Diavolo Ch. 17 free porn video

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Daniel arrived with an entire entourage of medical personnel. Abigail was pretty sure he paid the hospital a good amount of money to let her go into his care. She might have protested, but he’d told her Mikayla was dead.

As she gaped at him in utter shock, a nurse jabbed her with a needle and her thoughts became fuzzy.

What happened next was very confusing. She drifted in and out of consciousness, tears wetting her cheeks the entire time. There was the sensation of being lifted, and then seeing the bright Texas sky above and the sound of helicopter blades chop-chop-chopping away at the hot air.

When she finally came around fully, she was tucked away in a sumptuous bed in the Montenegro estate, the last rays of the sun filling the room with a soft golden glow through filmy white curtains. Next to the bed was a Franciscan sister, dressed in her black jumper with short white sleeves covering three quarters of her upper arms. She had what looked like a bible in her hands but was nodded off asleep, her soft snores coming intermittently.

The second Abby tried to straighten though, the woman was on her feet, pale blue eyes leveled at Abby.

‘Don’t try to get up,’ she snapped.

Abby froze, looking up at that stern face. ‘I-I was only trying to get comfortable,’ she croaked out.

Her throat was dry. The nun immediately grabbed a glass of water at her bedside and offered it to Abby.

She drank gratefully and said as much when the sister pulled the glass away a bit.

‘More?’ the nun asked.

‘No, thank you,’ Abby said shyly.

She looked around and her gaze was caught mostly on the strap binding her arm to her chest.

Diamond…the hotel…she tried to kill her and…

‘Gabriel,’ Abby said on a choked sob as she finally remembered the rest of what happened. Had Daniel actually told her Mikayla was dead?

‘I think you need another sedative. You’re working yourself into another bout of hysteria,’ the nun said with distaste.

Her silver hair glinted from beneath her white headband.

Abby shook her head, but the ensuing headache that assailed her had her groaning in misery instead.

‘Let me have a few minutes alone with Abby, Sister Laboria.’

Daniel stepped next to the bed, handing Abby a handkerchief he’d retrieved from inside his pocket.

Sister Laboria frowned at them both and stalked from the room.

Abby dabbed at her eyes and stared earnestly at Daniel.


Daniel looked away, a slight crease forming between his tawny brows. He cleared his throat and stared at Abby again, his brown eyes unwavering. ‘She apparently had too much to drink and decided it was perfectly fine to go and ride the new mare my mother had acquired for our stables.’

Abby gasped. That sounded just like Mikayla.

‘Morning Star threw her off not far from the stables.’

Abby shook her head at the horror of it all. ‘Oh, Daniel…’ She gripped his arm with her free hand. ‘My mother? Where is she?’

Daniel’s gaze hardened then. ‘She chose to go live in the house Gabriel bought for her. Neither my mother nor I know where that would be because she didn’t even show up for…’ He huffed out a sigh, patting her hand. ‘None of that matters, Abby. She is well as far as I know, and I’m going to make sure you’re taken care of as well.’

Abby pulled her hand away from his clutching one.

‘Why did you bring me here? Seeing after me is my husband’s responsibility.’

Daniel’s face grew cold. ‘You don’t need Gabriel’s charity. I won’t have him belittle you, Abby.’

Abby straightened out more on the bed, feeling her anger grow. Gabriel and her needed to talk, but that was none of Daniel’s business. Daniel had dumped her for her sister and now that he was a widower, he was not going to use her as a replacement for her dead sister.

‘Gabriel would never belittle me. He loves me and I need to go back to my own house.’

Daniel snorted. ‘You mean the mansion he put up for sale yesterday?’

Cold seeped into Abby’s veins.

Daniel grinned and stood. ‘That’s right. All your belongings are in a storage.’ He dug in his pocket and pulled out a key. ‘He gave me the address and the key. The house you had was put on the market yesterday. He intends to sign over every last penny of its sale to you and wash his hands of you for good.’

Abby shook her head. She couldn’t…she wouldn’t believe such a thing.

Why? Why would Gabriel do such a thing.

‘I took the liberty of purchasing new things for you.’ He strode to a pair of double doors at the far end of the room before throwing them open. There was another room there, a closet, filled to capacity with clothing, shoes, a jewelry armoire, and a vanity brimming with makeup. It might have been every woman’s fantasy, but not Abigail’s.

‘You can have your marriage annulled. I see no reason why that wouldn’t be granted to you since legally you married Gabriel Montenegro and he just rejected that last name and took Raven as his legal name now.’

Abby shook her head, the information more than she could handle right now.

She needed to call Gabriel.

‘My phone. I need my phone.’

Daniel scowled. ‘You’re going to call and beg? Really, Abigail. I’m appalled, and what’s more, I won’t let you do that to yourself.’

Abby stared at him in shock. ‘Where’s my phone?’ she demanded more forcefully.

Daniel’s reply was to put on a calm face and softly close the closet doors. Carefully adjusting the sleeves of his white shirt, he strode to the opposite end of the room.

‘Daniel?’ she said, eyes wide as he opened the door to let the nun back in.

‘She’s ready for that sedative, Sister Laboria. Remember what we discussed.’

The nun nodded and strode back toward Abby.

‘Daniel,’ Abby exclaimed as he sauntered out.

Sister Laboria shushed her as she prepped a syringe.

Abby gasped, alarm shooting through her. ‘Wait. You can’t do this. I want to go back to…’ Was Gabriel really selling their home? Daniel had never lied to her before, but why would Gabriel do all this?

‘I don’t need that,’ Abby insisted.

‘Yes you do,’ the nun replied, her frown firm.

Abby tried to shy away from her, but she grabbed her arm hard and jabbed the needle deep.


‘Do they have dogs?’ Mike whispered.

Gabriel grit his teeth in irritation as he leveled his leg over the stone wall. ‘I don’t think so.’

It was a long fall down. They’d hiked up the steep side of the hill, leading up to the back portion of the Montenegro estate.

‘Hope not,’ Mike grumbled next to him. ‘Shit.’

Gabriel grimaced as well. The entire back wall was covered in rich thick Bougainvillea.

‘If I lose an eye, I’m kicking your ass,’ Mike said tightly before jumping down.

Gabriel winced when he heard the crash and moan, following by much cursing.

Already his leg throbbed and he hadn’t even jumped. Christ. It wasn’t fully healed. What if the metal spike in it shattered the bone from the impact of the fall and he bled out?

It was dark below and he couldn’t gauge how far away he was from the ground on the other side of the wall.

Light flickered. Mike lit his lighter, giving Gabriel a clear view of the garden ground.

Gabriel launched himself. He dropped eight feet, getting snagged by thorns on the way down. Mike, bless his big heart, broke his fall.

They tumbled into a heap of arms and legs with a grunted ‘oomph’.

‘Fuck,’ Gabe panted, his head feeling a bit scrambled. ‘Thanks.’

Mike shoved him off his body and sat up, his shoulder-length wavy hair a leaf-strewn mess. ‘Yeah-yeah. Just don’t try to kiss me in gratitude.’

Gabriel rose to his hands and knees and snorted a laugh. ‘Don’t you wish.’

He dusted off his clothes, wincing at the bu
rning sensation in various parts of his body here and there. Mike lifted his arms with a grimace marring his face. Gabriel saw the welts of blood welling upon his skin. The deep scratches covered his forearms as well. He could just imagine his face.

‘We’re going to look like hell for our show tomorrow.’

Gabe shrugged. All he cared about was getting Abby to his grandmother’s house until the stupid tour was done over…unless…he quit. Let someone else become lead.

‘Hey,’ Mike said nudging him. ‘Are we doing this or not?’

Gabriel nodded and walked briskly onto the garden path.

Low lights illuminated the way, around a small pond with a gazebo and through a small maze, right up to the back of the L-shaped mansion.

Most of the lights on the main floor were lit. Gabriel looked up to the second floor. In which room did that son-of-a-bitch Daniel have his wife?

Movement from the main room had him and Mike ducking behind some shrubs near a corner of the house.

Daniel lounged on the bench of the piano in the parlor as Paulina paced back and forth before him. Her voice though muffled sounded like she was angry. Daniel caressed the keys of the piano in careless indifference.

Mike prodded him again and pointed to the side of the mansion.

Gabriel followed him. They went around the side where there was more landscaping. Mike gripped a trellis that flanked one wall.

‘They’re down here. Let’s look upstairs and see if we find her.’

Gabriel nodded. He still hadn’t figured out what the plan was once they found Abby. What had his brother told her? Would she even want to leave with him if Daniel had spilled the beans about his plan on divorcing her after the tour?

Now, in hindsight, he realized how much of a fucking coward he’d been. He couldn’t walk away from Abby…ever. It was actually easier for him to leave the music business behind. Anything to keep Abby safe if that’s what it took.

Limbs still stinging from being shredded by the Bougainvillea, they made their way up the vine-covered trellis. At least it wasn’t covered by another thorn bearing plant.

Up on the second floor balcony, they tried some closed French doors, but they were locked.

Mike walked further down and tried another set of doors.


Gabriel huffed in frustration.

Mike reached into his pocket and pulled out a shiny object. Gabriel watched in fascination as he jimmied the lock and opened one of the doors.

He grinned at his friend with newfound admiration.

‘Where’d the fuck you learn to do that?’ Gabe whispered.

Mike just grinned, the mirth not quite reaching his eyes.


They slipped into the darkened interior of the room. Gabriel used his phone to light the interior, searching for the bed.

They were in a sitting room of sorts. Gabriel moved deeper into the room, the light of his phone illuminating a gigantic cherry wood sleigh bad. The deep green covers were undisturbed and the scent of masculine perfume permeated the cool air circulating around him.

He turned to check on Mike and stumbled back in terror. His phone went flying away as he accidentally knocked over a wooden horse from a nearby table.

Standing in the doorway had been a woman with red hair.

‘Shit,’ he heard Mike curse. ‘Can you possibly make anymore noise.’

Gabriel panted, his forehead damp with sweat as he blinked in the direction he swore he saw the woman.

A clump of what felt like hair landed in his lap.

‘It’s a wig, dumbass,’ Mike said.

Gabriel blinked in the dark. Holy fuck. No way.

‘We gotta find Abby,’ he said getting up quickly. ‘We gotta get the hell out of here.’

Gabriel turned on his heel and strode to where he could see light emanating from beneath a door. Carefully opening it, he peered out through a sliver. A hallway. Opening it further, he stepped out slowly before a fist landed in his jaw from his left before he had time to register who it was.


His head pounded. He could hear voices arguing.

‘Totally unnecessary. All we had to do was call the police and have him escorted off the grounds.’

It was Paulina. Where was Mike?

‘Unnecessary? Punching that bastard in the face was unnecessary? What about what happened to Mikayla?’ another voice said on a sob, a male voice.

‘Shut up, Edvard. You are pathetic.’

Gabriel felt fear taking hold. Things were worse than he’d imagined, but how the hell did the chauffer figure into all of this? Hadn’t Abby said Miks was having an affair with him?

‘We can still call the police and get him out of here. I’ve yet to convince Abby she needs to stay.’

That had been Daniel this time around.

Paulina snorted. ‘Just let her go if that’s what she wants.’

‘No,’ Daniel snapped. ‘I’m not letting him keep her. She’s too good for the likes of him.’

Gabriel opened his eyes, they had him facedown on Daniel’s bed, his hands cuffed behind his back. He could see the trio clearly in the reflection of the mirror.

Edvard shoved Daniel back. ‘Do you like her?’

Daniel rubbed the center of his chest, pouting at Edvard. ‘How dare you question me when you were smitten with Mikayla.’

Edvard’s face turned red. ‘W-well maybe she satisfied something in me you can’t.’

Daniel slapped Edvard, shocking Gabriel as the meaning of their conversation sank in.

‘Stop it,’ Paulina hissed. ‘You both disgust me. I will not hear anymore of this obscene conversation in my presence. It’s bad enough I need to turn a blind eye to your deviant tendencies.’

His brother was living a secret life. But why did he want Abby?

His skull and face throbbed as he closed his eyes again.

Hard hands grabbed him and turned him over. Gabe’s hair had come loose from his ponytail and it now stuck to various parts of his face. Probably stuck to the clotting blood he had there. His lip felt like it was busted. He could taste blood.

‘Breaking and entering. The media is going to have a heyday with you,’ Daniel said matter of factly.

Gabriel stared into his face. His expression, the cold calculation. His gaze slid to Edvard. The younger man was looking at him with undisguised hatred. The memory slammed into him. The red hair, the pimply face. The idiot hadn’t even bothered to close the window letting Gabriel see him clearly, wearing the red wig with pink lipstick. It had been Edvard.

‘It was you,’ Gabriel hissed.

Edvard smirked. ‘Special little errand Paulina sent me on. I did it with—’

Daniel turned and snarled at Edvard. ‘Get out. Mother, call nine-one-one. Have them send the police.’

‘Where’s my wife?’ Gabriel demanded.

One of Daniel’s tawny brows rose. ‘The one you told me you wanted to divorce?’

‘She’s safer with me than with the lot of you,’ Gabriel spat in response.

‘I want this done and over with,’ Paulina huffed. ‘Let him take the girl and let’s get on with our lives. He already renounced his part of your father’s fortune.’

‘I said no. Abby is special.’

Paulina rounded on him and clutched his arms. ‘Do you finally feel something for her? I’ll get rid of that wretched Edvard once and for all if you tell me you want Abby properly as a man should.’

Daniel shrugged out of his mother’s hold. ‘I love Abby like a sister. I don’t want him to have her.’

Paulina made a disgruntled sound in her throat. ‘I give up with you.’

With that, she marched out of the room.

Daniel turned back to Gabriel. He struggled in his bonds, giving his younger brother a murderous glare. Daniel only grinned at him.

‘Don’t go away. I’m going to see to that call to the police. I’m going to enjoy watching them take you away. Guess you’re going to have to cancel your show tomorrow in New York.’

He turned and walked out, closing the d
oor behind him.

Gabriel struggled some more, but the cuffs began biting into his wrists.

Movement by the balcony doors caught his attention.

Mike tiptoed back into the room.

‘Where were you?’ Gabe whispered, never happier to see his band mate.

‘I hid outside when I saw you go down. Figured no sense both of us getting caught.’

‘Mike, the shit in here is serious.’

Mike nodded. ‘I know. I recorded it all.’ He waved his phone at Gabriel. ‘Now, stay still while I get this off you.’

Moments later, Gabriel was getting to his feet again.

He owed the man his life, but now more than ever, he needed to get Abby out of there.

‘Gotta find Abby.’

Mike shook his head. ‘She’s hurt, man. How are we going to sneak her out of here? We should go to the cops with this and tell them they’re holding her against her will.’

Gabriel shook his head. ‘I won’t leave her here. I think these crazy people killed her sister. I know for sure now Edvard was the one to run me off the road with that red wig you had on before.’

Mike’s eyes widened. ‘Shit.’


He ran a hand through his mussed locks. ‘More reason to get the law involved in this to get her out safely.

‘I’m not leaving her,’ Gabriel hissed.

He turned and grabbed a golden iron hat was leaning against the fireplace opposite the bed.

Rod in hand, he strode out.

He didn’t need to go very far. The door just farther down from Daniel’s room was where he found Abby.

Throat tight, he rushed to her.

‘Abby,’ he said patting her cheek. ‘Abby, please.’


Her limbs felt like leaden weights.

‘Abby, please,’ a sweet familiar voice beckoned in the dark void she floated in.

Abigail blinked her drowsy eyes open to the sight of Gabriel looming over her.

‘Gabe—’ she sighed, and then frown when she saw how scratched up and bruised he was. ‘What happened?’

He kissed her. ‘That doesn’t matter, baby. I need to take you home.’

Abby bit her lip. ‘Daniel said you wanted to sell our home.’

He caressed her face, eyes intense. ‘Stupidity on my part. Come. I’m taking you home.’

He slipped his arms under her to lift.

‘Not so fast.’

She looked back at the doorway in horror to see Daniel standing there holding a gun pointed at Gabriel.

‘Daniel, what are you doing?’ Abby struggled to get up, but Gabriel placed a hand on her chest holding her down, his eyes riveted to Daniel’s gun.

‘I caught him breaking and entering. No one would question me for shooting an intruder inside my own home.’

‘Daniel, he’s your brother. What are you talking about?’

‘Oh, Abby, you’re still under the influence of the sedative. Your perception is foggy.’

Again she struggle to rise, but Gabriel held her fast.

‘Daniel, Abby is too close. Keep a level head. You want me to leave. I’ll go but don’t hurt Abby.’

Daniel sneered. ‘I would never hurt her, you imbecile. Now move away…with your hands up where I can see them.’

‘No,’ Abby cried out when Gabriel inched away from her. She gripped the blanket covering her and tried to move it. It felt as though it weighed a ton. ‘Daniel, don’t hurt him. I’ll never forgive you if you do.’

‘He’s no good for you, Abby. Can’t you see that?’

She shook her head. ‘I love him, Daniel.’

His eyes grew cold. To Abby’s horror the gun raised to aim right at Gabriel’s head. ‘I’m not going to let him ruin you like my father ruined my mother. Made her the bitter shrew she is now.’

‘What are you talking about, Daniel. Please. Put the gun down. Don’t hurt Gabriel.’

As Daniel walked further into the room, Mike emerged from behind the balcony curtains and made a grab for the gun.

Daniel turned and Abby watched horrified as the gun went off.

Gabriel jumped forward, grabbing Daniel as well. The three men struggled with the gun. It went off again and blackness overwhelmed Abby, bright pain blooming in her chest.


Blipping woke her again.

‘She’s going to be fine,’ a feminine voice said. ‘Just a flesh wound.’

Abby opened her eyes to see Gabriel next to her, face shredded to ribbons, but alive.

‘Abby,’ he sighed when he saw her awake.

‘What happened?’

He took her hand and kissed it. ‘You got hit with a stray bullet.’

‘And Daniel and my aunt?’

His eyes grew hard a moment. ‘Arrested, along with the chauffer.’

Abby gasped as Gabriel told her in detail everything he’d learned.

Tears wet her eyes when he explained about her sister.

‘It was either Paulina or Daniel. The police are investigating right now.’

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14E16 Patsy McCaffery 29 from Dundee Scotland

We’re on a quiet residential street. Modern brick semi-detached homes line one side of the road infront of us – very pleasant. We turn through 180 degrees and we’re facing the countryside ... Fields stretching away to the distance up a hill side, a line of trees along the ridge of the hill/end of the field. Then we pan back to the street – where we can now see our host looking right into camera. Giving us a dimple-cheeked smile and flipping her long, brunette ringlets back over her...

3 years ago
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Long Weekend

Long Weekend by Zeferage (Comments are welcomed.) (I wrote this story for another web site last year entitled Catsuit Seduction.I have since rewritten parts of the story. Hopefully for the better.) Weeks of waiting were finally over. Today, at long last, the Post Officedelivered my highly anticipated order, whose shipping box now laying in mytrembling hands. The box was plainly wrapped and held no indication to thetrue value of the contents within. I could barely contain the growing...

2 years ago
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Get Use To It 6

This is like all previous parts: A work of femdom fiction where the women are rotten and the heroine is abused. So if you don't like this stuff, please do not read. This story may be downloaded for personal use only. NO permission is implied or granted for pay sites or other commercial endeavors to use this or any part of this story. Copy written by the author. Get Use To It 6 By Cheryl Lynn "Dana did you enjoy the holidays with us?" Mrs. Taylor asked. "Oh golly! It was simply...

2 years ago
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Helping Mom Part 2

"I don't know..." I said, not quite knowing what to say exactly. It was kind of embarrassing to be discussing whether or not I would find seeing my mother naked a turn on. It wasn't exactly like something I had ever consciously thought a whole lot about. Maybe not in the way that some boys have, I suppose. She smirked playfully, as if suddenly finding all of this just as amusing as I had. "Besides," she teased, getting back at me for teasing her, "You would be too embarrassed to tell me if you...

3 years ago
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Why boyfriends should never complain

Willie Long guided his big rig around yet another curve in the California back road. He had picked up a load in Napa and was on his way to Chicago. Originally hailing from Georgia, Willie had been trucking since the mid 'eighties, spending most of that time on long hauls. He was unmarried and enjoyed the long rides and the varying scenery. He had seen many things over the years and had found himself in many situations. Because of that, he had learned to keep his eyes open while on the road...

First Time
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House PerksChapter 2

"I know that this is unusual, but there have been complaints recently in the news about partisan meetings like this being held in the Capitol itself. I am Rep. Kara Peters of Oklahoma, the Minority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives. Rep. Sean Murphy of New York, the House Minority Whip, is here with me. He has an announcement of a serious matter for this Caucus, which is better not overhead by Republicans yet anyway. Congressman Murphy, you have the floor," the Minority Leader...

3 years ago
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The New SonChapter 2

Tara gave him a shy smile and started posing as her sister had. Jason was glad he was laying on his stomach, because his bathing suit would not hide the thick, seven inches of his cock. Tara had not even started to develop yet. Not really. Like her sister's, the bikini she wore barely covered her body, and she had a really cute body. Her hair was a red/brown and her eyes were blue, and she was nicely tanned. Her chest was very flat, except for her obviously hard nipples. Once again, the...

3 years ago
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What Daddy Needs 2

Phoebe stared at the gold flecked piranha swimming in slow circles in its large aquarium and wondered if the fish was as bored as she was. Biology wasnt her favorite subject and although the teacher, Mr Whitman, seemed to have a wonderful rapport with the animals he kept in his classroom he didnt connect well with his students. His lectures were delivered in a monotone and conveyed nothing that wasnt covered in the reading assignments. As Mr Whitman continued to drone on, her eyes moved to the...

3 years ago
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12th GradeChapter 2

It took me over a week to convince Dad that I needed an assistant. Somehow it offended his sense of what was right and proper. I was still over a month away from having my seventeenth birthday, for one thing. Way too young to have any need for an assistant. Dad already knew that it was Shirley I had in mind to assist me, and he worried that I'd forget about business, and only concentrate on having fun with her. I assured him that my mind would be firmly fixed on business. "Kenny, because...

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Programmed The last thing I remembered was I was attending my weekly hypnotherapy session to quit smoking, and now I'm looking out the window of a train and my wife is saying to me you better not panic or you'll be in real trouble, as I hear this I look down and to see my legs clad in nylons with a skirt above my knees, then she says I know your secret now after finding several cross dressing stories stored on your computer, So with the help of Lisa (my hypnotherapist and her...

2 years ago
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Tonyas Naughty Thoughts 1

I‘m Sunbathing nude at a lake, and decide to get in the water to cool off a little. I slip my bikini top and thong bottoms on, and walk along the edge of the water. I cross in front of a small camp sight with 3 guys that are drinking and relaxing for the weekend. One of them asks me if I am thirsty, and offers me an ice-cold beer, I accept. I walk over to them as they are all sitting around in lawn chairs. I introduce myself and we all engage in a little small talk. One of the intoxicated guys...

2 years ago
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Davids punishment

David has always been a little odd. He never was good at expressing himself and his girlfriend Daphne was always really understanding of this fact. One day David made the mistake of dumping Daphne during a fight that was his fault anyway. Well we all know how the saying goes; you don’t know what you have untiu’veu’ve lost it. David became really depressed and had noticed what if felt like to be without her. No one could make him feel like Daphne had, no one made him feel whole. So one day he...

3 years ago
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The Next Morning

Billy was jerked awake by his sister Maria's alarm clock. Even though it was 5:30 and he was happy to be up. He had fucked his sister's and her friends while they were tied to furiture and jerked off onto all their clothes and had even came while sleeping. And he planned 16 hours of fun and more revenge as Spring Break had been given early due to teacher's strike. Plus both his parents being gone for 6 months in the navy was like winning the lottery after winning the lottery.Not bothering to...

2 years ago
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Sinnndy Meets Billy

I was eighteen, I had graduated high school about a month ago. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to start college this year, or delay it for a year.It was a rainy July night. My softball game had been canceled, and I decided to go to my health club. I saw some familiar faces there. I had worked out earlier in the day, so I was really there to socialize. There were a couple of guys that I had a gangbang with a month back. They were working hard for a repeat performance, and while it was an awesome...

Love Stories
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Mom Teaches Her Mall Slut Daughter

Melissa noticed that her daughter was not dressed as she was when she left for school. Yet she knew Tatum often packed a second set of clothes in her back pack for after school, for a trip to the mall. Tatum looked a little like a mall slut with her tiny jean skirt that showed off her tight and tanned thighs and was low enough to reveal her pierced navel. Tatum was also wearing a pink tank that left nothing to the imagination. Like Mellissa, Tatum had big boobs early in life and had the...

1 year ago
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Shopping KmartChapter 8

It'd been a while since I'd driven passed this particular KMart store. Others in the area, well, not really in the area, more like across town, have been receiving my business. I tried, a couple of times, to drive by, to reenter this store, but until today, the very idea would send a chill down my spine. I never did stop thinking of that man. Two weeks had gone by and all I could do was think of him. Think of the humiliation. Think of the pain. Think of the "what ifs" if I'd... If I'd...

2 years ago
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Broke Virginity To My Hot Gf

Hi guys this is Shoaib, I am 20 years old, student from Mumbai. I am a thin boy compared to my age but have an athletic body with a 6inch cock. This is my first story so please excuse if I make any mistake This story is about my girlfriend; I won’t tell her name as I respect girls and give importance to their privacy. She is a year elder to me. Coming to her stats, she has a plump figure of 34-30-32. It was around two years since our relation and we both were virgin, we made a plan to enjoy the...

3 years ago
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Hell Knight Rampage 1

He followed the scent further, turning a corner into what a flickering sign stated was a residential block. When he turned the corner, he felt an imp, a lesser demon, attempt to move past him. He grabbed the arm of the imp before it ran past and yanked it back, the strength of the act tearing the imps thin arm from its body. It let out a primal groan of pain before the Hell Knight brought down its foot onto the head of the wretched thing. The blood stained the leathery skin of the Hell...

4 years ago
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The Work Party

Chapter One: The Three Challenges        Hello! My name is Anastasia and I am writing this story because my mistresses want me to tell the world about the night that I was taken into their care. At the time, I was unwilling, but now I understand that my real place in life is at my mistresses’ feet. It all started at my father’s work party.        I am with my father, step-mother, and siblings. While sitting bored in a corner, I spot two of my least favorite people, Alli and Grace, girls that...

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Merhaba bu hikayeyi okuyan sevgili xhamster takipçileri. Son zamanlarda okuduğum hikayeler üzerine bende hikayelerimi paylaşmak istedim. Efe ben.Lakin ben tamamiı ile gerçek cinsel hayatımı paylaşıcam. Bu sebeptendir ki bazı isimleri ve olayları değiştirerek anlatmam gerek. Başlıyorum.Lisede kızların peşinde koşan biri değildim. Bu sebepten midir bilemem ama kız arkadaşlarım hep güzel kızlar olmuştur. Voleybolcu, tiyatorocu vs. Ama son yılımda lise dördüncü sınıfta ufak kıpırdamalar olmaya...

2 years ago
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It Is Good to Be the DemonChapter 68

Once again, I was finally able to get back down to the business at hand and by the time that I had been able to get a good and heavy beat going, the dance floor had really become packed full of gyrating bodies that just seemed to be getting off to what I was playing for them. However, just as it looked like things were finally going to start moving smoothly, I suddenly realized that the “Master” part of my brain had been trying to tell me that I might have missed something ever since I had...

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Winding the Room Tight

There's little more my wife can do to arouse me than to put herself on display at my request. When I met her, she was wearing a crop top so short that she couldn't raise her arms without it lifting up over her seemingly always erect nipples. I knew this was the case because late that night she was spreading her arms high and wide against the side of a delivery van while I was discovering that there wasn't any underwear at all under her short denim skirt. Her attire was a constant source of...

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Highland Fling

Anita wasn’t supposed to be vacationing alone. The trip to Scotland had been planned for months, a fifth anniversary trip, and her husband was supposed to be there. Three months before the trip he transformed from her “husband” into a “low-life, cradle-snatching, liar-cheater, asshole”. Whilst not an unknown transformation in the human species, this was a painful shock to her.For weeks after she found out about the affair with his eighteen year-old blonde Personal Assistant, Anita...

Straight Sex
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Sue and Frank her side

Introduction: Sue decides to fuck Frank to please hubby, and loves it Hi, My name is Sue you have met me before in some stories published here. I am writing on my husbands account. When he set up this account he did not notice you could set it up as a couple. Sorry! My husband has written about our times with Frank (That is what my husband calls him so I shall do so also) I thought the readers of these stories may enjoy being told about what happened with the three of us from MY point of...

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Young secret crossdresser8217s 1st experience

Hello everyone. I am  Anuradha / Sameera, a Secret Crossdresser of 29 years old from Telangana. My breast might be around 34-36 as 36 size too fits well. I love sports bras and padded bras. started in my junior college days when my friend became my boyfriend. It started with him sitting beside me. We used to stroke each other’s cocks secretly under the bench. The handjobs slowly turned into blowjobs. I also had my boobs squeezed by a few others in the class. But I was too scared to tell my...

1 year ago
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All the Kings HorsesChapter 2

Sector 98-A, Neutral Space The Milky Way Galaxy 2398 “Ow ow ow ow ow,” Tiffany Winters hissed as the sleek probe in the hands of the space elf whizzed and whired over her foot. “Can someone please tell me why I can’t pop a friggin tylenolio or whatever fancy shoot boots you guys have in the future?” “You were momentarily infected by femtotechnology from the We,” Captain Tobias said. He was leaning against the wall of the small hospital room that they had rushed Tiff too after her little...

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LessonChapter 9

Holly sat in the darkness, waiting for her eyes to become accustomed. She raised her hand to her face, but could still not see anything. It was pitch black in the room. Holly waited for the game to start. John had told her to dress nicely, as she might for the street. Then he had accompanied her downstairs, to an area of the house she had not been to before. There were dozens of others, like herself and John, dressed in everything from jeans and shorts to dresses and suits. They stood...

1 year ago
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Fractured RealityChapter 22

Wednesday, May 19, 3109, 11:06 am Preoccupied with thoughts of Arma’s wedding 2 weeks hence, Rebecca entered The Hall of The Gate, intent upon searching out a deserted beach on the California coast, where the honeymooner’s could spend a stress-free two weeks away from mom and Arma’s future in-laws. Max was a wonderful young man—she couldn’t pick a better husband-to-be for her daughter, Gudrun claimed—and while Rebecca was inclined to agree with this affirmation, she suffered the anxiety of...

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My wife8217s bhabhi

Hi I am sumant, and I am married. I and my wife have a great se life but I always liked watching good female bodies. My wife’s bhabi is a good looking lady with 34-30-36 body. Whenever we meet I always touch her boobs by rubbing on them with my shoulder and she never minded it. She used to bend in front of me and I saw her boobs many times. They are real firm with brownish black nipples. Once I got a chance to be at her house when her husband was not there. Both of us sat down to have drinks....

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Weed and panty

I am just a stupid little white cock boy and he is making sure I understand i belong in cute panty sucking his bbc most day now , right after school after last Friday and my first night learning little boy like me , are better playing the girl around real big cock and learn to please I was thinking we would smoke weed and i could sleep at his place after the school big party at the clubbut what happen is now getting control of my life, too afraid pf being caught i just obey him and wish no one...

3 years ago
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Chained in the Basement Please HelpChapter 8

OMG! OMG! OMG! Someone is reading this! And they found a way to talk to me! Thank you so much, MSboy8 for the little poem you wrote. I almost didn't see it in time, because I had gotten out of the habit of looking at all the new stories every day (been reading about Spearfish Lakes instead... ) I'd almost given up, and you've yanked me right out of being depressed. I haven't described how I got here before. Mostly because I didn't think it will help anyone find me. But now that I know...

3 years ago
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Me for Dessert

Tonight I prepared for what I thought would be just a normal evening on a double date with me boyfriend, his best friend and his date.   Little did I know I was walking right into a yummy situation.   I dressed in black stockings, garter belt and panties black bra and a slinky black dress.   My boyfriend really liked this outfit and I liked wearing it knowing it turned him on.             I showed up at the appointed time at my boyfriend’s best friend’s house.   They answered the...

Straight Sex
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A very tall woman is taken and forced into a number of sex acts that are arranged by her husband

Every time I passed her in the store she towered over my 5′ 7.” I was beginning to wonder if I was going to be able to pull this off. Was she as strong as she was tall? Her name was Jill and I was going to kidnap her and have some fun if she didn’t kill me. She had brown hair with blonde streaks and a fantastic body. Very slender with large, high riding breasts which certainly didn’t need a bra. I decided to use chloroform to knock her out temporarily at least until I...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Vivian Taylor Vivian Can Not Get Enough Of Robby Eating Her Ass LIVE

Sexy sweetheart Vivian Taylor knows just what she is doing when she bends over and shows you that sexy ass in her short skirt while wearing her small thong panties. Robby can not resist the urge to put his face right in between those ass cheeks and eat her out. He doesn’t want to stop and Vivian just pushes herself right up on his face while he grabs that ass so tight! How can anyone taste so sweet! Vivian lets her tits free from her tight top and drops those panties so Robby can get his...

2 years ago
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Hot Little Army Brats Part One

Hot Little Army Brats – Part One This is a story about Nicole and April, two of the cutest Army dependents a young man could ever hope to meet. It happened long ago, but the memories are quite clear, and you’ll see why. I was a young Army private, just 19 years old, and I found myself deployed to an Army base in Germany. I was immediately lost and homesick, and it was quite a shock to find myself in a foreign country where the native language wasn’t English. I pretty much stayed on base among...

4 years ago
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Cosmetic Shop 8211 Part III

Hi everyone ashu again , meri pahli aur dusri kahani ko aap logo ne bahut pasand kiya aap logo ka thank. Mujhe bahut se mail mile jadatar ladki aur mahiyaao k hai bahut si ladies ne ne to apna phone no. Tak bhi diya ab aksar mai un logo se mai phone-sex karta sab hi yahi kahti hai k mai phone sex bahut achchha karta hu(aap bhi mujhe ajma sati hai bahut si lady ne meri shop ka pata bhi pucha. Inhi dino meri shop pr ek 45+ lady aayi unsse mere samband ban gaye unhe jab pata chala k mai iss par...

3 years ago
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California CrewChapter 8

I wake up with my alarm clock, and shower. I take extra care in blow drying my hair and getting ready for school. The sun comes shining in through the glass doors, and almost makes me miss France. I put on tan chinos, a blue collared shirt, a dark brown tie belt, and blue David Aaron's. I grab my bag, containing spiral notebooks, a couple three ring binders, dividers, and pencils and pens galore. Going downstairs, I find breakfast out on the counter, with milk in the fridge for...

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