasn’t the crazy type he knew so well. Still, she was charming and infectious. They met up a few days ago and despite her smile, he se
nsed something was amiss.

‘My parents are livid,’ she told him. ‘They don’t like any of the plans I’ve made and won’t release my bank account to me.’

‘Screw that,’ JJ said, his jaw clenched tight. ‘I will advance you some money against your salary and you can use that to get whatever you need. My friend will likely cut you a similar deal on the rent until you get settled. In the meanwhile, I can call my attorney and see if we can’t get your bank account released to you alone. There is no reason a twenty-five year old woman should have to run to her parents every time she needs money.’

Mona hugged him and they went off to meet his friend. Suzanne showed the girl the apartment and he thought Mona might faint. ‘I’ve never had this much space all to myself before,’ she said to the both of them. ‘What will I do with it all?’

‘Well, for one thing, use some of the closet space and get some new clothes,’ Suzanne laughed. ‘Cher,, who dresses you like that?’

Mona didn’t answer and JJ was sure that she knew she was out of touch with modern times. He peeled off a roll of cash and handed it to Suzanne. ‘Whatever she needs,’ he told her. ‘If she needs more, come to me — don’t skimp on a thing.’

Suzanne didn’t and the Mona that showed up for her first day of work was a modern-looking, stunning young woman in a knee-length skirt and high heels. ‘My first pair,’ she smiled brightly. ‘I have all new clothes and underwear and I feel like Cinderella!’

‘You are the Belle of the Ball,’ JJ laughed. He was trying not to stare, but it wasn’t easy. She was as gorgeous as some of the models he had known, lovely and winsome with a sexiness he was sure she didn’t know she had. He hoped that he would be able to get his work done, because Mona was going to be a distraction.

That name! She didn’t look like a Mona and he said so. ‘Actually, my given name is far worse,’ she sighed. ‘I was named after my maternal grandmother and her name was Harmonia. My mother shortened it to Mona when I was five.’

‘Christ, you poor kid,’ JJ sighed. ‘Why didn’t they call you Harmony?’

‘I like that!’ She piped up. ‘Please, can you call me Harmony?’

So, he did. From that day forward and how apropos it was. With her around, life was Harmony. She was so meticulous that his work got done faster and she was always smiling. She earned every nickel he paid her and every little bonus. It didn’t hurt that she looked fabulous in every piece of clothing she wore, from dresses to tight jeans. JJ tried to fight it, it was no use. He knew the score. He was falling for Harmony and he would have to do his best to keep his emotions in check. He didn’t want anything to upset the balance of their happy new relationship.

However, as is often the way in these things, he didn’t have much say in the matter. They were working late one night, a looming deadline was the excuse. Although Harmony’s apartment wasn’t far, she opted to stay and finish her work. When done the final pieces, JJ opened champagne. Harmony had never had it, her family frowned on drinking (naturally). One thing led to another and a very lovely, sexy and slightly inebriated girl was in JJ’s arms.

‘I can’t,’ he said to her, although he wanted to with every ounce of his being. ‘I’d never forgive myself for taking advantage of you.’

‘You aren’t, I’m offering and if you hadn’t made a move soon, I was going to jump your bones,’ Harmony told him. ‘Who better to be my first than my own Prince Charming? Stop being so noble and take me to bed and make love to me!’

JJ listened to her and nodded. She seemed sober enough to make clear-cut choices, so he took her hand and led her upstairs. Even though it wasn’t in her duties, Harmony kept his home tidy, so his bedroom wasn’t the mess it would have been a year earlier. With a boldness he wouldn’t have believed she had, Harmony let her skimpy little dress drop to the ground. She kicked it away and stood in front of him in just a lacy bra and thong underwear. ‘I wish I had worn something sexier,’ the pale blonde said to him. ‘I wanted to seduce you and Suzanne says men like sexy lingerie.’

‘You’re spectacular,’ he said as he took the tinier girl in his arms. ‘Perfect, a goddess. I don’t know why you want me, but I’m not crazy enough to fight it.’ He took her as slowly as he was handling a fragile flower. Every part of her was sensual and delicate, she seemed to be melting as he kissed her face, body and all over. She was trembling as she laid out on the bed. JJ wanted her first time to be incredible and was going to take his time before he entered her. He wanted to make sure that she was wet and ready.

Lovely Harmony had other ideas. ‘Now that I’ve worked for you for several months, I’ve had a chance to read all of your books and I’ve learned a few things,’ she giggled nervously. ‘For example about – sucking cock!’ Her voice dropped. ‘I talked it over with Suzanne and she gave me some pointers. So, before you enter me, I want to get you ready.’

Harmony was far from an expert, but Suzanne’s pointers had certainly taught her something. She did have a rudimentary technique and his cock stiffened more each moment as he watched her sweet face surround his shaft. She wasn’t even gagging and once she lifted her head from his manhood, JJ was ready to fuck! Sensibly, he knew that he would make love first and let her find her own speed. The little vixen surprised him again by pushing him on his back and climbing on top. ‘Suzanne says that this is the best way for a girl’s first time,’ She giggled nervously. ‘It isn’t supposed to hurt as much, she says. I hope she’s right, God, I’m so nervous!’

JJ wondered if everything she did had to be so endearing? Her lithe young body slid down on his, her perfect breasts and torso moved and wiggled until he was all in, as far as he could go. If he was hurting her, she gave no indication. All he saw was an expression of bliss as she rocked herself against him and began murmuring. When he could finally make out what she was saying, JJ laughed a bit. She was actually using bits of profanity, asking for more cock and wanting to be fucked. He found himself wondering just what she and Suzanne talked about on those lunches of theirs.

All of JJ’s energy went into making this the best experience he could for his lovely treasure. He knew that he could try to fight it, it was no use — he had fallen for her and fallen hard. He believed that she had enchanted him from Day One. His hands and mouth and body made love to her until she shook, her head thrown back and her body tense. It was her first orgasm and he didn’t want it to be her last. Her future lovers were going to have to bring their A-game, he would see to that.

He had no idea that Harmony did not intend to seek out other men. She had set her cap for him months earlier and told Suzanne what her ideas were. Her friend helped to bring them to fruition. Now that she had the one thing she wanted most, Harmony decided to broaden her horizons. She would test her limits.

She staked her claim on JJ slowly and over time. The first move was a simple one, she moved some clothes into his closet and made herself a little space. The next move was more advanced, she got wilder in bed. It never bothered her that her lover was 20 years older or had more experience. Harmony was making some new friends, many of them from Suzanne. The pretty French woman was quite the sexual libertine. With JJ’s 46th birthday coming up, Harmony knew what he was getting as a gift.

‘Happy birthday, darling,’ Harmony said as she walked out to the lavish swimming pool in a silver Lycra bikini. Following her was dark-haired Suzanne, a gorgeous redhead he didn’t know and a lovely Asian girl he recognized from his teaching days. Her name was Bowie. Aside from his lover, the other three women were naked.

‘In honor of your birthday, today is Nude Day,’ Harmony giggled. ‘Everyone stays naked all day and everyone fucks — everyone! Bowie and Dayna are room
mates and Bowie says she remembers your cock and wants to share it with her best `friend’,’ Harmony giggled. The two women swarmed over JJ and got his trunks off while Harmony watched with a delighted grin. Dayna’s mouth surrounded his cock while sexy Bowie hovered close to his face. JJ was astounded his girlfriend wasn’t jealous, in fact, he knew she had orchestrated the entire event! How far she had come in such a short time and he knew that she would only go further.

‘Hey, what are you going to be doing while these two are keeping me busy?’ JJ asked. ‘You’ve still got your suit on.’

‘That’s because I thought Suzanne would like to take it off of me,’ Harmony purred in a new voice, a new tone, he had never heard before. ‘On this special Nude Day Birthday, I’ve decided to grant Suzanne a birthday wish too, I’m going to let her have sex with me. Today, I’m going to act like a total slut and not even think twice about it!’ Harmony laughed and the two women dropped to the deck, their hands touching and their lips kissing. JJ managed to watch a bit before Bowie’s slender, golden body descended upon his waiting mouth. If Harmony was cool with all of this, he was going to let things happen however she wanted. At that moment, he decided he wanted her to grant one more birthday wish. Before this day was done, he was going to ask her to marry him. No sane man would let someone like her get away and living with Harmony was hardly ‘settling down’. He was sure she would keep him happy and satisfied for years to come.

His cock sank deep into Dayna’s tight, red-furred pussy and he started fucking. Everything else could wait until later in the day. Why ruin his girlfriend’s plans for his birthday? She sure seemed to be having a good time as she and Suzanne shared their first sixty-nine. No doubt about it – Harmony was a once-in-a-lifetime partner.

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Julie Kay is an exotic nubian princess with a smoking hot body. She loves sex and could not be more excited to be shooting with us! Her enthusiasm shined bright with her willingness to deepthroat beyond her gag reflex and her exceptional cock riding skills. If you were wondering why she’s such a freak it may be because she lost her virginity to two men when she was super young. Regardless, this tasty piece of chocolate gave us a spectacular show and got her face covered with some manly...

3 years ago
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New Start 6 Part 7

THE NEW START 6 PART 7 By Paul G. Jutras Four pleasant years of high school has come and gone for Paula. She had put aside the dress ripper that tried to kill her back during her last year of the academy and was concentrating on her wedding plans. As she sat in her family's living room in a pink knee length dress with a white flower print design, white American sandals, she felt like she had a million things to do. "I'm going to make this the best wedding I could ever dream of...

4 years ago
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First memory: Learn all there is to learn, seek all there is to know, return that knowledge to the creator. That is the command that drove it on through the cold night. It passed bodies of matter that would sling it out from the heat of the star, ever faster, ever on towards the deep cold and darkness that was to be it’s eternal home. It finished the mission, sending back every scrap of new knowledge it had obtained, yet it still listened, it still looked and learned. At set intervals it would...

2 years ago
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A Family Find Part 4 Finale

Carly and Cora two kissed again then fell asleep. Devon woke them up to let them know that breakfast was being served, then kissed them to show that it was going to be alright. She knew what they were thinking, she told the couple, "Mom should see if it's twins. I know it's early but my gut tells me that it's twins. Please get it checked out so mom doesn't get too worried and hurt the baby?" Both hugged her tight, letting her cry herself out before they boldly told her, "It's alright....

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The Lake

It was the weekend between finals and we all needed a break. The first day of tests had just finished, and there would be three more days of hell before the semester would be officially over. That Friday afternoon in May, two male friends and I, decided to head out to a secluded spot at a not so near by lake to get away from the stress of the campus. We drove for about an hour before we came to the turn off and went around the "Road Ends" sign and barricade and stopped at the spot that was...

3 years ago
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Neel The Back Door Man

Every Sunday Neel would drop by my apartment for hours of sex with his rock hard and ready cock. Mind you, I loved the way he would eat me out while I was giving him a blow job, but he always wants to have me on my knees so he can penetrate both holes.. I love when he annals me I squirt crazy plumes and he loves every minute of it. Neel is a handsome Indian with a light whitish complexion, ten inch solid fat cock' jet black long hair, a tattoo with my name on his forearm, sexy cleft chin...

4 years ago
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A Planet Is SwornChapter 17

Ben was sitting in his pilot's chair when he heard Elise's 'voice' inside his head. "Commander, we're ready to make the final jump to Woden. I've scouted ahead and I'm afraid I've got good news and bad news," she said. "Give me the good news first," replied Ben. "Captain Marlon and the Scout are still active around Woden, so your fears that they would all already be dead have not been realised," said Elise. "Excellent! Okay, now the bad news I suppose." "The Scout has...

2 years ago
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The Fortune of the ODellsChapter 12

Mick was true to his word and didn’t say a thing about the gold to Rory or the women. The next day he, Rory, and I helped to pack up the wagon and Mick helped me reload the packs onto my mules. The two mules took their burden and as usual never seemed to mind. Maybe the handful of oats from Opal Anne satisfied them, especially Thumper. That sorrel mule always seemed to have a kind heart around Opal Anne. Mick suggested that we rig up a tripod that we could take with us to unload the mules...

3 years ago
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The Flame of Vengeance Is Red Part 2

MartinMartin had done everything that Tammy told him to do. He did admit that calling Abby a slut wasn’t very smart. He liked Abby more than most of the girls he dated. If she didn’t have any kids he might have considered actually dating her. He liked kids and hers were okay but single mothers were looking for a father more than a relationship.He agreed that he’d change, at least to get even with Abby. Breaking Vince’s heart would be a bonus. It was ironic that when practicing this nice image...

Love Stories
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The gem he lost1

Matthew didn't know yet what a gem he had in the new girl at school who also happened to be his cousins new neighbor. Matthew was a good looking boy of 15, his birthday was a few months away. He had bright brilliant blue eyes and dirty blonde hair that hanged to his chin and was shaved underneath. 5'10", 150 pounds give or take, slim build, but muscles that were defined. Matt had his fair share of girls, even at 15 he knew what he wanted from them, and knew how to give them...

1 year ago
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School Bathrooms

My name is Sammie and I go to a 5A high school in a large, suburban area east of Dallas. I have always known that I was gay, or, at least always thought about what I would like to do with some of the guys in my grade. There was always this one guy, Aj. Aj and I had gone to school together ever since he moved here in the fourth grade. He was tall, dark haired, nicely tanned, with a great smile. As for me: I'm tall and dark haired too, but I'm sort of shy. At the end of school last year the...

4 years ago
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Sales Meeting

I had only been hired a week before, just enough time to do some preliminary training in the home office. As luck would have it, I was just in time for the regional sales meeting. I had only met a few of the guys and everyone seemed friendly enough and I was eager to get to know the ropes. Being in my late 20’s it was only my second sales position but I knew what to expect. The days would be filled with a lot of product details, the dinners would be a combination of buffets and sit down...

3 years ago
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Turned in to a Crossdressing Cuckold

About a year and a half ago on my way home from work, while shifting back and forth struggling to find a comfortable position, which occurred more often then not an impossible case at hand by the end of the day. The chasity device placed in my pierced cock just didn't seem to agree with the panties that held it. I thought about how all of this had come to be; how does a good-looking, athletic,charming straight guy become a piece of property made to serve and meet any and all demand, no matter...

4 years ago
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The Housekeeper

The Housekeeper Listen, I know you've been screwing around with Carrie, don't deny it. How do I know? When I tell you it'll explain a lot about how I got here like this. And maybe there's a way this will all work out. You know I've been acting kind of weird lately. We'll, it really started back when I started dating Carrie. I know, everyone wondered why such a hot chick?would go out with a guy like me. I guess I didn't question it - at least not at first. She said I was everything...

1 year ago
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Story no 1 First Time with Another Man

This is my first story on Xhamster, well it's not really a story but more of a factual account of one of the many amazing things that my wife and I have experienced. I'm not a writer just a working middle class guy who is married to a beautiful wife with a wonderful family. I'm lucky enough to still have an absolutely amazing sex life with my wife after 20 plus years. I wanted to write on here to anonymously share some of the experiences we have had over the years as they have been so amazing...

1 year ago
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PetiteHDPorn Light Fairy Some Like It Rough

Light Fairy has always had a bit of a thing for rough sex, and Mr Henderson fits the bill nicely. The horny blonde is reading a dirty novel when Mr Henderson joins her and asks if she wants a drink. When Light Fairy responds that she wants Mr Henderson, he tells her that he has a special cocktail for her. She just has to milk it out of him herself. After a bit of making out, Light Fairy peels off everything but her knee high socks and contorts herself to show off that tiny puss of hers. Then...

3 years ago
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A Night With My Girlfriend8217s Sister 8211 Part 2

Hay guys, this is your boy Ronak. Thank you for your amazing feedback on my previous story. This is going to be the continuation. So I suggest you guys read the previous story before reading this one about breaking virginity of my girlfriend’s sister. Anyway, let’s hop into the story. It’s been a week since I spent my night with my girlfriend’s sister Priyanka. I have been masturbating a lot, thinking about her tiny wet pussy and juicy, firm boobs. We started talking on social media, and...

4 years ago
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Developmental Alterations

Chapter 1 A blank screen, the bane of every creator. I just stared at it, not for the first time. Lately, it seemed like I just couldn't get past the beginning, to actually get to work. Perhaps it was because I'd been too successful, I'd actually worked out all my ideas, and now I was just as empty as the screen. It wasn't the first time I'd thought that, but it felt especially true today. It had to be the fact that it was Monday. I was always pessimistic on Mondays. "Still...

3 years ago
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The Room Down the Hall

Introduction: Two best friends are about to go on a journey through erotic discovery. (will be a series of stories.) Danielle wasnt ready for this type of change. Having people other than her mother living with them wasnt something she wanted to experience just yet. She was already stressed out with two months left of high school, college acceptance letters were coming in, prom was around the corner and her graduation plans were already stressing her out. But at the very least, the people...

2 years ago
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My Virgin Girl At Office

Hello friends, how are you? I am Raghav and i am a web designer. I wanted to share an experience of mine which happened during my profession job. myself, age 24, from Warangal, Telangana, very fair, tall and handsome. I work in a small marketing agency. Today I am narrating one sex incident of my life here; when I had sex with a virgin office girl. Friends, who are associated with marketing agency know about agency ambience. Mostly sexy and hot girl used to get job easily in marketing agencies....

4 years ago
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Lovely Evening With An Indian Sex Stories Reader

Hi, Readers, this is my second sex story on Indian Sex Stories dot net. I hope you enjoy it. My name is Siddharth I’m 30 years old freelance photographer from Delhi and this is a sex story about a girl called Shruti (name Changed) who connected with me on Google hangout in responses from my first sex story – “Unexpected sex over a work assignment”, I was bit surprised. Thank you all. After accepting her hangout request, we began chatting; she complimented me on the sex story and told me how...

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Camping at Sunset

A special thank you to ‘F’ who checked over my story for me xx We look over the view of the sunset going down into the ocean, sigh with contentment and generally enjoy each other’s company in just our swimwear. With you sitting in front of me, my arms around your stomach, I rest my chin upon your shoulder. As the fiery red glow of the sun softens and the darkness approaches swiftly behind, a slight shiver runs up my back and I press you tightly against me. A few moments later, I get to my...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Chloe Temple Evelyn Claire Threesome To Make Her Cum

Evelyn Claire is pretty into watching porn and fantasizing about what she sees. She’s enjoying herself on the couch, fondling her breast with one hand as the other slides into her panties. Closing her eyes, Evelyn can envision herself as part of the scene with her two favorite porn models… Chloe Tempe and Seth Gamble don’t even bat an eye as Evelyn appears dressed in dark lingerie that is sexy as fuck against her pale skin. Chloe is on her hands and knees getting her pussy...

2 years ago
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Beths ArmChapter 12

Beall stopped for a meal on his way out of Georgetown and still got home before dark. In bed that night, he told his wife of his visit to Gil, the miser in his dark cave, and of his talk with the constable afterwards. "He promised to leave Gil alone unless there was a trial." "Will he keep his word?" Beall's wife asked, inching down to get nearer the warmed, wool covered bricks at the foot of their big bed. "I think so. Hope so. Remind me to get down to M'Gregor's tomorrow. That's...

3 years ago
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Oil of Roses Snakes Among the VinesChapter 19

January 22nd, 2007, Sunday Carol There were things she wanted to tell her family about their protector – things far more worrisome than Nick’s mob involvement had been. They accepted Minerva’s ghost, but Lanier ... that was orders of magnitude more hard to swallow. Besides, she didn’t know anything, just suspected a lot. So, she said nothing. And worried, despite all of Nick’s assurances she had no reason to. “What, sir, I’m sorry?” “I asked why this Lanier person called us,” Harry...

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Dear Diary Straight

Dear Diary,Today was a pretty damn good day, I’ve always wanted to fuck my white stepdad, Dave, never really thought that it was possible though. I didn’t think he would be up for it because my mother has a great shape and she have bigger and better boobs than me. Mom got a call from York and she had to leave 6 am in the morning. I went to wake my step dad at 7 with a cup of tea. As I am waking him up, I could see a huge bulge in his underwear. All the thoughts of me fantasizing having sex with...

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The Neighbors Daughter

Pam and Ethan's sexploits continue... Chapter 23Summer break was just getting started and Ethan was raking up the grass clippings at his Moms home. The sun was bright and high over his head. He had removed his shirt long ago, and the drops of sweat were running down his back. He stopped to wipe his brow and saw Mrs. Philips coming toward him with a tall glass of lemonade. He rested for a minute and watched her come closer. She was a widow, he knew that, and she had a daughter who was eighteen,...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Aiden Ashley Victoria Voxxx Competing For Attention

It’s lust at first sight for two masseuse colleagues, Victoria Voxxx and Aiden Ashley, when they lay their eyes on an attractive male client, Nathan Bronson. After vying to see who is the lucky one who gets to massage him, Aiden wins out and takes him aside into a private room to begin the massage. It’s not long before she eagerly strips down and oils them up so that she can begin body sliding. But Victoria is determined NOT to let Aiden claim her prize too easily, and sets about...

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Time of Eden and ElvesChapter 36

EDEN CITY The YK-55 missiles plodded along over the tops of the trees at nearly four thousand miles an hour, their computer brains and nano-chips ignoring everything around them except for the massive blue shield they were targeting. They had been configured for atmospheric flight before being loaded on the VHC-21s and they were at their maximum atmospheric speed, tearing across the landscape. They were designed to punch holes in starships, and the shield they were approaching should provide...

2 years ago
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The Room The Conclusion

I didn’t know what the hell I was doing there. Well I knew what I was doing. I was there buying condoms and lubrication. I didn’t know why I was doing it. Why was I going along with Mr. Dante’s plan of revenge? His revenge was directed at Victoria. She was the little bitch that tried to cause me to rape Mr. Dante’s daughter. She and I would play these little role playing games. That particular day she gave me instructions that lead me into a dark room and I fucked a girl that I thought was...

3 years ago
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The GiftChapter 38

I sat and thought about how much to reveal to these people. John already knew I had some abilities, but did not know all that I could do. This Jeffery Milhouse, while apparently a paragon of virtue, was the likely cause of the attack on the house. "Ok, I will say this just once. Yes, I am responsible for the seeming disappearance of the attackers. The seven men are not hurt or dead. They are sort of, in a place of storage. I can bring them back, just as easily. We need to figure out who we...

4 years ago
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At the party4

I was in my bedroom trying to decide what to wear. The only thing I was certain about was my pretty little black thong. I always felt like it brought me luck somehow, but maybe it was just the fact that it made me feel sexy and confident. So there I was - in my tight thong looking through the wardrobe. I've never been that girl who spends a lot of thoughts on what she's gonna wear so I just grabbed the first skirt I could find and of course it was the shortest one I could've possibly...

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Space Colony Eve

Second story from the new colony. First Born Colonist Sideways Landing: This settlement had been here longer than the first official colony, the two original settlers crashing here in a damaged escape pod more than a year before the colonisation ship arrived. Over the years people who wanted an even simpler life than that in the new colonies had heard of it and made their way here and asked if they could set up home nearby. Dave and Lisa had just waved their arms wide and said ‘pick...

2 years ago
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Brads Story part 1

“Just the coffee?” “And twenty on pump two.” I told her the coffee is on me and smiled as she hands me a twenty and thanks me as she walks out, her ass bouncing away toward a familiar green pick up. Outside fueling was my cousin Tim. I don’t think he was dating her, he likes the skinnier ones. I watched them drive away letting my mind run wild thinking of my new beauty. After my shift was over I called up Tim and asked if he hand anything going on, hoping she would be there. He told me to...

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