Eleanor Ch. 12 free porn video

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Pacing did little to ease his anger. Dammit, when would those bastards stop landing on his shores? Stephan broke his angered path and stormed to the window to view his ground, knowing there were at least twenty boats in the bay, his scout had seen them delivering quick word of the Norsemen arrival.

His fists balled at the thought of more of them. He would do as he had planned, the two would hang in the morning, and be left as warning to any entering the bay of the consequences of those barbarians entering his lands. Sinking to his mattress, Stephan felt his anger draining him, leaving an exhausted shell behind the armor.

She did this to him, Alara, a healer traveling with the Eastern entertainers. Memories of her assailed him, of her sun kissed skin glowing in the fire light as he kissed every glorious inch of it in this same bed.

‘You are a fool to think I would stay with just you Stephan. You bought me the night I shared in your bed! How could you think it was anything more than a fuck?’

Her harsh words rattled in his head, echoed in his emotions, he had been foolish, believed himself in love with the treacherous viper. He had foolishly believed her in love with him, until he found her in the embrace of another, heard her screams grow louder with every thrust the male was giving her.

Thinking to save her from rape, Stephan had run through the castle grounds, sword readied to behead the bastard to defile Alara. Only to be stopped by the site of her riding the man as he kissed the tanned skin that he had revered and loved.

The whore had been screwing the Norseman Nikolai, a man he had barred from his shores before for his limitless carousing, many of his villagers growing furious with errant wives disappearing off with the enormous Viking.

And now he made free with his woman. Wielding his sword in his torment and anger, Stephan had rushed the couple, seeing them break apart in haste, the giant’s sword readying only just in time before Stephan’s moved down to strike. He had fought for his honor then, determined with every forceful swing to decapitate the behemoth, and failing as it countered everything he put his strength into, without breaking so much as a light sweat.

Alara had jumped his back then, screaming those words in his ear, searing them into his memory along with the saturation of her hatred, the venom in her sweet voice.

It happened so quickly, Stephan still could not recall every detail, one moment he felt her light weight on his back, the next she was falling from his sword, the bright red welling stain over her belly bright in the moonlight as she gasped her last breaths, the hate in her eyes evident as he wept on his knees beside her as all life left her limp in his arms.

The bastard had left them then, left to cry over a whore in the clearing of the woods, left him to bury the woman he loved, but who had hated him in return.

Stephan stood once more, refusing to stay on that bed a moment longer, the memories still too fresh in his mind. Sitting by the fire, he poured a cup of wine and downed the sweet liquid, quickly refilling his cup once more.

He had worked methodically after that, creating fear of strangers in the village, saying that it was the Norseman who had killed Alara, that the travelers were in cohort with the invaders. It had not taken long before the eastern travelers were fleeing, and he knew the Norse had sent a messenger boat and half their crew off the coast within a week of Alara’s death. He and his men had begun rounding up the travelers, killing the ones who fought, torturing those they captured.

His lie had gone too far by then, the soldiers wanted answers the travelers could not give. Where are the Norsemen now? Have they sent for more? Their cries still surrounded him, their blood still covered him, each night they went out, his jealously and anger took over as they rounded up and fought the travelers.

The scene that ended him was what tortured him at night now. It was no longer Alara’s death, or her writhing on Nikolai’s lap. It was the tiny woman cradling her dead son, with her heart breaking through the silence of the night in the aftermath of his rage.

He had seen it happening, but not through his own eyes, almost as if he were a spectator to the event, steering his enormous horse to run the child down and only returning to his body after he turned the steed around, and saw the tiny and broken boy in the arms of his distraught mother.

His guards had come then, dragging the woman from her child, and to the castle dungeons. He did not know how many hours he sat on the muddied ground looking at the beautiful boy, wishing he could put the rosy color back into his cheeks, the breath back into his body, and the joy back into the tiny woman’s heart.

He had buried the tiny body in a field of poppies, draping the small necklace over the cross the put into the ground where the angel lay. He had gone looking for Nikolai then, intending to exact his revenge for all upon him, but never finding the elusive bastard. Returning several weeks ago to find the woman had killed herself in the deep pool that ran beneath his castle, his heart gave up, he was no longer a man, with conscience, he was kin to the devil, and the devil would have its peace from these marauders.

His resolution firm, he watched the sun rise. Stephan went to bring the girl to the gallows.


‘Ragnar, we located him.’ Eown spoke, quietly through the door in the boat before returning above deck. Ragnar sat holding a stunned Kate to him.

‘She just ran Ragnar, I felt a sharp pain across my belly, and she panicked and ran to get you, I am sorry, I did not mean to scare her.’ Kate felt foolish, she too had though she was about to birth the babe until she realized the child was just moving, the pain then vanished, but by then, so had Eleanor.

‘Do you think they are alright? Its dawn now, Eown said that Stephan’s plan was to hang them at dawn.’ Tears could no longer be contained behind her tightly closed eyes, and she openly wept for her friend.

‘Shhhhh, Kate, do not worry, we will get them. Eown has already left with the others to get Bruni from his cell since they have located his. Bruni has an idea where Eleanor is being kept. They will be safe. The company will move further north, for protection, and then we will be out of here soon.’

Ragnar stroked Kate’s tears from her face, concerned for his love so heavily rounded with their child, and the strain her worry would put on her.

‘Go Ragnar, please bring her back safely to me.’ Kate begged the thought of losing her dear friend painful, the sob catching in her throat as she kissed him and watched him leave. Lying back against the warm furs, Kate let the tears flow, sobbing into the covers, before drifting into an exhausting sleep.


Unlacing her shift beneath her split tunic, Eleanor was feeling nervous. She had never had to use her body to get what she wanted, but in this situation, she doubted anything else would work. Glancing over at the tiny framed Kailara, Eleanor felt tears well once more for the young woman’s plight, the tale of her son had tears flowing in sympathy during the night for her, the things the guard did to her, had them both forming this plan.

Ensuring the fabric was exposing her breasts enough, she stepped forward to the door when she heard the slow scruff of the new guard’s boots against the floor as he made his rounds, this one hadn’t met her yet, and the other two were rather dead.

‘You fancy entertaining me this night sir?’ Eleanor stifled a giggle at the unusual words that flowed from her mouth, as she stepped forward into the light cast through the bars on the door, allowing her captivated guard an indecent view of her supple body.

‘Oui.’ The guard fumbled with the keys, licking his lips as he could not tear his eyes away from
the vision in front of him, eventually looking down with annoyance to find his bearing with the key, he turned with haste and began to open the door.

‘OOOOMPH’ the guard hissed as pain exploded in his nose, holding his nose with his hand as the door flew back at him again hitting him in the head this time before he noisily fell to the floor.

Eleanor deftly retied the laces and then took the guard’s meager weapons from him, two long bladed daggers and a sword. Stepping back into the cell to hand Kailara the daggers, Eleanor ensured the guard stayed unconscious with one swipe of the heavy weapon, taking the remaining taunting dagger from the wall.

‘We will not head for the entrance they bring us in by, there is a door down here, they open it to let fresh air in when it smells too much of death.’ Kailara whispered as Eleanor looked around the dark corridor.

‘They will have heard the guard clattering to the floor Kailara, we must move quickly.’ Eleanor paused, hearing the heavy fall of footsteps, the ominous sound coming right for them. ‘Kailara, remain hidden, please.’ Eleanor pleaded as she tried to shut the door before the owner of the determined stride reached them.

The tanned hand wrenched the door from her fingers, sending her reeling backwards in fear from the black furious eyes of the man illuminated softly in the candlelight. He moved before she could react, pinning her to the damp floor as he ripped at her tunic, her hands clawing at his face, she could feel his hard weight pinning her, adjusting himself between her legs. The fear evident in her made him laugh.

‘I am going to enjoy taking one of their whores before she dies!’ His words growled at her ear caused renewed fight in her as she hit him and clawed at his eyes, lips, and cheeks, anywhere she could, before he reared up and backhanded her. Her head bounced against the cold tile with the force of his strike, as he raised her skirt, and she lost consciousness.


‘Eown, Tarinn, you station yourself by the brace of the door there, take out anyone that is on their side. Ranald, you follow me, we will release Bruni first, and he can lead us to Eleanor.’ Ragnar ordered his men quietly, the guards were beginning to stir, and Ragnar did not want any added problems.

It was bad enough there were only four here to bring back their leader, Nikolai having been sent back to the boats for fear that Bruni may actually attempt to kill him when Ragnar released him.

Taking a deep breath, Ragnar sent a silent prayer to Freya, to keep his love and child safe, and if possible, him, and entered the dungeons.


Stephan grunted above the unconscious figure, his fingers fumbling with the laces at her throat, and the ties at his breeches simultaneously. How long had he waited to get his own back on those bastards? He never condoned rape, abhorred it, and had savagely killed his own guards for the act he was engaging in with the Viking’s whore.

Yes, he would take great pleasure taking her, he would throw it in the blonde Viking’s face before they hanged. It was obvious the feelings that ran between the two. How better to break and humiliate him. He would say he had her screaming for more. Releasing himself, he grabbed the female’s breast roughly, marking it, before moving over her.

‘I would not do that if I were you.’

Stephan froze at the accented eastern voice behind him. The memories flooding him once more as that voice had cursed him to hell as its owner was dragged from the road, the sadness overwhelming, he went limp in his own hand and slowly turned from the body of the Viking’s female, fear of the apparition behind him growing as he saw the first rays of dawn shimmering the reflections of the water across her skin.

‘You cannot be. You drowned.’ He whispered, unable to do much more than stare at the object of his nightmares.

‘Nay devil, I was raped and tortured by your men, and drowned by their cowardess.’ Kailara spoke, with venom punctuating her words, her hatred causing chill in the room despite the warming rays. ‘And you? I have waited long for you.’

Lunging forward, Stephan attempted to tackle the tiny female to the ground, disarm her of the large sword she had picked up, the weapon barely shorter than she, but narrowly missed the loss of his hand as she wielded the weapon with ease. Reaching for her again, was his mistake, Kailara swept the sword low as she crouched, slicing his belly deep, as he went over her head with his own.

Kailara watched as the mighty giant fell, sank to the ground against the wall. The blood began to bubble from his mouth, and he touched it as if he himself could barely believe it was there, that she had out maneuvered him. Reaching down for a stirring Eleanor, Kailara pulled her to her feet, and steadied her as she saw Stephan sitting in his own swiftly pooling blood, and pulled her out the door.

‘I am forever sorry for his death’ Stephan croaked as the women passed him, needing the truth out before he died, no matter whether she accepted it or not, he needed her to know. ‘He lies in the field close to where you were taken from. Filled with poppies. The necklace…’ his breathing caught, his eyes desperately focused on her back as she stood rigid in the cell doorway. ‘…is on the cross.’

Stephan closed his eyes as he heard his guards racing toward them. And for once, he prayed for the enemy to win.


Taking down the last of the guards, Ragnar turned at the heated shouts from the North tower as Ranald unlocked the cell door and dressed Bruni with his confiscated weapons.

‘What the hell was that?’ Bruni asked, looking to a very puzzled Ragnar for clarification. ‘You sent the other men to the North tower without us?’

‘Nay, they are waiting at the door…’ Ragnar paused, the significance of the battle now waged in the North Tower, not lost on the three men causing a desperate run down the tight corridors.

Ragnar halted at the front door, ducking as a sword came for his neck, and halted with a skill only Eown processed.

‘Come, we need you.’ Ragnar ordered as the two boatmen joined in the dash to the tower.

They did not encounter what they expected. All along the corridor deriving from one cell to further north, were a slew of bodies, cut down, and leaving a river of red on the stone floor beneath the stunned men’s feet. ‘Bruni, here.’ Ragnar paused, after opening the cell door, revealing a dying Stephan.

Bruni stalked to the fallen man, grasping him about his neck and hauled him to his feet and stared him dead in the eye.

‘Where is she?’ Bruni demanded, infuriated by the lack of terror in the man’s eyes, the overwhelming serenity that surrounded him.

The man muttered something foreign, and Bruni turned to Ragnar for a translation. ‘He said they defeated him, and left.’

‘Lets get the hell out of here, I want her back where she is safe.’ Bruni spoke quietly to Ragnar as he dropped the man like a doll back to the floor.

‘He loves her doesn’t he?’ The rasp of his voice bringing the men to a stop, his soft laugh infuriating Bruni, as Ragnar held him back from the man.

‘Why do you ask?’ Ragnar demanded.

‘Because tis obvious she loves him.’

Relaying this to Bruni, made Ragnar’s joy soar, even as he knew it would make his friend’s task more difficult. Bruni had decided that his honor had to come first, that Eleanor would have to become Nikolai’s wife, and he would never act on the feelings he had developed for her.

Knowing she felt the same way, could change that, Ragnar thought, as he passed on the information as the man’s last breath left him, and something lit up behind Bruni’s eyes.


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After about the third or fourth day, she sees an island covered with trees. She knows she is far from main land and has not seen any one else since the day she left. She does not see any sign of another person on the island and there is no sign of land anywhere else. She smiles and begins to load up the raft. Once that is finished, she strips down and pulls out a pair of white, seamless pantyhose. She pushes her tiny foot into the leg and pulls the nylon up. Then she pulls the other leg on....

4 years ago
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Boy fucks his aunt and her friend

Linda walked along the street, her high heels clip clopping on the pavement as she walked. She called at number twelve, and collected her book, then walked on. Mr Clark at number fifteen looked up from his gardening and watched her pass. She knew he was watching her, and swung her hips, smiling to herself. It was mid summer, a warm late afternoon. She wore a pair of gladiator sandals, heeled to define her calf’s, which were crisscrossed by the long thongs which reached her knees. She had good...

2 years ago
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BigTitsRoundAsses Natasha Nice Oiling Natashas Perfect Tits

Natasha Nice is looking to spend a calm day out by her pool. However, she needs help rubbing some oil on. Her tits are so huge that she can’t do it herself. Luckily for her, her neighbor was nearby and ready to be of service. His eyes widen when he takes a peak at her enormous breasts. He begins to oil them, without missing a single spot. Obviously the oil runs out quickly. So this is when she turns to him and wants to pay him back for his great service. She pulls his cock out and begins to...

4 years ago
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Orphan MagusChapter 32

The three of use left that little room. Jenkins was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he went back to the front desk. I didn’t know and was simply thankful I didn’t have to worry about him for the moment. The Sergeant led our short procession to the back of the station, followed by Mr. Van Dusen, and then myself. As we walked, I focused on the Sergeant. Anna put a geas on him once. I didn’t want her to do it again. By the time we reached the Sergeant’s office, I had the spell in mind. It wasn’t...

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Tales of Silver Lake

The Silver Lake Park, near the small town of Azure Rocks, is a large recreational facility with several entertainment options for its visitors. You can enjoy the small beach around the lake or the clear and calm waters of Silver Lake itself, although maybe you will want to be more adventurous and hike through the woods and its various paths, or explore the caves and mountains. Scattered around the park, you can find several cabins, where its owners come to enjoy a quiet time and relax from the...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Guest Ch 11

‘Jared, I got a job for you,’ Cade said as soon as Jared answered his mobile. ‘Oh? What kind of job?’ ‘Redecorating a small apartment.’ ‘Doing what exactly?’ ‘Changing a few plastic boards, putting up some new wallpaper and paint a couple of rooms.’ ‘Sounds easy enough. I’ll send someone over to give you a price.’ ‘No need. I’ll pay whatever it costs.’ ‘You will?’ Jared said a little thoughtful. ‘Okay, so what’s the catch?’ ‘The catch? There is none.’ ‘Oh course there is. I know you...

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The conflict of Saa Thalor

"Today we commemorate the year 183 after the end of the great war that devastated the continent and took tens of thousands of lives from every civilization." Miss Glaewel says to the class "And so, it is our duty to remember it today, so our fallen soldiers live upon our memory and that the great sacrifice they did wasn't in vane" She says with a solemn look "Hithaerhel, Could you please tell the class how it started" Glaewel says to one of her students "Yes Professor" Hithaerhel replies as she...

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The Ring Mistress

‘Can the young Lady assist me?’ You jumped and looked at me. Later you would tell me that my brown eyes had pierced you to your soul and that you felt your soul reach towards me. I felt your passion and desire even though all I saw a prim and proper woman with her friends. I had seen you before and had desired you. Flushing furiously you nodded and rose. ‘A big hand for the Lady everyone.’ Taking you by the hand I led you onto the sawdust floor and you giggled nervously as I stood you...

3 years ago
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An unexpected encounter

After a late night at work, I decided to check out the layby I'd had success at recently. I'd been back a couple of times since then, but I had not had the same joy, so I wasn't arriving with any expectation of success. However, what I found couldn't have proved me more wrong.I pulled into the layby and found the usual parked up trucks, but no cars apart from one lone vehicle parked at the far end near the exit. I parked up behind, but the distance was too great to see if there were any...

2 years ago
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The HillsideChapter 6

Jacob saddled up his horse and put the buckboard halter on two others. There was no hurry to get to Brockton — although Susan might contest that assertion — so no extra mounts were needed. Susan had been a bundle of energy for the past 10 days. She had started out pleasant enough, happy with the knowledge that she soon would be back with her beau. That pleasantness turned to snippiness as the days past until Marnie finally pigeon-holed Jacob for a firm date. With nothing at the ranch that...

4 years ago
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CHAPTER 32: WEEKEND ENTERTAINMENT – THE WEEKEND CONTINUESI think Jayson and Jake took pity on me. They both knew they had already enjoyed my body before the trouble with Nate occurred. Then, being gracious, they volunteered to take Nate back to the marina and return, leaving Tom, Tim, Cody and I to relax and not be subjected to any more of Nate’s attitude in the process of throwing him off the weekend. The weekend that was occurring in large part as the result of his suggestions. But his...

3 years ago
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Memory Lane

Lying in bed last night I could not help but think back on the females I have past by; so many women, who for good reasons, bad reasons, and often no reason at all, with whom I never had any sort of relationship. I got to thinking: what would it have been like, if only I had said X? Or if I had done Y? Or if she had been Z? What would have happened if I had thrown caution and concern to the side? Primarily, these thoughts were of the carnal variety. Would she have touched this or even that,...

3 years ago
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The Good Samaritan

It was another rainy night with nothing to do. I was sitting in my dorm feeling horny and wishing I had someone to share the feeling with. “Should I shoot another load into the toilet?” I asked myself. Deciding against that, I headed for the lounge area of the dorm. I was on the upper floor so I stood by the railing and looked down at the television area. There were just a few guys sitting around playing cards. “Another exciting night.” I thought. Then I heard a female voice. Two female...

College Sex
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The First Time

Does everyone remember their first time? I wonder about that, and I wonder just how many people actually remember their first time with any accuracy and without enhancement for nostalgia or for ego or pride. I started early with my first girlfriend in high school, but nothing more than kissing, feeling each other up (or down, as the case may be) and some oral experimentation. I always went out with girls my own age, so I never had the benefit of the older, more experienced woman showing me the...

4 years ago
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My Wife And The Dog

Of course, I was consumed with curiosity and dying to hear more about my poised, cultured and beautiful wife's straying into that most outré of lusts. It happened more than once, she said, with more than one animal, but she never let any of them fuck her and she never jerked any of them off in exchange for their attentions. She was reluctant to tell me more at the time, so I let it drop with a supportive comment, but I was really curious. Although women and dogs hadn't been one of my...

2 years ago
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Twincest Sabrina and Katrinas Story

Beep beep beep...Sabrina's eyes cracked open slightly and she turned a hateful glare at the tiny alarm clock on the other end of the room. She stuck her head under the pillow and hoped for some act of god that would shut the damn thing up. Maybe a tiny bomb would fall from the sky and blow the dirty thing to ity bity bits or an earthquake could shake it off her dresser and it would smash on the floor. Beep beep beep...Even through her pillow she could still hear the insistent sound from the...

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it for Generations

i****t, Genetic Sexual AttractionChapter 1It was a Sunday early morning, hearing loud noises from the Hostel corridor, I came out of my room and learnt to my shock and surprise our classmate Mohan was found dead in his room, obviously committed suicide. An empty arsenic bottle and a suicide note found besides the bed.He hails from a wealthy rich landlord family, the only son of his parents and doing well in studies. He married six months earlier Madhusmita. No one could imagine the reasons for...

2 years ago
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An unexpected life changer Part 2

"Uuuggghhhh" I groaned, "what the fuck." I slowly opened my eyes and quickly closed them. The bright light of morning piercing into the room burned my eyes, well it felt that way. I rubbed my eyes and again slowly opened them, trying to accustom my self to the morning sun, well at least I thought it was morning. I lay in my bed and tried to pull myself together. My head was pounding and all I could taste in my mouth was alcohol. "What happened last night?!"Coming to my senses and finally back...

3 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 24

Phil walked into the dining room and saw Tiffany and Molly smirking at him. He shook his head and rolled his eyes – which only caused the smirks to grow larger. Katelyn seemed to be transfixed by the bowl of corn flakes in front of her. Well, shit, Phil thought. Katelyn had never been one for physical contact. She had punched him in the arm a time or two and ruffled his hair but she wasn’t like Tiffany who sought hugs and kisses on the cheek as affirmation of her standing. Katelyn seemed to...

4 years ago
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Wild Cat

I reached Bali by 12.30pm, an escort picked me from airport. I had booked a Log-hut at a five star resort, away from the main town. The trip took us five hours to get there and we both were tired. The resort was built on a hill amongst lush green coffee plantations. The monsoon made the place look even greener, a pleasing sight for us, dwellers of the concrete jungle. We trekked our way up to our sweet only to be greeted by a beautiful sight. Amass the lush greenery was this small log hut with...

1 year ago
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Sir Philip Rebecca Chapter 7

Sir Philip dishes out some more punishment to his slut when she misbehaves... Chapter 7 The sound penetrated her ears like someone turning headphones as full as they could go. She was startled, starting to uncurl from the fetal position she had been asleep in. Without thinking she was kneeling, wary of what was happening. Disorientated at first, before her mind recalled the unbelievable, highly exciting and downright filthy events of the day before. She had no idea what the time was. She...

2 years ago
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Ski Resort Part 1

Sarah McDougall reached over and turned off the weather radio. Sean Parker walked into the lodge’s guest area suited up and ready to go. Sean was Sarah’s new ski instructor. A college student and nephew to a college friend of Sarah’s from back east. He grabbed his poles and ski’s and was getting ready to leave the lodge when Sarah, who owned and ran the lodge, came out from behind the check in desk and went up to Sean and told him the bad news “Sean, the weather report just came in for gale...

2 years ago
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Someone Like You

‘We shouldn’t even be here together, Chuck,’ Jordan said, sitting on his bed, attempting to study, biology book in hand. ‘Why’s that?’ Charlie asked, feigning innocence. ‘It’s perfectly all right for us to study together.’ ‘We never study together, Charlie. We always find ourselves into dangerous territory.’ ‘Hey, you kissed me last week. So don’t even go there,’ he teased. ‘It was just to prove a point,’ Jordan argued, rolling so she wasn’t laying on the edge of the bed. One sudden...

5 years ago
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The Summer HolidaysChapter 11

The electrician and plumber working on the twins' flat were both finished for the day by four o'clock; they pointed out what was safe to use and what wasn't, and went on their way. The electrician said that he'd be back in the morning to do a bit more. We now had a working fridge, a working kitchen sink, a jury-rigged new immersion heater in the bathroom to give us some hot water, and several more small piles of rubble to take down to the skip. The awful toilet was still in place, but...

2 years ago
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HussiePass Braylin Bailey Dick Comes Out And She Goes Bananas

21-year-old blonde cutie ? Braylin Bailey makes her Hussie?Pass debut today and we paired her up with our good friend Oliver Flynn for this week’s update. After the Johnny ?? Robins interview portion of the program ???‍♀️ Oliver assists Braylin in getting all lubed up ? as well as warmed up, as he licks her clit ?? and fucks her with a big purple dildo. Braylin then gives Oliver a sloppy blowjob, followed by an ass-eating ?? and a slick footjob ?? Oliver then begins to deep dick Braylin...

4 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 58 Detective Work

Rebecca and I had gotten into a pretty good routine. I would monitor and record any unusual dreams that came my way, then once a week, usually Friday or Saturday night depending on whom had a date on which night, we would get together and go over the highlights of the week. I would run the 'footage' I had acquired over the past week, she would compare the images to the girls she had been monitoring for the past several months. So far we had three very likely candidates. I had received many...

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Tim the Teenage Part XXXIII

Tim, the Teenage Part Thirty-Three By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter IX: 10th Grade, Fall 1986 Part 1 - Rings of the Masters (mc, mf) I had made the arrangements with all our teachers so that Joey and I were only in class three days out of five. On Joey's birthday, three weeks before Halloween, I had also arranged for Joey and I to take the entire day off, and Suzi would join us during the first class period, then stay with us after lunch for the rest of the day. It was her idea to...

3 years ago
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The Alpha Male Part III

Eric stopped at the cooler and gazed through the long glass panes at the sides of the door to Maya's office. She was in there, his petite goddess. He could just glimpse a bit of her face through the panels. Unfortunately the angle was wrong to see any of her body. It wasn't like that at the gym, however. He had started to work out lunchtimes on Mondays and Wednesdays so he could catch her going into the yoga class and coming out of the aerobics class. The yoga pants on Monday fit her cute...

2 years ago
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People on the Move The Aftermath Ch 3

The pool was lit up and the pizza was devoured. Link was left swimming by himself mostly as Susan, Sara and Ravena sat at the picnic table trying to console Kimber. Most of the talk at first centered on how Brett, with all his bulging muscles and big mouth bravado, was so quickly and easily dispatched by Link who was a much smaller man. Kimber passed that off, "Oh, Link is some kind of black belt in some Japanese shit called Judo. Whatever it is, he sure fucked up my weekend." Ravena laughed,...


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