Diavolo Ch. 06 free porn video

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Moving forward-finally. Writing this book is fun in the sense that I actually check the weather in the Laguna, Irvine and Bayside area of California. Trying to keep it as accurate as possible, I also use actual addresses. Can anyone find the houses I’ve mentioned? or the roads, or even where our Gabe had his accident? I also have a playlist I use to get me in the right mind frame for each chapter. A song I used a lot (not allot-lol) during this chapter was Van Halen’s Pound Cake. Because I feel that it’s how Gabe is feeling toward Abby right now. A real honest to goodness, down-home, simple girl he finds sexy as hell and is falling deeper and deeper in love with every second he breathes. Of course, Gaby has his faults. I hate writing perfect heroes. Where’s the fun in that? Our Gaby has a bit of a temper on him as well as being a tad possessive. He’s about as subtle as a bat to the back of the head, but that just makes him more lovable, especially when Abby knocks him down a notch or two with her sweetness that just kills him every time. Yeah, she’s got our rock star twisted around her little finger. We get to see more of Abigail’s slow transformation. That’s what love does to a person, and she’s definitely head over heels for Gabe. Who wouldn’t be? seriously?

Anyhoo, hope you’re all enjoying this as much as I am. I literally have butterflies in my stomach when I write these two now, knowing everything that’s going to be happening soon and anxious to unload it all from my mind onto the screen to share with everyone. Thank you all so much for the comments and emails. I makes me feel good to know you’re all enjoying Diavolo so much. And now i leave you with chapter six:


Halfway through the night her phone dinged. Abigail grunted and shuffled her legs, getting more comfortable beneath the downy white comforter. With a soft sigh, she settled back into slumber. Outside the crickets chirped merrily and the sound of the ocean lapping beneath the boardwalks and docks lulled her again. Peace, quiet, tranquility. Abigail smiled and snuggled deeper into the goose down pillow.

Another ding had her opening one bleary eye to frown at the glowing phone on the nightstand by the bed.

Her sleepy mind wondered who would be sending her a message. What time was it anyway?

She picked up the phone and gaped. It was two in the morning!

Clicking on the little envelope image, she screwed up her face at the glare of white light and squinted at the screen.

Two messages from Gabriel.

Alarm shooting through her, she tapped on the first message, hoping nothing was wrong.


R u sleeping?


Abigail frowned and debated as to whether or not she should answer him.

Huffing out a sigh, she tapped into the tiny keyboard:


I was.


I’m bored, among other unmentionable things 8D ♥


You should be asleep.


Keep thinking about u.

Another message popped up. She almost dropped the phone at an image of the sheet tented over his lap.


I am going to sleep now, Mr. Raven.

It took less than a minute for the phone to begin ringing softly. Michael had graciously linked the picture of Gabriel licking up her face as Rafael leaned in to poke his own tongue in Gabe’s ear as Gabriel’s caller ID.

‘Gabriel, it’s more than two in the morning,’ she replied with a frown.

‘I missed you.’

Clearly, she was unprepared for the masculine purr of his million-dollar voice streaming directly into her left ear, a hot shiver racing over every inch of her body, making her clench her thighs. Oh, the ache whenever he spoke, or sang, would she ever get used to it? Such wicked reactions on her part which she unfortunately had no control over. How was she ever going to cleanse her traitorous body of its carnal longing for him?

‘Still there?’ he asked.

She had to swallow before she spoke. ‘Yes.’ She cringed at the breathy sound of her voice.

He growled, ‘You sound so damn sexy right now, baby. Were you dreaming of me?’

‘Gabriel, please.’

‘Nothing would make me happier than to please you, Abigail.’ He’d pitched his voice low, adding that slight grittiness that earned Diavolo millions ‘I’d wear myself out pleasing you, baby.’

Gah! She needed to diffuse this sexually charged conversation.

She sat up and he began to chuckle. Frowning, she asked, ‘Gabriel, what is so funny?’


His chuckling turned into a choked groan when she stood. He knew he shouldn’t be using the link to his security cameras to spy on her, but he’d just wanted to make sure she was okay. She’d seemed so fucking sweet curled up on her side in the guest bedroom of his beach house. She kept moving her legs around, wiggling her cute ass beneath the comforter. He couldn’t help sending her a message, and then calling.

He almost swallowed his tongue when she slid out from beneath the covers and saw that her bright green Big Bird T-shirt didn’t quite cover her ass. Her panties were white with tiny little things printed on them. He couldn’t decide if it was little hearts or flowers.

‘Gabriel,’ she said impatiently.

‘God, baby,’ he croaked needing to grip his erection before he blew his load at the sight of her nipples poking against the thin jersey of her nightshirt. Her hair was finally loose and fell around her in glorious ribbons of gold right to her waist.

‘Are you in pain? Oh, Gabriel.’ He felt guilty at her panicked look.

‘I’m fine,’ he interrupted her plea that he notify the nurses. ‘I’m hurting for you, baby. I just want to crawl into bed with you.’

She covered her face with her palm and he didn’t miss the way she shivered.

And then she did something that had his blood going molten in his veins. Her small hand slipped between her thighs to cup her sex and squeeze.

‘Gabriel, I told you…’

He heard her breath rush from her, and saw how her hand pressed harder between her legs. She sat back down on the bed and pulled her hand back out to run trembling fingers through her hair.

He did his best to roll his tongue back into his mouth. He switched the phone to his right hand in the sling. ‘Lay back,’ he whispered, left hand sliding beneath the sheet to wrap around his throbbing cock.

Her eyes went wide before looking around suspiciously. ‘How do you know I’m up?’

Panic had his escalating arousal cooling a bit. ‘I heard the bedding rustle. I figured you’d gotten up,’ he blurted thinking fast. If she knew he was watching her over his security system, she’d be pissed, call him a perverted sleaze bag. He knew he shouldn’t be watching her like that, but he was so hot for her. It would just be this time only.

Slowly, she laid back, and, just like that, he was close to losing it when she parted her thighs a bit and slid her hand shyly back between her legs with another shudder.

‘God, Abby,’ he panted.

She stiffened a bit before relaxing and licking her lips. ‘Gabriel, what are you doing?’

Gabe gulped, ‘I don’t think I should tell you. You might get mad.’

He clenched his jaw as his fingers slid up his length before flexing his hips, wincing at the discomfort in his leg and hip, but not enough to keep him from dragging his hand back down with a barely stifled groan.

‘Baby, touch yourself.’

She shook her head, but her legs spread farther, her fingers pressed harder. ‘Gabriel, please…don’t.’

‘I bet you’re wet, baby. You’re wet for me as much as I am for you.’

The sheet clung to the tip of his cock, wet with precum. He bent his left leg, holding the phone against his chest with his right hand still strapped inside the sling. It felt strange stroking with his left, but he was about to cum all over himself at the sight of his sweet Abby squeezing her little
pussy through her panties.

‘You shouldn’t be talking to me like this,’ she panted. ‘It’s so…so wicked.’

‘Baby, I promised not to pressure you for sex, at least give me this,’ he practically begged.

His balls were already pulling up tight. He needed to hear her more.

‘Baby, I’m so bad. I’m sorry, but I’m jerking off right now. Can’t help it. Want you so much.’

He saw her shudder again, her back actually arch, her thighs fall completely apart. Good-god, she was going to come.

‘Baby, touch yourself. Slide your little fingers under your panties.’

She began to pant, her hand slowly dipping beneath the elastic of her panties. They both groaned at the same time.

‘God-baby. Are you wet?’

She hesitated.

‘Baby, please,’ he was so close, but he needed to hear her, make her come even if it was with his voice and words.

‘Yes,’ she answered on a tremulous sigh.

What would her pussy look like? Was she clean-shaven, trimmed down, or completely wild. He never did like au natural, but on Abby, he’d take anything only because it was Abigail.

‘Abby,’ he moaned again. ‘If you’d let me touch you, I’d slide my fingers there, where you have your hand now. I’d feel how slick you’d be for me and hot. Baby, I’d lick my fingers clean and dip down for seconds.’

‘Gabriel,’ she moaned, her hips bucking once, twice, thighs trembling.

‘I’d rub your sweet clit, baby. That little bump you have inside your sex lips would be hard and erect for me. I’d rub it in tight little circles.’

Her body jerked and then she began to rock her hips, blatantly riding her fingers. Gabriel wanted to cry out in frustration, his balls aching, cock throbbing with the need to be imbedded in her.

‘Instead of my hand, it would be your hand teasing the fuck out of me. Gripping me tight, stroking me till I’m cross-eyed.’ He growled, his toes curling, stomach muscles clenching.

She whimpered, head thrown back.

‘Baby, I’d crawl down on hands and knees and lick up all that sweet honey from you—’

Her cry of completion stunned him, the sight of the front of her panties becoming drench with her obvious spurt of juice had him erupting with a harsh shout.

Gabriel spilled, hot cum making a mess of his hand, belly, and the sheet draped over him. He closed his eyes and bit his lip to stifle his loud groans of pleasure, seeing the image of her back bowing and her head snapping back as she drenched her little panties emblazoned forever in his mind. The pleasure was short lived though. To his horror, the door squeaked open and the tall, three-hundred-pound nurse named Helga stalked in with a frown, eyeing the mess he’d made of himself.

Gabriel’s face flamed about a thousand degrees at her disapproving glare.


Panting and shivering uncontrollably, he stared at the screen of his phone. Abigail had hung up on him.


The next day had been pure humiliation. Bright and early, Anna Maria called Abigail asking her if she could take her to see her grandson.

It wasn’t the sweet woman’s fault her randy grandson had had phone sex with Abigail in the wee hours of the morning.

Abigail had been so shame-faced afterwards. She heard him shouting out his own orgasm over the line, the sound of his deep voice almost making her explode a second time, but it was the gush of fluid that had wet her fingers that had startled her. Terrified, she tossed the phone away from her. It fell to the hardwood floor in pieces, ending the call abruptly.

Abigail ran into the bathroom and inspected herself, unsure of what she was looking for. Her sex was swollen and deep pink, glistening with the foreign sticky clear fluid that had wet her panties and hand in the most unusual way.

What was it? Why did that happen? Was she still a virgin? She hadn’t penetrated herself with her fingers, just rubbed at her clit as Gabriel had instructed her to do. Oh-god, it had felt so good.

But that was bad. She was such a bad girl, letting a sexy rock star talk her into playing with herself for his obvious twisted pleasure.

As punishment, she forced herself to take a cold shower. She hated cold water.

Afterwards, she’d collected the pieces of her phone, realizing that only the battery and its cover had come loose. After putting it back together, the phone worked just fine. Gabriel never called back. She wasn’t sure if she was relieved or disappointed by that.

Her first orgasm.

She had so many questions, and though she felt shy broaching the subject, who better than the man who’d elicited such a strong passionate response from her body with only his voice to answer her queries?

Surprisingly, Gabriel’s grandmother’s house was just a few blocks from where she was. Just like Gabriel had said, the driveway was filled with cars.

Anna Maria had frowned at Abigail’s tiny Beetle and insisted they take the Mercedes.

After much debate, Abigail situated herself in Gabriel’s silver S Class driver’s seat. His scent was everywhere inside the vehicle.

Anna Maria chirped merrily next to her the entire ride, telling her stories about her grandson. Abigail could hear the pride and love in her voice. By the time they stepped into the elevator at the hospital, Abigail felt she’d literally grown up with him.

Approaching the room, however, her nerves began to get the best of her. Her face flamed as they neared the door.

How could she face him after what they’d done over the phone? Had he heard her cry out? Of course he had to have heard her. She’d screamed shamelessly, wetting her hand and panties in a shameful gush of lust.

Next to her, Anna Maria smiled and pushed open the door to Gabriel’s room.

The bodyguards were no longer there. Abigail felt the urge to turn around and flee before having to look Gabriel in the face, but how would she explain her behavior to Anna Maria.

They approached the bed. She made sure to stay way behind his grandmother.

Anna Maria hugged him and spoke to him affectionately in Spanish.

The sound of his voice had Abigail closing her eyes as another shudder ran rampant through her. To her utter shame, she felt when her panties grew damp again.

Before she could do anything, Anna Maria was pulling her toward Gabriel.

He reached for her, her eyes ensnared in the intense green of his.

Someone had shaved him and his hospital gown was a solid grayish blue. Dark hair brushed back from his face to trail back behind his shoulders, he wrapped his fingers at the nape of her neck and pulled her to his face.

Her heart thundered in her ears when he sealed his mouth over hers, his tongue sliding in to stoke hers slowly, deliciously.

Her eyes were still closed when he finally lifted his lips off hers. Blinking them open a crack, she stared helplessly into his, marveling at the almost bluish hue of his green eyes. Around the pupils were gold flecks and the entire iris was ringed in black making them truly spectacular. He smiled, looking relieved.

‘Hey,’ he whispered, stroking her cheek.

Her trembling hand came up to touch his smooth cheek. God-but he was so handsome.

‘You shaved,’ she managed to say.

He gripped her hand and kissed the tips of her fingers, eyes blazing. ‘Had to make sure I looked good for my girl. Michael helped me out this morning.’

Abigail could have just stayed there, inches from him, staring like a love-struck idiot into his beautiful face, but she remembered Anna Maria’s presence and moved away, feeling her face heat up at her amorous display with Gabriel in front of her.

Gabriel was making her lose her mind and propriety.


In the days that followed, Abigail fell into a routine. She’d get up early, take a jog along the beach, shower, have a quick breakfast, and then head up to the hospital. She’d spend most of t
he day with Gabriel and then head back home to make dinner or eat at Michael’s house with him and Erica. Gabriel would call her and keep her on the phone until she was yawning and insisting she needed her rest.

Had she actually told him she’d be his girlfriend? She really couldn’t remember, but he seemed to believe they were a couple, as well as the others, so she just left it at that. Gabriel Brinks, his real last name, lead singer of the popular local rock band called Diavolo was her boyfriend. She repeated it to herself every morning just to make herself believe it, because it seemed like a fairytale.

The only person livid about the situation had been Diamond.

A month and a half later, Gabriel was released from the hospital.

He called her early that morning after the doctor signed his release paperwork.

‘The media is swarming outside, baby,’ he told her over the phone.

She shivered with apprehension. ‘I really wanted to be there, but…’ she trailed off, twirling a lock of her hair around one finger nervously.

Anna Maria had tuned the television to a local news station covering Gabriel’s release from the hospital.

‘That’s okay, baby. After this, all the fuss will die down and things will go back to normal. Believe it or not, I can actually go to Target and not get stopped…Not that I go to Target much.’

She could hear the grin in his voice and smiled too, her belly quivering like a silly schoolgirl with a crush.

Ever since that night more than a month ago, she’d anticipated him calling her in the middle of the night again for more phone sex, but he hadn’t.

It didn’t keep her from exploring herself more fully and finding she could never orgasm as spectacularly as that night when he’d told her to touch herself. Her face flamed at the memory.

‘Baby,’ he purred, making her wet her panties at the sound.


‘We can be together now, no interruptions.’

She almost stopped breathing. Her mouth worked, but no sound came out.

‘Are you making that cute little fish face that makes me want to kiss the fuck out of you?’

Her jaw just dropped. ‘Gabriel,’ she admonished breathlessly.

He laughed, setting her body afire. She clenched her thighs and wiped her fingers across her suddenly damp forehead.

Anna Maria appeared before her suddenly, offering a glass of ice-cold lemonade.

‘Th-thank you,’ Abigail stammered, face growing hotter before the sweetly smiling older woman.

Having illicit thoughts with a man in his grandmother’s house had to be a sin worth two cold showers at least.

‘Are you staying with me on the phone while I get passed the circus of paps outside?’

‘If you want me to,’ she answered taking a sip of her lemonade.

Anna Maria had already sat on the couch and turned up the volume slightly to the television.

Abigail recognized the reporter that had harassed her that first day at the hospital.

‘Of course I want you to. I’d rather have you here with me, show the world my beautiful girl, but I respect your wish to stay out of the limelight. At least for now,’ he said in a less playful tone.

Abigail frowned. ‘What do you mean?’

The noise level on his side of the phone increased. People were talking to him. Abigail heard Diamond.

Abigail felt the unpleasant ache of jealousy when she heard the woman cooing to him and obviously kissing him. She could almost imagine Diamond’s red claws all over her man.

The image just ate away at Abigail’s insides, though she tried to remain indifferent. The woman was his manager, after all.

‘Baby, you there?’

‘Y-yes,’ she answered, her hand gripping the phone tighter as the reporters stood waiting at the entrance to the hospital. They’d roped off an area, creating a path to Angelo’s SUV. There was someone she didn’t recognize standing ready at the SUV.

More noise coming from Gabriel’s end.

‘Baby, I’m almost outside now. They’ve got me in a wheelchair.’ She heard the displeasure in his voice.

‘All patients are wheeled out in a chair, Gabe. It’s just a safety measure.’

The doors to the hospital opened and the fans began to shout.

‘I love you, Abby,’ he was saying, making her heart skip a beat.

Her eyes welled and her jaw dropped at what he’d said as he finally appeared on the television screen.

There was no time for a reply to his declaration

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A Certain Perception c 2004 by Cherysse St Clai

A Certain Perception (c) 2004 by Cherysse St. Claire Kyra was not the girl of my dreams. I never DARED dream a woman that good would just walk into my life. She was smart, sassy, vivacious, intuitive, resourceful, and a real 'people person'. We met in an Internet chat room called "Working Girls". We're not talking about the kind you find in corporate offices or retail stores. C'mon, be honest; what guy hasn't fantasized about being with a woman like that? The room was filled with the usual...

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my first time

i had a lesbian friend who was a security guard. she knew me from a c-store and had a bad breakup with a girlfriend from 1500 miles away. she said we had a thing to make her X jealous and I went to meet her at a gay KC bar. she didn't show, (at least i didn,t see her). I met a wonderful man named 'frankie". we went to his place and for the first time i sucked dick. i jacked off 4 times that night. 4 months later i met him again. again i sucked his wonderful cock. he was upset that i hadn't...

4 years ago
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Discoveries with Mack Pt III

“Hop in,” he said, pulling up at the end of the driveway. I was standing in the cold waiting for the bus. I sat in the seat, and as soon as I’d closed the door, we were off down the road. My next question had been eating at me all weekend. “What do you mean you’ll take care of your girlfriend?” “You’ll see soon enough,” he said, taking my hand in his. He left me in thought as we sped along the road. I thought to myself, What will happen if someone finds out? For God’s sake, my parents...

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Hot Fun In Bengaluru Part 8211 3

Hello all good readers of ISS, Kishan is back with another story which happened about 4 months ago. This is a real story which happened in Bengaluru with my old college friend. Thanks for all your kind words in feedback. Hope you all will like this story too. After 6 years of finishing college, our group of friends were all distributed all across the country and abroad. We’ve been waiting for one moment we all can meet up and hang out. Last November, one of our friend was coming from the USA...

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Anne and MaryChapter 54 Anne

I was putting laundry away when Mary came into our room. "Got a minute?" "Always, for you. What's the matter? You've been looking down the last day or so." "I've been thinking about that trip to Fairplay. It was so wonderful, everything I would have dreamed of a year ago, if I hadn't known it was impossible." "From what you said about it, it must have been. How come you're feeling low? Backlash?" We sat down on the bed. The sunshine coming through the open window ended not...

2 years ago
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Humiliation Of Cumslut Sissy James

Cumslut sissy James knelt before Naksh. James wore a . Naksh pumped his hips as his 10-inch cock jetted back and forth in James’ mouth. James slurped with lip-smacking perfection as his tongue slid from side to side under Naksh’s monster cock. James sucked Naksh’s cock three times a day. James moaned in pleasure because he loved slurping on Naksh’s huge cock so much. Naksh grabbed James’ head as he thrust hard and pushed his gigantic cock very deep into James’ throat. Suddenly Naksh moaned as...

Gay Male
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The Gym12 John Jen and the Plan

The Gym#1.2: John, Jen & the Plan By DrLoVe This story is copyrighted and my expressed permission is required for reprints in any shape or form. I do welcome comments and suggestions as to what other unwieldy humiliations you would like John to suffer. ************** This morning came on a Saturday that, luckily, bore the promise of not going to work which would have been devastating for Johnny's self-consciousness. Jen, who was aware of John's fear of losing...

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The Neighbor Slut part 2

>I do not guess I will ever know exactly how Kelli got my cell phone number. Maybe Tracy gave it to her when we went on vacation and she asked her to watch the house, I really do not know. All that I know is that while I was at work, my phone buzzed and it was one of those, “Unknown Caller”...

1 year ago
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BadDaddyPOV Daisy Stone Pawg Step Daughter

Big booty all natural young slut Daisy Stone is quite aware of how sexy she is. She knows all the boys at school have their eye on her big juicy ass whenever she walks by. But Daisy only wants the attention of one man. Her bad step daddy. She is determined to get his manly cock inside of her tight shaved pussy one way or another. It’s been too long having him around the house and listening to how he can satisfy her Mother from the other room. Daisy Stone is going to make her move today....

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Professor Lola Gspot And Aila

“What are you reading, darling?”“I’ve been researching my orgasms, Mum. You know the way I keep passing out when making love. Some sites say it’s like a sensory overload – my body just can’t take so much stimulation.”Mum strokes Aila’s shoulder. “You mean like that time on Tuesday after the swimming lesson when you just checked out in the changing room?”“Yes, Mum, it's so embarrassing. It keeps on happening when I'm, you know, having fun with my friends.” I didn’t mention all the other times at...

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double date fun

It was just normal saturday when the phone rang.I answered it an my mom was on other end.She said can I ask you to do favor for me? I depends on what it is.Well she said, you know Cathy (moms lez lover) she called me and ask me to go out on date tonite.I yea so go, she said want to but her son just moved back in with her.I said yea don't he know about you two?Yes he does but we were wondering if you go out with him with us.I said well let me think,she said he very tall handsome an 46 yrs old.I...

4 years ago
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My gym mate

I am a reguler reader of stories on this site,and thought of sharing my story with you all. I recently got myself enrolled in a gym near my house in mumbai,name of gym is inch by inch,to start with it was a very boaring affair as workout was no fun.but to my good luck i met a nice female,raashi,who also was a member and a reguler to workout.she is aaround 36 years of age,married with two kids. It was sunday morning,and she invited me to her house for breakfast,i hardly knew what was in fate for...

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Arizona ICEd TGirl

Arizona ICE'd TGirl © 2010 by Nom de Plume A very short, very sad story based on current events, as told in a letter to my friends: Arizona SB 2010: Where reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States, a reasonable attempt shall be made, when practicable, to determine the immigration status of the person. Any person who is arrested shall have the person's immigration status determined before the person is released......

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Mami Ke Sath Part 2

Doston apke mails mile mujhe uske liye bahut thanks jinhone meri pheli story nahi padhi hai wo meri pheli story jarur padhen.Ye usi real incident ka second and last part hai. Maine pichli story me bataya ki mai aur meri mami ke bich kaise rista banta hai ab age ki baat…… Mai us din mami ke sath oral sex kiya gate par knock hone ki wajh se hum sex pura nahi kar paye hum alag hokar jaldi se apne ko thik kiya aur maine jaa kar gate khola to dekha ki bahar courior wala tha usse courior liya aur...

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Angie Mom Me

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am a 25 year old sales rep working for an engineering company. My job required leaving early in the mornings and depending were I went too, usually returned early in the afternoons. It was these early returns that got me noticing my opposite neighbors. They were a single mom and her 22 year old daughter, Angie. Angie was about 5 feet tall, slender athletic build with a mix of blond and black hair. The most striking feature to her appearance was her...

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the dark side of lust

Alright guys, I really gotta tell this crazy story to all of you. My life as I knew it would completely change. I’ve been living a simple life to this point, never worried about much, ya know. My name is Seth and I’m 20 years old. Recently I didn’t have much luck with girls so I was very frustrated, as you can probably imagine. I wasn’t ugly or anything, though, in fact, at 6 feet tall and with a pretty average but still fit body you would think I’d have a lot of dates but you’d be wrong. This...

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Spizoo Kenzie Taylor Cum Swallow

Kenzie Taylor is a dick sucking machine. She can even put her money where her mouth is……or mouth where it needs to be…..or whatever….you get the point. This blonde bombshell has the entire package. The blonde hair, the big tits, the pretty face, and a matching body to go with it. Speaking of her pretty face. What better way to enjoy it, but have her staring up at you, with those big beautiful eyes. Oh, and a mouthful of cock. If you think she’s pretty, just wait...

2 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 41 The Final Test

As the five new figures appeared in the center of the classroom, I heard Grace gasp in surprise. "Natalie?" she cried, rising from her seat. "Grace?" Natalie replied as she looked around the strange room. "What's going on?" "All will be explained, Miss Richards," said Narvenia as she held up her hand to stop Grace from running to Natalie. Spiro turned to the other four figures beside Natalie. "Welcome to our classroom, Your Majesty," Spiro said, bowing slightly as she addressed...

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My baby

The Ride Home Waking you feel an uncomfortable pressure in your stomach and a spectacularly pleasurable pain radiating from your ass. Your whereabouts becoming more apparent as your eyes adjust to the lights of the car and your memory fogged as you struggle to remember. A hazy flashback reminds you of earlier today, you had just tripped on your own shoes{A thing you tend to do often.} unable to catch yourself, you fall in to her arms... A very tall woman, standing almost 7 feet tall Her voice...

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Habitat for Humanity

On that day, we drove 4 different cars, and I drove my Dad's minivan (not exactly glamourous) but I had 2 girls in the back and a teacher sitting in front giving me directions. We would switch every 3 hours on the 12 hour drive down from New York. Well I got to know the teacher by talking a lot with her, she had a Master's in forensic science, and was one of those nerdy but hot white girls. I could tell she partied, and was secretly a sex fiend or something. I didn't let my fantasies...

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I sat in the interview room, wondering which one of the interviewers was going to do the bad cop routine. It was one of those conference rooms where the table dominates the room. The space around the table was a narrow perimeter that was just about enough for someone to pull a chair back and squeeze into it. As I sat down, I felt the queerest flutter in my stomach. I should have paid attention to it, but I ignored it. I twirled my fingers through my long, chestnut hair, being unafraid in...

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Business Trip

I had been gazing lovingly at my muscle-bound stepfather for weeks, fires of jealousy and passion sparking in my blood every time he caressed my curvy mother. I knew I could give him more than her, and every time I saw him, my pussy burned with an inexhaustible desire. How many times I had fucked myself late at night thinking about what he could do to me, I’m not sure. This weekend was going to be especially naughty. My mom was leaving on a business trip for 3 days. I was slinking around the...

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The Paperround Chapter 3 and 4

The Paper-round: Chapter 3 and 4 By oopster Chapter 3 Several days had passed since the police had been to the house. For the majority of that time I guess I'd been so doped up that I couldn't lift a finger. John had told me that my chest, or rather my breasts we're now an 'A' cup, and coming along quite nicely, all I knew was they we're really sore still. "I've got to go out Simone, get some supplies. You'll be okay here till I come back won't you?" It was more of a...

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A Welcome for Wilson

A Welcome for Wilson by Candy Angel - Edited by Simonne Danielle The time, the near future; the place, a male prison run by the new Gynarchic Government. In a holding cell, a new prisoner, Wilson - #36956, awaits his welcome. He knows what this means. He has known since the that day when he was sentenced to 24 months by Judge Mary Mills for showing disrespect towards a female, one Miss Holly Taylor. Not a good idea, getting a little tipsy and telling the young girl she had nice legs...

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Six Times A DayPart 73 Have You Seen Your Mother Baby

Alan went upstairs to get his sister. That naturally led to another attention-getting session in her bedroom. Katherine was much less reserved. As soon as he'd walked into her room, she'd noticed a big wet spot on his shorts and a long stiff hard-on straining against it. When he started to kiss her, she pulled his shorts way down and got busy stroking. Between their kisses she purred, "Oh, Brother! I can feel from your slickness that Mommy has been working on you. But you're not...

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Hiding in Plain Sight part 2

Hiding in Plain Sight Part 2 Thank you for the response to part one. It took forever to write, and went through numerous revisions. I settled on the Scream movies as an homage to the genius of Wes Craven and Kevin Williamson (writer of the Scream movies, among others). Setting it in Albuquerque is a labor of love to my 2nd favorite city I have ever lived in. Who knows, I may set one in Eugene, Or someday. For those of you who haven't read the reviews, I pointed out that two...

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3 the rival

The elevator started, and Kaede couldn’t feel more uncomfortable about the whole situation.Her tits and pussy still hurt after the latest assault, and the fact that she was all bruised and with her tits out next to one hell of a woman made her feel tense.Katherine didn’t even look at her, she simply clicked the button as soon as she came in, the -1 sign, before speaking up.“I like you... Kaede, is it? The trial went just fine, and yet I want to see you fight properly.”An ugh left the redhead’s...

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Twins Two

(See part one) Claire and Cindy left my house with the promise of coming back tomorrow. I was really in the twilight zone. The two young women falling into my life unannounced. The next day I waited to see if they would return and what would happen. What did they want to experiment with next. About 4 o’clock Cindy knocked at the back door. I went to the door and saw she was wearing a T-shirt, without a bra. “Hi,” She said “Come on in,” I replied “Where’s Claire?” I asked “She let me come alone....

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Nipply In Winter

Between the virus and my schedule, Siobahn and I have only been able to enjoy each other's company on one occasion. We got together in the fall, which was the topic of my last story. Since then, we have been texting in addition to a couple of well-placed phone calls. Fantasizing what we would do has been my only sexual outlet. Self-gratification is my only alternative at the moment.It's not as fulfilling, but it serves the purpose until we can craft something more meaningful. I have been...

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Visiting Time

Grandad lay on the bed with all kinds of tubes coming out of his arm and through his nose. He had trouble speaking clearly and Mom, Dad and I kept vigil over him. We had a normal conversation and watched as he awoke slowly from slumber.The conversation quickly came around to the fright he had given us by being rushed to the hospital. It certainly was a fright for me but it hadn’t come as much of a surprise. "Push your tits into my face," he had told me. "Use both hands," he had told me. I did...

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Ooty Trip And A Milf

Hello. Rahul here. I am going to tell you about a story which happened when I was vacationing in Ooty. I and my girlfriend planned for the trip. Somehow I had to go alone in the end. She had some last minute business trip and had to cancel. Since I had booked the resort and I thought of going and spending some alone time there. I reached the resort and I was relaxing for a bit over there. The first day I checked out some famous places nearby alone. After my short trip in the evening. I was...

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ShawnChapter 29

It was now almost three o'clock so I helped make the house presentable. Some wooden chairs were glued and some seats coverings needed tacks. I assessed the house to see what had to be purchased to make it easier to sell. The piano was the only extravagance and I used my power to tune it. When everything was done I called a taxi and while waiting played some music. My hands were now getting large enough to make most of the chords so my abilities were much less needed. At last, the taxi...

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Depression SoupChapter 1 The Color Of Compassion

Saturdays were "going to town days." Many farm families couldn't afford to go into town every week because times were so hard and money was scarce. Even though gasoline was only eight cents a gallon back then there were times when eight cents was all some people had. Even before the Great Stock Market Crash of 1929 parts of Oklahoma suffered through bad droughts and farmers saw a whole year's labor lie dying in the fields for lack of rain. Still it was necessary to make the trip at least...

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For The Babies Part 1

For The Babies by DeZaaden PROLOGUE Emily and Alan de Blaese are surprised. The woman, who had just come into the room, could be Emily's twin if she had one. "Hello Sophie, these are your customers, Emily and Alan," the third woman in the room, Mrs. Morris, introduced the three people. She is very happy, the mother of Alan paid a large sum for her first grandchildren and more hopefully follow. She told her, that she does not only want a single grandchild and that Emily agrees....

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First gay sex experiences story

Hi, this is Sam from Pune. Today I’ll be sharing the story of how I lost my virginity to a stranger. I am a 6ft tall, a bit muscular guy. I love to dress up and spend time naked. I have always been curious about how it will feel to have sex with a guy. I often asked my girlfriend to finger my ass, and sometimes we used small items to enjoy ourselves. So let’s start with the story. I felt very lonely as my girlfriend had broken up with me right after college ended. Most of my friends lived in...

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Back Road BJ

The next time we met Bret and Fred my husband told them to meet us for a back road blow job. I was already naked when we pulled off the interstate and drove down a country road until we were 10 minutes from the road we turned at. We pulled over off the road a bit and parked so the Van was at a angle. After a few minutes I seen a truck coming down the road my heart was beating fast but the truck drove right by. Then I saw a truck and it pulled over in front of the Van. Bret and Fred got out and...

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My Education Periods Story 1

This series will share with you sexual experiences at the beginning of my Rookie lovers period where I get really good sexual experience that improves my sexual skills. This not by vanity that I could pretend I’m a good sexual partners that even some of my female conquest would agree about what I’m saying. I come to this not because I’m was born with experience sexual male skills, No, you become a better lover when you met good sex partners that take times to teach you how to please a women....

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