Dissertation Offense/Defense free porn video

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This love story has a long build-up before things get heated. Please be patient. I’ve always found that having a stronger sense of who the characters are makes for a more intimate experience when the fireworks finally happen. Enjoy.

Dissertation Offense/Defense

‘This isn’t a good idea. Stop smiling, Sanjit. I really don’t think this is going to work. I could count on one hand the number of times that I’ve agreed with Ethan and on top of that, he’s a class-A jerk. Three years of classes, another year of being a TA with him and…’

‘Rachel. Insight and understanding are not vegetables harvested by a lazy farmer.’

Rachel pursed her lips to suppress a sharp response. After almost a decade of working with Professor Rajagopalan, she no longer processed his mini allegories or endless analogies as words. She’d come to accept his speech patterns in a more fluid form of gestalt. Even the almost comical sing-songy, ‘veg-a-ta-bals’ failed to soften her resolve. Had she been a bit less intense of an individual, Rachel would have long-since noticed that Sanjit would lean more heavily on his native accent with good-natured humor whenever her temper got the best of her. Sanjit continued, ‘Ethan most certainly sees the world with different eyes than you and that is exactly why you shall partner with him. I must be blessed to have the opportunity to watch a pair of strong minds as they strive for answers on questions that society must consider. Ah, my luck to be advising both of your dissertations and each on such similar topics. A nest full of eggs, but what kind of birds will hatch?’

‘I wouldn’t say that the topics are the same. In fact, they’re antithetical. Ethan wants to package the world’s data and sell it. He ignores the heart of the issue that people want their data to be private. He’s dismissive of the essential historical context that demonstrates the need for constraining corporate actions in the present in order to avoid the inevitable wanton abuse by government regimes of the future.’ Rachel’s eyes were bright with the passion of her argument.

The silver-haired professor looked fondly at the young woman whom he’d watch grow in so many ways. She had started in the MBA program as an ideological 23-year old and was now an equally ideological, if not significantly more informed, 29-year old about to start her doctoral dissertation. Were he her father, he would be both proud and so very interested in seeing such a girl find the right person to share her life with. Sanjit had a wry thought about how his own mother and father would have dealt with Rachel. He reached for his tea that had cooled enough to sip and looked out at the typical red brick buildings of the George Washington University campus in Georgetown. He said, ‘Yes, yes. But a girl who walks through the woods and only comments on the roots of the trees is not so much noticing the many-colored birds above her.’

Rachel laughed. ‘Okay, that wasn’t particularly subtle. I get it, but I don’t have to like it.’


Ethan stripped off his windbreaker and long-sleeved compression shirt. Now that he was back in his apartment, the exertion of his run was catching up to him without the early Spring, chill breeze from Lake Michigan. Sweat beaded on his forehead and a rivulet skirted his nose before plopping on the hardwood floor. His muscles felt loose rather than exhausted which was a sign that his workout had been lighter than usual.

After punching on the power of the espresso machine to let it warm up, he wandered over to his laptop and cracked the lid to bring the screen back to life. A pernicious addiction to email still lingered with him even though it had been a years since he’d been in the ‘real world’ as the academics called it. He could always tell which students hadn’t spent time working prior to heading into business school. The angst expressed over twenty or thirty emails in an inbox was a pathetic clue about some student’s lack of workplace experience.

The mail at the top of his queue was from his financial planner. Ethan had a number of decisions to make now that the final tranche of money from the acquisition had come through. One outstanding idea, a shealthy sprinkle of good luck, four years of horrifically rigorous work, the termination of a friendship that he’d imagined was unbreakable, subtract one fiancé and the result was that little Zenttara, Inc. sold for forty seven million. That gave his investors a 600% return on their money and left the three principals with enough to make sure that funding their retirement was never going to be a problem. There were no private jets or penthouse flats in New York for him, but Ethan had a beautiful condo and the freedom to choose how to spend his days. Going back to school after a windfall like that was not what most people would have done. His two partners had become serial entrepreneurs who were chain smoking start-ups. Paul could fall off a cliff as far as Ethan was concerned, but it was good to see that Liz was enjoying the thrill of the next fight. As for Selma, his ex-fiancé, she could go fuck herself.

Ethan unlaced his shoes and set them aside before sifting through the rest of the correspondence. When he got to Rajagopalan’s mail, he blew a long-suffering sigh. The phraseology of the mail was pure Sanjit, but the implications were going to make life more difficult. ‘Liberal use of manure enriches soil…’ was his favorite line from the mail as there was no shortage of bullshit he was going to have to put up with from Rachel. So much for pure independence as he worked on his dissertation.

The espresso machine emitted a satisfyingly industrial sound as it masticated the beans before applying pressurized hot water to extract the flavors that signaled the start of each day. The smell of the crushed beans lingered in the kitchen long after the grinding and hissing had ceased. Ethan grabbed the mug and wandered down the hall to get showered and changed.

He’d known Rachel Aberlieb during the three years of doctoral course work at the GWU Business School when he’d still been living in D.C. She’d already been at the school for a number of years having completed her MBA and directly matriculated into the PhD program. She was the classic academic, ivory tower, idealist that made him nutty. Crazy-bright, annoyingly well-informed, and had never had to worry about making payroll or managing cash flow to keep the lights on and the doors open for another month. She’d never put in the sweat equity to convince an investor to lay down a few million based solely on roughly estimated numbers and a belief that you have what it takes to make a business work. The two of them had been like oil on water and there had been endless conflict that he looked back on with some regret. She’d managed to bring out aspects of his personality that he didn’t much care for. She was pretty, but so damn opinionated that he’d long-since given up on thinking about her as anything other than a source of near-constant debates.

Oh, well. At least the coffee was good.


‘Symposium on Globalized Data’ was printed in bold, blue print next to a stereotypical logo of a globe with the continents made up of binary code. The garish vinyl sign hung above two female undergrads who looked awkward in their attempt to wear ‘business formal’ clothes. The young ladies were manning a registration table armed with highlighters, a list of attendees and an ironic stack of printed versions of the research being presented at the conference. Ethan was waiting in line, musing on a symposium about the management of electronic data that was producing unneeded paper when Rachel approached. The ever-present Nalgene water bottle in one hand, her phone in the other and an over-stuffed shoulder bag banging against her hip. Ethan’s jaw clenched in anticipation of the conversation.

Rachel wanted to start things off with Ethan on a positive note even if she deplored the idea of working with him. She’d promised Ra
jagopalan that she would at least try. She and Ethan hadn’t seen each other since he’d moved to Chicago at the end of the previous school year and she was almost certain that by the end of the day, she wouldn’t feel any better about him. Yet like most hard things in life, she felt it was best to tackle it head-on. ‘Hey, Ethan. When did you get into town?’

‘Oh. Rachel. I got in on Saturday to catch up with Phil and Ling. I hadn’t met the baby yet.’

Rachel’s expression softened and an uncomplicated smile emerged at the mention of Ruby. ‘Yeah, Ruby is adorable. I’ve been over there a bunch helping Ling keep up with the laundry and whatnot. Really it’s an excuse to see the baby, but I’d like to think I’ve been making Ling’s life easier.’ Rachel shifted the heavy shoulder bag that had her laptop and sundry documents stuffed into it. ‘Did they tell you about the big move?’

‘Yeah, it’s going to be a hell of an experience.’ Ethan was slightly taken aback by Rachel’s friendliness. ‘The baby’ll adapt to everything easier than they will. I wouldn’t want to live in Dubai, but the offer was too good for Phil to pass up.’ Ethan noticed that Rachel had new glasses. The lenses were smallish rectangles surrounded by deep green, slightly blocky frames. He had to admit they looked good on her but, as usual, the rest of her baggy clothes did nothing to enhance her appearance. She was most definitely not high maintenance. ‘So are we going to find time to chat today or tomorrow? I think both of us probably gave Sanjit the same response, but if we don’t wade into things, he’s going to get on us.’ Ethan could produce a near perfect impression of the old professor. ‘Plow horses who do not take to the yoke are likely to end up as glue.’

Rachel laughed at the impression. But the laughter was forced as she tried to make light of the stress underlying the conversation. She made a failed attempt at humor, ‘Yes, but only if you acknowledge up-front that I’m right. That’ll make everything easier.’ Her throat tightened involuntarily as she realized how poorly she’d masked her distaste of working with Ethan.

‘Riiiight. How about we stipulate that Rajagopalan is the one who’s right and we’re both investigating alternative options.’ Ethan was wary of getting things off to a poor start. He knew Rachel had been trying to lighten the mood, but the negative tension was palpable to both. He gestured toward the conference room. ‘This is supposed to wrap-up at 4:30, what do you say to dinner at 7:30 and we can ask the waiter to keep all knives off the table.’

‘That’ll work.’ She didn’t acknowledge Ethan’s more adept attempt to lighten the mood. She was glad that he’d offered the time which showed he was at least going to make a real attempt. Rachel was thankful that there’d be time to hit the hotel gym before dinner. She’d try to bleed off energy in hopes of avoiding unnecessary once they got talking about their dissertations. ‘Lobby at 7:30. See you then.’ She turned and moved into the crowd that was heading into the conference room.

Biological programming, or what most would call ‘being a guy,’ resulted in Ethan noticing that Rachel’s skirt was pulled tight across her backside by the weight of the bag at her hip. She wasn’t particularly tall and she was slight. There was a visually pleasing curve revealed through the nondescript fabric.

‘Name please. Sir.’ A curt voice cut into his absent reverie.

Ethan’s cheeks reddened slightly. He wondered if the girl behind the table had noticed where his attention had been drawn. It was going to be a long day.


‘The poor bastard didn’t know what’d hit him. That’s the last time he’ll try to use Bertenson’s or Melks’ work to explain away anomalies based on a regression function like that.’

Ethan had left the conference and immediately changed for a workout. He was running on a treadmill next to another ex-classmate who was also working on a dissertation. ‘Colin, you’ve got to hand it to her. She knows her shit. I could almost hear a collective groan from all of the Colonials in the room when he tried to dismiss her point with that argument. Rajagopalan doesn’t even go down that path anymore.’ Sweat had darkened the neckline of his shirt and he was ratcheting up the speed of the machine now that his legs were loose. He’d purposely set a later meeting time so the workout might get his head ready for what he now thought of as ‘The Great Dinner Debate.’

Colin briefly looked over at Ethan and said, ‘So I hear you’re going to combine your research with Aberleib. You sure you’re up for that? She’s an amazing researcher, but the two of you have…’ He thumped along for a few more steps trying to think of a way to capture the point, ‘er…your points of view aren’t generally compatible.’

‘You’d noticed, huh?’

A grin sidled into Colin’s expression. ‘You remember the seminar class with Professor Seldridge? I thought Aberleib was going throw shit at you that time you started doing a cost analysis on the fly with the numbers she’d proposed for her group’s solution.’

This was not one of Ethan’s favorite memories. Rachel had pissed him off even more than usual that day and he’d let his emotions get the better of him. He’d never normally set out to embarrass someone, but he succeeded in that forum. He’d dismantled her assumptions, projections and conclusions with cold precision that left Rachel scarlet and furious. They hadn’t spoken for a few weeks and then, after that first blowup, their only meme had been arguments. Looking back on it, she’d been an easy target for him to vent other disappointments in his life. He replied, ‘Yeah, I do. But I’d rather not.’

Colin said, ‘You were unstoppable after that. I think you’re the only one who consistently got the better of her.’

‘Right.’ Ethan hit the up-tempo button five more times hoping to put himself into an anaerobic state so he wouldn’t have to keep the conversation going. He really didn’t like thinking about that day or his later behavior with Rachel.

Thirty minutes later, he finally relented on the pace and slowed the belt to a fast walk for a cool down. He was drenched with sweat and Colin had already gone back to his room. As his breathing came under control, he became more aware of another set of feet pounding away on a treadmill. The wall of windows along which all the cardio equipment was arranged was divided in the middle by a large support pillar for the building. He let his treadmill come to a final stop and waited for his inner ear to stop playing tricks on him. The sense of forward motion passed and he stepped off to use some of the weight circuit equipment.

He glanced quickly at the other runner and immediately averted his eyes so as not to be caught looking in the reflection of the window. Black running tights, a bright red jog bra and dark hair pulled back in a ponytail was all that he registered. His second surreptitious glance allowed him to admire the slender mid-section and the dimples in a toned lower back. While adjusting the weights on the lat pull-down machine, he focused more on the ass in the running tights. Distracting. He sat with his back to the runner and began his first set of reps. Using the mirror across from him, he took a longer look and was inwardly bemoaning how long it had been that he’d been with someone. The ponytail bobbed to the rhythm of her stride and he moved onto the chest press which unfortunately had an obstructed view.

Just as he finished his third set, he noted that the treadmill’s tone dropped to a whisper and then completely off. He came around the machine to find the girl bending to get a cup of water from the cooler. He toweled his head and wandered over to get some water as well — maybe a little conversation could lead somewhere.

Rachel turned and gave a startled yelp. ‘Oh. Hi.’

‘Jesus…Rachel.’ Ethan was flabbergasted. The mental leap from ‘hot’ to ‘Rachel’ was so abrupt as to leave him temporarily addled. His first try at a res
ponse came out as a mélange of two or three words and he had to start a second time. ‘I had no idea…’

‘No idea what?’ Her brow furrowed.

‘Ah…that you were…I mean a runner.’

Realization dawned on her that she was out of context for how she generally allowed people in her academic community to see her. She never ran on campus, always preferring to use her time on the road to be away from her daily work. Aside from the treasured time for thinking that running afforded her, she was following her father’s advice about keeping professional and private lives separate. That thought was accompanied by an unexpected embarrassment from her exposed mid-section. She tried to casually wipe her face with her towel and then held it lightly in front of her.

Ethan couldn’t help but notice the tight fit of her top and the outline it had presented or how her running pants emphasized the shape of her hips. Her body was well-proportioned for someone her size. He forced himself to look her in the eye. ‘Seems like we had the same idea. After sitting all day, I was looking forward to getting the blood moving a little.’

She didn’t want to admit to the fact that her eagerness to exercise was because of their upcoming dinner, and not in a good way. ‘Yeah. I was getting twitchy too. So, um…okay. I tell you what. Ah…I’ll go get cleaned up and see you downstairs at 7.’

He could see that she was also a bit flustered by their unexpected encounter. ‘We’d said 7:30, but if you want to…’

‘No, no. Sorry. Right. 7:30. Okay — see you then.’ She kept the towel where it was and was annoyed with herself that she’d gone for the door so quickly. He’d looked good with his hair tousled from the workout and she’d admired the strength in his forearms and hands. Shit…what was she thinking? Bad idea. Very bad idea.

Ethan watched her go and when the door closed he said aloud, ‘Wow.’ Completely not what he expected.


‘I’ll have the crab cakes to start and the wild mushroom pasta. Thanks.’ Rachel handed the menu to the waiter. Her nervous fidgeting resulted with her ankle knocking over the big blue water bottle that she’d brought down to the lobby out of habit. Silly to have it at a restaurant but she hadn’t wanted to go back to her room to drop it off. She leaned down and stood it up behind the chair leg.

‘You sure you don’t want some wine with dinner?’ Ethan asked. After she declined, he ordered a glass of cabernet for himself and his dinner. ‘Right, round one. Where do we want to start?’ Rachel really didn’t want this to become a fight. She’d seethed about his embarrassing her in a second year class and it had colored her impression of him for years. Following that conflict, it seemed as if the two of them were always locking horns over one thing or another. His inflexibility had met her stubbornness with predicable results. Yet Ling, her closest friend from business school, was always trying to get Rachel to soften her opinion of Ethan. In some ways, the fact that 18-months had past since they last saw each other was making it a bit easier to be objective. Apart from his habit of disagreeing with her, he was a self-possessed guy who had a sharp mind. It seemed as if everyone else in the doctoral program liked him and the undergrads he worked with worshiped him. On top of that, all of the emails they’d traded over the past few weeks to figure out where they were going to meet to get their research lined up had been nothing but cordial. Also the image of him in the gym had unexpectedly lingered during her shower. Again…bad idea.

Rachel said, ‘How about both of us try to drop the whole ’round one,’ ’round two’ stuff. If we’re really going to work on this together I think we can’t approach it like boxers. We both know that we fundamentally disagree on how data should be used.’

‘Do we really know that?’

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I met Vicki at a hook up site,she had an ad that caught my attention it went something like this "hispanic transexual looking for a serious relationship with an honest man",i read her ad and liked the fact that she was looking for a relationship and not just a one night stand,I`m very much into transexuals and been wanting to get into a serious relationship with one,so i responded to Vicki`s ad and gave her my phone number.To my surprise it took her a whiles to call me but when she finally...

2 years ago
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Three Nights That Changed Everything Part Three

Saturday MorningAs with the previous night, I sleep well and wake feeling refreshed and restored.He’s still out cold and, even though it is so tempting to make contact with his body, I decide not to disturb him. I carefully slide out of bed, grab some clothes, and quietly dress in the bathroom. Making sure that I have the key card, I slip out of the room, being careful to make sure the door doesn’t slam behind me.There’s a coffee shop just outside the hotel, so I head there and order a latte....

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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A Special Photoshoot

Marie is kneeling on the end of the bed naked; her knees are a shoulder-width apart with her bottom up in the air. Her head is facing towards the top of the bed, arms tied at the wrists.The rope is wrapped around her wrist four times in a wide wrap and cinched so it will not tighten and so she cannot undo it. Another tie at the elbows keeps her arms straight with the rope from the wrist cinch rope going up to the bedposts on the headboard holding her arms away from her body, just not so tight...

3 years ago
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Ich bin ein Flittchen

Die Hochzeitsnacht Es fing an, bevor wir verheiratet waren, sein Vater Phill ist so etwas wie ein Hurenbock. Oftmals hat er mich umarmt und mal schnell nach meinem Hintern gegriffen. Ich habe Dan nie von diesen Fällen erzählt, weil ich sein Gefühl nicht verletzen möchte. Wegen meines Schweigens wurde Phill immer mutiger. Mehrmals hat er meine Titten "zufällig" berührt. Ich war Jungfrau, als ich heiratete, und hatte mich für meinen Mann aufbewahrt. Unsere Hochzeit war wunderschön und der Empfang...

3 years ago
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A Dark Possession

Judy was visibly shaking as he walked towards her. His broad, towering frame dwarfed her own slim, petite body as he closed up on her. The front door had now been shut upon her husband and they were finally alone; it was just the two of them now. She could see hunger in his eyes and glancing down at his groin she could see that hunger manifesting itself. She was nervous standing there like an expectant virgin waiting that moment of surrender. He rested his hands on her shoulders and lowered his...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Sexual adventures with Emily and her family pt2

I walked into the kitchen and saw Craig and Connor sitting down eating breakfast, and thankfully could smell coffee. "Good morning, guys. Is your mom awake?" I said as I went to pour a cup. The boys were quiet, almost as if in deep thought, before Craig finally said "yeah... she made breakfast.. and now she's taking a shower". Emily's infamous long showers, I thought to myself, as I noticed both the boys were staring at my chest... obviously noticing I wasn't wearing a bra. I was...

1 year ago
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Emma and Prof Peterson Chapters 3 4

The College rented us a car for the three hour or so drive to Boston. A travel day, I was wearing jeans and a polo shirt, total Dad look. Emma had on a sun dress with a plunging back that plunged almost to her ass crack. When the wind blew the dress up tight against her skin, I could see she wasn’t wearing any underwear. Another day, another boner for me. We made some small talk about the event, but I was totally distracted because Emma was messing with me. She smiled sweetly at me each...

1 year ago
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A Daughters Wish

Sneak into my room one night when I’m home from college for the weekend. I won’t cry out. I won’t be afraid. I’ll pull back my covers and open my legs and welcome you. Cover my mouth with yours and let our tongues entwine; it’s as easy as talking together. Pull up my top and let my breasts catch the light from my bedside lamp so that you can lick and suck my nipples the way I want to lick and suck your cock. The way I so long to suck on your cock. Did you know that I can’t get the idea of your...

3 years ago
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My sexy secretary after office

Dawn was the perfect secretary for me.I had fucked her several times in the office’s bathroom; always a quickie; but now she had convinced me to rent a room at a local motel and spend some time there.As we entered the motel room, Dawn led me to the bed.She slid her summer dress from her shoulders and stood completely naked in front of me. I could not take my eyes off of her toned body; her hard nipples and her nice shaved wet labia.She pulled me to her and kissed me in a hot way that even my...

1 year ago
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Mai Aur Meri Pyari Didi 8211 Part II

Maine apne kapade utare aur apne lund pe oil lagana shuru ker diya. Khoob malish ki. Lund aur gotiyan dono hi oil se bhiga li thi. Ab to main ready tha ki sweta jaise hi aayegi use pakad ke khoob chodunga. Kareeb aadhe ghante baad gate ki ghanti baji aur main fanfanate hue lund ke sath gate pe gaya aur gate khola. Tab tak didi bhi baher hall main aa gayi thi. Gate khola to dekha ki sweta ke sath uska chota bhai bhi aaya hua tha. Use akele nahi bheja uske gher walon ne. To main apne sale ko dekh...

2 years ago
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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 34

Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore. But I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout at . Let me continue from where I stopped last time. I headed back to the campus. It’s already late. But I don’t care! I’m five grand richer! Hahaha! This is so cool! What will I spend it on? I was in my room. Lisa was lying on the lower bunk bed. Me: Lisa,...

2 years ago
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The Chaperone Blues

========================== Chapter One Claire Richardson was excited as she boarded the school bus. She didn't take the time to examine that feeling, even though she was thirty-three years old and was on her way to a high school football tournament. She just enjoyed the thrills that were coursing through her body as she bounced up the steps and entered a tiny world of controlled chaos. The noise hit her like a falling wall as she turned the corner to face fifty-some-odd...

3 years ago
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 50

As it happened, Yann could walk just fine in four-inch stiletto heels. "I taught my sisters." He bragged as he pranced around the room. Yann had gone all out this time. In addition to the shoes, he'd bought make-up, jewelry and re-styled his hair to be more feminine. The dress itself was very simple; the proverbial little black dress. It was sleeveless - which surprisingly gave the second biggest clue that he was a guy and not a flat-chested chick - with a v-neck and a mid-thigh...

4 years ago
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The Dance

She loved to come to the dance hall and dance and look for men. Tonight a handsome man asked her to dance and as he held her tight she could feel the hardness of his cock pressed against her stomach. She pushed tighter to him to feel more of his hard love rod. She could feel him get harder and clutch her tighter to his body. She whispered to him "Want to stick that hard cock in my wet fuck hole?" He answered "Of course I do. I would love to fuck you all night. Are you offering?" She told him "I...

2 years ago
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negitave 50 shades part one

The day I felt nothing wanted nothing. I looked upon craigslist found an ad that I thought would fulfill my needs, my wants, ,my desires. It asked for a slave, one to fulfill his needs. I wrote an email saying I am the slut you are looking for. We spoke we made plans to meet up, at whore motel paid by the hour. I was told to pull in the garage, remove my cloths and crawl like a dog up the satirs. Nervouse as all hell pulled in, saying what the hell removing my shirt pacing then my pants and...

3 years ago
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Falling For Aiden

Prologue My husband’s ranting carried across the small apartment into the bathroom. It was the same tired rant I’d heard for three years. ‘…busting my ass to provide for you…don’t appreciate it…you think your job is hard, you try climbing ladders all day in the heat…’ I didn’t bother anymore to reply. In the first year or so of our marriage, I would reply that he had chosen his career as a sheet metal journeyman, that I brought home just as much money as he did, that since I did all the...

2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 47 Addressing The Populace

Zax not only thought about how to deceive the Godly Retribution, he also deliberated on how sentient it is. ‘Can The Almighty invest wholehearted attention to all Godly Retributions?’ His first deliberation was that he cannot possibly be the only person The Almighty smote with Godly Retribution. Although assuming the worse can help anticipate the unknown, in this case where Zax has to injure himself to a minimal degree, it will only thwart the purpose of his seclusion. ‘Iaura could not...

4 years ago
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I CRASHED AND BURNED against the thirteenth seeded player from Loyola Marymount in my first match of the morning. I played well, but I was just plain out of my league. The guy had an incredible match. It made me wonder how I’d ever managed to hold my own against Karl on Monday morning. I guess I just wasn’t in the zone. That put the pressure on for my next match. I had no time for remorse, as the next elimination round was at eleven and I was fighting for my life. This was another of the...

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FFF FFFBOOK 1 Chapter 1 Jill could picture herself counting the money already.? Her old room mate had given her the idea before she moved out.? Without Traci living there, she was going to have to get rid of the apartment anyway.? Uptown New York City rents were way too expensive for her to pay on the salary that she made.? In hindsight, college should have been the direction she took after high school, but at the time, she had, had enough of courses, tests, and teachers.? Now at...

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RedemptionChapter 35

After perhaps eight shots, Patrick began yelling over the whooping and horn blasts of the car alarm, "Two shooters! Two shooters! Stay down! Stay down!" The sound of Patrick's voice caused Dex to turn his head to watch the action. As Patrick reached the trees, Randy yelled out "Gun! Gun!" again. In silhouette, Dex saw Patrick raise his gun with both hands and there were three more quick reports. After Randy's yell and the last three shots, Jeanette screamed, which turned out to be the...

3 years ago
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Lets Go To The Bahamas Pt 4

When we get back to our room, we’re surprised to see a bucket with chilled champagne in it and four glasses waiting. You pour us each a glass, then sit back in a chair, loosening your tie. “Why don’t you two enjoy yourselves for a bit?” I move to you and sit on your knee, leaning down to kiss you deeply. You slide your hand up my thigh and return my kiss. I hear music begin to play and I pull back, turning to see Beth walking towards us. She pulls me to my feet and against her body, grinding...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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How did I piss off Goddess

Ronnie wakes up in a cold bath with a note on the wall in front of him. It says: "Read very carefully. You have pissed me off. You are a pathetic excuse for a man and I have decided that you need to change your ways. I'm even going to help you change. You have a nanotech vibrator surgically implanted into your ass near your prostate, it moves around, so surgery to remove it isn't a good idea, besides it would piss me off even more. The vibrator will go off every hour for 1...

3 years ago
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The ProdigalNine

LISSA AND I WERE ALONE at Opens. Our sportswear was on consignment in the Raquethon booth, though we had to swing by each day and replenish the stock. It hadn’t started snowing in Minneapolis yet when we arrived on Tuesday, but the temperatures were in the thirties at night and forties during the day. I entered the tournament ranked ninth by virtue of the points I’d won at Intercollegiates and World’s. I was lucky. That meant I drew a bye in the round of 32 that played Wednesday. I had the...

1 year ago
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Shadows From the PastChapter 7

Melinda used to enjoy Thanksgiving Day. When she was living in her older sister's shadow, this was the one day she got most of the attention. She could tolerate being considered the baby of the family just so she could be with people who wanted to talk with her rather than Heather. Instead, she found the crowd of relatives crammed into the living room to be more annoying than anything else. Despite being fully clothed, she still felt naked, especially after more than one had commented on...

3 years ago
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Come in My BrainPhase III Ecstatic

Dr. Alan Monroe wasn't a billionaire -- $700 million was as far as he got, but that was good enough. His was perhaps the most lucrative patent of all time. Reluctance to submit to back-alley neurosurgery meant that few treaters tried to work around the patent. The doctor took stock of life. He had started out in med school eager to help individual patients. Like many doctors, he became frustrated that there were many he couldn't help because there were no effective treatments available....

3 years ago
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Desires of Hogwarts Part 3

Introduction: I took advice from the advice I got and also decided to add some plot. Then I decided to say fuck it and disregard the plot of the books. Please, give me more criticism. It was a windy day at Hogwarts. Harry and Ron could hear the harsh wind howling outside the Gryffindor tower as they sat down for a game of wizards chess. They enjoyed the warmth of the common room, and the solitude of it so far. The roar of the fire their only companion as they battled for supremacy on the board....

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 322

Jeff noticed that the General had moved a few paces away from the gift assembly area and seemed to be talking on his radio via his throat mike. After a few moments, Whitworth returned to kneel down and hold the rear wheel on the bike as Jeff tightened the axle nut. "Looks even," the General said as Jeff gave the final tug on the wrench. As they started on the front wheel, "Colonel, I've just been told that a vid is ready and I would like you to watch it with me." Before Jeff could...

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Computer Girl BBC Part2

This part of my story is what happened the rest of the week working with Shane. I got out of bed on Thursday morning my mind still reeling from what happened last night in Shane's hotel room. The guilt was racking me as my husband I were getting ready for work, but on the other hand I was so worked up thinking about how I had never been Fucked the way Shane fucked me. I was always a believer that size doesn't matter but was now finding that maybe it does! I picked up Shane at the hotel he got...

4 years ago
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Futanari Magic

We were out on a mission, nothing unusual. They're was a man kidnapping woman and we were sent to rescue them and bring the guy to the council. He was a pushover in the end. He had no magic, only a couple of gadgets that caused us a tiny bit of trouble. But we finally had him backed into a corner with nothing left. Or so we thought. Just as Natsu grabbed him he slid his hand into his pocket pulling out a capsule. Natsu immediately smacked it out of his hand. But Natsu's small mind didn't take...

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Sylvias birthday

That was the easiest question in the world."Do you know who Denise's grandmother was?"No""Norma Shearer, that's who, a huge star in the 1930s. Huge huge house in Brentwood.Denise lives in a little part of it, but the rest of this place is empty most of the time...her grandma was kinky, there is lots of cool rooms and cool stuff...""Judy, I'm getting horny now...there was a game we played where I was the cheap hooker who would do anything? I want to do that again...Okay, we had some kind of sex...

1 year ago
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My naughty sister

100% fiction! So this all happened on a Tuesday night, my sister who is in her 18 had been left alone. I went to go visit my mom, when I got to her house she had just left with her friends. My sister had been left alone. As i knocked at her door I was able to smell the smoke of weed and some alcohol. So i didn’t know she was into that, as I talked to her I saw some pills on her bed, I asked what those were and she said they were x-pills. She was completely fucked up. As i continued talking to...

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I was born into a family that loved fishing. To be more specific, my older brother Drake and father Alvin were crazy about fishing. They tried everything in their power to get me hooked on this terrible hobby, but I simply hated it. Fortunately, my mother Rose was my protector in this regard, and although small of stature she was not to be messed with.Much to Alvin’s regret, I was a real ‘indoors’ kind of guy, something he and Drake found very hard to understand. I also think my smaller...

Gay Male
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Another Night to Remember

She pulled into the driveway tired after a string of early starts looking forward to a few days off, even if it meant the usual running around looking after the kids, house work and shopping. She headed to the kitchen, unloading her handbag, keys and phone as she went. ‘Hi honey,’ her husband called, greeting her with a glass of champagne. ‘What’s this?’ she asked ‘I have a treat planned, the kids are at your mum’s, and all you have to do is come along for the ride! Starting by getting...

1 year ago
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It’s Saucy Time! In the past, I managed to find all sorts of unique and crazy websites when I was expanding the type of reviews I do here on my website. In recent times, I still do, but it’s becoming rarer nowadays, which is why this review is so damn exciting.Before I overhype or accidentally mislead, this is not a super-raunchy platform with adult entertainment that you have never seen. On the contrary, Saucy Time has a neat service that sort of combines internet dating, Chatroulette, and...

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