Diavolo Ch. 17 free porn video

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Daniel arrived with an entire entourage of medical personnel. Abigail was pretty sure he paid the hospital a good amount of money to let her go into his care. She might have protested, but he’d told her Mikayla was dead.

As she gaped at him in utter shock, a nurse jabbed her with a needle and her thoughts became fuzzy.

What happened next was very confusing. She drifted in and out of consciousness, tears wetting her cheeks the entire time. There was the sensation of being lifted, and then seeing the bright Texas sky above and the sound of helicopter blades chop-chop-chopping away at the hot air.

When she finally came around fully, she was tucked away in a sumptuous bed in the Montenegro estate, the last rays of the sun filling the room with a soft golden glow through filmy white curtains. Next to the bed was a Franciscan sister, dressed in her black jumper with short white sleeves covering three quarters of her upper arms. She had what looked like a bible in her hands but was nodded off asleep, her soft snores coming intermittently.

The second Abby tried to straighten though, the woman was on her feet, pale blue eyes leveled at Abby.

‘Don’t try to get up,’ she snapped.

Abby froze, looking up at that stern face. ‘I-I was only trying to get comfortable,’ she croaked out.

Her throat was dry. The nun immediately grabbed a glass of water at her bedside and offered it to Abby.

She drank gratefully and said as much when the sister pulled the glass away a bit.

‘More?’ the nun asked.

‘No, thank you,’ Abby said shyly.

She looked around and her gaze was caught mostly on the strap binding her arm to her chest.

Diamond…the hotel…she tried to kill her and…

‘Gabriel,’ Abby said on a choked sob as she finally remembered the rest of what happened. Had Daniel actually told her Mikayla was dead?

‘I think you need another sedative. You’re working yourself into another bout of hysteria,’ the nun said with distaste.

Her silver hair glinted from beneath her white headband.

Abby shook her head, but the ensuing headache that assailed her had her groaning in misery instead.

‘Let me have a few minutes alone with Abby, Sister Laboria.’

Daniel stepped next to the bed, handing Abby a handkerchief he’d retrieved from inside his pocket.

Sister Laboria frowned at them both and stalked from the room.

Abby dabbed at her eyes and stared earnestly at Daniel.


Daniel looked away, a slight crease forming between his tawny brows. He cleared his throat and stared at Abby again, his brown eyes unwavering. ‘She apparently had too much to drink and decided it was perfectly fine to go and ride the new mare my mother had acquired for our stables.’

Abby gasped. That sounded just like Mikayla.

‘Morning Star threw her off not far from the stables.’

Abby shook her head at the horror of it all. ‘Oh, Daniel…’ She gripped his arm with her free hand. ‘My mother? Where is she?’

Daniel’s gaze hardened then. ‘She chose to go live in the house Gabriel bought for her. Neither my mother nor I know where that would be because she didn’t even show up for…’ He huffed out a sigh, patting her hand. ‘None of that matters, Abby. She is well as far as I know, and I’m going to make sure you’re taken care of as well.’

Abby pulled her hand away from his clutching one.

‘Why did you bring me here? Seeing after me is my husband’s responsibility.’

Daniel’s face grew cold. ‘You don’t need Gabriel’s charity. I won’t have him belittle you, Abby.’

Abby straightened out more on the bed, feeling her anger grow. Gabriel and her needed to talk, but that was none of Daniel’s business. Daniel had dumped her for her sister and now that he was a widower, he was not going to use her as a replacement for her dead sister.

‘Gabriel would never belittle me. He loves me and I need to go back to my own house.’

Daniel snorted. ‘You mean the mansion he put up for sale yesterday?’

Cold seeped into Abby’s veins.

Daniel grinned and stood. ‘That’s right. All your belongings are in a storage.’ He dug in his pocket and pulled out a key. ‘He gave me the address and the key. The house you had was put on the market yesterday. He intends to sign over every last penny of its sale to you and wash his hands of you for good.’

Abby shook her head. She couldn’t…she wouldn’t believe such a thing.

Why? Why would Gabriel do such a thing.

‘I took the liberty of purchasing new things for you.’ He strode to a pair of double doors at the far end of the room before throwing them open. There was another room there, a closet, filled to capacity with clothing, shoes, a jewelry armoire, and a vanity brimming with makeup. It might have been every woman’s fantasy, but not Abigail’s.

‘You can have your marriage annulled. I see no reason why that wouldn’t be granted to you since legally you married Gabriel Montenegro and he just rejected that last name and took Raven as his legal name now.’

Abby shook her head, the information more than she could handle right now.

She needed to call Gabriel.

‘My phone. I need my phone.’

Daniel scowled. ‘You’re going to call and beg? Really, Abigail. I’m appalled, and what’s more, I won’t let you do that to yourself.’

Abby stared at him in shock. ‘Where’s my phone?’ she demanded more forcefully.

Daniel’s reply was to put on a calm face and softly close the closet doors. Carefully adjusting the sleeves of his white shirt, he strode to the opposite end of the room.

‘Daniel?’ she said, eyes wide as he opened the door to let the nun back in.

‘She’s ready for that sedative, Sister Laboria. Remember what we discussed.’

The nun nodded and strode back toward Abby.

‘Daniel,’ Abby exclaimed as he sauntered out.

Sister Laboria shushed her as she prepped a syringe.

Abby gasped, alarm shooting through her. ‘Wait. You can’t do this. I want to go back to…’ Was Gabriel really selling their home? Daniel had never lied to her before, but why would Gabriel do all this?

‘I don’t need that,’ Abby insisted.

‘Yes you do,’ the nun replied, her frown firm.

Abby tried to shy away from her, but she grabbed her arm hard and jabbed the needle deep.


‘Do they have dogs?’ Mike whispered.

Gabriel grit his teeth in irritation as he leveled his leg over the stone wall. ‘I don’t think so.’

It was a long fall down. They’d hiked up the steep side of the hill, leading up to the back portion of the Montenegro estate.

‘Hope not,’ Mike grumbled next to him. ‘Shit.’

Gabriel grimaced as well. The entire back wall was covered in rich thick Bougainvillea.

‘If I lose an eye, I’m kicking your ass,’ Mike said tightly before jumping down.

Gabriel winced when he heard the crash and moan, following by much cursing.

Already his leg throbbed and he hadn’t even jumped. Christ. It wasn’t fully healed. What if the metal spike in it shattered the bone from the impact of the fall and he bled out?

It was dark below and he couldn’t gauge how far away he was from the ground on the other side of the wall.

Light flickered. Mike lit his lighter, giving Gabriel a clear view of the garden ground.

Gabriel launched himself. He dropped eight feet, getting snagged by thorns on the way down. Mike, bless his big heart, broke his fall.

They tumbled into a heap of arms and legs with a grunted ‘oomph’.

‘Fuck,’ Gabe panted, his head feeling a bit scrambled. ‘Thanks.’

Mike shoved him off his body and sat up, his shoulder-length wavy hair a leaf-strewn mess. ‘Yeah-yeah. Just don’t try to kiss me in gratitude.’

Gabriel rose to his hands and knees and snorted a laugh. ‘Don’t you wish.’

He dusted off his clothes, wincing at the bu
rning sensation in various parts of his body here and there. Mike lifted his arms with a grimace marring his face. Gabriel saw the welts of blood welling upon his skin. The deep scratches covered his forearms as well. He could just imagine his face.

‘We’re going to look like hell for our show tomorrow.’

Gabe shrugged. All he cared about was getting Abby to his grandmother’s house until the stupid tour was done over…unless…he quit. Let someone else become lead.

‘Hey,’ Mike said nudging him. ‘Are we doing this or not?’

Gabriel nodded and walked briskly onto the garden path.

Low lights illuminated the way, around a small pond with a gazebo and through a small maze, right up to the back of the L-shaped mansion.

Most of the lights on the main floor were lit. Gabriel looked up to the second floor. In which room did that son-of-a-bitch Daniel have his wife?

Movement from the main room had him and Mike ducking behind some shrubs near a corner of the house.

Daniel lounged on the bench of the piano in the parlor as Paulina paced back and forth before him. Her voice though muffled sounded like she was angry. Daniel caressed the keys of the piano in careless indifference.

Mike prodded him again and pointed to the side of the mansion.

Gabriel followed him. They went around the side where there was more landscaping. Mike gripped a trellis that flanked one wall.

‘They’re down here. Let’s look upstairs and see if we find her.’

Gabriel nodded. He still hadn’t figured out what the plan was once they found Abby. What had his brother told her? Would she even want to leave with him if Daniel had spilled the beans about his plan on divorcing her after the tour?

Now, in hindsight, he realized how much of a fucking coward he’d been. He couldn’t walk away from Abby…ever. It was actually easier for him to leave the music business behind. Anything to keep Abby safe if that’s what it took.

Limbs still stinging from being shredded by the Bougainvillea, they made their way up the vine-covered trellis. At least it wasn’t covered by another thorn bearing plant.

Up on the second floor balcony, they tried some closed French doors, but they were locked.

Mike walked further down and tried another set of doors.


Gabriel huffed in frustration.

Mike reached into his pocket and pulled out a shiny object. Gabriel watched in fascination as he jimmied the lock and opened one of the doors.

He grinned at his friend with newfound admiration.

‘Where’d the fuck you learn to do that?’ Gabe whispered.

Mike just grinned, the mirth not quite reaching his eyes.


They slipped into the darkened interior of the room. Gabriel used his phone to light the interior, searching for the bed.

They were in a sitting room of sorts. Gabriel moved deeper into the room, the light of his phone illuminating a gigantic cherry wood sleigh bad. The deep green covers were undisturbed and the scent of masculine perfume permeated the cool air circulating around him.

He turned to check on Mike and stumbled back in terror. His phone went flying away as he accidentally knocked over a wooden horse from a nearby table.

Standing in the doorway had been a woman with red hair.

‘Shit,’ he heard Mike curse. ‘Can you possibly make anymore noise.’

Gabriel panted, his forehead damp with sweat as he blinked in the direction he swore he saw the woman.

A clump of what felt like hair landed in his lap.

‘It’s a wig, dumbass,’ Mike said.

Gabriel blinked in the dark. Holy fuck. No way.

‘We gotta find Abby,’ he said getting up quickly. ‘We gotta get the hell out of here.’

Gabriel turned on his heel and strode to where he could see light emanating from beneath a door. Carefully opening it, he peered out through a sliver. A hallway. Opening it further, he stepped out slowly before a fist landed in his jaw from his left before he had time to register who it was.


His head pounded. He could hear voices arguing.

‘Totally unnecessary. All we had to do was call the police and have him escorted off the grounds.’

It was Paulina. Where was Mike?

‘Unnecessary? Punching that bastard in the face was unnecessary? What about what happened to Mikayla?’ another voice said on a sob, a male voice.

‘Shut up, Edvard. You are pathetic.’

Gabriel felt fear taking hold. Things were worse than he’d imagined, but how the hell did the chauffer figure into all of this? Hadn’t Abby said Miks was having an affair with him?

‘We can still call the police and get him out of here. I’ve yet to convince Abby she needs to stay.’

That had been Daniel this time around.

Paulina snorted. ‘Just let her go if that’s what she wants.’

‘No,’ Daniel snapped. ‘I’m not letting him keep her. She’s too good for the likes of him.’

Gabriel opened his eyes, they had him facedown on Daniel’s bed, his hands cuffed behind his back. He could see the trio clearly in the reflection of the mirror.

Edvard shoved Daniel back. ‘Do you like her?’

Daniel rubbed the center of his chest, pouting at Edvard. ‘How dare you question me when you were smitten with Mikayla.’

Edvard’s face turned red. ‘W-well maybe she satisfied something in me you can’t.’

Daniel slapped Edvard, shocking Gabriel as the meaning of their conversation sank in.

‘Stop it,’ Paulina hissed. ‘You both disgust me. I will not hear anymore of this obscene conversation in my presence. It’s bad enough I need to turn a blind eye to your deviant tendencies.’

His brother was living a secret life. But why did he want Abby?

His skull and face throbbed as he closed his eyes again.

Hard hands grabbed him and turned him over. Gabe’s hair had come loose from his ponytail and it now stuck to various parts of his face. Probably stuck to the clotting blood he had there. His lip felt like it was busted. He could taste blood.

‘Breaking and entering. The media is going to have a heyday with you,’ Daniel said matter of factly.

Gabriel stared into his face. His expression, the cold calculation. His gaze slid to Edvard. The younger man was looking at him with undisguised hatred. The memory slammed into him. The red hair, the pimply face. The idiot hadn’t even bothered to close the window letting Gabriel see him clearly, wearing the red wig with pink lipstick. It had been Edvard.

‘It was you,’ Gabriel hissed.

Edvard smirked. ‘Special little errand Paulina sent me on. I did it with—’

Daniel turned and snarled at Edvard. ‘Get out. Mother, call nine-one-one. Have them send the police.’

‘Where’s my wife?’ Gabriel demanded.

One of Daniel’s tawny brows rose. ‘The one you told me you wanted to divorce?’

‘She’s safer with me than with the lot of you,’ Gabriel spat in response.

‘I want this done and over with,’ Paulina huffed. ‘Let him take the girl and let’s get on with our lives. He already renounced his part of your father’s fortune.’

‘I said no. Abby is special.’

Paulina rounded on him and clutched his arms. ‘Do you finally feel something for her? I’ll get rid of that wretched Edvard once and for all if you tell me you want Abby properly as a man should.’

Daniel shrugged out of his mother’s hold. ‘I love Abby like a sister. I don’t want him to have her.’

Paulina made a disgruntled sound in her throat. ‘I give up with you.’

With that, she marched out of the room.

Daniel turned back to Gabriel. He struggled in his bonds, giving his younger brother a murderous glare. Daniel only grinned at him.

‘Don’t go away. I’m going to see to that call to the police. I’m going to enjoy watching them take you away. Guess you’re going to have to cancel your show tomorrow in New York.’

He turned and walked out, closing the d
oor behind him.

Gabriel struggled some more, but the cuffs began biting into his wrists.

Movement by the balcony doors caught his attention.

Mike tiptoed back into the room.

‘Where were you?’ Gabe whispered, never happier to see his band mate.

‘I hid outside when I saw you go down. Figured no sense both of us getting caught.’

‘Mike, the shit in here is serious.’

Mike nodded. ‘I know. I recorded it all.’ He waved his phone at Gabriel. ‘Now, stay still while I get this off you.’

Moments later, Gabriel was getting to his feet again.

He owed the man his life, but now more than ever, he needed to get Abby out of there.

‘Gotta find Abby.’

Mike shook his head. ‘She’s hurt, man. How are we going to sneak her out of here? We should go to the cops with this and tell them they’re holding her against her will.’

Gabriel shook his head. ‘I won’t leave her here. I think these crazy people killed her sister. I know for sure now Edvard was the one to run me off the road with that red wig you had on before.’

Mike’s eyes widened. ‘Shit.’


He ran a hand through his mussed locks. ‘More reason to get the law involved in this to get her out safely.

‘I’m not leaving her,’ Gabriel hissed.

He turned and grabbed a golden iron hat was leaning against the fireplace opposite the bed.

Rod in hand, he strode out.

He didn’t need to go very far. The door just farther down from Daniel’s room was where he found Abby.

Throat tight, he rushed to her.

‘Abby,’ he said patting her cheek. ‘Abby, please.’


Her limbs felt like leaden weights.

‘Abby, please,’ a sweet familiar voice beckoned in the dark void she floated in.

Abigail blinked her drowsy eyes open to the sight of Gabriel looming over her.

‘Gabe—’ she sighed, and then frown when she saw how scratched up and bruised he was. ‘What happened?’

He kissed her. ‘That doesn’t matter, baby. I need to take you home.’

Abby bit her lip. ‘Daniel said you wanted to sell our home.’

He caressed her face, eyes intense. ‘Stupidity on my part. Come. I’m taking you home.’

He slipped his arms under her to lift.

‘Not so fast.’

She looked back at the doorway in horror to see Daniel standing there holding a gun pointed at Gabriel.

‘Daniel, what are you doing?’ Abby struggled to get up, but Gabriel placed a hand on her chest holding her down, his eyes riveted to Daniel’s gun.

‘I caught him breaking and entering. No one would question me for shooting an intruder inside my own home.’

‘Daniel, he’s your brother. What are you talking about?’

‘Oh, Abby, you’re still under the influence of the sedative. Your perception is foggy.’

Again she struggle to rise, but Gabriel held her fast.

‘Daniel, Abby is too close. Keep a level head. You want me to leave. I’ll go but don’t hurt Abby.’

Daniel sneered. ‘I would never hurt her, you imbecile. Now move away…with your hands up where I can see them.’

‘No,’ Abby cried out when Gabriel inched away from her. She gripped the blanket covering her and tried to move it. It felt as though it weighed a ton. ‘Daniel, don’t hurt him. I’ll never forgive you if you do.’

‘He’s no good for you, Abby. Can’t you see that?’

She shook her head. ‘I love him, Daniel.’

His eyes grew cold. To Abby’s horror the gun raised to aim right at Gabriel’s head. ‘I’m not going to let him ruin you like my father ruined my mother. Made her the bitter shrew she is now.’

‘What are you talking about, Daniel. Please. Put the gun down. Don’t hurt Gabriel.’

As Daniel walked further into the room, Mike emerged from behind the balcony curtains and made a grab for the gun.

Daniel turned and Abby watched horrified as the gun went off.

Gabriel jumped forward, grabbing Daniel as well. The three men struggled with the gun. It went off again and blackness overwhelmed Abby, bright pain blooming in her chest.


Blipping woke her again.

‘She’s going to be fine,’ a feminine voice said. ‘Just a flesh wound.’

Abby opened her eyes to see Gabriel next to her, face shredded to ribbons, but alive.

‘Abby,’ he sighed when he saw her awake.

‘What happened?’

He took her hand and kissed it. ‘You got hit with a stray bullet.’

‘And Daniel and my aunt?’

His eyes grew hard a moment. ‘Arrested, along with the chauffer.’

Abby gasped as Gabriel told her in detail everything he’d learned.

Tears wet her eyes when he explained about her sister.

‘It was either Paulina or Daniel. The police are investigating right now.’

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???????????????? It was April and the Aboriginals in a remote part of Northern Australia asked their new elder if the coming winter was going to be cold or mild. Since he was an elder in a modern community, he had never been taught the old secrets. When he looked at the sky, he couldn’t tell what the winter was going to be like. Nevertheless, to be on the safe side, he told his tribe that the winter was indeed going to be cold and that the members of the tribe should collect firewood to be...

3 years ago
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My horny mom

I've never really understood why people don't find there moms attractive, unless they are actually ugly. My mom was hot. She has long blond hair and a gorgeous smile. She is quite short but made up for that with great curves and tight ass and boobs that kept together nicely seeing as she is mid thirties. She always wears hot clothes that are suitable for girls my age. Very short skirts and tight shirts. Sometimes I think it's for me. I'm an only c***d but don't get all the attention because she...

2 years ago
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Housewife rape

Mike was telling his gang pals about his latest scheme. "I got this bro who works for a moving company & for a few bucks he lets me in on easy rip off jobs.  There is this yuppie white couple who he moved into their new digs & he said they got thousands of dollars worth of good shit. I scoped out the place for a while. Hubby goes to work every morning like a good boy & she takes her little kid for a walk a liitle bit later.  We wait for her to leave, bust in the back way & give her a taste of...

2 years ago
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The Learning Curve Fulfilment

THE LEARNING CURVE – FULFILLMENT It all followed from a late-night call that Mel took while I was in the shower. When I came out, I could see something had changed. “Tell me,” I said. “It was Celia. She says Rob has offered to baby-sit next time – if it would be OK with us if she came instead. She thinks she might be bi, and wants to find out.” “Seriously?” “Yes.” And then, carefully, “It changes things, doesn’t it?” In order to understand just how the situation would change, I need to go...

2 years ago
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Big Tits a skimpy top and a hot day

Big Tits, a very skimpy top, and a VERY very hot day------------------------------------------I was 18, and my mate Cassandra had dropped me off in her air conditioned Mazda as near asshe was passing to the route I needed to take. If you know Birmingham and Selly Oak, it was upnear the Goose (as is now) and the Selly Soak. I had a very skimpy top on, and no bra. I did this because it was so hot, but it did prove to be a very large mistake. There was a degree of lycra built into it, and the...

3 years ago
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Educating Marri Ch 15

‘Marri, your client is here.’ It was Beverly on the intercom, and I flipped it the bird on my way by. I knew she’d be downstairs with whatever guy she’d picked for me, and given her mood, I fully expected someone like Al or Peter or both. The outfit, though, was relatively tame other than the matching pale blue thong and front-clasp, see-through bra underneath. I went down to the foyer, the dress actually comfortable around me. It had thin straps over my shoulders and came down just above my...

3 years ago
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Dominatrix Hunting

Dominatrix Hunting By SevikaaIt was way, way too early to be dealing with stuff this weird...I was a fresh-out-of-Police-Academy officer working with the San Francisco Police Department, based out of Inglewood Station and with the misfortune to have to punch in at six in the morning. I was literally two minutes into my shift – not even long enough to make a cup of instant coffee – when I heard something of a commotion down the hall, a handful of my colleagues craning their necks to get a look....

4 years ago
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7Eleven Slut

*****This is my first story. Sorry if it seems a little crude. Please give me some good comments on how I can improve my writting technique and i will put more exciting stories up.********************************************* PS: To all those fans of sex related jokes, i am always finding new ones and will start to post them on this site. I hope that you enjoy what i post cause i am a dirty minded person and think that sharing your dirty thoughts is good for and sex-aholic!

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 371

As soon as the girls and Cindy were seated, I handed out the report so everyone would be up to speed when Frank arrived and a serious conversation could be had. As they were reading I watched facial expressions and eye contact, there were no changes I could detect. I guessed I would have to wait until Frank got here and we started talking. “Sorry I am late; there was a stalled car on the bridge jamming up everything,” Frank said as he sat down. I started the conversation to bring the girls...

4 years ago
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The Widow At Number 56 Chapter 2

“What!” they screeched in unison, as they both stared disbelievingly in my direction.“You’re actually going to do it?” Karen ventured, her eyes wide in skepticism and alarm.“That was the idea wasn’t it?” Their stunned expressions made me laugh out loud.  I hadn’t actually done anything yet, and if I’m honest I wasn’t totally convinced I ever would. “Well, wasn't it?”“Well yes,” Karen murmured, “but...”“Come on then, spill the beans.  Who is he?” I welcomed Jane’s interruption and her approving...

Wife Lovers
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Unexpected and Unwilling

Disclaimer: rape is not okay. If you have uncontrollable urges to have sex with someone who does not or cannot consent, please reach out for help. You can find it, and it will help. (Yes, I also do commission writing, just send me a message. I can absolutely be commissioned to write chapters for your stories, and I'll even let you take credit if you want. If you want to send me money for some reason, I have a tip jar at ko-fi.com/juneboi2 and also a patreon at patreon.com/user?u=82113927....

1 year ago
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Apartment Maintenance

The other day, while I was at work, the strangest situation happened to me. My name is James. I work for a large apartment community, where I do maintenance. I am in good shape, and have decent looks, not “Brad Pitt” by any means, but I am not fat or any thing like that. Any way you get my point. I am one of four guys on the property that do service calls. Well doing one of these service calls put me in the best situation you could imagine. A couple of days ago, the office called me to do a...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Jiju Ki Choti Behan Ki Chudai

Hello friends, mera naam Rahul hai or main ek software engineer hu. Jo kahani m aap logo ko btane ja rha hu ye ek sachi kahani h jo mere saath hua. Ye kahani meri or mere Jija ki choti behan Sonal(name changed) ki h. Khte h na upar wala agar kisi ko milana chahe to wo kbhi b mila sakta h aisa hi mere sath b hua. M or sonal ek saath schul m padhte the. Wo mjhe bahot achi lgti thi lekin baad m wo chandigarh shift ho gai.Wo bhot hi hot or sexy ladki thi poore school m. Lekin kuch saal bd uske...

3 years ago
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Pt 4 Opening Up

As he gets onto his hands and knees, the slave opens his legs and pushes his arse up for his Master to see. ‘Good boi, now don’t move as I get that tight arse of yours ready’. Preparing himself, the slave can feel his master’s hands probing his hole and the cool lube being applied. The Master picks up the tapered probe and begins to slip it in slowly, all the while cupping his boi’s cock and balls. The slave begins to relax as he becomes accustomed to the toy, taking it deeper and deeper...

4 years ago
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Assignations 2

I’m not at the office today.  Nope, I’m out on the road and it just so happens that I have to make a detour though your neck of the woods. Tapping on the open back door, I just ambled in. I’ve done it before and although it makes you jump, you’ve got used to it now. You even tell me if you’re going to be alone for the day. Naughty beast! So I know he’s not here. You also know I hoped to find time to drop by, just not this early. I can hear you in the shower, so I quietly slip my clothes off and...

Quickie Sex
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GateChapter 3

I considered what I was seeing, for a few minutes. The evidence of my eyes said there was no snow. I had dug piles of it, with considerable effort, at this very entrance, less than an hour ago! Now... Nothing. I cautiously looked around. I listened and sniffed for smells. People seldom realize the power of smell. I saw hoof prints on the ground, and knelt to consider them. There had been two horses here, not long ago. I took off my left glove and felt some horse dung with my left hand. It...

4 years ago
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Aunt Tracys Fantasies Fulfilled

“Here, Aunt Tracy, I got your coffee for you,” the largish woman in her thirties called to the stylish executive woman in her mid-fifties as she entered the coffee shop. Tracy looked surprised to see her niece, but walked over and set her briefcase on the table, and moved to hug her. “Hi, Lisa! What are you doing here?” she asked. “Well, I was in the neighborhood and knew this was your shop, and thought I’d surprise you!” replied the corpulent woman. “Ah! What a treat!” lied the older woman...

4 years ago
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Christina and Cheryl

Christina and I had been dating for nearly two years. Within six months into our relationship, I confessed that I enjoyed dressing in women's clothing. She'd been more than accepting and encouraged me to indulge in this. She'd bought me bras, made me wear panties, painted my nails, and given me make overs. Seeing how horny it would make me turned her on even more so.I knew Christina was bi and so I felt my cross dressing probably helped to indulge her love for all things feminine.One day...

2 years ago
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Garibo Ki Randi 8211 Part 2

Birju uthkar sofe par baith gaya. Pooja uske pairo ke neeche leti hui thi. Birju ka maal se Pooja ka chehra bhara hua tha. Birju: Chal uth, garibo ki randi, mere kapde dho. Birju ne lat markar Pooja ko uthaya. Pooja uthi aur usne apne kapde dekhe to sab fate hue the. Birju: Unko kya dekh rahi hai, kutiya? Randiyo pe kapde ache nahi lagte. Chal ja kapde dho fir mujhe nahana hai. Randi ke sath sath naukrani bhi hai tu meri. Pooja Birju ke kapde uthakar washing machine mein dalne lagi. Birju:...

4 years ago
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First time

He was quite nervous. What sane person wouldn't be? He'd been communicating via email and phone with a lady he'd never met. Amanda, even her name turned him on. After several months she finally agreed to meet him in person. The time, place, and preparations were all her choosing. "Yeah," he though, "I must be just a little bit crazy."The time and place was easy enough. Just a small out of the way restaurant near the river. He'd been there before. The harder part was the instructions she'd sent...

1 year ago
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International Sex

My wife and six girl friends had a weekend in Amsterdam with one thing in mind who would get the most shags. Three had no experience of being with the other three before just thought it was a girls weekend. All six are married and from what I knew of them reasonable lookers and certainly three had experience in shagging around. They checked into a hotel which my wife had found and she knew it had a reputation as being good place as it was a swingers hotel. They had been booked in for the club...

Cheating Wifes
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Teacher blackmailed by a students father par

After Mr. Walker finished emptying his balls in my ass and the shock of his wife was in the closet recording the whole thing, I picked myself up off the bed as they sat on the other side watching my manhood being destroyed. I walked out of the room and down the stairs feeling like I was having an out of body experience. Who was this man with another man’s cum leaking out of his ass, yeah right, me the bitch. I put on my clothes and got in my car. For the rest of the weekend I drunk myself to...

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StayHomePOV Baby Nicols Breaking Routine

After a while, every day in quarantine starts to feel the same. But when you Stay Home with a gorgeous Latina girl like Baby Nicols, it’s easy to think of ways to spice up the action. Instead of our usual routine, Baby convinces me to play a naughty game of cards. Every time she loses a hand, she has to take off a piece of clothing. Pretty soon, Baby’s butt naked, spreading her juicy pussy lips for me. She gives me a passionate rimjob and masturbates until she squirts all over the bed. Then,...

3 years ago
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KarenscreweduphotmailComChapter 1

I was sitting at the bar in "The" place to be in town if you are out looking to have a good time or just hoping to get noticed by someone of the opposite sex. I would probably not normally have even been allowed into a "happening" place like this. Cool is not usually the first word that people think of to describe me. I was here because the owner was my roommate, best friend and mentor in college. He's still a very good friend. He hired me, and the one man company I started when I...

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GloryHole Brooklyn Chase Fourth Appearance

It’s that time and Brooklyn has the itch bad, once she has it only one thing will solve it and that’s a Glory Hole. The feeling of not knowing who it might be or what they look like. Never having to talk to them at all just use their cock in that sexy anonymous manner that thrills her deep inside. Dressing special for the occasion helps her get to that inner slut she needs to reach. Today two cocks are waiting for her and she plans to use them over and over, to suck and swallow and...

2 years ago
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The Bet Chapter 54

The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 54 (Wednesday - week 8) Derek's strong arms enveloped her as they laid on her bed. His powerful kiss lingered on her lips. Even in her sleep she thrilled to the luxury of his embrace. He was all male... so much male. And she of course was so much female. For some reason, she happened to glance to the side, and her attention was caught by Sissy, just standing there quietly. Watching them. Making no sound, no movement. He was just...

4 years ago
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A Very Nice Young Man

About 3 months ago, I met a very nice young man at a sporting event. Attending a swimming tournament at a local university, I was seated alone - near, but not next to - others in the crowd. As the swim competition began, a handsome young man walked up the stairs in the risers, and sat in front of me. I thought nothing of it.As the first competition was under way, I heard the young man (Donald, but he goes by Donnie) mutter under his breath something like "Fuck, if only I hadn't pulled my...

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Ai Kawaii is my virgin slave

Ai Kawaii is still a virgin, in both her hairy horny holy holes!Ai Kawaii is first learning how to proper munch my mighty memberAi Kawaii brings me my tea in bed before she starts sucking meAi Kawaii already can mouth my mighty member, its full length!Ai Kawaii loves licking my big bent brown banana till it creamsAi Kawaii loves her daily diet of her Master Peter's proteines!After her breakfast in our bed Ai Kawaii goes to her UniversityAfter all my Ai Kawaii wants a major in Logic, visit...

3 years ago
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My Exibitionist Girlfriend

Introduction: Story of my girlfriend! Hi Readers, I am back with a true story of my new girlfriend Neeta who really got happy when i told her my fantasy of seeing her enjoying in a public place with strangers. We made the plan and Neeta smiled at me as she posed in the middle of the living room. Her long legs seemed even longer as they rose from her heels to the hem of the tight, short skirt. The fitted silk blouse clung to her body and the open buttons showed a good portion of her large tits....

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Earths CoreChapter 2 Virgilrsquos Pasture

Mendor as well as Garnet and many of the men still standing were in complete and utter shock from Zax’s performance. “W-Who are you, sir?” Garnet asked in a faltering voice. Although the surrounding view was a mass of sickening gore, there was not one person in the battlefield that carried himself so nonchalantly as Zax, while looking like a ghastly red devil that spawned right out of hell. Zax rubbed his fingers and then waved his right hand, trying to get rid of some of the sticky blood...

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Designer Children Part 1

Designer Children by OneShot20XX "The... folly which sees in the child nothing more than the vivisector sees in a guinea pig: something to experiment on with a view to rearranging the world." George Bernard Shaw, 1913 Chapter 1 The city of dreams and the city of misery. This is what Los Angeles has become to me. Thousands come here, wide-eyed, brimming with talent, eager to make their mark. The siren song that brought us here,...

2 years ago
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My Girl Kathy

It all started at my birthday party when her family and her came over to my party. She was wearing tight jeans and a sweater, and was looking very good. She came over and told me happy birthday and the whole bit. She gave me a hug and a little kiss on the cheek which of course drove me absolutely insane. As I sat at the table waiting for my cake she put her hand around me and she was standing right next to me and i was sitting so when i returned the favor my hand was right about her ass....

3 years ago
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Wow ThanksChapter 15 Seismic Changes

There was a long silence. I didn't look at her, and she was motionless in seat next to me, still looking at me, I sensed. The tone of the car's idle shifted subtly, as happens with electronic ignitions sometimes. I'd truly messed up. I'd exploited a situation for my own narrow, perverted reasons, and now I'd ruined my relationship with my sister and niece. But then Lissa spoke, and said, much more softly and warmly, "I also still think you're a really cool uncle, and want you to know...

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The Taxi

I decided a few years ago that driving a taxi wouldn't get me too far in life, so I developed a new plan. I bought my taxi and decided to freelance. I approached some of my friends that I knew would agree to my idea and they were my first clients. I would pick them up and than drive the streets. I wouldn't pick up any woman flagging me down unless my client approved of her. Once we picked the 'customer' up I would drive my client to wherever he choose, usually somewhere dark and quiet, and...

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The Endless Journey

~The Thoughts~ She wasn’t quite sure how this came to be. There was something about him that intrigued her so. They had only spoken a few times, yet there was something oddly familiar about his words, though not the words themselves, but the manner in which they were spoken. It really didn’t matter to her now, for she was anticipating this rendezvous. She laid her head back and watched the scenery pass her by, knowing that soon the inevitable would happen. His thoughts wondered. What was he...

3 years ago
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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 56

8PHE0055 word count 4455 ******** Day 56, Monday Jackson made breakfast in Joi's kitchen. Chastity came upstairs, wearing her Red Raiders jersey and nothing else. She kissed Jackson on the cheek. "Morning, studly." He blushed and said, "Good morning." Marion came in the kitchen wearing Chastity's Gundaroo Bollocks jersey, and nothing else. Her nipples were clearly visible through the netting. Her cooter was also visible. Someone had shaved last night, Chastity noted....

4 years ago
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Len and Masie chapter 4

Len and Masie Chapter 4They sat in their dressing gowns eating toast at the little table in his kitchenette. The thought flashed through Lens' mind that it was the first time anyone had sat opposite him here since he had moved in, and her company felt pleasantly strange. It felt right.They talked about a lot of things, just chatting about easy stuff and tip-toeing carefully around what both knew needed to be said. 

Len was nervous and tried hard not to show it but he couldn't sit still for...

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